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Organization Assessments
For Software Testing
An assessment provides a vision and roadmap for future
success in testing.

A Test Organization Assessment can be a powerful tool to determine a software test
organization’s real capabilities, strengths, weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages.
It puts into perspective how the test organization compares to other industry test
groups. It identifies the highest priority areas for improvement and provides guidance
on how to make those improvements.

Software Development                        Considerations for an
Technologies (SDT) provides
software test services to product           Assessment
development and IT partners. SDT            Software testing is critically important to
creates new test groups or extends          software development organizations and is
                                            becoming increasingly difficult and more
the software testing capability of
                                            expensive as the complexity and pervasiveness
our clients. SDT can design,                of systems grow. As important as testing is,
implement and execute Function,             companies should focus on testing in the most
System, and Performance tests to            efficient, cost effective way. Increasingly, the
augment a partner's test capability.        costs of testing are going up. As the complexity
Alternatively, SDT can assess a             of software increases, the number of errors
software testing organization or            grows and customers’ tolerance for problems
                                            declines. A 2002 study by National Institute of
assess and then transform a                 Standards and Technology (NIST) 1 concluded:
software testing organization, by
introducing an automation                   •   80% of the total cost of software
framework, a wide range of                      development is spent to fix bugs
                                            •   total loss in the USA due to inadequate
software test tools, and a complete             testing to both software developers and
set of test processes.                          users: $59.5B
                                            •   total cost of errors to software developers:
Tim Townsend, Senior Director at                $21.2B
Sun Information Resources, Sun              •   potential savings with better testing: $10.6 B
Microsystems, commented about               •   test tools today are primitive and evolving
SDT assessment and                          •   over half of software bugs are caught
transformation consulting.                      downstream

                                            An assessment is often the first step of a major
Tim said, “SDT came in and quickly
                                            improvement program. We should not take
assessed our existing development           organizational change lightly as people are
and test methods and architected a          directly affected (on the one end, they worry
new, large-scale test process. They         about their jobs and on the other extreme they
also designed and rolled out a new          are hoping for change). There is an expectation
technical reviews and inspections           that something will be done when an assessment
program, resulting in greatly               is completed. The assessment is the first phase
                                            for planning the changes. The change program
improved communications and                 may be long and painful – but it may also be
earlier defect detection. These             very successful, especially with the right
processes greatly fortified SunWay,         planning.
the foundation life-cycle
methodology for the construction            An assessment provides a baseline measurement
and engineering management of               and description of the test organization, which
                                            can be compared to industry benchmark
complex Sun programs. These
                                            measures. This is the best way to identify gaps in
processes orchestrated the                  performance in comparison with typical and best
program’s alignment and                     in class operations. Often an assessment is
integration activities across               requested because management believes that
production releases giving us a             testing costs too much or provides too little
quality foundation from which to            value. Software quality may be unknown or
manage successfully.”
                                             NIST Report 02-3; costs derived from Table
                                            ES-4, p. ES11

Learn More                                   declining. Although it may be clear to
                                             management that something is wrong, it is
                                             seldom clear what is wrong, or what to do to
Software Testing in the Real World           improve. An assessment should provide specific
is an informational guide that is            answers to managers’ questions.
essentially a toolkit for continuous,
sustainable improvement of the               A software test assessment is an unbiased
software testing process. Written            evaluation of the metrics, methods, tools,
                                             practices, organization and environment used to
by Edward Kit, CEO of Software
                                             produce software, with a focus on the testing of
Development Technologies,                    the software. The objective is to identify the
Software Testing in the Real World           highest priority areas for improvement and
addresses the most frequently                provide guidance on how to make those
asked questions about                        improvements based on first hand experience
methodologies, tools, technology,            with best practices at similar organizations. The
and organizational issues being              scope and formality of an assessment depends on
                                             the organization size and needs.
posed in the testing community
today.                                       The assessment process is not an audit, even
                                             though assessments and audits share many
To request a discussion with SDT             similarities. An audit compares an organization
and gain insights into how SDT can           to a specific, established, theoretical model. It
assess your software testing                 assumes that every organization should be
                                             operating exactly as the model describes. An
organization, please call James
                                             assessment describes the organization as it is and
Wright, SDT’s General Manager,               compares it with other similar successful
Test Service Operations, at 405-             organizations to identify areas and methods for
232-6000 x11. To find out more               improvement. It allows for differences within
about Software Development                   and between organizations as long as the
Technologies, visit                          operation is effective and efficient. The                             assessment focuses on supporting strengths and
                                             improving areas of weakness.

                                             Test Assessment Benefits
                                             There are many potential benefits, which can be
                                             derived from an assessment:
                                             • Provide a roadmap for improvements
                                             • Reduce and control testing costs
                                             • Provide the potential for predictability
                                             • Increase organizational productivity
                                             • Improve the quality of work products
                                             • Learn how the organization compares with
                                                 other industry test organizations
                                             • Clarify areas of confusion and weakness
                                             • Wake up the troops (to avoid people
                                                 becoming complacent)
                                             • Improve the use of test technology / tooling
                                             • Apply different kinds and levels of testing
                                                 expertise through a release cycle and
                                                 between release cycles
                                             • Improve effectiveness, efficiency, and
                                                 reduce stress for testing organizations

Considerations for Selecting                              test industry benchmark knowledge, and
                                                          organization change management skills
an Assessor                                          Outside consultants do not have these same
The test organization being assessed is in           issues. They should have current test industry
partnership with the Assessment Team. The            knowledge. What they lack, though, is
relationship should be mutually supportive and       knowledge about the specific organization
based on mutual respect because the team must        (which is both an advantage and disadvantage).
become intimately familiar with the operations to    Other benefits available from using an outside
generate meaningful and useful results. Thee         assessor:
team’s purpose is to understand the strengths and
                                                     •   Obtain a neutral opinion and evaluation
weaknesses in order to point the way to
improving the organization.                          •   Leverage experience from industry experts
                                                     •   Avoid the “Groupthink” issues of insiders
An Assessment Team needs broad experience            •   Benchmark against industry and
with industry test practices in a variety of             marketplace best practices
industries to discern practices and compare with     •   Gain access to world-class capabilities
industry benchmarks. The team also needs
experience at all levels of management and all       The important factors to consider when choosing
aspects of testing to identify a set of              an assessment organization are:
development and testing methodologies,
including automation, to be implemented to           •   Knowledge and experience performing
transition testing from a manual, back-end-only          assessments in multiple organizations,
task to a lifecycle-wide approach. This will             industries, technologies and with industry
enable the organization to identify defects at           best practices
every stage (i.e. have a “defect plan” for each      •   World-class capabilities
phase) of the life cycle integrated with the         •   Specific experience with similar companies /
software development lifecycle. The Assessment           applications
Team also needs practical experience with            •   Availability of domain expertise
organizational transformations in order to make      •   Existing customizable process definitions
reasonable recommendations. Few test                     and templates
organizations have in-house expertise with the       •   Courseware corresponding to processes
breadth and depth of experience required to          •   Ability to perform client selected
assess the state of testing and quality. Companies       improvements
that specialize in software testing and assessment
vary greatly in their knowledge, quality of
assessments, and ability to follow up.               Test Assessment
Many organizations attempt to do their own           Deliverables
assessments with varying levels of success.          An assessment should provide actionable
Several hurdles must be overcome for internal        information in a form that can be understood and
assessments to work:                                 discussed and should include:
•   It is very difficult to observe what we are      • An accurate description of the current state
    doing wrong ourselves (if we know a better            of testing and quality by observing actual
    way we use it)                                        behaviors and artifacts and listening to what
•   People inside the organization have existing          people say
    relationships and agendas that may get in the    • A list of the current strengths and areas for
    way of objective analysis                             improvement within the software
•   People in the test group may not have                 development and testing processes
    experience working in other test                 • A concrete set of recommendations for
    organizations                                         improvement, both immediate and longer
•   People inside the organization seldom have            term, including recommendations on people
    experience with doing assessments, current            and process.

•   A “roadmap” for implementing the
    recommended methodologies and best
                                                      Focus Areas for the
    practices, along with reference material of       Assessment
    where to get more information about a given       There are seven primary focus areas in a test
    methodology and required training for the         assessment. These factors represent the major
    recommended approach. Where more than             organizational components critical in
    one methodology exists, recommendations           determining the current baseline state of a test
    of the “best fit” for the company with            organization. These same areas are used for gap
    guidance on conducting pilots to evaluate         analysis and later to categorize improvements.
    one approach relative to another.                 The areas SDT focuses on are:
This paper describes a method for getting a clear
                                                      •   Organization
picture of a test organization’s current practices,
                                                      •   People
strengths, weaknesses, advantages, and
disadvantages in comparison with industry             •   Process
benchmarks, standards, tools, and techniques. It      •   Technology
also identifies some best practice and evaluation     •   Environment
criteria applicable for test organizations.           •   Outsourcing
                                                      •   Integration
Testing Best Practices                                Organization
                                                      The organization describes the work team’s roles
•   Understand company goals and objectives           and relationships. It defines the hierarchy and
•   Understand strategic vision and plan              relationships required to produce and test the
•   Select the right practices                        software. Important elements of the organization
•   Get a baseline measure of the                     include:
    organization and compare to industry              • Structure
    benchmarks                                        • Roles and responsibilities
•   Involve testing early in the life cycle –         • Location(s)
    starting with requirements reviews and            • Culture
    continuing throughout the life cycle.             • Communication styles    es
•   Charter an internal professional test
    management group to oversee the tools,            People
    techniques, workflow, and metrics                 People are the means by which software is
•   Document and enforce entry and exit               created and tested. Unqualified, untrained, or
    criteria                                          unsupported people are inefficient and
•   Measure and monitor work regularly                ineffective. They must understand what is
                                                      expected from them and what they need to be
•   Document and maintain requirements
                                                      successful. To do their jobs, people within the
    traceability (a mapping from tests to
                                                      organization must:
                                                      • Be technically qualified
•   Generate senior executive support and
    involvement                                       • Be trained to do the job
•   Use ROI metrics to justify                        • Have the proper tools
    expenditures/practices                            • Share an understanding of the inputs they
•   Use outside expertise, as needed                       require and the work products they create
•   Plan for continuing changes                       Process
•   Document internal process for specifying          The processes of the organization are the means
    work and measuring progress                       by which work is done. The test processes are
•   Apply balanced scorecard for testing              central to the effective and efficient functioning
    metrics                                           of the test organization, but the entire
•   Closely manage and control production-            development life cycle is involved in creating the
    like test environments                            quality of the deliverable software. The
                                                      assessment must cover the test process and
                                                      whichever other processes have direct positive or

negative impact on the work done in the test         around the clock operations, and more. This is
group or on the software quality itself. The         also an area littered with failed projects and
existing processes must be understood                disappointments from both outsourcing across
sufficiently to make valid comparisons with          the street and overseas.
applicable industry best processes. Process
questions include:                                   There are a host of opportunities and issues
                                                     surrounding outsourcing testing. Potential
• What are the process tasks and timetable(s)
                                                     problems include:
• Is adequate time given for the tasks
                                                     • Cultural misunderstandings
• How uniform and stable are the support
                                                     • Lack of internal processes for specifying
     processes (e.g., defect management, source
     code control, requirements management,
     etc.)                                           • Lack of internal project management skills
                                                     • Losing control of the resource
Technology                                           • Losing critical internal expertise
This reflects the choice of tools and their          • Problems communicating with cross-
utilization, efficiency, and effectiveness. The          functional groups
types of questions addressed include:
• What tools are used for development and            Integration
     testing                                         It is critical to know how well the areas play
• Are they the right tools for the jobs              together. It is not enough to have the right
• Are they the best tools for the specific           people, tools, and processes if they do not work
     requirements                                    together effectively. Some questions to answer
• Are they used effectively
                                                     • Where are the disconnects?
Environment                                          • Are there disagreements about what needs to
Software development and test is done in a
                                                           be delivered -- by/to whom, or when?
technical environment, which includes hardware,
                                                     • Are people aware of their roles and
software, networks, and communication
mechanisms. Controlled and uniform Test
Environments are required for consistent test
results and to replicate and fix the problems        SDT Test Assessment
found. High levels of environmental control and
monitoring are helpful for everyone working in       Process
the Test Environments since the test results         A Test Assessment can take a few days to
depend upon the regulation of outside factors,       several months, depending upon the size,
which could corrupt or invalidate the test team’s    diversity, and dispersion of the test organization.
work. Factors to investigate in this are include:    The overall assessment process remains basically
• Adequacy of test hardware, software, and           the same, however.
     other systems
• Test systems and components that can be            Initially, the parties agree on the purpose and
     shared among projects on a scheduled and        timing of the assessment. The organization being
     predictable basis                               assessed, desired outcomes, and specific
• Test Environment infrastructure                    deliverables are identified and the scope of the
• Test Environment procedures                        assessment is determined. Since many functions
                                                     within an organization directly affect the product
Outsourcing                                          quality and the testing of software, the test
The state of software development today is in        assessment must include representatives from
flux. Global competition in information              these groups, as well. The Assessment team must
technology has caused significant changes in         have the latitude, political backing, and expertise
how and where organizations get work done.           necessary to follow threads far beyond the
Virtual organizations are possible, with teams       borders of the Test Organization to assess
consisting of members who never meet in              important factors influencing quality and thus
person. Outsourcing is a method for staff            provide recommendations that apply.
augmentation, gaining experts for specific tasks,

The assessment process progresses through three           •    Test organization, charter, schedule.
major phases, as outlined below:                          •    Results of any prior assessments or
1.   Pre-Planning: The client and the                          organizational reviews.
     Assessment Team Lead meet to agree upon              • Software development and test
     the scope of the assessment, identify the                 deliverables for the projects, such as
     major participants, and plan the schedule.                Test Plans, example tests, presentations
     The Assessment Team gathers and digests                   at project reviews, etc.
     background information and prepares for the      •   Provide a detailed schedule of assessment
     on-site meetings.                                    activities and milestones.
                                                      •   Plan site visits
2.   Conducting the Assessment: The                   •   Generate agenda and schedule for Kickoff
     organization’s activities and artifacts are          Meeting
     observed and evaluated. An on-site
     assessment includes interviewing and             The assessment project planning process
     observing designated personnel from              provides the content for Kickoff Meetings
     Software Engineering groups (i.e.                presented at each site to familiarize participants
     Development and Test), Senior                    with the purpose and methods employed in the
     Management, and other functions that             assessment. A typical Kickoff Meeting agenda
     interface with Software Engineering at           might include the following items:
     multiple sites.
                                                      •   Introduce SDT and the Assessment Team
3.   Analysis and Recommendations:
                                                      •   Describe Assessment Purpose
     Observations are compared to industry
                                                      •   Assessment Phases
     norms with relative strengths and areas for
     improvement identified and specific                  • Pre-Planning
     recommendations/actions made. A                      • Conducting the Assessment
     management presentation documents the                • Analysis and Recommendations
     recommendations for organization, people,        •   Assessment Schedule
     process, technology, environment,
     outsourcing, and integration.                    Phase 2: Conduct the
                                                      Software Test Assessment
Phase 1: Plan the                                     The Assessment Team customizes its proprietary
Assessment Project                                    process capability assessment for each client.
The Assessment Team works with designated             The Assessment Team will interview and
Senior Management to define the project scope         observe people within the development, test
in the following areas:                               planning, and test execution teams to understand
• Internal functions to be included / excluded        existing people, organizational structure,
     and their locations.                             processes, and the issues/goals and objectives in
• External entities to be included (partners,         improving the existing environment. The
     customers)                                       Assessment Team may also interview critical
• Assessment focus (such as which projects to         customers or partners to learn their expectations,
     examine)                                         integration issues, and processes. From these
                                                      meetings, the Assessment Team will develop an
Preliminary information is gathered by having         overview of:
selected personnel complete a short Pre-              • The big picture testing process at the client
Assessment Questionnaire. The steps in the            • How the test process fits into the software
Assessment Planning Process are:                           development process
                                                      • Testing architecture, test implementations,
•    Complete the Pre-Planning Questionnaire               and test practices
•    Gather process/project documentation and         • Onsite / offshore outsource model
     provide SDT with access. Documentation to        • Approach to inspections and reviews
     include:                                         • Approach to defect metrics
     • Company development/test lifecycle.

•    Approach to staffing and organization, skill    The Evaluation produces the baseline description
     sets, and job roles                             of the client organization. The Initial
•    Different levels of testing employed            Presentation gives the executives a preview of
•    Use of tools for testing                        the findings and recommendations.
                                                     Documentation of the analysis and
                                                     recommendations is generated, and the
Phase 3: Analysis and                                Presentation/ Follow Up disseminates relevant
                                                     information from the assessment and prepares
Recommendations                                      the client organization for implementation of the
The Assessment Team analyzes the existing            recommended improvements.
approach to software testing and identifies
missing and sub-optimal components based on          Evaluation and Baseline
applicable industry standards and practices. The
Assessment Team analyzes the input received          Description
and examines:                                        Based on the information gathered in the
                                                     Evaluation and Initial Presentation steps, the
•    How the approach could be improved to           Assessment Team describes the baseline
     better meet the rapid development and           organizational behaviors and uses that as the
     deployment needs at the client                  basis for evaluation. The baseline is compared to
•    How the existing processes could be made        industry practices and gaps identified between
     more effective within the constraints of the    the organization and the most effective software
     client’s rapidly changing business              development and testing.
•    What the client’s software development/test
     needs are                                       Initial Executive Presentation
                                                     From the baseline description and evaluation, the
The Assessment Team composes the following:          Assessment Team provides preliminary feedback
• A recommended set of critical                      and recommendations to executive management
    improvements for testing                         on changes and improvements to its
• Actions that can immediately be                    architecture/strategy in the software development
    implemented, as well as long term actions        and testing process areas. The 2 - 4 hour
    within the client organization to improve        management meeting outlines the observations
    software/systems development and testing         and conclusions while providing for discussion
• A specific recommended roadmap for                 of opportunities for improvement. This initial
    improvement of QA/Test inclusive of test         presentation serves as a sanity check for the
    environment, test methods, and best              findings and recommendations and informs
    practices across the defined product             executive management of the relative strengths
    development cycle                                and weaknesses identified.
• An overall training plan for the organization
    and assistance with training vendor              Documentation of Analysis and
    identification for courses outside of SDT’s      Recommendations
                                                     Incorporating the feedback from the Initial
• The definition of what document templates
                                                     Executive Presentation, specific written
    should be put in place
                                                     documentation is provided on people, process
• The definition of an overall testing               and organizational recommendations; the
    architecture including an automation             QA/Test improvement roadmap; training
    framework                                        recommendations; and references to
                                                     recommended methodologies.
Phase 3 is further broken down into four steps:
1.   Evaluation                                      Presentation and Follow Up
2.   Initial Presentation
                                                     Based on feedback from the Initial Executive
3.   Documentation
                                                     Presentation, the Assessment Team provides
4.   Presentation/Follow Up

further information and recommendations to            Environment, Outsourcing, and the Integration
designated client managers on specific areas of       of the factors.
interest. The Assessment Team may discuss
alternatives for achieving the recommendations        When done well, the assessment provides a
and refinements of the roadmap elements. The          vision and roadmap for future success in testing.
Assessment Team may also discuss refinements          It should reflect the reality of the existing
of the schedule for improving employee skill          organization and a direction that clearly leads to
levels and for improving the employees’               improvement.
understanding and use of metrics, processes, and
best practices.
Often, a formal presentation to the management
team is made by SDT to communicate, clarify,
and address any questions about the observations
and recommendations. A view of the
requirements to achieve stated goals may be
included, detailing required training and
automation and giving an outline of the overall
requirements, investment estimates, and benefits
of implementing the improvements. An agenda
for a typical assessment presentation might
•   Introductions
•   SDT Assessment Purpose and Approach
•   Keys to Software Testing Success
•   Observations and Challenges
•   Recommendations
•   Roadmap to Success
•   Summary and Next Steps

Summary and
A Test Assessment can be a powerful tool to
determine a software test organization’s real
capabilities, strengths, weaknesses, advantages,
and disadvantages. It puts into perspective how
the test organization compares to other industry
test groups. It can identify the highest priority
areas for improvement and provide guidance on
how to make those improvements.

Since many parts of an organization can directly
affect product quality and the testing of software,
the test assessment should include participants
from many organizations besides the test and
development groups.
The assessment process progresses through three
phases: Planning, Conducting the Assessment,
and Analysis and Recommendations. Many
factors are considered during the assessment:
Organization, People, Process, Technology,

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SDT STRW Test Assessment White Paper

  • 1. WHITE PAPER Organization Assessments For Software Testing An assessment provides a vision and roadmap for future success in testing. A Test Organization Assessment can be a powerful tool to determine a software test organization’s real capabilities, strengths, weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages. It puts into perspective how the test organization compares to other industry test groups. It identifies the highest priority areas for improvement and provides guidance on how to make those improvements.
  • 2. WHITE PAPER: ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENTS FOR SOFTWARE TESTING 2 Software Development Considerations for an Technologies (SDT) provides software test services to product Assessment development and IT partners. SDT Software testing is critically important to creates new test groups or extends software development organizations and is becoming increasingly difficult and more the software testing capability of expensive as the complexity and pervasiveness our clients. SDT can design, of systems grow. As important as testing is, implement and execute Function, companies should focus on testing in the most System, and Performance tests to efficient, cost effective way. Increasingly, the augment a partner's test capability. costs of testing are going up. As the complexity Alternatively, SDT can assess a of software increases, the number of errors software testing organization or grows and customers’ tolerance for problems declines. A 2002 study by National Institute of assess and then transform a Standards and Technology (NIST) 1 concluded: software testing organization, by introducing an automation • 80% of the total cost of software framework, a wide range of development is spent to fix bugs • total loss in the USA due to inadequate software test tools, and a complete testing to both software developers and set of test processes. users: $59.5B • total cost of errors to software developers: Tim Townsend, Senior Director at $21.2B Sun Information Resources, Sun • potential savings with better testing: $10.6 B Microsystems, commented about • test tools today are primitive and evolving SDT assessment and • over half of software bugs are caught transformation consulting. downstream An assessment is often the first step of a major Tim said, “SDT came in and quickly improvement program. We should not take assessed our existing development organizational change lightly as people are and test methods and architected a directly affected (on the one end, they worry new, large-scale test process. They about their jobs and on the other extreme they also designed and rolled out a new are hoping for change). There is an expectation technical reviews and inspections that something will be done when an assessment program, resulting in greatly is completed. The assessment is the first phase for planning the changes. The change program improved communications and may be long and painful – but it may also be earlier defect detection. These very successful, especially with the right processes greatly fortified SunWay, planning. the foundation life-cycle methodology for the construction An assessment provides a baseline measurement and engineering management of and description of the test organization, which can be compared to industry benchmark complex Sun programs. These measures. This is the best way to identify gaps in processes orchestrated the performance in comparison with typical and best program’s alignment and in class operations. Often an assessment is integration activities across requested because management believes that production releases giving us a testing costs too much or provides too little quality foundation from which to value. Software quality may be unknown or manage successfully.” 1 NIST Report 02-3; costs derived from Table ES-4, p. ES11
  • 3. WHITE PAPER: ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENTS FOR SOFTWARE TESTING 3 Learn More declining. Although it may be clear to management that something is wrong, it is seldom clear what is wrong, or what to do to Software Testing in the Real World improve. An assessment should provide specific is an informational guide that is answers to managers’ questions. essentially a toolkit for continuous, sustainable improvement of the A software test assessment is an unbiased software testing process. Written evaluation of the metrics, methods, tools, practices, organization and environment used to by Edward Kit, CEO of Software produce software, with a focus on the testing of Development Technologies, the software. The objective is to identify the Software Testing in the Real World highest priority areas for improvement and addresses the most frequently provide guidance on how to make those asked questions about improvements based on first hand experience methodologies, tools, technology, with best practices at similar organizations. The and organizational issues being scope and formality of an assessment depends on the organization size and needs. posed in the testing community today. The assessment process is not an audit, even though assessments and audits share many To request a discussion with SDT similarities. An audit compares an organization and gain insights into how SDT can to a specific, established, theoretical model. It assess your software testing assumes that every organization should be operating exactly as the model describes. An organization, please call James assessment describes the organization as it is and Wright, SDT’s General Manager, compares it with other similar successful Test Service Operations, at 405- organizations to identify areas and methods for 232-6000 x11. To find out more improvement. It allows for differences within about Software Development and between organizations as long as the Technologies, visit operation is effective and efficient. The assessment focuses on supporting strengths and improving areas of weakness. Test Assessment Benefits There are many potential benefits, which can be derived from an assessment: • Provide a roadmap for improvements • Reduce and control testing costs • Provide the potential for predictability • Increase organizational productivity • Improve the quality of work products • Learn how the organization compares with other industry test organizations • Clarify areas of confusion and weakness • Wake up the troops (to avoid people becoming complacent) • Improve the use of test technology / tooling • Apply different kinds and levels of testing expertise through a release cycle and between release cycles • Improve effectiveness, efficiency, and reduce stress for testing organizations
  • 4. WHITE PAPER: ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENTS FOR SOFTWARE TESTING 4 Considerations for Selecting test industry benchmark knowledge, and organization change management skills an Assessor Outside consultants do not have these same The test organization being assessed is in issues. They should have current test industry partnership with the Assessment Team. The knowledge. What they lack, though, is relationship should be mutually supportive and knowledge about the specific organization based on mutual respect because the team must (which is both an advantage and disadvantage). become intimately familiar with the operations to Other benefits available from using an outside generate meaningful and useful results. Thee assessor: team’s purpose is to understand the strengths and • Obtain a neutral opinion and evaluation weaknesses in order to point the way to improving the organization. • Leverage experience from industry experts • Avoid the “Groupthink” issues of insiders An Assessment Team needs broad experience • Benchmark against industry and with industry test practices in a variety of marketplace best practices industries to discern practices and compare with • Gain access to world-class capabilities industry benchmarks. The team also needs experience at all levels of management and all The important factors to consider when choosing aspects of testing to identify a set of an assessment organization are: development and testing methodologies, including automation, to be implemented to • Knowledge and experience performing transition testing from a manual, back-end-only assessments in multiple organizations, task to a lifecycle-wide approach. This will industries, technologies and with industry enable the organization to identify defects at best practices every stage (i.e. have a “defect plan” for each • World-class capabilities phase) of the life cycle integrated with the • Specific experience with similar companies / software development lifecycle. The Assessment applications Team also needs practical experience with • Availability of domain expertise organizational transformations in order to make • Existing customizable process definitions reasonable recommendations. Few test and templates organizations have in-house expertise with the • Courseware corresponding to processes breadth and depth of experience required to • Ability to perform client selected assess the state of testing and quality. Companies improvements that specialize in software testing and assessment vary greatly in their knowledge, quality of assessments, and ability to follow up. Test Assessment Many organizations attempt to do their own Deliverables assessments with varying levels of success. An assessment should provide actionable Several hurdles must be overcome for internal information in a form that can be understood and assessments to work: discussed and should include: • It is very difficult to observe what we are • An accurate description of the current state doing wrong ourselves (if we know a better of testing and quality by observing actual way we use it) behaviors and artifacts and listening to what • People inside the organization have existing people say relationships and agendas that may get in the • A list of the current strengths and areas for way of objective analysis improvement within the software • People in the test group may not have development and testing processes experience working in other test • A concrete set of recommendations for organizations improvement, both immediate and longer • People inside the organization seldom have term, including recommendations on people experience with doing assessments, current and process.
  • 5. WHITE PAPER: ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENTS FOR SOFTWARE TESTING 5 • A “roadmap” for implementing the recommended methodologies and best Focus Areas for the practices, along with reference material of Assessment where to get more information about a given There are seven primary focus areas in a test methodology and required training for the assessment. These factors represent the major recommended approach. Where more than organizational components critical in one methodology exists, recommendations determining the current baseline state of a test of the “best fit” for the company with organization. These same areas are used for gap guidance on conducting pilots to evaluate analysis and later to categorize improvements. one approach relative to another. The areas SDT focuses on are: This paper describes a method for getting a clear • Organization picture of a test organization’s current practices, • People strengths, weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages in comparison with industry • Process benchmarks, standards, tools, and techniques. It • Technology also identifies some best practice and evaluation • Environment criteria applicable for test organizations. • Outsourcing • Integration Testing Best Practices Organization The organization describes the work team’s roles • Understand company goals and objectives and relationships. It defines the hierarchy and • Understand strategic vision and plan relationships required to produce and test the • Select the right practices software. Important elements of the organization • Get a baseline measure of the include: organization and compare to industry • Structure benchmarks • Roles and responsibilities • Involve testing early in the life cycle – • Location(s) starting with requirements reviews and • Culture continuing throughout the life cycle. • Communication styles es • Charter an internal professional test management group to oversee the tools, People techniques, workflow, and metrics People are the means by which software is • Document and enforce entry and exit created and tested. Unqualified, untrained, or criteria unsupported people are inefficient and • Measure and monitor work regularly ineffective. They must understand what is expected from them and what they need to be • Document and maintain requirements successful. To do their jobs, people within the traceability (a mapping from tests to organization must: requirements) • Be technically qualified • Generate senior executive support and involvement • Be trained to do the job • Use ROI metrics to justify • Have the proper tools expenditures/practices • Share an understanding of the inputs they • Use outside expertise, as needed require and the work products they create • Plan for continuing changes Process • Document internal process for specifying The processes of the organization are the means work and measuring progress by which work is done. The test processes are • Apply balanced scorecard for testing central to the effective and efficient functioning metrics of the test organization, but the entire • Closely manage and control production- development life cycle is involved in creating the like test environments quality of the deliverable software. The assessment must cover the test process and whichever other processes have direct positive or
  • 6. WHITE PAPER: ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENTS FOR SOFTWARE TESTING 6 negative impact on the work done in the test around the clock operations, and more. This is group or on the software quality itself. The also an area littered with failed projects and existing processes must be understood disappointments from both outsourcing across sufficiently to make valid comparisons with the street and overseas. applicable industry best processes. Process questions include: There are a host of opportunities and issues surrounding outsourcing testing. Potential • What are the process tasks and timetable(s) problems include: • Is adequate time given for the tasks • Cultural misunderstandings • How uniform and stable are the support • Lack of internal processes for specifying processes (e.g., defect management, source work code control, requirements management, etc.) • Lack of internal project management skills • Losing control of the resource Technology • Losing critical internal expertise This reflects the choice of tools and their • Problems communicating with cross- utilization, efficiency, and effectiveness. The functional groups types of questions addressed include: • What tools are used for development and Integration testing It is critical to know how well the areas play • Are they the right tools for the jobs together. It is not enough to have the right • Are they the best tools for the specific people, tools, and processes if they do not work requirements together effectively. Some questions to answer are: • Are they used effectively • Where are the disconnects? Environment • Are there disagreements about what needs to Software development and test is done in a be delivered -- by/to whom, or when? technical environment, which includes hardware, • Are people aware of their roles and software, networks, and communication interdependencies? mechanisms. Controlled and uniform Test Environments are required for consistent test results and to replicate and fix the problems SDT Test Assessment found. High levels of environmental control and monitoring are helpful for everyone working in Process the Test Environments since the test results A Test Assessment can take a few days to depend upon the regulation of outside factors, several months, depending upon the size, which could corrupt or invalidate the test team’s diversity, and dispersion of the test organization. work. Factors to investigate in this are include: The overall assessment process remains basically • Adequacy of test hardware, software, and the same, however. other systems • Test systems and components that can be Initially, the parties agree on the purpose and shared among projects on a scheduled and timing of the assessment. The organization being predictable basis assessed, desired outcomes, and specific • Test Environment infrastructure deliverables are identified and the scope of the • Test Environment procedures assessment is determined. Since many functions within an organization directly affect the product Outsourcing quality and the testing of software, the test The state of software development today is in assessment must include representatives from flux. Global competition in information these groups, as well. The Assessment team must technology has caused significant changes in have the latitude, political backing, and expertise how and where organizations get work done. necessary to follow threads far beyond the Virtual organizations are possible, with teams borders of the Test Organization to assess consisting of members who never meet in important factors influencing quality and thus person. Outsourcing is a method for staff provide recommendations that apply. augmentation, gaining experts for specific tasks,
  • 7. WHITE PAPER: ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENTS FOR SOFTWARE TESTING 7 The assessment process progresses through three • Test organization, charter, schedule. major phases, as outlined below: • Results of any prior assessments or 1. Pre-Planning: The client and the organizational reviews. Assessment Team Lead meet to agree upon • Software development and test the scope of the assessment, identify the deliverables for the projects, such as major participants, and plan the schedule. Test Plans, example tests, presentations The Assessment Team gathers and digests at project reviews, etc. background information and prepares for the • Provide a detailed schedule of assessment on-site meetings. activities and milestones. • Plan site visits 2. Conducting the Assessment: The • Generate agenda and schedule for Kickoff organization’s activities and artifacts are Meeting observed and evaluated. An on-site assessment includes interviewing and The assessment project planning process observing designated personnel from provides the content for Kickoff Meetings Software Engineering groups (i.e. presented at each site to familiarize participants Development and Test), Senior with the purpose and methods employed in the Management, and other functions that assessment. A typical Kickoff Meeting agenda interface with Software Engineering at might include the following items: multiple sites. • Introduce SDT and the Assessment Team 3. Analysis and Recommendations: • Describe Assessment Purpose Observations are compared to industry • Assessment Phases norms with relative strengths and areas for improvement identified and specific • Pre-Planning recommendations/actions made. A • Conducting the Assessment management presentation documents the • Analysis and Recommendations recommendations for organization, people, • Assessment Schedule process, technology, environment, outsourcing, and integration. Phase 2: Conduct the Software Test Assessment Phase 1: Plan the The Assessment Team customizes its proprietary Assessment Project process capability assessment for each client. The Assessment Team works with designated The Assessment Team will interview and Senior Management to define the project scope observe people within the development, test in the following areas: planning, and test execution teams to understand • Internal functions to be included / excluded existing people, organizational structure, and their locations. processes, and the issues/goals and objectives in • External entities to be included (partners, improving the existing environment. The customers) Assessment Team may also interview critical • Assessment focus (such as which projects to customers or partners to learn their expectations, examine) integration issues, and processes. From these meetings, the Assessment Team will develop an Preliminary information is gathered by having overview of: selected personnel complete a short Pre- • The big picture testing process at the client Assessment Questionnaire. The steps in the • How the test process fits into the software Assessment Planning Process are: development process • Testing architecture, test implementations, • Complete the Pre-Planning Questionnaire and test practices • Gather process/project documentation and • Onsite / offshore outsource model provide SDT with access. Documentation to • Approach to inspections and reviews include: • Approach to defect metrics • Company development/test lifecycle.
  • 8. WHITE PAPER: ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENTS FOR SOFTWARE TESTING 8 • Approach to staffing and organization, skill The Evaluation produces the baseline description sets, and job roles of the client organization. The Initial • Different levels of testing employed Presentation gives the executives a preview of • Use of tools for testing the findings and recommendations. Documentation of the analysis and recommendations is generated, and the Phase 3: Analysis and Presentation/ Follow Up disseminates relevant information from the assessment and prepares Recommendations the client organization for implementation of the The Assessment Team analyzes the existing recommended improvements. approach to software testing and identifies missing and sub-optimal components based on Evaluation and Baseline applicable industry standards and practices. The Assessment Team analyzes the input received Description and examines: Based on the information gathered in the Evaluation and Initial Presentation steps, the • How the approach could be improved to Assessment Team describes the baseline better meet the rapid development and organizational behaviors and uses that as the deployment needs at the client basis for evaluation. The baseline is compared to • How the existing processes could be made industry practices and gaps identified between more effective within the constraints of the the organization and the most effective software client’s rapidly changing business development and testing. environment • What the client’s software development/test needs are Initial Executive Presentation From the baseline description and evaluation, the The Assessment Team composes the following: Assessment Team provides preliminary feedback • A recommended set of critical and recommendations to executive management improvements for testing on changes and improvements to its • Actions that can immediately be architecture/strategy in the software development implemented, as well as long term actions and testing process areas. The 2 - 4 hour within the client organization to improve management meeting outlines the observations software/systems development and testing and conclusions while providing for discussion • A specific recommended roadmap for of opportunities for improvement. This initial improvement of QA/Test inclusive of test presentation serves as a sanity check for the environment, test methods, and best findings and recommendations and informs practices across the defined product executive management of the relative strengths development cycle and weaknesses identified. • An overall training plan for the organization and assistance with training vendor Documentation of Analysis and identification for courses outside of SDT’s Recommendations expertise Incorporating the feedback from the Initial • The definition of what document templates Executive Presentation, specific written should be put in place documentation is provided on people, process • The definition of an overall testing and organizational recommendations; the architecture including an automation QA/Test improvement roadmap; training framework recommendations; and references to recommended methodologies. Phase 3 is further broken down into four steps: 1. Evaluation Presentation and Follow Up 2. Initial Presentation Based on feedback from the Initial Executive 3. Documentation Presentation, the Assessment Team provides 4. Presentation/Follow Up
  • 9. WHITE PAPER: ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENTS FOR SOFTWARE TESTING 9 further information and recommendations to Environment, Outsourcing, and the Integration designated client managers on specific areas of of the factors. interest. The Assessment Team may discuss alternatives for achieving the recommendations When done well, the assessment provides a and refinements of the roadmap elements. The vision and roadmap for future success in testing. Assessment Team may also discuss refinements It should reflect the reality of the existing of the schedule for improving employee skill organization and a direction that clearly leads to levels and for improving the employees’ improvement. understanding and use of metrics, processes, and best practices. Often, a formal presentation to the management team is made by SDT to communicate, clarify, and address any questions about the observations and recommendations. A view of the requirements to achieve stated goals may be included, detailing required training and automation and giving an outline of the overall requirements, investment estimates, and benefits of implementing the improvements. An agenda for a typical assessment presentation might include: • Introductions • SDT Assessment Purpose and Approach • Keys to Software Testing Success • Observations and Challenges • Recommendations • Roadmap to Success • Summary and Next Steps Summary and Conclusions A Test Assessment can be a powerful tool to determine a software test organization’s real capabilities, strengths, weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages. It puts into perspective how the test organization compares to other industry test groups. It can identify the highest priority areas for improvement and provide guidance on how to make those improvements. Since many parts of an organization can directly affect product quality and the testing of software, the test assessment should include participants from many organizations besides the test and development groups. The assessment process progresses through three phases: Planning, Conducting the Assessment, and Analysis and Recommendations. Many factors are considered during the assessment: Organization, People, Process, Technology,