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Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages.
Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013.
Level 2
Level 2
Unit Test
Answer KeyListening&Speaking
Unit 1
Global listening
1 On the whole
2 In other words
3 Basically
4 On the whole
5 Overall
Close listening
1 1497	 2 1950	 3 800,000	 4 1994	 5 1,700
6 over 30,000	 7 1992	 8 2	 9 20	 10 6
1 turned into  ​2 think about  ​3 pointed out  ​4 giving up  ​5 got … back
1 You can try going to sleep earlier if you feel tired during the day.
2 If you don’t understand, you could ask your teacher for help.
3 When you have an exam, you should eat a healthy breakfast for
4 You have to be organized if you want to be successful at college.
5 All students must arrive at classes on time.
Speaking skill
1 How about trying to eat more healthily from now on?
2 It might be a good idea to eat more fruit and vegetables.
3 One idea is to offer to help out at the local hospital.
4 I’d recommend helping others as a way to feel good.
5 I suggest getting more exercise and fresh air.
Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages.
Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013.
Level 2
Level 2
Unit Test
Answer Key
A story of fishing
I’m going to tell you a sad story, but, hopefully, with a happy ending. It’s
the story of sustenance and sustainability. It’s a story of fishing, and I think
it shows what happens when our search for food and profit is led only by
Newfoundland is a cold, rocky area on Canada’s Atlantic coast. For millions
of years it has had fish among those rocks. A lot of fish. In 1497, John Cabot
reported that there were so many fish that boats had trouble moving through
them. You could put your hands out and pick them out. Most of these fish
were cod, an excellent fish for eating; firm, white, healthy, and fat. On the
whole, the reason people went there to live was for the fishing.
So what happened? Well, nothing much for about five hundred more years.
Up until 1950 all was well. Fishermen used traditional fishing methods and
caught plenty—up to about a quarter of a million tons a year—and the cod
recovered each year to similar levels as before. But then the greed started.
From all over the world, new, huge factory-fishing ships came in. They could
catch eight hundred thousand tons a year, and with no laws to stop them,
they did. In other words, they ignored the consequences of their actions.
Scientists were slow to see the danger, and politicians didn’t want to know,
although traditional fishermen warned them. When it came, the disaster was
sudden and dramatic. Basically, the fish disappeared. They were overfished,
unable to recover, their habitat destroyed by nets as big as football fields,
their young destroyed. By 1994, the lowest point, it was estimated that only
1,700 tons of cod remained in the area—an area that used to have millions.
Fishing was banned in 1992. Initially intended to last two years, the ban
went on for more than twenty. On the whole, it was devastating for the local
economy and society. Over thirty thousand people in the area lost their jobs,
jobs that went back hundreds of years, passed from father to son. Towns
shrank or disappeared as the young people were forced to leave and look for
work elsewhere. Communities were destroyed.
Where is the happy ending, you ask? Well, it seems that the fish have now
reached a point where they can recover. Six-year old fully-grown cod are
now breeding. The waters are filling up again, maybe not like in the old days
where you couldn’t move in the water, but they are coming back. Overall,
Newfoundland is recovering, with a new tourist economy. And the local
people hope that the when the fish come back, traditions will return with
I think there is a clear lesson in this story. Those fish could feed our world,
but only if we protect them too. We need controlled fishing that allows the
fish to survive and thrive. But will we learn? I hope so. We have to.
Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages.
Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013.
Level 2
Level 2
Unit Test
Answer Key
Unit 2
Global listening
1 F  ​2 D  ​3 A  ​4 C  ​5 G
Close listening
(1/2 mark each)
1 D  ​2 A  ​3 E  ​4 C  ​5 B  ​6 J  ​7 F  ​8 G  ​9 I  ​10 H
(1/2 mark each)
1 unreliable	 does not work well or you cannot trust it
2 misunderstand	 not know what is true or what is really happening
3 insupportable	 impossible to deal with
4 irresponsible	 not thinking about the results of your actions
5 disappear	 stop, not happen anymore, go away
1 He could be in the café, but I think he has probably gone home.
2 There may be lots of people at the meeting tomorrow afternoon.
3 She might want something to eat when she gets home.
4 They may be working late at the library, so don’t wait for them.
5 He could be feeling unhappy after getting his exam result.
Speaking skill
1 Could  ​2 spell  ​3 couldn’t  ​4 could  ​5 explain
Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages.
Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013.
Level 2
Level 2
Unit Test
Answer Key
Building online communities
Ahmed:	Thank you, everyone, for attending this staff meeting today. I
know that this time of year is a busy one for teachers. However,
I also thought today’s presentation would be very useful to you
all as we start the academic year. So, we are lucky enough to have
with us today Carol Rega, head of IT and Learning, and she’s
going to outline for us some basic principles of online communities
and how to start them. Welcome, Carol.
Carol:	 Thanks, Ahmed. And thank you to everyone for inviting me to
your meeting, and giving up your valuable time. So, I’ll get right
to the point. Today we are asking a couple of questions. What are
online communities ? And how can you, as teachers, build good
online communities?
	 So, what is an online community? Well, basically, as you know,
it is a group of people, a community, which communicates with
each other using Internet tools, for example, discussion boards,
chat rooms and avatars. You’re probably familiar with several
different types of online communities in your home life, like
social networking groups, or at college, for example, your course
websites. Most of us nowadays don’t have much of a problem
understanding what an online community is, but we can have
problems with getting a good one going, and keeping it going. So
let’s spend the rest of this session looking at these issues.
	 There are many principles we can use to guide us when building
online communities; for example, people should be allowed to
control their own environment by doing things like changing the
color and layout. However, before we get to those types of things,
there are some more basic principles you need to think about.
	 You need to start with rules. I know that sounds boring, but from
the very start you need clear rules; for example, a rule about the
type of personal information community members should post,
or, another example is a copyright rule. The first interaction with
the community should get all members to agree to the rules
for use. Another important principle for the start of an online
community is purpose. For example, why are people asked to join
this community? What will they be doing in it? It is very easy for
an online community to be confusing; for example, teachers often
make them too big, and ask their students to do too many things.
You need to stay focused on the purpose.
	 Let’s move on now to looking at how to keep a community going,
by dealing with the problems; for example, when things get slow
and people go silent after a few weeks or even days of joining the
community…[FADE OUT]
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Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013.
Level 2
Level 2
Unit Test
Answer Key
Unit 3
Global listening
1 design  ​2 three  ​3 walking  ​4 limited  ​5 a different
Close listening
1 Because of this  ​2 The reason is  ​3 Consequently  ​4 That way	
5 If…then
1 practical	 idealistic
2 current	 ancient
3 middle	 border
4 outside	 inside
5 urban	 country
1 aren’t they  ​2 didn’t you  ​3 are there  ​4 does she  ​5 has he
Speaking skill
1 I would prefer to talk about the homework first, if we can.
2 Speaking of which, did you watch the documentary last night?
3 That reminds me, I need to go to the library before class today.
4 By the way, do you know what tomorrow’s lecture is about?
5 I just thought of something. Will he give us the presentation notes
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Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013.
Level 2
Level 2
Unit Test
Answer Key
Defensible space
Professor:	 In today’s lecture, I will discuss an important concept in design.
It is called defensible space. What do we mean by defensible?
Sara: 	 That you can defend it, look after it?
Professor:	 Right, Sara. So when do we need a defensible space? Dominic?
Dominic:	 I guess when we are designing a house or a place and we don’t
want people to come and intrude on it—perhaps a community, a
housing development or something?
Professor:	 That’s right. When we design a gated community, a park, or a
home, somewhere we want used by some people but not just
anyone, we need to think about how to defend it. Basically, there
are three design features we can use.
	 The first one is called surveillance. Let’s take a private housing
development, say twenty houses on their own land with a
common pool and children’s playground. We need to be able
to watch the place! If we don’t, then people from outside will
start to use it as their own. Because of this, we need to make
sure there is good lighting outside, and that the windows look
out onto the playground. We need walkways and benches
to increase the traffic—human, not cars—to make sure that
residents are often walking or sitting in the key areas.
	 The second design feature of defensible space is known as
territoriality. I know, it’s a long word, but it just means that we
need the design of the housing area to clearly show exactly
where it stops and starts, where you can’t go in if you don’t own
it. The reason is that people will tend to avoid it if they can see
that it is owned and protected. To achieve this, we could put
up gates, for example, and a fence or hedge around the whole
housing development. Even a small fence will show people
where they shouldn’t go. Then we can put up private elements
inside it—private trash cans, for example, so that people take
responsibility for the area and start to treat it like their own
mini-kingdom. Consequently, others will see it like that too!
	 The third element of defensible space is less obvious. It is more
about the imagination. We need to put things in our housing
development that show that we care about it. That way, other
people will see that they shouldn’t use it for themselves. We
could make a nice open space with picnic tables and barbecues,
for example, and put children’s games in the play area, like
slides and swings. These things need to be well looked after, or
it can have the opposite effect—if we don’t look after them, then
people will think it doesn’t matter if they use them too.
	 Now, you are going to do an exercise. Each of your groups has
a picture of a place which doesn’t have any of these features.
They are all different, by the way—so no helping across groups!
I want you to add at least one of each of the three elements to
make it more defensible. OK?
Dominic, Sara, and other voices:	 Fine, okay, sure….
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Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013.
Level 2
Level 2
Unit Test
Answer Key
Unit 4
Global listening
1 B  ​2 G  ​3 A  ​4 E  ​5 C
Close listening
(1/2 mark each)
1 compared  ​2 more  ​3 different  ​4 same  ​5 unlike
6 different  ​7 bigger  ​8 However  ​9 more  ​10 more
1 comparison  ​2 national  ​3 generally  ​4 real  ​5 perceptive
1 fewer  ​2 least  ​3 fewest  ​4 fewer  ​5 less
Speaking skill
1 I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand.
2 I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean.
3 Could you go over that point again, please?
4 Can you repeat that, please?
5 Would you explain that again?
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Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013.
Level 2
Level 2
Unit Test
Answer Key
Scalable business
Today I am talking to you, not as business students, but as business people—
men and women who want to go out into the world and make your mark
by starting a company. And not only starting a company… you, as business
people, want to watch that company grow. Perhaps you want your company
to be compared to Google, or you want it to be similar to Facebook. Or
maybe you want it to be better. Bigger than Amazon, more famous than
Coca Cola. You want it to be different from all the other companies out
there… whatever your dream is, though, there are some basic things you
need to have in mind now for your business plan. And one of those things
is scalability. Whether your plans are for your business to be the same as or
different from companies already out there, you will, most definitely, need
So what is this magic ingredient? Well, it’s the ability of a company to grow.
All companies, to survive in today’s world, need to get bigger. Companies
now, unlike in the past, have competition on all sides. There are online
companies, face-to-face companies, blended companies. The business world
now is very different from the one our grandparents, or even our parents,
worked in.
Right from the very start, you need to understand the rules of scalability, and
you need to make sure that your company is following these rules. So let’s
run through some of these rules quickly, before coming back and looking at
each one in more detail.
The most important thing to think about is costs. You need to think about the
cost of setting up the company, and then the on-going costs. For example,
how much will it cost you to deliver your services to your customers? What
will happen to these costs if you get more customers? Will they get bigger,
smaller or stay the same? If your costs go down as your company increases
in size then your business is scalable. Let’s look at an example of this.
Online shopping companies spend a lot of money designing their websites.
However, once they have developed the site, the cost of delivering their
products through digital downloads, or even face-to-face, goes down with
every new customer they get. Unlike traditional companies, they do not
need to rent more shop space for more customers. They simply add more
customers to their online database.
To make your ideas scalable, keep them simple from the start. As your
company develops, things will become more complex. Don’t introduce
complexity at the start if you don’t need to. Scalable companies use more
automation. If you can use technology to do a job, then use it. Don’t waste
time when you don’t need to.
Another rule is…
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Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013.
Level 2
Level 2
Unit Test
Answer Key
Unit 5
Global listening
1 without  ​2 success  ​3 afraid  ​4 learn  ​5 2008
Close listening
1 c  ​2 a  ​3 a  ​4 b  ​5 c
1 made  ​2 weather  ​3 their  ​4 some  ​5 wait
1 She was always talking on the phone in the library.
2 They were studying in the library until after nine.
3 He wasn’t listening when the teacher gave the most important
4 You were always thinking about your future career when you were
5 They weren’t working yesterday because it was a company
Speaking skill
1 You have a point.
2 I don’t think that’s always true.
3 That’s what I think.
4 I’m sorry, but I disagree.
5 That’s a great idea.
Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages.
Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013.
Level 2
Level 2
Unit Test
Answer Key
Success  failure
Robin:	 OK, so, for this week’s discussion, we’ve been exploring the idea of
success and of its opposite, failure.
Will:	 Yes, during the past few weeks of this course, we have had lots of
interesting lectures and discussions about success, but Robin and I
thought that we also needed to look at success in relation to failure.
Robin:	 That’s right. Just as you can’t have the idea of big, without the
idea of small, or good without bad, you can’t have success without
failure. And Google backed us up, didn’t it, Will? [laughs]. We did
a search for success and failure quotations, and we got over 18
million results!
Will:	 One quote we really liked is attributed to Thomas J. Watson, who
was the president of IBM up until the 1950s. He said: “If you want
to succeed, double your failure.” And this is the idea we wanted to
explore in today’s discussion—the idea that you cannot succeed if
you do not fail. And the more you fail, the more you will succeed
in the long run.
Robin:	 Many people are afraid of failure—failure as a student, in exams
for example, or failure as a friend, or at work. And what’s worse, is
that many people are so afraid of failure, that they stop trying. The
thought of failure prevents them from doing anything.
Will:	 But the important thing we need to remember here is what Robin
just said… it is the thought of failure which stops people, not failure
itself. In fact, as the quote from Tom Watson shows, failure can
bring us success. Science provides us with very good examples of
this. Scientific developments come out of failure—we learn how
not to do things, and this learning helps us toward discovering
how we should do things in order to succeed.
Robin:	 The key thing is not how much we fail, but how we respond to
this failure. What do we do when things go wrong? And from the
reading we have done, particularly the work of Higgins  McGee
in Failure Means Success published in 2008, we have listed several
positive ways to see failure in order to help you to be a success.
These are…Will?
Will:	 Yes, firstly, see failure as unavoidable. If you try anything, at some
point you will fail. There is nothing you can do about it. But don’t
see this failure as your enemy. Learn from it and use what you
learn the next time you try the same thing.
Robin:	 Next, there is the idea of…
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Level 2
Level 2
Unit Test
Answer Key
Unit 6
Global listening
1 F  ​2 C  ​3 H  ​4 B  ​5 A
Close listening
(1/2 mark each)
1 results  ​2 Let  ​3 by  ​4 consequently  ​5 because
6 due  ​7 so  ​8 opinion  ​9 object  ​10 results
1 got home		
2 gets the impression	
3 getting engaged	
4 get ready	
5 get upset
1 If there is too much pressure, the machine will break.
2 You will get much better grades if you study harder.
3 What would you do if you felt an earthquake?
4 If you felt under pressure, would you talk to someone?
5 If I had a problem with a friend, I would get advice from my brother.
Speaking skill
1 not sure how	
2 can’t think of 	
3 a kind of		
4 you use to	
5 thinking of
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Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013.
Level 2
Level 2
Unit Test
Answer Key
We’ve been exploring different forces in nature, and the result that one
pressurizing force can have on another. So, now I’d like to take a look at the
product of one such natural pressurized situation…I am, of course, talking
about the diamond.
The word diamond comes from ancient Greek word adamas, and means
unbreakable. Diamonds are, in fact, the hardest substance on Earth, and, as a
result, they are used not only as jewelry, but also in heavy industry. More on
that in a minute though—let’s look at their formation first.
Diamond is formed out of carbon in very specific conditions. Let me explain.
A combination of a particular pressure and a particular temperature is
needed, and these two things only occur very deep underground—between
140 and 190 km below the surface, actually. The temperature is important
too; this must be around 1000°C.
The actual formation of diamonds is caused by the pressure underground
in these conditions. The pressure must be very high and it needs to last for
a very long time—hundreds of millions of years, in fact. These conditions
do not happen in most places in the Earth and, consequently, there are only
diamonds in a few places, and many of these are difficult to get at because
they are formed so deeply underground.
As I mentioned earlier, diamonds are used a lot in heavy industry because of
their strength For example, they are used in machines and tools for drilling,
cutting and mining. Diamonds used in industry do not have the color or size
needed in the jewelry business. In fact, 80% of the world’s diamonds are not
suitable for jewelry, and so are sold to into the industrial diamond trade.
So, extreme pressure is needed to create the diamond, in my opinion, one
of nature’s truly beautiful products, and this leads me to ask what happens
when a force that cannot be stopped meets an object that cannot be moved?
Well, you can’t actually have both. This is because if a force is really
unstoppable, then the object must move. In reality, when there is a force
or pressure, several things can happen. The object can resist it, or break, or
change. And it is this change that results in diamonds.
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Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013.
Level 2
Level 2
Unit Test
Answer Key
Unit 7
Global listening
1 D  ​2 E  ​3 A  ​4 C  ​5 B
Close listening
1 problem  ​2 serious  ​3 suggest  ​4 reduce  ​5 conclusion
1 sleepless  ​2 stressful  ​3 jobless  ​4 thoughtful  ​5 painless
1 They have been here twice this month.
2 He hasn’t felt this level of fear before.
3 Have you ever done something very frightening?
4 She has told me about it many times.
5 Has he met anyone with the same fear?
Speaking skill
1 happy to  ​2 open it  ​3 believe  ​4 don’t know  ​5 the answer
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Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013.
Level 2
Level 2
Unit Test
Answer Key
Childhood  fear
In my presentation today, I’d like to talk about fear, and in particular,
children and fear. First, I’ll discuss whether adults are making children
more afraid than they need to be. I’m going to consider this in relation
to childhood in the past, and then I’m going to look at fear and children
nowadays. Finally, I’ll mention some guidelines that I think could be very
helpful to the modern parent.
Some parents have a serious problem with fear. Notice, I said a problem with
fear. The problem is not with the actual thing, but with the fear of it. And
many children are controlled by their parents’ fear, both in what they are
allowed to do, and also in what they think.
Let’s take a look at the way things used to be when we were kids. In the past
it was pretty normal for us to go off to the local park on our own and play.
We could be out all day, and since there were no mobile phones in those
days, our parents had to trust us. They told us not to talk to strangers, to
look out for cars, not to play too near the river and so on, but we were really
on our own. And we survived! These days, that doesn’t seem to happen so
much. Parents are afraid of letting children out on their own in case they are
kidnapped by strangers. This fear is a serious problem for children, and for
society itself. We need to be able to feel comfortable both in our homes and
outside of them.
Now let’s turn to some hard facts. Statistically there is no greater danger
for children nowadays than there was in the past, although people find this
very hard to believe. The rate of crime is lower now than it was twenty-five
years ago, for example. The number of car accidents involving pedestrians is
also down. So, we can see that the things parents are more afraid of now are
actually going down in numbers.
So why do people feel more afraid and more protective of their children
nowadays? Well, I blame the media. Watching the news on TV for 24 hours
a day can make you very fearful. It makes you think that bad things are
happening all the time and that things are always getting worse.
How then, can we help reduce these fears? Well, I would suggest, as a first
step, simply turn off the TV. Limit Internet viewing of news sites, and don’t
buy a newspaper so often. The guidelines I will go on to talk about support
this view.
Parents can also reduce their fears by getting information for themselves,
and developing a more realistic view of the world. They need to look at why
they, themselves, are afraid, before they transfer their fears to their children.
In conclusion, let me share with you the main points from a set of guidelines
published earlier this year. The guidelines are called Fight the Fear—I’ll give
you the download details at the end of the….
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Level 2
Level 2
Unit Test
Answer Key
Unit 8
Global listening
1 E  ​2 C  ​3 A  ​4 B  ​5 D
Close listening
(1/2 mark each)
1 C before  ​2 E first  ​3 A then  ​4 D now  ​5 B after
1 delighted  ​2 massive  ​3 stunning  ​4 scorching  ​5 unpleasant
1 The woman who works there is French.
2 no pronoun needed
3 The man who gave the presentation is also my teacher.
4 no pronoun needed
5 He wrote an article which is now published.
Speaking skill
1 D  ​2 C  ​3 B  ​4 E  ​5 F
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Level 2
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Reading to children
When I was young, a long time ago [laughs] every night my mother or father
would come upstairs, into my bedroom and sit down on my bed. First we
would talk a little about the day—my day of course! As an eight or nine-year
old I didn’t think to ask them about how their day had been. Then after our
little chat, Mom or Dad would pick up the book lying on my bedside table,
and continue reading from where we had got to previously, transporting us
both back to the magical world of the written word.
Do you know, I don’t even particularly remember those stories they read—I
had started reading to myself long before this age, book after book, so
many stories—but I remember the feeling…that shared love of reading,
that closeness, that special time. There was also the language side to the
experience too… “Mom, what does spiteful mean?” “Dad, what’s an avocado?”
Now I am a grandmother, and I listen with some sadness to my own
daughter saying that there just isn’t enough time in the day to read to her
children. She says after their busy schedules everyone is so tired at the end
of the day, that reading goes to the bottom of the list.
So my question is, where did reading get lost? Well, somewhere between my
childhood and my granddaughter’s, it seems. Perhaps it was people of my
generation who didn’t put in time with our children. Perhaps it is the fault of
my daughter’s generation.
But in today’s session, I don’t want to blame people for the decrease in
reading. Instead, I want to remind you all of what a wonderful, positive
activity reading to a child is, and encourage us all to try it, whether it’s
our first time, or if we just haven’t tried it in a long time. And here are the
reasons why you should read to children.
First, it brings you close to that child. As the child gets older and he or she
becomes more active, you will find yourself spending less time with him or
her. Reading is a wonderful moment of concentration, but also of relaxation,
Second, it will improve the child’s communication skills. By hearing how
different characters communicate and by understanding the emotions
behind the words, the child will become a more skilled communicator.
Another benefit is to the child’s thinking skills. In the stories the characters
will have problems and difficulties which your child will be busy trying to
Linked to this, is the expansion of the child’s world. You don’t need to pay
for expensive trips, when, with a simple book a child—or an adult—can go
on the most amazing, magical trip…all in their mind.
The next benefit is…
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Unit 9
Global listening
1 F  ​2 A  ​3 D  ​4 G  ​5 B
Close listening
(1/2 mark each)
1 E  ​2 B  ​3 A  ​4 C  ​5 D	
6 G  ​7 F  ​8 J  ​9 H  ​10 I
1 b  ​2 b  ​3 a  ​4 b  ​5 a
1 Wastewater can be recycled for domestic use.
2 All water must be cleaned well before use.
3 A large amount of wastewater is reused in Singapore.
4 The water is cleaned by a special process.
5 The wastewater should be treated with chemicals.
Speaking skill
1 As shown in this chart, the percentage of recycled water is
2 Take a look at this video. You will see how the treatment process
3 Let me draw your attention to this slide which shows the whole
4 The references are in your handout.
5 Note that the first bullet point says the water is transported by pipes.
Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages.
Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013.
Level 2
Level 2
Unit Test
Answer Key
Waste to water
As we’ve noted before in this series of lectures on water, water could soon
be as valuable as gold. We live in a world where one in eight people globally
do not have access to safe drinking water, natural supplies are running
out, and yet demand for water is increasing every year. In addition to these
issues, there are, of course, also the environmental problems—no one really
knows for sure how these will affect water supplies in the future, but with
melting ice and changing rainfall patterns, it seems that the effects will not
be positive.
Some countries with limited supplies of water are already looking at ways
of using, and reusing the water they have. Singapore is one such country,
and the solution it is working on is recycling wastewater. The idea is not
so different in itself. Wastewater—such as water from sinks, showers and
laundry machines—has, for many years, been recycled for use in industry
and agriculture. However, in Singapore the wastewater is also now used in
tap water, and therefore becomes drinking water.
Now, it is true some people don’t like the idea of drinking wastewater, but
the governments says this water is nearly as pure as distilled water, and
many Singaporeans are happy with the idea if it means they no longer need
to depend on neighboring countries for water.
So, let’s look at the process of recycling the waste water. What actually
happens to the water? Well, first the water travels along pipes to a treatment
plant. When it arrives there, then the bacteria in the water is removed. This
process is called microfiltration. First the water goes through holes hundreds
of times smaller than a human hair. This removes the bacteria. Next, it goes
through a second layer of holes which takes out salt and chemicals. Finally,
the water is treated with ultraviolet light and hydrogen peroxide until all
organic matter is removed. Once the process is complete, the final product is
ready to be used again—in washing ...or drinking. As soon as this happens,
the water is sent back into people’s homes. After that, the process starts all
over again. People use the water, the water runs into pipes, the water arrives
at the treatment center, and so on.
Other governments around the world are now looking at the Singapore
Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages.
Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013.
Level 2
Level 2
Unit Test
Answer Key
Unit 10
Global listening
1 B  ​2 F  ​3 G  ​4 H  ​5 J
Close listening
1 D  ​2 A  ​3 E  ​4 C  ​5 B
1 taking a class
2 take notes	
3 take charge	
4 taking a chance	
5 took a seat
1 Sara said she had to go now because of the meeting at 12.
2 Noora explained they would get here a little later.
3 Dave and Ahmet said that they had eaten in that new café in the
shopping mall.
4 Zak mentioned he was moving to a new apartment next week.
5 Joe pointed out that we had finished that part of the course
Speaking skill
1 You claimed that people always follow instructions.
2 That’s not true because we have strong evidence showing the
3 I’m afraid that’s not accurate since most research shows the
4 That may be true, but in fact the general argument is different.
5 There’s some truth to your argument. However, I am not totally
Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages.
Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013.
Level 2
Level 2
Unit Test
Answer Key
Sean:	 Our next guest is Dr. Leah Cusk. Still on the topic of persuasion,
Dr. Cusk is going to explain a form of persuasion used in the
medical world in order to change the behavior of patients—I’m
talking about hypnotherapy…a, let’s say, interesting therapy.
[Slightly dubious sounding intonation.] Welcome, Dr. Cusk.
Thank you for joining us today.
Dr. Cusk:	 Thank you very much for inviting me.
Sean:	 So, let’s get right down to it. Dr. Cusk, let’s start with the basic
question, what is hypnotherapy?
Dr. Cusk:	 Well, Sean, as with many medical words, the name comes from
Greek, and in this case the word hypnos, which means sleep.
Sean:	 So, it’s a form of sleep?
Dr. Cusk:	 More a form of relaxation. Hypnotherapists use exercises to put
the patient into a state of deep relaxation. In this state, the patient
is very open to ideas and images.
Sean:	 Hmmmmm, that sounds very controlling.
Dr. Cusk:	 No, it’s not—the hypnotherapist does not control the person, but,
instead, makes suggestions and leads the person to make their
own decisions.
Sean:	 How is that supposed to work?
Dr. Cusk:	 Actually, Sean, it’s a fact that it does work. Let me explain how,
and then I’ll give you some statistics. So, how it works… well,
most people know that the way we respond to something is
how we learned to respond based on our first experiences. For
instance, if someone has had a bad time at the dentist, they
learn to respond negatively to future visits to the dentist. In
hypnotherapy, the therapist will ask you to think about the first
experience and how you responded. Then you will separate the
experience and response. Finally, you will learn a new, more
positive response.
Sean:	 Hmmm, sounds too good to be true. You mentioned some
evidence to show it works.
Dr. Cusk:	 Yes, according to one research report, based on a study of 43
participants using hypnotherapy treatment to stop smoking, 90%
didn’t touch cigarettes for three years. Another report on patients
trying to lose weight claims that giving counseling treatment
with hypnotherapy is 5 times more effective than giving
treatment without it.
Sean:	 OK, those reports seem to support the use of hypnotherapy. It’s
sounding more promising now.
Dr. Cusk:	 Yes, Sean, like you, many people find it difficult to believe that
hypnotherapy works and need to see some hard facts. At the end
of the program I’ll give out a website where you can find lots
more information about hypnotherapy and results from many
clinical studies. So now, let me give you some more details about
how hypnotherapy actually works…

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Skillful Level 2 LS answer-key

  • 1. Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013. Level 2 1Photocopiable Level 2 Unit Test Answer KeyListening&Speaking Skillful Unit 1 Global listening 1 On the whole 2 In other words 3 Basically 4 On the whole 5 Overall Close listening 1 1497 2 1950 3 800,000 4 1994 5 1,700 6 over 30,000 7 1992 8 2 9 20 10 6 Vocabulary 1 turned into  ​2 think about  ​3 pointed out  ​4 giving up  ​5 got … back Grammar 1 You can try going to sleep earlier if you feel tired during the day. 2 If you don’t understand, you could ask your teacher for help. 3 When you have an exam, you should eat a healthy breakfast for energy. 4 You have to be organized if you want to be successful at college. 5 All students must arrive at classes on time. Speaking skill 1 How about trying to eat more healthily from now on? 2 It might be a good idea to eat more fruit and vegetables. 3 One idea is to offer to help out at the local hospital. 4 I’d recommend helping others as a way to feel good. 5 I suggest getting more exercise and fresh air.
  • 2. Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013. Level 2 2Photocopiable ListeningSpeaking Skillful Level 2 Unit Test Answer Key A story of fishing I’m going to tell you a sad story, but, hopefully, with a happy ending. It’s the story of sustenance and sustainability. It’s a story of fishing, and I think it shows what happens when our search for food and profit is led only by greed. Newfoundland is a cold, rocky area on Canada’s Atlantic coast. For millions of years it has had fish among those rocks. A lot of fish. In 1497, John Cabot reported that there were so many fish that boats had trouble moving through them. You could put your hands out and pick them out. Most of these fish were cod, an excellent fish for eating; firm, white, healthy, and fat. On the whole, the reason people went there to live was for the fishing. So what happened? Well, nothing much for about five hundred more years. Up until 1950 all was well. Fishermen used traditional fishing methods and caught plenty—up to about a quarter of a million tons a year—and the cod recovered each year to similar levels as before. But then the greed started. From all over the world, new, huge factory-fishing ships came in. They could catch eight hundred thousand tons a year, and with no laws to stop them, they did. In other words, they ignored the consequences of their actions. Scientists were slow to see the danger, and politicians didn’t want to know, although traditional fishermen warned them. When it came, the disaster was sudden and dramatic. Basically, the fish disappeared. They were overfished, unable to recover, their habitat destroyed by nets as big as football fields, their young destroyed. By 1994, the lowest point, it was estimated that only 1,700 tons of cod remained in the area—an area that used to have millions. Fishing was banned in 1992. Initially intended to last two years, the ban went on for more than twenty. On the whole, it was devastating for the local economy and society. Over thirty thousand people in the area lost their jobs, jobs that went back hundreds of years, passed from father to son. Towns shrank or disappeared as the young people were forced to leave and look for work elsewhere. Communities were destroyed. Where is the happy ending, you ask? Well, it seems that the fish have now reached a point where they can recover. Six-year old fully-grown cod are now breeding. The waters are filling up again, maybe not like in the old days where you couldn’t move in the water, but they are coming back. Overall, Newfoundland is recovering, with a new tourist economy. And the local people hope that the when the fish come back, traditions will return with them. I think there is a clear lesson in this story. Those fish could feed our world, but only if we protect them too. We need controlled fishing that allows the fish to survive and thrive. But will we learn? I hope so. We have to.
  • 3. Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013. Level 2 3Photocopiable ListeningSpeaking Skillful Level 2 Unit Test Answer Key Unit 2 Global listening 1 F  ​2 D  ​3 A  ​4 C  ​5 G Close listening (1/2 mark each) 1 D  ​2 A  ​3 E  ​4 C  ​5 B  ​6 J  ​7 F  ​8 G  ​9 I  ​10 H Vocabulary (1/2 mark each) 1 unreliable does not work well or you cannot trust it 2 misunderstand not know what is true or what is really happening 3 insupportable impossible to deal with 4 irresponsible not thinking about the results of your actions 5 disappear stop, not happen anymore, go away Grammar 1 He could be in the café, but I think he has probably gone home. 2 There may be lots of people at the meeting tomorrow afternoon. 3 She might want something to eat when she gets home. 4 They may be working late at the library, so don’t wait for them. 5 He could be feeling unhappy after getting his exam result. Speaking skill 1 Could  ​2 spell  ​3 couldn’t  ​4 could  ​5 explain
  • 4. Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013. Level 2 4Photocopiable ListeningSpeaking Skillful Level 2 Unit Test Answer Key Building online communities Ahmed: Thank you, everyone, for attending this staff meeting today. I know that this time of year is a busy one for teachers. However, I also thought today’s presentation would be very useful to you all as we start the academic year. So, we are lucky enough to have with us today Carol Rega, head of IT and Learning, and she’s going to outline for us some basic principles of online communities and how to start them. Welcome, Carol. Carol: Thanks, Ahmed. And thank you to everyone for inviting me to your meeting, and giving up your valuable time. So, I’ll get right to the point. Today we are asking a couple of questions. What are online communities ? And how can you, as teachers, build good online communities? So, what is an online community? Well, basically, as you know, it is a group of people, a community, which communicates with each other using Internet tools, for example, discussion boards, chat rooms and avatars. You’re probably familiar with several different types of online communities in your home life, like social networking groups, or at college, for example, your course websites. Most of us nowadays don’t have much of a problem understanding what an online community is, but we can have problems with getting a good one going, and keeping it going. So let’s spend the rest of this session looking at these issues. There are many principles we can use to guide us when building online communities; for example, people should be allowed to control their own environment by doing things like changing the color and layout. However, before we get to those types of things, there are some more basic principles you need to think about. You need to start with rules. I know that sounds boring, but from the very start you need clear rules; for example, a rule about the type of personal information community members should post, or, another example is a copyright rule. The first interaction with the community should get all members to agree to the rules for use. Another important principle for the start of an online community is purpose. For example, why are people asked to join this community? What will they be doing in it? It is very easy for an online community to be confusing; for example, teachers often make them too big, and ask their students to do too many things. You need to stay focused on the purpose. Let’s move on now to looking at how to keep a community going, by dealing with the problems; for example, when things get slow and people go silent after a few weeks or even days of joining the community…[FADE OUT]
  • 5. Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013. Level 2 5Photocopiable ListeningSpeaking Skillful Level 2 Unit Test Answer Key Unit 3 Global listening 1 design  ​2 three  ​3 walking  ​4 limited  ​5 a different Close listening 1 Because of this  ​2 The reason is  ​3 Consequently  ​4 That way 5 If…then Vocabulary 1 practical idealistic 2 current ancient 3 middle border 4 outside inside 5 urban country Grammar 1 aren’t they  ​2 didn’t you  ​3 are there  ​4 does she  ​5 has he Speaking skill 1 I would prefer to talk about the homework first, if we can. 2 Speaking of which, did you watch the documentary last night? 3 That reminds me, I need to go to the library before class today. 4 By the way, do you know what tomorrow’s lecture is about? 5 I just thought of something. Will he give us the presentation notes tomorrow?
  • 6. Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013. Level 2 6Photocopiable ListeningSpeaking Skillful Level 2 Unit Test Answer Key Defensible space Professor: In today’s lecture, I will discuss an important concept in design. It is called defensible space. What do we mean by defensible? Sara: That you can defend it, look after it? Professor: Right, Sara. So when do we need a defensible space? Dominic? Dominic: I guess when we are designing a house or a place and we don’t want people to come and intrude on it—perhaps a community, a housing development or something? Professor: That’s right. When we design a gated community, a park, or a home, somewhere we want used by some people but not just anyone, we need to think about how to defend it. Basically, there are three design features we can use. The first one is called surveillance. Let’s take a private housing development, say twenty houses on their own land with a common pool and children’s playground. We need to be able to watch the place! If we don’t, then people from outside will start to use it as their own. Because of this, we need to make sure there is good lighting outside, and that the windows look out onto the playground. We need walkways and benches to increase the traffic—human, not cars—to make sure that residents are often walking or sitting in the key areas. The second design feature of defensible space is known as territoriality. I know, it’s a long word, but it just means that we need the design of the housing area to clearly show exactly where it stops and starts, where you can’t go in if you don’t own it. The reason is that people will tend to avoid it if they can see that it is owned and protected. To achieve this, we could put up gates, for example, and a fence or hedge around the whole housing development. Even a small fence will show people where they shouldn’t go. Then we can put up private elements inside it—private trash cans, for example, so that people take responsibility for the area and start to treat it like their own mini-kingdom. Consequently, others will see it like that too! The third element of defensible space is less obvious. It is more about the imagination. We need to put things in our housing development that show that we care about it. That way, other people will see that they shouldn’t use it for themselves. We could make a nice open space with picnic tables and barbecues, for example, and put children’s games in the play area, like slides and swings. These things need to be well looked after, or it can have the opposite effect—if we don’t look after them, then people will think it doesn’t matter if they use them too. Now, you are going to do an exercise. Each of your groups has a picture of a place which doesn’t have any of these features. They are all different, by the way—so no helping across groups! I want you to add at least one of each of the three elements to make it more defensible. OK? Dominic, Sara, and other voices: Fine, okay, sure….
  • 7. Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013. Level 2 7Photocopiable ListeningSpeaking Skillful Level 2 Unit Test Answer Key Unit 4 Global listening 1 B  ​2 G  ​3 A  ​4 E  ​5 C Close listening (1/2 mark each) 1 compared  ​2 more  ​3 different  ​4 same  ​5 unlike 6 different  ​7 bigger  ​8 However  ​9 more  ​10 more Vocabulary 1 comparison  ​2 national  ​3 generally  ​4 real  ​5 perceptive Grammar 1 fewer  ​2 least  ​3 fewest  ​4 fewer  ​5 less Speaking skill 1 I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand. 2 I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean. 3 Could you go over that point again, please? 4 Can you repeat that, please? 5 Would you explain that again?
  • 8. Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013. Level 2 8Photocopiable ListeningSpeaking Skillful Level 2 Unit Test Answer Key Scalable business Today I am talking to you, not as business students, but as business people— men and women who want to go out into the world and make your mark by starting a company. And not only starting a company… you, as business people, want to watch that company grow. Perhaps you want your company to be compared to Google, or you want it to be similar to Facebook. Or maybe you want it to be better. Bigger than Amazon, more famous than Coca Cola. You want it to be different from all the other companies out there… whatever your dream is, though, there are some basic things you need to have in mind now for your business plan. And one of those things is scalability. Whether your plans are for your business to be the same as or different from companies already out there, you will, most definitely, need scalability. So what is this magic ingredient? Well, it’s the ability of a company to grow. All companies, to survive in today’s world, need to get bigger. Companies now, unlike in the past, have competition on all sides. There are online companies, face-to-face companies, blended companies. The business world now is very different from the one our grandparents, or even our parents, worked in. Right from the very start, you need to understand the rules of scalability, and you need to make sure that your company is following these rules. So let’s run through some of these rules quickly, before coming back and looking at each one in more detail. The most important thing to think about is costs. You need to think about the cost of setting up the company, and then the on-going costs. For example, how much will it cost you to deliver your services to your customers? What will happen to these costs if you get more customers? Will they get bigger, smaller or stay the same? If your costs go down as your company increases in size then your business is scalable. Let’s look at an example of this. Online shopping companies spend a lot of money designing their websites. However, once they have developed the site, the cost of delivering their products through digital downloads, or even face-to-face, goes down with every new customer they get. Unlike traditional companies, they do not need to rent more shop space for more customers. They simply add more customers to their online database. To make your ideas scalable, keep them simple from the start. As your company develops, things will become more complex. Don’t introduce complexity at the start if you don’t need to. Scalable companies use more automation. If you can use technology to do a job, then use it. Don’t waste time when you don’t need to. Another rule is…
  • 9. Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013. Level 2 9Photocopiable ListeningSpeaking Skillful Level 2 Unit Test Answer Key Unit 5 Global listening 1 without  ​2 success  ​3 afraid  ​4 learn  ​5 2008 Close listening 1 c  ​2 a  ​3 a  ​4 b  ​5 c Vocabulary 1 made  ​2 weather  ​3 their  ​4 some  ​5 wait Grammar 1 She was always talking on the phone in the library. 2 They were studying in the library until after nine. 3 He wasn’t listening when the teacher gave the most important information. 4 You were always thinking about your future career when you were young. 5 They weren’t working yesterday because it was a company holiday. Speaking skill 1 You have a point. 2 I don’t think that’s always true. 3 That’s what I think. 4 I’m sorry, but I disagree. 5 That’s a great idea.
  • 10. Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013. Level 2 10Photocopiable ListeningSpeaking Skillful Level 2 Unit Test Answer Key Success failure Robin: OK, so, for this week’s discussion, we’ve been exploring the idea of success and of its opposite, failure. Will: Yes, during the past few weeks of this course, we have had lots of interesting lectures and discussions about success, but Robin and I thought that we also needed to look at success in relation to failure. Robin: That’s right. Just as you can’t have the idea of big, without the idea of small, or good without bad, you can’t have success without failure. And Google backed us up, didn’t it, Will? [laughs]. We did a search for success and failure quotations, and we got over 18 million results! Will: One quote we really liked is attributed to Thomas J. Watson, who was the president of IBM up until the 1950s. He said: “If you want to succeed, double your failure.” And this is the idea we wanted to explore in today’s discussion—the idea that you cannot succeed if you do not fail. And the more you fail, the more you will succeed in the long run. Robin: Many people are afraid of failure—failure as a student, in exams for example, or failure as a friend, or at work. And what’s worse, is that many people are so afraid of failure, that they stop trying. The thought of failure prevents them from doing anything. Will: But the important thing we need to remember here is what Robin just said… it is the thought of failure which stops people, not failure itself. In fact, as the quote from Tom Watson shows, failure can bring us success. Science provides us with very good examples of this. Scientific developments come out of failure—we learn how not to do things, and this learning helps us toward discovering how we should do things in order to succeed. Robin: The key thing is not how much we fail, but how we respond to this failure. What do we do when things go wrong? And from the reading we have done, particularly the work of Higgins McGee in Failure Means Success published in 2008, we have listed several positive ways to see failure in order to help you to be a success. These are…Will? Will: Yes, firstly, see failure as unavoidable. If you try anything, at some point you will fail. There is nothing you can do about it. But don’t see this failure as your enemy. Learn from it and use what you learn the next time you try the same thing. Robin: Next, there is the idea of…
  • 11. Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013. Level 2 11Photocopiable ListeningSpeaking Skillful Level 2 Unit Test Answer Key Unit 6 Global listening 1 F  ​2 C  ​3 H  ​4 B  ​5 A Close listening (1/2 mark each) 1 results  ​2 Let  ​3 by  ​4 consequently  ​5 because 6 due  ​7 so  ​8 opinion  ​9 object  ​10 results Vocabulary 1 got home 2 gets the impression 3 getting engaged 4 get ready 5 get upset Grammar 1 If there is too much pressure, the machine will break. 2 You will get much better grades if you study harder. 3 What would you do if you felt an earthquake? 4 If you felt under pressure, would you talk to someone? 5 If I had a problem with a friend, I would get advice from my brother. Speaking skill 1 not sure how 2 can’t think of 3 a kind of 4 you use to 5 thinking of
  • 12. Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013. Level 2 12Photocopiable ListeningSpeaking Skillful Level 2 Unit Test Answer Key Diamonds We’ve been exploring different forces in nature, and the result that one pressurizing force can have on another. So, now I’d like to take a look at the product of one such natural pressurized situation…I am, of course, talking about the diamond. The word diamond comes from ancient Greek word adamas, and means unbreakable. Diamonds are, in fact, the hardest substance on Earth, and, as a result, they are used not only as jewelry, but also in heavy industry. More on that in a minute though—let’s look at their formation first. Diamond is formed out of carbon in very specific conditions. Let me explain. A combination of a particular pressure and a particular temperature is needed, and these two things only occur very deep underground—between 140 and 190 km below the surface, actually. The temperature is important too; this must be around 1000°C. The actual formation of diamonds is caused by the pressure underground in these conditions. The pressure must be very high and it needs to last for a very long time—hundreds of millions of years, in fact. These conditions do not happen in most places in the Earth and, consequently, there are only diamonds in a few places, and many of these are difficult to get at because they are formed so deeply underground. As I mentioned earlier, diamonds are used a lot in heavy industry because of their strength For example, they are used in machines and tools for drilling, cutting and mining. Diamonds used in industry do not have the color or size needed in the jewelry business. In fact, 80% of the world’s diamonds are not suitable for jewelry, and so are sold to into the industrial diamond trade. So, extreme pressure is needed to create the diamond, in my opinion, one of nature’s truly beautiful products, and this leads me to ask what happens when a force that cannot be stopped meets an object that cannot be moved? Well, you can’t actually have both. This is because if a force is really unstoppable, then the object must move. In reality, when there is a force or pressure, several things can happen. The object can resist it, or break, or change. And it is this change that results in diamonds.
  • 13. Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013. Level 2 13Photocopiable ListeningSpeaking Skillful Level 2 Unit Test Answer Key Unit 7 Global listening 1 D  ​2 E  ​3 A  ​4 C  ​5 B Close listening 1 problem  ​2 serious  ​3 suggest  ​4 reduce  ​5 conclusion Vocabulary 1 sleepless  ​2 stressful  ​3 jobless  ​4 thoughtful  ​5 painless Grammar 1 They have been here twice this month. 2 He hasn’t felt this level of fear before. 3 Have you ever done something very frightening? 4 She has told me about it many times. 5 Has he met anyone with the same fear? Speaking skill 1 happy to  ​2 open it  ​3 believe  ​4 don’t know  ​5 the answer
  • 14. Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013. Level 2 14Photocopiable ListeningSpeaking Skillful Level 2 Unit Test Answer Key Childhood fear In my presentation today, I’d like to talk about fear, and in particular, children and fear. First, I’ll discuss whether adults are making children more afraid than they need to be. I’m going to consider this in relation to childhood in the past, and then I’m going to look at fear and children nowadays. Finally, I’ll mention some guidelines that I think could be very helpful to the modern parent. Some parents have a serious problem with fear. Notice, I said a problem with fear. The problem is not with the actual thing, but with the fear of it. And many children are controlled by their parents’ fear, both in what they are allowed to do, and also in what they think. Let’s take a look at the way things used to be when we were kids. In the past it was pretty normal for us to go off to the local park on our own and play. We could be out all day, and since there were no mobile phones in those days, our parents had to trust us. They told us not to talk to strangers, to look out for cars, not to play too near the river and so on, but we were really on our own. And we survived! These days, that doesn’t seem to happen so much. Parents are afraid of letting children out on their own in case they are kidnapped by strangers. This fear is a serious problem for children, and for society itself. We need to be able to feel comfortable both in our homes and outside of them. Now let’s turn to some hard facts. Statistically there is no greater danger for children nowadays than there was in the past, although people find this very hard to believe. The rate of crime is lower now than it was twenty-five years ago, for example. The number of car accidents involving pedestrians is also down. So, we can see that the things parents are more afraid of now are actually going down in numbers. So why do people feel more afraid and more protective of their children nowadays? Well, I blame the media. Watching the news on TV for 24 hours a day can make you very fearful. It makes you think that bad things are happening all the time and that things are always getting worse. How then, can we help reduce these fears? Well, I would suggest, as a first step, simply turn off the TV. Limit Internet viewing of news sites, and don’t buy a newspaper so often. The guidelines I will go on to talk about support this view. Parents can also reduce their fears by getting information for themselves, and developing a more realistic view of the world. They need to look at why they, themselves, are afraid, before they transfer their fears to their children. In conclusion, let me share with you the main points from a set of guidelines published earlier this year. The guidelines are called Fight the Fear—I’ll give you the download details at the end of the….
  • 15. Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013. Level 2 15Photocopiable ListeningSpeaking Skillful Level 2 Unit Test Answer Key Unit 8 Global listening 1 E  ​2 C  ​3 A  ​4 B  ​5 D Close listening (1/2 mark each) 1 C before  ​2 E first  ​3 A then  ​4 D now  ​5 B after Vocabulary 1 delighted  ​2 massive  ​3 stunning  ​4 scorching  ​5 unpleasant Grammar 1 The woman who works there is French. 2 no pronoun needed 3 The man who gave the presentation is also my teacher. 4 no pronoun needed 5 He wrote an article which is now published. Speaking skill 1 D  ​2 C  ​3 B  ​4 E  ​5 F
  • 16. Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013. Level 2 16Photocopiable ListeningSpeaking Skillful Level 2 Unit Test Answer Key Reading to children When I was young, a long time ago [laughs] every night my mother or father would come upstairs, into my bedroom and sit down on my bed. First we would talk a little about the day—my day of course! As an eight or nine-year old I didn’t think to ask them about how their day had been. Then after our little chat, Mom or Dad would pick up the book lying on my bedside table, and continue reading from where we had got to previously, transporting us both back to the magical world of the written word. Do you know, I don’t even particularly remember those stories they read—I had started reading to myself long before this age, book after book, so many stories—but I remember the feeling…that shared love of reading, that closeness, that special time. There was also the language side to the experience too… “Mom, what does spiteful mean?” “Dad, what’s an avocado?” Now I am a grandmother, and I listen with some sadness to my own daughter saying that there just isn’t enough time in the day to read to her children. She says after their busy schedules everyone is so tired at the end of the day, that reading goes to the bottom of the list. So my question is, where did reading get lost? Well, somewhere between my childhood and my granddaughter’s, it seems. Perhaps it was people of my generation who didn’t put in time with our children. Perhaps it is the fault of my daughter’s generation. But in today’s session, I don’t want to blame people for the decrease in reading. Instead, I want to remind you all of what a wonderful, positive activity reading to a child is, and encourage us all to try it, whether it’s our first time, or if we just haven’t tried it in a long time. And here are the reasons why you should read to children. First, it brings you close to that child. As the child gets older and he or she becomes more active, you will find yourself spending less time with him or her. Reading is a wonderful moment of concentration, but also of relaxation, together. Second, it will improve the child’s communication skills. By hearing how different characters communicate and by understanding the emotions behind the words, the child will become a more skilled communicator. Another benefit is to the child’s thinking skills. In the stories the characters will have problems and difficulties which your child will be busy trying to solve. Linked to this, is the expansion of the child’s world. You don’t need to pay for expensive trips, when, with a simple book a child—or an adult—can go on the most amazing, magical trip…all in their mind. The next benefit is…
  • 17. Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013. Level 2 17Photocopiable ListeningSpeaking Skillful Level 2 Unit Test Answer Key Unit 9 Global listening 1 F  ​2 A  ​3 D  ​4 G  ​5 B Close listening (1/2 mark each) 1 E  ​2 B  ​3 A  ​4 C  ​5 D 6 G  ​7 F  ​8 J  ​9 H  ​10 I Vocabulary 1 b  ​2 b  ​3 a  ​4 b  ​5 a Grammar 1 Wastewater can be recycled for domestic use. 2 All water must be cleaned well before use. 3 A large amount of wastewater is reused in Singapore. 4 The water is cleaned by a special process. 5 The wastewater should be treated with chemicals. Speaking skill 1 As shown in this chart, the percentage of recycled water is increasing. 2 Take a look at this video. You will see how the treatment process works. 3 Let me draw your attention to this slide which shows the whole process. 4 The references are in your handout. 5 Note that the first bullet point says the water is transported by pipes.
  • 18. Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013. Level 2 18Photocopiable ListeningSpeaking Skillful Level 2 Unit Test Answer Key Waste to water As we’ve noted before in this series of lectures on water, water could soon be as valuable as gold. We live in a world where one in eight people globally do not have access to safe drinking water, natural supplies are running out, and yet demand for water is increasing every year. In addition to these issues, there are, of course, also the environmental problems—no one really knows for sure how these will affect water supplies in the future, but with melting ice and changing rainfall patterns, it seems that the effects will not be positive. Some countries with limited supplies of water are already looking at ways of using, and reusing the water they have. Singapore is one such country, and the solution it is working on is recycling wastewater. The idea is not so different in itself. Wastewater—such as water from sinks, showers and laundry machines—has, for many years, been recycled for use in industry and agriculture. However, in Singapore the wastewater is also now used in tap water, and therefore becomes drinking water. Now, it is true some people don’t like the idea of drinking wastewater, but the governments says this water is nearly as pure as distilled water, and many Singaporeans are happy with the idea if it means they no longer need to depend on neighboring countries for water. So, let’s look at the process of recycling the waste water. What actually happens to the water? Well, first the water travels along pipes to a treatment plant. When it arrives there, then the bacteria in the water is removed. This process is called microfiltration. First the water goes through holes hundreds of times smaller than a human hair. This removes the bacteria. Next, it goes through a second layer of holes which takes out salt and chemicals. Finally, the water is treated with ultraviolet light and hydrogen peroxide until all organic matter is removed. Once the process is complete, the final product is ready to be used again—in washing ...or drinking. As soon as this happens, the water is sent back into people’s homes. After that, the process starts all over again. People use the water, the water runs into pipes, the water arrives at the treatment center, and so on. Other governments around the world are now looking at the Singapore model…
  • 19. Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013. Level 2 19Photocopiable ListeningSpeaking Skillful Level 2 Unit Test Answer Key Unit 10 Global listening 1 B  ​2 F  ​3 G  ​4 H  ​5 J Close listening 1 D  ​2 A  ​3 E  ​4 C  ​5 B Vocabulary 1 taking a class 2 take notes 3 take charge 4 taking a chance 5 took a seat Grammar 1 Sara said she had to go now because of the meeting at 12. 2 Noora explained they would get here a little later. 3 Dave and Ahmet said that they had eaten in that new café in the shopping mall. 4 Zak mentioned he was moving to a new apartment next week. 5 Joe pointed out that we had finished that part of the course already. Speaking skill 1 You claimed that people always follow instructions. 2 That’s not true because we have strong evidence showing the opposite. 3 I’m afraid that’s not accurate since most research shows the opposite. 4 That may be true, but in fact the general argument is different. 5 There’s some truth to your argument. However, I am not totally convinced.
  • 20. Skillful Level 2 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013. Level 2 20Photocopiable ListeningSpeaking Skillful Level 2 Unit Test Answer Key Hypnotherapy Sean: Our next guest is Dr. Leah Cusk. Still on the topic of persuasion, Dr. Cusk is going to explain a form of persuasion used in the medical world in order to change the behavior of patients—I’m talking about hypnotherapy…a, let’s say, interesting therapy. [Slightly dubious sounding intonation.] Welcome, Dr. Cusk. Thank you for joining us today. Dr. Cusk: Thank you very much for inviting me. Sean: So, let’s get right down to it. Dr. Cusk, let’s start with the basic question, what is hypnotherapy? Dr. Cusk: Well, Sean, as with many medical words, the name comes from Greek, and in this case the word hypnos, which means sleep. Sean: So, it’s a form of sleep? Dr. Cusk: More a form of relaxation. Hypnotherapists use exercises to put the patient into a state of deep relaxation. In this state, the patient is very open to ideas and images. Sean: Hmmmmm, that sounds very controlling. Dr. Cusk: No, it’s not—the hypnotherapist does not control the person, but, instead, makes suggestions and leads the person to make their own decisions. Sean: How is that supposed to work? Dr. Cusk: Actually, Sean, it’s a fact that it does work. Let me explain how, and then I’ll give you some statistics. So, how it works… well, most people know that the way we respond to something is how we learned to respond based on our first experiences. For instance, if someone has had a bad time at the dentist, they learn to respond negatively to future visits to the dentist. In hypnotherapy, the therapist will ask you to think about the first experience and how you responded. Then you will separate the experience and response. Finally, you will learn a new, more positive response. Sean: Hmmm, sounds too good to be true. You mentioned some evidence to show it works. Dr. Cusk: Yes, according to one research report, based on a study of 43 participants using hypnotherapy treatment to stop smoking, 90% didn’t touch cigarettes for three years. Another report on patients trying to lose weight claims that giving counseling treatment with hypnotherapy is 5 times more effective than giving treatment without it. Sean: OK, those reports seem to support the use of hypnotherapy. It’s sounding more promising now. Dr. Cusk: Yes, Sean, like you, many people find it difficult to believe that hypnotherapy works and need to see some hard facts. At the end of the program I’ll give out a website where you can find lots more information about hypnotherapy and results from many clinical studies. So now, let me give you some more details about how hypnotherapy actually works…