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The "Middy" wayThe "Middy" way
Community Day Dublin
October , 1st 2019
Luciano Mammino
Hello, I am Luciano!Hello, I am Luciano!
Hello, I am Luciano!Hello, I am Luciano!
Hello, I am Luciano!Hello, I am Luciano!
Hello, I am Luciano!Hello, I am Luciano!
Hello, I am Luciano!Hello, I am Luciano!
Cloud Architect
Hello, I am Luciano!Hello, I am Luciano!
Cloud Architect
Hello, I am Luciano!Hello, I am Luciano!
Cloud Architect
Hello, I am Luciano!Hello, I am Luciano!
Cloud Architect
@loige 3
Let's chat on:Let's chat on:
@loige 4
What is serverlessWhat is serverless
Compute as functions (FaaS)Compute as functions (FaaS)
Event-based modelEvent-based model
@loige 5
Why serverless is goodWhy serverless is good
Focus on business logicFocus on business logic
Pay per usage model (compute time * memory)Pay per usage model (compute time * memory)
Managed infrastructureManaged infrastructure
Forces you to think micro-servicesForces you to think micro-services
@loige 6
My Serverless experienceMy Serverless experience
Open source
A semi-automated weekly newsletter ( )
A middleware framework for AWS Lambda ( )
Trading, Billing engine, Market data aggregator solutions ( )
Big data pipeline to make network metadata searchable ( )
Organised various workshops around Europe ( )
Fullstack bulletin
@loige 7
Let's get this party startedLet's get this party started
@loige 8
♂ ♂ 
@loige 9
A nice laptopA nice laptop
@loige 10
An AWS accountAn AWS account
@loige 11
Have anHave an admin useradmin user
in your AWS accountin your AWS account
@loige 12
install the AWS CLIinstall the AWS CLI
@loige 13
configure the AWS CLIconfigure the AWS CLI
@loige 14
aws sts get-caller-identity
"Account": "123456789012",
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/super-mario"
@loige 15
Install Git and Node.jsInstall Git and Node.js  
@loige 16
You are ready!You are ready!
@loige 17
What are we going to build?What are we going to build?
@loige 18
A realtime dashboard for public transport!A realtime dashboard for public transport!
Read... the README!
Clone the project locally
Deploy it to your AWS account
Play with the APIs
@loige 20
Read... the README!
Clone the project locally
Deploy it to your AWS account
Play with the APIs
I need staaarz!
@loige 20
⏱ 20 mins warm up ♀ ⏱ 20 mins warm up ♀ 
1. Use the APIs to create a dashboard that contains:1. Use the APIs to create a dashboard that contains:
An IrishRail station widget
A LUAS stop widget
A DublinBus stop widget
(there are utility scripts to list all the stops and stations, check the README)
2. Have a look at the code2. Have a look at the code
If you find bugs, please send a or report anPR issue
@loige 21
AWS Lambda & MiddyAWS Lambda & Middy
@loige 22
The problem with LambdasThe problem with Lambdas
@loige 23
exports.myLambda = function (
) {
// get input from event and context
// use callback to return output or errors
Anatomy of a Node.js lambda on AWSAnatomy of a Node.js lambda on AWS
@loige 24
(event, context, callback) => {
// decrypt environment variables with KMS
// deserialize the content of the event
// validate input, authentication, authorization
// (process input, generate output)
// validate output
// serialize response
// handle errors
A typical "REAL" Lambda functionA typical "REAL" Lambda function
@loige 25
(event, context, callback) => {
// decrypt environment variables with KMS
// deserialize the content of the event
// validate input, authentication, authorization
// (process input, generate output)
// validate output
// serialize response
// handle errors
A typical "REAL" Lambda functionA typical "REAL" Lambda function
@loige 25
(event, context, callback) => {
// decrypt environment variables with KMS
// deserialize the content of the event
// validate input, authentication, authorization
// (process input, generate output)
// validate output
// serialize response
// handle errors
A typical "REAL" Lambda functionA typical "REAL" Lambda function
@loige 25
(event, context, callback) => {
// decrypt environment variables with KMS
// deserialize the content of the event
// validate input, authentication, authorization
// (process input, generate output)
// validate output
// serialize response
// handle errors
A typical "REAL" Lambda functionA typical "REAL" Lambda function
@loige 25
The solutionThe solution
@loige 26
npm install @middy/core
Note: using preview (alpha)version 1.0.0
@loige 27
npm install @middy/core
Note: using preview (alpha)version 1.0.0
Give it moar love
@loige 27
const middy = require('@middy/core')
const { middleware1, middleware2, middleware3 } = require('some-middlewares')
const originalHandler = (event, context, callback) => {
/* your business logic */
const handler = middy(originalHandler)
module.exports = { handler }
const middy = require('@middy/core')
const { middleware1, middleware2, middleware3 } = require('some-middlewares')
const originalHandler = (event, context, callback) => {
/* your business logic */
const handler = middy(originalHandler)
module.exports = { handler }
1. define handler
const middy = require('@middy/core')
const { middleware1, middleware2, middleware3 } = require('some-middlewares')
const originalHandler = (event, context, callback) => {
/* your business logic */
const handler = middy(originalHandler)
module.exports = { handler }
2. "middify"  the handler
const middy = require('@middy/core')
const { middleware1, middleware2, middleware3 } = require('some-middlewares')
const originalHandler = (event, context, callback) => {
/* your business logic */
const handler = middy(originalHandler)
module.exports = { handler }
3. attach middlewares
const middy = require('@middy/core')
const { middleware1, middleware2, middleware3 } = require('some-middlewares')
const originalHandler = (event, context, callback) => {
/* your business logic */
const handler = middy(originalHandler)
module.exports = { handler } 4. export "middyfied" handler
const middy = require('@middy/core')
const urlEncodedBodyParser = require('@middy/http-urlencode-body-parser')
const validator = require('@middy/validator')
const httpErrorHandler = require('@middy/http-error-handler')
const processPaymentHandler = (event, context, callback) => {
const {
creditCardNumber, expiryMonth, expiryYear, cvc, nameOnCard, amount
} = event.body
// do stuff with this data ...
return callback(null,
{ result: 'success', message: 'payment processed correctly'}
const inputSchema = {
// define validation schema here ...
const handler = middy(processPaymentHandler)
module.exports = { handler }
const middy = require('@middy/core')
const urlEncodedBodyParser = require('@middy/http-urlencode-body-parser')
const validator = require('@middy/validator')
const httpErrorHandler = require('@middy/http-error-handler')
const processPaymentHandler = (event, context, callback) => {
const {
creditCardNumber, expiryMonth, expiryYear, cvc, nameOnCard, amount
} = event.body
// do stuff with this data ...
return callback(null,
{ result: 'success', message: 'payment processed correctly'}
const inputSchema = {
// define validation schema here ...
const handler = middy(processPaymentHandler)
module.exports = { handler }
const middy = require('@middy/core')
const urlEncodedBodyParser = require('@middy/http-urlencode-body-parser')
const validator = require('@middy/validator')
const httpErrorHandler = require('@middy/http-error-handler')
const processPaymentHandler = (event, context, callback) => {
const {
creditCardNumber, expiryMonth, expiryYear, cvc, nameOnCard, amount
} = event.body
// do stuff with this data ...
return callback(null,
{ result: 'success', message: 'payment processed correctly'}
const inputSchema = {
// define validation schema here ...
const handler = middy(processPaymentHandler)
module.exports = { handler }
Attach middlewares
const middy = require('@middy/core')
const urlEncodedBodyParser = require('@middy/http-urlencode-body-parser')
const validator = require('@middy/validator')
const httpErrorHandler = require('@middy/http-error-handler')
const processPaymentHandler = (event, context, callback) => {
const {
creditCardNumber, expiryMonth, expiryYear, cvc, nameOnCard, amount
} = event.body
// do stuff with this data ...
return callback(null,
{ result: 'success', message: 'payment processed correctly'}
const inputSchema = {
// define validation schema here ...
const handler = middy(processPaymentHandler)
module.exports = { handler } Export enhanced handler
@loige 30
Simplify code
@loige 30
Simplify code
input parsing
input & output validation
output serialization
error handling
@loige 30
Simplify code
input parsing
input & output validation
output serialization
error handling
Focus (even) MORE on business logic@loige 30
How it worksHow it works
@loige 31
Execution orderExecution order
Execution orderExecution order
Execution orderExecution order
1. middleware1 (before)
Execution orderExecution order
1. middleware1 (before)
2. middleware2 (before)
Execution orderExecution order
1. middleware1 (before)
2. middleware2 (before)
3. middleware3 (before)
Execution orderExecution order
1. middleware1 (before)
2. middleware2 (before)
3. middleware3 (before)
4. handler
Execution orderExecution order
1. middleware1 (before)
2. middleware2 (before)
3. middleware3 (before)
4. handler
5. middleware3 (after)
Execution orderExecution order
1. middleware1 (before)
2. middleware2 (before)
3. middleware3 (before)
4. handler
5. middleware3 (after)
6. middleware2 (after)
Execution orderExecution order
1. middleware1 (before)
2. middleware2 (before)
3. middleware3 (before)
4. handler
5. middleware3 (after)
6. middleware2 (after)
7. middleware1 (after)
Execution orderExecution order
1. middleware1 (before)
2. middleware2 (before)
3. middleware3 (before)
4. handler
5. middleware3 (after)
6. middleware2 (after)
7. middleware1 (after)
When an error happens...When an error happens...
Flow is stopped
First middleware implementing `onError` gets control
It can choose to handle the error, or delegate it to the next handler
If the error is handler a response is returned
If the error is not handled the execution fails reporting the unhandled error
@loige 33
Writing a middlewareWriting a middleware
const myMiddleware = (config) => {
// might set default options in config
return ({
before: (handler, next) => {
// might read options from `config`
after: (handler, next) => {
// might read options from `config`
onError: (handler, next) => {
// might read options from `config`
module.exports = myMiddleware
Inline middlewaresInline middlewares
const middy = require('@middy/core')
const handler = middy((event, context, callback) => {
// do stuff
handler.before((handler, next) => {
// do something in the before phase
handler.after((handler, next) => {
// do something in the after phase
handler.onError((handler, next) => {
// do something in the on error phase
module.exports = { handler }
It supports async handlers!It supports async handlers!
const middy = require('@middy/core')
const handler = middy(
async (event, context) => {
// do stuff
return { some: 'response' }
module.exports = { handler }
Exercise 0Exercise 0: let's middify!: let's middify!
In the next exercises we will need the full power of middy, so to get started let's
just "middify" all our handlers
Note: handlers are defined in "src/handlers", and they get used in
"src/handler.js". You can either middify every single handler file or middify them
when used in src/handler.js. In the first case, make sure you middify the actual
handler function and not the "handler factory".
( )a solution
@loige 37
Exercise 1Exercise 1: body parsing: body parsing
We are manually deserializing the JSON input in our APIs.
We can simplify the code a bit by using the middleware.
Install @middy/http-json-body-parser and remove all the instances of
JSON.parse() in our handlers.
( )
a solution
@loige 38
What happens when one of our handlers crashes? We are actually not even
dealing with errors right now... by using the  middleware we
will be able to handle all HTTP errors and return codes consistently.
Install @middy/http-error-handler and apply that to all our handlers.
( )
a solution
Exercise 2Exercise 2: what if we fail?: what if we fail?
@loige 39
We want to make sure that data is validated before being written to the
database. We can use the middleware for this task!
Install @middy/validator and apply that to all our POST API handlers. You can
use  to define your schemas or, if you are struggling, you can
find some schemas ready-made for you  :)
Note: The validator should be added after the json-body-parser, so you can
validate individual fields of the input data.
( )
a solution
Exercise 3Exercise 3: validate!: validate!
@loige 40
We have our dashboards fully working, but consuming them in JSON is definitely
not the friendliest experience! It would be much better to do in a properly
rendered HTML so that we could easily visualize them on our mobile device!
You can implement this in (at least) 2 ways :
Using the middleware and building a frontend somewhere like
Using the middleware and implementing a
specific rule for accept "text/html"
( - )
codesandbox codepen
a CORS solution a CodeSandbox React UI
Exercise 4Exercise 4: mobile rendering: mobile rendering
@loige 41
Did you notice that our APIs are fully open? Knowing the endpoint and the id,
anyone can basically change or delete the dashboards! That's unacceptable!
Find a way to secure the APIs.
One easy way could be to create a secret random token when a dashboard is
created the first time. Then you can create a custom middleware that checks
the secret every time someone is trying to modify or delete that dashboard!
Note: if you feel fancy you can use JWT tokens, in such case you could take
inspiration from the middleware!jwt-auth
Exercise 5Exercise 5: better safe than sorry: better safe than sorry
@loige 42
Sometimes our APIs are very slow. They take literally seconds to answer. This is
because of a common serverless issue known as " ". If you are
running for your train every morning, this is unacceptable! We should fix this...
Use the  middleware to mitigate the cold start issue
Note: make sure to also setup the proper event for every API. 
cold start problem
Exercise 6Exercise 6: stop the cold!: stop the cold!
Some of your Java friends would love to use these APIs to build a shiny SWING
UI... The problem is that they don't really like JSON and they would rather have a
good old XML-based API. You might think that this is actually their problem, but
also, you don't want to lose your friends...
Use the  middleware to provide responses in XML for
accept "application/xml".
Note: You could use a library like  to automate the conversion of
JavaScript objects to XML.
Exercise 7Exercise 7: legacy friendship: legacy friendship
In summaryIn summary
Serverless is cool, it helps you to build apps quickly and with a greater
focus on business logic, rather than on infrastructure!
Middy helps you to keep focusing on your business logic first
You can add extra behaviours with very minimal changes to your core
logic by introducing dedicated middlewares
You can easily share common functionality through middlewares
If you like MiddyIf you like Middy
Use itUse it
Give feedbackGive feedback
Contribute (I am looking for co-maintainers)Contribute (I am looking for co-maintainers)
Version 1.0 (stable) coming soonVersion 1.0 (stable) coming soon
Thank youThank you
@loige 47
Cover Image by  from
A special thank you to all the amazing Middy users
and !
Thanks to for reviewing these
slides and to  for finding lots of bugs!
TotumRevolutum Pixabay
@loige 48

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Serverless, The Middy Way - Workshop

  • 1. ServerlessServerless The "Middy" wayThe "Middy" way — Workshop Community Day Dublin October , 1st 2019 Luciano Mammino @loige Wi-Fi: DC_Conference October-2019 1
  • 2. 2
  • 3. Hello, I am Luciano!Hello, I am Luciano! 2
  • 4. Hello, I am Luciano!Hello, I am Luciano! 2
  • 5. Hello, I am Luciano!Hello, I am Luciano! 2
  • 6. Hello, I am Luciano!Hello, I am Luciano! 2
  • 7. Hello, I am Luciano!Hello, I am Luciano! Cloud Architect 2
  • 8. Hello, I am Luciano!Hello, I am Luciano! Cloud Architect Blog: Twitter: GitHub: @loige @lmammino 2
  • 9. Hello, I am Luciano!Hello, I am Luciano! Cloud Architect Blog: Twitter: GitHub: @loige @lmammino 2
  • 10. Hello, I am Luciano!Hello, I am Luciano! Cloud Architect Blog: Twitter: GitHub: @loige @lmammino 2
  • 12. Let's chat on:Let's chat on: @loige 4
  • 13. What is serverlessWhat is serverless Compute as functions (FaaS)Compute as functions (FaaS) Event-based modelEvent-based model @loige 5
  • 14. Why serverless is goodWhy serverless is good Focus on business logicFocus on business logic ScalabilityScalability Pay per usage model (compute time * memory)Pay per usage model (compute time * memory) Managed infrastructureManaged infrastructure Forces you to think micro-servicesForces you to think micro-services @loige 6
  • 15. My Serverless experienceMy Serverless experience Open source A semi-automated weekly newsletter ( ) A middleware framework for AWS Lambda ( ) Enterprise Trading, Billing engine, Market data aggregator solutions ( ) Big data pipeline to make network metadata searchable ( ) Organised various workshops around Europe ( ) Fullstack bulletin ESB @loige 7
  • 16. Let's get this party startedLet's get this party started @loige 8
  • 18. A nice laptopA nice laptop @loige 10
  • 19. An AWS accountAn AWS account @loige 11
  • 20. Have anHave an admin useradmin user in your AWS accountin your AWS account @loige 12
  • 21. install the AWS CLIinstall the AWS CLI @loige 13
  • 22. configure the AWS CLIconfigure the AWS CLI @loige 14
  • 23. VerifyVerify aws sts get-caller-identity { "Account": "123456789012", "UserId": "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/super-mario" } @loige 15
  • 24. Install Git and Node.jsInstall Git and Node.js   @loige 16
  • 25. You are ready!You are ready! @loige 17
  • 26. What are we going to build?What are we going to build? @loige 18
  • 27. @loige A realtime dashboard for public transport!A realtime dashboard for public transport! 19
  • 28. Read... the README! Clone the project locally Deploy it to your AWS account Play with the APIs @loige 20
  • 29. Read... the README! Clone the project locally Deploy it to your AWS account Play with the APIs I need staaarz! @loige 20
  • 30. ⏱ 20 mins warm up ♀ ⏱ 20 mins warm up ♀  1. Use the APIs to create a dashboard that contains:1. Use the APIs to create a dashboard that contains: An IrishRail station widget A LUAS stop widget A DublinBus stop widget (there are utility scripts to list all the stops and stations, check the README)   2. Have a look at the code2. Have a look at the code If you find bugs, please send a or report anPR issue @loige 21
  • 31. AWS Lambda & MiddyAWS Lambda & Middy ❤❤ @loige 22
  • 32. The problem with LambdasThe problem with Lambdas @loige 23
  • 33. exports.myLambda = function ( event, context, callback ) { // get input from event and context // use callback to return output or errors } Anatomy of a Node.js lambda on AWSAnatomy of a Node.js lambda on AWS @loige 24
  • 34. (event, context, callback) => { // decrypt environment variables with KMS // deserialize the content of the event // validate input, authentication, authorization // REAL BUSINESS LOGIC // (process input, generate output) // validate output // serialize response // handle errors } A typical "REAL" Lambda functionA typical "REAL" Lambda function @loige 25
  • 35. (event, context, callback) => { // decrypt environment variables with KMS // deserialize the content of the event // validate input, authentication, authorization // REAL BUSINESS LOGIC // (process input, generate output) // validate output // serialize response // handle errors } A typical "REAL" Lambda functionA typical "REAL" Lambda function @loige 25
  • 36. (event, context, callback) => { // decrypt environment variables with KMS // deserialize the content of the event // validate input, authentication, authorization // REAL BUSINESS LOGIC // (process input, generate output) // validate output // serialize response // handle errors } A typical "REAL" Lambda functionA typical "REAL" Lambda function @loige 25
  • 37. (event, context, callback) => { // decrypt environment variables with KMS // deserialize the content of the event // validate input, authentication, authorization // REAL BUSINESS LOGIC // (process input, generate output) // validate output // serialize response // handle errors } A typical "REAL" Lambda functionA typical "REAL" Lambda function LOTS of BOILERPLATE @loige 25
  • 39. npm install @middy/core Note: using preview (alpha)version 1.0.0 @loige 27
  • 40. npm install @middy/core Note: using preview (alpha)version 1.0.0 Give it moar love @loige 27
  • 41. UsageUsage const middy = require('@middy/core') const { middleware1, middleware2, middleware3 } = require('some-middlewares') const originalHandler = (event, context, callback) => { /* your business logic */ } const handler = middy(originalHandler) handler .use(middleware1()) .use(middleware2()) .use(middleware3()) module.exports = { handler } @loige 28
  • 42. UsageUsage const middy = require('@middy/core') const { middleware1, middleware2, middleware3 } = require('some-middlewares') const originalHandler = (event, context, callback) => { /* your business logic */ } const handler = middy(originalHandler) handler .use(middleware1()) .use(middleware2()) .use(middleware3()) module.exports = { handler } 1. define handler @loige 28
  • 43. UsageUsage const middy = require('@middy/core') const { middleware1, middleware2, middleware3 } = require('some-middlewares') const originalHandler = (event, context, callback) => { /* your business logic */ } const handler = middy(originalHandler) handler .use(middleware1()) .use(middleware2()) .use(middleware3()) module.exports = { handler } 2. "middify"  the handler @loige 28
  • 44. UsageUsage const middy = require('@middy/core') const { middleware1, middleware2, middleware3 } = require('some-middlewares') const originalHandler = (event, context, callback) => { /* your business logic */ } const handler = middy(originalHandler) handler .use(middleware1()) .use(middleware2()) .use(middleware3()) module.exports = { handler } 3. attach middlewares @loige 28
  • 45. UsageUsage const middy = require('@middy/core') const { middleware1, middleware2, middleware3 } = require('some-middlewares') const originalHandler = (event, context, callback) => { /* your business logic */ } const handler = middy(originalHandler) handler .use(middleware1()) .use(middleware2()) .use(middleware3()) module.exports = { handler } 4. export "middyfied" handler @loige 28
  • 46. const middy = require('@middy/core') const urlEncodedBodyParser = require('@middy/http-urlencode-body-parser') const validator = require('@middy/validator') const httpErrorHandler = require('@middy/http-error-handler') const processPaymentHandler = (event, context, callback) => { const { creditCardNumber, expiryMonth, expiryYear, cvc, nameOnCard, amount } = event.body // do stuff with this data ... return callback(null, { result: 'success', message: 'payment processed correctly'} ) } const inputSchema = { // define validation schema here ... } const handler = middy(processPaymentHandler) .use(urlEncodedBodyParser()) .use(validator(inputSchema)) .use(httpErrorHandler()) module.exports = { handler } @loige 29
  • 47. const middy = require('@middy/core') const urlEncodedBodyParser = require('@middy/http-urlencode-body-parser') const validator = require('@middy/validator') const httpErrorHandler = require('@middy/http-error-handler') const processPaymentHandler = (event, context, callback) => { const { creditCardNumber, expiryMonth, expiryYear, cvc, nameOnCard, amount } = event.body // do stuff with this data ... return callback(null, { result: 'success', message: 'payment processed correctly'} ) } const inputSchema = { // define validation schema here ... } const handler = middy(processPaymentHandler) .use(urlEncodedBodyParser()) .use(validator(inputSchema)) .use(httpErrorHandler()) module.exports = { handler } Handler @loige 29
  • 48. const middy = require('@middy/core') const urlEncodedBodyParser = require('@middy/http-urlencode-body-parser') const validator = require('@middy/validator') const httpErrorHandler = require('@middy/http-error-handler') const processPaymentHandler = (event, context, callback) => { const { creditCardNumber, expiryMonth, expiryYear, cvc, nameOnCard, amount } = event.body // do stuff with this data ... return callback(null, { result: 'success', message: 'payment processed correctly'} ) } const inputSchema = { // define validation schema here ... } const handler = middy(processPaymentHandler) .use(urlEncodedBodyParser()) .use(validator(inputSchema)) .use(httpErrorHandler()) module.exports = { handler } Attach middlewares @loige 29
  • 49. const middy = require('@middy/core') const urlEncodedBodyParser = require('@middy/http-urlencode-body-parser') const validator = require('@middy/validator') const httpErrorHandler = require('@middy/http-error-handler') const processPaymentHandler = (event, context, callback) => { const { creditCardNumber, expiryMonth, expiryYear, cvc, nameOnCard, amount } = event.body // do stuff with this data ... return callback(null, { result: 'success', message: 'payment processed correctly'} ) } const inputSchema = { // define validation schema here ... } const handler = middy(processPaymentHandler) .use(urlEncodedBodyParser()) .use(validator(inputSchema)) .use(httpErrorHandler()) module.exports = { handler } Export enhanced handler @loige 29
  • 52. Why?Why? Simplify code Reusability input parsing input & output validation output serialization error handling ... @loige 30
  • 53. Why?Why? Simplify code Reusability input parsing input & output validation output serialization error handling ... Focus (even) MORE on business logic@loige 30
  • 54. How it worksHow it works @loige 31
  • 57. Execution orderExecution order 1. middleware1 (before) 32@loige
  • 58. Execution orderExecution order 1. middleware1 (before) 2. middleware2 (before) 32@loige
  • 59. Execution orderExecution order 1. middleware1 (before) 2. middleware2 (before) 3. middleware3 (before) 32@loige
  • 60. Execution orderExecution order 1. middleware1 (before) 2. middleware2 (before) 3. middleware3 (before) 4. handler 32@loige
  • 61. Execution orderExecution order 1. middleware1 (before) 2. middleware2 (before) 3. middleware3 (before) 4. handler 5. middleware3 (after) 32@loige
  • 62. Execution orderExecution order 1. middleware1 (before) 2. middleware2 (before) 3. middleware3 (before) 4. handler 5. middleware3 (after) 6. middleware2 (after) 32@loige
  • 63. Execution orderExecution order 1. middleware1 (before) 2. middleware2 (before) 3. middleware3 (before) 4. handler 5. middleware3 (after) 6. middleware2 (after) 7. middleware1 (after) 32@loige
  • 64. Execution orderExecution order 1. middleware1 (before) 2. middleware2 (before) 3. middleware3 (before) 4. handler 5. middleware3 (after) 6. middleware2 (after) 7. middleware1 (after) 32@loige
  • 65. When an error happens...When an error happens... Flow is stopped First middleware implementing `onError` gets control It can choose to handle the error, or delegate it to the next handler If the error is handler a response is returned If the error is not handled the execution fails reporting the unhandled error @loige 33
  • 66. Writing a middlewareWriting a middleware const myMiddleware = (config) => { // might set default options in config return ({ before: (handler, next) => { // might read options from `config` }, after: (handler, next) => { // might read options from `config` }, onError: (handler, next) => { // might read options from `config` } }) } module.exports = myMiddleware @loige 34
  • 67. Inline middlewaresInline middlewares const middy = require('@middy/core') const handler = middy((event, context, callback) => { // do stuff }) handler.before((handler, next) => { // do something in the before phase next() }) handler.after((handler, next) => { // do something in the after phase next() }) handler.onError((handler, next) => { // do something in the on error phase next() }) module.exports = { handler } @loige 35
  • 68. It supports async handlers!It supports async handlers! const middy = require('@middy/core') const handler = middy( async (event, context) => { // do stuff return { some: 'response' } } ) module.exports = { handler } @loige 36
  • 69. Exercise 0Exercise 0: let's middify!: let's middify! In the next exercises we will need the full power of middy, so to get started let's just "middify" all our handlers — Note: handlers are defined in "src/handlers", and they get used in "src/handler.js". You can either middify every single handler file or middify them when used in src/handler.js. In the first case, make sure you middify the actual handler function and not the "handler factory".   ( )a solution @loige 37
  • 70. Exercise 1Exercise 1: body parsing: body parsing We are manually deserializing the JSON input in our APIs. We can simplify the code a bit by using the middleware. —   Install @middy/http-json-body-parser and remove all the instances of JSON.parse() in our handlers.   ( ) http-json-body-parser a solution @loige 38
  • 71. What happens when one of our handlers crashes? We are actually not even dealing with errors right now... by using the  middleware we will be able to handle all HTTP errors and return codes consistently. —   Install @middy/http-error-handler and apply that to all our handlers.   ( ) http-error-handler a solution Exercise 2Exercise 2: what if we fail?: what if we fail? @loige 39
  • 72. We want to make sure that data is validated before being written to the database. We can use the middleware for this task! — Install @middy/validator and apply that to all our POST API handlers. You can use  to define your schemas or, if you are struggling, you can find some schemas ready-made for you  :)   Note: The validator should be added after the json-body-parser, so you can validate individual fields of the input data.   ( ) validator here a solution Exercise 3Exercise 3: validate!: validate! @loige 40
  • 73. We have our dashboards fully working, but consuming them in JSON is definitely not the friendliest experience! It would be much better to do in a properly rendered HTML so that we could easily visualize them on our mobile device! — You can implement this in (at least) 2 ways : Using the middleware and building a frontend somewhere like or Using the middleware and implementing a specific rule for accept "text/html"   ( - ) http-cors codesandbox codepen http-content-negotiation a CORS solution a CodeSandbox React UI Exercise 4Exercise 4: mobile rendering: mobile rendering @loige 41
  • 74. Did you notice that our APIs are fully open? Knowing the endpoint and the id, anyone can basically change or delete the dashboards! That's unacceptable! — Find a way to secure the APIs. One easy way could be to create a secret random token when a dashboard is created the first time. Then you can create a custom middleware that checks the secret every time someone is trying to modify or delete that dashboard!   Note: if you feel fancy you can use JWT tokens, in such case you could take inspiration from the middleware!jwt-auth Exercise 5Exercise 5: better safe than sorry: better safe than sorry @loige 42
  • 75. Sometimes our APIs are very slow. They take literally seconds to answer. This is because of a common serverless issue known as " ". If you are running for your train every morning, this is unacceptable! We should fix this... —   Use the  middleware to mitigate the cold start issue   Note: make sure to also setup the proper event for every API.  cold start problem warmup schedule 2 @loige Exercise 6Exercise 6: stop the cold!: stop the cold! 43
  • 76. Some of your Java friends would love to use these APIs to build a shiny SWING UI... The problem is that they don't really like JSON and they would rather have a good old XML-based API. You might think that this is actually their problem, but also, you don't want to lose your friends... —   Use the  middleware to provide responses in XML for accept "application/xml".   Note: You could use a library like  to automate the conversion of JavaScript objects to XML. http-content-negotiation json2xml @loige Exercise 7Exercise 7: legacy friendship: legacy friendship 44
  • 77. In summaryIn summary Serverless is cool, it helps you to build apps quickly and with a greater focus on business logic, rather than on infrastructure! Middy helps you to keep focusing on your business logic first You can add extra behaviours with very minimal changes to your core logic by introducing dedicated middlewares You can easily share common functionality through middlewares 45
  • 78. If you like MiddyIf you like Middy Use itUse it Give feedbackGive feedback Contribute (I am looking for co-maintainers)Contribute (I am looking for co-maintainers) Version 1.0 (stable) coming soonVersion 1.0 (stable) coming soon 46
  • 80. CreditsCredits Cover Image by  from   A special thank you to all the amazing Middy users and !   Thanks to for reviewing these slides and to  for finding lots of bugs! TotumRevolutum Pixabay contributors @StefanoAbalsamo @organicdelight @loige 48