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1. Characteristics of your school
What are the main characteristics of your school?
Drawing on Part B and C of this form and other relevant data, write a brief description of its features.
(Please note that this is an opportunity for a brief written summary of the main characteristics of your school and
it is not necessary to repeat tables of data.)

Please outline the main characteristics of the learners, including:
- their attainment on entry and how you know this
- their social and economic backgrounds, indicating the level of prosperity or deprivation.
Please enter text here

Ribston Hall High School is a selective girls’ school with a mixed Sixth Form with a small number of male students. There are 780
students on roll, 204 in the Sixth Form. The school is oversubscribed with over 400 girls registering for 114 places.
Gloucestershire operates a ‘mixed economy’ of secondary education with four single-sex selective schools in the City of
Gloucester. Selection is by means of two verbal reasoning tests and the VRQ range is 105 – 141. When compared with schools in
our County Comparator Group (7 selective schools) our average VRQ on intake is between 1.7 and 5 VRQ points below the
Students join from between 50 and 60 Primary schools from across Gloucestershire, with 86% of the girls living within the
Gloucester City Boundary. The number of students eligible for Free School Meals is significantly below the National Average.
At Post 16 we have an open enrolment, inviting students from other schools to join the Sixth Form. Over 25% of Sixth Form
students receive the Educational Maintenance Allowance. At the end of Advanced Level courses a high proportion of students
take up places in Higher Education, whilst others seek employment with training.
Currently there are 5 Looked After Children on roll; and 12% of students have indicated an ethnic background. There are 10
students on the Special Needs Register. 27 students have indicated that English is not their first language.
Attendance is good 2005: 95.2%; 2006: 95%


Please summarise briefly your distinctive aims and describe any special features of your school. For example:
- whether your school is a specialist school, and if so: whether it has any high-performing specialist school (HPSS) options; your
distinctive aims and how the school has strengthened its specialist areas and benefited from its specialist status; and the impact of
any significant partnerships and community engagement related to the specialism(s)
- whether your school is a trust school, and if so: your distinctive aims; and any contributions trust status makes in driving up
school improvement
- whether your school has a religious character
- any special units
- significant partnerships with other providers or agencies (such as shared arrangements for the curriculum, federal
arrangements, or partnerships with employers)
- whether your school is an extended school and the rationale for the range of services you offer or make available through the
school, in relation to the needs of pupils, their families and the community
- whether your school has other particular characteristics, including significant awards you have received, for example
International Schools Award; Healthy Schools Award; Arts Mark Award
- whether your school is implementing the Sustainable Schools framework
Please enter text here

Ribston Hall's mission statement is 'Ribston Hall, a learning opportunity for life'. The distinctiveness of the school is recognised
within this and the aims for the school. We are one of three girls' schools in the City of Gloucester and we have a distinctive
ethos known as the 'Ribston Spirit'.
Ribston Hall achieved Specialist School Status for Humanities in September 2005. Our partner schools are Barnwood Park School
(Girls' 11-16 Comprehensive); Calton Junior School; Heron Primary School; Robinswood Primary School;and St James's C of E
Junior School.
The school is a founder member of the ‘South of Gloucester Sixth Form Partnership’ (SOGVIP),a partnership between two
comprehensive schools and two selective schools offering an extended curriculum to students within the schools.
The school is a member of the Gloucester City 14 - 19 project and G15 (a partnership involving all of the Secondary Providers in
Gloucester City).
The school works closely with the other Gloucestershire Selective Schools to share good practice.
Ribston Hall is a member of the Gloucester City Sports Partnership and as such works closely with a ‘family’ of Primary Schools
as well as all 14 Secondary Schools (including one Special School).
We are an extended service school and work with a number of schools in the South West Gloucester Cluster: The Crypt School;
Calton Junior School; Calton Infant School; Linden Primary School ; St Paul's Primary School; Hempsted Primary School; and The
Lighthouse Children's Centre.

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The school achieved Artsmark Gold as recognition of its work in the arts as well as Sportsmark accreditation. Ribston Hall has
recently been re-awarded the International School Award.
Four subject departments were listed in the Gloucestershire 'Top 10 Departments for GCSE': Design & Technology; English; ICT;
and Modern Foreign Languages.
We have an Advanced Skills Teacher (AST) for Dance who works with a number of Secondary Schools in Gloucestershire.
New building work began in April 2007 to replace 8 temporary classrooms. A successful bid has been made to build a further 6
classrooms and extend the new building.


Please outline specific contextual or other issues that act as aids or barriers to raising performance. For example:
- any difficulties in recruiting and retaining staff or governors, for example in science and maths
- recent or impending reorganisation
- mobility of learners and any significant impact on behaviour
- particularly important facts in your recent history, such as change of leadership.
Please enter text here

Aids to raising performance:
Staffing – well qualified, specialist staff teach across the age and ability range. The staffing is stable and we have been able to
make additional appointments for September 2007 following an increase in student numbers in the Sixth Form.
The specialism in Humanities has enabled us to offer additional courses including Classical Civilisation and Citizenship (AS level).
Links with the wider community have been increased and we offer ‘evening classes’ for local adults.
Support from outside agencies is good.
Barriers to raising performance:
The budget and accommodation have been barriers, the latter will continue until the new building is completed in Spring 2008.
When this is completed there will still be a shortfall, particularly for Physical Education and Drama.


Please outline briefly the main priorities in your improvement/development plan, and how they reflect the context
in which you work.
Please enter text here

 In May 2007 the senior staff and governors reviewed the aims and mission for the school (available in the School Prospectus).
We agreed to keep the vision 'Ribston Hall, a learning opportunity for life' and re-wrote some of the aims to take account of the
Strategic Outcomes for the school. These are: Ribston Hall is an excellent school; Ribston Hall is the Preferred choice for girls at
11 and for our students at 16; Ribston Hall, 'adds value' at all levels; Ribston Hall's buildings are fit for purpose; Ribston Hall has
high expectations for all of its students; and Ribston Hall enables all students to achieve the 'Every Child Matters' outcomes. From
these strategic outcomes and the 2006 Self Evaluation process we identified the areas for development over the next three
The School Development Plan is a three year plan 2007 -10.
The are five areas for development which are cross referenced with the five Every Child Matters outcomes.
The areas and objectives for 2007/8 include:
Achievement and standards: Responding to data including RaiseOnline; Fischer Family Trust; Learning Achievement Tracker
and Ribston Hall information to ensure that all students have the opportunity to reach the highest levels of achievement.
Personal Development and well-being: Achieving HealthySchoolstatus; Further work on the role of the Tutor; developing an
improved PSHE&C programme.
Quality of Provision: A whole school focus on Assessment for Learning; Developing Stretch and Challenge in all subject areas; A
full curriculum review to include all three Key Stages.
Leadership and management: The introduction of the revised Performance Management programme; Departmental Reviews;
Middle Leaders programme
Premises: The building development programme

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2. Views of learners, parents/carers, community and other stakeholders
What are the views of learners, parents/carers and other stakeholders, including hard to reach groups, and how
do you know?


How do you gather the views of learners, parents/carers and other stakeholders, such as those accessing
additional services; how often do you do this, and how do you ensure the impartiality of the information?
Please enter text here

Students are given a voice through:
A structure of elected Year Councils, run by School Prefects, link into the School Council, chaired by the Head Girl has been
developed, although this is currently under review for 2007/8.
Many departments use the student voice to reflect on work completed in particular topics e.g. History and Design Technology.
Whole school student questionnaire – May 2006 based on LPSH Questionnaire
Year 7 and Year 12 student questionnaires – May 2007 based on LPSH Questionnaire
Student questionaire about uniform - June 2007
Student ‘travel to school’ survey (LA annual)
Ribston Hall has very constructive links with parents.
Parents' Evenings, both consultation and information, are very well attended (over 90% for each Year Group).
A full school parent questionnaire was distributed in 2006 and the findings have influenced some aspects of school life.
Year 7 Parents were consulted in 2007 and decisions need to be made on the format and timing of Parent Consultation in the
There is an active Parents' Association (RHA) and former students’ association (RHOGA).
Each student has a ‘Planner’ and this is used for two way contact between school and parents.
Parents are also asked for feedback following the receipt of the full subject report each year.
Parent Questionnaire distributed to all parents in May 2006
Parent Questionnaire distributed to Year 7 Parents in May 2007.
Parent Consultation on Uniform May 2006
Other stakeholders
Staff Questionnaire (based on ‘Secondary Strategy ‘Behaviour & Attendance Questionnaire)
Anti-bullying policy (2004/5)– students, staff and parents through Directors of Learning & Support
Rewards and Sanctions (2005/6) – students and staff through Directors of Learning & Support
Staff through ‘Wednesday Evening’ meeting structure (Full Staff, Curriculum Team, Year Teams, Departmental and cross-
curricular Teaching & Learning groups).
Management Team Meetings involving Directors of Learning & Support (Year Heads); Director of Specialism (Humanities); and
Examinations Manager
Performance Management Cycle
Regular Newsletter
School Counsellor – very supportive – keen to extend involvement in school life by training student mentors
Work Experience comments from employers are very supportive
Renewed enthusiasm for the Ribston Hall Association (Parents, teachers & friends of the school)
Long established former student organisation – RHOGA
Views of Governors sought through meeting cycle, visiting Governors and questionnaire (2006)
Headteacher’s Performance Management through external advisor and governors
Humanities Steering Group (Primary partners, Secondary Partner, LA representative, Charity Representative and Governors)
Sixth Form Partnership schools through ‘SOGVIP’
School Travel Plan consultation
School Improvement Partner Visits
Discussions with Trainee Teachers
 Wider Community
We seek the views of the wider community in a variety of ways:
The Director of Humanities meets regularly with the partner primary and secondary schools including those in the South West
Gloucester Cluster (Extended School). This link gives access to a wide range of community groups.
The Headteacher chairs the Executive Committee of the Sixth Form PartnershipThe Director, Post 16 chairs the Heads of Sixth
Form Group in the Sixth Form Partnership.
The Headteacher is represented at the Gloucester City 14 – 19 Partnership .
The Headteacher is a School Improvement Partner working with the Local Authority and with Torbay Council
The Finance and Facilities Manager is Secretary to the Gloucestershire Bursars' Association and sits on the ASCL Bursars’

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Questionnaires are anonymous, but year based so that we can look at responses from different year groups.
To date all of the analysis has been completed by the school.


What do the views of learners, parents/carers and other stakeholders, including your hard to reach groups, for
example young carers, tell you about:
- learners' standards and progress
- learners' personal development and well-being
- the quality of your provision, (curriculum; teaching and learning; and care, guidance and support)
- parents'/carers' views of the transition arrangements for pupils joining the school in Year 7 and later.
Please enter text here

Parent responses: (% ranges relate to different year groups; the first number is the lowest %; the second number the highest
Learners' standards: Parent responses indicate that standards are high with examination results as expected. (90 – 100%).
Students make good progress (79 – 100%). Students are happy in school (87-97%).
Personal Development & Well being: Parent responses indicate that students are well cared for and able to develop within a
supportive environment; discipline and behaviour are good (82- 100%), a small number of parents have concerns about school
Quality of Provision: The curriculum is good and there are many opportunities for extra-curricular activities and developing
talents in Music and Sport. Some parents would like opportunities for further study which we are addressing through the
introduction of some twilight courses. Buildings affect the quality of provision, 14 temporary classrooms reflect the lower
percentages of satisfaction.
Student responses:
Learners' standards: The students get information about how well they are doing and receive targets for improvement. They find
school work interesting and get regular homework.
Personal Development & Well-being: Students enjoy being in school and know who they can talk to if they have a problem. A
small number of students do not think adults treat them fairly
Quality of Provision: The students feel safe in school, there are plenty of extra curricular activities, the majority think that Ribston
Hall is a good school.
Parents support the school through attendance at Parents Evenings which is excellent, e.g. Year 7 2006- 98% attendance
Very few complaints are received from parents (1 in 2006/7)
Parents are keen to attend reviews both statutory ie SN Review or LAC review or informal when parents are asked to discuss
their daughter’s progress.


How do you share with parents/carers and other stakeholders the collated findings about their views?
Please enter text here

The school newsletter ‘Ribston News’.
Regular letters to parents.
The school has recently set up a School Web site with areas for Students, Staff, Parents, Governors, Former students and the
Ribston Hall Association.
Governors are kept informed through fortnightly Committee Meetings.
Staff are kept informed through Daily staff briefing (Year Teams on Tuesdays), email and a ‘screen’ in the Staff Room in
addition to the Wednesday Evening Meetings.

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Give an evaluation of areas where you have successfully involved learners, parents/carers and stakeholders in
improving provision
- include the ways you have used the views of stakeholders, including pupils, to influence the priorities noted in section 1d (please
cross-refer to any relevant comments in the leadership and management section)
- include ways in which you have sought to involve and engage with parents/carers, in supporting improved outcomes for their
- how do key stakeholders from partner schools and the wider community contribute to the review and development of your
specialism(s) and/or other partnership activities?
Please enter text here

 School Council meetings have raised issues about Uniform (Introduction of Trousers) this has resulted in a consultation exercise
with parents prior to a Governor decision and trial in 2006/7. Further consultation has resulted in the introduction of trousers for
Main School students between November and March.
SAM Learning has been introduced to support out of hours learning

The School Travel Plan involved a variety of stakeholders including students, parents, governors and the neighbouring primary
school. Proposed developments will be put in place once the new building has been completed. These improvements should
restrict the number of unauthorised visitors to the site.

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3. Achievement and standards
How well do learners achieve?
To help you focus your comments and judgements in completing this section, please consult the relevant pages in
the Guidance for Inspectors of Schools.
In answering the following questions, please make clear the main evidence, such as performance data, assessments and records
of learners' progress, on which your evaluation is based (but please use data selectively, avoiding the copying out of
tables of descriptive information). If the school's own interpretation of standards and achievement is not reflected in published
data, then this needs to be carefully explained.

How well do learners achieve, and how high are their standards? For example:
- test and examination results; whether learners reach challenging targets
- the standards of learners' current work (noting any significant differences between past results and current work)
- learners' progress including comparisons with the progress of similar pupils in other schools. Note any significant differences in
the progress of groups of learners, including any groups that are achieving particularly well or are underachieving (for example,
pupils with learning difficulties and disabilities, looked after children, particular minority ethnic groups, including Gypsy, Roma and
Traveller learners, those who join the school other than at the normal date of admission, and those who are socially or
economically disadvantaged) and the extent of the school's success in closing any gaps in attainment
- the extent to which information and communication technology (ICT) capability and other key skills enable learners to improve
the quality of their work and make progress
- the extent to which specialist subject attainment targets have been met
- the impact of specialist status in raising standards in the specialism, standards more generally across the school and in partner
- the extent to which any extended services contribute to better achievement and higher standards.
Please enter text here

 Current achievement and standards in Key Stage 3 are good. There has been a slight dip in the Average Point Score in 2007
 reflecting the English results which were returned to the Board for remarking . Over the last five years attainment has been
 significantly higher than national and county averages. In 2007 achievement at L5+ was over 99%. In this selective school,
 standards on entry to KS3 are high, but below the average for the LA comparator group of Grammar schools. The VRQ range for
 the 2004 cohort that took the Key Stage 3 tests in 2007 was between 103 and 133 with one student at 141. In 2005, the last
 year for which selective school comparative data was provided by the LA, the Ribston average VRQ was 119.2, for the
 comparator group it was 122.0. A similar 2-3 point difference is evident over the preceding five years. Our students are well-
 motivated and generally hard-working. School monitoring and tracking systems indicate that students are supported to achieve
 suitable targets. We require departments to target progression of at least 2 NC levels over KS 3 if attainment on entry is the
 expected level or above. In 2007 all members of Year 9 achieved L5+ in Mathematics and Science with 99% in English. In the
 foundation subjects all students achieved Level 5+ except in Modern Foreign Languages where 97.2% achieved Level 5+. The
 L6+ target of 97% was exceeded in Mathematics. Science missed the target by 1% and English was below the target by 10%. As
 noted earlier the English Tests were returned to the examination board for re-marking, this increased the overall percentage of
 Level 6 from 72% to 87%. All students achieved additional marks in the questions which were remarked, but since the review
 panel agreed to a partial remark across the test papers, the amended results do not necessarily reflect the students' actual
 Current standards in KS 3 are good. The further development of the CMIS assessment data base provides more detailed
 information about progress in each year group and monitoring indicates that most students are on track to achieve target levels.
 Overall performance in core subjects compared with similar schools is significantly higher than expected and well above the
 national averages.
 Evidence - FFT and Gloucestershire LA CVA 3 Year summary.
 FFT PA measure - 2007 CVA for KS 2-3, PA NC mean level was in the 37th percentile; for core subjects Level 5+ and Level 6+
 the 48th percentile. The three year combined gives 14th percentile for NC Mean Level; 36th percentile for Level 5+; and 7th
 percentile for Level 6+.
 Progress in English was significantly lower last year. This reflects the difficulties the department has with the inconsistency of
 marking of the KS3 tests. 2006 was the first year in 4 that KS3 English results were judged to be in line with teacher assessment,
 in 2007 test results were below Teacher Assessment.
 The achievement and progress of SEN, FSM, Ethnic Minority and EAL students do not differ significantly from those of students in
 other groups. We make a point of treating all students equally and of monitoring CiC students very closely.
 LA analysis 2007; FFT 2007; SAT and teacher assessment data 2007.
 Key Stage 4:
 Achievement and standards in Key Stage 4 are good.
 In 2007 the percentage of 5 or more A* -C passes including English and Mathematics was over 98% ; well above the LA

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average. The 2007 cohort achieved 51.4% of their grades at A*-A, slightly below the aspirational target of 55%. The majority of
our students are capable and conscientious but some lack confidence in their ability to achieve at the highest levels and to
demonstrate independent thought and evaluation in formal assessments. Many of our students are from family backgrounds
where there is no history of further or higher education. In KS4 and 5 we are mindful that we need to maintain student
confidence to achieve at a high level and to aspire to Higher Education.
We do this in a variety of formal and informal ways, e.g. through Y11 interviews with SLT after the Mock examinations, Careers
Education, the Mentoring Programme, and through Y12 and 13 University conferences.
In 2007 the highest performing subjects, with an average point score of over 50, were Dance, English Literature, Geography,
Physical Education, Design Technology Food and Design Technology Textiles. These departments are well-established with
experienced leaders; teaching is engaging and innovative and good practice is shared across teams.
The lowest performing subject was Business Studies with an average point score of 42.5. The department changed the format of
the examination this year without a coursework element. In Religious Studies the GCSE course is started in Year 9 and has a
reduced timetable commitment in Key Stage 4 compared with other GCSE subjects.
Students make good progress in Key Stage 4.
The CVAs for KS4 appear to have now sustained at a level above that expected.
VA for the PA capped point score, KS2-4, was significantly higher than expected in 2007. (16th percentile rank).
The Key Stage 2 - 4 Average Point Score was significantly higher than expected but the Total Point Score was significantly lower,
reflecting the fact that students take 10.5 GCSE subjects. VA in English is higher than expected but varying over the past 3 years.
In Mathematics it is also significantly higher than expected. VA in Science has declined over three years. The Science Department
prioritised earlier and more intensive examination preparation last year but consistency across the subjects needs to be a
continuing focus.
Summary of FFT/LA analyses 2007
Achievement KS2-4 is within the expected range.
Achievement in Key Stages 3 and 4 is within the expected range and VA for CPS and 5+ A*-C over the last three years on the PA
measure is significantly higher than expected.
Achievement in non-core subjects over the last 3 years has been variable. Consistently high performing subjects are English,
English Literature, Dance, History and Geography. The lowest performing subjects are Drama and Business Studies. Results in
Religious Studies are variable with no obvious trend. Technology subjects show an improving trend and ICT has improved
steadily over 3 years.
FFT and LA analyses 2007; School assessment and monitoring database.
Overall, in addition to maintaining current standards and progress at Key Stage 4, the school needs to prioritise raising
attainment at A/A* level and a number of strategies and initiatives have been identified to this end.
Current progress:
The whole school academic monitoring programme contributes to improving standards and continues to be developed. In 2005
all departments compiled banks of subject curricular targets for each Key Stage. These are used to inform teachers' marking,
assessment and reporting to advise students on their further progress.
GCSE Study Skills seminars have been introduced with follow-up tutorial sessions. Students have responded positively and Mock
examination results indicated that the majority of students were on track to achieve target grades. A small number of students
are offered individual mentoring support in a programme which targets borderline and underachieving students in Y11.
Last year we reviewed and extended the use of the assessment and reporting database. Staff are now in a better position to
track student progress against end of year and Key Stage targets and intervene when required. As a consequence, students are
more aware of their current achievement and predicted outcomes.
Departments have compiled registers of Able, Gifted and Talented students as a means of supporting and challenging those with
high/exceptional ability, and a significant number have been nominated for Young Gifted & Talented membership. The
programmes of enrichment which we offer Able, Gifted and Talented students are also open to any students who are interested
in participating.
All departments have participated in INSET on subject work sampling, focusing on standards across ability groups and on
consistent use of school policies and AfL strategies.
Information Communications Technology
Results at both Key Stage 3 and 4 are high with students achieving the highest levels at Key Stage 3 and the highest grades at
GCSE (short course).
Humanities Specialism
Key Stage 3: History the %Level 5+ was met, however the Level 6+ and Level 7+ fell below target; in Geography the targets set
were met and the percentage achieving Level 7 was exceeded by 14.6%; the Religious Studies Levels were met at Level 5+ and
exceeded target at both Level 6+ (10%) and Level 7+ (42%).
Key Stage 4: The percentage of A* - C grades target was met in History, was 1.4 % below in Geography and 4.1% and 5.5%
below in the two Religious Studies courses. In Geography the percentage of A* and A grades was exceeded by 25%. In History,
it was exceeded by 6.7%. The targets for Religious Studies were too ambitious as they related to the other subjects which have
more than twice the amount of curriculum time.

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Where relevant, how well do learners achieve in the sixth form? For example:
- the standards of learners' current work in relation to their learning goals
- learners' progress relative to their prior attainment at GCSE and any significant variations between groups of learners (utilising
value added measures including ‘New Measures of Success')
- the extent to which specialist subject attainment targets for the sixth form have been met
- rates for the completion of courses.
Please enter text here

Standards in the Sixth Form are good compared with National Averages.
The 2007 Advanced Level target of 52% A and B grades was exceeded with 58.6%. (2006 - 59.4%).
Attainment in 2007 was in line with expectations and broadly average.
Average UCAS points (no GS) = 325.56 (2006 - 294.04)
Average UCAS points (with GS) = 370.2 (2006 - 331.7)
Pass rate = 98.5%
All 63 students in Y13 obtained at least 2 Advanced Levels
Achievement in 2007 was within the expected range. The school intended to develop the use of the Learning & Skills Council's
'Learning Achievement Tracker' (LAT) as a tool for analysing subject and student data; however we have since been invited to
use the ALPS scheme. The school is also part of DCSF post 16 CVA Pilot.
Advanced Subsidiary modules are taken in Year 12 and results are used for internal monitoring and are not published.
Links between attainment, learning goals and post 18 progression show that 98% of the Year 13 achieved the grades to take up
their places at University.
Attainment - There is little difference between the gender of the learners. The 2007 cohort boys chose to study sciences and
business studies as opposed to the most recent cohort of boys who study subjects across the whole range.
The highest performing subjects, with a UCAS point score of over 100, at Advanced Level were Dance, Government and Politics
and Geography. High achieving students studied Business Studies, Textiles, French, German and History.
The least successful subjects, with a UCAS score of less than 65 points were Human Biology and Art & Design.
The only subject that did not achieve a 100% pass rate was Psychology, due to three students not completing the course.
The intention to use LAT to analyse progress has not been successful. ALPS data has been sent for analysis.
Using the Alps data, the 2007 cohort was divided up into four groups:

     1.   those with an average GCSE Points Score of 7 or more (52); 18 students
     2.   those with an average GCSE Points Score of 6 or more (46); 27 students
     3.   those with an average GCSE Points Score of 5 or more (40); 18 students
     4.   and less than 5 (less than 40) 1 student.

In group A, 61% achieved their target grades; 22% missed one target grade but achieved the other two.
In group B, 30% achieved their target grades; 26% missed one target grade but achieved the other two.
In Group C, 39% achieved their target grades; 44% missed one target grade but achieved the other two.
In Group D the one student missed one target grade by not completing the course.
Overall 27% met their target grades in all of their subjects; 13% exceeded their target grades in all of their subjects.
54 girls and 10 Boys
50% boys met or exceeded their target grade; 31% girls met or exceeded their target grade.
Highest scoring subjects were Dance, DT Textiles, Geography, German, Government & Politics, in which all achieved 100% of
their grades awarded at A or B. The average GCSE scores for those groups ranged between 6.4 (Dance) and 7.5 (German).
The lowest scoring subject was Drama but it also had one of the lowest GCSE Average Point Scores (6.1).
Following public examinations, results data is used to inform student and department development.
Tracking progress
Intervention plans - student and departmental based
Specialist Subjects
Key Stage 5: In History the percentage achieving A and B Grades at AS level was significantly below target but the percentage at
A2 was significantly above target ( 20%). In Geography the AS target was met and was exceeded by 40% at A2. In Religious
Studies (Philosophy & Ethics) both the AS and A2 A/B percentage was below target by 5.1% and 12% respectively.
Completion of course rates:
High rate of completion - with the exception of 2 students who left to gain employment and 1 who left for health reasons, all Year
13 students completed their courses.

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On the basis of your evaluation, what are your key priorities for development?
Please enter text here

Raise standards and achievement in all Key Stages, especially for higher attaining students, through:
(a) embedding Assessment for Learning, led by Assistant Headteacher
(b) use of performance data, led by Deputy Headteacher
(c) developing independent study skills across the curriculum, led by Senior Leadership Team
(d) Intervention programme, led by Assistant Headteacher with Directors of Learning and Support
To improve data analysis by Subject Leaders, Directors of Learning & Support and Pastoral teams.
Investigate the opportunity for CMIS (the School's Management Information System) to monitor and track student assessment.


Please enter grades in boxes below.
To guide judgement, please consult grade descriptions in Guidance for Inspectors.

                                         Outstanding       Good      Satisfactory Inadequate
Learners'                 Whole school                       X
achievement in their
work                      Sixth Form                         X

                          Whole school                       X
Learners' standards
in their work             Sixth Form                         X

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4. Personal development and well-being
How good is the overall personal development and well-being of the learners?
To help you focus your comment and judgements in completing this section, please consult the relevant pages in
the Guidance for Inspectors of Schools. Your answers here should focus on learners' outcomes; the school's
contribution to these outcomes will be covered in section 5.
In answering the following questions, please make clear the main evidence on which your evaluation is based (for
example: evidence of participation rates, evidence of learners' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development which runs as a
theme across all of these areas (4a -4f), and data on the number of recorded bullying or racist incidents in school).

To what extent do learners adopt healthy lifestyles? For example:
- whether learners take adequate physical exercise, and eat and drink healthily
- learners' understanding of how to live a healthy lifestyle (for example, through education about smoking, substance abuse and
sexual health risks).
Please enter text here

 The promotion of a healthy lifestyle is evaluated as good.
 All Key Stage 3 students have the opportunity for vigorous exercise at least three times a week.
 All Key Stage 4 students have the opportunity for vigorous exercise at least twice a week.
 Evidence: School Curriculum Model; Physical Education and Dance Records
 Sixth Form students state that they were aware of requirements for a healthy lifestyle.
 The majority of the Sixth Form take physical exercise outside of school PE sessions; many use Ribston’s fitness suite in addition
 to local leisure facilities/ dance and exercise classes, some students exercise at home.

 Evidence: Year 12 End of Year Review June 05/06, Enhancement Programme, Sixth Form Council.

 A Healthy Lifestyle:
 A broad Physical Education and extra-curricular programme extends the fitness training and competition focus beyond traditional
 games, eg athletics, trampolining, girls’ rugby, football and cricket, cross country, swimming, table tennis, basketball, health
 related fitness
 Many students represent local clubs and the county and a number go on to compete at national level
 The increased number of extra-curricular clubs has extended participation
 The school was awarded Sportsmark status and the Football Association Charter in 2005
 The PE department in partnership with Gloucestershire School Sports Co-ordination Programme also operates an extensive
 extra-curricular programme involving pupils from partner primary schools and Ribston Hall students from all Key Stages. Sixth
 Form students are involved in the Community Sports Leaders Award scheme and GCSE PE students participate in the Junior
 Sports Leaders Award scheme.
 To encourage more girls to take part in physical activity a 'Health and Beauty' Course has been organised at GL1 out of school
 Evidence: PE Department Records; PESSCL Survey.

 Healthy Eating:
 School catering is provided by ‘Alliance in Partnership’ who provide a balanced menu each day, including hot meals and healthy
 snacks. The company works in close partnership with the school and has responded positively to student requests for increased
 choice of salads, etc. THe school meals meet the Government standards for school meals.
 Water coolers for student use are centrally situated and also in the Sixth Form Centre.

 Other health related issues

 The school nurse runs a drop in service each week, which supplements the support given by Directors of Learning Support and
 their teams of group tutors
 The school works with ‘SHARE’ a young people’s counselling group and the school has its own counsellor.
 Mental health issues are addressed through access to C.A.M.H.S., via referral through the school nurse or Social Services.
 Referrals are also occasionally made to the Educational Psychology Service.
 Drugs and anti-smoking education is provided through the PSHE&C programme in Key Stages 3 and 4 and the school operates an
 anti-drugs policy (school policy documents and PSHE&C schemes of work).
 The PSHE&C and Science programmes also address sex education. Pregnancy preventative advice and information is also
 provided by the school nurse.

Created on Friday 18 January 2008                                                                                         Page 10 of 25

To what extent do learners feel safe and adopt safe practices? For example:
- whether learners feel safe from bullying, including religious, racial (including Gypsy, Roma and Travellers of Irish heritage),
sexual and homophobic incidents
- the extent to which learners have confidence to talk to staff and others when they feel at risk
- the extent to which learners adopt safe and responsible practices in using new technologies, including the Internet.
Please enter text here

Learners feel safe and adopt safe practices. The evidence is:

All students are well supported through a comprehensive pastoral support network staffed by tutors and experienced Directors of
Learning Support. All incidents of bullying are dealt with promptly through the school’s Anti-bullying policy. Bullying and respect
for racial and ethnic diversity are addressed in the PSHE&C programme.
Parent responses to the questionnaire indicate that students are well cared for and the school deals firmly with bullying.
Students enjoy being at school and feel safe at break and lunchtime.
No racist incidents have been reported since June 2004
The school has a rigorous risk assessment policy and health and safety policies are effective. All staff comply with the
requirements of these policies.
The school’s accident and incident reporting system is thorough. Accidents are reported to the LA’s health and safety team, who
maintain records and assist in preventative measures when necessary.
The school produced a ‘Travel Plan’ in conjunction with the neighbouring Junior and Infant Schools and the Local Authority. This
reflects safe practices travelling to and from school and further improvements.
All members of Year 7 are invited to take part in the Cycling Proficiency Scheme.
There are good relationships between staff and students and staff are available throughout the school day and after school to
meet the needs of students.
Associate (Non-teaching and supervisory staff) play a full part in the care and support of students and report and refer issues
At the beginning of each Key Stage there is an Induction programme (Years 7,10 and 12)
The school follows the LA’s policies Safeguarding Children and Looked after Children and liaises closely with relevant
agencies. There is a trained Child Protection Officer. The welfare of the small number of students in care is overseen by the
Deputy Headteacher and Directors of Learning Support.
The school has established a link with the Police School Liaison Unit.
There are a number of well-qualified First Aiders on the staff and there is an annual programme of St John’s Ambulance first aid
training which is also open to Sixth Form students
Internet User Policy signed by all members of the School Community. ICT staff quick to follow up misuse of the internet.

Created on Friday 18 January 2008                                                                                           Page 11 of 25

How much do learners enjoy their education? For example:
- learners' attitudes and participation, including any significant variations for specific groups of pupils
- how the school's overall absence rate compares with other schools, including those in similar circumstances
- the number of pupils who are persistently absent
Please enter text here

Students enjoy their education at Ribston Hall and provision is evaluated as good.
Prior to joining the school in Year 7 and Year 12 we hold induction days in school for all those joining the school. The Director of
Learning and Support also visits the majority of Primary Schools during the Summer Term to meet the students and their
teachers. In September the first full day of school allows students at the beginning of each Key Stage (3, 4 and 5) to spend a day
in school as an introduction to the new year and Key Stage. There is an introductory evening for parents before the start of each
Key Stage and we intend to produce an ‘ Information Booklet for Parents’ for each year group which will include curricular and
pastoral information.
A high percentage of students in both Key Stage 3 and 5 enjoy being at school, the percentage is slightly lower in Key Stage 4.
Students have a good attitude towards their programme of study and enjoy the Sixth Form.
Attendance rates are high – 95.2% in 2005; 95% in 2006. Attendance is monitored through an electronic registration system and
manually by tutors and Directors of Learning and Support.
A clear sanction code determines levels of punishment including Fixed Term Exclusions. The number of fixed term exclusions
in 2007 was 10. The school has not made any permanent exclusions.
Behaviour is good; the majority of students conduct themselves in a sensible and mature manner which contributes to a calm
and purposeful learning environment.
Lesson observations this year indicate that students engage and participate productively in lessons.
Retention from Y11 to Y12 and from Y12 to 13 is good, indicating a high level of student satisfaction with the quality of their
experience at the school.
The school has recently reviewed and re-developed a Year Council and School Council scheme. Sixth Form Council have enabled
sixth formers to have an active part in the structure of their sixth form e.g. Home Study, Study Area, Sixth Form Block. Sixth
Form Students take part in Whole School Council. The Head Girl leads School and Sixth Form Council
Since September 2006 Sixth Form students (Prefects) lead the Year Council meetings.
Students’ spiritual, moral, social, emotional and cultural development is good.
The assembly programme includes corporate worship based on the Christian tradition and readings, prayers and meditations are
used from other faiths. Students regularly plan and lead worship assemblies themselves. A Students' Christian Union group
meets regularly.
A wide range of social, moral and ethical issues are addressed in PSHC&E and in subjects across the curriculum. Students have
taken the initiative to support a number of charity and disaster relief appeals e.g. Over £7,000 was raised in response to the
Tsunami in 2005.
There are high levels of participation in the school’s extensive range of cultural and enrichment activities, eg. orchestras and
bands, choirs, drama club, dance groups, debating society, Enrichment Week
The English and Art departments arrange theatre and art gallery trips every year and there are English, Science and History
clubs running at lunchtimes.
The range of international trips each year encompasses MFL, PE and sports, Art and Design and History
Students have opportunities to take part in World Challenge Expeditions (Kenya, Peru, Ecuador and Mongolia in recent years) and
the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.


How good is the behaviour of learners? For example:
- what proportion of lessons is significantly disrupted by poor behaviour?
Please enter text here

The behaviour of learners is outstanding.
Any incident is responded to promptly by Heads of Department and/or Directors of Learning and Support.
There are clear expectation in lessons and we have introduced a set of classroom guidelines for all staff.
New staff to the school comment on how good behaviour is and what a pleasure it is to teach at Ribston Hall.

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How well do learners make a positive contribution to the community? For example:
- learners' growing understanding of their rights and responsibilities, and of those of others
- how well learners express their views and take part in community activities both within and beyond the school
- if you are a specialist school, how this has helped learners' understanding of and contribution to the community
Please enter text here

Students make a very good contribution to the community. The evidence is:
Students have the opportunity to represent their year and tutor group and articulate their views and perspectives on the Year,
Sixth Form or School Councils
Each term there is an opportunity for tutor groups to nominate peers for positions of responsibility – Form Captains and Vice-
There are opportunities to represent the school, year groups and key stages through the School Prefect system, House Captains,
Sports Captains, School Librarians, Choir Captains and Leaders of the Orchestra
A variety of opportunities are available to students through the PSHE&C programme – Year 7 recycling team and party for Senior
Citizens, Y8 Sportsability event, Y9 Royal British Legion sale of poppies)
Charity/fund raising work – for the school’s charity as well as other special appeals, eg ‘The Big Sing’,
Design & Technology Department produce ‘story sacks’ for a local primary school
Senior students work with younger pupils through CSLA and JSLA programmes (Sports Leaders)
In the Sixth Form:
All students take part in a range of activities, within Enhancement Programme, designed to develop their understanding of their
rights and responsibilities.
All year 12 students in visited the Houses of Parliament in July 2005 and took part in a discussion with the local M.P.
All year 12 have attended at least one theatre performance during the academic year.
Many students have also taken part on a musical/dance/drama performance over the school year.
In addition other students act as volunteers in primary school, youth groups, ‘Playing for Success’ Scheme, CSLA etc.
Developments include the introduction of the ASDAN award which will be piloted with a group of Year 9 Students and the
introduction of a volunteering scheme in the Main School. The Sixth Form are encouraged to take part in the new 'V' scheme and
complete 200 hours of voluntary service.


 How well do learners prepare for their future economic well-being? For example:
- through the development of literacy, numeracy, information and communication technology, financial and enterprise capability,
economic and business understanding, and understanding of sustainable development
- learners' understanding of opportunities for further education and training, and career choices
- learners' acquisition of the social skills and other workplace skills, essential to their future economic well-being.
Please enter text here

Students are well prepared for their future economic well-being.
Students have high level basic skills, all will achieve at least level 2 qualifications in English, Mathematics and ICT
The Work Related & Enterprise Learning audit undertaken in 2005/6 indicates that the WREL elements are addressed in learning
across the curriculum, including the PSHE&C programme. Some students may not be aware of ‘the extent and diversity of local
and national employment opportunities’ (due to the nature of the school and student aspirations), others may not engage with
‘ideas, challenges and applications from the business world’ unless they take GCSE Business Studies.

Sixth Form:
A comprehensive programme covering post 18 options, called “Life After the Sixth Form,” is followed by all students. Conference
Days, trips and visiting speakers enhance school-based provision.
All students receive a series of support packs to facilitate university and employment applications.
 Post –18 Destinations illustrate ‘potential’ match as over 90% attend First Choice Higher Education Institutions.
Links with local training providers show match between local economy and potential e.g. Advanced Level Accountancy Training.
 Links with University of Gloucestershire, as Compact member and SOGVIP.
Links with People and Planet.
Sixth Form students able to arrange their own work placements to enhance career options.
We have reviewed staff roles and appointed an Enterprise Coordinator and an 14 – 19 WRL Coordinator for September 2007.

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Where relevant, how good are learners' personal development and well being in the sixth form?
Please enter text here

The majority of students feel safe from bullying and racist incidents within Ribston Hall.
Students are positive about their programmes of study and enjoy the Sixth Form. The last Ofsted inspection commented on their
excellent attitudes, behaviour and attendance. SOGVIP Conference days include a Philosophy and Ethics Day at the University of
Gloucestershire; students evaluate these days as enjoyable.
Enhancement Programme includes Amnesty International projects and current affairs, General Studies, social and emotional
well-being, cultural, moral and spiritual awareness, plus preparation for ‘Life After the Sixth Form’.
Extra-curricular programme flexible to include any specific areas of interest. All students provided with opportunities to attend
theatre trips, social events e.g. Christmas and Leavers' Balls, sporting, musical, dance and drama activities and clubs supported
by and organised by students.
Links with external organisations e.g. Piped Piper Appeal, Young Enterprise, People and Planet, CSLA, St John’s Ambulance,
World Challenge and Duke of Edinburgh Award.
House and Prefect systems allow students to lead and participate in activities e.g. House Music Competitions, Sports Matches,
Charity work etc.
Evaluation of Individual Learning Plans (ILP’s), Student/Parent Questionnaires and Review of Year enables priority areas for
following academic year to be established. Outcomes discussed by Tutors, Prefect Team and Sixth Form Council


On the basis of your evaluation, what are your key priorities for development?
Please enter text here

Develop a system for on-line lesson registration to ensure students gain recognition for attendance following health or other
appointments that do not take a whole session.Organise a parents evening to discuss the use of the Internet at home –‘Do you
know how your daughter uses the Internet?’
Finalise the application for Healthy School Status
Ensure safe practice in all aspects of school life
Introduce aspects of the ‘Cambridgeshire’ PSHE&C scheme
Review the Role of the Tutor and organise CPD for all
Safeguarding Children - update all members of staff on the procedures
Introduce a Volunteering Scheme
Run an ASDAN Pilot with Year 9
Develop Student Voice (4)


Please enter grades in boxes below.
To guide judgement, please consult grade descriptions in Guidance for Inspectors.
                                                Outstanding      Good        Satisfactory     Inadequate

Learners' personal    Whole school                                 X
development and well-
being                 Sixth form                                   X

Created on Friday 18 January 2008                                                                                       Page 14 of 25
5. The quality of provision
Your evaluation of the quality of provision should take account of the impact of teaching, the curriculum and the
school's care, guidance and support on the standards achieved and the personal development and well-being of
To help you focus your comments and judgements in completing this section, please consult the relevant pages in
the Guidance for Inspectors of Schools.
In answering the following questions, please make clear the main evidence, such as monitoring of teaching, on
which your evaluation is based.

How good is the quality of teaching and learning?
- how well teaching meets individuals' learning needs, encourages their progress and meets course requirements
- how well teaching promotes positive behaviour and learning
- the suitability and rigour of assessment in planning learning and monitoring learners' progress
- the involvement of parents and carers in their children's learning and development
- in specialist schools, the impact that the quality of teaching in the school's specialist subjects has had on other subjects.
Please enter text here

The quality of teaching and leraning is good with outstanding features.
Key Stage 3
The quality of teaching and learning in Key Stage 3 is good.
Attainment at Key Stage 3 is good because lessons are taught by specialist subject teachers who devise schemes of work which
meet National Curriculum requirements.
Assessment at Key Stage 3 has become more rigorous. End of Key Stage targets are set (based upon prior attainment and
baseline data) and shared with students. Teachers use National Curriculum levels and sub levels when making judgements about
student progress. There is evidence of greater consistency of assessment within and across subject departments. The work
scrutiny shows that the marking of student work is regular. Feedback to students provides guidance on how to improve. All
students have two Academic Monitoring interviews each academic year with their tutors in which curricular targets are reviewed
and monitored.
Regular homework is set in accordance with school policy. This is monitored by form tutors and parents sign student planners.
Prior to joining the school the parents attend an induction meeting that informs them about the curriculum, expectations, the
homework policy and the role of the CATs tests.
Key Stage 4
The quality of Teaching and Learning in Key Stage 4 is good:
Attainment at Key Stage 4 is good because lessons are taught by specialist subject teachers who devise schemes of work which
meet GCSE requirements.
Teachers are informed about the individual needs of students with SEN or EAL. Strategies are in place to ensure these needs are
met in the classroom, eg use of key vocabulary. The Additional Support Coordinator monitors provision for these students.
Assessment at Key Stage 4 has become more rigorous. GCSE targets are set (based upon prior attainment and baseline data)
and shared with students. Teachers use GCSE grades when making judgements about student progress. There is evidence of
greater consistency of assessment within and across subject departments. The work scrutiny shows that the marking of student
work is regular. Feedback to students provides guidance on how to improve. All students have two Academic Monitoring
interviews with their tutors in which curricular targets are reviewed and monitored.
Regular homework is set in accordance with school policy. This is monitored by form tutors and parents sign student planners.
Year 10 parents attend an information evening in the first term which outlines the curriculum and other information relevant to
Key Stage 4.
Key Stage 5
The quality of teaching and learning in Key Stage 5 is good.
Academic Monitoring involves students, parents and staff and occurs at least twice during each academic year. Students with
individual learning needs are supported by the Additional Support co-ordinator.
Good attendance at Parents Evenings and Information Evenings with Years 12 and 13.
All students have an Individual Learning Plan, with an analysis of individual learning styles.

Whole School:
Lesson Observations show that in most lessons students are suitably challenged and are taught using a range of appropriate
teaching methods. Formal lesson observations form part of the Performance Management process and Departmental Reviews.
There is a common observation form and judgements are made with clear criteria.
Teachers are knowledgeable about learning styles and there is evidence of subject leaders adapting schemes of work to
incorporate teaching strategies which address the needs of different learners, although this is an area for further development.
All teachers carry out informal observations to share good practice.
Teachers are informed about the individual needs of students with SEN or EAL. Strategies are in place to ensure these needs are
met in the classroom, eg use of key vocabulary. The Additional Support Coordinator monitors provision for these students.
Assessment for Learning is a key focus for all. All teaching staff have received training through a combination of school INSET,
department planning time and LA Consultant support. All subject departments have trialled AfL approaches and there is greater
confidence across the teaching staff in applying AfL in their lessons.
Subject specific examples:

Created on Friday 18 January 2008                                                                                             Page 15 of 25
Business Studies – Good - Independent study shared with other students
Chemistry – Good – high level practical skills developed
Dance – Outstanding – lessons are challenging and well managed with a clear structure
D&T – Good – Parent feedback on Self Assessment sheets
English & Drama – Good – reflective practitioners
History – Outstanding – OFSTED Subject Survey 2006; integration of AfL to extend challenge
Mathematics – Good – student questionnaires, LA Consultant visits
Music – good – quality of practical work produced at KS3
Religious Studies – Good – evaluation skills
Sociology – good – feedback in student exit surveys; retention between AS and A2


How well do the curriculum and other activities meet the range of needs and interests of learners? For example:
- the extent to which the curriculum or activities match learners' needs, aspirations and capabilities, building on prior attainment
and previous experience
- how far the curriculum meets external requirements, for example DCSF benchmarks for languages at Key Stage 4, and is
responsive to local circumstances
- the extent to which the provision enables and encourages learners to be healthy, contributes to learners' personal development
and well-being, and promotes equality of opportunity and community cohesion
- the extent to which enrichment activities, including those enhanced by specialist subject/s and, where appropriate, extended
services and out-of-classroom learning, contribute to learners' enjoyment and achievement
- the extent to which the community benefits from the school's specialist provision
- the provision of impartial careers advice and work-related learning for all pupils in Key Stage 4
- if your school is a specialist school, the extent to which Key Stage 4 and post-16 courses have been broadened, and the extent to
which specialist subject participation targets have been met
- the extent to which learners have opportunities to develop creativity, key skills, enterprise capability, economic and business
understanding, and financial capability, and have access to work-related learning in Key Stage 4
- the extent to which any extended services contribute to improving learners' personal development and well-being.
Please enter text here

The school adheres to the National Curriculum throughout Key Stage 3 (ages 11-14) and Key Stage 4 (ages 15 –16) with German
as an additional language in Key Stage 3 and a language is compulsory at Key Stage 4. Dance is taught throughout Key Stage 3
as a separate subject and is offered as a GCSE course in Key Stage 4.

Key Stage 3
All pupils in Key Stage 3 follow the same programme:
English, Mathematics, Science, Design & Technology, French, German, History, Geography, Religious Studies, Art, Music,
Information Communication Technology, Physical Education, Dance, Personal, Social, Health Education and Citizenship. In
response to demands of the curriculum students may choose to continue with two languages in Year 9 or may specialise in one.
There is setting in Mathematics in Year 8 & 9; In English and Science in Year 9 students join different groups.
From September 2007 we are introducing teaching sets as oppposed to Tutor Groups in Years 8 and 9 to enable students to
work with different peer groups.

Key Stage 4
At Key Stage 4 all pupils follow nine full GCSE courses in English, English Literature, Mathematics and Double Award Science, a
Modern Foreign Language, and three other subjects. These include Drama, Design and Technology, Geography, History,
Religious Studies, Music, Art & Design, Physical Education, Dance, Business Studies and a second Modern Foreign Language.
Students also follow a short courses in ICT and may choose to follow a short course in Religious Studies or take the full GCSE
course. In addition there is a general programme involving Physical Education, Personal, Social, Health Education and Citizenship.

Key Stage 5:
All students follow Advanced Level courses, 25 subjects offered.
Additional Advanced Level and vocational courses available to students through the Sixth Form Partnership (SOGVIP).
Some students also attend evening classes at local Further Education Colleges.
The Sixth Form Application Form highlights other curriculum requests e.g. introduction of English Language from September
2006; and the use of on-line courses such as Classical Civilisation.
All students follow an Enhancement Programme which incorporates citizenship; careers guidance; personal, social and health
education; enrichment and social activities; community service; topical issues and debates; General Studies and the wider key
Subject specific
New courses were introduced in September 2006: Geology GCSE as a twilight course open to Key Stage 4 and 5 and students
from Partnership Schools, Classical Civilisation AS, English Language AS and Spanish
We have introduced Enterprise days into the Year 10 curriculum.
Activities that contribute to the learners enjoymnet of the subject:

Created on Friday 18 January 2008                                                                                         Page 16 of 25
MFL – Year 7 Lille visit; KS4 & 5 Exchanges
D&T Nationally recognised accreditation – CREST Awards
Sociology – visits to Law Courts and Houses of Parliament
PSHE& C – Sportsabilty, Remembrance, Senior Citizens
Music – Extra curricular provision, opportunities to perform
Maths – Year 7 Mathamagic; Maths Challenge
History – Civil War Soldier; Krakow visit
English – Author visit, book week, theatre trips
Drama – Theatre visits and opportunities to perform
Dance – Workshops and scholarships as well as visiting performers and theatre visits
Chemistry –open ended investigations
Biology – Year 12 Fieldwork
Art – wide range of media
RS – Year 9 Independent work on Prejudice and Discrimination
Science – Science Lectures, Science Club
ICT – extension materials for high achievers
Geography – fieldwork at all levels


How well are learners guided and supported? For example:
- the quality and accessibility of care (including integrated day care), advice, guidance and support to safeguard learners' welfare,
promote their personal development and help them achieve well
- the extent to which the school and any additional services contribute to the learners' capacity to be healthy, including vulnerable
groups, such as looked after children
- the quality and accessibility of impartial information and guidance to learners in choosing courses and programmes and, where
applicable, career progression
- the effectiveness of any exclusion provision used by the school to support and reintegrate learners back into mainstream lessons
- the effectiveness of steps taken to reduce absence, including persistent absence, and raising the proportion of pupils with high
levels of attendance
- action taken to promote equality of opportunity, to ensure that all learners achieve good outcomes
- the extent to which the school supports learners in raising their individual standards through marking, assessment and personal
Please enter text here

The quality of guidance and support is good.
The pastoral system provides a large measure of continuity for students. Each Year Group has a Director of Learning & Support
and 4 tutors who move up the school from Year 7 to 11. Year Teams are composed of committed tutors who share a common
vision. Tutors are well - led and supported by Directors of Learning & Support.
There are regular formal meetings between the Directors of Learning & Support and their Senior Leadership Team Link which
focus upon Year Team Development Plans and the School Development Plan.
Each Director of Learning & Support also liaises closely with their Senior Leadership Team Link to support individual students
whose needs require additional support eg Looked After Children; or students whose behaviour/achievement is causing concern.
Directors of Learning & Support and Senior Leadership Team liaise effectively with outside agencies, including Social Services,
and students are referred according to their needs to the “SHARE” Counselling Service.
Child Protection Policy follows Local Authority guidelines. There is a teacher nominated as responsible for Safeguarding Children
issues. All staff have a booklet advising of procedure. New teachers receive an induction session on Safeguarding.
The school has a clear trips and visits procedure which is followed by all trip organisers. Risk assessments show a good level of
understanding about health and safety.
The school has clear vetting procedures in place for all staff appointed, including supply teachers.
Special Needs students have detailed Individual Education Plan’s which the Additional Support Coordinator publishes to teachers.
These consist of clear targets and advice to teachers. The Additional Support Coordinator gives updates to all staff regarding
those students on the Special Needs register.
The PSHE and C programme is well-established and resourced and students’ and tutors’ views inform review of its relevance and
effectiveness. The programme includes guest speakers and activities led by outside agencies, eg Infobus, Health Professionals
Expertise in Assessment for Learning is developing steadily in subject teams to ensure that formative assessment gives students
clear guidance on how to progress well in their work
Cross-phase Key Stage information evenings are held to provide advice and written information on subjects and courses and
subject ‘taster’ sessions are organised before options are chosen
The Deputy Headteacher responsible for Looked After Children liaises regularly with staff and outside agencies, eg CAMHS and
the welfare and progress of Looked After Children is monitored very closely
Management and procedures for Health and Safety, risk assessment, emergency evacuation, child protection, internet use, staff
supervision rotas, signage and disability access are sound

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Key Stage 3
All teaching staff apply Assessment for Learning strategies; students are set ‘End of Key Stage 3 National Curriculum Level
targets’ which are shared with students and parents; students receive “Quick Monitor” National Curriculum Level grades twice a
year and a written report once a year; teachers use curricular targets linked to the National curriculum to communicate areas for
development. These developments have supplemented the well established system of Academic Monitoring interviews which
allow students to engage in a dialogue about their development.
Transition of Year 6 students is well-managed. The Director of Learning and Support visits every Year 6 student in their Primary
School and also meets with their teachers to discuss the students. An induction day and Y6 Parents Evening is held in July. Within
the first 3 weeks of September all Year 7 students go on a residential trip with the Director of Learning and Support, tutors and
other staff. Student evaluation sheets for the residential are very positive.
Year 9 students receive advice and guidance about future options and careers in preparation for deciding upon their GCSE

Key Stage 4
The assessment and reporting cycle gives students and parents information each term on attainment, progress and improvement
targets, based on GCSE Grades. Twice a year the Academic monitoring interviews with personal tutors support students in
celebrating success and identifying areas for development
Key Stage 4 begins with an Induction day in Year 10 and both Year 10 and Year 11 have participated in a Study Skills day led by
an independent trainer
Year 11 students have post-Mock examination interviews with members of the Senior Leadership Team to identify post-16
intentions and aptitudes and causes of any under-achievement
A Year 11 Mentoring programme supports students who are underperforming and mentoring in subjects is offered to students
working at grade borderlines
Careers education and guidance is integrated within the PSHE and C programme. Students receive small group and individual
advice from an experienced Co-ordinator and all students have access to a Connexions personal adviser

Key Stage 5
Sixth Form data tracks progress and provides advice relating to potential. Data gathered informs students for post-18 choices.
Motto within Sixth Form – awareness, aspiration, achievement.
Establishment of Sixth Form Careers base within Sixth Form Block.
Support and guidance packs designed to provide equality of information and enable students to make decisions and take
responsibility for their future.
Parental Guidance packs provided with Parent Information Evenings e.g. start of Year 12 and Higher Education.
Sixth Form Planner and Sixth Form Brochure establishes codes of practice for school, student and parents
Advice Booklets concerning Educational Maintenance Allowances (EMA).
Students act as role models and a support system for younger pupils. Many students hold positions of responsibility and regularly
interact with pupils.
Links with external agencies and SOGVIP partners to extend provision e.g. healthy living, Learning Agreement.


Where relevant, what is the quality of provision in the sixth form?
Please enter text here

The quality of provision in the Sixth Form is good.
Departmental staff are specialists in their Advanced Level teaching areas.
Attendance at Examination Board courses is high, consequently all subject areas provide up-to-date guidance for staff and
Departmental Lesson Observations and informal peer observations include Sixth Form provision to ensure dissemination of good
All Sixth Form students with Specific Learning Difficulties have an IEP to facilitate advancement.
Assessment and monitoring advises students and parents of potential/achievement match.
A comprehensive ‘Life After the Sixth Form’ programme is designed to enable students to successfully gain access to Higher
Education. Nearly all students study at their First Choice University.
100% Advanced Level pass rate – August 2005
Links fostered with local employers have resulted in an Accountancy training programme for students not wishing to go into
Higher Education.

Created on Friday 18 January 2008                                                                                       Page 18 of 25

On the basis of your evaluation, what are your key priorities for development of your provision?
Please enter text here

Teaching & Learning - Assessment for Learning Care Guidance & Support – Monitor ‘Extended School’ provision
Curriculum -     Review Key Stage 3 & 4 curriculum
                 Introduce ‘stretch & challenge’ aspects of new A Level courses
                 Develop ‘stretch & challenge’ in Key Stages 3 & 4


 Please enter grades in boxes below.
To guide judgement, please consult grade descriptions in Guidance for Inspectors.

                                               Outstanding          Good          Satisfactory   Inadequate

Quality of teaching       Whole school                               X
and learning
                          Sixth form                                 X

Quality of the            Whole school                               X
curriculum and other
activities                Sixth form                                 X

Quality of care,     Whole school                                    X
guidance and support
for learners         Sixth form                                      X

Created on Friday 18 January 2008                                                                             Page 19 of 25
6. Leadership and management
Your evaluation of leadership and management should take account of their impact in terms of the outcomes for
learners and the quality of provision.
To help you focus your comments and judgements in completing this section, please consult the relevant pages in
the Guidance for Inspectors of Schools.
In answering the following questions, please make clear the main evidence on which your evaluation is based.

What is the overall effectiveness of leadership and management? For example:
- how effectively leaders and managers at all levels set clear direction leading to improvement and promote high quality care
and education
- how performance is monitored and improved through quality assurance and self-evaluation
- how effectively leaders and managers use challenging targets to raise standards, including statutory targets, attendance targets
and, where applicable, specialist school targets
- how well equality of opportunity is promoted and discrimination tackled so that all learners achieve their potential; and how well
leaders and managers monitor the impact of the school's equality and diversity policies in relation to all groups of learners
- how well leaders and managers promote the professional development of the whole school's workforce and promote a suitable
work/life balance for them
- how effectively resources are deployed to achieve value for money, including the impact of continuing professional development
upon outcomes for learners
- how effectively links are made with other providers, services, employers and other organisations to promote access to integrated
care, education and any extended services
- how effectively governors (and, if appropriate, other supervisory boards) discharge their responsibilities
- for specialist schools, the impact of the specialism on the quality of leadership and management
- do procedures for safeguarding meet current government requirements, for example child protection procedures, vetting
systems, risk assessments and disaster plans?
Please enter text here

Leadership and Management is judged to be good

The Senior Leadership Team provide clear direction and promote improvement. There is good student attainment in all three Key
Stages and attendance is above national averages. The school is over-subscribed.

The Headteacher, Deputy Head and Assistant Headteachers monitor the development of several subject departments; and the
three members of the team line manage or lead a Key Stage team. The Finance and Facilities Manager line manages the
Associate Staff team and the Site teams.

Heads of Department are responsible for subject development and self evaluation. The Directors of Learning & Support are
responsible for Key Stage Self Evaluation.

The staffing restructuring following the introduction of ‘Teaching & Learning Responsibilities’ has been fully implemented.
Specialist staff are employed to teach each subject throughout the school. Recruitment and retention is good, with well-qualified
experienced staff in post. There is a comprehensive induction programme for new members of staff and the school is a member
of the local Initial Teacher Training scheme.

Accommodation remains a cause for concern with 14 temporary classrooms; only one specialist Art Room; and only one
specialist Design & Technology Food room; the school also has very limited Physical Education facilities, although there is a
buildings development plan to address some of these needs.

Teaching resources are improving, there are Interactive Whiteboards and all departments have at least one data projector. All
members of the teaching staff have a laptop computer.

The school is a member of a number of partnerships to promote education.

The Governing body meets regularly and has recently reviewed the structure and functions of the Governing Body. There is a
‘Visiting Governor’ scheme where governors are linked to key members of staff or school areas to improve understanding. The
school has gained FMSIS.
Preparation for the implementation of the Revised Performance Management Regulations has been completed.
The Governors and staff have revised the aims and objectives and developed a new School Development Plan for 2007-10.
The Disability Discrimination Act policy and action plan are in place.
Subject Leadership:
French – good – clear vision
PE – outstanding – keen to develop new initiatives
D&T – Good – effective delegation and teamwork

Created on Friday 18 January 2008                                                                                         Page 20 of 25
Sociology – good – links with other departments
Music - good – Quality of planning and organisation
Maths – good – strong collegiate approach
History – outstanding – reflective and collegiate department
English & Drama – good – teaching and learning the focus
Dance – good/outstanding – high profile of the subject maintained
Science – good – supportive, democratic, collegiate approach
ICT – good – clear vision
Geography – shared responsibility


Where relevant, how effective is the leadership and management in the sixth form?
Please enter text here

The leadership and management of the Sixth Form is effective, however a combination of an increase in student numbers and
staff illness this year has prompted us to review the Leadership and Management of the Sixth Form. From September 2007 there
will be two additional posts - Assistant Directors Post 16, one responsible for students in Year 12, the other for Year 13.
 The Ofsted Report (2004) described the Sixth Form as being quot;very well led and effectively managed. Leadership provides very
clear and purposeful direction to those who work with students.quot; Equality of opportunity and experience are promoted through
evaluation for improvement and provision of Tutor and Student Support Packs. Governors are supportive and have financed
computers for Sixth Form Private Study. Staffing and resources are good.


On the basis of your evaluation, what are your key priorities for the development of leadership and management?
Please enter text here

Departmental Reviews (Year 1)
Continue to embed Self Evaluation
Implementation of revised Performance Management arrangements
Middle Leader programme


Please enter grades in boxes below.
To guide judgement, please consult grade descriptions in Guidance for Inspectors.

                                                Outstanding         Good      Satisfactory Inadequate

Effectiveness of leadership Whole school                             X
and management
                            Sixth form                               X

Created on Friday 18 January 2008                                                                                  Page 21 of 25
7. Overall effectiveness
How effective and inclusive is the provision of education, integrated care and any extended services in meeting
the needs of learners and why?
To answer the questions raised in this section of the form you should draw together your evaluations in the
previous sections.
To help you focus your comments and judgements in completing this section, please consult the relevant pages in
the Guidance for Inspectors of Schools.
In answering the following questions, please in each case make clear the main evidence on which your evaluation is

What is the effectiveness of any steps taken to promote improvement since the last inspection? If you are a
specialist school, what has been the contribution of specialist subjects? If you are a specialist school, what has
been the contribution of specialist subjects?
Please enter text here

Issues identified by OFSTED (October 2004)

Leadership & Management. New appointments have been made to the Senior Leadership Team and in the light of this, roles and
responsibilities have been reviewed. There is a much clearer line management system in school. The staffing restructure has
enabled the school to review roles and responsibilities. The planned ‘Middle Leaders’ training programme will further improve
Leadership and Management.
Assessment. A simplified Effort and Attainment Grade system has been introduced which is based on NC Levels, GCSE and A
Level Grades. The reporting system has been improved.
ICT in Key Stage 4. All students take a Short Course GCSE in ICT at the end of Year 11.
Religious Studies in Key Stage 4. All students take Religious Studies either as a Full GCSE or a Short Course GCSE at the end of
Year 11.
Daily Act of Worship. There is a comprehensive morning assembly programme, four days a week. We need to develop a ‘thought
for the day’ scheme for the other morning.
Subject specific improvements since the last inspection include:
Physical Education: introduction of Sports Leader qualifications
D&T: consistent use of NC levels
 Music: ICT incorporated into KS3 SoW
Biology: opportunities for fieldwork
Art: standardised assessment
Religious Studies: access to Full Course GCSE
 ICT: formal assessment in Key Stage 3
Geography: integration of self and peer assessment

The issues identified by School Self Evaluation Process are incorportaed into the School Development Plan.

Created on Friday 18 January 2008                                                                                     Page 22 of 25

How effective and inclusive is the provision overall, including any extended services, and what are the main
strengths and weaknesses? For example:
- how effective is the school in enabling all learners to make good progress and achieve high standards
- how well does the school promote the personal development and well-being of all learners, including through working in
partnership with others
- how well does the school promote community cohesion
- how efficiently does the school use the resources available to it and how has the school achieved value for money in its provision
- where relevant, what is the overall effectiveness of boarding provision?
Please enter text here

The overall effectiveness of the provision is good.

The strengths are many and include:

High standards of teaching and learning
Well-qualified and experienced teachers
Well-qualified and experienced Associate Staff
Strong systems and processes for Self Evaluation
Students are well supported by Tutors, Directors of Learning & Support
Good procedures for student target setting and academic monitoring
Good extra curricular and curricular trips and visits programme
Very good relationships between students and between staff and students
A particular strength is that the Sixth Form is viewed as an open and friendly integrated community regardless of gender or
The school has a calm purposeful atmosphere
Good links with City Secondary Schools particularly Sixth Form Partnership and county secondary schools
Good links with surrounding and Humanities linked Primary Schools
Good relationship with the local community in particular the Parish of St Barnabas

The school development plan highlights the areas for improvement and these build on our successes to improve the school


How well does the school work in partnership with others to promote learners' well-being?
Please enter text here

The school has excellent relationships with those who work in partnership to promote learning, these include: The Educational
Welfare Officer, the Connexions Personal Adviser, the school nurse, the school counsellor,the Healthy Schools Team, Social
Services, the Police and a variety of colleagues who work within our Personal, Social and Health Education and Citizenship
In addition as a Specialist School we have worked with our Primary partners and have organised a river field trip with Year 6
pupils led by our Year 12 Geographers; Worked with Year 4 on their orienteering skills in our grounds; Partly resourced and
taught a section of work on ‘India' to Year 6 pupils; provided expertise in Dance and Science; subsidised a trip to '@Bristol';
provided a Year 12 Muslim panel to answer Year 6 questions; and hosted meetings of humanities specialists at which ideas can
be shared.
With our secondary partner we have hosted a GCSE Geography revision afternoon; provided the opportunity for extra curricular
GCSE Geology; and extended links with Year 11 to encourage students to join the Sixth Form.
Within the community we have run two highly successful Geneaology courses and we have hosted the Gloucester SACRE
We are a key member of the Gloucester City Sports Partnership offering both our students and those of our partner primary
schools a greater variety of activities including Sports Leadership qualifications.
We have developed a Languages link with one of our partner primary schools, where a colleague from the MFL Department
spends up to two hours a week introducing French to Year 6.

Created on Friday 18 January 2008                                                                                         Page 23 of 25

Where relevant, what is the overall effectiveness of the sixth form, including, where appropriate, reaching
specialist school targets?
Please enter text here

The overall effectiveness of the Sixth Form is good. The numbers joining the Sixth Form have shown an upward trend and we
are increasingly attracting students from other schools in the city.This means, howver, that students joining the Sixth Form have
a wider ability range than those joining the main school. We will be using the Learning Achievment Tracker to analyse data in the
Specialist School Targets:
There is increased participation in all three specialist subjects and in the other Humanities subjects: Government and Politics and
Sociology. The introduction of new courses: Classical Civilisation AS, English Language AS and Geology GCSE has also proved
Attainment targets 05/06 Year 1
AS History 82% A & B Grades
A2 History 62% A & B Grades
AS Geography 55% A & B Grades
A2 Geography 60% A & B Grades
AS Philosophy & Ethics 82% A & B Grades
A2 Philosophy & Ethics 62% A & B Grades
Attainment results August 2006
AS History 84.2% A & B Grades
A2 History 73.9% A & B Grades
AS Geography 69.2% A & B Grades
A2 Geography 55.6% A & B Grades
AS Philosophy & Ethics 54.5% A & B Grades
A2 Philosophy & Ethics 40% A & B Grades
Results in Philosophy and Ethics did not meet the target grades. The increase in popularity of the subject widened the abilty
range and therefore students met their individual targets, but not the ambitious school targets.


What are your main priorities to further improve the overall effectiveness of the school?
Please enter text here

Continue to implement the Buildings Plan to improve accommodation. We need to build a Sports Hall and Changing Rooms; and
we need to improve the facilities for Drama and Learning Resources.

Further develop the Continuing Professional Development Programme building upon expertise in school to further improve
teaching and learning.

Further develop the school web site so that it is a resource for students, staff, governors and parents.


What is the capacity to make further improvement?
Please enter text here

The capacity to make further improvement is good.
The school is well placed to continue to improve teaching and learning and to improve the learning environment.
We have an ambitious staff, who are dedicated to the profession and the school.
We have hard-working, conscientious students.
There is a mutually supportive student/teacher relationship.
There is a clear strategic vision and School Development Plan which is agreed with Governors.
WE are making improvements to the learning environment.
There have been a range of developments in ICT, we now have 1 computer to 3 students.
We are encouraging independent learning.
WE are continually reviewing our 'offer' to students to ensure that their learning is personalised.

Created on Friday 18 January 2008                                                                                        Page 24 of 25

Please enter grades in boxes below.
To guide judgement, please consult grade descriptions in Guidance for Inspectors.

                                            Outstanding          Good        Satisfactory   Inadequate

Overall effectiveness                                              X

Capacity to make further                          X

Improvement since the last                                         X

Effectiveness of sixth form                                        X

Created on Friday 18 January 2008                                                                        Page 25 of 25

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  • 1. 1. Characteristics of your school What are the main characteristics of your school? Drawing on Part B and C of this form and other relevant data, write a brief description of its features. (Please note that this is an opportunity for a brief written summary of the main characteristics of your school and it is not necessary to repeat tables of data.) 1a Please outline the main characteristics of the learners, including: - their attainment on entry and how you know this - their social and economic backgrounds, indicating the level of prosperity or deprivation. Please enter text here Ribston Hall High School is a selective girls’ school with a mixed Sixth Form with a small number of male students. There are 780 students on roll, 204 in the Sixth Form. The school is oversubscribed with over 400 girls registering for 114 places. Gloucestershire operates a ‘mixed economy’ of secondary education with four single-sex selective schools in the City of Gloucester. Selection is by means of two verbal reasoning tests and the VRQ range is 105 – 141. When compared with schools in our County Comparator Group (7 selective schools) our average VRQ on intake is between 1.7 and 5 VRQ points below the average. Students join from between 50 and 60 Primary schools from across Gloucestershire, with 86% of the girls living within the Gloucester City Boundary. The number of students eligible for Free School Meals is significantly below the National Average. At Post 16 we have an open enrolment, inviting students from other schools to join the Sixth Form. Over 25% of Sixth Form students receive the Educational Maintenance Allowance. At the end of Advanced Level courses a high proportion of students take up places in Higher Education, whilst others seek employment with training. Currently there are 5 Looked After Children on roll; and 12% of students have indicated an ethnic background. There are 10 students on the Special Needs Register. 27 students have indicated that English is not their first language. Attendance is good 2005: 95.2%; 2006: 95% 1b Please summarise briefly your distinctive aims and describe any special features of your school. For example: - whether your school is a specialist school, and if so: whether it has any high-performing specialist school (HPSS) options; your distinctive aims and how the school has strengthened its specialist areas and benefited from its specialist status; and the impact of any significant partnerships and community engagement related to the specialism(s) - whether your school is a trust school, and if so: your distinctive aims; and any contributions trust status makes in driving up school improvement - whether your school has a religious character - any special units - significant partnerships with other providers or agencies (such as shared arrangements for the curriculum, federal arrangements, or partnerships with employers) - whether your school is an extended school and the rationale for the range of services you offer or make available through the school, in relation to the needs of pupils, their families and the community - whether your school has other particular characteristics, including significant awards you have received, for example International Schools Award; Healthy Schools Award; Arts Mark Award - whether your school is implementing the Sustainable Schools framework Please enter text here Ribston Hall's mission statement is 'Ribston Hall, a learning opportunity for life'. The distinctiveness of the school is recognised within this and the aims for the school. We are one of three girls' schools in the City of Gloucester and we have a distinctive ethos known as the 'Ribston Spirit'. Ribston Hall achieved Specialist School Status for Humanities in September 2005. Our partner schools are Barnwood Park School (Girls' 11-16 Comprehensive); Calton Junior School; Heron Primary School; Robinswood Primary School;and St James's C of E Junior School. The school is a founder member of the ‘South of Gloucester Sixth Form Partnership’ (SOGVIP),a partnership between two comprehensive schools and two selective schools offering an extended curriculum to students within the schools. The school is a member of the Gloucester City 14 - 19 project and G15 (a partnership involving all of the Secondary Providers in Gloucester City). The school works closely with the other Gloucestershire Selective Schools to share good practice. Ribston Hall is a member of the Gloucester City Sports Partnership and as such works closely with a ‘family’ of Primary Schools as well as all 14 Secondary Schools (including one Special School). We are an extended service school and work with a number of schools in the South West Gloucester Cluster: The Crypt School; Calton Junior School; Calton Infant School; Linden Primary School ; St Paul's Primary School; Hempsted Primary School; and The Lighthouse Children's Centre. Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 1 of 25
  • 2. The school achieved Artsmark Gold as recognition of its work in the arts as well as Sportsmark accreditation. Ribston Hall has recently been re-awarded the International School Award. Four subject departments were listed in the Gloucestershire 'Top 10 Departments for GCSE': Design & Technology; English; ICT; and Modern Foreign Languages. We have an Advanced Skills Teacher (AST) for Dance who works with a number of Secondary Schools in Gloucestershire. New building work began in April 2007 to replace 8 temporary classrooms. A successful bid has been made to build a further 6 classrooms and extend the new building. 1c Please outline specific contextual or other issues that act as aids or barriers to raising performance. For example: - any difficulties in recruiting and retaining staff or governors, for example in science and maths - recent or impending reorganisation - mobility of learners and any significant impact on behaviour - particularly important facts in your recent history, such as change of leadership. Please enter text here Aids to raising performance: Staffing – well qualified, specialist staff teach across the age and ability range. The staffing is stable and we have been able to make additional appointments for September 2007 following an increase in student numbers in the Sixth Form. The specialism in Humanities has enabled us to offer additional courses including Classical Civilisation and Citizenship (AS level). Links with the wider community have been increased and we offer ‘evening classes’ for local adults. Support from outside agencies is good. Barriers to raising performance: The budget and accommodation have been barriers, the latter will continue until the new building is completed in Spring 2008. When this is completed there will still be a shortfall, particularly for Physical Education and Drama. 1d Please outline briefly the main priorities in your improvement/development plan, and how they reflect the context in which you work. Please enter text here In May 2007 the senior staff and governors reviewed the aims and mission for the school (available in the School Prospectus). We agreed to keep the vision 'Ribston Hall, a learning opportunity for life' and re-wrote some of the aims to take account of the Strategic Outcomes for the school. These are: Ribston Hall is an excellent school; Ribston Hall is the Preferred choice for girls at 11 and for our students at 16; Ribston Hall, 'adds value' at all levels; Ribston Hall's buildings are fit for purpose; Ribston Hall has high expectations for all of its students; and Ribston Hall enables all students to achieve the 'Every Child Matters' outcomes. From these strategic outcomes and the 2006 Self Evaluation process we identified the areas for development over the next three years. The School Development Plan is a three year plan 2007 -10. The are five areas for development which are cross referenced with the five Every Child Matters outcomes. The areas and objectives for 2007/8 include: Achievement and standards: Responding to data including RaiseOnline; Fischer Family Trust; Learning Achievement Tracker and Ribston Hall information to ensure that all students have the opportunity to reach the highest levels of achievement. Personal Development and well-being: Achieving HealthySchoolstatus; Further work on the role of the Tutor; developing an improved PSHE&C programme. Quality of Provision: A whole school focus on Assessment for Learning; Developing Stretch and Challenge in all subject areas; A full curriculum review to include all three Key Stages. Leadership and management: The introduction of the revised Performance Management programme; Departmental Reviews; Middle Leaders programme Premises: The building development programme Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 2 of 25
  • 3. 2. Views of learners, parents/carers, community and other stakeholders What are the views of learners, parents/carers and other stakeholders, including hard to reach groups, and how do you know? 2a How do you gather the views of learners, parents/carers and other stakeholders, such as those accessing additional services; how often do you do this, and how do you ensure the impartiality of the information? Please enter text here Learners: Students are given a voice through: A structure of elected Year Councils, run by School Prefects, link into the School Council, chaired by the Head Girl has been developed, although this is currently under review for 2007/8. Many departments use the student voice to reflect on work completed in particular topics e.g. History and Design Technology. Whole school student questionnaire – May 2006 based on LPSH Questionnaire Year 7 and Year 12 student questionnaires – May 2007 based on LPSH Questionnaire Student questionaire about uniform - June 2007 Student ‘travel to school’ survey (LA annual) Parents Ribston Hall has very constructive links with parents. Parents' Evenings, both consultation and information, are very well attended (over 90% for each Year Group). A full school parent questionnaire was distributed in 2006 and the findings have influenced some aspects of school life. Year 7 Parents were consulted in 2007 and decisions need to be made on the format and timing of Parent Consultation in the future. There is an active Parents' Association (RHA) and former students’ association (RHOGA). Each student has a ‘Planner’ and this is used for two way contact between school and parents. Parents are also asked for feedback following the receipt of the full subject report each year. Parent Questionnaire distributed to all parents in May 2006 Parent Questionnaire distributed to Year 7 Parents in May 2007. Parent Consultation on Uniform May 2006 Other stakeholders Staff Staff Questionnaire (based on ‘Secondary Strategy ‘Behaviour & Attendance Questionnaire) Anti-bullying policy (2004/5)– students, staff and parents through Directors of Learning & Support Rewards and Sanctions (2005/6) – students and staff through Directors of Learning & Support Staff through ‘Wednesday Evening’ meeting structure (Full Staff, Curriculum Team, Year Teams, Departmental and cross- curricular Teaching & Learning groups). Management Team Meetings involving Directors of Learning & Support (Year Heads); Director of Specialism (Humanities); and Examinations Manager Performance Management Cycle Regular Newsletter School Counsellor – very supportive – keen to extend involvement in school life by training student mentors Work Experience comments from employers are very supportive Renewed enthusiasm for the Ribston Hall Association (Parents, teachers & friends of the school) Long established former student organisation – RHOGA Views of Governors sought through meeting cycle, visiting Governors and questionnaire (2006) Headteacher’s Performance Management through external advisor and governors Humanities Steering Group (Primary partners, Secondary Partner, LA representative, Charity Representative and Governors) Sixth Form Partnership schools through ‘SOGVIP’ School Travel Plan consultation School Improvement Partner Visits Discussions with Trainee Teachers Wider Community We seek the views of the wider community in a variety of ways: The Director of Humanities meets regularly with the partner primary and secondary schools including those in the South West Gloucester Cluster (Extended School). This link gives access to a wide range of community groups. The Headteacher chairs the Executive Committee of the Sixth Form PartnershipThe Director, Post 16 chairs the Heads of Sixth Form Group in the Sixth Form Partnership. The Headteacher is represented at the Gloucester City 14 – 19 Partnership . The Headteacher is a School Improvement Partner working with the Local Authority and with Torbay Council The Finance and Facilities Manager is Secretary to the Gloucestershire Bursars' Association and sits on the ASCL Bursars’ Council Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 3 of 25
  • 4. Questionnaires are anonymous, but year based so that we can look at responses from different year groups. To date all of the analysis has been completed by the school. 2b What do the views of learners, parents/carers and other stakeholders, including your hard to reach groups, for example young carers, tell you about: - learners' standards and progress - learners' personal development and well-being - the quality of your provision, (curriculum; teaching and learning; and care, guidance and support) - parents'/carers' views of the transition arrangements for pupils joining the school in Year 7 and later. Please enter text here Parent responses: (% ranges relate to different year groups; the first number is the lowest %; the second number the highest %) Learners' standards: Parent responses indicate that standards are high with examination results as expected. (90 – 100%). Students make good progress (79 – 100%). Students are happy in school (87-97%). Personal Development & Well being: Parent responses indicate that students are well cared for and able to develop within a supportive environment; discipline and behaviour are good (82- 100%), a small number of parents have concerns about school uniform. Quality of Provision: The curriculum is good and there are many opportunities for extra-curricular activities and developing talents in Music and Sport. Some parents would like opportunities for further study which we are addressing through the introduction of some twilight courses. Buildings affect the quality of provision, 14 temporary classrooms reflect the lower percentages of satisfaction. Student responses: Learners' standards: The students get information about how well they are doing and receive targets for improvement. They find school work interesting and get regular homework. Personal Development & Well-being: Students enjoy being in school and know who they can talk to if they have a problem. A small number of students do not think adults treat them fairly Quality of Provision: The students feel safe in school, there are plenty of extra curricular activities, the majority think that Ribston Hall is a good school. Parents support the school through attendance at Parents Evenings which is excellent, e.g. Year 7 2006- 98% attendance Very few complaints are received from parents (1 in 2006/7) Parents are keen to attend reviews both statutory ie SN Review or LAC review or informal when parents are asked to discuss their daughter’s progress. 2c How do you share with parents/carers and other stakeholders the collated findings about their views? Please enter text here The school newsletter ‘Ribston News’. Regular letters to parents. The school has recently set up a School Web site with areas for Students, Staff, Parents, Governors, Former students and the Ribston Hall Association. Governors are kept informed through fortnightly Committee Meetings. Staff are kept informed through Daily staff briefing (Year Teams on Tuesdays), email and a ‘screen’ in the Staff Room in addition to the Wednesday Evening Meetings. Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 4 of 25
  • 5. 2d Give an evaluation of areas where you have successfully involved learners, parents/carers and stakeholders in improving provision - include the ways you have used the views of stakeholders, including pupils, to influence the priorities noted in section 1d (please cross-refer to any relevant comments in the leadership and management section) - include ways in which you have sought to involve and engage with parents/carers, in supporting improved outcomes for their children - how do key stakeholders from partner schools and the wider community contribute to the review and development of your specialism(s) and/or other partnership activities? Please enter text here School Council meetings have raised issues about Uniform (Introduction of Trousers) this has resulted in a consultation exercise with parents prior to a Governor decision and trial in 2006/7. Further consultation has resulted in the introduction of trousers for Main School students between November and March. SAM Learning has been introduced to support out of hours learning The School Travel Plan involved a variety of stakeholders including students, parents, governors and the neighbouring primary school. Proposed developments will be put in place once the new building has been completed. These improvements should restrict the number of unauthorised visitors to the site. Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 5 of 25
  • 6. 3. Achievement and standards How well do learners achieve? To help you focus your comments and judgements in completing this section, please consult the relevant pages in the Guidance for Inspectors of Schools. In answering the following questions, please make clear the main evidence, such as performance data, assessments and records of learners' progress, on which your evaluation is based (but please use data selectively, avoiding the copying out of tables of descriptive information). If the school's own interpretation of standards and achievement is not reflected in published data, then this needs to be carefully explained. 3a How well do learners achieve, and how high are their standards? For example: - test and examination results; whether learners reach challenging targets - the standards of learners' current work (noting any significant differences between past results and current work) - learners' progress including comparisons with the progress of similar pupils in other schools. Note any significant differences in the progress of groups of learners, including any groups that are achieving particularly well or are underachieving (for example, pupils with learning difficulties and disabilities, looked after children, particular minority ethnic groups, including Gypsy, Roma and Traveller learners, those who join the school other than at the normal date of admission, and those who are socially or economically disadvantaged) and the extent of the school's success in closing any gaps in attainment - the extent to which information and communication technology (ICT) capability and other key skills enable learners to improve the quality of their work and make progress - the extent to which specialist subject attainment targets have been met - the impact of specialist status in raising standards in the specialism, standards more generally across the school and in partner schools - the extent to which any extended services contribute to better achievement and higher standards. Please enter text here Attainment Current achievement and standards in Key Stage 3 are good. There has been a slight dip in the Average Point Score in 2007 reflecting the English results which were returned to the Board for remarking . Over the last five years attainment has been significantly higher than national and county averages. In 2007 achievement at L5+ was over 99%. In this selective school, standards on entry to KS3 are high, but below the average for the LA comparator group of Grammar schools. The VRQ range for the 2004 cohort that took the Key Stage 3 tests in 2007 was between 103 and 133 with one student at 141. In 2005, the last year for which selective school comparative data was provided by the LA, the Ribston average VRQ was 119.2, for the comparator group it was 122.0. A similar 2-3 point difference is evident over the preceding five years. Our students are well- motivated and generally hard-working. School monitoring and tracking systems indicate that students are supported to achieve suitable targets. We require departments to target progression of at least 2 NC levels over KS 3 if attainment on entry is the expected level or above. In 2007 all members of Year 9 achieved L5+ in Mathematics and Science with 99% in English. In the foundation subjects all students achieved Level 5+ except in Modern Foreign Languages where 97.2% achieved Level 5+. The L6+ target of 97% was exceeded in Mathematics. Science missed the target by 1% and English was below the target by 10%. As noted earlier the English Tests were returned to the examination board for re-marking, this increased the overall percentage of Level 6 from 72% to 87%. All students achieved additional marks in the questions which were remarked, but since the review panel agreed to a partial remark across the test papers, the amended results do not necessarily reflect the students' actual attainment. Current standards in KS 3 are good. The further development of the CMIS assessment data base provides more detailed information about progress in each year group and monitoring indicates that most students are on track to achieve target levels. Overall performance in core subjects compared with similar schools is significantly higher than expected and well above the national averages. Progress Evidence - FFT and Gloucestershire LA CVA 3 Year summary. FFT PA measure - 2007 CVA for KS 2-3, PA NC mean level was in the 37th percentile; for core subjects Level 5+ and Level 6+ the 48th percentile. The three year combined gives 14th percentile for NC Mean Level; 36th percentile for Level 5+; and 7th percentile for Level 6+. Progress in English was significantly lower last year. This reflects the difficulties the department has with the inconsistency of marking of the KS3 tests. 2006 was the first year in 4 that KS3 English results were judged to be in line with teacher assessment, in 2007 test results were below Teacher Assessment. The achievement and progress of SEN, FSM, Ethnic Minority and EAL students do not differ significantly from those of students in other groups. We make a point of treating all students equally and of monitoring CiC students very closely. Evidence: LA analysis 2007; FFT 2007; SAT and teacher assessment data 2007. Key Stage 4: Achievement and standards in Key Stage 4 are good. Attainment In 2007 the percentage of 5 or more A* -C passes including English and Mathematics was over 98% ; well above the LA Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 6 of 25
  • 7. average. The 2007 cohort achieved 51.4% of their grades at A*-A, slightly below the aspirational target of 55%. The majority of our students are capable and conscientious but some lack confidence in their ability to achieve at the highest levels and to demonstrate independent thought and evaluation in formal assessments. Many of our students are from family backgrounds where there is no history of further or higher education. In KS4 and 5 we are mindful that we need to maintain student confidence to achieve at a high level and to aspire to Higher Education. We do this in a variety of formal and informal ways, e.g. through Y11 interviews with SLT after the Mock examinations, Careers Education, the Mentoring Programme, and through Y12 and 13 University conferences. In 2007 the highest performing subjects, with an average point score of over 50, were Dance, English Literature, Geography, Physical Education, Design Technology Food and Design Technology Textiles. These departments are well-established with experienced leaders; teaching is engaging and innovative and good practice is shared across teams. The lowest performing subject was Business Studies with an average point score of 42.5. The department changed the format of the examination this year without a coursework element. In Religious Studies the GCSE course is started in Year 9 and has a reduced timetable commitment in Key Stage 4 compared with other GCSE subjects. Progress Students make good progress in Key Stage 4. The CVAs for KS4 appear to have now sustained at a level above that expected. VA for the PA capped point score, KS2-4, was significantly higher than expected in 2007. (16th percentile rank). The Key Stage 2 - 4 Average Point Score was significantly higher than expected but the Total Point Score was significantly lower, reflecting the fact that students take 10.5 GCSE subjects. VA in English is higher than expected but varying over the past 3 years. In Mathematics it is also significantly higher than expected. VA in Science has declined over three years. The Science Department prioritised earlier and more intensive examination preparation last year but consistency across the subjects needs to be a continuing focus. Summary of FFT/LA analyses 2007 Achievement KS2-4 is within the expected range. Achievement in Key Stages 3 and 4 is within the expected range and VA for CPS and 5+ A*-C over the last three years on the PA measure is significantly higher than expected. Achievement in non-core subjects over the last 3 years has been variable. Consistently high performing subjects are English, English Literature, Dance, History and Geography. The lowest performing subjects are Drama and Business Studies. Results in Religious Studies are variable with no obvious trend. Technology subjects show an improving trend and ICT has improved steadily over 3 years. Evidence: FFT and LA analyses 2007; School assessment and monitoring database. Overall, in addition to maintaining current standards and progress at Key Stage 4, the school needs to prioritise raising attainment at A/A* level and a number of strategies and initiatives have been identified to this end. Current progress: The whole school academic monitoring programme contributes to improving standards and continues to be developed. In 2005 all departments compiled banks of subject curricular targets for each Key Stage. These are used to inform teachers' marking, assessment and reporting to advise students on their further progress. GCSE Study Skills seminars have been introduced with follow-up tutorial sessions. Students have responded positively and Mock examination results indicated that the majority of students were on track to achieve target grades. A small number of students are offered individual mentoring support in a programme which targets borderline and underachieving students in Y11. Last year we reviewed and extended the use of the assessment and reporting database. Staff are now in a better position to track student progress against end of year and Key Stage targets and intervene when required. As a consequence, students are more aware of their current achievement and predicted outcomes. Departments have compiled registers of Able, Gifted and Talented students as a means of supporting and challenging those with high/exceptional ability, and a significant number have been nominated for Young Gifted & Talented membership. The programmes of enrichment which we offer Able, Gifted and Talented students are also open to any students who are interested in participating. All departments have participated in INSET on subject work sampling, focusing on standards across ability groups and on consistent use of school policies and AfL strategies. Information Communications Technology Results at both Key Stage 3 and 4 are high with students achieving the highest levels at Key Stage 3 and the highest grades at GCSE (short course). Humanities Specialism Key Stage 3: History the %Level 5+ was met, however the Level 6+ and Level 7+ fell below target; in Geography the targets set were met and the percentage achieving Level 7 was exceeded by 14.6%; the Religious Studies Levels were met at Level 5+ and exceeded target at both Level 6+ (10%) and Level 7+ (42%). Key Stage 4: The percentage of A* - C grades target was met in History, was 1.4 % below in Geography and 4.1% and 5.5% below in the two Religious Studies courses. In Geography the percentage of A* and A grades was exceeded by 25%. In History, it was exceeded by 6.7%. The targets for Religious Studies were too ambitious as they related to the other subjects which have more than twice the amount of curriculum time. Jan08 Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 7 of 25
  • 8. 3b Where relevant, how well do learners achieve in the sixth form? For example: - the standards of learners' current work in relation to their learning goals - learners' progress relative to their prior attainment at GCSE and any significant variations between groups of learners (utilising value added measures including ‘New Measures of Success') - the extent to which specialist subject attainment targets for the sixth form have been met - rates for the completion of courses. Please enter text here Standards in the Sixth Form are good compared with National Averages. The 2007 Advanced Level target of 52% A and B grades was exceeded with 58.6%. (2006 - 59.4%). Attainment in 2007 was in line with expectations and broadly average. Average UCAS points (no GS) = 325.56 (2006 - 294.04) Average UCAS points (with GS) = 370.2 (2006 - 331.7) Pass rate = 98.5% All 63 students in Y13 obtained at least 2 Advanced Levels Achievement in 2007 was within the expected range. The school intended to develop the use of the Learning & Skills Council's 'Learning Achievement Tracker' (LAT) as a tool for analysing subject and student data; however we have since been invited to use the ALPS scheme. The school is also part of DCSF post 16 CVA Pilot. Advanced Subsidiary modules are taken in Year 12 and results are used for internal monitoring and are not published. Links between attainment, learning goals and post 18 progression show that 98% of the Year 13 achieved the grades to take up their places at University. Attainment - There is little difference between the gender of the learners. The 2007 cohort boys chose to study sciences and business studies as opposed to the most recent cohort of boys who study subjects across the whole range. The highest performing subjects, with a UCAS point score of over 100, at Advanced Level were Dance, Government and Politics and Geography. High achieving students studied Business Studies, Textiles, French, German and History. The least successful subjects, with a UCAS score of less than 65 points were Human Biology and Art & Design. The only subject that did not achieve a 100% pass rate was Psychology, due to three students not completing the course. Progress: The intention to use LAT to analyse progress has not been successful. ALPS data has been sent for analysis. Using the Alps data, the 2007 cohort was divided up into four groups: 1. those with an average GCSE Points Score of 7 or more (52); 18 students 2. those with an average GCSE Points Score of 6 or more (46); 27 students 3. those with an average GCSE Points Score of 5 or more (40); 18 students 4. and less than 5 (less than 40) 1 student. In group A, 61% achieved their target grades; 22% missed one target grade but achieved the other two. In group B, 30% achieved their target grades; 26% missed one target grade but achieved the other two. In Group C, 39% achieved their target grades; 44% missed one target grade but achieved the other two. In Group D the one student missed one target grade by not completing the course. Overall 27% met their target grades in all of their subjects; 13% exceeded their target grades in all of their subjects. Gender 54 girls and 10 Boys 50% boys met or exceeded their target grade; 31% girls met or exceeded their target grade. Subjects Highest scoring subjects were Dance, DT Textiles, Geography, German, Government & Politics, in which all achieved 100% of their grades awarded at A or B. The average GCSE scores for those groups ranged between 6.4 (Dance) and 7.5 (German). The lowest scoring subject was Drama but it also had one of the lowest GCSE Average Point Scores (6.1). Following public examinations, results data is used to inform student and department development. Tracking progress Intervention plans - student and departmental based Specialist Subjects Key Stage 5: In History the percentage achieving A and B Grades at AS level was significantly below target but the percentage at A2 was significantly above target ( 20%). In Geography the AS target was met and was exceeded by 40% at A2. In Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics) both the AS and A2 A/B percentage was below target by 5.1% and 12% respectively. Completion of course rates: High rate of completion - with the exception of 2 students who left to gain employment and 1 who left for health reasons, all Year 13 students completed their courses. Jan08 Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 8 of 25
  • 9. 3c On the basis of your evaluation, what are your key priorities for development? Please enter text here Raise standards and achievement in all Key Stages, especially for higher attaining students, through: (a) embedding Assessment for Learning, led by Assistant Headteacher (b) use of performance data, led by Deputy Headteacher (c) developing independent study skills across the curriculum, led by Senior Leadership Team (d) Intervention programme, led by Assistant Headteacher with Directors of Learning and Support To improve data analysis by Subject Leaders, Directors of Learning & Support and Pastoral teams. Investigate the opportunity for CMIS (the School's Management Information System) to monitor and track student assessment. 3Grade Please enter grades in boxes below. To guide judgement, please consult grade descriptions in Guidance for Inspectors. Outstanding Good Satisfactory Inadequate Learners' Whole school X achievement in their work Sixth Form X Whole school X Learners' standards in their work Sixth Form X Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 9 of 25
  • 10. 4. Personal development and well-being How good is the overall personal development and well-being of the learners? To help you focus your comment and judgements in completing this section, please consult the relevant pages in the Guidance for Inspectors of Schools. Your answers here should focus on learners' outcomes; the school's contribution to these outcomes will be covered in section 5. In answering the following questions, please make clear the main evidence on which your evaluation is based (for example: evidence of participation rates, evidence of learners' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development which runs as a theme across all of these areas (4a -4f), and data on the number of recorded bullying or racist incidents in school). 4a To what extent do learners adopt healthy lifestyles? For example: - whether learners take adequate physical exercise, and eat and drink healthily - learners' understanding of how to live a healthy lifestyle (for example, through education about smoking, substance abuse and sexual health risks). Please enter text here The promotion of a healthy lifestyle is evaluated as good. All Key Stage 3 students have the opportunity for vigorous exercise at least three times a week. All Key Stage 4 students have the opportunity for vigorous exercise at least twice a week. Evidence: School Curriculum Model; Physical Education and Dance Records Sixth Form students state that they were aware of requirements for a healthy lifestyle. The majority of the Sixth Form take physical exercise outside of school PE sessions; many use Ribston’s fitness suite in addition to local leisure facilities/ dance and exercise classes, some students exercise at home. Evidence: Year 12 End of Year Review June 05/06, Enhancement Programme, Sixth Form Council. A Healthy Lifestyle: A broad Physical Education and extra-curricular programme extends the fitness training and competition focus beyond traditional games, eg athletics, trampolining, girls’ rugby, football and cricket, cross country, swimming, table tennis, basketball, health related fitness Many students represent local clubs and the county and a number go on to compete at national level The increased number of extra-curricular clubs has extended participation The school was awarded Sportsmark status and the Football Association Charter in 2005 The PE department in partnership with Gloucestershire School Sports Co-ordination Programme also operates an extensive extra-curricular programme involving pupils from partner primary schools and Ribston Hall students from all Key Stages. Sixth Form students are involved in the Community Sports Leaders Award scheme and GCSE PE students participate in the Junior Sports Leaders Award scheme. To encourage more girls to take part in physical activity a 'Health and Beauty' Course has been organised at GL1 out of school hours. Evidence: PE Department Records; PESSCL Survey. Healthy Eating: School catering is provided by ‘Alliance in Partnership’ who provide a balanced menu each day, including hot meals and healthy snacks. The company works in close partnership with the school and has responded positively to student requests for increased choice of salads, etc. THe school meals meet the Government standards for school meals. Water coolers for student use are centrally situated and also in the Sixth Form Centre. Other health related issues The school nurse runs a drop in service each week, which supplements the support given by Directors of Learning Support and their teams of group tutors The school works with ‘SHARE’ a young people’s counselling group and the school has its own counsellor. Mental health issues are addressed through access to C.A.M.H.S., via referral through the school nurse or Social Services. Referrals are also occasionally made to the Educational Psychology Service. Drugs and anti-smoking education is provided through the PSHE&C programme in Key Stages 3 and 4 and the school operates an anti-drugs policy (school policy documents and PSHE&C schemes of work). The PSHE&C and Science programmes also address sex education. Pregnancy preventative advice and information is also provided by the school nurse. Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 10 of 25
  • 11. 4b To what extent do learners feel safe and adopt safe practices? For example: - whether learners feel safe from bullying, including religious, racial (including Gypsy, Roma and Travellers of Irish heritage), sexual and homophobic incidents - the extent to which learners have confidence to talk to staff and others when they feel at risk - the extent to which learners adopt safe and responsible practices in using new technologies, including the Internet. Please enter text here Learners feel safe and adopt safe practices. The evidence is: All students are well supported through a comprehensive pastoral support network staffed by tutors and experienced Directors of Learning Support. All incidents of bullying are dealt with promptly through the school’s Anti-bullying policy. Bullying and respect for racial and ethnic diversity are addressed in the PSHE&C programme. Parent responses to the questionnaire indicate that students are well cared for and the school deals firmly with bullying. Students enjoy being at school and feel safe at break and lunchtime. No racist incidents have been reported since June 2004 The school has a rigorous risk assessment policy and health and safety policies are effective. All staff comply with the requirements of these policies. The school’s accident and incident reporting system is thorough. Accidents are reported to the LA’s health and safety team, who maintain records and assist in preventative measures when necessary. The school produced a ‘Travel Plan’ in conjunction with the neighbouring Junior and Infant Schools and the Local Authority. This reflects safe practices travelling to and from school and further improvements. All members of Year 7 are invited to take part in the Cycling Proficiency Scheme. There are good relationships between staff and students and staff are available throughout the school day and after school to meet the needs of students. Associate (Non-teaching and supervisory staff) play a full part in the care and support of students and report and refer issues effectively. At the beginning of each Key Stage there is an Induction programme (Years 7,10 and 12) The school follows the LA’s policies Safeguarding Children and Looked after Children and liaises closely with relevant agencies. There is a trained Child Protection Officer. The welfare of the small number of students in care is overseen by the Deputy Headteacher and Directors of Learning Support. The school has established a link with the Police School Liaison Unit. There are a number of well-qualified First Aiders on the staff and there is an annual programme of St John’s Ambulance first aid training which is also open to Sixth Form students Internet User Policy signed by all members of the School Community. ICT staff quick to follow up misuse of the internet. Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 11 of 25
  • 12. 4c How much do learners enjoy their education? For example: - learners' attitudes and participation, including any significant variations for specific groups of pupils - how the school's overall absence rate compares with other schools, including those in similar circumstances - the number of pupils who are persistently absent Please enter text here Students enjoy their education at Ribston Hall and provision is evaluated as good. Prior to joining the school in Year 7 and Year 12 we hold induction days in school for all those joining the school. The Director of Learning and Support also visits the majority of Primary Schools during the Summer Term to meet the students and their teachers. In September the first full day of school allows students at the beginning of each Key Stage (3, 4 and 5) to spend a day in school as an introduction to the new year and Key Stage. There is an introductory evening for parents before the start of each Key Stage and we intend to produce an ‘ Information Booklet for Parents’ for each year group which will include curricular and pastoral information. A high percentage of students in both Key Stage 3 and 5 enjoy being at school, the percentage is slightly lower in Key Stage 4. Students have a good attitude towards their programme of study and enjoy the Sixth Form. Attendance rates are high – 95.2% in 2005; 95% in 2006. Attendance is monitored through an electronic registration system and manually by tutors and Directors of Learning and Support. A clear sanction code determines levels of punishment including Fixed Term Exclusions. The number of fixed term exclusions in 2007 was 10. The school has not made any permanent exclusions. Behaviour is good; the majority of students conduct themselves in a sensible and mature manner which contributes to a calm and purposeful learning environment. Lesson observations this year indicate that students engage and participate productively in lessons. Retention from Y11 to Y12 and from Y12 to 13 is good, indicating a high level of student satisfaction with the quality of their experience at the school. The school has recently reviewed and re-developed a Year Council and School Council scheme. Sixth Form Council have enabled sixth formers to have an active part in the structure of their sixth form e.g. Home Study, Study Area, Sixth Form Block. Sixth Form Students take part in Whole School Council. The Head Girl leads School and Sixth Form Council Since September 2006 Sixth Form students (Prefects) lead the Year Council meetings. Students’ spiritual, moral, social, emotional and cultural development is good. The assembly programme includes corporate worship based on the Christian tradition and readings, prayers and meditations are used from other faiths. Students regularly plan and lead worship assemblies themselves. A Students' Christian Union group meets regularly. A wide range of social, moral and ethical issues are addressed in PSHC&E and in subjects across the curriculum. Students have taken the initiative to support a number of charity and disaster relief appeals e.g. Over £7,000 was raised in response to the Tsunami in 2005. There are high levels of participation in the school’s extensive range of cultural and enrichment activities, eg. orchestras and bands, choirs, drama club, dance groups, debating society, Enrichment Week The English and Art departments arrange theatre and art gallery trips every year and there are English, Science and History clubs running at lunchtimes. The range of international trips each year encompasses MFL, PE and sports, Art and Design and History Students have opportunities to take part in World Challenge Expeditions (Kenya, Peru, Ecuador and Mongolia in recent years) and the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. 4d How good is the behaviour of learners? For example: - what proportion of lessons is significantly disrupted by poor behaviour? Please enter text here The behaviour of learners is outstanding. Any incident is responded to promptly by Heads of Department and/or Directors of Learning and Support. There are clear expectation in lessons and we have introduced a set of classroom guidelines for all staff. New staff to the school comment on how good behaviour is and what a pleasure it is to teach at Ribston Hall. Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 12 of 25
  • 13. 4e How well do learners make a positive contribution to the community? For example: - learners' growing understanding of their rights and responsibilities, and of those of others - how well learners express their views and take part in community activities both within and beyond the school - if you are a specialist school, how this has helped learners' understanding of and contribution to the community Please enter text here Students make a very good contribution to the community. The evidence is: Students have the opportunity to represent their year and tutor group and articulate their views and perspectives on the Year, Sixth Form or School Councils Each term there is an opportunity for tutor groups to nominate peers for positions of responsibility – Form Captains and Vice- Captains, There are opportunities to represent the school, year groups and key stages through the School Prefect system, House Captains, Sports Captains, School Librarians, Choir Captains and Leaders of the Orchestra A variety of opportunities are available to students through the PSHE&C programme – Year 7 recycling team and party for Senior Citizens, Y8 Sportsability event, Y9 Royal British Legion sale of poppies) Charity/fund raising work – for the school’s charity as well as other special appeals, eg ‘The Big Sing’, Design & Technology Department produce ‘story sacks’ for a local primary school Senior students work with younger pupils through CSLA and JSLA programmes (Sports Leaders) In the Sixth Form: All students take part in a range of activities, within Enhancement Programme, designed to develop their understanding of their rights and responsibilities. All year 12 students in visited the Houses of Parliament in July 2005 and took part in a discussion with the local M.P. All year 12 have attended at least one theatre performance during the academic year. Many students have also taken part on a musical/dance/drama performance over the school year. In addition other students act as volunteers in primary school, youth groups, ‘Playing for Success’ Scheme, CSLA etc. Developments include the introduction of the ASDAN award which will be piloted with a group of Year 9 Students and the introduction of a volunteering scheme in the Main School. The Sixth Form are encouraged to take part in the new 'V' scheme and complete 200 hours of voluntary service. 4f How well do learners prepare for their future economic well-being? For example: - through the development of literacy, numeracy, information and communication technology, financial and enterprise capability, economic and business understanding, and understanding of sustainable development - learners' understanding of opportunities for further education and training, and career choices - learners' acquisition of the social skills and other workplace skills, essential to their future economic well-being. Please enter text here Students are well prepared for their future economic well-being. Students have high level basic skills, all will achieve at least level 2 qualifications in English, Mathematics and ICT The Work Related & Enterprise Learning audit undertaken in 2005/6 indicates that the WREL elements are addressed in learning across the curriculum, including the PSHE&C programme. Some students may not be aware of ‘the extent and diversity of local and national employment opportunities’ (due to the nature of the school and student aspirations), others may not engage with ‘ideas, challenges and applications from the business world’ unless they take GCSE Business Studies. Sixth Form: A comprehensive programme covering post 18 options, called “Life After the Sixth Form,” is followed by all students. Conference Days, trips and visiting speakers enhance school-based provision. All students receive a series of support packs to facilitate university and employment applications. Post –18 Destinations illustrate ‘potential’ match as over 90% attend First Choice Higher Education Institutions. Links with local training providers show match between local economy and potential e.g. Advanced Level Accountancy Training. Links with University of Gloucestershire, as Compact member and SOGVIP. Links with People and Planet. Sixth Form students able to arrange their own work placements to enhance career options. We have reviewed staff roles and appointed an Enterprise Coordinator and an 14 – 19 WRL Coordinator for September 2007. Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 13 of 25
  • 14. 4g Where relevant, how good are learners' personal development and well being in the sixth form? Please enter text here The majority of students feel safe from bullying and racist incidents within Ribston Hall. Students are positive about their programmes of study and enjoy the Sixth Form. The last Ofsted inspection commented on their excellent attitudes, behaviour and attendance. SOGVIP Conference days include a Philosophy and Ethics Day at the University of Gloucestershire; students evaluate these days as enjoyable. Enhancement Programme includes Amnesty International projects and current affairs, General Studies, social and emotional well-being, cultural, moral and spiritual awareness, plus preparation for ‘Life After the Sixth Form’. Extra-curricular programme flexible to include any specific areas of interest. All students provided with opportunities to attend theatre trips, social events e.g. Christmas and Leavers' Balls, sporting, musical, dance and drama activities and clubs supported by and organised by students. Links with external organisations e.g. Piped Piper Appeal, Young Enterprise, People and Planet, CSLA, St John’s Ambulance, World Challenge and Duke of Edinburgh Award. House and Prefect systems allow students to lead and participate in activities e.g. House Music Competitions, Sports Matches, Charity work etc. Evaluation of Individual Learning Plans (ILP’s), Student/Parent Questionnaires and Review of Year enables priority areas for following academic year to be established. Outcomes discussed by Tutors, Prefect Team and Sixth Form Council 4h On the basis of your evaluation, what are your key priorities for development? Please enter text here Develop a system for on-line lesson registration to ensure students gain recognition for attendance following health or other appointments that do not take a whole session.Organise a parents evening to discuss the use of the Internet at home –‘Do you know how your daughter uses the Internet?’ Finalise the application for Healthy School Status Ensure safe practice in all aspects of school life Introduce aspects of the ‘Cambridgeshire’ PSHE&C scheme Review the Role of the Tutor and organise CPD for all Safeguarding Children - update all members of staff on the procedures Introduce a Volunteering Scheme Run an ASDAN Pilot with Year 9 Develop Student Voice (4) 4Grade Please enter grades in boxes below. To guide judgement, please consult grade descriptions in Guidance for Inspectors. Outstanding Good Satisfactory Inadequate Learners' personal Whole school X development and well- being Sixth form X Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 14 of 25
  • 15. 5. The quality of provision Your evaluation of the quality of provision should take account of the impact of teaching, the curriculum and the school's care, guidance and support on the standards achieved and the personal development and well-being of learners. To help you focus your comments and judgements in completing this section, please consult the relevant pages in the Guidance for Inspectors of Schools. In answering the following questions, please make clear the main evidence, such as monitoring of teaching, on which your evaluation is based. 5a How good is the quality of teaching and learning? - how well teaching meets individuals' learning needs, encourages their progress and meets course requirements - how well teaching promotes positive behaviour and learning - the suitability and rigour of assessment in planning learning and monitoring learners' progress - the involvement of parents and carers in their children's learning and development - in specialist schools, the impact that the quality of teaching in the school's specialist subjects has had on other subjects. Please enter text here The quality of teaching and leraning is good with outstanding features. Key Stage 3 The quality of teaching and learning in Key Stage 3 is good. Attainment at Key Stage 3 is good because lessons are taught by specialist subject teachers who devise schemes of work which meet National Curriculum requirements. Assessment at Key Stage 3 has become more rigorous. End of Key Stage targets are set (based upon prior attainment and baseline data) and shared with students. Teachers use National Curriculum levels and sub levels when making judgements about student progress. There is evidence of greater consistency of assessment within and across subject departments. The work scrutiny shows that the marking of student work is regular. Feedback to students provides guidance on how to improve. All students have two Academic Monitoring interviews each academic year with their tutors in which curricular targets are reviewed and monitored. Regular homework is set in accordance with school policy. This is monitored by form tutors and parents sign student planners. Prior to joining the school the parents attend an induction meeting that informs them about the curriculum, expectations, the homework policy and the role of the CATs tests. Key Stage 4 The quality of Teaching and Learning in Key Stage 4 is good: Attainment at Key Stage 4 is good because lessons are taught by specialist subject teachers who devise schemes of work which meet GCSE requirements. Teachers are informed about the individual needs of students with SEN or EAL. Strategies are in place to ensure these needs are met in the classroom, eg use of key vocabulary. The Additional Support Coordinator monitors provision for these students. Assessment at Key Stage 4 has become more rigorous. GCSE targets are set (based upon prior attainment and baseline data) and shared with students. Teachers use GCSE grades when making judgements about student progress. There is evidence of greater consistency of assessment within and across subject departments. The work scrutiny shows that the marking of student work is regular. Feedback to students provides guidance on how to improve. All students have two Academic Monitoring interviews with their tutors in which curricular targets are reviewed and monitored. Regular homework is set in accordance with school policy. This is monitored by form tutors and parents sign student planners. Year 10 parents attend an information evening in the first term which outlines the curriculum and other information relevant to Key Stage 4. Key Stage 5 The quality of teaching and learning in Key Stage 5 is good. Academic Monitoring involves students, parents and staff and occurs at least twice during each academic year. Students with individual learning needs are supported by the Additional Support co-ordinator. Good attendance at Parents Evenings and Information Evenings with Years 12 and 13. All students have an Individual Learning Plan, with an analysis of individual learning styles. Whole School: Lesson Observations show that in most lessons students are suitably challenged and are taught using a range of appropriate teaching methods. Formal lesson observations form part of the Performance Management process and Departmental Reviews. There is a common observation form and judgements are made with clear criteria. Teachers are knowledgeable about learning styles and there is evidence of subject leaders adapting schemes of work to incorporate teaching strategies which address the needs of different learners, although this is an area for further development. All teachers carry out informal observations to share good practice. Teachers are informed about the individual needs of students with SEN or EAL. Strategies are in place to ensure these needs are met in the classroom, eg use of key vocabulary. The Additional Support Coordinator monitors provision for these students. Assessment for Learning is a key focus for all. All teaching staff have received training through a combination of school INSET, department planning time and LA Consultant support. All subject departments have trialled AfL approaches and there is greater confidence across the teaching staff in applying AfL in their lessons. Subject specific examples: Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 15 of 25
  • 16. Business Studies – Good - Independent study shared with other students Chemistry – Good – high level practical skills developed Dance – Outstanding – lessons are challenging and well managed with a clear structure D&T – Good – Parent feedback on Self Assessment sheets English & Drama – Good – reflective practitioners History – Outstanding – OFSTED Subject Survey 2006; integration of AfL to extend challenge Mathematics – Good – student questionnaires, LA Consultant visits Music – good – quality of practical work produced at KS3 Religious Studies – Good – evaluation skills Sociology – good – feedback in student exit surveys; retention between AS and A2 5b How well do the curriculum and other activities meet the range of needs and interests of learners? For example: - the extent to which the curriculum or activities match learners' needs, aspirations and capabilities, building on prior attainment and previous experience - how far the curriculum meets external requirements, for example DCSF benchmarks for languages at Key Stage 4, and is responsive to local circumstances - the extent to which the provision enables and encourages learners to be healthy, contributes to learners' personal development and well-being, and promotes equality of opportunity and community cohesion - the extent to which enrichment activities, including those enhanced by specialist subject/s and, where appropriate, extended services and out-of-classroom learning, contribute to learners' enjoyment and achievement - the extent to which the community benefits from the school's specialist provision - the provision of impartial careers advice and work-related learning for all pupils in Key Stage 4 - if your school is a specialist school, the extent to which Key Stage 4 and post-16 courses have been broadened, and the extent to which specialist subject participation targets have been met - the extent to which learners have opportunities to develop creativity, key skills, enterprise capability, economic and business understanding, and financial capability, and have access to work-related learning in Key Stage 4 - the extent to which any extended services contribute to improving learners' personal development and well-being. Please enter text here The school adheres to the National Curriculum throughout Key Stage 3 (ages 11-14) and Key Stage 4 (ages 15 –16) with German as an additional language in Key Stage 3 and a language is compulsory at Key Stage 4. Dance is taught throughout Key Stage 3 as a separate subject and is offered as a GCSE course in Key Stage 4. Key Stage 3 All pupils in Key Stage 3 follow the same programme: English, Mathematics, Science, Design & Technology, French, German, History, Geography, Religious Studies, Art, Music, Information Communication Technology, Physical Education, Dance, Personal, Social, Health Education and Citizenship. In response to demands of the curriculum students may choose to continue with two languages in Year 9 or may specialise in one. There is setting in Mathematics in Year 8 & 9; In English and Science in Year 9 students join different groups. From September 2007 we are introducing teaching sets as oppposed to Tutor Groups in Years 8 and 9 to enable students to work with different peer groups. Key Stage 4 At Key Stage 4 all pupils follow nine full GCSE courses in English, English Literature, Mathematics and Double Award Science, a Modern Foreign Language, and three other subjects. These include Drama, Design and Technology, Geography, History, Religious Studies, Music, Art & Design, Physical Education, Dance, Business Studies and a second Modern Foreign Language. Students also follow a short courses in ICT and may choose to follow a short course in Religious Studies or take the full GCSE course. In addition there is a general programme involving Physical Education, Personal, Social, Health Education and Citizenship. Key Stage 5: All students follow Advanced Level courses, 25 subjects offered. Additional Advanced Level and vocational courses available to students through the Sixth Form Partnership (SOGVIP). Some students also attend evening classes at local Further Education Colleges. The Sixth Form Application Form highlights other curriculum requests e.g. introduction of English Language from September 2006; and the use of on-line courses such as Classical Civilisation. All students follow an Enhancement Programme which incorporates citizenship; careers guidance; personal, social and health education; enrichment and social activities; community service; topical issues and debates; General Studies and the wider key skills. Subject specific New courses were introduced in September 2006: Geology GCSE as a twilight course open to Key Stage 4 and 5 and students from Partnership Schools, Classical Civilisation AS, English Language AS and Spanish We have introduced Enterprise days into the Year 10 curriculum. Activities that contribute to the learners enjoymnet of the subject: Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 16 of 25
  • 17. MFL – Year 7 Lille visit; KS4 & 5 Exchanges D&T Nationally recognised accreditation – CREST Awards Sociology – visits to Law Courts and Houses of Parliament PSHE& C – Sportsabilty, Remembrance, Senior Citizens Music – Extra curricular provision, opportunities to perform Maths – Year 7 Mathamagic; Maths Challenge History – Civil War Soldier; Krakow visit English – Author visit, book week, theatre trips Drama – Theatre visits and opportunities to perform Dance – Workshops and scholarships as well as visiting performers and theatre visits Chemistry –open ended investigations Biology – Year 12 Fieldwork Art – wide range of media RS – Year 9 Independent work on Prejudice and Discrimination Science – Science Lectures, Science Club ICT – extension materials for high achievers Geography – fieldwork at all levels 5c How well are learners guided and supported? For example: - the quality and accessibility of care (including integrated day care), advice, guidance and support to safeguard learners' welfare, promote their personal development and help them achieve well - the extent to which the school and any additional services contribute to the learners' capacity to be healthy, including vulnerable groups, such as looked after children - the quality and accessibility of impartial information and guidance to learners in choosing courses and programmes and, where applicable, career progression - the effectiveness of any exclusion provision used by the school to support and reintegrate learners back into mainstream lessons - the effectiveness of steps taken to reduce absence, including persistent absence, and raising the proportion of pupils with high levels of attendance - action taken to promote equality of opportunity, to ensure that all learners achieve good outcomes - the extent to which the school supports learners in raising their individual standards through marking, assessment and personal targets. Please enter text here The quality of guidance and support is good. The pastoral system provides a large measure of continuity for students. Each Year Group has a Director of Learning & Support and 4 tutors who move up the school from Year 7 to 11. Year Teams are composed of committed tutors who share a common vision. Tutors are well - led and supported by Directors of Learning & Support. There are regular formal meetings between the Directors of Learning & Support and their Senior Leadership Team Link which focus upon Year Team Development Plans and the School Development Plan. Each Director of Learning & Support also liaises closely with their Senior Leadership Team Link to support individual students whose needs require additional support eg Looked After Children; or students whose behaviour/achievement is causing concern. Directors of Learning & Support and Senior Leadership Team liaise effectively with outside agencies, including Social Services, and students are referred according to their needs to the “SHARE” Counselling Service. Child Protection Policy follows Local Authority guidelines. There is a teacher nominated as responsible for Safeguarding Children issues. All staff have a booklet advising of procedure. New teachers receive an induction session on Safeguarding. The school has a clear trips and visits procedure which is followed by all trip organisers. Risk assessments show a good level of understanding about health and safety. The school has clear vetting procedures in place for all staff appointed, including supply teachers. Special Needs students have detailed Individual Education Plan’s which the Additional Support Coordinator publishes to teachers. These consist of clear targets and advice to teachers. The Additional Support Coordinator gives updates to all staff regarding those students on the Special Needs register. The PSHE and C programme is well-established and resourced and students’ and tutors’ views inform review of its relevance and effectiveness. The programme includes guest speakers and activities led by outside agencies, eg Infobus, Health Professionals etc. Expertise in Assessment for Learning is developing steadily in subject teams to ensure that formative assessment gives students clear guidance on how to progress well in their work Cross-phase Key Stage information evenings are held to provide advice and written information on subjects and courses and subject ‘taster’ sessions are organised before options are chosen The Deputy Headteacher responsible for Looked After Children liaises regularly with staff and outside agencies, eg CAMHS and the welfare and progress of Looked After Children is monitored very closely Management and procedures for Health and Safety, risk assessment, emergency evacuation, child protection, internet use, staff supervision rotas, signage and disability access are sound Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 17 of 25
  • 18. Key Stage 3 All teaching staff apply Assessment for Learning strategies; students are set ‘End of Key Stage 3 National Curriculum Level targets’ which are shared with students and parents; students receive “Quick Monitor” National Curriculum Level grades twice a year and a written report once a year; teachers use curricular targets linked to the National curriculum to communicate areas for development. These developments have supplemented the well established system of Academic Monitoring interviews which allow students to engage in a dialogue about their development. Transition of Year 6 students is well-managed. The Director of Learning and Support visits every Year 6 student in their Primary School and also meets with their teachers to discuss the students. An induction day and Y6 Parents Evening is held in July. Within the first 3 weeks of September all Year 7 students go on a residential trip with the Director of Learning and Support, tutors and other staff. Student evaluation sheets for the residential are very positive. Year 9 students receive advice and guidance about future options and careers in preparation for deciding upon their GCSE courses. Key Stage 4 The assessment and reporting cycle gives students and parents information each term on attainment, progress and improvement targets, based on GCSE Grades. Twice a year the Academic monitoring interviews with personal tutors support students in celebrating success and identifying areas for development Key Stage 4 begins with an Induction day in Year 10 and both Year 10 and Year 11 have participated in a Study Skills day led by an independent trainer Year 11 students have post-Mock examination interviews with members of the Senior Leadership Team to identify post-16 intentions and aptitudes and causes of any under-achievement A Year 11 Mentoring programme supports students who are underperforming and mentoring in subjects is offered to students working at grade borderlines Careers education and guidance is integrated within the PSHE and C programme. Students receive small group and individual advice from an experienced Co-ordinator and all students have access to a Connexions personal adviser Key Stage 5 Sixth Form data tracks progress and provides advice relating to potential. Data gathered informs students for post-18 choices. Motto within Sixth Form – awareness, aspiration, achievement. Establishment of Sixth Form Careers base within Sixth Form Block. Support and guidance packs designed to provide equality of information and enable students to make decisions and take responsibility for their future. Parental Guidance packs provided with Parent Information Evenings e.g. start of Year 12 and Higher Education. Sixth Form Planner and Sixth Form Brochure establishes codes of practice for school, student and parents Advice Booklets concerning Educational Maintenance Allowances (EMA). Students act as role models and a support system for younger pupils. Many students hold positions of responsibility and regularly interact with pupils. Links with external agencies and SOGVIP partners to extend provision e.g. healthy living, Learning Agreement. 5d Where relevant, what is the quality of provision in the sixth form? Please enter text here The quality of provision in the Sixth Form is good. Departmental staff are specialists in their Advanced Level teaching areas. Attendance at Examination Board courses is high, consequently all subject areas provide up-to-date guidance for staff and students. Departmental Lesson Observations and informal peer observations include Sixth Form provision to ensure dissemination of good practice. All Sixth Form students with Specific Learning Difficulties have an IEP to facilitate advancement. Assessment and monitoring advises students and parents of potential/achievement match. A comprehensive ‘Life After the Sixth Form’ programme is designed to enable students to successfully gain access to Higher Education. Nearly all students study at their First Choice University. 100% Advanced Level pass rate – August 2005 Links fostered with local employers have resulted in an Accountancy training programme for students not wishing to go into Higher Education. Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 18 of 25
  • 19. 5e On the basis of your evaluation, what are your key priorities for development of your provision? Please enter text here Teaching & Learning - Assessment for Learning Care Guidance & Support – Monitor ‘Extended School’ provision Curriculum - Review Key Stage 3 & 4 curriculum Introduce ‘stretch & challenge’ aspects of new A Level courses Develop ‘stretch & challenge’ in Key Stages 3 & 4 5Grade Please enter grades in boxes below. To guide judgement, please consult grade descriptions in Guidance for Inspectors. Outstanding Good Satisfactory Inadequate Quality of teaching Whole school X and learning Sixth form X Quality of the Whole school X curriculum and other activities Sixth form X Quality of care, Whole school X guidance and support for learners Sixth form X Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 19 of 25
  • 20. 6. Leadership and management Your evaluation of leadership and management should take account of their impact in terms of the outcomes for learners and the quality of provision. To help you focus your comments and judgements in completing this section, please consult the relevant pages in the Guidance for Inspectors of Schools. In answering the following questions, please make clear the main evidence on which your evaluation is based. 6a What is the overall effectiveness of leadership and management? For example: - how effectively leaders and managers at all levels set clear direction leading to improvement and promote high quality care and education - how performance is monitored and improved through quality assurance and self-evaluation - how effectively leaders and managers use challenging targets to raise standards, including statutory targets, attendance targets and, where applicable, specialist school targets - how well equality of opportunity is promoted and discrimination tackled so that all learners achieve their potential; and how well leaders and managers monitor the impact of the school's equality and diversity policies in relation to all groups of learners - how well leaders and managers promote the professional development of the whole school's workforce and promote a suitable work/life balance for them - how effectively resources are deployed to achieve value for money, including the impact of continuing professional development upon outcomes for learners - how effectively links are made with other providers, services, employers and other organisations to promote access to integrated care, education and any extended services - how effectively governors (and, if appropriate, other supervisory boards) discharge their responsibilities - for specialist schools, the impact of the specialism on the quality of leadership and management - do procedures for safeguarding meet current government requirements, for example child protection procedures, vetting systems, risk assessments and disaster plans? Please enter text here Leadership and Management is judged to be good The Senior Leadership Team provide clear direction and promote improvement. There is good student attainment in all three Key Stages and attendance is above national averages. The school is over-subscribed. The Headteacher, Deputy Head and Assistant Headteachers monitor the development of several subject departments; and the three members of the team line manage or lead a Key Stage team. The Finance and Facilities Manager line manages the Associate Staff team and the Site teams. Heads of Department are responsible for subject development and self evaluation. The Directors of Learning & Support are responsible for Key Stage Self Evaluation. The staffing restructuring following the introduction of ‘Teaching & Learning Responsibilities’ has been fully implemented. Specialist staff are employed to teach each subject throughout the school. Recruitment and retention is good, with well-qualified experienced staff in post. There is a comprehensive induction programme for new members of staff and the school is a member of the local Initial Teacher Training scheme. Accommodation remains a cause for concern with 14 temporary classrooms; only one specialist Art Room; and only one specialist Design & Technology Food room; the school also has very limited Physical Education facilities, although there is a buildings development plan to address some of these needs. Teaching resources are improving, there are Interactive Whiteboards and all departments have at least one data projector. All members of the teaching staff have a laptop computer. The school is a member of a number of partnerships to promote education. The Governing body meets regularly and has recently reviewed the structure and functions of the Governing Body. There is a ‘Visiting Governor’ scheme where governors are linked to key members of staff or school areas to improve understanding. The school has gained FMSIS. Preparation for the implementation of the Revised Performance Management Regulations has been completed. The Governors and staff have revised the aims and objectives and developed a new School Development Plan for 2007-10. The Disability Discrimination Act policy and action plan are in place. Subject Leadership: French – good – clear vision PE – outstanding – keen to develop new initiatives D&T – Good – effective delegation and teamwork Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 20 of 25
  • 21. Sociology – good – links with other departments Music - good – Quality of planning and organisation Maths – good – strong collegiate approach History – outstanding – reflective and collegiate department English & Drama – good – teaching and learning the focus Dance – good/outstanding – high profile of the subject maintained Science – good – supportive, democratic, collegiate approach ICT – good – clear vision Geography – shared responsibility 6b Where relevant, how effective is the leadership and management in the sixth form? Please enter text here The leadership and management of the Sixth Form is effective, however a combination of an increase in student numbers and staff illness this year has prompted us to review the Leadership and Management of the Sixth Form. From September 2007 there will be two additional posts - Assistant Directors Post 16, one responsible for students in Year 12, the other for Year 13. The Ofsted Report (2004) described the Sixth Form as being quot;very well led and effectively managed. Leadership provides very clear and purposeful direction to those who work with students.quot; Equality of opportunity and experience are promoted through evaluation for improvement and provision of Tutor and Student Support Packs. Governors are supportive and have financed computers for Sixth Form Private Study. Staffing and resources are good. 6c On the basis of your evaluation, what are your key priorities for the development of leadership and management? Please enter text here Departmental Reviews (Year 1) Continue to embed Self Evaluation Implementation of revised Performance Management arrangements Middle Leader programme 6Grade Please enter grades in boxes below. To guide judgement, please consult grade descriptions in Guidance for Inspectors. Outstanding Good Satisfactory Inadequate Effectiveness of leadership Whole school X and management Sixth form X Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 21 of 25
  • 22. 7. Overall effectiveness How effective and inclusive is the provision of education, integrated care and any extended services in meeting the needs of learners and why? To answer the questions raised in this section of the form you should draw together your evaluations in the previous sections. To help you focus your comments and judgements in completing this section, please consult the relevant pages in the Guidance for Inspectors of Schools. In answering the following questions, please in each case make clear the main evidence on which your evaluation is based. 7a What is the effectiveness of any steps taken to promote improvement since the last inspection? If you are a specialist school, what has been the contribution of specialist subjects? If you are a specialist school, what has been the contribution of specialist subjects? Please enter text here Issues identified by OFSTED (October 2004) Leadership & Management. New appointments have been made to the Senior Leadership Team and in the light of this, roles and responsibilities have been reviewed. There is a much clearer line management system in school. The staffing restructure has enabled the school to review roles and responsibilities. The planned ‘Middle Leaders’ training programme will further improve Leadership and Management. Assessment. A simplified Effort and Attainment Grade system has been introduced which is based on NC Levels, GCSE and A Level Grades. The reporting system has been improved. ICT in Key Stage 4. All students take a Short Course GCSE in ICT at the end of Year 11. Religious Studies in Key Stage 4. All students take Religious Studies either as a Full GCSE or a Short Course GCSE at the end of Year 11. Daily Act of Worship. There is a comprehensive morning assembly programme, four days a week. We need to develop a ‘thought for the day’ scheme for the other morning. Subject specific improvements since the last inspection include: Physical Education: introduction of Sports Leader qualifications D&T: consistent use of NC levels Music: ICT incorporated into KS3 SoW Biology: opportunities for fieldwork Art: standardised assessment Religious Studies: access to Full Course GCSE ICT: formal assessment in Key Stage 3 Geography: integration of self and peer assessment The issues identified by School Self Evaluation Process are incorportaed into the School Development Plan. Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 22 of 25
  • 23. 7b How effective and inclusive is the provision overall, including any extended services, and what are the main strengths and weaknesses? For example: - how effective is the school in enabling all learners to make good progress and achieve high standards - how well does the school promote the personal development and well-being of all learners, including through working in partnership with others - how well does the school promote community cohesion - how efficiently does the school use the resources available to it and how has the school achieved value for money in its provision - where relevant, what is the overall effectiveness of boarding provision? Please enter text here The overall effectiveness of the provision is good. The strengths are many and include: High standards of teaching and learning Well-qualified and experienced teachers Well-qualified and experienced Associate Staff Strong systems and processes for Self Evaluation Students are well supported by Tutors, Directors of Learning & Support Good procedures for student target setting and academic monitoring Good extra curricular and curricular trips and visits programme Very good relationships between students and between staff and students A particular strength is that the Sixth Form is viewed as an open and friendly integrated community regardless of gender or ethnicity. The school has a calm purposeful atmosphere Good links with City Secondary Schools particularly Sixth Form Partnership and county secondary schools Good links with surrounding and Humanities linked Primary Schools Good relationship with the local community in particular the Parish of St Barnabas The school development plan highlights the areas for improvement and these build on our successes to improve the school further. 7c How well does the school work in partnership with others to promote learners' well-being? Please enter text here The school has excellent relationships with those who work in partnership to promote learning, these include: The Educational Welfare Officer, the Connexions Personal Adviser, the school nurse, the school counsellor,the Healthy Schools Team, Social Services, the Police and a variety of colleagues who work within our Personal, Social and Health Education and Citizenship programme. In addition as a Specialist School we have worked with our Primary partners and have organised a river field trip with Year 6 pupils led by our Year 12 Geographers; Worked with Year 4 on their orienteering skills in our grounds; Partly resourced and taught a section of work on ‘India' to Year 6 pupils; provided expertise in Dance and Science; subsidised a trip to '@Bristol'; provided a Year 12 Muslim panel to answer Year 6 questions; and hosted meetings of humanities specialists at which ideas can be shared. With our secondary partner we have hosted a GCSE Geography revision afternoon; provided the opportunity for extra curricular GCSE Geology; and extended links with Year 11 to encourage students to join the Sixth Form. Within the community we have run two highly successful Geneaology courses and we have hosted the Gloucester SACRE meeting. We are a key member of the Gloucester City Sports Partnership offering both our students and those of our partner primary schools a greater variety of activities including Sports Leadership qualifications. We have developed a Languages link with one of our partner primary schools, where a colleague from the MFL Department spends up to two hours a week introducing French to Year 6. Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 23 of 25
  • 24. 7d Where relevant, what is the overall effectiveness of the sixth form, including, where appropriate, reaching specialist school targets? Please enter text here The overall effectiveness of the Sixth Form is good. The numbers joining the Sixth Form have shown an upward trend and we are increasingly attracting students from other schools in the city.This means, howver, that students joining the Sixth Form have a wider ability range than those joining the main school. We will be using the Learning Achievment Tracker to analyse data in the future. Specialist School Targets: There is increased participation in all three specialist subjects and in the other Humanities subjects: Government and Politics and Sociology. The introduction of new courses: Classical Civilisation AS, English Language AS and Geology GCSE has also proved popular. Attainment targets 05/06 Year 1 AS History 82% A & B Grades A2 History 62% A & B Grades AS Geography 55% A & B Grades A2 Geography 60% A & B Grades AS Philosophy & Ethics 82% A & B Grades A2 Philosophy & Ethics 62% A & B Grades Attainment results August 2006 AS History 84.2% A & B Grades A2 History 73.9% A & B Grades AS Geography 69.2% A & B Grades A2 Geography 55.6% A & B Grades AS Philosophy & Ethics 54.5% A & B Grades A2 Philosophy & Ethics 40% A & B Grades Results in Philosophy and Ethics did not meet the target grades. The increase in popularity of the subject widened the abilty range and therefore students met their individual targets, but not the ambitious school targets. 7e What are your main priorities to further improve the overall effectiveness of the school? Please enter text here Continue to implement the Buildings Plan to improve accommodation. We need to build a Sports Hall and Changing Rooms; and we need to improve the facilities for Drama and Learning Resources. Further develop the Continuing Professional Development Programme building upon expertise in school to further improve teaching and learning. Further develop the school web site so that it is a resource for students, staff, governors and parents. 7f What is the capacity to make further improvement? Please enter text here The capacity to make further improvement is good. The school is well placed to continue to improve teaching and learning and to improve the learning environment. We have an ambitious staff, who are dedicated to the profession and the school. We have hard-working, conscientious students. There is a mutually supportive student/teacher relationship. There is a clear strategic vision and School Development Plan which is agreed with Governors. WE are making improvements to the learning environment. There have been a range of developments in ICT, we now have 1 computer to 3 students. We are encouraging independent learning. WE are continually reviewing our 'offer' to students to ensure that their learning is personalised. Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 24 of 25
  • 25. 7Grade Please enter grades in boxes below. To guide judgement, please consult grade descriptions in Guidance for Inspectors. Outstanding Good Satisfactory Inadequate Overall effectiveness X Capacity to make further X improvement Improvement since the last X inspection Effectiveness of sixth form X Created on Friday 18 January 2008 Page 25 of 25