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Contributions for building a
  Corpora-Flow system

         Andr´ Santos

       Informatics Engineering MSc
            University of Minho

          December 2011
    Aligned parallel corpus: Set of parallel texts in
             which correspondences have been marked
             between blocks (paragraphs, sentences,
             words, . . . ) from each text.
    Corpora-flow: Adaptation of the concept of
             workflow to the several tasks, decisions
             and sequences of steps involved in the
             process of building a corpus.

1           Andr´ Santos,
                e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
    Aligned parallel corpus: Set of parallel texts in
             which correspondences have been marked
             between blocks (paragraphs, sentences,
             words, . . . ) from each text.
    Corpora-flow: Adaptation of the concept of
             workflow to the several tasks, decisions
             and sequences of steps involved in the
             process of building a corpus.

    This presentation and the underlying master thesis
    describe the implementation of several tools to be
    used in typical corpus building activities.
1            Andr´ Santos,
                 e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system

    The work developed in the context of this master
    thesis was motivated and supported by
    Project Per-fide, an undergoing project in
    University of Minho which aims to build large
    parallel corpora between Portuguese and other six

2            Andr´ Santos,
                 e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
Corpora building challenges

     file format and format conversion
     finding duplicated files
     text encoding format
     structural residues
     section delimiters
     unpaired sections (parallel corpora)

3        Andr´ Santos,
             e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
Corpora building challenges

     Severe problems which often lead to bad results
     Many (most?) of them are hard/impossible to
     solve completely
     Find the problem and report it when it is not
     solvable automatically
     Provide intelligent ways of describing what was
     found and done

4        Andr´ Santos,
             e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
5 key issues

      Book cleaning
      Duplicates and candidate pairs detection
      Book synchronization
      Alignment evaluation
      Corpora-flow system

5        Andr´ Santos,
             e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
Book processing problems – Motivation
    (...) d <92>’ entr´e, donnant acc`s dans la salle commune.
                      e              e
    Une l´g`re v´randa, qui en prot´-
         e e    e                   e
                          <96>- 86 <96>-
     ^L geait la partie ant´rieure contre l <92>’ action
    des rayons solaires, reposait sur de sveltes bambous. (...)
                                           La Jangada, Jules Verne

6             Andr´ Santos,
                  e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
Book processing problems – Motivation
    (...) d <92>’ entr´e, donnant acc`s dans la salle commune.
                      e              e
    Une l´g`re v´randa, qui en prot´-
         e e    e                   e
                           <96>- 86 <96>-
     ^L geait la partie ant´rieure contre l <92>’ action
    des rayons solaires, reposait sur de sveltes bambous. (...)
                                           La Jangada, Jules Verne

                  <92>’ : right single quot. mark (CP1252)
                  <96>- : en dash (CP1252)
                      ^L : page break (0xC)

        prot´-(...)geait : transpagination

6              Andr´ Santos,
                   e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
Book processing problems – Motivation
    (...) d <92>’ entr´e, donnant acc`s dans la salle commune.
                      e              e
    Une l´g`re v´randa, qui en prot´-
         e e    e                   e
                          <96>- 86 <96>-
     ^L geait la partie ant´rieure contre l <92>’ action
    des rayons solaires, reposait sur de sveltes bambous. (...)
                                           La Jangada, Jules Verne

    (...) d ’ entr´e, donnant acc`s dans la salle commune.
                   e             e
    Une l´g`re v´randa, qui en prot´geait _pb1_
         e e     e                  e
    la partie ant´rieure contre l ’ action
    des rayons solaires, reposait sur de sveltes bambous. (...)

6             Andr´ Santos,
                  e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
Book cleaning
    Subdivided in several steps:

7            Andr´ Santos,
                 e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
Sections ontology
                                                                PT cap´tulo,
    contains common section types                                  cap, capitulo
                                                                FR chapitre, chap
    used to automatically generate                              EN chapter, chap
    the code to recognize section                               NT sec

    delimiters                                                  end
                                                                PT fim
    allows discussion/cooperation                               FR fin
                                                                EN the_end
    with people with no                                         BT _alone
    programming knowledge                                       scene
    code becomes more simple and                                PT cena
                                                                FR sc`ne
    clean                                                       EN scene
                                                                RU глава
                                                                BT act

8        Andr´ Santos,
             e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
Duplicates and pairs detection
        Duplicates can result in a biased corpus
        Finding candidate pairs for alignment

    Language independent elements (LIEs)
        terms which are usually kept untranslated
               year references – “1973”
               proper names – “Hamlet”

    Measuring similarity                                     Thresholds
                                                                        < 0.2: unrelated
                        |ALIEs ∩ BLIEs |                                > 0.4: pair
    similarity (A, B) =
                        |ALIEs ∪ BLIEs |                                > 0.9: duplicates

9              Andr´ Santos,
                   e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
Book synchronization
     Structural alignment at section level, based on
     previously added section delimiting marks.

         Some aligners cannot handle large documents
         Section delimiters can act as anchor points
         Unpaired sections can be discarded

         match similar section delimiters
         synchronization points

10            Andr´ Santos,
                  e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system

     pair of files with
     pair of files divided
     into smaller pairs
     of chunks
     text report

11            Andr´ Santos,
                  e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system

     pair of files with
     pair of files divided
     into smaller pairs
     of chunks
     text report

11            Andr´ Santos,
                  e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
Alignment evaluation
         compare alignments of the same documents
         (performed by different tools, with different options, . . . )
         determine if an alignment was successful

12            Andr´ Santos,
                  e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
Alignment evaluation
         compare alignments of the same documents
         (performed by different tools, with different options, . . . )
         determine if an alignment was successful

     Comparing alignments
        parse TMX files and output the total number
        correspondences of each type
         0:1/1:0, 1:1, 2:1/1:2 and 2:2
         evaluate the other tools developed
         compare the performance of the available
         alignment tools
12            Andr´ Santos,
                  e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
Alignment evaluation

     Determine if an alignment was successful
         Summarize a TMX by sampling. Sampling can
         be performed based on:
             number of samples desired
             explicit sampling points
             translation units which match a given regular
         Output is a (much?) smaller TMX file

13           Andr´ Santos,
                 e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
Alignment evaluation

                                             The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco

14      Andr´ Santos,
            e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
Alignment evaluation
                     AdsonDE = АдсоRU

                                             The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco

14      Andr´ Santos,
            e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
Alignment evaluation
                     AdsonDE = АдсоRU

                                             The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco

14      Andr´ Santos,
            e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
Alignment evaluation
                     AdsonDE = АдсоRU

                                             The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco

14      Andr´ Santos,
            e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system

      All the tools implemented as Perl modules:
      publicly available on CPAN
      including tests and documentation
      additional effort required to make code
      installable and usable by other people

15        Andr´ Santos,
              e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
         building a corpus is a complex task
         linear pipeline is not powerful enough

     Workflow                     Makefiles
         states                     file-oriented
         actions                    timestamps and
         conditions                 dependencies
         context                    fail-fast and resumable
16            Andr´ Santos,
                  e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system

            workflow + Makefiles = corpora-flow

     DSL (→ Slay::Makefile)
     workflow:         rule*
     rule:             pre-condition* action post-condition*
     action:           targets dependencies function
     condition:        filename function
     target:           pattern*
     dependencies:     pattern*
     function:         Perl code

17           Andr´ Santos,
                 e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
     Evaluation of the tools has shown that they do
     help to solve problems
     Most of the methods devised can be applied in
     other contexts
     Working within a larger project:
         provides requirements and resources
         specific needs and priorities
     making code available to other people:
         requires additional effort
         gives meaning to the work
         external contributions
     Higher level objects help to organize and
18       Andr´ Santos,
             e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
     Evaluation of the tools has shown that they do
     help to solve problems
     Most of the methods devised can be applied in
     other contexts
     Working within a larger project:
         provides requirements and resources
         specific needs and priorities
     making code available to other people:
         requires additional effort
         gives meaning to the work
         external contributions
     Higher level objects help to organize and
18       Andr´ Santos,
             e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
     Evaluation of the tools has shown that they do
     help to solve problems
     Most of the methods devised can be applied in
     other contexts
     Working within a larger project:
         provides requirements and resources
         specific needs and priorities
     making code available to other people:
         requires additional effort
         gives meaning to the work
         external contributions
     Higher level objects help to organize and
18       Andr´ Santos,
             e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
     Evaluation of the tools has shown that they do
     help to solve problems
     Most of the methods devised can be applied in
     other contexts
     Working within a larger project:
         provides requirements and resources
         specific needs and priorities
     making code available to other people:
         requires additional effort
         gives meaning to the work
         external contributions
     Higher level objects help to organize and
18       Andr´ Santos,
             e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
     Evaluation of the tools has shown that they do
     help to solve problems
     Most of the methods devised can be applied in
     other contexts
     Working within a larger project:
         provides requirements and resources
         specific needs and priorities
     making code available to other people:
         requires additional effort
         gives meaning to the work
         external contributions
     Higher level objects help to organize and
18       Andr´ Santos,
             e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
     Evaluation of the tools has shown that they do
     help to solve problems
     Most of the methods devised can be applied in
     other contexts
     Working within a larger project:
         provides requirements and resources
         specific needs and priorities
     making code available to other people:
         requires additional effort
         gives meaning to the work
         external contributions
     Higher level objects help to organize and
18       Andr´ Santos,
             e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
     Evaluation of the tools has shown that they do
     help to solve problems
     Most of the methods devised can be applied in
     other contexts
     Working within a larger project:
         provides requirements and resources
         specific needs and priorities
     making code available to other people:
         requires additional effort
         gives meaning to the work
         external contributions
     Higher level objects help to organize and
18       Andr´ Santos,
             e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
     Evaluation of the tools has shown that they do
     help to solve problems
     Most of the methods devised can be applied in
     other contexts
     Working within a larger project:
         provides requirements and resources
         specific needs and priorities
     making code available to other people:
         requires additional effort
         gives meaning to the work
         external contributions
     Higher level objects help to organize and
18       Andr´ Santos,
             e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
     Evaluation of the tools has shown that they do
     help to solve problems
     Most of the methods devised can be applied in
     other contexts
     Working within a larger project:
         provides requirements and resources
         specific needs and priorities
     making code available to other people:
         requires additional effort
         gives meaning to the work
         external contributions
     Higher level objects help to organize and
18       Andr´ Santos,
             e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
     Evaluation of the tools has shown that they do
     help to solve problems
     Most of the methods devised can be applied in
     other contexts
     Working within a larger project:
         provides requirements and resources
         specific needs and priorities
     making code available to other people:
         requires additional effort
         gives meaning to the work
         external contributions
     Higher level objects help to organize and
18       Andr´ Santos,
             e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
Future work
     Document cleaners
         other types of documents (e.g. scientific
         algorithm for finding section delimiters with
         notion of hierarchy
         create ebooks/bilingual books

     Duplicates and pair detection
         list of correspondences (e.g. Adson → Адсо,
         London → Londres)
         calculate best threshold values in real time
19            Andr´ Santos,
                  e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
Future work

     Document synchronization
         interactive mode
         improvements on synchronization matrix and
         hierarchical sections
         other section alignment algorithms

         finish specification and implementation
         implement a corpora-flow for Project Per-fide

20           Andr´ Santos,
                 e                            Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
Contributions for building a
  Corpora-Flow system

         Andr´ Santos

       Informatics Engineering MSc
            University of Minho

          December 2011

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  • 1. Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system Andr´ Santos e Informatics Engineering MSc University of Minho December 2011
  • 2. Concepts Aligned parallel corpus: Set of parallel texts in which correspondences have been marked between blocks (paragraphs, sentences, words, . . . ) from each text. Corpora-flow: Adaptation of the concept of workflow to the several tasks, decisions and sequences of steps involved in the process of building a corpus. 1 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 3. Concepts Aligned parallel corpus: Set of parallel texts in which correspondences have been marked between blocks (paragraphs, sentences, words, . . . ) from each text. Corpora-flow: Adaptation of the concept of workflow to the several tasks, decisions and sequences of steps involved in the process of building a corpus. This presentation and the underlying master thesis describe the implementation of several tools to be used in typical corpus building activities. 1 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 4. Context The work developed in the context of this master thesis was motivated and supported by Project Per-fide, an undergoing project in University of Minho which aims to build large parallel corpora between Portuguese and other six languages. 2 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 5. Corpora building challenges file format and format conversion finding duplicated files text encoding format structural residues section delimiters unpaired sections (parallel corpora) ... 3 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 6. Corpora building challenges Severe problems which often lead to bad results Many (most?) of them are hard/impossible to solve completely Find the problem and report it when it is not solvable automatically Provide intelligent ways of describing what was found and done 4 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 7. 5 key issues Book cleaning Duplicates and candidate pairs detection Book synchronization Alignment evaluation Corpora-flow system 5 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 8. Book processing problems – Motivation (...) d <92>’ entr´e, donnant acc`s dans la salle commune. e e Une l´g`re v´randa, qui en prot´- e e e e M <96>- 86 <96>- ^L geait la partie ant´rieure contre l <92>’ action e des rayons solaires, reposait sur de sveltes bambous. (...) La Jangada, Jules Verne 6 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 9. Book processing problems – Motivation (...) d <92>’ entr´e, donnant acc`s dans la salle commune. e e Une l´g`re v´randa, qui en prot´- e e e e M <96>- 86 <96>- ^L geait la partie ant´rieure contre l <92>’ action e des rayons solaires, reposait sur de sveltes bambous. (...) La Jangada, Jules Verne <92>’ : right single quot. mark (CP1252) <96>- : en dash (CP1252) ^L : page break (0xC) prot´-(...)geait : transpagination e 6 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 10. Book processing problems – Motivation (...) d <92>’ entr´e, donnant acc`s dans la salle commune. e e Une l´g`re v´randa, qui en prot´- e e e e M <96>- 86 <96>- ^L geait la partie ant´rieure contre l <92>’ action e des rayons solaires, reposait sur de sveltes bambous. (...) La Jangada, Jules Verne (...) d ’ entr´e, donnant acc`s dans la salle commune. e e Une l´g`re v´randa, qui en prot´geait _pb1_ e e e e la partie ant´rieure contre l ’ action e des rayons solaires, reposait sur de sveltes bambous. (...) 6 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 11. Book cleaning Subdivided in several steps: 7 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 12. Sections ontology chap PT cap´tulo, ı contains common section types cap, capitulo FR chapitre, chap used to automatically generate EN chapter, chap the code to recognize section NT sec delimiters end PT fim allows discussion/cooperation FR fin EN the_end with people with no BT _alone programming knowledge scene code becomes more simple and PT cena FR sc`ne e clean EN scene RU глава BT act 8 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 13. Duplicates and pairs detection Motivation Duplicates can result in a biased corpus Finding candidate pairs for alignment Language independent elements (LIEs) terms which are usually kept untranslated year references – “1973” proper names – “Hamlet” Measuring similarity Thresholds < 0.2: unrelated |ALIEs ∩ BLIEs | > 0.4: pair similarity (A, B) = |ALIEs ∪ BLIEs | > 0.9: duplicates 9 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 14. Book synchronization Definition Structural alignment at section level, based on previously added section delimiting marks. Motivation Some aligners cannot handle large documents Section delimiters can act as anchor points Unpaired sections can be discarded Implementation match similar section delimiters synchronization points 10 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 15. Output pair of files with synchronization marks pair of files divided into smaller pairs of chunks text report synchronization matrix 11 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 16. Output pair of files with synchronization marks pair of files divided into smaller pairs of chunks text report synchronization matrix 11 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 17. Alignment evaluation Motivation compare alignments of the same documents (performed by different tools, with different options, . . . ) determine if an alignment was successful 12 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 18. Alignment evaluation Motivation compare alignments of the same documents (performed by different tools, with different options, . . . ) determine if an alignment was successful Comparing alignments parse TMX files and output the total number correspondences of each type 0:1/1:0, 1:1, 2:1/1:2 and 2:2 evaluate the other tools developed compare the performance of the available alignment tools 12 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 19. Alignment evaluation Determine if an alignment was successful Summarize a TMX by sampling. Sampling can be performed based on: number of samples desired explicit sampling points translation units which match a given regular expression Output is a (much?) smaller TMX file 13 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 20. Alignment evaluation The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco 14 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 21. Alignment evaluation AdsonDE = АдсоRU The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco 14 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 22. Alignment evaluation AdsonDE = АдсоRU The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco 14 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 23. Alignment evaluation AdsonDE = АдсоRU The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco 14 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 24. Distribution All the tools implemented as Perl modules: Text::Perfide::BookCleaner Text::Perfide::BookPairs Text::Perfide::BookSync Text::Perfide::TMX::Utils publicly available on CPAN including tests and documentation additional effort required to make code installable and usable by other people 15 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 25. Corpora-flow Motivation building a corpus is a complex task linear pipeline is not powerful enough Workflow Makefiles states file-oriented actions timestamps and conditions dependencies context fail-fast and resumable execution parallelization 16 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 26. Corpora-flow workflow + Makefiles = corpora-flow DSL (→ Slay::Makefile) workflow: rule* rule: pre-condition* action post-condition* action: targets dependencies function condition: filename function target: pattern* dependencies: pattern* function: Perl code 17 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 27. Conclusions Evaluation of the tools has shown that they do help to solve problems Most of the methods devised can be applied in other contexts Working within a larger project: provides requirements and resources specific needs and priorities making code available to other people: requires additional effort gives meaning to the work external contributions Higher level objects help to organize and discuss 18 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 28. Conclusions Evaluation of the tools has shown that they do help to solve problems Most of the methods devised can be applied in other contexts Working within a larger project: provides requirements and resources specific needs and priorities making code available to other people: requires additional effort gives meaning to the work external contributions Higher level objects help to organize and discuss 18 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 29. Conclusions Evaluation of the tools has shown that they do help to solve problems Most of the methods devised can be applied in other contexts Working within a larger project: provides requirements and resources specific needs and priorities making code available to other people: requires additional effort gives meaning to the work external contributions Higher level objects help to organize and discuss 18 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 30. Conclusions Evaluation of the tools has shown that they do help to solve problems Most of the methods devised can be applied in other contexts Working within a larger project: provides requirements and resources specific needs and priorities making code available to other people: requires additional effort gives meaning to the work external contributions Higher level objects help to organize and discuss 18 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 31. Conclusions Evaluation of the tools has shown that they do help to solve problems Most of the methods devised can be applied in other contexts Working within a larger project: provides requirements and resources specific needs and priorities making code available to other people: requires additional effort gives meaning to the work external contributions Higher level objects help to organize and discuss 18 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 32. Conclusions Evaluation of the tools has shown that they do help to solve problems Most of the methods devised can be applied in other contexts Working within a larger project: provides requirements and resources specific needs and priorities making code available to other people: requires additional effort gives meaning to the work external contributions Higher level objects help to organize and discuss 18 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 33. Conclusions Evaluation of the tools has shown that they do help to solve problems Most of the methods devised can be applied in other contexts Working within a larger project: provides requirements and resources specific needs and priorities making code available to other people: requires additional effort gives meaning to the work external contributions Higher level objects help to organize and discuss 18 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 34. Conclusions Evaluation of the tools has shown that they do help to solve problems Most of the methods devised can be applied in other contexts Working within a larger project: provides requirements and resources specific needs and priorities making code available to other people: requires additional effort gives meaning to the work external contributions Higher level objects help to organize and discuss 18 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 35. Conclusions Evaluation of the tools has shown that they do help to solve problems Most of the methods devised can be applied in other contexts Working within a larger project: provides requirements and resources specific needs and priorities making code available to other people: requires additional effort gives meaning to the work external contributions Higher level objects help to organize and discuss 18 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 36. Conclusions Evaluation of the tools has shown that they do help to solve problems Most of the methods devised can be applied in other contexts Working within a larger project: provides requirements and resources specific needs and priorities making code available to other people: requires additional effort gives meaning to the work external contributions Higher level objects help to organize and discuss 18 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 37. Future work Document cleaners other types of documents (e.g. scientific articles) algorithm for finding section delimiters with notion of hierarchy create ebooks/bilingual books Duplicates and pair detection list of correspondences (e.g. Adson → Адсо, London → Londres) calculate best threshold values in real time 19 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 38. Future work Document synchronization interactive mode improvements on synchronization matrix and metrics hierarchical sections other section alignment algorithms Corpora-flow finish specification and implementation implement a corpora-flow for Project Per-fide 20 Andr´ Santos, e Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
  • 39. Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system Andr´ Santos e Informatics Engineering MSc University of Minho December 2011