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Planned Parenthood Regina
Youth Educating About Health
Group Guidelines
1. This is a safe space for everyone
- Everything is confidential, no judgments
2. There’s no such thing as a stupid question
-Every question is a good one. If you’re thinking it, other people
are too
-If you’re uncomfortable asking out loud, write it down for the
Secret Question Box
3. Respect yourself and each other
-This is important stuff, ask questions and get involved so you
can protect yourself and help inform your friends, we’re all in
this together so help each other out!
• 4. Labels are for cans
-Labeling creates stigma, and that’s not cool. Don’t make
judgments because of someone's sexual orientation, race,
gender or background. It’s what you do that can put you at
risk, not who you are.
5. Sex isn’t bad
-No gross pictures or scare tactics here. Sex is a natural part of
life, we want you to have accurate information so you can
protect yourself and stay healthy
How to…
What is
Planned Parenthood Regina?
• PPR is a sexual health centre
• We offer nurse and doctor services and
education to promote positive sexual health for
youth in our community. All of our services
are free and confidential.
• We use peer education to inform youth about
sexual health through presentations like this
1431 Victoria Ave
Phone: 522 0902
What do we do?
Our nurses can...
Prescribe Plan B
Do pregnancy tests
Discuss unplanned pregnancy options
Birth control consults and starts
STI information, full testing and treatment
Answer questions and provide education on prevention & harm reduction
Our doctors & Nurse Practitioner can...
Do pap tests
STI testing
Swabs and physical exams and treatments
IUD consults and inserts
Birth control consults and prescriptions
We all think about it, so lets talk about it.
• After puberty our bodies are capable of having
sex and reproducing…that doesn’t mean we
automatically know everything about sex.
• We want you to become a sexpert, so here are
the basics of sexually transmitted infections…
What does STI stand
Pop Quiz!
STI stands for Sexually Transmitted Infection
• STIs can be bacteria, a virus or parasite that is passed
on through sexual activity, skin to skin contact or
exchange of bodily fluids like blood.
• Some types of STIs are curable, some are not, but most
can be treated or managed
How can I get an STI?
You can get an STI from
having unprotected sexual
contact, simple as that.
It doesn’t matter what kind
of sex you have or who
you do it with. If you’re
not being safe, you’re
putting yourself and your
partner at risk of STIs.
When we say sex, we
mean EVERY kind of sex,
oral, anal, vaginal, giving,
receiving, skin to skin
…with ANY person (rich,
poor, black, white, straight,
gay, purple with green
The good news? There are easy ways to
prevent STI’s…
1. Wait until you and your partner are ready, informed
and prepared for sex
2. Use a barrier every time you are have any type of
sexual contact with anyone
3. Be honest, talk to your partner and both get tested
before having sex and on a routine basis
4. Don’t participate in risky behaviours like sharing
needles, homemade tattoos and piercings or using drugs
and alcohol.
Did you know…
In Canada, 15 to 24 year olds have
the highest rate of STI’s
1 in 3 people will get an STI at
some point in their lives
Pop Quiz!
What’s the most common STI in
What is it? Chlamydia is a sexually
transmitted bacterial infection.
Not so fun Fact: In recent years, Regina
has been the Chlamydia capital of Canada.
Woo Hoo…
How do you get it?
•unprotected oral, anal or vaginal sex with a
person who has it.
•It can be passed along to your baby when
you are giving birth.
How can you tell if you have it?
• Most people don’t have symptoms, the
only way to know for sure is to get tested.
Chlamydia Symptoms
For men, symptoms
may include:
• itching of the penis
• pain while urinating
• discharge from the penis
• in some cases, there may also be pain or
swelling of the testicles
• about half of men will have no symptoms
and many will have only mild symptoms
For women, symptoms
may include:
• burning while urinating
• vaginal discharge or a
change in normal discharge
• Break through bleeding, or
during/after intercourse
• increase in pain during
menstruation or during
• abdominal or lower back
• occasionally causes fever
and chills
• mild symptoms
-Most people don’t have symptoms
-The above symptoms could be caused by many
different things and can’t be used to diagnose any
STI, the only way to know for sure is to get tested
What is it? Gonorrhea is a sexually
transmitted bacterial infection.
How do you get it?
•unprotected oral, anal or vaginal
sex with a person who has it.
•Mothers can pass it to their babies
during birth
How can you tell if you have it?
• Like Chlamydia, most people
don’t have symptoms, the only
way to know for sure is to get
Gonorrhea Symptoms
For men, symptoms
may include:
• Discharge from the penis
• Burning when urinating
• Painful/swollen testicles
For women, symptoms
may include:
• Burning during urination
• Rectal pain, itching,
bleeding discharge
• Vaginal bleeding or pain
• Yellowish-white vaginal
-Most people don’t have symptoms
-The above symptoms could be caused by many
different things and can’t be used to diagnose any
STI, the only way to know for sure is to get tested
•If you test positive for Chlamydia or Gonorrhea you
need to see a nurse or doctor for an antibiotic treatment,
any sexual partners need to be treated as well.
Remember, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are extremely
common, but they are also treatable.
Left untreated these infections can cause damage in your
body, so...
What is it? Syphilis is a sexually
transmitted bacterial infection. It is
included in a standard STI blood
work screening
How do you get it?
•unprotected oral, anal or vaginal sex with a person who has it.
•Mothers can pass it to their babies during birth
How can you tell if you have it?
• Can cause painless sores in the mouth, vagina or rectum
•Syphilis is called the “Great Imitator” because its symptoms are
generic and imitate other conditions, so you need a blood test to
know for sure.
•Untreated syphilis can lead to damage of vital organs
Syphilis can be treated with antibiotics, but like most STI’s you can
become infected again
What is HPV?
•HPV is a very common virus
•Signs and symptoms can be
treated and new research
shows your body may shed the
virus within several years
•There are over 100 strains of
HPV. Some cause genital warts
and abnormal pap smears,
some cause no symptoms
How do you get it?
•Unprotected skin contact with
an infected area
•Condoms can’t protect you
100%, but they will reduce the
chance of transmission
HPV: Getting
How do you know if you have it?
•Small warts on your genital area
•Abnormal cells on pap tests (not
all cases of abnormal cells are
•May have no symptoms at all
How do you get tested?
•There is no “HPV test”, pap
smears can detect changes due to
the virus, and a physical exam can
diagnose genital warts.
How do you get treated?
•Warts can be removed by a doctor
•Abnormal pap results will need
to be monitored by a doctor
• HPV vaccinations for men
and women can reduce
chances of contracting certain
What is it?
• 2 types: Herpes simplex 1
& simplex 2.
• Can cause sores around
genitals or the mouth.
• Many people show no
symptoms or never have
an outbreak
How do you get it?
• Unprotected skin contact,
even if there are no visible
• Can be transmitted
through birth from a
mother to her baby.
Herpes: Getting
How can you tell if you have it?
•If you have a blister or sore
present, see a doctor as soon as
you can
•Symptoms can come and go, but
you can only be tested when a
sore is present
How do you get tested?
•A doctor will take a swab of the
•A blood test may also be done at
the same time
•A blood test alone is not an
accurate indicator or Herpes
There is no “cure” for
herpes, but...
• Outbreaks can be well
managed with prescription
medication and healthy
•Always use barriers. If you
can see a sore, hold off on sex
until you can see a doctor
•Remember, herpes can be
transmitted without the
presence of any visible sores.
What is it?
• HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It’s
the virus that can lead AIDS (Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome) if left untreated
•It weakens the immune system making it hard for the
body to fight off other infections.
Getting Tested
• Any doctor can order an HIV blood test, PPR nurses
can order and draw blood for HIV testing
• You must give consent to be tested for HIV, except
for prenatal blood work
• It can take up to 3 months after an at-risk exposure
for blood work to test positive for HIV
•Always use condoms and minimize high risk behaviours
•People that are HIV positive can live long healthy lives with proper treatment
and a healthy lifestyle, but there is still no cure or vaccination for the virus.
How do you get HIV?
risk of HIV transmission
The Transmission Equation
Hepatitis C
What is it?
• Hep C is a virus that attacks the liver
•It can lead to serious liver damage, including
cirrhosis and cancer
-Hep C is not contagious, it can only be passed
on through blood to blood contact.
How do you get it?
•Primarily through sharing needles (injection drugs, snorting tools, insulin,
steroids, unsterile tattoos and piercings)
•It’s possible to get Hep C through sharing a toothbrush, razors or nail
clippers with someone who is Hep C positive
Getting Tested
•Any doctor can order Hep C bloodwork. PPR nurses can order and draw
blood for Hep C testing.
•It takes at least 3 months after an at-risk exposure for blood work to test
positive for Hep C
•Never share needles or personal hygiene tools. Always use Universal
Are some things riskier
than others?
Pop Quiz!
What’s the only way to protect
yourself from STIs if you choose to
have sex?
Using a Barrier!
• Condoms (Receptive and Insertive)
• Dental Dams
Dental Dams
What is it?
• A thin square of latex that can be
used to prevent the spread of STI’s
during oral sex.
How does it work?
• The dental dam is placed over a
any area of the body receiving
oral sex. It creates a barrier
between the mouth and the body
to prevent STIs from getting
passed on.
• Oral sex is still risky for getting
and passing STIs. Using a dental
dam every time you have oral sex
is the best way to protect yourself
and your partner.
• Just like a condom, never reuse a
dental dam or flip it over. Once
it’s been used, throw it away.
How to make a Dental Dam
1. Carefully take the condom out
of its package and unroll it.
2. Cut off the tip and base of the
condom and cut down the
length of the tube
3. Unroll the condom into a
rectangular sheet.
Here’s a tip…
Try using flavoured , ultra
sensitive or textured condoms
and use a latex free condom if
you have a latex allergy!
used to
cover the
that is inserted
into the body
used to cover
the area where
the penis/ object
is inserted
• Internal and External condoms should never be used at the
same time
• When used correctly they are between 95-97% effective.
• The only form of birth control (besides abstinence)
that helps protect against STIs
External Condom
What is it?
• A latex or non-latex sleeve that covers any object that is inserted into the
body. The sleeve prevents the exchange of bodily fluids, including sperm
and prevents skin to skin contact during sex.
• They are less expensive, easily accessible and come in a huge variety of
brands, textures and flavours.
• They are fast and easy to use properly
• Can be used for vaginal, anal or oral sex
• cover less skin than internal condoms and cannot be put on in advance.
• You have to store them properly and use before the expiration date
• Some people think they reduce sensation, but there are so many different
specialty condoms available now, there's something for everyone. Plus,
using a condom feels a lot better then getting an STI…
Before you use a condom…
•Check the expiration date
•Make sure the package isn’t damaged
•Use the right type of lubricant
•Open carefully!
•Follow directions…if you accidently put the condom on/in
wrong, throw it away and start again. It could have come into
contact with body fluids containing sperm, bacteria or a virus that
causes STI’s.
Putting on an External Condom
STEP 1: Squeeze the end of the
condom so there is no air in the tip,
and place it on the tip of the erect
STEP 2: Carefully unroll the
condom down
STEP 3: After sex, hold the rim of
the condom to keep it from slipping
off, and withdraw the penis before
the erection is lost.
STEP 4: Remove the condom
carefully, wrap it in tissue and place
it in a garbage can -- not in a toilet.
Internal Condom
What is it?
• A polyurethane sheath that is inserted into the body before sex. The
condom holds in the sperm, preventing it from entering the body cavity and
prevents skin to skin contact during sex.
• More skin protection because they cover a larger area
• They can be inserted several hours before sex
• Can be used for both vaginal and anal sex
• Can be used by people with latex allergies
• They may be difficult to insert, but practice makes perfect.
• May make a “rustling” sound during sex.
• They are more expensive (around $3 each) and can be difficult to find in
Using a Receptive Condom
• Check the expiry date and remove
from package
• One end of the condom will have
an opening for the penis/object to
enter. This end will remain outside
the body
• Squeeze the flexible inner ring at
the closed end of the condom and
insert it into the cavity you are
using for sex (vagina or anus)
• Gently push the inner ring as far
as it will go. Be careful not to
twist the condom.
• The outer ring of the condom
should remain outside of the
• Make sure the penis/object enters
inside the condom, not to one
• When removing the condom after
sex, twist the outer ring so that no
fluids leak out during removal.
• Throw the used condom into the
garbage. Do not flush it down the
toilet or reuse the condom.
Condom Tips
• Condoms hate extreme temperatures, keep them out of
extreme heat or cold. We live in Saskatchewan...never
leave condoms in your car.
• Treat your condoms with respect, don't keep them in your
pocket or wallet. Friction, rubbing and pressure can weaken
the latex, increasing the chance of condom breakage. Hard
condom cases are best.
• If you are going to carry one condom you might as well
carry a few. Just in case your condom breaks or a friend
needs one.
PPR always has FREE condoms, plus a big selection
for $3/dozen
Pop Quiz!
There are 4 easy ways to
reduce your STI risk…can
you remember what they
1. Wait until you and your partner are ready,
informed and prepared for sex
2. Use a barrier every time you are have any
type of sexual contact with anyone
3. Be honest, talk to your partner and both get
tested before having sex and on a routine basis
4. Don’t participate in risky behaviours like
sharing needles, homemade tattoos and
piercings or using drugs and alcohol.
How can I get tested?
Here are your options...
•PPR nurses and doctors can do full STI testing in a
quick appointment
•Any doctor can order STI testing, you can take the
requisition to the lab where they will take your
•The STI clinic offers full STI testing
• All STI testing is free and confidential. You do
not need permission from your parents and no
one else has the right to see your results without
your permission.
• Having an STI does not make you dirty, or a bad
It is a medical condition,
just like any other infection
Spermicides use chemicals to destroy the sperm on
contact. They come in gel, foam, film and sponge
form…some condoms even have spermicide pre-
Spermicides are sometimes used to make condoms
more effective at preventing pregnancy, but…
They can also cause skin irritation that can
make it easier to get an STI, including
HIV, so they’re not ideal if there is any
risk of getting an STI
Pop Quiz!
What’s the only way to
guarantee 100% protection
against STIs?
• It’s important to know not
everyone is having sex, and
that’s ok.
• Everyone has a different
definition of abstinence,
decide what it means to you.
• Talk about your boundaries
with your partner before
things get hot and heavy
Sex is a big responsibility, there’s lots
to consider and there can be some
major consequences. So do
yourself and your partner a
favour…make sure you’re ready.
• It’s ok to wait. Ask yourself …
Can I handle the possibility of
getting a sexually transmitted
If the answer is a definite “no”, you
may need to decide if you’re
really ready for sex.
How it works:
Choosing to not have certain types of sexual contact. Everyone has their
own definition of abstinence, decide what’s right for you. If there’s no
sexual contact, there’s no risk of STIs. If sexual contact is limited to
certain activities, the STI risk is also reduced to those acts
100% effective, depending on your level of abstaining
Possible Advantages:
No chemicals or barriers necessary
You can choose it at any time, even if you’re already had sex
You and your partner can focus on other ways to feel good
Possible Disadvantages:
Abstinence is a choice, some may feel it’s not a realistic option for them.
Pop Quiz!
What’s the most important
part of sex?
• Everyone has the right
to say no to sex at any
• It’s illegal to have sex
without consent
• If you’re legally too
drunk to drive, you can’t
legally consent to sex
• No always means no,
only “yes” means yes
• Consent should be out
loud and enthusiastic!
• Never pressure anyone
into having sex
Pop Quiz!
If you choose to have sex, what’s
the best Protection Plan to prevent
We all know abstinence is the best form protection
against STIs, but if/when you choose to have sex….
The best Protection Plan is:
One Partner
Routine STI testing
Healthy Decisions
Drugs and Alcohol
• Alcohol and drugs can make it harder to stick to your decision not to have
sex, they can also put you in a dangerous situation
• If you’re drunk or high it’s easy to make decisions or do things that you
would never do if you were sober
• Know your limits and stay within them. Not knowing what happened last
night is scary and dangerous, especially if you don’t know if you had sex or
participated in another risky activity
• Use the buddy system to keep each other accountable and safe
• Be prepared and be responsible, preventing an unsafe situation is your best
• Being intoxicated is never an excuse for pressuring or forcing someone into
Tattoos, piercings & sharing needles
• Never share any kind of needle. Whether you use it for injecting drugs,
steroids, insulin or an at home belly button piercing…sharing a needle with
someone is a major risk factor for transmitting viruses like HIV and
Hepatitis C
• Only get a tattoo or piercing from a professional who follows sterile
practices in their shop, never get a tattoo or piercing unless you are 100%
sure the equipment is sterile
• If you use needles or similar equipment for any reason:
– Never share with friends
– Use only new or sterilized equipment
– Dispose of your equipment properly, using a sharps container or needle
exchange drop off to prevent accidental needle pokes
Get and give consent!
Sex can be a great thing…when you’re ready. When you don’t have
to worry about STI’s, you can focus on the fun stuff
Having sex comes with responsibilities and consequences
There is nothing wrong with waiting
Unplanned pregnancy is not the only risk
STI’s don’t discriminate
No one deserves to be pressured into anything they don’t want to do
Alcohol and drugs can affect your decision making and safety
It’s good to ask questions!
Don’t forget…
Don’t just it!
Make sure information is from reliable websites. , Sex, etc. & are great ones to
try out
Call us to talk to a nurse!
Let’s get social!

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Can sexually transmitted infections affect fertility?
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Sexually Transmitted Infections 101

  • 1. Planned Parenthood Regina THE SEXUAL HEALTH EDUCATION PLACE Sexually Transmitted Infections 101 Y.E.A.H. Youth Educating About Health
  • 2. Group Guidelines 1. This is a safe space for everyone - Everything is confidential, no judgments 2. There’s no such thing as a stupid question -Every question is a good one. If you’re thinking it, other people are too -If you’re uncomfortable asking out loud, write it down for the Secret Question Box 3. Respect yourself and each other -This is important stuff, ask questions and get involved so you can protect yourself and help inform your friends, we’re all in this together so help each other out!
  • 3. • 4. Labels are for cans -Labeling creates stigma, and that’s not cool. Don’t make judgments because of someone's sexual orientation, race, gender or background. It’s what you do that can put you at risk, not who you are. 5. Sex isn’t bad -No gross pictures or scare tactics here. Sex is a natural part of life, we want you to have accurate information so you can protect yourself and stay healthy
  • 5. What is Planned Parenthood Regina? • PPR is a sexual health centre • We offer nurse and doctor services and education to promote positive sexual health for youth in our community. All of our services are free and confidential. • We use peer education to inform youth about sexual health through presentations like this one….
  • 7. What do we do? Our nurses can... Prescribe Plan B Do pregnancy tests Discuss unplanned pregnancy options Birth control consults and starts STI information, full testing and treatment Answer questions and provide education on prevention & harm reduction Our doctors & Nurse Practitioner can... Do pap tests STI testing Swabs and physical exams and treatments IUD consults and inserts Birth control consults and prescriptions
  • 8. Sex… We all think about it, so lets talk about it. • After puberty our bodies are capable of having sex and reproducing…that doesn’t mean we automatically know everything about sex. • We want you to become a sexpert, so here are the basics of sexually transmitted infections…
  • 9. What does STI stand for? Pop Quiz!
  • 10. STI stands for Sexually Transmitted Infection • STIs can be bacteria, a virus or parasite that is passed on through sexual activity, skin to skin contact or exchange of bodily fluids like blood. • Some types of STIs are curable, some are not, but most can be treated or managed
  • 11. How can I get an STI? You can get an STI from having unprotected sexual contact, simple as that. It doesn’t matter what kind of sex you have or who you do it with. If you’re not being safe, you’re putting yourself and your partner at risk of STIs. When we say sex, we mean EVERY kind of sex, including… oral, anal, vaginal, giving, receiving, skin to skin contact …with ANY person (rich, poor, black, white, straight, gay, purple with green stripes…anyone)
  • 12. The good news? There are easy ways to prevent STI’s… 1. Wait until you and your partner are ready, informed and prepared for sex 2. Use a barrier every time you are have any type of sexual contact with anyone 3. Be honest, talk to your partner and both get tested before having sex and on a routine basis 4. Don’t participate in risky behaviours like sharing needles, homemade tattoos and piercings or using drugs and alcohol.
  • 13. Did you know… In Canada, 15 to 24 year olds have the highest rate of STI’s 1 in 3 people will get an STI at some point in their lives
  • 14. Pop Quiz! What’s the most common STI in Saskatchewan?
  • 15. What is it? Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection. Not so fun Fact: In recent years, Regina has been the Chlamydia capital of Canada. Woo Hoo… How do you get it? •unprotected oral, anal or vaginal sex with a person who has it. •It can be passed along to your baby when you are giving birth. How can you tell if you have it? • Most people don’t have symptoms, the only way to know for sure is to get tested. Chlamydia
  • 16. Chlamydia Symptoms For men, symptoms may include: • itching of the penis • pain while urinating • discharge from the penis • in some cases, there may also be pain or swelling of the testicles • about half of men will have no symptoms and many will have only mild symptoms For women, symptoms may include: • burning while urinating • vaginal discharge or a change in normal discharge • Break through bleeding, or during/after intercourse • increase in pain during menstruation or during intercourse • abdominal or lower back pain • occasionally causes fever and chills • mild symptoms Remember… -Most people don’t have symptoms -The above symptoms could be caused by many different things and can’t be used to diagnose any STI, the only way to know for sure is to get tested
  • 17. Gonorrhea What is it? Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection. How do you get it? •unprotected oral, anal or vaginal sex with a person who has it. •Mothers can pass it to their babies during birth How can you tell if you have it? • Like Chlamydia, most people don’t have symptoms, the only way to know for sure is to get tested
  • 18. Gonorrhea Symptoms For men, symptoms may include: • Discharge from the penis • Burning when urinating • Painful/swollen testicles For women, symptoms may include: • Burning during urination • Rectal pain, itching, bleeding discharge • Vaginal bleeding or pain • Yellowish-white vaginal discharge Remember… -Most people don’t have symptoms -The above symptoms could be caused by many different things and can’t be used to diagnose any STI, the only way to know for sure is to get tested
  • 19. •If you test positive for Chlamydia or Gonorrhea you need to see a nurse or doctor for an antibiotic treatment, any sexual partners need to be treated as well. Remember, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are extremely common, but they are also treatable. Left untreated these infections can cause damage in your body, so...
  • 20. Syphilis What is it? Syphilis is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection. It is included in a standard STI blood work screening How do you get it? •unprotected oral, anal or vaginal sex with a person who has it. •Mothers can pass it to their babies during birth How can you tell if you have it? • Can cause painless sores in the mouth, vagina or rectum •Syphilis is called the “Great Imitator” because its symptoms are generic and imitate other conditions, so you need a blood test to know for sure. •Untreated syphilis can lead to damage of vital organs Syphilis can be treated with antibiotics, but like most STI’s you can become infected again
  • 21. HPV (HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS) What is HPV? •HPV is a very common virus •Signs and symptoms can be treated and new research shows your body may shed the virus within several years •There are over 100 strains of HPV. Some cause genital warts and abnormal pap smears, some cause no symptoms How do you get it? •Unprotected skin contact with an infected area •Condoms can’t protect you 100%, but they will reduce the chance of transmission
  • 22. HPV: Getting Tested How do you know if you have it? •Small warts on your genital area •Abnormal cells on pap tests (not all cases of abnormal cells are HPV) •May have no symptoms at all How do you get tested? •There is no “HPV test”, pap smears can detect changes due to the virus, and a physical exam can diagnose genital warts. How do you get treated? •Warts can be removed by a doctor •Abnormal pap results will need to be monitored by a doctor Prevention: • HPV vaccinations for men and women can reduce chances of contracting certain strains
  • 23. Herpes What is it? • 2 types: Herpes simplex 1 & simplex 2. • Can cause sores around genitals or the mouth. • Many people show no symptoms or never have an outbreak How do you get it? • Unprotected skin contact, even if there are no visible symptoms • Can be transmitted through birth from a mother to her baby.
  • 24. Herpes: Getting Tested How can you tell if you have it? •If you have a blister or sore present, see a doctor as soon as you can •Symptoms can come and go, but you can only be tested when a sore is present How do you get tested? •A doctor will take a swab of the sore •A blood test may also be done at the same time •A blood test alone is not an accurate indicator or Herpes There is no “cure” for herpes, but... • Outbreaks can be well managed with prescription medication and healthy lifestyle Prevention •Always use barriers. If you can see a sore, hold off on sex until you can see a doctor •Remember, herpes can be transmitted without the presence of any visible sores.
  • 25. HIV What is it? • HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It’s the virus that can lead AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) if left untreated •It weakens the immune system making it hard for the body to fight off other infections. Getting Tested • Any doctor can order an HIV blood test, PPR nurses can order and draw blood for HIV testing • You must give consent to be tested for HIV, except for prenatal blood work • It can take up to 3 months after an at-risk exposure for blood work to test positive for HIV Prevention •Always use condoms and minimize high risk behaviours •People that are HIV positive can live long healthy lives with proper treatment and a healthy lifestyle, but there is still no cure or vaccination for the virus.
  • 26. How do you get HIV? risk of HIV transmission The Transmission Equation
  • 27. Hepatitis C (HCV) What is it? • Hep C is a virus that attacks the liver •It can lead to serious liver damage, including cirrhosis and cancer -Hep C is not contagious, it can only be passed on through blood to blood contact. How do you get it? •Primarily through sharing needles (injection drugs, snorting tools, insulin, steroids, unsterile tattoos and piercings) •It’s possible to get Hep C through sharing a toothbrush, razors or nail clippers with someone who is Hep C positive Getting Tested •Any doctor can order Hep C bloodwork. PPR nurses can order and draw blood for Hep C testing. •It takes at least 3 months after an at-risk exposure for blood work to test positive for Hep C Prevention •Never share needles or personal hygiene tools. Always use Universal Precautions!
  • 28. Are some things riskier than others?
  • 29. Pop Quiz! What’s the only way to protect yourself from STIs if you choose to have sex?
  • 30. Using a Barrier! • Condoms (Receptive and Insertive) • Dental Dams
  • 31. Dental Dams What is it? • A thin square of latex that can be used to prevent the spread of STI’s during oral sex. How does it work? • The dental dam is placed over a any area of the body receiving oral sex. It creates a barrier between the mouth and the body to prevent STIs from getting passed on. • Oral sex is still risky for getting and passing STIs. Using a dental dam every time you have oral sex is the best way to protect yourself and your partner. • Just like a condom, never reuse a dental dam or flip it over. Once it’s been used, throw it away.
  • 32. How to make a Dental Dam 1. Carefully take the condom out of its package and unroll it. 2. Cut off the tip and base of the condom and cut down the length of the tube 3. Unroll the condom into a rectangular sheet. Here’s a tip… Try using flavoured , ultra sensitive or textured condoms and use a latex free condom if you have a latex allergy!
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36. Condoms External Condom used to cover the penis/object that is inserted into the body Internal Condom used to cover the area where the penis/ object is inserted • Internal and External condoms should never be used at the same time • When used correctly they are between 95-97% effective. • The only form of birth control (besides abstinence) that helps protect against STIs
  • 37. External Condom What is it? • A latex or non-latex sleeve that covers any object that is inserted into the body. The sleeve prevents the exchange of bodily fluids, including sperm and prevents skin to skin contact during sex. Pros • They are less expensive, easily accessible and come in a huge variety of brands, textures and flavours. • They are fast and easy to use properly • Can be used for vaginal, anal or oral sex Cons • cover less skin than internal condoms and cannot be put on in advance. • You have to store them properly and use before the expiration date • Some people think they reduce sensation, but there are so many different specialty condoms available now, there's something for everyone. Plus, using a condom feels a lot better then getting an STI…
  • 38. Before you use a condom… •Check the expiration date •Make sure the package isn’t damaged •Use the right type of lubricant •Open carefully! •Follow directions…if you accidently put the condom on/in wrong, throw it away and start again. It could have come into contact with body fluids containing sperm, bacteria or a virus that causes STI’s.
  • 39. Putting on an External Condom STEP 1: Squeeze the end of the condom so there is no air in the tip, and place it on the tip of the erect penis/object STEP 2: Carefully unroll the condom down STEP 3: After sex, hold the rim of the condom to keep it from slipping off, and withdraw the penis before the erection is lost. STEP 4: Remove the condom carefully, wrap it in tissue and place it in a garbage can -- not in a toilet.
  • 40. Internal Condom What is it? • A polyurethane sheath that is inserted into the body before sex. The condom holds in the sperm, preventing it from entering the body cavity and prevents skin to skin contact during sex. Pros • More skin protection because they cover a larger area • They can be inserted several hours before sex • Can be used for both vaginal and anal sex • Can be used by people with latex allergies Cons • They may be difficult to insert, but practice makes perfect. • May make a “rustling” sound during sex. • They are more expensive (around $3 each) and can be difficult to find in stores
  • 41. Using a Receptive Condom • Check the expiry date and remove from package • One end of the condom will have an opening for the penis/object to enter. This end will remain outside the body • Squeeze the flexible inner ring at the closed end of the condom and insert it into the cavity you are using for sex (vagina or anus)
  • 42. • Gently push the inner ring as far as it will go. Be careful not to twist the condom. • The outer ring of the condom should remain outside of the body. • Make sure the penis/object enters inside the condom, not to one side. • When removing the condom after sex, twist the outer ring so that no fluids leak out during removal. • Throw the used condom into the garbage. Do not flush it down the toilet or reuse the condom.
  • 43. Condom Tips • Condoms hate extreme temperatures, keep them out of extreme heat or cold. We live in Saskatchewan...never leave condoms in your car. • Treat your condoms with respect, don't keep them in your pocket or wallet. Friction, rubbing and pressure can weaken the latex, increasing the chance of condom breakage. Hard condom cases are best. • If you are going to carry one condom you might as well carry a few. Just in case your condom breaks or a friend needs one. PPR always has FREE condoms, plus a big selection for $3/dozen
  • 44. Pop Quiz! There are 4 easy ways to reduce your STI risk…can you remember what they are?
  • 45. 1. Wait until you and your partner are ready, informed and prepared for sex 2. Use a barrier every time you are have any type of sexual contact with anyone 3. Be honest, talk to your partner and both get tested before having sex and on a routine basis 4. Don’t participate in risky behaviours like sharing needles, homemade tattoos and piercings or using drugs and alcohol.
  • 46. How can I get tested? Here are your options... •PPR nurses and doctors can do full STI testing in a quick appointment •Any doctor can order STI testing, you can take the requisition to the lab where they will take your samples. •The STI clinic offers full STI testing
  • 47. Remember… • All STI testing is free and confidential. You do not need permission from your parents and no one else has the right to see your results without your permission. • Having an STI does not make you dirty, or a bad person… It is a medical condition, just like any other infection
  • 48. Spermicides Spermicides use chemicals to destroy the sperm on contact. They come in gel, foam, film and sponge form…some condoms even have spermicide pre- applied Spermicides are sometimes used to make condoms more effective at preventing pregnancy, but… They can also cause skin irritation that can make it easier to get an STI, including HIV, so they’re not ideal if there is any risk of getting an STI
  • 49. Pop Quiz! What’s the only way to guarantee 100% protection against STIs?
  • 50. Abstinence • It’s important to know not everyone is having sex, and that’s ok. • Everyone has a different definition of abstinence, decide what it means to you. • Talk about your boundaries with your partner before things get hot and heavy Sex is a big responsibility, there’s lots to consider and there can be some major consequences. So do yourself and your partner a favour…make sure you’re ready. • It’s ok to wait. Ask yourself … Can I handle the possibility of getting a sexually transmitted infection? If the answer is a definite “no”, you may need to decide if you’re really ready for sex.
  • 51. How it works: Choosing to not have certain types of sexual contact. Everyone has their own definition of abstinence, decide what’s right for you. If there’s no sexual contact, there’s no risk of STIs. If sexual contact is limited to certain activities, the STI risk is also reduced to those acts Effectiveness: 100% effective, depending on your level of abstaining Possible Advantages: No chemicals or barriers necessary You can choose it at any time, even if you’re already had sex You and your partner can focus on other ways to feel good Possible Disadvantages: Abstinence is a choice, some may feel it’s not a realistic option for them.
  • 52. Pop Quiz! What’s the most important part of sex?
  • 53. Consent • Everyone has the right to say no to sex at any time • It’s illegal to have sex without consent • If you’re legally too drunk to drive, you can’t legally consent to sex • No always means no, only “yes” means yes • Consent should be out loud and enthusiastic! • Never pressure anyone into having sex
  • 54. Pop Quiz! If you choose to have sex, what’s the best Protection Plan to prevent STIs?
  • 55. We all know abstinence is the best form protection against STIs, but if/when you choose to have sex…. The best Protection Plan is: Barrier + One Partner + Routine STI testing
  • 56. Healthy Decisions Drugs and Alcohol • Alcohol and drugs can make it harder to stick to your decision not to have sex, they can also put you in a dangerous situation • If you’re drunk or high it’s easy to make decisions or do things that you would never do if you were sober • Know your limits and stay within them. Not knowing what happened last night is scary and dangerous, especially if you don’t know if you had sex or participated in another risky activity • Use the buddy system to keep each other accountable and safe • Be prepared and be responsible, preventing an unsafe situation is your best defense • Being intoxicated is never an excuse for pressuring or forcing someone into sex
  • 57. Tattoos, piercings & sharing needles • Never share any kind of needle. Whether you use it for injecting drugs, steroids, insulin or an at home belly button piercing…sharing a needle with someone is a major risk factor for transmitting viruses like HIV and Hepatitis C • Only get a tattoo or piercing from a professional who follows sterile practices in their shop, never get a tattoo or piercing unless you are 100% sure the equipment is sterile • If you use needles or similar equipment for any reason: – Never share with friends – Use only new or sterilized equipment – Dispose of your equipment properly, using a sharps container or needle exchange drop off to prevent accidental needle pokes
  • 58. Get and give consent! Sex can be a great thing…when you’re ready. When you don’t have to worry about STI’s, you can focus on the fun stuff Having sex comes with responsibilities and consequences There is nothing wrong with waiting Unplanned pregnancy is not the only risk STI’s don’t discriminate No one deserves to be pressured into anything they don’t want to do Alcohol and drugs can affect your decision making and safety It’s good to ask questions! Don’t forget…
  • 59. Don’t just it! Make sure information is from reliable websites. , Sex, etc. & are great ones to try out Call us to talk to a nurse!