SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Big and Small Goals; Daily,Weekly, Monthly, yearly and so on
Create a Dream/Vision Board
Share your goals with everyone
90% More apt to reach goals if you write them down
Dry erase Goal Board for Fridge
Track and re-assess your goals often
Be accountable: Have a partner that checks in with you
S.M.A.R.TGoal Setting:
State goals add Declarations
Goal Statement:
What do I need to reach this goal?
Where am I now?
Obstacles ?:
Solutions ?:
Be Persistent, Consistent and Patient!
It’s all about Numbers.The more contacts you make the faster your business will grow.
Domain Name
FB Business Page
Know ScentsyVerbiage
Re-read Scentsy Handbook
KnowCompensation Plan
Watch Discovering Scentsy
Scentsify (Brand) your Car
Email Signature
Scentsy Story
Wear Scentsy
Always have catalogs or sample business card with you
Time Management
Plant Seeds
Scentsy Spirit
Practice having a minimum of $500 PRV Monthly (needed in order to receive leadership bonuses when Director)
Have a planner
Minimum Requirements:
$500.00 PRV
Three (3) “Active” Frontline Consultants
$10,000 GWV (After Commission Deducted) or
$13,344 Group RetailVolume
Equations: Retail * .25 + Retail= Wholesale
$13,334 x .75 is $10,000.50. PRV x .75
PRV x .25 then subtract that amount from
the PRV to get to $10,000.
Different ways to break the numbers down
More team members the easier it is to achieve
20 team members need $650 each PRV $500
15 team members need $750 PRV $2500
At least 25-30 team members on average
You are in control of your “Attitude”
You are in control of your achievements.
You are in control of your earnings.
You are in control of your business.
You are in control of your success.
Team Meetings
Conference Calls
Mini get togethers
Spring Sprint
Motivational Conferences
Soak up and absorb Knowledge
Jaqueline RoyTrainings are great
Don’t need to re-invent the wheel
Learn from the Scentsy experts
Get a Mentor
Megan Sommer’s trainings are excellent
Team Pages on FB and
Coach your Hostess
Something Sweet Something Salty
Show how easy it is
1 trip to pack in your supplies
Use their table
Arrive early
Give Basket party a week before the party to build sales
Give a small gift to those that bring a guest
Give her a prize for outside orders before party
Keep presentation Short, Fun, and engaging
Share your Scentsy Story
Door Prize to get Newsletter contacts
Best recruits are our hosts
Offer up party to be Launch Party
Listen to the guests: Everyone wants something extra in their life. Figure out how Scentsy can help them.
Book 2 parties off of this party: 1 to replace and 1 to move you forward.
Offer up your home for Party location.
Coffee shops, pizza places other locations for parties. Free Advertisement
Basket Party:Your $25 employee
Megan Sommer training: Perfect Parties Start to finish, and Hostess Coaching and Planning a Party!
Open DateCards
Find Bazaars,Vendor events
If you can’t find one, create one with other Direct Sales
Google Events for local events
Contact: Schools, Churches, Nursing Homes etc for events
If an event already has a consultant ask to be put on back up
list, they might not quit or can’t make it next time.
Everyone is a Prospect!
Recruit, Recruit, Recruit
Downline Multiplier Effect: Recruit 1 a month and they recruit 1 a month and so on
AlwaysCarry Recruiting Packets: Join Brochure, Discover Scentsy DVD,Catalog, Scent Circle
Recruit your Hosts
Put join brochure in every order
Compliment Potential recruits: If you think they would be good, then tell them why
I think you would be good at Scentsy because you are outgoing and have a ton of friends.
90% of people sign up in Direct Sales because people asked them.
Make the goal of 10 people telling you No.Then when they say no, say: Great that is #3,The
person will sayWhat?Then they want to know more.
Don’t make the No personal. Analogy of offering gum. Some will take it and some won’t.
Some will take it and hold.
Recruiting from Coast to Coast – Karen Fettes – SuperStar Director
What is Sponsoring? “Finding people and discovering what they truly want and then if the
timing is right, show them how Scentsy can help them attain it.” Bob Hipple
Recruiting is the lifeblood of your business.
Going International
Join Stickers
Loan your potential recruit, your basket party a week prior to their signup date so they can
collect “pre-sign up” orders during their initial excitement. Sign up, enter their first party
and viola!They immediately become active!
 Someone who says they need Money
 People who are bored
 Wants to be happy
 College Students
 Military Spouses
 Wanna a new drug? Let Scentsy be your drug of choice, this is a mood enhancer. So much joy.. No bad side effects!
 Temporarily out of work, Men and Women
 Party guests interested in the Product
 Part time workers
 Anyone who shows interest
 Housewives
 Empty nesters
 Someone who lost a loved one
 Those that spread the Scentsy love
 Someone who starts showing someone else how it works
 Needs a girls night out and connect with others
 40 years old, middle class, bored
 Pay for their Scentsy habit
 Never Judge, sometimes the person you least expect to perform, turns out to be your best recruit!
 Those looking for other ways of gratifying themselves:
 Need aVacation
 Need someAdult time a few min away from the kids
 Want recognition for your hard work… this is a great business
 Want to be their own boss
 Want job satisfaction
 Need a promotion or to be in charge of their financial future
They help get your name out there and reach people you normally would not meet
Helps build sales towards director $10,000 GWV
Helps hit $2,000 sales bonus
Give more then you take
You never know you might get your best recruit from it
Ask who is in charge of the group and talk to them: President, Board Chairperson, Principal, Owner, Manager,
Coach, CommitteeChair
Medical, sports, schools, clubs, outdoor school, field trips, churches, dance, cheerleading teams, Animal rescue
DonateGift Basket
Traditional Fundraiser
Online Fundraiser Local or nationally
Let everyone know you do fundraisers
TaxWrite off
You choose how much to give
Very little if any out of pocket expense
Take advantage of the host rewards
Great training onWorkstation (Everything you need to know) : By Superstar Director Cassie Stevenson – Make
your SummerA sizzlin’ success (Profitability Matrix)
Be prepared, 1st impressions
Square, Rectangle,Triangle, Circle, Squiggly:
Financial Freedom
Making Friends
Stay at home mom
Car Payment
Create Family Legacy
Find out what Motivates your team, Learn their personalities
Put it on your website
Share it with everyone
Share it at your parties
Use your story to connect with others
Key Components:Character, Credibility,Value, Emotion, Curiosity,Timing
Great Guide in Spring Sprint 2011Training book
Connecting through stories is often how we build trust and form personal relationships, and relationships are the
basics of your business.
Once you have made your story, practice it and perfect it
Buy - Sell
Host - Parties
Join – Recruits
Share your enthusiasm, your passion, what you love and the simplicity of Scentsy..
Scentsy sells itself, all you have to do is share the scent, your story, connect, and show how scentsy can help
Don’t make it complicated, don’t overthink it, just do it!
Work it like a business
Set aside certain hours and work those hours. No Games,TV etc.
Not just busy work but Money making work.
Use your calendar
Fill in family activities and then fill in your work.
Schedule parties during certain times.
Invest in your Down-line
Engage with team development
Take a shower and get dressed before working your business
Work in your office, keep it separate as possible
Keep it clean and clutter free
Do a 30 day or weekly meal plan to save time (30 Meals in One Day – Deanna Buxton)
Hire your kids to help – Label, package, sort etc.
If you were your employee would you keep you employed?
Change from “What can you do for me?” to “What can I do for you?”
“Arrows Out”
How can your business be of service and enrich your customer’s lives?
What can you do for you team that will inspire them and create opportunities for success?
How can you use your Scentsy business to help your community?
How can your Scentsy business help your family learn about service and enrich their lives at the same time?
How can your Scentsy Business personally enrich your life?
Giving to Give – Give more then we take
I am going to bless them!
I want to do something for you!
Approach on a friend basis and not a selling basis.
I could help you make more money…. I could help you be a stay at home mom.
I can’t do it for you but I can show you how
Social Media Sites
Merchant Circle
Write articles about Scentsy and attach your website
SEO: Search engine Optimization
Create a blog
Offer a giveaway on a busy blog
1 ExternalWebsite
Have anAvatar or logo made
Create an online presence
Make sure it is in compliance
Youtube – Make trainingVideos for Scentsy
Excellent article on Internet Presence:
Scentsy Success
Give catalogs and samples to everyone Leave with tips, fishbowl drawings
CALL,Yes, I said use your phone, and contact everyone
Contact places where no flames are allowed:
Senior Centers, Retirement homes, Nursing homes, Mobile home parks, apts, dorms, schools, businesses,
fire stations
Leave a display, offer to give a presentation
Contact Realtors, apts, car dealerships, offer a “bundle discount” wholesale/corporate discount
Smell great and are great gifts –Welcome Home, Apple Pie, Home Sweet Home
Have a booth at a college PCC, back to school night, parents night
Hand out samples at colleges
Leave flyers and business cards at bulletin boards
Leave displays at places you frequent most Offer them free warmer and a new bar each month as long as
they have catalogs for you
Your bank, salon, your gym, Dr. office, Dentist office, car dealership, small businesses, Dry cleaners,Vets,
DayCare, Boutiques, Oil Quick lube, breakrooms, Galleries
Work with a partner or team and go out and meet people and share scentsy
Mail letters or call businesses
Ask question to spark conversation about your business
Connect with other Direct Sales People
Swap parties
Go to meetings
JoinChamber of Commerce
Join local networking groups on facebook
Ask them about events and share your events with them
Create aVendor Blender event
Share tips and ideas
Help motivate each other
Connect with other Direct Sales People
Swap parties
Go to meetings
JoinChamber of Commerce
Join local networking groups on facebook
Ask them about events and share your events with them
Create aVendor Blender event
Share tips and ideas
Help motivate each other
If you are stuck get creative
Re-ignite that spark
Step out of your comfort zone
Talk to your up-line
Don’t have enough money
Not enough time
Scent doesn’t last
I’m shy
I could never do what you do
Know your company and product
Give away the wall
Create a connection
Know the most common objections and be prepared to answer them and don’t be caught off guard.
Listen to them
Try before you buy
Reverse Home Party: Why not offer a Reverse Home Party?When talking to a potential hostess tell her that you’ll have
the party at your house.You’ll do the cleaning, provide some chips and beverages and you have plenty of room for
everyone.The hostess will still get all the benefits of hosting a party in her own home, without all the hassle.
It’s also win/win for the consultant in that you don’t have to lug your entire inventory and continually set up and tear down
your display
Great Articles:
Keep your desk clutter free
Keep your office clean
Get a file cabinet or folder for each month
Keep track of mileage
Keep track of monthly business expenses
Keep track of past hostesses
Keep track of past customers
Keep your newsletter up to date
Have hostess, potential recruits, and new recruit packets made up
Just like airlines say: take care of yourself before helping
Get 8 hours of sleep
Eat healthy
Work out
Drink tons of water
Find time to meditate, relax and/or pray daily
Spend quality time with your family
Practice and change negative thoughts
Turn every road block into an opportunity
Have fun and laugh daily
Reward yourself for your success and goals
Be a positive and happy person (no negative nancies or
debbie downers)
Feed yourself positivity and motivational with quotes and
Feed your soul
Don’t compare yourself to other’s, beat your own self
Have Fun! Nothing will attract people to you more than
seeing you having fun!
Mary Christiansen
Be a recruiting Superstar
Mind aware
Barefoot Executive
Success Stories
Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm – SamuelTaylor Coleridge
“Parties are your income for today. Bookings are your income for tomorrow. Sponsoring is your income forever.” Mary
“People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever
imagine.” BrianTracy
“The fastest way to guarantee failure is to do nothing.” Mary Christensen
“Invite but don’t obligate”OrvilleThompson
“What a better way to realize your dreams than to build a party plan or network marketing organization by one person
at a time” Mary Christensen
You can’t help someone to the top of the mountain without getting there yourself!
“Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.” –Demosthenes
Being Pushy
Begging/Being Desperate
Taking a “No” personally
AskingWhy puts people on the defensive
Being Negative
Not following through
Give up if they say no. It might not be the right time, they might give your catalog to a friend, they are
one more seed you plant regardless
Create an image that you want your team members to re-create
Great Role Model
Be available for them
Know your stuff
Be confident
Give more then you take
Be sincere
Give without expectation, never obligate. No strings attached.
Lead by example
Don’t be a hypocrite
Ask yourself if what you are doing or saying will inspire, is it helping your business?
Become a Conscious listener, listen to what they are saying , they will tell you their need for Scentsy.
Invest in your team!
Teach them to fish
Buddy up
Have them Buddy up
Focus on your front-line so they can focus on their front-line
Encourage them to recruit
Create team incentives, challenges
Mix up incentives so they don’t just help the top performers
Talk to them about goals
Lunch dates
Take the time to invest in their lives
Spend 90% of the time with new recruits to help educate and get their business off the ground
Skype or use telephone for those out of town
Help your team change their lives with the opportunity of Scentsy
Be available
Time + Effort = Reap more benefits
More hours in the beginning, it will pay off
Mentor, train, share enthusiasm
Your team begins when you recruit your first downline
Attend your recruits launch parties
Keep motivating, keep recruiting, keep training
Plan your next directors
Help them achieve what you achieved
Team Meetings
Director Boot-camp
Switch emphasis off of your sales and parties and work more on your team
Name your team!
Re-evaluate your goals
Plan for Leadership Retreat (If you can go to only 1 event, this is the one Scentsy says not to miss!)
Minimum $500 PRV for Leadership Bonuses
Director Calls
Director Q
Director and above Scentsy Support Line
Super Star Summit
Be a presenter at a training

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Scentsy director Dash to Director

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. Big and Small Goals; Daily,Weekly, Monthly, yearly and so on Create a Dream/Vision Board Share your goals with everyone 90% More apt to reach goals if you write them down Dry erase Goal Board for Fridge Track and re-assess your goals often Be accountable: Have a partner that checks in with you S.M.A.R.TGoal Setting: Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely State goals add Declarations GoalWorksheet: Goal Statement: What do I need to reach this goal? Where am I now? Obstacles ?: Solutions ?: Be Persistent, Consistent and Patient! It’s all about Numbers.The more contacts you make the faster your business will grow.
  • 4.
  • 5. BusinessCards Samples Labels Domain Name FB Business Page Know ScentsyVerbiage Re-read Scentsy Handbook KnowCompensation Plan Watch Discovering Scentsy Scentsify (Brand) your Car Email Signature Scentsy Story Newsletter Wear Scentsy Always have catalogs or sample business card with you ScentsyOffice/Shrine Time Management Prioritize Plant Seeds Scentsy Spirit Practice having a minimum of $500 PRV Monthly (needed in order to receive leadership bonuses when Director) Have a planner
  • 6. Minimum Requirements: $500.00 PRV Three (3) “Active” Frontline Consultants $10,000 GWV (After Commission Deducted) or $13,344 Group RetailVolume Equations: Retail * .25 + Retail= Wholesale $13,334 x .75 is $10,000.50. PRV x .75 PRV x .25 then subtract that amount from the PRV to get to $10,000.
  • 7. Requirements: Different ways to break the numbers down More team members the easier it is to achieve 20 team members need $650 each PRV $500 15 team members need $750 PRV $2500 At least 25-30 team members on average
  • 8.
  • 9. You are in control of your “Attitude” You are in control of your achievements. You are in control of your earnings. You are in control of your business. You are in control of your success.
  • 10.
  • 11. Team Meetings WorkstationTrainings LiveTrainings Conference Calls Mini get togethers Spring Sprint Motivational Conferences Convention Soak up and absorb Knowledge Jaqueline RoyTrainings are great Don’t need to re-invent the wheel Learn from the Scentsy experts Get a Mentor Megan Sommer’s trainings are excellent Team Pages on FB and
  • 12.
  • 13. Coach your Hostess Something Sweet Something Salty Show how easy it is 1 trip to pack in your supplies Use their table Arrive early Give Basket party a week before the party to build sales Give a small gift to those that bring a guest Give her a prize for outside orders before party Keep presentation Short, Fun, and engaging Share your Scentsy Story Door Prize to get Newsletter contacts Best recruits are our hosts Offer up party to be Launch Party Listen to the guests: Everyone wants something extra in their life. Figure out how Scentsy can help them. Book 2 parties off of this party: 1 to replace and 1 to move you forward. Offer up your home for Party location. Coffee shops, pizza places other locations for parties. Free Advertisement Basket Party:Your $25 employee Megan Sommer training: Perfect Parties Start to finish, and Hostess Coaching and Planning a Party! Open DateCards
  • 14.
  • 15. Find Bazaars,Vendor events If you can’t find one, create one with other Direct Sales Companies. Google Events for local events Contact: Schools, Churches, Nursing Homes etc for events If an event already has a consultant ask to be put on back up list, they might not quit or can’t make it next time.
  • 16.
  • 17. Everyone is a Prospect! Recruit, Recruit, Recruit Downline Multiplier Effect: Recruit 1 a month and they recruit 1 a month and so on AlwaysCarry Recruiting Packets: Join Brochure, Discover Scentsy DVD,Catalog, Scent Circle Recruit your Hosts Put join brochure in every order Compliment Potential recruits: If you think they would be good, then tell them why I think you would be good at Scentsy because you are outgoing and have a ton of friends. 90% of people sign up in Direct Sales because people asked them. Make the goal of 10 people telling you No.Then when they say no, say: Great that is #3,The person will sayWhat?Then they want to know more. Don’t make the No personal. Analogy of offering gum. Some will take it and some won’t. Some will take it and hold. Recruiting from Coast to Coast – Karen Fettes – SuperStar Director What is Sponsoring? “Finding people and discovering what they truly want and then if the timing is right, show them how Scentsy can help them attain it.” Bob Hipple Recruiting is the lifeblood of your business. Going International Join Stickers Loan your potential recruit, your basket party a week prior to their signup date so they can collect “pre-sign up” orders during their initial excitement. Sign up, enter their first party and viola!They immediately become active!
  • 18.
  • 19.  Someone who says they need Money  People who are bored  Wants to be happy  College Students  Military Spouses  Wanna a new drug? Let Scentsy be your drug of choice, this is a mood enhancer. So much joy.. No bad side effects!  Temporarily out of work, Men and Women  Party guests interested in the Product  Part time workers  Anyone who shows interest  Housewives  Empty nesters  Someone who lost a loved one  Those that spread the Scentsy love  Someone who starts showing someone else how it works  Needs a girls night out and connect with others  40 years old, middle class, bored  Pay for their Scentsy habit  Never Judge, sometimes the person you least expect to perform, turns out to be your best recruit!  Those looking for other ways of gratifying themselves:  Need aVacation  Need someAdult time a few min away from the kids  Want recognition for your hard work… this is a great business  Want to be their own boss  Want job satisfaction  Need a promotion or to be in charge of their financial future
  • 20.
  • 21. They help get your name out there and reach people you normally would not meet Helps build sales towards director $10,000 GWV Helps hit $2,000 sales bonus Give more then you take You never know you might get your best recruit from it Ask who is in charge of the group and talk to them: President, Board Chairperson, Principal, Owner, Manager, Coach, CommitteeChair Medical, sports, schools, clubs, outdoor school, field trips, churches, dance, cheerleading teams, Animal rescue DonateGift Basket Traditional Fundraiser Online Fundraiser Local or nationally Let everyone know you do fundraisers TaxWrite off You choose how much to give Very little if any out of pocket expense Take advantage of the host rewards Great training onWorkstation (Everything you need to know) : By Superstar Director Cassie Stevenson – Make your SummerA sizzlin’ success (Profitability Matrix) Be prepared, 1st impressions
  • 22.
  • 23. YourWhy! Square, Rectangle,Triangle, Circle, Squiggly: Numbers Recognition Financial Freedom Praise Trips Making Friends Incentives Stay at home mom Car Payment Create Family Legacy Find out what Motivates your team, Learn their personalities IncentiveTrips
  • 24.
  • 25. WRITE IT! Put it on your website Share it with everyone Share it at your parties Use your story to connect with others Key Components:Character, Credibility,Value, Emotion, Curiosity,Timing Great Guide in Spring Sprint 2011Training book Connecting through stories is often how we build trust and form personal relationships, and relationships are the basics of your business. Once you have made your story, practice it and perfect it
  • 26.
  • 27. Buy - Sell Host - Parties Join – Recruits Share your enthusiasm, your passion, what you love and the simplicity of Scentsy.. Scentsy sells itself, all you have to do is share the scent, your story, connect, and show how scentsy can help them! Don’t make it complicated, don’t overthink it, just do it!
  • 28.
  • 29. Work it like a business Set aside certain hours and work those hours. No Games,TV etc. Not just busy work but Money making work. Use your calendar Fill in family activities and then fill in your work. Schedule parties during certain times. Invest in your Down-line Engage with team development Take a shower and get dressed before working your business Work in your office, keep it separate as possible Keep it clean and clutter free Do a 30 day or weekly meal plan to save time (30 Meals in One Day – Deanna Buxton) Hire your kids to help – Label, package, sort etc. If you were your employee would you keep you employed?
  • 30.
  • 31. Change from “What can you do for me?” to “What can I do for you?” “Arrows Out” How can your business be of service and enrich your customer’s lives? What can you do for you team that will inspire them and create opportunities for success? How can you use your Scentsy business to help your community? How can your Scentsy business help your family learn about service and enrich their lives at the same time? How can your Scentsy Business personally enrich your life? Giving to Give – Give more then we take I am going to bless them! I want to do something for you! Approach on a friend basis and not a selling basis. I could help you make more money…. I could help you be a stay at home mom. I can’t do it for you but I can show you how Key is LISTENING
  • 32.
  • 33. Facebook Social Media Sites LinkedIn Merchant Circle Write articles about Scentsy and attach your website SEO: Search engine Optimization Twitter Create a blog Offer a giveaway on a busy blog 1 ExternalWebsite Have anAvatar or logo made Create an online presence Make sure it is in compliance Youtube – Make trainingVideos for Scentsy Excellent article on Internet Presence: presence.pdf
  • 34.
  • 35. Scentsy Success Clothing BusinessCards Decals Give catalogs and samples to everyone Leave with tips, fishbowl drawings CALL,Yes, I said use your phone, and contact everyone Contact places where no flames are allowed: Senior Centers, Retirement homes, Nursing homes, Mobile home parks, apts, dorms, schools, businesses, fire stations Leave a display, offer to give a presentation Contact Realtors, apts, car dealerships, offer a “bundle discount” wholesale/corporate discount Smell great and are great gifts –Welcome Home, Apple Pie, Home Sweet Home Have a booth at a college PCC, back to school night, parents night Hand out samples at colleges Leave flyers and business cards at bulletin boards Leave displays at places you frequent most Offer them free warmer and a new bar each month as long as they have catalogs for you Your bank, salon, your gym, Dr. office, Dentist office, car dealership, small businesses, Dry cleaners,Vets, DayCare, Boutiques, Oil Quick lube, breakrooms, Galleries Work with a partner or team and go out and meet people and share scentsy Mail letters or call businesses Ask question to spark conversation about your business
  • 36.
  • 37. Connect with other Direct Sales People Swap parties Go to meetings JoinChamber of Commerce Join local networking groups on facebook Ask them about events and share your events with them Create aVendor Blender event Share tips and ideas Help motivate each other
  • 38.
  • 39. Connect with other Direct Sales People Swap parties Go to meetings JoinChamber of Commerce Join local networking groups on facebook Ask them about events and share your events with them Create aVendor Blender event Share tips and ideas Help motivate each other
  • 40.
  • 41. If you are stuck get creative Re-ignite that spark Step out of your comfort zone Brainstorm Talk to your up-line
  • 42.
  • 43. Allergies Asthma Don’t have enough money Not enough time Scent doesn’t last I’m shy I could never do what you do Know your company and product Give away the wall Create a connection Know the most common objections and be prepared to answer them and don’t be caught off guard. Listen to them Try before you buy Reverse Home Party: Why not offer a Reverse Home Party?When talking to a potential hostess tell her that you’ll have the party at your house.You’ll do the cleaning, provide some chips and beverages and you have plenty of room for everyone.The hostess will still get all the benefits of hosting a party in her own home, without all the hassle. It’s also win/win for the consultant in that you don’t have to lug your entire inventory and continually set up and tear down your display Great Articles: LaurieAyers:
  • 44.
  • 45. Keep your desk clutter free Keep your office clean Get a file cabinet or folder for each month Keep track of mileage Keep track of monthly business expenses Keep track of past hostesses Keep track of past customers Keep your newsletter up to date Have hostess, potential recruits, and new recruit packets made up
  • 46.
  • 47. Just like airlines say: take care of yourself before helping others Get 8 hours of sleep Eat healthy Work out Drink tons of water Find time to meditate, relax and/or pray daily Spend quality time with your family Practice and change negative thoughts Turn every road block into an opportunity Have fun and laugh daily Reward yourself for your success and goals Be a positive and happy person (no negative nancies or debbie downers) Feed yourself positivity and motivational with quotes and books Feed your soul Don’t compare yourself to other’s, beat your own self Have Fun! Nothing will attract people to you more than seeing you having fun!
  • 48.
  • 49. Mary Christiansen Be a recruiting Superstar Mind aware Barefoot Executive Success Stories
  • 50.
  • 51. Einstein Orvillisms Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm – SamuelTaylor Coleridge Affirmations “Parties are your income for today. Bookings are your income for tomorrow. Sponsoring is your income forever.” Mary Christensen “People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine.” BrianTracy “The fastest way to guarantee failure is to do nothing.” Mary Christensen “Invite but don’t obligate”OrvilleThompson “What a better way to realize your dreams than to build a party plan or network marketing organization by one person at a time” Mary Christensen You can’t help someone to the top of the mountain without getting there yourself! “Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.” –Demosthenes
  • 52.
  • 53. VerbalVomit Being Pushy Begging/Being Desperate Taking a “No” personally AskingWhy puts people on the defensive Being Negative Not following through Give up if they say no. It might not be the right time, they might give your catalog to a friend, they are one more seed you plant regardless
  • 54.
  • 55. Create an image that you want your team members to re-create Ethical Positive Great Role Model Be available for them Know your stuff Be confident Give more then you take Motivate Educate Be sincere Give without expectation, never obligate. No strings attached. Lead by example Don’t be a hypocrite Ask yourself if what you are doing or saying will inspire, is it helping your business? Become a Conscious listener, listen to what they are saying , they will tell you their need for Scentsy. Genuine,Authentic
  • 56.
  • 57. Invest in your team! Teach them to fish Buddy up Have them Buddy up Focus on your front-line so they can focus on their front-line Encourage them to recruit Create team incentives, challenges Mix up incentives so they don’t just help the top performers Talk to them about goals Lunch dates Take the time to invest in their lives Spend 90% of the time with new recruits to help educate and get their business off the ground Skype or use telephone for those out of town Help your team change their lives with the opportunity of Scentsy Be available Time + Effort = Reap more benefits More hours in the beginning, it will pay off Mentor, train, share enthusiasm Your team begins when you recruit your first downline Attend your recruits launch parties
  • 58.
  • 59. Keep motivating, keep recruiting, keep training Plan your next directors Help them achieve what you achieved Team Meetings Director Boot-camp Switch emphasis off of your sales and parties and work more on your team Name your team! Re-evaluate your goals Plan for Leadership Retreat (If you can go to only 1 event, this is the one Scentsy says not to miss!) Minimum $500 PRV for Leadership Bonuses Director Calls Director Q Director and above Scentsy Support Line Super Star Summit Be a presenter at a training

Editor's Notes

  1. Dash to DirectorThe traits needed to become a director.
  2. Big and Small Goals;Daily, Weekly, Monthly, yearly and so onCreate a Dream/Vision BoardShare your goals with everyone90% More apt to reach goals if you write them downDry erase Goal Board for FridgeTrack and re-assess your goals oftenBe accountable:Have a partner that checks in with youS.M.A.R.T Goal Setting:SpecificMeasurableAchievableRealisticTimelyState goals add DeclarationsGoal Worksheet:Goal Statement:What do I need to reach this goal?Where am I now?Obstacles ?:Solutions ?:Be Persistent, Consistent and Patient!It’s all about Numbers. The more contacts you make the faster your business will grow.
  3. Big and Small Goals;Daily, Weekly, Monthly, yearly and so onCreate a Dream/Vision BoardShare your goals with everyone90% More apt to reach goals if you write them downDry erase Goal Board for FridgeTrack and re-assess your goals oftenBe accountable:Have a partner that checks in with youS.M.A.R.T Goal Setting:SpecificMeasurableAchievableRealisticTimelyState goals add DeclarationsGoal Worksheet:Goal Statement:What do I need to reach this goal?Where am I now?Obstacles ?:Solutions ?:Be Persistent, Consistent and Patient!It’s all about Numbers. The more contacts you make the faster your business will grow.
  4. Business CardsSamplesLabelsDomain NameFB Business PageKnow Scentsy VerbiageRe-read Scentsy HandbookKnow Compensation PlanWatch Discovering ScentsyScentsify (Brand) your CarEmail SignatureScentsy StoryNewsletterWear ScentsyAlways have catalogs or sample business card with youScentsy Office/ShrineTime ManagementPrioritizePlant SeedsScentsy SpiritPractice having a minimum of $500 PRV Monthly (needed in order to receive leadership bonuses when Director)Have a planner
  5. Business CardsSamplesLabelsDomain NameFB Business PageKnow Scentsy VerbiageRe-read Scentsy HandbookKnow Compensation PlanWatch Discovering ScentsyScentsify (Brand) your CarEmail SignatureScentsy StoryNewsletterWear ScentsyAlways have catalogs or sample business card with youScentsy Office/ShrineTime ManagementPrioritizePlant SeedsScentsy SpiritPractice having a minimum of $500 PRV Monthly (needed in order to receive leadership bonuses when Director)Have a planner
  6. Requirements:Different ways to break the numbers downMore team members the easier it is to achieve20 team members need $650 each PRV $50015 team members need $750 PRV $2500At least 25-30 team members on average
  7. Requirements:Different ways to break the numbers downMore team members the easier it is to achieve20 team members need $650 each PRV $50015 team members need $750 PRV $2500At least 25-30 team members on average
  8. You are in control of your “Attitude”You are in control of your achievements.You are in control of your earnings.You are in control of your business.You are in control of your success.
  9. You are in control of your “Attitude”You are in control of your achievements.You are in control of your earnings.You are in control of your business.You are in control of your success.
  10. Team MeetingsWorkstation TrainingsLive TrainingsConference CallsMini get togetherSpring SprintMotivational ConferencesConventionSoak up and absorb KnowledgeJaqueline Roy Trainings are greatDon’t need to re-invent the wheelLearn from the Scentsy expertsGet a MentorMegan Sommer’s trainings are excellentTeam Pages on FB and
  11. Team MeetingsWorkstation TrainingsLive TrainingsConference CallsMini get togetherSpring SprintMotivational ConferencesConventionSoak up and absorb KnowledgeJaqueline Roy Trainings are greatDon’t need to re-invent the wheelLearn from the Scentsy expertsGet a MentorMegan Sommer’s trainings are excellentTeam Pages on FB and
  12. Coach your HostessSomething Sweet Something SaltyShow how easy it is1 trip to pack in your suppliesUse their tableArrive early Give Basket party a week before the party to build salesGive a small gift to those that bring a guestGive her a prize for outside orders before partyKeep presentation Short, Fun, and engagingShare your Scentsy StoryDoor Prize to get Newsletter contactsBest recruits are our hostsOffer up party to be Launch PartyListen to the guests: Everyone wants something extra in their life. Figure out how Scentsy can help them.Book 2 parties off of this party: 1 to replace and 1 to move you forward.Offer up your home for Party location.Coffee shops, pizza places other locations for parties. Free AdvertisementBasket Party: Your $25 employeeMegan Sommer training: Perfect Parties Start to finish, and Hostess Coaching and Planning a Party!Open Date Cards
  13. Coach your HostessSomething Sweet Something SaltyShow how easy it is1 trip to pack in your suppliesUse their tableArrive early Give Basket party a week before the party to build salesGive a small gift to those that bring a guestGive her a prize for outside orders before partyKeep presentation Short, Fun, and engagingShare your Scentsy StoryDoor Prize to get Newsletter contactsBest recruits are our hostsOffer up party to be Launch PartyListen to the guests: Everyone wants something extra in their life. Figure out how Scentsy can help them.Book 2 parties off of this party: 1 to replace and 1 to move you forward.Offer up your home for Party location.Coffee shops, pizza places other locations for parties. Free AdvertisementBasket Party: Your $25 employeeMegan Sommer training: Perfect Parties Start to finish, and Hostess Coaching and Planning a Party!Open Date Cards
  14. Find Bazaars, Vendor eventsIf you can’t find one, create one with other Direct Sales Companies.Google for local eventsContact: Schools, Churches, Nursing Homes etc for eventsIf an event already has a consultant ask to be put on back up list, they might not quit be a consultant or can’t make it next time.
  15. Find Bazaars, Vendor eventsIf you can’t find one, create one with other Direct Sales Companies.Google for local eventsContact: Schools, Churches, Nursing Homes etc for eventsIf an event already has a consultant ask to be put on back up list, they might not quit be a consultant or can’t make it next time.
  16. Everyone is a Prospect!Recruit, Recruit, RecruitDownline Multiplier Effect: Recruit 1 a month and they recruit 1 a month and so onAlways Carry Recruiting Packets: Join Brochure, Discover Scentsy DVD, Catalog, Scent CircleRecruit your HostsPut join brochure in every orderCompliment Potential recruits: If you think they would be good, then tell them whyI think you would be good at Scentsy because you are outgoing and have a ton of friends.90% of people sign up in Direct Sales because people asked them.Make the goal of 10 people telling you No. Then when they say no, say: Great that is #3, The person will say What? Then they want to know more.Don’t make the No personal. Analogy of offering gum. Some will take it and some won’t. Some will take it and hold. Recruiting from Coast to Coast – Karen Fettes – SuperStar DirectorWhat is Sponsoring? “Finding people and discovering what they truly want and then if the timing is right, show them how Scentsy can help them attain it.” Bob HippleRecruiting is the lifeblood of your business.Going InternationalJoin StickersLoan your potential recruit, your basket party a week prior to their signup date so they can collect “pre-sign up” orders during their initial excitement. Sign up, enter their first party and viola! They immediately become active!
  17. Everyone is a Prospect!Recruit, Recruit, RecruitDownline Multiplier Effect: Recruit 1 a month and they recruit 1 a month and so onAlways Carry Recruiting Packets: Join Brochure, Discover Scentsy DVD, Catalog, Scent CircleRecruit your HostsPut join brochure in every orderCompliment Potential recruits: If you think they would be good, then tell them whyI think you would be good at Scentsy because you are outgoing and have a ton of friends.90% of people sign up in Direct Sales because people asked them.Make the goal of 10 people telling you No. Then when they say no, say: Great that is #3, The person will say What? Then they want to know more.Don’t make the No personal. Analogy of offering gum. Some will take it and some won’t. Some will take it and hold. Recruiting from Coast to Coast – Karen Fettes – SuperStar DirectorWhat is Sponsoring? “Finding people and discovering what they truly want and then if the timing is right, show them how Scentsy can help them attain it.” Bob HippleRecruiting is the lifeblood of your business.Going InternationalJoin StickersLoan your potential recruit, your basket party a week prior to their signup date so they can collect “pre-sign up” orders during their initial excitement. Sign up, enter their first party and viola! They immediately become active!
  18. Someone who says they need MoneyPeople who are boredWants to be happyCollege StudentsMilitary SpousesWanna a new drug? Let Scentsy be your drug of choice, this is a mood enhancer. So much joy.. No bad side effects!Temporarily out of work, Men and WomenParty guests interested in the ProductPart time workersAnyone who shows interestHousewivesEmpty nestersSomeone who lost a loved oneThose that spread the Scentsy loveSomeone who starts showing someone else how it worksNeeds a girls night out and connect with others40 years old, middle class, boredPay for their Scentsy habitNever Judge, sometimes the person you least expect to perform, turns out to be your best recruit!Those looking for other ways of gratifying themselves:Need a VacationNeed some Adult time a few min away from the kidsWant recognition for your hard work… this is a great businessWant to be their own bossWant job satisfactionNeed a promotion or to be in charge of their financial future
  19. Someone who says they need MoneyPeople who are boredWants to be happyCollege StudentsMilitary SpousesWanna a new drug? Let Scentsy be your drug of choice, this is a mood enhancer. So much joy.. No bad side effects!Temporarily out of work, Men and WomenParty guests interested in the ProductPart time workersAnyone who shows interestHousewivesEmpty nestersSomeone who lost a loved oneThose that spread the Scentsy loveSomeone who starts showing someone else how it worksNeeds a girls night out and connect with others40 years old, middle class, boredPay for their Scentsy habitNever Judge, sometimes the person you least expect to perform, turns out to be your best recruit!Those looking for other ways of gratifying themselves:Need a VacationNeed some Adult time a few min away from the kidsWant recognition for your hard work… this is a great businessWant to be their own bossWant job satisfactionNeed a promotion or to be in charge of their financial future
  20. They help get your name out there and reach people you normally would not meetHelps build sales towards director $10,000 GWVHelps hit $2,000 sales bonusGive more then you takeYou never know you might get your best recruit from itAsk who is in charge of the group and talk to them: President, Board Chairperson, Principal, Owner, Manager, Coach, Committee ChairMedical, sports, schools, clubs, outdoor school, field trips, churches, dance, cheerleading teams, Animal rescueDonate Gift BasketTraditional FundraiserOnline Fundraiser Local or nationallyLet everyone know you do fundraisersTax Write offYou choose how much to giveVery little if any out of pocket expenseTake advantage of the host rewardsGreat training on Workstation (Everything you need to know) : By Superstar Director Casie Stevenson – Make your Summer A sizzlin’ success (Profitability Matrix)Be prepared, 1st impressions
  21. They help get your name out there and reach people you normally would not meetHelps build sales towards director $10,000 GWVHelps hit $2,000 sales bonusGive more then you takeYou never know you might get your best recruit from itAsk who is in charge of the group and talk to them: President, Board Chairperson, Principal, Owner, Manager, Coach, Committee ChairMedical, sports, schools, clubs, outdoor school, field trips, churches, dance, cheerleading teams, Animal rescueDonate Gift BasketTraditional FundraiserOnline Fundraiser Local or nationallyLet everyone know you do fundraisersTax Write offYou choose how much to giveVery little if any out of pocket expenseTake advantage of the host rewardsGreat training on Workstation (Everything you need to know) : By Superstar Director Casie Stevenson – Make your Summer A sizzlin’ success (Profitability Matrix)Be prepared, 1st impressions
  22. Your Why!Square, Rectangle, Triangle, Circle, Squiggly:NumbersRecognitionFinancial FreedomPraiseTripsMaking FriendsIncentivesStay at home momCar PaymentCreate Family LegacyFind out what Motivates your team, Learn their personalitiesIncentive Trips
  23. Your Why!Square, Rectangle, Triangle, Circle, Squiggly:NumbersRecognitionFinancial FreedomPraiseTripsMaking FriendsIncentivesStay at home momCar PaymentCreate Family LegacyFind out what Motivates your team, Learn their personalitiesIncentive Trips
  24. WRITE IT!Put it on your websiteShare it with everyoneShare it at your partiesUse your story to connect with othersKey Components: Character, Credibility, Value, Emotion, Curiosity, TimingGreat Guide in Spring Sprint 2011 Training bookConnecting through stories is often how we build trust and form personal relationships, and relationships are the basics of your business.Once you have made your story, practice it and perfect it
  25. WRITE IT!Put it on your websiteShare it with everyoneShare it at your partiesUse your story to connect with othersKey Components: Character, Credibility, Value, Emotion, Curiosity, TimingGreat Guide in Spring Sprint 2011 Training bookConnecting through stories is often how we build trust and form personal relationships, and relationships are the basics of your business.Once you have made your story, practice it and perfect it
  26. Buy - SellHost - PartiesJoin – RecruitsShare your enthusiasm, your passion, what you love and the simplicity of Scentsy..Scentsy sells itself, all you have to do is share the scent, your story, connect, and show how scentsy can help them!Don’t make it complicated, don’t overthink it, just do it!
  27. Buy - SellHost - PartiesJoin – RecruitsShare your enthusiasm, your passion, what you love and the simplicity of Scentsy..Scentsy sells itself, all you have to do is share the scent, your story, connect, and show how scentsy can help them!Don’t make it complicated, don’t overthink it, just do it!
  28. Work it like a businessSet aside certain hours and work those hours. No Games, TV etc.Not just busy work but Money making work.Use your calendarFill in family activities and then fill in your work.Schedule parties during certain times.Invest in your Down-lineEngage with team developmentTake a shower and get dressed before working your businessWork in your office, keep it separate as possibleKeep it clean and clutter freeDo a 30 day or weekly meal plan to save time (30 Meals in One Day – Deanna Buxton)Hire your kids to help – Label, package, sort etc.
  29. Work it like a businessSet aside certain hours and work those hours. No Games, TV etc.Not just busy work but Money making work.Use your calendarFill in family activities and then fill in your work.Schedule parties during certain times.Invest in your Down-lineEngage with team developmentTake a shower and get dressed before working your businessWork in your office, keep it separate as possibleKeep it clean and clutter freeDo a 30 day or weekly meal plan to save time (30 Meals in One Day – Deanna Buxton)Hire your kids to help – Label, package, sort etc.
  30. Change from “What can you do for me?” to “What can I do for you?”“Arrows Out”How can your business be of service and enrich your customer’s lives?What can you do for you team that will inspire them and create opportunities for success?How can you use your Scentsy business to help your community?How can your Scentsy business help your family learn about service and enrich their lives at the same time?How can your Scentsy Business personally enrich your life?Giving to Give – Give more then we takeI am going to bless them!I want to do something for you!Approach on a friend basis and not a selling basis.I could help you make more money…. I could help you be a stay at home mom.I can’t do it for you but I can show you howKey is LISTENING
  31. Change from “What can you do for me?” to “What can I do for you?”“Arrows Out”How can your business be of service and enrich your customer’s lives?What can you do for you team that will inspire them and create opportunities for success?How can you use your Scentsy business to help your community?How can your Scentsy business help your family learn about service and enrich their lives at the same time?How can your Scentsy Business personally enrich your life?Giving to Give – Give more then we takeI am going to bless them!I want to do something for you!Approach on a friend basis and not a selling basis.I could help you make more money…. I could help you be a stay at home mom.I can’t do it for you but I can show you howKey is LISTENING
  32. FacebookSocial Media SitesLinkedInMerchant CircleCraigslist.orgWrite articles about Scentsy and attach your website SEO: Search engine OptimizationTwitterCreate a blogOffer a giveaway on a busy blog1 External WebsiteHave an Avatar or logo madeCreate an online presenceMake sure it is in complianceYoutube – Make training Videos for ScentsyExcellent article on Internet Presence:
  33. FacebookSocial Media SitesLinkedInMerchant CircleCraigslist.orgWrite articles about Scentsy and attach your website SEO: Search engine OptimizationTwitterCreate a blogOffer a giveaway on a busy blog1 External WebsiteHave an Avatar or logo madeCreate an online presenceMake sure it is in complianceYoutube – Make training Videos for ScentsyExcellent article on Internet Presence:
  34. Scentsy SuccessClothingBusiness CardsDecalsGive catalogs and samples to everyone Leave with tips, fishbowl drawingsCALL, Yes, I said use your phone, and contact everyoneContact places where no flames are allowed:Senior Centers, Retirement homes, Nursing homes, Mobile home parks, apts, dorms, schools, businesses, fire stationsLeave a display, offer to give a presentationContact Realtors, apts, car dealerships, offer a “bundle discount” wholesale/corporate discountSmell great and are great gifts – Welcome Home, Apple Pie, Home Sweet HomeHave a booth at a college PCC, back to school night, parents nightHand out samples at collegesLeave flyers and business cards at bulletin boardsLeave displays at places you frequent most Offer them free warmer and a new bar each month as long as they have catalogs for youYour bank, salon, your gym, Dr. office, Dentist office, car dealership, small businesses, Dry cleaners, Vets, Day Care, Boutiques, Oil Quick lube, breakrooms, GalleriesWork with a partner or team and go out and meet people and share scentsyMail letters or call businessesAsk question to spark conversation about your business
  35. Scentsy SuccessClothingBusiness CardsDecalsGive catalogs and samples to everyone Leave with tips, fishbowl drawingsCALL, Yes, I said use your phone, and contact everyoneContact places where no flames are allowed:Senior Centers, Retirement homes, Nursing homes, Mobile home parks, apts, dorms, schools, businesses, fire stationsLeave a display, offer to give a presentationContact Realtors, apts, car dealerships, offer a “bundle discount” wholesale/corporate discountSmell great and are great gifts – Welcome Home, Apple Pie, Home Sweet HomeHave a booth at a college PCC, back to school night, parents nightHand out samples at collegesLeave flyers and business cards at bulletin boardsLeave displays at places you frequent most Offer them free warmer and a new bar each month as long as they have catalogs for youYour bank, salon, your gym, Dr. office, Dentist office, car dealership, small businesses, Dry cleaners, Vets, Day Care, Boutiques, Oil Quick lube, breakrooms, GalleriesWork with a partner or team and go out and meet people and share scentsyMail letters or call businessesAsk question to spark conversation about your business
  36. Connect with other Direct Sales PeopleSwap partiesGo to meetingsJoin Chamber of CommerceMeetup.comJoin local networking groups on facebookAsk them about events and share your events with themCreate a Vendor Blender eventShare tips and ideasHelp motivate each other
  37. Connect with other Direct Sales PeopleSwap partiesGo to meetingsJoin Chamber of CommerceMeetup.comJoin local networking groups on facebookAsk them about events and share your events with themCreate a Vendor Blender eventShare tips and ideasHelp motivate each other
  38. Connect with other Direct Sales PeopleSwap partiesGo to meetingsJoin Chamber of CommerceMeetup.comJoin local networking groups on facebookAsk them about events and share your events with themCreate a Vendor Blender eventShare tips and ideasHelp motivate each other
  39. Connect with other Direct Sales PeopleSwap partiesGo to meetingsJoin Chamber of CommerceMeetup.comJoin local networking groups on facebookAsk them about events and share your events with themCreate a Vendor Blender eventShare tips and ideasHelp motivate each other
  40. If you are stuck get creativeRe-ignite that sparkStep out of your comfort zoneBrainstormTalk to your up-line
  41. If you are stuck get creativeRe-ignite that sparkStep out of your comfort zoneBrainstormTalk to your up-line
  42. AllergiesAsthmaDon’t have enough moneyNot enough timeScent doesn’t lastI’m shyI could never do what you doKnow your company and productGive away the wallCreate a connectionKnow the most common objections and be prepared to answer them and don’t be caught off guard.Listen to themTry before you buyReverse Home Party: Why not offer a Reverse Home Party? When talking to a potential hostess tell her that you’ll have the party at your house. You’ll do the cleaning, provide some chips and beverages and you have plenty of room for everyone. The hostess will still get all the benefits of hosting a party in her own home, without all the hassle.It’s also win/win for the consultant in that you don’t have to lug your entire inventory and continually set up and tear down your displayGreat Articles:Laurie Ayers:
  43. AllergiesAsthmaDon’t have enough moneyNot enough timeScent doesn’t lastI’m shyI could never do what you doKnow your company and productGive away the wallCreate a connectionKnow the most common objections and be prepared to answer them and don’t be caught off guard.Listen to themTry before you buyReverse Home Party: Why not offer a Reverse Home Party? When talking to a potential hostess tell her that you’ll have the party at your house. You’ll do the cleaning, provide some chips and beverages and you have plenty of room for everyone. The hostess will still get all the benefits of hosting a party in her own home, without all the hassle.It’s also win/win for the consultant in that you don’t have to lug your entire inventory and continually set up and tear down your displayGreat Articles:Laurie Ayers:
  44. Keep your desk clutter freeKeep your office cleanGet a file cabinet or folder for each monthKeep track of mileageKeep track of monthly business expensesKeep track of past hostessesKeep track of past customersKeep your newsletter up to dateHave hostess, potential recruits, and new recruit packets made up
  45. Keep your desk clutter freeKeep your office cleanGet a file cabinet or folder for each monthKeep track of mileageKeep track of monthly business expensesKeep track of past hostessesKeep track of past customersKeep your newsletter up to dateHave hostess, potential recruits, and new recruit packets made up
  46. Just like airlines say: take care of yourself before helping othersGet 8 hours of sleepEat healthyWork outDrink tons of waterFind time to meditate, relax and/or pray dailySpend quality time with your familyPractice and change negative thoughtsTurn every road block into an opportunityHave fun and laugh dailyReward yourself for your success and goalsBe a positive and happy person (no negative nancies or debbie downers)Feed yourself positivity and motivational with quotes and booksFeed your soulDon’t compare yourself to other’s, beat your own selfHave Fun! Nothing will attract people to you more than seeing you having fun!
  47. Just like airlines say: take care of yourself before helping othersGet 8 hours of sleepEat healthyWork outDrink tons of waterFind time to meditate, relax and/or pray dailySpend quality time with your familyPractice and change negative thoughtsTurn every road block into an opportunityHave fun and laugh dailyReward yourself for your success and goalsBe a positive and happy person (no negative nancies or debbie downers)Feed yourself positivity and motivational with quotes and booksFeed your soulDon’t compare yourself to other’s, beat your own selfHave Fun! Nothing will attract people to you more than seeing you having fun!
  48.  Mary Christiansen  Be a recruiting Superstar  Mind aware  Success Stories
  49.  Mary Christiansen  Be a recruiting Superstar  Mind aware  Success Stories
  50. EinsteinOrvillismsNothing is so contagious as enthusiasm – Samuel Taylor ColeridgeAffirmations“Parties are your income for today. Bookings are your income for tomorrow. Sponsoring is your income forever.” Mary Christensen“People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine.” Brian Tracy“The fastest way to guarantee failure is to do nothing.” Mary Christensen“Invite but don’t obligate” Orville Thompson“What a better way to realize your dreams than to build a party plan or network marketing organization by one person at a time” Mary ChristensenYoucan’t help someone to the top of the mountain without getting there yourself!“Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.” –Demosthenes
  51. EinsteinOrvillismsNothing is so contagious as enthusiasm – Samuel Taylor ColeridgeAffirmations“Parties are your income for today. Bookings are your income for tomorrow. Sponsoring is your income forever.” Mary Christensen“People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine.” Brian Tracy“The fastest way to guarantee failure is to do nothing.” Mary Christensen“Invite but don’t obligate” Orville Thompson“What a better way to realize your dreams than to build a party plan or network marketing organization by one person at a time” Mary ChristensenYoucan’t help someone to the top of the mountain without getting there yourself!“Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.” –Demosthenes
  52. Verbal VomitBeing PushyBegging/Being DesperateTaking a “No” personallyAsking Why puts people on the defensiveBeing NegativeNot following throughGive up if they say no. It might not be the right time, they might give your catalog to a friend, they are one more see you plant regardless
  53. Verbal VomitBeing PushyBegging/Being DesperateTaking a “No” personallyAsking Why puts people on the defensiveBeing NegativeNot following throughGive up if they say no. It might not be the right time, they might give your catalog to a friend, they are one more see you plant regardless
  54. Create an image that you want your team members to re-createEthicalPositiveGreat Role ModelBe available for themKnow your stuffBe confidentGive more then you takeMotivateEducateBe sincereGive without expectation, never obligate. No strings attached.Lead by exampleDon’t be a hypocriteAsk yourself if what you are doing or saying will inspire, is it helping your business?Become a Conscious listener, listen to what they are saying , they will tell you their need for Scentsy.Genuine, Authentic
  55. Create an image that you want your team members to re-createEthicalPositiveGreat Role ModelBe available for themKnow your stuffBe confidentGive more then you takeMotivateEducateBe sincereGive without expectation, never obligate. No strings attached.Lead by exampleDon’t be a hypocriteAsk yourself if what you are doing or saying will inspire, is it helping your business?Become a Conscious listener, listen to what they are saying , they will tell you their need for Scentsy.Genuine, Authentic
  56. Invest in your team!Teach them to fishBuddy upHave them Buddy upFocus on your front-line so they can focus on their front-lineEncourage them to recruitCreate team incentives, challengesMix up incentives so they don’t just help the top performersTalk to them about goalsLunch datesTake the time to invest in their livesSpend 90% of the time with new recruits to help educate and get their business off the groundSkype or use telephone for those out of townHelp your team change their lives with the opportunity of ScentsyBe availableTime + Effort = Reap more benefitsMore hours in the beginning, it will pay offMentor, train, share enthusiasmYour team begins when you recruit your first downlineAttend your recruits launch parties
  57. Invest in your team!Teach them to fishBuddy upHave them Buddy upFocus on your front-line so they can focus on their front-lineEncourage them to recruitCreate team incentives, challengesMix up incentives so they don’t just help the top performersTalk to them about goalsLunch datesTake the time to invest in their livesSpend 90% of the time with new recruits to help educate and get their business off the groundSkype or use telephone for those out of townHelp your team change their lives with the opportunity of ScentsyBe availableTime + Effort = Reap more benefitsMore hours in the beginning, it will pay offMentor, train, share enthusiasmYour team begins when you recruit your first downlineAttend your recruits launch parties
  58. Keep motivating, keep recruiting, keep trainingPlan your next directorsHelp them achieve what you achievedTeam MeetingsDirector Boot-campSwitch emphasis off of your sales and parties and work more on your teamName your team!Re-evaluate your goalsPlan for Leadership Retreat (If you can go to only 1 event, this is the one Scentsy says not to miss!)Minimum $500 PRV for Leadership BonusesDirector CallsDirector QDirector and above Scentsy Support Line
  59. Keep motivating, keep recruiting, keep trainingPlan your next directorsHelp them achieve what you achievedTeam MeetingsDirector Boot-campSwitch emphasis off of your sales and parties and work more on your teamName your team!Re-evaluate your goalsPlan for Leadership Retreat (If you can go to only 1 event, this is the one Scentsy says not to miss!)Minimum $500 PRV for Leadership BonusesDirector CallsDirector QDirector and above Scentsy Support Line