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Simple Narrative Essay Example
Crafting a simple narrative essay example might seem like a straightforward task, but it involves
a delicate balance of creativity, structure, and storytelling skills. The challenge lies in capturing
the reader's attention from the beginning and maintaining it throughout the narrative. Choosing
the right events to include, establishing a clear chronological order, and ensuring a coherent and
engaging storyline require careful thought and planning.
Moreover, the challenge extends to the writer's ability to convey emotions and experiences
effectively. A successful narrative essay should not only recount events but also evoke feelings
and connect with the reader on a personal level. Striking this balance between providing enough
detail for a vivid picture and avoiding unnecessary information can be tricky.
Additionally, maintaining a cohesive theme and ensuring a smooth flow from one point to
another is crucial. Transitions between paragraphs should be seamless, and the overall essay
structure should support the narrative arc. It's not just about recounting events but creating a
compelling and unified story.
The difficulty also arises in avoiding clichГ©s and clichГ©d storytelling patterns. A simple
narrative essay should still have an original and unique voice. Finding a fresh perspective on a
seemingly mundane topic can be challenging but is essential for keeping the reader engaged.
In conclusion, while writing a simple narrative essay example may seem easy at first glance, it
demands a careful blend of creativity, structure, and storytelling finesse. Successfully navigating
these challenges results in a captivating narrative that resonates with the reader. For those
seeking assistance with similar essays or looking for professional help, various resources like offer a range of writing services to make the process smoother and more
Simple Narrative Essay ExampleSimple Narrative Essay Example
Justice And Vengeance In The Film Dust
Justice will over rule vengeance and will always have power over revenge because
good always wins. Justice in every movie always wins. Vengeance will never
succeed and be happy, justice has happiness. Revenge has a lot of hatred towards
everyone, they will make everyone suffer because they didn t find happiness and
never forgave the person who didn t give them the happiness.
For example back in the day there were racism, racism was really intense. The
African American people had a lot of anger towards the white people. The white
people treated the African American s like they were bad people because they were
colored people. Whites wouldn t serve African American s food in specific restraint.
The Africans American s protested , and there... Show more content on ...
In the movie Dust there is racism between the Mexicans and the whites. There is a
man name Luis , Luis was driving drunk late at night and there was a little girl
walking. Luis accidently killed the little girl. Luis was sent to jail. He was also
supposed to hang him self in front the little girls family and the whole city. A day
before the execution Luis s father wanted to help luis and his father asked the little
girls family to not kill his son take him instead. The family said we have a funeral
to go to. Thank you . Luis father was really wanting to help Luis. Sikes told a little
girl to tell Luis father that if he comes and gets 100 pesos he will have magic dust
to help save Luis. The next day came along and it was time for the execution. Luis
father came running to Sikes with the pesos, Sikes gave him the magic dust. Luis
father ran down to the execution and was throwing the dust at the crowed saying
Its Magic! everyone started to laugh at him even Sikes. Luis told his father to go
home, then we hear a sound like Luis fell and died. The rope broke so he landed on
the ground. They asked little girls family if they should still execute Luis. The
mother says No! there s enough people that died. The little girls family forgave
Luis and let him go home. Forgiveness will make you a better person in life.
Revenge will make people not like you and will not be a good person only if they
change and forgive. Another example is in the movie Count Of Monte Cirsto .
Monte Cirsto showed forgiveness to the men that stole his kingdom and locked him
up in a dungeon. No matter what people do to you, you should always show that you
are a better person if u forgive and forget. Justice will always defeat vengeance.
Vengeance show how less of a good person you truly
Institutionalization Of Social Movement Analysis
Q 1: In general, institutionalization portrays a repeated set of procedures and
relationships wherein the raising of a political issue becomes routine and repeatable
while maintaining minimum uncertainty and risk. The institutionalization of protests
as Meyers describes sees activists promoting mechanisms that will allow them to
interact with government in such a routine way that will enable a fundamental
change for a social movementand the government they influence (Meyers 177).
Meyers outlines six typical mechanisms used through the institutionalization of
protest in the U.S. One typical mechanism has to do with policymakers offering a
meeting with representatives of a particular social movement. This is a great way to
inject either energy... Show more content on ...
They employ numerous tactics of disruptive collective actions targeting the
authorities in trying to obtain their goal of suffrage. At first, they organize a parade
where they demonstrate for the right to an amendment to the constitution. They also
organize a 24/7 stand of sentinel outside of the White House carrying signs that
moved for the right to an amendment. Even after Wilson declares war, the
volunteers stay out as sentinels and soon organize a picket line as they carry signs
that advertise Kaiser Wilson not practicing what he preaches as 20,000,000 women
were not part of the governing process or having the right to democracy. Numerous
arrests occurred as the women were imprisoned for disturbing traffic meanwhile the
film shows the women actively resisting arrest. Eventually, Alice Paul is arrested for
the same charge and throws a shoe out a window in the prison as a protest to the
lack of clean and breathable air in the sewing workshop. She also goes on to silently
protest through a hunger strike for the unconstitutionality of their arrests and for the
women s suffrage movement. Soon, the rest of the women who were arrested in their
organization follow
The Problem Of Desertification
ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE CONCERNS Desertification is an environmental
and socio economic problem. Environmental justice is characterized by the equal
sharing of risks and benefits, distributed equally without discrimination. The land
affected falls in rural areas beyond the mainland which are primarily occupied by
non Han ethnic minorities. These areas include the autonomous regions of Inner
Mongolia, Xinjiang, and Tibet, which have historically been oppressed. The social
component of the problem creates a cycle in which poverty exacerbates
desertification, and in turn, desertification aggravates poverty. The cycle will
continue until the wellbeing of people living in desertified areas is considerably
improved to the point where they no longer rely on degraded land for survival.
Only then will they be able to limit their impact on desertified land. Chen and Tang
further explain For degraded land, withdrawal of farmlands and enclosing pastures in
order to exclude grazing are undoubtedly the most effective ways to prevent further
desertification. These measures would deprive local people of their sole livelihood.
Attempts to reduce desertification have neglected the human component of the
problem. As a solution, Wang et al. suggest that outward migration with a carefully
considered relocation policy is an important choice for desertified areas that are
judged to be beyond ecological carrying capacity. Miao et al. echo this idea,
explaining that reclamation efforts
My Personal Experience In My Life
All throughout my life I was just an average kid who did average normal activities.
I was never very sociable or outgoing, but I still had a close group of friends. I wasn
t very confident in myself nor was I very disciplined. My life basically centered
around video games with friends and sports. I participated multiple sports such as
cross country, nordic skiing, baseball, and track. As I grew older I naturally became
more confident, disciplined, and outspoken but not as much as I would ve like to
have been. In junior high, I looked up to the varsityrunners on the cross country
team. It was a goal of mine to be on that team and to do well, I never thought it
would actually happen. In my senior year it did, and we were great. We had a great
season and even made it to state, but doing well wasn t the most important
acquisition of the year. In my final season I became the hardworking, confident,
disciplined, and outspoken person I am today. This is due mainly to the team
atmosphere, the coaches, and daily practice. The cross country team has always felt
like a family. Specific events were held just so athletes would feel included. One of
these events was called the weekendgetaway. During the weekend getaway all the
athletes would get on a bus and head to Sibley State Park camping grounds where
we would enjoy a weekend of running and activities. Board games, canoeing, and
swimming would take up most of the day. The team captains would work especially
hard to get the older
The Core Values Of Zappos
The holacratic model has, already, been adopted by for profit and non profit
organizations in several countries. For the purpose of an incubation chamber, has been the first organizational reality to deploy it. Zappos is an online
shoe and clothing shop founded in 1999 and owned by Amazon since 2009. During
the negotiations with Amazon, internal management s primary concern was to
maintain the company culture intact throughout the acquisition process, because a
culture that embraces the idiosyncrasies of each individual is what keeps the firm
alive and healthy. Such an emphasis on employees manifested itself in drawing up
the ten core values of the Zappos family:
deliver wow through service;
embrace and drive change;
create fun and a little weirdness;
be adventurous, creative, and open minded;
pursue growth and learning;
build open and honest relationships with communication;
build a positive team and family spirit;
do more with less;
be passionate and determined;
be humble.
The company has, even, its own consulting unit to help others emulate the Zappos
way and folklore. In 2015, Zappos formerly adopted Holacracy. One of Holacracy s
most significant innovations is making governance something that happens at every
level of the organization. Governance becomes an ongoing process that happens in
each circle, during the ... Show more content on ...
The business of designing and developing games also fits these criteria well, as
Valve discovered. From Holacracy, in fact, Valve took the flat organizational structure
, the focus on project teams and the fluidity of roles: everyone is a strategist ,
everyone is a designer, everyone can rightfully question each other s
India s Nuclear Activity between 1968 and 1998
I told President Clinton that when my third eye looks at the door of the Security
Council chamber it sees a little sign that says only those with economic power or
nuclear weapons are allowed. I said to him, it is very difficult to achieve economic
wealth . This was said by I.K Gujral, the Indian Prime Minister at the time during a
U.N general meeting in 1997.
The context and focus of this essay will be India s nuclear activity between 1968 up
until the Pohkran II tests in 1998. The background element shows that, in 1968, India
wanted to protect its own right of experimenting with nuclear weapons by not signing
the NPT (nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty). India in 1974 had engaged in a nuclear
test, which New Delhi advanced to say that was not a weapon but was, however,
peaceful (Sullivan, 2012 3). International audiences were fazed by the nuclear action
by India, especially the United States of America, consequently filing and
constructing laws that prevented India from trading multilaterally along with posing
nuclear banning laws against the Indian state. It can be demonstrated that India for a
long time, remained outside the nuclear circle of states, which was controlled and
built by the powerful United States. An agreement was reached between the two
states rather long after India s first tests, which marked a not only a new position in
diplomatic relations, but the understanding that India was marked as a new nuclear
power. Why did India decide to openly
Global Hunger Is The Most Prevalent Issue
Global Hunger is the most prevalent issue in the modern world. In much of Asia,
Africa and other parts of the developing world, people are malnourished and do not
have access to sufficient food. Hunger levels in third world countries has decreased,
however in war affected countries such as Iraq, hunger has increased severely.
Malnourishment affects the body all through a person s life, from the moment they
are born to when they are elderly, if they survive that long. Life long hungercan
increase mortality rate, stunt growth, increase risk of diseases and mental
impairment. World Vision, an organisation that helps third world
countries to
overcome povertyand injustice , has a program called the 40 Hour Famine, where
volunteers collect donations and in return give up something that people in
impoverished countries do not have such as food, furniture and technology for 40
hours. This year the 40 Hour Famine will held on the 14th to the 16th of August and
this year 38,461 people have participated in the event. Through surveys, posters and
group involvement in the 40 Hour Famine, I will raise awareness and knowledge
about Global Hunger around my school.
In order to investigate the statistics surrounding Global Hunger and its funding I used
three different methods to gain information.
Primary Source School Survey
Primary Source Subject Expert Survey
Secondary Source Internet research
These sources are all reliable for accurate information in order to properly
Urban Sprawl In Los Angeles Essay
Los Angeles is built on the vast and flat landscape; it was their opportunity to grow
fast as a metropolitan. With this environment, the constant influx of population was
enough to generate a significant community even outside of downtown. The urban
sprawl started on its endless horizontal ground. However, soon they confronted the
limit of the carrying capacity. L.A couldn t handle its urban sprawl; it needed a
solution to keep growing. Los Angelescouldn t deal with the increasing housing
demand and lacking of public space. Compared to other metropolitan, such as New
York, Los Angeles showed the dramatic comparison in population density. The
urbanized area of Los Angeles was the densest in the country in 1990, more so than
even New York City. The 2000 figure for the Los Angeles Long Beach Santa Ana
Urbanized area is 7,068 people per square mile, compared to 5,309 for the New
York, New jersey Connecticut urbanized area. (Grey 90) In detail, 90 districts of
L.A have more than 10,000 people per square mile. Especially Koreatown has the
biggest number which is 42,000 square per mile (LA times Sewell 2016). After
decades, when it confronted its housing problem due to unaffordability, people
finally realized there is no suburban area for them to move or build new housings in
Los Angeles. They reached their limit of growing. Unnerving lesson in man s infinite
capacity to mess up his environment. (Grey 238) The population kept larger, the price
of housing also increased. Los
Annotated Bibliography Of Youth Homelessness In Canada
Theanna Vernon
Issac Coplan
November 7th, 2014 Annotated Bibliography Evenson, J. (2009). Youth
Homelessness In Canada: The Road To Solutions. Canada: Raising the Roof. In this
source Evenson has gone through a lot of research in order to determine why
homelessness in Canadian youth is occurring. This source explains how homelessness
happens, but the main idea of the source is to find long term solutions to stop the
increasing number of homeless youth in Canada. The idea of a long term solution
according to ... Show more content on ...
In a study that was conducted in 1999 it was clear that women suffered abuse the
most, creating gaps in families resulting into homelessness. A study done in 1997
investigated whether or not bad childhood experiences played a factor into adult
homelessness. Family abuse is one of the main reasons why youth decide to become
homeless. Aboriginal people have the highest rate of homelessness in their
community. This article states that programs that only focus on training and
employment readiness are not what is needed by all homeless youth, but in fact, they
needed proper therapy to talk about their traumatizing adults to live better everyday
Professional Development And Continuous Learning
This Policy stems from the view that professional development and continuous
learning are necessary to maintain the quality of the University staff and their
continued readiness and ability to contribute effectively to the mission and goals of
the University.
Policy is not a firmly characterized idea but rather a profoundly adaptable one,
utilized as a part of distinctive courses on diverse events.
A particular choice or set of choices intended to complete such a strategy.
Policy Procedure
Individual staff members, managers and the University share the responsibility for
staff development.
Staff members are encouraged to take responsibility for their own work related
learning and career development. They are also encouraged to assist others in their
The University is responsible for providing opportunities, resources and tools so that
staff can become competent in their roles and achieve their career aspirations.
Identifying development needs
A staff member s learning and development needs are primarily identified through the
performance cycle and are captured in the staff member s Performance Workplan.
Recognizing learning and improvement needs depends on a formal or casual
evaluation of winning levels of abilities, mentalities and information, and on any
present or foreseen crevices. Such an investigation will empower choices about what
realizing procurements are required at individual, group or hierarchical level. These
The Philosophy Of Humanism During The Early
A significant increase in secular art began in the early Renaissance because of an
enormous gain of wealth by Florence in the early 15th century. The philosophy of
humanism began, combining the values of both spirituality and the worth of the
human mind and experience. The republics people valued the individualism in
humanism, believing their society and its values to represent liberty and freedom.
(Harris Zucker, n.d., para.6). As a result, wealth combined with an interest in
portraying individual power, piety, and human experience created a thriving artistic
market whose patronage was no longer confined to the exclusive domain of the
church. Rather, wealthy private families and government officials began to hire
artists with increasing... Show more content on ...
Beginning with the Renaissance, the dignity of individuals and importance of nature
was explored in artistic design and specifics that strove for the deception of reality,
inspired by human curiosity and scientific interest. Artists as the periods went on got
to the the level of theorists and intellectuals, their skills becoming a relation to their
minds as opposed to their previous treatment in the middle Ages as craftsmen.
For example, the subjects of sculpture and paintings often reflected a growing
interest in private meditation and prayer (Harris Zucker, n.d., para 2), and the desire
of important patrons to create powerful visual displays of wealth and imagery that
cast themselves in a dignified light lead to growing numbers of artists being
commissioned for portraits. During the 15th century, for instance, the Italian
Renaissance resulted in wealthy, cultured Florentine families becoming frequent art
patrons, desiring beautiful and tasteful art for their homes. The Triumph of
0amillus , painted by Biagio d Antonio 1470 1475 was likely purchased as a panel
to show in a domestic environment. The painting depicts a scene from the Roman
author Livy s writings of a triumphal parade for 0amillus after he and his troops
saved Rome from invading Gauls (National Gallery of Art, n.d., para 2)
For instance, the items paintings and of
The Canadian National Railway Company
According to the center for international climate and environmental research Canada
ranks 5th in having the largest carbon, fossil fuel, land and water consumption
footprint in the world. Keeping this staggering stat in mind a few Canadian
companies have begun to reverse this trend and lean towards a more sustainable
means of operation. On such company is the Canadian national railway company,
more popularly known as CN.
About the Company:
Based in Montreal Quebec, CN boasts the most comprehensive trackage of any
railway company in Canada. Its tracks span Canada from coast to coast. Additionally
CN has an extensive operation in the Midwestern and southern United States which
allows it to have access to about 75% of US s shipping market. ... Show more content
on ...
These are basically shipping containers that get loaded on to train beds or more
commonly freight ships. As a result CN also owns a fleet of ships, barges and
ferries for transporting goods across Canada, US and internationally. The sheer
diversity of transportation modes they provide allows them to be both fast and cost
effective while staying profitable. These shipping solutions require a staggering
amount of yards and repair facilities. In addition to these CN has over 2 million
square feet of warehousing facilities. All these services combined result in one of the
largest shipping companies the world over.
Since CN is a shipping company that combines rail, intermodal, freight forwarding,
trucking and warehousing to handle $250 billion in goods a year and 300 million
tons of cargo which impacts exporters, importers farmers and businesses the world
over, sustainability is a major concern for them. In a recent annual list of the 100
most sustainable companies released by media and research company Corporate
Knights, CN was ranked number 57 around the world and number 3 in Canada.
CN has a very comprehensive sustainability policy which focuses on three main areas;
Emission and energy efficiency, waste management and biodiversity and land
Emissions and Energy Efficiency:
Reduction in emissions and energy efficiency is the backbone of CN s sustainability
policy. In order to achieve that CN has focused on three key areas; reducing
Dbq League Of Nations
1.what can you learn about the league of nations from the source A? Explain your
answer using details of the source .
From the start the league of nations had seemed to be struggling.However it can be
argued whether or not it was successful. source A shows the international that was
happening at the time of nationalism.The author was clearly saying the rise of
nationalism and how it was one of the major impacts that added the failure of the
league.This can be justified when it is stated the league was an experiment in
internationalism at a time when the counterclaims of nationalism were running
powerfully in the opposite direction this shows now the league was being weighted
down but if the league of nation had shifted from internationalism ... Show more
content on ...
He uses hyperbole and persuasion techniques in his speech the purpose of his speech
was to convince as many American citizens as he could be in favour of the league of
nations.He also talks about america greatly because he is trying to appeal to his
people and bring them over to his side .The americans are convinced that it is
european club to solve european issues and that it will simply involve america in
problems which they have no need to interfere in in his speech wilson tries to
convince them that it is critical for america to join when he says but the idea of
the league of nations will not be fully carried out if any one of the great influences
that brought the result about the with held here he is talking about america itself
saying america was one of the great influences and if they are not part of the league
of nations the results wouldn t be be as successful as they could have been if
america had joined Bias can easily be detected here because of the author and
purpose.wilson talks highly about the league and america this is clearly show bias
as he is evendently trying to convince america that joining the league is necessary
this speech was created because wilson was determined to live in an idealistic
world where all countries were disarmed and war did not not exist he was eager to
make his dream and was certain that the league of nations would ensure that war
would no longer exist and that each country would have
Sample Jazz Concert Report
Aundria McCadney The night of February 18, 2016 I attended The MTSU Faculty
Jazztet concert in Wright Music Hall. This jazz band consists of David Willford,
Don Aliquo, Micheal Parkinson, Jamey Simmions, Joe Davidian, Patrick Arwater,
and Derrek Phillps performed eight jazz selections. The crowd that night was about
70 80 people, and part were older and the other half was students. When I think about
a jazzperformance a drum and piano player did not come to mind. I expected for
the show to be like all the stuff you see on TV about jazz bands with one person
singing and the instruments in the background playing. All the band members were
all dressed up in either suits or dress shirt and tie they all were instrument players.
The music... Show more content on ...
The members didn t go by the particular order that was on the program when
performing the lead saxophone player just announced each name. All their songs
had melody theme which stay in the chorus of them. The saxophone, flugelhorn
and trumpet phrases were all legato during their solos throughout the pieces. In the
dynamics during each of the songs were mezzo forte or higher. When each person
did their solo they crescendo leading to the end of them. I really enjoyed that the
lead of the band explained the background information of every piece that was
played I tried to take that into consideration while listening. If he didn t put his
explanation in before each song I wouldn t be able to understand the main concept.
The song that stood out to me the most was Dance Cadaverous, which is a mood
piece. Dance Cadaverous song connected with me more than the others simply
because I could really interpreted the piece. The rest of the songs were challenging
to grab the concept of the title to the actual performance. This piece to me portrays
a mix of swing dance to it. Dance Cadaverous is the definition of the jazz I have
heard before on TV and what I
What Are The Similarities Between Golf And Double Bogey
Hello there how s the day going. Well then it will get better. Uno, we will introduce
each sport . Then, we ll explain the scoring of each sport. After that, you will look
at the world of sport statistics. Last, we will look at personal stats. Now enjoy the
writing. The first sport is considered very boring it is Golf. The second sport is
Baseball. The third sport is a very anticipated one you guessed it, it is Football. Last,
is the sport of Jordan Basketball. In golf the objective is to get the least score. But
there eight ways you score. First, a triple Bogey which is adding three to your
score. After that, there is the double Bogey is just adding two to your score. Thirdly,
there is the Bogey adding one to your score. If you hit the ball
Mistreatment Of Animals In Sara Gruen s Water For
When the circus comes to town, children s eyes boggle with amazement as
excitement fills the air. Under the big top, the stunts of humans and animals alike
mesmerize and capture the audience s attention. Spectators become astonished at the
miraculous accomplishments of the animals, and they are willing to pay massive
amounts of money to see exotic creatures outside of their natural habits. However,
circuses are not what they seem. It s a classic image: elephants lumbering trunk to
tail. But is this docility born of positive reinforcement or fear of being beaten?
(Nelson). With the circuses primary focus being on entertainment, the animals needs
are the last thing that they take into consideration. And circusadvocates turn a blind
eye to... Show more content on ...
People have looked to these shows for family tradition, entertainment, and the lively
atmosphere. Circus supporters confide in the facade that the circuses present to them:
We are committed to ensuring our animal family receives the highest standards of
care. [...] Our animals receive better medical care than we do (Ringling Bros). It is
easy to believe the claims that these renowned companies tell the public, but in this
case, the stories and accusations from former employees, animal welfare associations,
governmental organizations, and even regular members of society should not be
overlooked. It is obvious that circus animals do not live in the conditions that circuses
advertise. After evaluating the physical and mental abuse, starvation and dehydration,
and illnesses that these animals undergo, it is inarguable that they should not be used
in a circus
Establishing Goals
John Green, one of my biggest role models, once said, Imagining the future is a kind
of nostalgia. Nostalgia means something you long for, I long for a bright future. In
my future, I desire to be an author. In order to accomplish that, I must thoughtfully
construct a plan that will lead me to the ultimate result of the life that I crave for.
Authors influenced me to wantto become an author myself. After reading a wide
range of books by varying writers like Ned Vizzini, J.D Salinger, Natalie Babbit,
Mitch Albom, and as I said earlier, John Green, I am determined to leave that
evangelical zeal that you get from books, and only books, on my readers the way
many books have done to me before. Establishing goals is crucial to actualizing my
dreams of having a gratifying career as a Young Adult/Teen novelist. Knowledge is a
key aspect when creating the goals that you will pursue because it is extremely
beneficial to know which universities you are bound to attend. For instance, my
university of choice is Columbia Universityof New York. I would like to study at
Columbia University because I am interested in the clubs and activities they have
available there such as The Artist Society Blog, Quiz Bowl, and Feminist Thought.
Furthermore, Columbia University has many classes and courses for writing. Defining
clear goals for myself will motivate me to propel forward with my endeavors. With a
definite mindset of where I want to end up, a Point A to a Point B, it will ease any
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is a well noted American leader, who is known primarily
for his role in the African American civil rights movement of the 20th century in
USA. He is often regarded as a champion of human rights and considered to be not
only associated with the cause of racial discrimination against the African
Americans, but also with other social causes relating to injustice, unfairness and
discrimination in the American society. He also holds the privilege of being the
youngest ever person in the history to have received the prestigious Nobel Peace
Prize1. Besides being a well renowned social activist, he was also a Baptist minister
and had a degree in Theology and Divinity2. Since he had such an active and stellar
political career, his political and social beliefs and his achievements in those areas
have received a lot more attention than his religious beliefs and philosophies that he
conformed to. In this article an attempt is made to highlight his religious
contributions to the American theology. Martin Luther King was born on 15th
January in the year 1929 in the rural parts of the state of Georgia2. His family was
deeply rooted in the Christian faith and his father and grandfather, both were
associated with the Baptist churches during their lifetime. His grandfather was a
minister of a church. After his death, Martin Luther King s father became a pastor of
that church2 3. His familial background was quite modest and had a great influence
on his personality
Fof Final Assigment
Investment instrument is a document such as bond and share certificate that has
monetary value through agreement that agrees make payment of money to another
parties for purpose gain equity capital or loan capital. An investment instrument give
a promise of earnings and return to the holders or recipient. It also called as financing
instruments. There are three common types of investment instruments in the market
which are money markets, bonds and common shares.
Money market is the short term loan market which is less than one year maturities
with relatively liquid and low risk debt due to short duration. Governments and large
corporations are usually issued the money market securities in forms of banker s
acceptance, ... Show more content on ...
When the company is going to bankrupt, the loss of the company, the common
stockholder have the right to not responsibility for the loss facing by the company.
It is because a corporation is a separate legal entity under the law. For example an
individual invest RM10, 000 in a company and the company going bankrupt the
individual will not pay the debt behalf the company.
Most of the people rises capital and build wealth by invest in common shares. The
value of money today is worth than the money tomorrow, so the money invested
will not depreciate in value. The investor want to make profit by holding the shares
until the shares price is above the price they purchase. For example, 15 June 2010
an investor bought 200 shares of Blue Company at RM50 each share. On 18 May
2011, the investor sells 200 shares of Blue Company at RM70 each shares. The
investor will gain RM4, 000 [(200x70) (200x50)] on the shares the investor bought.
Some investor invest in common shares, because they want an extra income. The
investor can get dividend income by investing in shares. Dividend income is
distribute of the earning of the company to the investor. Most of the company will
pay the dividend to the investor when their company earning money. As an example,
Pink Company pay RM0.50 quarterly dividend to company shareholders, the shares
is RM 50 each shares. All the investors receive 4% [(0.50x4)/50] of purchases price
of stock.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Android
An operating system is one of an important system that should have inside a
computer. It contains instructions that coordinate all the activities among the
computer hardware resources. Without an operating system, all of the computers
cannot be used or started. The role of the operating system is to manage the software
and hardware so that easy to control all of the activities depending on what the
programs need (Curt Franklin, 2000).
Next, there are four basic functions of the operating system. Memory management
takes part in main memory which is Random Acess Memory (RAM). It retains the
space of the main memory and checks whether it is valid and legal for the memory
space request. The memory manager also can track the usage of memory by sections.
Besides, processor management is also essential managers of the operating system.
Basically, it tracks the processor status that takes part of allocating Central Processor
Unit (CPU). The main responsibilities of processor manager managed by Job
Scheduler and Processor Scheduler. The Job Scheduler handles the jobs as they enter
the system while the Processor Scheduler manages each process within the jobs.
Furthermore, device management supervises all of the resources such as IO (input
and output) ... Show more content on ...
So, the best things about Android because it uses the open source platform and easy
to access the Google Applications. Then, everyone can afford an Android mobile
phone because the price is not expensive. In contrast, Android has a low security and
fakes app might be installed inside the mobile phone to take our information from
unknown resources. It also has a complex layout and animations that hard to code
into it. Moving on to iOS, it has an excellent User Interface (UI) and generates less
heat than Android but if iPhone malfunction, the repair cost must be expensive. Last
but not least, it s not flexible for others because it only supports iOS
Essay on Odysseus
Homer s The Odyssey, a magnificent story of lust, deceit, greed, and heroism, still
fascinates scholars and casual readers alike today in the same way it fascinated its
audience at the time it was written. The Odyssey, a journey of determination,
patience, and virtue, tells the tail of Odysseus, the main character, on his voyage
home to Ithaka after the end of the Trojan War. Odysseus goes through many
unforeseen trials and tribulations, which exemplify his character. During these
different happenings, Odysseus makes decisions that do not correspond to his
character. Odysseus character , as seen in the Iliad, is much like that of a Homeric
hero. A hero in Homer s world entails many attributes other than physical... Show
more content on ...
Odysseus curiosity and desire for adventure, driving him inland, somewhat hinder his
attempt to return home. Odysseus men want to loot the goods and return to the ship.
But, despite the pleading of his men, Odysseus wants to meet the cave dwellers and
see what they have to offer. This came to be a dire mistake. PolyphГЄmos enters the
cave, and after brief words, he, in one swift motion, grabs, dismembers, then
proceeds to feed on two of Odysseus men. After a brief stay in the cave and a few
more dead men, Odysseus congers a plan which defeats PolyphГЄmos and returns
Odysseus and his men safely back to the ship. This episode cost Odysseus the lives
of men lives lost for pure curiosity and his yearn for action. Directly after escaping
PolyphГЄmos, Odysseus cries out in anger at the Kyklops, who proceeds to toss
boulders at Odysseus ships. After each cry, PolyphГЄmos gets closer and closer with
his tosses. Then, unintelligently, Odysseus, for sake of false confidence, reveals his
name to PolyphГЄmos. PolyphГЄmos then prays to his father, Poseidon, against
Odysseus voyage home to Ithaka. Instead of the men s, now Odysseus actions
endanger their lives. Odysseus and his men sail to another land Aiolia Island, the
home of Aiolos HippotadГЄs, the wind king. Aiolos plays host to Odysseus and his
crew for a month. Staying for this length of time suggests Odysseus desire to return
home is
Knee Replacement
Knee Replacement The most common complication is blood clots after the knee
replacement surgery and can form in the first four weeks. Infection is the most
serious complication since it can be a deep infection and requires removal of the knee
replacement to fight the infection. The most important long term complication is
loosening and wear. This complication is due to the plastic plate wearing away and
the kneebecomes loose causing the patient painand discomfort. New technologies and
methods have been developed to reduce loosening and wear of the knee.
In my family, I would highly recommend a knee replacement due to the new
technologies for knee implants. I can see myself getting a new replacement and be
looking forward to getting mobile
Classifying Types of Shoppers
Shopping is a big deal to most people in this particular century. People are trained to
shop a few years after they are born. People shop for so many reasons. Some people
shop to release stress and others shop just for fun. Some people even classify
shopping as a hobby. Just recently, a new kind of shoppinghas started dominating
gradually. Online shopping is little by little vanquishing all other kinds of shopping
and it is all thanks to shoppers. Without these dedicated shoppers, shopping would
have been a thing of the past. These shoppers are classified into three sub groups
which makes identification easier. There are the cheap shoppers, the spendthrifts, and
the indifferent shoppers who simply don t carabout anything.
Foremost are the cheap shoppers. This types shoppers are also known as bargainers.
They are easily recognized in any store because they are usually armed with a
calculator and search through the hardest to get at shelves. They are often seen
working in pairs. They call their selves tag team partners. Working I pairs enables
cheap shoppers to readily compare prices from items in different sections of the
store or two separate stores. These shoppers can be found mainly on the weekend,
during a huge sale, or in the clearance sections of stores. They are always shopping
for cheap items and they are never concerned about the quality. Bargaining is what
they do best. It is their belief that no matter how low the price is, it can always be
reduced to fit
Minimum Degree Of Negligence
Probably not. Because the standard of care employed by the relevant statute is a
minimum degree of care, the CWS has a burden of proving that Ms. Ryan failed to
exercise more than ordinary care, and that her act was grossly negligent. The degree
of negligence necessary to find an act to be grossly negligent is generally measured
by the nature of the act that is willful and wanton. Ms. Ryan s conduct undoubtedly
demonstrates her inattentiveness and a certain degree of negligencebecause she left
her very young children unsupervised in her apartment where they are only 8 and 4
years of age respectively. However, more likely than not, the court will hold that
her neglectful act does not give rise to the extent of gross negligence because Ms.
Ryan depended on the babysitter to show up very shortly based on the fact that she
was almost always punctual. Additionally, young children often cry and it is
common for a 4 year old to wet her pants regardless of the fact that a parent pays the
closest attention possible to the child. Ms. Ryan will have to concede that she was
careless to leave the stew simmering on the stove when she left the apartment, yet,
the court will likely find that this was not done willfully and wantonly as she
intended to prepare the dinner for her children to ensure that they were going to be
fed.... Show more content on ...
Ryan s failure to properly care for her children is not the result of her willful and
wanton act, thus, she did not fail to exercise a minimum degree of care as required
by the
The Internet Age
Since the birth of the internet many different aspects of our lives have been
affected, as a result of this, two large parts of our society have aligned themselves on
contrasting sides. One side wishes to see the end of this virtual age and hopes for the
return of more traditional media. The other encourages the abandonment of the real
world for a virtual one. Both extremes are problematic; a middle ground must be
found.Through wires and radio waves, the Internethas become a literal web that binds
all of humanity together. It is in our best interest to use this connection to improve the
physical world, because when it is used wisely it becomes a powerful medium for
education, socialization, and global communication.
One of the most ... Show more content on ...
These databases can easily be accessed by typing in a few key phrases. Steven
Pinker, a Harvard College professor, believes that the Internet allows us to search and
retrieve our collective intellectual output (221). This factor becomes very useful in
our academic lives. Without the Internet, academic papers are limited to the
information contained in the district libraries and the information spread by the local
newspapers. With the Internet, they are filled with a variety of data, statistics, and
opinions posted online by people from all differing countries and continents. The web
allows us to read about and understand the contrasting viewpoints that exist on our
planet. The virtual world is a great way for people to share their thoughts and
opinions with other like minded individuals. Although it is a fact that socialization is
an important part of our mental health, using the web as our sole means of social
interaction is detrimental to our physical health. Yet a huge portion of our global
society has been spending an increasing amount of time living within a virtual reality.
This phenomenon is best explained by Jane McGonigal, director of Games Research
and Development at Institute for the Future, who reveals that people are beginning to
realize that virtual simulations can be used to distract themselves from their hunger:
a hunger for more satisfying work, for a stronger sense of community, and for a more
engaging and meaningful life (226). Even
Puritan Condemnation Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The
Puritan Condemnation The Scarlet Letter is the most nearly static of all
Hawthorne s novels. (73) This opinion based quote from the article The Characters
Reveal the Story s Meaning, written by Hyatt H. Waggoner, can properly introduce
Nathaniel Hawthorne s most familiar novel, The Scarlet Letter. After close
observation of said novel, it can be inferred that there is very little external conflict
when comparing the amount of space devoted to exposition and description; the
evidence for this can also be taken from the amount devoted to the narration of the
listed literary terms. From the four main characters (Pearl, Hester, Dimmesdale, and
Chillingworth), each person is symbolically described to an extent where the reader
can make accurate assumptions over the story s overall meaning; this can be done
just by perceiving the sheer description of the character and their developments
throughout the plot. Hester s role along with her daughter Pearl, Dimmesdale, and
Chillingworth is vital in the analysis of the Hawthorne s personal view on Puritan
Condemnation. In relation to the proscribed sin Hester commits, which stands as the
foundation for the whole plot, her description of character can take partial credit in
the revelation of Hawthorne s true purpose of the story. In association with this
statement, Waggoner writes, Thus, most obviously, Hester s rise takes her from low
on the line of moral value, a scarlet woman guilty of a sin black in the eyes of the
Working As A Tax Intern At The Firm s Core Tax Services...
During the course of my internship at BDO, I will be working as a tax intern in the
firm s core tax services practice. While BDO prepares returns for a wide variety of
clients in numerous industries, the Rosemont office, where I am interning, has a vast
restaurant practice and an abundance of individual clients. This is due to the merging
of several small local firms who were eventually acquired by BDO. While the
Chicago office prepares many of the larger returns, Rosemont s numerous industry
specializations, namely restaurants and rental properties, makes for a unique
internship opportunity.
Thus far, the majority of my work involves preparing partnership returns for rental
and lodging partnerships. Therefore, I have learned my way ... Show more content on ...
To find this information, it is often necessary to access the partnerships general
ledger and evaluate the contributions that were made during the year. The general
ledger is also helpful in discerning the nature of certain vague account titles such as
building improvements. When determining how these assets should be depreciated
for tax purposes, the general ledger provides adequate detail to determine the
appropriate MACRS recovery period.
After the client provided trial balance has been reformatted and its accounts have
been made more specific, I often have to perform an accrual to cash conversion.
This is because the clients books are kept on an accrual basis but their returns are
prepared under the cash basis method of accounting. Therefore, because the cash
method only reflects transactions for which cash was paid or received in the current
period, accounts such as accrued expenses, accounts payable, and prepaid rent cannot
be included on the return. Therefore is necessary to make adjustments to the trial
balance before it is imported into the tax software. For example, to remove accounts
receivable from the trial balance before I import it, I would credit accounts
receivable and debit revenue. Once all accrual accounts have been reversed out, I use
the newly created tax trial balance to complete the actual return.
Once the return is completed and deemed correct, I then update the basis schedules
for each member of the partnership to account for their outside
Nestle Case Study
NestlГ© is a large international (191 countries worldwide) food and beverage
company that is dedicated to shaping future generations into healthier people and
improving the world as a whole. The company now known as NestlГ© was
founded in Switzerland as a result of the Anglo Swiss Condensed Milk Company,
founded in 1866, merging with Henri NestlГ© s company based on the infant food
that he had developed, in 1905, after the two companies were rivals in the baby
formula and condensed milk industry. After the merger in 1905 NestlГ© was able to
expand globally, with sales in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Australia. Decreased
availability of resources and goods in Europe during the outbreak of the First World
War lead to NestlГ© acquiring factories in the United States and Australia, furthering
the company s international development. In addition, the war was beneficial for
NestlГ© as condensed milk is non perishable and therefore convenient to supply
emergency rations; this caused a strong demand for the product during wartime.
NestlГ©, like many other companies, was impacted greatly by the depression era, but
used this time as an opportunity to organize company operations and invent new
products such as NescafГ©. The outbreak of the Second WorldWar brought fear of
Nazi invasion in Switzerland and inspired NestlГ© to open a second headquarters in
the United States. Post war prosperity was beneficial for the company, as it made it
easier for many of their newer products such as Nestea
The Armenian Genocide In The Early 1920 s
If you travel to Turkey today, just a reminder that it is illegal to talk about what
happened to Armenians in the early 1920 s.
On April 24 and 25 of 1915, the Young Turks began a wave of arrests throughout the
entire country in which they eliminated the Armenian political and intellectual elite.
The Armenians were dragged to the country s interior where most died. The intention
was clear: the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire were to lose their leaders right at the
beginning of the campaign of destruction being carried out against them. [1.
Wolfgang Gust, The Armenian GenocideEvidence form the German Foreign Office
Archives 1915 1916 (New York: Bergahn Books, 2014, 7.]
The Armenian Genocide took place during World War Iand its immediate
The Comic Strip And Its Subsequent Parts Essay
How to make a superhero comic strip and its subsequent parts
Description: Writing an initial superhero comic strip and following it up with sequels
is a tedious and time consuming task. However, it is easy with the new online tools,
which are available.
The best way to make a superhero comic strip is to use pre set templates available
on the internet. You can use various templates provided by various sites. The easiest
are the ones provided by Marvel Comics official website and other such websites.
They are easy to use and can be created according to your own preferences, using
the options available. Read the following article for an overview of the different
tools and options available on the sites, and a brief idea about how to use them to
make a comic strip, an entire book or a complete series.
Before creating a comic strip
Before you make a comic strip, keep in mind that you have to have a clear idea of
the storyline how it starts, proceeds, rises in action, reaches a climax, falls in action
and ends. The theory that applies to writing a novel applies here too! Comic strips
are nowadays included in the modern genre of Graphic Novels, and thus have the
same basic format. Also keep in mind that you need to have the character of the
superhero ready. You can develop it as the story proceeds, but the reader should
have a basic idea about whom and how he is, from the start. This implies that you,
the creator, have a complete idea at least a rough one about what you
Throughout photographic history, the threshold that many artists had to overcome
was conveying the meaning of their photographs to the public if any at all, and the
orientation of the subjects in their photography. The intent of portrait photography is
to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the subject. Nineteenth
century photo historian Alan Trachtenberg notes, Aspiring professionals wrestled
with the problem: how to arrange their sitters and manipulate the often fickle medium
to produce not just a picture but a pleasing one not just a likeness but a portrait
(Trachtenberg, 24). Through these words of Trachtenberg, we can deduce that the
main problem was how photographers manipulate their subjects in a way that would
... Show more content on ...
The strained and forlorned look on the woman s face, especially after becoming
homeless and on the road for a long time with her three children and limited
supplies. If our work is to carry force and meaning to our view we must be willing
to go all out (Lange, 264) was what Lange had said soon after Migrant Mother was
taken. Since she was part of a field operation documenting the reality of the
situation of the time, her goal was to make the images she took available to the
public eye and hopefully get a positive response to them. Because of her decision to
take the photos of the woman with her children, she managed to capture the
attention of the millions of Americans and had them witness the full impact of the
collapse of the economy and its effect on the people living in constant turmoil and
strife because of it from the viewpoint of a set of images taken by a simple camera.
The demand of these set of images was to invoke a voice from the people in order
for them to urge the current government at that time to take action and fast before
significant damage could be inflicted onto the soil of the already wounded country.
One more example of this is shown in another one of Arbus images entitled Child
with a Toy Hand Grenade in which it depicts a child holding what seems to be a
mock grenade in the middle of Central Park. Aside from this single image, the other
images taken of the boy shows him at play, frolicking around while Arbus took the
photos of him in a
Urosalpinx Cinerea Research Paper
Maya Ballabon
Marine Biology PBA
Urosalpinx cinerea, Atlantic Oyster Drill
The latin name Urosalpinx cinerea Urosalpinx is a genus of small carnivorous
gastropod mollusks. The scientific classification is:
Kingdom: Animalia Creatures in the Animalia Kingdom must be multicellular,
heterotrophic (they have to ingest other organisms because they cannot make their
own food), and Eukaryotes (type of cells that are more complex than prokaryotic cell
found in bacteria).
Phylum: Mollusca The Atlantic Oyster Drill is in the Phylum Mollusca because it
possesses the features necessary for membership in this phylum. It is a free living
aquatic form, its body is soft with three areas head, visceral hump, and foot, it has a
complete digestive system, ... Show more content on ...
[oyster fisher men] ... have to contend with. ...Settling upon a young bivalve, the
oyster drill quickly bores a neat round hole through a valve, making expert use of its
sandpaper like radula. Through this perforation the oyster drill is able to insert its
long proboscis and consume the soft parts of the oyster.
Scientist H. Federighi studied the effects of salinity on the size of Urosalpinx
cinerea. In 1927,Urosalpinx cinerea were collected to figure out the average size
of the species from two different places: Norfolk, Virginia and Beaufort, North
Carolina. The average size of each group of the snail was identified, and it turned
out the average sizes were very different in the two places. In Norfolk, the average
length was between 21 and 25 millimeters, yet in Beaufort the size was 13 to 17
millimeters. It was then that Federighi began to look into the effects of salinity.
Immediately, the temperature of the two places could be ruled out as the cause for
this size variation because the temperature doesn t really vary between the two
places. However, the salinity of the two areas do differ greatly. The results of his
experiment indicated that the snails grow larger in brackish water, water that has
more salinity than freshwater, but less than seawater.
The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins Between Hell And
In his novel Between Hell and Reason, Albert Camus states, Utopia is that which is in
contradiction with reality. Evidently, utopias are nonexistent in actuality, but visions
of a perfect society may distance an individual from reality. However, concepts of
ideal societies cannot be visualized without first analyzing the errors and weaknesses
presented within dystopias. These defects, including the restriction of independent
thought, lack of freedom, and constant surveillance and control, are presented through
the real world, films, and literature. In the works The Hunger Games by Suzanne
Collins, Y: The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughan, and World War Z by Max Brooks,
authors create dystopias in which ethical issues are presented to fuel one s
imagination regarding what qualities a utopia may possess. In her novel The Hunger
Games, Suzanne Collins expands upon dystopian elements such as the restriction of
independent thought and... Show more content on ...
Throughout the novel, the Capitol controls the ideas and actions of the citizens of
Panem, including resources allowed for living, amount of information received, and
entertainment. Each of the twelve districts produces goods in a particular industry as
dictated by the Capitol. The districts are regularly denied information from other
districts in an attempt to prevent a rebellion. For example, the Capitol purposely
omits Katniss s decorating Rue s body with flowers because the Capitol could not
allow the audience to witness a bonding moment between the districts. Also, the
Capitol inflicts corporal punishment towards those who even show signs of rebellion.
One example is the Avox who had been punished for being a rebel against the
Capitol. Haymitch describes the girl as [s]omeone who committed a
The African Methodist Episcopal Church Essay examples
The African Methodist Episcopal Church also known as the AME Church,
represents a long history of people going from struggles to success, from
embarrassment to pride, from slaves to free. It is my intention to prove that the
name African Methodist Episcopal represents equality and freedom to worship
God, no matter what color skin a person was blessed to be born with. The thesis is
this: While both Whites and Africans believed in the worship of God, whites
believed in the oppression of the Africans freedom to serve God in their own way,
blacks defended their own right to worship by the development of their own church.
According to Andrew White, a well known author for the AME denomination, The
word African means that our church was... Show more content on ...
They were not granted the ability to worship without fear. Fahlbush, stated, The U.S.
Civil War ended slavery as a political institution. The discord of the war gave African
Americans in the South freedom to worship among themselves. It was within this
period that African Americans, despite contrary white opinion, developed and set up
churches among themselves . In 1816, Richard Allen founded the first African
American led church in the country, the African Methodist Episcopal Church. The
African Methodist Episcopal Church was the first major religious denomination in
the western world that originated because of sociological and not theological
differences. It was the first African American denomination organized and
incorporated in the US. The church was established in what was known as the
Blacksmith Shop Meeting House. By 1786 blacks made up about 10 percent of the
Methodist church in the United States, and though whites and blacks often
worshiped together, blacks enjoyed no real freedom or equality. Segregated seating
was typical; the area reserved for blacks was usually called the Negro Pew or the
African Corner.
Richard Allen born a slave in 1760 and later became one of America s strongest
early advocates for racial equality. Allen was born to a biracial mother and an
African father who were both slaves at the time of his birth. Richard Allen had no
formal education, and he taught himself to read. Richard Allen
Speech On Sojourner Truth
While attending the Womens Rights Convention in Ohio in 1851, According to
Frances Gage, who is the president of the Convention, Sojourner Truth encountered
several male ministers who arrived and began stating their arguments for why women
should not have the same rights as men. Among their reasons were the facts that
women were weak, men were intellectually superior to women, Jesus was a man, and
our first mother sinned. (source) As a result of this ignorant onslaught of sexist
justifications, Sojourner Truthrose and (amidst protests from some of the women who
feared shed talk about abolition) began to deliver a spontaeneous speech about men s
hypocrisy, womens equality and the blatant injustice being done to women like
herself, that... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, she lectured, If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to
turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to
turn it back, and get it right side up again! In this instance, she acknowledged their
argument that women are responsible for the worlds sin, but chose to flip that idea
on its head by emphasizing that if that is true, then the opposite must also be true;
women must have the power to solve the world s problems. Perhaps what is most
profound about this part of the speech is that instead of simply discrediting the
ministers arguments, she actually used their own arguments against them to further
her cause and highlight their hypocritical ways. 2 Throughout her speech, Truth
makes consistent references to herself and her life, in order to relate to the women
who made up the majority of the audience. In the same way, she did this to show
the human side to her arguments, and impress on these ministers that the people
they try and opress are real people, with lives and joys and pains of their own.
Addtionally, by pointing to her well sculpted arms and referencing her slave work
by saying how she s ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, she utilized her
strong, imposing presence to shake the ministers confidence and misguided feelings
of superiority. In doing so, she also raised the point that women are capable of doing
just as much as a man, and by moving directly onto the subject of child birth,
Sin Un Pasado, No Hay Futuro Poem
Artist Joe Stephenson created Sin Un Pasado, No Hay Futuro mural located on 2nd
Street and Gold, Downtown Albuquerque, in August of 1994 to convey the lesson
we are forever frozen in time without the knowledge of our past. Together we can
achieve greatness in our future with the guidance of the past. It s a sad thing when a
culture, or tradition is forgotten and lost in time. This mural is showing us how
important it is to preserve New Mexican history, culture, and traditions for
generations to come and the negative impact it can lead to if we fail to do so.
Stephenson, Joe. Sin Un Pasado, No Hay Futuro. 1994, Downtown, Albuquerque
The colors in this mural reflect many different emotions. They may be Stephenson s
feelings towards the subject or our own. Beige neutral colors deliver a calm and
relaxing feel. The red on the trains and the rooftop, give out an energetic, powerful
impression. The vibrant color of turquoise symbolizes friendship and peace. The
orange and yellow sunrise give out warmth and joy that spreads into a pink hue of
harmony, symbolizing a bright new day, and a bright new future. All these colors
Stephenson used represent simpler times of the southwest before the chaotic takeover
of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway also known as AT SF.
According to Kansas Historical Society, the AT SF Railway chartered in February of
1859. At its largest, the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railwaywould own well over
13,000 miles, and the routes which made up its system would become some of the
most heavily and strategically used throughout the West that remains so to this day (
New Mexico Museum of Art).
The Prensa de Albuquerque newspaper headline portion of the mural is dated Feb
Albuquerque High School Next on Hit List! bring out strong feelings of outrage, and
resentment along with the advertisement The Best in The West selling land through
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe. The ad is trying to lure non native potential buyers
traveling on the AT SF Railway. Stephenson is trying to give us a history lesson, the
text With No Past; We Have No Future! telling us that we need to preserve our New
Mexico history and culture.
Essay about The Breakfest Club
The Breakfast Club nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;Theresa Puchta is very accurate in
her description of the merits and limitations of John Hughes films. Almost all of the
characteristics and themes she has described in the article: suburban setting, vague
social concerns, high school cliques, uncaring parents, characters wearing the latest
fashions and top 40 soundtrack music have been proven true in The Breakfast Club.
The movie has a suburban setting inside a high school, and the characters each
belong to one of the high school cliques: freak, princess, bully, jock and geek. At the
very beginning of the movie when the characters are introduced, each of them are
receiving a drive from one of their parents who is either too pushy,... Show more
content on ...
They only address the concerns of their lives, none of society. The article was right
on with these points. The biggest and most attractive feature of Hughes films is the
realistic dialogue, critics say it is hip just the way teens talk. Theresa Puchta puts a
little spin on that, she writes though Hughes dialogue is realistic, funny and literate
certainly several notches above the drivel usually spoken by people in teen films it
s sometimes a bit too rich. This point brings a lot of truth. This is definitely
displayed during conversations between the five high school students when they try
to psychologically figure each other out. For example, the bully is criticized by the
others as just masking up the fact that he knows he doesn t really matter to anyone,
and knowing that no matter how hard he tries he won t fit in. The teens slip these
types of observations into their conversations so easily. Although teens do come up
with profound statements it is usually after knowing the person well or the effect of
a certain emotion/fact that person has made you realize. In The Breakfast Club the
teens begin to analyze the bullies behaviour in the beginning of the movie after
spending just a few minutes with him in detention. Besides this however, as Theresa
pointed out, the lingo is very realistic and full of terms which teenagers used such as
blazing up which means to smoke marijuana.
Fossil Fuels And The Global Warming
When a person walk into a room, flip a switch and the light is turned on, this is due
to fossil fuels. When a person up your computer or laptop to surf the web or do
homework, this is also due to fossil fuels. Fossil fuels control the world as we
know it today from powering our electronic devices, running our cars, improving
our health and taking us into the depths of space. Without fossil fuels, society would
inversely live like the people before the industrial era. However, as revealed just a
few decades ago, fossil fuels are not without unintentional negative consequences.
Even though fossil fuels have transformed the world as we know it, fossil fuels are
scarce and causes ecological destruction through pollution, fracking and global
Before explaining the hazards of fossil fuels, we must investigate what fossil fuels
are and what fossil fuels yield. Fossil fuels are non renewable resources that
formed when prehistoric plants and animals died and were gradually buried by
layers of rock (Department Of Energy). These fuels are mined from the earth using
methods like oil derricks and coal mines. When these fuels are burned off in plants,
they produce power which is converted into energy and is sent on via power lines
to millions of people. In cars and airplanes, oil is combusted in the cylinders which
propels the crankshafts and runs the vehicle. As a consequence of these fuels being
burned, the residues are dispersed into the air and more fuel is required to
Homecoming Sadness
Dark alleys frighten me, If I was ever to find myself in one I would die right there.
Sadly, I know a lightless alley. It s the place where my best friend was going to be
killed, murdered, assassinated. Did I want to know this information, no, but I was
forced to.
It was in school the other day, I was walking to my second class of the day and I
overheard my friends name. It came from the boys locker room, so I stood outside
listening to what they were saying, they saw me and pulled me in. I wasn t ready for
what I was about to hear, and I never knew it would affect me till the day I die. The
plan was set for the day of homecoming, it was her date, he had made this adorable
proposal for homecoming but it was all a ... Show more content on ...
We were going to go as a group but she got asked by a boy to go to homecoming with
I left the locker room and I just wanted to cry and go home, I knew I had to continue
on with my day so I went to my second class. It was econ and she would be with me.
What was I to do, I couldn t ignore her, she s my friend and she d know something
was up. So I put on a brave face and sat next to her, I acted as if I never heard
I finished the school day and went running home, I didn t want to take the bus, she
s on my bus. As I was walking home, I start balling, the emotions over flew my
body. My head was down, the sadness in my body forced my head down. It was a
battle in me, happiness versus sadness and sadness was winning the war. I never
wanted any of this to happen, I can only think of the other scenarios. What if, I had
just walked past the locker room and didn t go to eavesdrop, what if? Nothing was
going to be the same, I was a completely different person this morning and now I m
at this. No one was home, both of my parents were working late today so I would
have some time alone. Homecoming was in 2 days, and for all this to happen
within 2 days is crazy. Sitting in my room, I couldn t believe this would all end, all
the memories we ve had together are soon going to be gone. We had picked out our
dresses together and we both cried together when she got asked to homecoming. I
didn t do anything
Raskolnikov, By William Raskolnikov
Immediately after his horse dream, Raskolnikov feels repulsion and is astounded
that he may really take an axe and strike the old pawnbroker on the head. He asks
himself why he is still thinking about it, and consciously tells himself that he will
never bring himself to do so. He felt utterly broken: darkness...why, why then am I
still... (53, 54) Although, Raskolnikov tells himself that he will never bring himself
to murder, he has already been changed and has already committed himself to
murdering the pawnbroker. This proves that Raskolnikov has changed, and in very
minute ways. It has slipped into his mindwithout him even realizing, and has changed
his character immensely. Lastly, Raskolnikov is very confused after listening to the...
Show more content on ...
However, we have not seen him actually commit to the idea and devote himself to
the task. We see Raskolnikov s true motives as soon as he does the rehearsal of his
project. This stems from his desire to be different and take a new step. As he is
going through the rehearsal, it is noted that he feels a sense of violence as he
considers attempting the murder. Raskolnikov inadvertently set his mind on
committing the murder, and does not realize that he had unconsciously came up
with the idea to murder. Now, a month later...and on the other into the street. (3)
Very soon after, Raskolnikov again feels immense guilt and remorse that he would
think these kinds of things, and feels terrible that his heart is capable of considering
murder as an option. Raskolnikov went out in complete confusion...with himself to
escape from his wretchedness. (7) After returning from the Hay Market where he
heard the student and the young officer talk about the old pawnbroker, he
immediately falls asleep after considering the coincidence of the situation. Once he
wakes up, it is said that he eats several spoonful s of food mechanically, and then
begins preparing for the murder. This preparation proves that Raskolnikov has
decided to act upon his impulses and commit the murder. He ate little, three or
four...outside when he put the coat on again (60, 61) While reading this passage, I
noticed that there was no definitive switch, or decision to go execute his plan. He
woke up
Time to Practice – Week One
University of Phoenix Material
Time to Practice Week One
Complete both Part A and Part B below.
Part A
Some questions in Part A require that you access data from Statistics for People Who
(Think They) Hate Statistics. This data is available through the Student Textbook
Resources link.
1. By hand (without using SPSS), compute the mean, median, and mode for the
following set of 40 reading scores:
31| 32| 43| 42| 24| 34| 25| 44| 23| 43| 24| 36| 25| 41| 23| 28| 14| 21| 24| 17| 25| 23| 44|
21| 13| 26| 23| 32| 12| 26| 14| 42| 14| 31| 52| 12| 23| 42| 32| 34|
MEAN: 28.375
MEDIAN: 25.5
MODE: 23 ... Show more content on ...
What measure of central tendency would you use and why?
5. For the following set of scores, compute the range, the unbiased and the biased
standard deviations, and the variance. Do the exercise by hand.
31, 42, 35, 55, 54, 34, 25, 44, 35
Why is the unbiased estimate greater than the biased estimate?
6. Use IBMВ® SPSSВ® software to compute all the descriptive statistics for the
following set of three test scores over the course of a semester. Which test had the
highest average score? Which test had the smallest amount of variability?
Test 1| Test 2| Test 3| 50| 50| 49| 48| 49| 47| 51| 51| 51| 46| 46| 55| 49| 48| 55| 48| 53|
45| 49| 49| 47| 49| 52| 45| 50| 48| 46| 50| 55| 53|
7. This practice problem uses the data contained in the file named Ch. 3 Data Set 3.
There are two variables in this data set. The data sets can be found through the Sage
Materials in the Student Textbook Resource Access link, listed under Academic
Resources. Using IBMВ® SPSSВ® software, compute all of the measures of
variability you can for height and weight. Copy and paste the output from IBMВ®
SPSSВ® into this worksheet.
Variable| Definition| Height| Height in inches| Weight| Weight in pounds|
8. Review the following frequency distribution. Create a histogram either by hand or
by using some other
Alexander The Great Influence
Alexander the Great was born to parents King Philip II and Queen Olympia in 356
BCE; he came from the frontier state of Macedonia to the North of Greece.
Alexander took charge of the Companion Cavalry when he was only 18 years old and
assisted his father in defeating the Athenian and Theban armies and Chaeronea. His
father had helped him turn Macedoniainto a large ethnic and territorial state.
Macedonia held gold mines that were very helpful for Philip II by financing his new
military technology and disciplining full time armies. After Philips assassination, his
son Alexander used this new military machine in a series of daring attacks on the
apparently invincible power of the Persian Empire and its king, Darius III. (Worlds
Together... Show more content on ...
Conquering as many Empires as he did in the little time he spent on this Earth was
very impressing and still is today. At age 18: Cavalry commander, age 20: king,
age 26: conquer of the Persian Empire, age 30: explorer of the Indian frontier, and
died at the age of 32. In that 32 years of life he created history that still applies to
the world today and his influence in eastern and western culture cannot be denied.
The spread of Greek influenced culture to the known world which lasted for several
centuries after he died is his legacy. His success resulted
How Is Grunge Successful
Grunge was not just a type of music, it was a movement and a culture that served as
a voice of revolt against negative changes in 1990 s America. The events and
changes at the time helped make Grunge successful. Events such as globalization, and
the change of Seattle becoming more middle class, built anger towards a corporate
America. The success of Nirvana, which can be attributed to Sub Pop Records and
MTV, made Grungea desired culture, rather than a genre of music. Finally, Nirvana s
success opened the Grunge scene to women and inspired the Riot Grrrl movement.
All of these factors combined made Grunge a successful movement and culture. A
music genre which had been underground shifted to becoming a mainstream success.
Grunge is a subgenre ... Show more content on ...
As Nirvana s fame grew, they attracted the mainstream, and successfully made
Grunge a much desired culture. Nirvana started in Aberdeen, Washington and was
based in Seattle, Washington. However, the band s powerful message and music
eventually became popular worldwide. Much of Nirvana s success can be
attributed to their humble beginnings, at a small Seattle based record company
called Sub Pop. The band was formed in 1987, and signed its first record, Bleach,
with Sub Pop. Sub Pop had Nirvana open for Mudhoney at Sub Pop s LameFest
showcase in London. After Nirvana s performance, NME, a British music
newspaper named Nirvana as Sub Pop s answer to The Beatles . After receiving
attention in the British press, Nirvana gained attention in the American press.
Nirvana signed its second album, Nevermind with DGC records. The album s first
single, Smells Like Teen Spirit, became extremely popular and was repeatedly
played on MTV. Sub Pop made Nirvana a more well known band, but MTV was a
large part as to why Nirvana became so famous. Kurt Cobain said, I turned on MTV
and there we were, like the Beatles, you know? Like Nirvana mania. Nirvana was an
underground band, and MTV helped bring the band and its music to the mainstream.
MTV s constant playing of Smells Like Teen Spirit catapulted Nirvana to fame. On
Nirvana s seemingly overnight success, bassist Krist Novoselic said, We repelled the
Case Study Of Xtreme Sports Resort
4.0 Xtreme Sports Resort
Xtreme Sports Resort is a special type of hotel that not only provides
accommodation, but also features exciting X Games. It is a 5 star hotel with 28
floors and 300 rooms, 19 X Games are available in the whole resort. 2D and 3D resort
designs are illustrated in Appendix II, with a link of promotional video at the end.
All room guests are distributed with a Xtreme Card when check in, with name,
photo, room number and date of arrival on it. It allows access to hotel room and
general resort facilities, and functions as a gaming card as well. Hotel guests can add
value into the card, known as Xtreme Credits. They can pay in these combinations:
5Cr/$650, 10Cr/$1000, 25Cr/$2400, 50Cr/$4800. This will stimulate their buying ...
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General Resort Facilities
In the resort hotel, several facilities are charged and opened to both hotel guests and
the public. It includes spa, food and beverage outlets, clinic and car parks. For F B,
there are three dining options. The Jade Palace that provides international buffet and
Г la carte Chinese cuisine, Steak and Grill that provides Western fine dining, and
the rooftop bar Sky Blue that provides alcohols and snacks. Apart from that, fitness
center, outdoor wave swimming pool with waterslides and Jacuzzi, and Kids
Playhouse are free of charge and exclusive to hotel guests only.
Resort based X Games
RipCord by iFly
It is a skydiving simulator which participants can experience the thrill of flying in a
safe environment. The enclosed vertical flight tunnel is powered by a wind machine
that allows participants to float. Flyers must be 5 years or older, and weigh less than
250 pounds. Each flight lasts for 1 minute. Hotel guests are given one complimentary
flight during their stay, additional flights cost at
Textual Analysis Examples
The two items I chose from the Speed museum were the two vases by Fulvio
Bianconi and Vicktor Emanuel as the modern pieces and the ancient Egyptian
canopic jars. Upon first sight, my first thought was that the purpose of these items
is obliviously to hold and serve as containers for other objects. Though they are
different in size, it s clear they serve that same idea. Both items are also shaped in
sort of a rounded and spherical way; the edges are smoothed out and they all have a
nice organic flow to them. There is nothing geometric or jagged about any of the
pieces. While reading deeper into the description of the Egyptian jars, I found out that
they were used to store the deceased s organs during the process of mummification.
These jars... Show more content on ...
Though the vases themselves aren t geometric in shape, the design in the painting
creates a bunch of abstract squares and rectangles. The design on the other vase
looks to be like a tree growing upward. The black strokes seem to represent different
size branches as those found on a tree or a plant of some sort. Another noticeable
difference is that the modern vases are European, one being from Sweden and the
other from Italy. The ancient jars, as previously stated, are Egyptian. The sizes seem
to differ between the modern and ancient containers as well. The modern vases
appear taller and leaner compared to the shorter and more rotund jars. This may be
because the jars did not have to be very tall in order to hold the organs; they were
able to serve their purpose at a smaller height and a wider circumference. The tall
and slender shapes of the vases were probably just a design or style choice the
designer made to achieve his vision. The materials used to create the pieces are
worth noting as well. The vases were probably glass blown and then hand painted
while I couldn t really tell for sure what the jars were made of but it appeared to be
some sort of stone or clay. Either way, the Egyptians used organic and natural
materials found in their environment and carved and chiseled them by
Bhp External and Internal Environments
The BHP OK Tedi Mine in Papua New Guinea (PNG) has raised many environmental,
ethical and social responsibility issues regarding organisational management on many
fronts. There have been many approaches in an attempt to confront and address the
varying factors which encompass both past and present business practices.
The mine was an open pit gold and copper mine located in the western province of
PNG the operation of which resulted in collateral damage, affecting up to 50,000
people in the nearby villages. During the 1970 s, early drilling began and was
overseen by Kenneth Copper Corporation. BHP then won the lease in 1984. The
initial stages of the mining saw utilisation of the cyanide extraction procedure,
however, a large copper region ... Show more content on ...
This also included 10% of the company going to the PNG government.
в‚Ѓ Cameron Forbes and Matthew Stevens, BHP considers PNG mining solutions ,
The Australian, 24 May 1994.
в‚‚ Ibid. p 1
From this rises a larger issue in regards to managerial ethics. The major issue that
arises here in regards to this is the decisions which drive profitability at the expense of
the environment. Has the standards of conduct and moral judgements used in the
behaviour of BHP aligned with environmental standards and global consistency? How
do these judgments in turn affect not only the local environment but also the socio
cultural environments? To focus on these ethical issues it is important to look at the
regulations that govern corporate behaviours, the nature of the relationship that BHP
as an organisation has with its social environment and the connection that economic
growth has at the cost of ethics.
Firstly we must look at mining as a whole in which other major mining companies
have followed a global standard of practices in protecting the environment.
Governments play a key role in setting these environmental standards for
organisations to meet them. There are a series of guidelines that are targeted at
managers to provide the practical techniques and guidance they need to manage the
environmental risks and impacts of their own operations в‚ѓ
In Australia this interaction between an organisation and its
A Significant Strength Of The Constitution Essay
A significant strength of the Constitution is that if it is followed, its language clearly
guides disputes and helps settle any debate over issues of religion and politics. The
framers intended it to do so and made its language simple and clear. The question is
why American citizens insist upon disregarding the Constitutions language. A simple
answer is that by doing so, various groups who attempt to twist the Constitution are
attempting to do exactly what the document intends to prevent the wresting of
power away from the democratic process and awarding it to a given group who
would then have the ability to force their own agenda on our democracy. Those who
would disregard the Constitution are or should be considered enemies of the state;
religious groups fall into this argument and have in the past been the exact enemies of
the state described here. Any group, religious or not, that interrupts the governance
rules of a country should be considered an enemy combatant, and history proves such
groups have indeed been defined as such. The framers understood the power of
persuasion that religion holds, and they detested it. Kramnick and Moore (1997)
affirm this by saying that Americans are fed a line of propaganda by the Religious
Right that the framers were Christians who wrote a Christian document when this
statement is incorrect. The authors write God and Christianityare nowhere to be found
in the American Constitution, a reality that infuriated many at the time.
Ted Bundy Vs Ted Bundy
Serial killers are one of the biggest mysteries to the rest of humanity. The way they
think and act is terrifying but also fascinating because other people don t think in
the same way. So when we see someone so sadistic and emotionally detached we
want to know more about them. We want to know what their childhood was like, if
something happened in the early development of their lives or if they were just
wired that way from birth. Two of the most popular serial killers are Ted Bundyand
Jeffrey Dahmer. They both started killing people in their young adulthood,
progressively becoming more and more addicted to the thrill it gave them leading
up to their arrests later in life. However, they had very different home lives and
experiences that lead to their fates. Childhood and adolescence tend to play a huge
role in the way people turn out as adults, so it s one of the first things people look
back at when someone turns out to be any kind of killer. Jeffrey Dahmer is said to
have had a pretty normal childhood though, according to his father, he had an
unusual interest in the bodies of dead animals and didn t show the same kinds of
emotions as other children ( All About Jeffrey Dahmer , 2011). As he developed into
adolescence his fascination with dead animals only became more disturbing as he
started examining and dissecting the carcasses. He withdrew himself from society
and turning to heavy alcoholism. His drinking problem stayed with him throughout
his high school career

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  • 1. Simple Narrative Essay Example Crafting a simple narrative essay example might seem like a straightforward task, but it involves a delicate balance of creativity, structure, and storytelling skills. The challenge lies in capturing the reader's attention from the beginning and maintaining it throughout the narrative. Choosing the right events to include, establishing a clear chronological order, and ensuring a coherent and engaging storyline require careful thought and planning. Moreover, the challenge extends to the writer's ability to convey emotions and experiences effectively. A successful narrative essay should not only recount events but also evoke feelings and connect with the reader on a personal level. Striking this balance between providing enough detail for a vivid picture and avoiding unnecessary information can be tricky. Additionally, maintaining a cohesive theme and ensuring a smooth flow from one point to another is crucial. Transitions between paragraphs should be seamless, and the overall essay structure should support the narrative arc. It's not just about recounting events but creating a compelling and unified story. The difficulty also arises in avoiding clichГ©s and clichГ©d storytelling patterns. A simple narrative essay should still have an original and unique voice. Finding a fresh perspective on a seemingly mundane topic can be challenging but is essential for keeping the reader engaged. In conclusion, while writing a simple narrative essay example may seem easy at first glance, it demands a careful blend of creativity, structure, and storytelling finesse. Successfully navigating these challenges results in a captivating narrative that resonates with the reader. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or looking for professional help, various resources like offer a range of writing services to make the process smoother and more efficient. Simple Narrative Essay ExampleSimple Narrative Essay Example
  • 2. Justice And Vengeance In The Film Dust Justice will over rule vengeance and will always have power over revenge because good always wins. Justice in every movie always wins. Vengeance will never succeed and be happy, justice has happiness. Revenge has a lot of hatred towards everyone, they will make everyone suffer because they didn t find happiness and never forgave the person who didn t give them the happiness. For example back in the day there were racism, racism was really intense. The African American people had a lot of anger towards the white people. The white people treated the African American s like they were bad people because they were colored people. Whites wouldn t serve African American s food in specific restraint. The Africans American s protested , and there... Show more content on ... In the movie Dust there is racism between the Mexicans and the whites. There is a man name Luis , Luis was driving drunk late at night and there was a little girl walking. Luis accidently killed the little girl. Luis was sent to jail. He was also supposed to hang him self in front the little girls family and the whole city. A day before the execution Luis s father wanted to help luis and his father asked the little girls family to not kill his son take him instead. The family said we have a funeral to go to. Thank you . Luis father was really wanting to help Luis. Sikes told a little girl to tell Luis father that if he comes and gets 100 pesos he will have magic dust to help save Luis. The next day came along and it was time for the execution. Luis father came running to Sikes with the pesos, Sikes gave him the magic dust. Luis father ran down to the execution and was throwing the dust at the crowed saying Its Magic! everyone started to laugh at him even Sikes. Luis told his father to go home, then we hear a sound like Luis fell and died. The rope broke so he landed on the ground. They asked little girls family if they should still execute Luis. The mother says No! there s enough people that died. The little girls family forgave Luis and let him go home. Forgiveness will make you a better person in life. Revenge will make people not like you and will not be a good person only if they change and forgive. Another example is in the movie Count Of Monte Cirsto . Monte Cirsto showed forgiveness to the men that stole his kingdom and locked him up in a dungeon. No matter what people do to you, you should always show that you are a better person if u forgive and forget. Justice will always defeat vengeance. Vengeance show how less of a good person you truly
  • 3. Institutionalization Of Social Movement Analysis Q 1: In general, institutionalization portrays a repeated set of procedures and relationships wherein the raising of a political issue becomes routine and repeatable while maintaining minimum uncertainty and risk. The institutionalization of protests as Meyers describes sees activists promoting mechanisms that will allow them to interact with government in such a routine way that will enable a fundamental change for a social movementand the government they influence (Meyers 177). Meyers outlines six typical mechanisms used through the institutionalization of protest in the U.S. One typical mechanism has to do with policymakers offering a meeting with representatives of a particular social movement. This is a great way to inject either energy... Show more content on ... They employ numerous tactics of disruptive collective actions targeting the authorities in trying to obtain their goal of suffrage. At first, they organize a parade where they demonstrate for the right to an amendment to the constitution. They also organize a 24/7 stand of sentinel outside of the White House carrying signs that moved for the right to an amendment. Even after Wilson declares war, the volunteers stay out as sentinels and soon organize a picket line as they carry signs that advertise Kaiser Wilson not practicing what he preaches as 20,000,000 women were not part of the governing process or having the right to democracy. Numerous arrests occurred as the women were imprisoned for disturbing traffic meanwhile the film shows the women actively resisting arrest. Eventually, Alice Paul is arrested for the same charge and throws a shoe out a window in the prison as a protest to the lack of clean and breathable air in the sewing workshop. She also goes on to silently protest through a hunger strike for the unconstitutionality of their arrests and for the women s suffrage movement. Soon, the rest of the women who were arrested in their organization follow
  • 4. The Problem Of Desertification ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE CONCERNS Desertification is an environmental and socio economic problem. Environmental justice is characterized by the equal sharing of risks and benefits, distributed equally without discrimination. The land affected falls in rural areas beyond the mainland which are primarily occupied by non Han ethnic minorities. These areas include the autonomous regions of Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, and Tibet, which have historically been oppressed. The social component of the problem creates a cycle in which poverty exacerbates desertification, and in turn, desertification aggravates poverty. The cycle will continue until the wellbeing of people living in desertified areas is considerably improved to the point where they no longer rely on degraded land for survival. Only then will they be able to limit their impact on desertified land. Chen and Tang further explain For degraded land, withdrawal of farmlands and enclosing pastures in order to exclude grazing are undoubtedly the most effective ways to prevent further desertification. These measures would deprive local people of their sole livelihood. Attempts to reduce desertification have neglected the human component of the problem. As a solution, Wang et al. suggest that outward migration with a carefully considered relocation policy is an important choice for desertified areas that are judged to be beyond ecological carrying capacity. Miao et al. echo this idea, explaining that reclamation efforts
  • 5. My Personal Experience In My Life All throughout my life I was just an average kid who did average normal activities. I was never very sociable or outgoing, but I still had a close group of friends. I wasn t very confident in myself nor was I very disciplined. My life basically centered around video games with friends and sports. I participated multiple sports such as cross country, nordic skiing, baseball, and track. As I grew older I naturally became more confident, disciplined, and outspoken but not as much as I would ve like to have been. In junior high, I looked up to the varsityrunners on the cross country team. It was a goal of mine to be on that team and to do well, I never thought it would actually happen. In my senior year it did, and we were great. We had a great season and even made it to state, but doing well wasn t the most important acquisition of the year. In my final season I became the hardworking, confident, disciplined, and outspoken person I am today. This is due mainly to the team atmosphere, the coaches, and daily practice. The cross country team has always felt like a family. Specific events were held just so athletes would feel included. One of these events was called the weekendgetaway. During the weekend getaway all the athletes would get on a bus and head to Sibley State Park camping grounds where we would enjoy a weekend of running and activities. Board games, canoeing, and swimming would take up most of the day. The team captains would work especially hard to get the older
  • 6. The Core Values Of Zappos The holacratic model has, already, been adopted by for profit and non profit organizations in several countries. For the purpose of an incubation chamber, has been the first organizational reality to deploy it. Zappos is an online shoe and clothing shop founded in 1999 and owned by Amazon since 2009. During the negotiations with Amazon, internal management s primary concern was to maintain the company culture intact throughout the acquisition process, because a culture that embraces the idiosyncrasies of each individual is what keeps the firm alive and healthy. Such an emphasis on employees manifested itself in drawing up the ten core values of the Zappos family: deliver wow through service; embrace and drive change; create fun and a little weirdness; be adventurous, creative, and open minded; pursue growth and learning; build open and honest relationships with communication; build a positive team and family spirit; do more with less; be passionate and determined; be humble. The company has, even, its own consulting unit to help others emulate the Zappos way and folklore. In 2015, Zappos formerly adopted Holacracy. One of Holacracy s most significant innovations is making governance something that happens at every level of the organization. Governance becomes an ongoing process that happens in each circle, during the ... Show more content on ... The business of designing and developing games also fits these criteria well, as Valve discovered. From Holacracy, in fact, Valve took the flat organizational structure , the focus on project teams and the fluidity of roles: everyone is a strategist , everyone is a designer, everyone can rightfully question each other s
  • 7. India s Nuclear Activity between 1968 and 1998 I told President Clinton that when my third eye looks at the door of the Security Council chamber it sees a little sign that says only those with economic power or nuclear weapons are allowed. I said to him, it is very difficult to achieve economic wealth . This was said by I.K Gujral, the Indian Prime Minister at the time during a U.N general meeting in 1997. The context and focus of this essay will be India s nuclear activity between 1968 up until the Pohkran II tests in 1998. The background element shows that, in 1968, India wanted to protect its own right of experimenting with nuclear weapons by not signing the NPT (nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty). India in 1974 had engaged in a nuclear test, which New Delhi advanced to say that was not a weapon but was, however, peaceful (Sullivan, 2012 3). International audiences were fazed by the nuclear action by India, especially the United States of America, consequently filing and constructing laws that prevented India from trading multilaterally along with posing nuclear banning laws against the Indian state. It can be demonstrated that India for a long time, remained outside the nuclear circle of states, which was controlled and built by the powerful United States. An agreement was reached between the two states rather long after India s first tests, which marked a not only a new position in diplomatic relations, but the understanding that India was marked as a new nuclear power. Why did India decide to openly
  • 8. Global Hunger Is The Most Prevalent Issue Global Hunger is the most prevalent issue in the modern world. In much of Asia, Africa and other parts of the developing world, people are malnourished and do not have access to sufficient food. Hunger levels in third world countries has decreased, however in war affected countries such as Iraq, hunger has increased severely. Malnourishment affects the body all through a person s life, from the moment they are born to when they are elderly, if they survive that long. Life long hungercan increase mortality rate, stunt growth, increase risk of diseases and mental impairment. World Vision, an organisation that helps third world countries to overcome povertyand injustice , has a program called the 40 Hour Famine, where volunteers collect donations and in return give up something that people in impoverished countries do not have such as food, furniture and technology for 40 hours. This year the 40 Hour Famine will held on the 14th to the 16th of August and this year 38,461 people have participated in the event. Through surveys, posters and group involvement in the 40 Hour Famine, I will raise awareness and knowledge about Global Hunger around my school. In order to investigate the statistics surrounding Global Hunger and its funding I used three different methods to gain information. Primary Source School Survey Primary Source Subject Expert Survey Secondary Source Internet research These sources are all reliable for accurate information in order to properly
  • 9. Urban Sprawl In Los Angeles Essay Los Angeles is built on the vast and flat landscape; it was their opportunity to grow fast as a metropolitan. With this environment, the constant influx of population was enough to generate a significant community even outside of downtown. The urban sprawl started on its endless horizontal ground. However, soon they confronted the limit of the carrying capacity. L.A couldn t handle its urban sprawl; it needed a solution to keep growing. Los Angelescouldn t deal with the increasing housing demand and lacking of public space. Compared to other metropolitan, such as New York, Los Angeles showed the dramatic comparison in population density. The urbanized area of Los Angeles was the densest in the country in 1990, more so than even New York City. The 2000 figure for the Los Angeles Long Beach Santa Ana Urbanized area is 7,068 people per square mile, compared to 5,309 for the New York, New jersey Connecticut urbanized area. (Grey 90) In detail, 90 districts of L.A have more than 10,000 people per square mile. Especially Koreatown has the biggest number which is 42,000 square per mile (LA times Sewell 2016). After decades, when it confronted its housing problem due to unaffordability, people finally realized there is no suburban area for them to move or build new housings in Los Angeles. They reached their limit of growing. Unnerving lesson in man s infinite capacity to mess up his environment. (Grey 238) The population kept larger, the price of housing also increased. Los
  • 10. Annotated Bibliography Of Youth Homelessness In Canada Theanna Vernon Issac Coplan 500590121 INT908 November 7th, 2014 Annotated Bibliography Evenson, J. (2009). Youth Homelessness In Canada: The Road To Solutions. Canada: Raising the Roof. In this source Evenson has gone through a lot of research in order to determine why homelessness in Canadian youth is occurring. This source explains how homelessness happens, but the main idea of the source is to find long term solutions to stop the increasing number of homeless youth in Canada. The idea of a long term solution according to ... Show more content on ... In a study that was conducted in 1999 it was clear that women suffered abuse the most, creating gaps in families resulting into homelessness. A study done in 1997 investigated whether or not bad childhood experiences played a factor into adult homelessness. Family abuse is one of the main reasons why youth decide to become homeless. Aboriginal people have the highest rate of homelessness in their community. This article states that programs that only focus on training and employment readiness are not what is needed by all homeless youth, but in fact, they needed proper therapy to talk about their traumatizing adults to live better everyday
  • 11. Professional Development And Continuous Learning POLICY This Policy stems from the view that professional development and continuous learning are necessary to maintain the quality of the University staff and their continued readiness and ability to contribute effectively to the mission and goals of the University. Policy is not a firmly characterized idea but rather a profoundly adaptable one, utilized as a part of distinctive courses on diverse events. A particular choice or set of choices intended to complete such a strategy. Policy Procedure Responsibilities Individual staff members, managers and the University share the responsibility for staff development. Staff members are encouraged to take responsibility for their own work related learning and career development. They are also encouraged to assist others in their development. The University is responsible for providing opportunities, resources and tools so that staff can become competent in their roles and achieve their career aspirations. Identifying development needs A staff member s learning and development needs are primarily identified through the performance cycle and are captured in the staff member s Performance Workplan. Recognizing learning and improvement needs depends on a formal or casual evaluation of winning levels of abilities, mentalities and information, and on any present or foreseen crevices. Such an investigation will empower choices about what realizing procurements are required at individual, group or hierarchical level. These
  • 12. The Philosophy Of Humanism During The Early Renaissance A significant increase in secular art began in the early Renaissance because of an enormous gain of wealth by Florence in the early 15th century. The philosophy of humanism began, combining the values of both spirituality and the worth of the human mind and experience. The republics people valued the individualism in humanism, believing their society and its values to represent liberty and freedom. (Harris Zucker, n.d., para.6). As a result, wealth combined with an interest in portraying individual power, piety, and human experience created a thriving artistic market whose patronage was no longer confined to the exclusive domain of the church. Rather, wealthy private families and government officials began to hire artists with increasing... Show more content on ... Beginning with the Renaissance, the dignity of individuals and importance of nature was explored in artistic design and specifics that strove for the deception of reality, inspired by human curiosity and scientific interest. Artists as the periods went on got to the the level of theorists and intellectuals, their skills becoming a relation to their minds as opposed to their previous treatment in the middle Ages as craftsmen. For example, the subjects of sculpture and paintings often reflected a growing interest in private meditation and prayer (Harris Zucker, n.d., para 2), and the desire of important patrons to create powerful visual displays of wealth and imagery that cast themselves in a dignified light lead to growing numbers of artists being commissioned for portraits. During the 15th century, for instance, the Italian Renaissance resulted in wealthy, cultured Florentine families becoming frequent art patrons, desiring beautiful and tasteful art for their homes. The Triumph of 0amillus , painted by Biagio d Antonio 1470 1475 was likely purchased as a panel to show in a domestic environment. The painting depicts a scene from the Roman author Livy s writings of a triumphal parade for 0amillus after he and his troops saved Rome from invading Gauls (National Gallery of Art, n.d., para 2) For instance, the items paintings and of
  • 13. The Canadian National Railway Company According to the center for international climate and environmental research Canada ranks 5th in having the largest carbon, fossil fuel, land and water consumption footprint in the world. Keeping this staggering stat in mind a few Canadian companies have begun to reverse this trend and lean towards a more sustainable means of operation. On such company is the Canadian national railway company, more popularly known as CN. About the Company: Based in Montreal Quebec, CN boasts the most comprehensive trackage of any railway company in Canada. Its tracks span Canada from coast to coast. Additionally CN has an extensive operation in the Midwestern and southern United States which allows it to have access to about 75% of US s shipping market. ... Show more content on ... These are basically shipping containers that get loaded on to train beds or more commonly freight ships. As a result CN also owns a fleet of ships, barges and ferries for transporting goods across Canada, US and internationally. The sheer diversity of transportation modes they provide allows them to be both fast and cost effective while staying profitable. These shipping solutions require a staggering amount of yards and repair facilities. In addition to these CN has over 2 million square feet of warehousing facilities. All these services combined result in one of the largest shipping companies the world over. Sustainability: Since CN is a shipping company that combines rail, intermodal, freight forwarding, trucking and warehousing to handle $250 billion in goods a year and 300 million tons of cargo which impacts exporters, importers farmers and businesses the world over, sustainability is a major concern for them. In a recent annual list of the 100 most sustainable companies released by media and research company Corporate Knights, CN was ranked number 57 around the world and number 3 in Canada. CN has a very comprehensive sustainability policy which focuses on three main areas; Emission and energy efficiency, waste management and biodiversity and land management. Emissions and Energy Efficiency: Reduction in emissions and energy efficiency is the backbone of CN s sustainability policy. In order to achieve that CN has focused on three key areas; reducing
  • 14. Dbq League Of Nations 1.what can you learn about the league of nations from the source A? Explain your answer using details of the source . From the start the league of nations had seemed to be struggling.However it can be argued whether or not it was successful. source A shows the international that was happening at the time of nationalism.The author was clearly saying the rise of nationalism and how it was one of the major impacts that added the failure of the league.This can be justified when it is stated the league was an experiment in internationalism at a time when the counterclaims of nationalism were running powerfully in the opposite direction this shows now the league was being weighted down but if the league of nation had shifted from internationalism ... Show more content on ... He uses hyperbole and persuasion techniques in his speech the purpose of his speech was to convince as many American citizens as he could be in favour of the league of nations.He also talks about america greatly because he is trying to appeal to his people and bring them over to his side .The americans are convinced that it is european club to solve european issues and that it will simply involve america in problems which they have no need to interfere in in his speech wilson tries to convince them that it is critical for america to join when he says but the idea of the league of nations will not be fully carried out if any one of the great influences that brought the result about the with held here he is talking about america itself saying america was one of the great influences and if they are not part of the league of nations the results wouldn t be be as successful as they could have been if america had joined Bias can easily be detected here because of the author and purpose.wilson talks highly about the league and america this is clearly show bias as he is evendently trying to convince america that joining the league is necessary this speech was created because wilson was determined to live in an idealistic world where all countries were disarmed and war did not not exist he was eager to make his dream and was certain that the league of nations would ensure that war would no longer exist and that each country would have
  • 15. Sample Jazz Concert Report Aundria McCadney The night of February 18, 2016 I attended The MTSU Faculty Jazztet concert in Wright Music Hall. This jazz band consists of David Willford, Don Aliquo, Micheal Parkinson, Jamey Simmions, Joe Davidian, Patrick Arwater, and Derrek Phillps performed eight jazz selections. The crowd that night was about 70 80 people, and part were older and the other half was students. When I think about a jazzperformance a drum and piano player did not come to mind. I expected for the show to be like all the stuff you see on TV about jazz bands with one person singing and the instruments in the background playing. All the band members were all dressed up in either suits or dress shirt and tie they all were instrument players. The music... Show more content on ... The members didn t go by the particular order that was on the program when performing the lead saxophone player just announced each name. All their songs had melody theme which stay in the chorus of them. The saxophone, flugelhorn and trumpet phrases were all legato during their solos throughout the pieces. In the dynamics during each of the songs were mezzo forte or higher. When each person did their solo they crescendo leading to the end of them. I really enjoyed that the lead of the band explained the background information of every piece that was played I tried to take that into consideration while listening. If he didn t put his explanation in before each song I wouldn t be able to understand the main concept. The song that stood out to me the most was Dance Cadaverous, which is a mood piece. Dance Cadaverous song connected with me more than the others simply because I could really interpreted the piece. The rest of the songs were challenging to grab the concept of the title to the actual performance. This piece to me portrays a mix of swing dance to it. Dance Cadaverous is the definition of the jazz I have heard before on TV and what I
  • 16. What Are The Similarities Between Golf And Double Bogey Hello there how s the day going. Well then it will get better. Uno, we will introduce each sport . Then, we ll explain the scoring of each sport. After that, you will look at the world of sport statistics. Last, we will look at personal stats. Now enjoy the writing. The first sport is considered very boring it is Golf. The second sport is Baseball. The third sport is a very anticipated one you guessed it, it is Football. Last, is the sport of Jordan Basketball. In golf the objective is to get the least score. But there eight ways you score. First, a triple Bogey which is adding three to your score. After that, there is the double Bogey is just adding two to your score. Thirdly, there is the Bogey adding one to your score. If you hit the ball
  • 17. Mistreatment Of Animals In Sara Gruen s Water For Elephants When the circus comes to town, children s eyes boggle with amazement as excitement fills the air. Under the big top, the stunts of humans and animals alike mesmerize and capture the audience s attention. Spectators become astonished at the miraculous accomplishments of the animals, and they are willing to pay massive amounts of money to see exotic creatures outside of their natural habits. However, circuses are not what they seem. It s a classic image: elephants lumbering trunk to tail. But is this docility born of positive reinforcement or fear of being beaten? (Nelson). With the circuses primary focus being on entertainment, the animals needs are the last thing that they take into consideration. And circusadvocates turn a blind eye to... Show more content on ... People have looked to these shows for family tradition, entertainment, and the lively atmosphere. Circus supporters confide in the facade that the circuses present to them: We are committed to ensuring our animal family receives the highest standards of care. [...] Our animals receive better medical care than we do (Ringling Bros). It is easy to believe the claims that these renowned companies tell the public, but in this case, the stories and accusations from former employees, animal welfare associations, governmental organizations, and even regular members of society should not be overlooked. It is obvious that circus animals do not live in the conditions that circuses advertise. After evaluating the physical and mental abuse, starvation and dehydration, and illnesses that these animals undergo, it is inarguable that they should not be used in a circus
  • 18. Establishing Goals John Green, one of my biggest role models, once said, Imagining the future is a kind of nostalgia. Nostalgia means something you long for, I long for a bright future. In my future, I desire to be an author. In order to accomplish that, I must thoughtfully construct a plan that will lead me to the ultimate result of the life that I crave for. Authors influenced me to wantto become an author myself. After reading a wide range of books by varying writers like Ned Vizzini, J.D Salinger, Natalie Babbit, Mitch Albom, and as I said earlier, John Green, I am determined to leave that evangelical zeal that you get from books, and only books, on my readers the way many books have done to me before. Establishing goals is crucial to actualizing my dreams of having a gratifying career as a Young Adult/Teen novelist. Knowledge is a key aspect when creating the goals that you will pursue because it is extremely beneficial to know which universities you are bound to attend. For instance, my university of choice is Columbia Universityof New York. I would like to study at Columbia University because I am interested in the clubs and activities they have available there such as The Artist Society Blog, Quiz Bowl, and Feminist Thought. Furthermore, Columbia University has many classes and courses for writing. Defining clear goals for myself will motivate me to propel forward with my endeavors. With a definite mindset of where I want to end up, a Point A to a Point B, it will ease any stress
  • 19. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is a well noted American leader, who is known primarily for his role in the African American civil rights movement of the 20th century in USA. He is often regarded as a champion of human rights and considered to be not only associated with the cause of racial discrimination against the African Americans, but also with other social causes relating to injustice, unfairness and discrimination in the American society. He also holds the privilege of being the youngest ever person in the history to have received the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize1. Besides being a well renowned social activist, he was also a Baptist minister and had a degree in Theology and Divinity2. Since he had such an active and stellar political career, his political and social beliefs and his achievements in those areas have received a lot more attention than his religious beliefs and philosophies that he conformed to. In this article an attempt is made to highlight his religious contributions to the American theology. Martin Luther King was born on 15th January in the year 1929 in the rural parts of the state of Georgia2. His family was deeply rooted in the Christian faith and his father and grandfather, both were associated with the Baptist churches during their lifetime. His grandfather was a minister of a church. After his death, Martin Luther King s father became a pastor of that church2 3. His familial background was quite modest and had a great influence on his personality
  • 20. Fof Final Assigment INTRODUCTION Investment instrument is a document such as bond and share certificate that has monetary value through agreement that agrees make payment of money to another parties for purpose gain equity capital or loan capital. An investment instrument give a promise of earnings and return to the holders or recipient. It also called as financing instruments. There are three common types of investment instruments in the market which are money markets, bonds and common shares. Money market is the short term loan market which is less than one year maturities with relatively liquid and low risk debt due to short duration. Governments and large corporations are usually issued the money market securities in forms of banker s acceptance, ... Show more content on ... When the company is going to bankrupt, the loss of the company, the common stockholder have the right to not responsibility for the loss facing by the company. It is because a corporation is a separate legal entity under the law. For example an individual invest RM10, 000 in a company and the company going bankrupt the individual will not pay the debt behalf the company. WHY PEOPLE INEVEST IN SHARES? Most of the people rises capital and build wealth by invest in common shares. The value of money today is worth than the money tomorrow, so the money invested will not depreciate in value. The investor want to make profit by holding the shares until the shares price is above the price they purchase. For example, 15 June 2010 an investor bought 200 shares of Blue Company at RM50 each share. On 18 May 2011, the investor sells 200 shares of Blue Company at RM70 each shares. The investor will gain RM4, 000 [(200x70) (200x50)] on the shares the investor bought. Some investor invest in common shares, because they want an extra income. The investor can get dividend income by investing in shares. Dividend income is distribute of the earning of the company to the investor. Most of the company will pay the dividend to the investor when their company earning money. As an example, Pink Company pay RM0.50 quarterly dividend to company shareholders, the shares is RM 50 each shares. All the investors receive 4% [(0.50x4)/50] of purchases price of stock. PROS AND CONS PROS:
  • 21. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Android An operating system is one of an important system that should have inside a computer. It contains instructions that coordinate all the activities among the computer hardware resources. Without an operating system, all of the computers cannot be used or started. The role of the operating system is to manage the software and hardware so that easy to control all of the activities depending on what the programs need (Curt Franklin, 2000). Next, there are four basic functions of the operating system. Memory management takes part in main memory which is Random Acess Memory (RAM). It retains the space of the main memory and checks whether it is valid and legal for the memory space request. The memory manager also can track the usage of memory by sections. Besides, processor management is also essential managers of the operating system. Basically, it tracks the processor status that takes part of allocating Central Processor Unit (CPU). The main responsibilities of processor manager managed by Job Scheduler and Processor Scheduler. The Job Scheduler handles the jobs as they enter the system while the Processor Scheduler manages each process within the jobs. Furthermore, device management supervises all of the resources such as IO (input and output) ... Show more content on ... So, the best things about Android because it uses the open source platform and easy to access the Google Applications. Then, everyone can afford an Android mobile phone because the price is not expensive. In contrast, Android has a low security and fakes app might be installed inside the mobile phone to take our information from unknown resources. It also has a complex layout and animations that hard to code into it. Moving on to iOS, it has an excellent User Interface (UI) and generates less heat than Android but if iPhone malfunction, the repair cost must be expensive. Last but not least, it s not flexible for others because it only supports iOS
  • 22. Essay on Odysseus Odysseus Homer s The Odyssey, a magnificent story of lust, deceit, greed, and heroism, still fascinates scholars and casual readers alike today in the same way it fascinated its audience at the time it was written. The Odyssey, a journey of determination, patience, and virtue, tells the tail of Odysseus, the main character, on his voyage home to Ithaka after the end of the Trojan War. Odysseus goes through many unforeseen trials and tribulations, which exemplify his character. During these different happenings, Odysseus makes decisions that do not correspond to his character. Odysseus character , as seen in the Iliad, is much like that of a Homeric hero. A hero in Homer s world entails many attributes other than physical... Show more content on ... Odysseus curiosity and desire for adventure, driving him inland, somewhat hinder his attempt to return home. Odysseus men want to loot the goods and return to the ship. But, despite the pleading of his men, Odysseus wants to meet the cave dwellers and see what they have to offer. This came to be a dire mistake. PolyphГЄmos enters the cave, and after brief words, he, in one swift motion, grabs, dismembers, then proceeds to feed on two of Odysseus men. After a brief stay in the cave and a few more dead men, Odysseus congers a plan which defeats PolyphГЄmos and returns Odysseus and his men safely back to the ship. This episode cost Odysseus the lives of men lives lost for pure curiosity and his yearn for action. Directly after escaping PolyphГЄmos, Odysseus cries out in anger at the Kyklops, who proceeds to toss boulders at Odysseus ships. After each cry, PolyphГЄmos gets closer and closer with his tosses. Then, unintelligently, Odysseus, for sake of false confidence, reveals his name to PolyphГЄmos. PolyphГЄmos then prays to his father, Poseidon, against Odysseus voyage home to Ithaka. Instead of the men s, now Odysseus actions endanger their lives. Odysseus and his men sail to another land Aiolia Island, the home of Aiolos HippotadГЄs, the wind king. Aiolos plays host to Odysseus and his crew for a month. Staying for this length of time suggests Odysseus desire to return home is
  • 23. Knee Replacement Knee Replacement The most common complication is blood clots after the knee replacement surgery and can form in the first four weeks. Infection is the most serious complication since it can be a deep infection and requires removal of the knee replacement to fight the infection. The most important long term complication is loosening and wear. This complication is due to the plastic plate wearing away and the kneebecomes loose causing the patient painand discomfort. New technologies and methods have been developed to reduce loosening and wear of the knee. In my family, I would highly recommend a knee replacement due to the new technologies for knee implants. I can see myself getting a new replacement and be looking forward to getting mobile
  • 24. Classifying Types of Shoppers Shopping is a big deal to most people in this particular century. People are trained to shop a few years after they are born. People shop for so many reasons. Some people shop to release stress and others shop just for fun. Some people even classify shopping as a hobby. Just recently, a new kind of shoppinghas started dominating gradually. Online shopping is little by little vanquishing all other kinds of shopping and it is all thanks to shoppers. Without these dedicated shoppers, shopping would have been a thing of the past. These shoppers are classified into three sub groups which makes identification easier. There are the cheap shoppers, the spendthrifts, and the indifferent shoppers who simply don t carabout anything. Foremost are the cheap shoppers. This types shoppers are also known as bargainers. They are easily recognized in any store because they are usually armed with a calculator and search through the hardest to get at shelves. They are often seen working in pairs. They call their selves tag team partners. Working I pairs enables cheap shoppers to readily compare prices from items in different sections of the store or two separate stores. These shoppers can be found mainly on the weekend, during a huge sale, or in the clearance sections of stores. They are always shopping for cheap items and they are never concerned about the quality. Bargaining is what they do best. It is their belief that no matter how low the price is, it can always be reduced to fit
  • 25. Minimum Degree Of Negligence Probably not. Because the standard of care employed by the relevant statute is a minimum degree of care, the CWS has a burden of proving that Ms. Ryan failed to exercise more than ordinary care, and that her act was grossly negligent. The degree of negligence necessary to find an act to be grossly negligent is generally measured by the nature of the act that is willful and wanton. Ms. Ryan s conduct undoubtedly demonstrates her inattentiveness and a certain degree of negligencebecause she left her very young children unsupervised in her apartment where they are only 8 and 4 years of age respectively. However, more likely than not, the court will hold that her neglectful act does not give rise to the extent of gross negligence because Ms. Ryan depended on the babysitter to show up very shortly based on the fact that she was almost always punctual. Additionally, young children often cry and it is common for a 4 year old to wet her pants regardless of the fact that a parent pays the closest attention possible to the child. Ms. Ryan will have to concede that she was careless to leave the stew simmering on the stove when she left the apartment, yet, the court will likely find that this was not done willfully and wantonly as she intended to prepare the dinner for her children to ensure that they were going to be fed.... Show more content on ... Ryan s failure to properly care for her children is not the result of her willful and wanton act, thus, she did not fail to exercise a minimum degree of care as required by the
  • 26. The Internet Age Since the birth of the internet many different aspects of our lives have been affected, as a result of this, two large parts of our society have aligned themselves on contrasting sides. One side wishes to see the end of this virtual age and hopes for the return of more traditional media. The other encourages the abandonment of the real world for a virtual one. Both extremes are problematic; a middle ground must be found.Through wires and radio waves, the Internethas become a literal web that binds all of humanity together. It is in our best interest to use this connection to improve the physical world, because when it is used wisely it becomes a powerful medium for education, socialization, and global communication. One of the most ... Show more content on ... These databases can easily be accessed by typing in a few key phrases. Steven Pinker, a Harvard College professor, believes that the Internet allows us to search and retrieve our collective intellectual output (221). This factor becomes very useful in our academic lives. Without the Internet, academic papers are limited to the information contained in the district libraries and the information spread by the local newspapers. With the Internet, they are filled with a variety of data, statistics, and opinions posted online by people from all differing countries and continents. The web allows us to read about and understand the contrasting viewpoints that exist on our planet. The virtual world is a great way for people to share their thoughts and opinions with other like minded individuals. Although it is a fact that socialization is an important part of our mental health, using the web as our sole means of social interaction is detrimental to our physical health. Yet a huge portion of our global society has been spending an increasing amount of time living within a virtual reality. This phenomenon is best explained by Jane McGonigal, director of Games Research and Development at Institute for the Future, who reveals that people are beginning to realize that virtual simulations can be used to distract themselves from their hunger: a hunger for more satisfying work, for a stronger sense of community, and for a more engaging and meaningful life (226). Even
  • 27. Puritan Condemnation Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet... Puritan Condemnation The Scarlet Letter is the most nearly static of all Hawthorne s novels. (73) This opinion based quote from the article The Characters Reveal the Story s Meaning, written by Hyatt H. Waggoner, can properly introduce Nathaniel Hawthorne s most familiar novel, The Scarlet Letter. After close observation of said novel, it can be inferred that there is very little external conflict when comparing the amount of space devoted to exposition and description; the evidence for this can also be taken from the amount devoted to the narration of the listed literary terms. From the four main characters (Pearl, Hester, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth), each person is symbolically described to an extent where the reader can make accurate assumptions over the story s overall meaning; this can be done just by perceiving the sheer description of the character and their developments throughout the plot. Hester s role along with her daughter Pearl, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth is vital in the analysis of the Hawthorne s personal view on Puritan Condemnation. In relation to the proscribed sin Hester commits, which stands as the foundation for the whole plot, her description of character can take partial credit in the revelation of Hawthorne s true purpose of the story. In association with this statement, Waggoner writes, Thus, most obviously, Hester s rise takes her from low on the line of moral value, a scarlet woman guilty of a sin black in the eyes of the Puritans...
  • 28. Working As A Tax Intern At The Firm s Core Tax Services... During the course of my internship at BDO, I will be working as a tax intern in the firm s core tax services practice. While BDO prepares returns for a wide variety of clients in numerous industries, the Rosemont office, where I am interning, has a vast restaurant practice and an abundance of individual clients. This is due to the merging of several small local firms who were eventually acquired by BDO. While the Chicago office prepares many of the larger returns, Rosemont s numerous industry specializations, namely restaurants and rental properties, makes for a unique internship opportunity. Thus far, the majority of my work involves preparing partnership returns for rental and lodging partnerships. Therefore, I have learned my way ... Show more content on ... To find this information, it is often necessary to access the partnerships general ledger and evaluate the contributions that were made during the year. The general ledger is also helpful in discerning the nature of certain vague account titles such as building improvements. When determining how these assets should be depreciated for tax purposes, the general ledger provides adequate detail to determine the appropriate MACRS recovery period. After the client provided trial balance has been reformatted and its accounts have been made more specific, I often have to perform an accrual to cash conversion. This is because the clients books are kept on an accrual basis but their returns are prepared under the cash basis method of accounting. Therefore, because the cash method only reflects transactions for which cash was paid or received in the current period, accounts such as accrued expenses, accounts payable, and prepaid rent cannot be included on the return. Therefore is necessary to make adjustments to the trial balance before it is imported into the tax software. For example, to remove accounts receivable from the trial balance before I import it, I would credit accounts receivable and debit revenue. Once all accrual accounts have been reversed out, I use the newly created tax trial balance to complete the actual return. Once the return is completed and deemed correct, I then update the basis schedules for each member of the partnership to account for their outside
  • 29. Nestle Case Study NestlГ© is a large international (191 countries worldwide) food and beverage company that is dedicated to shaping future generations into healthier people and improving the world as a whole. The company now known as NestlГ© was founded in Switzerland as a result of the Anglo Swiss Condensed Milk Company, founded in 1866, merging with Henri NestlГ© s company based on the infant food that he had developed, in 1905, after the two companies were rivals in the baby formula and condensed milk industry. After the merger in 1905 NestlГ© was able to expand globally, with sales in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Australia. Decreased availability of resources and goods in Europe during the outbreak of the First World War lead to NestlГ© acquiring factories in the United States and Australia, furthering the company s international development. In addition, the war was beneficial for NestlГ© as condensed milk is non perishable and therefore convenient to supply emergency rations; this caused a strong demand for the product during wartime. NestlГ©, like many other companies, was impacted greatly by the depression era, but used this time as an opportunity to organize company operations and invent new products such as NescafГ©. The outbreak of the Second WorldWar brought fear of Nazi invasion in Switzerland and inspired NestlГ© to open a second headquarters in the United States. Post war prosperity was beneficial for the company, as it made it easier for many of their newer products such as Nestea
  • 30. The Armenian Genocide In The Early 1920 s If you travel to Turkey today, just a reminder that it is illegal to talk about what happened to Armenians in the early 1920 s. On April 24 and 25 of 1915, the Young Turks began a wave of arrests throughout the entire country in which they eliminated the Armenian political and intellectual elite. The Armenians were dragged to the country s interior where most died. The intention was clear: the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire were to lose their leaders right at the beginning of the campaign of destruction being carried out against them. [1. Wolfgang Gust, The Armenian GenocideEvidence form the German Foreign Office Archives 1915 1916 (New York: Bergahn Books, 2014, 7.] The Armenian Genocide took place during World War Iand its immediate
  • 31. The Comic Strip And Its Subsequent Parts Essay How to make a superhero comic strip and its subsequent parts Description: Writing an initial superhero comic strip and following it up with sequels is a tedious and time consuming task. However, it is easy with the new online tools, which are available. The best way to make a superhero comic strip is to use pre set templates available on the internet. You can use various templates provided by various sites. The easiest are the ones provided by Marvel Comics official website and other such websites. They are easy to use and can be created according to your own preferences, using the options available. Read the following article for an overview of the different tools and options available on the sites, and a brief idea about how to use them to make a comic strip, an entire book or a complete series. Before creating a comic strip Before you make a comic strip, keep in mind that you have to have a clear idea of the storyline how it starts, proceeds, rises in action, reaches a climax, falls in action and ends. The theory that applies to writing a novel applies here too! Comic strips are nowadays included in the modern genre of Graphic Novels, and thus have the same basic format. Also keep in mind that you need to have the character of the superhero ready. You can develop it as the story proceeds, but the reader should have a basic idea about whom and how he is, from the start. This implies that you, the creator, have a complete idea at least a rough one about what you
  • 32. Essay Throughout photographic history, the threshold that many artists had to overcome was conveying the meaning of their photographs to the public if any at all, and the orientation of the subjects in their photography. The intent of portrait photography is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the subject. Nineteenth century photo historian Alan Trachtenberg notes, Aspiring professionals wrestled with the problem: how to arrange their sitters and manipulate the often fickle medium to produce not just a picture but a pleasing one not just a likeness but a portrait (Trachtenberg, 24). Through these words of Trachtenberg, we can deduce that the main problem was how photographers manipulate their subjects in a way that would ... Show more content on ... The strained and forlorned look on the woman s face, especially after becoming homeless and on the road for a long time with her three children and limited supplies. If our work is to carry force and meaning to our view we must be willing to go all out (Lange, 264) was what Lange had said soon after Migrant Mother was taken. Since she was part of a field operation documenting the reality of the situation of the time, her goal was to make the images she took available to the public eye and hopefully get a positive response to them. Because of her decision to take the photos of the woman with her children, she managed to capture the attention of the millions of Americans and had them witness the full impact of the collapse of the economy and its effect on the people living in constant turmoil and strife because of it from the viewpoint of a set of images taken by a simple camera. The demand of these set of images was to invoke a voice from the people in order for them to urge the current government at that time to take action and fast before significant damage could be inflicted onto the soil of the already wounded country. One more example of this is shown in another one of Arbus images entitled Child with a Toy Hand Grenade in which it depicts a child holding what seems to be a mock grenade in the middle of Central Park. Aside from this single image, the other images taken of the boy shows him at play, frolicking around while Arbus took the photos of him in a
  • 33. Urosalpinx Cinerea Research Paper Maya Ballabon Marine Biology PBA Urosalpinx cinerea, Atlantic Oyster Drill The latin name Urosalpinx cinerea Urosalpinx is a genus of small carnivorous gastropod mollusks. The scientific classification is: Kingdom: Animalia Creatures in the Animalia Kingdom must be multicellular, heterotrophic (they have to ingest other organisms because they cannot make their own food), and Eukaryotes (type of cells that are more complex than prokaryotic cell found in bacteria). Phylum: Mollusca The Atlantic Oyster Drill is in the Phylum Mollusca because it possesses the features necessary for membership in this phylum. It is a free living aquatic form, its body is soft with three areas head, visceral hump, and foot, it has a complete digestive system, ... Show more content on ... [oyster fisher men] ... have to contend with. ...Settling upon a young bivalve, the oyster drill quickly bores a neat round hole through a valve, making expert use of its sandpaper like radula. Through this perforation the oyster drill is able to insert its long proboscis and consume the soft parts of the oyster. Scientist H. Federighi studied the effects of salinity on the size of Urosalpinx cinerea. In 1927,Urosalpinx cinerea were collected to figure out the average size of the species from two different places: Norfolk, Virginia and Beaufort, North Carolina. The average size of each group of the snail was identified, and it turned out the average sizes were very different in the two places. In Norfolk, the average length was between 21 and 25 millimeters, yet in Beaufort the size was 13 to 17 millimeters. It was then that Federighi began to look into the effects of salinity. Immediately, the temperature of the two places could be ruled out as the cause for this size variation because the temperature doesn t really vary between the two places. However, the salinity of the two areas do differ greatly. The results of his experiment indicated that the snails grow larger in brackish water, water that has more salinity than freshwater, but less than seawater.
  • 34. The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins Between Hell And Reason In his novel Between Hell and Reason, Albert Camus states, Utopia is that which is in contradiction with reality. Evidently, utopias are nonexistent in actuality, but visions of a perfect society may distance an individual from reality. However, concepts of ideal societies cannot be visualized without first analyzing the errors and weaknesses presented within dystopias. These defects, including the restriction of independent thought, lack of freedom, and constant surveillance and control, are presented through the real world, films, and literature. In the works The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Y: The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughan, and World War Z by Max Brooks, authors create dystopias in which ethical issues are presented to fuel one s imagination regarding what qualities a utopia may possess. In her novel The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins expands upon dystopian elements such as the restriction of independent thought and... Show more content on ... Throughout the novel, the Capitol controls the ideas and actions of the citizens of Panem, including resources allowed for living, amount of information received, and entertainment. Each of the twelve districts produces goods in a particular industry as dictated by the Capitol. The districts are regularly denied information from other districts in an attempt to prevent a rebellion. For example, the Capitol purposely omits Katniss s decorating Rue s body with flowers because the Capitol could not allow the audience to witness a bonding moment between the districts. Also, the Capitol inflicts corporal punishment towards those who even show signs of rebellion. One example is the Avox who had been punished for being a rebel against the Capitol. Haymitch describes the girl as [s]omeone who committed a
  • 35. The African Methodist Episcopal Church Essay examples The African Methodist Episcopal Church also known as the AME Church, represents a long history of people going from struggles to success, from embarrassment to pride, from slaves to free. It is my intention to prove that the name African Methodist Episcopal represents equality and freedom to worship God, no matter what color skin a person was blessed to be born with. The thesis is this: While both Whites and Africans believed in the worship of God, whites believed in the oppression of the Africans freedom to serve God in their own way, blacks defended their own right to worship by the development of their own church. According to Andrew White, a well known author for the AME denomination, The word African means that our church was... Show more content on ... They were not granted the ability to worship without fear. Fahlbush, stated, The U.S. Civil War ended slavery as a political institution. The discord of the war gave African Americans in the South freedom to worship among themselves. It was within this period that African Americans, despite contrary white opinion, developed and set up churches among themselves . In 1816, Richard Allen founded the first African American led church in the country, the African Methodist Episcopal Church. The African Methodist Episcopal Church was the first major religious denomination in the western world that originated because of sociological and not theological differences. It was the first African American denomination organized and incorporated in the US. The church was established in what was known as the Blacksmith Shop Meeting House. By 1786 blacks made up about 10 percent of the Methodist church in the United States, and though whites and blacks often worshiped together, blacks enjoyed no real freedom or equality. Segregated seating was typical; the area reserved for blacks was usually called the Negro Pew or the African Corner. FOUNDING FATHER Richard Allen born a slave in 1760 and later became one of America s strongest early advocates for racial equality. Allen was born to a biracial mother and an African father who were both slaves at the time of his birth. Richard Allen had no formal education, and he taught himself to read. Richard Allen
  • 36. Speech On Sojourner Truth While attending the Womens Rights Convention in Ohio in 1851, According to Frances Gage, who is the president of the Convention, Sojourner Truth encountered several male ministers who arrived and began stating their arguments for why women should not have the same rights as men. Among their reasons were the facts that women were weak, men were intellectually superior to women, Jesus was a man, and our first mother sinned. (source) As a result of this ignorant onslaught of sexist justifications, Sojourner Truthrose and (amidst protests from some of the women who feared shed talk about abolition) began to deliver a spontaeneous speech about men s hypocrisy, womens equality and the blatant injustice being done to women like herself, that... Show more content on ... Furthermore, she lectured, If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back, and get it right side up again! In this instance, she acknowledged their argument that women are responsible for the worlds sin, but chose to flip that idea on its head by emphasizing that if that is true, then the opposite must also be true; women must have the power to solve the world s problems. Perhaps what is most profound about this part of the speech is that instead of simply discrediting the ministers arguments, she actually used their own arguments against them to further her cause and highlight their hypocritical ways. 2 Throughout her speech, Truth makes consistent references to herself and her life, in order to relate to the women who made up the majority of the audience. In the same way, she did this to show the human side to her arguments, and impress on these ministers that the people they try and opress are real people, with lives and joys and pains of their own. Addtionally, by pointing to her well sculpted arms and referencing her slave work by saying how she s ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, she utilized her strong, imposing presence to shake the ministers confidence and misguided feelings of superiority. In doing so, she also raised the point that women are capable of doing just as much as a man, and by moving directly onto the subject of child birth,
  • 37. Sin Un Pasado, No Hay Futuro Poem Artist Joe Stephenson created Sin Un Pasado, No Hay Futuro mural located on 2nd Street and Gold, Downtown Albuquerque, in August of 1994 to convey the lesson we are forever frozen in time without the knowledge of our past. Together we can achieve greatness in our future with the guidance of the past. It s a sad thing when a culture, or tradition is forgotten and lost in time. This mural is showing us how important it is to preserve New Mexican history, culture, and traditions for generations to come and the negative impact it can lead to if we fail to do so. Stephenson, Joe. Sin Un Pasado, No Hay Futuro. 1994, Downtown, Albuquerque The colors in this mural reflect many different emotions. They may be Stephenson s feelings towards the subject or our own. Beige neutral colors deliver a calm and relaxing feel. The red on the trains and the rooftop, give out an energetic, powerful impression. The vibrant color of turquoise symbolizes friendship and peace. The orange and yellow sunrise give out warmth and joy that spreads into a pink hue of harmony, symbolizing a bright new day, and a bright new future. All these colors Stephenson used represent simpler times of the southwest before the chaotic takeover of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway also known as AT SF. According to Kansas Historical Society, the AT SF Railway chartered in February of 1859. At its largest, the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railwaywould own well over 13,000 miles, and the routes which made up its system would become some of the most heavily and strategically used throughout the West that remains so to this day ( New Mexico Museum of Art). The Prensa de Albuquerque newspaper headline portion of the mural is dated Feb 1970 stating MORONIC OFFICIALS DESTROY HISTORIC LANDMARKS... Old Albuquerque High School Next on Hit List! bring out strong feelings of outrage, and resentment along with the advertisement The Best in The West selling land through Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe. The ad is trying to lure non native potential buyers traveling on the AT SF Railway. Stephenson is trying to give us a history lesson, the text With No Past; We Have No Future! telling us that we need to preserve our New Mexico history and culture.
  • 38. Essay about The Breakfest Club The Breakfast Club nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;Theresa Puchta is very accurate in her description of the merits and limitations of John Hughes films. Almost all of the characteristics and themes she has described in the article: suburban setting, vague social concerns, high school cliques, uncaring parents, characters wearing the latest fashions and top 40 soundtrack music have been proven true in The Breakfast Club. The movie has a suburban setting inside a high school, and the characters each belong to one of the high school cliques: freak, princess, bully, jock and geek. At the very beginning of the movie when the characters are introduced, each of them are receiving a drive from one of their parents who is either too pushy,... Show more content on ... They only address the concerns of their lives, none of society. The article was right on with these points. The biggest and most attractive feature of Hughes films is the realistic dialogue, critics say it is hip just the way teens talk. Theresa Puchta puts a little spin on that, she writes though Hughes dialogue is realistic, funny and literate certainly several notches above the drivel usually spoken by people in teen films it s sometimes a bit too rich. This point brings a lot of truth. This is definitely displayed during conversations between the five high school students when they try to psychologically figure each other out. For example, the bully is criticized by the others as just masking up the fact that he knows he doesn t really matter to anyone, and knowing that no matter how hard he tries he won t fit in. The teens slip these types of observations into their conversations so easily. Although teens do come up with profound statements it is usually after knowing the person well or the effect of a certain emotion/fact that person has made you realize. In The Breakfast Club the teens begin to analyze the bullies behaviour in the beginning of the movie after spending just a few minutes with him in detention. Besides this however, as Theresa pointed out, the lingo is very realistic and full of terms which teenagers used such as blazing up which means to smoke marijuana.
  • 39. Fossil Fuels And The Global Warming When a person walk into a room, flip a switch and the light is turned on, this is due to fossil fuels. When a person up your computer or laptop to surf the web or do homework, this is also due to fossil fuels. Fossil fuels control the world as we know it today from powering our electronic devices, running our cars, improving our health and taking us into the depths of space. Without fossil fuels, society would inversely live like the people before the industrial era. However, as revealed just a few decades ago, fossil fuels are not without unintentional negative consequences. Even though fossil fuels have transformed the world as we know it, fossil fuels are scarce and causes ecological destruction through pollution, fracking and global warming. Before explaining the hazards of fossil fuels, we must investigate what fossil fuels are and what fossil fuels yield. Fossil fuels are non renewable resources that formed when prehistoric plants and animals died and were gradually buried by layers of rock (Department Of Energy). These fuels are mined from the earth using methods like oil derricks and coal mines. When these fuels are burned off in plants, they produce power which is converted into energy and is sent on via power lines to millions of people. In cars and airplanes, oil is combusted in the cylinders which propels the crankshafts and runs the vehicle. As a consequence of these fuels being burned, the residues are dispersed into the air and more fuel is required to
  • 40. Homecoming Homecoming Sadness Dark alleys frighten me, If I was ever to find myself in one I would die right there. Sadly, I know a lightless alley. It s the place where my best friend was going to be killed, murdered, assassinated. Did I want to know this information, no, but I was forced to. It was in school the other day, I was walking to my second class of the day and I overheard my friends name. It came from the boys locker room, so I stood outside listening to what they were saying, they saw me and pulled me in. I wasn t ready for what I was about to hear, and I never knew it would affect me till the day I die. The plan was set for the day of homecoming, it was her date, he had made this adorable proposal for homecoming but it was all a ... Show more content on ... We were going to go as a group but she got asked by a boy to go to homecoming with him. I left the locker room and I just wanted to cry and go home, I knew I had to continue on with my day so I went to my second class. It was econ and she would be with me. What was I to do, I couldn t ignore her, she s my friend and she d know something was up. So I put on a brave face and sat next to her, I acted as if I never heard anything. I finished the school day and went running home, I didn t want to take the bus, she s on my bus. As I was walking home, I start balling, the emotions over flew my body. My head was down, the sadness in my body forced my head down. It was a battle in me, happiness versus sadness and sadness was winning the war. I never wanted any of this to happen, I can only think of the other scenarios. What if, I had just walked past the locker room and didn t go to eavesdrop, what if? Nothing was going to be the same, I was a completely different person this morning and now I m at this. No one was home, both of my parents were working late today so I would have some time alone. Homecoming was in 2 days, and for all this to happen within 2 days is crazy. Sitting in my room, I couldn t believe this would all end, all the memories we ve had together are soon going to be gone. We had picked out our dresses together and we both cried together when she got asked to homecoming. I didn t do anything
  • 41. Raskolnikov, By William Raskolnikov Immediately after his horse dream, Raskolnikov feels repulsion and is astounded that he may really take an axe and strike the old pawnbroker on the head. He asks himself why he is still thinking about it, and consciously tells himself that he will never bring himself to do so. He felt utterly broken: darkness...why, why then am I still... (53, 54) Although, Raskolnikov tells himself that he will never bring himself to murder, he has already been changed and has already committed himself to murdering the pawnbroker. This proves that Raskolnikov has changed, and in very minute ways. It has slipped into his mindwithout him even realizing, and has changed his character immensely. Lastly, Raskolnikov is very confused after listening to the... Show more content on ... However, we have not seen him actually commit to the idea and devote himself to the task. We see Raskolnikov s true motives as soon as he does the rehearsal of his project. This stems from his desire to be different and take a new step. As he is going through the rehearsal, it is noted that he feels a sense of violence as he considers attempting the murder. Raskolnikov inadvertently set his mind on committing the murder, and does not realize that he had unconsciously came up with the idea to murder. Now, a month later...and on the other into the street. (3) Very soon after, Raskolnikov again feels immense guilt and remorse that he would think these kinds of things, and feels terrible that his heart is capable of considering murder as an option. Raskolnikov went out in complete confusion...with himself to escape from his wretchedness. (7) After returning from the Hay Market where he heard the student and the young officer talk about the old pawnbroker, he immediately falls asleep after considering the coincidence of the situation. Once he wakes up, it is said that he eats several spoonful s of food mechanically, and then begins preparing for the murder. This preparation proves that Raskolnikov has decided to act upon his impulses and commit the murder. He ate little, three or four...outside when he put the coat on again (60, 61) While reading this passage, I noticed that there was no definitive switch, or decision to go execute his plan. He woke up
  • 42. Time to Practice – Week One University of Phoenix Material Time to Practice Week One Complete both Part A and Part B below. Part A Some questions in Part A require that you access data from Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics. This data is available through the Student Textbook Resources link. 1. By hand (without using SPSS), compute the mean, median, and mode for the following set of 40 reading scores: SUMMARY 31| 32| 43| 42| 24| 34| 25| 44| 23| 43| 24| 36| 25| 41| 23| 28| 14| 21| 24| 17| 25| 23| 44| 21| 13| 26| 23| 32| 12| 26| 14| 42| 14| 31| 52| 12| 23| 42| 32| 34| MEAN: 28.375 MEDIAN: 25.5 MODE: 23 ... Show more content on ... What measure of central tendency would you use and why? 5. For the following set of scores, compute the range, the unbiased and the biased standard deviations, and the variance. Do the exercise by hand. 31, 42, 35, 55, 54, 34, 25, 44, 35 Why is the unbiased estimate greater than the biased estimate? 6. Use IBMВ® SPSSВ® software to compute all the descriptive statistics for the following set of three test scores over the course of a semester. Which test had the highest average score? Which test had the smallest amount of variability? Test 1| Test 2| Test 3| 50| 50| 49| 48| 49| 47| 51| 51| 51| 46| 46| 55| 49| 48| 55| 48| 53| 45| 49| 49| 47| 49| 52| 45| 50| 48| 46| 50| 55| 53| 7. This practice problem uses the data contained in the file named Ch. 3 Data Set 3. There are two variables in this data set. The data sets can be found through the Sage Materials in the Student Textbook Resource Access link, listed under Academic Resources. Using IBMВ® SPSSВ® software, compute all of the measures of variability you can for height and weight. Copy and paste the output from IBMВ® SPSSВ® into this worksheet.
  • 43. Variable| Definition| Height| Height in inches| Weight| Weight in pounds| 8. Review the following frequency distribution. Create a histogram either by hand or by using some other
  • 44. Alexander The Great Influence Alexander the Great was born to parents King Philip II and Queen Olympia in 356 BCE; he came from the frontier state of Macedonia to the North of Greece. Alexander took charge of the Companion Cavalry when he was only 18 years old and assisted his father in defeating the Athenian and Theban armies and Chaeronea. His father had helped him turn Macedoniainto a large ethnic and territorial state. Macedonia held gold mines that were very helpful for Philip II by financing his new military technology and disciplining full time armies. After Philips assassination, his son Alexander used this new military machine in a series of daring attacks on the apparently invincible power of the Persian Empire and its king, Darius III. (Worlds Together... Show more content on ... Conquering as many Empires as he did in the little time he spent on this Earth was very impressing and still is today. At age 18: Cavalry commander, age 20: king, age 26: conquer of the Persian Empire, age 30: explorer of the Indian frontier, and died at the age of 32. In that 32 years of life he created history that still applies to the world today and his influence in eastern and western culture cannot be denied. The spread of Greek influenced culture to the known world which lasted for several centuries after he died is his legacy. His success resulted
  • 45. How Is Grunge Successful Grunge was not just a type of music, it was a movement and a culture that served as a voice of revolt against negative changes in 1990 s America. The events and changes at the time helped make Grunge successful. Events such as globalization, and the change of Seattle becoming more middle class, built anger towards a corporate America. The success of Nirvana, which can be attributed to Sub Pop Records and MTV, made Grungea desired culture, rather than a genre of music. Finally, Nirvana s success opened the Grunge scene to women and inspired the Riot Grrrl movement. All of these factors combined made Grunge a successful movement and culture. A music genre which had been underground shifted to becoming a mainstream success. Grunge is a subgenre ... Show more content on ... As Nirvana s fame grew, they attracted the mainstream, and successfully made Grunge a much desired culture. Nirvana started in Aberdeen, Washington and was based in Seattle, Washington. However, the band s powerful message and music eventually became popular worldwide. Much of Nirvana s success can be attributed to their humble beginnings, at a small Seattle based record company called Sub Pop. The band was formed in 1987, and signed its first record, Bleach, with Sub Pop. Sub Pop had Nirvana open for Mudhoney at Sub Pop s LameFest showcase in London. After Nirvana s performance, NME, a British music newspaper named Nirvana as Sub Pop s answer to The Beatles . After receiving attention in the British press, Nirvana gained attention in the American press. Nirvana signed its second album, Nevermind with DGC records. The album s first single, Smells Like Teen Spirit, became extremely popular and was repeatedly played on MTV. Sub Pop made Nirvana a more well known band, but MTV was a large part as to why Nirvana became so famous. Kurt Cobain said, I turned on MTV and there we were, like the Beatles, you know? Like Nirvana mania. Nirvana was an underground band, and MTV helped bring the band and its music to the mainstream. MTV s constant playing of Smells Like Teen Spirit catapulted Nirvana to fame. On Nirvana s seemingly overnight success, bassist Krist Novoselic said, We repelled the mainstream.
  • 46. Case Study Of Xtreme Sports Resort 4.0 Xtreme Sports Resort Xtreme Sports Resort is a special type of hotel that not only provides accommodation, but also features exciting X Games. It is a 5 star hotel with 28 floors and 300 rooms, 19 X Games are available in the whole resort. 2D and 3D resort designs are illustrated in Appendix II, with a link of promotional video at the end. All room guests are distributed with a Xtreme Card when check in, with name, photo, room number and date of arrival on it. It allows access to hotel room and general resort facilities, and functions as a gaming card as well. Hotel guests can add value into the card, known as Xtreme Credits. They can pay in these combinations: 5Cr/$650, 10Cr/$1000, 25Cr/$2400, 50Cr/$4800. This will stimulate their buying ... Show more content on ... General Resort Facilities In the resort hotel, several facilities are charged and opened to both hotel guests and the public. It includes spa, food and beverage outlets, clinic and car parks. For F B, there are three dining options. The Jade Palace that provides international buffet and Г la carte Chinese cuisine, Steak and Grill that provides Western fine dining, and the rooftop bar Sky Blue that provides alcohols and snacks. Apart from that, fitness center, outdoor wave swimming pool with waterslides and Jacuzzi, and Kids Playhouse are free of charge and exclusive to hotel guests only. Resort based X Games RipCord by iFly It is a skydiving simulator which participants can experience the thrill of flying in a safe environment. The enclosed vertical flight tunnel is powered by a wind machine that allows participants to float. Flyers must be 5 years or older, and weigh less than 250 pounds. Each flight lasts for 1 minute. Hotel guests are given one complimentary flight during their stay, additional flights cost at
  • 47. Textual Analysis Examples The two items I chose from the Speed museum were the two vases by Fulvio Bianconi and Vicktor Emanuel as the modern pieces and the ancient Egyptian canopic jars. Upon first sight, my first thought was that the purpose of these items is obliviously to hold and serve as containers for other objects. Though they are different in size, it s clear they serve that same idea. Both items are also shaped in sort of a rounded and spherical way; the edges are smoothed out and they all have a nice organic flow to them. There is nothing geometric or jagged about any of the pieces. While reading deeper into the description of the Egyptian jars, I found out that they were used to store the deceased s organs during the process of mummification. These jars... Show more content on ... Though the vases themselves aren t geometric in shape, the design in the painting creates a bunch of abstract squares and rectangles. The design on the other vase looks to be like a tree growing upward. The black strokes seem to represent different size branches as those found on a tree or a plant of some sort. Another noticeable difference is that the modern vases are European, one being from Sweden and the other from Italy. The ancient jars, as previously stated, are Egyptian. The sizes seem to differ between the modern and ancient containers as well. The modern vases appear taller and leaner compared to the shorter and more rotund jars. This may be because the jars did not have to be very tall in order to hold the organs; they were able to serve their purpose at a smaller height and a wider circumference. The tall and slender shapes of the vases were probably just a design or style choice the designer made to achieve his vision. The materials used to create the pieces are worth noting as well. The vases were probably glass blown and then hand painted while I couldn t really tell for sure what the jars were made of but it appeared to be some sort of stone or clay. Either way, the Egyptians used organic and natural materials found in their environment and carved and chiseled them by
  • 48. Bhp External and Internal Environments The BHP OK Tedi Mine in Papua New Guinea (PNG) has raised many environmental, ethical and social responsibility issues regarding organisational management on many fronts. There have been many approaches in an attempt to confront and address the varying factors which encompass both past and present business practices. The mine was an open pit gold and copper mine located in the western province of PNG the operation of which resulted in collateral damage, affecting up to 50,000 people in the nearby villages. During the 1970 s, early drilling began and was overseen by Kenneth Copper Corporation. BHP then won the lease in 1984. The initial stages of the mining saw utilisation of the cyanide extraction procedure, however, a large copper region ... Show more content on ... This also included 10% of the company going to the PNG government. в‚Ѓ Cameron Forbes and Matthew Stevens, BHP considers PNG mining solutions , The Australian, 24 May 1994. в‚‚ Ibid. p 1 From this rises a larger issue in regards to managerial ethics. The major issue that arises here in regards to this is the decisions which drive profitability at the expense of the environment. Has the standards of conduct and moral judgements used in the behaviour of BHP aligned with environmental standards and global consistency? How do these judgments in turn affect not only the local environment but also the socio cultural environments? To focus on these ethical issues it is important to look at the regulations that govern corporate behaviours, the nature of the relationship that BHP as an organisation has with its social environment and the connection that economic growth has at the cost of ethics. Firstly we must look at mining as a whole in which other major mining companies have followed a global standard of practices in protecting the environment. Governments play a key role in setting these environmental standards for organisations to meet them. There are a series of guidelines that are targeted at managers to provide the practical techniques and guidance they need to manage the environmental risks and impacts of their own operations в‚ѓ In Australia this interaction between an organisation and its
  • 49. A Significant Strength Of The Constitution Essay A significant strength of the Constitution is that if it is followed, its language clearly guides disputes and helps settle any debate over issues of religion and politics. The framers intended it to do so and made its language simple and clear. The question is why American citizens insist upon disregarding the Constitutions language. A simple answer is that by doing so, various groups who attempt to twist the Constitution are attempting to do exactly what the document intends to prevent the wresting of power away from the democratic process and awarding it to a given group who would then have the ability to force their own agenda on our democracy. Those who would disregard the Constitution are or should be considered enemies of the state; religious groups fall into this argument and have in the past been the exact enemies of the state described here. Any group, religious or not, that interrupts the governance rules of a country should be considered an enemy combatant, and history proves such groups have indeed been defined as such. The framers understood the power of persuasion that religion holds, and they detested it. Kramnick and Moore (1997) affirm this by saying that Americans are fed a line of propaganda by the Religious Right that the framers were Christians who wrote a Christian document when this statement is incorrect. The authors write God and Christianityare nowhere to be found in the American Constitution, a reality that infuriated many at the time.
  • 50. Ted Bundy Vs Ted Bundy Serial killers are one of the biggest mysteries to the rest of humanity. The way they think and act is terrifying but also fascinating because other people don t think in the same way. So when we see someone so sadistic and emotionally detached we want to know more about them. We want to know what their childhood was like, if something happened in the early development of their lives or if they were just wired that way from birth. Two of the most popular serial killers are Ted Bundyand Jeffrey Dahmer. They both started killing people in their young adulthood, progressively becoming more and more addicted to the thrill it gave them leading up to their arrests later in life. However, they had very different home lives and experiences that lead to their fates. Childhood and adolescence tend to play a huge role in the way people turn out as adults, so it s one of the first things people look back at when someone turns out to be any kind of killer. Jeffrey Dahmer is said to have had a pretty normal childhood though, according to his father, he had an unusual interest in the bodies of dead animals and didn t show the same kinds of emotions as other children ( All About Jeffrey Dahmer , 2011). As he developed into adolescence his fascination with dead animals only became more disturbing as he started examining and dissecting the carcasses. He withdrew himself from society and turning to heavy alcoholism. His drinking problem stayed with him throughout his high school career