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El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
Unit one 
Lesson (1) 
Attempts of elements classification 
-:choose the correct answer 
Moseley classified elements in his table in an ascending order -1 
.……according to their 
.a. atomic weights 
.b. atomic numbers 
.c. chemical activity 
.d. valencies 
The number of elements in Mandeleev's periodic table is…… -2 
.a. 67 
.b. 76 
.c. 92 
.d. 116 
-: Write the scientific term 
The horizontal rows in which elements are arranged in an -1 
ascending order according to their atomic numbers in the periodic 
(..……) .table 
.Positively charged particles found inside the nucleus of the atom -2 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
-: Mention the name of the scientist who 
Corrected the atomic weights of some elements which were -1 
.(…………) .estimated wrongly 
.(…………) .Added group zero to the periodic table -2 
Put (√) or ( × ) then correct what is wrong:- 
.Mandeleev classified elements according to their mass numbers -1 
( ) 
Moseley classified the elements of each group into three sub-groups -2 
.(except group (7) and group (9 
( ) 
-: Give reason for 
.Scientists thought to classify elements according to their properties -1 
Mandeleev had to put more than one element in one place of his -2 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
-: Complete the following statements 
Elements of ''s'' block are located on the……. Of the periodic table -1 
.and they arranged in………groups 
Elements of block ''d'' are called…….elements and they appear -2 
.………starting from period 
What the scientific principal upon which the elements are 
? arranged in the modern periodic table 
-: Find the atomic number of each of the following 
.(An element exists in period 2 and group (6A -1 
.(An element exists in period 3 and group (1A -2 
.An element exists in period 2 and group zero -3 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
( Lesson (2 
Graduation of properties of the elements in the modern periodic 
-: Complete the following statements 
In periods, by increasing the atomic number, the atomic -1 
.……………size……….., while the electro negativity 
..………Has the highest electro negativity which equals .………… -2 
Is a polar compound because the difference in……….. .………… -3 
.………between its elements is relatively 
-: Give reason for 
Methane and hydrogen sulphide are not considered from polar 
From the opposite figure, which represents a part of the periodic 
table, answer the following:- 
which element has the highest -1 
?electro negativity 
which element has the greatest - -2 
?Atomic size 
If the electro negativity of (H) equals 2.1 and that of (N) equals 3 -3 
calculate the polarity ( the difference in electro negativity) in 
Be B C N O
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
-: Write the scientific term 
1- The measuring unit of atomic radius. (……………….) 
The ability of the atom in covalent molecule to attract the electrons -2 
(………………) .of the bond towards itself 
3- They are covalent compounds in which the difference in electro 
negativity between elements forming their molecules is relatively 
high. (………………..) 
Choose the correct answer:- 
All the following ions have the same electronic configuration of -1 
………neon (10Ne) except 
a. Al+3 
+b. Na 
+c. Li 
d. Mg+2 
An element (X) its atomic number is 15 so, the number of electrons -2 
..…………in its ion equals 
a. 10 
b. 15 
c. 17 
d. 18 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
An element (Y), its atomic number is 13 so, the electronic -4 
.……………configuration of its ion is 
a. 2,8 
b. 2,8,3 
c. 2,8,8 
d. 2,8,8,3 
Show by symbolic balanced equation each of the following:- 
.Adding dilute HCl to pieces of magnesium -1 
.Burning magnesium strip in air, then adding some water -2 
.burning a piece of coal in air -3 
What is meant by:- 
.Chemical activity series -1 
.Acidic oxides -2 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
Lesson (3) 
Main groups in the modern periodic table 
-: Write the scientific term 
1- Elements which are located at the left side of the periodic table in 
group (1). (…………..) 
2- The most active metal. (…………..) 
Choose the correct answer:- 
Elements which have atomic numbers………….are called alkali -1 
a. 2,8,16 
b. 2,10,18 
c. 3,11,19 
d. 4,12,20 
.………alkali metals have the following properties except -2 
.a. they have low density 
.b. they conduct electricity 
.C. they conduct heat 
.d. they don't react with water 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
-: Give reason for 
.Sodium and potassium are kept under the surface of kerosene -1 
.Rubidium and cesium elements sink in water -2 
The reaction of potassium with water is stronger than that of -3 
.Naming the metals of group (1) by alkali metals -4 
-:Complete the following statements 
Lithium element………..water as its density is…….than that of -1 
During the chemical reactions, sodium tends to………. an electron -2 
.and changes into……….. ion which carries……….. positive charge 
.Potassium reacts with water giving………. And gas evolves -3 
………… + ..……… Na + 2 H2O 2 -4 
The opposite figure represents group (1) of the periodic table. 
(The element which has electronic configuration (2,8,81 -1 
..………The most metallic element is -2 
.……elements which float on the water surface are -3 
the least metallic element is…………. -4 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
-: Give reason for 
The chemical activity of alkaline earth metals increases by -1 
.increasing their atomic size 
.(sodium (11Na) is more active than magnesium (12Mg -2 
: Mention one use for each of the following 
:Silicon slides -1 
:Liquid sodium -2 
-: Give reason for 
.Halogens are not exist in nature in elementary state -1 
.Halogens are called by this name -2 
.liquefied nitrogen is used in cornea preservation -3 
.Choose the odd word, then mention the scientific term for the rest 
.potassium/Iodine/Fluorine/Astatine/Bromine -1 
.Fluorine/Chlorine/Oxygen/Hydrogen/Sodium -2 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
Using the following diagram which represents a part of the 
periodic table, answer -: the following question 
:Write the letter of the element which -1 
.………a. is from transition elements 
..……(b. lies in period (3) and group (7A 
Z 8 9 10 
Locate the position of the following elements in the modern 
: periodic table 
:(Calcium (20Ca -1 
:(Neon (10Ne -2 
-: How can you differentiate between 
.(Copper and magnesium (using HCL -1 
.Magnesium oxide and carbon dioxide -2 
( Lesson (4 
N 35 
5 6 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
Choose -: the correct answer 
………All following are from water properties except -1 
.a. it exists in 3 states 
.b. it has high latent heat 
.C. it is used in generating electricity 
.d. it is a non- polar compound 
..…………water molecule consists of -2 
.a. two atoms of three different elements 
.b. three atoms of two different elements 
.c. three atoms of three different elements 
.d. four atoms of two different elements 
.( Mention the importance of water (two only 
? What is meant by hydrogen bond 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
-: Give reason for 
.Ice floats on water surface -1 
.The high boiling point of water -2 
The closed glass bottle filled with water is broken when it is put in -3 
.water is important liquid in distinguish fires -4 
.Adding drops of dilute acid to water during its electrolysis -5 
.During water electrolysis, oxygen gas evolves above the anode -6 
-: Write the scientific term 
.The positive pole of hofmann's voltameter -1 
.Ions responsible for the basic property in water molecule -2 
A kind of water pollution which results from mixing of humans and -3 
.animals wastes with water 
A kind of water pollution which results from discharging of -4 
.factories residues and sewage in rivers and seas 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
From the opposite figure, answer : the following questions 
?What the name of this apparatus -1 
(Label the numbers (1), (2) and (3 -2 
what happens if a glowing splint is put above the anode and the -3 
.…………………… ,Above the anode - 
…………………… ,Above the cathode - 
?write the balanced equation of this reaction -4 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
Unit two 
Lesson one 
The atmospheric layers 
If the temp. at the foot of Everest mountain is 20.6◦ C. find the temp 
.at. At its top of height 8862m. above earth's surface 
-: Give reasons for 
.All wither conditions take place in troposphere layer -1 
.The troposphere layer regulates the earth's temperature -2 
The atmospheric pressure in troposphere layer decreases by -3 
.increasing the height above sea level 
-: What is meant by 
1- Atmospheric envelop of the earth: 
-:Atmospheric pressure -2 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
What is the importance of:- 
1- Aneroid: 
:Altimeter -2 
Arrange the layers of atmospheric envelope according to the 
change in atmospheric pressure. 
-:Give reason for 
.The lower part of stratosphere is suitable for flying airoplanes -1 
.Ionosphere is important for radio stations -2 
.Mesosphere layer is highly vacuumed -3 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
.The stratosphere layer is called by ozonic atmospheric envelope -4 
-:What is the importance of 
1- VanAllenbelts: 
Ozone layer : 
-:satellites -3 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
Erosion of ozone layer and global warming 
-:Write the scientific term 
A type of ultraviolet radiations that is absorbed completely (100%) -1 
.by the ozone layer 
.Thinning or losing parts of ozone layer -2 
A molecule is formed by combining an atom of an element with -3 
.molecule of the same element 
An atmospheric layer acts as a shield that protects living organisms -4 
.from the danger of ultraviolet radiation 
-:Give reason for 
.Increasing the size of the ozone hole in September every year -1 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
.Formation of ozone layer in the stratosphere layer -2 
-:Complete the following statements 
Ultraviolet radiation has a…………..effect and infrared radiation -1 
.has a………….effect 
If the temperature at the base of mountain is 30◦C and at its top is -2 
……………………-6◦C, so the height of the mountain is 
The depletion of ozone layer above the……………pole increases -3 
.in the month of………….every year 
is an instrument used to measure the elevation of .…………… -4 
.……………planes above sea level based on 
-:Give reason for 
.Formation of ozone layer in the stratosphere layer -1 
.Ionosphere is important for radio stations -2 
.The high boiling point of water -3 
-:Choose the correct answer 
…………………Chloroflourocarbon compounds are used as -1 
.a. solvent material 
.b. cooling material 
.c. propellant material 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
d. . all the previous answers 
.Meteors are formed in…………..layer -2 
.a. ionosphere 
.b. stratosphere 
.c. mesosphere 
.d. exosphere 
…………………ozone degree is measured by a unit called -3 
.a. km 
.b. Dobson 
.c. mm2 
.d. nm 
.there are …………..bonds between the water molecule -4 
.a. metallic 
.b. ionic 
.c. covalent 
.d. hydrogen 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
Unit three 
Lesson one 
-:Write the scientific term 
remains of old living organisms that lived in the past for a certain -1 
(.…………………) .period, then became extinct 
the fossils that exist in the rocks of different areas that indicate the -2 
(..…………………) .extinction and evolution of organisms 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
Lesson two 
-:What is meant by 
:Moment of extinction -1 
:Extinction -2 
-:Give reason for 
.Bald eagle is from endangered species -1 
.Hunting of Tasmanian cat by peasants -2 
.Disappearance of papyrus plant from upper Nile -3 
-:What is meant by 
:natural protectorates -1 
:food chain -2 
Mid year revision2010/2011 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
For middle two for science 
Write -: the scientific term 
It is classification of elements in ascending order according to their 
.atomic weights 
It is classification of elements in ascending order according to their 
.atomic number 
.It is the block of elements which located at left side of periodic table 
.Its number indicats the number of period 
.Elements of zero group 
It is the ability of atom in covelent molecule to attract the electrons of 
.bond towards it self 
They are covelent compounds in which difference in electro negativity 
. between its elements is relatively high 
They are elements which have less than four electrons in their outer 
.most energy levels 
They are elements which have properties of both metals and non-. 
.(It is the most metalic elements in group (1A 
.It is the oxide which turns litmus solution to blue 
.It is gas which burns with popsound 
Aseries in which metals are arranged in descending order according to 
.their chemical activity 
.They are kept undre surface of kerosene 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
They . are divalent elements 
.They are located at right side of periodic table before inert gases 
.It is a radioactive elements used in food preservatoin 
.It is slides are used in manufacture of compouters 
.It has low boiling point so it is used in preservatoin of cornea 
.It is the layer in which all weather phenomena 
.It is the coldest layer of atmosphere 
.It is the hottest layer of atmospheric envelope 
.It is the layer which important in communication 
.It is the layer which called ozonic atmospheric air layer 
. It is a gas which composed of three oxygen 
It is the continous increase in the average temperature of the earth’s 
.near surface air 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
Compounds which should be reduced . to avoid erosion of ozone 
It is the continous decrease without compersation in the number of 
certain species of living organisms until all members of species die 
.It has the date of death of the last individual of that species 
.They are examples of species extinct in recent times 
.They are examples of species extinct in the old times 
.It is list included 450 endangered 
It is path of energy that transmits from a living organism to another in 
.the ecosystem 
.It is charactarized by containing a few numbers of living organisms 
.It is charactarized by large number of members of living organisms 
They are safe areas established to protect endangered species in their 
Date : 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
Mendeleev arranged the elements ascendingly according to………. -1 
.………While Moseley arranged them ascendingly according to 
The scientist ………….. discovered that the nucleus of the atom -2 
-Moseley located …………and………..elements below its table.3-3 
The modern periodic table consists of……….periods and………-4 
Elements of (B) groups are called ………elements and they appear -5 
………starting from period 
6-The number of vertical groups indicates……… 
………The number of horizantal periods indicates-7 
8-Element 13X lies in period ………and group ……… 
Elements in 3rd period and group (2A) so its atomic number -9 
By increasing the atomic number withen a period the atomic size -10 
………………due to 
is the ability of the atom in covalent molecule to attract the ………-11 
.………of the bond toward it 
In periods by increasing the atomic number the electro-negativily -12 
………of elements 
By increasing the atomic size in the group the electro--13 
………negativily………and the atomic number 
.and………are examples of polar compounds………-14 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
In water molecule,the ………atom atrracts the electrons of the -15 
………bondthan………atom as it has higher 
During the chemical reaction,metal atom tend to………electrons -16 
………and change into 
.have the properties of both metals and non-metals………-17 
Magnesium react with oxegen giving………which is called………-18 
Metals are arranged in a………order according to their……… in -19 
.chemical activity series 
metals react with hot water while………metal doesn’t react………-20 
.with water 
Burning a piece of carbon in air produces……… which dissolve in-21 
………water giving 
and………elements are from alkalimetals………-22 
alkalimetals are………metals therefore they kept under the surface-23 
………of ………or 
Rubidium and cesium………in water as their densities are………-24 
.than water density 
.and……… elements are examples of alkaline earth metals ………-25 
Halogens are named by this name because they react with ……… -26 
27-………is used in food preservation bec. It emits……… rays which 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
The atmospheric pressure ………by incrasing the length of the air -28 
The temp.of the troposphere decreses with rate………˚C for each -29 
layer is found in the upper part of stratosphere which ………-30 
.absorbs……… rays 
31-The highest temp.layer is………and the least is……… 
Most of weather features occurin……… layer where as satellites -32 
.swim in ……… layer 
Among the most dangerous pollutants of ozone layer………-33 
Among the most dangerous pollutants of ozone layer are………-34 
compounds that are used in air conditioning sets and……… 
.compounds that are used in fire extingwhier 
Ultraviolet radiation has………effect and the infra red radiation -35 
.has a………effect 
and………are from the examples of the climatic changes ………-36 
.prodused by global warming 
and……… are from recently extinct birds while………………-37 
.and……… are from recently extinct mammals 
38-………and………are from ways that protect the living organisms 
from extinction. 
and……… are from examples of enviromental ………,………-39 
.pollution that lead to extinction of living organisms 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
.……………: Date 
-: Give reason 
.elements of the same group have similar properties-1 
.both lithium (3Li) and nitrogen (7N) are located in the same period-2 
.water molecule is from the polar molecules -3 
By increasing the atomic number within groupsthe atomic size -4 
.We can use HCL to differentiate between copper and magnesium -5 
.Carbondioxide is acidic oxide but magnesium oxide is basic oxide -6 
.Elements of group (1A) are known as alkalimetals -7 
.Sodium and potassium are kept under the surface of kerosene -8 
.Cobalt-60 is used in preservation of food -9 
.The lower part of stratosphere is suitable for flying air planes -10 
.The temp. Is high in the upper part of stratosphere -11 
.The troposphere layer is called this name -12 
.Formation of ozone layer in the sratosphere -13 
.Infra red radiation cannot penetrate the earth’s atmosphere -14 
Removing trees of tropical forests is one of the most important -15 
.factors of extinction 
.Bald eagle is from endangered species -16 
.Increasing the rate of extinction often the industrial revolution -17 
-:Locate the position of the following elements 
.( Calcium( 20Ca 
.(Neon (10Ne 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
……………: Date 
-:Calculate the atomic numbers of the following elements 
.An element is located in 2rd period and group zero 
.(An element is located in 3 rd period and group (7A 
-:Write the balanced chemical equations 
.Burning of magnisium strip in oxygen 
.Burning of carbon in oxygen 
-:Mention one use for 
.liquid sodium 
-:What’s the importance of 
.Ozone layer 
-:Give an example for 
.one of the diseases caused to human due to ultra violet radiation 
.Dangeruos pollution caused depletion of ozone layer 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
Practical work for middle two 
(Activity (1 
Reaction of metal with dilute 
Put small pieces of magnesium in test tube -1 
.and add some dilute HCl acid 
Put a few of copper turning in another -2 
.test tube and add some dil HCl acid 
: . Obs 
.A gas evolves with bubbles in case of magnesium -1 
.No. gas evolves in case of copper -2 
: Results 
Active metals like Mg and Zn react with dilute acid to give salt and -1 
.hydrogen gas evolves 
.Inactive metals such as copper do not react with water -2 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
Activity (2) 
Metals with oxygen 
Burn one end of magnesium and -1 
.put it in cylinder of oxygen 
Add some water to produce substance -2 
.then add drops of violet litmus solution 
: . Obs 
.Magnesium strip burns with bright light -1 
.Litmus solution turns to blue -2 
Some metals like (Mg) and iron (Fe) react 
.with oxygen to give metal oxide 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
( Activity(3 
Reaction of non-metals with 
Burn a piece of coal in burning spoon -1 
.at put it in cylinder of oxygen 
Add some water, then drops of -2 
.violet litmus solution or paper 
.Solution turns to red - 
: Result 
Non metals like carbon react 
.with oxygen to give acidic oxide 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
( Activity(4 
Reaction of alkaline earth metals 
with water 
.get three basins of water -1 
put Mg strip in first, a piece of calcium in the second and a piece of -2 
.barium in third 
: . Obs 
Number of gas bubbles at barium is greater calcium and gas bubbles - 
.at calcium is greater than magnesium 
: Result 
.Barium is more active than calcium -1 
.Calcium is more active than magnesium -2 
Ba > Ca > Mg 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
Activity (5) 
Activity to show the concept of global 
.Get two empty bottles -1 
Pour some water in first bottle and some -2 
.amount of vinegar in second bottle 
.Put thermometer in each bottle -3 
Put some of sodium bicarbonate powder -4 
in second bottle and close it immediately 
.to keep CO2 trapped 
Put both bottles in sunny place, then measure -5 
.the temperature after 10 minuets 
Higher reading of thermometer - 
.in second bottle 
: Result 
Increase in concentration of CO2 causes 
.increase in temperature 
El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two 
Activity (6) 
Formation of ozone by effect of 
ultraviolet rays 
Use the plastic balls in front of you to . show how ozone gas is formed 
Mention one importance for ozone 
It does not allow passing far and medium ultraviolet rays from sun to earth 
.so protect living organisms from many harmful effects 

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أمنية وجدى
2018 الترم الأول - الصف الاول الابتدائي Time for englishبوكلت
 2018 الترم الأول - الصف الاول الابتدائي   Time for englishبوكلت  2018 الترم الأول - الصف الاول الابتدائي   Time for englishبوكلت
2018 الترم الأول - الصف الاول الابتدائي Time for englishبوكلت
أمنية وجدى
بوكلت أسئلة اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الثانى الابتدائى - الترم الأول
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بنك أسئلة فى اللغة الإنجليزية على الوحدات الثلاثة الأولى للصف الثالث الابتدائ...
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بنك أسئلة فى اللغة الإنجليزية على الوحدات الثلاثة الأولى للصف الثالث الابتدائ...
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أمنية وجدى
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دفتر تحضير مادة الرياضيات لجميع المراحل التعليمية باللغة الانجليزية
أمنية وجدى
50 exams 1p s2
50 exams 1p s250 exams 1p s2
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أمنية وجدى
كراسة اختبار اللغة العربية للثانوية العامة 2017
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أمنية وجدى
بوكلت المدارس المعدل 2017 فى اللغة العربية للصف الخامس الابتدائى للترم الثانى...
بوكلت المدارس المعدل 2017 فى اللغة العربية للصف الخامس الابتدائى للترم الثانى...بوكلت المدارس المعدل 2017 فى اللغة العربية للصف الخامس الابتدائى للترم الثانى...
بوكلت المدارس المعدل 2017 فى اللغة العربية للصف الخامس الابتدائى للترم الثانى...
أمنية وجدى
بوكلت شرح منهج اللغة العربية للصف السادس الابتدائى 2017 بالتعديل الجديد للترم...
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مراجعة كتاب المعاصر فى العلوم ( لغات ) للصف السادس الابتدائى لنصف العام
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أمنية وجدى
مذكرة مراجعة التربية الدينية الإسلامية للصف السادس الابتدائى لنصف العام
مذكرة مراجعة التربية الدينية الإسلامية للصف السادس الابتدائى لنصف العاممذكرة مراجعة التربية الدينية الإسلامية للصف السادس الابتدائى لنصف العام
مذكرة مراجعة التربية الدينية الإسلامية للصف السادس الابتدائى لنصف العام
أمنية وجدى
بوكلت المتميز فى الرياضيات للصف السادس الابتدائي 2017 الفصل الدراسى الأول أ/ ...
بوكلت المتميز فى الرياضيات للصف السادس الابتدائي 2017 الفصل الدراسى الأول أ/ ...بوكلت المتميز فى الرياضيات للصف السادس الابتدائي 2017 الفصل الدراسى الأول أ/ ...
بوكلت المتميز فى الرياضيات للصف السادس الابتدائي 2017 الفصل الدراسى الأول أ/ ...
أمنية وجدى
معدل نماذج استرشادية امتحان الترم الأول الصف الرابع الابتدائي حسب النظام ال...
معدل نماذج استرشادية امتحان الترم الأول   الصف الرابع الابتدائي حسب النظام ال...معدل نماذج استرشادية امتحان الترم الأول   الصف الرابع الابتدائي حسب النظام ال...
معدل نماذج استرشادية امتحان الترم الأول الصف الرابع الابتدائي حسب النظام ال...
أمنية وجدى

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Science booklet الصف الأول الإعدادى للترم الأول

  • 1. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two ............:Date Unit one Lesson (1) Attempts of elements classification -:choose the correct answer Moseley classified elements in his table in an ascending order -1 .……according to their .a. atomic weights .b. atomic numbers .c. chemical activity .d. valencies The number of elements in Mandeleev's periodic table is…… -2 .elements .a. 67 .b. 76 .c. 92 .d. 116 -: Write the scientific term The horizontal rows in which elements are arranged in an -1 ascending order according to their atomic numbers in the periodic (..……) .table .Positively charged particles found inside the nucleus of the atom -2 (……) 1
  • 2. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two ............:Date -: Mention the name of the scientist who Corrected the atomic weights of some elements which were -1 .(…………) .estimated wrongly .(…………) .Added group zero to the periodic table -2 Put (√) or ( × ) then correct what is wrong:- .Mandeleev classified elements according to their mass numbers -1 ( ) ………………………………………………………………………… ……………… Moseley classified the elements of each group into three sub-groups -2 .(except group (7) and group (9 ( ) ………………………………………………………………………… ……………… -: Give reason for .Scientists thought to classify elements according to their properties -1 Mandeleev had to put more than one element in one place of his -2 .table 2
  • 3. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two ............:Date -: Complete the following statements Elements of ''s'' block are located on the……. Of the periodic table -1 .and they arranged in………groups Elements of block ''d'' are called…….elements and they appear -2 .………starting from period What the scientific principal upon which the elements are ? arranged in the modern periodic table -: Find the atomic number of each of the following .(An element exists in period 2 and group (6A -1 .(An element exists in period 3 and group (1A -2 .An element exists in period 2 and group zero -3 3
  • 4. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two ............:Date ( Lesson (2 Graduation of properties of the elements in the modern periodic table -: Complete the following statements In periods, by increasing the atomic number, the atomic -1 .……………size……….., while the electro negativity ..………Has the highest electro negativity which equals .………… -2 Is a polar compound because the difference in……….. .………… -3 .………between its elements is relatively -: Give reason for Methane and hydrogen sulphide are not considered from polar .molecules From the opposite figure, which represents a part of the periodic table, answer the following:- which element has the highest -1 ?electro negativity which element has the greatest - -2 ?Atomic size If the electro negativity of (H) equals 2.1 and that of (N) equals 3 -3 calculate the polarity ( the difference in electro negativity) in .ammonia 4 H Li Na K Be B C N O
  • 5. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two ...........:Date -: Write the scientific term 1- The measuring unit of atomic radius. (……………….) The ability of the atom in covalent molecule to attract the electrons -2 (………………) .of the bond towards itself 3- They are covalent compounds in which the difference in electro negativity between elements forming their molecules is relatively high. (………………..) Choose the correct answer:- All the following ions have the same electronic configuration of -1 ………neon (10Ne) except a. Al+3 +b. Na +c. Li d. Mg+2 An element (X) its atomic number is 15 so, the number of electrons -2 ..…………in its ion equals a. 10 b. 15 c. 17 d. 18 5
  • 6. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two Date:............ An element (Y), its atomic number is 13 so, the electronic -4 .……………configuration of its ion is a. 2,8 b. 2,8,3 c. 2,8,8 d. 2,8,8,3 Show by symbolic balanced equation each of the following:- .Adding dilute HCl to pieces of magnesium -1 .Burning magnesium strip in air, then adding some water -2 .burning a piece of coal in air -3 What is meant by:- .Chemical activity series -1 .Acidic oxides -2 6
  • 7. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two ............:Date Lesson (3) Main groups in the modern periodic table -: Write the scientific term 1- Elements which are located at the left side of the periodic table in group (1). (…………..) 2- The most active metal. (…………..) Choose the correct answer:- Elements which have atomic numbers………….are called alkali -1 .metals a. 2,8,16 b. 2,10,18 c. 3,11,19 d. 4,12,20 .………alkali metals have the following properties except -2 .a. they have low density .b. they conduct electricity .C. they conduct heat .d. they don't react with water 7
  • 8. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two ............:Date -: Give reason for .Sodium and potassium are kept under the surface of kerosene -1 .Rubidium and cesium elements sink in water -2 The reaction of potassium with water is stronger than that of -3 .sodium .Naming the metals of group (1) by alkali metals -4 -:Complete the following statements Lithium element………..water as its density is…….than that of -1 .water During the chemical reactions, sodium tends to………. an electron -2 .and changes into……….. ion which carries……….. positive charge .Potassium reacts with water giving………. And gas evolves -3 ………… + ..……… Na + 2 H2O 2 -4 The opposite figure represents group (1) of the periodic table. (The element which has electronic configuration (2,8,81 -1 .………Is ..………The most metallic element is -2 .……elements which float on the water surface are -3 the least metallic element is…………. -4 ............:Date 8 A B C D E
  • 9. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two -: Give reason for The chemical activity of alkaline earth metals increases by -1 .increasing their atomic size .(sodium (11Na) is more active than magnesium (12Mg -2 : Mention one use for each of the following :Silicon slides -1 ..……………………………………………………………………… :Liquid sodium -2 .……………………………………………………………………… -: Give reason for .Halogens are not exist in nature in elementary state -1 .Halogens are called by this name -2 .liquefied nitrogen is used in cornea preservation -3 .Choose the odd word, then mention the scientific term for the rest .potassium/Iodine/Fluorine/Astatine/Bromine -1 .Fluorine/Chlorine/Oxygen/Hydrogen/Sodium -2 ............:Date 9
  • 10. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two Using the following diagram which represents a part of the periodic table, answer -: the following question :Write the letter of the element which -1 .………a. is from transition elements ..……(b. lies in period (3) and group (7A 2H e Z 8 9 10 Locate the position of the following elements in the modern : periodic table :(Calcium (20Ca -1 ………………………………………………………………………… :(Neon (10Ne -2 ………………………………………………………………………… -: How can you differentiate between .(Copper and magnesium (using HCL -1 .Magnesium oxide and carbon dioxide -2 Date:............ ( Lesson (4 10 1H Y 19 X M N 35 36K r 5 6 R G
  • 11. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two Water Choose -: the correct answer ………All following are from water properties except -1 .a. it exists in 3 states .b. it has high latent heat .C. it is used in generating electricity .d. it is a non- polar compound ..…………water molecule consists of -2 .a. two atoms of three different elements .b. three atoms of two different elements .c. three atoms of three different elements .d. four atoms of two different elements .( Mention the importance of water (two only -1 ………………………………………………………………………… -2 ………………………………………………………………………… ? What is meant by hydrogen bond ............:Date 11
  • 12. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two -: Give reason for .Ice floats on water surface -1 .The high boiling point of water -2 The closed glass bottle filled with water is broken when it is put in -3 .freezer .water is important liquid in distinguish fires -4 .Adding drops of dilute acid to water during its electrolysis -5 .During water electrolysis, oxygen gas evolves above the anode -6 -: Write the scientific term .The positive pole of hofmann's voltameter -1 (……………………) .Ions responsible for the basic property in water molecule -2 (..………………) A kind of water pollution which results from mixing of humans and -3 .animals wastes with water (.……………………) A kind of water pollution which results from discharging of -4 .factories residues and sewage in rivers and seas (....…………………) ............:Date 12
  • 13. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two From the opposite figure, answer : the following questions ?What the name of this apparatus -1 (Label the numbers (1), (2) and (3 -2 what happens if a glowing splint is put above the anode and the -3 ?cathode .…………………… ,Above the anode - …………………… ,Above the cathode - ?write the balanced equation of this reaction -4 13
  • 14. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two ............:Date Unit two Lesson one The atmospheric layers -:Problem If the temp. at the foot of Everest mountain is 20.6◦ C. find the temp .at. At its top of height 8862m. above earth's surface -: Give reasons for .All wither conditions take place in troposphere layer -1 .The troposphere layer regulates the earth's temperature -2 The atmospheric pressure in troposphere layer decreases by -3 .increasing the height above sea level -: What is meant by 1- Atmospheric envelop of the earth: …………………………………………........ ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… -:Atmospheric pressure -2 ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… 14
  • 15. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two Date:............ What is the importance of:- 1- Aneroid: ………………………………………………………………………… …………… :Altimeter -2 ………………………………………………………………………… ………… Arrange the layers of atmospheric envelope according to the change in atmospheric pressure. ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… -:Give reason for .The lower part of stratosphere is suitable for flying airoplanes -1 .Ionosphere is important for radio stations -2 .Mesosphere layer is highly vacuumed -3 15
  • 16. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two .The stratosphere layer is called by ozonic atmospheric envelope -4 ............:Date -:What is the importance of 1- VanAllenbelts: ………………………………………………………………………… …… ………………………………………………………………………… …………………………… -2 Ozone layer : ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… -:satellites -3 ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… …………………………… 16
  • 17. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two ............:Date Lesson two Erosion of ozone layer and global warming -:Write the scientific term A type of ultraviolet radiations that is absorbed completely (100%) -1 .by the ozone layer (.…………………) .Thinning or losing parts of ozone layer -2 (.…………………) A molecule is formed by combining an atom of an element with -3 .molecule of the same element (..…………………) An atmospheric layer acts as a shield that protects living organisms -4 .from the danger of ultraviolet radiation (..…………………) -:Give reason for .Increasing the size of the ozone hole in September every year -1 17
  • 18. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two .Formation of ozone layer in the stratosphere layer -2 ............:Date -:Complete the following statements Ultraviolet radiation has a…………..effect and infrared radiation -1 .has a………….effect If the temperature at the base of mountain is 30◦C and at its top is -2 ……………………-6◦C, so the height of the mountain is The depletion of ozone layer above the……………pole increases -3 .in the month of………….every year is an instrument used to measure the elevation of .…………… -4 .……………planes above sea level based on -:Give reason for .Formation of ozone layer in the stratosphere layer -1 .Ionosphere is important for radio stations -2 .The high boiling point of water -3 -:Choose the correct answer …………………Chloroflourocarbon compounds are used as -1 .a. solvent material .b. cooling material .c. propellant material 18
  • 19. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two d. . all the previous answers ............:Date .Meteors are formed in…………..layer -2 .a. ionosphere .b. stratosphere .c. mesosphere .d. exosphere …………………ozone degree is measured by a unit called -3 .a. km .b. Dobson .c. mm2 .d. nm .there are …………..bonds between the water molecule -4 .a. metallic .b. ionic .c. covalent .d. hydrogen 19
  • 20. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two ............:Date Unit three Lesson one Fossils -:Write the scientific term remains of old living organisms that lived in the past for a certain -1 (.…………………) .period, then became extinct the fossils that exist in the rocks of different areas that indicate the -2 (..…………………) .extinction and evolution of organisms 20
  • 21. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two ............:Date Lesson two Extinction -:What is meant by :Moment of extinction -1 .…………………………………………………………………… :Extinction -2 ………………………………………………………………………… ..…………… -:Give reason for .Bald eagle is from endangered species -1 .Hunting of Tasmanian cat by peasants -2 .Disappearance of papyrus plant from upper Nile -3 -:What is meant by :natural protectorates -1 .…………………………………………………………………… :food chain -2 ………………………………………………………………………… …………… Mid year revision2010/2011 21
  • 22. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two For middle two for science Write -: the scientific term It is classification of elements in ascending order according to their .atomic weights It is classification of elements in ascending order according to their .atomic number .It is the block of elements which located at left side of periodic table .Its number indicats the number of period .Elements of zero group It is the ability of atom in covelent molecule to attract the electrons of .bond towards it self They are covelent compounds in which difference in electro negativity . between its elements is relatively high They are elements which have less than four electrons in their outer .most energy levels They are elements which have properties of both metals and non-. metals .(It is the most metalic elements in group (1A .It is the oxide which turns litmus solution to blue .It is gas which burns with popsound Aseries in which metals are arranged in descending order according to .their chemical activity .They are kept undre surface of kerosene 22
  • 23. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two They . are divalent elements .They are located at right side of periodic table before inert gases .It is a radioactive elements used in food preservatoin .It is slides are used in manufacture of compouters .It has low boiling point so it is used in preservatoin of cornea .It is the layer in which all weather phenomena .It is the coldest layer of atmosphere .It is the hottest layer of atmospheric envelope .It is the layer which important in communication .It is the layer which called ozonic atmospheric air layer . It is a gas which composed of three oxygen It is the continous increase in the average temperature of the earth’s .near surface air 23
  • 24. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two Compounds which should be reduced . to avoid erosion of ozone It is the continous decrease without compersation in the number of certain species of living organisms until all members of species die .out .It has the date of death of the last individual of that species .They are examples of species extinct in recent times .They are examples of species extinct in the old times .It is list included 450 endangered It is path of energy that transmits from a living organism to another in .the ecosystem .It is charactarized by containing a few numbers of living organisms .It is charactarized by large number of members of living organisms They are safe areas established to protect endangered species in their .homeland ************************** Date : Complete:- 24
  • 25. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two Mendeleev arranged the elements ascendingly according to………. -1 .………While Moseley arranged them ascendingly according to The scientist ………….. discovered that the nucleus of the atom -2 ………contains -Moseley located …………and………..elements below its table.3-3 The modern periodic table consists of……….periods and………-4 .groups Elements of (B) groups are called ………elements and they appear -5 ………starting from period 6-The number of vertical groups indicates……… ………The number of horizantal periods indicates-7 8-Element 13X lies in period ………and group ……… Elements in 3rd period and group (2A) so its atomic number -9 ………equals By increasing the atomic number withen a period the atomic size -10 ………………due to is the ability of the atom in covalent molecule to attract the ………-11 .………of the bond toward it In periods by increasing the atomic number the electro-negativily -12 ………of elements By increasing the atomic size in the group the electro--13 ………negativily………and the atomic number .and………are examples of polar compounds………-14 25
  • 26. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two In water molecule,the ………atom atrracts the electrons of the -15 ………bondthan………atom as it has higher During the chemical reaction,metal atom tend to………electrons -16 ………and change into .have the properties of both metals and non-metals………-17 Magnesium react with oxegen giving………which is called………-18 -18 Metals are arranged in a………order according to their……… in -19 .chemical activity series metals react with hot water while………metal doesn’t react………-20 .with water Burning a piece of carbon in air produces……… which dissolve in-21 ………water giving and………elements are from alkalimetals………-22 alkalimetals are………metals therefore they kept under the surface-23 ………of ………or Rubidium and cesium………in water as their densities are………-24 .than water density .and……… elements are examples of alkaline earth metals ………-25 Halogens are named by this name because they react with ……… -26 ………forming 27-………is used in food preservation bec. It emits……… rays which prevent………cells. 26
  • 27. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two The atmospheric pressure ………by incrasing the length of the air -28 .column The temp.of the troposphere decreses with rate………˚C for each -29 .………high layer is found in the upper part of stratosphere which ………-30 .absorbs……… rays 31-The highest temp.layer is………and the least is……… Most of weather features occurin……… layer where as satellites -32 .swim in ……… layer Among the most dangerous pollutants of ozone layer………-33 ………and Among the most dangerous pollutants of ozone layer are………-34 compounds that are used in air conditioning sets and……… .compounds that are used in fire extingwhier Ultraviolet radiation has………effect and the infra red radiation -35 .has a………effect and………are from the examples of the climatic changes ………-36 .prodused by global warming and……… are from recently extinct birds while………………-37 .and……… are from recently extinct mammals 38-………and………are from ways that protect the living organisms from extinction. and……… are from examples of enviromental ………,………-39 .pollution that lead to extinction of living organisms 27
  • 28. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two .……………: Date -: Give reason .elements of the same group have similar properties-1 .both lithium (3Li) and nitrogen (7N) are located in the same period-2 .water molecule is from the polar molecules -3 By increasing the atomic number within groupsthe atomic size -4 .increases .We can use HCL to differentiate between copper and magnesium -5 .Carbondioxide is acidic oxide but magnesium oxide is basic oxide -6 .Elements of group (1A) are known as alkalimetals -7 .Sodium and potassium are kept under the surface of kerosene -8 .Cobalt-60 is used in preservation of food -9 .The lower part of stratosphere is suitable for flying air planes -10 .The temp. Is high in the upper part of stratosphere -11 .The troposphere layer is called this name -12 .Formation of ozone layer in the sratosphere -13 .Infra red radiation cannot penetrate the earth’s atmosphere -14 Removing trees of tropical forests is one of the most important -15 .factors of extinction .Bald eagle is from endangered species -16 .Increasing the rate of extinction often the industrial revolution -17 -:Locate the position of the following elements .( Calcium( 20Ca .(Neon (10Ne 28
  • 29. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two ……………: Date -:Calculate the atomic numbers of the following elements .An element is located in 2rd period and group zero .(An element is located in 3 rd period and group (7A *********************************************** -:Write the balanced chemical equations .Burning of magnisium strip in oxygen .Burning of carbon in oxygen *********************************************** -:Mention one use for .liquid sodium .Cobalt .Silicon ************************************************ -:What’s the importance of .Altimeter .Aneriod .Ozone layer ************************************************ -:Give an example for .one of the diseases caused to human due to ultra violet radiation .Dangeruos pollution caused depletion of ozone layer ************************************************ 29
  • 30. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two Practical work for middle two (Activity (1 Reaction of metal with dilute acids Put small pieces of magnesium in test tube -1 .and add some dilute HCl acid Put a few of copper turning in another -2 .test tube and add some dil HCl acid : . Obs .A gas evolves with bubbles in case of magnesium -1 .No. gas evolves in case of copper -2 : Results Active metals like Mg and Zn react with dilute acid to give salt and -1 .hydrogen gas evolves .Inactive metals such as copper do not react with water -2 30
  • 31. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two Activity (2) Metals with oxygen Burn one end of magnesium and -1 .put it in cylinder of oxygen Add some water to produce substance -2 .then add drops of violet litmus solution : . Obs .Magnesium strip burns with bright light -1 .Litmus solution turns to blue -2 :Result Some metals like (Mg) and iron (Fe) react .with oxygen to give metal oxide 31
  • 32. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two ( Activity(3 Reaction of non-metals with oxygen Burn a piece of coal in burning spoon -1 .at put it in cylinder of oxygen Add some water, then drops of -2 .violet litmus solution or paper :.Obs .Solution turns to red - : Result Non metals like carbon react .with oxygen to give acidic oxide 32
  • 33. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two ( Activity(4 Reaction of alkaline earth metals with water :Steps .get three basins of water -1 put Mg strip in first, a piece of calcium in the second and a piece of -2 .barium in third : . Obs Number of gas bubbles at barium is greater calcium and gas bubbles - .at calcium is greater than magnesium : Result .Barium is more active than calcium -1 .Calcium is more active than magnesium -2 Ba > Ca > Mg 33
  • 34. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two Activity (5) Activity to show the concept of global warming .Get two empty bottles -1 Pour some water in first bottle and some -2 .amount of vinegar in second bottle .Put thermometer in each bottle -3 Put some of sodium bicarbonate powder -4 in second bottle and close it immediately .to keep CO2 trapped Put both bottles in sunny place, then measure -5 .the temperature after 10 minuets :.Obs Higher reading of thermometer - .in second bottle : Result Increase in concentration of CO2 causes .increase in temperature 34
  • 35. El-Zahraa Language School Science Middle Two Activity (6) Formation of ozone by effect of ultraviolet rays Use the plastic balls in front of you to . show how ozone gas is formed Mention one importance for ozone layer It does not allow passing far and medium ultraviolet rays from sun to earth .so protect living organisms from many harmful effects 35