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Contents Page
Introduction 3
On Page SEO Website Optimization 4
On-Page META Data Optimization 5
Content 8
Authority Links 12
YouTube 12
What Is Siloing - Your Site Page Hierarchy 14
Fresh Content Is A Key Ranking Factor 19
A Couple More Google Ranking Factors 20
SEO Consulting 21 3
There are many ranking factors that will determine whether your website will rank on page 1
Google. Importantly you do not need to attend to all of them and if you concentrate on the
Critical Success Factors (CSF) of Website Ranking then you will be successful in ranking
your website content so that your customers and potential customers can not only find you
your site but can buy your products and services.
Furthermore your do not need to be 100% correct in attending to the CSF. The facts are that
most websites have little to none SEO applied to them so beating the competition in most
cases is going to be fairly easy.
The point is attend to the CSF associated with Website Ranking to the best of your ability
(without stressing) – take Action or as Nike says “Just Do It” and Facebook “Fail Harder”
until you find what works.
What You Will Find In this Guide
This guide is a compilation of the latest findings on the most effective techniques for on-page
SEO and is upto date as at September 2016. As you know, Google changes their algorithm
more times than you get of bed in the mornings, and what works at this moment might not
work in the future.
The aim of this guide is to provide a current upto date resource for a results based on-page
SEO strategy that is working right now. Please make sure you have the latest version of this
guide. To make sure, please do not hesitate to reach out at
About me:
My name is Gary Williams CEO of SEO Hong Kong, and we have been involved in SEO
since 2002. We have been quite successful ranking our own sites (business and affiliate) and
in the process helping others rank their sites.
Our mantra is “We only ask that you judge us by our results”
We are 100% Results Based as the great Jim Rohn pointed out “Results are the name of the
Our experience with SEO has mainly involved ranking our own and other people’s websites
on Page 1 Google and ranking YouTube videos.
Full details of our products and services can be found on our site here at
Why You Can Trust Our SEO Knowledge
“We only ask that you judge us by our results” and our results are documented on our site and they speak for themselves. 4
On-Page SEO Website Optimization
What Is On-Page SEO And Why Is It So Important?
On-Page SEO is the beginning of the SEO process of optimizing your website for Ranking.
Now hear us here. It may be the beginning but it will make your life easier if you follow what
you learn in this guide as closely as you can. The more on-page SEO your website has the
easier it will be to get those page ranking where your existing and potential clients can find
you and buy your products and services.
On-page SEO is the foundation on which ALL other SEO builds upon. Ignore this at your
The Most Common Issue That Is Holding People Back From Ranking Is On-page SEO
You may have attended to some of the other off-page SEO Critical Success Factors (CSF) for
1. Links pointing to your site
2. Social Media Content distribution
3. Search and Click
However you will be constantly running up hill if your on-page SEO is poor and you will
probably be trapped on page 2.
An analogy is this.
You are a formula one racing team.
You use the best upto date petrol (your off-page SEO) available but your racing car (your on-
page SEO) is 10 years old, receives no servicing and your mechanics were trained 15 years
ago and have undertaken no more training since.
If you do not build a good upto date racing car with skilled mechanics and regular servicing,
your racing car is simply not going to go anywhere despite whatever else you do to get it
So without upto date on-page SEO as prescribed by SEOs who are at the forefront of the SEO
knowledge base and implementing prescribed regular updates to your site; your site is going
to rank on page 677 of Google or at best on page 2.
Got it.
What You Will Find In This On-Page SEO Guide
This is an intermediate guide. You should know your way around WordPress, plug-ins,
metas, HTML etc. This Guide is for those that need the latest information, which will give
them final that push to get onto page 1. 5
What you will find is specific guidelines and techniques for optimizing your site on-page
content according to the real google rankings.
On-Page META Data Optimization
What Is A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
A URL is a URI. A URL is one type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI); the generic term
for all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on the World Wide Web (WWW).
The term "Web address" is a synonym for a URL that uses the HTTP or HTTPS protocol for
example a web address is (a root domain) or (a sub-domain)
or more completely (correctly) (a complete URL web site address).
Wherever possible we recommend using root domains http:// and not sub-domains www.
Web Site Domains
Where possible use an Exact Match Domain for your money site.
It may mean that you have to be more cautious with your Keyword ratios and anchor text but
it is an important signal to Google (and your audience) as to what your site is about. Here
then the benefits out-way the negatives.
What Is An Exact Match Domain (EMD)
An Exact Match Domain (EMD) uses the exact keyword for the domain name.
In this Guide, we will use the familiar "cat training" keyword example to illustrate our points.
In our example the EMD would be,, or some
variation thereof (note always use the root URL and not the sub-domain www.).
It has been reported that the value of EMDs have been devalued by Google.
We believe that EMDs still work and add value by offering an unfair advantage in site
ranking by having the keywords in the URL (more on this later). However, they have a much
higher chance of getting hit with over-optimization problems, so be careful with your
keyword ratios and anchor text.
We have a choice here and we prefer EMDs and PMDs (Partial Matched Domains – see
below). The ranking value is just too good to ignore and we have found that it’s still quite
hard to get hit with over-optimization penalties when you are choosing anchor text correctly
and in the correct ratio.
Something to consider if you are not building a “Branded Site” for a client for example Consider making a PMD and EMD site in parallel, especially if you’re a beginner. 6
Making parallel "associated sites" helps you minimize the risk of a penalty for example
perhaps only one site may be affected. With the best case scenario being that you rank
multiple sites on the first page and dominate the keyword / page ranking.
What Is A Partial Match Domain (PMD)
A Partial Match Domain (PMD) uses the target keywords, but adds additional words between
or around them for example or or even Even having one word of the keyword phrase is enough to put you in the PMD
PMDs work very well today, as they were blessed with a little more leniency in the June 2014
Google updates. As of now, EMDs and PMDs are our preferred domain naming strategy. We
use an EMD if It’s available, and a PMD if not.
Even at the inner-page level, we have noticed a significant advantage of partial match over
exact match. Throw in an extra word in your inner-page naming and you will find it easier to
rank over the exact.
For example:
PMD inner page: GOOD
EMD inner page: BAD
What Is A Branded Domain
Branded domains include none of the target keywords in the domain name.
All of the major domains that Google loves for example WebMD, Forbes, Amazon,
Wikipedia are branded domains and are afforded the most latitude against penalization which
then enables Branded anchor text from your links to be pointed at your site, which Google
also loves.
Branded domains are great for a long term strategy. If you’re building a site for a real product
and are looking to create some recognition, then this is the way to go. Brand domains are also
recommended for beginners, where you might not have a fine grasp on the nuances of
You can have a branded domain homepage targeting your main keyword, even though it
doesn't contain the keyword itself in the URL and this is accomplished by taking advantage
of the TITLE tag.
Optimizing On-page Title META
This is what goes into your <title></title> HTML. Also known as your Title Meta. Most
people use the popular Wordpress Plug-In's for example "All-in-One SEO" or "Yoast" to
create individual title's for each page.
Back in the old days, people used to simply spam this field with their keywords. For example,
"Cat Training Tips, Cat Training Guide, Learn How To Train Your Cat". 7
Today, you want it to be readable (makes sense) to the user and you want to use the keywords
sparingly (more on this later) and make sure to create a unique title for each page.
Description META Optimization
Same as the title meta. It's filled out with the "All-in-One SEO" or "Yoast" plug in. Use a
unique description for each page (more on this later).
Furthermore, using the techniques below, we have seen clients get incredible results, with
sites jumping from page 6 to page 1, in a very short period of time (days not weeks) simply
from following this Guide.
These days, it's all about being subtle and not blatantly showing Google what you are trying
to rank for. Also this strategy does not risk over-optimization and uses Google's highly
intelligent semantic “synonym association” to get Google to recognize your
page's relevance towards a specific topic.
Get Your Keyword Optimization In The URL
Get your keyword in the URL (once), but add an extra word or two. Use synonyms if
possible, for example if a Branded Domain is targeting the keyword "cat training".
GOOD: (added an extra synonym)
BAD: (don't use the exact keyword in the
Example: Partial Match Domain is going for target keyword "cat training".
GOOD: ("kitten" is a related word to
BAD: ("cat" is used twice)
Get Your Keyword In The Page Title
Get your keyword in the Page Title (once), keeping the string together for the most part, and
keep it at the front of the title tag.
GOOD: Cat Training Guide For Beginners | Obedience Tips And More
BAD: Cat Training - How To Train Your Cat - Cat Training Tips ("Cat Training" is used
META Description On-page Optimization
Use the description to increase the click through rate (CTR) as your primary goal. Just like
the meta keywords, the description is also not considered in the Google's ranking algorithm
However, meta descriptions do indirectly improve rankings because they can directly affect
CTR, a key factor in ranking (the basis of search and click).
Don’t forget to be salesy: write your descriptions in a way that encourage people to click on 8
your link for example:
 Be descriptive about your page
 Be persuasive
 Make people curious
 Cut the length down to 156 characters and add the word FREE of More as the last cut
off word.
Example: These time tested cat training tips will work for any cat. You will definitely want to
check out our free...
How To Optimize Your Keyword Meta Tag
Some SEOs advise not to use the keyword meta tag as Google doesn't apply it to its ranking
algorithm anymore, however we also want to rank for Bing and Yahoo so we sometimes
include it.
Content otherwise known as the context is what goes into the body of the page: the bulk of
the text that makes up the body page itself.
Here we discuss guidelines on what is working best in the content of your web pages.
Header Tags
Your <h1>, <h2> and <h3> tags are used to inform Google about the main topic(s) of your
Also in the past, these fields were spammed and abused as an easy way to tell Google what
you wanted to rank for.
Using them today, we try to include your target keyword only once in one <h1> tag. And to
try and make it a part of a larger phrase, and not just the exact keyword.
Example: Cat Training Tips for Newbies
Remember each page should only have one <h1> tag. Most themes have it setup to
automatically create a <h1> tag from your page title, so be sure that you do not create two.
Each <h1> tag can have other <h2> tags underneath it, and the <h3> tags go underneath
those <h2> tags.
 Cat Training Tips for Newbies
 House Breaking (Potty Obedience)
 Kittens
 Older Pets 9
 Tricks
 Sit
 Shake
 Roll-over
(note: in the above example, we still only use "cat" and "training" in the H1 Tag)
What About Ranking For Multiple Key Words
When it comes to on-page optimization, certain places are more valuable to have your
keywords in than others. Based our tests, and in the order of impact, from the most valuable
keyword real-estate to the least valuable:
1. URL
2. SEO Title Tag (i.e.: <TITLE></TITLE>)
3. H1 (i.e.: Page title)
4. H2, H3
5. Content
We can use this knowledge to our advantage, if we have multiple keywords that we want to
target on a single page, which should typically always be the case.
Let's say we have the following keywords we want to target on the homepage in order of
1. Cat Training
2. Cat Obedience
3. Cat School
4. Litter Training For Cats
5. Cat Ball Training
Let’s start with our URL, making a branded domain, with an inner page targeting. How many
keywords can we fit in the URL without looking spammy. The following URL covers our
two most important keywords.
Now for the SEO title tag. Again, let’s try to get as many keywords as possible in there,
remembering the rules we read about before.
SEO Title Tag: Cat Training And Obedience School | Feline Expert
Feline Expert is included in the Tile Tag for Branding purposes – not for generic ranking
Next comes our Page Title and we definitely will want to get our top keywords in here, and
let’s also try to include some of the words that we have not used so far. Additionally, we'll
use a synonym “Kittens” to get some semantic advantage. 10
Page Title: Cat Training School For Both Kittens And Adult Moggy
Whatever we cannot fit into the page tile, whether it’s because of length issues or if it’s just
not making sense for our sales copy, we can fit on H2's and H3's.
H2: Litter Training
H2: Playing Ball With Your Cat
Lastly, in the event that we have a long list of keywords, make sure to put them in the content
somewhere – see relevancy.
Furthermore, let's say you're trying to rank for the keywords "____ review" and "____
You will need to include both 'review' and 'reviews' somewhere on your page. If these are
important keywords, then definitely also drop them in the URL, SEO Title Tag, or Page Title.
Content Word Count
SEOs debate over how many words per page is optimal. No one has the exact number,
because it pertains on a per-niche and per-keyword basis. For example, pages in the Life
Insurance niche typically require more words per page to rank than others.
However, based on our testing experience and recent third party studies, the minimum
amount of words you want on a page is:
Regular page: 500+ words
Web 2.0 page: 1000+ words
To be safe, we recommend writing any page you want to rank for with 1000+ words or more.
It’s just going to make your life easier. This however cannot always be achieved, especially if
your site is highly graphical, so in those circumstances, stick to the minimum
recommendations above.
Google is always looking for highly relevant content and for some niches this requires
lengthy articles.
We at SEO Hong Kong have some pages at 22,000+ words with Video and Images and this
alone helped us move our client’s site from page 2 to Page 1 on Google with no other actions.
Keyword Density
Keyword density / ratios is also niche specific, there is no magic formula or rule of thumb
However, today it is all about being subtle so you should be looking at keyword density as an
under-optimization SEO effort. 11
Individual Words Of A Keyword Phrase Matter Too
Many people ask us to take a look at their site to see if they are over-optimized, for example
they may only have "cat training" on their page 4 times, but "cat" is used 40 times and
"training" is used 30 times. This has a Google Panda-penalty written all over it – but see
So keep keyword phrases down to only 2-3 occurrences: for example once in a <h tag> and
1-2 times in the body of the content on the page.
Also try to keep individual words (Keywords for example “cat”) down to less than 15
Remember to use synonyms for example Kitten to keep the relevancy and the Keyword
number count down. (The above recommendations are for a 500-word article).
However some Keywords can be used more than others if it appears “natural” – to Google.
For example a website for insurance products would use the word “insurance” often and quite
However if the company was based in say New York and it used a Keyword phrase “New
York Life and Health Insurance” more than say 2-3 times (max on a 500 words page count)
then the page / site has a Google Panda-penalty written all over it.
In summary be conservative and subtle; smaller natural keywords can be used more often
than longer specific keywords but less is more here.
Synonyms are the most under-utilized tool in the on-page arsenal. You can and should use
synonyms to establish relevance for a page without risking over-optimization.
In our cat training example, we can use the following words instead of "cat" and "training":
 Kitten
 Tomcat
 Tabby
 Moggy
 Obedience
 Learning
 Instruction
Since our page targeting the Keyword "cat training" we can use "moggy" and "instruction" as
often as we wish. We do not care if we are over-optimized for these keywords because hardly
anyone is searching for "moggy instruction." But by using these words we are establishing a
high degree of relevance for the page. 12
Authority Links
Authority Links are very important and relevant way to establish extreme relevance for a
The way to do this is to link out to an authority page in your niche.
For example:
1. A US tax accountant could link out to page articles on
2. A health site could link out to page articles on
3. General authority links can be found on page articles such as
Any “authority site” that is not a competitor with a Domain Authority (DA) of over 90 will
be perfect.
The ranking benefits of linking to authority sites was has been tested and quantified in this
For our example, linking to a article for
"cat training" would be ideal.
Try and avoid Wikipedia for your authority links. This is what every other SEO uses and let’s
remember that Google does not like SEOs, so let’s not look like one. Always in SEO ask
yourself; is what I am doing going to look natural – to Google.
For every page that you are trying to rank, throw up an authority link somewhere on that
page, past the fold, as putting it anywhere above the fold increases the chance that the reader
will actually click on it and leave your page (so always set to open links on a separate page,
this also keeps your bounce rate low).
There is a lot of discussions in the SEO community about whether or not to make authority
links dofollow or nofollow.
The nofollow school point of view is that they want to keep all their link juice on their site
and refrain from leaking it off the page.
However this is not “natural”, so here at SEO Hong Kong we use dofollow authority links
since the disadvantage of having doflollow authority links on the page would not be worth it.
If you are worried about ranking another page, simply link to an authority page (DA 90+) that
is not a competitor, and/or does not rank higher than you already, and/or is not on page 1.
Like an authority link, embedding a YouTube video on your page further
increases relevance for the page. Videos also increase on-page engagement time, another
important metrics in Google’s ranking algorithm together with the increase in UX. 13
Remember Google loves Google, and Google owns YouTube.
1. Just go to
2. Search for the video
3. Go to share and look for embed - copy and paste into your page
Here is an example:
Google Map Embeds
Just as an authority link, embedding a YouTube video on your page increases relevance and
authority to your page, so does embedding a Google map on your page - especially for Local
You can also embed the Google map in your footer so that it will appear on every page.
You will need a Google Business Listing (Google My business (GMB)).
1. Just go to Google Maps at
2. Search your location / business
3. Go to share and look for embed - copy and paste into your page
Here is an example: 14
Just embed the highlighted text (embed code) onto your page.
What Is Siloing - Your Site Page Hierarchy
Siloing (Web Design Architecture) is an essential on-page strategy that allows you to get the
most out of the backlinks coming onto your page. Instead of ranking for just one page that
you send backlinks too, you will rank for any number of pages that you want.
Siloing is an inner page interlinking technique that can be best illustrated by an example.
In our 'cat training' example, lets target the homepage with the keyword "cat training". We
have done our keyword research and have found that "cat tricks" and "cat house training" are
profitable keywords and so we will build “first tier” pages targeting to those keywords as
We have also undertaken some deep Keyword Research and discovered the topic "cat tricks"
and found that many people are searching for "teach a cat to sit" and "teach a cat to roll over",
so we will want to build sub-pages for those to.
Here is what our page hierarchy would look like. 15
When we interlink these pages, for the anchor text we want to use the target keyword(s) the
next page is trying to rank for – with its relevant on-page content to that Keyword.
So for example when we pass an inbound link to the homepage the effect is that some of the
link juice will trickle down to the next page(s) in the “silo hierarchy” and will be focused on
the target keyword. So if you send one link to the homepage, each of the hierarchical pages
below will get some ranking boost too.
You want to place these links in the context, relevance and content of the page. The sidebar
and menus do not produce the same effect – bang for your buck.
Here is an example of Anchor Text on the homepage
Training your cat can be an easy task, if you know the right way to do it. Many people would
like to teach their cat tricks, which can be a fun and enjoyable exercise. We recommend
starting at a young age...
And here is what the diagram would look like with example anchors on the connecting lines. 16
The final and most important step is to link silo hierarchy pages back up to the homepage.
This recycles the link juice back to the homepage, which targets your most important
keywords. So essentially, no matter what page you send a link to on your site, all pages are
going to be getting some benefit.
When it comes to internal links, there are still rules for anchor text optimization, but the rules
are much more relaxed than for off-site SEO. Try to vary up the anchor text for the links back
to the homepage, as this page will be receiving tons of inner links.
Anchor Text Ratios - What We Typically Recommend
50% Target anchors
25% Brand or URL anchors
25% Miscellaneous anchors 17
Other Benefits Of Internal Relevant Link Building
Apart from the passing of link juice and UX navigation.
When you try to rank a page on a particular subject, Google expects to see that there are other
supporting articles linking to this page.
This is called establishing relevance on a topic.
Let's take our cat training site that is ranking quite nicely for "cat training lessons". Over the
years this site has published a lot of content related to cat training and as a result there is no
question in Google's mind that this site is about cat training.
The site owners decide to expand their business to include cat clothes. So their SEO throws
up a page on cat clothes and adds some backlinks to the page.
After 6 months the page is still stuck on page 3.
The problem is that there are no site pages citing / linking to the cat clothes page as a
reference / relevance. As a consequence Google does not think that this site is really about cat
To resolve this, the site owner's SEO simply needs to create some relevant pages (at least 3
pages but the more the better) and link them to the page he wants to rank – cat clothes.
As always this works particularly well for local SEO for example a cat clothes shop operating
in New York. 18
Adding pages such as:
 New York Cats Clothes Review
 Best Cat Clothes Shop In New York
 Trendy Cat Clothes For New York City
 Famous Cats Get Clothes Makeover In New York
These pages would add relevance in Google’s eyes and substantially aid in the ranking
These pages do not even need to be accessible from the navigation bar (Site Menu). As long
as they are in the XML sitemap and indexed, their work is done.
The concept of relevance is often misunderstood or even ignored when it comes to on-page
SEO. If you can understand and implement these ideas, you will get much better ranking
What Is Schema Markup
Schema markup is code (semantic vocabulary) that you put on your website to help the
search engines return more informative results for users. If you have ever used rich snippets,
then you will understand exactly what schema markup is all about.
Here is an example of a Schema code for a rating.
</p><p style=”text-align:center;”><span itemprop=”aggregateRating” itemscope
itemtype=””> Rated <span
itemprop=”ratingValue”><strong>5</strong></span><strong>/5</strong> based on <span
itemprop=”reviewCount”>11</span> reviews</span></p>
Adding Schema markup to your HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) improves the way
your page is displayed in SERPs by enhancing the rich snippets that are displayed beneath the
page title.
We have had tremendous results using Schema particularly with Local SEO and “Snack
Pack” ranking for our clients local businesses in their associated Google My Business.
Schema then is used to “mark-up” and highlight certain aspects of your data so that Google
can easily understand what your page is about. In addition, Google is able to upgrade the user
experience by building knowledge graphs and displaying review stars in the SERP results.
Schema is definitely a ranking factor and has been quoted by Google as having an influence
on a page’s quality score. So why not implement it? Especially if you are involved in local
SEO, where Schema has a strong impact on establishing locality rankings.
People often get intimidated by the complexity of Schema, when in fact, it is extremely easy
to implement on any site. 19
Here is what you need to know.
1. Go here:
2. Fill out the form
3. Take the code that they give you and paste it into your Wordpress footer.php file
4. Save
and that is all there is to it.
The site schema generator will give you the basics of what you need
to get the code up and running on your site.
Fresh Content Is A Key Ranking Factor
So you have just completed your website and optimized it to the fullest. So now you can
forget all about your site and focus completely on your off-site SEO.
Not quite.
You may have heard about Google’s Freshness Algorithm. Here Google wants it's search
results to present the most informative and upto date content regarding a particular search as
part of it's UX. It makes sense therefore that they would reward pages and websites that are
constantly delivering new and original content.
Without new and original contact you will always be running up hill to rank a site.
This does not mean that you need to commit to daily blogs, as there is a bare minimum that
we have found through testing that not only will minimize your work, but will also take
advantage of Google's algorithm and allow me to rank faster than the competition.
How Many Blog Posts Per Month
The answer is once per month; create at least one new blog post per month. This tells Google
that your site is active and alive, and importantly that the site is churning out new content,
which is getting read by your social following.
Link it back to your homepage and/or other relevant silo pages on your site. This will further
establish relevance for each of these pages as time goes on.
Syndicate these blog posts to your social profiles. You should have a Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc already setup for your website. Then every time you release a new
blog post, make sure that the article gets posted onto your feeds. This can easily be automated
with or with WordPress plugins for example Jetpack or SNAP. 20
Do Not:
Write about a topic that you have already covered, even if the article is 100% Copyscape
unique. If you have already covered a topic, then do not rewrite a new article on the same
topic. Think of something else or you are opening your site to a duplicate content flag or at
the very least you will be competing with yourself.
Refresh Your Existing Content
Also, once per month, take an existing page that you are trying to rank (your homepage or a
silo page) and update the content on it. It will not take much effort, just add a short
paragraph, an image, or a video and that will be enough.
This tells Google that the specific page that they are already ranking has just got even more
current and deserves its place in the Search Engine Results Page (SERPs).
We usually alternate like this:
1. Homepage
2. Inner page A
3. Homepage
4. Inner page B
But be careful when adding new content so that you do not over-optimize the keyword
density / ratio.
A Couple More Google Ranking Factors
Google is all about the User Experience (UX).
As a consequence a sites load speed should be as fast as possible for the following reasons:
1. Google uses a sites load speed as a ranking factor.
2. It has been shown that sites that take a long time to load lose customers (Sales)
Website Hosting
Choosing the right “Host” is critical here. At SEO Hong Kong we only recommend 3 Host
For WordPress Sites:
 WPengine
 Siteground
For Other Platforms:
 BlueHost 21
Content Distribution Network CDN
A content delivery network or content distribution network (CDN) is a globally distributed
network of proxy servers deployed in multiple data centres. The goal of a CDN is to serve
content to end-users with high availability and high performance (speed).
Here at SEO Hong Kong we recommend:
 Cloudflare
Web Site Building Platforms
Here at SEO Hong Kong we exclusively use DIVI by Elegant Themes.
SEO Consulting
If you have any further questions on how to optimize your page as per today's standards, feel
free to contact us at and we can setup an appointment to go
over your site live via Skype. 22
T: +852 5307 3732

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SEO Hong Kong FREE On-Page SEO Optimization Guide

  • 1.
  • 2. 2 Contents Contents Page Introduction 3 On Page SEO Website Optimization 4 On-Page META Data Optimization 5 Content 8 Authority Links 12 YouTube 12 What Is Siloing - Your Site Page Hierarchy 14 Fresh Content Is A Key Ranking Factor 19 A Couple More Google Ranking Factors 20 SEO Consulting 21
  • 3. 3 Introduction There are many ranking factors that will determine whether your website will rank on page 1 Google. Importantly you do not need to attend to all of them and if you concentrate on the Critical Success Factors (CSF) of Website Ranking then you will be successful in ranking your website content so that your customers and potential customers can not only find you your site but can buy your products and services. Furthermore your do not need to be 100% correct in attending to the CSF. The facts are that most websites have little to none SEO applied to them so beating the competition in most cases is going to be fairly easy. The point is attend to the CSF associated with Website Ranking to the best of your ability (without stressing) – take Action or as Nike says “Just Do It” and Facebook “Fail Harder” until you find what works. What You Will Find In this Guide This guide is a compilation of the latest findings on the most effective techniques for on-page SEO and is upto date as at September 2016. As you know, Google changes their algorithm more times than you get of bed in the mornings, and what works at this moment might not work in the future. The aim of this guide is to provide a current upto date resource for a results based on-page SEO strategy that is working right now. Please make sure you have the latest version of this guide. To make sure, please do not hesitate to reach out at About me: My name is Gary Williams CEO of SEO Hong Kong, and we have been involved in SEO since 2002. We have been quite successful ranking our own sites (business and affiliate) and in the process helping others rank their sites. Our mantra is “We only ask that you judge us by our results” We are 100% Results Based as the great Jim Rohn pointed out “Results are the name of the game”. Our experience with SEO has mainly involved ranking our own and other people’s websites on Page 1 Google and ranking YouTube videos. Full details of our products and services can be found on our site here at Why You Can Trust Our SEO Knowledge “We only ask that you judge us by our results” and our results are documented on our site and they speak for themselves.
  • 4. 4 On-Page SEO Website Optimization What Is On-Page SEO And Why Is It So Important? On-Page SEO is the beginning of the SEO process of optimizing your website for Ranking. Now hear us here. It may be the beginning but it will make your life easier if you follow what you learn in this guide as closely as you can. The more on-page SEO your website has the easier it will be to get those page ranking where your existing and potential clients can find you and buy your products and services. On-page SEO is the foundation on which ALL other SEO builds upon. Ignore this at your peril. The Most Common Issue That Is Holding People Back From Ranking Is On-page SEO You may have attended to some of the other off-page SEO Critical Success Factors (CSF) for example: 1. Links pointing to your site 2. Social Media Content distribution 3. Search and Click However you will be constantly running up hill if your on-page SEO is poor and you will probably be trapped on page 2. An analogy is this. You are a formula one racing team. You use the best upto date petrol (your off-page SEO) available but your racing car (your on- page SEO) is 10 years old, receives no servicing and your mechanics were trained 15 years ago and have undertaken no more training since. If you do not build a good upto date racing car with skilled mechanics and regular servicing, your racing car is simply not going to go anywhere despite whatever else you do to get it going. So without upto date on-page SEO as prescribed by SEOs who are at the forefront of the SEO knowledge base and implementing prescribed regular updates to your site; your site is going to rank on page 677 of Google or at best on page 2. Got it. What You Will Find In This On-Page SEO Guide This is an intermediate guide. You should know your way around WordPress, plug-ins, metas, HTML etc. This Guide is for those that need the latest information, which will give them final that push to get onto page 1.
  • 5. 5 What you will find is specific guidelines and techniques for optimizing your site on-page content according to the real google rankings. On-Page META Data Optimization What Is A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) A URL is a URI. A URL is one type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI); the generic term for all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on the World Wide Web (WWW). The term "Web address" is a synonym for a URL that uses the HTTP or HTTPS protocol for example a web address is (a root domain) or (a sub-domain) or more completely (correctly) (a complete URL web site address). Wherever possible we recommend using root domains http:// and not sub-domains www. Web Site Domains Where possible use an Exact Match Domain for your money site. It may mean that you have to be more cautious with your Keyword ratios and anchor text but it is an important signal to Google (and your audience) as to what your site is about. Here then the benefits out-way the negatives. What Is An Exact Match Domain (EMD) An Exact Match Domain (EMD) uses the exact keyword for the domain name. In this Guide, we will use the familiar "cat training" keyword example to illustrate our points. In our example the EMD would be,, or some variation thereof (note always use the root URL and not the sub-domain www.). It has been reported that the value of EMDs have been devalued by Google. We believe that EMDs still work and add value by offering an unfair advantage in site ranking by having the keywords in the URL (more on this later). However, they have a much higher chance of getting hit with over-optimization problems, so be careful with your keyword ratios and anchor text. We have a choice here and we prefer EMDs and PMDs (Partial Matched Domains – see below). The ranking value is just too good to ignore and we have found that it’s still quite hard to get hit with over-optimization penalties when you are choosing anchor text correctly and in the correct ratio. Something to consider if you are not building a “Branded Site” for a client for example Consider making a PMD and EMD site in parallel, especially if you’re a beginner.
  • 6. 6 Making parallel "associated sites" helps you minimize the risk of a penalty for example perhaps only one site may be affected. With the best case scenario being that you rank multiple sites on the first page and dominate the keyword / page ranking. What Is A Partial Match Domain (PMD) A Partial Match Domain (PMD) uses the target keywords, but adds additional words between or around them for example or or even Even having one word of the keyword phrase is enough to put you in the PMD category. PMDs work very well today, as they were blessed with a little more leniency in the June 2014 Google updates. As of now, EMDs and PMDs are our preferred domain naming strategy. We use an EMD if It’s available, and a PMD if not. Even at the inner-page level, we have noticed a significant advantage of partial match over exact match. Throw in an extra word in your inner-page naming and you will find it easier to rank over the exact. For example: PMD inner page: GOOD EMD inner page: BAD What Is A Branded Domain Branded domains include none of the target keywords in the domain name. All of the major domains that Google loves for example WebMD, Forbes, Amazon, Wikipedia are branded domains and are afforded the most latitude against penalization which then enables Branded anchor text from your links to be pointed at your site, which Google also loves. Branded domains are great for a long term strategy. If you’re building a site for a real product and are looking to create some recognition, then this is the way to go. Brand domains are also recommended for beginners, where you might not have a fine grasp on the nuances of optimization. You can have a branded domain homepage targeting your main keyword, even though it doesn't contain the keyword itself in the URL and this is accomplished by taking advantage of the TITLE tag. Optimizing On-page Title META This is what goes into your <title></title> HTML. Also known as your Title Meta. Most people use the popular Wordpress Plug-In's for example "All-in-One SEO" or "Yoast" to create individual title's for each page. Back in the old days, people used to simply spam this field with their keywords. For example, "Cat Training Tips, Cat Training Guide, Learn How To Train Your Cat".
  • 7. 7 Today, you want it to be readable (makes sense) to the user and you want to use the keywords sparingly (more on this later) and make sure to create a unique title for each page. Description META Optimization Same as the title meta. It's filled out with the "All-in-One SEO" or "Yoast" plug in. Use a unique description for each page (more on this later). Furthermore, using the techniques below, we have seen clients get incredible results, with sites jumping from page 6 to page 1, in a very short period of time (days not weeks) simply from following this Guide. These days, it's all about being subtle and not blatantly showing Google what you are trying to rank for. Also this strategy does not risk over-optimization and uses Google's highly intelligent semantic “synonym association” to get Google to recognize your page's relevance towards a specific topic. Get Your Keyword Optimization In The URL Get your keyword in the URL (once), but add an extra word or two. Use synonyms if possible, for example if a Branded Domain is targeting the keyword "cat training". GOOD: (added an extra synonym) BAD: (don't use the exact keyword in the URL) Example: Partial Match Domain is going for target keyword "cat training". GOOD: ("kitten" is a related word to "cat") BAD: ("cat" is used twice) Get Your Keyword In The Page Title Get your keyword in the Page Title (once), keeping the string together for the most part, and keep it at the front of the title tag. GOOD: Cat Training Guide For Beginners | Obedience Tips And More BAD: Cat Training - How To Train Your Cat - Cat Training Tips ("Cat Training" is used twice) META Description On-page Optimization Use the description to increase the click through rate (CTR) as your primary goal. Just like the meta keywords, the description is also not considered in the Google's ranking algorithm However, meta descriptions do indirectly improve rankings because they can directly affect CTR, a key factor in ranking (the basis of search and click). Don’t forget to be salesy: write your descriptions in a way that encourage people to click on
  • 8. 8 your link for example:  Be descriptive about your page  Be persuasive  Make people curious  Cut the length down to 156 characters and add the word FREE of More as the last cut off word. Example: These time tested cat training tips will work for any cat. You will definitely want to check out our free... How To Optimize Your Keyword Meta Tag Some SEOs advise not to use the keyword meta tag as Google doesn't apply it to its ranking algorithm anymore, however we also want to rank for Bing and Yahoo so we sometimes include it. Content Content otherwise known as the context is what goes into the body of the page: the bulk of the text that makes up the body page itself. Here we discuss guidelines on what is working best in the content of your web pages. Header Tags Your <h1>, <h2> and <h3> tags are used to inform Google about the main topic(s) of your page. Also in the past, these fields were spammed and abused as an easy way to tell Google what you wanted to rank for. Using them today, we try to include your target keyword only once in one <h1> tag. And to try and make it a part of a larger phrase, and not just the exact keyword. Example: Cat Training Tips for Newbies Remember each page should only have one <h1> tag. Most themes have it setup to automatically create a <h1> tag from your page title, so be sure that you do not create two. Each <h1> tag can have other <h2> tags underneath it, and the <h3> tags go underneath those <h2> tags. Example:  Cat Training Tips for Newbies  House Breaking (Potty Obedience)  Kittens  Older Pets
  • 9. 9  Tricks  Sit  Shake  Roll-over (note: in the above example, we still only use "cat" and "training" in the H1 Tag) What About Ranking For Multiple Key Words When it comes to on-page optimization, certain places are more valuable to have your keywords in than others. Based our tests, and in the order of impact, from the most valuable keyword real-estate to the least valuable: 1. URL 2. SEO Title Tag (i.e.: <TITLE></TITLE>) 3. H1 (i.e.: Page title) 4. H2, H3 5. Content We can use this knowledge to our advantage, if we have multiple keywords that we want to target on a single page, which should typically always be the case. Let's say we have the following keywords we want to target on the homepage in order of importance: 1. Cat Training 2. Cat Obedience 3. Cat School 4. Litter Training For Cats 5. Cat Ball Training Let’s start with our URL, making a branded domain, with an inner page targeting. How many keywords can we fit in the URL without looking spammy. The following URL covers our two most important keywords. URL: Now for the SEO title tag. Again, let’s try to get as many keywords as possible in there, remembering the rules we read about before. SEO Title Tag: Cat Training And Obedience School | Feline Expert Feline Expert is included in the Tile Tag for Branding purposes – not for generic ranking purposes. Next comes our Page Title and we definitely will want to get our top keywords in here, and let’s also try to include some of the words that we have not used so far. Additionally, we'll use a synonym “Kittens” to get some semantic advantage.
  • 10. 10 Page Title: Cat Training School For Both Kittens And Adult Moggy Whatever we cannot fit into the page tile, whether it’s because of length issues or if it’s just not making sense for our sales copy, we can fit on H2's and H3's. H2: Litter Training H2: Playing Ball With Your Cat Lastly, in the event that we have a long list of keywords, make sure to put them in the content somewhere – see relevancy. Furthermore, let's say you're trying to rank for the keywords "____ review" and "____ reviews". You will need to include both 'review' and 'reviews' somewhere on your page. If these are important keywords, then definitely also drop them in the URL, SEO Title Tag, or Page Title. Content Word Count SEOs debate over how many words per page is optimal. No one has the exact number, because it pertains on a per-niche and per-keyword basis. For example, pages in the Life Insurance niche typically require more words per page to rank than others. However, based on our testing experience and recent third party studies, the minimum amount of words you want on a page is: Regular page: 500+ words Web 2.0 page: 1000+ words To be safe, we recommend writing any page you want to rank for with 1000+ words or more. It’s just going to make your life easier. This however cannot always be achieved, especially if your site is highly graphical, so in those circumstances, stick to the minimum recommendations above. Google is always looking for highly relevant content and for some niches this requires lengthy articles. We at SEO Hong Kong have some pages at 22,000+ words with Video and Images and this alone helped us move our client’s site from page 2 to Page 1 on Google with no other actions. Keyword Density Keyword density / ratios is also niche specific, there is no magic formula or rule of thumb here. However, today it is all about being subtle so you should be looking at keyword density as an under-optimization SEO effort.
  • 11. 11 Individual Words Of A Keyword Phrase Matter Too Many people ask us to take a look at their site to see if they are over-optimized, for example they may only have "cat training" on their page 4 times, but "cat" is used 40 times and "training" is used 30 times. This has a Google Panda-penalty written all over it – but see below. So keep keyword phrases down to only 2-3 occurrences: for example once in a <h tag> and 1-2 times in the body of the content on the page. Also try to keep individual words (Keywords for example “cat”) down to less than 15 occurrences. Remember to use synonyms for example Kitten to keep the relevancy and the Keyword number count down. (The above recommendations are for a 500-word article). However some Keywords can be used more than others if it appears “natural” – to Google. For example a website for insurance products would use the word “insurance” often and quite naturally. However if the company was based in say New York and it used a Keyword phrase “New York Life and Health Insurance” more than say 2-3 times (max on a 500 words page count) then the page / site has a Google Panda-penalty written all over it. In summary be conservative and subtle; smaller natural keywords can be used more often than longer specific keywords but less is more here. Synonyms Synonyms are the most under-utilized tool in the on-page arsenal. You can and should use synonyms to establish relevance for a page without risking over-optimization. In our cat training example, we can use the following words instead of "cat" and "training":  Kitten  Tomcat  Tabby  Moggy  Obedience  Learning  Instruction Since our page targeting the Keyword "cat training" we can use "moggy" and "instruction" as often as we wish. We do not care if we are over-optimized for these keywords because hardly anyone is searching for "moggy instruction." But by using these words we are establishing a high degree of relevance for the page.
  • 12. 12 Authority Links Authority Links are very important and relevant way to establish extreme relevance for a page. The way to do this is to link out to an authority page in your niche. For example: 1. A US tax accountant could link out to page articles on 2. A health site could link out to page articles on 3. General authority links can be found on page articles such as Any “authority site” that is not a competitor with a Domain Authority (DA) of over 90 will be perfect. The ranking benefits of linking to authority sites was has been tested and quantified in this study. For our example, linking to a article for "cat training" would be ideal. Try and avoid Wikipedia for your authority links. This is what every other SEO uses and let’s remember that Google does not like SEOs, so let’s not look like one. Always in SEO ask yourself; is what I am doing going to look natural – to Google. For every page that you are trying to rank, throw up an authority link somewhere on that page, past the fold, as putting it anywhere above the fold increases the chance that the reader will actually click on it and leave your page (so always set to open links on a separate page, this also keeps your bounce rate low). There is a lot of discussions in the SEO community about whether or not to make authority links dofollow or nofollow. The nofollow school point of view is that they want to keep all their link juice on their site and refrain from leaking it off the page. However this is not “natural”, so here at SEO Hong Kong we use dofollow authority links since the disadvantage of having doflollow authority links on the page would not be worth it. If you are worried about ranking another page, simply link to an authority page (DA 90+) that is not a competitor, and/or does not rank higher than you already, and/or is not on page 1. YouTube Like an authority link, embedding a YouTube video on your page further increases relevance for the page. Videos also increase on-page engagement time, another important metrics in Google’s ranking algorithm together with the increase in UX.
  • 13. 13 Remember Google loves Google, and Google owns YouTube. 1. Just go to 2. Search for the video 3. Go to share and look for embed - copy and paste into your page Here is an example: Google Map Embeds Just as an authority link, embedding a YouTube video on your page increases relevance and authority to your page, so does embedding a Google map on your page - especially for Local SEO. You can also embed the Google map in your footer so that it will appear on every page. You will need a Google Business Listing (Google My business (GMB)). 1. Just go to Google Maps at 2. Search your location / business 3. Go to share and look for embed - copy and paste into your page Here is an example:
  • 14. 14 Just embed the highlighted text (embed code) onto your page. What Is Siloing - Your Site Page Hierarchy Siloing (Web Design Architecture) is an essential on-page strategy that allows you to get the most out of the backlinks coming onto your page. Instead of ranking for just one page that you send backlinks too, you will rank for any number of pages that you want. Siloing is an inner page interlinking technique that can be best illustrated by an example. In our 'cat training' example, lets target the homepage with the keyword "cat training". We have done our keyword research and have found that "cat tricks" and "cat house training" are profitable keywords and so we will build “first tier” pages targeting to those keywords as well. We have also undertaken some deep Keyword Research and discovered the topic "cat tricks" and found that many people are searching for "teach a cat to sit" and "teach a cat to roll over", so we will want to build sub-pages for those to. Here is what our page hierarchy would look like.
  • 15. 15 When we interlink these pages, for the anchor text we want to use the target keyword(s) the next page is trying to rank for – with its relevant on-page content to that Keyword. So for example when we pass an inbound link to the homepage the effect is that some of the link juice will trickle down to the next page(s) in the “silo hierarchy” and will be focused on the target keyword. So if you send one link to the homepage, each of the hierarchical pages below will get some ranking boost too. You want to place these links in the context, relevance and content of the page. The sidebar and menus do not produce the same effect – bang for your buck. Here is an example of Anchor Text on the homepage Training your cat can be an easy task, if you know the right way to do it. Many people would like to teach their cat tricks, which can be a fun and enjoyable exercise. We recommend starting at a young age... And here is what the diagram would look like with example anchors on the connecting lines.
  • 16. 16 The final and most important step is to link silo hierarchy pages back up to the homepage. This recycles the link juice back to the homepage, which targets your most important keywords. So essentially, no matter what page you send a link to on your site, all pages are going to be getting some benefit. When it comes to internal links, there are still rules for anchor text optimization, but the rules are much more relaxed than for off-site SEO. Try to vary up the anchor text for the links back to the homepage, as this page will be receiving tons of inner links. Anchor Text Ratios - What We Typically Recommend 50% Target anchors 25% Brand or URL anchors 25% Miscellaneous anchors
  • 17. 17 Other Benefits Of Internal Relevant Link Building Apart from the passing of link juice and UX navigation. When you try to rank a page on a particular subject, Google expects to see that there are other supporting articles linking to this page. This is called establishing relevance on a topic. Let's take our cat training site that is ranking quite nicely for "cat training lessons". Over the years this site has published a lot of content related to cat training and as a result there is no question in Google's mind that this site is about cat training. The site owners decide to expand their business to include cat clothes. So their SEO throws up a page on cat clothes and adds some backlinks to the page. After 6 months the page is still stuck on page 3. The problem is that there are no site pages citing / linking to the cat clothes page as a reference / relevance. As a consequence Google does not think that this site is really about cat clothes. To resolve this, the site owner's SEO simply needs to create some relevant pages (at least 3 pages but the more the better) and link them to the page he wants to rank – cat clothes. As always this works particularly well for local SEO for example a cat clothes shop operating in New York.
  • 18. 18 Adding pages such as:  New York Cats Clothes Review  Best Cat Clothes Shop In New York  Trendy Cat Clothes For New York City  Famous Cats Get Clothes Makeover In New York These pages would add relevance in Google’s eyes and substantially aid in the ranking process. These pages do not even need to be accessible from the navigation bar (Site Menu). As long as they are in the XML sitemap and indexed, their work is done. The concept of relevance is often misunderstood or even ignored when it comes to on-page SEO. If you can understand and implement these ideas, you will get much better ranking results. What Is Schema Markup Schema markup is code (semantic vocabulary) that you put on your website to help the search engines return more informative results for users. If you have ever used rich snippets, then you will understand exactly what schema markup is all about. Here is an example of a Schema code for a rating. </p><p style=”text-align:center;”><span itemprop=”aggregateRating” itemscope itemtype=””> Rated <span itemprop=”ratingValue”><strong>5</strong></span><strong>/5</strong> based on <span itemprop=”reviewCount”>11</span> reviews</span></p> Adding Schema markup to your HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) improves the way your page is displayed in SERPs by enhancing the rich snippets that are displayed beneath the page title. We have had tremendous results using Schema particularly with Local SEO and “Snack Pack” ranking for our clients local businesses in their associated Google My Business. Schema then is used to “mark-up” and highlight certain aspects of your data so that Google can easily understand what your page is about. In addition, Google is able to upgrade the user experience by building knowledge graphs and displaying review stars in the SERP results. Schema is definitely a ranking factor and has been quoted by Google as having an influence on a page’s quality score. So why not implement it? Especially if you are involved in local SEO, where Schema has a strong impact on establishing locality rankings. People often get intimidated by the complexity of Schema, when in fact, it is extremely easy to implement on any site.
  • 19. 19 Here is what you need to know. 1. Go here: 2. Fill out the form 3. Take the code that they give you and paste it into your Wordpress footer.php file 4. Save and that is all there is to it. The site schema generator will give you the basics of what you need to get the code up and running on your site. Fresh Content Is A Key Ranking Factor So you have just completed your website and optimized it to the fullest. So now you can forget all about your site and focus completely on your off-site SEO. Not quite. You may have heard about Google’s Freshness Algorithm. Here Google wants it's search results to present the most informative and upto date content regarding a particular search as part of it's UX. It makes sense therefore that they would reward pages and websites that are constantly delivering new and original content. Without new and original contact you will always be running up hill to rank a site. This does not mean that you need to commit to daily blogs, as there is a bare minimum that we have found through testing that not only will minimize your work, but will also take advantage of Google's algorithm and allow me to rank faster than the competition. How Many Blog Posts Per Month The answer is once per month; create at least one new blog post per month. This tells Google that your site is active and alive, and importantly that the site is churning out new content, which is getting read by your social following. Also: Link it back to your homepage and/or other relevant silo pages on your site. This will further establish relevance for each of these pages as time goes on. Syndicate these blog posts to your social profiles. You should have a Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc already setup for your website. Then every time you release a new blog post, make sure that the article gets posted onto your feeds. This can easily be automated with or with WordPress plugins for example Jetpack or SNAP.
  • 20. 20 Do Not: Write about a topic that you have already covered, even if the article is 100% Copyscape unique. If you have already covered a topic, then do not rewrite a new article on the same topic. Think of something else or you are opening your site to a duplicate content flag or at the very least you will be competing with yourself. Refresh Your Existing Content Also, once per month, take an existing page that you are trying to rank (your homepage or a silo page) and update the content on it. It will not take much effort, just add a short paragraph, an image, or a video and that will be enough. This tells Google that the specific page that they are already ranking has just got even more current and deserves its place in the Search Engine Results Page (SERPs). We usually alternate like this: 1. Homepage 2. Inner page A 3. Homepage 4. Inner page B But be careful when adding new content so that you do not over-optimize the keyword density / ratio. A Couple More Google Ranking Factors Google is all about the User Experience (UX). As a consequence a sites load speed should be as fast as possible for the following reasons: 1. Google uses a sites load speed as a ranking factor. 2. It has been shown that sites that take a long time to load lose customers (Sales) Website Hosting Choosing the right “Host” is critical here. At SEO Hong Kong we only recommend 3 Host providers. For WordPress Sites:  WPengine  Siteground For Other Platforms:  BlueHost
  • 21. 21 Content Distribution Network CDN A content delivery network or content distribution network (CDN) is a globally distributed network of proxy servers deployed in multiple data centres. The goal of a CDN is to serve content to end-users with high availability and high performance (speed). Here at SEO Hong Kong we recommend:  Cloudflare Web Site Building Platforms Here at SEO Hong Kong we exclusively use DIVI by Elegant Themes. SEO Consulting If you have any further questions on how to optimize your page as per today's standards, feel free to contact us at and we can setup an appointment to go over your site live via Skype.
  • 22. 22 T: +852 5307 3732 W: E: