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Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
Chapter: 1 Topic: Selenium IDE Basics
1. What is Selenium IDE?
a. Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is an ideal tool used to develop
selenium test scripts.
b. Which allows us to record user actions on browser window
c. It operates as a Mozilla Firefox add on and provides an easy to use interface for
developing and running individual test cases or entire test suites
d. An open source functional automation tool
e. All of the above
Ans: e
2. How do you open/start selenium-ide after installation ?
a. Goto Start > All Programs > Selenium IDE
b. First launch/open firefox browser and then click on 'Tools' tab in the menu bar and click
Selenium IDE
c. Click Shortcut option on the Desktop
d. None of the above
Ans: b
3. Features of selenium IDE ____
a. Its main feature is record and playback
b .Identifies element using id, name, xpath etc
c. It has an option of asserting title of every page automatically
d. It has a feature of exporting testcase/suite into different formats like C#, Java, Ruby,
e. All of the above
Ans: e
4. Selenium IDE runs in ____ browser
a. Chrome
b. IE 8
c. Safari
d. Firefox
e. Netscape
Ans: d
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
5. Selenium IDE can execute scripts created in ____
a. Selene’s only
c. C#
d. Ruby
e. Python
Ans: a
6. Selenium IDE cannot upload files.
Ans: a
7. Selenium IDE directly does not support Loops and Conditions
Ans: a
8. Selenium IDE can read external files like ....
a. .txt files
b. .csv files
c. Can't read
d. .xls files
e. None of the above
9. Selenium _____ are the way of finding HTML element on the page to perform Selenium
a. xpath
b. locators
c. element id
d. None of the above
Ans: b
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
10. We use ____(for firefox) to identify elements
a. Object Spy
c. Xpath
d. Firebug
Ans: d
11. What is selenese ?
a. Selenium set of commands
b. A type of language
c. Scripting language
d. All of the above
Ans: a
12. ____ is used when the expected value is mandatory to continue with next set of steps
a. Verify
b. Wait For Text
c. Assert
d. Verify Text
Ans: c
13. ____ is used when the expected value is optional to continue with the next set of steps
a. Verify
b. Assert
c. Verify Text
d. Wait For Text
Ans: a
14. Can tests recorded using Selenium IDE be run in other browsers?
a. Yes
b. No
Ans: a
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
15. What kind of application is the Selenium IDE?
a. Windows Application
b. Web application
c. Firefox add-on
d. None of the above
Ans: c
16. A Selenium IDE test case has three columns, Command, Target and Value. What data is
stored in the Target column?
a. Element or location where the command is executed
b. Test step execution result
c. [Optional] purpose of the test step
d. None of the above
Ans: a
17. By default, in which format does the Selenium IDE save a test case?
a. In proprietary format
b. As HTML
c. As Java source code
d. As Ruby or Python or C# code depending on user options selected during installation
Ans: b
18. What features are available in Selenium IDE to debug an automated test case?
a. Toggle Breakpoint
b. Pause/ Resume
c. Step
d. All of the above
Ans: d
19. What is the Selenium print command?
a. echo
b. print
c. alert
d. System.out.println()
Ans: 1
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
20. What is the difference between a command and the same command with "AndWait" (e.g.
click and clickAndWait commands)?
a. Selenium waits indefinitely for the result of the "AndWait" command.
b. It waits for the result of the "AndWait" command but only for 30 seconds (default
c. It waits for the result of the "AndWait" command but only up to a maximum of 30
seconds (default timeout).
d. Some commands do not have an "AndWait" command, so this question is incorrect.
Ans: c
21. What is the correct syntax to access the value of a Selenium variable called name?
a. name
b. $name
c. {name}
d. ${name}
Ans: d
22. In which associative array does Selenium store all of a test case's variables and their
respective values?
a. Array
b. storedVars
c. var
d. There is no such array in Selenium
Ans: b
23. Where can you create your own Selenium commands?
a. This is not possible.
b. In user-extensions.js file
c. In any JavaScript file, but the preferred name is user-extensions.js for consistency
d. In any Java, C#, Python, Ruby, PHP or Perl file
Ans: c
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
24. What is the purpose of the Find button?
a. Highlight the element that is given in the locator
b. Search the appropriate command for the given target
c. Find the current value of the target
d. None of the above
Ans: a
25. Why are relative XPaths preferred over absolute XPaths as locators?
a. For non-root elements, absolute XPaths are longer and slow down the test automation.
b. Absolute XPaths fail if any part of the path changes even slightly.
c. Relative XPaths are the default in Selenium.
d. None of the above
Ans: b
26. What is the best way to handle asynchronous data retrieval from the server as in AJAX
a. Run the test case at the slowest speed.
b. Use the pause command.
c. Use the "AndWait" commands.
d. Use the "waitFor" commands.
Ans: d
27. What happens when the application creates a JavaScript alert during test case play?
a. The alert is suppressed by Selenium..
b. If there is no command to handle the alert, the play is stopped with an error.
c. If the alert is handled with assertAlert, assertAlertPresent or verifyAlert, no alert is
displayed and there is no error.
d. All of the above
Ans: d
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
Chapter: 2 Topic: Selenium RC
1. What is Selenium RC?
a. Selenium RC starts up browsers(one at a time) and then runs commands we pass along
from our tests
b. It allows us to use a programming language for maximum flexibility and extensibility in
developing test logic
c. It provides an API and library for each of its supports languages like Java, Ruby,
Python, Perl and C#
d. All of the above
2. Selenium RC components are ___
a. Selenium server
b. Client libraries
c. Selenium Grid
d. Both 1 & 2
Ans: d
3. Selenium Server launches and kills browser
Ans: a
4. ____ provide the interface between each programming language and the Selenium RC
a. Selenium RC
b. Client libraries
c. Selenium Server
d. None of the above
5. Why selenium RC is used ?
a. Used to automate web applications with more effective browser actions when compared
to Selenium IDE
b. We can handle multiple windows and pop-ups, we can use loops and conditions,
capturing screenshot etc
c. RC can perform Data-Driven (read/write data from external files) concept, decent report
generation and mailing
d. All of the above
Ans: d
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
6. What are the languages and operating systems that support RC ?
a. Java
b. C#
c. Perl
d. Python
e. All of the above
Ans: e
7. Sleep() method is used ___
a. To pause the test execution until the time provided in sleep method
b. To stop the test
c. To set the time of delay which will follow each and every selenium command
d. None of the above
Ans: a
8. How do you select second value from a drop down menu?
a. String a[]=selenium.getSelectOptions(locator of drop down);"locator of drop down", a[2]);
b."locator of drop down", "value);
c. String a[]=selenium.getSelectOptions(locator of drop down);"locator of drop down", a[1]);
d. None of the above
Ans: c
9. What are the frameworks available in RC ?
a. JUnit
b. NUnit
c. TestNG
d. Bromine
e. All of the above
Ans: e
10. How do you run selenium commands in slow motion in Selenium RC?
a. Thread. Sleep
b. Selenium.SetSpeed
c. Wait()
d. Both 1 & 2
Ans: d
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
Chapter: 2 Topic: JUnit
1. What Is JUnit?
a. It is a software testing framework to for unit testing.
b. It is written in Java and designed to test Java applications.
c. It is an Open Source Software
d. All of the above
Ans: d
2. How to Write a Simple JUnit Test Class?
a. import org.junit.*;
public class HelloTest
@Test public void testHello()
String message = "Hello World!";
Assert.assertEquals(12, message.length());
b. @Test public void testHello()
String message = "Hello World!";
Assert.assertEquals(12, message.length());
c. public class HelloTest
@Test public void testHello()
String message = "Hello World!";
Assert.assertEquals(12, message.length());
d. None of the above
3. Why Not Just Use a Debugger for Unit Testing?
a. Debugger is designed for automation unit testing
b. Debugger is designed for manual debugging
c. Debugger can be used for unit testing
d. All of the above
Ans: b
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
4. Do You Need to Write a Test Class for Every Class That Need to Be Tested?
a. Yes
b. No
Ans: b
5. How to create a Test Suite using JUnit in Eclipse?
a. Select File > New > Other... > Java > JUnit > JUnit Test Suite.
b. Select the arrow of the button in the upper left of the toolbar. Select Other... > Java >
JUnit > JUnit Test Suite,
c. Right click on a package in the Package Explorer view in the Java Perspective, and
select Other... > Java > JUnit > JUnit Test Suite,
d. You can create a normal Java class, but include junit.framework.TestSuite as the super
class of the test class you are creating.
e. All of the above
Ans: e
6. How to Run a JUnit Test Case in Eclipse?
a. You can right click on the test case class or test suite class and select Run As > JUnit
b. You can select a test case or suite and click the arrow on the icon or select Run from
the toolbar, and select Run As > JUnit Test.
c. Both 1 and 2
d. None of the above
Ans: c
Chapter: 2 Topic: JUnit
1. ANT is a ___
a. a. Build Tool Only For Java.
b. b. Build Tools Only For .Net
c. A language
d. Build Tool
Ans: d
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
2. How to make build directory in XML file?
a. <mkdir dir="${}"/>
b. <makedir dir="${}"/>
c. <mkdir Dir="{}"/>
d. None of the above
Ans: c
3. Which one are the properties of the Ant?
a. Basedir
b. Basedir
c. Rootdir
d. None of the above
Ans: b
4. Which one is not a property of the Ant?
b. ant.version
c. ant.create
d. ant.home
Ans: c
5. Which one is true method for message printing in xml file?
a. printf
b. println
c. echo
d. None of the above
Ans: c
6. We can execute the class file with help of Ant?
Ans: a
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
7. What is Stand for is Ant VM?
a. Account Virtual Machines
b. Accountable Virtual Machines
c. Amount able Virtual Machines
d. All of the above
Ans: b
8. How to set the Source directory in Ant?
a. <Property name="dir.src" value="src"/>
b. <property name="" value="biuld"/>
c. <property name="dir.src" value="src"/>
d. None of the above
Ans: c
9. Ant can make directory with relative path?
Ans: a
10. Which one is the sign of path separator in Ant?
a. .
b. ;
c. ,
d. :
Ans: c
Chapter: 2 Topic: Basics of Core JAVA
1. What is Constructor?
a. A constructor is a special method whose task is to initialize the object of its class
b. Constructor is invoked whenever an object of its associated class is created
c. It is special because its name is the same as the class name
d. All of the above
Ans: d
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
2. Can constructor be inherited?
a. Yes
b. No
Ans: b
3. What are Access Specifies available in Java?
a. Public
b. Protected
c. Default
d. Private
e. All of the above
Ans: e
4. Is delete , next, main, exit or null keyword in Java?
a. Yes
b. No
Ans: b
5. What if you write Static public void instead of public static void?
a. Program will not compile
b. Program will not run properly
c. Program compiles and runs properly
d. Syntax Error
Ans: c
6. What is the default value of the local variables?
a. Local variables are not initialized to any default value
b. Local variables are initialized to default value 0
c. Local variables are initialized to default value NULL
d. None of the above
Ans: a
7. What will be the initial value of an object reference which is defined as an instance variable?
a. 0
b. 1
c. No initial value
d. Null
Ans: d
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
8. What is the purpose of default constructor?
a. Default constructor provides 0 to the objects
b. Default constructor provides the default values to the objects
c. Default constructor does nothing
d. None of the above
Ans: b
9. What is JVM?
a. Java virtual machine
b. Provides runtime environment to execute java bytecode
c. JVM is platform dependent
d. All of the above
Ans: d
10. What is the return type of the main method?
a. Main method doesn't return anything hence declared void
b. It returns default value 0
c. It returns the value of function called within it
d. None of the above
Ans: a
11. Is Java support pointer?
Ans: a
12. Which is here class?
a. int
b. integer
c. float
d. double
Ans: b
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
13. Size of char in Java?
a. 1 byte
b. 2 byte
c. 4 byte
d. 8 byte
Ans: b
14. Is Java support multiple inheritance?
Ans: a
15. Which two statements are reserved words in java?
A. Run
B. Import
C. Default
D. implement
a. B,C
b. A,B
c. A,D
d. B,D
Ans: a
16. Which will declare a method that forces a subclass to implement it?
a. Public double methodx();
b. Static void methodx(double d1) {}
c. Public native double methodx();
d. Abstract public void methodx();
Ans: d
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
17. public class Foo {
public static void main (string [] args)
StringBuffer a = new StringBuffer ("A");
StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer ("B");
system.out.println(a + "," + b);
static void operate (StringBuffer x, StringBuffer y) {
a. Code compiles and prints A
b. Code compiles and prints B
c. Code compiles and prints AB
d. None of the above
Ans: c
18. Which constructs a DataOutputStream?
a. new dataOutputStream(new writer("out.txt"));
b. new dataOutputStream(new FileWriter("out.txt"));
c. new dataOutputStream(new OutputStream("out.txt"));
d. new dataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("out.txt"));
Ans: d
19. Which can be used to encodeChars for output?
Ans: b
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
20. class StaticDemo
static int a = 42;
static int b = 99;
staticvoid ca||me()-{
System.out.println("a = " + a);
class StaticByName{
public static void main(String args[]){||me();
System.out.print|n("b = " + StaticDemo~b);
a. a=42
b. a=99
c. a=88
d. None of the above
Ans: a
21. Which of these not associated Java?
a. exception
b. extern
c. extends
d. error
Ans: b
22. Collection interface found in which package?
a. java.lang
c. java.util
Ans: c
23. Hashcode method must be used with which method?
a. init()
b. service()
c. finally()
d. equals()
Ans: d
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
24. Wait, notify, notify belongs to which class?
a. thread
b. object
c. object class
d. None of the above
Ans: b
25. Java supports which code?
a. ascii
b. ebcdic
c. Unicode
d. Grey
Ans: c
26. Static keyword associated with ___
a. object
b. exception
c. class
d. error
Ans: c
27. Which structure used for synchronization?
a. hash table
b. array list
c. array
d. All of the above
Ans: d
28. Which structure store unique element?
a. array
b. linked list
c. set
d. stringbuffer
Ans: c
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
29. You can use date related function in which package in Java?
a. java.util
c. java.lang
d. All of the above
Ans: a
30. Which is true about thread in Java?
a. Thread share the address space
b. Thread can be created by extending thread class
c. Thread is a lightweight class
d. All of the above
Ans: d
Chapter: 4&5 Topic: JUnit annotations
1. The annotation ___ identifies that a method is a test method
a. @Before
b. @Test
c. @After
d. @Ignore
Ans: b
2. ____ will execute the method before each test.
a. @Before
b. @Test
c. @After
d. @After Class
Ans: a
3. ____ will execute the method after each test.
a. @Before
b. @After Class
c. @Test
d. @After
Ans: d
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
4. @ Test(timeout=100), what is the significance of this statement?
a. Pass, if the method takes longer than 100 miliseconds
b. Same as @Test
c. Fails, if the method takes longer than 100 miliseconds
d. None of the above
Ans: c
5. ____ will execute the method once, before the start of all tests.
a. @Before
b. @Before Class
c. @After
d. @Test
Ans: b
6. ____ will execute the method once, after all tests have finished.
a. @After Class
b. @Before Class
c. @After
d. @Ignore
Ans: a
Chapter: 4&5 Topic: DATA Driven
1. Does Selenium support Data Driven Framework?
a. No
b. Only supports Modular framework
c. Yes
d. Only supports Keyword driven framework
e. None of the above
Ans: c
2. In___ approach tests can be executed multiple sets of test data
a. Data Driven Framework
b. Modular Framework
c. Keyword Driven Framework
d. Hybrid Framework
Ans: a
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
3. What is the basic approach of Data Driven Framework?
a. Code and Data as a single unit
b. Code and Data as a separate units
c. None of the above
Ans: b
4. Which statement is correct to create excel automation object using POI excel API?
a. File myxl == new File (<excel path>)
b. File myxl = File (<excel path>)
c. myxl = new File (<excel path>)
d. File myxl = new File (<excel path>)
Ans: d
5. Find out the correct option to open a excel file for read.
a. File myxl = new File (<excel path>)
FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(myxl)
b. FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(myxl)
c. FileInputStream stream = FileInputStream(myxl)
d. None of the above
Ans: a
6. HSSFCell cell = row.getcell(j)
This statement will give provided cell data
c. Syntax not correct
d. None of the above
Ans: b
7. In Data Driven Framework, data can be only accessed from excel.
Ans: b
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
8. Data Driven Framework used for only one set of Test Data
Ans: b
9. Function libraries concept cannot be implemented in Data Driven Framework. Is it right?
a. Yes
b. May be
c. No
d. Both (1) and (2)
e. All of the Above
Ans: c
10. In Data Driven Framework, can you access data from database?
a. Yes
b. No
c. May be
d. All of the Above
Ans: a
11. ___Statement is used to close excel automation object. If myxl object is already created
a. myxl.close()
b. Close()
c. myxl.close
d. None of the above
Ans: a
12. Does Data Driven Framework supports parallel execution of scripts?
a. Yes
b. No
Ans: a
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
13. How to create new excel file?
a. "HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
HSSFSheet sheet = createSheet(""Sample sheet"");"
b. HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Sample sheet");
c. HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
sheet = workbook.createSheet("Sample sheet");
d. All of the above
Ans: b
14. How to create array in Java for primitive data types?
a. int[] myarr=int[3];
b. myarr=new int[3];
c. int[] myarr=new int[3];
d. None of the above
Ans: c
15. Array subscripts start with the ___ in java.
a. 1
b. 2
c. -1
d. 0
Ans: d
Chapter: 6 Topic: Keyword Driven
1. What is Keyword driven framework?
a. Where JAVA keywords are used to call functions
b. Where pre defined keywords are used to describe actions
c. In this framework multiple data sets can be used to test
d. All of the above
Ans: b
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
2. Which file is mostly used to define keywords for Keyword Driven Framework?
a. In Text file
b. In Excel file
c. In CSV file
d. All of the above
Ans: b
3. Can manual tester develop tests in Keyword Driven Framework?
a. Yes
b. No
c. May be
d. None of the above
Ans: a
4. Can you define different function libraries in Keyword Driven Framework?
a. No
b. Yes
c. May be
d. None of the above
Ans: b
5. Each keyword related to a function defined in function library. Is this statement True?
a. May be
d. None of the above
Ans: c
6. While Designing Keyword Driven Framework we can map keywords at ___
a. Operation level
b. Functional level
c. Both Operation and functional level
d. None of the above
Ans: c
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
7. What are the common components of Keyword driven framework?
a. Excel Sheet to Store the Keywords
b. Function Library
c. Test Control file
d. Test Scripts
e. All of the above
Ans: e
8. What is Driver script in framework?
a. Script is used to initialize and read the control files
b. Consists details of all the Test scenarios to be automated.
c. Driver Script reads the Test Case files. Checks the keywords and calls the appropriate
utility script functions based on specific keyword
d. None of the above
Ans: c
Chapter: 7 Topic: Webdriver Overview
1. Which of these WebDriver interface methods is used to open a URL in the browser?
a. get
b. navigate().to
c. Any of the above
d. None of the above
Ans: c
2. What is the difference between Web Driver close and quit methods?
a. Nothing, these methods are interchangeable.
b. Close method clears the browser memory and the quit method closes the browser
c. Close method closes the browser but the quit method additionally removes the
connection to the server.
d. Close method closes the main browser window but the quit method closes all the
browser windows including popups.
Ans: d
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
3. When invoked on a web element, what does the submit method do?
a. It is used to submit a form and it works on any web element.
b. It is used to submit a form but it works only on the web element whose type is "submit".
c. It is the same as the click method.
d. There is no submitting method for a web element.
Ans: a
4. Which Web Driver method is used to change focus to an alert, a web element or a browser
a. Change Focus
b. switchTo
c. goTo
d. setFocus
Ans: b
5. What functionality does Web Driver support on browser cookies?
a. add and delete an individual cookie
b. delete all cookies
c. Any of the above
d. None of the above
Ans: c
6. What is the scope of an implicit wait?
a. All instances of Web Driver
b. Current Web Driver instance
c. Current expected condition
d. Current web element
Ans: b
7. What is Selenium Web driver?
a. It is an API
b. A tool for writing automated tests of website
c. Successor of Selenium RC
d. All of the above
Ans: d
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
8. Which browsers does Web driver support?
a. Chrome
b. Internet Explorer
c. Firefox
d. Opera
e. All of the above
Ans: e
9. What are the advantages of web driver?
a. Unlike RC you don’t have to start a server in webdriver
b. Tabs and pops are more or less the same. RC can also handle and Web driver can also
c. Simulate key press events of keyboard.
d. Better features for Ajax testing.
e. All of the above
Ans: e
10. How to create instance of firefox driver using webdriver?
a. driver = new FirefoxDriver();
b. driver = FirefoxDriver();
c. driver = new Firefox;
d. None of the above
Ans: a
Chapter: 8 Topic: Keyword Driven Framework - Using Webdriver
1. What are the external files which will be required to develop Keyword driven framwork?
a. TestNG
c. JUnit
d. TestNG plugin for eclipse
e. All of the above
Ans: e
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
2. What is the purpose of Testing component in Keyword driven framework?
a. in order to data drive our test
b. in order to read excel file
c. requires to verify conditions
d. None of the above
Ans: a
3. JXL/POI jar files are required to _____.
a. requires to verify conditions
b. in order to use Microsoft Excel files as data source
c. in order to data drive our test
d. All of the above
Ans: b
4. How to create an instance of WebDriver?
a. Web Driver driver = FirefoxDriver();
b. Web Driver = new FirefoxDriver();
c. Web Driver driver = CreateObject FirefoxDriver();
d. Web Driver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
Ans: d
5. How to navigate to the ITeLearn home page?
a. Webdriver.get("");
b. driver.navigate("");
c. driver.get("");
d. None of the above
Ans: c
6. How to find an element by Name?
a. Web Element search Box = driver.findElement("someElement"));
b. Web Element search Box = findElement("someElement"));
c. Web Element search Box = driver.findElement(name("someElement"));
d. All of the above
Ans: a
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
7. Display the title of the page ____.
a. System.out.println("Title: " + driver.Title());
b. System.out.println("Title: " + driver.getTitle());
c. System.out.println("Title: " + getTitle());
d. None of the above
Ans: b
8. Does Selenium supports regular expression?
a. Yes
b. No
Ans: a
9. _____ statement matches links such as 'Over $75', 'Over $85' etc
a."link=^Over $[0-9]+$");
b."link=regexpi:^Over $+$");
c."link=regexpi:Over $[0-9]+$");
d."link=regexpi:^Over $[0-9]+$");
Ans: d
10. ____ statement clicks on the first image that has an id attribute that starts with
d. None of the above
Ans: c
Chapter: 9 Topic: Hybrid Framework using Webdriver
1.____ is the combination of both keyboard driven and data driven
a. Linear Framework
b. Hybrid Framework
c. Modular Framework
d. Keyword Driven Framework
Ans: b
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
2. In Which case we can design Hybrid Framework
a. Rich Application functionality
b. Data sensitive testing
c. Regression testing
d. All of the above
Ans: d
3. What are the advantages of Hybrid framework?
a. Flexible
b. Increases accuracy
c. Highest ROI
d. All of the above
Ans: d
4. In Hybrid framework, data can accessed through database, excel file, xml etc.
Ans: a
5. Hybrid framework can be implemented for any application.
Ans: a
6. What are the frameworks available other than DDF, KDF and Hybrid?
a. Linear Framework
b. Modular Framework
c. Structured Framework
d. All of the above
Ans: d
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
Chapter: 12 Topic: Selenium Database Testing
1. What are the advantages of Database testing?
a. Both functional and DB testing can be performed at the same time while running the
automation script
b. Validate data displaying on a webpage and compare the same with database.
c. Connect to SQL, MySQL servers etc.
d. All of the above
Ans: d
2. mysql coonection jar file is required to connect with database
Ans: a
3. How to create instance of mysql to connect with database?
a. Object myDC = Class.forName(com.mysql.jdbc.Driver);
b. Object myDC = Class.forName(com.mysql.jdbc.Driver);
c. Object myDC = Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance();
d. None of the above
Ans: c
4. How to create database connection?
a. mycon = DriverManager.getConnection(myUName, myPWD)
b. mycon = DriverManager.getConnection(mySQLDB, myUName, myPWD)
c. mycon=getConnection(mySQLDB, myUName, myPWD)
d. None of the above
Ans: b
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
5. How to pass any sql query after database connection?
a. PreparedStatement preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(“select * from
b. preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(“select * from YourTableName”);
c. PreparedStatement preparedStatement = prepareStatement(“select * from
d. All of the above
Ans: a
6. What is Recordset in terms of Database?
a. Recordset also works as a View in Database
b. Recordset is a virtual table which stores data
c. It is used to open database connection
d. Recordset object is used to hold a set of records from a database table. A Recordset
object consist of records and columns
Ans: d
7. How to create record set?
a. set rs=CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
rs.Open "Select * from Customers", oConnection
b. PreparedStatement preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement("select * from
resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();
c. PreparedStatement preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement("select * from
d. None of the above
Ans: b
8. ___ statement will print the EmpID from the record set. Assume EmpID is Integer.
a. System.out.print(resultset.getInt("EmpID");
b. System.out.print(resultset.getString("EmpID")
c. System.out.print(resultset.getInt("Name")
d. All of the above
Ans: a
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
9. How to go on next data in record set?
a. resultset.First();
b. resultset.Last();
c. resultset.MoveNext();
Ans: d
10. ___statement will close the database connection?
a. mycon.close;
b. mycon.close()
c. mycon.close();
d. None of the above
Ans: c
Chapter: 1 1 Topic: Selenium Grid
1. What is Selenium Grid?
a. Scale by distributing tests on several machines
b. manage multiple environments from a central point, making it easy to run the tests
against a vast combination of browsers / OS.
c. minimize the maintenance time for the grid by allowing you to implement custom hooks
to leverage virtual infrastructure for instance
d. All of the above
Ans: d
2. The selenium-server-standalone package includes the ____.
a. Hub
b. Webdriver
c. legacy RC needed to run the grid
d. All of the above
Ans: d
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
3. What is Hub in Selenium Grid?
a. The Hub is framework to run the Grid.
b. The Hub is the central point that will receive all the test request and distribute them the
the right nodes.
c. Both 1 & 2
d. None of the above
Ans: b
4. How to start Selenium hub?
a. java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.32.0.jar -role node
b. java -role hub
c. java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.32.0.jar -role hub
d. None of the above
Ans: c
5. How to start Selenium nodes?
a. java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.32.0.jar -role node -hub
b. java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.32.0.jar -role hub
c. java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.32.0.jar -role node
d. All of the above
Ans: a
6. How to start remote control on port “5556” and register it to the local hub?
a. Dport =5556 launch-remote-contro
b. ant -Dport =5555 launch-remote-contro
c. ant -Dport =5556 launch-remote-contro
d. None of the above
Ans: c
Chapter: 11 Topic: Testing
1. What is testing?
a. Testing is a testing framework
b. designed to simplify a broad range of testing needs, from unit testing to integration
c. Both 1 & 2
d. None of the above
Ans: c
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
2. What are the annotations available in Testing?
a. @Before Suite
b. @After Suite
c. @Before Test
d. @Before Groups
e. All of the above
Ans: e
3. Testing can be invoked from ____
a. Command line
b. Ant
c. Eclipse
d. IntelliJ's IDEA
e. All of the above
Ans: e
4. ____ statement will invoke TestNG from command line.
a. java org.testng.TestNG testng1.xml [testng2.xml testng3.xml ...]
b. ant -Dport =5556 launch-remote-contro
c. java org.testng.TestNG
d. None of the above
Ans: a
Chapter: 1 4 Topic: Maven
1. What is Maven?
a. software tool for project management
b. build automation
c. building and managing Java projects
d. All of the above
Ans: a
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
2. How to compile application sources using Maven?
a. change to the directory where pom.xml is created by archetype:generate
b. execute the following command:
mvn compile
c. Both 1 & 2
d. None of the above
Ans: c
3. What is an archetype?
a. building and managing Java projects
b. An archetype can be defined as an original pattern from which all other things of the
same kind are made.
c. Both 1 & 2
d. None of the above
Ans: b
4. What are the different dependency scopes have you used?
a. compile
b. provided
c. test
d. import
e. All of the above
Ans: e
5. How to prevent including JARs in WEB-INF/lib? I need a "compile only" scope!
a. The scope should be used for this is: provided
b. Compile
c. Import
d. Test
Ans: a
6. How to determine what version of a plugin being used?
a. mvn=install help:describe
b. mvn –Dplugin=help:describe
c. Both 1 & 2
d. mvn –Dplugin=install help:describe
Ans: d
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
7. Is it possible to create my own directory structure?
a. Yes
b. No
Ans: a
8. What is POM?
a. Project Object Model
b. xml file that contains information about project and configuration
c. It contains default value for most projects.
d. All of the above
Ans: d
9. When you compile a Maven project, where do you find the class files?
a. ${basedir}/target/classes
b. ${basedir}/target
c. $/target/classes
d. None of the above
Ans: a
10. What is the command to install JAR file in local repository?
a. mvn jar
b. mvn package
c. mvn install
d. None of the above
Ans: c
Chapter: 10 Topic: Dynamic Pages
1. Is Selenium able to handle dynamic AJAX elements?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Can’t Say
Ans: a
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
2. How to use xpath for dynamic elements?
a. Identify the pattern and modify xpath pattern
b. Directly use the xpath
c. Both 1 and 2
d. None of the above
Ans: a
3. Selenium can handle JavaScript alerts.
Ans: a
4. Is Regular expression helps to identify dynamic elements?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not very compatible
Ans: c
5. How to check if any check box is checked or not?
a. driver.findElement(<>).Selected()
b. driver.findElement(<>).isSelected()
c. driver.findElement(<>).isChecked()
d. All of the above
Ans: b
6. Can Selenium handle Alerts or Pop ups windows?
a. Yes
b. No
Ans: a
7. What is getWindowHandle method?
a. Method will help to handle parent window
b. Method will help to handle of opened windows other than parent
c. Only handles alert
d. None of the above
Ans: b
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India)
8. How to handle alert using selenium?
a. driver.switchto.popup()
b. driver.switchto
c. driver.switchto.alert()
d. None of the above
Ans: c
9. What is Iterator?
a. Iterator enables you to cycle through a collection, obtaining or removing elements
b. It basically starts at the beginning of a collection
c. When you want to know which things are in a certain collection, you iterate over the
collection, which is just another term for going through all elements. This is what an
Iterator does
d. All of the above
Ans: d
10. After the popup actions, how to switch the driver back to the parent window?
a. browser.switchTo().window(parentWindowHandle);
b. browser.switchTo().alert();
c. Both 1 & 2
d. None of the above
Ans: a

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Selenium webdriver interview questions and answers

  • 1. Website: Email : Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers
  • 2. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) Chapter: 1 Topic: Selenium IDE Basics 1. What is Selenium IDE? a. Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is an ideal tool used to develop selenium test scripts. b. Which allows us to record user actions on browser window c. It operates as a Mozilla Firefox add on and provides an easy to use interface for developing and running individual test cases or entire test suites d. An open source functional automation tool e. All of the above Ans: e 2. How do you open/start selenium-ide after installation ? a. Goto Start > All Programs > Selenium IDE b. First launch/open firefox browser and then click on 'Tools' tab in the menu bar and click Selenium IDE c. Click Shortcut option on the Desktop d. None of the above Ans: b 3. Features of selenium IDE ____ a. Its main feature is record and playback b .Identifies element using id, name, xpath etc c. It has an option of asserting title of every page automatically d. It has a feature of exporting testcase/suite into different formats like C#, Java, Ruby, Python e. All of the above Ans: e 4. Selenium IDE runs in ____ browser a. Chrome b. IE 8 c. Safari d. Firefox e. Netscape Ans: d
  • 3. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 5. Selenium IDE can execute scripts created in ____ a. Selene’s only b. JAVA c. C# d. Ruby e. Python Ans: a 6. Selenium IDE cannot upload files. a. TRUE b. FALSE Ans: a 7. Selenium IDE directly does not support Loops and Conditions a. TRUE b. FALSE Ans: a 8. Selenium IDE can read external files like .... a. .txt files b. .csv files c. Can't read d. .xls files e. None of the above Ans:c 9. Selenium _____ are the way of finding HTML element on the page to perform Selenium actions a. xpath b. locators c. element id d. None of the above Ans: b
  • 4. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 10. We use ____(for firefox) to identify elements a. Object Spy b. HTML DOM c. Xpath d. Firebug Ans: d 11. What is selenese ? a. Selenium set of commands b. A type of language c. Scripting language d. All of the above Ans: a 12. ____ is used when the expected value is mandatory to continue with next set of steps a. Verify b. Wait For Text c. Assert d. Verify Text Ans: c 13. ____ is used when the expected value is optional to continue with the next set of steps a. Verify b. Assert c. Verify Text d. Wait For Text Ans: a 14. Can tests recorded using Selenium IDE be run in other browsers? a. Yes b. No Ans: a
  • 5. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 15. What kind of application is the Selenium IDE? a. Windows Application b. Web application c. Firefox add-on d. None of the above Ans: c 16. A Selenium IDE test case has three columns, Command, Target and Value. What data is stored in the Target column? a. Element or location where the command is executed b. Test step execution result c. [Optional] purpose of the test step d. None of the above Ans: a 17. By default, in which format does the Selenium IDE save a test case? a. In proprietary format b. As HTML c. As Java source code d. As Ruby or Python or C# code depending on user options selected during installation Ans: b 18. What features are available in Selenium IDE to debug an automated test case? a. Toggle Breakpoint b. Pause/ Resume c. Step d. All of the above Ans: d 19. What is the Selenium print command? a. echo b. print c. alert d. System.out.println() Ans: 1
  • 6. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 20. What is the difference between a command and the same command with "AndWait" (e.g. click and clickAndWait commands)? a. Selenium waits indefinitely for the result of the "AndWait" command. b. It waits for the result of the "AndWait" command but only for 30 seconds (default timeout). c. It waits for the result of the "AndWait" command but only up to a maximum of 30 seconds (default timeout). d. Some commands do not have an "AndWait" command, so this question is incorrect. Ans: c 21. What is the correct syntax to access the value of a Selenium variable called name? a. name b. $name c. {name} d. ${name} Ans: d 22. In which associative array does Selenium store all of a test case's variables and their respective values? a. Array b. storedVars c. var d. There is no such array in Selenium Ans: b 23. Where can you create your own Selenium commands? a. This is not possible. b. In user-extensions.js file c. In any JavaScript file, but the preferred name is user-extensions.js for consistency d. In any Java, C#, Python, Ruby, PHP or Perl file Ans: c
  • 7. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 24. What is the purpose of the Find button? a. Highlight the element that is given in the locator b. Search the appropriate command for the given target c. Find the current value of the target d. None of the above Ans: a 25. Why are relative XPaths preferred over absolute XPaths as locators? a. For non-root elements, absolute XPaths are longer and slow down the test automation. b. Absolute XPaths fail if any part of the path changes even slightly. c. Relative XPaths are the default in Selenium. d. None of the above Ans: b 26. What is the best way to handle asynchronous data retrieval from the server as in AJAX applications? a. Run the test case at the slowest speed. b. Use the pause command. c. Use the "AndWait" commands. d. Use the "waitFor" commands. Ans: d 27. What happens when the application creates a JavaScript alert during test case play? a. The alert is suppressed by Selenium.. b. If there is no command to handle the alert, the play is stopped with an error. c. If the alert is handled with assertAlert, assertAlertPresent or verifyAlert, no alert is displayed and there is no error. d. All of the above Ans: d
  • 8. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) Chapter: 2 Topic: Selenium RC 1. What is Selenium RC? a. Selenium RC starts up browsers(one at a time) and then runs commands we pass along from our tests b. It allows us to use a programming language for maximum flexibility and extensibility in developing test logic c. It provides an API and library for each of its supports languages like Java, Ruby, Python, Perl and C# d. All of the above Ans:d 2. Selenium RC components are ___ a. Selenium server b. Client libraries c. Selenium Grid d. Both 1 & 2 Ans: d 3. Selenium Server launches and kills browser a. TRUE b. FALSE Ans: a 4. ____ provide the interface between each programming language and the Selenium RC server a. Selenium RC b. Client libraries c. Selenium Server d. None of the above Ans:b 5. Why selenium RC is used ? a. Used to automate web applications with more effective browser actions when compared to Selenium IDE b. We can handle multiple windows and pop-ups, we can use loops and conditions, capturing screenshot etc c. RC can perform Data-Driven (read/write data from external files) concept, decent report generation and mailing d. All of the above Ans: d
  • 9. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 6. What are the languages and operating systems that support RC ? a. Java b. C# c. Perl d. Python e. All of the above Ans: e 7. Sleep() method is used ___ a. To pause the test execution until the time provided in sleep method b. To stop the test c. To set the time of delay which will follow each and every selenium command d. None of the above Ans: a 8. How do you select second value from a drop down menu? a. String a[]=selenium.getSelectOptions(locator of drop down);"locator of drop down", a[2]); b."locator of drop down", "value); c. String a[]=selenium.getSelectOptions(locator of drop down);"locator of drop down", a[1]); d. None of the above Ans: c 9. What are the frameworks available in RC ? a. JUnit b. NUnit c. TestNG d. Bromine e. All of the above Ans: e 10. How do you run selenium commands in slow motion in Selenium RC? a. Thread. Sleep b. Selenium.SetSpeed c. Wait() d. Both 1 & 2 Ans: d
  • 10. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) Chapter: 2 Topic: JUnit 1. What Is JUnit? a. It is a software testing framework to for unit testing. b. It is written in Java and designed to test Java applications. c. It is an Open Source Software d. All of the above Ans: d 2. How to Write a Simple JUnit Test Class? a. import org.junit.*; public class HelloTest { @Test public void testHello() { String message = "Hello World!"; Assert.assertEquals(12, message.length()); }} b. @Test public void testHello() { String message = "Hello World!"; Assert.assertEquals(12, message.length()); } c. public class HelloTest { @Test public void testHello() { String message = "Hello World!"; Assert.assertEquals(12, message.length()); } d. None of the above Ans:a 3. Why Not Just Use a Debugger for Unit Testing? a. Debugger is designed for automation unit testing b. Debugger is designed for manual debugging c. Debugger can be used for unit testing d. All of the above Ans: b
  • 11. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 4. Do You Need to Write a Test Class for Every Class That Need to Be Tested? a. Yes b. No Ans: b 5. How to create a Test Suite using JUnit in Eclipse? a. Select File > New > Other... > Java > JUnit > JUnit Test Suite. b. Select the arrow of the button in the upper left of the toolbar. Select Other... > Java > JUnit > JUnit Test Suite, c. Right click on a package in the Package Explorer view in the Java Perspective, and select Other... > Java > JUnit > JUnit Test Suite, d. You can create a normal Java class, but include junit.framework.TestSuite as the super class of the test class you are creating. e. All of the above Ans: e 6. How to Run a JUnit Test Case in Eclipse? a. You can right click on the test case class or test suite class and select Run As > JUnit Test. b. You can select a test case or suite and click the arrow on the icon or select Run from the toolbar, and select Run As > JUnit Test. c. Both 1 and 2 d. None of the above Ans: c Chapter: 2 Topic: JUnit 1. ANT is a ___ a. a. Build Tool Only For Java. b. b. Build Tools Only For .Net c. A language d. Build Tool Ans: d
  • 12. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 2. How to make build directory in XML file? a. <mkdir dir="${}"/> b. <makedir dir="${}"/> c. <mkdir Dir="{}"/> d. None of the above Ans: c 3. Which one are the properties of the Ant? a. Basedir b. Basedir c. Rootdir d. None of the above Ans: b 4. Which one is not a property of the Ant? a. b. ant.version c. ant.create d. ant.home Ans: c 5. Which one is true method for message printing in xml file? a. printf b. println c. echo d. None of the above Ans: c 6. We can execute the class file with help of Ant? a. TRUE b. FALSE Ans: a
  • 13. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 7. What is Stand for is Ant VM? a. Account Virtual Machines b. Accountable Virtual Machines c. Amount able Virtual Machines d. All of the above Ans: b 8. How to set the Source directory in Ant? a. <Property name="dir.src" value="src"/> b. <property name="" value="biuld"/> c. <property name="dir.src" value="src"/> d. None of the above Ans: c 9. Ant can make directory with relative path? a. TRUE b. FALSE Ans: a 10. Which one is the sign of path separator in Ant? a. . b. ; c. , d. : Ans: c Chapter: 2 Topic: Basics of Core JAVA 1. What is Constructor? a. A constructor is a special method whose task is to initialize the object of its class b. Constructor is invoked whenever an object of its associated class is created c. It is special because its name is the same as the class name d. All of the above Ans: d
  • 14. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 2. Can constructor be inherited? a. Yes b. No Ans: b 3. What are Access Specifies available in Java? a. Public b. Protected c. Default d. Private e. All of the above Ans: e 4. Is delete , next, main, exit or null keyword in Java? a. Yes b. No Ans: b 5. What if you write Static public void instead of public static void? a. Program will not compile b. Program will not run properly c. Program compiles and runs properly d. Syntax Error Ans: c 6. What is the default value of the local variables? a. Local variables are not initialized to any default value b. Local variables are initialized to default value 0 c. Local variables are initialized to default value NULL d. None of the above Ans: a 7. What will be the initial value of an object reference which is defined as an instance variable? a. 0 b. 1 c. No initial value d. Null Ans: d
  • 15. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 8. What is the purpose of default constructor? a. Default constructor provides 0 to the objects b. Default constructor provides the default values to the objects c. Default constructor does nothing d. None of the above Ans: b 9. What is JVM? a. Java virtual machine b. Provides runtime environment to execute java bytecode c. JVM is platform dependent d. All of the above Ans: d 10. What is the return type of the main method? a. Main method doesn't return anything hence declared void b. It returns default value 0 c. It returns the value of function called within it d. None of the above Ans: a 11. Is Java support pointer? a. TRUE b. FALSE Ans: a 12. Which is here class? a. int b. integer c. float d. double Ans: b
  • 16. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 13. Size of char in Java? a. 1 byte b. 2 byte c. 4 byte d. 8 byte Ans: b 14. Is Java support multiple inheritance? a. FALSE b. TRUE Ans: a 15. Which two statements are reserved words in java? A. Run B. Import C. Default D. implement a. B,C b. A,B c. A,D d. B,D Ans: a 16. Which will declare a method that forces a subclass to implement it? a. Public double methodx(); b. Static void methodx(double d1) {} c. Public native double methodx(); d. Abstract public void methodx(); Ans: d
  • 17. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 17. public class Foo { public static void main (string [] args) StringBuffer a = new StringBuffer ("A"); StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer ("B"); operate(a,b); system.out.println(a + "," + b); } static void operate (StringBuffer x, StringBuffer y) { x.append(y); y=x; } } a. Code compiles and prints A b. Code compiles and prints B c. Code compiles and prints AB d. None of the above Ans: c 18. Which constructs a DataOutputStream? a. new dataOutputStream(new writer("out.txt")); b. new dataOutputStream(new FileWriter("out.txt")); c. new dataOutputStream(new OutputStream("out.txt")); d. new dataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("out.txt")); Ans: d 19. Which can be used to encodeChars for output? a. b. c. d. Ans: b
  • 18. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 20. class StaticDemo static int a = 42; static int b = 99; staticvoid ca||me()-{ System.out.println("a = " + a); class StaticByName{ public static void main(String args[]){||me(); System.out.print|n("b = " + StaticDemo~b); a. a=42 b=99 b. a=99 b=42 c. a=88 b=99 d. None of the above Ans: a 21. Which of these not associated Java? a. exception b. extern c. extends d. error Ans: b 22. Collection interface found in which package? a. java.lang b. c. java.util d. Ans: c 23. Hashcode method must be used with which method? a. init() b. service() c. finally() d. equals() Ans: d
  • 19. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 24. Wait, notify, notify belongs to which class? a. thread b. object c. object class d. None of the above Ans: b 25. Java supports which code? a. ascii b. ebcdic c. Unicode d. Grey Ans: c 26. Static keyword associated with ___ a. object b. exception c. class d. error Ans: c 27. Which structure used for synchronization? a. hash table b. array list c. array d. All of the above Ans: d 28. Which structure store unique element? a. array b. linked list c. set d. stringbuffer Ans: c
  • 20. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 29. You can use date related function in which package in Java? a. java.util b. c. java.lang d. All of the above Ans: a 30. Which is true about thread in Java? a. Thread share the address space b. Thread can be created by extending thread class c. Thread is a lightweight class d. All of the above Ans: d Chapter: 4&5 Topic: JUnit annotations 1. The annotation ___ identifies that a method is a test method a. @Before b. @Test c. @After d. @Ignore Ans: b 2. ____ will execute the method before each test. a. @Before b. @Test c. @After d. @After Class Ans: a 3. ____ will execute the method after each test. a. @Before b. @After Class c. @Test d. @After Ans: d
  • 21. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 4. @ Test(timeout=100), what is the significance of this statement? a. Pass, if the method takes longer than 100 miliseconds b. Same as @Test c. Fails, if the method takes longer than 100 miliseconds d. None of the above Ans: c 5. ____ will execute the method once, before the start of all tests. a. @Before b. @Before Class c. @After d. @Test Ans: b 6. ____ will execute the method once, after all tests have finished. a. @After Class b. @Before Class c. @After d. @Ignore Ans: a Chapter: 4&5 Topic: DATA Driven 1. Does Selenium support Data Driven Framework? a. No b. Only supports Modular framework c. Yes d. Only supports Keyword driven framework e. None of the above Ans: c 2. In___ approach tests can be executed multiple sets of test data a. Data Driven Framework b. Modular Framework c. Keyword Driven Framework d. Hybrid Framework Ans: a
  • 22. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 3. What is the basic approach of Data Driven Framework? a. Code and Data as a single unit b. Code and Data as a separate units c. None of the above Ans: b 4. Which statement is correct to create excel automation object using POI excel API? a. File myxl == new File (<excel path>) b. File myxl = File (<excel path>) c. myxl = new File (<excel path>) d. File myxl = new File (<excel path>) Ans: d 5. Find out the correct option to open a excel file for read. a. File myxl = new File (<excel path>) FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(myxl) b. FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(myxl) c. FileInputStream stream = FileInputStream(myxl) d. None of the above Ans: a 6. HSSFCell cell = row.getcell(j) This statement will give provided cell data a. FALSE b. TRUE c. Syntax not correct d. None of the above Ans: b 7. In Data Driven Framework, data can be only accessed from excel. a. TRUE b. FALSE Ans: b
  • 23. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 8. Data Driven Framework used for only one set of Test Data a. TRUE b. FALSE Ans: b 9. Function libraries concept cannot be implemented in Data Driven Framework. Is it right? a. Yes b. May be c. No d. Both (1) and (2) e. All of the Above Ans: c 10. In Data Driven Framework, can you access data from database? a. Yes b. No c. May be d. All of the Above Ans: a 11. ___Statement is used to close excel automation object. If myxl object is already created a. myxl.close() b. Close() c. myxl.close d. None of the above Ans: a 12. Does Data Driven Framework supports parallel execution of scripts? a. Yes b. No Ans: a
  • 24. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 13. How to create new excel file? a. "HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = createSheet(""Sample sheet"");" b. HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Sample sheet"); c. HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); sheet = workbook.createSheet("Sample sheet"); d. All of the above Ans: b 14. How to create array in Java for primitive data types? a. int[] myarr=int[3]; b. myarr=new int[3]; c. int[] myarr=new int[3]; d. None of the above Ans: c 15. Array subscripts start with the ___ in java. a. 1 b. 2 c. -1 d. 0 Ans: d Chapter: 6 Topic: Keyword Driven 1. What is Keyword driven framework? a. Where JAVA keywords are used to call functions b. Where pre defined keywords are used to describe actions c. In this framework multiple data sets can be used to test d. All of the above Ans: b
  • 25. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 2. Which file is mostly used to define keywords for Keyword Driven Framework? a. In Text file b. In Excel file c. In CSV file d. All of the above Ans: b 3. Can manual tester develop tests in Keyword Driven Framework? a. Yes b. No c. May be d. None of the above Ans: a 4. Can you define different function libraries in Keyword Driven Framework? a. No b. Yes c. May be d. None of the above Ans: b 5. Each keyword related to a function defined in function library. Is this statement True? a. May be b. FALSE c. TRUE d. None of the above Ans: c 6. While Designing Keyword Driven Framework we can map keywords at ___ a. Operation level b. Functional level c. Both Operation and functional level d. None of the above Ans: c
  • 26. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 7. What are the common components of Keyword driven framework? a. Excel Sheet to Store the Keywords b. Function Library c. Test Control file d. Test Scripts e. All of the above Ans: e 8. What is Driver script in framework? a. Script is used to initialize and read the control files b. Consists details of all the Test scenarios to be automated. c. Driver Script reads the Test Case files. Checks the keywords and calls the appropriate utility script functions based on specific keyword d. None of the above Ans: c Chapter: 7 Topic: Webdriver Overview 1. Which of these WebDriver interface methods is used to open a URL in the browser? a. get b. navigate().to c. Any of the above d. None of the above Ans: c 2. What is the difference between Web Driver close and quit methods? a. Nothing, these methods are interchangeable. b. Close method clears the browser memory and the quit method closes the browser window. c. Close method closes the browser but the quit method additionally removes the connection to the server. d. Close method closes the main browser window but the quit method closes all the browser windows including popups. Ans: d
  • 27. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 3. When invoked on a web element, what does the submit method do? a. It is used to submit a form and it works on any web element. b. It is used to submit a form but it works only on the web element whose type is "submit". c. It is the same as the click method. d. There is no submitting method for a web element. Ans: a 4. Which Web Driver method is used to change focus to an alert, a web element or a browser window? a. Change Focus b. switchTo c. goTo d. setFocus Ans: b 5. What functionality does Web Driver support on browser cookies? a. add and delete an individual cookie b. delete all cookies c. Any of the above d. None of the above Ans: c 6. What is the scope of an implicit wait? a. All instances of Web Driver b. Current Web Driver instance c. Current expected condition d. Current web element Ans: b 7. What is Selenium Web driver? a. It is an API b. A tool for writing automated tests of website c. Successor of Selenium RC d. All of the above Ans: d
  • 28. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 8. Which browsers does Web driver support? a. Chrome b. Internet Explorer c. Firefox d. Opera e. All of the above Ans: e 9. What are the advantages of web driver? a. Unlike RC you don’t have to start a server in webdriver b. Tabs and pops are more or less the same. RC can also handle and Web driver can also handle. c. Simulate key press events of keyboard. d. Better features for Ajax testing. e. All of the above Ans: e 10. How to create instance of firefox driver using webdriver? a. driver = new FirefoxDriver(); b. driver = FirefoxDriver(); c. driver = new Firefox; d. None of the above Ans: a Chapter: 8 Topic: Keyword Driven Framework - Using Webdriver 1. What are the external files which will be required to develop Keyword driven framwork? a. TestNG b. JXL/POI c. JUnit d. TestNG plugin for eclipse e. All of the above Ans: e
  • 29. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 2. What is the purpose of Testing component in Keyword driven framework? a. in order to data drive our test b. in order to read excel file c. requires to verify conditions d. None of the above Ans: a 3. JXL/POI jar files are required to _____. a. requires to verify conditions b. in order to use Microsoft Excel files as data source c. in order to data drive our test d. All of the above Ans: b 4. How to create an instance of WebDriver? a. Web Driver driver = FirefoxDriver(); b. Web Driver = new FirefoxDriver(); c. Web Driver driver = CreateObject FirefoxDriver(); d. Web Driver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); Ans: d 5. How to navigate to the ITeLearn home page? a. Webdriver.get(""); b. driver.navigate(""); c. driver.get(""); d. None of the above Ans: c 6. How to find an element by Name? a. Web Element search Box = driver.findElement("someElement")); b. Web Element search Box = findElement("someElement")); c. Web Element search Box = driver.findElement(name("someElement")); d. All of the above Ans: a
  • 30. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 7. Display the title of the page ____. a. System.out.println("Title: " + driver.Title()); b. System.out.println("Title: " + driver.getTitle()); c. System.out.println("Title: " + getTitle()); d. None of the above Ans: b 8. Does Selenium supports regular expression? a. Yes b. No Ans: a 9. _____ statement matches links such as 'Over $75', 'Over $85' etc a."link=^Over $[0-9]+$"); b."link=regexpi:^Over $+$"); c."link=regexpi:Over $[0-9]+$"); d."link=regexpi:^Over $[0-9]+$"); Ans: d 10. ____ statement clicks on the first image that has an id attribute that starts with 'cat_prod_image'. a."//img[(@id,'cat_prod_image')]"); b."[starts-with(@id,'cat_prod_image')]"); c."//img[starts-with(@id,'cat_prod_image')]"); d. None of the above Ans: c Chapter: 9 Topic: Hybrid Framework using Webdriver 1.____ is the combination of both keyboard driven and data driven frameworks a. Linear Framework b. Hybrid Framework c. Modular Framework d. Keyword Driven Framework Ans: b
  • 31. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 2. In Which case we can design Hybrid Framework a. Rich Application functionality b. Data sensitive testing c. Regression testing d. All of the above Ans: d 3. What are the advantages of Hybrid framework? a. Flexible b. Increases accuracy c. Highest ROI d. All of the above Ans: d 4. In Hybrid framework, data can accessed through database, excel file, xml etc. a. TRUE b. FALSE Ans: a 5. Hybrid framework can be implemented for any application. a. TRUE b. FALSE Ans: a 6. What are the frameworks available other than DDF, KDF and Hybrid? a. Linear Framework b. Modular Framework c. Structured Framework d. All of the above Ans: d
  • 32. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) Chapter: 12 Topic: Selenium Database Testing 1. What are the advantages of Database testing? a. Both functional and DB testing can be performed at the same time while running the automation script b. Validate data displaying on a webpage and compare the same with database. c. Connect to SQL, MySQL servers etc. d. All of the above Ans: d 2. mysql coonection jar file is required to connect with database a. TRUE b. FALSE Ans: a 3. How to create instance of mysql to connect with database? a. Object myDC = Class.forName(com.mysql.jdbc.Driver); b. Object myDC = Class.forName(com.mysql.jdbc.Driver); c. Object myDC = Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); d. None of the above Ans: c 4. How to create database connection? a. mycon = DriverManager.getConnection(myUName, myPWD) mySt=mycon.createStatement(); b. mycon = DriverManager.getConnection(mySQLDB, myUName, myPWD) mySt=mycon.createStatement(); c. mycon=getConnection(mySQLDB, myUName, myPWD) mySt=mycon.createStatement(); d. None of the above Ans: b
  • 33. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 5. How to pass any sql query after database connection? a. PreparedStatement preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(“select * from YourTableName”); b. preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(“select * from YourTableName”); c. PreparedStatement preparedStatement = prepareStatement(“select * from YourTableName”); d. All of the above Ans: a 6. What is Recordset in terms of Database? a. Recordset also works as a View in Database b. Recordset is a virtual table which stores data c. It is used to open database connection d. Recordset object is used to hold a set of records from a database table. A Recordset object consist of records and columns Ans: d 7. How to create record set? a. set rs=CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") rs.Open "Select * from Customers", oConnection b. PreparedStatement preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement("select * from YourTableName"); resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); c. PreparedStatement preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement("select * from YourTableName"); preparedStatement.executeQuery(); d. None of the above Ans: b 8. ___ statement will print the EmpID from the record set. Assume EmpID is Integer. a. System.out.print(resultset.getInt("EmpID"); b. System.out.print(resultset.getString("EmpID") c. System.out.print(resultset.getInt("Name") d. All of the above Ans: a
  • 34. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 9. How to go on next data in record set? a. resultset.First(); b. resultset.Last(); c. resultset.MoveNext(); d.; Ans: d 10. ___statement will close the database connection? a. mycon.close; b. mycon.close() c. mycon.close(); d. None of the above Ans: c Chapter: 1 1 Topic: Selenium Grid 1. What is Selenium Grid? a. Scale by distributing tests on several machines b. manage multiple environments from a central point, making it easy to run the tests against a vast combination of browsers / OS. c. minimize the maintenance time for the grid by allowing you to implement custom hooks to leverage virtual infrastructure for instance d. All of the above Ans: d 2. The selenium-server-standalone package includes the ____. a. Hub b. Webdriver c. legacy RC needed to run the grid d. All of the above Ans: d
  • 35. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 3. What is Hub in Selenium Grid? a. The Hub is framework to run the Grid. b. The Hub is the central point that will receive all the test request and distribute them the the right nodes. c. Both 1 & 2 d. None of the above Ans: b 4. How to start Selenium hub? a. java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.32.0.jar -role node b. java -role hub c. java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.32.0.jar -role hub d. None of the above Ans: c 5. How to start Selenium nodes? a. java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.32.0.jar -role node -hub http://localhost:4444/grid/register b. java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.32.0.jar -role hub c. java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.32.0.jar -role node d. All of the above Ans: a 6. How to start remote control on port “5556” and register it to the local hub? a. Dport =5556 launch-remote-contro b. ant -Dport =5555 launch-remote-contro c. ant -Dport =5556 launch-remote-contro d. None of the above Ans: c Chapter: 11 Topic: Testing 1. What is testing? a. Testing is a testing framework b. designed to simplify a broad range of testing needs, from unit testing to integration testing c. Both 1 & 2 d. None of the above Ans: c
  • 36. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 2. What are the annotations available in Testing? a. @Before Suite b. @After Suite c. @Before Test d. @Before Groups e. All of the above Ans: e 3. Testing can be invoked from ____ a. Command line b. Ant c. Eclipse d. IntelliJ's IDEA e. All of the above Ans: e 4. ____ statement will invoke TestNG from command line. a. java org.testng.TestNG testng1.xml [testng2.xml testng3.xml ...] b. ant -Dport =5556 launch-remote-contro c. java org.testng.TestNG d. None of the above Ans: a Chapter: 1 4 Topic: Maven 1. What is Maven? a. software tool for project management b. build automation c. building and managing Java projects d. All of the above Ans: a
  • 37. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 2. How to compile application sources using Maven? a. change to the directory where pom.xml is created by archetype:generate b. execute the following command: mvn compile c. Both 1 & 2 d. None of the above Ans: c 3. What is an archetype? a. building and managing Java projects b. An archetype can be defined as an original pattern from which all other things of the same kind are made. c. Both 1 & 2 d. None of the above Ans: b 4. What are the different dependency scopes have you used? a. compile b. provided c. test d. import e. All of the above Ans: e 5. How to prevent including JARs in WEB-INF/lib? I need a "compile only" scope! a. The scope should be used for this is: provided b. Compile c. Import d. Test Ans: a 6. How to determine what version of a plugin being used? a. mvn=install help:describe b. mvn –Dplugin=help:describe c. Both 1 & 2 d. mvn –Dplugin=install help:describe Ans: d
  • 38. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 7. Is it possible to create my own directory structure? a. Yes b. No Ans: a 8. What is POM? a. Project Object Model b. xml file that contains information about project and configuration c. It contains default value for most projects. d. All of the above Ans: d 9. When you compile a Maven project, where do you find the class files? a. ${basedir}/target/classes b. ${basedir}/target c. $/target/classes d. None of the above Ans: a 10. What is the command to install JAR file in local repository? a. mvn jar b. mvn package c. mvn install d. None of the above Ans: c Chapter: 10 Topic: Dynamic Pages 1. Is Selenium able to handle dynamic AJAX elements? a. Yes b. No c. Can’t Say Ans: a
  • 39. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 2. How to use xpath for dynamic elements? a. Identify the pattern and modify xpath pattern b. Directly use the xpath c. Both 1 and 2 d. None of the above Ans: a 3. Selenium can handle JavaScript alerts. a. TRUE b. FALSE Ans: a 4. Is Regular expression helps to identify dynamic elements? a. Yes b. No c. Not very compatible Ans: c 5. How to check if any check box is checked or not? a. driver.findElement(<>).Selected() b. driver.findElement(<>).isSelected() c. driver.findElement(<>).isChecked() d. All of the above Ans: b 6. Can Selenium handle Alerts or Pop ups windows? a. Yes b. No Ans: a 7. What is getWindowHandle method? a. Method will help to handle parent window b. Method will help to handle of opened windows other than parent c. Only handles alert d. None of the above Ans: b
  • 40. Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers Website: Email: Contact: +1-314-827-5272, +91-837-4323-742(India) 8. How to handle alert using selenium? a. driver.switchto.popup() b. driver.switchto c. driver.switchto.alert() d. None of the above Ans: c 9. What is Iterator? a. Iterator enables you to cycle through a collection, obtaining or removing elements b. It basically starts at the beginning of a collection c. When you want to know which things are in a certain collection, you iterate over the collection, which is just another term for going through all elements. This is what an Iterator does d. All of the above Ans: d 10. After the popup actions, how to switch the driver back to the parent window? a. browser.switchTo().window(parentWindowHandle); b. browser.switchTo().alert(); c. Both 1 & 2 d. None of the above Ans: a