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Significance Of The Diwali Festival
Diwali is undoubtedly the brightest and the biggest among the festivals of Hindu religion. The word Diwali means a row of light and is derived from
the two words 'deep' which means light and 'avali' which means a row. The celebration lasts for four days and each of the days has different tradition
but the night of main festival coincides with darkest new moon night of Hindu calendar. Generally this festival comes in the month of October or
November. During the festival, the whole country gets illuminated with light and dazzles with joy. Each and every day of the festival of light and
illumination is marked by different tradition by different communities. But the celebration, enjoyment and goodness of all communities remain true
and same.
Significance of Diwali in Hindu
This festival has a great significance in Hindu community and signifies ... Show more content on ...
This festival is not only about the outer illumination but also promotes awareness of inner feelings which is the core for each and every human being.
The true essence of Hinduism is the spirituality and prophesizes the fact that a human being is not only a body and mind but goes beyond that– a
powerful eternal source of energy known as soul. The festival depicts realization of this inner power which shows the path of righteousness and
prosperity even during darkest and hardest times and an individual. The awakening of one's true and pure soul gives universal compassion, immense
peace of mind and higher knowledge. The illumination of houses with candles and diyas along with the fireworks is an evidence of obeisance of
health, peace of mind, happiness, wealth and prosperity. It is believed that the sounds of crackers are indications of happiness for the people on this
earth. Also a scientific reason behind fire crackers are that the fumes created from the crackers kills various kinds of
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Similarities Between Ancient Greece And China Essay
1. Using three civilizations as examples, describe the concept of the Axial Age The concept of axial age was introduced into the sphere of
philosophical knowledge by German existentialist philosopher Karl Jaspers for characterizing the period of ancient history during about the 8th to the
3rd century BC. In this period of time we have developed a fundamentally new religious beliefs and doctrines that promoted human and cultural values
of the era. Jaspers described the Axial Age as an interregnum between two ages of great empire, a pause for liberty, a deep breath bringing the most
lucid consciousness. Jaspers argued that during the Axial Age, the spiritual foundations of humanity were laid simultaneously and independently in
China, India, Persia, Judea and Greece. And these are the foundations upon which humanity still subsists today. Consider, for example Greece, India
and China. Ancient Greece up to the 6th century BC was on a par with other civilizations by the level of spiritual development. Hellenic culture range
was one of those, whose coordinate system covers the problems of family, God, nature and Eros. As a general rule, the mentality of this culture
consisted the two vectors – Apollonian and Dionysian. Dionysian beginning was aimed at the satisfaction of the instinctual needs, as opposed to the
Apollonian, whose essence consisted of creative and scientific elements. The widespread fall of the monarchy and the actualization role of the nation
brought Hellenic
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The Scriptures Of Hindu Culture And Philosophy
The Bhagavad–Gita or simply Gita, conceivably the most recognized of all nonpareil scriptures of Hindu culture and philosophy, is universally
perceived as one of the world's ethical literatures. The Sanskrit title, Bhagavad–Gita, is commonly construed as "Song of the Lord." The Gita is
incorporated into the sixth book of the longest Hindu classic, Mahabharata, although it is known to be a subsequent accretion to the epic, which stands
on its own distinction. The ideology encapsulated in the Bhagavad Gita, doing action with detachment from the consequences is relevant and vital to
our understanding of way of life even in the contemporary western world. The teachings of the Gita assist people to manage their states of mental
agitation, desires and emotions which will lead them to take right decisions followed by right actions. This certainly explains its immense recognition
both in the East and the West. Distinguished philosophers, intellectuals, and scientists have conceded that the Bhagavad–Gita presents profound
wisdom. Gandhi once proclaimed:
When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and I see not one ray of hope on the horizon, I turn to Bhagavad–Gita and find a
verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. Those who meditate on the Gita will derive fresh joy and
new meanings from it every day.
The Gita is an insightful response to an abiding human quandary of discerning right from wrong. Human
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What Is Toru Dutt Poem
Poetry is the representation of mental thoughts, it symbolize all the conflicts that dominate the poets mind either from childhood memories or
impressions laid down by the society which is always in the process of gradual change. Every writer has something beforehand in mind which acts
as an inspiration for his/her writing. Every poet after being inspired need to present his mental agony or bliss in a way that he be able to make his
reader fathom the real and core meaning of the issues tossing in his mind. The poet revamps and tries to convey his message in the form of words
which may or may not convey what he/she actually wants, so as at times vocabulary couldn't find the appropriate word for a feeling. The poets cannot
claim and remain adamant... Show more content on ...
The Ballads consists of number of Indian mythical stories which originally in Sanskrit are very faithfully being translated into English by this
young girl. This work reflects another great quality of Toru as a storyteller. Her narrative and descriptive techniques are very well presented in
Ancient Ballads. If we keenly go through the poem Savitri which is the opening poem of the Ancient Ballads her understanding of the Hindu
mythology and tales can be best noted here. This poem being very long is the message for entire women living on earth, it describes how the
character of a women should be, the portrayal of Savitri is the portrayal of every women. Toru represents Savitri as an example for all the women,
her qualities and virtues need to be followed by all the women. In the following lines Toru very beautifully describes the firmness of Savitri who
remain adhered to her choice even though she knew the fate of her choice( her groom)
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Humanities 130 Hinduism Paper
Hinduism Paper
Hinduism is a diverse body of religion, philosophy, and cultural practice native to and predominant in India, characterized by a belief in reincarnation
and a supreme being of many forms and natures, by the view that opposing theories are aspects of one eternal truth, and by a desire for liberation from
earthly evils (GodWeb, n.d.). In this paper I will further explore what the Hindureligion is encompassed of. And delve into what makes the religion of
Hinduism vital to the region it is originated in. Hinduism differs from Christianity and other monotheistic religions in that it does not have a single
founder, a specific theological system, a single concept of deity, a single holy text, a single... Show more content on ...
In Hinduism the soul is immortal while the body is subject to birth and death. Samsara is considered to be a state of wandering and is caused due
to being ignorant of one's true purpose. This idea is directly linked to karma which means action, and also the consequences of the action. It is said
that every action has a reaction and it is believed in the religion of Hinduism that it determines your next incarnation, which is basically being reborn.
When the cycle of rebirth comes to an end, a person is said to have attained liberation which is moksha. In other words karma is the results you bring
upon yourself, good or bad, based on your actions. And also reincarnation which is the belief that the soul, upon death, comes back to earth in
another body or form which gives the soul the chance to resolve all bad karma that it puts out so the soul can eventually be free and gain liberation
from the cycle of rebirth. In this paper the religion of Hinduism has been further explored. The societal and cultural influences that have made it vital
to the region where it originated have also been touched upon. I have gained major insight into the Hindu religion form this experience. Before this
class I never knew that karma and reincarnation were a part of the Hindu religion. And I never thought I would have anything in common with the
religion or share any of the same beliefs. I strongly believe in karma
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The Corruption Of India And The Problem Of Abortion In India
All around the world, an abortion is a very controversial topic and is talked about immensely. In America, when you hear people talk about an
abortion, you hear them make a big deal about it. On the other hand, within the Hindu religion in India, that is a different story. The first problem that
arises with regard to an abortion in India is how differently Hindu women are treated in comparison to Hindu men. As a whole, the government of India
is trying to control the people and the population of the country by controlling the "female to male sex ratios." As stated in the article Sexuality, caste,
governmentality: contests over 'gender' in India by Nivedita Menon, the government is trying to cut down the population for the "development" of
the country. As they are trying to do this, they are diminishing women and the rights that they have. The concern that the government should have
should not mainly be what the women and their bodies and the lives that they live, "but woman as key to the stability and reproduction of society
and the patriarchal family." As stated in the article, the population rise might not be a problem caused by women. It might not be a female problem
because the sex ratio was at an all time low for women as the ratio was 933 females per 1000 men in the 2001 census. One of the main reasons that
the sex ratio for women has gone down is because of the widely practiced selective abortion of female foetuses.
Secondly, some people might be wondering what an
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Ahimsa: To Do No Harm
Exploring the Cardinal Virtue of Noninjury in Thought, Word & Deed
B y S at g u r u S i vaya S u B r a m u n i ya S wa m i
a. manivel
indu wisdom, which inspires humans to live the ideals of compassion and nonviolence, is captured in one word, ahimsa. In Sanskrit, himsa is doing
harm or causing injury. The "a" placed before the word negates it. Very simply, ahimsa is abstaining from causing harm or injury. It is gentleness and
noninjury, whether physical, mental or emotional. It is good to know that nonviolence speaks only to the most extreme forms of forceful wrongdoing,
while ahimsa goes much deeper to prohibit even the subtle abuse and the simple hurt. Devout Hindus oppose killing for ... Show more content on ...
If Homo sapiens is to survive his present predicament, he will have to rediscover these two primary ethical virtues. In order to understand the
pervasive practice of nonviolence in Hinduism, one must investigate the meaning of life. Why is life sacred? For India's ancient thinkers, life is seen as
the very stuff of the Divine, an emanation of the Source and part of a cosmic continuum. The nature of this continuum varies in Hindu thought. Some
hold that the individual evolves up through life forms, taking more and more advanced incarnations which culminate in human life. Others believe that
according to one's karma and samskaras, the process can even be reversed, that is, one can achieve a "lower" birth. Even those Indians who do not
believe in reincarnation of an individual still hold that all that exists abides in the Divine. They further hold that each life form–even water and
trees–possesses consciousness and energy. Whether the belief is that the life force of animals can evolve into human status, or that the opposite can
also take place, or simply that all things enjoy their own consciousness, the result is the same–a reverence for life. Not all of Earth's one billion Hindus
are living in a perfect state of ahimsa all of the time. Sometimes conditions at hand may force a situation, a regrettable
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Behold 2009 By Sheela Gowda
It is interesting to note that this study was conducted amongst 800 companies across Indians hiring the top brains in the country. Yet, superstitious
beliefs were still prevalent.
Sheela Gowda's work entitled, Behold 2009 was first shown at the 53rd Venice Biennale. In it, she uses four thousand metres of rope hand–woven from
human hair. Hanging entangled within this black, knotted mass are twenty steel car bumpers. It is a dig at a common superstition held by motorists in
India. Motorists there often ties woven hair to car bumpers as a talisman for their safety. In fact, it would not be a surprise if these motorists actually
place more belief in this talisman than the need for regular servicing to their vehicles. For Gowda the piece communicates 'a coming together of fear,
superstition, belief and a need for comforting action in the framework of modern life' (F).
In Singapore, I do not see such outward practice and exhibition of superstition by Indians. I attribute this to the ... Show more content on ...
These are accompanied by headsets where viewers/listeners can hear the children speak about their ambitions and who they wish to grow up to be.
Not surprisingly, many of them speak of wanting to be a celebrity, an actor/actress or a fashion designer etc. Given these are children, it would be
fair to say, they would not have had an opportunity to rationally think about their futures yet. As such, their views would probably be a reflection of
the impressions left on them by society today. This work serves to highlight the huge sphere of influence Bollywood and its associated industries like
music and fashion have on Indian children today. (H) The use of new media like still pictures combined with audiophiles was indeed unique. The
impact the artist intended to create is even larger when you hear the children speak in their own words with their own voices which gives it
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Richard Parker Identity
Today I am going to be explaining my thesis on how the use of different aspects of identity help us distinguish some similarities and differences
between Richard Parker and Pi Patel, the main characters, throughout their journey by using excerpts from the book.
So what is identity? Defined by the Cambridge Dictionary, identity is: who a person is, or the qualities of a person or group that make them different
from others:
Pi, an Indian boy living in Pondicherry India, growing up at in a zoo, surrounded by animals. Richard Parker is a Royal Bengal tiger that has lived in
the zoo run by Pi's father. When first thinking about the idea of identity, I looked at myself. What makes me, me? Well my name is Rachel, my
background is Ukrainian, I have a large ... Show more content on ...
Pi lost the true meaning of it when others took it out of context and made it their own. Richard Parker lost his innocent name of Thirsty because of
human interaction and being taken out of his natural element and placed in the zoo.
The difference is that Pi fought for his name and what he wanted people to know of him, not allowing to take away his individuality. Whereas the
name Richard Parker was just a mistake because again, naming something is a human behaviour, but could also lead to the question, are animals losing
their natural way of life because of humans? Also, it is also unnecessary for animals to assign names to each other.
The next aspect that I will be focusing on will be the influence of culture on one's identity. What is culture? It is defined as, the the way of life
especially the general customs and beliefs of a particular group of people at a particular time.
Pi is Hindi, later discovering Christianity, and Islam believing in all three.
Pondicherry is a place of diversity because of its past, being colonized by the
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American Culture Has Become A Melting Pot
American culture has become a melting pot, filled with the influence of every person that has entered its borders. With the rise of the technological age,
there is Internet access and increased traveling that has led to acquired languages and cultures from across the globe. All over, cultural restaurants,
dances and shopping centers are becoming successful out the exploitation of lifestyles from thousands of miles away. In the music industry, it is
common to see artist borrow aspects from different ethnicities around the world, to accent their song with cultural beats, dancing or clothing.
Since America is a relative young country, most of itsculture influences come from its migrants over the last three hundred years. Due to all these
diverse influences, the culture is fluid. It is often transferred from the social, political and geographical communities that surround a person. With the
fluidity in American culture, people are free to participate in and appreciate unique art forms, even if they do not stem from one's heritage. For
instance, anyone can learn how to dance the salsa, or study ancient near eastern mythology. There are no legal limitations on what one can and cannot
borrow from a culture. However, there is a difference between appreciating a different culture and appropriating one.
Culture appropriation occurs when members of one culture take for his or her personal gain or use, the items produced by the members of another
culture. This is commonly done
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Hindu Mythology
School of Classical Civilizations
Student Number: 208504832
Student Name: Nahishta Singh
Course name: Classical Civilizations 201 Mythology
Assignment: 1
Question: Describe the creation myth of any traditional ethnicity or culture of your choice, ancient or modern. How, according to this culture, did the
world begin & how did humans originate?
Sign: _________________________
Cosmic myths are concerned with the world and how it is ordered. They seek to explain the origin of the world, universal catastrophes and natural
disasters such as fire or ... Show more content on ...
(P.F Lurquin & L. Stone, 2007: 25)
In this story, before time began, there was no heaven, no earth and no space between. The Greeks, too, believe that the world was created out of chaos
and a state of nothingness as stated in Hesiod's theogony:
"When on high heaven was not named,
Nor was the hard ground below called by name ' "(B.B. Powell, 2002: 87)
Each new creation originates from a vast ocean that washes upon the shores of nothingness. (P.F Lurquin & L. Stone, 2007: 26) In Hindu myth, Lord
Vishnu, peacefully asleep in the coils of a giant cobra, is awakened by the humming sound of Om in the middle of this ocean. Om is the most sacred
syllable in the ancient Sanskrit language of India and is considered in Hinduism to represent all scriptural revelation in a single symbol. (G. Beck,
2007). The humming sound of Om grew and spread, filling the emptiness and throbbing with energy. From his divine playfulness, a lotus flower grows
in Vishnu's navel. (A. Michaels, 2004: 298)
Brahma, another Hindu god, is known in this particular myth as Vishnu's servant as he follows Vishnu's commands. Brahma is also a god who is more
commonly known as the creator. He appears out of the lotus flower that is formed in Vishnu's navel, and asks Vishnu who he is. Vishnu very arrogantly
replies, "Know that I am origin and disintegration. See in me the whole world, the continents and their mountains, the oceans and the seven seas, and
you too, the grandfather of the worlds." (A. Michaels,
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Why Flowers Are Important Essay
5 Flowers that are important in Events and their meaning
Flowers have been the symbol of beauty, love, admiration and many other emotions. Since their birth on earth, they have been revered for their aromas,
hues, shapes, charm, and also as a source of food. While the nature has gifted humankind with different flowers, scientific research have added more
varieties to them. Because of which, their significance and importance kept changing and growing with the passage of time. But what hasn't changed
since the old times are their reverence and use in different events. Here, we are going to see 5 different flowers with their importance and meaning for
These are the diminutive flowers loved not only by humans, but also by Gods. There is no surprise that they have found a mention in the ancient Hindu
scriptures. Right from worshiping the lord to decorating wedding venues, homes, and for bridal makeup, jasmine are one of the favourite flowers of
all regardless of their faith. They are also used in making garlands for weddings and funerals. Due to their sweet aroma, they are also used in making
perfumes and incense sticks for pleasing the god. Besides spreading fragrance in the atmosphere, jasmines also offer health benefits to human–beings.
Just drink a cup of jasmine tea or any ... Show more content on ...
Whether it is pooja, wedding, or any other celebrations, these lovely blooms add life and happiness to the events. They have been the favourite
blooms of the god and have been mentioned in old scriptures. Marigold flowers have been named after the god of wisdom – Tages and hence they are
regarded importance in all celebrations. During Dipawali and Dusshera, many Hindus use marigold flowers and mango leaves and make garland for
idols and to tying them on the entrance door frames. One interesting reason for using marigold in auspicious occasion is its piercing odour that drives
away inspects and
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Vayu : The God Of Wind
Marisol Colin
Ms. Vining
AP World History, 8th
6 October 2017
Vayu, The God of Wind
Although there are many Hindu gods, there is only one god known as the ruler of the sky. The Hindu God Vayu, the god of wind, spirits of the sky, is
said to be very handsome and strong. He is generally worshipped by Hindu's every day.
In Vedic Times, Emperor Vayu was known as one of the Hindu Triad. In Vedic beliefs, most of the gods and goddesses represented nature. Which
meant that Vayu was one of the three main gods in Hindu belief. InHinduism, the wind symbolized freedom, fate, illness and bad spirits. Since Vayu
was known as the emperor of the sky, people believed that a person would feel sick because of their "evil spirt," which they thought to be punishment
by Lord Vayu. There were a few temples dedicated to emperor Vayu as Mukhyapana, the most significant one located at Udupi in Karnataka. He was
also known to be the father of Bhima and Hanuman.
The ruler of the skies was very important because everyone thought that by praying to the Vayu they would be assisted. The lord of "breath" was
influential because he was thought to be the one who controlled the wind. If he was ever disrespected or irritated, he would stop the breeze from the
universe. Also known as the king of Gandarvas, meaning he was the lord of the atmosphere and sky, Vayu played a very significant role inHindu
Mythology. Although there are over thirty million gods that are worshipped by Hindus, Lord Vayu was
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The Indian History And The Status Of Women
The Indian History and the Status of Women :
Women's security is closely connected to global security still they suffer simply because they differ in gender. According to the UN Commission on
Human Security, 'the security of one person, one community, one nation rests on the decisions of many others, sometimes fortuitously, sometimes
precariously''. However, in the interrelated world everyone is influenced either positively or negatively by the decisions of individuals or states
2003). To understand the status of the Indian women it is important to understand the history gender discrimination in the country.
In 1947, the Indian history of violence against women was perceivable in the violent nature of the nation's partition. The women were raped,
abducted and their bodies were used as a medium of men's evil expression as Indian Hindus and the Pakistani Muslims battled for power to defend
their countries. This tactic of humiliating the opponent by using women's bodies as a tool of power dominance is still being practiced in the Indian
society and is visible in the cases of Devi and Sori (Dobhal 2011: 598).
Mother India, commonly termed as Bharat Mata in Sanskrit is the national personification of
India as a mother goddess which is widely depicted as a woman clad in a saffron sari holding the national flag. The position of women was high in
India and some might argue that degrading positioning of women in the society is influenced by the impact of colonialism.
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Irony In The Meeting With China Gayatri, By Chinna Dorai
Jagan's acceptance of the ancient myths, ideals and values may appear to be limited and uncritical but the sincerity of his beliefs cannot be doubted.
The angularities of Jagan's character may bring him on the verge of ridiculous, but gradually, as he faces a severe crisis in life he grows in death and
humanity. Irony directed at Jagan's character is often ambivalent as for example in the opening passage for it presents both Jagan's 'shallow'
understanding of the spiritual values he professes to believe in and also the theme of the novel–the need for and ways of conquering the self. Similarly,
through out the major portion of the novel the statement of his ideals, the actions performed in a spirit of sacrifice and his indifference to material...
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Taken to the garden and lotus pond by China Dorai, the sculptor, Jagan receives a new set of impressions through which he perceives the close
relationship between the various Hindu arts, literature and Hindu Mythology. The discussion on the art of sculpting, the vision of the many–headed
Goddess Gayatri, move Jagan deeply The meeting with Chinna Dorai provides Jagan a new, concrete instance of a selfless activity, performed as
service. The sculptor's desire to complete the unfinished statue, left by his master, is a creative, religious and aesthetic vision, without any interest in
profit making, In his life–long concern with the shop Jagan had not been able somehow to integrate the aesthetic, religious and practical business
sense. Having worked well as a shopkeeper, he now decides to shift his focus in life. His whole being undergoes a sense of turmoil, and he looks
around, within himself, with a new vision. Introspection accompanied by spinning and the look back into the past give the whole of his being anew
pattern. He rediscovers his own connection with his culture, the past of his society which he had accepted uncritically as a young man. The rituals that
had been handed over by his parents acquire a new significance as he finds his son rejecting them. Now he tries to look beyond the form and finds the
continuity that exists between different deals and their
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India Association Plans A Newsletter
The poem "India Association Plans a Newsletter" by Sharat Chandra has a lot of meaning to it behind retaining home culture in another country.
Throughout the poem, Chandra discusses on how the second generation children should still preserve their own culture, and not forget about the
heritage you came from. The poem itself can be understood in a way that is meaningful for all new immigrants who want to sustain their own heritage
in another land which is why today's reader should pay attention to this poem. Personally, I feel the poem can tell today's readers about the problems
with being too Americanized. Sharat Chandra uses metaphor, imagery, and symbols in "India Association Plans a Newsletter" to convey a sense of
what relieves the younger generation from falling back too behind on their own culture, and not completely wash it down just because you are living in
a different country.
Breezing through the poem I can spot metaphors, and those are the ones that contradict what Chandra says in the previous lines. Chandra is an
immigrant from India who has been in the U.S. for about two decades. Today's readers can get a sense of motherhood after reading this because the
poet says, "to make India over there to become India over here" (Line 7); this can be interpreted in a such way that just because we are in the United
States it doesn't mean that we can't bring our country here. The motherhood literally refers to as giving birth or raising a child, but in the sense of this
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Hinduism: Cosmological And Ethical Ideals
In my essay I will describe what does samsara mean, what other concepts are connected to it, and my thoughts in regards to it as cosmological and
ethical ideal. To begin with what does Hinduism mean, according to our Textbook "World Religions" until the nineteenth century the word "Hinduism"
did not exist, but over the centuries the term "Indu" and "Hindu" had become a territorial, racial, social and cultural label for the people of India. One
of the most common concepts, which connect all of the Hindu believers, is the law of karma, the existence of samsara, as well as the end of the cycle
called "moksha". The word samsara is a continuing cycle that may last more than centuries, depending on the person's karma. It is a cycle of birth, death
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In order Hindus to achieve liberation from the cycle of births they must follow the ashrama dharma. It's four stages in the life of human beings.
According to Hinduwebsite, the four stages are called: brahmacharrya (stage of studentship), grihasta (the stage of a householder), vanaprastha
(stage of a forest dweller) and sanyasa (stage of renunciation). From a theological point, the ashramas would help people to achieve "the highest
ideals" of human life and work for their salvation. Secondly, of the research I found it says that "ashrama dharma was meant for the three upper
caste only", which means that lower class are limited to it. For a large population of ancient India it meant little because most of them were from a
lower class. On the other hand, only men could practice it, women only role was to be wives of their husbands. Even though ashrama dharma was
limited to a lot of people I really liked the concept behind it. I think that ashrama dharma can be compared to the way Western civilization think today.
For example, as a student "Brahmachary" we need to gain certain degree and to focus on our mind grow. After we have achieved "Brahmachary" we
can move to "Grihasthsharama" when that's the time to marry, have kids and establish relationships with the world around us. Vanaprastha is the time
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The Atm Hindu Religion
Mary Grekoski
Professor Baker
Religion 193–01
"The Atman"
In Hinduism the Atman is what they call the soul in a person. When a person finds the inner self, which is called the Atman, and also its source, which
is called the Brahman, the self blends into its superior origin, and one experiences indescribable peace and elation. In the Hindu religion the Atman
affects their lives in a big way, it has to do with reincarnation, karma, Samara, and the ultimate goal that they try to get to which is called, Moksha
(Fischer 77).
Reincarnation is basically what happens after death. In Hinduism it is believed that the soul leaves the dead person's body and enters a new body. A
person is born again and again in what seems as a ... Show more content on ...
Karma deals with a persons actions as well as the consequences of their action. That means every act they do and commit in life, every thought they
have, and desires whether it is good or bad shapes a person future experience and what life form they will be. If the person is good they will move
up in the reincarnation cycle, if not it is possible for them to come back as an animal and be farther away from reaching liberation which is the goal in
the Hinduism religion (Fischer 77).
The main thing in Hinduism is to escape Samsara which is the continual round of birth, death, and rebirth. When a person escapes Samsara they have
officially achieved Moksha. How the Atman impacts Moksha is it is the release from the restrictions of space, time, and matter through understanding
of the immortal absolute which is the goal. This is not an easy thing to achieve, in fact many lifetimes of upward–striving incarnations are required to
reach this phase. The want of freedom from earthly existence is one of the basis of classical Hinduism and even Buddhism as well (Fischer
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Causes Of England Colonizing India
England colonizing India
So one of the reasons why the Europeans wanted to sail the oceans was to find new trade routes to Asia, and as well as India. The British succeeded
in controlling the Indian Territory, but also colonizing various aspects of the Indian society like religion, economy,politics and education. Because of
this Britain had two goals and those goals were to make a profit and spread civilization among Indians.
Financial Atrocities
During the 16th and 17th centuries,it was a bad time. During the sixteenth century England was being called a backward country. But on the other hand,
India was the richest countries on earth. They had a estimated $33,750 million. Later, in 1500 CE, it was $60,500 million. During 1700 CE, it grew
even higher to $90,750 million. They we very high wealth because India was one of the major trading nations. To show how big it was it also has a
monopoly on textiles and spices. Because the growth rates of both the countries show the vast gap between their economic growths. The hostile
financial policies of the British like ruthless taxation, discouraging Indian industries like textile and ship building, trade restrictions, etc. significantly
contributed to the downfall of the Indian economy. Such was the loot conducted by the British for most of their period in India. This, however, does
not capture the exact picture of the sufferings of the then people. We can only imagine the poor conditions of the people for generations after
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Wally Diwali Religion
Hindu is the oldest religion on earth. Hinduism doesn't have a single founder, a single holy text, or a central religious authority. Most forms of
Hinduism view other Gods and Goddesses as manifestations or aspects of that supreme God or Goddess. About 14% of the world's population is
Hindu. According to the yearbook of "American and Canadian churches" they were about 1.5 million Hindus in the US during 1999. There are many
different kinds of celebrations. They're about apes holidays in the Hindu religion. List I went to Wally Diwali is the Festival of Lights for Hindus and
Sikhs the celebration last for 5 days and a smart buy sweets fireworks and lights. It celebrates the truth of a good light and knowledge over evil
darkness and ignorance they celebrating and k is a full moon. There's actually takes place on August raksha means "protection" and Bandhan means "to
die". There's also the tantric sex. There's two forms to it. Tantra is found in advanced Hindu, Vajrayana Buddhist , and other religious practices
throughout Asia. It is an ancient ritual involving extensive preparation and prior education by the practitioners under the close direction of their guru
(teacher). Neotantra was recently imported into the West and is at least partly divorced from its religious roots. It is also known as "modern tantra," or
by the somewhat derogatory term ... Show more content on ...
But for still unknown reasons, the valley's inhabitants appear to have moved out rather suddenly. They resettled among new neighbors in northwestern
India and encountered a group of people from central Asia who brought with them warrior ethics and a religion called Vedism.Hinduism stands apart
from all other religions for several reasons. It has no single founder, no single book of theological law and truth, no central religious organization, and
no definition of absolute beginning and
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Food And Eating In Christianity And Hinduism
Food and eating are at the centre of Christianity and Hinduism for centuries. The Fall of Adam and Eve, after eating the forbidden fruit in the garden
of Eden, is one of the central tropes in the Western discourses. A special kind of food becomes a cause for the first man and woman's damnation, and
ironically, I argue, a new opportunity to control the new "dominion". God commands, specifically, what requirements man should fulfill, including
what he needs to eat in order to secure his union with the god. Food, therefore, can work to uplift man to heaven if chosen accordingly, or could be a
cause for his damnation to hell. Hinduism, in a similar fashion, observes food as an important aspect of life and afterlife. It depends upon man's choice
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OED defines venison as "The flesh of an animal killed in the chase or by hunting and used as food; formerly applied to the flesh of the deer, boar,
hare, rabbit, or other game animal, now almost entirely restricted to the flesh of various species of deer". Jaques opposes the violence to animals in
their own territory, and reminds Duke Senior about animals' similarities to human beings, they are "fat and greasy citizens" (2.1.55). The humanisation
of animals and the necessity of human beings to understand the importance of respecting their value corresponds to the idea of prelapsarian world
where Adam and Eve lived in harmony with the animals. They lived in a world where animals had human sensitivity, and were free of any human
interference. Violence against any creature was not imagined in the prelapsarian world. Joan Fitzpatrick argues that Shakespeare may have "strange
sympathy for vegetarianism, especially in those plays where pastoralism features" (Renaissance Food from Rabelais to Shakespeare: Culinary
Readings and Culinary Histories 140). In the similar vein, the Hindu scriptures describe about the creation of the world where the first men on earth–all
of them were the sages with different capacities–lived together with the animals in a completely harmonious natural environment. There was
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Religion In Bollywood Movies
Significance of religion and Culture in Bollywood Movies
India is considered as the inception of the mythological genre of film. The first feature film of India, Raja HarishChandra (1913) by Dadasaheb
Phalke was the commencement of the explorations of the mythological genre of films (Dimitrova, 2016). Bollywood movies have been considered as
the richest source of exploring religious and cultural values, (Dunmill. M 2007). Bollywood has produced several movies and TV shows predicated on
gods. Religion composed a very sensitive issue in the Indian society. Hindu religion is the most commonly practiced religion in India, according to the
2011 census (Shrivastava, 2015). Movies that are against the religious credences of the audience are considered blasphemy or attack on the religious
sentiments of the community (Qadri & Mufti, 2017). Om Jai Jagadish (2002), Hum Saath–Saath Hain (1999) and Hum Aapke Hain Kaun (1994) are
some of the movies that represented a typical Indian, Hindu family by utilizing traditional costumes and festival celebrations. Dimitrova (2016)
discussed the movie Lagaan (2001) and the portrayal of the religion, Hinduism in the movie. The movie was predicated in the North Indian village,
Champaner, which is a part of the princely state in 1893 (Dimitrova, 2016). In the movie, British rulers are stereotyped and represented as cruel,
arrogant and superficial. British rulers imposed a tax on the Indian villagers. Bhuvan, portrayed by Aamir Khan, travestied the
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The Hindu Temple Of India
The white Hindu temple stood quietly against the chaos that surrounded it in Agra, India. The marble that made up the building was stunningly clean
compared to the streets that were filled with holes and dirt. The car horns and movement of people coming from their jobs that Friday created chaos
around the building. The temple was made up of a square base with 4 domes at the top, similar to those of the Taj Mahal, except much smaller.
Sculptures of Indian deities and revered images were chiseled all over the exterior of the temple. There were oxes and cows at the bottom of the
temple. Farther up the building were the hundreds of Hindu Gods that existed were depicted. Each had at least 4 or 6 arms and were each standing in
powerful stances ... Show more content on ...
After entering through the gates people began to take off their shoes and leave them in a pile next to the entrance of the gate. Sunil and Sindhu
followed in suit, but Sunil passed his younger sister his shoes which she placed in her bag, alongside her own. Leaving your shoes in the pile meant
they would likely be stolen. The women began to place scarfs around their heads, a sign of reverence to the Gods.
Sindhu began to wonder around the temple staring up at the building. Sunil grabbed at her arm and gave her a warning look, "Sindhu, apane skaarph
ko rakho," Put on your scarf, he said in a hushed voice. Sindhu sighed and took out a red scarf from her bag and placed it over her head. She hated
the way it made her feel suffocated and overheated.
The siblings began walking around the temple, as they were still some time before Puja was going to start. Sindhu pointed to a statue of Durga, a
goddess who was warrior known in Hindu mythology as a powerful women who fight off demons and maintained the peace. She was depicted with
six arms standing on top of a demonic cow she had slayed. Her face was cut off. "Sunil, what happened to her face?" exclaimed Sindhu to her older
brother in a thick Indian accent. "Dheere bolo." Speak softly, Sunil said angrily.
"Ab angrej yahaan the to ve mandir aate the aur devataon ke chehare ko dhvast kar dete the. vahaan dekho," When the British were here they would
come to temple and demolish the faces of Gods, he said.
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Comparison Of Genesis, Judeo-Christian Creation, And Hindu...
Throughout the world, there exists thousands of cultures and myths, separated from each other by thousands of miles and geographic barriers, by some
means these cultures share countless symbols. To understand why the Judeo–Christian myth of Genesis, Shinto creation myth, and Hindu creation
myth and the Mahabharata are so comparable an individual must understand how these stories formed and changed over time. Myths, originally told
orally by storytellers were formed to explain the world and beliefs of their respective individuals. One must also understand that if myths are viewed
literally the imagery is distinct but when examined figuratively the symbolism shown is identical. It is evident that certain symbols and motifs
transcend human ... Show more content on ...
This "fall" supports a male–dominated society in which women are subservient to men. In Genesis, this fall occurs when Eve eats the fruit and
humans are expelled from the garden, "Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, 'to till the ground from whence he was taken'"
("The Holy Bible", Genesis, 3.23). Furthermore, in Shinto myth when Izanami dies she becomes enraged because Izanagi followed her to the
underworld. Izanami screamed that she would "... destroy a thousand of earth's inhabitants each day" (Hartz 17). In the Hindu myths, women are
dangerous creations that prevent men from potentially overwhelming the gods. This can be seen in the Mahabharata, a Hindu epic, "... women were
created by the Grandsire Brahman ... There is no creature more sinful, O son, than women. Woman is a blazing fire. She is the illusion, ... She is the
sharp edge of the razor. She is poison. She is a snake. She is fire. She is, verily, all these united together" ("Mahabharata", Anusasana Parva, 40). And,
the role of women in subduing men is also seen, " Persons of the male sex, yielding to the power of Lust and Wrath, sought the companionship of
women" ("Mahabharata", Anusasana Parva, 40). Strangely, women who are the bringers of life become the bringers of death and
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Hinduism Religion
Considering that Hinduism lacks a uniting belief system, what makes up the Hindu religion is Sanarana Dharma, which is also known as Hinduism, an
alternative label that is preferred today. Hinduism is the traditional religion of India. Sanatan Dharma is one of the oldest religions known to mankind
and Hinduisms religion is still in practice today. The spiritual expressions of Sanatana Dharma range from extreme asceticism to the extreme sensuality,
from the heights of personal devotion to a deity to the heights of abstract philosophy (Fisher, M.P., 2005).Hinduism have been able to hold itself
together for several years; Hinduism is still one of the major religions in the world, so, the factor that it is more than a way of life, ... Show more content
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Another belief is that though Hindu mythology mentions a class of evil beings, opposed to the celestial spirits, essential Hindu philosophy does not
believe in any concept of a central Devil or Satan. This does not mean that all the evil in the world is attributed to God, but that the evil deed is
ascribed to human ignorance (Fisher, M. P., 2005). These actions determine the course of life and the life cycle for the soul in its subsequent life.
Virtuous actions take the soul closer to the Supreme Divine, and lead to a birth with higher consciousness. Evil actions hinder this recognition of the
Supreme Divine, and the soul takes lower forms of worldly life. All existence, according to Hinduism, from vegetation to mankind, is subjects to the
eternal Dharma, which is the natural law
Fisher, M.P. (2005).Hinduism, 3, 69–115, Retrieved March 6, 2007, from the University of Phoenix Web site: [Online
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Hinduism: A Feminist Religion
Insight Paper 1 Hinduism is a vast religion with various beliefs spread throughout the religion. In this religion there are many important sacred
texts. These texts allow practitioners of this religion to connect with the traditions Hinduism, read about the beliefs of Hinduism, and also read
about the path they should follow in order to achieve moksha. Some of the sacred texts are; the Vedas, Upanishads, and the Bhagavad Gita. The
Vedas are said to be the oldest of the Hindu sacred texts. They are believed to be what a group of sages heard and then wrote down in between 1500
and 600 B.C.E. The Vedas are not seen as an important text to all the groups ofHinduism, it is usually only held its' importance to the Vedicreligion. In
this group they say the four sacred hymns, the Vedas, during many different kinds of rituals. When they are reciting these hymns during sacrifice or any
other ritual, it shows their god that they have a very strong belief in him/her. The Upanishads are another important sacred text to the Hindu's. When
reading the Upanishads Hindu's gain the knowledge of who the Brahman is and what he does. They explain that Brahman is the creator and ... Show
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This text is the conversation between Krishna and Arjuna, in which news ideas about moksha begin to come up. One of the major teachings in the
Bhagavad Gita is Karma yoga. This type of yoga teaches the discipline of action and how people should act about various things in order to fulfill
liberation. This teaching reflects the idea of how Hindu's can escape the life of samsara and achieve the liberation of moksha through the different
types of yoga. Krishna also speaks about what Hindu's should do when working. He explains that when you do work you should not become lazy
and begin to have anxiety over the work you are doing, but to always look towards the greater goal of seeking knowledge of the
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The Ganges River Of India
The Ganges River in India is an important river system that provides water for personal use, industry, and agriculture for well over half a million
people. This river also serves a major role in the region's cultural and religious practices. It is widely believed that this body of water is the Earthly
manifestation of the Hindu goddess Ganga. For thousands of years, people have believed that Ganga can wash away a lifetime of sins and, therefore,
no amount of pollution can harm her (Conway). As a result of this belief, industrial, agricultural, and human waste are dumped into the river on a daily
Hindus also believe that bathing themselves in the water of the river will wash away all of their sins and grant spiritual rewards such as "deliverance
from sin and attainment of nirvana (Das)." Hindus believe that to die on the banks of the Ganges is an "assurance of heavenly bliss and will grant
emancipation from the eternal cycle of birth and death (Das)." Due to this belief, millions of people use the banks of the river for cremation and
burial (BBC). Aside from religious ceremonies, poor people who cannot afford to be cremated are wrapped in white muslin and placed in the river
(BBC). Following ceremonies, the ashes and dead bodies are dumped into the river. These religious practices are believed to be a primary cause of the
degraded water quality of the Ganges River near Varanasi. If the quality of water continues to become even more degraded, a crucial part of the
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Have You Ever Wondered If You Have Lived More Than Once?
Have you ever wondered if you have lived more than once? Or what happens after death? Many believe that you continue to live after death, but
how is it possible and why so? Today I will inform you about the concept of reincarnation. For some of us, like myself, have had dreams or images
of places or things that we have never seen, in person with our own eyes, in our current lifetime. Then we see these images in a picture online and
feel like we have been there or have some sort of connection with them. Many say that this is due to our past lives. As in we have lived before in a
different time and somehow, we can remember some things from it. People began to call this the belief of reincarnation. I will first explain what
reincarnation is ... Show more content on ...
First, Hindus take reincarnation very seriously and that is what influences their everyday actions. After reading the article, "Reincarnation as a
Concept", issued in the Journal for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies in 2014, the author, Michael O'Dell, explains a common Hindu belief is that "the
soul which has manifested as you, has previously incarnated as an animal and may well do so again in the future." This is one of the reasons why
devout Hindus strive not to harm any bug or animal, since that creature may be a reincarnation of a deceased relative or friend.
They also see reincarnation as a trapped cycle of one 's own bad karma. Karma is a belief that every good and bad returns to the individual as a
reward or a punishment. They belief that the individual has an eternal soul that goes through reincarnation as many times as it takes until it reaches
liberation. Only way to reach this is by doing good and paying all your dues. Any wrong or bad done in that lifetime will lead to reincarnation. It is
pretty much as getting a second chance. They strive to reach liberation because they see it as a free ticket out of the trapped cycle.
Buddhism believes that reincarnation, referred to as rebirth, is processed by desires which keeps the cycle going. A cycle that no one can escape and
that never ends and may be infinite until liberation occurs. They defined
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The Influences of Nature In Hinduism
In every civilization there is a main a religion and an influence of that religion. In India the main religion is Hinduism and Hinduism is influenced by
the nature around the country. Christopher G. Framarin proposed his theory on how nature influences India in his journal, "The value of nature in India (
Hindu) traditions. Framarin explains his ideas on how to achieve moksa and what animals have effect on the moksa cycle. He also places other
philosophers' ideas into his journal and thoroughly explains the ideas in detail and how he feels about them. The traditions of Hindusim that are
influenced by nature has an effect on everything they believe in. Ahimsa is doing good deeds or non–harm to anything in this world. Through ahimsa
Hindu people can achieve moska. However, there are more rules than just being nice to work through the caste system in Hinduism. Even though
ahimsa is non–harmful there are many strict ideas on what exactly is harmful. Himsa can postpone moska, himsa is the deed of doing harm or
injury to another being. In the caste system the way someone can rise up the top and become a divine is for him or her to perform ahimsa deeds
and through each reincarnation to step up in the caste. The Hindu's use a form of measurement when figuring out if the move up or down in the
system. Every ahima deed someone does it produces a merit and for every himsa deed it produces a demerit. If so many merits are achieved moksa will
be complete, however if a demerit is taken
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Meaning of Ahimsa Essay
Meaning of Ahimsa Ahimsa is a Sanskrit term that translates roughly into non–injury to living beings or dynamic harmlessness. Ahimsa tends to evoke
images of monks wearing cloths over their faces to avoid breathing microscopic beings and sweeping the insects off the path in front of them as they
walk so they won't accidentally crush one under their feet. One cannot easily live in today's world without causing some harm to other beings – but that
does not mean we shouldn't try to keep it to a minimum. There are some relatively easy steps you can take to reduce the suffering in your wake.
Practice of Ahimsa develops love. Ahimsa is another name for truth or love.... Show more content on ...
Ahimsa is the pivot and all virtues revolve around Ahimsa. Just as all footprints are accommodated in those of the elephant, so also do all religious
rules become merged in the great vow of Ahimsa. Ahimsa is soul–force. Hate melts in the presence of love. Hate dissolves in the presence of Ahimsa.
There is no power greater than Ahimsa. The practice of Ahimsa develops will power to a considerable degree. The practice of Ahimsa will make
you fearless. He, who practices Ahimsa with real faith, can move the whole world, can tame wild animals and can win the hearts of all his enemies.
He can do and undo things. The power of Ahimsa is infinitely more wonderful and subtler than electricity or magnetism. The law of Ahimsa is as
much exact and precise as the law of gravitation. You must know the correct way to apply it intelligently and with scientific accuracy. If you are able
to apply it with precision, you can work wonders. You can command the elements and Nature as well. Forms of Ahimsa Only the ordinary people think
that Ahimsa is not to hurt any living being physically. The vow of Ahimsa is broken even by showing contempt towards another man, by entertaining
unreasonable dislike for or prejudice towards anybody, by frowning at another man, by hating another man, by abusing another man, by speaking ill of
others, by
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Comparing the Iconography and Mythology of Two Major Hindu...
Comparing the Iconography and Mythology of Two Major Hindu Deities
In Hindu tradition, Brahma created the universe, Vishnu maintained it and Shiva destroyed it. These three gods comprise the Hindu trinity (the
trimurti) and are considered to be the leading gods of the religion, especially Brahma, who is the oldest of all the gods. This point is questionable
though as the Visnu Purana talks of Brahma emerging fromVishnu's navel to maintain the world after Vishnu has created it and then he returns to the
navel after Shiva has destroyed it. If this is the case then Vishnu's position as a god is elevated from merely the maintainer to the creator. This essay
intends to compare and contrast the ... Show more content on ...
It is when he awakens out of this sleep that Brahma appears from Vishnu's navel enfolded in a lotus as mentioned above. Vishnu is also seen riding,
sometimes with his wife Laksmi, but mainly he is represented as one of his incarnations or avataras.
Unlike Shiva, Vishnu is particularly associated with his avataras and by the end of the Puranic period he was especially connected with ten of these
manifestations. These were Vamana (the ignorant dwarf), Kurma (the tortoise), Matsya (the fish), Narasimha (the man–lion), Varaha (the boar),
Parasurama (Rama with the axe), Kalki (the white horse), Rama, Buddha and of course the most popular of all his incarnations, Krishna. "Vishnu
incarnates into the world from time to time to preserve or to reinstate righteousness" (Herman, 1991:107). Krishna being his principle avatara, is often
seen slaying demons and so is considered a hero. He also teaches the discipline of karma yoga, meaning "the way of selfless action" (Herman,
1991:179), to Arjuna the warrior hero and the dialogue is written down in the Bhagavad–Gita. Krishna is in disguise and offers Arjuna guidance,
advising that one should acct selflessly without thinking of the rewards and should be satisfied in offering action in the name of the lord. Since
Krishna is only a manifestation, it is actually Vishnu who is behind this teaching of devotion, proving himself to be a praiseworthy and
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Fairy Tale Analysis
Cinderella, We Know Thee Near and Far
Triumphant reward in spite of unjust punishment is a universal sentiment that transcends languages and cultures. There are thousands of folktales and
fairy tales that are firmly rooted in individual cultures, yet the tale of Cinderella has been told through many centuries and throughout the far corners
of the world. With thousands of versions of this classic tale in print worldwide, the tale is believed to have originated with the story of Rhodopis, a
Greek slave girl who is married to an Egyptian King. The story of Rhodopis, which means rosy–cheeks, dates back to 7 BC and is attributed to a Greek
geographer named Strabo. The Chinese variation of this fairy tale is named Yeh–hsien. The Chinese version is traceable to the year 860 and appears in
Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang by Duan Chengshi. Yeh
–hsien is a young girl, motherless and in the control of her stepmother, who befriends a
treasured fish. The jealous step–mother kills the fish, but it's bones provide Yeh–hsien with magical powers, eventually enabling Yeh–hsien to escape
the control of her step–mother for a royal life. The Story of the Black Cow which is found within the pages of Folk Tales from the Himalayas by
John Murray, published in 1906, the child who is mistreated by a stepmother is a male and the role of savior is portrayed by a snake, with a cow
serving as the moral of the story, faithfulness. These two versions ofCinderella carry many common threads that are
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My Cultural Conception Of Happiness
The honorable Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso once said, "When I meet people from different cultures I know that they too want happiness and do not want
suffering . . ." That being said, people from different cultures want to be happy. The only thing that differs between cultures is how each distinct culture
perceives how happiness can be achieved. Such is true for the conception of happiness between my culture, the American culture, and the Indian
culture. While the conception of happiness across my culture and the conception of happiness across Indian culture are both individualistic, the
conception of happiness in Indian culture is also collectivist. In addition, both cultural conceptions of happiness have norms that govern their societies in
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Both bodies have differing views of happiness, but they still uphold the their individuality. Likewise, I too am able to embrace my personal perception
of happiness because my society is one that embraces individualism. It can be said that my culture thoroughly embraces Aristotle 's definition of
happiness due to the fact that it preaches the importance of every individual being the sole passenger and conductor when it come to riding the train that
is the pursuit of happiness. In other words, the pursuit of happiness is in the hands of the individual. No matter how one believes they can achieve
happiness in my culture, the fact remains that it is widely recognized that happiness is based on an individual's actions and viewpoints.
In contrast, the conception of happiness in Indian culture is a combination of both individualist and collectivist viewpoints. From the individualistic
viewpoint of happiness in Indian culture, an individual has the power to pursue their own happiness and do whatever they deem conducive to their
well–being. According to Kumar (2003), it is believed in Indian culture that "man should do whatever is possible to enhance pleasure and avoid pain
. . . one could beg, borrow or steal or even murder . . ." (p. 2). In simple terms, one should do whatever is in their power to achieve ultimate happiness.
This is an individualistic viewpoint because the Indian culture trusts an individual to make decisions that will benefit them. In a
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Essay about Womens Roles
In ancient India, women occupied a very important position, a superior position to men. To understand the position of women in Hinduism, we must
recognize the Hindu scriptures guidelines to a woman's position in Hindu society, but fail to address some roles of a Hindu woman specifically. This
vague generalization of a woman's role in the religious spectrum leaves open interpretation for the woman. Conflict arises when women are criticized
by men, for the way they interpret the guidelines. Critically, we begin with the Hindu scriptures, because it is the heart and source of their cultural
norms which can be perceived as an expression of the perceptions of the way of life. Scriptures of Hinduism hold the highest authority towards women
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Treated as servants, by their husbands, marriage equals subservience. Classical Hindu laws focus almost exclusively on women as wives,
emphasizing how women should behave toward men. When I say equality of women, I refer to equal roles within Hindu marriages. "The basic rules
for women behavior, as expressed in the Laws of Manu, Ca. A.D. 200, stress the need to control women because of their evil character" (Wadley 117).
Submission to male control is the sole duty of women in the Hindu society. Trained from a young age in self–sacrifice, the female is subject to her
father, then to her husband, and is never independent herself. Despite the circumstance, she must at all times be a faithful wife and worship her
husband as a god. In the patriarchal interpretation of these sacred texts, the wife should always strive to be pure and submissive. Mythology also
provides endless models of a good wife, where the male authoritative figure prescribes control of women. As the wife is taught to serve her husband
as a god, without murmur or complaint, I will explore the symbolic relevance of gods and goddesses toward wives obedience to husbands.
The interchangeable symbols of Hindu gods and goddesses to be discussed are derived from various ritual contexts and legends. Some interchanges of
male and female symbolic meanings about marriage correspond with evoking symbolic perspectives of gods and goddesses (Ferro–Luzzi 45).
According to Susan
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Indian Mythology Of Hindu Mythology
In Mythologies across the world there have been innumerable references to non–heterosexuality. Hindu mythology tells of women becoming men, such
as Shikhandi, and men becoming women, in the case of Vishnu who turns Mohini. There are also stories of men creating children without women and
vice versa, Nara and Narayana who gave birth to Urvashi, and the boneless Bhagirath who was born of two women. Even the languages of this country,
Sanskrit, Prakrit and Tamil include words like kliba, napumsaka, mukhabhaga, pedi, etc that point to familiarity with non heterosexual behavior and
Indian mythology is a work in progress. That is to say a story that continues to be told and retold over generations. It has developed sub–plots; new
characters have been introduced and relatable events and changes in perspectives according to the storyteller have taken place. This is especially true
of the epics of Hindu mythology, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.
The Mahabharata reached its final form somewhere between 300 BCE and 300 CE. It is generally thought that it was initially a simple folk story. With
each retelling, it was "appropriated, Sanskrit–ized, and sanitized by Brahmins". Earlier the book was known as Jaya, with 8,800 verses, attributed to
Vyasa; Bharata with 24,000 verses as recited by Vaisampayana, and finally the Mahabharata as told by Ugrasrava Sauti exceeding 100,000 verses.
The present version includes eighteen chapters and spans over seven
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Sikhism and Hinduism Comparison
The Status and Role of Women in Hinduism and Sikhism Renee Thompson 996976438 Professor Shiu Monday July 4th, 2011. Religion plays a
crucial role in the daily lives of millions of people. This is even more evident in India. Hinduism and Sikhism are two very prominent religions in this
nation (Pinkham, 1967). These two religions are closely linked but also have many distinct practices. Issues of the position of women in society,
attitudes towards the caste system, and methods of worship are critical aspects of both religions. Among the many distinct practices that are shared
between the religions of Hinduism and Sikhism is the status of women. In Hinduism, women can attain a certain status in that they can either become a
nun or... Show more content on ...
Nonetheless, within the Hindu religion, women's roles have evolved over time and women are going against the social norm of their tradition and
their way of life in hopes of being treated in the same manner that Sikh women are within Sikhism (Desai, et al., 1995). Hindu women's traditional
roles in the household in India have changed over the past century. The influence of Western scholars as well as Sikhism views on women has brought
change to the overall status and role of women in Hinduism so that Hindu women can be recognized in the same way that Sikhism women are. Western
scholars who have studied Hinduism have written many books and articles on the sacred scriptures including reviews on the Vedas (hymns and ritual
texts) and other religious scriptures that at one point were restricted from Hindu women. As a result of these reviews, the ongoing reconstruction of the
social status and roles of Hindu women has brought about many new changes in Hinduism. Some of these changes include changes in education, health
measures, problems of early marriages, the positions of widows, and the representation of women in governing bodies (Desai, et al., 1995). For
example, within Hinduism now,
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Mythology In Girish Karnad
Girish Karnad is a product of cross cultural fertilization. Marathi is his mother tongue. Kannada is the language of his childhood that became the
language of the writer. English is his academic language in which he has acquired proficiency. Besides these he knows Hindi and Sanskrit, too. On the
one hand he inherited Indian tradition of drama and on the other he acquired modern techniques of drama. He makes good use of Indian mythology in
his plays to find parables for the contemporary situations. He picks up stories and characters from Indian mythology and history and through them he
dramatizes the contemporary realities. While preparing for his first trip to England he was in an intense emotional turmoil and to escape from it he
took up the Mahabharata for casual reading. The story of Yayati strikes him and he finds himself writing a play. Yayati. He wonders how precisely the
myth relflects his anxieties and his resentment with all those who expected him to sacrifice his future for his family in India. He admits– "the myth and
enabled me to articulate to myself a set of values that I had been unable to arrive at rationally". (Introduction 3) Karnadbelives that he has no dramatic
structure in his own tradition to which he can relate himself. That's why in Yayati the language and the theme are Indian but from is drawn not from
the Indian mythology but from the western playwrights whom he had read. Yayati was published in 1961. It is a retelling of the Hindu myth on the
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Hindu Mythology
Hindu mythology has interesting theories on how the Earth was created and the reincarnation of people, Hinduism is very different to many other
mythologies and has some unique key features that make it stand out from the rest. History tells that there are over 330 million gods in Hindu
mythology. There are six main gods inHinduism. Hindu's have an interesting belief of what happens to them after death, the afterlife Hindus believe
in must be met by accomplishing a goal. Hinduism is a unique belief in many gods, the life cycle and reincarnation of its people. Hindu mythology
has been around for ages; it is the world's oldest surviving religion. Hinduism was formed through diverse traditions in the year 2,000 B.C.E. There ...
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One day the husband remembered he left his loincloth on a bush so he ordered horseman to get it, when they got there there was no castle. The
husband went to the girl and talked, she said she's sorry, she wanted to impress him but really she had no parents. The husband said that its all ok. This
story shows how its not good to lie about something, also it shows the love they still have
Wisniewski 3 for each other after the husband was lied to (Parameswaran,1). Myths are made to tell to children and usually there is a lesson or story
the myth teaches. Another Myth is called Shiva and the Sacrifice. Shiva's father–in–law held a sacrifice for the gods, all of the gods were inited but
only Shiva was not invited. Shiva got very angry being left out from the sacrifice that he and some servants of his world attack the ceremony. They
ate all the priests and threw blood on the priests. While doing this, a drop a sweat fell onto earth and formed disease. Brahma then promised Shiva
could take part in all future sacrifices, in return Shiva made disease into many ailments, this would trouble the humans and animals
(,1). This myth was created to show how Hindus believe disease came into this world and how something you do can
negatively affect other people. The afterlife Hindus believe in is much different but unique from other beliefs. Hindu's believe life is cyclical. This
means that they do not just die once but are reborn
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Before I really get into my personal experience at the...
Before I really get into my personal experience at the Durga temple, I would like to begin my experience paper by throwing a light on my religion. I
personally belong to a Muslim family and have practiced Islam throughout my life. Islam is one of the monotheistic religions, which means people only
believe in one God usually referred as Allah. All the individuals, including me, believe that everything in this world has been created by all mighty
Allah. He has the power and authority of diminishing and raising thing. Islam is based on its five pillars; Namaz (prayer), Roza (fasting), Hajj
(pilgrimage), Zakat (Give away), and Jahad (struggle in way of Islam). In contrast Hinduism has many different deities and all of them have a specific
... Show more content on ...
I went to the temple in the afternoon, because the timing for the Hanuman pooja was seven o'clock pm. When I arrived at the temple I was shocked
just by looking at the lights. The whole temple was surrounded by the colorful lights, which made me feel like that I am in another world. As I
walked closer to the temple I saw the sign of swastika on the security gates of the temple. I asked the purpose of this sign from a person who was
standing outside the temple, he said, "this symbol stand for good fortune, luck, and well–being". As I moved forward I noticed that there is a huge bell
hanging from the roof of the temple, as the people were walking upstairs they were ringing the bell. I did the same thing as the other people were
doing, just to make sure that they do not fell any kind of disrespect. I have always seen those kinds of bells either in the movies or dramas, but not in
real life.
After enjoying all this, finally I got a chance to go inside the temple. When I entered the temple there were two installs, one on my left the other one
on my right side. On this stands there was all the stuff available that a person need to perform a pooja. Hinds call this concept as "samagri". The
incremental's that were present on the table consists of metal plate, flowers, coconut, cloth, and leaves. As I moved further I saw the sign, which was
indicating the direction of the main hall. On top of the door of the main
... Get more on ...

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Significance Of The Diwali Festival

  • 1. Significance Of The Diwali Festival Diwali is undoubtedly the brightest and the biggest among the festivals of Hindu religion. The word Diwali means a row of light and is derived from the two words 'deep' which means light and 'avali' which means a row. The celebration lasts for four days and each of the days has different tradition but the night of main festival coincides with darkest new moon night of Hindu calendar. Generally this festival comes in the month of October or November. During the festival, the whole country gets illuminated with light and dazzles with joy. Each and every day of the festival of light and illumination is marked by different tradition by different communities. But the celebration, enjoyment and goodness of all communities remain true and same. Significance of Diwali in Hindu This festival has a great significance in Hindu community and signifies ... Show more content on ... This festival is not only about the outer illumination but also promotes awareness of inner feelings which is the core for each and every human being. The true essence of Hinduism is the spirituality and prophesizes the fact that a human being is not only a body and mind but goes beyond that– a powerful eternal source of energy known as soul. The festival depicts realization of this inner power which shows the path of righteousness and prosperity even during darkest and hardest times and an individual. The awakening of one's true and pure soul gives universal compassion, immense peace of mind and higher knowledge. The illumination of houses with candles and diyas along with the fireworks is an evidence of obeisance of health, peace of mind, happiness, wealth and prosperity. It is believed that the sounds of crackers are indications of happiness for the people on this earth. Also a scientific reason behind fire crackers are that the fumes created from the crackers kills various kinds of ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. The Scriptures Of Hindu Culture And Philosophy The Bhagavad–Gita or simply Gita, conceivably the most recognized of all nonpareil scriptures of Hindu culture and philosophy, is universally perceived as one of the world's ethical literatures. The Sanskrit title, Bhagavad–Gita, is commonly construed as "Song of the Lord." The Gita is incorporated into the sixth book of the longest Hindu classic, Mahabharata, although it is known to be a subsequent accretion to the epic, which stands on its own distinction. The ideology encapsulated in the Bhagavad Gita, doing action with detachment from the consequences is relevant and vital to our understanding of way of life even in the contemporary western world. The teachings of the Gita assist people to manage their states of mental agitation, desires and emotions which will lead them to take right decisions followed by right actions. This certainly explains its immense recognition both in the East and the West. Distinguished philosophers, intellectuals, and scientists have conceded that the Bhagavad–Gita presents profound wisdom. Gandhi once proclaimed: When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and I see not one ray of hope on the horizon, I turn to Bhagavad–Gita and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. Those who meditate on the Gita will derive fresh joy and new meanings from it every day. The Gita is an insightful response to an abiding human quandary of discerning right from wrong. Human ... Get more on ...
  • 4. What Is Toru Dutt Poem Poetry is the representation of mental thoughts, it symbolize all the conflicts that dominate the poets mind either from childhood memories or impressions laid down by the society which is always in the process of gradual change. Every writer has something beforehand in mind which acts as an inspiration for his/her writing. Every poet after being inspired need to present his mental agony or bliss in a way that he be able to make his reader fathom the real and core meaning of the issues tossing in his mind. The poet revamps and tries to convey his message in the form of words which may or may not convey what he/she actually wants, so as at times vocabulary couldn't find the appropriate word for a feeling. The poets cannot claim and remain adamant... Show more content on ... The Ballads consists of number of Indian mythical stories which originally in Sanskrit are very faithfully being translated into English by this young girl. This work reflects another great quality of Toru as a storyteller. Her narrative and descriptive techniques are very well presented in Ancient Ballads. If we keenly go through the poem Savitri which is the opening poem of the Ancient Ballads her understanding of the Hindu mythology and tales can be best noted here. This poem being very long is the message for entire women living on earth, it describes how the character of a women should be, the portrayal of Savitri is the portrayal of every women. Toru represents Savitri as an example for all the women, her qualities and virtues need to be followed by all the women. In the following lines Toru very beautifully describes the firmness of Savitri who remain adhered to her choice even though she knew the fate of her choice( her groom) ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Humanities 130 Hinduism Paper Hinduism Paper HUMANITIES 130 Hinduism is a diverse body of religion, philosophy, and cultural practice native to and predominant in India, characterized by a belief in reincarnation and a supreme being of many forms and natures, by the view that opposing theories are aspects of one eternal truth, and by a desire for liberation from earthly evils (GodWeb, n.d.). In this paper I will further explore what the Hindureligion is encompassed of. And delve into what makes the religion of Hinduism vital to the region it is originated in. Hinduism differs from Christianity and other monotheistic religions in that it does not have a single founder, a specific theological system, a single concept of deity, a single holy text, a single... Show more content on ... In Hinduism the soul is immortal while the body is subject to birth and death. Samsara is considered to be a state of wandering and is caused due to being ignorant of one's true purpose. This idea is directly linked to karma which means action, and also the consequences of the action. It is said that every action has a reaction and it is believed in the religion of Hinduism that it determines your next incarnation, which is basically being reborn. When the cycle of rebirth comes to an end, a person is said to have attained liberation which is moksha. In other words karma is the results you bring upon yourself, good or bad, based on your actions. And also reincarnation which is the belief that the soul, upon death, comes back to earth in another body or form which gives the soul the chance to resolve all bad karma that it puts out so the soul can eventually be free and gain liberation from the cycle of rebirth. In this paper the religion of Hinduism has been further explored. The societal and cultural influences that have made it vital to the region where it originated have also been touched upon. I have gained major insight into the Hindu religion form this experience. Before this class I never knew that karma and reincarnation were a part of the Hindu religion. And I never thought I would have anything in common with the religion or share any of the same beliefs. I strongly believe in karma ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Corruption Of India And The Problem Of Abortion In India All around the world, an abortion is a very controversial topic and is talked about immensely. In America, when you hear people talk about an abortion, you hear them make a big deal about it. On the other hand, within the Hindu religion in India, that is a different story. The first problem that arises with regard to an abortion in India is how differently Hindu women are treated in comparison to Hindu men. As a whole, the government of India is trying to control the people and the population of the country by controlling the "female to male sex ratios." As stated in the article Sexuality, caste, governmentality: contests over 'gender' in India by Nivedita Menon, the government is trying to cut down the population for the "development" of the country. As they are trying to do this, they are diminishing women and the rights that they have. The concern that the government should have should not mainly be what the women and their bodies and the lives that they live, "but woman as key to the stability and reproduction of society and the patriarchal family." As stated in the article, the population rise might not be a problem caused by women. It might not be a female problem because the sex ratio was at an all time low for women as the ratio was 933 females per 1000 men in the 2001 census. One of the main reasons that the sex ratio for women has gone down is because of the widely practiced selective abortion of female foetuses. Secondly, some people might be wondering what an ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Ahimsa CHAPTER 45 Ahimsa: To Do No Harm Exploring the Cardinal Virtue of Noninjury in Thought, Word & Deed B y S at g u r u S i vaya S u B r a m u n i ya S wa m i H a. manivel indu wisdom, which inspires humans to live the ideals of compassion and nonviolence, is captured in one word, ahimsa. In Sanskrit, himsa is doing harm or causing injury. The "a" placed before the word negates it. Very simply, ahimsa is abstaining from causing harm or injury. It is gentleness and noninjury, whether physical, mental or emotional. It is good to know that nonviolence speaks only to the most extreme forms of forceful wrongdoing, while ahimsa goes much deeper to prohibit even the subtle abuse and the simple hurt. Devout Hindus oppose killing for ... Show more content on ... If Homo sapiens is to survive his present predicament, he will have to rediscover these two primary ethical virtues. In order to understand the pervasive practice of nonviolence in Hinduism, one must investigate the meaning of life. Why is life sacred? For India's ancient thinkers, life is seen as the very stuff of the Divine, an emanation of the Source and part of a cosmic continuum. The nature of this continuum varies in Hindu thought. Some hold that the individual evolves up through life forms, taking more and more advanced incarnations which culminate in human life. Others believe that according to one's karma and samskaras, the process can even be reversed, that is, one can achieve a "lower" birth. Even those Indians who do not believe in reincarnation of an individual still hold that all that exists abides in the Divine. They further hold that each life form–even water and trees–possesses consciousness and energy. Whether the belief is that the life force of animals can evolve into human status, or that the opposite can also take place, or simply that all things enjoy their own consciousness, the result is the same–a reverence for life. Not all of Earth's one billion Hindus are living in a perfect state of ahimsa all of the time. Sometimes conditions at hand may force a situation, a regrettable
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  • 9. Behold 2009 By Sheela Gowda It is interesting to note that this study was conducted amongst 800 companies across Indians hiring the top brains in the country. Yet, superstitious beliefs were still prevalent. Sheela Gowda's work entitled, Behold 2009 was first shown at the 53rd Venice Biennale. In it, she uses four thousand metres of rope hand–woven from human hair. Hanging entangled within this black, knotted mass are twenty steel car bumpers. It is a dig at a common superstition held by motorists in India. Motorists there often ties woven hair to car bumpers as a talisman for their safety. In fact, it would not be a surprise if these motorists actually place more belief in this talisman than the need for regular servicing to their vehicles. For Gowda the piece communicates 'a coming together of fear, superstition, belief and a need for comforting action in the framework of modern life' (F). In Singapore, I do not see such outward practice and exhibition of superstition by Indians. I attribute this to the ... Show more content on ... These are accompanied by headsets where viewers/listeners can hear the children speak about their ambitions and who they wish to grow up to be. Not surprisingly, many of them speak of wanting to be a celebrity, an actor/actress or a fashion designer etc. Given these are children, it would be fair to say, they would not have had an opportunity to rationally think about their futures yet. As such, their views would probably be a reflection of the impressions left on them by society today. This work serves to highlight the huge sphere of influence Bollywood and its associated industries like music and fashion have on Indian children today. (H) The use of new media like still pictures combined with audiophiles was indeed unique. The impact the artist intended to create is even larger when you hear the children speak in their own words with their own voices which gives it ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Richard Parker Identity Today I am going to be explaining my thesis on how the use of different aspects of identity help us distinguish some similarities and differences between Richard Parker and Pi Patel, the main characters, throughout their journey by using excerpts from the book. So what is identity? Defined by the Cambridge Dictionary, identity is: who a person is, or the qualities of a person or group that make them different from others: Pi, an Indian boy living in Pondicherry India, growing up at in a zoo, surrounded by animals. Richard Parker is a Royal Bengal tiger that has lived in the zoo run by Pi's father. When first thinking about the idea of identity, I looked at myself. What makes me, me? Well my name is Rachel, my background is Ukrainian, I have a large ... Show more content on ... Pi lost the true meaning of it when others took it out of context and made it their own. Richard Parker lost his innocent name of Thirsty because of human interaction and being taken out of his natural element and placed in the zoo. The difference is that Pi fought for his name and what he wanted people to know of him, not allowing to take away his individuality. Whereas the name Richard Parker was just a mistake because again, naming something is a human behaviour, but could also lead to the question, are animals losing their natural way of life because of humans? Also, it is also unnecessary for animals to assign names to each other. The next aspect that I will be focusing on will be the influence of culture on one's identity. What is culture? It is defined as, the the way of life especially the general customs and beliefs of a particular group of people at a particular time. Pi is Hindi, later discovering Christianity, and Islam believing in all three. Pondicherry is a place of diversity because of its past, being colonized by the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. American Culture Has Become A Melting Pot American culture has become a melting pot, filled with the influence of every person that has entered its borders. With the rise of the technological age, there is Internet access and increased traveling that has led to acquired languages and cultures from across the globe. All over, cultural restaurants, dances and shopping centers are becoming successful out the exploitation of lifestyles from thousands of miles away. In the music industry, it is common to see artist borrow aspects from different ethnicities around the world, to accent their song with cultural beats, dancing or clothing. Since America is a relative young country, most of itsculture influences come from its migrants over the last three hundred years. Due to all these diverse influences, the culture is fluid. It is often transferred from the social, political and geographical communities that surround a person. With the fluidity in American culture, people are free to participate in and appreciate unique art forms, even if they do not stem from one's heritage. For instance, anyone can learn how to dance the salsa, or study ancient near eastern mythology. There are no legal limitations on what one can and cannot borrow from a culture. However, there is a difference between appreciating a different culture and appropriating one. Culture appropriation occurs when members of one culture take for his or her personal gain or use, the items produced by the members of another culture. This is commonly done ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Hindu Mythology UNIVERSITY OF KWAZULU NATAL, HOWARD COLLEGE School of Classical Civilizations Student Number: 208504832 Student Name: Nahishta Singh Course name: Classical Civilizations 201 Mythology Assignment: 1 Question: Describe the creation myth of any traditional ethnicity or culture of your choice, ancient or modern. How, according to this culture, did the world begin & how did humans originate? Sign: _________________________ Cosmic myths are concerned with the world and how it is ordered. They seek to explain the origin of the world, universal catastrophes and natural disasters such as fire or ... Show more content on ... (P.F Lurquin & L. Stone, 2007: 25) In this story, before time began, there was no heaven, no earth and no space between. The Greeks, too, believe that the world was created out of chaos and a state of nothingness as stated in Hesiod's theogony: "When on high heaven was not named, Nor was the hard ground below called by name ' "(B.B. Powell, 2002: 87) Each new creation originates from a vast ocean that washes upon the shores of nothingness. (P.F Lurquin & L. Stone, 2007: 26) In Hindu myth, Lord Vishnu, peacefully asleep in the coils of a giant cobra, is awakened by the humming sound of Om in the middle of this ocean. Om is the most sacred syllable in the ancient Sanskrit language of India and is considered in Hinduism to represent all scriptural revelation in a single symbol. (G. Beck, 2007). The humming sound of Om grew and spread, filling the emptiness and throbbing with energy. From his divine playfulness, a lotus flower grows
  • 13. in Vishnu's navel. (A. Michaels, 2004: 298) Brahma, another Hindu god, is known in this particular myth as Vishnu's servant as he follows Vishnu's commands. Brahma is also a god who is more commonly known as the creator. He appears out of the lotus flower that is formed in Vishnu's navel, and asks Vishnu who he is. Vishnu very arrogantly replies, "Know that I am origin and disintegration. See in me the whole world, the continents and their mountains, the oceans and the seven seas, and you too, the grandfather of the worlds." (A. Michaels, ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Why Flowers Are Important Essay 5 Flowers that are important in Events and their meaning Flowers have been the symbol of beauty, love, admiration and many other emotions. Since their birth on earth, they have been revered for their aromas, hues, shapes, charm, and also as a source of food. While the nature has gifted humankind with different flowers, scientific research have added more varieties to them. Because of which, their significance and importance kept changing and growing with the passage of time. But what hasn't changed since the old times are their reverence and use in different events. Here, we are going to see 5 different flowers with their importance and meaning for events. Jasmine These are the diminutive flowers loved not only by humans, but also by Gods. There is no surprise that they have found a mention in the ancient Hindu scriptures. Right from worshiping the lord to decorating wedding venues, homes, and for bridal makeup, jasmine are one of the favourite flowers of all regardless of their faith. They are also used in making garlands for weddings and funerals. Due to their sweet aroma, they are also used in making perfumes and incense sticks for pleasing the god. Besides spreading fragrance in the atmosphere, jasmines also offer health benefits to human–beings. Just drink a cup of jasmine tea or any ... Show more content on ... Whether it is pooja, wedding, or any other celebrations, these lovely blooms add life and happiness to the events. They have been the favourite blooms of the god and have been mentioned in old scriptures. Marigold flowers have been named after the god of wisdom – Tages and hence they are regarded importance in all celebrations. During Dipawali and Dusshera, many Hindus use marigold flowers and mango leaves and make garland for idols and to tying them on the entrance door frames. One interesting reason for using marigold in auspicious occasion is its piercing odour that drives away inspects and ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Vayu : The God Of Wind Marisol Colin Ms. Vining AP World History, 8th 6 October 2017 Vayu, The God of Wind Although there are many Hindu gods, there is only one god known as the ruler of the sky. The Hindu God Vayu, the god of wind, spirits of the sky, is said to be very handsome and strong. He is generally worshipped by Hindu's every day. In Vedic Times, Emperor Vayu was known as one of the Hindu Triad. In Vedic beliefs, most of the gods and goddesses represented nature. Which meant that Vayu was one of the three main gods in Hindu belief. InHinduism, the wind symbolized freedom, fate, illness and bad spirits. Since Vayu was known as the emperor of the sky, people believed that a person would feel sick because of their "evil spirt," which they thought to be punishment by Lord Vayu. There were a few temples dedicated to emperor Vayu as Mukhyapana, the most significant one located at Udupi in Karnataka. He was also known to be the father of Bhima and Hanuman. The ruler of the skies was very important because everyone thought that by praying to the Vayu they would be assisted. The lord of "breath" was influential because he was thought to be the one who controlled the wind. If he was ever disrespected or irritated, he would stop the breeze from the universe. Also known as the king of Gandarvas, meaning he was the lord of the atmosphere and sky, Vayu played a very significant role inHindu Mythology. Although there are over thirty million gods that are worshipped by Hindus, Lord Vayu was ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Indian History And The Status Of Women The Indian History and the Status of Women : Women's security is closely connected to global security still they suffer simply because they differ in gender. According to the UN Commission on Human Security, 'the security of one person, one community, one nation rests on the decisions of many others, sometimes fortuitously, sometimes precariously''. However, in the interrelated world everyone is influenced either positively or negatively by the decisions of individuals or states (UNIFEM 2003). To understand the status of the Indian women it is important to understand the history gender discrimination in the country. In 1947, the Indian history of violence against women was perceivable in the violent nature of the nation's partition. The women were raped, abducted and their bodies were used as a medium of men's evil expression as Indian Hindus and the Pakistani Muslims battled for power to defend their countries. This tactic of humiliating the opponent by using women's bodies as a tool of power dominance is still being practiced in the Indian society and is visible in the cases of Devi and Sori (Dobhal 2011: 598). Mother India, commonly termed as Bharat Mata in Sanskrit is the national personification of India as a mother goddess which is widely depicted as a woman clad in a saffron sari holding the national flag. The position of women was high in India and some might argue that degrading positioning of women in the society is influenced by the impact of colonialism. ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Irony In The Meeting With China Gayatri, By Chinna Dorai Jagan's acceptance of the ancient myths, ideals and values may appear to be limited and uncritical but the sincerity of his beliefs cannot be doubted. The angularities of Jagan's character may bring him on the verge of ridiculous, but gradually, as he faces a severe crisis in life he grows in death and humanity. Irony directed at Jagan's character is often ambivalent as for example in the opening passage for it presents both Jagan's 'shallow' understanding of the spiritual values he professes to believe in and also the theme of the novel–the need for and ways of conquering the self. Similarly, through out the major portion of the novel the statement of his ideals, the actions performed in a spirit of sacrifice and his indifference to material... Show more content on ... Taken to the garden and lotus pond by China Dorai, the sculptor, Jagan receives a new set of impressions through which he perceives the close relationship between the various Hindu arts, literature and Hindu Mythology. The discussion on the art of sculpting, the vision of the many–headed Goddess Gayatri, move Jagan deeply The meeting with Chinna Dorai provides Jagan a new, concrete instance of a selfless activity, performed as service. The sculptor's desire to complete the unfinished statue, left by his master, is a creative, religious and aesthetic vision, without any interest in profit making, In his life–long concern with the shop Jagan had not been able somehow to integrate the aesthetic, religious and practical business sense. Having worked well as a shopkeeper, he now decides to shift his focus in life. His whole being undergoes a sense of turmoil, and he looks around, within himself, with a new vision. Introspection accompanied by spinning and the look back into the past give the whole of his being anew pattern. He rediscovers his own connection with his culture, the past of his society which he had accepted uncritically as a young man. The rituals that had been handed over by his parents acquire a new significance as he finds his son rejecting them. Now he tries to look beyond the form and finds the continuity that exists between different deals and their ... Get more on ...
  • 18. India Association Plans A Newsletter The poem "India Association Plans a Newsletter" by Sharat Chandra has a lot of meaning to it behind retaining home culture in another country. Throughout the poem, Chandra discusses on how the second generation children should still preserve their own culture, and not forget about the heritage you came from. The poem itself can be understood in a way that is meaningful for all new immigrants who want to sustain their own heritage in another land which is why today's reader should pay attention to this poem. Personally, I feel the poem can tell today's readers about the problems with being too Americanized. Sharat Chandra uses metaphor, imagery, and symbols in "India Association Plans a Newsletter" to convey a sense of what relieves the younger generation from falling back too behind on their own culture, and not completely wash it down just because you are living in a different country. Breezing through the poem I can spot metaphors, and those are the ones that contradict what Chandra says in the previous lines. Chandra is an immigrant from India who has been in the U.S. for about two decades. Today's readers can get a sense of motherhood after reading this because the poet says, "to make India over there to become India over here" (Line 7); this can be interpreted in a such way that just because we are in the United States it doesn't mean that we can't bring our country here. The motherhood literally refers to as giving birth or raising a child, but in the sense of this ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Hinduism: Cosmological And Ethical Ideals In my essay I will describe what does samsara mean, what other concepts are connected to it, and my thoughts in regards to it as cosmological and ethical ideal. To begin with what does Hinduism mean, according to our Textbook "World Religions" until the nineteenth century the word "Hinduism" did not exist, but over the centuries the term "Indu" and "Hindu" had become a territorial, racial, social and cultural label for the people of India. One of the most common concepts, which connect all of the Hindu believers, is the law of karma, the existence of samsara, as well as the end of the cycle called "moksha". The word samsara is a continuing cycle that may last more than centuries, depending on the person's karma. It is a cycle of birth, death ... Show more content on ... In order Hindus to achieve liberation from the cycle of births they must follow the ashrama dharma. It's four stages in the life of human beings. According to Hinduwebsite, the four stages are called: brahmacharrya (stage of studentship), grihasta (the stage of a householder), vanaprastha (stage of a forest dweller) and sanyasa (stage of renunciation). From a theological point, the ashramas would help people to achieve "the highest ideals" of human life and work for their salvation. Secondly, of the research I found it says that "ashrama dharma was meant for the three upper caste only", which means that lower class are limited to it. For a large population of ancient India it meant little because most of them were from a lower class. On the other hand, only men could practice it, women only role was to be wives of their husbands. Even though ashrama dharma was limited to a lot of people I really liked the concept behind it. I think that ashrama dharma can be compared to the way Western civilization think today. For example, as a student "Brahmachary" we need to gain certain degree and to focus on our mind grow. After we have achieved "Brahmachary" we can move to "Grihasthsharama" when that's the time to marry, have kids and establish relationships with the world around us. Vanaprastha is the time that ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Atm Hindu Religion Mary Grekoski Professor Baker Religion 193–01 3/31/2016 "The Atman" In Hinduism the Atman is what they call the soul in a person. When a person finds the inner self, which is called the Atman, and also its source, which is called the Brahman, the self blends into its superior origin, and one experiences indescribable peace and elation. In the Hindu religion the Atman affects their lives in a big way, it has to do with reincarnation, karma, Samara, and the ultimate goal that they try to get to which is called, Moksha (Fischer 77). Reincarnation is basically what happens after death. In Hinduism it is believed that the soul leaves the dead person's body and enters a new body. A person is born again and again in what seems as a ... Show more content on ... Karma deals with a persons actions as well as the consequences of their action. That means every act they do and commit in life, every thought they have, and desires whether it is good or bad shapes a person future experience and what life form they will be. If the person is good they will move up in the reincarnation cycle, if not it is possible for them to come back as an animal and be farther away from reaching liberation which is the goal in the Hinduism religion (Fischer 77). The main thing in Hinduism is to escape Samsara which is the continual round of birth, death, and rebirth. When a person escapes Samsara they have officially achieved Moksha. How the Atman impacts Moksha is it is the release from the restrictions of space, time, and matter through understanding of the immortal absolute which is the goal. This is not an easy thing to achieve, in fact many lifetimes of upward–striving incarnations are required to reach this phase. The want of freedom from earthly existence is one of the basis of classical Hinduism and even Buddhism as well (Fischer
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  • 22. Causes Of England Colonizing India England colonizing India So one of the reasons why the Europeans wanted to sail the oceans was to find new trade routes to Asia, and as well as India. The British succeeded in controlling the Indian Territory, but also colonizing various aspects of the Indian society like religion, economy,politics and education. Because of this Britain had two goals and those goals were to make a profit and spread civilization among Indians. Financial Atrocities During the 16th and 17th centuries,it was a bad time. During the sixteenth century England was being called a backward country. But on the other hand, India was the richest countries on earth. They had a estimated $33,750 million. Later, in 1500 CE, it was $60,500 million. During 1700 CE, it grew even higher to $90,750 million. They we very high wealth because India was one of the major trading nations. To show how big it was it also has a monopoly on textiles and spices. Because the growth rates of both the countries show the vast gap between their economic growths. The hostile financial policies of the British like ruthless taxation, discouraging Indian industries like textile and ship building, trade restrictions, etc. significantly contributed to the downfall of the Indian economy. Such was the loot conducted by the British for most of their period in India. This, however, does not capture the exact picture of the sufferings of the then people. We can only imagine the poor conditions of the people for generations after ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Wally Diwali Religion Hindu is the oldest religion on earth. Hinduism doesn't have a single founder, a single holy text, or a central religious authority. Most forms of Hinduism view other Gods and Goddesses as manifestations or aspects of that supreme God or Goddess. About 14% of the world's population is Hindu. According to the yearbook of "American and Canadian churches" they were about 1.5 million Hindus in the US during 1999. There are many different kinds of celebrations. They're about apes holidays in the Hindu religion. List I went to Wally Diwali is the Festival of Lights for Hindus and Sikhs the celebration last for 5 days and a smart buy sweets fireworks and lights. It celebrates the truth of a good light and knowledge over evil darkness and ignorance they celebrating and k is a full moon. There's actually takes place on August raksha means "protection" and Bandhan means "to die". There's also the tantric sex. There's two forms to it. Tantra is found in advanced Hindu, Vajrayana Buddhist , and other religious practices throughout Asia. It is an ancient ritual involving extensive preparation and prior education by the practitioners under the close direction of their guru (teacher). Neotantra was recently imported into the West and is at least partly divorced from its religious roots. It is also known as "modern tantra," or by the somewhat derogatory term ... Show more content on ... But for still unknown reasons, the valley's inhabitants appear to have moved out rather suddenly. They resettled among new neighbors in northwestern India and encountered a group of people from central Asia who brought with them warrior ethics and a religion called Vedism.Hinduism stands apart from all other religions for several reasons. It has no single founder, no single book of theological law and truth, no central religious organization, and no definition of absolute beginning and ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Food And Eating In Christianity And Hinduism Food and eating are at the centre of Christianity and Hinduism for centuries. The Fall of Adam and Eve, after eating the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden, is one of the central tropes in the Western discourses. A special kind of food becomes a cause for the first man and woman's damnation, and ironically, I argue, a new opportunity to control the new "dominion". God commands, specifically, what requirements man should fulfill, including what he needs to eat in order to secure his union with the god. Food, therefore, can work to uplift man to heaven if chosen accordingly, or could be a cause for his damnation to hell. Hinduism, in a similar fashion, observes food as an important aspect of life and afterlife. It depends upon man's choice ... Show more content on ... OED defines venison as "The flesh of an animal killed in the chase or by hunting and used as food; formerly applied to the flesh of the deer, boar, hare, rabbit, or other game animal, now almost entirely restricted to the flesh of various species of deer". Jaques opposes the violence to animals in their own territory, and reminds Duke Senior about animals' similarities to human beings, they are "fat and greasy citizens" (2.1.55). The humanisation of animals and the necessity of human beings to understand the importance of respecting their value corresponds to the idea of prelapsarian world where Adam and Eve lived in harmony with the animals. They lived in a world where animals had human sensitivity, and were free of any human interference. Violence against any creature was not imagined in the prelapsarian world. Joan Fitzpatrick argues that Shakespeare may have "strange sympathy for vegetarianism, especially in those plays where pastoralism features" (Renaissance Food from Rabelais to Shakespeare: Culinary Readings and Culinary Histories 140). In the similar vein, the Hindu scriptures describe about the creation of the world where the first men on earth–all of them were the sages with different capacities–lived together with the animals in a completely harmonious natural environment. There was ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Religion In Bollywood Movies Significance of religion and Culture in Bollywood Movies India is considered as the inception of the mythological genre of film. The first feature film of India, Raja HarishChandra (1913) by Dadasaheb Phalke was the commencement of the explorations of the mythological genre of films (Dimitrova, 2016). Bollywood movies have been considered as the richest source of exploring religious and cultural values, (Dunmill. M 2007). Bollywood has produced several movies and TV shows predicated on gods. Religion composed a very sensitive issue in the Indian society. Hindu religion is the most commonly practiced religion in India, according to the 2011 census (Shrivastava, 2015). Movies that are against the religious credences of the audience are considered blasphemy or attack on the religious sentiments of the community (Qadri & Mufti, 2017). Om Jai Jagadish (2002), Hum Saath–Saath Hain (1999) and Hum Aapke Hain Kaun (1994) are some of the movies that represented a typical Indian, Hindu family by utilizing traditional costumes and festival celebrations. Dimitrova (2016) discussed the movie Lagaan (2001) and the portrayal of the religion, Hinduism in the movie. The movie was predicated in the North Indian village, Champaner, which is a part of the princely state in 1893 (Dimitrova, 2016). In the movie, British rulers are stereotyped and represented as cruel, arrogant and superficial. British rulers imposed a tax on the Indian villagers. Bhuvan, portrayed by Aamir Khan, travestied the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Hindu Temple Of India The white Hindu temple stood quietly against the chaos that surrounded it in Agra, India. The marble that made up the building was stunningly clean compared to the streets that were filled with holes and dirt. The car horns and movement of people coming from their jobs that Friday created chaos around the building. The temple was made up of a square base with 4 domes at the top, similar to those of the Taj Mahal, except much smaller. Sculptures of Indian deities and revered images were chiseled all over the exterior of the temple. There were oxes and cows at the bottom of the temple. Farther up the building were the hundreds of Hindu Gods that existed were depicted. Each had at least 4 or 6 arms and were each standing in powerful stances ... Show more content on ... After entering through the gates people began to take off their shoes and leave them in a pile next to the entrance of the gate. Sunil and Sindhu followed in suit, but Sunil passed his younger sister his shoes which she placed in her bag, alongside her own. Leaving your shoes in the pile meant they would likely be stolen. The women began to place scarfs around their heads, a sign of reverence to the Gods. Sindhu began to wonder around the temple staring up at the building. Sunil grabbed at her arm and gave her a warning look, "Sindhu, apane skaarph ko rakho," Put on your scarf, he said in a hushed voice. Sindhu sighed and took out a red scarf from her bag and placed it over her head. She hated the way it made her feel suffocated and overheated. The siblings began walking around the temple, as they were still some time before Puja was going to start. Sindhu pointed to a statue of Durga, a goddess who was warrior known in Hindu mythology as a powerful women who fight off demons and maintained the peace. She was depicted with six arms standing on top of a demonic cow she had slayed. Her face was cut off. "Sunil, what happened to her face?" exclaimed Sindhu to her older brother in a thick Indian accent. "Dheere bolo." Speak softly, Sunil said angrily. "Ab angrej yahaan the to ve mandir aate the aur devataon ke chehare ko dhvast kar dete the. vahaan dekho," When the British were here they would come to temple and demolish the faces of Gods, he said. ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Comparison Of Genesis, Judeo-Christian Creation, And Hindu... Throughout the world, there exists thousands of cultures and myths, separated from each other by thousands of miles and geographic barriers, by some means these cultures share countless symbols. To understand why the Judeo–Christian myth of Genesis, Shinto creation myth, and Hindu creation myth and the Mahabharata are so comparable an individual must understand how these stories formed and changed over time. Myths, originally told orally by storytellers were formed to explain the world and beliefs of their respective individuals. One must also understand that if myths are viewed literally the imagery is distinct but when examined figuratively the symbolism shown is identical. It is evident that certain symbols and motifs transcend human ... Show more content on ... This "fall" supports a male–dominated society in which women are subservient to men. In Genesis, this fall occurs when Eve eats the fruit and humans are expelled from the garden, "Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, 'to till the ground from whence he was taken'" ("The Holy Bible", Genesis, 3.23). Furthermore, in Shinto myth when Izanami dies she becomes enraged because Izanagi followed her to the underworld. Izanami screamed that she would "... destroy a thousand of earth's inhabitants each day" (Hartz 17). In the Hindu myths, women are dangerous creations that prevent men from potentially overwhelming the gods. This can be seen in the Mahabharata, a Hindu epic, "... women were created by the Grandsire Brahman ... There is no creature more sinful, O son, than women. Woman is a blazing fire. She is the illusion, ... She is the sharp edge of the razor. She is poison. She is a snake. She is fire. She is, verily, all these united together" ("Mahabharata", Anusasana Parva, 40). And, the role of women in subduing men is also seen, " Persons of the male sex, yielding to the power of Lust and Wrath, sought the companionship of women" ("Mahabharata", Anusasana Parva, 40). Strangely, women who are the bringers of life become the bringers of death and ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Hinduism Religion Considering that Hinduism lacks a uniting belief system, what makes up the Hindu religion is Sanarana Dharma, which is also known as Hinduism, an alternative label that is preferred today. Hinduism is the traditional religion of India. Sanatan Dharma is one of the oldest religions known to mankind and Hinduisms religion is still in practice today. The spiritual expressions of Sanatana Dharma range from extreme asceticism to the extreme sensuality, from the heights of personal devotion to a deity to the heights of abstract philosophy (Fisher, M.P., 2005).Hinduism have been able to hold itself together for several years; Hinduism is still one of the major religions in the world, so, the factor that it is more than a way of life, ... Show more content on ... Another belief is that though Hindu mythology mentions a class of evil beings, opposed to the celestial spirits, essential Hindu philosophy does not believe in any concept of a central Devil or Satan. This does not mean that all the evil in the world is attributed to God, but that the evil deed is ascribed to human ignorance (Fisher, M. P., 2005). These actions determine the course of life and the life cycle for the soul in its subsequent life. Virtuous actions take the soul closer to the Supreme Divine, and lead to a birth with higher consciousness. Evil actions hinder this recognition of the Supreme Divine, and the soul takes lower forms of worldly life. All existence, according to Hinduism, from vegetation to mankind, is subjects to the eternal Dharma, which is the natural law References Fisher, M.P. (2005).Hinduism, 3, 69–115, Retrieved March 6, 2007, from the University of Phoenix Web site: [Online course ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Hinduism: A Feminist Religion Insight Paper 1 Hinduism is a vast religion with various beliefs spread throughout the religion. In this religion there are many important sacred texts. These texts allow practitioners of this religion to connect with the traditions Hinduism, read about the beliefs of Hinduism, and also read about the path they should follow in order to achieve moksha. Some of the sacred texts are; the Vedas, Upanishads, and the Bhagavad Gita. The Vedas are said to be the oldest of the Hindu sacred texts. They are believed to be what a group of sages heard and then wrote down in between 1500 and 600 B.C.E. The Vedas are not seen as an important text to all the groups ofHinduism, it is usually only held its' importance to the Vedicreligion. In this group they say the four sacred hymns, the Vedas, during many different kinds of rituals. When they are reciting these hymns during sacrifice or any other ritual, it shows their god that they have a very strong belief in him/her. The Upanishads are another important sacred text to the Hindu's. When reading the Upanishads Hindu's gain the knowledge of who the Brahman is and what he does. They explain that Brahman is the creator and ... Show more content on ... This text is the conversation between Krishna and Arjuna, in which news ideas about moksha begin to come up. One of the major teachings in the Bhagavad Gita is Karma yoga. This type of yoga teaches the discipline of action and how people should act about various things in order to fulfill liberation. This teaching reflects the idea of how Hindu's can escape the life of samsara and achieve the liberation of moksha through the different types of yoga. Krishna also speaks about what Hindu's should do when working. He explains that when you do work you should not become lazy and begin to have anxiety over the work you are doing, but to always look towards the greater goal of seeking knowledge of the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Ganges River Of India The Ganges River in India is an important river system that provides water for personal use, industry, and agriculture for well over half a million people. This river also serves a major role in the region's cultural and religious practices. It is widely believed that this body of water is the Earthly manifestation of the Hindu goddess Ganga. For thousands of years, people have believed that Ganga can wash away a lifetime of sins and, therefore, no amount of pollution can harm her (Conway). As a result of this belief, industrial, agricultural, and human waste are dumped into the river on a daily basis. Hindus also believe that bathing themselves in the water of the river will wash away all of their sins and grant spiritual rewards such as "deliverance from sin and attainment of nirvana (Das)." Hindus believe that to die on the banks of the Ganges is an "assurance of heavenly bliss and will grant emancipation from the eternal cycle of birth and death (Das)." Due to this belief, millions of people use the banks of the river for cremation and burial (BBC). Aside from religious ceremonies, poor people who cannot afford to be cremated are wrapped in white muslin and placed in the river (BBC). Following ceremonies, the ashes and dead bodies are dumped into the river. These religious practices are believed to be a primary cause of the degraded water quality of the Ganges River near Varanasi. If the quality of water continues to become even more degraded, a crucial part of the ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Have You Ever Wondered If You Have Lived More Than Once? Have you ever wondered if you have lived more than once? Or what happens after death? Many believe that you continue to live after death, but how is it possible and why so? Today I will inform you about the concept of reincarnation. For some of us, like myself, have had dreams or images of places or things that we have never seen, in person with our own eyes, in our current lifetime. Then we see these images in a picture online and feel like we have been there or have some sort of connection with them. Many say that this is due to our past lives. As in we have lived before in a different time and somehow, we can remember some things from it. People began to call this the belief of reincarnation. I will first explain what reincarnation is ... Show more content on ... First, Hindus take reincarnation very seriously and that is what influences their everyday actions. After reading the article, "Reincarnation as a Concept", issued in the Journal for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies in 2014, the author, Michael O'Dell, explains a common Hindu belief is that "the soul which has manifested as you, has previously incarnated as an animal and may well do so again in the future." This is one of the reasons why devout Hindus strive not to harm any bug or animal, since that creature may be a reincarnation of a deceased relative or friend. They also see reincarnation as a trapped cycle of one 's own bad karma. Karma is a belief that every good and bad returns to the individual as a reward or a punishment. They belief that the individual has an eternal soul that goes through reincarnation as many times as it takes until it reaches liberation. Only way to reach this is by doing good and paying all your dues. Any wrong or bad done in that lifetime will lead to reincarnation. It is pretty much as getting a second chance. They strive to reach liberation because they see it as a free ticket out of the trapped cycle. Buddhism believes that reincarnation, referred to as rebirth, is processed by desires which keeps the cycle going. A cycle that no one can escape and that never ends and may be infinite until liberation occurs. They defined ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Influences of Nature In Hinduism In every civilization there is a main a religion and an influence of that religion. In India the main religion is Hinduism and Hinduism is influenced by the nature around the country. Christopher G. Framarin proposed his theory on how nature influences India in his journal, "The value of nature in India ( Hindu) traditions. Framarin explains his ideas on how to achieve moksa and what animals have effect on the moksa cycle. He also places other philosophers' ideas into his journal and thoroughly explains the ideas in detail and how he feels about them. The traditions of Hindusim that are influenced by nature has an effect on everything they believe in. Ahimsa is doing good deeds or non–harm to anything in this world. Through ahimsa Hindu people can achieve moska. However, there are more rules than just being nice to work through the caste system in Hinduism. Even though ahimsa is non–harmful there are many strict ideas on what exactly is harmful. Himsa can postpone moska, himsa is the deed of doing harm or injury to another being. In the caste system the way someone can rise up the top and become a divine is for him or her to perform ahimsa deeds and through each reincarnation to step up in the caste. The Hindu's use a form of measurement when figuring out if the move up or down in the system. Every ahima deed someone does it produces a merit and for every himsa deed it produces a demerit. If so many merits are achieved moksa will be complete, however if a demerit is taken ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Meaning of Ahimsa Essay Meaning of Ahimsa Ahimsa is a Sanskrit term that translates roughly into non–injury to living beings or dynamic harmlessness. Ahimsa tends to evoke images of monks wearing cloths over their faces to avoid breathing microscopic beings and sweeping the insects off the path in front of them as they walk so they won't accidentally crush one under their feet. One cannot easily live in today's world without causing some harm to other beings – but that does not mean we shouldn't try to keep it to a minimum. There are some relatively easy steps you can take to reduce the suffering in your wake. Practice of Ahimsa develops love. Ahimsa is another name for truth or love.... Show more content on ... Ahimsa is the pivot and all virtues revolve around Ahimsa. Just as all footprints are accommodated in those of the elephant, so also do all religious rules become merged in the great vow of Ahimsa. Ahimsa is soul–force. Hate melts in the presence of love. Hate dissolves in the presence of Ahimsa. There is no power greater than Ahimsa. The practice of Ahimsa develops will power to a considerable degree. The practice of Ahimsa will make you fearless. He, who practices Ahimsa with real faith, can move the whole world, can tame wild animals and can win the hearts of all his enemies. He can do and undo things. The power of Ahimsa is infinitely more wonderful and subtler than electricity or magnetism. The law of Ahimsa is as much exact and precise as the law of gravitation. You must know the correct way to apply it intelligently and with scientific accuracy. If you are able to apply it with precision, you can work wonders. You can command the elements and Nature as well. Forms of Ahimsa Only the ordinary people think that Ahimsa is not to hurt any living being physically. The vow of Ahimsa is broken even by showing contempt towards another man, by entertaining unreasonable dislike for or prejudice towards anybody, by frowning at another man, by hating another man, by abusing another man, by speaking ill of others, by ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Comparing the Iconography and Mythology of Two Major Hindu... Comparing the Iconography and Mythology of Two Major Hindu Deities In Hindu tradition, Brahma created the universe, Vishnu maintained it and Shiva destroyed it. These three gods comprise the Hindu trinity (the trimurti) and are considered to be the leading gods of the religion, especially Brahma, who is the oldest of all the gods. This point is questionable though as the Visnu Purana talks of Brahma emerging fromVishnu's navel to maintain the world after Vishnu has created it and then he returns to the navel after Shiva has destroyed it. If this is the case then Vishnu's position as a god is elevated from merely the maintainer to the creator. This essay intends to compare and contrast the ... Show more content on ... It is when he awakens out of this sleep that Brahma appears from Vishnu's navel enfolded in a lotus as mentioned above. Vishnu is also seen riding, sometimes with his wife Laksmi, but mainly he is represented as one of his incarnations or avataras. Unlike Shiva, Vishnu is particularly associated with his avataras and by the end of the Puranic period he was especially connected with ten of these manifestations. These were Vamana (the ignorant dwarf), Kurma (the tortoise), Matsya (the fish), Narasimha (the man–lion), Varaha (the boar), Parasurama (Rama with the axe), Kalki (the white horse), Rama, Buddha and of course the most popular of all his incarnations, Krishna. "Vishnu incarnates into the world from time to time to preserve or to reinstate righteousness" (Herman, 1991:107). Krishna being his principle avatara, is often seen slaying demons and so is considered a hero. He also teaches the discipline of karma yoga, meaning "the way of selfless action" (Herman, 1991:179), to Arjuna the warrior hero and the dialogue is written down in the Bhagavad–Gita. Krishna is in disguise and offers Arjuna guidance, advising that one should acct selflessly without thinking of the rewards and should be satisfied in offering action in the name of the lord. Since Krishna is only a manifestation, it is actually Vishnu who is behind this teaching of devotion, proving himself to be a praiseworthy and ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Fairy Tale Analysis Cinderella, We Know Thee Near and Far Triumphant reward in spite of unjust punishment is a universal sentiment that transcends languages and cultures. There are thousands of folktales and fairy tales that are firmly rooted in individual cultures, yet the tale of Cinderella has been told through many centuries and throughout the far corners of the world. With thousands of versions of this classic tale in print worldwide, the tale is believed to have originated with the story of Rhodopis, a Greek slave girl who is married to an Egyptian King. The story of Rhodopis, which means rosy–cheeks, dates back to 7 BC and is attributed to a Greek geographer named Strabo. The Chinese variation of this fairy tale is named Yeh–hsien. The Chinese version is traceable to the year 860 and appears in Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang by Duan Chengshi. Yeh –hsien is a young girl, motherless and in the control of her stepmother, who befriends a treasured fish. The jealous step–mother kills the fish, but it's bones provide Yeh–hsien with magical powers, eventually enabling Yeh–hsien to escape the control of her step–mother for a royal life. The Story of the Black Cow which is found within the pages of Folk Tales from the Himalayas by John Murray, published in 1906, the child who is mistreated by a stepmother is a male and the role of savior is portrayed by a snake, with a cow serving as the moral of the story, faithfulness. These two versions ofCinderella carry many common threads that are ... Get more on ...
  • 36. My Cultural Conception Of Happiness The honorable Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso once said, "When I meet people from different cultures I know that they too want happiness and do not want suffering . . ." That being said, people from different cultures want to be happy. The only thing that differs between cultures is how each distinct culture perceives how happiness can be achieved. Such is true for the conception of happiness between my culture, the American culture, and the Indian culture. While the conception of happiness across my culture and the conception of happiness across Indian culture are both individualistic, the conception of happiness in Indian culture is also collectivist. In addition, both cultural conceptions of happiness have norms that govern their societies in ... Show more content on ... Both bodies have differing views of happiness, but they still uphold the their individuality. Likewise, I too am able to embrace my personal perception of happiness because my society is one that embraces individualism. It can be said that my culture thoroughly embraces Aristotle 's definition of happiness due to the fact that it preaches the importance of every individual being the sole passenger and conductor when it come to riding the train that is the pursuit of happiness. In other words, the pursuit of happiness is in the hands of the individual. No matter how one believes they can achieve happiness in my culture, the fact remains that it is widely recognized that happiness is based on an individual's actions and viewpoints. In contrast, the conception of happiness in Indian culture is a combination of both individualist and collectivist viewpoints. From the individualistic viewpoint of happiness in Indian culture, an individual has the power to pursue their own happiness and do whatever they deem conducive to their well–being. According to Kumar (2003), it is believed in Indian culture that "man should do whatever is possible to enhance pleasure and avoid pain . . . one could beg, borrow or steal or even murder . . ." (p. 2). In simple terms, one should do whatever is in their power to achieve ultimate happiness. This is an individualistic viewpoint because the Indian culture trusts an individual to make decisions that will benefit them. In a ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Essay about Womens Roles In ancient India, women occupied a very important position, a superior position to men. To understand the position of women in Hinduism, we must recognize the Hindu scriptures guidelines to a woman's position in Hindu society, but fail to address some roles of a Hindu woman specifically. This vague generalization of a woman's role in the religious spectrum leaves open interpretation for the woman. Conflict arises when women are criticized by men, for the way they interpret the guidelines. Critically, we begin with the Hindu scriptures, because it is the heart and source of their cultural norms which can be perceived as an expression of the perceptions of the way of life. Scriptures of Hinduism hold the highest authority towards women ... Show more content on ... Treated as servants, by their husbands, marriage equals subservience. Classical Hindu laws focus almost exclusively on women as wives, emphasizing how women should behave toward men. When I say equality of women, I refer to equal roles within Hindu marriages. "The basic rules for women behavior, as expressed in the Laws of Manu, Ca. A.D. 200, stress the need to control women because of their evil character" (Wadley 117). Submission to male control is the sole duty of women in the Hindu society. Trained from a young age in self–sacrifice, the female is subject to her father, then to her husband, and is never independent herself. Despite the circumstance, she must at all times be a faithful wife and worship her husband as a god. In the patriarchal interpretation of these sacred texts, the wife should always strive to be pure and submissive. Mythology also provides endless models of a good wife, where the male authoritative figure prescribes control of women. As the wife is taught to serve her husband as a god, without murmur or complaint, I will explore the symbolic relevance of gods and goddesses toward wives obedience to husbands. The interchangeable symbols of Hindu gods and goddesses to be discussed are derived from various ritual contexts and legends. Some interchanges of male and female symbolic meanings about marriage correspond with evoking symbolic perspectives of gods and goddesses (Ferro–Luzzi 45). According to Susan ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Indian Mythology Of Hindu Mythology INTRODUCTION In Mythologies across the world there have been innumerable references to non–heterosexuality. Hindu mythology tells of women becoming men, such as Shikhandi, and men becoming women, in the case of Vishnu who turns Mohini. There are also stories of men creating children without women and vice versa, Nara and Narayana who gave birth to Urvashi, and the boneless Bhagirath who was born of two women. Even the languages of this country, Sanskrit, Prakrit and Tamil include words like kliba, napumsaka, mukhabhaga, pedi, etc that point to familiarity with non heterosexual behavior and thought. Indian mythology is a work in progress. That is to say a story that continues to be told and retold over generations. It has developed sub–plots; new characters have been introduced and relatable events and changes in perspectives according to the storyteller have taken place. This is especially true of the epics of Hindu mythology, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The Mahabharata reached its final form somewhere between 300 BCE and 300 CE. It is generally thought that it was initially a simple folk story. With each retelling, it was "appropriated, Sanskrit–ized, and sanitized by Brahmins". Earlier the book was known as Jaya, with 8,800 verses, attributed to Vyasa; Bharata with 24,000 verses as recited by Vaisampayana, and finally the Mahabharata as told by Ugrasrava Sauti exceeding 100,000 verses. The present version includes eighteen chapters and spans over seven ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Sikhism and Hinduism Comparison The Status and Role of Women in Hinduism and Sikhism Renee Thompson 996976438 Professor Shiu Monday July 4th, 2011. Religion plays a crucial role in the daily lives of millions of people. This is even more evident in India. Hinduism and Sikhism are two very prominent religions in this nation (Pinkham, 1967). These two religions are closely linked but also have many distinct practices. Issues of the position of women in society, attitudes towards the caste system, and methods of worship are critical aspects of both religions. Among the many distinct practices that are shared between the religions of Hinduism and Sikhism is the status of women. In Hinduism, women can attain a certain status in that they can either become a nun or... Show more content on ... Nonetheless, within the Hindu religion, women's roles have evolved over time and women are going against the social norm of their tradition and their way of life in hopes of being treated in the same manner that Sikh women are within Sikhism (Desai, et al., 1995). Hindu women's traditional roles in the household in India have changed over the past century. The influence of Western scholars as well as Sikhism views on women has brought change to the overall status and role of women in Hinduism so that Hindu women can be recognized in the same way that Sikhism women are. Western scholars who have studied Hinduism have written many books and articles on the sacred scriptures including reviews on the Vedas (hymns and ritual texts) and other religious scriptures that at one point were restricted from Hindu women. As a result of these reviews, the ongoing reconstruction of the social status and roles of Hindu women has brought about many new changes in Hinduism. Some of these changes include changes in education, health measures, problems of early marriages, the positions of widows, and the representation of women in governing bodies (Desai, et al., 1995). For example, within Hinduism now, ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Mythology In Girish Karnad Girish Karnad is a product of cross cultural fertilization. Marathi is his mother tongue. Kannada is the language of his childhood that became the language of the writer. English is his academic language in which he has acquired proficiency. Besides these he knows Hindi and Sanskrit, too. On the one hand he inherited Indian tradition of drama and on the other he acquired modern techniques of drama. He makes good use of Indian mythology in his plays to find parables for the contemporary situations. He picks up stories and characters from Indian mythology and history and through them he dramatizes the contemporary realities. While preparing for his first trip to England he was in an intense emotional turmoil and to escape from it he took up the Mahabharata for casual reading. The story of Yayati strikes him and he finds himself writing a play. Yayati. He wonders how precisely the myth relflects his anxieties and his resentment with all those who expected him to sacrifice his future for his family in India. He admits– "the myth and enabled me to articulate to myself a set of values that I had been unable to arrive at rationally". (Introduction 3) Karnadbelives that he has no dramatic structure in his own tradition to which he can relate himself. That's why in Yayati the language and the theme are Indian but from is drawn not from the Indian mythology but from the western playwrights whom he had read. Yayati was published in 1961. It is a retelling of the Hindu myth on the ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Hindu Mythology Hindu mythology has interesting theories on how the Earth was created and the reincarnation of people, Hinduism is very different to many other mythologies and has some unique key features that make it stand out from the rest. History tells that there are over 330 million gods in Hindu mythology. There are six main gods inHinduism. Hindu's have an interesting belief of what happens to them after death, the afterlife Hindus believe in must be met by accomplishing a goal. Hinduism is a unique belief in many gods, the life cycle and reincarnation of its people. Hindu mythology has been around for ages; it is the world's oldest surviving religion. Hinduism was formed through diverse traditions in the year 2,000 B.C.E. There ... Show more content on ... One day the husband remembered he left his loincloth on a bush so he ordered horseman to get it, when they got there there was no castle. The husband went to the girl and talked, she said she's sorry, she wanted to impress him but really she had no parents. The husband said that its all ok. This story shows how its not good to lie about something, also it shows the love they still have Wisniewski 3 for each other after the husband was lied to (Parameswaran,1). Myths are made to tell to children and usually there is a lesson or story the myth teaches. Another Myth is called Shiva and the Sacrifice. Shiva's father–in–law held a sacrifice for the gods, all of the gods were inited but only Shiva was not invited. Shiva got very angry being left out from the sacrifice that he and some servants of his world attack the ceremony. They ate all the priests and threw blood on the priests. While doing this, a drop a sweat fell onto earth and formed disease. Brahma then promised Shiva could take part in all future sacrifices, in return Shiva made disease into many ailments, this would trouble the humans and animals (,1). This myth was created to show how Hindus believe disease came into this world and how something you do can negatively affect other people. The afterlife Hindus believe in is much different but unique from other beliefs. Hindu's believe life is cyclical. This means that they do not just die once but are reborn ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Before I really get into my personal experience at the... Before I really get into my personal experience at the Durga temple, I would like to begin my experience paper by throwing a light on my religion. I personally belong to a Muslim family and have practiced Islam throughout my life. Islam is one of the monotheistic religions, which means people only believe in one God usually referred as Allah. All the individuals, including me, believe that everything in this world has been created by all mighty Allah. He has the power and authority of diminishing and raising thing. Islam is based on its five pillars; Namaz (prayer), Roza (fasting), Hajj (pilgrimage), Zakat (Give away), and Jahad (struggle in way of Islam). In contrast Hinduism has many different deities and all of them have a specific ... Show more content on ... I went to the temple in the afternoon, because the timing for the Hanuman pooja was seven o'clock pm. When I arrived at the temple I was shocked just by looking at the lights. The whole temple was surrounded by the colorful lights, which made me feel like that I am in another world. As I walked closer to the temple I saw the sign of swastika on the security gates of the temple. I asked the purpose of this sign from a person who was standing outside the temple, he said, "this symbol stand for good fortune, luck, and well–being". As I moved forward I noticed that there is a huge bell hanging from the roof of the temple, as the people were walking upstairs they were ringing the bell. I did the same thing as the other people were doing, just to make sure that they do not fell any kind of disrespect. I have always seen those kinds of bells either in the movies or dramas, but not in real life. After enjoying all this, finally I got a chance to go inside the temple. When I entered the temple there were two installs, one on my left the other one on my right side. On this stands there was all the stuff available that a person need to perform a pooja. Hinds call this concept as "samagri". The incremental's that were present on the table consists of metal plate, flowers, coconut, cloth, and leaves. As I moved further I saw the sign, which was indicating the direction of the main hall. On top of the door of the main ... Get more on ...