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Disciplines for
the Christian
Donald S. Whitney
Sunday, 8 September 13
for the
purpose of
Chapter 10, DonaldWhitney,
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life
Sunday, 8 September 13
Silence and solitude can be
appealing and transforming -
consider Moses and Paul both
of whom were transformed by
years of solitude in the
Whilst we are obviously made
for interaction with other
people, and God, we need to
realise that the Sprit of God
calls within us to a deeper way
which often involves silence
and solitude, Ps 42:7
Sunday, 8 September 13
Silence and solitude can be
appealing and transforming -
consider Moses and Paul both
of whom were transformed by
years of solitude in the
Whilst we are obviously made
for interaction with other
people, and God, we need to
realise that the Sprit of God
calls within us to a deeper way
which often involves silence
and solitude, Ps 42:7
Deep calls to
deep in the roar
of your
waterfalls; all
your waves and
breakers have
swept over me.
Sunday, 8 September 13
What are silence and solitude?
“The discipline of silence is the
voluntary and temporary
abstention from speaking so that
certain spiritual goals might be
sought...Though there is no
outward speaking, there are
internal dialogues with self and
God.This can be called “outward
silence.” other times silence is
maintained not only outwardly but
also inwardly so that God’s voice
might be heard more clearly.”
Sunday, 8 September 13
What are silence and solitude?
“Solitude is the discipline of
voluntarily and temporarily
withdrawing to privacy for spiritual
matters.The period of solitude
might last for minutes or days...and
might be sought in order to
participate without interruption in
other spiritual disciplines, or just to
be alone with God.”
Sunday, 8 September 13
- silence and solitude are
complimentary disciplines to
fellowship: without s&s we
are shallow, without
fellowship we are stagnant
- s&s are usually found
together - though they are
Sunday, 8 September 13
- culture often makes us
comfortable with noise and
crowds, we are not used to,
and often are not
comfortable with, the
practice of s&s
- yet there is good biblical
witness for these practices
Sunday, 8 September 13
To paraphrase Jean Fleming (Finding focus
in a whirlwind world),
“We live in a busy, noisy world.
Silence and solitude are not 20th
century words...which do not fit into
our era of tv, video arcades and
joggers wired with earphones. We
have an aversion to quiet and an
uneasiness with being alone.”
Sunday, 8 September 13
Sunday, 8 September 13
Biblical reasons for silence
and solitude
Reasons for practicing s&s
1. To follow Jesus’
example better
1. Lk 4:1, 14 Jesus, full of the
Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and
was led by the Spirit into the
wilderness...Jesus returned to
Galilee in the power of the
Sunday, 8 September 13
Biblical reasons for silence
and solitude
2. Matt 14:23 After he had
dismissed them, he went up on a
mountainside by himself to pray.
Sunday, 8 September 13
3. Mark 1:35 Very early in the
morning, while it was still dark,
Jesus got up, left the house and
went off to a solitary place, where
he prayed. (Note the context
4. Lk 4:42 At daybreak, Jesus
went out to a solitary place.The
people were looking for him and
when they came to where he was,
they tried to keep him from leaving
them. - again note the context
within the verse
Sunday, 8 September 13
Dallas Willard writes,  “We must
reemphasize, the “desert” or “closet” is
the primary place of strength for the
beginner, as it was for Christ and for
Paul.They show us by their example
what we must do. In stark aloneness it
is possible to have silence, to be still,
and to know that Jehovah indeed is
God (Ps. 46:10), to set the Lord before
our minds with sufficient intensity and
duration that we stay centered on Him
– our hearts fixed, established in trust
(Ps. 112:7-8) – even when back in the
office, shop, or home.”
Sunday, 8 September 13
“Put yourself in Jesus’ sandals
for a moment. People are
clamouring for your help and
have many real needs.You are
able to meet those needs. Can
you ever feel justified in pulling
away to be alone? Jesus
did...he knew the importance
of being alone”
So what about you?
Sunday, 8 September 13
2. To hear the voice of God
- Elijah on mount Horeb heard the
still small voice (whisper) of God,
Habakkuk 2;, 1Paul Gal 1:17
It is worth noting we can still hear
God with other people etc.
around us - but it is also necessary
to take times away from such
We are often addicted to noise or
activity - even when reading the
Bible we often do need music etc.
Sunday, 8 September 13
2. To hear the voice of God
- Elijah on mount Horeb heard the
still small voice (whisper) of God,
Habakkuk 2;, 1Paul Gal 1:17
It is worth noting we can still hear
God with other people etc.
around us - but it is also necessary
to take times away from such
We are often addicted to noise or
activity - even when reading the
Bible we often do need music etc.
Arguably we are
the most noise
ever, and most
in need of s&s
Sunday, 8 September 13
Jonathan Edwards on his future
wife, Sarah
“...this great Being, in some way or
other invisible, comes to her and fills
her mind with exceeding sweet delight,
and that she hardly cares for anything,
except to meditate on him—that she
expects after a while to be received up
where he is, to be raised up out of the
world and caught up into heaven; being
assured that he loves her too well to let
her remain at a distance from him
always.There she is to dwell with him,
and to be ravished with his love and
delight forever.”
Sunday, 8 September 13
To express worship to God
Worship does not necessarily require words, sounds or
actions - a God-focussed stillness and hush will do!
Habakkuk 2:20 But the Lord is in his holyTemple. Let all the
earth be silent before him.
Zephaniah 1:17 Stand in silence in the presence of the
Sovereign Lord, for the awesome day of the Lord’s judgment is
near.The Lord has prepared his people for a great slaughter
and has chosen their executioners.
Sunday, 8 September 13
There is a need to be silent before him - that is
worship - we do not always need to speak in order
to worship!
How often are you so overcome with God that you
cannot speak?
Sunday, 8 September 13
To express faith in God
Being silent before God can show
greater faith than speaking many
words of prayer / supplication
Psalm 62
I wait quietly before God, for my
victory comes from him. He alone is
my rock and my salvation, my
fortress where I will never be
shaken...Let all that I am wait
quietly before God, for my hope is in
him. He alone is my rock and my
salvation, my fortress where I will
not be shaken.
Sunday, 8 September 13
To express faith in God
Being silent before God can show
greater faith than speaking many
words of prayer / supplication
Psalm 62
I wait quietly before God, for my
victory comes from him. He alone is
my rock and my salvation, my
fortress where I will never be
shaken...Let all that I am wait
quietly before God, for my hope is in
him. He alone is my rock and my
salvation, my fortress where I will
not be shaken.
Isaiah 30:15
This is what the Sovereign Lord,
the Holy One of Israel, says:
“Only in returning to me
and resting in me will you be saved.
In quietness and confidence is your
But you would have none of it.
Sunday, 8 September 13
David Brainerd,
“I withdrew to my usual place of retirement in great
peace and tranquility; spent about two hours in
secret duties and felt much as I did yesterday
morning, only weaker and more overcome. I seemed
to depend wholly upon my dear Lord, wholly
weaned from all other dependences. I knew not
what to say to my God, but only lean on His bosom,
as it were, and breathe out my desires after a perfect
conformity to Him in all things.Thirsting desires and
insatiable longings possessed my soul after perfect
Sunday, 8 September 13
“...God was so precious to my soul that the world
with all its enjoyments was infinitely vile. I had no
more value for all the favor of men than pebbles.The
Lord was my ALL; and that He overruled all greatly
delighted me. I think my faith and dependence upon
God scarce ever rose so high. I saw Him such a
fountain of goodness that it seemed impossible I
should distrust Him again, or be any way anxious
about anything that should happen to me.”
David Brainerd
Sunday, 8 September 13
To seek the salvation of the
- for a non-believer seeking to be
born again
- for a believer seeking deliverance /
salvation in a particular area
Lamentations 3:25-28
It is worth comparing the quote
from CH Spurgeon (next page) with
the practice of a generation who
think altar calls require music,
changed emotions, and a “good
Sunday, 8 September 13
I commend solitude to any of you who are seeking
salvation, first, that you may study well your case as in
the sight of God.  Few men truly know themselves as
they really are. Most people have seen themselves in a
looking-glass, but there is another looking-glass, which
gives true reflections, into which few men look.To study
one’s self in the light of God’sWord, and carefully to go
over one’s condition, examining both the inward and
the outward sins, and using all the tests which are
given us in the Scriptures, would be a very healthy
exercise; but how very few care to go through it!
C.H. Spurgeon
Sunday, 8 September 13
To be physically and spiritually restored
Mk 6:31 shows Jesus doing that with his own disciples -
they had given out spiritually and physically and now
needed to be replenished
To regain a spiritual perspective
This brings a less worldly perspective to our lives and
When Zechariah was told of Elizabeths forthcoming
pregnancy he doubted - he faced a time of silence and
seems to have reemerged with a new God-given
perspective on things
Sunday, 8 September 13
To be physically and spiritually restored
Mk 6:31 shows Jesus doing that with his own disciples -
they had given out spiritually and physically and now
needed to be replenished
To regain a spiritual perspective
This brings a less worldly perspective to our lives and
When Zechariah was told of Elizabeths forthcoming
pregnancy he doubted - he faced a time of silence and
seems to have reemerged with a new God-given
perspective on things
Sunday, 8 September 13
Taken from:
Whitney tells of how Billy Graham was being
pressured by Charles Templeton to give up his
belief in the inspiration and authority of the
Scriptures.Templeton had many convincing
arguments that Graham had trouble refuting, and it
was a tumultuous time for him. Graham took some
time in solitude and meditated on the many times
in scripture that it said “the Word of the Lord
came.” He saw how Jesus treated scripture, and he
realized that intellect alone would not solve his
problem – that it was an issue of faith.
Sunday, 8 September 13
So he placed his Bible on a stump and knelt down
and said, Oh God; I cannot prove certain things. I
cannot answer some of the questions Church is
raising and some of the other people are raising,
but I accept this Book by faith as the Word of
God.” And through that time of solitude and the
perspective he gained that night, Billy Graham was
shaped into the man the world has known since.
Sunday, 8 September 13
To seek the will of God
Lk 6:12-13 - when Jesus was choosing the 12
Hudson Taylor and his decision to go to the inland
parts of China came out his spending time alone in
silence, solitude (and I imagine reflection) on the
beach in Brighton on June 25th 1865
Sunday, 8 September 13
To learn control of the
Being silent for periods can help
us in gaining restraint over the
tongue - the Bible talks a lot
about the tongue
James 1:26, Prov 17:27-28, Ecc
3:7, James 1:19, James 3:2
When fasting from food we
discover how often we indulge to
excess - much the same is true in
speaking - in fact in practicing
solitude we rely more on God’s
control and feel less need to have
some form of input
Sunday, 8 September 13
Silence and solitude are an integral
and essential part of practicing the
other disciplines:
- part of personal worship
- part of Bible study
- part of prayer
- maximise your learning, journalling
and reflection
- most importantly they provide us
with time to think about, and listen
to, God
Sunday, 8 September 13
Austin Phelps, a minister from
the mid-19th century
“It has been said that no great
work of literature or science
has ever been produced by
someone who did not love
solitude. It is also a
fundamental principle of faith
that no tremendous growth in
holiness has ever been
achieved by anyone who has
not taken the time frequently,
and for long periods, to be
alone with God ”
Sunday, 8 September 13
So how do I do it?
1. Minute silences / retreats
At many moments in your day you
could choose to be silent and alone
Take my life, and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, toThee;
Take my moments and my days,
Let them flow in ceaseless praise,
Let them flow in ceaseless praise.
2. A consistent daily time of
This is not easy when there is so much
that you must do - you really have
to plan such times
Sunday, 8 September 13
3. Getting away for a retreat of s&s
- a day, afternoon, evening, weekend
- nothing but a Bible and notebook
4. A special place
- at home, on a walk, locally
- find places that have a “special sense of God” for you
- Susanna Wesley (mother of many children) used to
pull her apron over her head and retreat in prayer and
Bible reading
Sunday, 8 September 13
3. Getting away for a retreat of s&s
- a day, afternoon, evening, weekend
- nothing but a Bible and notebook
4. A special place
- at home, on a walk, locally
- find places that have a “special sense of God” for you
- Susanna Wesley (mother of many children) used to
pull her apron over her head and retreat in prayer and
Bible reading
Sunday, 8 September 13
like a
Sunday, 8 September 13
Sunday, 8 September 13

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601 SFL: Section 7 silence solitude

  • 1. Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life Donald S. Whitney Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 2. Silence and solitude... for the purpose of godliness Chapter 10, DonaldWhitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 3. Silence and solitude can be appealing and transforming - consider Moses and Paul both of whom were transformed by years of solitude in the wilderness. Whilst we are obviously made for interaction with other people, and God, we need to realise that the Sprit of God calls within us to a deeper way which often involves silence and solitude, Ps 42:7 Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 4. Silence and solitude can be appealing and transforming - consider Moses and Paul both of whom were transformed by years of solitude in the wilderness. Whilst we are obviously made for interaction with other people, and God, we need to realise that the Sprit of God calls within us to a deeper way which often involves silence and solitude, Ps 42:7 Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me. Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 5. What are silence and solitude? “The discipline of silence is the voluntary and temporary abstention from speaking so that certain spiritual goals might be sought...Though there is no outward speaking, there are internal dialogues with self and God.This can be called “outward silence.” other times silence is maintained not only outwardly but also inwardly so that God’s voice might be heard more clearly.” Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 6. What are silence and solitude? “Solitude is the discipline of voluntarily and temporarily withdrawing to privacy for spiritual matters.The period of solitude might last for minutes or days...and might be sought in order to participate without interruption in other spiritual disciplines, or just to be alone with God.” Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 7. - silence and solitude are complimentary disciplines to fellowship: without s&s we are shallow, without fellowship we are stagnant - s&s are usually found together - though they are distinguishable Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 8. - culture often makes us comfortable with noise and crowds, we are not used to, and often are not comfortable with, the practice of s&s - yet there is good biblical witness for these practices Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 9. To paraphrase Jean Fleming (Finding focus in a whirlwind world), “We live in a busy, noisy world. Silence and solitude are not 20th century words...which do not fit into our era of tv, video arcades and joggers wired with earphones. We have an aversion to quiet and an uneasiness with being alone.” Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 11. Biblical reasons for silence and solitude Reasons for practicing s&s include: 1. To follow Jesus’ example better 1. Lk 4:1, 14 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness...Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit... Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 12. Biblical reasons for silence and solitude 2. Matt 14:23 After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 13. 3. Mark 1:35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. (Note the context here) 4. Lk 4:42 At daybreak, Jesus went out to a solitary place.The people were looking for him and when they came to where he was, they tried to keep him from leaving them. - again note the context within the verse Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 14. Dallas Willard writes,  “We must reemphasize, the “desert” or “closet” is the primary place of strength for the beginner, as it was for Christ and for Paul.They show us by their example what we must do. In stark aloneness it is possible to have silence, to be still, and to know that Jehovah indeed is God (Ps. 46:10), to set the Lord before our minds with sufficient intensity and duration that we stay centered on Him – our hearts fixed, established in trust (Ps. 112:7-8) – even when back in the office, shop, or home.” Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 15. “Put yourself in Jesus’ sandals for a moment. People are clamouring for your help and have many real needs.You are able to meet those needs. Can you ever feel justified in pulling away to be alone? Jesus did...he knew the importance of being alone” So what about you? Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 16. 2. To hear the voice of God better - Elijah on mount Horeb heard the still small voice (whisper) of God, Habakkuk 2;, 1Paul Gal 1:17 It is worth noting we can still hear God with other people etc. around us - but it is also necessary to take times away from such distractions We are often addicted to noise or activity - even when reading the Bible we often do need music etc. Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 17. 2. To hear the voice of God better - Elijah on mount Horeb heard the still small voice (whisper) of God, Habakkuk 2;, 1Paul Gal 1:17 It is worth noting we can still hear God with other people etc. around us - but it is also necessary to take times away from such distractions We are often addicted to noise or activity - even when reading the Bible we often do need music etc. Arguably we are the most noise polluted generation ever, and most in need of s&s Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 18. Jonathan Edwards on his future wife, Sarah “...this great Being, in some way or other invisible, comes to her and fills her mind with exceeding sweet delight, and that she hardly cares for anything, except to meditate on him—that she expects after a while to be received up where he is, to be raised up out of the world and caught up into heaven; being assured that he loves her too well to let her remain at a distance from him always.There she is to dwell with him, and to be ravished with his love and delight forever.” Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 19. To express worship to God Worship does not necessarily require words, sounds or actions - a God-focussed stillness and hush will do! Habakkuk 2:20 But the Lord is in his holyTemple. Let all the earth be silent before him. Zephaniah 1:17 Stand in silence in the presence of the Sovereign Lord, for the awesome day of the Lord’s judgment is near.The Lord has prepared his people for a great slaughter and has chosen their executioners. Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 20. There is a need to be silent before him - that is worship - we do not always need to speak in order to worship! How often are you so overcome with God that you cannot speak? Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 21. To express faith in God Being silent before God can show greater faith than speaking many words of prayer / supplication Psalm 62 I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken...Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken. Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 22. To express faith in God Being silent before God can show greater faith than speaking many words of prayer / supplication Psalm 62 I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken...Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken. Isaiah 30:15 This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength. But you would have none of it. Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 23. David Brainerd, “I withdrew to my usual place of retirement in great peace and tranquility; spent about two hours in secret duties and felt much as I did yesterday morning, only weaker and more overcome. I seemed to depend wholly upon my dear Lord, wholly weaned from all other dependences. I knew not what to say to my God, but only lean on His bosom, as it were, and breathe out my desires after a perfect conformity to Him in all things.Thirsting desires and insatiable longings possessed my soul after perfect holiness... Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 24. “...God was so precious to my soul that the world with all its enjoyments was infinitely vile. I had no more value for all the favor of men than pebbles.The Lord was my ALL; and that He overruled all greatly delighted me. I think my faith and dependence upon God scarce ever rose so high. I saw Him such a fountain of goodness that it seemed impossible I should distrust Him again, or be any way anxious about anything that should happen to me.” David Brainerd Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 25. To seek the salvation of the Lord - for a non-believer seeking to be born again - for a believer seeking deliverance / salvation in a particular area Lamentations 3:25-28 It is worth comparing the quote from CH Spurgeon (next page) with the practice of a generation who think altar calls require music, changed emotions, and a “good preacher” Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 26. I commend solitude to any of you who are seeking salvation, first, that you may study well your case as in the sight of God.  Few men truly know themselves as they really are. Most people have seen themselves in a looking-glass, but there is another looking-glass, which gives true reflections, into which few men look.To study one’s self in the light of God’sWord, and carefully to go over one’s condition, examining both the inward and the outward sins, and using all the tests which are given us in the Scriptures, would be a very healthy exercise; but how very few care to go through it! C.H. Spurgeon Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 27. To be physically and spiritually restored Mk 6:31 shows Jesus doing that with his own disciples - they had given out spiritually and physically and now needed to be replenished To regain a spiritual perspective This brings a less worldly perspective to our lives and thinking. When Zechariah was told of Elizabeths forthcoming pregnancy he doubted - he faced a time of silence and seems to have reemerged with a new God-given perspective on things Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 28. To be physically and spiritually restored Mk 6:31 shows Jesus doing that with his own disciples - they had given out spiritually and physically and now needed to be replenished To regain a spiritual perspective This brings a less worldly perspective to our lives and thinking. When Zechariah was told of Elizabeths forthcoming pregnancy he doubted - he faced a time of silence and seems to have reemerged with a new God-given perspective on things Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 29. Taken from: wilkins-sermon-on-disciplines-general-89110.asp?Page=4 Whitney tells of how Billy Graham was being pressured by Charles Templeton to give up his belief in the inspiration and authority of the Scriptures.Templeton had many convincing arguments that Graham had trouble refuting, and it was a tumultuous time for him. Graham took some time in solitude and meditated on the many times in scripture that it said “the Word of the Lord came.” He saw how Jesus treated scripture, and he realized that intellect alone would not solve his problem – that it was an issue of faith. Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 30. So he placed his Bible on a stump and knelt down and said, Oh God; I cannot prove certain things. I cannot answer some of the questions Church is raising and some of the other people are raising, but I accept this Book by faith as the Word of God.” And through that time of solitude and the perspective he gained that night, Billy Graham was shaped into the man the world has known since. Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 31. To seek the will of God Lk 6:12-13 - when Jesus was choosing the 12 Hudson Taylor and his decision to go to the inland parts of China came out his spending time alone in silence, solitude (and I imagine reflection) on the beach in Brighton on June 25th 1865 Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 32. To learn control of the tongue Being silent for periods can help us in gaining restraint over the tongue - the Bible talks a lot about the tongue James 1:26, Prov 17:27-28, Ecc 3:7, James 1:19, James 3:2 When fasting from food we discover how often we indulge to excess - much the same is true in speaking - in fact in practicing solitude we rely more on God’s control and feel less need to have some form of input Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 33. Silence and solitude are an integral and essential part of practicing the other disciplines: - part of personal worship - part of Bible study - part of prayer - maximise your learning, journalling and reflection - most importantly they provide us with time to think about, and listen to, God Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 34. Austin Phelps, a minister from the mid-19th century “It has been said that no great work of literature or science has ever been produced by someone who did not love solitude. It is also a fundamental principle of faith that no tremendous growth in holiness has ever been achieved by anyone who has not taken the time frequently, and for long periods, to be alone with God ” Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 35. So how do I do it? 1. Minute silences / retreats At many moments in your day you could choose to be silent and alone Take my life, and let it be Consecrated, Lord, toThee; Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in ceaseless praise, Let them flow in ceaseless praise. 2. A consistent daily time of s&s This is not easy when there is so much that you must do - you really have to plan such times Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 36. 3. Getting away for a retreat of s&s - a day, afternoon, evening, weekend - nothing but a Bible and notebook 4. A special place - at home, on a walk, locally - find places that have a “special sense of God” for you - Susanna Wesley (mother of many children) used to pull her apron over her head and retreat in prayer and Bible reading Sunday, 8 September 13
  • 37. 3. Getting away for a retreat of s&s - a day, afternoon, evening, weekend - nothing but a Bible and notebook 4. A special place - at home, on a walk, locally - find places that have a “special sense of God” for you - Susanna Wesley (mother of many children) used to pull her apron over her head and retreat in prayer and Bible reading Sunday, 8 September 13