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                    Marketing Trends
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by Holger Schulze               NetProspex | Optify | Maximizer Software | Solution Publishing
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  survey highlights
         Here is a quick snapshot of the survey findings:
           Content marketing is growing dramatically in popularity with over 84 percent of respondents
           increasing content marketing over the next 12 months

           The biggest motivator for content marketing is its ability to drive leads, thought leadership and
           brand awareness, to compensate where traditional tactics are falling short

           The top 3 goals for content marketing are lead generation (68 percent), thought leadership and
           market education (50 percent) and brand awareness (39 percent)

           The most popular content formats are case studies, white papers, press releases and newsletters

           The biggest challenge: time and bandwidth to create content (56 percent)

           94 percent of B2B marketers create new content from scratch

           The top performance metric for content marketers is web traffic (64 percent) followed by views
           and downloads (59 percent). Lead quantity and lead quality are tied at 52 percent each.

         This report is intended to provide benchmarks for busy B2B marketers
         who are looking for guidance on how to approach content marketing.

B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS                                                         1
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         The purpose of content marketing is to engage B2B
         buyers with compelling content (in the form of webcasts,
                                                                      B2B buyer behavior has been
         videos, eBooks, white papers, blog posts, etc) to educate,   changing dramatically
         inform, entertain, and guide them through each step in       over the last few years
         the buying cycle. And while you want to help buyers          as buyers become more
         make pragmatic and informed decisions, your ultimate         sophisticated, find new
                                                                      ways to gather information
         goal is to persuade them to select your solution over
                                                                      online and via social media,
         competing alternatives.                                      and increasingly refuse to
                                                                      be interrupted by outbound
         It may sound easy to create crisp definitions of market       marketing tactics.
         segments, buyer personas, and buying stages, and then
         build compelling content for each relevant intersection of
         these dimensions.

         However, the reality of implementing content marketing
         initiatives is a bit more complicated.

B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS                                          2
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         And as they embark on content marketing strategies, B2B
         marketers are asking themselves questions like:

            What types of content should I create?
            Should I outsource content creation?
            What forms of content work better than others?

         We conducted a survey with the 30,000 + member
         B2B Technology Marketing Community on LinkedIn to
         provide answers, better understand the current state of
         content marketing in the B2B space, and to identify key
         challenges as well as best practices.

         We received over 740 responses in less than 3 weeks –
         and here are the results of the survey.

         Thanks to everyone who
         participated in the survey!

B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS                                 3
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       what are the goals
Q1     of content marketing?
        #1 Lead Generation                                              #3 Brand Awareness
        With 68 percent of responses, the most mentioned goal           Brand awareness, with 39 percent of responses
        for content marketing is lead generation. This is up from       (up from 34 percent last year), has replaced last
        62 percent in last year’s survey. No major surprises here       year’s number three content marketing goal,
        considering that content marketing has emerged as a             lead nurturing.
        critical B2B strategy to drive inbound lead generation (in
        response to outbound B2B tactics becoming increasingly
        ineffective). In other words, lead generation is the ultimate
                                                                                          What are your top-3-goals for content marketing?
        promise of content marketing.
                                                                                   Lead generation
                                                                                Thought leadership
        #2 Thought Leadership & Market Education                                / Market education
                                                                                  Brand awareness

        The next highest ranked content marketing goal is                            Lead nurturing

                                                                               Customer acquisition
        thought leadership and market education with 50 percent                               Sales

        of responses (up from 37 percent in last year’s survey).                     Website traffic
                                                                                   Customer loyalty
        This pattern is also consistent with the promise of content                      / retention
                                                                          Social media engagement
        marketing as a strategy to educate and influence buyer                  Channel enablement

        behavior in the vendor’s favor.                                                                0%   20%       40%         60%         80%

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       what content marketing se?
Q2     tactics do you actively u

         Leading the ranking are case studies (62 percent)
         followed by white papers / ebooks (61 percent)       What tactics and forms of content marketing do you actively use?

         and press releases (58 percent). In contrast, the                Case studies -

         least commonly used content marketing tactics are       White Papers / ebooks -

                                                                        Press releases -
         advertorials (11 percent), community threading                   e-newsletters -
         (12 percent), and virtual events (18 percent).                       Blogging -

                                                                              Webinars -

                                                                                 Videos -

                                                                         Social content -

                                                                      In-person events -

                                                                         Online articles -

                                                                             Slideware -

                                                                        Product demos -

                                                                   Infographics/images -

                                                                      Polling/Research -

                                                                   Virtual/online events -

                                                                Community management -

                                                                           Advertorials -

                                                                                        0%     20%          40%          60%

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       how effective are contemt ts?
Q3     marketing tactics & for a

         These content formats are considered
         most effective in engaging prospects                               How effective are the following content marketing tactics and formats?

         and delivering message.                                             e-newsletters

                                                                              Case studies

         Marketers consider case studies most effective                     Press releases

         (78 percent) - unchanged compared to last year’s                         Blogging

                                                                    White papers / ebooks
         survey. This is also the most commonly used tactic
         (see previous chart). White papers take the number                         Videos

         two spot with 73 percent (up from number three last              In-person events

                                                                           Product demos
         year), followed by live, in person events (72 percent       Infographics / images

         and down from the number two spot last year). The                   Social content

         least effective content formats are advertorials (18                Online articles

                                                                         Polling / research
         percent), community threading (20 percent), and                       Advertorials

         virtual events (31 percent). The fastest rising content     Virtual / online events

         format are info graphics with 43 percent compared         Community management

                                                                                               0%   20%      40%         60%             80%             100%
         to 28 percent last year.
                                                                                                            Effective     Ineffective          I don’t use it

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       what are the three most importt? t
Q4     elements of effective conten

         So what are the ingredients
         of successful content?

         It starts with engaging and compelling
         storytelling (81 percent), originality (52 percent)
         and customized content (50 percent), followed
         by professional writing (39 percent).

                                                               What do you consider the three most important elements of effective content?

                                                                                                         81.5% | Engaging and complelling storytelling

                                                                                                         52.6% | Originality

                                                                                                         49.2% | Custom content

                                                                                                         38.5% | Well edited copy

                                                                                                         38.3% | Professional writing

                                                                                                         31.2% | Written for SEO

                                                                                                         10.0% | Low cost

                                                                                                         5.1% | High volume production

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       what social media platforms do you?
Q5     use to deliver content to audiences

         LinkedIn tops the list of social media platforms
         with 85 percent (although this number is likely
         skewed considering the majority of survey
         respondents came from the B2B Technology
         Marketing Community on LinkedIn). The runner
         ups are Twitter (70 percent), Facebook (54
         percent) and YouTube (53 percent).

                                                              What social media plataforms do you use to deliver content to audiences?





                                                                  Custom developed



                                                                                      0%   25%       50%         75%         100%

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Q6     how do you create content?

         The vast majority of B2B marketers create
         content from scratch (94 percent). Other
         tactics including curating third party content
         (39 percent), re-using existing content
         (32 percent) and encouraging users to
         generatencontent (30 percent) are still
         the exception.

                                                              How do you create content?

                                                                               93.5% | Create content from scratch

                                                                               39.5% | Curate third party content

                                                                               32.9% | License/Re-use existing content

                                                                               30.3% | Encourage user generated content

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       what metrics do you use to measure
Q7     the success of your content?

         Web traffic (64 percent) is by a wide margin
         the number one metric used by marketers to
         measure the success of content marketing.
         The next most popular metric is views
         and downloads (59 percent), followed by                                What metrics do you use to measure the success
                                                                                     of your content marketing program?
         lead quantity and lead quality (tied with 52
         percent each).                                                    Web traffic


                                                                         Lead quantity

                                                                          Lead quality



                                                                      Sales / Revenue

                                                                   Customer feedback

                                                                      Search rankings

                                                              Social media engagement

                                                                         Inbound links

                                                                 Share of conversation

                                                                       Don’t measure

                                                                                         0%   20%       40%         60%          80%

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       who determines content
Q8     marketing strategy?
         The next question is to find out where in
         the organization content marketing strategy
         is determined. In most companies
         (55 percent), corporate marketing sets
         content strategy, followed by product
         marketing (38 percent), and the CEO/
         President/Owner (37 percent) in smaller
         companies that often don’t have a
         dedicated marketing department.                      Who determines content marketing strategy at your company?

                                                                                                   54.6% | Corporate marketing

                                                                                                   37.9% | Product marketing

                                                                                                   37.1% | CEO/President Owner

                                                                                                   24.0% | PR/Communications

                                                                                                   19.5% | Sales

                                                                                                   17.6% | Demand generation

                                                                                                   15.7% | Product management

                                                                                                   12.6% | Field marketing

                                                                                                   6.5% | External agency/freelancer

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Q9     who creates content?

         Corporate marketing is also the number
         one creator of content in most companies
         (55 percent), followed by Product Marketing
         (47 percent) and PR/Communications (38
         percent). About one in three companies
         relies on external agencies and freelancers
         to create content.

                                                              Who creates content at your company?

                                                                                        55.1% | Corporate Marketing

                                                                                        46.4% | Product Marketing

                                                                                        38.1% | PR/Communications

                                                                                        31.8% | External agency/freelancer

                                                                                        25.9% | Product management

                                                                                        25.6% | CEO/President Owner

                                                                                        17.9% | Field Marketing

                                                                                        14.4% | Sales

                                                                                        12.3% | Demand generation

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          what content marketing tactics
Q10       do marketers outsource?
         The most outsourced form of content
         are videos (33 percent). They are hard
         to produce and most companies don’t
         have the required capabilities in-
         house. Videos are followed by white                            Which types of marketing content or tactis do you currently outsource,
                                                                                        or expect to outsource in the future?
         papers / ebooks (32 percent) and case
         studies (26 percent). In contrast, the                  White papers/ebooks
                                                                          Case studies
         least outsourced tactics are community                         Press releases

         management (6 percent), product                         Infographics / images
                                                                         Online articles
         demos (6 percent), and in-person events               We don’t outsource any
         (7 percent).                                                         Blogging
                                                                    Polling / Research
                                                                         Social content
                                                                 Virtual / online events
                                                                      In-person events
                                                              Slideware / presentations
                                                              Community management
                                                                            / threading
                                                                        Product demos

                                                                                       0%   5%      10%      15%       20%      25%      30%       35%

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           who owns the content
Q11        marketing budget?
          For 51 percent of companies, the
          corporate marketing function owns content
          marketing funds, followed by the CEO/
          President /Owner (35 percent) in smaller
          companies. Product marketing owns the
          content marketing budget in 22 percent of
          companies. Now let’s look at who clearly
          doesn’t own content marketing budgets
          in most companies: external agencies and             Who owns the content marketing budget?
          freelancers (1 percent), sales (5 percent), and
          product management (6 percent).                                              50.4% | Corporate marketing

                                                                                       35.1% | CEO/President Owner

                                                                                       22.1% | Product marketing

                                                                                       12.9% | PR/Communications

                                                                                       10.0% | Field marketing

                                                                                       7.3% | Demand generation

                                                                                       6.1% | Product management

                                                                                       5.4% | Sales

                                                                                       0.8% | External agency/freelancer

 B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS                                                               14
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           what  percentage of budget is g?
Q12        allocated to content marketin

          One of the most telling indicators of
          the increasing importance of content
          marketing is budget allocation. Last year’s
          survey showed that the most frequent
          budget allocation was 20 percent. In
          our latest survey, it has moved up to 30
                                                               What percentage of your marketing budget is allocated to content marketing?
          percent indicating a strong shift toward
          content marketing.





                                                                            10         30        50         70         90         Don’t Know
                                                                       0          20        40         60        80         100

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           what content marketing n?
Q13        tactics is budget spent o
          Now that we know that content marketing
          spend is going up, let’s take a look at
          what tactics receive the most budget?
          The largest share of budget is allocated
          to tradeshows and in-person events (23
          percent). This is followed by the company
                                                               What percentage of your budget do you allocate to content distribution channels?
          website (21 percent) and email marketing
          (17 percent).                                                    Tradeshows
                                                                      In-person events
                                                                     Company website
                                                                           Print media
                                                                          Social media
                                                                     PPC/Paid search
                                                                  Live, in-person event
                                                                       Organic search
                                                                    Online Display Ads
                                                                       Online directory

                                                                                      0%   5%       10%        15%        20%       25%

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          how is content production volume
Q14       chang ing over the next 12 months?

         Over 84 percent of marketers are
         increasing content production over the
         next 12 months, over 30 percent of them
         significantly so. 14 percent of marketers
         expect volume to stay flat. In contrast, last
         year, over 71 percent of respondents saw
         an increase in content production - looks
         like the pace of content production is
                                                              How is your content production volume going to change
         picking up steam.                                                  over the next 12 months?

                                                                                                    53.0% | Increases

                                                                                                    30.5% | Increases significantly

                                                                                                    15.0% | Stays flat

                                                                                                    1.5% | Decreases

                                                                                                    0.0% | Decreases significantly

B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS                                                                           17
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          what are your biggest content
Q15       marketing challenges?

         Top Challenges
         Content marketing is complex and requires a very
         different approach and skill set compared to traditional
         outbound marketing tactics. We asked our marketing
         community what they consider the biggest content
                                                                                  What are your biggest content marketing challenges?
         marketing challenges – here are the results:
                                                                      Time/bandwidth to create content
                                                                       Producing trully engaging content
         The number one challenge is Having enough time and                   Producing enough content

         bandwidth to create content (56 percent), replacing last                      Measuring results
                                                                              Talent to produce content
         years top challenge: producing truly engaging content (53          Getting content delivered to
                                                                                     the right audiences
                                                                          No consistent content strategy
         percent). The next biggest content marketing challenge       Creating segment-specific content

         is producing enough content to serve the needs of your       Lack of budget to produce content
                                                                          Understanding buyer personas
                                                                                     and decision stages
         marketing programs (45 percent). This points to a lack        Finding enough targeted contacts
                                                                                       to offer content to
                                                                                         Lack of process
         of resources in B2B marketing organizations, which is           Buyers don’t want to register to
                                                                                        consume content
         confirmed by 33 percent of respondents who selected             Buyers’ attention spam too short
                                                                                   Localizing content for
                                                                                    international markets
         lack of talent as their marketing challenge. The least                 Getting executive buy-in
                                                                                 Finding domain experts
         pressing problem for marketers is poor content quality                      Poor content quality

         (12 percent) tied with finding domain experts (12 percent).                                          0%   20%       40%           60%

B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS                                                                                     18
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           how do marketers segme? t
Q16        and personalize content
          There are many different ways to slice and
          organize marketing content. Should you
          segment by product, buyer pain, buyer
          persona, buying stage, or vertical – or all of                                How do you segment and personalize your content?

          the above? Here is what the B2B marketing            60%

          community thinks:

          The most popular and effective segmentation
          dimension is product category (50 percent),

          followed by vertical (36 percent) and buyer
          persona (28 percent).

          The least popular segmentation dimension is          20%

          company size with 16 percent. And 20 percent
          of marketers dont systematically segment
          content at all.
                                                                       by product /      by vertical   by buyer   by pain point    by stage in      we don’t       by company
                                                                     service category                  persona                    buying cycle    systematically       size
                                                                                                                                                 segment content

 B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS                                                                                                                    19
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           managing the complexityg
Q17        of b2b content marketin
          B2B content marketing is not trivial. Consider
          the multitude of market segments you serve,
          with multiple products, each with different buyer
          personas that influence the buying decision.
          And each buying process comprises a number
          of stages that require content to guide buyers
          to the next stage.

          If you wanted to address all possible
          intersections of products, markets, buyer                So what is a manageable number
          personas, buying stages (and have multiple
                                                                   of segments, personas, and stages
          white papers, webcasts, eBooks, blog posts
          for each intersection) – you would quickly               B2B marketers can support?
          be overwhelmed by the sheer amount and
          complexity of content and associated
          marketing programs.
                                                               We asked our B2B marketing community
                                                                        and the magic number is …

 B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS                                                  20
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           integration with
Q18        marketing automation
          One of the major trends related to content
          marketing is marketing automation as a
          way to get targeted content in front of
          buying audiences. And while adoption
          of marketing automation is growing, only
          26 percent of B2B marketers are actively
          creating content to feed their marketing
          automation campaign. 56 percent doesnt
                                                               How do you integrate content marketing
          use marketing automation at all.                       with marketing automation (MA)?

                                                                                            57.3% | Don’t use MA

                                                                                            25.5% | Actively create content feed
                                                                                                    automated campaigns

                                                                                            19.0% | Sporadically use content
                                                                                                    for MA campaigns

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  survey methodology
         The survey was completed by 740 marketers in 2012. Here is a detailed breakdown of the survey
         participant demographics.

                                                                                                                                   What industry is your company in?
                                    What is the size of your company (employees)?

                             Fewer than 10                                                                        Software

                                    10-99                                                                Business services
                                                                                                      Professional services
                                 100-999                                                                    Manufacturing

                             1.000-10.000                                                                Financial services

                                             0%        5%     10%    15%      20%    25%    30%                               0%         5%         10%     15%          20%     25%

                                                       What is your role in your company?                                                What is your job title?

                                    Marketing                                                                   Manager

                          Owner/CIO/President                                                                    Director

                          Product Management

                                                  0%         20%        40%         60%       80%                           0%      5%        10%   15%   20%      25%    30%   35%

B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS                                                                                                                                 22
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  sponsors                                  We would like to thank our sponsors for supporting the
                                            2012 B2B Content Marketing Report:

                          IDG Enterprise |
                          IDG Enterprise brings together the unique brands (CFOworld, CIO, CIO Executive Council, Computerworld, CSO,
                          DEMO, InfoWorld, ITworld, and Network World) to serve the information needs of our IT and security-focused
                          audiences. By leveraging the strengths of each individual brand, while simultaneously harnessing their collective reach
                          and audience affinity, we provide market leadership and media best practices for our marketing customers to engage
                          their customers across our portfolio.

                          NetProspex |
                          NetProspex drives B2B lead generation by providing marketers with targeted prospect lists, data cleansing, and powerful
                          analytics to understand their data.

                          Optify |
                          Optify helps professional B2B marketers reach more buyers and generate more demand. Optify’s Inbound Marketing Suite
                          brings together enterprise-class SEO, social marketing, website analytics and tools that B2B marketers need to increase
                          awareness, influence buyers across social networks, and engage with prospects at the earliest point of their buyer’s journey.

                          Maximizer Software |
                          Maximizer Software delivers Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software to meet the needs, budgets and access
                          requirements of entrepreneurs, medium and small businesses and divisions of large enterprises. Easily configurable for
                          organizations in any industry, Maximizer CRM optimizes sales processes, enhances marketing initiatives, and, improves
                          customer service to ultimately boost productivity and revenue.

                          Solution Publishing |
                          Solution Publishing utilizes proprietary semantic technologies to deliver exceptionally relevant content to its permission
                          based B-to-B audiences. Technology professionals and business leaders value our IT Solution Journal as a customized
                          research department they rely on to remain current and explore business solutions. Technology marketers use IT Solution
                          Journal for high quality lead and demand generation.

B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS                                                                                        23
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  thank you                                                                     Technology
                                                                                          Group Partner


          Bottom line:
          Content marketing is rapidly moving along the adoption
          life cycle and best practices are rapidly emerging. I hope
          you enjoyed this survey report and found the data points
          helpful for your own content marketing efforts.

          About the B2B Technology
          Marketing Community
          With over 20,000 members, the B2B Technology
          Marketing Community is the single largest LinkedIn group
                                                                       Join the B2B
          exclusively focused on B2B technology marketing. This        TECHNOLOGY
          group is for marketing professionals in B2B high-tech        MARKETING
          industries to enable networking, sharing of ideas, best
          practices and opportunities.

B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS                                           24
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  about the author
                          Holger Schulze is the author of the syndicated blog
                          Everything Technology Marketing.

          Our goal is to educate B2B marketers on new trends,
          share marketing ideas and best practices, and make
          it easier for you to find the information you care
          about to do your jobs successfully.

                                                                   Follow Holger on Twitter
          Holger Schulze is a B2B technology marketing
          executive delivering demand, brand awareness, and
          revenue growth for high-tech companies.
                                                                   Subscribe to Holger’s
          A prolific blogger and online community builder,         Technology Marketing Blog
          Holger also manages the B2B Technology Marketing

          Community on LinkedIn with over 30,000+ members.

B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS                                                         25

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B2B Content Marketing Trends Report

  • 1. 2 0 1 2 s u r v e y re s u l t s Marketing Trends Sponsored by by Holger Schulze NetProspex | Optify | Maximizer Software | Solution Publishing
  • 2. twitter Linkedin survey highlights Here is a quick snapshot of the survey findings: Content marketing is growing dramatically in popularity with over 84 percent of respondents increasing content marketing over the next 12 months The biggest motivator for content marketing is its ability to drive leads, thought leadership and brand awareness, to compensate where traditional tactics are falling short The top 3 goals for content marketing are lead generation (68 percent), thought leadership and market education (50 percent) and brand awareness (39 percent) The most popular content formats are case studies, white papers, press releases and newsletters The biggest challenge: time and bandwidth to create content (56 percent) 94 percent of B2B marketers create new content from scratch The top performance metric for content marketers is web traffic (64 percent) followed by views and downloads (59 percent). Lead quantity and lead quality are tied at 52 percent each. This report is intended to provide benchmarks for busy B2B marketers who are looking for guidance on how to approach content marketing. B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 1
  • 3. twitter Linkedin Introduction The purpose of content marketing is to engage B2B buyers with compelling content (in the form of webcasts, B2B buyer behavior has been videos, eBooks, white papers, blog posts, etc) to educate, changing dramatically inform, entertain, and guide them through each step in over the last few years the buying cycle. And while you want to help buyers as buyers become more make pragmatic and informed decisions, your ultimate sophisticated, find new ways to gather information goal is to persuade them to select your solution over online and via social media, competing alternatives. and increasingly refuse to be interrupted by outbound It may sound easy to create crisp definitions of market marketing tactics. segments, buyer personas, and buying stages, and then build compelling content for each relevant intersection of these dimensions. However, the reality of implementing content marketing initiatives is a bit more complicated. B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 2
  • 4. twitter Linkedin And as they embark on content marketing strategies, B2B marketers are asking themselves questions like: What types of content should I create? Should I outsource content creation? What forms of content work better than others? We conducted a survey with the 30,000 + member B2B Technology Marketing Community on LinkedIn to provide answers, better understand the current state of content marketing in the B2B space, and to identify key challenges as well as best practices. We received over 740 responses in less than 3 weeks – and here are the results of the survey. Content Thanks to everyone who participated in the survey! B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 3
  • 5. twitter Linkedin what are the goals Q1 of content marketing? #1 Lead Generation #3 Brand Awareness With 68 percent of responses, the most mentioned goal Brand awareness, with 39 percent of responses for content marketing is lead generation. This is up from (up from 34 percent last year), has replaced last 62 percent in last year’s survey. No major surprises here year’s number three content marketing goal, considering that content marketing has emerged as a lead nurturing. critical B2B strategy to drive inbound lead generation (in response to outbound B2B tactics becoming increasingly ineffective). In other words, lead generation is the ultimate What are your top-3-goals for content marketing? promise of content marketing. Lead generation Thought leadership #2 Thought Leadership & Market Education / Market education Brand awareness The next highest ranked content marketing goal is Lead nurturing Customer acquisition thought leadership and market education with 50 percent Sales of responses (up from 37 percent in last year’s survey). Website traffic Customer loyalty This pattern is also consistent with the promise of content / retention Social media engagement marketing as a strategy to educate and influence buyer Channel enablement behavior in the vendor’s favor. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 4
  • 6. twitter Linkedin what content marketing se? Q2 tactics do you actively u Leading the ranking are case studies (62 percent) followed by white papers / ebooks (61 percent) What tactics and forms of content marketing do you actively use? and press releases (58 percent). In contrast, the Case studies - least commonly used content marketing tactics are White Papers / ebooks - Press releases - advertorials (11 percent), community threading e-newsletters - (12 percent), and virtual events (18 percent). Blogging - Webinars - Videos - Social content - In-person events - Online articles - Slideware - Product demos - Infographics/images - Polling/Research - Virtual/online events - Community management - Advertorials - 0% 20% 40% 60% B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 5
  • 7. twitter Linkedin how effective are contemt ts? n Q3 marketing tactics & for a These content formats are considered most effective in engaging prospects How effective are the following content marketing tactics and formats? and delivering message. e-newsletters Case studies Webinars Marketers consider case studies most effective Press releases (78 percent) - unchanged compared to last year’s Blogging White papers / ebooks survey. This is also the most commonly used tactic Sideware (see previous chart). White papers take the number Videos two spot with 73 percent (up from number three last In-person events Product demos year), followed by live, in person events (72 percent Infographics / images and down from the number two spot last year). The Social content least effective content formats are advertorials (18 Online articles Polling / research percent), community threading (20 percent), and Advertorials virtual events (31 percent). The fastest rising content Virtual / online events format are info graphics with 43 percent compared Community management 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% to 28 percent last year. Effective Ineffective I don’t use it B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 6
  • 8. twitter Linkedin what are the three most importt? t an Q4 elements of effective conten So what are the ingredients of successful content? It starts with engaging and compelling storytelling (81 percent), originality (52 percent) and customized content (50 percent), followed by professional writing (39 percent). What do you consider the three most important elements of effective content? 81.5% | Engaging and complelling storytelling 52.6% | Originality 49.2% | Custom content 38.5% | Well edited copy 38.3% | Professional writing 31.2% | Written for SEO 10.0% | Low cost 5.1% | High volume production B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 7
  • 9. twitter Linkedin what social media platforms do you? Q5 use to deliver content to audiences LinkedIn tops the list of social media platforms with 85 percent (although this number is likely skewed considering the majority of survey respondents came from the B2B Technology Marketing Community on LinkedIn). The runner ups are Twitter (70 percent), Facebook (54 percent) and YouTube (53 percent). What social media plataforms do you use to deliver content to audiences? Linkedin Twitter Facebook YouTube Sideshare Custom developed communities Google+ Pinterest Flickr 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 8
  • 10. twitter Linkedin Q6 how do you create content? The vast majority of B2B marketers create content from scratch (94 percent). Other tactics including curating third party content (39 percent), re-using existing content (32 percent) and encouraging users to generatencontent (30 percent) are still the exception. How do you create content? 93.5% | Create content from scratch 39.5% | Curate third party content 32.9% | License/Re-use existing content 30.3% | Encourage user generated content B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 9
  • 11. twitter Linkedin what metrics do you use to measure Q7 the success of your content? Web traffic (64 percent) is by a wide margin the number one metric used by marketers to measure the success of content marketing. The next most popular metric is views and downloads (59 percent), followed by What metrics do you use to measure the success of your content marketing program? lead quantity and lead quality (tied with 52 percent each). Web traffic Views/downloads Lead quantity Lead quality Inquires Opportunities Sales / Revenue Customer feedback Search rankings Social media engagement Inbound links Share of conversation Don’t measure 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 10
  • 12. twitter Linkedin who determines content Q8 marketing strategy? The next question is to find out where in the organization content marketing strategy is determined. In most companies (55 percent), corporate marketing sets content strategy, followed by product marketing (38 percent), and the CEO/ President/Owner (37 percent) in smaller companies that often don’t have a dedicated marketing department. Who determines content marketing strategy at your company? 54.6% | Corporate marketing 37.9% | Product marketing 37.1% | CEO/President Owner 24.0% | PR/Communications 19.5% | Sales 17.6% | Demand generation 15.7% | Product management 12.6% | Field marketing 6.5% | External agency/freelancer B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 11
  • 13. twitter Linkedin Q9 who creates content? Corporate marketing is also the number one creator of content in most companies (55 percent), followed by Product Marketing (47 percent) and PR/Communications (38 percent). About one in three companies relies on external agencies and freelancers to create content. Who creates content at your company? 55.1% | Corporate Marketing 46.4% | Product Marketing 38.1% | PR/Communications 31.8% | External agency/freelancer 25.9% | Product management 25.6% | CEO/President Owner 17.9% | Field Marketing 14.4% | Sales 12.3% | Demand generation B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 12
  • 14. twitter Linkedin what content marketing tactics Q10 do marketers outsource? The most outsourced form of content are videos (33 percent). They are hard to produce and most companies don’t have the required capabilities in- house. Videos are followed by white Which types of marketing content or tactis do you currently outsource, or expect to outsource in the future? papers / ebooks (32 percent) and case Videos studies (26 percent). In contrast, the White papers/ebooks Case studies least outsourced tactics are community Press releases management (6 percent), product Infographics / images Online articles demos (6 percent), and in-person events We don’t outsource any Webinars (7 percent). Blogging Polling / Research E-newsletters Social content Advertorials Virtual / online events In-person events Slideware / presentations Community management / threading Product demos 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 13
  • 15. twitter Linkedin who owns the content Q11 marketing budget? For 51 percent of companies, the corporate marketing function owns content marketing funds, followed by the CEO/ President /Owner (35 percent) in smaller companies. Product marketing owns the content marketing budget in 22 percent of companies. Now let’s look at who clearly doesn’t own content marketing budgets in most companies: external agencies and Who owns the content marketing budget? freelancers (1 percent), sales (5 percent), and product management (6 percent). 50.4% | Corporate marketing 35.1% | CEO/President Owner 22.1% | Product marketing 12.9% | PR/Communications 10.0% | Field marketing 7.3% | Demand generation 6.1% | Product management 5.4% | Sales 0.8% | External agency/freelancer B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 14
  • 16. twitter Linkedin what percentage of budget is g? Q12 allocated to content marketin One of the most telling indicators of the increasing importance of content marketing is budget allocation. Last year’s survey showed that the most frequent budget allocation was 20 percent. In our latest survey, it has moved up to 30 What percentage of your marketing budget is allocated to content marketing? percent indicating a strong shift toward 25% content marketing. 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 10 30 50 70 90 Don’t Know 0 20 40 60 80 100 B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 15
  • 17. twitter Linkedin what content marketing n? Q13 tactics is budget spent o Now that we know that content marketing spend is going up, let’s take a look at what tactics receive the most budget? The largest share of budget is allocated to tradeshows and in-person events (23 percent). This is followed by the company What percentage of your budget do you allocate to content distribution channels? website (21 percent) and email marketing (17 percent). Tradeshows In-person events Company website Email Print media Social media PPC/Paid search Live, in-person event PR Webinar Blog Organic search Blogs Online Display Ads Online directory 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 16
  • 18. twitter Linkedin how is content production volume Q14 chang ing over the next 12 months? Over 84 percent of marketers are increasing content production over the next 12 months, over 30 percent of them significantly so. 14 percent of marketers expect volume to stay flat. In contrast, last year, over 71 percent of respondents saw an increase in content production - looks like the pace of content production is How is your content production volume going to change picking up steam. over the next 12 months? 53.0% | Increases 30.5% | Increases significantly 15.0% | Stays flat 1.5% | Decreases 0.0% | Decreases significantly B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 17
  • 19. twitter Linkedin what are your biggest content Q15 marketing challenges? Top Challenges Content marketing is complex and requires a very different approach and skill set compared to traditional outbound marketing tactics. We asked our marketing community what they consider the biggest content What are your biggest content marketing challenges? marketing challenges – here are the results: Time/bandwidth to create content Producing trully engaging content The number one challenge is Having enough time and Producing enough content bandwidth to create content (56 percent), replacing last Measuring results Talent to produce content years top challenge: producing truly engaging content (53 Getting content delivered to the right audiences No consistent content strategy percent). The next biggest content marketing challenge Creating segment-specific content is producing enough content to serve the needs of your Lack of budget to produce content Understanding buyer personas and decision stages marketing programs (45 percent). This points to a lack Finding enough targeted contacts to offer content to Lack of process of resources in B2B marketing organizations, which is Buyers don’t want to register to consume content confirmed by 33 percent of respondents who selected Buyers’ attention spam too short Localizing content for international markets lack of talent as their marketing challenge. The least Getting executive buy-in Finding domain experts pressing problem for marketers is poor content quality Poor content quality (12 percent) tied with finding domain experts (12 percent). 0% 20% 40% 60% B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 18
  • 20. twitter Linkedin how do marketers segme? t n Q16 and personalize content There are many different ways to slice and organize marketing content. Should you segment by product, buyer pain, buyer persona, buying stage, or vertical – or all of How do you segment and personalize your content? the above? Here is what the B2B marketing 60% community thinks: The most popular and effective segmentation dimension is product category (50 percent), 40% followed by vertical (36 percent) and buyer persona (28 percent). The least popular segmentation dimension is 20% company size with 16 percent. And 20 percent of marketers dont systematically segment content at all. 0% by product / by vertical by buyer by pain point by stage in we don’t by company service category persona buying cycle systematically size segment content B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 19
  • 21. twitter Linkedin managing the complexityg Q17 of b2b content marketin B2B content marketing is not trivial. Consider the multitude of market segments you serve, with multiple products, each with different buyer personas that influence the buying decision. And each buying process comprises a number of stages that require content to guide buyers to the next stage. If you wanted to address all possible intersections of products, markets, buyer So what is a manageable number personas, buying stages (and have multiple of segments, personas, and stages white papers, webcasts, eBooks, blog posts for each intersection) – you would quickly B2B marketers can support? be overwhelmed by the sheer amount and complexity of content and associated marketing programs. We asked our B2B marketing community and the magic number is … B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 20
  • 22. twitter Linkedin integration with Q18 marketing automation One of the major trends related to content marketing is marketing automation as a way to get targeted content in front of buying audiences. And while adoption of marketing automation is growing, only 26 percent of B2B marketers are actively creating content to feed their marketing automation campaign. 56 percent doesnt How do you integrate content marketing use marketing automation at all. with marketing automation (MA)? 57.3% | Don’t use MA 25.5% | Actively create content feed automated campaigns 19.0% | Sporadically use content for MA campaigns B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 21
  • 23. twitter Linkedin survey methodology The survey was completed by 740 marketers in 2012. Here is a detailed breakdown of the survey participant demographics. What industry is your company in? What is the size of your company (employees)? High-tech Fewer than 10 Software Advertising/Marketing 10-99 Business services Professional services 100-999 Manufacturing Telecommunication 1.000-10.000 Financial services Helathcare 10.000+ Government 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% What is your role in your company? What is your job title? Marketing Manager Owner/CIO/President Director Sales Owner/CIO/President Product Management VP Consultant Specialist Engineering 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 22
  • 24. twitter Linkedin sponsors We would like to thank our sponsors for supporting the 2012 B2B Content Marketing Report: IDG Enterprise | IDG Enterprise brings together the unique brands (CFOworld, CIO, CIO Executive Council, Computerworld, CSO, DEMO, InfoWorld, ITworld, and Network World) to serve the information needs of our IT and security-focused audiences. By leveraging the strengths of each individual brand, while simultaneously harnessing their collective reach and audience affinity, we provide market leadership and media best practices for our marketing customers to engage their customers across our portfolio. NetProspex | NetProspex drives B2B lead generation by providing marketers with targeted prospect lists, data cleansing, and powerful analytics to understand their data. Optify | Optify helps professional B2B marketers reach more buyers and generate more demand. Optify’s Inbound Marketing Suite brings together enterprise-class SEO, social marketing, website analytics and tools that B2B marketers need to increase awareness, influence buyers across social networks, and engage with prospects at the earliest point of their buyer’s journey. Maximizer Software | Maximizer Software delivers Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software to meet the needs, budgets and access requirements of entrepreneurs, medium and small businesses and divisions of large enterprises. Easily configurable for organizations in any industry, Maximizer CRM optimizes sales processes, enhances marketing initiatives, and, improves customer service to ultimately boost productivity and revenue. Solution Publishing | Solution Publishing utilizes proprietary semantic technologies to deliver exceptionally relevant content to its permission based B-to-B audiences. Technology professionals and business leaders value our IT Solution Journal as a customized research department they rely on to remain current and explore business solutions. Technology marketers use IT Solution Journal for high quality lead and demand generation. B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 23
  • 25. twitter Linkedin thank you Technology Group Partner Marketing Bottom line: Content marketing is rapidly moving along the adoption life cycle and best practices are rapidly emerging. I hope you enjoyed this survey report and found the data points helpful for your own content marketing efforts. About the B2B Technology Marketing Community With over 20,000 members, the B2B Technology Marketing Community is the single largest LinkedIn group Join the B2B exclusively focused on B2B technology marketing. This TECHNOLOGY group is for marketing professionals in B2B high-tech MARKETING industries to enable networking, sharing of ideas, best COMMUNITY practices and opportunities. B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 24
  • 26. twitter Linkedin about the author Holger Schulze is the author of the syndicated blog Everything Technology Marketing. Our goal is to educate B2B marketers on new trends, share marketing ideas and best practices, and make Email it easier for you to find the information you care about to do your jobs successfully. Follow Holger on Twitter Holger Schulze is a B2B technology marketing executive delivering demand, brand awareness, and revenue growth for high-tech companies. Subscribe to Holger’s A prolific blogger and online community builder, Technology Marketing Blog Holger also manages the B2B Technology Marketing Community on LinkedIn with over 30,000+ members. B2B CONTENT MARKETING TRENDS | READ THE 2012 SURVEY RESULTS 25