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More than Honey & Black Seeds
 Islam’s Contribution to Human Health

                   Hatem al-Haj, MD, PhD
‫إسهبم الشريعة في حفظ الصحة‬
 Sharia’s Contribution to Human Health

1. General Guidance Regarding ‫1. هداٌة عامة لحفظ‬
   Health Maintenance                    ‫الصحة‬
2. Specific Advice                ‫2. نصائح خاصة‬
3. Liberation of Human       ‫3. تحرٌر العقل البشري‬
Keep in Mind
 All of the guidance is without mistakes.
 That is only part of the wisdom.
 Guiding Humanity to a Healthy Lifestyle Is Sharia‟s
Greatest Contribution to Health.
 Why Muslims now are not always healthier.
 Use this knowledge to grow your faith, increase your
certainty, and deepen your love for the one who blessed
you with this guidance, and the one who conveyed it all.
Guiding Humanity to a Healthy Lifestyle
Is Sharia’s Greatest Contribution to Health
Iman | Faith

 ِ‫"الَّذين آهنُىا وتَطوئن قُلُىبُهن بِذكر َّللاِ أَ ََل بِذكر َّللا‬
   َّ ِ ْ ِ            َّ ِ ْ ِ ُ           ُّ ِ َ ْ َ  َ َ ِ
                                      ْ ُّ َ ْ
                             ".‫تَطوئِن القُلُىة‬
   “Those who have believed and whose
hearts are assured by the remembrance of
         Allah . Unquestionably, by the
      remembrance of Allah hearts are
        assured." [Sahih International: ar-Ra‟d: 28]

       Dr. Herbert Benson of the Harvard Medical School "found
that faith quiets the mind like no other form of belief.” [i]

       Dr. David B. Larson of the American National Health
Research Center says, “Among Americans religious believers suffer
60% less heart disease. Suicide rate is twice is high for non-religious
women than religious women. Religious believers are seven times
less likely to have bad blood pressure.”[ii]
Research … Reliance

Am Heart J. 2006 Apr;151(4):934-42.
Study of the Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer (STEP) …
Benson H, Dusek JA, Sherwood JB, …. - Mind/Body Medical
Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.
Abstract… CONCLUSIONS: Intercessory prayer itself had no effect
on complication-free recovery from coronary artery bypass graft
(CABG), but certainty of receiving intercessory prayer was
associated with a higher incidence of complications.
Qadar & Mental Health
      ٍ ‫ِ ْ ُ ِ يب ٍ ف اْل ْ ِ ََ ف ْ ِ ُ ْ إا ف ِ ت‬
     ‫"ما أَصاب من مص َة ِي َْرض وَل ِي أَنفُسكم َِل ِي ك َاب‬َ َ َ
                       ِ ‫إ ا ذل عل ل ِ ي‬
     ‫من قَب ل أَن َبرأَىا ِن ٰ َِك ََى الاو َسير * ِكيََل َأْسوا‬
      ْ َ ‫ل َْ ت‬                     َ        َ َْ‫ْ ْ ِ ْ ن‬
     ٍ ‫عل ٰ َ ف ات ُ ْ ََ ت َ ُ ب َ آت ُ ْ َ لو َ يِ ُّ ُل ُ ْت‬
     ‫ََى ما َ َكم وَل َفْرحوا ِما َاكم والا ُ َل ُحب ك ا مخ َال‬
                               “.ٍ ‫َ ُو‬
                                 ‫فخ ر‬
      “No misfortune can happen on earth or in
            your souls but is recorded in a decree
          before We bring it into existence: That is
          truly easy for Allah *In order that ye may
         not despair over matters that pass you by,
         nor exult over favors bestowed upon you.
               For Allah loves not any vainglorious
Sunni Belief in Qadar (Predestination)

 Herbert Benson, MD says, “Faith in God is the best
preventative tool for such stress and to promote healthy immune
system. Believing that one hand is in control of everything eases
the mind.” [iv]

 Edward T. Creagan, M.D., Mayo Clinic, describes the best
way of stress management: “Acknowledging that life is not
always fair, and the good guys do not always win...”[v]
Moderation, on Both Ends

                                  “…ُ‫“... ٌِى١َْل ذَأْعٛا عٍَٝ ِا فَاذَىُ َٚل ذَفشدُٛا تِّا آذَاو‬
                                    ُْ      َ       َ ْ ََ ُْ         َ ٰ َ َْ        َ َ
“…In order that ye may not despair over matters that pass you by,

nor exult over favors bestowed upon you...”

َْ‫"أَدْ ثِةْ دثِ١ثَه ًَ٘ٛٔا ِا عغٝ أَْ ٠َىْٛ تَغ١ؼه ٠َِٛا ِا ٚأَتغغْ تَغ١ؼه ًَ٘ٛٔا ِا عغٝ أ‬
ْ َ َ         ْ َ َ ِ      ِْ َ      ً ْ َ َ ِ َ ُ ْ َ َ             ْ َ َ
                                                                      ً ْ َ َ َ ُ
                                                                  "‫٠َىْٛ دثِ١ثَه ٠َِٛا‬
"Love those you love with moderation, for they may be your foes
one day. And hate those you hate with moderation for they may
become your beloved one day." [At-Tirmidhi from Abu Hurairah]
Bipolar Disorder
       According to a Psychological Science study based
article by Fulford, Johnson, Llabre and Carver, “... falling
behind …we feel negative and motivated to increase effort, if
progressing faster than expected we feel positive and are
inclined to slack off a bit… Drawing on literature relating BD
to elevated goal-approach sensitivity, we hypothesized that
persons with BD would be less responsive to unexpectedly high
progress than would control subjects …study confirmed our
overall hypothesis...”[i]
Ibadat | Acts of Worship
Keep in Mind
 All of the guidance is without mistakes.
 That is only part of the wisdom.
 Guiding Humanity to a Healthy Lifestyle Is Sharia‟s
Greatest Contribution to Health.
 Why Muslims now are not always healthier.
 Use this knowledge to grow your faith, increase your
certainty, and deepen your love for the one who blessed
you with this guidance, and the one who conveyed it all.
Abu Hurayrah  said: The Messenger of Allah  said:
ُ‫”ٌَٓ ٠َُٕجٟ أَدذا ِٕىُ عٍُُّٗ. لَااٌُٛا: َٚل أَٔاد ٠َاا سعُاٛي ؟َِ لَااي: َٚل أََٔاا َِِل أَْ ٠َرَغّاذِٟٔ ؟‬
      َ َ ْ                      َ َ          َ    َ      َ ْ َ                    َ َ ْ ُ ْ ِ ً َ َ ِّ ْ
     .“‫تِشدْ ّح عذدٚا ٚلَاستُٛا ٚاغذٚا ٚسُٚدُٛا ٚشٟء ِٓ اٌذ ٌْجح ٚاٌمَظْ ذ اٌمَظْ ذ ذَثٍُغٛا‬
         ُ ْ َ ْ َ ْ َ ِ َ ُّ ْ ِ ٌ ْ َ َ                  َ   ُْ َ     ِ َ ُ ِّ َ ٍ َ َ
“No one of you will be saved by his deeds.” They said: Not even
you, O Messenger of Allah? He said: “Not even me, unless Allah
bestows mercy upon me. So do good deeds properly, and try to
come close, and worship Allah in the forenoon and in the
afternoon and during a part of the night, and adhere to
moderation that you may reach your target.” [Al-Bukhari]
Health Maintenance & Hygiene
Fitrah | Natural Inclination
Natural Inclination
The Prophet  said:
  ‫“اٌفطشج خّظ: اٌخراْ ٚاَلعرذذاد ٚلض اٌشاسب ٚذمٍ١ُ األظافش‬
                                                  ”‫ٚٔرف اَلتؾ‬
•“The fitrah (natural inclination) is five things:
c i r c u m c i s i o n , removing the pubes, trimming
the moustache, cutting the nails, and plucking the
armpit hair.” [Agreed upon - from Abi Hurayrah]
Natural Inclination
The Messenger of Allah  said:
  ‫"عشر من الفطرة : قص الشارب وإعفاء اللحٌة والسواك واستنشاق الماء وقص األظفاار وسساا الاارا‬
‫ونتااا اطاااط وحلااق الاانااة وانتءاااص الماااء . قاااا ريرٌااا : قاااا مباااب : ونسااٌا الااشاارة إ كن تيااون‬
                                                                                                " ‫المضمضة‬

“Ten [practices] are of the fitrah [natural inclinations]: trimming the
moustache, letting the beard grow, brushing the teeth, rinsing the
nose, clipping the nails, washing the finger joints, plucking the
armpit hair, shaving the pubes and washing oneself with water after
using the lavatory.” Zakariyya said: Mus‟ab said: And I forgot the
tenth or it may have been rinsing the mouth. [Muslim from „Aishah]
Health Maintenance

• Hygiene: Rinsing the nostrils, the
  mouth, and brushing the teeth “Siwaak”
  Proper toileting practices. Using the
  right hand for drinking and eating and
  left for cleaning. Abstention from sexual
  relations during the menstrual cycle and
  the postnatal discharge.
Removing Impurities
Removing Impurities

  Impurity of dog and pig      • Wash 7 times, including 1 time with soil (Hanafi 4 times)

                               • Wash 3 times
      Other Impurities         • Other position: 1 effective

  Impurity on the ground       • Pour Water over it

Male infant’s urine            • Sprinkle the area
Prostatic secretion (Madhee)     with water

Trivial amount of blood,       • Excused
 pus, and similar things
Guidance, Even There!
Using the Lavatory
The Prophet  said:
                               ".‫"ِِرا تَاي أَدذوُ فََل ٠َأْخزْ روشُٖ تِ١َّ١ِٕٗ َٚل ٠َغرَٕجٟ تِ١َّ١ِٕٗ َٚل ٠َرََٕفظْ فِٟ اإلَٔاء‬
                                 ِ ِ                     َ ِ ِ        ِ ْ ْ     َ ِ ِ َ ََ َُ                  ُْ ُ َ َ َ
“When any one of you urinates, he should not hold his penis in his right hand or
clean it with his right hand; and (when drinking), he should not breathe into the
vessel.” [al-Bukhaari].

Hafsah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that,
 ". ‫ واْ ٠َجْ عً ٠َّ١َُٕٗ ألَوٍِٗ ٚششْ تِٗ ٚٚػُٛئِٗ ٚثِ١َاتِٗ ٚأَخزٖ ٚعطَائِٗ ٚ٠َجْ عً شّاٌَُٗ ٌِّا عٜٛ رٌِه‬ ِٟ‫"أَْ إٌث‬
    َ َ َ ِ َ          َ ِ ُ َ َ ِ َ َ ِِ ْ َ ِ َ ِ                ُ َ ِ ُ َ ِ ْ            ِ ُ َ َ َ
“the Prophet  used to use his right hand for eating, drinking, making wudoo‟,
getting dressed, and giving and taking things, and he used to use his left hand for
other things. [Ahmad; Saheeh al-Jaami‟]
Using the Lavatory
Abu Hurayrah reported that the Prophet  said:
            "ٍُِّٙ‫"اذمُٛا اٌَلعَٕ١ْٓ لَاٌُٛا ِٚا اٌَلعَٕاْ ٠َا سعُٛي ؟ِ لَاي اٌزٞ ٠َرَخٍٝ فِٟ ؽَش٠ك إٌاط أَٚ ظ‬
             ِْ ِ ْ ِ         ِ ِ         َ      ِ َ         َ َ ِ ِ              َ َ        ِ ِ
“Fear the two things that bring curses.” They asked, “What are the
two things that bring curses, O Messenger of Allah?” He said:
“When a person relieves himself in the road where people walk or in
the place where they seek shade.” [Abu Dawud; Saheeh al-Jaami‟]

The Prophet  also said,
                                                                         ".‫"ذّ١ؾ األرٜ عٓ اٌطش٠ك طذلح‬

“Removing something harmful from the road counts as a charity
for you.” [al-Bukhari from Abi Hurayrah]
Wudu’ and Ghusl
Minor and Major Ablution
T h e d a n ge rs o f n o t wa s h i n g yo u r h a n d s

  • Despite the proven health benefits of hand washing, many people
    don't practice this habit as often as they should — even after
    using the toilet. Throughout the day you accumulate germs on
    your hands from a variety of sources, such as direct contact with
    people… If you don't wash your hands frequently enough, you
    can infect yourself with these germs by touching your eyes, nose
    or mouth. And you can spread these germs to others...
Madmadah & Siwak
Nasal Irrigation

            The study concluded that nasal irrigation
            has an enormous potential of improving
            the quality of life of millions of patients in
            a very cost effective way.
            Tomooka L. et al. (2000) Clinical Study and
            Literature Review of Nasal Irrigation. The
            Nasal Douching as a Valuable Adjunct in
            the Management of Chronic Rhino
            Rhinology 37:29-32 (Netti Pot)
Required after ejaculation of semen, intercourse, menstruation and postnatal
bleeding. Some added upon conversion to Islam, and Ibn Taymiyah said, for
Jumu‟ah if one has an offensive odor…etc. We even wash the dead and the
majority considers it a communal obligation.

Recommended in religious gatherings, as well as all types of gatherings, and
that includes: Jumu‟ahs, the two Eids, eclipse prayer, prayer for rain, standing in
„Arafah, in al-Mash‟ar al-Haram, before stoning the Jamarat. It has also been
stated by the scholars that it is recommended upon change of one‟s mental or
physical condition, such as for the one who went insane or fell unconscious when
he recovers, and after cupping…etc. It is also recommended for some acts of
worship, such as entering ihraam. Some hold it recommended after washing the
dead based on a controversial hadeeth.

Times Online March 26, 2009: The Dirty Secrets of Bath time
Year 1000 CE. The Crusaders return from the east with the news of a delightful
custom – the Turkish bath. Bathhouses are built all over Europe.

               Keep in Mind
 All of the guidance is without mistakes.
 That is only part of the wisdom.
 Guiding Humanity to a Healthy Lifestyle Is Sharia‟s
Greatest Contribution to Health.
 Why Muslims now are not always healthier.
 Use this knowledge to grow your faith, increase your
certainty, and deepen your love for the one who blessed
you with this guidance, and the one who conveyed it all.
And Bow With Those Who Bow.
Meshino, J. “The Role of Spinal Inverted           Taking
 Traction in Chiropractic Practice.” ACA           tension
                                                   off discs
Journal of Chiropractic 18 (Feb. 1984): 63-68.
• Study stated the hip flexed position (90/90)
   facilitates lumbar traction by flattening the
   lumbar spine and decreasing the loading
   effect of the psoas muscle on the lumbar
   spine during traction.                                   Lost Flexibility!
                                                   Lost Flexibility!
• Study stated inversion helps to negate the       Never Stop Bowing!
                                                    Never Stop Bowing!
   effect of gravity on the spinal column.
• Study stated inversion offers promise as a
   form of prevention, maintenance, and
A n d P r i o r t o T h i s , T h e y We r e I nv i te d t o P r o s t ra te
Research … Prayer Helps
Ann Saudi Med. 2002 May-Jul;22(3-4):177-80.
Evaluation of new physical exercise taken from salat (prayer)… in
the rehab of geriatric and disabled patients
Reza MF, Urakami Y, Mano Y. - Department of Rehabilitation
Medicine, Hokkaido University School of Medicine, Sapporo, Japan.
Abstract… CONCLUSION: Physical activities involved in the
performance of salat helps in the rehabilitation process in disabled
geriatric patients by improving blood flow and increasing
musculoskeletal fitness
According to Dr. Karima Bruns, MD, the Five salat
positions activate all seven “chakra” points. Eastern
beliefs say that activation of the chakra points promote
nerve and “energy” health.
Bruns says modern science shows this to be true and that
the salat actually does this better than yoga, because it is
more moderate and constant.
Putting It All Together
According to the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body
Medicine - Harvard University:
Elicitation of the relaxation response is actually quite easy.
There are two essential steps:
1.    Repetition of a word, sound, phrase, prayer, or
muscular activity.
2.    Passive disregard of everyday thoughts that
inevitably come to mind and the return to your repetition.[i]
Components of Prayer
                     Islam   Christianity   Judaism    Eastern Secularism
Physical              ●          ○            ◐         ●          ●
Mental                ●          ●            ●         ●          ●
Spiritual             ●          ●            ●          ◐         ○
Obligation            ●           ◐           ◐          ○         ○
(daily obligation)
                      ●          ○            ◐          ○         ○
     ●      Consensus                 ◐ Partial        ○   Non-existent
Congregational Prayers & Health
THE AMMAN DECLARATION - Health Promotion: An
Islamic perspective
…the fifth stage of Bracht et al. (1999) model is
dissemination and reassessment…updating community
analysis and profiles, “which involves looking for changes
that might have occurred in leadership, resources, and
organizational relationship..”…In addition several other
channels of communication can be identified within an
Islamic community, which include the Mosque...
Zakat and Health
In comparing the third pillar to what was stated in the Ottawa
Charter (WHO, 1986) it fits … action point of building healthy
public policy:
“Health promotion policy combines diverse but complementary
approaches including legislation, fiscal measures, taxation and
organizational change … Joint action contributes to ensuring safer
and healthier goods and services, healthier public services, and
cleaner, more enjoyable environments” De Leeuw and Hussein
(1999) in illustrating the „Islamic Charter‟ links this action point to
the Islamic concept of Waqf, …
Zakat and Health

… The Ottawa charter action point Strengthen community
action, which states: “Community development draws on
existing human and material resources in the community to
enhance self-help and social support… there is also a link
which as well fits within this Islamic pillar of alms giving.
Sharia and Social Health

        • Legislations of communal

        • Congregational services

        • Zakat and Charity
Keep in Mind
 All of the guidance is without mistakes.
 That is only part of the wisdom.
 Guiding Humanity to a Healthy Lifestyle Is Sharia‟s
Greatest Contribution to Health.
 Why Muslims now are not always healthier.
 Use this knowledge to grow your faith, increase your
certainty, and deepen your love for the one who blessed
you with this guidance, and the one who conveyed it all.
Sawm | Fasting
 Research into how to slow human wear and tear down has been
focusing on “caloric restrictions” and fasting to successfully
reverse and slow cellular decline. Richard Weindruch Ph.D. and
Roy Walford M.D., have both conducted extensive research
substantiating this claim.
 A study performed by JA Mattison, MA Lane, …National
Institute on Aging in Baltimore in 2003 found that caloric
restriction extended lifespan in and reduced the incidence and age
of onset of age-related diseases.
 Dr. Goldhamer‟s research also found that fasting is particularly effective
and commonly recommended to counter uterine fibroid tumors. … Dr.
Goldhamer has found that a correct fast will often dramatically reduce the size
and effect of these tumors and allow surgery and drug use to be completely
avoided. Similar success has been experienced with ovarian cysts and cervical
 In another study conducted by Dr. Goldhamer, 151 of 154(98%)
consecutive cases of high blood pressure (hypertension) were able to achieve
and maintain normal blood pressure through fasting, without medication…was
not unusual to see a drop in cholesterol of as much as 100 points…
Ramadan: No Harm for Healthy
Eur J Clin Nutr. 2003 Dec;57 Suppl 2:S30-8.
Effects on health of fluid restriction during fasting in Ramadan.
Leiper JB, Molla AM, Molla AM. Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, Aberdeen
University, UK.
…majority of the studies found significant metabolic changes, but few health
problems from the fast. A reduction in drug compliance was an inherent negative
aspect... Common findings … increased irritability and incidences of headaches
with sleep deprivation and lassitude... small body mass loss is a frequent, but not
universal, outcome of Ramadan... No detrimental effects on health have as yet
been directly attributed to negative water balance at the levels that may be
produced during Ramadan.
No Weight Problems in for Fetus
Arch Dis Child. 1990 Oct;65(10 Spec No):1053-6.
Ramadan and birth weight at full term in Asian Moslem pregnant
women in Birmingham.
Cross JH, Eminson J, Wharton BA.
Sorrento Maternity Hospital, Birmingham.
Abstract: The birth weights of 13,351 babies born at full term from
1964-84 to Asian Moslem mothers in Birmingham were analysed ...
Ramadan had no effect on mean birth weight at whatever stage of
pregnancy it occurred … We conclude that the Ramadan fast has no
effect on the birth weights of babies born at full term.
Fasting & Breastfeeding
Clin Sci (Lond). 1984 Mar; 66(3):291-8.
The effect of water abstention on milk synthesis in lactating women.
Prentice AM, Lamb WH, Prentice A, Coward WA.
Abstract: … ten lactating Gambian women who were fasting during Ramadan…
Fasting consisted of total water abstention from 05.00 hours to 19.30 hours and was
accompanied by high insensible water losses. … Plasma indices of dehydration ..
showed a greater rise in the lactating women than in the control over the period of
fasting. However, the 19.00 hours values remained in the normal range obtained on
non-Ramadan days. … The lactating women appeared to have adapted by
superhydrating themselves overnight … Fasting caused changes in milk osmolality,
lactose, sodium and potassium concentrations indicative of a marked disturbance of
milk synthesis.
Fasting & Type 2 Diabetes
Int J Clin Pract. 2010 Apr 30.
Maintenance of glycaemic control with the evening long acting
sulphonylurea in male type 2 diabetic patients undertaking the
Ramadan fast.
Zargar AH, Siraj M, … Dept. of Endocrinology, Sher-I-Kashmir
Institute of Medical Sciences, Kashmir, India.
Abstract … Conclusion: Male type 2 diabetic patients
undertaking the Ramadan fast can safely maintain glycaemic
control with evening administration of gliclazide...
Fasting & Sports Endurance
Br J Sports Med. 2010 Jun;44(7):516-      The Messenger of Allah  said,
                                                      ِ َ َّ
                                                    ".‫"لَ ٌْس مِنْ البِر الصوم فًِ السفر‬
                                                                       ِّ ْ
                                                                ُ ْ َّ           َ
Effects of Ramadan fasting on 60 min
                                          “It is not righteousness to fast
of endurance running performance in
moderately trained men.                   whilst travelling.” [Ag - Jabir]
Aziz AR, …Performance Services Dept.,     Yet, he fasted along with some
Singapore Sports Institute, Singapore.    other companions.
Abstract:...The 60 min continuous endurance running criteria test consisted of …
Subjects ran significantly further during the 30 min TT run in the CON compared to
RAM … Physiological responses during the 30 min TT run (heart rate, blood
lactate…) were, however, not significantly different … There were also no
significant differences in the subjects' daytime sleepiness or mood profile …
CONCLUSION: Ramadan fasting has a small yet significant negative impact on
endurance running performance, although the impact varies across individuals.
Fasting & Sports Endurance
Br J Sports Med. 2010 Jun;44(7):490-4. Epub 2010 May 19.
The effects of fasting on metabolism and performance.
Maughan RJ, Fallah J, Coyle EF. School of Sports and Exercise and
Health Sciences, Loughborough University, UK.
Abstract: … limited evidence suggests effects of Ramadan-style
fasting on exercise performance are generally small… subjective
sensations of fatigue may be the result of loss of sleep or disruption
of normal sleep patterns. Modifications to competition timetable
may minimize or even eliminate any effect on performance, but
there may be negative effects in some events.
Fasting & Blood Lipids
Ann Nutr Metab 1997; 41: 242-249.
Fasting during Ramadan induces a marked increase in high- density
lipoprotein cholesterol and decrease in low density lipoprotein cholesterol.
Aldouni A, Ghalim N, Benslimane A, Lecerf JM, Saile R.
Am J Clin Nutr. 1993 May;57(5):640-2.
Marked increase in plasma high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol after
prolonged fasting during Ramadan.
Maislos M, Khamaysi N… Dept. of Medicine, Soroka Medical Center, Ben-
Gurion U. Faculty of Health Sciences, Beer Sheva.
Abstract: … There was a striking nonpharmacologic improvement in plasma
HDL-C and ratios of TC to HDL-C and LDL-C to HDL-C,…
Fasting & Lipids & Weight

Body weight loss and changes in blood lipid levels in normal men on hypocaloric
diets during Ramadan fasting.
Hallak MH, Nomani MZ.
Division of Family Resources, West Virginia University, Morgantown 26506-6124.
…By end of Ramadan, body weight, blood TGs, and high-density lipoprotein
cholesterol had decreased significantly, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol had
increased, and total cholesterol had not changed … findings contribute to better
understanding of contrasting results reported … and may be useful in regulating
blood lipids through Ramadan.
Fasting & Lipids & Weight

Br J Nutr. 1987 Jul;58(1):41-8.
Effects of fasting in Ramadan on tropical Asiatic Moslems.
Husain R, Duncan MT, Cheah SH, Ch'ng SL.
Abstract: … Both male and female subjects experienced a decrease in body mass
with the reduction in energy intake during fasting…Among the subjects examined,
the Ramadan regimen did not result in changes in the pattern of fluid exchange.
Normalizing Blood Pressure
J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2001 Jun;24(5):335-9.
Medically supervised water-only fasting in the treatment
of hypertension.
Goldhamer A, Lisle D, Parpia B, Anderson SV, Campbell
Center for Conservative Therapy, Penngrove, Calif, USA.
Abstract … CONCLUSION: Medically supervised water-
only fasting appears to be a safe and effective means of
normalizing blood pressure and may assist in motivating
health-promoting diet and lifestyle changes.
Even Hajj
Hajj and Health
Amman Declaration - Health Promotion: An Islamic Perspective
… spiritual journey encourages Muslims to share experiences
and knowledge... Its link to health, at the indirect point on
Islamic health continuum, can be said to be the psychodynamics
of rituals, beliefs and prayers which play a big role in building up
of an individual‟s „sense of coherence‟ through salutogenic
mechanism as described by Levin (1996..) but also through
reinforcing factors in the sharing of knowledge, beliefs and
values…strengthening their positive attitudes

                Keep in Mind
 All of the guidance is without mistakes.
 That is only part of the wisdom.
 Guiding Humanity to a Healthy Lifestyle Is Sharia‟s
Greatest Contribution to Health.
 Why Muslims now are not always healthier.
 Use this knowledge to grow your faith, increase your
certainty, and deepen your love for the one who blessed you
with this guidance, and the one who conveyed it all.
Gambling | Gharar
J Psychiatr Res. 2010 Jul 16.
DSM-based problem gambling: Increasing the odds of heavy
drinking in a national sample of U.S. college athletes?
Huang JH, Jacobs DF, Derevensky JL. College of Public Health,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Abstract:... This study aimed to empirically examine the prevalence
patterns and odds of at-least-weekly alcohol use and heavy episodic
drinking (HED) … Multivariate results indicated that all levels of
gambling were associated with significantly elevated risk of at-least-
weekly HED…
Gender & Family
No t to Po i nt F i n ge rs , b u t to S h o w C o n cern fo r
                     o u r H u m a n R a c e!
                                                   ُ ‫وَلَ َقْرُواْ َِّى ِا‬
                                                   ‫َ ت َب الزن إنو‬
                                                  ‫َ َ ف ِ شة َ َاء‬
                                                  َ ‫كان َاح َ ً وس‬
                                                         ً‫س ِيَل‬
                                                  Nor come near
                                                     for it is a
                                                 (deed) and an
                                                  evil, opening
                                                  the road (to
                                                  other evils).
Lowest Prevalence in Muslim World
Emotional Health

   • Love is not limited to
     love of a member of the
     other gender!
Love of Members of Other Gender
Not Condemned – Only Regulated!

   ُ ‫َ ِ ْ آي ت ِ ْ خل َ ل ُ م ْ ِ ُ ْ ْ َ ً لت ْ ُن إل ْ َ َ َ َل ب ْن‬
 ‫ومن َا ِو أَن ََق َكم ِّن أَنفُسكم أَزواجا َِّسك ُوا َِييا وجع َ َي َكم‬
            ‫او ا ً ورحم ً ِن ِي َِك ََل َات ِّقَوم ََ َ ارون‬
            َ ُ  ‫م َدة َ َ ْ َة إ ا ف ذل َ ي ٍ ل ْ ٍ يتفك‬
And among His Signs is this, that He created for you
mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell
  in tranquillity with them, and He has put love
 and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that
              are Signs for those who reflect.
Emotional Burden of Casual Sex

                  ِ‫ر‬        ِ ‫ل ْ ِن ي ُ ض‬
                 ‫”قُل ِّْلمؤم ِين َغ ُّوا من أَبصا ِىم‬
                 ْ َْ ْ               َ     ُ
                  ‫وَح َظُوا فُروجيم َِك أَزكى‬
                    َ ْ َ ‫ُ َ ُ ْ ذل‬       ‫َي ْ ف‬
                 “.‫َيم ِن الاَ َِير ِما َص َعون‬
                   َ ُ ‫ل ُ ْ إ ا ل و خب ب َ ي ْ ن‬

                   ”Say to the believing
                 men that they should
                  lower their gaze and
                 guard their modesty.”
Deviation from Fitrah
Family in Islam: Treatment of the
       Problems of Old Age

       َ ََ َ َْ        ِّ    َ ِ َ      َ ِ ِّ ُّ َ َ َ
ِٟٔ‫"ٚاخفِغْ ٌَُّٙا جَٕاح اٌزي ِٓ اٌشدْ ّح ٚلًُ سب اسْ دُّّٙا وّا ست١َا‬
                                                                  ْ َ
                                 ً َِ
  “And lower to them the wing of humility out of
mercy and say, My Lord, have mercy upon them as
they raised me when I was small." [Sahih International:
                            Israa‟ 17:24]
Family in Islam: Treatment of the
        Problems of Old Age
 ٌََٰٗ ِِٚ ‫"أََ وٕرُُ شَٙذاء ِِر دؼش ٠َعمُٛب اٌّٛخ ِِر لَاي ٌِثَٕ١ٗ ِا ذَعثُذْٚ ِٓ تَعذٞ لَاٌُٛا َٔعثُذ ِِ ٌََٰٙه‬
         َ َ         ُ ْ             ِْ ِ َ ُ ْ َ ِ ِ َ ْ ُ َْْ َ ْ َ َ َ ْ َ َ ُ ْ ُ ْ
                                           ".ٍِّْٛ‫آتَائِه ِِتشا٘١ُ ِِٚعّاع١ً ِِٚعذاق ِِ ًٌَٰٙا ٚادذا َٚٔذْ ٓ ٌَُٗ ِغ‬
                                             َ ُ ْ ُ      ُ َ ً ِ َ               َ َ ْ َ َ ِ َ ْ َ َ ِ َ ْ َ
“Or were you witnesses when death approached Jacob, when he said to
his sons, What will you worship after me? They said, We will worship
your God and the God of your fathers, Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac
- one God. And we are in submission to Him." [al-Baqarah 2:133]
The Prophet  said,
                                                                                           "َُ‫"اٌخاٌَحُ تِّٕضٌَح األ‬
                                                                                            ِّ ْ ِ ِ ْ َ        َ ْ
“The maternal aunt is like the mother.” [al-Bukhari from al-Baraa‟ ibn „Azib]

               Keep in Mind
 All of the guidance is without mistakes.
 That is only part of the wisdom.
 Guiding Humanity to a Healthy Lifestyle Is Sharia‟s
Greatest Contribution to Health.
 Why Muslims now are not always healthier.
 Use this knowledge to grow your faith, increase your
certainty, and deepen your love for the one who blessed
you with this guidance, and the one who conveyed it all.

Allah said,
    ".ُْٛ‫"ٌَٚىُ فِٟ اٌمظاص د١َاجٌ ٠َا أٌُٟٚ األَ ٌْثَاب ٌَعٍىُ ذَرم‬
      َ       ُْ َ ِ          ْ ِ               َ ِ َ ِْ     ُْ َ
“And there is for you in legal retribution [saving
  of] life, O you [people] of understanding, that
             you may become righteous.”
                      [Sahih International: 2:179]
Qisas and Hudood for Deterrence, not
         Simply Punishment

Punishment for Drinking and fornication but not
eating pork, gambling and usury.

Deterrence Theory:
Crime can ultimately be prevented through
altering the cost benefit ratios of such behavior.
Qisas and Hudood for Deterrence, not
           Simply Punishment

Putting severity of punishment back in deterrence package
Policy Studies Journal| December 22, 2001 | Mendes, Silvia
M.; McDonald, Michael D. Policy Studies Organization.
We find, in literature and our own empirical analysis, that
once punishment is correctly accounted for in a model, the
severity of punishment has a significant negative effect on
crime and does indeed matter as deterrence theory tells us.
United Nations Office on Drugs and
         Crime (UNODC):
 Saudi Arabia:
 …no significant drug production reported for the country…
 …no significant transit trafficking …
 Under Saudi Islamic Legal Code, drug trafficking is a capital
 crime and enforced on Saudis and non Saudis alike. There
 appears to be a decline in executions in the past years.
 Nevertheless, this issue features regularly in reports of human
 rights organizations.
Rape Statistics -
#1     United States:        95,136
#2     South Africa:         52,425
#3     Canada:               24,350

# 69   Estonia:              73
# 70   Seychelles:           64
# 71   Saudi Arabia:         59
Everybody Enjoys Security

  UK: Foreign and Commonwealth Office
 The crime rate is low and is not usually a problem for
 travellers in Saudi Arabia.

 Saudi Arabia
 Still current at: 23 July 2010
 Updated: 20 July 2010
Customs and Character

               Keep in Mind

 All of the guidance is without mistakes.
 That is only part of the wisdom.
 Guiding Humanity to a Healthy Lifestyle Is Sharia‟s
Greatest Contribution to Health.
 Why Muslims now are not always healthier.
 Use this knowledge to grow your faith, increase your
certainty, and deepen your love for the one who blessed
you with this guidance, and the one who conveyed it all.
Better for the Sabireen
Allah said,

       "‫"وإِن عاقَ ْبتُم فَعاقِبُوا ِِثْل ما عُوقِْبتُم بِه ولَئِن صبَ ْرُت َلُو خْي ر لِّلصابِرين‬
        َ ِ َّ ٌ َ َ ُْ َ َ ِ
                          َ                                    َ ِ ‫َ ْ َ ْ َ ِب‬
“And if you punish, punish with an equivalent of that with which you were
harmed. But if you are patient - it is better for those who are patient.” [Sahih
                                     International: an-Nahl, 16:126]

 ُّ ُِ
            َ ِ ِ َ َ َ َ َ َ ِ ِ َ َ ِ َّ َّ َ ِ َّ َّ
 ‫"الَّذين يُنفقون ِِف السراء والضراء والْكاظمني الْغَْيظ والْعافِني عن النَّاس واللَّهُ ُيب‬
                                                                              ِ ِ
                                                                           َ ُ َ
                                            َ ُْ
  “Who spend [in the cause of Allah ] during ease and hardship and who
  restrain anger and who pardon the people - and Allah loves the doers of
                             good” [Sahih International: Aal Imran, 3:134]
J Religion and Health. 2010 Feb 24.
Forgiveness Therapy: A Clinical Intervention for Chronic Disease.
Elliott BA. Dept. of Family Med., U. of Minnesota Medical School, USA
Abstract: … chronic conditions, including addictions, obesity, mental health, COPD and
cirrhosis… with social and interpersonal etiologies… research investigating forgiveness
interventions…, which may have enormous personal and public health impact.

Psychol Health. 2009 Jan;24(1):11-27.
The effects of a forgiveness intervention on patients with coronary artery disease.
Waltman MA, Russell DC, …Dept. of Education Psychology, U. of Wisconsin, USA.
Abstract: … Patients assigned to the forgiveness group showed significantly fewer anger-
recall induced myocardial perfusion defects … as well as significantly greater gains …
Eat Little
       ُّ‫٠َا تَِٕٟ آدَ خزٚا ص٠َٕرَىُ عٕذ وً ِغْجذ ٚوٍُٛا ٚاششتُٛا َٚل ذُغْشفُٛا ُِِٔٗ َل ٠ُذة‬
          ِ َ              ِ      ََ     َ ْ َ ُ َ ٍ ِ َ ِّ ُ َ ِ ْ ُ ِ ُ ُ َ َ
                                                                                 َ ِ ُْ
O children of Adam, take your adornment at every masjid, and
eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those
who commit excess. [Sahih International: Al-A‟raf 7:31]

   ِْ‫: "ِا َِلَ آدِٟ ٚعاء ششا ِٓ تَطٓ تِذغة اتْٓ آدَ أُوَلخ ٠ُمِّٓ طٍُثَُٗ فَإ‬ ‫لاي‬
   ْ         ْ َ ْ ٌ َ ُ َ َ ِ ِ ْ َ ٍ ْ ْ ِ ًّ َ ً َ ِ ٌّ ِ َ َ َ َ
              .ٞ‫واْ َل ِذاٌَحَ فَثٍُُث ٌِطعاِٗ ٚثٍُُث ٌِششاتِٗ ٚثٍُُث ٌَِٕفَغٗ" طذ١خ اٌرشِز‬
                                 ِ ِ     ٌ َ ِ َ َ ٌ َ ِ ِ ََ ٌ                   َ َ َ َ َ
The Prophet  said: “Man does not fill any vessel worse than
his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Adam to eat a few
mouthfuls, to sustain him. But, if he must do that (fill his
stomach), then let one third be for food, one third for drink and
one third for air.” [Saheeh al-Tirmidhi from al-Miqdam ibn
Calorie Restriction a Possible
    Antidote to Aging and Disease
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
(SMPH) anti-aging researcher Richard Weindruch, PhD,
published a major paper in Science showing monkeys on calorie-
restricted diet were looking so good.
Clive McCay, PhD, of Cornell U., found laboratory rats kept on a
severely reduced-calorie diet lived almost twice as long as
expected, as long as they had proper nutrients.
Calorie Restriction a Possible
Antidote to Aging and Disease

   Canto, 27, at left, is on a calorie-restricted diet,
   while Owen, 29, eats whatever he wants.
Eat Wholesome
ْ‫٠َا أَ٠َُّٙا إٌاطُ وٍُٛا ِّا فِٟ األَسْ ع دَلَل ؽَ١ِّثًا َٚل ذَرثِعُٛا خطُٛاخ اٌش١طَا‬
ِ ْ ِ َ ُ                  ََ           ً ََ ِ     ْ        ِ ُ
                              ٌ ُّ ٌّ ُ َ ْ ُ
                              ٓ١ِ‫ُِِٔٗ ٌَىُ عذٚ ِث‬
O mankind, eat from whatever is on earth [that is] lawful
    and good and do not follow the footsteps of Satan.
Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy. [Sahih International:
                          Al-Baqarah 2:168]

Praised in Quran and Sunnah:
•Olives and Olive Oil
•Habbat al-Barakah Black Seed (Nigella Sativa)
The Slaughtering of the Animal

   ‫عٓ أَوً اٌّجثّح‬ ِ‫عٓ أَتِٟ اٌذسْ داء سػٟ ؟ عٕٗ لَاي: "ََٔٙٝ سعُٛي ؟‬
   ِ َ َ ُْ ِ ْ ْ َ    ُ َ           َ              ِ َ             ْ َ
                                .‫ٟٚ٘ اٌرِٟ ذُظثَش تِإٌثًْ". طذ١خ اٌجاِع‬
                                               ِ        ُ ْ          َ ِ َ
Al-Tirmidhi reported from Abu‟l-Darda‟  that the
Messenger of Allah  forbade eating al-mujaththamah,
which is the animal that has been [tied and] shot to death
with arrows. [T - Saheeh al-Jaami‟].
The Fodder Given to the Animals
  ‫ عٓ أوً اٌجَلٌح ٚأٌثأٙا" سٚاٖ أدّذ ٚأتٛ داٚد‬ ٟ‫اتٓ عّش: "ٔٙٝ إٌث‬
      . . . "‫ٚاٌرشِزٞ ٚلاي دغٓ غش٠ة. ٚطذذٗ األٌثأٟ فٟ "اإلسٚاء‬
At-Tirmidhi & Abu Dawood reported from Ibn Omar
that the Prophet  forbade eating the filth eating animals,
and drinking their milk.”
Filth eating animals and feeding corpses to livestock: the
ruling that makes prohibited eating filth eating animals
and feeding corpses to animals is the stronger opinion.
Mad Cow?
Cattle are normally herbivores. In nature, cattle eat grass.
In modern industrial cattle-farming, feeds may contain ingredients
including antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, fertilizers, and protein
supplements. The use of meat and bone meal, from the ground and
cooked left-overs of the slaughtering process as well as from the
cadavers of sick and injured animals, as a protein supplement in cattle
feed was widespread in Europe prior to 1987.

How do cattle develop BSE (Mad Cow)?
The most likely explanation is that cattle developed the disease from
eating feed containing the ground-up parts of infected animals. That's
why most countries now ban the use of mammalian protein in feed
intended for cows …
Prohibition of All Harm

The Prophet  said,
                                  ".‫" ضرر و ضرار‬
“There should be no harm or reciprocation
of harm.” [Ahmad from Ibn Abbas, and it is sound].
Prohibition of All Harm - Smoking
AMMAN DECLARATION - Health Promotion: An Islamic
…WHO EMRO (2000) compiled empirical data on the impact
of smoking on health. They then presented this information to
Muslim Scholars who analyzed the information,…and came to
the conclusion that smoking is harmful and … declared it
Haram (forbidden). This replaced a former ruling that was
made at the time when smoking impact on health was not fully
considered, which stated smoking as disliked.

 50% of Highway Fatalities!
 Homicide, Suicide, Family
   breakdown, Child abuse,
   Homelessness, Liver cirrhosis
   and failure, Mental disorders,
   Fetal Alcohol Syndrome…etc.
completely avoid = 0%
   ‫ي ي َ ل ِ َ َن إن َ ْخ ْ ُ َ َ ْ ِ ُ َ َنص‬
‫َا أَُّيا ااذين آم ُواْ ِاما ال َمر وا ْلميسر واْل َاب‬
  ُ َُِ ‫وا َزَلَُ ِجس ِّن َمل ال اي َان َاج‬
  ‫َ ْل ْ م ر ْ م ْ ع َ ِ ش ْط ِ ف ْ تنبوه‬
                ‫َعاكم ُفِْحون‬
                َ ُ ‫ل َل ُ ْ ت ل‬

O ye who believe! Intoxicants and
    gambling, (dedication of)
   stones, and (divination by)
arrows, are an abomination,- of
 Satan's handwork: completely
avoid such (abomination), that
        ye may prosper.
          (Al-Maeda, 5:90)
Eat Proportionately
Ibn mas'ood reported from the Prophet that he said:
  ‫"عٍ١ىُ تأٌثاْ اٌثمش فإٔٙا ذشَ أْ وً اٌشجش ٚ٘ٛ شفاء ِٓ وً داء" ٚفٟ سٚا٠ح‬
      ُ‫اٌطثشأٟ فٟ اٌىث١ش: "عٍ١ىُ تأٌثاْ اٌثمش فإٔٙا دٚاء ٚأعّأٙا شفاء ِٚ٠او‬
                                                         ."‫ٌٚذِٛٙا فإٔٙا داء‬
"I prescribe for you cow's milk, for they eat of all trees, and
those have cure from all diseases. And in a different report by
at-Tabarani, the Prophet said: "and stay away from cow's meet
for it is [a cause of] disease.“ [Saheeh al-Jame' 4061]
Eat Mindfully

  ً‫ " أٔٗ ٔٙٝ أْ ٠ششب اٌشج‬ ٟ‫عٓ أٔظ ٚلرادج سػٟ ؟ عٕٗ عٓ إٌث‬
                "‫لائّا ً" لاي لرادج: فمٍٕا فاألوًَ فماي: ران أشش ٚأخثث‬
Muslim reported from Anas and Qatadah that the
Prophet  forbade anyone from drinking while standing.
Qatadah  said, we said, what about eating? And he 
replied, that is worse and more harmful.”
Putting an End to Mindless Munching

By MELINDA BECK - Durham, N.C.
The Wall Street Journal, page D1
First, ask yourself how hungry you are… take time to appreciate the
food …," says Sasha Loring, a psychotherapist at Duke Integrative
Medicine, part of Duke U. … and stopping just before you're full,
ideally about 5½ on that 7-point scale… it takes discipline and
practice. It's a far cry from the mindless way many of us eat while
walking, working or watching TV...
Sleep Guidance
Perfect Sleep Rx
Abu Barzah al-Aslami  said,
                                       "‫ واْ ٠غرذة أْ ٠ؤخش اٌعشاء ٚواْ ٠ىشٖ إٌَٛ لثٍٙا ٚاٌذذ٠ث تعذ٘ا‬ ٟ‫"أْ إٌث‬
“that the Prophet  liked to delay „Isha, and disliked to sleep before it or talk after it.” [al-
Bukhari from Abi Barzah al-Aslami]

The Prophet  said:
    َ‫" أدة اٌظَلج ٌِٝ ؟ طَلج داٚد عٍ١ٗ اٌغَلَ ٚأدة اٌظ١اَ ٌِٝ ؟ ط١اَ داٚد ٚواْ ٠ٕاَ ٔظف اٌٍ١ً ٚ٠مَٛ ثٍثٗ ٚ٠ٕا‬
                                                                                 ." ‫عذعٗ ٚ٠ظَٛ ٠ِٛا ٚ٠فطش ٠ِٛا‬
“The most beloved of prayer to Allah is the prayer of Dawood (peace be upon him) and the
most beloved of fasting to Allah is Dawood’s. He used to sleep half the night, pray one-third,
and sleep one-sixth, and fast one day and not the next.” [Agreed upon from Ibn ‘Amr]
Anas  reported that the Prophet  said:
                                                                                      "‫تءٌا‬   ‫"قٌلوا فإن الشٌاطٌن‬
“Take a mid-day nap, for devils do not.” [al-Tabarani; Al-Saheehah]
D a i l y Ro u t i n e & P hys i ca l H e a l t h

                      Benefits of:
                      Waking up for Fajr*,
Benjamin Franklin’s   Having a “traditional family.”
“Early Rising: A
Natural, Social and
                    • "Staying Up to Beat the Blues." WebMD; Yang, Sarah.
Religious Duty”
                      • "Are you Sleeping Enough – Or Too Much?“WebMD;
                        DeNoon, Daniel. Reporting a six-year study of more than
                        a million Americans by Daniel F. Kripke, MD
Sleep Stages and Brain Activity
Scientific American:
Stage 1 (Drowsiness) - lasts
five or ten minutes. Eyes
move slowly, muscle activity
slows down, easily
Stage 2 (Light Sleep) - Eye
movements stop, heart slows,
temperature decreases.
Stages 3 & 4 (Deep Sleep) -
difficult to awaken, and if
awakened…, groggy and
disoriented for several
Deep sleep… Blood flow decreases to the brain, redirects towards muscles, restoring physical
energy…immune functions increase...
REM (Dream Sleep) – At about 70 to 90 minutes into sleep, …three to five episodes per
night… associated with processing emotions, retaining memories and relieving
stress...Breathing rapid, heart rate increases, BP rises...
NIH News Release -Power Nap Prevents
Evidence is mounting sleep - even a nap - enhances information processing and learning. New
experiments by NIMH grantee Alan Hobson, M.D., Robert Stickgold, Ph.D., and colleagues at
Harvard U. show a midday snooze reverses information overload and a 20 percent overnight
improvement in learning a motor skill is largely traceable to a late stage of sleep some early
risers might be missing… longer 1-hour naps contained more than four times deep, or slow
wave sleep and (REM) sleep than half-hour naps…Previous studies by the group traced
overnight memory consolidation … to amounts of slow wave sleep in first quarter of the night
and to REM sleep in the last quarter. Since a nap hardly allows enough time for the latter early
morning REM sleep effect to develop, a slow wave sleep (SWS) effect appears to be the
antidote to burnout… improved performance was directly proportional to the amount of stage 2
NREM sleep they got in the fourth quarter of the night…
Now, Medicines!
Keep in Mind
 All of the guidance is without mistakes.
 That is only part of the wisdom.
 Guiding Humanity to a Healthy Lifestyle Is Sharia‟s
Greatest Contribution to Health.
 Why Muslims now are not always healthier.
 Use this knowledge to grow your faith, increase your
certainty, and deepen your love for the one who blessed
you with this guidance, and the one who conveyed it all.
An Ounce of Prevention!

Besides all we mentioned, anticipatory guidance was
always present in his guidance :
The Messenger of God  said:
                                                 ".‫•"أَطفِئُىا السراج‬
                                                   َ            ْ
•"When you go to sleep, extinguish your lamps. “
                                                 ".‫•و"خوروا اآلنية‬
•"Cover the vessels.“ [Agreed upon from Jabir]
Principles of Treatment
There Is Cure for All Diseases
Usamah ibn Shareek said: „The Bedouins said, “O
Messenger of Allah, should we seek treatments?” He said:
 ‫"ذذاٚٚا فإْ ؟ ٌُ ٠ؼع داء َِل ٚػع ٌٗ شفاء َِل داء ٚادذ لاٌٛا: ٠ا سعٛي‬
                                               "َ‫؟ ِٚا َ٘ٛ لاي: اٌٙش‬
“Seek treatments, for Allah has not created an ailment
except He created its cure, except for one.” They said,
“O Messenger of Allah, what is it?” He said: “Aging.”‟”
[al-Tirmidhi, who said: saheeh hasan.]
Defer Surgery
Ibn „Abbas said that the Prophet said:
                    "ٟ‫"اٌشفَاء فِٟ ثََلثَح فِٟ ششْ ؽح ِذْ جُ أَٚ ششْ تَح عغً أَٚ و١ح تَِٕاس ٚأََٔا أََٔٙٝ أُِرِٟ عٓ اٌى‬
                     ِّ َ ْ ْ َ          ْ َ ٍ ٍ َ ْ ٍ َ َ ِ َ ْ ٍَ ِ َِ َ                         ٍ           ُ ِّ
“Healing is to be found in three things: the instrument of the cupper, drinking
honey and cauterization with fire, but I forbid my ummah to use
cauterization.” [al-Bukhaari]
Jabir said: I heard the Prophet say:
     َٚ‫"ِِْ واْ فِٟ شٟء ِٓ أَدٚ٠َرِىُ أَٚ ٠َىْٛ فِٟ شٟء ِٓ أَدٚ٠َرِىُ خ١ش فَفِٟ ششْ ؽَح ِذْ جُ أَٚ ششْ تَح عغً أ‬
     ْ ٍ َ َ ِ َ ْ ٍَ ِ ِ َ                   ٌ َْ ُْ ِ ْ ْ ِ ٍ ْ َ         ُ ُ ْ ُْ ِ ْ ْ ِ ٍ ْ َ            َ َ ْ
                                                                     "َٞٛ‫ٌَزعح تَِٕاس ذُٛافِك اٌذاء ِٚا أُدةُّ أَْ أَور‬
                                                                        َ ِ ْ ْ        ِ َ َ َ       ُ َ ٍ ٍ َ ْ
“If there is anything good in your medicine it is in the instrument of the cupper
or drinking honey or cauterizing with fire that suits the ailment, but I would not
like to be cauterized.” [Agreed upon]
Jabir said:
                                                        " ِ‫"سِٟ أُتَٟ ٠ََٛ األَدْ ضاب عٍَٝ أَوذٍِٗ فَىٛاُٖ سعُٛي ؟‬
                                                                 ُ َ ََ ِ َ ْ            َ ِ َ        َ ْ ٌّ َ ِ ُ
“Ubayy was struck by an arrow in his medial arm vein on the day of al-Ahzaab,
and the Messenger of Allah  cauterized it. [Muslim]
Islamic Position Re Contagiousness
The Prophet  said,
                                         ".ٌ‫" َل عذٜٚ َٚل ؽ١َشجَ ٚ٠ُعْجثُِٕٟ اٌفَأْي لَاٌُٛا ِٚا اٌفَأْي لَاي وٍِّحٌ ؽَ١ِّثَح‬
                                                       َ َ َ ُ ْ َ َ                 ُ ْ          ِ َ َ ِ َ َ َْ
“There is no „adwa (contagion) and no tiyarah (bird omens), but I like good omens.” They
said: What is a good omen?” He said: “A good word.” [Ag from Anas]
The hadeeth doesn't negate communicability of diseases, because he  also said,
                                                       ِ ُ َْ
                               ".‫"َل عذٜٚ َٚل ؽ١َشجَ َٚل َ٘اِحَ َٚل طفَش ٚفش ِٓ اٌّجْ زَٚ وّا ذَفِشُّ ِٓ األَعذ‬
                                 َِ ْ                                َِ َ َ    َ َ        َ َ ِ َ َ َْ
“There is no „adwaa [contagion], no tiyarah [bird omens], no haamah [venomous creature,
worm or owl calling for revenge], and no Safar [regarded as unlucky month], and flee
from the leper as you would flee from a lion. [B from Abu Hurairah]
For sure owls and venomous creatures exist, as well as the month of Safar, but the
prophet  condemned beliefs attached to them at the time.

We become more certain of that when we see the Messenger  say,
                                            ".‫"َل ٠ُٛسدْ ِّشعٌ عٍٝ ِظخ‬
                                               ِ ُ      ِ ُْ َِ
“Do not have the owner of sick camels bring them onto the herd
of one whose camels are well”[Ag from Abu Hurairah]
Causes lead to results but the ultimate effector is Allah alone. That
is why the Prophet said to the bedouin,
                                                      "َ‫"فّٓ أعذٜ األٚي‬
"Who then infected the first one?"

One who believes that contagion spreads with its own power, will not have
reliance and will have excessive fear.
One who knows disease is under the ultimate control of Allah will not hesitate
to do what is necessary for the patients after taking appropriate precautions.
The Prophet struck a perfect example for us in this regard, so while he was
the one who said,
                                                     ".‫"ٚفِش ِٓ اٌّجْ زَٚ وّا ذَفِشُّ ِٓ األَعذ‬
                                                       َِ ْ                  ِ ُ َْ          َ
“Flee from the leper as you would flee from a lion.” [B from Abu Hurairah]
He was the one who ate with the leper and took him by the hand and said, “Eat,
with certainty in Allah and reliance on him” [T from Jabir]
Modern Quarantine

  ‫"عٓ عثذ ؟ِ تٓ عاِش تٓ ستِ١عحَ أَْ عّش خشج ٌِٝ اٌشاَ فٍّا جاء عشْ غ تٍََغُٗ أَْ اٌٛتَاء‬
  َ َْ          َ َ َ                ِ         َ َ َ َ َُ    َ َ      ِ ِ َ
   ‫لذ ٚلَع تِاٌشاَ فَأَخثَشُٖ عثذ اٌشدّٓ تٓ عٛف أَْ سعُٛي ؟ِ طٍٝ ؟ عٍ١ٗ ٚعٍُ لاي ِرا‬
                                        َ َ         ٍ َْ                  َ ْ ِ     َ َ
(‫عّعرُُ تِٗ تِأَسْ ع فَل ذَمذِٛا عٍ١ٗ ِٚرا ٚلَع تِأَسْ ع ٚأَٔرُُ تٙا فَل ذَخشجُٛا فِشاسًا ِٕٗ." )ق‬
              َ       ُ ْ          ْ ْ َ ٍ          َ َ              َُْ       ٍ        ِ ْ َِْ
Reported al-Bukhari and Muslim that when Omar approached and
reached a place called "Sargh", news came to him that a plague took
place in ash-Sham and Abul Rahman ibn 'Awf said to him that the
Messenger of Allah  said, "When you hear about its occurrence
in a land, don't go to it, and when it happens in a land, don't
flee it out of fear from it."
Learning & Liability

Islam pioneering the liability of physicians, and
setting standards:

The Messenger of Allah said,
                        "ِٓ‫"ِٓ ذطثة ٌُٚ ٠عٍُ ِٕٗ ؽة فٙٛ ػا‬
“He who practices medicine without being known
for that, shall be liable.” [Abu Dawood from „Amr ibn Shu‟aib]   [i]
Now, Medicines!

                    ٞٛ ‫ذ اس ٠ خ ا ٌ ر ظ ٕ ١ ف فٟ ا ٌ طة ا ٌ ٕ ث‬
    H i sto r y o f t h e D i s c i p l i n e o f at - T i b b a n - N a b aw i
•     Abu Bakr ibn as-Sunni (D: 364 H) -            ‫أتٛ تىش تٓ اٌغٕٟ )463٘ـ( "اٌطة‬    •
      "Medicine in Hadeeth"                                             "‫فٟ اٌذذ٠ث‬
•     Abu 'Ubaid ibn al-Harrani (D: 369 H) - "Al-       (‫أتٛ ٔع١ُ األطثٙأٟ )034٘ـ‬    •
      Tibb an-Nabawi" (Prophetic Medicine.)
•     Abu Nu'aim al-Asbahani (D: 430 H)
                                                     (‫أتٛ اٌعثاط اٌّغرغفشٞ )234٘ـ‬     •
•     Muwaffaq ad-Deen Abdullateef al-                (‫أتٛ اٌماعُ إٌ١غاتٛسٞ )604٘ـ‬   •
      Baghdadi (D: 629 H)                            ٞ‫ِٛفك اٌذ٠ٓ عثذ اٌٍط١ف اٌثغذاد‬   •
•     'Alaa ad-Deen al-Kahhaal (D: 720 H)                                 (‫)926 ٘ـ‬
•     Adh-Dhahabi (D: 748 H) Mentioned ideas            (‫عَلء اٌذ٠ٓ اٌىذاي )027 ٘ـ‬    •
      and terminology from the Greek-based                          (‫اٌز٘ثٟ )847٘ـ‬    •
                                                            (‫اتٓ ل١ُ اٌجٛص٠ح )157٘ـ‬   •
•     Jalal ad-Din as-Suyuti, who died in 1505
      (911 H) (took out references to Greek                      (‫اٌغخاٚٞ )209٘ـ‬      •
      medicine.)                                                 (‫اٌغ١ٛؽٟ )119٘ـ‬      •
Prophetic Medicine         (At-Tibb an-Nabawi)!

• There is no medical Genre under the        ‫• ؽة اٌشعٛي‬
  category of Prophetic Medicine.       (ٍُ‫)طٍٝ ؟ عٍ١ٗ ٚع‬
  There is Prophetic guidance related             ً
                                             ِٓ ‫ٌ١ظ فشعا‬
  to health and sickness, which is           ‫عٍَٛ اٌشش٠عح‬
  sometimes specific, but mostly          ‫ٌٚ١ظ عٍّا ؽث١ا‬
                                        ٍٝ‫ِرىاَِل ٠ٕثٕٟ ع‬
  general advice addressing the
                                          ‫ٔظش٠اخ ِغرمٍح‬
  approach to health and disease and
                                               ‫عٓ اٌظذح‬
  providing guidance to a healthy               .‫ٚاٌّشع‬
Al-Talbeenah (Boiled Barley)
„Aishah reported that the Prophet  said:
                           ."ْ‫"اٌرٍث١ٕح ِجّح ٌفؤاد اٌّش٠غ ذز٘ة تثعغ اٌذض‬

"Al-Talbeenah (boiled barley +/- honey) is relieving for
the heart of patients, and takes away some sadness."
And he  said,
      "‫"ٚاٌزٞ ٔفغٟ ت١ذٖ ِٔٙا ذغغً تطٓ أدذوُ وّا ذغغً ِدذاوٓ ٚجٙٙا ِٓ اٌٛعخ‬

“It cleanses your stomachs like you cleanse your faces
from dirt.”
Barley, cooked
1.00 cup
200.00 grams
270.00 calories

                                    DV           Nutrient    World's Healthiest
     Nutrient       Amount          (%)          Density      Foods Rating
dietary fiber       13.60 g         54.4           3.6           very good

selenium           36.40 mcg        52.0           3.5           very good

tryptophan           0.12 g         37.5           2.5             good

copper              0.64 mg         32.0           2.1             good

manganese           0.62 mg         31.0           2.1             good

phosphorus         230.00 mg        23.0           1.5             good

       Superior to Barley drinks because it is ground barley consumed.
Sharia’s Impact on Muslim Progress in
     Sciences Including Medicine

            ‫ٚظ١فح اٌشعٛي‬
     The Role of the Messenger

      The Prophet  said,     : ‫لاي سعٛي ؟‬
 “You know better about       ‫" أٔرُ أعٍُ تأِش‬
the affairs of your world.”   (َ) ".ُ‫دٔ١او‬
     (M – Anas & Aishah)

                         ‫اعرذاٌح اٌرعاسع‬
                          No Conflict
• We must have certainty in the infallibility and miracle of         ‫٠جة‬
                                                               ‫اإل٠ّاْ تعظّح اٌىراب‬
  the Quran and authentic Sunnah. They are the                 ً‫ٚطذ١خ اٌغٕح ِٓ و‬
                                                                  ‫خطأ ٚتإعجاصّ٘ا‬
  revelations of the creator, so His universal signs and           ‫َٚل عجة فٟ رٌه‬
                                                                  ‫فّٙا اٌٛدٟ إٌّضي‬
  revealed word will never contradict one another, but
                                                               ٌٝ‫ِٓ خاٌك اٌىْٛ ذعا‬
  corroborate each other.                                      َ‫ٚٚاػع ٔاِٛعٗ فٍض‬
                                                                     ٗ‫ِٓ رٌه أْ آ٠اذ‬
• Unsurprisingly, the advancement of medical sciences            ‫اٌىٛٔ١ح ٚاٌششع١ح َل‬
                                                                  ‫ذرعاسع ٚذرٕالغ‬
  did not bring forth anything that contradicts a clear          .‫تً ذرعاػذ ٚذرٛافك‬

  authentic text or established consensus.
Liberation of the Human Mind

               Keep in Mind
 All of the guidance is without mistakes.
 That is only part of the wisdom.
 Guiding Humanity to a Healthy Lifestyle Is Sharia‟s
Greatest Contribution to Health.
 Why Muslims now are not always healthier.
 Use this knowledge to grow your faith, increase your
certainty, and deepen your love for the one who blessed
you with this guidance, and the one who conveyed it all.
Sharia Values the Human Intellect

In fact, there are four things a good Muslim may never defy:

1. An un-abrogated authentic revelation. ‫1. نص محكم صحيح‬

2. A clear confirmed consensus.            ‫2. أو إجماع ثابت صريح‬
3. The mental axioms.                          ِ
                                               ‫3. أو بدائو العق ل‬
4. The things perceptible by the senses.
                                                 ‫ُ الحس‬
                                                 ِّ ‫4. وأوائل‬
He  Taught Us to Learn, So We
  Learned, and We Became the
Forerunners … We Will Always Be
        Indebted to Him!

In his outspoken book The Intellectual
  Development of Europe, John William Draper
"I have to deplore the systematic manner in
  which the literature of Europe has contrived
  to put out of sight our scientific obligations to
  the Mohammedans. Surely they cannot be
  much longer hidden. Injustice founded on
  religious rancor and national conceit cannot
  be perpetuated forever.”
In The Making of Humanity Robert Briffault

“Science is the most momentous contribution
  of Arab civilization to the modern world.

The debt of our science to that of the Arabs does not
consist of startling discoveries or revolutionary theories;
science owes a great deal more to the Arabs; its own
           “…Observation and experiment are the two sources of

              scientific knowledge…

           Greek method of acquiring scientific knowledge was mainly

              speculative; hence science could make little headway…

Neither Roger Bacon nor his later namesake has any title to be credited
with having introduced the experimental method…Roger Bacon was no
more than one of the apostles of Muslim science and method to Christian
Europe; and he never wearied of declaring that knowledge of Arabic &
Arabic science was for his contemporaries the only way to true knowledge.”

“Modern Trigonometry, as well
 as Algebra and Geometry are in
 considerable measure Arab
 creations.” [Muslims, Arabs and
 non-Arabs, wrote in Arabic]

           The Columbia History of the World First Edition pp 287
In the words of Dr. William
  Osler,* the Qanun has
  remained "a medical bible
  in Europe for a longer
  time than any other work ."

* One of the founders and second president of the
   Medical Library Association.
      • Influence of dietetics, climate and
        environment on health

      • Surgical use of oral anesthetics.

      • Advised to treat cancer in earliest stages,
        ensuring removal of all diseased tissue.

      • Recognizes contagious nature of phthisis
        (tuberculosis of the lung) and spread of
        disease by water and soil.

      • Noted the close relationship between
        emotions and physical condition
‫هنهج التنبول‬
Approach Strategy
Keep in Mind
 All of the guidance is without mistakes.
 That is only part of the wisdom.
 Guiding Humanity to a Healthy Lifestyle Is Sharia‟s
Greatest Contribution to Health.
 Why Muslims now are not always healthier.
 Use this knowledge to grow your faith, increase your
certainty, and deepen your love for the one who blessed
you with this guidance, and the one who conveyed it all.

      We Need                                    ‫نحتاج إلى‬

                Authentic             Scientific Fact
                                     ‫حقٌقة علمٌة ثابتة‬
               ‫نص محكم صحٌح‬

                             Clear Link
                              ‫رابط واضح‬
                        .‫السببٌة والحتمٌة، الخ‬

                ‫ثبوت النص‬
          Authenticity of Reports

• No room for using weak        ‫• ميان لالحت اج‬
  evidence in discourse with       ‫االضاٌا على‬
  others – OR accept from         ‫الغٌر كو ترضى‬
  them to use it against you.   .‫كن ٌحتج علٌك اه‬

        Allegorical Interpretation

• Conditions of Ta’weel ‫• شروط التأوٌا‬
• Types of Words         ‫• كنواع األلفاظ‬
• Types of Implications       ‫• الد ا‬
‫تقسٌم األلفاظ من حٌث الوضوح‬
          Classification of Clarity

               Clear               Unclear
                  Zahir                   Khafi
                (manifest)              (Obscure)

               Nass (Explicit)

                 Mufassar               Mujmal
               (Unequivocal)          (ambivalent)

                 Muhkam                Mutashabih
               (perspicuous)           (Intricate)
Increasing                                                Increasing
  Clarity                                                 Ambiguity

                                 Courtesy of SAA student, Salahuddeen As-Seeni
‫تقسٌم األلفاظ من حٌث الوضوح‬
                     Classification of Clarity
           from the


Mutashabih     Mujmal       Mushkil   Khafi       Zahir      Nass     Mufassar   Muhkam

              from the
                                              Courtesy of SAA student, Salahuddeen As-Seeni
                    Conveys a     Has           Open to ta’wil Not Open to
                    Clear Meaning Contextual                   Abrogation




Courtesy of SAA student, Salahuddeen As-Seeni

                                   ‫المنهج العلمً‬
                                ‫‪Scientific Method‬‬

‫‪• Logical reasoning‬‬                                                       ‫- المنهج ا ستد لً كو الرٌاضً: ٌسار فٌه‬
                                                                         ‫من مادك إلى قضاٌا تنتج عنه االضرورة،‬
  ‫.‪and abstraction‬‬                                                                   ‫وهو منهج الالو الرٌاضٌة.‬
                                                                            ‫- المنهج الت رٌاً: ٌاتمد الت راة طثااا‬
‫‪• Experimental‬‬                                                               ‫بحة فرضٌة ااٌنها كو خطئها، وهو‬
  ‫.‪Method‬‬                                                                        ‫منهج الاحث فً الالو الطاٌاٌة.‬
                                                                            ‫- المنهج ا ستردادي: تحلٌا الماضً عن‬
‫.‪• Historical Method‬‬                                                        ‫طرٌق ما تريه من آثار، وٌستخد فً‬
                                                                                     ‫الالو التارٌخٌة واألخالقٌة.‬

 ‫عبد الرحمن بدوي: مناهج البحث العلمً، الكوٌت: وكالة المطبوعات 7791 ص81-91.‬

         ‫الربط والسببٌة والحتمٌة‬
     Causality and Reproducibility

                        ‫نحتاج إلى‬
                        We Need


                        ‫نحتاج إلى‬
                        We Need

                        High Aspiration

                        ‫نحتاج إلى‬
                        We Need


                        ‫نحتاج إلى‬
                        We Need

                                ‫هؤسسبت لضبظ‬
                             ‫وتحسين البحىث‬
                            Institutions for

 Blessings and Peace Be on the
Prophet, Our Guide, Allah’s Most
  Beloved, and His Family and


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Sharia & health huda

  • 1.  More than Honey & Black Seeds Islam’s Contribution to Human Health Hatem al-Haj, MD, PhD
  • 2. ‫إسهبم الشريعة في حفظ الصحة‬ Sharia’s Contribution to Human Health 1. General Guidance Regarding ‫1. هداٌة عامة لحفظ‬ Health Maintenance ‫الصحة‬ 2. Specific Advice ‫2. نصائح خاصة‬ 3. Liberation of Human ‫3. تحرٌر العقل البشري‬ Intellect
  • 3. Keep in Mind  All of the guidance is without mistakes.  That is only part of the wisdom.  Guiding Humanity to a Healthy Lifestyle Is Sharia‟s Greatest Contribution to Health.  Why Muslims now are not always healthier.  Use this knowledge to grow your faith, increase your certainty, and deepen your love for the one who blessed you with this guidance, and the one who conveyed it all.
  • 4. Guiding Humanity to a Healthy Lifestyle Is Sharia’s Greatest Contribution to Health
  • 6. HEALTHY TO HAVE FAITH ِ‫"الَّذين آهنُىا وتَطوئن قُلُىبُهن بِذكر َّللاِ أَ ََل بِذكر َّللا‬ َّ ِ ْ ِ َّ ِ ْ ِ ُ ُّ ِ َ ْ َ َ َ ِ ْ ُّ َ ْ ".‫تَطوئِن القُلُىة‬ ُ “Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah . Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured." [Sahih International: ar-Ra‟d: 28]
  • 7. HEALTHY TO HAVE FAITH  Dr. Herbert Benson of the Harvard Medical School "found that faith quiets the mind like no other form of belief.” [i]  Dr. David B. Larson of the American National Health Research Center says, “Among Americans religious believers suffer 60% less heart disease. Suicide rate is twice is high for non-religious women than religious women. Religious believers are seven times less likely to have bad blood pressure.”[ii]
  • 8. Research … Reliance Am Heart J. 2006 Apr;151(4):934-42. Study of the Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer (STEP) … Benson H, Dusek JA, Sherwood JB, …. - Mind/Body Medical Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. Abstract… CONCLUSIONS: Intercessory prayer itself had no effect on complication-free recovery from coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), but certainty of receiving intercessory prayer was associated with a higher incidence of complications.
  • 9. Qadar & Mental Health ٍ ‫ِ ْ ُ ِ يب ٍ ف اْل ْ ِ ََ ف ْ ِ ُ ْ إا ف ِ ت‬ ‫"ما أَصاب من مص َة ِي َْرض وَل ِي أَنفُسكم َِل ِي ك َاب‬َ َ َ ِ ‫إ ا ذل عل ل ِ ي‬ ‫من قَب ل أَن َبرأَىا ِن ٰ َِك ََى الاو َسير * ِكيََل َأْسوا‬ ِ ْ َ ‫ل َْ ت‬ َ َ َْ‫ْ ْ ِ ْ ن‬ ٍ ‫عل ٰ َ ف ات ُ ْ ََ ت َ ُ ب َ آت ُ ْ َ لو َ يِ ُّ ُل ُ ْت‬ ‫ََى ما َ َكم وَل َفْرحوا ِما َاكم والا ُ َل ُحب ك ا مخ َال‬ “.ٍ ‫َ ُو‬ ‫فخ ر‬ “No misfortune can happen on earth or in your souls but is recorded in a decree before We bring it into existence: That is truly easy for Allah *In order that ye may not despair over matters that pass you by, nor exult over favors bestowed upon you. For Allah loves not any vainglorious boaster.”
  • 10. Sunni Belief in Qadar (Predestination)  Herbert Benson, MD says, “Faith in God is the best preventative tool for such stress and to promote healthy immune system. Believing that one hand is in control of everything eases the mind.” [iv]  Edward T. Creagan, M.D., Mayo Clinic, describes the best way of stress management: “Acknowledging that life is not always fair, and the good guys do not always win...”[v]
  • 11. Moderation, on Both Ends “…ُ‫“... ٌِى١َْل ذَأْعٛا عٍَٝ ِا فَاذَىُ َٚل ذَفشدُٛا تِّا آذَاو‬ ُْ َ َ ْ ََ ُْ َ ٰ َ َْ َ َ “…In order that ye may not despair over matters that pass you by, nor exult over favors bestowed upon you...” َْ‫"أَدْ ثِةْ دثِ١ثَه ًَ٘ٛٔا ِا عغٝ أَْ ٠َىْٛ تَغ١ؼه ٠َِٛا ِا ٚأَتغغْ تَغ١ؼه ًَ٘ٛٔا ِا عغٝ أ‬ ْ َ َ ْ َ َ ِ ِْ َ ً ْ َ َ ِ َ ُ ْ َ َ ْ َ َ ً ْ َ َ َ ُ "‫٠َىْٛ دثِ١ثَه ٠َِٛا‬ "Love those you love with moderation, for they may be your foes one day. And hate those you hate with moderation for they may become your beloved one day." [At-Tirmidhi from Abu Hurairah]
  • 12. Bipolar Disorder According to a Psychological Science study based article by Fulford, Johnson, Llabre and Carver, “... falling behind …we feel negative and motivated to increase effort, if progressing faster than expected we feel positive and are inclined to slack off a bit… Drawing on literature relating BD to elevated goal-approach sensitivity, we hypothesized that persons with BD would be less responsive to unexpectedly high progress than would control subjects …study confirmed our overall hypothesis...”[i]
  • 13. Ibadat | Acts of Worship
  • 14. Keep in Mind  All of the guidance is without mistakes.  That is only part of the wisdom.  Guiding Humanity to a Healthy Lifestyle Is Sharia‟s Greatest Contribution to Health.  Why Muslims now are not always healthier.  Use this knowledge to grow your faith, increase your certainty, and deepen your love for the one who blessed you with this guidance, and the one who conveyed it all.
  • 15. Obsessions Abu Hurayrah  said: The Messenger of Allah  said: ُ‫”ٌَٓ ٠َُٕجٟ أَدذا ِٕىُ عٍُُّٗ. لَااٌُٛا: َٚل أَٔاد ٠َاا سعُاٛي ؟َِ لَااي: َٚل أََٔاا َِِل أَْ ٠َرَغّاذِٟٔ ؟‬ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َ ْ ُ ْ ِ ً َ َ ِّ ْ .“‫تِشدْ ّح عذدٚا ٚلَاستُٛا ٚاغذٚا ٚسُٚدُٛا ٚشٟء ِٓ اٌذ ٌْجح ٚاٌمَظْ ذ اٌمَظْ ذ ذَثٍُغٛا‬ ُ ْ َ ْ َ ْ َ ِ َ ُّ ْ ِ ٌ ْ َ َ َ ُْ َ ِ َ ُ ِّ َ ٍ َ َ “No one of you will be saved by his deeds.” They said: Not even you, O Messenger of Allah? He said: “Not even me, unless Allah bestows mercy upon me. So do good deeds properly, and try to come close, and worship Allah in the forenoon and in the afternoon and during a part of the night, and adhere to moderation that you may reach your target.” [Al-Bukhari]
  • 17. Fitrah | Natural Inclination
  • 18. Natural Inclination The Prophet  said: ‫“اٌفطشج خّظ: اٌخراْ ٚاَلعرذذاد ٚلض اٌشاسب ٚذمٍ١ُ األظافش‬ ”‫ٚٔرف اَلتؾ‬ •“The fitrah (natural inclination) is five things: c i r c u m c i s i o n , removing the pubes, trimming the moustache, cutting the nails, and plucking the armpit hair.” [Agreed upon - from Abi Hurayrah]
  • 19. Natural Inclination The Messenger of Allah  said: ‫"عشر من الفطرة : قص الشارب وإعفاء اللحٌة والسواك واستنشاق الماء وقص األظفاار وسساا الاارا‬ ‫ونتااا اطاااط وحلااق الاانااة وانتءاااص الماااء . قاااا ريرٌااا : قاااا مباااب : ونسااٌا الااشاارة إ كن تيااون‬ " ‫المضمضة‬ “Ten [practices] are of the fitrah [natural inclinations]: trimming the moustache, letting the beard grow, brushing the teeth, rinsing the nose, clipping the nails, washing the finger joints, plucking the armpit hair, shaving the pubes and washing oneself with water after using the lavatory.” Zakariyya said: Mus‟ab said: And I forgot the tenth or it may have been rinsing the mouth. [Muslim from „Aishah]
  • 21. Health Maintenance • Hygiene: Rinsing the nostrils, the mouth, and brushing the teeth “Siwaak” Proper toileting practices. Using the right hand for drinking and eating and left for cleaning. Abstention from sexual relations during the menstrual cycle and the postnatal discharge.
  • 23. Removing Impurities Impurity of dog and pig • Wash 7 times, including 1 time with soil (Hanafi 4 times) • Wash 3 times Other Impurities • Other position: 1 effective Impurity on the ground • Pour Water over it Male infant’s urine • Sprinkle the area Prostatic secretion (Madhee) with water Trivial amount of blood, • Excused pus, and similar things
  • 25. Using the Lavatory The Prophet  said: ".‫"ِِرا تَاي أَدذوُ فََل ٠َأْخزْ روشُٖ تِ١َّ١ِٕٗ َٚل ٠َغرَٕجٟ تِ١َّ١ِٕٗ َٚل ٠َرََٕفظْ فِٟ اإلَٔاء‬ ِ ِ َ ِ ِ ِ ْ ْ َ ِ ِ َ ََ َُ ُْ ُ َ َ َ “When any one of you urinates, he should not hold his penis in his right hand or clean it with his right hand; and (when drinking), he should not breathe into the vessel.” [al-Bukhaari]. Hafsah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that, ". ‫ واْ ٠َجْ عً ٠َّ١َُٕٗ ألَوٍِٗ ٚششْ تِٗ ٚٚػُٛئِٗ ٚثِ١َاتِٗ ٚأَخزٖ ٚعطَائِٗ ٚ٠َجْ عً شّاٌَُٗ ٌِّا عٜٛ رٌِه‬ ِٟ‫"أَْ إٌث‬ َ َ َ ِ َ َ ِ ُ َ َ ِ َ َ ِِ ْ َ ِ َ ِ ُ َ ِ ُ َ ِ ْ ِ ُ َ َ َ “the Prophet  used to use his right hand for eating, drinking, making wudoo‟, getting dressed, and giving and taking things, and he used to use his left hand for other things. [Ahmad; Saheeh al-Jaami‟]
  • 26. Using the Lavatory Abu Hurayrah reported that the Prophet  said: "ٍُِّٙ‫"اذمُٛا اٌَلعَٕ١ْٓ لَاٌُٛا ِٚا اٌَلعَٕاْ ٠َا سعُٛي ؟ِ لَاي اٌزٞ ٠َرَخٍٝ فِٟ ؽَش٠ك إٌاط أَٚ ظ‬ ِْ ِ ْ ِ ِ ِ َ ِ َ َ َ ِ ِ َ َ ِ ِ “Fear the two things that bring curses.” They asked, “What are the two things that bring curses, O Messenger of Allah?” He said: “When a person relieves himself in the road where people walk or in the place where they seek shade.” [Abu Dawud; Saheeh al-Jaami‟] The Prophet  also said, ".‫"ذّ١ؾ األرٜ عٓ اٌطش٠ك طذلح‬ “Removing something harmful from the road counts as a charity for you.” [al-Bukhari from Abi Hurayrah]
  • 27. Wudu’ and Ghusl Minor and Major Ablution
  • 28. T h e d a n ge rs o f n o t wa s h i n g yo u r h a n d s • Despite the proven health benefits of hand washing, many people don't practice this habit as often as they should — even after using the toilet. Throughout the day you accumulate germs on your hands from a variety of sources, such as direct contact with people… If you don't wash your hands frequently enough, you can infect yourself with these germs by touching your eyes, nose or mouth. And you can spread these germs to others...
  • 30. Nasal Irrigation The study concluded that nasal irrigation has an enormous potential of improving the quality of life of millions of patients in a very cost effective way. Tomooka L. et al. (2000) Clinical Study and Literature Review of Nasal Irrigation. The Laryngoscope Nasal Douching as a Valuable Adjunct in the Management of Chronic Rhino Sinusitis. Rhinology 37:29-32 (Netti Pot)
  • 31. Bathing Required after ejaculation of semen, intercourse, menstruation and postnatal bleeding. Some added upon conversion to Islam, and Ibn Taymiyah said, for Jumu‟ah if one has an offensive odor…etc. We even wash the dead and the majority considers it a communal obligation. Recommended in religious gatherings, as well as all types of gatherings, and that includes: Jumu‟ahs, the two Eids, eclipse prayer, prayer for rain, standing in „Arafah, in al-Mash‟ar al-Haram, before stoning the Jamarat. It has also been stated by the scholars that it is recommended upon change of one‟s mental or physical condition, such as for the one who went insane or fell unconscious when he recovers, and after cupping…etc. It is also recommended for some acts of worship, such as entering ihraam. Some hold it recommended after washing the dead based on a controversial hadeeth. Times Online March 26, 2009: The Dirty Secrets of Bath time Year 1000 CE. The Crusaders return from the east with the news of a delightful custom – the Turkish bath. Bathhouses are built all over Europe.
  • 32. Keep in Mind  All of the guidance is without mistakes.  That is only part of the wisdom.  Guiding Humanity to a Healthy Lifestyle Is Sharia‟s Greatest Contribution to Health.  Why Muslims now are not always healthier.  Use this knowledge to grow your faith, increase your certainty, and deepen your love for the one who blessed you with this guidance, and the one who conveyed it all.
  • 34. And Bow With Those Who Bow. Meshino, J. “The Role of Spinal Inverted Taking Traction in Chiropractic Practice.” ACA tension off discs Journal of Chiropractic 18 (Feb. 1984): 63-68. • Study stated the hip flexed position (90/90) facilitates lumbar traction by flattening the lumbar spine and decreasing the loading effect of the psoas muscle on the lumbar spine during traction. Lost Flexibility! Lost Flexibility! • Study stated inversion helps to negate the Never Stop Bowing! Never Stop Bowing! effect of gravity on the spinal column. • Study stated inversion offers promise as a form of prevention, maintenance, and therapy.
  • 35. A n d P r i o r t o T h i s , T h e y We r e I nv i te d t o P r o s t ra te
  • 36. Research … Prayer Helps Ann Saudi Med. 2002 May-Jul;22(3-4):177-80. Evaluation of new physical exercise taken from salat (prayer)… in the rehab of geriatric and disabled patients Reza MF, Urakami Y, Mano Y. - Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Hokkaido University School of Medicine, Sapporo, Japan. Abstract… CONCLUSION: Physical activities involved in the performance of salat helps in the rehabilitation process in disabled geriatric patients by improving blood flow and increasing musculoskeletal fitness
  • 37. Yoga According to Dr. Karima Bruns, MD, the Five salat positions activate all seven “chakra” points. Eastern beliefs say that activation of the chakra points promote nerve and “energy” health. Bruns says modern science shows this to be true and that the salat actually does this better than yoga, because it is more moderate and constant.
  • 38. Putting It All Together According to the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine - Harvard University: Elicitation of the relaxation response is actually quite easy. There are two essential steps: 1. Repetition of a word, sound, phrase, prayer, or muscular activity. 2. Passive disregard of everyday thoughts that inevitably come to mind and the return to your repetition.[i]
  • 39. Components of Prayer Islam Christianity Judaism Eastern Secularism Religions Physical ● ○ ◐ ● ● Mental ● ● ● ● ● Spiritual ● ● ● ◐ ○ Obligation ● ◐ ◐ ○ ○ Frequency (daily obligation) ● ○ ◐ ○ ○ ● Consensus ◐ Partial ○ Non-existent
  • 40. Congregational Prayers & Health THE AMMAN DECLARATION - Health Promotion: An Islamic perspective …the fifth stage of Bracht et al. (1999) model is dissemination and reassessment…updating community analysis and profiles, “which involves looking for changes that might have occurred in leadership, resources, and organizational relationship..”…In addition several other channels of communication can be identified within an Islamic community, which include the Mosque...
  • 41. Zakat
  • 42. Zakat and Health In comparing the third pillar to what was stated in the Ottawa Charter (WHO, 1986) it fits … action point of building healthy public policy: “Health promotion policy combines diverse but complementary approaches including legislation, fiscal measures, taxation and organizational change … Joint action contributes to ensuring safer and healthier goods and services, healthier public services, and cleaner, more enjoyable environments” De Leeuw and Hussein (1999) in illustrating the „Islamic Charter‟ links this action point to the Islamic concept of Waqf, …
  • 43. Zakat and Health … The Ottawa charter action point Strengthen community action, which states: “Community development draws on existing human and material resources in the community to enhance self-help and social support… there is also a link which as well fits within this Islamic pillar of alms giving.
  • 44. Sharia and Social Health • Legislations of communal obligations • Congregational services • Zakat and Charity
  • 45. Keep in Mind  All of the guidance is without mistakes.  That is only part of the wisdom.  Guiding Humanity to a Healthy Lifestyle Is Sharia‟s Greatest Contribution to Health.  Why Muslims now are not always healthier.  Use this knowledge to grow your faith, increase your certainty, and deepen your love for the one who blessed you with this guidance, and the one who conveyed it all.
  • 47. Fasting  Research into how to slow human wear and tear down has been focusing on “caloric restrictions” and fasting to successfully reverse and slow cellular decline. Richard Weindruch Ph.D. and Roy Walford M.D., have both conducted extensive research substantiating this claim.  A study performed by JA Mattison, MA Lane, …National Institute on Aging in Baltimore in 2003 found that caloric restriction extended lifespan in and reduced the incidence and age of onset of age-related diseases.
  • 48. Fasting  Dr. Goldhamer‟s research also found that fasting is particularly effective and commonly recommended to counter uterine fibroid tumors. … Dr. Goldhamer has found that a correct fast will often dramatically reduce the size and effect of these tumors and allow surgery and drug use to be completely avoided. Similar success has been experienced with ovarian cysts and cervical dysplasia;  In another study conducted by Dr. Goldhamer, 151 of 154(98%) consecutive cases of high blood pressure (hypertension) were able to achieve and maintain normal blood pressure through fasting, without medication…was not unusual to see a drop in cholesterol of as much as 100 points…
  • 49. Ramadan: No Harm for Healthy Eur J Clin Nutr. 2003 Dec;57 Suppl 2:S30-8. Effects on health of fluid restriction during fasting in Ramadan. Leiper JB, Molla AM, Molla AM. Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, Aberdeen University, UK. …majority of the studies found significant metabolic changes, but few health problems from the fast. A reduction in drug compliance was an inherent negative aspect... Common findings … increased irritability and incidences of headaches with sleep deprivation and lassitude... small body mass loss is a frequent, but not universal, outcome of Ramadan... No detrimental effects on health have as yet been directly attributed to negative water balance at the levels that may be produced during Ramadan.
  • 50. No Weight Problems in for Fetus Arch Dis Child. 1990 Oct;65(10 Spec No):1053-6. Ramadan and birth weight at full term in Asian Moslem pregnant women in Birmingham. Cross JH, Eminson J, Wharton BA. Sorrento Maternity Hospital, Birmingham. Abstract: The birth weights of 13,351 babies born at full term from 1964-84 to Asian Moslem mothers in Birmingham were analysed ... Ramadan had no effect on mean birth weight at whatever stage of pregnancy it occurred … We conclude that the Ramadan fast has no effect on the birth weights of babies born at full term.
  • 51. Fasting & Breastfeeding Clin Sci (Lond). 1984 Mar; 66(3):291-8. The effect of water abstention on milk synthesis in lactating women. Prentice AM, Lamb WH, Prentice A, Coward WA. Abstract: … ten lactating Gambian women who were fasting during Ramadan… Fasting consisted of total water abstention from 05.00 hours to 19.30 hours and was accompanied by high insensible water losses. … Plasma indices of dehydration .. showed a greater rise in the lactating women than in the control over the period of fasting. However, the 19.00 hours values remained in the normal range obtained on non-Ramadan days. … The lactating women appeared to have adapted by superhydrating themselves overnight … Fasting caused changes in milk osmolality, lactose, sodium and potassium concentrations indicative of a marked disturbance of milk synthesis.
  • 52. Fasting & Type 2 Diabetes Int J Clin Pract. 2010 Apr 30. Maintenance of glycaemic control with the evening long acting sulphonylurea in male type 2 diabetic patients undertaking the Ramadan fast. Zargar AH, Siraj M, … Dept. of Endocrinology, Sher-I-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Kashmir, India. Abstract … Conclusion: Male type 2 diabetic patients undertaking the Ramadan fast can safely maintain glycaemic control with evening administration of gliclazide...
  • 53. Fasting & Sports Endurance Br J Sports Med. 2010 Jun;44(7):516- The Messenger of Allah  said, ِ َ َّ ".‫"لَ ٌْس مِنْ البِر الصوم فًِ السفر‬ ِّ ْ 21. ُ ْ َّ َ Effects of Ramadan fasting on 60 min “It is not righteousness to fast of endurance running performance in moderately trained men. whilst travelling.” [Ag - Jabir] Aziz AR, …Performance Services Dept., Yet, he fasted along with some Singapore Sports Institute, Singapore. other companions. Abstract:...The 60 min continuous endurance running criteria test consisted of … Subjects ran significantly further during the 30 min TT run in the CON compared to RAM … Physiological responses during the 30 min TT run (heart rate, blood lactate…) were, however, not significantly different … There were also no significant differences in the subjects' daytime sleepiness or mood profile … CONCLUSION: Ramadan fasting has a small yet significant negative impact on endurance running performance, although the impact varies across individuals.
  • 54. Fasting & Sports Endurance Br J Sports Med. 2010 Jun;44(7):490-4. Epub 2010 May 19. The effects of fasting on metabolism and performance. Maughan RJ, Fallah J, Coyle EF. School of Sports and Exercise and Health Sciences, Loughborough University, UK. Abstract: … limited evidence suggests effects of Ramadan-style fasting on exercise performance are generally small… subjective sensations of fatigue may be the result of loss of sleep or disruption of normal sleep patterns. Modifications to competition timetable may minimize or even eliminate any effect on performance, but there may be negative effects in some events.
  • 55. Fasting & Blood Lipids Ann Nutr Metab 1997; 41: 242-249. Fasting during Ramadan induces a marked increase in high- density lipoprotein cholesterol and decrease in low density lipoprotein cholesterol. Aldouni A, Ghalim N, Benslimane A, Lecerf JM, Saile R. Am J Clin Nutr. 1993 May;57(5):640-2. Marked increase in plasma high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol after prolonged fasting during Ramadan. Maislos M, Khamaysi N… Dept. of Medicine, Soroka Medical Center, Ben- Gurion U. Faculty of Health Sciences, Beer Sheva. Abstract: … There was a striking nonpharmacologic improvement in plasma HDL-C and ratios of TC to HDL-C and LDL-C to HDL-C,…
  • 56. Fasting & Lipids & Weight Body weight loss and changes in blood lipid levels in normal men on hypocaloric diets during Ramadan fasting. Hallak MH, Nomani MZ. Division of Family Resources, West Virginia University, Morgantown 26506-6124. …By end of Ramadan, body weight, blood TGs, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol had decreased significantly, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol had increased, and total cholesterol had not changed … findings contribute to better understanding of contrasting results reported … and may be useful in regulating blood lipids through Ramadan.
  • 57. Fasting & Lipids & Weight Br J Nutr. 1987 Jul;58(1):41-8. Effects of fasting in Ramadan on tropical Asiatic Moslems. Husain R, Duncan MT, Cheah SH, Ch'ng SL. Abstract: … Both male and female subjects experienced a decrease in body mass with the reduction in energy intake during fasting…Among the subjects examined, the Ramadan regimen did not result in changes in the pattern of fluid exchange.
  • 58. Normalizing Blood Pressure J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2001 Jun;24(5):335-9. Medically supervised water-only fasting in the treatment of hypertension. Goldhamer A, Lisle D, Parpia B, Anderson SV, Campbell TC. Center for Conservative Therapy, Penngrove, Calif, USA. Abstract … CONCLUSION: Medically supervised water- only fasting appears to be a safe and effective means of normalizing blood pressure and may assist in motivating health-promoting diet and lifestyle changes.
  • 60. Hajj and Health Amman Declaration - Health Promotion: An Islamic Perspective … spiritual journey encourages Muslims to share experiences and knowledge... Its link to health, at the indirect point on Islamic health continuum, can be said to be the psychodynamics of rituals, beliefs and prayers which play a big role in building up of an individual‟s „sense of coherence‟ through salutogenic mechanism as described by Levin (1996..) but also through reinforcing factors in the sharing of knowledge, beliefs and values…strengthening their positive attitudes
  • 62. Keep in Mind  All of the guidance is without mistakes.  That is only part of the wisdom.  Guiding Humanity to a Healthy Lifestyle Is Sharia‟s Greatest Contribution to Health.  Why Muslims now are not always healthier.  Use this knowledge to grow your faith, increase your certainty, and deepen your love for the one who blessed you with this guidance, and the one who conveyed it all.
  • 64. Gambling | Gharar J Psychiatr Res. 2010 Jul 16. DSM-based problem gambling: Increasing the odds of heavy drinking in a national sample of U.S. college athletes? Huang JH, Jacobs DF, Derevensky JL. College of Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. Abstract:... This study aimed to empirically examine the prevalence patterns and odds of at-least-weekly alcohol use and heavy episodic drinking (HED) … Multivariate results indicated that all levels of gambling were associated with significantly elevated risk of at-least- weekly HED…
  • 66. No t to Po i nt F i n ge rs , b u t to S h o w C o n cern fo r o u r H u m a n R a c e! ُ ‫وَلَ َقْرُواْ َِّى ِا‬ ‫َ ت َب الزن إنو‬ ‫َ َ ف ِ شة َ َاء‬ َ ‫كان َاح َ ً وس‬ ً‫س ِيَل‬ ‫َب‬ Nor come near to fornication: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils). (Al-Isra,17:34) Lowest Prevalence in Muslim World
  • 67. Emotional Health • Love is not limited to love of a member of the other gender!
  • 68. Love of Members of Other Gender Not Condemned – Only Regulated! ُ ‫َ ِ ْ آي ت ِ ْ خل َ ل ُ م ْ ِ ُ ْ ْ َ ً لت ْ ُن إل ْ َ َ َ َل ب ْن‬ ‫ومن َا ِو أَن ََق َكم ِّن أَنفُسكم أَزواجا َِّسك ُوا َِييا وجع َ َي َكم‬ ‫او ا ً ورحم ً ِن ِي َِك ََل َات ِّقَوم ََ َ ارون‬ َ ُ ‫م َدة َ َ ْ َة إ ا ف ذل َ ي ٍ ل ْ ٍ يتفك‬ And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect. (Ar-Room,30:21)
  • 69. Emotional Burden of Casual Sex ِ‫ر‬ ِ ‫ل ْ ِن ي ُ ض‬ ‫”قُل ِّْلمؤم ِين َغ ُّوا من أَبصا ِىم‬ ْ َْ ْ َ ُ ‫وَح َظُوا فُروجيم َِك أَزكى‬ َ ْ َ ‫ُ َ ُ ْ ذل‬ ‫َي ْ ف‬ “.‫َيم ِن الاَ َِير ِما َص َعون‬ َ ُ ‫ل ُ ْ إ ا ل و خب ب َ ي ْ ن‬ ”Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty.”
  • 71. Family in Islam: Treatment of the Problems of Old Age َ ََ َ َْ ِّ َ ِ َ َ ِ ِّ ُّ َ َ َ ِٟٔ‫"ٚاخفِغْ ٌَُّٙا جَٕاح اٌزي ِٓ اٌشدْ ّح ٚلًُ سب اسْ دُّّٙا وّا ست١َا‬ ْ َ ".‫طغ١شا‬ ً َِ “And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say, My Lord, have mercy upon them as they raised me when I was small." [Sahih International: Israa‟ 17:24]
  • 72. Family in Islam: Treatment of the Problems of Old Age ٌََٰٗ ِِٚ ‫"أََ وٕرُُ شَٙذاء ِِر دؼش ٠َعمُٛب اٌّٛخ ِِر لَاي ٌِثَٕ١ٗ ِا ذَعثُذْٚ ِٓ تَعذٞ لَاٌُٛا َٔعثُذ ِِ ٌََٰٙه‬ َ َ ُ ْ ِْ ِ َ ُ ْ َ ِ ِ َ ْ ُ َْْ َ ْ َ َ َ ْ َ َ ُ ْ ُ ْ ".ٍِّْٛ‫آتَائِه ِِتشا٘١ُ ِِٚعّاع١ً ِِٚعذاق ِِ ًٌَٰٙا ٚادذا َٚٔذْ ٓ ٌَُٗ ِغ‬ َ ُ ْ ُ ُ َ ً ِ َ َ َ ْ َ َ ِ َ ْ َ َ ِ َ ْ َ “Or were you witnesses when death approached Jacob, when he said to his sons, What will you worship after me? They said, We will worship your God and the God of your fathers, Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac - one God. And we are in submission to Him." [al-Baqarah 2:133] The Prophet  said, "َُ‫"اٌخاٌَحُ تِّٕضٌَح األ‬ ِّ ْ ِ ِ ْ َ َ ْ “The maternal aunt is like the mother.” [al-Bukhari from al-Baraa‟ ibn „Azib]
  • 74. Keep in Mind  All of the guidance is without mistakes.  That is only part of the wisdom.  Guiding Humanity to a Healthy Lifestyle Is Sharia‟s Greatest Contribution to Health.  Why Muslims now are not always healthier.  Use this knowledge to grow your faith, increase your certainty, and deepen your love for the one who blessed you with this guidance, and the one who conveyed it all.
  • 75. Qisas Allah said, ".ُْٛ‫"ٌَٚىُ فِٟ اٌمظاص د١َاجٌ ٠َا أٌُٟٚ األَ ٌْثَاب ٌَعٍىُ ذَرم‬ َ ُْ َ ِ ْ ِ َ ِ َ ِْ ُْ َ “And there is for you in legal retribution [saving of] life, O you [people] of understanding, that you may become righteous.” [Sahih International: 2:179]
  • 76. Qisas and Hudood for Deterrence, not Simply Punishment Punishment for Drinking and fornication but not eating pork, gambling and usury. Deterrence Theory: Crime can ultimately be prevented through altering the cost benefit ratios of such behavior.
  • 77. Qisas and Hudood for Deterrence, not Simply Punishment Putting severity of punishment back in deterrence package Policy Studies Journal| December 22, 2001 | Mendes, Silvia M.; McDonald, Michael D. Policy Studies Organization. We find, in literature and our own empirical analysis, that once punishment is correctly accounted for in a model, the severity of punishment has a significant negative effect on crime and does indeed matter as deterrence theory tells us.
  • 78. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC): Saudi Arabia: …no significant drug production reported for the country… …no significant transit trafficking … Under Saudi Islamic Legal Code, drug trafficking is a capital crime and enforced on Saudis and non Saudis alike. There appears to be a decline in executions in the past years. Nevertheless, this issue features regularly in reports of human rights organizations.
  • 79. Rape Statistics - #1 United States: 95,136 #2 South Africa: 52,425 #3 Canada: 24,350 # 69 Estonia: 73 # 70 Seychelles: 64 # 71 Saudi Arabia: 59
  • 80. Everybody Enjoys Security UK: Foreign and Commonwealth Office Crime The crime rate is low and is not usually a problem for travellers in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia Still current at: 23 July 2010 Updated: 20 July 2010
  • 82. Keep in Mind  All of the guidance is without mistakes.  That is only part of the wisdom.  Guiding Humanity to a Healthy Lifestyle Is Sharia‟s Greatest Contribution to Health.  Why Muslims now are not always healthier.  Use this knowledge to grow your faith, increase your certainty, and deepen your love for the one who blessed you with this guidance, and the one who conveyed it all.
  • 83. Better for the Sabireen Allah said, "‫"وإِن عاقَ ْبتُم فَعاقِبُوا ِِثْل ما عُوقِْبتُم بِه ولَئِن صبَ ْرُت َلُو خْي ر لِّلصابِرين‬ َ ِ َّ ٌ َ َ ُْ َ َ ِ َ َ ِ ‫َ ْ َ ْ َ ِب‬ “And if you punish, punish with an equivalent of that with which you were harmed. But if you are patient - it is better for those who are patient.” [Sahih International: an-Nahl, 16:126] ُّ ُِ َ ِ ِ َ َ َ َ َ َ ِ ِ َ َ ِ َّ َّ َ ِ َّ َّ ‫"الَّذين يُنفقون ِِف السراء والضراء والْكاظمني الْغَْيظ والْعافِني عن النَّاس واللَّهُ ُيب‬ ِ ِ َ ُ َ "‫الْمحسنِني‬ َ ُْ ِ “Who spend [in the cause of Allah ] during ease and hardship and who restrain anger and who pardon the people - and Allah loves the doers of good” [Sahih International: Aal Imran, 3:134]
  • 84. Forgiveness J Religion and Health. 2010 Feb 24. Forgiveness Therapy: A Clinical Intervention for Chronic Disease. Elliott BA. Dept. of Family Med., U. of Minnesota Medical School, USA Abstract: … chronic conditions, including addictions, obesity, mental health, COPD and cirrhosis… with social and interpersonal etiologies… research investigating forgiveness interventions…, which may have enormous personal and public health impact. Psychol Health. 2009 Jan;24(1):11-27. The effects of a forgiveness intervention on patients with coronary artery disease. Waltman MA, Russell DC, …Dept. of Education Psychology, U. of Wisconsin, USA. Abstract: … Patients assigned to the forgiveness group showed significantly fewer anger- recall induced myocardial perfusion defects … as well as significantly greater gains …
  • 86. Eat Little ُّ‫٠َا تَِٕٟ آدَ خزٚا ص٠َٕرَىُ عٕذ وً ِغْجذ ٚوٍُٛا ٚاششتُٛا َٚل ذُغْشفُٛا ُِِٔٗ َل ٠ُذة‬ ِ َ ِ ََ َ ْ َ ُ َ ٍ ِ َ ِّ ُ َ ِ ْ ُ ِ ُ ُ َ َ َ ِ ُْ ٓ١ِ‫اٌّغْشف‬ O children of Adam, take your adornment at every masjid, and eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those who commit excess. [Sahih International: Al-A‟raf 7:31] ِْ‫: "ِا َِلَ آدِٟ ٚعاء ششا ِٓ تَطٓ تِذغة اتْٓ آدَ أُوَلخ ٠ُمِّٓ طٍُثَُٗ فَإ‬ ‫لاي‬ ْ ْ َ ْ ٌ َ ُ َ َ ِ ِ ْ َ ٍ ْ ْ ِ ًّ َ ً َ ِ ٌّ ِ َ َ َ َ .ٞ‫واْ َل ِذاٌَحَ فَثٍُُث ٌِطعاِٗ ٚثٍُُث ٌِششاتِٗ ٚثٍُُث ٌَِٕفَغٗ" طذ١خ اٌرشِز‬ ِ ِ ٌ َ ِ َ َ ٌ َ ِ ِ ََ ٌ َ َ َ َ َ The Prophet  said: “Man does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Adam to eat a few mouthfuls, to sustain him. But, if he must do that (fill his stomach), then let one third be for food, one third for drink and one third for air.” [Saheeh al-Tirmidhi from al-Miqdam ibn Ma‟deekarib.]
  • 87. Calorie Restriction a Possible Antidote to Aging and Disease University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH) anti-aging researcher Richard Weindruch, PhD, published a major paper in Science showing monkeys on calorie- restricted diet were looking so good. Clive McCay, PhD, of Cornell U., found laboratory rats kept on a severely reduced-calorie diet lived almost twice as long as expected, as long as they had proper nutrients.
  • 88. Calorie Restriction a Possible Antidote to Aging and Disease Canto, 27, at left, is on a calorie-restricted diet, while Owen, 29, eats whatever he wants.
  • 89. Eat Wholesome ْ‫٠َا أَ٠َُّٙا إٌاطُ وٍُٛا ِّا فِٟ األَسْ ع دَلَل ؽَ١ِّثًا َٚل ذَرثِعُٛا خطُٛاخ اٌش١طَا‬ ِ ْ ِ َ ُ ََ ً ََ ِ ْ ِ ُ ٌ ُّ ٌّ ُ َ ْ ُ ٓ١ِ‫ُِِٔٗ ٌَىُ عذٚ ِث‬ O mankind, eat from whatever is on earth [that is] lawful and good and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy. [Sahih International: Al-Baqarah 2:168] Praised in Quran and Sunnah: •Olives and Olive Oil •Honey •Pomegranates •Habbat al-Barakah Black Seed (Nigella Sativa)
  • 90. The Slaughtering of the Animal ‫عٓ أَوً اٌّجثّح‬ ِ‫عٓ أَتِٟ اٌذسْ داء سػٟ ؟ عٕٗ لَاي: "ََٔٙٝ سعُٛي ؟‬ ِ َ َ ُْ ِ ْ ْ َ ُ َ َ ِ َ ْ َ .‫ٟٚ٘ اٌرِٟ ذُظثَش تِإٌثًْ". طذ١خ اٌجاِع‬ ِ ُ ْ َ ِ َ Al-Tirmidhi reported from Abu‟l-Darda‟  that the Messenger of Allah  forbade eating al-mujaththamah, which is the animal that has been [tied and] shot to death with arrows. [T - Saheeh al-Jaami‟].
  • 91. The Fodder Given to the Animals ‫ عٓ أوً اٌجَلٌح ٚأٌثأٙا" سٚاٖ أدّذ ٚأتٛ داٚد‬ ٟ‫اتٓ عّش: "ٔٙٝ إٌث‬ . . . "‫ٚاٌرشِزٞ ٚلاي دغٓ غش٠ة. ٚطذذٗ األٌثأٟ فٟ "اإلسٚاء‬ At-Tirmidhi & Abu Dawood reported from Ibn Omar that the Prophet  forbade eating the filth eating animals, and drinking their milk.” Filth eating animals and feeding corpses to livestock: the ruling that makes prohibited eating filth eating animals and feeding corpses to animals is the stronger opinion.
  • 92. Mad Cow? Cattle are normally herbivores. In nature, cattle eat grass. In modern industrial cattle-farming, feeds may contain ingredients including antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, fertilizers, and protein supplements. The use of meat and bone meal, from the ground and cooked left-overs of the slaughtering process as well as from the cadavers of sick and injured animals, as a protein supplement in cattle feed was widespread in Europe prior to 1987. How do cattle develop BSE (Mad Cow)? The most likely explanation is that cattle developed the disease from eating feed containing the ground-up parts of infected animals. That's why most countries now ban the use of mammalian protein in feed intended for cows …
  • 93. Prohibition of All Harm The Prophet  said, ".‫" ضرر و ضرار‬ “There should be no harm or reciprocation of harm.” [Ahmad from Ibn Abbas, and it is sound].
  • 94. Prohibition of All Harm - Smoking AMMAN DECLARATION - Health Promotion: An Islamic perspective …WHO EMRO (2000) compiled empirical data on the impact of smoking on health. They then presented this information to Muslim Scholars who analyzed the information,…and came to the conclusion that smoking is harmful and … declared it Haram (forbidden). This replaced a former ruling that was made at the time when smoking impact on health was not fully considered, which stated smoking as disliked.
  • 95. Alcohol! 50% of Highway Fatalities! Homicide, Suicide, Family breakdown, Child abuse, Homelessness, Liver cirrhosis and failure, Mental disorders, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome…etc.
  • 96. completely avoid = 0% ‫ي ي َ ل ِ َ َن إن َ ْخ ْ ُ َ َ ْ ِ ُ َ َنص‬ ‫َا أَُّيا ااذين آم ُواْ ِاما ال َمر وا ْلميسر واْل َاب‬ ُ ُ َُِ ‫وا َزَلَُ ِجس ِّن َمل ال اي َان َاج‬ ‫َ ْل ْ م ر ْ م ْ ع َ ِ ش ْط ِ ف ْ تنبوه‬ ‫َعاكم ُفِْحون‬ َ ُ ‫ل َل ُ ْ ت ل‬ O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination,- of Satan's handwork: completely avoid such (abomination), that ye may prosper. (Al-Maeda, 5:90)
  • 97. Eat Proportionately Ibn mas'ood reported from the Prophet that he said: ‫"عٍ١ىُ تأٌثاْ اٌثمش فإٔٙا ذشَ أْ وً اٌشجش ٚ٘ٛ شفاء ِٓ وً داء" ٚفٟ سٚا٠ح‬ ُ‫اٌطثشأٟ فٟ اٌىث١ش: "عٍ١ىُ تأٌثاْ اٌثمش فإٔٙا دٚاء ٚأعّأٙا شفاء ِٚ٠او‬ ."‫ٌٚذِٛٙا فإٔٙا داء‬ "I prescribe for you cow's milk, for they eat of all trees, and those have cure from all diseases. And in a different report by at-Tabarani, the Prophet said: "and stay away from cow's meet for it is [a cause of] disease.“ [Saheeh al-Jame' 4061]
  • 98. Eat Mindfully ً‫ " أٔٗ ٔٙٝ أْ ٠ششب اٌشج‬ ٟ‫عٓ أٔظ ٚلرادج سػٟ ؟ عٕٗ عٓ إٌث‬ "‫لائّا ً" لاي لرادج: فمٍٕا فاألوًَ فماي: ران أشش ٚأخثث‬ Muslim reported from Anas and Qatadah that the Prophet  forbade anyone from drinking while standing. Qatadah  said, we said, what about eating? And he  replied, that is worse and more harmful.”
  • 99. Putting an End to Mindless Munching By MELINDA BECK - Durham, N.C. The Wall Street Journal, page D1 First, ask yourself how hungry you are… take time to appreciate the food …," says Sasha Loring, a psychotherapist at Duke Integrative Medicine, part of Duke U. … and stopping just before you're full, ideally about 5½ on that 7-point scale… it takes discipline and practice. It's a far cry from the mindless way many of us eat while walking, working or watching TV...
  • 101. Perfect Sleep Rx Abu Barzah al-Aslami  said, "‫ واْ ٠غرذة أْ ٠ؤخش اٌعشاء ٚواْ ٠ىشٖ إٌَٛ لثٍٙا ٚاٌذذ٠ث تعذ٘ا‬ ٟ‫"أْ إٌث‬ “that the Prophet  liked to delay „Isha, and disliked to sleep before it or talk after it.” [al- Bukhari from Abi Barzah al-Aslami] The Prophet  said: َ‫" أدة اٌظَلج ٌِٝ ؟ طَلج داٚد عٍ١ٗ اٌغَلَ ٚأدة اٌظ١اَ ٌِٝ ؟ ط١اَ داٚد ٚواْ ٠ٕاَ ٔظف اٌٍ١ً ٚ٠مَٛ ثٍثٗ ٚ٠ٕا‬ ." ‫عذعٗ ٚ٠ظَٛ ٠ِٛا ٚ٠فطش ٠ِٛا‬ “The most beloved of prayer to Allah is the prayer of Dawood (peace be upon him) and the most beloved of fasting to Allah is Dawood’s. He used to sleep half the night, pray one-third, and sleep one-sixth, and fast one day and not the next.” [Agreed upon from Ibn ‘Amr] Anas  reported that the Prophet  said: "‫تءٌا‬ ‫"قٌلوا فإن الشٌاطٌن‬ “Take a mid-day nap, for devils do not.” [al-Tabarani; Al-Saheehah]
  • 102. D a i l y Ro u t i n e & P hys i ca l H e a l t h Benefits of: Waking up for Fajr*, Fasting, Benjamin Franklin’s Having a “traditional family.” “Early Rising: A Natural, Social and • "Staying Up to Beat the Blues." WebMD; Yang, Sarah. Religious Duty” • "Are you Sleeping Enough – Or Too Much?“WebMD; DeNoon, Daniel. Reporting a six-year study of more than a million Americans by Daniel F. Kripke, MD
  • 103. Sleep Stages and Brain Activity Scientific American: Stage 1 (Drowsiness) - lasts five or ten minutes. Eyes move slowly, muscle activity slows down, easily awakened. Stage 2 (Light Sleep) - Eye movements stop, heart slows, temperature decreases. Stages 3 & 4 (Deep Sleep) - difficult to awaken, and if awakened…, groggy and disoriented for several minutes. Deep sleep… Blood flow decreases to the brain, redirects towards muscles, restoring physical energy…immune functions increase... REM (Dream Sleep) – At about 70 to 90 minutes into sleep, …three to five episodes per night… associated with processing emotions, retaining memories and relieving stress...Breathing rapid, heart rate increases, BP rises...
  • 104. NIH News Release -Power Nap Prevents Burnout Evidence is mounting sleep - even a nap - enhances information processing and learning. New experiments by NIMH grantee Alan Hobson, M.D., Robert Stickgold, Ph.D., and colleagues at Harvard U. show a midday snooze reverses information overload and a 20 percent overnight improvement in learning a motor skill is largely traceable to a late stage of sleep some early risers might be missing… longer 1-hour naps contained more than four times deep, or slow wave sleep and (REM) sleep than half-hour naps…Previous studies by the group traced overnight memory consolidation … to amounts of slow wave sleep in first quarter of the night and to REM sleep in the last quarter. Since a nap hardly allows enough time for the latter early morning REM sleep effect to develop, a slow wave sleep (SWS) effect appears to be the antidote to burnout… improved performance was directly proportional to the amount of stage 2 NREM sleep they got in the fourth quarter of the night…
  • 106. Keep in Mind  All of the guidance is without mistakes.  That is only part of the wisdom.  Guiding Humanity to a Healthy Lifestyle Is Sharia‟s Greatest Contribution to Health.  Why Muslims now are not always healthier.  Use this knowledge to grow your faith, increase your certainty, and deepen your love for the one who blessed you with this guidance, and the one who conveyed it all.
  • 107. An Ounce of Prevention! Besides all we mentioned, anticipatory guidance was always present in his guidance : The Messenger of God  said: ".‫•"أَطفِئُىا السراج‬ َ ْ •"When you go to sleep, extinguish your lamps. “ ".‫•و"خوروا اآلنية‬ ّ •"Cover the vessels.“ [Agreed upon from Jabir]
  • 109. There Is Cure for All Diseases Usamah ibn Shareek said: „The Bedouins said, “O Messenger of Allah, should we seek treatments?” He said: ‫"ذذاٚٚا فإْ ؟ ٌُ ٠ؼع داء َِل ٚػع ٌٗ شفاء َِل داء ٚادذ لاٌٛا: ٠ا سعٛي‬ "َ‫؟ ِٚا َ٘ٛ لاي: اٌٙش‬ “Seek treatments, for Allah has not created an ailment except He created its cure, except for one.” They said, “O Messenger of Allah, what is it?” He said: “Aging.”‟” [al-Tirmidhi, who said: saheeh hasan.]
  • 110. Defer Surgery Ibn „Abbas said that the Prophet said: "ٟ‫"اٌشفَاء فِٟ ثََلثَح فِٟ ششْ ؽح ِذْ جُ أَٚ ششْ تَح عغً أَٚ و١ح تَِٕاس ٚأََٔا أََٔٙٝ أُِرِٟ عٓ اٌى‬ ِّ َ ْ ْ َ ْ َ ٍ ٍ َ ْ ٍ َ َ ِ َ ْ ٍَ ِ َِ َ ٍ ُ ِّ “Healing is to be found in three things: the instrument of the cupper, drinking honey and cauterization with fire, but I forbid my ummah to use cauterization.” [al-Bukhaari] Jabir said: I heard the Prophet say: َٚ‫"ِِْ واْ فِٟ شٟء ِٓ أَدٚ٠َرِىُ أَٚ ٠َىْٛ فِٟ شٟء ِٓ أَدٚ٠َرِىُ خ١ش فَفِٟ ششْ ؽَح ِذْ جُ أَٚ ششْ تَح عغً أ‬ ْ ٍ َ َ ِ َ ْ ٍَ ِ ِ َ ٌ َْ ُْ ِ ْ ْ ِ ٍ ْ َ ُ ُ ْ ُْ ِ ْ ْ ِ ٍ ْ َ َ َ ْ "َٞٛ‫ٌَزعح تَِٕاس ذُٛافِك اٌذاء ِٚا أُدةُّ أَْ أَور‬ َ ِ ْ ْ ِ َ َ َ ُ َ ٍ ٍ َ ْ “If there is anything good in your medicine it is in the instrument of the cupper or drinking honey or cauterizing with fire that suits the ailment, but I would not like to be cauterized.” [Agreed upon] Jabir said: " ِ‫"سِٟ أُتَٟ ٠ََٛ األَدْ ضاب عٍَٝ أَوذٍِٗ فَىٛاُٖ سعُٛي ؟‬ ُ َ ََ ِ َ ْ َ ِ َ َ ْ ٌّ َ ِ ُ “Ubayy was struck by an arrow in his medial arm vein on the day of al-Ahzaab, and the Messenger of Allah  cauterized it. [Muslim]
  • 111. Islamic Position Re Contagiousness The Prophet  said, ".ٌ‫" َل عذٜٚ َٚل ؽ١َشجَ ٚ٠ُعْجثُِٕٟ اٌفَأْي لَاٌُٛا ِٚا اٌفَأْي لَاي وٍِّحٌ ؽَ١ِّثَح‬ َ َ َ ُ ْ َ َ ُ ْ ِ َ َ ِ َ َ َْ “There is no „adwa (contagion) and no tiyarah (bird omens), but I like good omens.” They said: What is a good omen?” He said: “A good word.” [Ag from Anas] The hadeeth doesn't negate communicability of diseases, because he  also said, ِ ُ َْ ".‫"َل عذٜٚ َٚل ؽ١َشجَ َٚل َ٘اِحَ َٚل طفَش ٚفش ِٓ اٌّجْ زَٚ وّا ذَفِشُّ ِٓ األَعذ‬ َِ ْ َِ َ َ َ َ َ َ ِ َ َ َْ “There is no „adwaa [contagion], no tiyarah [bird omens], no haamah [venomous creature, worm or owl calling for revenge], and no Safar [regarded as unlucky month], and flee from the leper as you would flee from a lion. [B from Abu Hurairah] For sure owls and venomous creatures exist, as well as the month of Safar, but the prophet  condemned beliefs attached to them at the time.
  • 112. Contagion We become more certain of that when we see the Messenger  say, ".‫"َل ٠ُٛسدْ ِّشعٌ عٍٝ ِظخ‬ ِ ُ ِ ُْ َِ “Do not have the owner of sick camels bring them onto the herd of one whose camels are well”[Ag from Abu Hurairah] Causes lead to results but the ultimate effector is Allah alone. That is why the Prophet said to the bedouin, "َ‫"فّٓ أعذٜ األٚي‬ "Who then infected the first one?"
  • 113. Contagion One who believes that contagion spreads with its own power, will not have reliance and will have excessive fear. One who knows disease is under the ultimate control of Allah will not hesitate to do what is necessary for the patients after taking appropriate precautions. The Prophet struck a perfect example for us in this regard, so while he was the one who said, ".‫"ٚفِش ِٓ اٌّجْ زَٚ وّا ذَفِشُّ ِٓ األَعذ‬ َِ ْ ِ ُ َْ َ “Flee from the leper as you would flee from a lion.” [B from Abu Hurairah] He was the one who ate with the leper and took him by the hand and said, “Eat, with certainty in Allah and reliance on him” [T from Jabir]
  • 114. Modern Quarantine ‫"عٓ عثذ ؟ِ تٓ عاِش تٓ ستِ١عحَ أَْ عّش خشج ٌِٝ اٌشاَ فٍّا جاء عشْ غ تٍََغُٗ أَْ اٌٛتَاء‬ َ َْ َ َ َ ِ َ َ َ َ َُ َ َ ِ ِ َ ‫لذ ٚلَع تِاٌشاَ فَأَخثَشُٖ عثذ اٌشدّٓ تٓ عٛف أَْ سعُٛي ؟ِ طٍٝ ؟ عٍ١ٗ ٚعٍُ لاي ِرا‬ َ َ ٍ َْ َ ْ ِ َ َ (‫عّعرُُ تِٗ تِأَسْ ع فَل ذَمذِٛا عٍ١ٗ ِٚرا ٚلَع تِأَسْ ع ٚأَٔرُُ تٙا فَل ذَخشجُٛا فِشاسًا ِٕٗ." )ق‬ َ ُ ْ ْ ْ َ ٍ َ َ َُْ ٍ ِ ْ َِْ Reported al-Bukhari and Muslim that when Omar approached and reached a place called "Sargh", news came to him that a plague took place in ash-Sham and Abul Rahman ibn 'Awf said to him that the Messenger of Allah  said, "When you hear about its occurrence in a land, don't go to it, and when it happens in a land, don't flee it out of fear from it."
  • 115. Learning & Liability Islam pioneering the liability of physicians, and setting standards: The Messenger of Allah said, "ِٓ‫"ِٓ ذطثة ٌُٚ ٠عٍُ ِٕٗ ؽة فٙٛ ػا‬ “He who practices medicine without being known for that, shall be liable.” [Abu Dawood from „Amr ibn Shu‟aib] [i]
  • 117. ٞٛ ‫ذ اس ٠ خ ا ٌ ر ظ ٕ ١ ف فٟ ا ٌ طة ا ٌ ٕ ث‬ H i sto r y o f t h e D i s c i p l i n e o f at - T i b b a n - N a b aw i • Abu Bakr ibn as-Sunni (D: 364 H) - ‫أتٛ تىش تٓ اٌغٕٟ )463٘ـ( "اٌطة‬ • "Medicine in Hadeeth" "‫فٟ اٌذذ٠ث‬ • Abu 'Ubaid ibn al-Harrani (D: 369 H) - "Al- (‫أتٛ ٔع١ُ األطثٙأٟ )034٘ـ‬ • Tibb an-Nabawi" (Prophetic Medicine.) • Abu Nu'aim al-Asbahani (D: 430 H) (‫أتٛ اٌعثاط اٌّغرغفشٞ )234٘ـ‬ • • Muwaffaq ad-Deen Abdullateef al- (‫أتٛ اٌماعُ إٌ١غاتٛسٞ )604٘ـ‬ • Baghdadi (D: 629 H) ٞ‫ِٛفك اٌذ٠ٓ عثذ اٌٍط١ف اٌثغذاد‬ • • 'Alaa ad-Deen al-Kahhaal (D: 720 H) (‫)926 ٘ـ‬ • Adh-Dhahabi (D: 748 H) Mentioned ideas (‫عَلء اٌذ٠ٓ اٌىذاي )027 ٘ـ‬ • and terminology from the Greek-based (‫اٌز٘ثٟ )847٘ـ‬ • system. (‫اتٓ ل١ُ اٌجٛص٠ح )157٘ـ‬ • • Jalal ad-Din as-Suyuti, who died in 1505 (911 H) (took out references to Greek (‫اٌغخاٚٞ )209٘ـ‬ • medicine.) (‫اٌغ١ٛؽٟ )119٘ـ‬ •
  • 118. Prophetic Medicine (At-Tibb an-Nabawi)! • There is no medical Genre under the ‫• ؽة اٌشعٛي‬ category of Prophetic Medicine. (ٍُ‫)طٍٝ ؟ عٍ١ٗ ٚع‬ There is Prophetic guidance related ً ِٓ ‫ٌ١ظ فشعا‬ to health and sickness, which is ‫عٍَٛ اٌشش٠عح‬ sometimes specific, but mostly ‫ٌٚ١ظ عٍّا ؽث١ا‬ ً ٍٝ‫ِرىاَِل ٠ٕثٕٟ ع‬ general advice addressing the ‫ٔظش٠اخ ِغرمٍح‬ approach to health and disease and ‫عٓ اٌظذح‬ providing guidance to a healthy .‫ٚاٌّشع‬ lifestyle.
  • 119. Al-Talbeenah (Boiled Barley) „Aishah reported that the Prophet  said: ."ْ‫"اٌرٍث١ٕح ِجّح ٌفؤاد اٌّش٠غ ذز٘ة تثعغ اٌذض‬ "Al-Talbeenah (boiled barley +/- honey) is relieving for the heart of patients, and takes away some sadness." And he  said, "‫"ٚاٌزٞ ٔفغٟ ت١ذٖ ِٔٙا ذغغً تطٓ أدذوُ وّا ذغغً ِدذاوٓ ٚجٙٙا ِٓ اٌٛعخ‬ “It cleanses your stomachs like you cleanse your faces from dirt.”
  • 120. Ingredients Barley, cooked 1.00 cup 200.00 grams 270.00 calories DV Nutrient World's Healthiest Nutrient Amount (%) Density Foods Rating dietary fiber 13.60 g 54.4 3.6 very good selenium 36.40 mcg 52.0 3.5 very good tryptophan 0.12 g 37.5 2.5 good copper 0.64 mg 32.0 2.1 good manganese 0.62 mg 31.0 2.1 good phosphorus 230.00 mg 23.0 1.5 good Superior to Barley drinks because it is ground barley consumed.
  • 121. Sharia’s Impact on Muslim Progress in Sciences Including Medicine
  • 122.  ‫ٚظ١فح اٌشعٛي‬ The Role of the Messenger The Prophet  said, : ‫لاي سعٛي ؟‬ “You know better about ‫" أٔرُ أعٍُ تأِش‬ the affairs of your world.” (َ) ".ُ‫دٔ١او‬ (M – Anas & Aishah)
  • 123. ‫اعرذاٌح اٌرعاسع‬ No Conflict • We must have certainty in the infallibility and miracle of ‫٠جة‬ ‫اإل٠ّاْ تعظّح اٌىراب‬ the Quran and authentic Sunnah. They are the ً‫ٚطذ١خ اٌغٕح ِٓ و‬ ‫خطأ ٚتإعجاصّ٘ا‬ revelations of the creator, so His universal signs and ‫َٚل عجة فٟ رٌه‬ ‫فّٙا اٌٛدٟ إٌّضي‬ revealed word will never contradict one another, but ٌٝ‫ِٓ خاٌك اٌىْٛ ذعا‬ corroborate each other. َ‫ٚٚاػع ٔاِٛعٗ فٍض‬ ٗ‫ِٓ رٌه أْ آ٠اذ‬ • Unsurprisingly, the advancement of medical sciences ‫اٌىٛٔ١ح ٚاٌششع١ح َل‬ ‫ذرعاسع ٚذرٕالغ‬ did not bring forth anything that contradicts a clear .‫تً ذرعاػذ ٚذرٛافك‬ authentic text or established consensus.
  • 124. Liberation of the Human Mind
  • 125. Keep in Mind  All of the guidance is without mistakes.  That is only part of the wisdom.  Guiding Humanity to a Healthy Lifestyle Is Sharia‟s Greatest Contribution to Health.  Why Muslims now are not always healthier.  Use this knowledge to grow your faith, increase your certainty, and deepen your love for the one who blessed you with this guidance, and the one who conveyed it all.
  • 126. Sharia Values the Human Intellect In fact, there are four things a good Muslim may never defy: 1. An un-abrogated authentic revelation. ‫1. نص محكم صحيح‬ 2. A clear confirmed consensus. ‫2. أو إجماع ثابت صريح‬ 3. The mental axioms. ِ ‫3. أو بدائو العق ل‬ 4. The things perceptible by the senses. ‫ُ الحس‬ ِّ ‫4. وأوائل‬
  • 127. He  Taught Us to Learn, So We Learned, and We Became the Forerunners … We Will Always Be Indebted to Him! 
  • 128. NO MORE DECEIT In his outspoken book The Intellectual Development of Europe, John William Draper says: "I have to deplore the systematic manner in which the literature of Europe has contrived to put out of sight our scientific obligations to the Mohammedans. Surely they cannot be much longer hidden. Injustice founded on religious rancor and national conceit cannot be perpetuated forever.”
  • 129. THE TRUTH In The Making of Humanity Robert Briffault says: “Science is the most momentous contribution of Arab civilization to the modern world. The debt of our science to that of the Arabs does not consist of startling discoveries or revolutionary theories; science owes a great deal more to the Arabs; its own existence…
  • 130. WHY IS IT SO “…Observation and experiment are the two sources of scientific knowledge… Greek method of acquiring scientific knowledge was mainly speculative; hence science could make little headway… Neither Roger Bacon nor his later namesake has any title to be credited with having introduced the experimental method…Roger Bacon was no more than one of the apostles of Muslim science and method to Christian Europe; and he never wearied of declaring that knowledge of Arabic & Arabic science was for his contemporaries the only way to true knowledge.”
  • 131. SCIENCES CREATED BY MUSLIMS “Modern Trigonometry, as well as Algebra and Geometry are in considerable measure Arab creations.” [Muslims, Arabs and non-Arabs, wrote in Arabic] The Columbia History of the World First Edition pp 287
  • 132. MEDICINE In the words of Dr. William Osler,* the Qanun has remained "a medical bible in Europe for a longer time than any other work ." * One of the founders and second president of the Medical Library Association.
  • 133. HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE CANON • Influence of dietetics, climate and environment on health • Surgical use of oral anesthetics. • Advised to treat cancer in earliest stages, ensuring removal of all diseased tissue. • Recognizes contagious nature of phthisis (tuberculosis of the lung) and spread of disease by water and soil. • Noted the close relationship between emotions and physical condition
  • 135. Keep in Mind  All of the guidance is without mistakes.  That is only part of the wisdom.  Guiding Humanity to a Healthy Lifestyle Is Sharia‟s Greatest Contribution to Health.  Why Muslims now are not always healthier.  Use this knowledge to grow your faith, increase your certainty, and deepen your love for the one who blessed you with this guidance, and the one who conveyed it all.
  • 136. We Need ‫نحتاج إلى‬ Perspicuous Confirmed Authentic Scientific Fact Report ‫حقٌقة علمٌة ثابتة‬ ‫نص محكم صحٌح‬ Clear Link ‫رابط واضح‬ .‫السببٌة والحتمٌة، الخ‬
  • 137. ‫ثبوت النص‬ Authenticity of Reports • No room for using weak ‫• ميان لالحت اج‬ evidence in discourse with ‫االضاٌا على‬ others – OR accept from ‫الغٌر كو ترضى‬ them to use it against you. .‫كن ٌحتج علٌك اه‬
  • 138. ‫التأوٌل‬ Allegorical Interpretation • Conditions of Ta’weel ‫• شروط التأوٌا‬ • Types of Words ‫• كنواع األلفاظ‬ • Types of Implications ‫• الد ا‬
  • 139. ‫تقسٌم األلفاظ من حٌث الوضوح‬ Classification of Clarity Clear Unclear Zahir Khafi (manifest) (Obscure) Mushkil Nass (Explicit) (Difficult) Mufassar Mujmal (Unequivocal) (ambivalent) Muhkam Mutashabih (perspicuous) (Intricate) Increasing Increasing Clarity Ambiguity Courtesy of SAA student, Salahuddeen As-Seeni
  • 140. ‫تقسٌم األلفاظ من حٌث الوضوح‬ Classification of Clarity Clear Explanation from the Sunnah Clear Mutashabih Mujmal Mushkil Khafi Zahir Nass Mufassar Muhkam Unclear Insufficient Explanation from the Lawgiver Courtesy of SAA student, Salahuddeen As-Seeni
  • 141. ‫الدالالت‬ Implications Conveys a Has Open to ta’wil Not Open to Clear Meaning Contextual Abrogation Harmony Zahir (Manifest) Nass (Explicit) Mufassar (Unequivocal) Muhkam (Perspicuous) Increasing Clarity Courtesy of SAA student, Salahuddeen As-Seeni
  • 142. ‫‪‬‬ ‫المنهج العلمً‬ ‫‪Scientific Method‬‬ ‫‪• Logical reasoning‬‬ ‫- المنهج ا ستد لً كو الرٌاضً: ٌسار فٌه‬ ‫من مادك إلى قضاٌا تنتج عنه االضرورة،‬ ‫.‪and abstraction‬‬ ‫وهو منهج الالو الرٌاضٌة.‬ ‫- المنهج الت رٌاً: ٌاتمد الت راة طثااا‬ ‫‪• Experimental‬‬ ‫بحة فرضٌة ااٌنها كو خطئها، وهو‬ ‫.‪Method‬‬ ‫منهج الاحث فً الالو الطاٌاٌة.‬ ‫- المنهج ا ستردادي: تحلٌا الماضً عن‬ ‫.‪• Historical Method‬‬ ‫طرٌق ما تريه من آثار، وٌستخد فً‬ ‫الالو التارٌخٌة واألخالقٌة.‬ ‫عبد الرحمن بدوي: مناهج البحث العلمً، الكوٌت: وكالة المطبوعات 7791 ص81-91.‬
  • 143. ‫الربط والسببٌة والحتمٌة‬ Causality and Reproducibility
  • 144. ‫نحتاج إلى‬ We Need ‫إخالص‬ Sincerity
  • 145. ‫نحتاج إلى‬ We Need ‫همم‬ High Aspiration
  • 146. ‫نحتاج إلى‬ We Need ‫صبر‬ Patience
  • 147. ‫نحتاج إلى‬ We Need ‫هؤسسبت لضبظ‬ ‫وتحسين البحىث‬ Institutions for Better Performance
  • 148. Blessings and Peace Be on the Prophet, Our Guide, Allah’s Most Beloved, and His Family and Companions. 