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Similarities And Weaknesses Of The Civil War
The Civil War The North and South had many different weaknesses and strengths at the beginning of the Civil War in 1861. This essay will compare
the political, economic, social and military strengths and weaknesses of the North and South at the beginning of the Civil War. There were many
reasons for the War of the States to be fought including, but not limited toslavery, separation of states, the Constitution, and the way of life. The North
and South had many political strengths and weaknesses. The South had an amazing fighting spirit because they were fighting to preserve their way of
life. They were also defending their home against the northern invaders. While the North was just fighting to continue the Union, and were not as
inspired. Furthermore the North had the advantage of President Lincoln being from the North, when the South did not. The South had less states in its
Confederacy with only a mere fifteen states, versus the North who had nineteen states in their Union. Lincoln believed that secession was illegal under
the law of the Constitution and he would declare war against the rebelling states if necessary. For the first time in American history, Lincoln suspended
the writ of habeas corpus, the right of prisoners to a trial, ergo the Union could arrest citizens who might have been southern sympathizers. The North
and South had many economic strengths and weaknesses. The South had many plantations of rice, cotton, tobacco and other cash crops, which produced
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Case Woods V. Kansas
Defendant Hankins filed a motion to correct an illegal sentence on appeal after pleading guilty to felony charges because he argued a Kansas trial court
wrongfully considered a deferred judgment from Oklahoma in his sentencing calculation. The State argued that Kansas law required such deferred
judgments from other states to be included in sentencing determinations. The Supreme Court of Kansas disagreed with the Court of Appeals' dismissal
of Hankins' motion, finding that there was a discrepancy between Kansas and Oklahoma's statutory standards for an entry of a judgment of guilt. Under
Kansas law, the Court concluded, a conviction requires a judgment of guilt. However, under Oklahoma law, "an entry of judgment will not be entered
for an offender who successfully completes a deferred judgment. The initial conditions are to be imposed 'without entering a judgment of guilt.'"
Therefore, the Court found that no... Show more content on ...
Kansas, 379 P.3d 1134 (Kan. App. 2016), review denied
Defendant Woods moved pro se to withdraw his guilty plea to second degree murder. Woods had entered a guilty plea pursuant to agreement; he
claimed that he would not have entered the plea but for his attorney's failure to sufficiently investigate a witness's proposed trial testimony. The district
court denied Woods's motion and sentenced Woods to 258 months' imprisonment. The Court of Appeals affirmed.
Woods filed a K.S.A. В§ 60–1507 motion for a writ of habeas corpus, alleging ineffective assistance of counsel. The district court denied the motion
and the Court of Appeals affirmed; res judicata barred his claim, and even if it did not, "Woods failed to overcome the strong presumption that his
attorneys sufficiently investigated [the witness's] proposed trial testimony." Woods filed a second В§ 60–1507 motion alleging ineffective assistance of
counsel, arguing that "a colorable claim of actual innocence" required the district court to reconsider the merits of his
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Habeas Corpus : Historical Background
Suspension of Habeas Corpus: Historical BackgroundThe government has often engaged in the suspension of habeas corpus in times of wars and
insurrections. This practice is by no means new, and goes back as far as the Civil War. An analysis of this practice shows that it is, at best, a short term
measure. In the recent past, the US Supreme Court took up this topic in the context of the war on terrorism, and their findings–and the analysis that
support those findings–reinforces this position. Habeas corpus (Latin for "may you have the body") is a component of English law that became one of
the cornerstones of American law. The noted jurist and legal scholar William Blackstone, notes that the term habeas corpus was used in the early 1300s
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This clause, which has been the basis of much substantial debate, does not actually establish the right of habeas corpus. Instead, it prevents the U.S.
Congress from restricting it (Binney 2004). The writ of habeas corpus was codified by statute in the United States with the passage of the Judiciary Act
of 1789, which applied exclusively to individuals in the custody of the Executive Branch of the government–it did not apply those held by the states.
Ultimately, habeas corpus was implemented in the United States in 1867. As part of post–Civl War Reconstruction, the relevant statute, codified as 28
USC В§ 2254, explicitly granted the Federal court system the power to review a prisoner's status, and, in accord with the original, historical, intent of
habeas corpus, release them if the evidence against them is insufficient (Foner, 2002). The enactment of this statute can, of course, be seen as a reaction
to certain events that took place during the Cvil War. In 1861, PresidentAbraham Lincoln obtained information o various plots to destroy the rail route
connecting Philadelphia with Annapolis, which was a key supply line, and, as such, necessary to both the war effort and the stability of the nation's
industrial economy. Lincoln did not order a general suspension of habeas corpus. Instead, he suspended it with respect to the particular individuals
allegedly involved in these plots.
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Requesting a Writ of Mandamus in Nj
I. Why do we want a Writ of Mandamus?
In general, a writ of mandamus can be described as an order, "commanding the performance of an act that the law requires as a clearly defined
duty, arising from an office, trust, or station." 55 C.J.S. Mandamus В§ 1. Moreover, a writ of mandamus may be issued to command a
nongovernmental body, such as a medical licensing board, to perform a specified duty imposed by law, and can also be invoked to control flagrant
abuses of discretion. Id. For example, in some instances, upon judicial review, if a court is satisfied that the applicant is entitled to a license, it may
order the license issued notwithstanding the boards denial of the license. 70 C.J.S. Physicians and Surgeons В§ 38.
In New Jersey, ... Show more content on ...
Thus, this first element is likely satisfied.
III. Which division of the New Jersey Superior Court is the most appropriate forum?
As mentioned above, the last element a court considers when determining whether to permit review is whether the proper forum has been selected.
Rule 2:2–3(a) was promulgated by the Supreme Court pursuant
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Using An Organized Approach To Crime Scene Investigations
A successful investigation is everything in a police department, to the victim, and the family of the victim. A successful investigation will more than
likely result in justice, even some peace to all those wronged by those events. An investigation is an investigator most important job. A lot goes into
an investigation, endless hours working the scene, canvassing, interviewing, chasing leads but its success is the best reward. In an organized
approach to Crime Scene Investigations there are three basic and simple stages in properly processing the crime scene. Those stages consist of
Scene Recognition, which is determining if a crime has been committed or not, Scene Documentation and Evidence Collection. An organized
approach is a sequence of established and excepted duties and protocols. The region or jurisdiction and population will determine the amount of
resources the department will be able to use on a specific case. The type of crime also plays in role in that as well. I will elaborate on the role and some
of the... Show more content on ...
The entire investigation hinges on the first person that arrives on the scene ability to properly identify, isolate and secure the scene. Establishing a
restricted perimeter is key so civilians do not damage any evidence. The chain of custody must be established immediately once objects are
photographed and sketched the scene is completely. The chain of custody is the written chronological history of who had the evidence when.
Tampering of evidence can make or break one's case. Patience and care are very important at the crime scene. The investigator should take the proper
time and care in processing the scene. The work is tedious and time consuming but extremely important in any case. You only have one chance to get it
right because once it goes to trial it more than likely over at that point and in the hands of the
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The Attack On American Soil Since Pearl Harbor
The 2001 terrorists attacks mark first attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor. Following the attacks, the United States vowed to destroy al–Queda.
Soon after, the United States would establish Military Commissions to prosecute suspected terrorists. As the Military Commissions have evolved, legal
scholars and critics of military practices have challenged the constitutionality of the Military Commissions since the beginning of the war. Those who
participated in the terrorist attacks have been detained and some are still awaiting trial. The day following his swearing in, President Obama honored
his vow to close Guantanamo Bay as his first order of business. He drafted E. O 13492, which would close the detention center indefinitely.... Show
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The 2001 Terrorist attacks, orchestrated by Khalid Sheikh Mohammad (KSM), are and will forever be stamped into the min of the American people.
Prior to the attack, from April through June 2001, al–Qaeda sent thirteen hijackers to the United States and supported their stay (Indictment, Section
19(a–f)). From May through September 10, 2001, the hijackers took flight classes, studied commercial fight patterns, meeting with al Qaeda official
overseas in efforts to plan the terrorist attacks. The attacks were carried out on September 11th, 2001, when Mohamed Atta, Abdul Aziz al
–Omari, Wail
al–shehri, Waleed al–Shehri and Satam al–Suqami flew two separate planes into the two towers of the World Trade Center killing 2,976 people
(Indictment Sections 20–22). After being captured, KSM along wit four others was indicted in the United States district Court of Southern New York.
KSM was charged in violation of Title 18, Section 2332b(a) of the United States Code. Title 18, Section 2332b(a) prohibits "conduct transcending
national boundaries and in a circumstance described in subsection (b). Section b states, "creates a substantial risk of serious bodily injury to any other
person by destroying or damaging any structure, conveyance, or other real or personal property within the United States or by attempting or conspiring
to destroy or damage any structure, conveyance, or other
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My Psychology Course And Remembered About The Cerebral...
I decided to write my literature after going through one of the textbooks in my physiological psychology course and remembered about the cerebral
hemispheres, which receives sensory information from opposite sides of the body. This got interested in the topic of cerebral hemispheres and sensory
information after a split brain operation. The split brain procedure is a surgical operation that's used for people that have severe epilepsy that can't be
controlled by the drugs they take. In the brains of people with severe epilepsy, the nerve cells on one side of the brain are overactive and the
overactivity is relayed to the other side by the corpus callosum, a bundle of nerve cells that connect certain parts of one side of the brain to the other.
The corpus callosum enables the left and right side of the brain to share information so that both sides knows what the other is doing and perceiving.
Both sides of the brain engage in out of control activity that stimulate each other, causing stereotypical seizures that recur throughout the day preventing
the person from living a normal life. Neurosurgeons have discovered that severing the corpus callosum greatly reduces the often recurring seizures.
After the brain split procedure, the brain is divided into two hemispheres that work independently of each other. Their sensory mechanisms, and motor
systems no longer relay information. To the casual observer they disconnection isn't obvious for the elementary reason that one hemisphere–
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Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty
According to Hollander the American society instituted the death penalty as early as 1608, and our views regarding lethal punishment have greatly
fluctuated ever since (418). While the public's perception to the death penalty fluctuated it did gain support from 1920 to 1940. However in the 1950s
there was a decrease in support. The 1960s featured new challenges to the death penalty's unbridled discretion, until this time the Fifth, Eighth, and
Fourteenth Amendments were interpreted as allowing the death penalty. The new analysis of addressing the absolute discretion given to sentencing
juries continued until Furman v. Georgia (Hollander 418). From the 1950s to the 1970s there were a meager number of executions with increasing
scrutiny of the death penalty, which led to the federal government expanding its list of death–eligible federal offenses (Hollander 419). In 1972 the
Court released an unprecedented yet divided five–person majority judgement in Furman v. Georgia that invalidated every existing capital statute and
verdict (Hollander 419). According to the Progressive Editorial Staff on February 17, 1972 the California Supreme Court ruled in California v.
Anderson that capital punishment is impermissible cruel and unusual punishment as it degraded and dehumanized the parties involved. In November of
1972 proposition 17 passes, the prop supersedes the Anderson ruling by amending the state constitution to reinstate the death penalty, ultimately the
change to the states
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The Split Brain Procedure
Our brain is divided into two halves or hemispheres. The left hemisphere specializes in language, words, understanding and reasoning while the right
hemisphere is associated with spatial awareness and creativity. Split brain is a term used to describe the result when the corpus callosum connecting
the two hemispheres is severed either partially or completely. Before the proceeding with the surgical procedure, the patient's head is either partially
or completely shaven in order to gain easier access to the scalp. Once they are under general anesthesia, the surgeon makes an incision, which allows
for a craniotomy to be performed. A craniotomy is an operation that allows for the temporary removal of part of the bone from the skull to expose the
brain. For a partial callostomy, the anterior two–thirds is sectioned, but the posterior one–third is sectioned as well for a complete callostomy. After
sectioning, the dura is closed and a portion of the cranium is replaced.
The split–brain procedure was primarily done in order to stop epileptic seizures. Epileptic episodes can range from a short loss of consciousness to
severely thrashing arms and legs uncontrollably. Scientists and researchers are now aware of the fact that seizures are caused by an abnormal discharge
of electrical impulses throughout the brain that interrupts normal brain patterns. They were also able to figure out that severing the corpus callosum
prevents the electrical discharge from dispersing through the
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Cleisthenes As An Opportunist
Cleisthenes was the Athenian politician setting the stage of democracy around c.520 BC and to c.400 BC. An opportunist is defined by Oxford
dictionaries as: 'A person who takes advantage of opportunities as and when they arise, regardless of planning or principle'. For many, this sums up the
rule of Cleisthenes as he took advantage of the anti–tyrannical movement and of the power he was given to improve the position of himself and his
Alcmaeonid family. However, this essay will argue that although Cleisthenes did take advantage of opportunities, he was ultimately very principled in
nature and was actually a reactionist. This is to say that he reacted to problems and events that occurred and dealt with them the best he could, rather
than taking advantage of the opportunity to better himself, the elite classes or his family.
To many, Cleisthenes was simply an opportunist. One way he can be said to be opportunistic is during his rise to power. This idea has stemmed from
the ancient Greek author Herodotus, and in parts Aristotle as well. On the whole, these are two ancient authors with semi–opposing views, with
Herodotus being a stronger source for stating Cleisthenes was an opportunist. The main reason most historians believe that Cleisthenes was an
opportunist is because of the account from Herodotus' histories. The account is as follows: "these two [Isagoras and Cleisthenes] were rivals for
power, and Cleisthenes, who was getting the worst of it, took the people into his
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Essay about The Dredd Scott Case
The Dredd Scott Case
The Dredd Scott case involved a landmark decision in the history of the Supreme Court, in the history of the United States the decision in this case was
one of the most damaging statements in the history of the Supreme Court, involving the citizenship of a black person in the United States, and the
constitutionality of the Missouri Compromise in 1820. The history of a black man named Dredd Scott states that he was a slave originally owed by a
family by the name of Blow, which ended up selling him in 1833 to an army surgeon by the name of Dr. John Emerson of St. Luis. Due to his
involvement as an army surgeon, Emerson was transferred to numerous places such as Rock Island, Illinois, Fort Snelling in the Wisconsin ... Show
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Now it was not so much the court's decision that was so damaging, but the series of opinions that Roger Taney, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
and how we look at it. The court had announced its decision on March 6, 1857. By a 7 – 2 vote, the court ruled against Scott. Of the seven opinions
written by the members of the majority, Chief Justice Taney's is considered to present the forma; view of the Court, and I think that these are the most
damaging statements in the case. Taney first dealt with the issues of whether Dredd Scott or any slave or descendant of slaves could be a slave s
could be a citizen under the US constitution. It was Taney's opinion as the ! majority of the court that: "they (slaves) are not, and that they are not
included, and were not intended to be included, under the word "citizen" in the US constitution, and can, therefore, claim none of the rights and
privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United
Taney drew this conclusion from an examination of historical practices and the intent of the Framers of the Constitution. "Slaves," he said," had more
than a century before the Constitution came into existence been regarded as being of an inferior order, and all together unfit to associate with the
white race, in social or political relations; and so far inferior that they had no
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Difference Between The Appellate Process And Trial Process
1. The appellate process and appeals differs from the trial process and trials in the following ways:
Trial court is the first court where case is tried. (pg. 353–359)
Appellate court is an appeals court and reviews the verdict of the trial court.
Evidence and witnesses are presented before trial court while appellate court reviews the decision made by trial court and checks to see that there is a
point of fact or point of law in the appeal.
In trail court, there is only one judge in the courtroom. In the appellate court, there are usually five groups of three judges to decide the case.
Finding facts and evidence is the task of trial court while appellate court decides the case on already collected evidences and witnesses.
Appellate court can accept, amend, or reject the decision of trial court. (pgs. 437–441)
2. There are three types of errors, the plain error, the harmless error, and the reversible error. The plain error is the most serious and rarest, it is a
substantial error that results in an unfair trial and jeopardizes the integrity of the judicial system. A reversible error is an error that was found to have
happened at the trial level by the judge, the jury or an attorney, the decision of the court is negated and sent back to the trial court for a new trial. A
harmless error is an error that is not serious enough to change the outcome of the trial and therefore the lower ruling stands. (pg. 444) 3. Mandatory
appellate review is for all cases that
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Taking a Look at Writs of Habeas Corpus
September 11th was a day that was burned into the conscience of the American identity. The response of the Bush Administration was to launch a
full–scale military operation against terrorist entities, in particular Al Qaeda and their foreign supporters. This series of operations, became what was to
be known as the "Global War on Terror". Subsequently, the invasion of Afghanistan and other military operations resulted in the capture of high value
targets with known connections to terrorist organizations. While these events this had dramatic ramifications on geo–political landscape, American
courts were also given the unenviable task of determining if those captured by the U.S government were entitled to the rights and privileges enshrined
in the U.S. Constitution. The Supreme Court in particular faced a particular set of problems in confronting this issue. Precedent on the matter had been
established over fifty years earlier under far different circumstances that were unable to reflect today's modern challenges. Secondly, the Court needed
to determine whether they had the jurisdictional authority to accept writs of habeas corpus from detainees held in Guantanamo Bay Cuba. Historically,
Lincoln's unilateral suspension of habeas corpus during the Civil War was the first instance in which the courts had a chance to review the indefinite
detention of citizens of the United States. "The detention of John Merryman, a southern sympathizer who petitioned for review under
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The Death Penalty Is The Ineffective And Expensive Process...
The ongoing problem of the death penalty system in California is the ineffective and expensive process between sentencing and executing. The Death
Penalty Information Center (DPIC), a national non–profit organization serving the media and the public with analysis and information on issues
concerning capital punishment, published the total numbers of death row inmates by states on July 1, 2016. From the data, California has the largest
death rows in America. There are 741 inmates on death row in California. The next is 396 in Florida and 254 in Texas. However, there are just 13
executed prisons in California since the reinstatement of death penalty in 1978. The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
(CDCR), operating all prisons and parole systems in California, published a document to analyze the time of execution. According to the statistics,
the average time served on death row is 17.9 years and the average age at time of execution is 49 years old. A typical example is Clarence Ray Allen,
who had been convicted in 1982, but he has not been executed until 2006. After the execution, one of the victims' family members claimed that "it has
taken 23 years but justice has prevailed today. Mr. Allen abused the justice system with endless appeals until he lived longer inprison than the short 17
years of Josephine's life" ("Clarence Ray Allen Summary" 4). The case of Allen reflects that most of the prisons stay on the death row for more than two
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The Notebook Movie Analysis Essay
Film Analysis Throughout the movie, The Notebook, there were many different aspects that corresponded with the material learned throughout the
semester. There were times were you were able to pin point why each problem was faced based on different character backgrounds. As began to watch
the movie, you start to understand the culture aspects of each individual by the way they talk and present themselves, which caused many situations to
arise. Also, these many situations arise throughout the movie that affected the outcome of decisions made: biological, psychological, and social
/environment. However, diversity played a magnificent role from the beginning to the end. So, therefore, throughout this paper you will have a better
understanding of the analysis of this film, which should provide information about the movie.
Brief Description While watching the movie, there were many characters that played a magnificent role: Noah Calhoun, Allison "Allie" Hamilton, Fin
and Sarah, Lon Hammond, Jr., Ann Hamilton, Frank Calhoun, John Hamilton, and Anne's ex boyfriend. During the beginning of the movie, Duke, an
elderly man, began to read a story to a elderly women named Allie. Allie had dementia and Duke (Noah) was determined to regain her memory of their
love and life together. The story began where they first met each other; Noah saw Allie on the Farris wheel and knew she was the one. He jumped on
the Farris wheel while it was still in motion and begged Allie on a date till she
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Cupp Versus Murphy Brief Essay
Criminal Justice I.Brief Cupp v. Murphy 412 U.S. 291, 93 S.Ct. 2000, 36 L.Ed.2d 900 (1973) Merits: The respondent, Daniel Murphy, was convicted
by a jury in an Oregon court of the second–degree murder of his wife. The victim died by strangulation in her home in the city of Portland, and
abrasions and lacerations were found on her throat. There was no sign of a break–in or robbery. Word of the murder was sent to the estranged husband,
Daniel Murphy. Upon receiving the message, Murphy promptly telephoned the Portland police and voluntarily came into Portland for questioning.
Shortly after the respondent's arrival at the station house, where he was met by retained counsel, the... Show more content on ...
Id., at 1007. The U.S. Supreme Court granted the State's petition for certiorari. Issue: Whether respondent's Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment Rights
were violated when he was subjected to a search of his person, albeit under probable cause, without a warrant and prior to a formal arrest. Argument:
Reasoning: 1)"Nothing is more clear than that the Fourth Amendment was meant to prevent wholesale intrusions upon the personal security of our
citizenry, whether these intrusions be termed 'arrests' or 'investigatory detentions.' " Davis v. Mississippi, 394 U.S. 721, 726–727. 2)...the search of the
respondent's fingernails went beyond mere "physical characteristics...constantly exposed to the public," United States v. Dionisio, supra, and
constituted the type of "severe though brief intrusion upon cherished personal security" that is subject to constitutional scrutiny. Terry v. Ohio, supra, at
24–25. 3)The Court recognized in Chimel v. California, 395 U.S. 752, that the scope of a warrantless search must be commensurate with the rationale
that excepts the search from the warrant requirement. Chimel authorizes a search of incident to arrest for (1) weapons or (2) incriminating evidence.
Further, Chimel limited the scope of a search incident to arrest to the person placed under arrest and the area "into which an arrestee might reach." 395
U.S., at 763. Application:
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The Magna Carta
The United States Constitution states that "no person deprived of life, liberty, or property, without the due process of law", an idea previously
used in a 13th century document entitled the Magna Carta (US Const. Amend. V). The Magna Carta was the first written charter in Europe that enacted
several law codes that dealt with topics such as inheritance and civil rights (, 2017). The codes enacted with the original 1215 charter,
which was revised into the permanent 1225 charter, gave social, political, and judicial rights to the elite, middle, and lower classes of the English
people, including the serfdom, who had been ignored through (, 2017). Containing 63 clauses, the Magna Carta is permeated with judicial
equality, religious dominion, and an underlying plea for peace. The Magna Carta was signed on 15 June 1215 at Runnymede, near Windsor, England;
signed by King John of England, it was intended as a peace treaty to the barons below him to decentralize some of the power of the crown to the
barons as well as provide a sure law code to the people (, 2017). It also provided a regulation of the judicial system that brought common
ground between the king and his people. Moreover, the United States Constitution forbids any punishment that does not fit with the crime the offender
has been accused of, especially if it is cruel and unusual (US Const. Amend. VIII). The roots of this amendment can be found within the clauses of the
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A Critique of DiLorenzo's The Real Lincoln Essay
A Critique of the Real Lincoln
The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War, by Thomas J. DiLorenzo completely shatters the illusion
of the 16th President as the liberator of the slaves. DiLorenzo provides convincing evidence for Lincoln's overt racism as expressed in his documented
views on racial supremacy as stated in his desire to colonize all American blacks outside the United States (p. 4); Lincoln's views were matched by the
majority in the North who used such tools as state constitutional amendments to prohibit the emigration of black people into Northern states like
Lincoln's home of Illinois (p. 4); and that the Presidents war which killed 620, 000 Americans and destroyed 40% of the ... Show more content on ...
DiLorenzo shows that Lincoln's entire agenda was focused on advancing these three goals. Many southern states believed with the coming of Lincoln
into the White House he would push for his agenda of increased federal government spending and control.
"So when Lincoln suspended the writ of Habeas corpus in order to arrest those accused of treason, the "Peace Democrats" had more ammunition
against the president. There was much controversy as to whether the president had the power to suspend habaes corpus, and it was argued that only
Congress had that right. The writ of habeas corpus protects people from arbitrary arrest and detainment. The power to do so was both that of the
legislative branch as well as the judicial branch. It was unclear whether the Philadelphia convention placed it in Article I, just to identify it or define it
as a legislative function. Either way, Lincoln did so, and the suspension of the writ of Habeas corpus brought on thousands of arbitrary arrests. Many
of those who were arrested were spies, foreigners and smugglers. The question is: Did Lincoln go too far and unlawfully exercise his executive powers
to manipulate constitutional limits?
Thomas DiLorenzo spends the rest of the book discussing secession, Lincoln's assumption of "war powers," his resort to total warfare, the story of
Reconstruction, the cruel Indian
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The Human Brain Essay
Our brains weigh about three pounds and are divided into two similar looking but functionally different hemisphere, the right hemisphere and the left
hemisphere. Both of which are connected by a large bundle of nerves called the corpus collosum. In some people with severe seizure disorders such
as epilepsy, it was found that if this bundle of nerves was severed their seizure would either cease or a the very least be better controlled. From this
surgical procedure it was discovered that the two hemispheres had different methods of processing information, as well as controlling parts of the body.
The left hemisphere controls the right have of the body and the right hemisphere controls the left side.
While we rely on both hemispheres to ... Show more content on ...
Interestingly enough, the centers for speech interpretation and production are located in the left hemisphere. If the patient is blindfolded and a
familiar object, such as a toothbrush, is placed in his left hand he appears to know what it is; for example by make the gesture of brushing his teeth. If
asked by the experimenter to name the object he can not. When asked what he is doing with the object, gesturing a brushing motion, he has know idea.
If the left hand gives the toothbrush to the right hand, the patient will immediately say "toothbrush." Cutting apart the two hemispheres of
the human brain is a drastic step, and is one of the most controversial operations ever performed. Controversy stems not from the risk to life the
procedure involves. It stems from a Jekyll and Hyde aura surrounding the side effects–the"Split–Brain" syndrome. They orchestrate into a
single personality if–and only if–the cerebral hemispheres communicate. Thus, many neurosurgeons have been reluctant to try the split–brain operation
for fear of severing all vital communications. However, there may now be a way to avoid the Jekyll–Hyde effect.
A new form of the surgery devised by P.J. Vogel called anterior cerebral commissurotomy eliminates the Jekyll
–Hyde effect. The procedure involves;
opening the skull, laying back the brains coverings, then using a tool called a cerebral retractor to expose the corpus callosum. The front three–fourths of
the corpus callosum are
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Left And Right Hemispheres Of The Brain Essay
I.The left and right hemispheres of the brain have many different functions, but they also work together to accomplish certain tasks. The brain is a soft,
shiny, grayish white, mushroom shaped structure. It is a bundle of nerve tissue that has a mass of about three pounds on average. During the 1900s a
neurophysiologist well–known as Roger Sperry had determined that the two hemispheres operated individually, but could still communicate with each
other. During the 1950s the corpus callosum was ascertained. Placed between the two hemispheres it receives information from both sides and helps the
two sides communicate. On the other hand, over the past two decades the brains and nervous systems of various animals have had a tremendous impact
on our findings on the two hemispheres. It has mainly helped us with our understanding about the brains organization. The brain has many vessels that
are very firmly packed together and they transport food and oxygen to the brain and they also block out harmful bacteria and germs. Many factors
that have been discovered by conduction simple tests to identify what each side of the brain is responsible for. For example, two men known by the
names of Myers and Sperry conducted a test which showed the brains of ... Show more content on ...
The brain has many parts with different functions that have an effect on the entire body.
A.The corpus callosum is the main part of the two hemispheres.
1.Its objective is to correspond between the two hemispheres.
2.Without it, we would practically be brain dead because there would minimal to no brain activity.
B.Brain cells also play a monumental role in the brain.
1.Brain cells are located on both the left and right hemispheres of the brain and for the most part makes up most of the brains mass.
C.Both the left and right hemispheres controls their opposite sides of the body. (The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and the
right side of the brain controls the left side of the
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Monolingual Dictionary Essay
Monolingual Learner's Dictionaries The dictionary is an important thing for learner's language because it can help learner's to understand the meaning
about words. According to Jackson states that a dictionary is a reference book about words (2002). One type of dictionary is a monolingual dictionary.
Monolingual dictionary is a type of dictionary in which the words of the language are explained by the same language (Hartman & James, 1998).
According to Hartmann and James (1998), learner's dictionary is a dictionary that is aimed to non–native language learners'. A monolingual learner's
dictionary is one of the type of learner's dictionary. Hartmann and James also state that monolingual learner's dictionary is a sub–type of monolingual
dictionary for foreign–language user (1998). The basis of monolingual learner's dictionary is because of three teachers of English as a foreign language,
who are H.E Palmer, A.S Hornby and Michael West. Palmer and Hornby worked in Japan, while West worked in India. Those three teachers are not
only trying to improve the standard of language teaching in their respective area such as Japan and India, but they also involved in a research project
that can give the influence on the ... Show more content on ...
Harold Palmer, Michael West and A.S Hornby were teaching English as asecond language, also they did research in linguistic areas which can
support and enrich their work as compilers of learner's dictionary. In West's New Method English Dictionary in 1953, he can be remembered as
pioneering for use a definition of vocabulary. Palmer shared with West's interest in vocabulary control, but he was amazing in identified and explored
the importance for the grammatical topic for learner, in which include sentence patterns. We can see his work in the features of his Grammar of
English Word in 1938 (Cowie A.P., 2009, p.
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Rl Wolfe: Implementing Self-Directed Teams.
MGT 510
The self–directed work team is an autonomous work unit capable of self–management. Such team has little need for direct supervision from managers;
rather, the manager's role is to meet the need of the team through the provision of resources, training and encouragement (Douglas & Gardner,
2004). The team is typically comprised of 5 to 15 members who are responsible for performing and managing all or most aspect of a set of
interdependent work tasks (Yeatts and Hyten, 1998). In order to overcome the competitive challenge for production efficiency and effectiveness,
organizations have focused on ... Show more content on ...
In all, 90 workers were hired including 20 workers from Moon Plastic Plant.
Team Setup and Responsibilities: The SDT model anticipate that workers would view the production process as an aggregate of interdependent job
functions that are equally responsible for the quality of the final product. Two teams of 12 – 15 people were set up for each shift. The workers are
rotated through all the jobs in the factory at regular intervals, thus ensuring all workers fully understand the production process.
Role of the Coordinator: The coordinator of a SDT will serve various roles based on the need of the team. These roles may include acting as a
directive leader, a coach, a supportive leader and as a delegating leader. The coordinator provides the team with resources and information required for
decision making. ISSUES AND PROBLEM:
RL Wolfe operates two other plants with unionized workforce. The union contracts at these plants have workers in two divisions: production and
maintenance. The maintenance personnel were paid a higher wage than production personnel, and workers lack the flexibility to work across divisions
even when simple intervention would prevent shut down of the extrusion line.
Conflict between the line operators and maintenance workers occurs when there is equipment breakdown. Often there is disagreement on the cause of
the problem and the best way to resolve it. Lack of communication
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Administrative Law Essay
PART A: This problem is a straight forward problem in judicial review and prerogative remedies. Judicial review can be done through Prerogative
orders. Judicial review refers to the Court's review of a lower or administrative body's factual or legal findings[1]. Prerogative remedies are remedies
which if not always are designed from the first for the control of governmental duties and powers, have long been used for the purpose especially[2].
These remedies are such as certiorari, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto and habeas corpus. Appropriate remedies which Cristiano Ronaldo may
seek in an action before the High Court and the reasons for seeking of each of the remedies are; Certiorari, this is an order issued by ... Show more
content on ...
The public duty imposed should be of an imperative nature and not a discretionary one. The applicant must have locus stand that is he must have
sufficient interest in the matter he is applying for lastly there should be no other appropriate remedy available to the applicant. In this problem the
conditions are present as Ronaldo has demanded the performance for the renewal of license and the Director of Trade refused and he was not been
given notice as noted in the case of Palm Beach Inn Ltd and Another v. Commissioner for Tourism and Two Others[8]. Also Mr. Toure was having
a duty to perform on him thus to grant license. This duty was not of an imperative nature as the case of considering the application of license and
not discretion as per the case of Re Mohamed Aslam Khan[9]. Also Ronaldo has a interest as he is an aggrieved person thus he has a locus standi
as per the case of Alfred Lakaru v. Town Director Arusha[10]. Lastly there is no other appropriate remedy as the right to appeal is not indicated in
the problem. Reasons in which Ronaldo can base in his application are violation of the rules of natural justice as per the case of Simeoni Manyaki v.
Institute of Financial Management[11] Also there was irrelevant consideration as per the case of Fernandez v. Kericho Liquor Licensing Board. Error
of jurisdiction as per the case of R v.
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4 Effects Of The Proclamation Of Emergency
Four important effects of the proclamation mentioned in Article 353, 354, 358 and 359 are as follows: The first important effect of the
proclamation is : Contrary to the normal circumstances, during proclamation of emergency, the Executive power of the Union extends to giving
directions to the State as to the manner in which the executive power is to be exercised. The legislative power of the Union also is extended to
making laws in the State List, for a State or a part thereof, and has an overriding effect. This includes power to impose duties on the Union and its
officers. The President is given power to promulgate Ordinances in the matters included in the State List. The second important effect of the
proclamation is: As per the provisions of these articles, the financial arrangements between the States and the Union as given under Articles 268 to
279 may also be altered by the order of the President during the proclamation of emergency, which is to be laid before each House of... Show more
content on ...
The enforcement of only such fundamental rights can be suspended which have nexus with the reasons, which have led to the proclamation of
emergency. The Supreme Court rejected both the contentions because Article 13(2) and Article 359, being parts of the same Constitution, stand on an
equal footing and the two provisions have to be read harmoniously in order that the intention behind Article 359 is carried out and it is not destroyed
altogether. Also the enforcement of a particular fundamental right is, for the sake of security of India, for which the subjective determination of the
President is involved and he cannot be called to justify his action in the court of
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Habeas Corpus Essay
FEBUARY 4, 2013
Habeas Corpus in its most familiar form has played an important role in "Anglo American history as a safe guard of individual liberty. It is defined as
being a writ directed by a judge to some person who is detaining another, commanding him to bring the body of the person in his custody at a specified
time and a specified place for a specified purpose. In contemporary practice, the writ is most commonly used to challenge the legality of criminal
convictions and sentence, though it is also used to challenge the legality of custody in other settings, including immigration, mental health, and military
contexts. The availability ... Show more content on ...
Only the federal government and not the state are limited by the clause. The issue has caused critical attention is the authority in which the clause
places the power of determined weather the circumstances warranted suspension of the privilege of the writ. At the convention, the first proposal of the
suspending authority expressing vested in the legislature the suspending power but the authority of this proposal did not retain this language when the
matter was taken up the present language then being adopted. Nevertheless, congress power to suspend has assumed in early commentary and stated by
the court. Commander–in–Chief clause, states that the President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the
Militia of several states, when called into the actual service of the U.S. To what extent the President has the authority to use the military absent of
congressional declaration of war have proven to be sources of conflict and debate throughout American history. Some may believe that the Commander
in Chief clause confers expansive powers on the President, but others may argue that if even if that is the case, the constitution doesn't define precisely
the extent of the powers. To construe the clause narrowly, asserting that the Framers gave the President
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Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror Essay
Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror
POL 201
April 15, 2013
Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror
Civil liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror have been the forefront of Congress since 2001 with the terrorist
attack against The United States. Although there have been many attacks before, none have hit the American people in
such a manner to question whether our civil liberties are at stake. As a member of the Armed Forces I swore to support
and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic at all cost. A sense of
pride, loyalty and commitment engulfs me when I hear the words for equal justice and liberty for all when it comes to ... Show more content on ...
President Bush's action drew severe
criticism, mainly for the law's failure to specifically designate who in the United States will
determine who is and who is not an enemy combatant. This however was not the first time in the
history of the U.S. Constitution that it's guaranteed right to Habeas Corpus has been suspended
by an action of the President of the United States. In earlier years of the U.S. Civil War,
President Abraham Lincoln suspended writs of habeas corpus. Both presidents based their action
on the dangers of war, and both presidents faced sharp criticism for carrying out what many
believed to be an attack on the Constitution. President Bush suspended writs of habeas corpus
through his support and signed into law the Military Commissions Act of 2006. This bill granted
the President of the United States almost unlimited authority in establishing and conducting
military commissions to try persons held by the U.S. in the Global War on Terrorism. In addition,
the Act suspends the right of "unlawful enemy combatants" to present, or to have presented in
their behalf, writs of habeas corpus. "Members of volunteer corps, militias, and organized resistance forces that are not part of
the Armed Forces are entitled to POW status if they meet the criteria specified in the treaty.
Groups that do not meet the standards are not entitled to POW status, and their members who
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The Juvenile Justice System And Juveniles
When it comes to discussing the criminal justice system and juveniles, there have been many landmark cases that have made a significant impact on
the juvenile justice system. The cases arise from dealing with certain aspects that comes from handling juveniles entering the system. Since juveniles
are very different from adults they have to deal with them a certain way and a case by case basis. The court cases concerning juveniles and the
decisions that have come from them is what has made what the juvenile justice system is today. Juveniles are not treated the same as adults since
juveniles are not ad developed as adults common sense wise. They don't always know what is right from wrong and sometimes they do not have
guidance or good influences around them helping them in the right direction. In class we have learned that instead of punishing them, the goal of the
juvenile justice system is based on rehabilitation. For instance, juveniles cannot be sentenced to death if under the age of 18 and also can not be given
the sentences of life without parole because they consider these punishments cruel and unusual for juveniles. If the system is able to rehabilitate them
and give them the tools they need, they have a second chance at changing their lives for the better and getting away from all of the crimes. They rather
try to send them to programs or to complete community service to better themselves instead of giving them hard time. The court cases that I will
discuss is what
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The Real Lincoln Essay
Abraham Lincoln's presidential career was full of questionable actions. Thomas DiLorenzo author of, The Real Lincoln discusses Lincoln's actions
regarding racism, his refusal to emancipate the slaves, his continual tendency to act independently of Congress, and his radical reconstruction after the
Civil War. DiLorenzo attacks each of these topics in his book and proves that Lincoln had his own agenda, and was not the picture perfect president
everybody thought that he was.
The overall theme of chapter two is the opposition that Abraham Lincoln and most Northerners had about racial equality. This theme is made clear
very early on in the chapter. Lincoln himself states: "the best use of the new territories is housing for free white ... Show more content on ...
DiLorenzo makes it a point that equality for blacks is none of Lincoln's concerns.
Abraham Lincoln had no clear intentions of emancipating the slaves unless he felt that it was truly necessary for him to do so. For example, look at
the expulsion of Union General John Fremont who was in charge of the federal government's military efforts in Missouri. The Union General created
an act on August 30th, 1861 to deter the Confederates from their guerilla warfare. This act granted him Marshall Law throughout the state and gave
him the ability to confiscate property and declare slaves "freemen". This angered the Commander In–Chief. As a result, Lincoln removed the General's
act and stripped him of his command on November 2nd, 1861.
DiLorenzo put great emphasis on the point that Lincoln was not going to willingly emancipate anyone, and most of all, that he would not have
anyone under his power doing so either. DiLorenzo also points out that Lincoln only admits any action regarding slavery will take place unless it is
done solely to preserve the integrity of the Union. His actions made it evident that Lincoln was now willing to ignore the Constitution and claim
more doctorial powers. "As he stated over and over, his concern with the issue of slavery was motivated by a desire to use the issue to "save the
Union," which was a euphemistic way of saying that he wanted to
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Shays ' Rebellion : Authority And Distress
In the book "Shays' Rebellion: Authority and Distress in Post–revolutionary America", Sean Condon shows us his outlook on how he saw
post–revolutionary America to be within the late 1770's and 1780's. This book was released in 2015 by John Hopkins University Press, and was
also made in a continuing book series by Peter Charles Hoffer and Willamjames Hull Hofer called Witness to History. The story takes us "Throughout
the late summer and fall of 1786, farmers in central and western Massachusetts organized themselves into armed groups to protest against established
authority and aggressive creditors. Calling themselves "regulators" or the "voice of the people."" [1] Condon succeeds by prosing an appealing idea in
an upfront style that shapes... Show more content on ...
Condon get the reader to see the side of the farmers and how the government is wrong, but he also portrays how the government, who are a wise
and rich men, clearly reacted to a rebellion trying to destroy what has been created to keep order. Condon shows us the "rebels" and he points out
the way other revolutions happen within England and different American Colonies. He keeps pointing out that the resistance, lead by a very
symbolic leader Daniel Shay, always gets referred to as the "regulation," while as the people fighting in the resistance refer to themselves as the
"regulators." Daniel shay was one of the main leaders and roles played in the rebellion. "Captain Shays cut an impressive figure in his Continental
Army uniform. His dignified air of command and his confident knowledge of military protocols lent credence and respectability to the ranks marching
on the courthouse." [2] The people fighting for the resistance "regulators" are fighting for their debt to be relived, have paper currency as the new
form for currency, laws that are not as cruel to anybody, not have debtors gain interest they owe to their wealthy loaners, having a constitution that will
be more helping towards the citizens rather than attacking them, the capital to be more continently located to benefit them, rid the Common Pleas
Court, having court fees lowered or completely removed. "The court closures of the previous several weeks had all targeted the civil Court of Common
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Orientation Of Intrauterine Chord Attachment
Orientation of Intrauterine Chord Attachment in Equine Effects On Viability
According to the Jockey Club Registry for Thoroughbred horses, horses are given the birthday of January 1 on the year of birth (Jockey Club).
Producers are looking to maximize production of pregnancy and look to have mares foal at or after January 1 to give their colts an age advantage
while racing. Because of the 11 month gestations of the mare, this means she must be bred between February and March to achieve a foaling date on
or after January 1. During the low day–light levels in the February and March, melatonin secretions from the pituitary are increased, which will inhibit
the kisspeptin neurons as well as GnRH secretrions from the hypothalamus and in turn will inhibit ovulation (Maquivar, 2016). Producers have
overcome this and have used light stimulation and hormone therapies successfully in stimulating estrus during the normal anestrus period. The next
step towards creating reproductively efficient mares is to study the orientation of placentation and chord attachment from the fetus to uterine walls and
chorionic villi and determine if position can effect the viability of the fetus.
Dependence from the oocyte and embryos in equine have been found to be more dependent upon follicular factors and intrauterine attachment than ever
before. The mare's unique gestation begins from the point of ovulation, the ovulation fossa (Maquivar, 2016). The mare will reach a luteinizing
hormone (LH) peak
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Definition Essay About Stress
In our text stress is described as situations that trigger a physical and emotional reaction and also includes the reactions we have to the stress. The
places and areas that stress come into our lives are endless. Most of us have a family, friends, and work we have to juggle on a shoestring schedule
and sometimes the budget is on a shoestring too. Money can be a huge stressor especially if you do not have enough to pay the bills, buy your baby a
new pair of shoes, or purchase that plane ticket to paradise. Problems at work can also give stress and anxiety to everyone. Stress creates problems with
your health such as the nervous system, Endocrine system, Immune system, cardiovascular health, sleep, and can also affect relationships. I think...
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The book gives the example of losing your keys and had solved this problem years ago by putting my keys on a clamp and attaching that to a metal
loop on my purse. Currently, I place my keys only in a pocket that is easy to reach and to see. Attending college has been a stressor for me as I
have had to work so many different and long hours. The stress caused by exams, lack of time, and financial problems have plagued me this
semester. My solution is to take fewer classes next semester and to find better employment that I do not have to be available almost every day and
work crazy hours. Another situation that is producing stress in my life is my house, yard, and mine and my parent's possessions that need to be
sorted out. Many things need to be thrown out, gave to goodwill, or packed away for safe keeping. Right now old pictures are in various shoe boxes,
envelopes, and are located in four rooms. I have not had the time to clean deep or work in the yard for a little over a year now, and I plan on working
on all these things during Christmas break. Although I will not be able to get it all done, I should be able to get a good bit done, and that will
alleviate some of my
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Serum Ghrelin And Its Effects On The Health Of Animals
Serum ghrelin, IL–1ОІ, and IL–6 during the postestrus period in Murrah buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) Feng Li Yang1,2, Shu Fang Ning2, Zhao Xiong
Wang1, Zhu Nan Li1, Xiao Shan Li1*, Gong He Li2В§ 1. College of Animal Science, Yangtze University, Jingzhou, People's Republic of China,
*E–mail: 2. College of Animal Science and Technology, Guangxi University, Nanning, People's Republic of China, В§E
–mail: Abstrast The knowledge in blood constituents is important for assessing the physiological status and the health of animals. The
present study was carried out to find out whether the estrus affects the concentrations of ghrelin, interleukin–1ОІ (IL–1ОІ), and IL–6 in Murrah
buffaloes. The result indicated that serum ghrelin concentrations were higher in luteal phase compare to other phase, the highest concentrations of
IL–1ОІ and IL–6 were observed at the end of the luteal phase. Keywords: ghrelin, cytokine, buffalo, estrus period Introduction Ghrelin is a 28–amino
acid, octanoylated peptide which is secreted primarily by cells in the abomasum in ruminants. Ghrelin concentrations increase prior to scheduled meals
and in response to fasting in ruminants, and feeding suppresses ghrelin secretion (Bradford and Allen, 2008). Ghrelin is expressed and produced in
several tissues, but the gastric mucosa is the major source of circulating ghrelin. Ghrelin is a hormone with multiple functions and diverse biological
actions. The acylated ghrelin is the only known
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Short Story Of Neemecia
Ever since childhood I have always desired something different every day, week, month, and year. It did not have to be a tangible object
necessarily, often it was something of the intangible variety: fulfillment, understanding, trust, or even love. One time when I was having a
meltdown, as all children do from time to time, my father simply asked why I was acting the way I was. My response was more sobbing and
incoherent muttering, at the time I had no idea why I was really crying, I just knew that there was a lot of things going on around me at the the
time that I was confused about. I now realize I was in despair because I had needed some form of understanding, some sliver of comprehension that
I was only a second grader and as such could not do everything that my thirteen year old could do, such as; stay up past eight, drink full cups of milk
instead of half cups, or watch the really cool looking movies, Now I still desire these things just in a different form. The age of an individual has an
immense impact on how one feels about their desires, desires that make us who we are yet still promote strife. In the short story "Nemecia," by
Kristin Valdez Quade, a superb writer who is renown for her work in short–stories, one can draw the conclusion that as the protagonist, Maria, comes of
age, her order of priorities develop and intensify based off of her circumstances. As the story progresses we see how the most intimate desires of a
little girl develop with her until she
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Guantanamo Bay And The War Of Terror
Guantanamo Bay
As Nelson Mandela once said, "To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity." GuantГЎnamo bay, Cuba is the home of the
oldest U.S naval station base out of the continental U.S. The United States invaded GuantГЎnamo bay and established a base during the
Spanish–American war ("Guantanamo..." 2008, par. 2). After the attack on the twin towers on September 11, 2001, the base's mission expanded to
include the Detainee Mission of the War of Terror ("Guantanamo..." 2008, par. 5). Many issues have risen because of this detention facility. The
detainees held at the facility have to and had to face many challenges. The government took away their human rights and treats these detainees very
harshly. Currently, there are still detainees held at GuantГЎnamo bay. However, some actions have occurred to stop these inhumane actions, but there
have not been enough to close the facility down. Interrogation Techniques Detainees held at Guantanamo bay are all interrogated and later classified as
an enemy combatant^1. As each detainee is interrogated, several techniques were used. Some examples of torture techniques used at Guantanamo are
Sexual Assault/ Humiliation Sleep Deprivation Sensory Deprivation Solitary Confinements/ Isolation Mock Executions Forced Medication Use of
dogs to scare Detainees Temperature Extremes Sensory Bombardment(Noise)^2 Watching Others Being Tortured Psychological Techniques. ("Torture
Techniques...", 2016,
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Noah's Piety In The Play
In the York Corpus Christi Plays, many of the characters are so over–top, so remarkably buffoonish that those characters are ultimately quite comedic
in effect. To a modern audience, a comedic biblical character may seem blasphemous–it may seem morally wrong to laugh at Jesus's executioners as
they struggle to crucify Christianity's most important figure. However, when examining exactly how those characters function in the play, the comedic
nature of those characters may not be wholly blasphemous in effect. For example, do those comedic executioners only make the audience laugh at
Jesus's crucifixion, or do they emphasize Jesus's calm and solemn nature? Similarly, plays about Noah's ark and the great flood include comedic
characters, yet those plays do not feel totally blasphemous. Instead, the inclusion of a variety of characters in these plays seems more nuanced. In the
York Corpus Christi Play The Building of the Ark, Noah's piety is established through his undying trust in God and his general ... Show more content on ...
Throughout his encounter with God, Noah does not question God's intentions or his plan. The only thing Noah questions is his own ability to
perform such great actions (which is, again, related to his pious humility), never God's general plan. God explains to him his plan, and Noah ends
the play by telling God that he will go and fulfill God's wishes: "Abowte this werke now bus me wende," (PAGE #, l. 148). Not only is Noah
humble, he is also obedient and trusts in his God. In attributing Noah's piety to humility, trust in God, obedience, and gratitude, The Building of the Ark
subsequently praises these attributes and establishes them as virtues. Thus, the play not only categorizes Noah as pious (and explains what exactly
makes him a pious character), the play also makes the public aware of how one can become pious like
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How Should We Treat Non American Prisoners
How Should We Treat Non–American Prisoners in American Prisons
Casie Alaniz
Ashford University
Professor Beth Garcia
POL: 201 American National Government
How Should We Treat Non–American Prisoners in American Prisons
How Should We Treat Non–American Prisoners in American Prisons
The war on terror has changed how our country sees many things from travel, privacy rights, security levels and a person's right to due process. The
rights of accused terrorists have been stripped due to the need for intelligence on future attacks as well as locations and persons involved in the larger
group. How does this loss of personal rights reflect on our country and the fundamentals it was founded on?
Habeas corpus refers to the right to get direct access ... Show more content on ...
Under the Constitution the federal government can unquestionably suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus if the public safety requires it
during times of rebellion or invasion. The issue is whether Congress or the president holds this power. Historical perspective on that issue in the
context of the Civil War requires a study of the actions of Congress and the president, Lincoln 's defense of his suspensions of the writ, and presidential
and congressional dealings with and reactions to each other. The relationship between Lincoln and Congress, like the power of suspension, has received
limited historical attention, with the only extensive treatment a 1907 article by University of Wisconsin professor George Sellery.
The writ of habeas corpus provides individuals with protection against arbitrary and wrongful imprisonment. But it does not necessarily protect other
rights, such as the entitlement to a fair trial. In our country anyone accused of a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty. This seems to be the
case unless you are accused of terrorism, then you are held outside of the US and are not subject to the same laws or privileges allowed within US
Habeas corpus is important to the current situation because it has to do with the right of defendants to be charged with a crime and tried for that crime
in a timely manner.
Under the
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Mental Illness And Self Identity
This issue is relevant because mental illness and self identity are starting to become a popular topic in our society. People are starting to realize that
even though it may be a difficult subject to speak and learn about, it is important and should be addressed in our society. This issue is important
because it helps people embrace who they are and learn about the issues instead of hating on themselves for being different and not knowing the real
facts about the issue. If we do not learn how to treat mental illness and accept ourselves, we will never move forward in society and learn how to help
others and ourselves with these topics. By learning more about these topics we can help our society grow, by discovering new ways to help people
with these problems. We could decrease major issues in our society like mass shootings, and teen suicide. With this topic we can make our society
more aware and inclusive of those with these issues.
Currently, mental health is a major topic in our society with mass shootings and major crises with our government because everyone says that the
shooters were not in a good mental state, which made them do these terrible things. Self identity is also a current issue among many young people who
do not know who they are and are still figuring it out. Teens who are not yet proud of their individualism blend into society and become a "brick in the
wall" instead of an individual who values their unique qualities and culture. Today, these ideas are
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The Consequences Of John Locke And The Death Penalty
Every individual has the right to life. We are granted an intrinsic value from birth, that cannot be taken away at any costs. People who claim that the
death penalty will protect our nation's citizens fail to recognize the true facts. The institution of this horrid consequence would ruin the values that we
have in our American society. The death penalty does not make any further improvements to thecrime rates of our country. Additionally, we are seeing
that the use of the death penalty has dramatically decreased since 1999 ("What's New"). What does this show? People are beginning to realize that the
death penalty lacks any worth and promotes unethical ideals. To permit the use of murder on someone who is a criminal destroys who they are as a
human. We all are entitled to life itself, because we are naturally granted it when we come into existence. As Libertarians believe, specifically John
Locke, we all have the right to life, liberty, and property. We do not have the right to take away these things from others, just as no one has the right to
strip us of them either. These same principles are found in our own Declaration of Independence, because it claims that we have the right to "Life,
Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." The government has the responsibility to protect these unalienable rights that we were granted from birth.
There is the notion that the death penalty will steer people away from committing crimes. In "a report by the National Research Council,
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Similarities And Weaknesses Of The Civil War

  • 1. Similarities And Weaknesses Of The Civil War The Civil War The North and South had many different weaknesses and strengths at the beginning of the Civil War in 1861. This essay will compare the political, economic, social and military strengths and weaknesses of the North and South at the beginning of the Civil War. There were many reasons for the War of the States to be fought including, but not limited toslavery, separation of states, the Constitution, and the way of life. The North and South had many political strengths and weaknesses. The South had an amazing fighting spirit because they were fighting to preserve their way of life. They were also defending their home against the northern invaders. While the North was just fighting to continue the Union, and were not as inspired. Furthermore the North had the advantage of President Lincoln being from the North, when the South did not. The South had less states in its Confederacy with only a mere fifteen states, versus the North who had nineteen states in their Union. Lincoln believed that secession was illegal under the law of the Constitution and he would declare war against the rebelling states if necessary. For the first time in American history, Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus, the right of prisoners to a trial, ergo the Union could arrest citizens who might have been southern sympathizers. The North and South had many economic strengths and weaknesses. The South had many plantations of rice, cotton, tobacco and other cash crops, which produced ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Case Woods V. Kansas Defendant Hankins filed a motion to correct an illegal sentence on appeal after pleading guilty to felony charges because he argued a Kansas trial court wrongfully considered a deferred judgment from Oklahoma in his sentencing calculation. The State argued that Kansas law required such deferred judgments from other states to be included in sentencing determinations. The Supreme Court of Kansas disagreed with the Court of Appeals' dismissal of Hankins' motion, finding that there was a discrepancy between Kansas and Oklahoma's statutory standards for an entry of a judgment of guilt. Under Kansas law, the Court concluded, a conviction requires a judgment of guilt. However, under Oklahoma law, "an entry of judgment will not be entered for an offender who successfully completes a deferred judgment. The initial conditions are to be imposed 'without entering a judgment of guilt.'" Therefore, the Court found that no... Show more content on ... Kansas, 379 P.3d 1134 (Kan. App. 2016), review denied Defendant Woods moved pro se to withdraw his guilty plea to second degree murder. Woods had entered a guilty plea pursuant to agreement; he claimed that he would not have entered the plea but for his attorney's failure to sufficiently investigate a witness's proposed trial testimony. The district court denied Woods's motion and sentenced Woods to 258 months' imprisonment. The Court of Appeals affirmed. Woods filed a K.S.A. В§ 60–1507 motion for a writ of habeas corpus, alleging ineffective assistance of counsel. The district court denied the motion and the Court of Appeals affirmed; res judicata barred his claim, and even if it did not, "Woods failed to overcome the strong presumption that his attorneys sufficiently investigated [the witness's] proposed trial testimony." Woods filed a second В§ 60–1507 motion alleging ineffective assistance of counsel, arguing that "a colorable claim of actual innocence" required the district court to reconsider the merits of his ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Habeas Corpus : Historical Background Suspension of Habeas Corpus: Historical BackgroundThe government has often engaged in the suspension of habeas corpus in times of wars and insurrections. This practice is by no means new, and goes back as far as the Civil War. An analysis of this practice shows that it is, at best, a short term measure. In the recent past, the US Supreme Court took up this topic in the context of the war on terrorism, and their findings–and the analysis that support those findings–reinforces this position. Habeas corpus (Latin for "may you have the body") is a component of English law that became one of the cornerstones of American law. The noted jurist and legal scholar William Blackstone, notes that the term habeas corpus was used in the early 1300s ... Show more content on ... This clause, which has been the basis of much substantial debate, does not actually establish the right of habeas corpus. Instead, it prevents the U.S. Congress from restricting it (Binney 2004). The writ of habeas corpus was codified by statute in the United States with the passage of the Judiciary Act of 1789, which applied exclusively to individuals in the custody of the Executive Branch of the government–it did not apply those held by the states. Ultimately, habeas corpus was implemented in the United States in 1867. As part of post–Civl War Reconstruction, the relevant statute, codified as 28 USC В§ 2254, explicitly granted the Federal court system the power to review a prisoner's status, and, in accord with the original, historical, intent of habeas corpus, release them if the evidence against them is insufficient (Foner, 2002). The enactment of this statute can, of course, be seen as a reaction to certain events that took place during the Cvil War. In 1861, PresidentAbraham Lincoln obtained information o various plots to destroy the rail route connecting Philadelphia with Annapolis, which was a key supply line, and, as such, necessary to both the war effort and the stability of the nation's industrial economy. Lincoln did not order a general suspension of habeas corpus. Instead, he suspended it with respect to the particular individuals allegedly involved in these plots. ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Requesting a Writ of Mandamus in Nj I. Why do we want a Writ of Mandamus? In general, a writ of mandamus can be described as an order, "commanding the performance of an act that the law requires as a clearly defined duty, arising from an office, trust, or station." 55 C.J.S. Mandamus В§ 1. Moreover, a writ of mandamus may be issued to command a nongovernmental body, such as a medical licensing board, to perform a specified duty imposed by law, and can also be invoked to control flagrant abuses of discretion. Id. For example, in some instances, upon judicial review, if a court is satisfied that the applicant is entitled to a license, it may order the license issued notwithstanding the boards denial of the license. 70 C.J.S. Physicians and Surgeons В§ 38. In New Jersey, ... Show more content on ... Thus, this first element is likely satisfied. III. Which division of the New Jersey Superior Court is the most appropriate forum? As mentioned above, the last element a court considers when determining whether to permit review is whether the proper forum has been selected. Rule 2:2–3(a) was promulgated by the Supreme Court pursuant ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Using An Organized Approach To Crime Scene Investigations A successful investigation is everything in a police department, to the victim, and the family of the victim. A successful investigation will more than likely result in justice, even some peace to all those wronged by those events. An investigation is an investigator most important job. A lot goes into an investigation, endless hours working the scene, canvassing, interviewing, chasing leads but its success is the best reward. In an organized approach to Crime Scene Investigations there are three basic and simple stages in properly processing the crime scene. Those stages consist of Scene Recognition, which is determining if a crime has been committed or not, Scene Documentation and Evidence Collection. An organized approach is a sequence of established and excepted duties and protocols. The region or jurisdiction and population will determine the amount of resources the department will be able to use on a specific case. The type of crime also plays in role in that as well. I will elaborate on the role and some of the... Show more content on ... The entire investigation hinges on the first person that arrives on the scene ability to properly identify, isolate and secure the scene. Establishing a restricted perimeter is key so civilians do not damage any evidence. The chain of custody must be established immediately once objects are photographed and sketched the scene is completely. The chain of custody is the written chronological history of who had the evidence when. Tampering of evidence can make or break one's case. Patience and care are very important at the crime scene. The investigator should take the proper time and care in processing the scene. The work is tedious and time consuming but extremely important in any case. You only have one chance to get it right because once it goes to trial it more than likely over at that point and in the hands of the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Attack On American Soil Since Pearl Harbor The 2001 terrorists attacks mark first attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor. Following the attacks, the United States vowed to destroy al–Queda. Soon after, the United States would establish Military Commissions to prosecute suspected terrorists. As the Military Commissions have evolved, legal scholars and critics of military practices have challenged the constitutionality of the Military Commissions since the beginning of the war. Those who participated in the terrorist attacks have been detained and some are still awaiting trial. The day following his swearing in, President Obama honored his vow to close Guantanamo Bay as his first order of business. He drafted E. O 13492, which would close the detention center indefinitely.... Show more content on ... The 2001 Terrorist attacks, orchestrated by Khalid Sheikh Mohammad (KSM), are and will forever be stamped into the min of the American people. Prior to the attack, from April through June 2001, al–Qaeda sent thirteen hijackers to the United States and supported their stay (Indictment, Section 19(a–f)). From May through September 10, 2001, the hijackers took flight classes, studied commercial fight patterns, meeting with al Qaeda official overseas in efforts to plan the terrorist attacks. The attacks were carried out on September 11th, 2001, when Mohamed Atta, Abdul Aziz al –Omari, Wail al–shehri, Waleed al–Shehri and Satam al–Suqami flew two separate planes into the two towers of the World Trade Center killing 2,976 people (Indictment Sections 20–22). After being captured, KSM along wit four others was indicted in the United States district Court of Southern New York. KSM was charged in violation of Title 18, Section 2332b(a) of the United States Code. Title 18, Section 2332b(a) prohibits "conduct transcending national boundaries and in a circumstance described in subsection (b). Section b states, "creates a substantial risk of serious bodily injury to any other person by destroying or damaging any structure, conveyance, or other real or personal property within the United States or by attempting or conspiring to destroy or damage any structure, conveyance, or other ... Get more on ...
  • 7. My Psychology Course And Remembered About The Cerebral... I decided to write my literature after going through one of the textbooks in my physiological psychology course and remembered about the cerebral hemispheres, which receives sensory information from opposite sides of the body. This got interested in the topic of cerebral hemispheres and sensory information after a split brain operation. The split brain procedure is a surgical operation that's used for people that have severe epilepsy that can't be controlled by the drugs they take. In the brains of people with severe epilepsy, the nerve cells on one side of the brain are overactive and the overactivity is relayed to the other side by the corpus callosum, a bundle of nerve cells that connect certain parts of one side of the brain to the other. The corpus callosum enables the left and right side of the brain to share information so that both sides knows what the other is doing and perceiving. Both sides of the brain engage in out of control activity that stimulate each other, causing stereotypical seizures that recur throughout the day preventing the person from living a normal life. Neurosurgeons have discovered that severing the corpus callosum greatly reduces the often recurring seizures. After the brain split procedure, the brain is divided into two hemispheres that work independently of each other. Their sensory mechanisms, and motor systems no longer relay information. To the casual observer they disconnection isn't obvious for the elementary reason that one hemisphere– ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty According to Hollander the American society instituted the death penalty as early as 1608, and our views regarding lethal punishment have greatly fluctuated ever since (418). While the public's perception to the death penalty fluctuated it did gain support from 1920 to 1940. However in the 1950s there was a decrease in support. The 1960s featured new challenges to the death penalty's unbridled discretion, until this time the Fifth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments were interpreted as allowing the death penalty. The new analysis of addressing the absolute discretion given to sentencing juries continued until Furman v. Georgia (Hollander 418). From the 1950s to the 1970s there were a meager number of executions with increasing scrutiny of the death penalty, which led to the federal government expanding its list of death–eligible federal offenses (Hollander 419). In 1972 the Court released an unprecedented yet divided five–person majority judgement in Furman v. Georgia that invalidated every existing capital statute and verdict (Hollander 419). According to the Progressive Editorial Staff on February 17, 1972 the California Supreme Court ruled in California v. Anderson that capital punishment is impermissible cruel and unusual punishment as it degraded and dehumanized the parties involved. In November of 1972 proposition 17 passes, the prop supersedes the Anderson ruling by amending the state constitution to reinstate the death penalty, ultimately the change to the states ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Split Brain Procedure Our brain is divided into two halves or hemispheres. The left hemisphere specializes in language, words, understanding and reasoning while the right hemisphere is associated with spatial awareness and creativity. Split brain is a term used to describe the result when the corpus callosum connecting the two hemispheres is severed either partially or completely. Before the proceeding with the surgical procedure, the patient's head is either partially or completely shaven in order to gain easier access to the scalp. Once they are under general anesthesia, the surgeon makes an incision, which allows for a craniotomy to be performed. A craniotomy is an operation that allows for the temporary removal of part of the bone from the skull to expose the brain. For a partial callostomy, the anterior two–thirds is sectioned, but the posterior one–third is sectioned as well for a complete callostomy. After sectioning, the dura is closed and a portion of the cranium is replaced. The split–brain procedure was primarily done in order to stop epileptic seizures. Epileptic episodes can range from a short loss of consciousness to severely thrashing arms and legs uncontrollably. Scientists and researchers are now aware of the fact that seizures are caused by an abnormal discharge of electrical impulses throughout the brain that interrupts normal brain patterns. They were also able to figure out that severing the corpus callosum prevents the electrical discharge from dispersing through the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Cleisthenes As An Opportunist Cleisthenes was the Athenian politician setting the stage of democracy around c.520 BC and to c.400 BC. An opportunist is defined by Oxford dictionaries as: 'A person who takes advantage of opportunities as and when they arise, regardless of planning or principle'. For many, this sums up the rule of Cleisthenes as he took advantage of the anti–tyrannical movement and of the power he was given to improve the position of himself and his Alcmaeonid family. However, this essay will argue that although Cleisthenes did take advantage of opportunities, he was ultimately very principled in nature and was actually a reactionist. This is to say that he reacted to problems and events that occurred and dealt with them the best he could, rather than taking advantage of the opportunity to better himself, the elite classes or his family. To many, Cleisthenes was simply an opportunist. One way he can be said to be opportunistic is during his rise to power. This idea has stemmed from the ancient Greek author Herodotus, and in parts Aristotle as well. On the whole, these are two ancient authors with semi–opposing views, with Herodotus being a stronger source for stating Cleisthenes was an opportunist. The main reason most historians believe that Cleisthenes was an opportunist is because of the account from Herodotus' histories. The account is as follows: "these two [Isagoras and Cleisthenes] were rivals for power, and Cleisthenes, who was getting the worst of it, took the people into his ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Essay about The Dredd Scott Case The Dredd Scott Case The Dredd Scott case involved a landmark decision in the history of the Supreme Court, in the history of the United States the decision in this case was one of the most damaging statements in the history of the Supreme Court, involving the citizenship of a black person in the United States, and the constitutionality of the Missouri Compromise in 1820. The history of a black man named Dredd Scott states that he was a slave originally owed by a family by the name of Blow, which ended up selling him in 1833 to an army surgeon by the name of Dr. John Emerson of St. Luis. Due to his involvement as an army surgeon, Emerson was transferred to numerous places such as Rock Island, Illinois, Fort Snelling in the Wisconsin ... Show more content on ... Now it was not so much the court's decision that was so damaging, but the series of opinions that Roger Taney, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and how we look at it. The court had announced its decision on March 6, 1857. By a 7 – 2 vote, the court ruled against Scott. Of the seven opinions written by the members of the majority, Chief Justice Taney's is considered to present the forma; view of the Court, and I think that these are the most damaging statements in the case. Taney first dealt with the issues of whether Dredd Scott or any slave or descendant of slaves could be a slave s could be a citizen under the US constitution. It was Taney's opinion as the ! majority of the court that: "they (slaves) are not, and that they are not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word "citizen" in the US constitution, and can, therefore, claim none of the rights and privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States." Taney drew this conclusion from an examination of historical practices and the intent of the Framers of the Constitution. "Slaves," he said," had more than a century before the Constitution came into existence been regarded as being of an inferior order, and all together unfit to associate with the white race, in social or political relations; and so far inferior that they had no ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Difference Between The Appellate Process And Trial Process 1. The appellate process and appeals differs from the trial process and trials in the following ways: Trial court is the first court where case is tried. (pg. 353–359) Appellate court is an appeals court and reviews the verdict of the trial court. Evidence and witnesses are presented before trial court while appellate court reviews the decision made by trial court and checks to see that there is a point of fact or point of law in the appeal. In trail court, there is only one judge in the courtroom. In the appellate court, there are usually five groups of three judges to decide the case. Finding facts and evidence is the task of trial court while appellate court decides the case on already collected evidences and witnesses. Appellate court can accept, amend, or reject the decision of trial court. (pgs. 437–441) 2. There are three types of errors, the plain error, the harmless error, and the reversible error. The plain error is the most serious and rarest, it is a substantial error that results in an unfair trial and jeopardizes the integrity of the judicial system. A reversible error is an error that was found to have happened at the trial level by the judge, the jury or an attorney, the decision of the court is negated and sent back to the trial court for a new trial. A harmless error is an error that is not serious enough to change the outcome of the trial and therefore the lower ruling stands. (pg. 444) 3. Mandatory appellate review is for all cases that ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Taking a Look at Writs of Habeas Corpus September 11th was a day that was burned into the conscience of the American identity. The response of the Bush Administration was to launch a full–scale military operation against terrorist entities, in particular Al Qaeda and their foreign supporters. This series of operations, became what was to be known as the "Global War on Terror". Subsequently, the invasion of Afghanistan and other military operations resulted in the capture of high value targets with known connections to terrorist organizations. While these events this had dramatic ramifications on geo–political landscape, American courts were also given the unenviable task of determining if those captured by the U.S government were entitled to the rights and privileges enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. The Supreme Court in particular faced a particular set of problems in confronting this issue. Precedent on the matter had been established over fifty years earlier under far different circumstances that were unable to reflect today's modern challenges. Secondly, the Court needed to determine whether they had the jurisdictional authority to accept writs of habeas corpus from detainees held in Guantanamo Bay Cuba. Historically, Lincoln's unilateral suspension of habeas corpus during the Civil War was the first instance in which the courts had a chance to review the indefinite detention of citizens of the United States. "The detention of John Merryman, a southern sympathizer who petitioned for review under ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Death Penalty Is The Ineffective And Expensive Process... Introduction: The ongoing problem of the death penalty system in California is the ineffective and expensive process between sentencing and executing. The Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC), a national non–profit organization serving the media and the public with analysis and information on issues concerning capital punishment, published the total numbers of death row inmates by states on July 1, 2016. From the data, California has the largest death rows in America. There are 741 inmates on death row in California. The next is 396 in Florida and 254 in Texas. However, there are just 13 executed prisons in California since the reinstatement of death penalty in 1978. The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), operating all prisons and parole systems in California, published a document to analyze the time of execution. According to the statistics, the average time served on death row is 17.9 years and the average age at time of execution is 49 years old. A typical example is Clarence Ray Allen, who had been convicted in 1982, but he has not been executed until 2006. After the execution, one of the victims' family members claimed that "it has taken 23 years but justice has prevailed today. Mr. Allen abused the justice system with endless appeals until he lived longer inprison than the short 17 years of Josephine's life" ("Clarence Ray Allen Summary" 4). The case of Allen reflects that most of the prisons stay on the death row for more than two ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Notebook Movie Analysis Essay Film Analysis Throughout the movie, The Notebook, there were many different aspects that corresponded with the material learned throughout the semester. There were times were you were able to pin point why each problem was faced based on different character backgrounds. As began to watch the movie, you start to understand the culture aspects of each individual by the way they talk and present themselves, which caused many situations to arise. Also, these many situations arise throughout the movie that affected the outcome of decisions made: biological, psychological, and social /environment. However, diversity played a magnificent role from the beginning to the end. So, therefore, throughout this paper you will have a better understanding of the analysis of this film, which should provide information about the movie. Brief Description While watching the movie, there were many characters that played a magnificent role: Noah Calhoun, Allison "Allie" Hamilton, Fin and Sarah, Lon Hammond, Jr., Ann Hamilton, Frank Calhoun, John Hamilton, and Anne's ex boyfriend. During the beginning of the movie, Duke, an elderly man, began to read a story to a elderly women named Allie. Allie had dementia and Duke (Noah) was determined to regain her memory of their love and life together. The story began where they first met each other; Noah saw Allie on the Farris wheel and knew she was the one. He jumped on the Farris wheel while it was still in motion and begged Allie on a date till she ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Cupp Versus Murphy Brief Essay Criminal Justice I.Brief Cupp v. Murphy 412 U.S. 291, 93 S.Ct. 2000, 36 L.Ed.2d 900 (1973) Merits: The respondent, Daniel Murphy, was convicted by a jury in an Oregon court of the second–degree murder of his wife. The victim died by strangulation in her home in the city of Portland, and abrasions and lacerations were found on her throat. There was no sign of a break–in or robbery. Word of the murder was sent to the estranged husband, Daniel Murphy. Upon receiving the message, Murphy promptly telephoned the Portland police and voluntarily came into Portland for questioning. Shortly after the respondent's arrival at the station house, where he was met by retained counsel, the... Show more content on ... Id., at 1007. The U.S. Supreme Court granted the State's petition for certiorari. Issue: Whether respondent's Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment Rights were violated when he was subjected to a search of his person, albeit under probable cause, without a warrant and prior to a formal arrest. Argument: Reasoning: 1)"Nothing is more clear than that the Fourth Amendment was meant to prevent wholesale intrusions upon the personal security of our citizenry, whether these intrusions be termed 'arrests' or 'investigatory detentions.' " Davis v. Mississippi, 394 U.S. 721, 726–727. 2)...the search of the respondent's fingernails went beyond mere "physical characteristics...constantly exposed to the public," United States v. Dionisio, supra, and constituted the type of "severe though brief intrusion upon cherished personal security" that is subject to constitutional scrutiny. Terry v. Ohio, supra, at 24–25. 3)The Court recognized in Chimel v. California, 395 U.S. 752, that the scope of a warrantless search must be commensurate with the rationale that excepts the search from the warrant requirement. Chimel authorizes a search of incident to arrest for (1) weapons or (2) incriminating evidence. Further, Chimel limited the scope of a search incident to arrest to the person placed under arrest and the area "into which an arrestee might reach." 395 U.S., at 763. Application: ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Magna Carta The United States Constitution states that "no person deprived of life, liberty, or property, without the due process of law", an idea previously used in a 13th century document entitled the Magna Carta (US Const. Amend. V). The Magna Carta was the first written charter in Europe that enacted several law codes that dealt with topics such as inheritance and civil rights (, 2017). The codes enacted with the original 1215 charter, which was revised into the permanent 1225 charter, gave social, political, and judicial rights to the elite, middle, and lower classes of the English people, including the serfdom, who had been ignored through (, 2017). Containing 63 clauses, the Magna Carta is permeated with judicial equality, religious dominion, and an underlying plea for peace. The Magna Carta was signed on 15 June 1215 at Runnymede, near Windsor, England; signed by King John of England, it was intended as a peace treaty to the barons below him to decentralize some of the power of the crown to the barons as well as provide a sure law code to the people (, 2017). It also provided a regulation of the judicial system that brought common ground between the king and his people. Moreover, the United States Constitution forbids any punishment that does not fit with the crime the offender has been accused of, especially if it is cruel and unusual (US Const. Amend. VIII). The roots of this amendment can be found within the clauses of the Magna ... Get more on ...
  • 18. A Critique of DiLorenzo's The Real Lincoln Essay A Critique of the Real Lincoln The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War, by Thomas J. DiLorenzo completely shatters the illusion of the 16th President as the liberator of the slaves. DiLorenzo provides convincing evidence for Lincoln's overt racism as expressed in his documented views on racial supremacy as stated in his desire to colonize all American blacks outside the United States (p. 4); Lincoln's views were matched by the majority in the North who used such tools as state constitutional amendments to prohibit the emigration of black people into Northern states like Lincoln's home of Illinois (p. 4); and that the Presidents war which killed 620, 000 Americans and destroyed 40% of the ... Show more content on ... DiLorenzo shows that Lincoln's entire agenda was focused on advancing these three goals. Many southern states believed with the coming of Lincoln into the White House he would push for his agenda of increased federal government spending and control. "So when Lincoln suspended the writ of Habeas corpus in order to arrest those accused of treason, the "Peace Democrats" had more ammunition against the president. There was much controversy as to whether the president had the power to suspend habaes corpus, and it was argued that only Congress had that right. The writ of habeas corpus protects people from arbitrary arrest and detainment. The power to do so was both that of the legislative branch as well as the judicial branch. It was unclear whether the Philadelphia convention placed it in Article I, just to identify it or define it as a legislative function. Either way, Lincoln did so, and the suspension of the writ of Habeas corpus brought on thousands of arbitrary arrests. Many of those who were arrested were spies, foreigners and smugglers. The question is: Did Lincoln go too far and unlawfully exercise his executive powers to manipulate constitutional limits? Thomas DiLorenzo spends the rest of the book discussing secession, Lincoln's assumption of "war powers," his resort to total warfare, the story of Reconstruction, the cruel Indian ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Human Brain Essay Our brains weigh about three pounds and are divided into two similar looking but functionally different hemisphere, the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere. Both of which are connected by a large bundle of nerves called the corpus collosum. In some people with severe seizure disorders such as epilepsy, it was found that if this bundle of nerves was severed their seizure would either cease or a the very least be better controlled. From this surgical procedure it was discovered that the two hemispheres had different methods of processing information, as well as controlling parts of the body. The left hemisphere controls the right have of the body and the right hemisphere controls the left side. While we rely on both hemispheres to ... Show more content on ... Interestingly enough, the centers for speech interpretation and production are located in the left hemisphere. If the patient is blindfolded and a familiar object, such as a toothbrush, is placed in his left hand he appears to know what it is; for example by make the gesture of brushing his teeth. If asked by the experimenter to name the object he can not. When asked what he is doing with the object, gesturing a brushing motion, he has know idea. If the left hand gives the toothbrush to the right hand, the patient will immediately say "toothbrush." Cutting apart the two hemispheres of the human brain is a drastic step, and is one of the most controversial operations ever performed. Controversy stems not from the risk to life the procedure involves. It stems from a Jekyll and Hyde aura surrounding the side effects–the"Split–Brain" syndrome. They orchestrate into a single personality if–and only if–the cerebral hemispheres communicate. Thus, many neurosurgeons have been reluctant to try the split–brain operation for fear of severing all vital communications. However, there may now be a way to avoid the Jekyll–Hyde effect. A new form of the surgery devised by P.J. Vogel called anterior cerebral commissurotomy eliminates the Jekyll –Hyde effect. The procedure involves; opening the skull, laying back the brains coverings, then using a tool called a cerebral retractor to expose the corpus callosum. The front three–fourths of the corpus callosum are ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Left And Right Hemispheres Of The Brain Essay I.The left and right hemispheres of the brain have many different functions, but they also work together to accomplish certain tasks. The brain is a soft, shiny, grayish white, mushroom shaped structure. It is a bundle of nerve tissue that has a mass of about three pounds on average. During the 1900s a neurophysiologist well–known as Roger Sperry had determined that the two hemispheres operated individually, but could still communicate with each other. During the 1950s the corpus callosum was ascertained. Placed between the two hemispheres it receives information from both sides and helps the two sides communicate. On the other hand, over the past two decades the brains and nervous systems of various animals have had a tremendous impact on our findings on the two hemispheres. It has mainly helped us with our understanding about the brains organization. The brain has many vessels that are very firmly packed together and they transport food and oxygen to the brain and they also block out harmful bacteria and germs. Many factors that have been discovered by conduction simple tests to identify what each side of the brain is responsible for. For example, two men known by the names of Myers and Sperry conducted a test which showed the brains of ... Show more content on ... The brain has many parts with different functions that have an effect on the entire body. A.The corpus callosum is the main part of the two hemispheres. 1.Its objective is to correspond between the two hemispheres. 2.Without it, we would practically be brain dead because there would minimal to no brain activity. B.Brain cells also play a monumental role in the brain. 1.Brain cells are located on both the left and right hemispheres of the brain and for the most part makes up most of the brains mass. C.Both the left and right hemispheres controls their opposite sides of the body. (The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and the right side of the brain controls the left side of the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Monolingual Dictionary Essay Monolingual Learner's Dictionaries The dictionary is an important thing for learner's language because it can help learner's to understand the meaning about words. According to Jackson states that a dictionary is a reference book about words (2002). One type of dictionary is a monolingual dictionary. Monolingual dictionary is a type of dictionary in which the words of the language are explained by the same language (Hartman & James, 1998). According to Hartmann and James (1998), learner's dictionary is a dictionary that is aimed to non–native language learners'. A monolingual learner's dictionary is one of the type of learner's dictionary. Hartmann and James also state that monolingual learner's dictionary is a sub–type of monolingual dictionary for foreign–language user (1998). The basis of monolingual learner's dictionary is because of three teachers of English as a foreign language, who are H.E Palmer, A.S Hornby and Michael West. Palmer and Hornby worked in Japan, while West worked in India. Those three teachers are not only trying to improve the standard of language teaching in their respective area such as Japan and India, but they also involved in a research project that can give the influence on the ... Show more content on ... Harold Palmer, Michael West and A.S Hornby were teaching English as asecond language, also they did research in linguistic areas which can support and enrich their work as compilers of learner's dictionary. In West's New Method English Dictionary in 1953, he can be remembered as pioneering for use a definition of vocabulary. Palmer shared with West's interest in vocabulary control, but he was amazing in identified and explored the importance for the grammatical topic for learner, in which include sentence patterns. We can see his work in the features of his Grammar of English Word in 1938 (Cowie A.P., 2009, p. ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Rl Wolfe: Implementing Self-Directed Teams. MGT 510 ASSIGNMENT RL WOLFE: IMPLEMENTING SELF–DIRECTED TEAMS. A CASE REVIEW RL WOLFE: IMPLEMENTING SELF–DIRECTED TEAMS. INTRODUCTION: The self–directed work team is an autonomous work unit capable of self–management. Such team has little need for direct supervision from managers; rather, the manager's role is to meet the need of the team through the provision of resources, training and encouragement (Douglas & Gardner, 2004). The team is typically comprised of 5 to 15 members who are responsible for performing and managing all or most aspect of a set of interdependent work tasks (Yeatts and Hyten, 1998). In order to overcome the competitive challenge for production efficiency and effectiveness, organizations have focused on ... Show more content on ... In all, 90 workers were hired including 20 workers from Moon Plastic Plant. Team Setup and Responsibilities: The SDT model anticipate that workers would view the production process as an aggregate of interdependent job functions that are equally responsible for the quality of the final product. Two teams of 12 – 15 people were set up for each shift. The workers are rotated through all the jobs in the factory at regular intervals, thus ensuring all workers fully understand the production process. Role of the Coordinator: The coordinator of a SDT will serve various roles based on the need of the team. These roles may include acting as a directive leader, a coach, a supportive leader and as a delegating leader. The coordinator provides the team with resources and information required for decision making. ISSUES AND PROBLEM: RL Wolfe operates two other plants with unionized workforce. The union contracts at these plants have workers in two divisions: production and maintenance. The maintenance personnel were paid a higher wage than production personnel, and workers lack the flexibility to work across divisions even when simple intervention would prevent shut down of the extrusion line. Conflict between the line operators and maintenance workers occurs when there is equipment breakdown. Often there is disagreement on the cause of the problem and the best way to resolve it. Lack of communication
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  • 24. Administrative Law Essay PART A: This problem is a straight forward problem in judicial review and prerogative remedies. Judicial review can be done through Prerogative orders. Judicial review refers to the Court's review of a lower or administrative body's factual or legal findings[1]. Prerogative remedies are remedies which if not always are designed from the first for the control of governmental duties and powers, have long been used for the purpose especially[2]. These remedies are such as certiorari, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto and habeas corpus. Appropriate remedies which Cristiano Ronaldo may seek in an action before the High Court and the reasons for seeking of each of the remedies are; Certiorari, this is an order issued by ... Show more content on ... The public duty imposed should be of an imperative nature and not a discretionary one. The applicant must have locus stand that is he must have sufficient interest in the matter he is applying for lastly there should be no other appropriate remedy available to the applicant. In this problem the conditions are present as Ronaldo has demanded the performance for the renewal of license and the Director of Trade refused and he was not been given notice as noted in the case of Palm Beach Inn Ltd and Another v. Commissioner for Tourism and Two Others[8]. Also Mr. Toure was having a duty to perform on him thus to grant license. This duty was not of an imperative nature as the case of considering the application of license and not discretion as per the case of Re Mohamed Aslam Khan[9]. Also Ronaldo has a interest as he is an aggrieved person thus he has a locus standi as per the case of Alfred Lakaru v. Town Director Arusha[10]. Lastly there is no other appropriate remedy as the right to appeal is not indicated in the problem. Reasons in which Ronaldo can base in his application are violation of the rules of natural justice as per the case of Simeoni Manyaki v. Institute of Financial Management[11] Also there was irrelevant consideration as per the case of Fernandez v. Kericho Liquor Licensing Board. Error of jurisdiction as per the case of R v. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. 4 Effects Of The Proclamation Of Emergency Four important effects of the proclamation mentioned in Article 353, 354, 358 and 359 are as follows: The first important effect of the proclamation is : Contrary to the normal circumstances, during proclamation of emergency, the Executive power of the Union extends to giving directions to the State as to the manner in which the executive power is to be exercised. The legislative power of the Union also is extended to making laws in the State List, for a State or a part thereof, and has an overriding effect. This includes power to impose duties on the Union and its officers. The President is given power to promulgate Ordinances in the matters included in the State List. The second important effect of the proclamation is: As per the provisions of these articles, the financial arrangements between the States and the Union as given under Articles 268 to 279 may also be altered by the order of the President during the proclamation of emergency, which is to be laid before each House of... Show more content on ... The enforcement of only such fundamental rights can be suspended which have nexus with the reasons, which have led to the proclamation of emergency. The Supreme Court rejected both the contentions because Article 13(2) and Article 359, being parts of the same Constitution, stand on an equal footing and the two provisions have to be read harmoniously in order that the intention behind Article 359 is carried out and it is not destroyed altogether. Also the enforcement of a particular fundamental right is, for the sake of security of India, for which the subjective determination of the President is involved and he cannot be called to justify his action in the court of ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Habeas Corpus Essay HABEAS CORPUS TERESA WATSON AMERICAN NATIONAL HISTORY PROFESSOR BRENT SCHINDLER FEBUARY 4, 2013 Habeas Corpus in its most familiar form has played an important role in "Anglo American history as a safe guard of individual liberty. It is defined as being a writ directed by a judge to some person who is detaining another, commanding him to bring the body of the person in his custody at a specified time and a specified place for a specified purpose. In contemporary practice, the writ is most commonly used to challenge the legality of criminal convictions and sentence, though it is also used to challenge the legality of custody in other settings, including immigration, mental health, and military contexts. The availability ... Show more content on ... Only the federal government and not the state are limited by the clause. The issue has caused critical attention is the authority in which the clause places the power of determined weather the circumstances warranted suspension of the privilege of the writ. At the convention, the first proposal of the suspending authority expressing vested in the legislature the suspending power but the authority of this proposal did not retain this language when the matter was taken up the present language then being adopted. Nevertheless, congress power to suspend has assumed in early commentary and stated by the court. Commander–in–Chief clause, states that the President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of several states, when called into the actual service of the U.S. To what extent the President has the authority to use the military absent of congressional declaration of war have proven to be sources of conflict and debate throughout American history. Some may believe that the Commander in Chief clause confers expansive powers on the President, but others may argue that if even if that is the case, the constitution doesn't define precisely the extent of the powers. To construe the clause narrowly, asserting that the Framers gave the President
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  • 28. Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror Essay Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror POL 201 April 15, 2013 Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror Civil liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror have been the forefront of Congress since 2001 with the terrorist attack against The United States. Although there have been many attacks before, none have hit the American people in such a manner to question whether our civil liberties are at stake. As a member of the Armed Forces I swore to support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic at all cost. A sense of pride, loyalty and commitment engulfs me when I hear the words for equal justice and liberty for all when it comes to ... Show more content on ... President Bush's action drew severe criticism, mainly for the law's failure to specifically designate who in the United States will determine who is and who is not an enemy combatant. This however was not the first time in the history of the U.S. Constitution that it's guaranteed right to Habeas Corpus has been suspended by an action of the President of the United States. In earlier years of the U.S. Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln suspended writs of habeas corpus. Both presidents based their action
  • 29. on the dangers of war, and both presidents faced sharp criticism for carrying out what many believed to be an attack on the Constitution. President Bush suspended writs of habeas corpus through his support and signed into law the Military Commissions Act of 2006. This bill granted the President of the United States almost unlimited authority in establishing and conducting military commissions to try persons held by the U.S. in the Global War on Terrorism. In addition, the Act suspends the right of "unlawful enemy combatants" to present, or to have presented in their behalf, writs of habeas corpus. "Members of volunteer corps, militias, and organized resistance forces that are not part of the Armed Forces are entitled to POW status if they meet the criteria specified in the treaty. Groups that do not meet the standards are not entitled to POW status, and their members who commit ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Juvenile Justice System And Juveniles When it comes to discussing the criminal justice system and juveniles, there have been many landmark cases that have made a significant impact on the juvenile justice system. The cases arise from dealing with certain aspects that comes from handling juveniles entering the system. Since juveniles are very different from adults they have to deal with them a certain way and a case by case basis. The court cases concerning juveniles and the decisions that have come from them is what has made what the juvenile justice system is today. Juveniles are not treated the same as adults since juveniles are not ad developed as adults common sense wise. They don't always know what is right from wrong and sometimes they do not have guidance or good influences around them helping them in the right direction. In class we have learned that instead of punishing them, the goal of the juvenile justice system is based on rehabilitation. For instance, juveniles cannot be sentenced to death if under the age of 18 and also can not be given the sentences of life without parole because they consider these punishments cruel and unusual for juveniles. If the system is able to rehabilitate them and give them the tools they need, they have a second chance at changing their lives for the better and getting away from all of the crimes. They rather try to send them to programs or to complete community service to better themselves instead of giving them hard time. The court cases that I will discuss is what ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Real Lincoln Essay Abraham Lincoln's presidential career was full of questionable actions. Thomas DiLorenzo author of, The Real Lincoln discusses Lincoln's actions regarding racism, his refusal to emancipate the slaves, his continual tendency to act independently of Congress, and his radical reconstruction after the Civil War. DiLorenzo attacks each of these topics in his book and proves that Lincoln had his own agenda, and was not the picture perfect president everybody thought that he was. The overall theme of chapter two is the opposition that Abraham Lincoln and most Northerners had about racial equality. This theme is made clear very early on in the chapter. Lincoln himself states: "the best use of the new territories is housing for free white ... Show more content on ... DiLorenzo makes it a point that equality for blacks is none of Lincoln's concerns. Abraham Lincoln had no clear intentions of emancipating the slaves unless he felt that it was truly necessary for him to do so. For example, look at the expulsion of Union General John Fremont who was in charge of the federal government's military efforts in Missouri. The Union General created an act on August 30th, 1861 to deter the Confederates from their guerilla warfare. This act granted him Marshall Law throughout the state and gave him the ability to confiscate property and declare slaves "freemen". This angered the Commander In–Chief. As a result, Lincoln removed the General's act and stripped him of his command on November 2nd, 1861. DiLorenzo put great emphasis on the point that Lincoln was not going to willingly emancipate anyone, and most of all, that he would not have anyone under his power doing so either. DiLorenzo also points out that Lincoln only admits any action regarding slavery will take place unless it is done solely to preserve the integrity of the Union. His actions made it evident that Lincoln was now willing to ignore the Constitution and claim more doctorial powers. "As he stated over and over, his concern with the issue of slavery was motivated by a desire to use the issue to "save the Union," which was a euphemistic way of saying that he wanted to ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Shays ' Rebellion : Authority And Distress In the book "Shays' Rebellion: Authority and Distress in Post–revolutionary America", Sean Condon shows us his outlook on how he saw post–revolutionary America to be within the late 1770's and 1780's. This book was released in 2015 by John Hopkins University Press, and was also made in a continuing book series by Peter Charles Hoffer and Willamjames Hull Hofer called Witness to History. The story takes us "Throughout the late summer and fall of 1786, farmers in central and western Massachusetts organized themselves into armed groups to protest against established authority and aggressive creditors. Calling themselves "regulators" or the "voice of the people."" [1] Condon succeeds by prosing an appealing idea in an upfront style that shapes... Show more content on ... Condon get the reader to see the side of the farmers and how the government is wrong, but he also portrays how the government, who are a wise and rich men, clearly reacted to a rebellion trying to destroy what has been created to keep order. Condon shows us the "rebels" and he points out the way other revolutions happen within England and different American Colonies. He keeps pointing out that the resistance, lead by a very symbolic leader Daniel Shay, always gets referred to as the "regulation," while as the people fighting in the resistance refer to themselves as the "regulators." Daniel shay was one of the main leaders and roles played in the rebellion. "Captain Shays cut an impressive figure in his Continental Army uniform. His dignified air of command and his confident knowledge of military protocols lent credence and respectability to the ranks marching on the courthouse." [2] The people fighting for the resistance "regulators" are fighting for their debt to be relived, have paper currency as the new form for currency, laws that are not as cruel to anybody, not have debtors gain interest they owe to their wealthy loaners, having a constitution that will be more helping towards the citizens rather than attacking them, the capital to be more continently located to benefit them, rid the Common Pleas Court, having court fees lowered or completely removed. "The court closures of the previous several weeks had all targeted the civil Court of Common ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Orientation Of Intrauterine Chord Attachment Orientation of Intrauterine Chord Attachment in Equine Effects On Viability According to the Jockey Club Registry for Thoroughbred horses, horses are given the birthday of January 1 on the year of birth (Jockey Club). Producers are looking to maximize production of pregnancy and look to have mares foal at or after January 1 to give their colts an age advantage while racing. Because of the 11 month gestations of the mare, this means she must be bred between February and March to achieve a foaling date on or after January 1. During the low day–light levels in the February and March, melatonin secretions from the pituitary are increased, which will inhibit the kisspeptin neurons as well as GnRH secretrions from the hypothalamus and in turn will inhibit ovulation (Maquivar, 2016). Producers have overcome this and have used light stimulation and hormone therapies successfully in stimulating estrus during the normal anestrus period. The next step towards creating reproductively efficient mares is to study the orientation of placentation and chord attachment from the fetus to uterine walls and chorionic villi and determine if position can effect the viability of the fetus. Dependence from the oocyte and embryos in equine have been found to be more dependent upon follicular factors and intrauterine attachment than ever before. The mare's unique gestation begins from the point of ovulation, the ovulation fossa (Maquivar, 2016). The mare will reach a luteinizing hormone (LH) peak ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Definition Essay About Stress In our text stress is described as situations that trigger a physical and emotional reaction and also includes the reactions we have to the stress. The places and areas that stress come into our lives are endless. Most of us have a family, friends, and work we have to juggle on a shoestring schedule and sometimes the budget is on a shoestring too. Money can be a huge stressor especially if you do not have enough to pay the bills, buy your baby a new pair of shoes, or purchase that plane ticket to paradise. Problems at work can also give stress and anxiety to everyone. Stress creates problems with your health such as the nervous system, Endocrine system, Immune system, cardiovascular health, sleep, and can also affect relationships. I think... Show more content on ... The book gives the example of losing your keys and had solved this problem years ago by putting my keys on a clamp and attaching that to a metal loop on my purse. Currently, I place my keys only in a pocket that is easy to reach and to see. Attending college has been a stressor for me as I have had to work so many different and long hours. The stress caused by exams, lack of time, and financial problems have plagued me this semester. My solution is to take fewer classes next semester and to find better employment that I do not have to be available almost every day and work crazy hours. Another situation that is producing stress in my life is my house, yard, and mine and my parent's possessions that need to be sorted out. Many things need to be thrown out, gave to goodwill, or packed away for safe keeping. Right now old pictures are in various shoe boxes, envelopes, and are located in four rooms. I have not had the time to clean deep or work in the yard for a little over a year now, and I plan on working on all these things during Christmas break. Although I will not be able to get it all done, I should be able to get a good bit done, and that will alleviate some of my ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Serum Ghrelin And Its Effects On The Health Of Animals Serum ghrelin, IL–1ОІ, and IL–6 during the postestrus period in Murrah buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) Feng Li Yang1,2, Shu Fang Ning2, Zhao Xiong Wang1, Zhu Nan Li1, Xiao Shan Li1*, Gong He Li2В§ 1. College of Animal Science, Yangtze University, Jingzhou, People's Republic of China, *E–mail: 2. College of Animal Science and Technology, Guangxi University, Nanning, People's Republic of China, В§E –mail: Abstrast The knowledge in blood constituents is important for assessing the physiological status and the health of animals. The present study was carried out to find out whether the estrus affects the concentrations of ghrelin, interleukin–1ОІ (IL–1ОІ), and IL–6 in Murrah buffaloes. The result indicated that serum ghrelin concentrations were higher in luteal phase compare to other phase, the highest concentrations of IL–1ОІ and IL–6 were observed at the end of the luteal phase. Keywords: ghrelin, cytokine, buffalo, estrus period Introduction Ghrelin is a 28–amino acid, octanoylated peptide which is secreted primarily by cells in the abomasum in ruminants. Ghrelin concentrations increase prior to scheduled meals and in response to fasting in ruminants, and feeding suppresses ghrelin secretion (Bradford and Allen, 2008). Ghrelin is expressed and produced in several tissues, but the gastric mucosa is the major source of circulating ghrelin. Ghrelin is a hormone with multiple functions and diverse biological actions. The acylated ghrelin is the only known ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Short Story Of Neemecia Ever since childhood I have always desired something different every day, week, month, and year. It did not have to be a tangible object necessarily, often it was something of the intangible variety: fulfillment, understanding, trust, or even love. One time when I was having a meltdown, as all children do from time to time, my father simply asked why I was acting the way I was. My response was more sobbing and incoherent muttering, at the time I had no idea why I was really crying, I just knew that there was a lot of things going on around me at the the time that I was confused about. I now realize I was in despair because I had needed some form of understanding, some sliver of comprehension that I was only a second grader and as such could not do everything that my thirteen year old could do, such as; stay up past eight, drink full cups of milk instead of half cups, or watch the really cool looking movies, Now I still desire these things just in a different form. The age of an individual has an immense impact on how one feels about their desires, desires that make us who we are yet still promote strife. In the short story "Nemecia," by Kristin Valdez Quade, a superb writer who is renown for her work in short–stories, one can draw the conclusion that as the protagonist, Maria, comes of age, her order of priorities develop and intensify based off of her circumstances. As the story progresses we see how the most intimate desires of a little girl develop with her until she ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Guantanamo Bay And The War Of Terror Guantanamo Bay As Nelson Mandela once said, "To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity." GuantГЎnamo bay, Cuba is the home of the oldest U.S naval station base out of the continental U.S. The United States invaded GuantГЎnamo bay and established a base during the Spanish–American war ("Guantanamo..." 2008, par. 2). After the attack on the twin towers on September 11, 2001, the base's mission expanded to include the Detainee Mission of the War of Terror ("Guantanamo..." 2008, par. 5). Many issues have risen because of this detention facility. The detainees held at the facility have to and had to face many challenges. The government took away their human rights and treats these detainees very harshly. Currently, there are still detainees held at GuantГЎnamo bay. However, some actions have occurred to stop these inhumane actions, but there have not been enough to close the facility down. Interrogation Techniques Detainees held at Guantanamo bay are all interrogated and later classified as an enemy combatant^1. As each detainee is interrogated, several techniques were used. Some examples of torture techniques used at Guantanamo are Sexual Assault/ Humiliation Sleep Deprivation Sensory Deprivation Solitary Confinements/ Isolation Mock Executions Forced Medication Use of dogs to scare Detainees Temperature Extremes Sensory Bombardment(Noise)^2 Watching Others Being Tortured Psychological Techniques. ("Torture Techniques...", 2016, ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Noah's Piety In The Play In the York Corpus Christi Plays, many of the characters are so over–top, so remarkably buffoonish that those characters are ultimately quite comedic in effect. To a modern audience, a comedic biblical character may seem blasphemous–it may seem morally wrong to laugh at Jesus's executioners as they struggle to crucify Christianity's most important figure. However, when examining exactly how those characters function in the play, the comedic nature of those characters may not be wholly blasphemous in effect. For example, do those comedic executioners only make the audience laugh at Jesus's crucifixion, or do they emphasize Jesus's calm and solemn nature? Similarly, plays about Noah's ark and the great flood include comedic characters, yet those plays do not feel totally blasphemous. Instead, the inclusion of a variety of characters in these plays seems more nuanced. In the York Corpus Christi Play The Building of the Ark, Noah's piety is established through his undying trust in God and his general ... Show more content on ... Throughout his encounter with God, Noah does not question God's intentions or his plan. The only thing Noah questions is his own ability to perform such great actions (which is, again, related to his pious humility), never God's general plan. God explains to him his plan, and Noah ends the play by telling God that he will go and fulfill God's wishes: "Abowte this werke now bus me wende," (PAGE #, l. 148). Not only is Noah humble, he is also obedient and trusts in his God. In attributing Noah's piety to humility, trust in God, obedience, and gratitude, The Building of the Ark subsequently praises these attributes and establishes them as virtues. Thus, the play not only categorizes Noah as pious (and explains what exactly makes him a pious character), the play also makes the public aware of how one can become pious like ... Get more on ...
  • 39. How Should We Treat Non American Prisoners How Should We Treat Non–American Prisoners in American Prisons Casie Alaniz Ashford University Professor Beth Garcia POL: 201 American National Government How Should We Treat Non–American Prisoners in American Prisons How Should We Treat Non–American Prisoners in American Prisons The war on terror has changed how our country sees many things from travel, privacy rights, security levels and a person's right to due process. The rights of accused terrorists have been stripped due to the need for intelligence on future attacks as well as locations and persons involved in the larger group. How does this loss of personal rights reflect on our country and the fundamentals it was founded on? Habeas corpus refers to the right to get direct access ... Show more content on ... Under the Constitution the federal government can unquestionably suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus if the public safety requires it during times of rebellion or invasion. The issue is whether Congress or the president holds this power. Historical perspective on that issue in the context of the Civil War requires a study of the actions of Congress and the president, Lincoln 's defense of his suspensions of the writ, and presidential and congressional dealings with and reactions to each other. The relationship between Lincoln and Congress, like the power of suspension, has received limited historical attention, with the only extensive treatment a 1907 article by University of Wisconsin professor George Sellery. The writ of habeas corpus provides individuals with protection against arbitrary and wrongful imprisonment. But it does not necessarily protect other rights, such as the entitlement to a fair trial. In our country anyone accused of a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty. This seems to be the case unless you are accused of terrorism, then you are held outside of the US and are not subject to the same laws or privileges allowed within US jurisdiction. Habeas corpus is important to the current situation because it has to do with the right of defendants to be charged with a crime and tried for that crime in a timely manner. Under the
  • 40. ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Mental Illness And Self Identity This issue is relevant because mental illness and self identity are starting to become a popular topic in our society. People are starting to realize that even though it may be a difficult subject to speak and learn about, it is important and should be addressed in our society. This issue is important because it helps people embrace who they are and learn about the issues instead of hating on themselves for being different and not knowing the real facts about the issue. If we do not learn how to treat mental illness and accept ourselves, we will never move forward in society and learn how to help others and ourselves with these topics. By learning more about these topics we can help our society grow, by discovering new ways to help people with these problems. We could decrease major issues in our society like mass shootings, and teen suicide. With this topic we can make our society more aware and inclusive of those with these issues. Currently, mental health is a major topic in our society with mass shootings and major crises with our government because everyone says that the shooters were not in a good mental state, which made them do these terrible things. Self identity is also a current issue among many young people who do not know who they are and are still figuring it out. Teens who are not yet proud of their individualism blend into society and become a "brick in the wall" instead of an individual who values their unique qualities and culture. Today, these ideas are ... Get more on ...
  • 42. The Consequences Of John Locke And The Death Penalty Every individual has the right to life. We are granted an intrinsic value from birth, that cannot be taken away at any costs. People who claim that the death penalty will protect our nation's citizens fail to recognize the true facts. The institution of this horrid consequence would ruin the values that we have in our American society. The death penalty does not make any further improvements to thecrime rates of our country. Additionally, we are seeing that the use of the death penalty has dramatically decreased since 1999 ("What's New"). What does this show? People are beginning to realize that the death penalty lacks any worth and promotes unethical ideals. To permit the use of murder on someone who is a criminal destroys who they are as a human. We all are entitled to life itself, because we are naturally granted it when we come into existence. As Libertarians believe, specifically John Locke, we all have the right to life, liberty, and property. We do not have the right to take away these things from others, just as no one has the right to strip us of them either. These same principles are found in our own Declaration of Independence, because it claims that we have the right to "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." The government has the responsibility to protect these unalienable rights that we were granted from birth. There is the notion that the death penalty will steer people away from committing crimes. In "a report by the National Research Council, ... Get more on ...