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SOCI 403 Social Change
American Public University System
Written Assignment Four: Final Paper (Due Week 8)
IMPORTANT NOTE: This assignment is due in Week 8 to give
you ample time to explore our class topics and create a thorough
and informed paper. It must be turned in by 11:55 pm (EST) on
Sunday of Week 8. Because this is the end of class, NO
EXTENSIONS can be given for this paper. When class ends, all
assignments must be in! Please plan your time carefully and
turn this paper in early if at all possible.
In this assignment, you will construct a 10-12 page final
research paper. Your paper should utilize sound critical thought
and it should provide appropriate APA in-text citations and
APA full-reference citations. The overall assignment is worth
20% of your final course grade. Be sure to read the directions
for Submitting the Assignment.
Your paper will adhere to the general standards of the APA-
formatting guidelines. It will include a title page, a short
abstract, body of paper (Introduction/Thesis, Analysis,
Application of Research, Summary and Conclusion) and a
reference page. Comment by mothertao: Where the APA
guidelines and the rules of this assignment diverge, stick to the
rules of the assignment.
The Purdue Online Writing Lab offers information about APA
guidelines and formatting:
This site offers you answers to the most frequently asked
questions on APA style as well as other useful APA
ALL Written assignments (i.e. Your Paper assignments) must be
submitted TWICE: 1) Through the Sakai assignment submission
link, and 2) Through See
Format, Length and Content of Paper:
Title (First whole page of paper)
Abstract (Separate page)
Body of Paper: (10 -12 pages total) Clearly mark each part of
the body of your paper with the following four section headings.
Watch the page requirements carefully as you will be graded on
I. Introduction and Thesis Questions/Statement (1 page):
Introduce your topic and explain its relevance to you
personally. Summarize the significance of this topic for others
(e.g., the reader, groups, society). Describe the research
questions that will guide your inquiry or the thesis statement
that you will explore.
II. Analysis Using Concepts/Theories (2 – 3 pages):
Clearly and significantly apply at least five concepts/theories
from our text to your research topic. While this sounds like
what you did in Assignment One, this is no longer an
exploration of how these might apply. Rather, these
applications should be strong and well-supported in the final
III. Application of Research (6 - 7 pages):
Clearly and significantly apply findings from at least 8
meaningful, up-to-date resources, 5 of which are from reputable
academic journals. Your research in Assignment Two should
help you with this, but remember that the final paper will
include a full discussion of applications that help to answer
your research questions or explore your thesis statement. DO
NOT simply piece together annotations. Create a meaningful
report that brings all of these ideas together. Comment by
mothertao: All sources should be appropriate for a scholarly
research paper. No Wikipedia, no, no advertisement
IV. Summary and Conclusions (1 page):
Integrate your conceptual analysis and your research
applications. What do your findings and conclusions mean for
our changing society? Explain what you learned during this
research process.
References (Separate Page)
Other Requirements:
· The BODY of your paper will be 10-12 pages in length. Other
pages will be formatted correctly (title page, abstract page,
references page).
· Your paper will be double-spaced, 1" margins, Arial or Times
New Roman 11 point font. Comment by mothertao: Don't
adjust margins or font to hide page length. Instructors always
know this tactic, and it will cause you to lose points!
· Did you spell check and re-read your paper for grammar and
· Under our "Library" tab (top of our classroom screen) you will
find the "Tutorial & Student Studies Center." Take special
notice of the Mini-Owl and Smarthinking resources. Tightening
your work and correcting grammar usage will help you to
present your good ideas in a more professional way.
Comment by mothertao: All APUS students can have 10
free hours of tutoring service through Smarthinking!
· Your paper will include properly formatted APA citations and
The paper should be well-organized and demonstrate collegiate-
level effort and thought.
This is listed last, but it is certainly not the least. If your paper
meets the previous requirements, you are ready to finalize your
content. Here are the questions I’ll be asking myself as I read
your work:
· Is your work a blend of what you learned from your research
sources and your own observations and experiences? Is it more
than just an opinion paper?
· Did you cover your chosen topic well?
· Did you answer your research questions? Did you fully
explore your thesis statement?
· Did you demonstrate that you thought about what you learned?
· Did you spell check and re-read your paper for grammar and
Submitting the Assignment
· Submit your assignment for grading in the Sakai classroom.
Submit a single document that is saved as .doc or .rtf file in this
format: Lastname_SOCI403_WA4.
· NOTE: Assignments that are not submitted properly to will receive a score of zero.
· Please email me (your instructor) if you have any questions or
concerns as you are writing this paper. Email early so I have
plenty of time to help you work it all out!
Written Assignment Four: Final Paper
(Due Week 8, 25 points, 20% of final grade)
Grading Rubric
Introduction and Thesis Questions/Statement
Description included good detail, informed relevance and strong
thesis questions/statement. (3 pts.)
Description and/or relevance needed some elaboration; thesis
statement adequate
Description and/or relevance lacked clarity in some areas and
needed elaboration; thesis may be weak. (2 pts.)
Description and/or relevance not clear, needs much elaboration;
thesis may be weak.
Little or no Description and/or relevance included; thesis may
we weak or missing. (0-1 pts.)
Analysis Using Concepts/ Theories
Clearly applied at least 5 relevant sociological concepts from
the readings to topic. (6 pts.)
Clearly applied concepts, some explanation needed
Somewhat applied concepts, some inaccuracies or elaboration
needed. (3 pts.)
Clearly applied two to three concepts or theories.
Applied one or two concepts or did not apply sociological
concepts to analysis. (0-1 pts.)
Application of Research
Clearly applied findings from at least 8 meaningful up-to-date
resources, 5 of which are from reputable academic journals.
(8 points)
Clearly applied findings, some explanation needed
Somewhat applied findings of at least six resources;
applications include inaccuracies or elaboration needed. (4 pts.)
Clearly applied at least four resources; applications may be
incomplete or inaccurate.
Applied one or two resources or did not apply research outside
of that found in our text. (0-1 pts.)
Integrated analysis and applications to demonstrate personal and
social relevance.
(3 points)
Integrated analysis and applications to demonstrate personal and
social relevance, some elaboration needed.
Somewhat integrated analysis and applications to demonstrate
personal and social relevance; greater elaboration or
connections needed.
(2 points)
Integrations incomplete or missing; personal or social relevance
missing or incomplete.
Very little or no integration of analysis and applications to
demonstrate personal and social relevance.
(0-1 pts.)
APA Formatted Citations and References
Included APA formatted in-text citations and full references for
ALL paraphrased and quoted work from other sources. Sources
are appropriate for this assignment. (3 pts.)
Minor errors in APA formatting of citations and/or references.
Multiple errors in APA formatting of citations and/or
references. Some sources are not fully appropriate for this
assignment. (2 pts.)
Missing some citations and/or references, and errors in APA
No citations and/or references included. Sources are not fully
appropriate for this assignment. (0- 1 pts.)
Grammar, Spelling, Proper Formatting
Author makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the
reader from the content. Paper is properly formatted. (2 pts.)
Author makes a couple errors in grammar, spelling or format
that distract the reader from the content.
Author makes a few errors in grammar, format or spelling that
distract the reader from the content. (1 – 1.25 pts.)
Author makes multiple errors in grammar, format or spelling
that distract the reader from the content.
Authors makes so many errors in grammar, format and spelling
that the intent of the paper cannot be understood. (0 -.25 pts.)
American Psychological Association. (2011). Frequently asked
questions about APA style. Retrieved from
Angeli, E., Wagner, J., Lawrick, E., Moore, K., Anderson, M.,
Soderland, L., & Brizee, A. (2010, May 5). General format.
Retrieved from
Facebook and Social Networking
American Military University
Crystal Parker
The research project started with the identification of the
problem to be studied. This would guide the whole research and
provide direction on what to be researched on. In moving on,
the objectives of the research were also drafted. This was based
on the research questions that were identified earlier. After
looking at all these, a research proposal was then drawn bearing
lots of things, including the literature reviews, which showed
the existing studies on the area of research. The existing studies
were also analyzed in relevance to the research. This was to
draw the missing links. The missing research links provided,
and area for finding out the relevance of the research to provide
the area for doing research. In fining the missing links, it was
therefore open in drawing the area at which the research will
study. Also, the budget for the whole research was drawn. The
data analysis method was also sought. The whole study was
supposed to be qualitative. Also, the methods for the collection
of data were identified. The study used interviews- interviewing
old people, in that case. Another method for the collection of
data was the usage of records. Written books were also used in
drawing information. With the final drawing of the proposal, the
final research paper, the report was also written. The time frame
of the drawing of the proposal was two weeks and that of the
drawing the whole research report was also two weeks. The time
frame for the collection of data was three days. The whole
project took tone month one week.
Facebook and the social network have become a big impact in
this age. In fact it has become a very useful and important
platform for accessing the audience. Majority of the audiences
can be found in the social network. The youth is mostly hooked
up to this social platform with almost all the time spent with
friends is face book and other social platform. With this kind of
trend, it has also emerged that other social networking site are
being developed daily. People with same interests like those of
a similar agenda have come up to produce a platform for using
the social network to communicate matters of their interests. So
adverse are the effects of the social network that the people of
the old age have embraced it. The old people have embraced the
social networking and the trend is quite promising. However,
the generation X have lagged behind in technology so much that
they have lost a lot.
Facebook is a very popular form of interaction among the social
networking sites.
Facebook is a very popular form of social networking. It is
quickly drawing crowds of visitors every month prompting a
change in communication. This change subsequently presents
that societies are choosing to become part of the widespread
Facebook culture for various reasons, such as its well-known
chances for keeping in touch with current social circles,
reuniting long lost family and friends and expanding prospects
of finding new friends.
Supporting Facebook eliminates some of the obstacles that may
limit our regularity of communication with people, upholding
the geographic changes, social class, busy lifestyles and
economic factors that may usually discourage us from regular
Supporting research:
Every day there are 890 million people that log in to Facebook.
(Cooke, 2011).
The use of Facebook and other social networking sites may
prove to be useful in areas of Social Capital. Social capital is
agile term, determined in this case as different types of
communication resources used among the relationships of other
people. Social Capital links some important positive effects to
our public health and can retain some monetary factors.
When Social Capital declines, communities may change into a
social condition eventuating into the decline in common events
and potentially deliberating suspicion among other individuals.
Facebook as a form of social capital may be a helpful
contributor, offering societies to learn more about each other in
a less intrusive way as the member’s may communicate in the
Facebook world based on common interests and important
values of interest as we learn of other individuals developments
in life and our connections among one another. When we look
back at the age of the Digital immigrants, geographic
differences, busy lifestyles and keeping ties with old school
friends were once an obstacle before the social networking sites
grew. Convenience and frequent contact were a distant hope,
now Facebook and other social networking sites have gained a
break through allowing us to maintain and have more frequent
contact with friends and family that could subsequently be an
asset to our mental wellbeing. However as a result these Social
Capital aspects still need to be looked into, as this theory
currently represents that this virtual tool of communication may
be acknowledged as inedible for positive effects on individuals,
more research is intended for the ultimate outcome.
The source will assist in explaining the technology acceptance
model. The source will help to analyze and explain computer
usage among individuals. The source will help come up with an
estimate of acceptability of social media. The analysis will help
to identify the necessary modifications that need to be brought
to the social media sites for the purpose of acceptability among
users. The source will assist in providing important information
regarding the interaction of computer with human life for my
critical analysis paper. This will be very important in discussing
both the positive and negative impacts that come with computer
integration to human life. The source is relevant to my critical
analysis paper. The source presents how human character is
being affected by the improved technology. This information
will be relevant in discussing the emotional impacts and
remedies necessary to salvage human beings from the emerging
In conclusion Facebook has eased into our busy lifestyles and
for some it has become part of a daily routine. This social
networking wonder provides a variety of opportunities, it helps
society keep in touch with loved ones that are situated in a
geographic distance, it may help individuals reunite with their
long lost friend from school, it could erase the cultural
differences and judgmental barriers that may usually limit the
opportunity of finding a new friend that shares your common
interests or it could help you find a new companion. (Cooke,
2011).Facebook is a tool of convenience which is invaluable
concerning our busy lifestyles may not be always available.
Overall it allows us to experience a connection to one another
giving us an understanding that we have similar needs when it
comes to communication and acceptance. (Turkle. , 2011).
Cooke, T., 2011, Help I’m a Facebookaholic: Inside the Crazy
World of Social Networking, John Blake, EBL Ebook Library,
viewed 1st February, 2012.
Ellison, N, Steinfield, C, & Lampe, C 2007, 'The Benefits of
Facebook “Friends:” Social Capital and College Students’ Use
of Online Social Network Sites', Journal Of Computer-Mediated
Communication, Vol 12, no 4, pp. 1143-1168, Communication
& Mass Media Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 2 February 2012.
Collier, M 2010, Facebook & Twitter For Seniors For Dummies,
Wiley Publishing, Canada.
Ellison, N, Steinfield, C, & Lampe, C 2007, 'The Benefits of
Facebook “Friends:” Social Capital and College Students’ Use
of Online Social Network Sites', Journal Of Computer-Mediated
Communication, Vol 12, no 4, pp. 1143-1168, Communication
& Mass Media Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 2 February 2012.
Chung, J, Park, N, Wang, H, Faulk, J & Mclaughlin, M 2010,
"Age differences in perceptions of online
community participation among non – users: An extension of
the Technology Acceptance Model",
Computers in Human Behavior archive, Volume 26 Issue 6,
November, 2010 pp. 1674 – 1684, Science
Direct, viewed 4 February 2012.
Turkle, S 2011, Alone Together: Why we expect more from
technology & less from each other, Basic Books, USA
Annotated Bibliography
Crystal Parker
American Military University
Cooke, T., 2011, Help I’m a Facebookaholic: Inside the Crazy
World of Social Networking, John Blake, EBL Ebook Library,
viewed 1st February, 2012.
Main research findings
In this informative and engaging book, the author Tanya Cooke
scrutinizes the social networking occurrence. She discloses
some astonishing and peculiar facts regarding the popularity of
social networking. The book encompasses entertaining updates,
disconcerting stories, and cautionary stories about the risks of
meeting individuals online.
The writer confirms that social networking is changing the
world. Facebook was launched in 2004 and has rapidly gained
popularity with more than 500 million global users. Facebook
was the start of social media sites. After came other sites like
Bebo and Twitter that have registered huge number of users.
Strengths and weaknesses
The book has several strengths and weaknesses. The book is
informative entertaining and enlightening. The book has helpful
information that play a great role in enlightening the reader. Its
weakness is that it is very entertaining that a reader can fail to
grasp the serious facts in the book due to its comic, for
example, people updating their status in toilets.
How will this information enhance/strengthen your critical
The information will assist in providing useful information to
include in paragraphs concerning Facebook and Social
Networking. The information in the book mentions all the facts
about Facebook, like when it was launched and its popularity.
The book will be relevant to my critical analysis because of the
extent that the writer has comprehensively discussed matters.
Ellison, N, Steinfield, C, & Lampe, C 2007, 'The Benefits of
Facebook “Friends:” Social Capital and College Students’ Use
of Online Social Network Sites', Journal Of Computer-
Mediated Communication, Vol 12, no 4, pp. 1143-1168,
Communication & Mass Media Complete, EBSCOhost,
viewed 2 February 2012.
Main research findings
Ellison, Steinfield and Lampe identify that social networking
sites are among the main use of internet today. According to the
authors, social networking sites are among the social media
platforms that facilitate interaction in the computer
environment. The writers identify the main motives for using
social networking sites, for example, Facebook. One of the
benefits is that Facebook improves the quality of life both
social and at workplaces. According to the writers, social media
has become common in the society that a majority cannot
remember previous life without them. Social networking sites
have become popular among college students who find it as a
major platform for social interaction.
Strengths and weaknesses
The source concentrates more on the benefits of Facebook to
young individuals. The source contains important information
that explains how social media (Facebook) has improved social
life especially among college students. However, the source
fails to highlight and explain more about the harms and dangers
of social networking sites.
How will this information enhance/strengthen your critical
The information contained in the source will be relevant in
preparing the results of my analysis. The source has informative
facts about the benefits of social media. One of the facts is that
social networking platform provide a platform to the less social
individuals to at least experience the fun of meeting people.
Collier, M 2010, Facebook & Twitter For Seniors For Dummies,
Wiley Publishing, Canada.
Research findings
The author Marsha Collier identified that in 2009, Facebook
started gaining popularity among the elderly of the age 55 and
above. The main motive was to establish a connection to
rediscovering old friends, share pictures and messages and
instant messaging via Twitter. The author discovered that the
old in age had an interest in using social media and, as a result,
decided introduce a guide that will assist them to familiarize
with social networking. As much as social networking continues
to gain popularity among the youth, the author discovered that
the elderly also had interest in
Strengths and weaknesses
It is difficult to explain to the elderly about social network.
Despite their interests, they need guidance on how to use
Facebook and Twitter among others. “Facebook & Twitter for
Seniors for Dummies” is an informative book that has
simplified explanations concerning social networking. The book
simplifies explanations and has been rated by many to be a fun
and easy guide to social media sites. One of the main strength
of the book is that it encourages the elderly that social media is
not for the young generation only. The seniors are identifying
the communication possibilities of social media and this has
seen them sign up in large numbers.
How will this information enhance/strengthen your critical
The book has important information for social networking sites
critical analysis. The book may help in the development of an
analysis concerning the progression on technology that has
extended to the older citizens. The information in the book is
relevant in developing a paragraph explaining the prevalence of
social media interest among the society.
Chung, J, Park, N, Wang, H, Faulk, J & Mclaughlin, M 2010,
"Age differences in perceptions of online community
participation among non – users: An extension of the
Technology Acceptance Model",
Research findings
The author observed the age differences in observation of online
communities from people who were not participating in the
existing social spaces. The authors were able to identify the
issues affecting the future intentions to partake in online
communities. The writers were able to note down the results
that supported the suggestion that perceived effectiveness
positively affecting behavioral intention. The writers
determined that the apparent ease of use wasn’t an important
predictor of apparent usefulness. The journal also identified
negative relationships amongst age together with internet self-
efficacy of online community websites.
Strengths and weaknesses
Chung, Park, Wang, Faulk, and McLaughlin identified the
acceptance and use of technology. The source elaborated
satisfactorily well on how the old generation is becoming more
and more familiar with the development of technology as it is
an era where technology is key to daily routines. However, the
source fails to analyze the difficulties that the older generation
experience as they try to connect their lives with social media
emerging technologies.
How will this information enhance/strengthen your critical
The source will assist in explaining the technology acceptance
model. The source will help to analyze and explain computer
usage among individuals. The source will help come up with an
estimate of acceptability of social media. The analysis will help
to identify the necessary modifications that need to be brought
to the social media sites for the purpose of acceptability among
Computers in Human Behavior archive, Volume 26 Issue 6,
November, 2010 pp. 1674 – 1684,Science Direct, viewed 4
February 2012.
Research findings
The author examined the social theories and practices regarding
computers and human behaviors. The author was able to identify
how computers integrate with the daily human life. Computers
have now become part of human life that people have forgotten
how life was before the computer generation. The authors have
identified the use of computers machines from a psychological
viewpoint. The authors identify the use of computers in
different fields like psychology and related disciplines. The
source also identifies the psychological impacts that computers
cause to individuals and the society.
Strengths and weaknesses
One of the major strength of the sources is that it highlights the
impacts of computers on individual lives. Regardless of the
benefits that computers have brought to human lives, there are
specific negative impacts that come with computer usage.
Prolonged use of computers has been discussed to cause
eyesight problems. The source elaborates both the positive and
negative impacts creating a wide knowledge advantage to the
reader. However, the source inclines more on the positive
impacts more than the negative effects. The negative effects are
equally important as the positive impacts.
How will this information enhance/strengthen your critical
The source will assist in providing important information
regarding the interaction of computer with human life for my
critical analysis paper. This will be very important in discussing
both the positive and negative impacts that come with computer
integration to human life.
Turkle, S 2011, Alone Together: Why we expect more from
technology & less from each other, Basic Books, USA
Research findings
Turkle was able to identify that technology is an architect of our
intimacies. Individuals often become victims of deception of
companionship, tweets and posts found on social media sites.
Turkle argues that the persistent connection tips to a new form
of isolation. Technology continues to improve, but the
emotional lives of individuals slope down. The author has
explored the lives of people in this digital era. He has done
interviews that describe the emerging unsettling relationships
among people. The results were that there are a new instability
and understandable privacy in the current digital era.
Strengths and weaknesses
The source strongly identifies how emerging technologies and
improved connectivity impacts our brains. Technology is
affecting out relationships as people tend to incline more to the
digital gadgets like ipods and ipads. However, the weakness is
that the source does not provide remedies or solutions to the
How will this information enhance/strengthen your critical
The source is relevant to my critical analysis paper. The source
presents how human character is being affected by the improved
technology. This information will be relevant in discussing the
emotional impacts and remedies necessary to salvage human
beings from the emerging problem.
Cooke, T., 2011, Help I’m a Facebookaholic: Inside the Crazy
World of Social Networking, John Blake,
EBL Ebook Library, viewed 1st February, 2012.
Ellison, N, Steinfield, C, & Lampe, C 2007, 'The Benefits of
Facebook “Friends:” Social Capital and College Students’ Use
of Online Social Network Sites', Journal Of Computer-Mediated
Communication, Vol 12, no 4, pp. 1143-1168,
Communication & Mass Media Complete, EBSCOhost,
viewed 2 February 2012.
Collier, M 2010, Facebook & Twitter For Seniors For Dummies,
Wiley Publishing, Canada.
Ellison, N, Steinfield, C, & Lampe, C 2007, 'The Benefits of
Facebook “Friends:” Social Capital and College Students’ Use
of Online Social Network Sites', Journal Of Computer-Mediated
Communication, Vol 12, no 4, pp. 1143-1168,
Communication & Mass Media Complete, EBSCOhost,
viewed 2 February 2012.
Chung, J, Park, N, Wang, H, Faulk, J & Mclaughlin, M 2010,
"Age differences in perceptions of online community
participation among non – users: An extension of the
Technology Acceptance Model",
Computers in Human Behavior archive, Volume 26 Issue 6,
November, 2010 pp. 1674 – 1684,Science Direct, viewed 4
February 2012.
Turkle, S 2011, Alone Together: Why we expect more from
technology & less from each other, Basic Books, USA
Crystal Parker
Facebook and Social Networking
American Military University
April 19, 2015
Facebook is a very popular form of social networking. Every
day there are 890 million people that log in to Facebook. It is
quickly drawing crowds of visitors every month prompting a
change in communication. This change subsequently presents
that societies are choosing to become part of the widespread
Facebook culture for various reasons, such as its well-known
chances for keeping in touch with current social circles,
reuniting long lost family and friends and expanding prospects
of finding new friends. Facebook eliminates some of the
obstacles that may limit our regularity of communication with
people, upholding the geographic changes, social class, busy
lifestyles and economic factors that may usually discourage us
from regular contact. (Cooke 2011, pp. ix-4)
Facebook lets users express their personality by the creation of
a profile based on their life experiences, beliefs and attributes.
These can be conveyed by posting status updates, uploading
photographs and creating your own personal portrayal.
(Collier,2010, pp. 61-64). To determine the factors of usage
within a Facebook account a study was conducted among 1324
Australia internet users between the ages of 18- 44. The results
showed that extraverted and introverted personalities are drawn
to different aspects of the social networking site. Extraverted
individuals tend to have more Facebook friends therefore
presenting that they were more inclined to use the chat function
on Facebook. However on the other hand individuals who
experience neuroticism are more likely to use the Facebook wall
for contact as this gives them a longer period of time to plan
and express their response. The study also justifies that
introverts tend to spend more time on Facebook then socially
interactive individuals, instigating that Facebook consequently
provides introverts with a more comfortable approach of
communication with other individuals. This may result as a
remedy for anxiousness in usual social interactive encounters,
easing them into a feeling of acceptance. Overall Facebook’s
different types of applications are designed to suit a broad range
of different personalities without discriminating certain
individuals, as this could be partial evidence on why such a
large number of diverse societies are attracted to Facebook.
(Ryan et al. 2011, pp. 1658-1664)
The use of Facebook and other social networking sites may
prove to be useful in areas of Social Capital. Social capital is a
agile term, determined in this case as different types of
communication resources used among the relationships of other
people. Social Capital links some important positive effects to
our public health and can retain some monetary factors. When
Social Capital declines, communities may change into a social
condition eventuating into the decline in common events and
potentially deliberating suspicion among other individuals.
Facebook as a form of social capital may be a helpful
contributor, offering societies to learn more about each other in
a less intrusive way as the member’s may communicate in the
Facebook world based on common interests and important
values of interest as we learn of other individuals developments
in life and our connections among one another. When we look
back at the age of the Digital immigrants, geographic
differences, busy lifestyles and keeping ties with old school
friends were once an obstacle before the social networking sites
grew. Convenience and frequent contact were a distant hope,
now Facebook and other social networking sites have gained a
break through allowing us to maintain and have more frequent
contact with friends and family that could subsequently be an
asset to our mental wellbeing. However as a result these Social
Capital aspects still need to be looked into, as this theory
currently represents that this virtual tool of communication may
be acknowledged as inedible for positive effects on individuals,
more research is intended for the ultimate outcome. (Ellison et
al. 2007, pp. 1143-1168)
The generation of older citizens are becoming more familiar
with the progression of technology as in our current era it has
gradually been incorporated into their daily routines. The huge
spread of Facebook and familiarity of this social networking
tool among friends and family members may cause interest and
motivational factors among the generations as it allows us to
keep in the loop of family and friends and what’s going on in
our lives without actually speaking to each other (Chung et al.
2010, pp. 1674-1684)
In conclusion Facebook has eased into our busy lifestyles and
for some it has become part of a daily routine. This social
networking wonder provides a variety of opportunities, it helps
society keep in touch with loved ones that are situated in a
geographic distance, it may help individuals reunite with their
long lost friend from school, it could erase the cultural
differences and judgmental barriers that may usually limit the
opportunity of finding a new friend that shares your common
interests or it could help you find a new companion. (Cooke
2011, pp. ix-4) Facebook is a tool of convenience which is
invaluable concerning our busy lifestyles may not be always
available. Overall it allows us to experience a connection to one
another giving us an understanding that we have similar needs
when it comes to communication and acceptance. (Turkle, 2011,
Cooke, T., 2011, Help I’m a Facebookaholic: Inside the Crazy
World of Social Networking, John Blake,
EBL Ebook Library, viewed 1st February, 2012.
Ellison, N, Steinfield, C, & Lampe, C 2007, 'The Benefits of
Facebook “Friends:” Social Capital and College Students’ Use
of Online Social Network Sites', Journal Of Computer-Mediated
Communication, Vol 12, no 4, pp. 1143-1168, Communication
& Mass Media Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 2 February 2012.
Collier, M 2010, Facebook & Twitter For Seniors For Dummies,
Wiley Publishing, Canada.
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SOCI 403 Social ChangeAmerican Public University SystemWri.docx

  • 1. SOCI 403 Social Change American Public University System Written Assignment Four: Final Paper (Due Week 8) IMPORTANT NOTE: This assignment is due in Week 8 to give you ample time to explore our class topics and create a thorough and informed paper. It must be turned in by 11:55 pm (EST) on Sunday of Week 8. Because this is the end of class, NO EXTENSIONS can be given for this paper. When class ends, all assignments must be in! Please plan your time carefully and turn this paper in early if at all possible. In this assignment, you will construct a 10-12 page final research paper. Your paper should utilize sound critical thought and it should provide appropriate APA in-text citations and APA full-reference citations. The overall assignment is worth 20% of your final course grade. Be sure to read the directions for Submitting the Assignment. Your paper will adhere to the general standards of the APA- formatting guidelines. It will include a title page, a short abstract, body of paper (Introduction/Thesis, Analysis, Application of Research, Summary and Conclusion) and a reference page. Comment by mothertao: Where the APA guidelines and the rules of this assignment diverge, stick to the rules of the assignment. The Purdue Online Writing Lab offers information about APA guidelines and formatting:
  • 2. This site offers you answers to the most frequently asked questions on APA style as well as other useful APA information: ALL Written assignments (i.e. Your Paper assignments) must be submitted TWICE: 1) Through the Sakai assignment submission link, and 2) Through See Directions Format, Length and Content of Paper: Title (First whole page of paper) Abstract (Separate page) Body of Paper: (10 -12 pages total) Clearly mark each part of the body of your paper with the following four section headings. Watch the page requirements carefully as you will be graded on them. I. Introduction and Thesis Questions/Statement (1 page): Introduce your topic and explain its relevance to you personally. Summarize the significance of this topic for others (e.g., the reader, groups, society). Describe the research questions that will guide your inquiry or the thesis statement that you will explore. II. Analysis Using Concepts/Theories (2 – 3 pages):
  • 3. Clearly and significantly apply at least five concepts/theories from our text to your research topic. While this sounds like what you did in Assignment One, this is no longer an exploration of how these might apply. Rather, these applications should be strong and well-supported in the final draft. III. Application of Research (6 - 7 pages): Clearly and significantly apply findings from at least 8 meaningful, up-to-date resources, 5 of which are from reputable academic journals. Your research in Assignment Two should help you with this, but remember that the final paper will include a full discussion of applications that help to answer your research questions or explore your thesis statement. DO NOT simply piece together annotations. Create a meaningful report that brings all of these ideas together. Comment by mothertao: All sources should be appropriate for a scholarly research paper. No Wikipedia, no, no advertisement sites. IV. Summary and Conclusions (1 page): Integrate your conceptual analysis and your research applications. What do your findings and conclusions mean for our changing society? Explain what you learned during this research process. References (Separate Page) Other Requirements: · The BODY of your paper will be 10-12 pages in length. Other pages will be formatted correctly (title page, abstract page, references page).
  • 4. · Your paper will be double-spaced, 1" margins, Arial or Times New Roman 11 point font. Comment by mothertao: Don't adjust margins or font to hide page length. Instructors always know this tactic, and it will cause you to lose points! · Did you spell check and re-read your paper for grammar and flow? · Under our "Library" tab (top of our classroom screen) you will find the "Tutorial & Student Studies Center." Take special notice of the Mini-Owl and Smarthinking resources. Tightening your work and correcting grammar usage will help you to present your good ideas in a more professional way. Comment by mothertao: All APUS students can have 10 free hours of tutoring service through Smarthinking! · Your paper will include properly formatted APA citations and references. The paper should be well-organized and demonstrate collegiate- level effort and thought. This is listed last, but it is certainly not the least. If your paper meets the previous requirements, you are ready to finalize your content. Here are the questions I’ll be asking myself as I read your work: · Is your work a blend of what you learned from your research sources and your own observations and experiences? Is it more than just an opinion paper? · Did you cover your chosen topic well? · Did you answer your research questions? Did you fully explore your thesis statement? · Did you demonstrate that you thought about what you learned? · Did you spell check and re-read your paper for grammar and flow? Submitting the Assignment · Submit your assignment for grading in the Sakai classroom. Submit a single document that is saved as .doc or .rtf file in this format: Lastname_SOCI403_WA4.
  • 5. · NOTE: Assignments that are not submitted properly to will receive a score of zero. · Please email me (your instructor) if you have any questions or concerns as you are writing this paper. Email early so I have plenty of time to help you work it all out! Written Assignment Four: Final Paper (Due Week 8, 25 points, 20% of final grade) Grading Rubric CATEGORY Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Unacceptable Introduction and Thesis Questions/Statement Description included good detail, informed relevance and strong thesis questions/statement. (3 pts.) Description and/or relevance needed some elaboration; thesis questions/ statement adequate Description and/or relevance lacked clarity in some areas and needed elaboration; thesis may be weak. (2 pts.) Description and/or relevance not clear, needs much elaboration; thesis may be weak. Little or no Description and/or relevance included; thesis may we weak or missing. (0-1 pts.) Analysis Using Concepts/ Theories Clearly applied at least 5 relevant sociological concepts from the readings to topic. (6 pts.)
  • 6. Clearly applied concepts, some explanation needed Somewhat applied concepts, some inaccuracies or elaboration needed. (3 pts.) Clearly applied two to three concepts or theories. Applied one or two concepts or did not apply sociological concepts to analysis. (0-1 pts.) Application of Research Clearly applied findings from at least 8 meaningful up-to-date resources, 5 of which are from reputable academic journals. (8 points) Clearly applied findings, some explanation needed Somewhat applied findings of at least six resources; applications include inaccuracies or elaboration needed. (4 pts.) Clearly applied at least four resources; applications may be incomplete or inaccurate. Applied one or two resources or did not apply research outside of that found in our text. (0-1 pts.) Summary/ Conclusion Integrated analysis and applications to demonstrate personal and social relevance. (3 points) Integrated analysis and applications to demonstrate personal and social relevance, some elaboration needed. Somewhat integrated analysis and applications to demonstrate personal and social relevance; greater elaboration or connections needed. (2 points) Integrations incomplete or missing; personal or social relevance missing or incomplete. Very little or no integration of analysis and applications to demonstrate personal and social relevance.
  • 7. (0-1 pts.) APA Formatted Citations and References Included APA formatted in-text citations and full references for ALL paraphrased and quoted work from other sources. Sources are appropriate for this assignment. (3 pts.) Minor errors in APA formatting of citations and/or references. Multiple errors in APA formatting of citations and/or references. Some sources are not fully appropriate for this assignment. (2 pts.) Missing some citations and/or references, and errors in APA formatting. No citations and/or references included. Sources are not fully appropriate for this assignment. (0- 1 pts.) Grammar, Spelling, Proper Formatting Author makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Paper is properly formatted. (2 pts.) Author makes a couple errors in grammar, spelling or format that distract the reader from the content. Author makes a few errors in grammar, format or spelling that distract the reader from the content. (1 – 1.25 pts.) Author makes multiple errors in grammar, format or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Authors makes so many errors in grammar, format and spelling that the intent of the paper cannot be understood. (0 -.25 pts.) References American Psychological Association. (2011). Frequently asked questions about APA style. Retrieved from Angeli, E., Wagner, J., Lawrick, E., Moore, K., Anderson, M., Soderland, L., & Brizee, A. (2010, May 5). General format. Retrieved from
  • 8. Facebook and Social Networking American Military University Crystal Parker ABSTRACT: The research project started with the identification of the problem to be studied. This would guide the whole research and provide direction on what to be researched on. In moving on, the objectives of the research were also drafted. This was based on the research questions that were identified earlier. After looking at all these, a research proposal was then drawn bearing lots of things, including the literature reviews, which showed the existing studies on the area of research. The existing studies were also analyzed in relevance to the research. This was to draw the missing links. The missing research links provided, and area for finding out the relevance of the research to provide the area for doing research. In fining the missing links, it was therefore open in drawing the area at which the research will study. Also, the budget for the whole research was drawn. The data analysis method was also sought. The whole study was supposed to be qualitative. Also, the methods for the collection of data were identified. The study used interviews- interviewing old people, in that case. Another method for the collection of data was the usage of records. Written books were also used in drawing information. With the final drawing of the proposal, the final research paper, the report was also written. The time frame of the drawing of the proposal was two weeks and that of the drawing the whole research report was also two weeks. The time frame for the collection of data was three days. The whole project took tone month one week. Facebook and the social network have become a big impact in
  • 9. this age. In fact it has become a very useful and important platform for accessing the audience. Majority of the audiences can be found in the social network. The youth is mostly hooked up to this social platform with almost all the time spent with friends is face book and other social platform. With this kind of trend, it has also emerged that other social networking site are being developed daily. People with same interests like those of a similar agenda have come up to produce a platform for using the social network to communicate matters of their interests. So adverse are the effects of the social network that the people of the old age have embraced it. The old people have embraced the social networking and the trend is quite promising. However, the generation X have lagged behind in technology so much that they have lost a lot. THESIS STATEMENT Facebook is a very popular form of interaction among the social networking sites. ANALYSIS Argument: Facebook is a very popular form of social networking. It is quickly drawing crowds of visitors every month prompting a change in communication. This change subsequently presents that societies are choosing to become part of the widespread Facebook culture for various reasons, such as its well-known chances for keeping in touch with current social circles, reuniting long lost family and friends and expanding prospects of finding new friends. Supporting Facebook eliminates some of the obstacles that may limit our regularity of communication with people, upholding the geographic changes, social class, busy lifestyles and economic factors that may usually discourage us from regular contact.
  • 10. Supporting research: Every day there are 890 million people that log in to Facebook. (Cooke, 2011). Argument: The use of Facebook and other social networking sites may prove to be useful in areas of Social Capital. Social capital is agile term, determined in this case as different types of communication resources used among the relationships of other people. Social Capital links some important positive effects to our public health and can retain some monetary factors. Argument: When Social Capital declines, communities may change into a social condition eventuating into the decline in common events and potentially deliberating suspicion among other individuals. Facebook as a form of social capital may be a helpful contributor, offering societies to learn more about each other in a less intrusive way as the member’s may communicate in the Facebook world based on common interests and important values of interest as we learn of other individuals developments in life and our connections among one another. When we look back at the age of the Digital immigrants, geographic differences, busy lifestyles and keeping ties with old school friends were once an obstacle before the social networking sites grew. Convenience and frequent contact were a distant hope, now Facebook and other social networking sites have gained a break through allowing us to maintain and have more frequent contact with friends and family that could subsequently be an asset to our mental wellbeing. However as a result these Social Capital aspects still need to be looked into, as this theory currently represents that this virtual tool of communication may be acknowledged as inedible for positive effects on individuals, more research is intended for the ultimate outcome. APPLICATION OF RESEARCH The source will assist in explaining the technology acceptance model. The source will help to analyze and explain computer
  • 11. usage among individuals. The source will help come up with an estimate of acceptability of social media. The analysis will help to identify the necessary modifications that need to be brought to the social media sites for the purpose of acceptability among users. The source will assist in providing important information regarding the interaction of computer with human life for my critical analysis paper. This will be very important in discussing both the positive and negative impacts that come with computer integration to human life. The source is relevant to my critical analysis paper. The source presents how human character is being affected by the improved technology. This information will be relevant in discussing the emotional impacts and remedies necessary to salvage human beings from the emerging problem. Conclusion In conclusion Facebook has eased into our busy lifestyles and for some it has become part of a daily routine. This social networking wonder provides a variety of opportunities, it helps society keep in touch with loved ones that are situated in a geographic distance, it may help individuals reunite with their long lost friend from school, it could erase the cultural differences and judgmental barriers that may usually limit the opportunity of finding a new friend that shares your common interests or it could help you find a new companion. (Cooke, 2011).Facebook is a tool of convenience which is invaluable concerning our busy lifestyles may not be always available. Overall it allows us to experience a connection to one another giving us an understanding that we have similar needs when it comes to communication and acceptance. (Turkle. , 2011). References Cooke, T., 2011, Help I’m a Facebookaholic: Inside the Crazy World of Social Networking, John Blake, EBL Ebook Library, viewed 1st February, 2012.
  • 12. Ellison, N, Steinfield, C, & Lampe, C 2007, 'The Benefits of Facebook “Friends:” Social Capital and College Students’ Use of Online Social Network Sites', Journal Of Computer-Mediated Communication, Vol 12, no 4, pp. 1143-1168, Communication & Mass Media Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 2 February 2012. Collier, M 2010, Facebook & Twitter For Seniors For Dummies, Wiley Publishing, Canada. Ellison, N, Steinfield, C, & Lampe, C 2007, 'The Benefits of Facebook “Friends:” Social Capital and College Students’ Use of Online Social Network Sites', Journal Of Computer-Mediated Communication, Vol 12, no 4, pp. 1143-1168, Communication & Mass Media Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 2 February 2012. Chung, J, Park, N, Wang, H, Faulk, J & Mclaughlin, M 2010, "Age differences in perceptions of online community participation among non – users: An extension of the Technology Acceptance Model", Computers in Human Behavior archive, Volume 26 Issue 6, November, 2010 pp. 1674 – 1684, Science Direct, viewed 4 February 2012. Turkle, S 2011, Alone Together: Why we expect more from technology & less from each other, Basic Books, USA Running head: FACEBOOK AND SOCIAL NETWORKING 1 FACEBOOK AND SOCIAL NETWORKING
  • 13. 1 Annotated Bibliography Crystal Parker American Military University Cooke, T., 2011, Help I’m a Facebookaholic: Inside the Crazy World of Social Networking, John Blake, EBL Ebook Library, viewed 1st February, 2012. Main research findings In this informative and engaging book, the author Tanya Cooke scrutinizes the social networking occurrence. She discloses some astonishing and peculiar facts regarding the popularity of social networking. The book encompasses entertaining updates, disconcerting stories, and cautionary stories about the risks of meeting individuals online. The writer confirms that social networking is changing the world. Facebook was launched in 2004 and has rapidly gained popularity with more than 500 million global users. Facebook was the start of social media sites. After came other sites like Bebo and Twitter that have registered huge number of users. Strengths and weaknesses The book has several strengths and weaknesses. The book is informative entertaining and enlightening. The book has helpful information that play a great role in enlightening the reader. Its weakness is that it is very entertaining that a reader can fail to grasp the serious facts in the book due to its comic, for example, people updating their status in toilets. How will this information enhance/strengthen your critical analysis? The information will assist in providing useful information to
  • 14. include in paragraphs concerning Facebook and Social Networking. The information in the book mentions all the facts about Facebook, like when it was launched and its popularity. The book will be relevant to my critical analysis because of the extent that the writer has comprehensively discussed matters. Ellison, N, Steinfield, C, & Lampe, C 2007, 'The Benefits of Facebook “Friends:” Social Capital and College Students’ Use of Online Social Network Sites', Journal Of Computer- Mediated Communication, Vol 12, no 4, pp. 1143-1168, Communication & Mass Media Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 2 February 2012. Main research findings Ellison, Steinfield and Lampe identify that social networking sites are among the main use of internet today. According to the authors, social networking sites are among the social media platforms that facilitate interaction in the computer environment. The writers identify the main motives for using social networking sites, for example, Facebook. One of the benefits is that Facebook improves the quality of life both social and at workplaces. According to the writers, social media has become common in the society that a majority cannot remember previous life without them. Social networking sites have become popular among college students who find it as a major platform for social interaction. Strengths and weaknesses The source concentrates more on the benefits of Facebook to
  • 15. young individuals. The source contains important information that explains how social media (Facebook) has improved social life especially among college students. However, the source fails to highlight and explain more about the harms and dangers of social networking sites. How will this information enhance/strengthen your critical analysis? The information contained in the source will be relevant in preparing the results of my analysis. The source has informative facts about the benefits of social media. One of the facts is that social networking platform provide a platform to the less social individuals to at least experience the fun of meeting people. Collier, M 2010, Facebook & Twitter For Seniors For Dummies, Wiley Publishing, Canada. Research findings The author Marsha Collier identified that in 2009, Facebook started gaining popularity among the elderly of the age 55 and above. The main motive was to establish a connection to rediscovering old friends, share pictures and messages and instant messaging via Twitter. The author discovered that the old in age had an interest in using social media and, as a result, decided introduce a guide that will assist them to familiarize with social networking. As much as social networking continues to gain popularity among the youth, the author discovered that the elderly also had interest in Strengths and weaknesses
  • 16. It is difficult to explain to the elderly about social network. Despite their interests, they need guidance on how to use Facebook and Twitter among others. “Facebook & Twitter for Seniors for Dummies” is an informative book that has simplified explanations concerning social networking. The book simplifies explanations and has been rated by many to be a fun and easy guide to social media sites. One of the main strength of the book is that it encourages the elderly that social media is not for the young generation only. The seniors are identifying the communication possibilities of social media and this has seen them sign up in large numbers. How will this information enhance/strengthen your critical analysis? The book has important information for social networking sites critical analysis. The book may help in the development of an analysis concerning the progression on technology that has extended to the older citizens. The information in the book is relevant in developing a paragraph explaining the prevalence of social media interest among the society. Chung, J, Park, N, Wang, H, Faulk, J & Mclaughlin, M 2010, "Age differences in perceptions of online community participation among non – users: An extension of the Technology Acceptance Model", Research findings The author observed the age differences in observation of online communities from people who were not participating in the existing social spaces. The authors were able to identify the
  • 17. issues affecting the future intentions to partake in online communities. The writers were able to note down the results that supported the suggestion that perceived effectiveness positively affecting behavioral intention. The writers determined that the apparent ease of use wasn’t an important predictor of apparent usefulness. The journal also identified negative relationships amongst age together with internet self- efficacy of online community websites. Strengths and weaknesses Chung, Park, Wang, Faulk, and McLaughlin identified the acceptance and use of technology. The source elaborated satisfactorily well on how the old generation is becoming more and more familiar with the development of technology as it is an era where technology is key to daily routines. However, the source fails to analyze the difficulties that the older generation experience as they try to connect their lives with social media emerging technologies. How will this information enhance/strengthen your critical analysis? The source will assist in explaining the technology acceptance model. The source will help to analyze and explain computer usage among individuals. The source will help come up with an estimate of acceptability of social media. The analysis will help to identify the necessary modifications that need to be brought to the social media sites for the purpose of acceptability among users.
  • 18. Computers in Human Behavior archive, Volume 26 Issue 6, November, 2010 pp. 1674 – 1684,Science Direct, viewed 4 February 2012. Research findings The author examined the social theories and practices regarding computers and human behaviors. The author was able to identify how computers integrate with the daily human life. Computers have now become part of human life that people have forgotten how life was before the computer generation. The authors have identified the use of computers machines from a psychological viewpoint. The authors identify the use of computers in different fields like psychology and related disciplines. The source also identifies the psychological impacts that computers cause to individuals and the society. Strengths and weaknesses One of the major strength of the sources is that it highlights the impacts of computers on individual lives. Regardless of the benefits that computers have brought to human lives, there are specific negative impacts that come with computer usage. Prolonged use of computers has been discussed to cause eyesight problems. The source elaborates both the positive and negative impacts creating a wide knowledge advantage to the reader. However, the source inclines more on the positive impacts more than the negative effects. The negative effects are equally important as the positive impacts. How will this information enhance/strengthen your critical analysis? The source will assist in providing important information regarding the interaction of computer with human life for my critical analysis paper. This will be very important in discussing both the positive and negative impacts that come with computer integration to human life.
  • 19. Turkle, S 2011, Alone Together: Why we expect more from technology & less from each other, Basic Books, USA Research findings Turkle was able to identify that technology is an architect of our intimacies. Individuals often become victims of deception of companionship, tweets and posts found on social media sites. Turkle argues that the persistent connection tips to a new form of isolation. Technology continues to improve, but the emotional lives of individuals slope down. The author has explored the lives of people in this digital era. He has done interviews that describe the emerging unsettling relationships among people. The results were that there are a new instability and understandable privacy in the current digital era. Strengths and weaknesses The source strongly identifies how emerging technologies and improved connectivity impacts our brains. Technology is affecting out relationships as people tend to incline more to the digital gadgets like ipods and ipads. However, the weakness is that the source does not provide remedies or solutions to the problems. How will this information enhance/strengthen your critical analysis? The source is relevant to my critical analysis paper. The source presents how human character is being affected by the improved technology. This information will be relevant in discussing the emotional impacts and remedies necessary to salvage human beings from the emerging problem. References Cooke, T., 2011, Help I’m a Facebookaholic: Inside the Crazy
  • 20. World of Social Networking, John Blake, EBL Ebook Library, viewed 1st February, 2012. Ellison, N, Steinfield, C, & Lampe, C 2007, 'The Benefits of Facebook “Friends:” Social Capital and College Students’ Use of Online Social Network Sites', Journal Of Computer-Mediated Communication, Vol 12, no 4, pp. 1143-1168, Communication & Mass Media Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 2 February 2012. Collier, M 2010, Facebook & Twitter For Seniors For Dummies, Wiley Publishing, Canada. Ellison, N, Steinfield, C, & Lampe, C 2007, 'The Benefits of Facebook “Friends:” Social Capital and College Students’ Use of Online Social Network Sites', Journal Of Computer-Mediated Communication, Vol 12, no 4, pp. 1143-1168, Communication & Mass Media Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 2 February 2012. Chung, J, Park, N, Wang, H, Faulk, J & Mclaughlin, M 2010, "Age differences in perceptions of online community participation among non – users: An extension of the Technology Acceptance Model", Computers in Human Behavior archive, Volume 26 Issue 6, November, 2010 pp. 1674 – 1684,Science Direct, viewed 4 February 2012. Turkle, S 2011, Alone Together: Why we expect more from technology & less from each other, Basic Books, USA
  • 21. Crystal Parker Facebook and Social Networking American Military University April 19, 2015 Facebook is a very popular form of social networking. Every day there are 890 million people that log in to Facebook. It is quickly drawing crowds of visitors every month prompting a change in communication. This change subsequently presents that societies are choosing to become part of the widespread Facebook culture for various reasons, such as its well-known chances for keeping in touch with current social circles, reuniting long lost family and friends and expanding prospects of finding new friends. Facebook eliminates some of the
  • 22. obstacles that may limit our regularity of communication with people, upholding the geographic changes, social class, busy lifestyles and economic factors that may usually discourage us from regular contact. (Cooke 2011, pp. ix-4) Facebook lets users express their personality by the creation of a profile based on their life experiences, beliefs and attributes. These can be conveyed by posting status updates, uploading photographs and creating your own personal portrayal. (Collier,2010, pp. 61-64). To determine the factors of usage within a Facebook account a study was conducted among 1324 Australia internet users between the ages of 18- 44. The results showed that extraverted and introverted personalities are drawn to different aspects of the social networking site. Extraverted individuals tend to have more Facebook friends therefore presenting that they were more inclined to use the chat function on Facebook. However on the other hand individuals who experience neuroticism are more likely to use the Facebook wall for contact as this gives them a longer period of time to plan and express their response. The study also justifies that introverts tend to spend more time on Facebook then socially interactive individuals, instigating that Facebook consequently provides introverts with a more comfortable approach of communication with other individuals. This may result as a remedy for anxiousness in usual social interactive encounters, easing them into a feeling of acceptance. Overall Facebook’s different types of applications are designed to suit a broad range of different personalities without discriminating certain individuals, as this could be partial evidence on why such a large number of diverse societies are attracted to Facebook. (Ryan et al. 2011, pp. 1658-1664) The use of Facebook and other social networking sites may prove to be useful in areas of Social Capital. Social capital is a agile term, determined in this case as different types of communication resources used among the relationships of other
  • 23. people. Social Capital links some important positive effects to our public health and can retain some monetary factors. When Social Capital declines, communities may change into a social condition eventuating into the decline in common events and potentially deliberating suspicion among other individuals. Facebook as a form of social capital may be a helpful contributor, offering societies to learn more about each other in a less intrusive way as the member’s may communicate in the Facebook world based on common interests and important values of interest as we learn of other individuals developments in life and our connections among one another. When we look back at the age of the Digital immigrants, geographic differences, busy lifestyles and keeping ties with old school friends were once an obstacle before the social networking sites grew. Convenience and frequent contact were a distant hope, now Facebook and other social networking sites have gained a break through allowing us to maintain and have more frequent contact with friends and family that could subsequently be an asset to our mental wellbeing. However as a result these Social Capital aspects still need to be looked into, as this theory currently represents that this virtual tool of communication may be acknowledged as inedible for positive effects on individuals, more research is intended for the ultimate outcome. (Ellison et al. 2007, pp. 1143-1168) The generation of older citizens are becoming more familiar with the progression of technology as in our current era it has gradually been incorporated into their daily routines. The huge spread of Facebook and familiarity of this social networking tool among friends and family members may cause interest and motivational factors among the generations as it allows us to keep in the loop of family and friends and what’s going on in our lives without actually speaking to each other (Chung et al. 2010, pp. 1674-1684)
  • 24. In conclusion Facebook has eased into our busy lifestyles and for some it has become part of a daily routine. This social networking wonder provides a variety of opportunities, it helps society keep in touch with loved ones that are situated in a geographic distance, it may help individuals reunite with their long lost friend from school, it could erase the cultural differences and judgmental barriers that may usually limit the opportunity of finding a new friend that shares your common interests or it could help you find a new companion. (Cooke 2011, pp. ix-4) Facebook is a tool of convenience which is invaluable concerning our busy lifestyles may not be always available. Overall it allows us to experience a connection to one another giving us an understanding that we have similar needs when it comes to communication and acceptance. (Turkle, 2011, p17) References Cooke, T., 2011, Help I’m a Facebookaholic: Inside the Crazy
  • 25. World of Social Networking, John Blake, EBL Ebook Library, viewed 1st February, 2012. Ellison, N, Steinfield, C, & Lampe, C 2007, 'The Benefits of Facebook “Friends:” Social Capital and College Students’ Use of Online Social Network Sites', Journal Of Computer-Mediated Communication, Vol 12, no 4, pp. 1143-1168, Communication & Mass Media Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 2 February 2012. Collier, M 2010, Facebook & Twitter For Seniors For Dummies, Wiley Publishing, Canada. Ellison, N, Steinfield, C, & Lampe, C 2007, 'The Benefits of Facebook “Friends:” Social Capital and College Students’ Use of Online Social Network Sites', Journal Of Computer-Mediated Communication, Vol 12, no 4, pp. 1143-1168, Communication & Mass Media Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 2 February 2012. Chung, J, Park, N, Wang, H, Faulk, J & Mclaughlin, M 2010, "Age differences in perceptions of online community participation among non – users: An extension of the Technology Acceptance Model", Computers in Human Behavior archive, Volume 26 Issue 6, November, 2010 pp. 1674 – 1684,Science Direct, viewed 4 February 2012. Turkle, S 2011, Alone Together: Why we expect more from technology & less from each other, Basic Books, USA