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Separating The Writing Process
The writing process is best explained by separating the writing process into Four easy steps. By following the four easy steps to writing n essay,
paper writing can be made easier for the writer.Beginning with choosing the point that you want to make(Bethel, 2014), you can engage the reader in
one single sentence. When you write the point, or thesis, you present to the reader that you have a clear and conscice point to make on your topic.
Your thesis will need to be supported with research and proof that you have researched the facts that you are presenting. Just as a thesis must be
developed with supporting points(Bethel, 2014). You want to be able to give the reader enough information to draw them into the concept you are
putting forth.
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Write A Process Essay For College
Most people hate essays. When they hear the word, people usually think of sitting an a classroom for hours with a pencil and paper or computer writing,
not aloud to make a sound. I think differently. I still don't like them, but I think that they are important to a student's learning career. Unfortunately for
the student, there are many types of essays that students have to write throughout their learning career. One of them, the process essay, shows the reader
how to do something. It could be anything from how to rob a bank to how to pet an animal properly. If you want to have a good learning career then
you need to know hot to write a process essay. It is very simple when done right, all you have to do is get ideas, get your tools, more
The topic is what you will put telling somebody to do through your essay. You usually want to pick something that you are good at doing and is easy
to explain. After you have your topic, you will need to write a thesis statement. That will go somewhere along the lines of mine, ( the last line in the
first paragraph). After you've done that you should consider your target audience. You should think about what is their age level and how smart they
are. You should also consider what things you will need to take a lot of time to explain, and what things you can go over with little explanation.
Now you have to get your tools. Come up with a list of materials. Consider what things you will need to do what you're telling someone how to do
in your essay. Once you've done that if you have spare time then you can time yourself and later add it to your essay. Next you should write each
basic step. Don't put this in your essay yet. You will do that later. You will now be able to write your introduction or the first paragraph of your essay
( you can look at mine if you need help). This needs to include your thesis statement and should have the hook so that the reader will keep
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The Writing Process Essay
The Writing Process
Writing a paper on the writing process is pretty hard. The writing process is different from one person to another. You come across questions like,
'What exactly is the writing process?'; and 'Must you follow one persons writing process if yours is different?'; This is where I came across the
answer to my questions, write however you wish to write. If one person likes free write first and another person likes to write a draft first, let them do
how they please.
The writing process is something that you figure out yourself as you go through school. I personally think that is why they make us take English for so
many years. Through the years, I found that some teachers forced you to write certain ways. I believe more content...
I don't agree with him. The only way for someone to improve his or her writing is if a peer reads over it and explains what could be done to improve it.
In The Maker's Eye: Revising Your Own Manuscript, Murray says, 'Writers must learn to be their own worst enemy'; (Murray 87). He is trying to
say that when it comes to editing, you must be able to accept criticism from others and be suspicious of it. Just because they say that you should
rearrange that paragraph doesn't necessarily mean you have to. The way you wrote the paragraph could be in your own voice.
Your papers should be filled with your voice. Voice is what makes your writing personal. But your voice could be different depending on what you
write about. I would put a lot more of my feelings in a paper about food, than a paper about how the polar ice caps are melting.
Revising and rewriting a paper is a common step in the writing process. Personally, I think your paper would be crap if you skipped these steps but
I'm sure someone has done it before. Every writer has revised and rewritten a paper. Do you think that Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in one
shot? I don't think so.
In conclusion, writing is up to the writer. If the writer decides to follow the formal writing process, then that's their choice. Nothing should be forced
when it comes to writing. Then the writer does not put out their best work possible. Thank you for reading my
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The Design Process Essay examples
The design process Design may be defined as the methodical approach to the solution of a problem. Fundamentally, the purpose of good
engineering design is to create an end product which will not only function efficiently, but will also be a commercial success. Except in the simplest
of cases, the design process is a very complicated procedure requiring the services of a number of highly trained personnel. The main steps in
designing a product may follow the pattern illustrated below. Demand Before anything can be sold there must be someone who is prepared to buy it.
A satisfied customer is one of the best salesmen a firm can have. It more content...
Thus, to increase the potential market, the product should be as adaptable as possible. It is important, therefore, to visualize all the likely
combinations for which a new design may be used. Work on a new design will commence once it has been established that the potential market
justifies the cost of development. Possible solutions After establishing exactly what the new product is to be used for, the design team must not be
satisfied with taking the first solution that comes to mind, and then attempting a number of modifications so that it satisfies most of the requirements.
To do so would restrict their ideas and probably result in a poor design. In practice, a good designer will sketch and, if necessary, lay out as many
different solutions as possible, and then reject all inferior designs. In coming to his decision, he would take into account the following major factors:
(a)Principle of operation and manufacture; (b)Requirements of customer; (c)Outside influences (e.g., competitive products). At this early stage, the
designer would probably make some basic calculations, and, perhaps, also make use of experimental techniques and mock–ups to help verify his
analysis. When comparing designs, those having the simplest working principle should be preferred, provided they satisfy the requirements adequately
and do not involve additional problems, such as excessively large parts.
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Reflection On My Writing Process
My writing looks like the game Tetris – I write according to how my ideas flow from my head to my paper. The English 1010 lessons are designed to
impact my writing processes and since being in the course I have realized the importance of the process while preparing the paper. While I knew that
practice and revisions were important to the writing process, the ideas of writing as inherently collaborative or as an extension of technology were
not concepts that I had considered at length. For the assignment, I chose to record myself and reflect on my process. The observation of my writing
process and decisions took place in an awkward way. I began sitting at my desk in my dorm with a black ink pen, wide–ruled paper, and the prompt of
my essay. It took a good bit of time for the process to begin – all the distractions had to run out, frequent checks on social media, quick trip to the
snack machine, and responding to text messages. Finally, it was time to start. I can begin. "Ok, outline" I said to myself. "What's your main point?"
And so, I started, pen to paper, writing the three main ideas I knew I wanted to cover in the paper. I did discover, however, that I scratch my head
while I am thinking and as I write I would catch myself reading aloud.
Following the outline process, I decided to start typing the rough draft. I first started my introduction giving the audience an idea of what the essay
will be about. I did not know entirely what I wanted the audience to know so I found myself typing and deleting a lot. I decided to divide the essay
in proportions to what I want to explain. I chose to discuss improvements, changes, and goals for the following semester. I noticed I then spent five
minutes staring at how I was going to start the explanation. This could be for two reasons – perhaps I needed a break from writing or perhaps I did not
take enough time planning. I honestly did not know. I eventually figured out how to gather the information to begin the paper.
After typing for fifteen minutes, I realized I repeatedly reviewed the previous typed words constantly. I stopped for a few minutes and reread my
entire paper out loud to myself. I was not loud more like soft spoken. The practice allowed me to
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Writing Process
There are many components involved in the writing process that are important to incorporate in your essay to make it a strong well constructed piece.
Knowledge about the writing process is needed in order to succeed. Without the proper the knowledge there will be no direction throughout the paper.
There are many different ways to write, but it is necessary to include in depth research, a strong thesis that pulls your audience into the paper, and
organizational skills to create a backbone for a strong complete essay. Research is the bulk of your essay. Throughout your essay it will be key to
making sure that your facts are not only reliable but also interesting and attract the reader. Compelling information is important to keep the reader more content...
You will spend less time searching for information and fixing any clutter. Efficiency is the main point of organization in a essay. Planning out your
essay leaves you with time that you can use on more productive things in your essay like proofreading. Creating an outline will help organize your
whole paper and keep track of what goes where making it a lot easier so then you only have to fill your paper with the information that you have
researched. Outlines are great for people who have trouble putting their words onto paper and can make the whole process go much smoother.
Organizing is not very difficult and in conclusion will help make your essay easier and faster to write. The goal of strong writing is that you use these
methods to set yourself up to succeed in your paper. These steps have been studied for years by professionals and if implemented correctly can be
very beneficial for one's paper. There are many different ways to go about the writing process but it is important to find what will work for you.
Without a proper foundation your paper is set up to fail. You might think these steps will take more time, but really in the end will only save you tons
that can be used on other parts of your essay to make it the best piece
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In the article Teaching Writing as a Process Not Product by Donald M. Murray, Murray argues that writing is a process of discovery not an end
product. Rather than being criticized for a "perfect product" by the teachers, student should be provided with an environment of creativity to explore
and discover. Murray states that many teachers focus on the end product rather than teaching students the process of writing in order to receive a better
product. The writing process has three stages of writing which include: prewriting, writing, and rewriting. In the prewriting stage, students should take
about 85% of their time dedicated to the writing process. Prewriting includes strategies such as daydreaming, note taking, outlining, and lead–writing.
Next is the writing stage where it should take about one percent of a student's time. The writing stage is where students produce their first draft. Finally,
it is more content...
I feel like most teachers worry more about grades and getting the writing done as soon as possible and not taking their time in helping students
gain better writing skills and improve themselves. Students should be able to choose what they want to write about so that we can feel inspired in
our writings thus having a better end product for teachers to read and be satisfied with. If teachers are constantly criticizing our writings and telling
us what to write about then they never really know what a student's potential really is because most likely they will rush to try to satisfy the teachers
needs than theirs. I also agree that teachers should worry more about a person's writing than about the mechanics of a paper, however; I also realize
that in today's society free writing isn't really "approved" in almost every class. In every English class I have had my teachers focused more about the
end result that is timing us on essays, and grading our papers based off grammar/mechanics and not the process writing
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Process Essay
Have you ever compared store bought lasagna to a home–made one? There is no comparison, home–made wins every time. It may seem like a hassle to
make your own, but in reality it is not that difficult. You will also be more satisfied in the quality and taste of your lasagna if you make it yourself.
It's a great meal to share with your family or just to save in the refrigerator and eat throughout the week. If you are conscious about your health this
lasagna will be good to make because it uses chicken not meat. In order to make this lasagna you need to gather your ingredients, prepare the
ingredients, and put the dish together and bake it.
To bake anything you need to preheat your oven, this recipe calls for the oven to be at 350 more content...
After the noodles are fully cooked drain them with your strainer and set them aside. Also drain the chicken, leaving the onion and garlic in the pot
because you won't need them after that. When the chicken cools off start shredding it into the other bowl you brought out. Mix in the marina sauce
with the shredded chicken until the chicken is evenly coated. You've prepared your ingredients now it's time to put everything together.
No lasagna looks perfect so instead of trying to make it look perfect, focus on getting as much pasta, chicken and cheese as you can in there. Prepare
your pan by spraying it with cooking spray so nothing sticks. Start off by laying down three or four (depending on your pan size) noodles
diagonally down into your pan. Grab the ricotta cheese mixture and evenly spread it on the noodles. After the noodles are covered with cheese begin
to spread the chicken and marina sauce on top of the cheese. Finally, sprinkle the shredded mozzarella cheese over the chicken then repeat the
previous four steps until there is no room left in the pan. Once your pan is completely full cover it tightly in foil paper, and put it in the oven. Let the
lasagna cook for about an hour, then remove the foil and put it back into the oven for about ten minutes. Once the lasagna is done cooking take it out,
let it cool, and then serve it.
Now that you see the entire process of making lasagna you can see how simple it
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Writing A Process Essay
Imagine this: you're a young student at your local community college, and you're partaking in an English course to gain credits. You're sitting in the
classroom, and the professor begins to assign an essay. The entire class lets out a groan that could be heard from miles away, however this doesn't
phase your professor. The essay is assigned: a process essay. Now what? What is a process essay? How do you go about writing one? How do you get
the A you so desperately need? This paper will discuss everything one needs to know in order to write the perfect process essay such as the
definition of a process essay, how to construct it, and how to use proper transitions to make the essay flow. To begin, one must know the definition
of a process essay. A process essay can be classified into either of two categories depending on its purpose. The first is an essay explaining how to
do something, while the latter explains how something works. When writing an essay that is telling the reader how to do something, the reader
should be able to follow directions that are spelled out in the essay; however, when writing an essay that is explaining how something works, the
goal is to inform the reader. The reader will not be conducting the process in the essay, but they will understand the process of the way the subject
works when they have finished reading. Now that the definition of a process essay has been explained, and the type of essay to be written has been
chosen, it is time to put
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Write An Essay About My Writing Process
An essay is a section of writing that systematically examines and assesses a subject matter or concern. Basically, an essay is intended to get an
individual's educational view on a specific material. The essay can be true–life. Meaning the author of the essay is trying to say the fact, not only
amuse you. A decent lengthy essay ought to be made up of an introductory paragraph and visibly state the subject matter to be discussed in the main
body. The points should be plainly specified in individual paragraphs and illustrated or warranted. A closing paragraph summarizes the key facts of
the paper, in which you repeat your view or give a stable thought of the subject matter. My previous essays were missing some of the material
mentioned. For example, I would watch television and try to write an essay or I would limit the amount of words used on my essay paper. In what
type of environment do you do your best writing? In my computer room. How would more content...
This may sound strange, but I tend to write better when I am under pressure. Therefore, I would not recommend any one to write a paper the way I
do. I also understand that this is the way teachers tell you not to write a paper. I printed the quick guide to grammar and usage called Writing
Elements by Timothy P. Goss and Sabrina M. Goss. First, I would use the clarity and style because it doesn't matter how many extraordinary words I
can place into a paragraph. Because if the person reading the paper doesn't understand what I am writing he or she will be bored and not understand
what I am talking about. Writing papers with clarity and style are vital fundamentals in any written information. Another one is the writing process.
This is a process of creating an essay by using drafting, publishing, editing, revising, pre– writing, and final
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Process Essay
A Process Essay
Raking My Three Acre Yard
I raked up Mount Grassmore, a mountain of grass clippings that will be decomposing in my backyard for the next twenty years. In the beginning
of summer, our lawnmower broke, so my husband took it to the repair shop to be repaired. But, by the time the mower was fixed the grass had
grown out of control, like a jungle. The chore of raking up all the mow clippings seemed almost impossible for one person. Raking a three acre yard is
a repetitious and strenuous process. But, it had to be done I did not want my grass to turn brown and hard. First, I created a plan to collect the grass
and made a list of the necessary supplies for raking a large yard. My plan was to first rake each more content...
By the end of the day there must have been at least a hundred of the smaller grass piles all waiting for me to come pick them up tomorrow. The
next day came and it was time to put all the grass into the compost pile. So I started at the furthest point from the compost pile and started loading
big clumps of grass into the wheelbarrow using the end of the rake with the claws, and my arm to keep the grass on the rake. This part of the
process was not too bad, just repetitive back and forth with the wheelbarrow gathering up the piles and dumping them. Getting all the grass into
the pile took a long time due to the wheelbarrow only holding about two piles per load. I just had to be persistent and determined to get this
accomplished and every time I went back for another load I began to walk shorter and shorter distances. Finally, I was down to my last two piles
and the impossible chore was accomplished. Raking my three acre backyard was a difficult, continuous chore for me. It took me about two days of
sweaty, hard work to clear the whole yard of the grass clippings. But, all the raking and hauling of the grass was worth the use of our yard. Our lawn is
green, soft, and beautiful for our children to run and play in, and hopefully the huge compost pile I made will fertilize many plants in the future. I have
made a promise to myself for my lawn to never again get that
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Teachers, parents, and friends often tell students exactly what the writing process should entail and how long it should take. However, the older I get,
the more I realize that the writing process varies not only from person to person, but also from one writing project to the next. Throughout my years of
life, I have written countless papers, ranging from a persuasive speech to an extensive research paper, and each project requires an altered version of my
personal writing process. While each individual has his own writing process, there can be many similarities between different writing processes.
Finding one's individual writing process takes trial, error, and repetition. When an individual finally uncovers his unique writing process, better
thought, work, and writing is produced. My personal writing process, if I want it to be successful, requires many aspects, such as location,
environment, and sound. The location where I complete my writing process is important. I want to feel comfortable being myself and doing what I
need to do to write a good paper. In my opinion, the environment in which I work should be relatively quiet, but I also like there to be enough noise to
cover the sound of my typing or writing, in addition to the quiet things I mumble to myself when I write. Working in a room alone is something I can
only sometimes do. Unfortunately, I am more easily distracted with technology in a room alone than I am with real people eating, talking, or studying
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Free Writing Process
When it comes to writing a paper, we all have been there when we are struggling to keep the flow of your paper going towards the subject of your
paper. Here, are some ways I can help you along. Well, number one is the outline to have a good outline is to have a good paper. Next, is freewriting
being able to free write is one of the best ways to get started. After freewriting, comes the thesis statement which is the sentence or two that brings the
reader in and explains the focus of the paper to its entirety. Finally, is the vocabulary, which is the single most important part ofwriting paper because it
deals with being able to find that right word and to know the definition of that word and every other word in the paper.
When it comes to outlining the best thing to do is to create an outline, no matter how bad you are at it. A small outline is better than no outline, when it
comes to creating an outline, picture it as a skeleton that all your ideas hang from, such as the arm is your thesis and the conclusion is the head, limbs
can be taken away to help your writing needs. Very helpful information because an outline can be very difficult to attempt when you don't have these
What I have learned from the freewriting article that was given to me, there was a great idea to start your essay before you try writing, don' more
Make sure to keep the word, definition, and a sentence using that word and study those words you have chosen. Soon you will feel comfortable with
these words and know how to use them in everyday life when the right moment occurs. Lastly, when it comes to vocabulary know the roots are a
great way to break down a word and where it comes from. Because over half of the English language derives from the Greek or Latin
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Writing and Process Essay
Process essays are essays that explain to the audience how to do something or how to complete a task. This may involve explaining how to put
items or ingredients together to make a finished product, such as in a recipe. These essays can also explain how to accomplish a goal. For example,
a process essay could detail the steps that must be taken in order to graduate from a particular college. Regardless of the subject, all process essays
must clearly explain in detail how to complete or perform a task. Instructions 1. Plan the essay. It is helpful to use an outline format in order to map out
the necessary background information about the chosen topic, to compile a list of needed supplies, to determine the steps that should be followed, to more content...
In order to make a good process essay the author should provide basic process background information. Process essay Outline This rubric is a
condensed treatment of the Process essay writing, this Outline is just a description of the main facts and rules about how to write this type of
essay. One should practice as much as possible to become good in writing a Process essay. Writing a process essay Writing a process essay
requires a lot of work to do done. First of all the author is supposed to explain the significance of the analyzed process. Then, the effect this process
may have on objects or even people is revealed. It is necessary to mention all the information about the process to make the reader fully understand
its essence. A good way to make a process essay logical is to choose a correct number of steps within the process and the difficulties of each step. ...
more on the Essay writing Process essay structure A process essay has a classical structure depending only on the amount of the process' steps
described: Introduction (In the introduction the author reveals the basic aim of the process leaving out specific details. Basic background information
is also provided. Another factor to mention is the true meaning of this process and its everyday life application. Therefore the reader learns in which
spheres he can later apply the
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The Five Stages Of The Process Essay
Question 7 The five stages of the process are goal–setting, analysis, strategy formation, strategy implementation and strategy monitoring. Goal–Setting
The purpose of goal–setting is to clarify the vision for your business. This stage consists of identifying three key facets: First, define both short– and
long–term objectives. Second, identify the process of how to accomplish your objective. Finally, customize the process for your staff, give each person
a task with which he can succeed. Keep in mind during this process your goals to be detailed, realistic and match the values of your vision. Typically,
the final step in this stage is to write a mission statement that succinctly communicates your goals to both your shareholders and your staff.
AnalysisAnalysis is a key stage because the information gained in this stage will shape the next two stages. In this stage, gather as much information
and data relevant to accomplishing your vision. The focus of the analysis should be on understanding the needs of the business as a sustainable entity,
its strategic direction and identifying initiatives that will help your business grow. Examine any external or internal issues that can affect your goals
and objectives. Make sure to identify both the strengths and weaknesses of your organization as well as any threats and opportunities that may arise
along the path. Strategy Formulation The first step in forming a strategy is to review the information gleaned from completing the
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The Importance Of Writing Process In Writing
After this semester I feel that I've not only developed into a better writer but also have grasped a better understanding of the writing process, which is
arguably most important; having a solid foundation for my writing technique is the key to writing well. Throughout middle school and high school, I
have always been told to use the "five paragraph format" when writing essays, but now that I'm in college, I understand that I have been limiting my
creativity and not expressing my opinions and ideas to their fullest extent. To be a good writer, I must put time and effort into my topic and fully
understand the main idea to write a satisfactory essay. So far, I feel as if I'm doing alright. `When I first begin the writing process I always start by
typing out the full story. Personally, I can't sit down and plan what I'm going to write about; formal drafting makes me feel as if I have writers'
block. Over the years I have taken bits and pieces of advice about my writing and incorporated those snippets of guidance and suggestions into what
my writing style is today. I don't think I'm a bad writer, but I could work on developing more of my essays into "A cakes."
In the narrative essay, I chose a topic that most of my peers could relate to and a topic that was very important to me personally. Being a new driver
is exciting, however, it also is potentially very dangerous, and I really wanted to capture that in my writing. Your feedback stated that I needed to use
more vivid
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The Process of Communication Essay
The Communication Process:
Communication is a process where we share our feelings, ideas, thoughts, suggestion, experience, feedback, opinions, etc. It's a dialogue in which the
sharing of meaningful information are constantly coming in and going out between two or more people in order to reach an understanding.
The communication process is on going activity that consists of 3 essential models, Communication as Action, Transaction Interaction.
Communication as Action relates to the goal of the receiver understanding the source or the speaker's intended message. There are 7 elements of
Communication as Action such as the source, message, channel, receiver, noise, feedback, and context. more content...
The Communication Process:
Communication is a process where we share our feelings, ideas, thoughts, suggestion, experience, feedback, opinions, etc. It's a dialogue in which the
sharing of meaningful information are constantly coming in and going out between two or more people in order to reach an understanding.
The communication process is on going activity that consists of 3 essential models, Communication as Action, Transaction Interaction.
Communication as Action relates to the goal of the receiver understanding the source or the speaker's intended message. There are 7 elements of
Communication as Action such as the source, message, channel, receiver, noise, feedback, and context.
The speaker is the source of information and ideas for an audience. The job of the source is to translate ideas and images in his or her mind into verbal
or non–verbal symbols that an audience can recognize. Verbal symbols are words, sentences, sounds, vocally produce noises or alternative utterances
that are said aloud in order to convey some meaning. For example, stop! Is a word conveying a particular action by sound and can be written out or
spoken. Nonverbal symbols are messages sent to a receiver from the source by means of body language, facial expressions, eye contact, touching,
signs and gestures. For example, the speaker may encode in gestures how big something is by separating his or her hands or something small by
bringing them closer
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Writing Process Essay
Thank goodness for Mrs. Ewing, my high school writing teacher! She taught me how to be a better writer. She is a strict teacher, but she also
knows how to make learning fun, and I think that is why I remember some of the things she taught. For instance, my class did thesaurus drills to
see who could come up with the best answer to the word she would give us. Also, Mrs. Ewing was diligent about writing examples as a class on the
board before giving us our assignments to ensure everyone knew what was expected of them. She creates a fun learning environment for the class to
comprehend the various steps to preparing a successful essay. Determining the topic, if one is not assigned, is the next writing step. While an endless
supply of topics is available, guarantee the subject is applicable and compatible to the type of essay that is being written. For example, the topic of
pro–life in the abortion debate is not an appropriate topic for a process essay; however, a topic on how to do anything with steps involved, such as
writing a paper or building a house, produces excellent choices for a process essay. The theme choice can make or break the composition; therefore, it
is important to pick a familiar topic. Sometimes, conducting research more content...
This step is extremely important because this helps the writer to organize his thoughts and to put them in a logical order. The guideline can be a
simple or as long as necessary. Typically, an outline consists of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The body usually consists of a minimum of
three points with supporting evidence listed under each point. The more the outline is broken down, the easier the writing process becomes. Then,
create a topic sentence which precisely describes what is being discussed in the body of the essay. It is important that the topic sentence is precise and
sets the tone of the
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My Essay: The Writing Process
The Writing Process My writing process is very simple yet slightly confusing for those who need to be organized when writing. The process begins in
the classroom when the teacher assigns a essay and gives me a prompt. Then it begins to break down into the basic steps that the "typical person" takes
when writing. First, I examine the prompt and dissect it like a frog,taking out all the important and needed information. I check to see the topic of the
essay, all the requirements such as the length of the essay and the type of paper it needs to be. Once that is done I find the intended audience. Each of
these steps are essential to the type of evidence and quotes that will be used . It also helps me begin to start thinking about how I want to begin my
essay and structure more content...
Procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something. This action has been my best friend and my worse enemy on several occasions
when writing papers. It has taught me that I can write a paper that should take 2 weeks in 2 hours and that I can take 2 weeks to write a paper that
should be done in 2 hours. Once the procrastination process is over I either look up articles relevant to the topic of the paper or I gather my
articles from class. I go through the articles and I underline/highlight any important information. I begin somewhat of a brainstorm process. This
process includes me taking out a sheet of paper separating it into sections. The sections are either beginning,middle,and end or paragraph
one,paragraph two ,paragraph three etc. I back track and I begin to eliminate the evidence. I keep three to four pieces of the evidence that will be
able to be expanded on the most. Based on that I decide what each paragraph or section will be about. On the piece of paper I write the topic under
each section based on where it needs to
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Separating The Writing Process

  • 1. Separating The Writing Process The writing process is best explained by separating the writing process into Four easy steps. By following the four easy steps to writing n essay, paper writing can be made easier for the writer.Beginning with choosing the point that you want to make(Bethel, 2014), you can engage the reader in one single sentence. When you write the point, or thesis, you present to the reader that you have a clear and conscice point to make on your topic. Your thesis will need to be supported with research and proof that you have researched the facts that you are presenting. Just as a thesis must be developed with supporting points(Bethel, 2014). You want to be able to give the reader enough information to draw them into the concept you are putting forth. Get more content on
  • 2. Write A Process Essay For College Most people hate essays. When they hear the word, people usually think of sitting an a classroom for hours with a pencil and paper or computer writing, not aloud to make a sound. I think differently. I still don't like them, but I think that they are important to a student's learning career. Unfortunately for the student, there are many types of essays that students have to write throughout their learning career. One of them, the process essay, shows the reader how to do something. It could be anything from how to rob a bank to how to pet an animal properly. If you want to have a good learning career then you need to know hot to write a process essay. It is very simple when done right, all you have to do is get ideas, get your tools, more content... The topic is what you will put telling somebody to do through your essay. You usually want to pick something that you are good at doing and is easy to explain. After you have your topic, you will need to write a thesis statement. That will go somewhere along the lines of mine, ( the last line in the first paragraph). After you've done that you should consider your target audience. You should think about what is their age level and how smart they are. You should also consider what things you will need to take a lot of time to explain, and what things you can go over with little explanation. Now you have to get your tools. Come up with a list of materials. Consider what things you will need to do what you're telling someone how to do in your essay. Once you've done that if you have spare time then you can time yourself and later add it to your essay. Next you should write each basic step. Don't put this in your essay yet. You will do that later. You will now be able to write your introduction or the first paragraph of your essay ( you can look at mine if you need help). This needs to include your thesis statement and should have the hook so that the reader will keep Get more content on
  • 3. The Writing Process Essay The Writing Process Writing a paper on the writing process is pretty hard. The writing process is different from one person to another. You come across questions like, 'What exactly is the writing process?'; and 'Must you follow one persons writing process if yours is different?'; This is where I came across the answer to my questions, write however you wish to write. If one person likes free write first and another person likes to write a draft first, let them do how they please. The writing process is something that you figure out yourself as you go through school. I personally think that is why they make us take English for so many years. Through the years, I found that some teachers forced you to write certain ways. I believe more content... I don't agree with him. The only way for someone to improve his or her writing is if a peer reads over it and explains what could be done to improve it. In The Maker's Eye: Revising Your Own Manuscript, Murray says, 'Writers must learn to be their own worst enemy'; (Murray 87). He is trying to say that when it comes to editing, you must be able to accept criticism from others and be suspicious of it. Just because they say that you should rearrange that paragraph doesn't necessarily mean you have to. The way you wrote the paragraph could be in your own voice. Your papers should be filled with your voice. Voice is what makes your writing personal. But your voice could be different depending on what you write about. I would put a lot more of my feelings in a paper about food, than a paper about how the polar ice caps are melting. Revising and rewriting a paper is a common step in the writing process. Personally, I think your paper would be crap if you skipped these steps but I'm sure someone has done it before. Every writer has revised and rewritten a paper. Do you think that Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in one shot? I don't think so. In conclusion, writing is up to the writer. If the writer decides to follow the formal writing process, then that's their choice. Nothing should be forced when it comes to writing. Then the writer does not put out their best work possible. Thank you for reading my Get more content on
  • 4. The Design Process Essay examples The design process Design may be defined as the methodical approach to the solution of a problem. Fundamentally, the purpose of good engineering design is to create an end product which will not only function efficiently, but will also be a commercial success. Except in the simplest of cases, the design process is a very complicated procedure requiring the services of a number of highly trained personnel. The main steps in designing a product may follow the pattern illustrated below. Demand Before anything can be sold there must be someone who is prepared to buy it. A satisfied customer is one of the best salesmen a firm can have. It more content... Thus, to increase the potential market, the product should be as adaptable as possible. It is important, therefore, to visualize all the likely combinations for which a new design may be used. Work on a new design will commence once it has been established that the potential market justifies the cost of development. Possible solutions After establishing exactly what the new product is to be used for, the design team must not be satisfied with taking the first solution that comes to mind, and then attempting a number of modifications so that it satisfies most of the requirements. To do so would restrict their ideas and probably result in a poor design. In practice, a good designer will sketch and, if necessary, lay out as many different solutions as possible, and then reject all inferior designs. In coming to his decision, he would take into account the following major factors: (a)Principle of operation and manufacture; (b)Requirements of customer; (c)Outside influences (e.g., competitive products). At this early stage, the designer would probably make some basic calculations, and, perhaps, also make use of experimental techniques and mock–ups to help verify his analysis. When comparing designs, those having the simplest working principle should be preferred, provided they satisfy the requirements adequately and do not involve additional problems, such as excessively large parts. Get more content on
  • 5. Reflection On My Writing Process My writing looks like the game Tetris – I write according to how my ideas flow from my head to my paper. The English 1010 lessons are designed to impact my writing processes and since being in the course I have realized the importance of the process while preparing the paper. While I knew that practice and revisions were important to the writing process, the ideas of writing as inherently collaborative or as an extension of technology were not concepts that I had considered at length. For the assignment, I chose to record myself and reflect on my process. The observation of my writing process and decisions took place in an awkward way. I began sitting at my desk in my dorm with a black ink pen, wide–ruled paper, and the prompt of my essay. It took a good bit of time for the process to begin – all the distractions had to run out, frequent checks on social media, quick trip to the snack machine, and responding to text messages. Finally, it was time to start. I can begin. "Ok, outline" I said to myself. "What's your main point?" And so, I started, pen to paper, writing the three main ideas I knew I wanted to cover in the paper. I did discover, however, that I scratch my head while I am thinking and as I write I would catch myself reading aloud. Following the outline process, I decided to start typing the rough draft. I first started my introduction giving the audience an idea of what the essay will be about. I did not know entirely what I wanted the audience to know so I found myself typing and deleting a lot. I decided to divide the essay in proportions to what I want to explain. I chose to discuss improvements, changes, and goals for the following semester. I noticed I then spent five minutes staring at how I was going to start the explanation. This could be for two reasons – perhaps I needed a break from writing or perhaps I did not take enough time planning. I honestly did not know. I eventually figured out how to gather the information to begin the paper. After typing for fifteen minutes, I realized I repeatedly reviewed the previous typed words constantly. I stopped for a few minutes and reread my entire paper out loud to myself. I was not loud more like soft spoken. The practice allowed me to Get more content on
  • 6. Writing Process There are many components involved in the writing process that are important to incorporate in your essay to make it a strong well constructed piece. Knowledge about the writing process is needed in order to succeed. Without the proper the knowledge there will be no direction throughout the paper. There are many different ways to write, but it is necessary to include in depth research, a strong thesis that pulls your audience into the paper, and organizational skills to create a backbone for a strong complete essay. Research is the bulk of your essay. Throughout your essay it will be key to making sure that your facts are not only reliable but also interesting and attract the reader. Compelling information is important to keep the reader more content... You will spend less time searching for information and fixing any clutter. Efficiency is the main point of organization in a essay. Planning out your essay leaves you with time that you can use on more productive things in your essay like proofreading. Creating an outline will help organize your whole paper and keep track of what goes where making it a lot easier so then you only have to fill your paper with the information that you have researched. Outlines are great for people who have trouble putting their words onto paper and can make the whole process go much smoother. Organizing is not very difficult and in conclusion will help make your essay easier and faster to write. The goal of strong writing is that you use these methods to set yourself up to succeed in your paper. These steps have been studied for years by professionals and if implemented correctly can be very beneficial for one's paper. There are many different ways to go about the writing process but it is important to find what will work for you. Without a proper foundation your paper is set up to fail. You might think these steps will take more time, but really in the end will only save you tons that can be used on other parts of your essay to make it the best piece Get more content on
  • 7. In the article Teaching Writing as a Process Not Product by Donald M. Murray, Murray argues that writing is a process of discovery not an end product. Rather than being criticized for a "perfect product" by the teachers, student should be provided with an environment of creativity to explore and discover. Murray states that many teachers focus on the end product rather than teaching students the process of writing in order to receive a better product. The writing process has three stages of writing which include: prewriting, writing, and rewriting. In the prewriting stage, students should take about 85% of their time dedicated to the writing process. Prewriting includes strategies such as daydreaming, note taking, outlining, and lead–writing. Next is the writing stage where it should take about one percent of a student's time. The writing stage is where students produce their first draft. Finally, it is more content... I feel like most teachers worry more about grades and getting the writing done as soon as possible and not taking their time in helping students gain better writing skills and improve themselves. Students should be able to choose what they want to write about so that we can feel inspired in our writings thus having a better end product for teachers to read and be satisfied with. If teachers are constantly criticizing our writings and telling us what to write about then they never really know what a student's potential really is because most likely they will rush to try to satisfy the teachers needs than theirs. I also agree that teachers should worry more about a person's writing than about the mechanics of a paper, however; I also realize that in today's society free writing isn't really "approved" in almost every class. In every English class I have had my teachers focused more about the end result that is timing us on essays, and grading our papers based off grammar/mechanics and not the process writing Get more content on
  • 8. Process Essay Have you ever compared store bought lasagna to a home–made one? There is no comparison, home–made wins every time. It may seem like a hassle to make your own, but in reality it is not that difficult. You will also be more satisfied in the quality and taste of your lasagna if you make it yourself. It's a great meal to share with your family or just to save in the refrigerator and eat throughout the week. If you are conscious about your health this lasagna will be good to make because it uses chicken not meat. In order to make this lasagna you need to gather your ingredients, prepare the ingredients, and put the dish together and bake it. To bake anything you need to preheat your oven, this recipe calls for the oven to be at 350 more content... After the noodles are fully cooked drain them with your strainer and set them aside. Also drain the chicken, leaving the onion and garlic in the pot because you won't need them after that. When the chicken cools off start shredding it into the other bowl you brought out. Mix in the marina sauce with the shredded chicken until the chicken is evenly coated. You've prepared your ingredients now it's time to put everything together. No lasagna looks perfect so instead of trying to make it look perfect, focus on getting as much pasta, chicken and cheese as you can in there. Prepare your pan by spraying it with cooking spray so nothing sticks. Start off by laying down three or four (depending on your pan size) noodles diagonally down into your pan. Grab the ricotta cheese mixture and evenly spread it on the noodles. After the noodles are covered with cheese begin to spread the chicken and marina sauce on top of the cheese. Finally, sprinkle the shredded mozzarella cheese over the chicken then repeat the previous four steps until there is no room left in the pan. Once your pan is completely full cover it tightly in foil paper, and put it in the oven. Let the lasagna cook for about an hour, then remove the foil and put it back into the oven for about ten minutes. Once the lasagna is done cooking take it out, let it cool, and then serve it. Now that you see the entire process of making lasagna you can see how simple it Get more content on
  • 9. Writing A Process Essay Imagine this: you're a young student at your local community college, and you're partaking in an English course to gain credits. You're sitting in the classroom, and the professor begins to assign an essay. The entire class lets out a groan that could be heard from miles away, however this doesn't phase your professor. The essay is assigned: a process essay. Now what? What is a process essay? How do you go about writing one? How do you get the A you so desperately need? This paper will discuss everything one needs to know in order to write the perfect process essay such as the definition of a process essay, how to construct it, and how to use proper transitions to make the essay flow. To begin, one must know the definition of a process essay. A process essay can be classified into either of two categories depending on its purpose. The first is an essay explaining how to do something, while the latter explains how something works. When writing an essay that is telling the reader how to do something, the reader should be able to follow directions that are spelled out in the essay; however, when writing an essay that is explaining how something works, the goal is to inform the reader. The reader will not be conducting the process in the essay, but they will understand the process of the way the subject works when they have finished reading. Now that the definition of a process essay has been explained, and the type of essay to be written has been chosen, it is time to put Get more content on
  • 10. Write An Essay About My Writing Process An essay is a section of writing that systematically examines and assesses a subject matter or concern. Basically, an essay is intended to get an individual's educational view on a specific material. The essay can be true–life. Meaning the author of the essay is trying to say the fact, not only amuse you. A decent lengthy essay ought to be made up of an introductory paragraph and visibly state the subject matter to be discussed in the main body. The points should be plainly specified in individual paragraphs and illustrated or warranted. A closing paragraph summarizes the key facts of the paper, in which you repeat your view or give a stable thought of the subject matter. My previous essays were missing some of the material mentioned. For example, I would watch television and try to write an essay or I would limit the amount of words used on my essay paper. In what type of environment do you do your best writing? In my computer room. How would more content... This may sound strange, but I tend to write better when I am under pressure. Therefore, I would not recommend any one to write a paper the way I do. I also understand that this is the way teachers tell you not to write a paper. I printed the quick guide to grammar and usage called Writing Elements by Timothy P. Goss and Sabrina M. Goss. First, I would use the clarity and style because it doesn't matter how many extraordinary words I can place into a paragraph. Because if the person reading the paper doesn't understand what I am writing he or she will be bored and not understand what I am talking about. Writing papers with clarity and style are vital fundamentals in any written information. Another one is the writing process. This is a process of creating an essay by using drafting, publishing, editing, revising, pre– writing, and final Get more content on
  • 11. Process Essay A Process Essay Raking My Three Acre Yard I raked up Mount Grassmore, a mountain of grass clippings that will be decomposing in my backyard for the next twenty years. In the beginning of summer, our lawnmower broke, so my husband took it to the repair shop to be repaired. But, by the time the mower was fixed the grass had grown out of control, like a jungle. The chore of raking up all the mow clippings seemed almost impossible for one person. Raking a three acre yard is a repetitious and strenuous process. But, it had to be done I did not want my grass to turn brown and hard. First, I created a plan to collect the grass and made a list of the necessary supplies for raking a large yard. My plan was to first rake each more content... By the end of the day there must have been at least a hundred of the smaller grass piles all waiting for me to come pick them up tomorrow. The next day came and it was time to put all the grass into the compost pile. So I started at the furthest point from the compost pile and started loading big clumps of grass into the wheelbarrow using the end of the rake with the claws, and my arm to keep the grass on the rake. This part of the process was not too bad, just repetitive back and forth with the wheelbarrow gathering up the piles and dumping them. Getting all the grass into the pile took a long time due to the wheelbarrow only holding about two piles per load. I just had to be persistent and determined to get this accomplished and every time I went back for another load I began to walk shorter and shorter distances. Finally, I was down to my last two piles and the impossible chore was accomplished. Raking my three acre backyard was a difficult, continuous chore for me. It took me about two days of sweaty, hard work to clear the whole yard of the grass clippings. But, all the raking and hauling of the grass was worth the use of our yard. Our lawn is green, soft, and beautiful for our children to run and play in, and hopefully the huge compost pile I made will fertilize many plants in the future. I have made a promise to myself for my lawn to never again get that Get more content on
  • 12. Teachers, parents, and friends often tell students exactly what the writing process should entail and how long it should take. However, the older I get, the more I realize that the writing process varies not only from person to person, but also from one writing project to the next. Throughout my years of life, I have written countless papers, ranging from a persuasive speech to an extensive research paper, and each project requires an altered version of my personal writing process. While each individual has his own writing process, there can be many similarities between different writing processes. Finding one's individual writing process takes trial, error, and repetition. When an individual finally uncovers his unique writing process, better thought, work, and writing is produced. My personal writing process, if I want it to be successful, requires many aspects, such as location, environment, and sound. The location where I complete my writing process is important. I want to feel comfortable being myself and doing what I need to do to write a good paper. In my opinion, the environment in which I work should be relatively quiet, but I also like there to be enough noise to cover the sound of my typing or writing, in addition to the quiet things I mumble to myself when I write. Working in a room alone is something I can only sometimes do. Unfortunately, I am more easily distracted with technology in a room alone than I am with real people eating, talking, or studying Get more content on
  • 13. Free Writing Process When it comes to writing a paper, we all have been there when we are struggling to keep the flow of your paper going towards the subject of your paper. Here, are some ways I can help you along. Well, number one is the outline to have a good outline is to have a good paper. Next, is freewriting being able to free write is one of the best ways to get started. After freewriting, comes the thesis statement which is the sentence or two that brings the reader in and explains the focus of the paper to its entirety. Finally, is the vocabulary, which is the single most important part ofwriting paper because it deals with being able to find that right word and to know the definition of that word and every other word in the paper. When it comes to outlining the best thing to do is to create an outline, no matter how bad you are at it. A small outline is better than no outline, when it comes to creating an outline, picture it as a skeleton that all your ideas hang from, such as the arm is your thesis and the conclusion is the head, limbs can be taken away to help your writing needs. Very helpful information because an outline can be very difficult to attempt when you don't have these tools. What I have learned from the freewriting article that was given to me, there was a great idea to start your essay before you try writing, don' more content... Make sure to keep the word, definition, and a sentence using that word and study those words you have chosen. Soon you will feel comfortable with these words and know how to use them in everyday life when the right moment occurs. Lastly, when it comes to vocabulary know the roots are a great way to break down a word and where it comes from. Because over half of the English language derives from the Greek or Latin Get more content on
  • 14. Writing and Process Essay Process essays are essays that explain to the audience how to do something or how to complete a task. This may involve explaining how to put items or ingredients together to make a finished product, such as in a recipe. These essays can also explain how to accomplish a goal. For example, a process essay could detail the steps that must be taken in order to graduate from a particular college. Regardless of the subject, all process essays must clearly explain in detail how to complete or perform a task. Instructions 1. Plan the essay. It is helpful to use an outline format in order to map out the necessary background information about the chosen topic, to compile a list of needed supplies, to determine the steps that should be followed, to more content... In order to make a good process essay the author should provide basic process background information. Process essay Outline This rubric is a condensed treatment of the Process essay writing, this Outline is just a description of the main facts and rules about how to write this type of essay. One should practice as much as possible to become good in writing a Process essay. Writing a process essay Writing a process essay requires a lot of work to do done. First of all the author is supposed to explain the significance of the analyzed process. Then, the effect this process may have on objects or even people is revealed. It is necessary to mention all the information about the process to make the reader fully understand its essence. A good way to make a process essay logical is to choose a correct number of steps within the process and the difficulties of each step. ... more on the Essay writing Process essay structure A process essay has a classical structure depending only on the amount of the process' steps described: Introduction (In the introduction the author reveals the basic aim of the process leaving out specific details. Basic background information is also provided. Another factor to mention is the true meaning of this process and its everyday life application. Therefore the reader learns in which spheres he can later apply the Get more content on
  • 15. The Five Stages Of The Process Essay Question 7 The five stages of the process are goal–setting, analysis, strategy formation, strategy implementation and strategy monitoring. Goal–Setting The purpose of goal–setting is to clarify the vision for your business. This stage consists of identifying three key facets: First, define both short– and long–term objectives. Second, identify the process of how to accomplish your objective. Finally, customize the process for your staff, give each person a task with which he can succeed. Keep in mind during this process your goals to be detailed, realistic and match the values of your vision. Typically, the final step in this stage is to write a mission statement that succinctly communicates your goals to both your shareholders and your staff. AnalysisAnalysis is a key stage because the information gained in this stage will shape the next two stages. In this stage, gather as much information and data relevant to accomplishing your vision. The focus of the analysis should be on understanding the needs of the business as a sustainable entity, its strategic direction and identifying initiatives that will help your business grow. Examine any external or internal issues that can affect your goals and objectives. Make sure to identify both the strengths and weaknesses of your organization as well as any threats and opportunities that may arise along the path. Strategy Formulation The first step in forming a strategy is to review the information gleaned from completing the Get more content on
  • 16. The Importance Of Writing Process In Writing After this semester I feel that I've not only developed into a better writer but also have grasped a better understanding of the writing process, which is arguably most important; having a solid foundation for my writing technique is the key to writing well. Throughout middle school and high school, I have always been told to use the "five paragraph format" when writing essays, but now that I'm in college, I understand that I have been limiting my creativity and not expressing my opinions and ideas to their fullest extent. To be a good writer, I must put time and effort into my topic and fully understand the main idea to write a satisfactory essay. So far, I feel as if I'm doing alright. `When I first begin the writing process I always start by typing out the full story. Personally, I can't sit down and plan what I'm going to write about; formal drafting makes me feel as if I have writers' block. Over the years I have taken bits and pieces of advice about my writing and incorporated those snippets of guidance and suggestions into what my writing style is today. I don't think I'm a bad writer, but I could work on developing more of my essays into "A cakes." In the narrative essay, I chose a topic that most of my peers could relate to and a topic that was very important to me personally. Being a new driver is exciting, however, it also is potentially very dangerous, and I really wanted to capture that in my writing. Your feedback stated that I needed to use more vivid Get more content on
  • 17. The Process of Communication Essay The Communication Process: Communication is a process where we share our feelings, ideas, thoughts, suggestion, experience, feedback, opinions, etc. It's a dialogue in which the sharing of meaningful information are constantly coming in and going out between two or more people in order to reach an understanding. The communication process is on going activity that consists of 3 essential models, Communication as Action, Transaction Interaction. Communication as Action relates to the goal of the receiver understanding the source or the speaker's intended message. There are 7 elements of Communication as Action such as the source, message, channel, receiver, noise, feedback, and context. more content... The Communication Process: Communication is a process where we share our feelings, ideas, thoughts, suggestion, experience, feedback, opinions, etc. It's a dialogue in which the sharing of meaningful information are constantly coming in and going out between two or more people in order to reach an understanding. The communication process is on going activity that consists of 3 essential models, Communication as Action, Transaction Interaction. Communication as Action relates to the goal of the receiver understanding the source or the speaker's intended message. There are 7 elements of Communication as Action such as the source, message, channel, receiver, noise, feedback, and context. The speaker is the source of information and ideas for an audience. The job of the source is to translate ideas and images in his or her mind into verbal or non–verbal symbols that an audience can recognize. Verbal symbols are words, sentences, sounds, vocally produce noises or alternative utterances that are said aloud in order to convey some meaning. For example, stop! Is a word conveying a particular action by sound and can be written out or spoken. Nonverbal symbols are messages sent to a receiver from the source by means of body language, facial expressions, eye contact, touching, signs and gestures. For example, the speaker may encode in gestures how big something is by separating his or her hands or something small by bringing them closer
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  • 19. Writing Process Essay Thank goodness for Mrs. Ewing, my high school writing teacher! She taught me how to be a better writer. She is a strict teacher, but she also knows how to make learning fun, and I think that is why I remember some of the things she taught. For instance, my class did thesaurus drills to see who could come up with the best answer to the word she would give us. Also, Mrs. Ewing was diligent about writing examples as a class on the board before giving us our assignments to ensure everyone knew what was expected of them. She creates a fun learning environment for the class to comprehend the various steps to preparing a successful essay. Determining the topic, if one is not assigned, is the next writing step. While an endless supply of topics is available, guarantee the subject is applicable and compatible to the type of essay that is being written. For example, the topic of pro–life in the abortion debate is not an appropriate topic for a process essay; however, a topic on how to do anything with steps involved, such as writing a paper or building a house, produces excellent choices for a process essay. The theme choice can make or break the composition; therefore, it is important to pick a familiar topic. Sometimes, conducting research more content... This step is extremely important because this helps the writer to organize his thoughts and to put them in a logical order. The guideline can be a simple or as long as necessary. Typically, an outline consists of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The body usually consists of a minimum of three points with supporting evidence listed under each point. The more the outline is broken down, the easier the writing process becomes. Then, create a topic sentence which precisely describes what is being discussed in the body of the essay. It is important that the topic sentence is precise and sets the tone of the Get more content on
  • 20. My Essay: The Writing Process The Writing Process My writing process is very simple yet slightly confusing for those who need to be organized when writing. The process begins in the classroom when the teacher assigns a essay and gives me a prompt. Then it begins to break down into the basic steps that the "typical person" takes when writing. First, I examine the prompt and dissect it like a frog,taking out all the important and needed information. I check to see the topic of the essay, all the requirements such as the length of the essay and the type of paper it needs to be. Once that is done I find the intended audience. Each of these steps are essential to the type of evidence and quotes that will be used . It also helps me begin to start thinking about how I want to begin my essay and structure more content... Procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something. This action has been my best friend and my worse enemy on several occasions when writing papers. It has taught me that I can write a paper that should take 2 weeks in 2 hours and that I can take 2 weeks to write a paper that should be done in 2 hours. Once the procrastination process is over I either look up articles relevant to the topic of the paper or I gather my articles from class. I go through the articles and I underline/highlight any important information. I begin somewhat of a brainstorm process. This process includes me taking out a sheet of paper separating it into sections. The sections are either beginning,middle,and end or paragraph one,paragraph two ,paragraph three etc. I back track and I begin to eliminate the evidence. I keep three to four pieces of the evidence that will be able to be expanded on the most. Based on that I decide what each paragraph or section will be about. On the piece of paper I write the topic under each section based on where it needs to Get more content on