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Drugs are chemical substances that, when
inhaled, injected, smoked, consumed, absorbed via
a patch on the skin, or dissolved under the tongue will
affect both your mind and your body. The prolonged
use of drug may cause a physiological change in the
body and often psychological dependence. An
overdose of any drug may lead to death.
Drugs work because they physically resemble chemicals
produced naturally in the body.
In the receptor site theory, drugs bind to specific receptor sites
in the body.
Psychoactive drugs can alter mood or behavior, acting on
neurotransmitters in the brain.
Psychoactive drugs are chemical substances that affect the function of
the Central Nervous system, altering perception, mood and
They include alcohol, a depressant (and a stimulant in small
quantities), and the stimulants nicotine and caffeine. These three are
the most widely consumed psychoactive drugs worldwide and are also
considered recreational drugs since they are used for pleasure rather
than medicinal purposes.
Other recreational drugs
include hallucinogens, opiates and amphetamines and some of these
are also used in spiritual or religious settings. Some drugs can
cause addiction and all drugs can have side effects.
How the Body Metabolizes Drugs
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Too much dopamine remains active in
the synaptic gaps between neurons,
creating feelings of excitement and
Types of Drugs
• Prescription
• Over the counter
• Recreational
• Herbal
• Illicit
• Commercial
Routes of Administration of Drugs
• Oral ingestion
• Injection
– Intravenous
– Intramuscular
– Subcutaneous
• Inhalation
• Inunction
• Suppositories
Using, Misusing, and Abusing Drugs
• A drug is a chemical substance that affects the
way you feel and function.
• Drug misuse is the use of a drug for a purpose for
which it was not intended.
• Drug abuse is the excessive use of drugs.
• Addiction is the habitual reliance on a substance
or behavior to produce a desired mood.
Illicit Drugs
• Illicit drugs are those drugs that are illegal to
possess, produce, or sell.
• Factors putting school and college students at
risk for using drugs
– Genetics and family history
– Parental attitudes and behavior
– Substance use in high school
– Positive expectations
– Mental health problems
– Sorority and fraternity membership
Reasons Why Students Use Illicit
Drugs or Controlled Prescription Drugs
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Drug Classifications
• Stimulants
• Marijuana
• Opiates
• Hallucinogens
• Designer drugs or club drugs
• Inhalants
• Steroids
• A stimulant is a drug that increases activity of
the central nervous system.
• Effects
– Increased activity
– Anxiety
– Agitation
• Commonly used stimulants
– Cocaine
– Amphetamines
– Methamphetamine
Stimulants: Cocaine
• Cocaine is a white powder made from coca
shrub leaves.
• Methods of cocaine use
– Snorting
– Smoking (freebasing)
– Injection
• Physical effects
– Euphoria
– Increased heart rate and blood pressure
– Loss of appetite
– Convulsions
Cocaine Addiction
• Cocaine addicts suffer both physiological
damage and disruption in lifestyle.
• Cocaine and pregnancy
– Increased chance of miscarriage
– Babies exposed to cocaine in utero may be
physically damaged, premature, or have learning
and cognitive deficits.
• Treatment for addiction
– Psychiatric counseling
– 12-step programs
– New vaccine in development
Ups and Downs of a Typical Dose of Cocaine
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Stimulants: Amphetamines
• Amphetamines are also called bennies, dex,
meth, speed, cross tops, uppers, ice.
– Adderall and Ritalin are used for medical
– Recently, these drugs have become popular on
college campuses (all-nighters).
• Methamphetamine is powerfully addicting
and easily made using over-the-counter
– Small doses increase alertness and decrease
– Large doses can lead to convulsions,
hallucinations, and death.
Methamphetamine Users Often Damage
Their Teeth
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Methamphetamine Use and Society
• Methamphetamine can be snorted, injected,
smoked, or ingested orally.
• Users experience tolerance immediately,
making meth a highly addictive drug.
– Many states now require retailers to place cold
and allergy medications behind the counter.
– Production yields toxic waste.
• Active ingredient
– Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the psychoactive
substance in marijuana.
• Physical effects
– dilation of blood vessels in the eyes, dry mouth,
increased appetite, lowered blood pressure,
– mild muscular weakness
– severe anxiety, panic,
– paranoia, and psychosis
Depressants: Opiates
• Powerful depressant of the central nervous
• Also called narcotics
• Derived from opium, the dark, resinous
substance made from the juice of the opium
– Derivatives: morphine, codeine
– Synthetic opiates: Percodan, Demerol, and
– OxyContin is another powerful opiate.
– Heroin is highly addictive.
opium poppy
Treatment for Heroin Addiction
• Most treatment programs for heroin addiction
are not very successful.
• Distinct pattern of withdrawal
– Crave another dose 4 to 6 hours after initial dose
– Sleep disturbance, irritability, and muscle tremors
occur 12 hours after initial dose.
– Nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, and
diarrhea occur 24 to 72 hours after initial dose.
• Methadone is a synthetic narcotic that blocks
the effects of opiate withdrawal.
Benzodiazepines and Barbiturates
• A sedative drug promotes mental calmness
and reduces anxiety, while a hypnotic drug
promotes sleep or drowsiness.
• Depress the central nervous system
• Commonly prescribed for tension, muscular
strain, sleep problems, anxiety, panic attacks,
and to treat alcohol withdrawal
• Psychedelics means “mind manifesting.”
• Major receptor sites are in the reticular
formation, located in the brain stem; when a
hallucinogen reaches this site, messages
become scrambled.
• Synesthesia occurs when sensory messages
are mixed (one smells colors or hears
Hallucinogens (cont.)
• LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide)
• Mescaline is derived from peyote cactus.
• Psilocybinis is also known as a “magic
• PCP (phencyclidine) is a synthetic substance
originally developed as a dissociative
Hallucinogens: LSD
•LSD is the most notorious.
•Physiological effects include increased heart
rate, elevated blood pressure and
temperature, muscle tremors, gooseflesh,
headaches, and mild nausea.
•Psychological effects include euphoria,
dysphoria (sense of foreboding), shortened
attention span, introspection, and distortions
of perceptions.
Designer Drugs
• Collectively known as “club drugs”
– Ecstasy
– GHB(Gama Hydroxybutyrate)
– Special K
– Rohypnol
• Effects: hallucinations, paranoia, amnesia,
• Chemicals that produce vapors capable of
causing hallucinations and creating
intoxicating and euphoric effects
• Some agents are organic solvent by-
products of the distillation of petroleum
– Rubber cement, model glue, paint thinner, lighter
fluid, varnish, wax, and gasoline
• Anabolic steroids are artificial forms of the
male hormone testosterone.
• They include ergogenic drugs, which are
substances that enhance athletic
• Two forms of anabolic steroids
– Injectable solutions
– Pills
• Effects: mood swings, acne, liver tumors,
elevated cholesterol levels, hypertension,
kidney disease
The following list includes the various kinds
of drugs, common names of drugs, and
descriptions of the possible health risks.
This list is not extensive, and other risks
may be involved.*
* Sources: American National Institute on Drug Abuse
Drug/street name Symptoms Health Effects
Alcohol/beer, wine, wine
coolers, whiskey, vodka,
tequila, rhum, hard Liquor (1-
12 hours effect)
Puffiness of face, redness of
eyes, depression,
disorientation, shallow
respiration, nausea, cold &
clammy skin, dehydration.
Slurred speech. Impairs
muscle coordination, memory
& judgment.
Causes depression,
aggression, slurred speech,
muscular incoordination.
Frequent use can lead to
cirrhosis of liver, pancreatitis,
brain disorders, vitamin
deficiencies & malnutrition.
Can lead to coma or death in
large quantities.
Marijuana/pot, reefer, grass,
hash, hash oil, herb, cannabis
(2-4 hours effect)
Euphoria, relaxed inhibitions,
disoriented behavior, staring
off into space, hilarity without
cause. Time distortion.
Bloodshot eyes, dry mouth
& throat, increased appetite.
Fatigue, hallucinations,
Can impair memory
perception & judgment by
destroying brain cells. Raises
blood pressure. Contains
more known carcinogens
(poisons) than Cigarettes.
Drug/street name Symptoms Health Effects
quaaludes, ludes, yellow
jackets, red devils, blue
devils, Nembutal, Seconal,
sopors, Valium Tranxene,
Xanax,Librium (1-16 hours
Slurred speech,
disorientation, drunken
behavior with no odor of
alcohol. Sedation, fatigue.
Decreased breathing, pulse
& blood pressure.
Can cause slurred speech,
staggering gait, poor
judgment, & slow,
uncertain reflexes. Large
doses can cause
unconsciousness and
death. Mixing of these
depressants with alcohol
causes thousands of
accidental deaths.
Cocaine/coke, snow, blow,
gold dust, lady, Bernice, C,
toot (1/2 to 2 hours effect)
Apathy, anxiety,
sleeplessness, paranoia,
hallucinations, craving for
more cocaine. Weight loss.
Constant sniffing. Mood
Causes dilated pupils,
increased blood
pressure, heart rate,
breathing rate,
& body temperature. Can
cause seizures, heart
attacks and death.
Crack Cocaine/crack, rock
(5-10 minute effect)
Same as cocaine. More & stronger cocaine is
getting to the brain
quicker, increasing risks of
cocaine use.
Drug/street name Symptoms Health Effects
speed, black beauties,
dexies, bennies, crystal
meth, crank, crystal, ice,
hearts, crossroads, white
crosses, caffeine, nicotine,
diet pills(1/2 to 2 hours
Decreased appetite, dilated
pupils, sleeplessness,
agitation, unusual increase
in activity, mood swings,
paranoia, anti-social
behavior, loss of appetite,
anxiety, weight loss.
Increases heart rate, breathing
rate, blood pressure. High
doses can cause tremors, loss
of coordination & death
from stroke or heart failure.
Frequent use of large amounts
can produce
brain damage, ulcers,
malnutrition, hallucinations,
convulsions & coma.
PCP (phencyclidine)/angel
dust, killer weed, crystal
cyclone, elephant
tranquilizer, rocket fuel
(Variable effects)
Sweating, dizziness,
numbness, hallucinations,
confusion, agitation.
Violence and aggression or
silence & withdrawn state.
Poor perception of time and
distance. Overdose can
lead to death.
Increased heart rate, and
blood pressure. Large doses
cause convulsions, comas,
heart & lung failure, and
ruptured brain vessels.
Users may show long-term
effects on memory, judgment,
concentration, &perception.
Drug/street name Symptoms Health Effects
Heroin/Mexican brown,
China White, Persian
porcelain, "H", smack,
horse, junk, black tar,
Codeine, Morphine,
Opium, Paragoric,
Percodan, Fentanyal,
Darvon, Talwin, Tussionex
(12-24 hours effect)
Watery eyes, runny nose,
yawning, loss of appetite,
tremors, irritability, panic,
chills, sweating, cramps,
nausea, apathy, euphoria,
itching, constricted pupils,
reduced vision.
Repeated use can lead to
infections of the heart
lining & valves, skin
abscesses & congested
lungs. May cause nausea
and vomiting. Can lead
to convulsions, coma, &
Gas, Glue & Rush/Locker
Room, aerosol cans,
poppers, snappers,amyl
nitrate, gasoline, lighter
fluid, whippets. (Inhaled
through a saturated cloth
or in a bag covering nose
and mouth.)(Variable
Lack of coordination,
slurred speech,
drowsiness, loss of
appetite, fatigue.
Hallucinations, dizziness,
scrambled words &
disconnected sentences.
Nausea, running nose,
decreased heart rate.
Brain damage occurs when
used over a long period of
time. All these chemicals
carry considerable risk,
particularly of cardiac
arrhythmia. Nausea,
vomiting. Can also cause
suffocation the first time or
any time used.
Drug/street name Symptoms Health Effects
Mescaline,Peyote, Mesk,
buttons, Psilocybin,
magic mushrooms, acid,
blotteracid, MDA-love drug
(3-12 hours effect)
Beady eyes, nervous, erratic
behavior, laughing, crying,
panic, personality changes,
"sees” smells, "hears"
colors. Psychological
changes can be permanent.
Poor perception of time and
distance. Overdose can lead
to death.
Dilated pupils, nausea,
increased blood pressure,
hallucinations, stomach
cramps, blackouts.
Flashbacks, a recurrence of
the drug effects, may be a
problem for some.
Overdose can lead to death.
Adam, Ecstasy, X-TC
( A Designer Drug: structural
analogs of controlled
substances.) (Variable up to
Confusion, depression,
sleep problems, anxiety,
paranoia, muscle
tension, involuntary teeth
clenching, nausea.
Increased heart rate &
blood pressure.
Blurred vision, chills,
sweating. Believed to cause
permanent brain damage.
Steroids/Roids, juice,
protein, muscles builder
(Variable effect)
Similar to effects of anti-
depressants and stimulants.
Can increase moodiness
and aggressive behavior
Can develop liver cancer,
cardiovascular problems,
sterility, sexual dysfunction
and stunted growth.
How to Help Yourself
• Get educated
• Know your facts
• Take advantage of activities and events that do not involve
alcohol or drugs
• Choose to stay in control
• Address possible underlying problems (such as a variety of
anxiety concerns, depression, self esteem issues, trauma,
family and relationship concerns)
How to Help a Friend
• Get educated
• Know your facts
• If the friend is intoxicated stay with them
• If you notice difficulty breathing, staying awake, body that feels too warm
or too cold, lack of balance & eye contact and slurred speech call for help
• If you notice on-going problem with drugs &/or alcohol address your
concerns with your friend (for how to do that consult with your campus
• Get help at the counseling office
Thank You
WILL POWER will help the man to overcome such addictions

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Say no to Addiction- Drugs and Types

  • 2. Drugs are chemical substances that, when inhaled, injected, smoked, consumed, absorbed via a patch on the skin, or dissolved under the tongue will affect both your mind and your body. The prolonged use of drug may cause a physiological change in the body and often psychological dependence. An overdose of any drug may lead to death.
  • 3. Drugs work because they physically resemble chemicals produced naturally in the body. In the receptor site theory, drugs bind to specific receptor sites in the body. Psychoactive drugs can alter mood or behavior, acting on neurotransmitters in the brain.
  • 4. Psychoactive drugs are chemical substances that affect the function of the Central Nervous system, altering perception, mood and consciousness. They include alcohol, a depressant (and a stimulant in small quantities), and the stimulants nicotine and caffeine. These three are the most widely consumed psychoactive drugs worldwide and are also considered recreational drugs since they are used for pleasure rather than medicinal purposes. Other recreational drugs include hallucinogens, opiates and amphetamines and some of these are also used in spiritual or religious settings. Some drugs can cause addiction and all drugs can have side effects.
  • 5. How the Body Metabolizes Drugs Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
  • 6. Too much dopamine remains active in the synaptic gaps between neurons, creating feelings of excitement and euphoria.
  • 7. Types of Drugs • Prescription • Over the counter • Recreational • Herbal • Illicit • Commercial
  • 8. Routes of Administration of Drugs • Oral ingestion • Injection – Intravenous – Intramuscular – Subcutaneous • Inhalation • Inunction • Suppositories
  • 9. Using, Misusing, and Abusing Drugs • A drug is a chemical substance that affects the way you feel and function. • Drug misuse is the use of a drug for a purpose for which it was not intended. • Drug abuse is the excessive use of drugs. • Addiction is the habitual reliance on a substance or behavior to produce a desired mood.
  • 10. Illicit Drugs • Illicit drugs are those drugs that are illegal to possess, produce, or sell. • Factors putting school and college students at risk for using drugs – Genetics and family history – Parental attitudes and behavior – Substance use in high school – Positive expectations – Mental health problems – Sorority and fraternity membership
  • 11. Reasons Why Students Use Illicit Drugs or Controlled Prescription Drugs Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
  • 12. Drug Classifications • Stimulants • Marijuana • Opiates • Hallucinogens • Designer drugs or club drugs • Inhalants • Steroids
  • 13. Stimulants • A stimulant is a drug that increases activity of the central nervous system. • Effects – Increased activity – Anxiety – Agitation • Commonly used stimulants – Cocaine – Amphetamines – Methamphetamine
  • 14. Stimulants: Cocaine • Cocaine is a white powder made from coca shrub leaves. • Methods of cocaine use – Snorting – Smoking (freebasing) – Injection • Physical effects – Euphoria – Increased heart rate and blood pressure – Loss of appetite – Convulsions
  • 15. Cocaine Addiction • Cocaine addicts suffer both physiological damage and disruption in lifestyle. • Cocaine and pregnancy – Increased chance of miscarriage – Babies exposed to cocaine in utero may be physically damaged, premature, or have learning and cognitive deficits. • Treatment for addiction – Psychiatric counseling – 12-step programs – New vaccine in development
  • 16. Ups and Downs of a Typical Dose of Cocaine Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
  • 17. Stimulants: Amphetamines • Amphetamines are also called bennies, dex, meth, speed, cross tops, uppers, ice. – Adderall and Ritalin are used for medical purposes. – Recently, these drugs have become popular on college campuses (all-nighters).
  • 18. • Methamphetamine is powerfully addicting and easily made using over-the-counter drugs. – Small doses increase alertness and decrease appetite. – Large doses can lead to convulsions, hallucinations, and death.
  • 19. Methamphetamine Users Often Damage Their Teeth Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
  • 20. Methamphetamine Use and Society • Methamphetamine can be snorted, injected, smoked, or ingested orally. • Users experience tolerance immediately, making meth a highly addictive drug. – Many states now require retailers to place cold and allergy medications behind the counter. – Production yields toxic waste.
  • 21. Marijuana • Active ingredient – Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the psychoactive substance in marijuana. • Physical effects – dilation of blood vessels in the eyes, dry mouth, increased appetite, lowered blood pressure, – mild muscular weakness – severe anxiety, panic, – paranoia, and psychosis
  • 22. Depressants: Opiates • Powerful depressant of the central nervous system • Also called narcotics • Derived from opium, the dark, resinous substance made from the juice of the opium poppy – Derivatives: morphine, codeine – Synthetic opiates: Percodan, Demerol, and Dilaudid – OxyContin is another powerful opiate. – Heroin is highly addictive.
  • 24. Treatment for Heroin Addiction • Most treatment programs for heroin addiction are not very successful. • Distinct pattern of withdrawal – Crave another dose 4 to 6 hours after initial dose – Sleep disturbance, irritability, and muscle tremors occur 12 hours after initial dose. – Nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea occur 24 to 72 hours after initial dose. • Methadone is a synthetic narcotic that blocks the effects of opiate withdrawal.
  • 25. Benzodiazepines and Barbiturates • A sedative drug promotes mental calmness and reduces anxiety, while a hypnotic drug promotes sleep or drowsiness. • Depress the central nervous system • Commonly prescribed for tension, muscular strain, sleep problems, anxiety, panic attacks, and to treat alcohol withdrawal
  • 26. Hallucinogens • Psychedelics means “mind manifesting.” • Major receptor sites are in the reticular formation, located in the brain stem; when a hallucinogen reaches this site, messages become scrambled. • Synesthesia occurs when sensory messages are mixed (one smells colors or hears tastes).
  • 27. Hallucinogens (cont.) • LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) • Mescaline is derived from peyote cactus. • Psilocybinis is also known as a “magic mushroom”. • PCP (phencyclidine) is a synthetic substance originally developed as a dissociative anesthetic.
  • 28. Hallucinogens: LSD •LSD is the most notorious. •Physiological effects include increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure and temperature, muscle tremors, gooseflesh, headaches, and mild nausea. •Psychological effects include euphoria, dysphoria (sense of foreboding), shortened attention span, introspection, and distortions of perceptions.
  • 29. Designer Drugs • Collectively known as “club drugs” – Ecstasy – GHB(Gama Hydroxybutyrate) – Special K – Rohypnol • Effects: hallucinations, paranoia, amnesia, death
  • 30. Inhalants • Chemicals that produce vapors capable of causing hallucinations and creating intoxicating and euphoric effects • Some agents are organic solvent by- products of the distillation of petroleum products – Rubber cement, model glue, paint thinner, lighter fluid, varnish, wax, and gasoline
  • 31. Steroids • Anabolic steroids are artificial forms of the male hormone testosterone. • They include ergogenic drugs, which are substances that enhance athletic performance. • Two forms of anabolic steroids – Injectable solutions – Pills • Effects: mood swings, acne, liver tumors, elevated cholesterol levels, hypertension, kidney disease
  • 32. The following list includes the various kinds of drugs, common names of drugs, and descriptions of the possible health risks. This list is not extensive, and other risks may be involved.* * Sources: American National Institute on Drug Abuse
  • 33. Drug/street name Symptoms Health Effects Alcohol/beer, wine, wine coolers, whiskey, vodka, tequila, rhum, hard Liquor (1- 12 hours effect) Puffiness of face, redness of eyes, depression, disorientation, shallow respiration, nausea, cold & clammy skin, dehydration. Slurred speech. Impairs muscle coordination, memory & judgment. Causes depression, aggression, slurred speech, muscular incoordination. Frequent use can lead to cirrhosis of liver, pancreatitis, brain disorders, vitamin deficiencies & malnutrition. Can lead to coma or death in large quantities. Marijuana/pot, reefer, grass, THC(Tetrahydrocanabinnol) hash, hash oil, herb, cannabis (2-4 hours effect) Euphoria, relaxed inhibitions, disoriented behavior, staring off into space, hilarity without cause. Time distortion. Bloodshot eyes, dry mouth & throat, increased appetite. Fatigue, hallucinations, depression. Can impair memory perception & judgment by destroying brain cells. Raises blood pressure. Contains more known carcinogens (poisons) than Cigarettes.
  • 34. Drug/street name Symptoms Health Effects Barbiturates,methalqualone quaaludes, ludes, yellow jackets, red devils, blue devils, Nembutal, Seconal, sopors, Valium Tranxene, Xanax,Librium (1-16 hours effect) Slurred speech, disorientation, drunken behavior with no odor of alcohol. Sedation, fatigue. Decreased breathing, pulse & blood pressure. Can cause slurred speech, staggering gait, poor judgment, & slow, uncertain reflexes. Large doses can cause unconsciousness and death. Mixing of these depressants with alcohol causes thousands of accidental deaths. Cocaine/coke, snow, blow, gold dust, lady, Bernice, C, toot (1/2 to 2 hours effect) Apathy, anxiety, sleeplessness, paranoia, hallucinations, craving for more cocaine. Weight loss. Constant sniffing. Mood swings. Causes dilated pupils, increased blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, & body temperature. Can cause seizures, heart attacks and death. Crack Cocaine/crack, rock (5-10 minute effect) Same as cocaine. More & stronger cocaine is getting to the brain quicker, increasing risks of cocaine use.
  • 35. Drug/street name Symptoms Health Effects Amphetamines/uppers, speed, black beauties, dexies, bennies, crystal meth, crank, crystal, ice, hearts, crossroads, white crosses, caffeine, nicotine, diet pills(1/2 to 2 hours effect) Decreased appetite, dilated pupils, sleeplessness, agitation, unusual increase in activity, mood swings, paranoia, anti-social behavior, loss of appetite, anxiety, weight loss. Increases heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure. High doses can cause tremors, loss of coordination & death from stroke or heart failure. Frequent use of large amounts can produce brain damage, ulcers, malnutrition, hallucinations, convulsions & coma. PCP (phencyclidine)/angel dust, killer weed, crystal cyclone, elephant tranquilizer, rocket fuel (Variable effects) Sweating, dizziness, numbness, hallucinations, confusion, agitation. Violence and aggression or silence & withdrawn state. Poor perception of time and distance. Overdose can lead to death. Increased heart rate, and blood pressure. Large doses cause convulsions, comas, heart & lung failure, and ruptured brain vessels. Users may show long-term effects on memory, judgment, concentration, &perception.
  • 36. Drug/street name Symptoms Health Effects Heroin/Mexican brown, China White, Persian porcelain, "H", smack, horse, junk, black tar, Codeine, Morphine, Meporidine-demerol, Opium, Paragoric, Percodan, Fentanyal, Darvon, Talwin, Tussionex (12-24 hours effect) Watery eyes, runny nose, yawning, loss of appetite, tremors, irritability, panic, chills, sweating, cramps, nausea, apathy, euphoria, itching, constricted pupils, reduced vision. Repeated use can lead to infections of the heart lining & valves, skin abscesses & congested lungs. May cause nausea and vomiting. Can lead to convulsions, coma, & death. Gas, Glue & Rush/Locker Room, aerosol cans, poppers, snappers,amyl nitrate, gasoline, lighter fluid, whippets. (Inhaled through a saturated cloth or in a bag covering nose and mouth.)(Variable effects) Lack of coordination, slurred speech, drowsiness, loss of appetite, fatigue. Hallucinations, dizziness, scrambled words & disconnected sentences. Nausea, running nose, decreased heart rate. Brain damage occurs when used over a long period of time. All these chemicals carry considerable risk, particularly of cardiac arrhythmia. Nausea, vomiting. Can also cause suffocation the first time or any time used.
  • 37. Drug/street name Symptoms Health Effects Hallucinogens/LSD, Mescaline,Peyote, Mesk, buttons, Psilocybin, magic mushrooms, acid, blotteracid, MDA-love drug (3-12 hours effect) Beady eyes, nervous, erratic behavior, laughing, crying, panic, personality changes, "sees” smells, "hears" colors. Psychological changes can be permanent. Poor perception of time and distance. Overdose can lead to death. Dilated pupils, nausea, increased blood pressure, hallucinations, stomach cramps, blackouts. Flashbacks, a recurrence of the drug effects, may be a problem for some. Overdose can lead to death. Adam, Ecstasy, X-TC ( A Designer Drug: structural analogs of controlled substances.) (Variable up to days) Confusion, depression, sleep problems, anxiety, paranoia, muscle tension, involuntary teeth clenching, nausea. Increased heart rate & blood pressure. Blurred vision, chills, sweating. Believed to cause permanent brain damage. Steroids/Roids, juice, protein, muscles builder (Variable effect) Similar to effects of anti- depressants and stimulants. Can increase moodiness and aggressive behavior Can develop liver cancer, cardiovascular problems, sterility, sexual dysfunction and stunted growth.
  • 38. How to Help Yourself • Get educated • Know your facts • Take advantage of activities and events that do not involve alcohol or drugs • Choose to stay in control • Address possible underlying problems (such as a variety of anxiety concerns, depression, self esteem issues, trauma, family and relationship concerns)
  • 39. How to Help a Friend • Get educated • Know your facts • If the friend is intoxicated stay with them • If you notice difficulty breathing, staying awake, body that feels too warm or too cold, lack of balance & eye contact and slurred speech call for help • If you notice on-going problem with drugs &/or alcohol address your concerns with your friend (for how to do that consult with your campus counselor) • Get help at the counseling office
  • 41. Thank You WILL POWER will help the man to overcome such addictions