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SCOTT CARTER (early 30's, Slight facial hair, casual
clothing) pulls down the metal door and locks up the shop. He
drops the keys.
(under his breath)
F*ck sake, stupid keys.
SCOTT sighs, bends down and picks up the keys. His actions
are strained and awkward as he fumbles to pick them up. As he
stands he pulls his baseball cap down further over his face
and slowly makes his way down the street.
SCOTT turns the corner onto his apartment block to see a
small crowd and a mix of panicked voices.
(Raised voice)
No, don't jump!
Someone, call the ambulance, quick!
(calmed ramble)
Miss, I know things are hard right now
but this really isn't the way. Jumping
will just hurt ya more. I mean you
probably won't even die, you'll most
likely just fall and paralyse
SCOTT looks up to see a WOMAN with long brunette hair
standing on the roof top of the apartment complex. The mixed
voices of the public get drowned out by the thumping of his
heart. His face seems to pale as dread fills his features,
his balance wavers as he attempts to take a step away from
what is unfolding in front of him. His foot catches and he
falls to the floor in a heap.
SCOTT finally walks off from the plane with THOMAS, AKA
TANKER, (late 30's, worn skin, scruffy beard) looking
fatigued. THOMAS stretches and yawns, whilst SCOTT rubs
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the sleep out of his eyes.
(rough and slow)
God, that must have been the longest
flight known to man...
Yeah, tell me about it. Can't wait to
get into bed.
Well don't forget to woo ya lady, take
her out for a fancy dinner or
(Chuckles and shakes head)
You always were an old romantic. I'll
be seeing you next month then Tanker,
don't miss me too much buddy.
(Loud, booming laugh)
You wish, now go on your missus is
SCOTT turns to see ELOISE (late 20's, casual floral clothing,
light jewelery) standing there, time seems to slow as he
takes in her beauty. ELOISE'S smile seems to light up the
whole place.
(With excitement in her voice)
Scott! You're flight got in early, I
wasn't expecting you back until-
SCOTT cuts her off as he picks her up and spins her around,
ELOISE'S laughter fills the room.
SCOTT jolts awake in a feverish sweat. HARLEY quietly enters
the bedroom with a glass of water and some food before
setting them down on the bedside cabinet.
Ah, you're awake. How're ya feeling?
SCOTT rises quickly of the bed and stumbles.
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(Roughness in his voice)
Who the hell are you?
HARLEY puts out his arms to help steady SCOTT.
Woah there, steady... I think you hit
your head.
After sitting Scott back down and checking his head HARLEY
continues to speak.
I'm Harley, worlds best behaviourist
at your service. Saw ya fall, so I
helped ya back to my place, figured
you might need a quiet place to stay
since they're sorting out that lady.
HARLEY gestures to the window and SCOTT notices the flashing
lights below from the emergency services. SCOTT'S eyebrows
furrow as he sees her being escorted into the ambulance.
She's okay by the way, just a little
shaken. I'm more worried about you...
Looks like you had a panic attack down
SCOTT'S attention snaps back to HARLEY and eyes him up and
SCOTT slowly starts to speak as if in thought, choosing his
words carefully
I'm fine, just got a little
lightheaded. Not good with heights is
(Scoffs and shakes his head)
Told ya I'm a behaviourist right? I
know you're lying but up to you if ya
wanna tell the truth.
I don't think you're afraid of heights
at all, in fact don't look like you're
scared of much, mister.
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But that lady up there did something
to ya and I'm curious as to what.
Well, whatever it was caused ya to be
out cold.
SCOTT leaves the bedroom and looks around for the front door
whilst continuing the conversation. HARLEY gestures to the
front door.
Look kiddo, I appreciate the concern
but I can handle myself. I don't need
no help.
I'm not even 5 years younger than you
and I know what I'm doing. All I'm
saying is come see me if ya want to
sort these 'panic attacks' out, okay?
SCOTT waves off HARLEY'S concern and shakes his head.
It told you kid, I don't need no help.
SCOTT walks to the door of HARLEY'S apartment and is about to
leave, he looks back at HARLEY.
Thank you for your help, I suppose I
owe you now.
SCOTT leaves HARLEY's apartment, walks a couple of steps and
stops to see his his own apartment number a few doors down.
He lets out a sigh looks back at HARLEY'S door and rubs his
face. He makes his way inside and gets into bed.
SCOTT returns the next day to work, checks the delivery
schedule the stock cupboard. He realises they missing a
delivery for their bread, 3 boxes of brown bread and 2 boxes
of white.
For f*ck sake, not again.
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(shouting through from the shop
What are you complaining about now? I
swear, you're an old man half the
SCOTT walks out of the stock cupboard, clipboard in hand with
the bread company's delivery schedule and details.
Where is the bloody delivery for the
bread? I am not dealing with the angry
customers, you can do it this time.
(Slight whining)
How am I supposed to know? I'm not in
charge of deliveries.
SUSAN shakes her head, pouts and watches SCOTT disappear into
the staff area.
(Mocking and childish tone)
Gosh you're such a grumpy old man,
they prefer me anyway.
SCOTT closes his apartment door and rests the back of his
head on the door for a few seconds. He closes his eyes and
takes in the silence of the room. Suddenly there are three
sharp knocks on the door, SCOTT goes rigid at the sound.
SCOTT slowly moves away from the door, his breathing soft.
Hey Scott! You in there? Just wanted
to check in on ya.
SCOTT makes no ... to move. HARLEY knocks a few more times.
I guess you're not here. Well, just in
case you are... Goodnight.
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SCOTT checks the eye-hole in the door, double checks the lock
and makes his way into the kitchen, rubbing his face as he
(Mumbles to himself)
Ugh, he really is persistent.
SCOTT gets himself a cup of coffee, black with no sugar. He
sits on the old wooden chair at the small table in the
kitchen and slowly sips his coffee.
SCOTT returns to work, arriving early and starts stocking the
shelves now that the bread delivery arrived. The in store TV
can be heard as the news channel as it covers the latest
details of the war.
We take you now to our onsite
reporter, Alan Reed, for more details.
Thank you Louise. Yes as you can see
here the war is just getting worse. No
one knows when this war will ease up,
let alone stop. You can hear the ear
ringing explosions happening all
SCOTT looks up at the TV as the sound of explosions grabs his
attention, his pupils dilate in shock as this news story
triggers another flashback. He collapses, knocking items from
the nearby shelf and loses consciousness.
Gunfire and deafening explosions can be heard all around as
SCOTT and the rest of his squadron drive to the evacuation
point. TANKER looks at SCOTT with rage clear in his eyes.
This went so f*cking wrong... I can't
believe those b*stards turned against
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TANKER shakes his head, as his knuckles go white from
gripping tightly onto his gun. SCOTT lays a comforting hand
on his shoulder.
Trust me, I know. I feel your hatred
too, but don't let it get to you. We
all need to stay focused if we are to
get out of here safely.
SCOTT turns to the other men in his squad.
You ready to get out of here?!
Yes sir!
Let's go, let's go! Just like in
training boys.
SCOTT nods SQUAD MEMBER 1 as they reach the evacuation point
and he opens to door. The squadron piles out of the Ground
Mobility Vehicle and gets in formation.
Move out boys, the chopper will be
here soon.
A grenade falls close by two of the new additions of the
squad, they try to scramble away. In the commotion SCOTT runs
towards them and helps to pull them away. The grenade goes
off and SCOTT is thrown to the floor, the ringing in his ears
muffles the distant shouting of his squad mates, his vision
blurs and he fanatically blinks in attempt to clear his
Scott! Scott! Sco-
The shop manager, JEREMIAH, shakes SCOTT awake. Concern is
clear on his face. The 70 year old manager helps SCOTT sit
(panicked rush)
Scott what happened, are you okay?
Susan! Go call for an ambulance. Did
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you hit your head?
No I'm okay, don't need no ambulance.
Just give me a few minutes and I'll
get back to work.
Scott, I know you don't like the
hospital but I cant allow you to keep
working. At least let me check you
over, then you can go home to rest.
SCOTT begrudgingly nods his head in agreement and goes into
the staff area with JEREMIAH. SCOTT sits in a nearby chair
whilst JEREMIAH searches for the First Aid Kit. JEREMIAH
walks back to SCOTT, First Aid Kit in hand and crouches next
to SCOTT to start looking him over.
Damn legs, getting too old for all
this bending and lifting.
JEREMIAH checks SCOTT over, his movements showing experience
and precision. SCOTT sits still as he goes through all the
checks, they make small talk.
Well, Scott, everything looks fine.
Just a mild concussion, I'd say. Make
sure you go home and rest...
JEREMIAH pauses for a moment, and winces slightly knowing
what he says next will be unappreciated.
...Oh and take tomorrow off as well.
I'll call you tomorrow afternoon to
make sure you're okay.
Resigned SCOTT lays a hand on JEREMIAH'S shoulder as an act
of friendship.
Thank you Jeremiah, don't know what
I'd do without you.
(nods and smiles warmly)
Anytime. You know you're like the son
I never had. Now go on and get
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yourself home.
JEREMIAH calls a taxi for SCOTT and see his off the premises.
The taxi takes SCOTT back to the apartment.
SCOTT looks out the window onto the busy streets, lines of
cars pass by him. His eyes follow a young couple pushing a
pram. He furrows his brows in thought.
(mumbles to himself)
What did you say mate?
Nothing, here is perfect thank you.
The taxi pulls up to the side of the road.
Alright then, that'll be $20.80,
please mate.
SCOTT takes out his wallet and looks through for the money,
he hands the driver a few notes.
Here, keep the change.
Ah, thank you very much.
SCOTT starts to walk away and then suddenly turns when he
hears the TAXI DRIVER.
(Raised voice)
Hey mate! You accidentally gave me
The TAXI DRIVER holds out a piece of paper from the car
window. SCOTT slowly makes his way back to the taxi in
confusion and takes what ends up to be a picture back from
the driver.
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Oh thank you, I didn't even realise.
Have a good day.
(Nods and smiles)
You too.
As the taxi drives off SCOTT looks down at the picture of
sweet and gentle looking woman with long brown curled hair.
Just who are you?
Hey Scott! You're back early.
SCOTT raises his head as HARLEY waves and walks towards him
in a relaxed manner. SCOTT tenses, hurriedly puts away the
picture and looks at HARLEY with suspicion. HARLEY smiles as
they get closer to each other.
(questioning tone)
Yes, I am...
Hey now don't get all panicked. I just
usually hear you come back at 7, walls
are thin and I hear ya swear about the
door lock being broken...
SCOTT looks at HARLEY sceptically. HARLEY wiggles his
eyebrows and continues talking.
(Emphasises the word 'great')
Plus I have great hearing.
(shakes his head and laughs)
And I thought Tanker was the weirdest
guy I knew.
Who's this Tanker guy then, he my
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SCOTT stiffens and HARLEY raises his eyebrows.
You okay there?
(Stammering turns to a broken rage)
I-I don't... I don't know who he is,
or who Theodore is. Or this stupid
woman in my dreams!
SCOTT takes out the picture, rips it in half and throws it on
the floor. He marches past HARLEY and into the apartment
building. HARLEY looks at SCOTT in shock, picks up the ripped
picture and tries putting the pieces together. His eyes widen
in realisation, turns and runs to follow SCOTT.
By the time HARLEY reaches SCOTT his is unlocking the front
door to his apartment.
Scott, I think I know what's going on.
Let me try to help ya. This isn't
healthy or safe. You could
deteriorate, hurt yourself and others.
Scott listen to me, god damn it
SCOTT turns to look at HARLEY, vulnerability clear on his
I don't know who these people are... I
do but then I don't, they haunt me.
Let's change that for ya then. You
clearly know of them, so let's start
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SCOTT slowly nods in agreement. HARLEY makes his way to the
First things first, let's get a some
coffee. This is gonna be a long
HARLEY starts to search the kitchen cupboards for mugs and
coffee only to find most of the cupboards bare. He looks
around and realises most of SCOTT'S apartment is also the
same. There are no pictures or knick knacks anywhere. SCOTT
wanders in and rubs his face with his hands, determination
clear on his face. He helps HARLEY prepare the drinks in
Afterwards they both enter the main living space they start
to piece back together the picture of the woman.
This is coming together quite well...
HARLEY turns to look at SCOTT and wiggles his eyebrows.
...tape works wonders wouldn't ya say?
(rolls his eyes and chuckles)
You know all about that don't you
(Also laughing)
No comment. Now lets get on with
sorting this all out.
HARLEY now turns to SCOTT with seriousness in his face.
That lady from the roof, she reminded
you of her right?
HARLEY then points to the repaired picture. SCOTT nods and
looks ashamed.
I see her in my dreams most nights. I
don't know who she is. I must have
known her, I was in the dreams with
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her. She's important to me I think
(Slight pause) it's the same with
Tanker, I know him from somewhere too.
HARLEY leans forward, reaching for his coffee cup and
drinking some.
Tell me what you remember about them.
We'll start there, see if there are
any important details that could help
(In thought as he tries to
remember his past)
Okay well, I think I know Tanker, I
mean Thomas, from somewhere. We got
off a plane together. We must be
close, we joked a lot. We were in an
airport, there was a girl there. I
hugged her. Thomas mentioned about her
being my "missus"
SCOTT rubs his ring finger whilst in thought.
Can you remember what the airport was
called or where you were coming from?
SCOTT looks away in thought, his hand clenching as he
desperately searches for answers.
(Getting angry)
No I can't, I'm sorry. This was a
waste of time.
SCOTT starts to stand, taking his coffee cup with his and
drinking it in one go.
No no no. Come on, I didn't think you
were the type to give up so soon.
SCOTT turns to HARLEY, conflict etched on his face. Scott
looks down at the table where the picture is and carefully
picks it up.
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I just don't know how I can't remember
the important stuff.
Ah- that's where I come in my good
friend. Now I need you to trust me and
not to panic but it'll be worth it,
SCOTT sits back down and places his cup back on the table.
Okay, What do you need me to do?
Get comfortable and control your
breathing. Breath in for four seconds
and out for five, now keep doing that.
SCOTT does as he says and gets comfortable on the couch,
SCOTT then breath's in for four counts and out for five.
Yup, just like that you're doing
great. Now I want you to put some
earphones on, it will help with the
scenario recreation.
SCOTT starts to open his mouth to speak but HARLEY cuts
across, smiling.
It's fine, you can use mine.
SCOTT looks bewildered as HARLEY instantly answered his
unspoken question, but nods his head slowly. HARLEY reaches
in his pocket, pulls out his earphones and phone. He connects
them together and uses his phone to search for generic
airport noises. Afterwards HARLEY turns to SCOTT and passes
him the earphone to put in.
Now I'm going to play generic airport
noises through my phone to help get
you back in that memory. I'll keep the
volume down as I'm going to talk to
you throughout. Now close your eyes,
focus on your breathing and try
picture the airport... the sounds,
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the smells, the people...
SCOTT looks around and sees his younger looking self walking
next to who can only be TANKER. The past version of SCOTT and
TANKER are walking and joking, snippets of their conversation
can be heard.
That was an intense recovery mission,
my body is gonna ache for a while.
Yeah tell me about it. Don't forget
we've gotta go back to Marine Corps
Centre in a month. Don't go slacking
on your workouts.
(mumbles under breath)
The Marine Corps...
What did you say Scott? Come on buddy,
I need to know what you see and hear.
We were talking about the marine
Me an' Tanker, we had to go back there
in a month. Just came back from a
recovery mission from somewhere.
Okay good now carry on, you're doing
HARLEY'S voice seems to fade out at that moment in time, the
colours and noises from the airport becoming louder and more
vibrant. SCOTT follows his past self and looks around the
airport, he stops when he sees the words LAX.
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Harley whats LAX? It says LAX on the
walls inside...
Err let me look it up on my phone.
Seems like you're in the Los Angeles
International Airport.
Los Angeles...
SCOTT is pulled from his thoughts when he witnesses his past
self run to the woman. He gets closer, hears her soft giggles
and his past self chant her name over and over.
Ellie! Oh god Ellie, I can't believe
you came to pick me up I thought-
SCOTT is suddenly pulled out of his memory and turns to
HARLEY. SCOTT sits up quickly, his eyes wide.
Ellie! Her name is Ellie and she's my
SCOTT pauses and laughs whilst looking down at his ring
Oh my god I have a wife!
As the realisation sinks in SCOTT starts to shake.
I-I need to find her, I must find her.
Is she still alive? Does she remember
We will find her, don't ya worry. I'd
say that's enough memory recreation.
Lets get ya another coffee and we will
talk more then.
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SCOTT nods in agreement and watches HARLEY disappear into his
kitchen once again. His eyes flicker back to the picture of
(Whispers to himself)
I will find you Ellie, I will
HARLEY walks back in with two fresh mugs of coffee and sets
them on the table. He picks up his notes from the recent
session and SCOTT'S eyebrows are raised in wonder. HARLEY
Thought I'd take notes so we didn't
forget any information.
(Raises his eyebrows)
That's smart of you.
(Looking slightly smug)
Oh, I know. Now then lets get started.
HARLEY pulls out his phone once more and loads up Google. He
starts typing in the LAX airport.
I'm guessing you lived in Los Angeles
if that's where she came to pick you
up, considering you're married and
HARLEY started jotting down more notes as he's talking.
Now if we also think along those lines
it would make sense for you to go to a
Marine Corps nearby. Lets have a look
at the ones in the area, see if you
remember anything.
SCOTT nods his head and hope shows on his face.
Sounds good to me.
HARLEY starts a Google search for Marine Corps in LA.
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SCOTT shakes his head at every option, becoming more and more
annoyed for not recognising any. HARLEY rests his hand on
SCOTT'S shoulder.
It's okay, we just might not have
found the right one yet. Lets look at
some around LA.
SCOTT stays silent and rubs his hands over his face,
scratching his growing beard in thought.
After this I'm going to bed, I'm
exhausted from all this 'remembering'.
Yeah you will be. Lets rule off LA
completely then so we know where not
to look next.
HARLEY adjusts his google search for bases around LA rather
than in it.
(Almost talking to himself)
Okay, so we have the Lincoln Military
Housing, Marine Corps Communication/
Electronics School, err there's just
one left.
HARLEY turns to take a quick look at SCOTT. SCOTT nods for
him to continue.
Twenty-nine Pa-
SCOTT cuts HARLEY off mid sentence.
Twenty-nine Palms Marine Corps, that's
SCOTT grins at HARLEY, and hugs him. HARLEY awkwardly pats
his back in return.
Oh err, no problem. Told ya we would
figure it out.
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HARLEY pulls away slowly and starts putting his notebook,
phone and earphones away. HARLEY stands and looks down at
Right then, I'll take these. You need
to sleep and so do I. See ya after
work tomorrow.
Yeah sounds like a plan... Oh and I
forgot to say. I'm not working
tomorrow, boss told me to take it off.
SCOTT also stands up and walks HARLEY to his front door.
In that case I'll come see ya tomorrow
around midday, if that's cool with
Yeah just knock, I should be around.
HARLEY nods and leaves then walk down the hallway to his own
apartment. SCOTT watches him until HARLEY enters his own
place. SCOTT locks the door and checks it twice. He slowly
makes his way back to the table and picks up the picture. He
gazes at it lovingly before putting it away and walks into
the kitchen. He washes the mugs and has a quick shower,
before turning off the lights and climbing into bed.

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Script rekindled

  • 1. Created using Celtx EXT.SMALL CORNER SHOP. EVENING SCOTT CARTER (early 30's, Slight facial hair, casual clothing) pulls down the metal door and locks up the shop. He drops the keys. SCOTT (under his breath) F*ck sake, stupid keys. SCOTT sighs, bends down and picks up the keys. His actions are strained and awkward as he fumbles to pick them up. As he stands he pulls his baseball cap down further over his face and slowly makes his way down the street. EXT. APARTMENT BUILDINGS. EVENING SCOTT turns the corner onto his apartment block to see a small crowd and a mix of panicked voices. EXTRA 1 (Raised voice) No, don't jump! EXTRA 2 (Panicked) Someone, call the ambulance, quick! HARLEY (calmed ramble) Miss, I know things are hard right now but this really isn't the way. Jumping will just hurt ya more. I mean you probably won't even die, you'll most likely just fall and paralyse yourself. SCOTT looks up to see a WOMAN with long brunette hair standing on the roof top of the apartment complex. The mixed voices of the public get drowned out by the thumping of his heart. His face seems to pale as dread fills his features, his balance wavers as he attempts to take a step away from what is unfolding in front of him. His foot catches and he falls to the floor in a heap. FLASHBACK START. INT. LOS ANGELES INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. AFTERNOON SCOTT finally walks off from the plane with THOMAS, AKA TANKER, (late 30's, worn skin, scruffy beard) looking fatigued. THOMAS stretches and yawns, whilst SCOTT rubs
  • 2. 2. Created using Celtx the sleep out of his eyes. THOMAS (rough and slow) God, that must have been the longest flight known to man... SCOTT Yeah, tell me about it. Can't wait to get into bed. THOMAS Well don't forget to woo ya lady, take her out for a fancy dinner or something. SCOTT (Chuckles and shakes head) You always were an old romantic. I'll be seeing you next month then Tanker, don't miss me too much buddy. THOMAS (Loud, booming laugh) You wish, now go on your missus is waiting. SCOTT turns to see ELOISE (late 20's, casual floral clothing, light jewelery) standing there, time seems to slow as he takes in her beauty. ELOISE'S smile seems to light up the whole place. ELOISE (With excitement in her voice) Scott! You're flight got in early, I wasn't expecting you back until- SCOTT cuts her off as he picks her up and spins her around, ELOISE'S laughter fills the room. FLASHBACK ENDS. INT. APARTMENT. NIGHT SCOTT jolts awake in a feverish sweat. HARLEY quietly enters the bedroom with a glass of water and some food before setting them down on the bedside cabinet. HARLEY Ah, you're awake. How're ya feeling? SCOTT rises quickly of the bed and stumbles.
  • 3. 3. Created using Celtx SCOTT (Roughness in his voice) Who the hell are you? HARLEY puts out his arms to help steady SCOTT. HARLEY Woah there, steady... I think you hit your head. After sitting Scott back down and checking his head HARLEY continues to speak. HARLEY I'm Harley, worlds best behaviourist at your service. Saw ya fall, so I helped ya back to my place, figured you might need a quiet place to stay since they're sorting out that lady. HARLEY gestures to the window and SCOTT notices the flashing lights below from the emergency services. SCOTT'S eyebrows furrow as he sees her being escorted into the ambulance. HARLEY She's okay by the way, just a little shaken. I'm more worried about you... Looks like you had a panic attack down there SCOTT'S attention snaps back to HARLEY and eyes him up and down. SCOTT slowly starts to speak as if in thought, choosing his words carefully SCOTT I'm fine, just got a little lightheaded. Not good with heights is all. HARLEY (Scoffs and shakes his head) Told ya I'm a behaviourist right? I know you're lying but up to you if ya wanna tell the truth. I don't think you're afraid of heights at all, in fact don't look like you're scared of much, mister.
  • 4. 4. Created using Celtx But that lady up there did something to ya and I'm curious as to what. Well, whatever it was caused ya to be out cold. SCOTT leaves the bedroom and looks around for the front door whilst continuing the conversation. HARLEY gestures to the front door. SCOTT Look kiddo, I appreciate the concern but I can handle myself. I don't need no help. HARLEY (Exasperated) I'm not even 5 years younger than you and I know what I'm doing. All I'm saying is come see me if ya want to sort these 'panic attacks' out, okay? SCOTT waves off HARLEY'S concern and shakes his head. SCOTT It told you kid, I don't need no help. SCOTT walks to the door of HARLEY'S apartment and is about to leave, he looks back at HARLEY. SCOTT Thank you for your help, I suppose I owe you now. SCOTT leaves HARLEY's apartment, walks a couple of steps and stops to see his his own apartment number a few doors down. He lets out a sigh looks back at HARLEY'S door and rubs his face. He makes his way inside and gets into bed. INT. SHOP. MORNING SCOTT returns the next day to work, checks the delivery schedule the stock cupboard. He realises they missing a delivery for their bread, 3 boxes of brown bread and 2 boxes of white. SCOTT (Grumbles) For f*ck sake, not again.
  • 5. 5. Created using Celtx SUSAN (shouting through from the shop floor) What are you complaining about now? I swear, you're an old man half the time. SCOTT walks out of the stock cupboard, clipboard in hand with the bread company's delivery schedule and details. SCOTT Where is the bloody delivery for the bread? I am not dealing with the angry customers, you can do it this time. SUSAN (Slight whining) How am I supposed to know? I'm not in charge of deliveries. SUSAN shakes her head, pouts and watches SCOTT disappear into the staff area. SUSAN (Mocking and childish tone) Gosh you're such a grumpy old man, they prefer me anyway. INT. SCOTT'S APARTMENT. EVENING SCOTT closes his apartment door and rests the back of his head on the door for a few seconds. He closes his eyes and takes in the silence of the room. Suddenly there are three sharp knocks on the door, SCOTT goes rigid at the sound. SCOTT slowly moves away from the door, his breathing soft. HARLEY Hey Scott! You in there? Just wanted to check in on ya. SCOTT makes no ... to move. HARLEY knocks a few more times. HARLEY I guess you're not here. Well, just in case you are... Goodnight.
  • 6. 6. Created using Celtx SCOTT checks the eye-hole in the door, double checks the lock and makes his way into the kitchen, rubbing his face as he does. SCOTT (Mumbles to himself) Ugh, he really is persistent. SCOTT gets himself a cup of coffee, black with no sugar. He sits on the old wooden chair at the small table in the kitchen and slowly sips his coffee. INT. SHOP. MORNING SCOTT returns to work, arriving early and starts stocking the shelves now that the bread delivery arrived. The in store TV can be heard as the news channel as it covers the latest details of the war. V.O NEWS REPORTER - LOUISE BELL We take you now to our onsite reporter, Alan Reed, for more details. V.O NEWS REPORTER - ALAN REED Thank you Louise. Yes as you can see here the war is just getting worse. No one knows when this war will ease up, let alone stop. You can hear the ear ringing explosions happening all around- SCOTT looks up at the TV as the sound of explosions grabs his attention, his pupils dilate in shock as this news story triggers another flashback. He collapses, knocking items from the nearby shelf and loses consciousness. FLASHBACK START. INT. ARMY VEHICLE. AFTERNOON Gunfire and deafening explosions can be heard all around as SCOTT and the rest of his squadron drive to the evacuation point. TANKER looks at SCOTT with rage clear in his eyes. TANKER This went so f*cking wrong... I can't believe those b*stards turned against us.
  • 7. 7. Created using Celtx TANKER shakes his head, as his knuckles go white from gripping tightly onto his gun. SCOTT lays a comforting hand on his shoulder. SCOTT Trust me, I know. I feel your hatred too, but don't let it get to you. We all need to stay focused if we are to get out of here safely. SCOTT turns to the other men in his squad. SCOTT You ready to get out of here?! COLLECTIVE SQUAD Yes sir! SCOTT Let's go, let's go! Just like in training boys. SCOTT nods SQUAD MEMBER 1 as they reach the evacuation point and he opens to door. The squadron piles out of the Ground Mobility Vehicle and gets in formation. SCOTT Move out boys, the chopper will be here soon. A grenade falls close by two of the new additions of the squad, they try to scramble away. In the commotion SCOTT runs towards them and helps to pull them away. The grenade goes off and SCOTT is thrown to the floor, the ringing in his ears muffles the distant shouting of his squad mates, his vision blurs and he fanatically blinks in attempt to clear his vision. TANKER Scott! Scott! Sco- FLASHBACK ENDS. INT. SMALL CORNER SHOP. MORNING The shop manager, JEREMIAH, shakes SCOTT awake. Concern is clear on his face. The 70 year old manager helps SCOTT sit up. JEREMIAH (panicked rush) Scott what happened, are you okay? Susan! Go call for an ambulance. Did
  • 8. 8. Created using Celtx you hit your head? SCOTT (Groans) No I'm okay, don't need no ambulance. Just give me a few minutes and I'll get back to work. JEREMIAH Scott, I know you don't like the hospital but I cant allow you to keep working. At least let me check you over, then you can go home to rest. SCOTT begrudgingly nods his head in agreement and goes into the staff area with JEREMIAH. SCOTT sits in a nearby chair whilst JEREMIAH searches for the First Aid Kit. JEREMIAH walks back to SCOTT, First Aid Kit in hand and crouches next to SCOTT to start looking him over. JEREMIAH Damn legs, getting too old for all this bending and lifting. JEREMIAH checks SCOTT over, his movements showing experience and precision. SCOTT sits still as he goes through all the checks, they make small talk. JEREMIAH Well, Scott, everything looks fine. Just a mild concussion, I'd say. Make sure you go home and rest... JEREMIAH pauses for a moment, and winces slightly knowing what he says next will be unappreciated. ...Oh and take tomorrow off as well. I'll call you tomorrow afternoon to make sure you're okay. Resigned SCOTT lays a hand on JEREMIAH'S shoulder as an act of friendship. SCOTT Thank you Jeremiah, don't know what I'd do without you. JEREMIAH (nods and smiles warmly) Anytime. You know you're like the son I never had. Now go on and get
  • 9. 9. Created using Celtx yourself home. JEREMIAH calls a taxi for SCOTT and see his off the premises. The taxi takes SCOTT back to the apartment. INT. TAXI. MORNING SCOTT looks out the window onto the busy streets, lines of cars pass by him. His eyes follow a young couple pushing a pram. He furrows his brows in thought. SCOTT (mumbles to himself) Theodore... TAXI DRIVER What did you say mate? SCOTT Nothing, here is perfect thank you. The taxi pulls up to the side of the road. TAXI DRIVER Alright then, that'll be $20.80, please mate. SCOTT takes out his wallet and looks through for the money, he hands the driver a few notes. SCOTT Here, keep the change. TAXI DRIVER Ah, thank you very much. EXT. STREET. AFTERNOON SCOTT starts to walk away and then suddenly turns when he hears the TAXI DRIVER. TAXI DRIVER (Raised voice) Hey mate! You accidentally gave me this. The TAXI DRIVER holds out a piece of paper from the car window. SCOTT slowly makes his way back to the taxi in confusion and takes what ends up to be a picture back from the driver.
  • 10. 10. Created using Celtx SCOTT Oh thank you, I didn't even realise. Have a good day. TAXI DRIVER (Nods and smiles) You too. As the taxi drives off SCOTT looks down at the picture of sweet and gentle looking woman with long brown curled hair. SCOTT (Mumbles) Just who are you? HARLEY Hey Scott! You're back early. SCOTT raises his head as HARLEY waves and walks towards him in a relaxed manner. SCOTT tenses, hurriedly puts away the picture and looks at HARLEY with suspicion. HARLEY smiles as they get closer to each other. SCOTT (questioning tone) Yes, I am... HARLEY Hey now don't get all panicked. I just usually hear you come back at 7, walls are thin and I hear ya swear about the door lock being broken... SCOTT looks at HARLEY sceptically. HARLEY wiggles his eyebrows and continues talking. HARLEY (Emphasises the word 'great') Plus I have great hearing. SCOTT (shakes his head and laughs) And I thought Tanker was the weirdest guy I knew. HARLEY Who's this Tanker guy then, he my competition?
  • 11. 11. Created using Celtx SCOTT stiffens and HARLEY raises his eyebrows. HARLEY You okay there? SCOTT (Stammering turns to a broken rage) I-I don't... I don't know who he is, or who Theodore is. Or this stupid woman in my dreams! SCOTT takes out the picture, rips it in half and throws it on the floor. He marches past HARLEY and into the apartment building. HARLEY looks at SCOTT in shock, picks up the ripped picture and tries putting the pieces together. His eyes widen in realisation, turns and runs to follow SCOTT. By the time HARLEY reaches SCOTT his is unlocking the front door to his apartment. INT. SCOTT'S APARTMENT. AFTERNOON HARLEY Scott, I think I know what's going on. Let me try to help ya. This isn't healthy or safe. You could deteriorate, hurt yourself and others. Scott listen to me, god damn it SCOTT turns to look at HARLEY, vulnerability clear on his face. SCOTT (Exasperated) I don't know who these people are... I do but then I don't, they haunt me. HARLEY Let's change that for ya then. You clearly know of them, so let's start there.
  • 12. 12. Created using Celtx SCOTT slowly nods in agreement. HARLEY makes his way to the kitchen. HARLEY First things first, let's get a some coffee. This is gonna be a long evening. HARLEY starts to search the kitchen cupboards for mugs and coffee only to find most of the cupboards bare. He looks around and realises most of SCOTT'S apartment is also the same. There are no pictures or knick knacks anywhere. SCOTT wanders in and rubs his face with his hands, determination clear on his face. He helps HARLEY prepare the drinks in silence. Afterwards they both enter the main living space they start to piece back together the picture of the woman. HARLEY This is coming together quite well... HARLEY turns to look at SCOTT and wiggles his eyebrows. HARLEY ...tape works wonders wouldn't ya say? SCOTT (rolls his eyes and chuckles) You know all about that don't you Harley. HARLEY (Also laughing) No comment. Now lets get on with sorting this all out. HARLEY now turns to SCOTT with seriousness in his face. HARLEY That lady from the roof, she reminded you of her right? HARLEY then points to the repaired picture. SCOTT nods and looks ashamed. SCOTT I see her in my dreams most nights. I don't know who she is. I must have known her, I was in the dreams with
  • 13. 13. Created using Celtx her. She's important to me I think (Slight pause) it's the same with Tanker, I know him from somewhere too. HARLEY leans forward, reaching for his coffee cup and drinking some. HARLEY Tell me what you remember about them. We'll start there, see if there are any important details that could help us. SCOTT (In thought as he tries to remember his past) Okay well, I think I know Tanker, I mean Thomas, from somewhere. We got off a plane together. We must be close, we joked a lot. We were in an airport, there was a girl there. I hugged her. Thomas mentioned about her being my "missus" SCOTT rubs his ring finger whilst in thought. HARLEY Can you remember what the airport was called or where you were coming from? SCOTT looks away in thought, his hand clenching as he desperately searches for answers. SCOTT (Getting angry) No I can't, I'm sorry. This was a waste of time. SCOTT starts to stand, taking his coffee cup with his and drinking it in one go. HARLEY No no no. Come on, I didn't think you were the type to give up so soon. SCOTT turns to HARLEY, conflict etched on his face. Scott looks down at the table where the picture is and carefully picks it up.
  • 14. 14. Created using Celtx SCOTT I just don't know how I can't remember the important stuff. HARLEY Ah- that's where I come in my good friend. Now I need you to trust me and not to panic but it'll be worth it, okay? SCOTT sits back down and places his cup back on the table. SCOTT Okay, What do you need me to do? HARLEY Get comfortable and control your breathing. Breath in for four seconds and out for five, now keep doing that. SCOTT does as he says and gets comfortable on the couch, SCOTT then breath's in for four counts and out for five. HARLEY Yup, just like that you're doing great. Now I want you to put some earphones on, it will help with the scenario recreation. SCOTT starts to open his mouth to speak but HARLEY cuts across, smiling. HARLEY It's fine, you can use mine. SCOTT looks bewildered as HARLEY instantly answered his unspoken question, but nods his head slowly. HARLEY reaches in his pocket, pulls out his earphones and phone. He connects them together and uses his phone to search for generic airport noises. Afterwards HARLEY turns to SCOTT and passes him the earphone to put in. HARLEY Now I'm going to play generic airport noises through my phone to help get you back in that memory. I'll keep the volume down as I'm going to talk to you throughout. Now close your eyes, focus on your breathing and try picture the airport... the sounds,
  • 15. 15. Created using Celtx the smells, the people... FLASHBACK. INT. LOS ANGELES INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. AFTERNOON SCOTT looks around and sees his younger looking self walking next to who can only be TANKER. The past version of SCOTT and TANKER are walking and joking, snippets of their conversation can be heard. SCOTT That was an intense recovery mission, my body is gonna ache for a while. TANKER Yeah tell me about it. Don't forget we've gotta go back to Marine Corps Centre in a month. Don't go slacking on your workouts. SCOTT - V.O (mumbles under breath) The Marine Corps... HARLEY - V.O What did you say Scott? Come on buddy, I need to know what you see and hear. SCOTT - V.O (louder) We were talking about the marine corps. HARLEY - V.O Who? SCOTT - V.O Me an' Tanker, we had to go back there in a month. Just came back from a recovery mission from somewhere. HARLEY - V.O Okay good now carry on, you're doing great. HARLEY'S voice seems to fade out at that moment in time, the colours and noises from the airport becoming louder and more vibrant. SCOTT follows his past self and looks around the airport, he stops when he sees the words LAX.
  • 16. 16. Created using Celtx SCOTT - V.O Harley whats LAX? It says LAX on the walls inside... HARLEY - V.O Err let me look it up on my phone. Seems like you're in the Los Angeles International Airport. SCOTT - V.O (Mumbles) Los Angeles... SCOTT is pulled from his thoughts when he witnesses his past self run to the woman. He gets closer, hears her soft giggles and his past self chant her name over and over. SCOTT - PAST Ellie! Oh god Ellie, I can't believe you came to pick me up I thought- END FLASHBACK. INT. SCOTT'S APARTMENT. EVENING SCOTT is suddenly pulled out of his memory and turns to HARLEY. SCOTT sits up quickly, his eyes wide. SCOTT Ellie! Her name is Ellie and she's my wife SCOTT pauses and laughs whilst looking down at his ring finger. SCOTT Oh my god I have a wife! As the realisation sinks in SCOTT starts to shake. SCOTT I-I need to find her, I must find her. Is she still alive? Does she remember me? HARLEY We will find her, don't ya worry. I'd say that's enough memory recreation. Lets get ya another coffee and we will talk more then.
  • 17. 17. Created using Celtx SCOTT nods in agreement and watches HARLEY disappear into his kitchen once again. His eyes flicker back to the picture of ELLIE. SCOTT (Whispers to himself) I will find you Ellie, I will remember. HARLEY walks back in with two fresh mugs of coffee and sets them on the table. He picks up his notes from the recent session and SCOTT'S eyebrows are raised in wonder. HARLEY notices. HARLEY Thought I'd take notes so we didn't forget any information. SCOTT (Raises his eyebrows) That's smart of you. HARLEY (Looking slightly smug) Oh, I know. Now then lets get started. HARLEY pulls out his phone once more and loads up Google. He starts typing in the LAX airport. HARLEY I'm guessing you lived in Los Angeles if that's where she came to pick you up, considering you're married and all? HARLEY started jotting down more notes as he's talking. HARLEY Now if we also think along those lines it would make sense for you to go to a Marine Corps nearby. Lets have a look at the ones in the area, see if you remember anything. SCOTT nods his head and hope shows on his face. SCOTT Sounds good to me. HARLEY starts a Google search for Marine Corps in LA.
  • 18. 18. Created using Celtx SCOTT shakes his head at every option, becoming more and more annoyed for not recognising any. HARLEY rests his hand on SCOTT'S shoulder. HARLEY It's okay, we just might not have found the right one yet. Lets look at some around LA. SCOTT stays silent and rubs his hands over his face, scratching his growing beard in thought. SCOTT After this I'm going to bed, I'm exhausted from all this 'remembering'. HARLEY Yeah you will be. Lets rule off LA completely then so we know where not to look next. HARLEY adjusts his google search for bases around LA rather than in it. HARLEY (Almost talking to himself) Okay, so we have the Lincoln Military Housing, Marine Corps Communication/ Electronics School, err there's just one left. HARLEY turns to take a quick look at SCOTT. SCOTT nods for him to continue. HARLEY Twenty-nine Pa- SCOTT cuts HARLEY off mid sentence. SCOTT Twenty-nine Palms Marine Corps, that's it. SCOTT grins at HARLEY, and hugs him. HARLEY awkwardly pats his back in return. HARLEY (Awkwardly) Oh err, no problem. Told ya we would figure it out.
  • 19. 19. Created using Celtx HARLEY pulls away slowly and starts putting his notebook, phone and earphones away. HARLEY stands and looks down at SCOTT. HARLEY Right then, I'll take these. You need to sleep and so do I. See ya after work tomorrow. SCOTT Yeah sounds like a plan... Oh and I forgot to say. I'm not working tomorrow, boss told me to take it off. SCOTT also stands up and walks HARLEY to his front door. HARLEY In that case I'll come see ya tomorrow around midday, if that's cool with you. SCOTT Yeah just knock, I should be around. HARLEY nods and leaves then walk down the hallway to his own apartment. SCOTT watches him until HARLEY enters his own place. SCOTT locks the door and checks it twice. He slowly makes his way back to the table and picks up the picture. He gazes at it lovingly before putting it away and walks into the kitchen. He washes the mugs and has a quick shower, before turning off the lights and climbing into bed.