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A Design Po r t f o l i o

Served Fresh!
Shreyoshi Ghosh
2nd year M. Des (2009-11)
DoD. IIT, Guwahati
"God lies in the details ":Mies Van Der Rohe

                                 Design Speak!
                                 Design is love. Design is sensitivity. Design lies in creating fresh ways.
                                 When I stumble upon a design problem, I begin with research. I try to get into
                                 the user’s shoes, soak in the context.
                                 When I think I can fully comprehend, I move into my favourite part: coming up
                                 with ideas, creating fresh scenarios, drawing up a fresh new approach, trying to
                                 look at the picture from every different angle! After this rather exhaustive exer-
                                 cise, the rest simply falls into place following the rhythm of the project.
                                 I believe the key to innovation lies in blurring all boundaries…between art and
                                 science, between all the design branches. The key perhaps lies in not compart-
                                 mentalizing and mixing up the opposites…
Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography

Master’s Thesis Project: Chitrakatha

This is an ongoing project of one year dura-
My topic is “Chitrakatha” or Static Visual

Research Areas:
   * Narrative history
   * Narrative structure
   * Indian visual narrative
   * Indian folklore
   * mythology
   * Narrative devices
   * Experimental works in publication, Exhi-
bition design and narrative

i am currently working on a story for chil-
dren where the narrative device is a book. i
am interested in understanding how to
engage the children into the story as active
participants rather than passive audience.

Furthermore, i would like to create a work
using a three- dimensional space as the
narrative device.

Narrative device, narrative struc-
ture, folklore, children                                                    1
Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography

Oedipus the King

The tragic story of “Oedipus the king” by
Sophocles is a classical example of a dra-
matic narrative. Oedipus, the man who
solved the riddle of the sphinx and became
king of Thebes, as he seeks to rid his city of
a plague resulting from the pollution of the
unpunished (and unsolved) murder of the
previous king, Laius.

What starts out as an inquiry into murder
leads to the revelation that Oedipus, in an
attempt to avert a prophecy predicting he
would kill his father and marry his mother,
has unwittingly committed both the murder
of his father Laius and incest with his mother
Jocasta. In the revelation and grief of such
horrors, Oedipus retains his nobility through
an act of self-mutilation, gouging out his
own eyes, and by expelling himself from
thebes in order to rid the city of the plague.

As a part of the new media course, where
my subject for study was drama, I was
intrigued by the questions this story put
before us about the very limits of our exis-
tence. I wanted to depict this story by depict-
ing the drama in the story using colours and
abstract form.

Medium: Oil Pastels

Colour, Form, Drama,
Narrative                                                                   2
Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography

Children’s Book Illustration: Cover Page

This is my first attempt at illustrating for
children. I took up an Indian folk tale from a
competition floated by a renowned NGO
dealing with similar issues. The target age
group is 2-8 year olds.

Design scenario: today’s is a fast paced
world, a machine led world. Much of our
daily dealing involves the digital realm, the
unreal other. Unfortunately, unlike the previ-
ous generation, today’s children are being
brought up in a world which is more visually
dominated by the televisions and computers
than the real tangible world around us.

Hence the attempt was to make the story
visually tangible, earthy, and natural. Thus I
decided on the medium of collage, using
different textures and patterns and bright
colours. The illustrations are done such that
the images itself tell the story, thus catering
to the little ones who are yet to learn to

Tangible, Children,
Paper Craft, Narration                                                      3
Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography

Children’s Book Illustration: Pages 1-2

The story begins one fine afternoon when
our little narrator decides to leave his studies
to tell his grandmother a story from long
past about a Champaka tree. In this scene
the little boy is asking his grandmother to
look towards the empty wall in front only to
be transported to the world of the story.

Tangible, Children,
Paper Craft, Narration                                                      4
Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography

A Day in my Life.

An exercise given in a Graphic Design Book
asking one to represent one’s day graphi-
cally in a manner they found interesting
caught my fancy. This is my rendition of a
usual day of my college life. i have depicted
it by primarily following my footsteps during
the course of the day. i have used the clock
in two screens to inform the viewer of the
passage of time.

Medium: Poster Colour

Approach in style, Narration,
Experimental                                                                5
Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography

Ready to Take Over!

This illustration was done for a Calcutta
based Management Institute’s Annual Fest.
This illustration was the backdrop of the
poster for the event. The idea was to invite
the corporate biggies to deliver lectures and
organize various seminars. The poster
shows young management graduates,
armed with their degrees, ready to take over
the corporate world, brave and moving for-
ward, taking the industry to new heights. i
have used different tones in the background
and foreground here. The grid followed is to
generate the feeling of rising sun.

Software: Adobe Illustrator

Colour and Tone Manipulation,
Sharpness, Dynamism                                                         6
Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography

Placement Brochure 2011-12

The Department of Design, IITG is set apart
from its counterparts by its philosophy about
design, its multi-disciplinary approach, the
freedom and scope it offers for experimenta-
tion, to work in domains far from conven-
tional or mainstream and of course its loca-
tion, being set in the beautiful idyllic valley
right beside the Brahmaputra. The experi-
ence and education life at IITG brings is
surely unique.

Thus came about the idea of introducing the
department through a narration using typo-
graphic installations, which would run paral-
lel to the information to be presented in the
                                                  Cover                     inner pages
The look and feel of the photographs were
to depict a world hidden, a place elevated
and unreal, rich with mystery and wisdom.
The phrases constructed for the installations
were as follows:

Drift into a world
Here the edges fade away
We colour them freedom
Tinker with reckless abandon
Always serious fun and play

Content Copywriting: Mufaddal Shabbir
Photography: Apoorv Tomar, Abhishek Bora,         inner pages               inner pages
Shreyoshi Ghosh

Typographic Installation,
Photography, Minimal                                                                      7
Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography

It all begins with a point..

This brochure was an assignment given in
Visual Methods, Sem I. this subject deals
with the basics of design..the point, the line,
shape, form, texture, colour, the study of
visual principles etc.

The first semester..the first introduction to
design..hence i thought it was only apt to
begin with a take up point as a
theme and have fun with it!

Software: Adobe Illustrator CS3

                                                  inner pages

Illustration, Playful,
Fun, Presentation                                                           8
Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography

It all begins with a point..(more)

I repeated the point to create simple playful
illustrations that tell a parallel story in the
brochure. It tells the story of my days in IIT,
waking up and breakfast, cycling to college
through the gardens and lakes, classes and
chai breaks..little chit-chats and the
studio..the little things that made the 1st
semester so memorable.

                                                  inner pages

                                                  inner pages

Illustration, Playful,
Fun, Presentation                                                           9
Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography

Identity Design for Aniika

This is part of the work done during my
internship at Trapeze, Bangalore. Aniika is a
E- Store selling works of Indian designers
which are hand-made or not mass-
produced. This would also serve as a plat-
form for interaction between designers
themselves and also designers and their

I was part of the team of three headed by
Ram Sinam working on the identity of the
store. My initial ideas ranged from exploring
the basic forms of triangle and square to
Indian alphabets, etc.

Finally the idea which was overall liked by
the team was that of the logo being like a
window to the store; a dynamic logo which
is fixed in its form but the bound space de-
picts works of the designers who form
Aniika. Thus the identity of the store would
have constant transformations as per the
works sold.
                                                                            Final Options
However, this iteration was rejected by the
client over another logo created by a team

Dynamic identity, Indian Designer,
Studio- Produced
                                                Initial Trials

Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography

India Spices

Iko and Noni Avital conducted a branding
and identity workshop in IIT, Guwahati. The
idea was to design the identity of the spices
of India as a luxury brand, up-market high
end goods. Here are displayed the prelimi-
nary posters designed for the same.

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3

Spice Textures, Minimal,
Tangible                                                                    11
Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography

Business Card, Letterhead, Envelope Design

In a class assignment, we were asked to
design professional identities for ourselves.
As I sat to ponder over how to best describe
who I am, what I stand for, I asked myself
what best depicts who we are? I realised it is
perhaps our expressions. It’s what we say,
how we say it, our manners. Moreover, it is
what we write in the back of our notebooks
and diaries, what we scribble, the seemingly
unimportant inconsequential everyday
doodles. Hence I took my class notebook
and scanned all the doodles and sketches
and derived a visual identity out of them.

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3

Representation, Unconscious
Scribbles and Representation                                                12
Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography

Love Your Body Campaign Entry

Who dictates what beauty is? Who sets the
norms for our lifestyles, our bodies, our atti-
tudes? If you think hard enough, you would
realise it is the media with its constant hyp-
notising. Perhaps without even being aware
of it, we all play puppets in its mega-show.
Almost all of us has given away our funda-
mental right to choose what we should look
like, what size body should we wear, how we
should dress, what our skin colour should be
to the media. Today all of us strive every day
to fit into this image of the “perfect woman”
created by the televisions, magazines etc. we
fail to celebrate all our diversities and take
up any means to become the celebrated

It’s time we all woke up and got our rights
back. It’s time that we, and we alone de-
cided how we would live, what body we
would wear.

Software: Adobe Illustrator CS3

Women and Media,
Dictates and Fitting in                                                     13
Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography

Form Studies

The form studies course assignments
included exploration of various three dimen-
sional forms using paper mainly. I also tried
to introduce transparency to the forms. The
experiments also included the putting one
form inside another and explore with trans-
parencies, material finishes, colour and tex-
tures. We were also taught studio photogra-
phy of the forms created.

The most interesting part of the course was
developing chess pieces whose forms are
guided by their movements and not their
character. For example, the form of the
Bishop is to be guided by its diagonal move-
ment and not its character as a bishop.
I depicted the movement of the pieces using
negative space inside a solid block.
Material: Plaster of Paris.

                                                Chess Pieces (From Left to Right): Knight, Rook, Bishop

Form Exploration,
Material Handling, Chess                                                                                  14
Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography

A Paperweight for a Beatles Fan

Here, the primary idea for to come up with a
visual that sums up the Beatles, or some-
thing that depicts perhaps only a phase, but
is truly Beatles in its character. As I began my
research about the target user group and
the Beatles, I toyed around with all the
already generated visual icons associated
with the Beatles, be it the Beatles typography
on the drums, the yellow submarine, Rub-
bersoul or the Apple logo. However, while
designing something that involved one of
the most well known music group of all
times, the challenge perhaps lied in coming
up with new visual icon and not find deriva-
tions from the existing one.
Then the song Glass Onion struck a chord
with the project, as the song’s lyrics are
composed of phrases and words from other
previous Beatles tracks. Thus the song was
like a summation of a lot of Beatles music
and phases and formed the inspiration for
the design.

Software: Google Sketchup Pro 7

Beatles Merchandise,
Glass Onion                                                                 15
Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography

Signage System: Guwahati Railway Station

For the one semester long Minor project at
IITG (Semester II), I took up the case of the
Guwahati Railway Station signage system.
The initial part of the project was research
and case study. It involved studying signage
systems, environmental graphics, space,
colour and form, the Indian railway identity,
the existing signage and way-finding system
at Guwahati Railway Station.

However, due to the duration of the project,
I included the designing of the pictograms
for the railway station as the scope of work
to be delivered at the semester end.

Environment and Information,
Signage, Wayfinding                                                         16
Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography

Signage System: Guwahati Railway Station

When it comes to a high traffic environment
where information anxiety amongst users is
very high, like a railway station, the picto-
grams are dictated mainly by its functional
criteria. The design has been influenced by
the study of the context of Assam paired with
an inclination for easy to derive, simple

Pictogram, Form,
Identity                                                                    17
Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography

Signage System for Taj Vivanta

This is a part of my work at Trapeze, Banga-
lore as a summer intern. Trapeze has de-
signed the signage system for the Taj Vivanta
range of premiere business hotels. I joined
in the ongoing work for developing a sig-
nage system for Taj Vivanta, Dwarka. In a
group of three, headed by Ram Sinam, I had
worked on signage planning, individual
signage layout, signage hardware.

The colour scheme was preset and also the
element rhombus in a pattern ( Part of the
Building Façade). Our work included design
exploration within these boundaries to come
up with a fresh solution.

Signage Planning,
Signage Hardware, Identity                                                  18
Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography

Personal Explorations

i. Ripples
Rain is a wonder.
Rain is magic.

The ripples formed in the small puddles, the
incessant beating of raindrops on to the
earth’s surface in a merry beat, it takes my
breath away.

This is an attempt to capture the spirit of the
rain, so full of life, so full of joy.

Medium: Poster colour

ii. , iii. Rush.



Colour, Flow,
Emotion, Rhythm                                                              19
Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography

Personal Explorations

i. The land of my dreams, the land of free-

ii. Drawn on site, Lake- side, Southern
Avenue, Kolkata.

iii. We die a little everyday.
I think when we are born, life is full of possi-
bilities, you can be anyone, and you can do
anything. Your mind, you, are all soft and
vulnerable; you are most capable of break-
ing, of failing when you are young. And
these disappointments, the things and
people that break us, fail us make us stron-
ger. However that beautiful sensitivity, that
capacity to get hurt so deeply, the capacity
to feel like you are dying, its lost...and thus
a part of you is lost and you are a little less
human...and thus as we get older, we get
stronger, we become more hollow.



Personal Exploration,
Mixed Media and Themes                                                             20
Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography

One Fine Evening..

A stroll alone one evening with my new
found friend hanging around my neck...The
path laid out a million little stories...a differ-
ent world at every little corner…

Camera: Nikon D90

Nature, Emotion
Photography                                                                 21
Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography

Bright new adventures..

The big blue lake with the hundred hidden
mysteries, the stare you won’t forget... the
fleeting glimpses of the bridge, the bright
red that takes you to lands lesser known...or
the leaves of an ordinary tree on an ordinary
day looking just like a dream… the stuff that
help me differ one passing day from an-

Camera: Nikon D90

Nature, Emotion
Photography                                                                 22
Thank you!
“I like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running
from one falling star to another till i drop. This is the night, what it
does to you. I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion.”
-Jack Kerouac

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Shreyoshi Ghosh

  • 1. A Design Po r t f o l i o Served Fresh! Shreyoshi Ghosh 2nd year M. Des (2009-11) DoD. IIT, Guwahati
  • 2. "God lies in the details ":Mies Van Der Rohe Design Speak! Design is love. Design is sensitivity. Design lies in creating fresh ways. When I stumble upon a design problem, I begin with research. I try to get into the user’s shoes, soak in the context. When I think I can fully comprehend, I move into my favourite part: coming up with ideas, creating fresh scenarios, drawing up a fresh new approach, trying to look at the picture from every different angle! After this rather exhaustive exer- cise, the rest simply falls into place following the rhythm of the project. I believe the key to innovation lies in blurring all boundaries…between art and science, between all the design branches. The key perhaps lies in not compart- mentalizing and mixing up the opposites…
  • 3. Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography Master’s Thesis Project: Chitrakatha This is an ongoing project of one year dura- tion. My topic is “Chitrakatha” or Static Visual Narratives. Research Areas: * Narrative history * Narrative structure * Indian visual narrative * Indian folklore * mythology * Narrative devices * Experimental works in publication, Exhi- bition design and narrative i am currently working on a story for chil- dren where the narrative device is a book. i am interested in understanding how to engage the children into the story as active participants rather than passive audience. Furthermore, i would like to create a work using a three- dimensional space as the narrative device. Keywords: Narrative device, narrative struc- ture, folklore, children 1
  • 4. Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography Oedipus the King The tragic story of “Oedipus the king” by Sophocles is a classical example of a dra- matic narrative. Oedipus, the man who solved the riddle of the sphinx and became king of Thebes, as he seeks to rid his city of a plague resulting from the pollution of the unpunished (and unsolved) murder of the previous king, Laius. What starts out as an inquiry into murder leads to the revelation that Oedipus, in an attempt to avert a prophecy predicting he would kill his father and marry his mother, has unwittingly committed both the murder of his father Laius and incest with his mother Jocasta. In the revelation and grief of such horrors, Oedipus retains his nobility through an act of self-mutilation, gouging out his own eyes, and by expelling himself from thebes in order to rid the city of the plague. As a part of the new media course, where my subject for study was drama, I was intrigued by the questions this story put before us about the very limits of our exis- tence. I wanted to depict this story by depict- ing the drama in the story using colours and abstract form. Medium: Oil Pastels Keywords: Colour, Form, Drama, Narrative 2
  • 5. Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography Children’s Book Illustration: Cover Page This is my first attempt at illustrating for children. I took up an Indian folk tale from a competition floated by a renowned NGO dealing with similar issues. The target age group is 2-8 year olds. Design scenario: today’s is a fast paced world, a machine led world. Much of our daily dealing involves the digital realm, the unreal other. Unfortunately, unlike the previ- ous generation, today’s children are being brought up in a world which is more visually dominated by the televisions and computers than the real tangible world around us. Hence the attempt was to make the story visually tangible, earthy, and natural. Thus I decided on the medium of collage, using different textures and patterns and bright colours. The illustrations are done such that the images itself tell the story, thus catering to the little ones who are yet to learn to read. Keywords: Tangible, Children, Paper Craft, Narration 3
  • 6. Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography Children’s Book Illustration: Pages 1-2 The story begins one fine afternoon when our little narrator decides to leave his studies to tell his grandmother a story from long past about a Champaka tree. In this scene the little boy is asking his grandmother to look towards the empty wall in front only to be transported to the world of the story. Keywords: Tangible, Children, Paper Craft, Narration 4
  • 7. Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography A Day in my Life. An exercise given in a Graphic Design Book asking one to represent one’s day graphi- cally in a manner they found interesting caught my fancy. This is my rendition of a usual day of my college life. i have depicted it by primarily following my footsteps during the course of the day. i have used the clock in two screens to inform the viewer of the passage of time. Medium: Poster Colour Keywords: Approach in style, Narration, Experimental 5
  • 8. Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography Ready to Take Over! This illustration was done for a Calcutta based Management Institute’s Annual Fest. This illustration was the backdrop of the poster for the event. The idea was to invite the corporate biggies to deliver lectures and organize various seminars. The poster shows young management graduates, armed with their degrees, ready to take over the corporate world, brave and moving for- ward, taking the industry to new heights. i have used different tones in the background and foreground here. The grid followed is to generate the feeling of rising sun. Software: Adobe Illustrator Keywords: Colour and Tone Manipulation, Sharpness, Dynamism 6
  • 9. Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography Placement Brochure 2011-12 The Department of Design, IITG is set apart from its counterparts by its philosophy about design, its multi-disciplinary approach, the freedom and scope it offers for experimenta- tion, to work in domains far from conven- tional or mainstream and of course its loca- tion, being set in the beautiful idyllic valley right beside the Brahmaputra. The experi- ence and education life at IITG brings is surely unique. Thus came about the idea of introducing the department through a narration using typo- graphic installations, which would run paral- lel to the information to be presented in the brochure. Cover inner pages The look and feel of the photographs were to depict a world hidden, a place elevated and unreal, rich with mystery and wisdom. The phrases constructed for the installations were as follows: Drift into a world Here the edges fade away We colour them freedom Tinker with reckless abandon Always serious fun and play Credits: Content Copywriting: Mufaddal Shabbir Husein Photography: Apoorv Tomar, Abhishek Bora, inner pages inner pages Shreyoshi Ghosh Keywords: Typographic Installation, Photography, Minimal 7
  • 10. Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography It all begins with a point.. This brochure was an assignment given in Visual Methods, Sem I. this subject deals with the basics of design..the point, the line, shape, form, texture, colour, the study of visual principles etc. The first semester..the first introduction to design..hence i thought it was only apt to begin with a take up point as a theme and have fun with it! Software: Adobe Illustrator CS3 inner pages Keywords: Illustration, Playful, Fun, Presentation 8
  • 11. Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography It all begins with a point..(more) I repeated the point to create simple playful illustrations that tell a parallel story in the brochure. It tells the story of my days in IIT, waking up and breakfast, cycling to college through the gardens and lakes, classes and chai breaks..little chit-chats and the studio..the little things that made the 1st semester so memorable. inner pages inner pages Keywords: Illustration, Playful, Fun, Presentation 9
  • 12. Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography Identity Design for Aniika This is part of the work done during my internship at Trapeze, Bangalore. Aniika is a E- Store selling works of Indian designers which are hand-made or not mass- produced. This would also serve as a plat- form for interaction between designers themselves and also designers and their customers. I was part of the team of three headed by Ram Sinam working on the identity of the store. My initial ideas ranged from exploring the basic forms of triangle and square to Indian alphabets, etc. Finally the idea which was overall liked by the team was that of the logo being like a window to the store; a dynamic logo which is fixed in its form but the bound space de- picts works of the designers who form Aniika. Thus the identity of the store would have constant transformations as per the works sold. Final Options However, this iteration was rejected by the client over another logo created by a team member. Keywords: Dynamic identity, Indian Designer, Studio- Produced Initial Trials 10
  • 13. Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography India Spices Iko and Noni Avital conducted a branding and identity workshop in IIT, Guwahati. The idea was to design the identity of the spices of India as a luxury brand, up-market high end goods. Here are displayed the prelimi- nary posters designed for the same. Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keywords: Spice Textures, Minimal, Tangible 11
  • 14. Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography Business Card, Letterhead, Envelope Design In a class assignment, we were asked to design professional identities for ourselves. As I sat to ponder over how to best describe who I am, what I stand for, I asked myself what best depicts who we are? I realised it is perhaps our expressions. It’s what we say, how we say it, our manners. Moreover, it is what we write in the back of our notebooks and diaries, what we scribble, the seemingly unimportant inconsequential everyday doodles. Hence I took my class notebook and scanned all the doodles and sketches and derived a visual identity out of them. Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keywords: Representation, Unconscious Scribbles and Representation 12
  • 15. Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography Love Your Body Campaign Entry Who dictates what beauty is? Who sets the norms for our lifestyles, our bodies, our atti- tudes? If you think hard enough, you would realise it is the media with its constant hyp- notising. Perhaps without even being aware of it, we all play puppets in its mega-show. Almost all of us has given away our funda- mental right to choose what we should look like, what size body should we wear, how we should dress, what our skin colour should be to the media. Today all of us strive every day to fit into this image of the “perfect woman” created by the televisions, magazines etc. we fail to celebrate all our diversities and take up any means to become the celebrated doll. It’s time we all woke up and got our rights back. It’s time that we, and we alone de- cided how we would live, what body we would wear. Software: Adobe Illustrator CS3 Keywords: Women and Media, Dictates and Fitting in 13
  • 16. Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography Form Studies The form studies course assignments included exploration of various three dimen- sional forms using paper mainly. I also tried to introduce transparency to the forms. The experiments also included the putting one form inside another and explore with trans- parencies, material finishes, colour and tex- tures. We were also taught studio photogra- phy of the forms created. The most interesting part of the course was developing chess pieces whose forms are guided by their movements and not their character. For example, the form of the Bishop is to be guided by its diagonal move- ment and not its character as a bishop. I depicted the movement of the pieces using negative space inside a solid block. Material: Plaster of Paris. Chess Pieces (From Left to Right): Knight, Rook, Bishop Keywords: Form Exploration, Material Handling, Chess 14
  • 17. Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography A Paperweight for a Beatles Fan Here, the primary idea for to come up with a visual that sums up the Beatles, or some- thing that depicts perhaps only a phase, but is truly Beatles in its character. As I began my research about the target user group and the Beatles, I toyed around with all the already generated visual icons associated with the Beatles, be it the Beatles typography on the drums, the yellow submarine, Rub- bersoul or the Apple logo. However, while designing something that involved one of the most well known music group of all times, the challenge perhaps lied in coming up with new visual icon and not find deriva- tions from the existing one. Then the song Glass Onion struck a chord with the project, as the song’s lyrics are composed of phrases and words from other previous Beatles tracks. Thus the song was like a summation of a lot of Beatles music and phases and formed the inspiration for the design. Software: Google Sketchup Pro 7 Keywords: Beatles Merchandise, Glass Onion 15
  • 18. Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography Signage System: Guwahati Railway Station For the one semester long Minor project at IITG (Semester II), I took up the case of the Guwahati Railway Station signage system. The initial part of the project was research and case study. It involved studying signage systems, environmental graphics, space, colour and form, the Indian railway identity, the existing signage and way-finding system at Guwahati Railway Station. However, due to the duration of the project, I included the designing of the pictograms for the railway station as the scope of work to be delivered at the semester end. Keywords: Environment and Information, Signage, Wayfinding 16
  • 19. Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography Signage System: Guwahati Railway Station When it comes to a high traffic environment where information anxiety amongst users is very high, like a railway station, the picto- grams are dictated mainly by its functional criteria. The design has been influenced by the study of the context of Assam paired with an inclination for easy to derive, simple forms. Keywords: Pictogram, Form, Identity 17
  • 20. Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography Signage System for Taj Vivanta This is a part of my work at Trapeze, Banga- lore as a summer intern. Trapeze has de- signed the signage system for the Taj Vivanta range of premiere business hotels. I joined in the ongoing work for developing a sig- nage system for Taj Vivanta, Dwarka. In a group of three, headed by Ram Sinam, I had worked on signage planning, individual signage layout, signage hardware. The colour scheme was preset and also the element rhombus in a pattern ( Part of the Building Façade). Our work included design exploration within these boundaries to come up with a fresh solution. Keywords: Signage Planning, Signage Hardware, Identity 18
  • 21. Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography Personal Explorations i. Ripples Rain is a wonder. Rain is magic. The ripples formed in the small puddles, the incessant beating of raindrops on to the earth’s surface in a merry beat, it takes my breath away. This is an attempt to capture the spirit of the rain, so full of life, so full of joy. Medium: Poster colour ii. , iii. Rush. ii. i. iii. Keywords: Colour, Flow, Emotion, Rhythm 19
  • 22. Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography Personal Explorations i. The land of my dreams, the land of free- dom. ii. Drawn on site, Lake- side, Southern Avenue, Kolkata. iii. We die a little everyday. I think when we are born, life is full of possi- bilities, you can be anyone, and you can do anything. Your mind, you, are all soft and vulnerable; you are most capable of break- ing, of failing when you are young. And these disappointments, the things and people that break us, fail us make us stron- ger. However that beautiful sensitivity, that capacity to get hurt so deeply, the capacity to feel like you are dying, its lost...and thus i. a part of you is lost and you are a little less human...and thus as we get older, we get stronger, we become more hollow. iii. ii. Keywords: Personal Exploration, Mixed Media and Themes 20
  • 23. Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography One Fine Evening.. A stroll alone one evening with my new found friend hanging around my neck...The path laid out a million little stories...a differ- ent world at every little corner… Camera: Nikon D90 Keywords: Nature, Emotion Photography 21
  • 24. Illustration Brochure Identity Poster Product Signage Artwork Photography Bright new adventures.. The big blue lake with the hundred hidden mysteries, the stare you won’t forget... the fleeting glimpses of the bridge, the bright red that takes you to lands lesser known...or the leaves of an ordinary tree on an ordinary day looking just like a dream… the stuff that help me differ one passing day from an- other… Camera: Nikon D90 Keywords: Nature, Emotion Photography 22
  • 25. Thank you! “I like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running from one falling star to another till i drop. This is the night, what it does to you. I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion.” -Jack Kerouac