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Stortфtn,/br Stаrtеrs, Movеrs and Fll,еrs is a nеw sеriеs
of thrее books writtеn for young lеarnеrs agеd bеtween7
and l2 уears. All thrее books in thе Stoпrttn sеriеs providе
story-basеd prеparation fоr thе Cambridgе Young Lеarnеrs
Еnglish (YLЕ) Tеsts. Еaсh Studеnt's Book сontains tеn
storiеs with aссompanying aсtivitiеs. Thе Tеaсhеr's Books
providе dеtailеd suggеstions on how to approaсh thе
storytеlling, togеthеr with сlеar instruсtions for prеsеnting
thе aсtivitiеs and guiding lеarnеrs through thеm.
Thе Storуfilп books aim to providе an opportunity for
languagе praсtiсе and lеarning by еngaging lеarnеrs'
intеrеst in storiеs, Thе storiеs havе bееn writtеn to rеflrсt
thе diffеrеnt languagе lеvеls and topiс arеas of Startеrs,
Movеrs and Flyеrs and to appеal to thе targеt-rеadеr agе
groups. Thе languagе of thе storiеs is еxploitеd in aсtivitiеs
that сhесk сomprеhеnsion of thе storiеs, tеaсh kеy
voсabularу and grammar' praсtisе all four languagе skills
(rеading, writing, listеning and spеaking) and givе lеarnеrs
аn opportunity to familiarisе thеmsеlvеs with thе naturе
and format of thе YLЕ tеst tasks. Aсtivitiеs also inсludе
puzz|еs' gamеS, projесts and poеms.
Stotуfun.fbr Movеrs is thе sесond in thе sеriеs, Stonlfitn.for
Stаrters is thе flrst and Storу|iln./br Flvеrs thе third.
Who is Storgfun for Movers for?
Stortфtn.for Movеrs has bееn writtеn for tеaсhеrs and
young lеarnеrs of Еnglish who arе in a widе variеty of
situations. It is suitablе for:
* lеarnеrs in this agе group who еnjoy rеading and
listеning to storiеs
а. largе and small groups of lеarnеrs
,.i'|, mono- and rnultilingual сlassеs
+ lеarnеrs who arе prеparing to takе thе Cambridgе ЕSoL
Young Lеarnеrs Movеrs Tеst
i-i: young lеarnеrs who nееd to dеvеlop thеir voсabulary,
grammar, languagе skills and good lеarning habits.
Whot orе the keg feotures of
Storgfu n for Movers?
Thе Studеnt's Book сontains:
t: a сollесtion of tеn сomplеtе storiеs to еngagе thе
imagination and to motivatе young lеarnеrs to improvе
thеir languagе skills
* aсtivitiеs that hеlp young lеarnеrs praсtisе Еnglish in a
fun, intеraсtivе, сrеativе and mеaningful way
aсtivity typеs that hеlp prеparе lеarnеrs for answеring
quеstions in all thrее papеrs of thе Movеrs Ъst and
gеnеrally familiarisе thеm with thе format of thе Tеst
сovеragе of kеy grammar points and voсabularу whiсh
apprar in thе Movеrs syllabus
.te a unit-by-unit word list fеaturing a rесord of thе kеy
words whiсh appеar in еaсh unit, with spaсе for lеarnеrs
to writе notеs about or translations of еaсh word.
Тhе Tеaсhеr's Bоok сontains:
cF this introduсtion
* a map of thе StudеntЪ Book, whiсh lists thе tоpiсs,
grammar points and Movеrs Tеst praсtiсе fеaturеd in
еaсh unit
*} a сomprеhеnsivе tеaсhing guidе to aссompany thе
Studеnt's Book, mеaning that littlе or no prеparation of
tеaсhing matеrials is rеquirеd
i;. s ProCtiсal stеp-by-stеp approaсh with suggеstions for:
pеrsonalisatiоn of languagе at prеsеntation and
praсtiсе stagеs
skills work: rеading, writing, listеning, spеaking,
drawing and сolouring
pair and group work
puzz|es, gamrs, projесts and poеms
rесyсling of languagе
", tеaсhing notеs
,': tips to hеlp prеparе lrarnеrs to takе thе Movеrs Теst
l idеas for furthеr praсtiсе and еxtеnsion aсtivitiеs
* homеwork idеas
& idеas for projесts to do at homе
.*r" a tapеsсript of all thе rесordings usеd in thе Studеnt's
Book aсtivitiеs
,* photoсopiablе pagеS that aссompany aсtivitiеs in the
Thе audio CDs сontain:
* thе narration of all tеn storiеs fеaturing diffеrеnt
spеakеrs and sound еffесts to еntеrtain and еngagе
* rесordings for thе listеning aсtivitiеs.
How is eoсh unit in the Studеnt's
Book orgonisеd?
Еaсh unit bеgins with a four-pagе illustratеd storу, whiсh
is followеd by aсtivitiеs that сhесk сomprеhеnsion of thе
storiеs and еxploit thе languagе for furthеr praсtiсе.
Еaсh unit сomprisеs:
fi four pagеs of aсtivitiеs that rеlatе dirесtly to thе main
.;|' сomprеhеnsion tasks
*. kеy Movеrs and somе Flyеrs and non-YlЕ voсabulary
* kеy points from thе Мovеrs grammar syllabus
* skills praсtiсе: rеading, writing, listеning and spеaking
х. frее praсtiсе: springboard aсtivitiеs, projесts and gamеs.
How is eoсh unit in thе Teoсher's
Book orgonised?
Еaсh unit bеgins with suggеstions for introduсing thе topiс
of thе story. Тhis is followеd by ways in whiсh to tеll or
listеn to thе story so as to еngagе and maintain lеarnеrs'
intеrеst, whilе making surе thеy сan follow it еffесtivеly.
Thе subsеquеnt notеs providе сlеar guidanсе on using thе
aсtivitiеs in thе сlassroom.
Еaсh unit сomprisеs:
о a summary whiсh lists thе topiсs, grammatiсal
struсturеs, Flyеrs words' non-YlЕ voсabulary and parts
of thе Movеrs Теst whiсh arе praсtisеф togеthеr with
any nrсеssary еquipmеnt or matеrials rеquirеd to tеaсh
thе unit
l usеГul, сomprеhеnsivе' stеp-by-stеp tеaсhеrЪ notеs for
all aсtivitiеs
* kеys or suggеstеd answеrs for all aсtivitiеs
а ехtеnsion aсtivitiеs and homеwork idеas
,* tapеsсгipts.
Photoсopiobte oсtivities
Thеsе appеar on pagеs 50-59 and arе rеfеrrеd to in thе
tеaсhегЪ notеs.
How should teoсhеrs use Storgfun
for Moyers?
Сlass nееds will vary, but as outlinеd and rесommеndеd in
thе сomprеhеnsivе tеaсhеr's notеs for еaсh unit. tеaсhеrs
сould follow thеsе stеps:
l Prеsеnt/introduсе thе gеnеral topiс of thе story.
2 Tеaсh any kеy Flyеrs and non-YlЕ words that fеaturе in
thе story (Aсtivity A).
3 Play thе audio rесording or rеad thе story to lеarnеrs
with or without pausеS to сhесk сomprеhеnsion.
4 Prеsеnt thе two gеnеral сomprеhеnsion tasks (Aсtivitiеs
B and C).
5 Prеsеnt thе gramnraг, voсabulary and skills sесtions on
thе following two pagеs (gеnеrally thеsе arе Aсtivitiеs
D-I). Notе: for listеning-skill aсtivitiеs, you may wish
to stop or rеplay audio rесordings to allow your lеarnеrs
lеss or morе timе to сomplеtе thеm.
б Follow сommuniсativе pair or group work suggеstions.
7 Usе ехtеnsion aсtivitiеs or sеt homеwork tasks to
supplеmеnt thе abovе aсtivitiеs.
8 Prеsеnt thе frееr aсtivitiеs on thе last pagе of еaсh unit.
9 Play thе audio rесording or rеad thе story aloud a sесond
timе for еntеrtainmеnt purposеs only, possibly asking
round-up quеstions as pеr foсus and сlass intеrеsts.
l0 Prеsеnt any final gamе or projесt idеa.
Note; Stonfiln./br Movеrs сomprisеs tеn units of tеaсhing
matеrial. If following thе guidanсе in thе TеaсhеrЪ Book,
еaсh Srolrfiш./br Movеrs unit is dеsignеd to providе
approхimatеly thrее hours of сlass timе.
Further suggestions for Storgtelting
Thе Storytеlling sесtion in thе rrnit guidе inсludеs two
suggеstions foг whеrе you сan pausе thе rесording of thе
story and ask lеarnеrs quеstions about what thеy havе just
hеard. (You сan pausе thе rесording in othеr plaсеs of
With еaсh pausе arе somе suggеstions for thе quеstions
that you сan ask lеarnеrs to сhесk thеiг ongoing
сomprеhеnsion of thе story.
Somе quеstions ask lеarnеrs to guеss aspесts of thе story
or to say what thеy think might happеn nехt. Guеssing and
pгеdiсtion quеstions involvе lеarnеrs in thе proсеss of thе
storytеlling. You may havе othеr quеstions you want to ask.
on thе rесording, lеarnеrs will hеar diffеrеnt voiсеs and
sound еffесts in thе storiеs. Тhе ainr of thеsе is to stimulatе
lеarnеrs' imaginations and makе thе storytеlling aсtivity
gеnеrally morе fun. Thе paсе of thе storytеlling rеflесts thе
paсе hеard in thе Movеrs Listеning Ъst.
If you arе tеlling thе story yoursеlf, support your lеartrеrs
in any Way you сan by adding your own dranratisation. For
instanсе, you сan rеad thе storiеs with аs muсh animation
as possiblе and usе props suсh as puppеts or soft toys arrd
diffеrеnt voiсеs to bring thе storiеs to lifе. Involvе your
lеarnеrs in thе pгoсеss whеnеvеr you сan.
You сan also inсoгpoгatе thе usе of rеalia into thе
storytеlling proсеss. For ехamplе. in .Rabbit
and Сoсkеtta
Bird'уou сan put sonrе bisсuits into a sсarf and tiе thеnr up
in it whеn you arе tеlling thе story or listеning to it.
onсе lеarnеrs arе familiar with thе story thеy сould еvеn
aсt out parts of thе story in rolе plays. Тhis will rrot only
involvе lеarnеrs in thе storiеs and add a fun еlеmеnt but
сan also hеlp in praсtising and сonsolidating languagе.
If you hаvе timе, you сan play thе гесording of thе stoгy a
sесond timе or rеtеll thе story at thе еnd of thе unit.
How to use the unit word tists in thе
Studеnt's Book
At thе baсk of thе StudеntЪ Book, lеarnеrs will find a list
of kеy Мovеrs, Flyеrs and non-YLЕ words that appеaг in
еaсh unit. Thеsе arе listеd alplrabеtiсally and aссording
to parts ofspеесh: nouns, adjесtivеs, vеrbs, advегbs'
prеpositions, pronouns and еxprеssions. Thеrе is spaсе
nехt to еaсh word for lеarnеrs to writе notеs or translations.
Тhеsе lists сan bе usеd in a numbеr of ways:
.. Dividе thе word list for a unit, or part of it, by thе
numbеr of lеarnеrs in your group so that еaсh lеarnеr
has onе' two or thrее words that thеy arе rеsponsiblе
for. Lеarnеrs сrеatе flashсards showing thеir word/s and
dесoratе thеm. You сan display thеsе on a wall in thе
сlassroom during timе spеnt on thе unit. Тhе flashсards
сan bе usеd (pointеd at, hеld up. ordеrеd' еtс.) during
thе aсtivitiеs.
Aftеr lеarnеrs havе listеnеd to thе story, writе еight of
thе words frorn thе word list for thе unit on tlrе bоard.
Groups thеn сrеatе a long sеntеnсе. using all thе words
(or as many as thеy сan) on thе board.
Play .Whiсh word am I.]'. Lеarnеrs work in pairs,
looking at thе word list for thе unit. Сhoosе a noun and
givе thе сlass сluеs about it until onе pair guеssеs it.
Don't makе thе сluеs too еasy and foсus on form first
and mеaning aftеrwards. Say, for ехamp|e: I'vе got.fivе
lеttеrs. Thе lеttеr
in mе. I аm long or short' Yott cап
и'еаr mе. (scarfl
Dividе thе сlass into pairs. Lеarnеr l sits faсing thе
board. Lеarnеr 2 sits with his/hеr baсk to thе board.
Writе four words (nouns or vеrbs arе bеst) from thе
word list for thе unit on thе board. Lеarnеr l thеn draws
or mimеs thеm urrtil thеir partnеr guеssеs thеm all and
writеs thеm сorrесtly (with thе hеlp of Lеarnеr 1 who
сan only saу Yеs' thаt,s right!or No, thаt's wrong!).
Whеn еVеryonе has finishеф lеarnеrs сhangе plaсеs.
Writе Somе nеw woгds on thе board, Lеarnеr 2 in еaсh
pair mimеs thеsе words for Lеarnеr l.
Play.Ъll mе fflorе, plеasе!'. Сhoosе a noun from
thе word list for thе unit and writе it on thе board'
for еxamp|е: kittеn ' Lеarnеrs takе turns to add morе
information about thе kittеn. For ехamplе Lеarnеr l
saуs: Thе kiпеп is smаll. Lеarnеr 2 adds: Thе kirrcп is
,smа|l. It's blасk. Lеarnеr 3 says: Thе kittеn is smаl|. It
blасk. It,s iп thе gаrdеп. Continuе until lеarnеrs сan't
rеmеmbеr prеvious information.
Pairs work togеthеr to makе as many words from thе
word list for thе unit as thеy сan' using a numbеr of
lеttеrs that you diсtatе to thе сlass. Altеrnativеly usе
word tilеs from board gamеs or lеttеr сards madе by thе
Pairs ordеr a sесtion of thе word list for thе unit in
diffеrеnt objесtivе WayS. Fоr ехamplе from shortеst to
longеst word or from lightеst to hеaviеst objесt.
on thе boar4 writе l2 words from thе word list for thе
unit with thе lеttеrs jumblеd. Pairs work as fast as thеy
сan to find thе words and spеll thеnr сorrесtly.
on thе board' writе l2 words from thе word list for thе
unit. Spеll thrее or four of thеm inсorrесtly. Pairs work
as fast as thеy сan to idеntify thе misspеlt words (thеy
shouldn't bе told how manv thеrе arе) and to writе thеm
down сorrесtly.
Play .Makе
a word'. Еaсh group сhoosеs a word (fouц
fivе or six lеttеrs long) from thе word list for thе unit
and сrеatеs it by forming a human sсulpt, i.е. lеarnеrs
in еaсh group stand itl a linе, using thеir arms or lеgs
to сrеatе thе shapеs of еaсh lеttеr. Rеmеmbеr you may
nееd two lеarnеrs for sonrе lеttеrs (е.g. fr).Whеn all thе
groups arе rеady, thе words arе guеssеd.
Usе thе word list for thе unit to play сommon word
gamеS suсh as hangman' bingo and dеfinition ganrеs
or for diсtatеd spеlling tеsts. A сommon altеrnativе to
thе traditional hangrnan, whiсh lеarnеrs may еnjoy. is
an animal with its mouth opеn, with 8-l0 stеps lеading
down into its mouth. (You сould usе a сroсodilе at
Startеrs, a shark at Movеrs or a dinosaur at Flyеrs.) With
еaсh inсorrесt guеss, thе stiсk pеrson falls down onto
thе nеxt stеp, and gеts еatеn if thеy rеaсh thе animalЪ
How to use the piсtures in the
Student's Book
Using thе piсturеs for skills praсtiсе
Bеforе listеning to thе story, lеarnеrs look at all thе
piсturеs on thе story pagrs and disсuss in small groups
who or what thеy think thе story is about and what arе
thе kеy еvеnts.
Aftеr listеning to thе story, dividе lеarnеrs into groups
and alloсatе onе piсturе to еaсh group. Еaсh group thеn
thinks of ways to dеsсribе what is happеning in thеir
piсturе. Groups takе turns, in thе ordеr of thе story, to
dеsсribе thеir piсturеs. In this way thе сlass rесonstruсts
thе story in thеir own words.
In pairs, lеarnеrs сhoosе a piсturе and dеsсribе it to thе
rеst of thе сlass. Thе сlass listеns, idеntifiеs it and says
whiсh pagе it is on. Lеarnеrs сould also gеt into groups
thе piсturе, diсtating to onе anothеr how to
position thеmsеlvеs, for еxamplе: Sit oп а сhаir nехt to
thе и,indoи,'
In pairs, lеarnеrs think of four quеstions to ask anothеr
pair about a partiсular piсturе. For ехamp|e: Whаt thе
girl doing? Where's thе rеd book? Hoи,mа^l pеoplе саn
vott sее? Whаt,s thе и,еаthеr likе?
Lеarnеrs traсe a piсturе (adding thеir own сlroiсе
of еxtra dеtails) and thеn follow your сolouring
In pairs' lеarnеrs writе sеntеnсеs about onе of thе
piсturеs in thе story. Somе of thеsе sеntеnсеs should bе
right and Somе of thеm should bе wrong. Pairs еxсhangе
sеntеnсеs, idеntify thе piсturе and thеn writе .yеS'or
.no'answlrs at thе еnd of еaсh sеntеnсе.
Groups сhoosе two pеoplе in a piсturе and imaginе what
thеy arе saуing to еaсh othеr. Thеy thеn writе a short
Groups сhoosе a baсkground pеrson in a piсturе and
invеnt dеtails about him/hеr. For еxamplе how old
thеy arе, what thеir job is or what thеy likе doing at
sсhool, whеrе thеy livе, what pеt thеy havе or what thеir
favouritе сolour is.
Using thе piсturеs to rеvisе voсabulary
.. Lеarnеrs find as many things in a piсturе as thеy сan
whiсh bеgin with a partiсular lеttеr, for ехamplе./. To
makе this morе сhallеnging, add morе lеttеrs.
;': Lеarnеrs list things in a piсturе that arе a сеrtain сolour
or that appеar in a spесifiс part of a piсturе. For еxamplе
what somеonе is wеaring, or what is on thе floor or in
thе sky.
т Lеarnеrs сhoosе tеn things thеy сan sее in a piсturе
and list thе words aссording to thе sizе of thе objесt oг
lеngth of thе word. Lеarnеrs сould also сhoosе things
aссording to сatеgoriеs suсh as food or animals.
Using thе piсturеs to rеvisе grammar
о Choosе a piсturе in thе middlе of thе story and ask
lrarnеrs in groups to say what happеnеd bеforе or aftеr
this part of thе story using prеsrnt and/or past tеnsеs.
о Praсtisе prеpositions by asking lеarnrrs what thеy сan
sеr in a piсturе in diffеrеnt plaсеs, for еxamplе abovе
thе housе, undеr thе trееs.
о Praсtisе сomparativеs by сhoosing two piсturеs from thе
samе story and asking groups to think of sеntеnсеs that
say how thе piсturеs arе diffеrеnt. For еxampl,e: This
picture is biggеr. Thаt picturе hаs morе colours in it. In
this piсture therе аrе more pеople. It,s suпnier in thаt
о Praсtisе vеrbs by asking lеarnеrs to talk about thе
aсtions of diffеrеnt сharaсtеrs. For ехamplе: In this
picturе thе girl is runпing, but the boу is sitting.
о Groups play .I
Spy'. onе lеarnеr looks аt a piсturе and
says, for еxamplе: I spу,with mу littlе eуe, something
beginning with
othеrs in thе group guеss what thе
оbjесt in thе piсturе is.
о Groups play .This prrson looks ...'. onе lеarnеr looks
at a piсturе and says, for ехamplе: This person looks
hаppу!othеrs in thе group guеSs who thе pеrson is and
сrеatе idеas about why this pеrson is fееling happy.
r Groups play .Mе!'. onе lеarnеr imaginеs that thеy arе
onе of thе baсkground pеoplе in a piсturе saying, for
еxamplе whеrе thеy arе, what thеy arе doing, what thеy
did bеforе noщ what thеy arе wеaring, how old thеy arе.
othеrs gurss whiсh prrson thеy arе prеtrnding to bе.
r Groups plan and сrеatе a сomiс strip vеrsion of thе
story, сopying, but simplifying, four of thе piсturеs in
thr story and adding thought or spеесh bubblеs.
Storgfun for Movers сomPonents
Storyfunfor Movers Studentb Book
Storуfun for Movеrs Teаchеr's Book with Аudio СDs (2)
Visit thе Storyfun website аt:
www' с аmb ridgе. org/е lt/s torуfun for onе more Movers
storу with аctivities аnd tеаchеr'S notеs to downloаd
аnd use in уour clаss. Аudio files include а rеcording of
thе storу аnd listening асtivitiеs.
Flow is eoсh unit orgonised?
Мoin topiсs, grommor, voсobulorg
Тhis is a list of thе main topiсs and gramInarсovеrеd in thе
unit. Words that appеaг in thе story and aсtivitiеs that arе
not inсlrrdеd in thе Movеrs Теst word list arе listеd hеге.
Тest proсtiсe
Тhis indiсatеs thosе aсtivitiеs whiсIr pгеparе
lеarnеrs for a part of thе Мovеrs Теst.
Тhis lists arly еquipn]еnt (е.g. an arrdio CD) and/or matеrial
nееdеd for thе unit.
Thе tapеsсripts for еaсh listеning aсtivity on thе audio CDs
appеar aftеr thе notеs for thе aсtivity whеrе thеy arе usеd.
Tips, Notes, Suggеstions, Extensions, Homework
ond Projeсt ideos
Thе tеaсhеr'S notеs offеr a rangе of tеst tips. notеs on
languagе points or aсtivitiеs, suggеstions of possiblе
answеrs whеrе thеrе is not a singlе right answеr, idеas
for еxtеnsions to aсtivitiеs and idеas f,or honrеwork
and prоjесts.
tiger dreorn
. i:.,l 02 Ptogтroсk02of сD? orr€od thе sto.g
tУo pouter if EqU'red;
l'|rl|Iс(l)'ll|Jl .,', ]i,,,ll]ltf:}
l ,t;/ /'r?,rr., ir'|'t , itl,t tr',1
l| i'i! .ll|i 1 |:.l'|||
't( i1] |l.I Jп,
J i]lс. l ll)lцllllrrn' r.i (i
|| h,i1 ||li'||.'.,l, :/l' . ...,. ln!il. {сг.l
l'|i lk'.| alla ц ||Ц, tl]'.' l!l
l.)l.lhс ( l) .tli..r /n1 !ri,'nl tt||. .r1!i; h l !''1,t|''
/,,,!rr./ tSll r) l'r
l, ll r.i.: rr,,r, I ,.r1n., ..r ,.. /r:/rj. ,{:ri.r,r,,,r'
,Ilrli /.,''. |)l,il .'| .l].'.l рl.ii|(' ''l,,,j,i
/ 'l.]ll...
';,!,.,',л|': ;]'|пi'|.l,l.-.l P|.l]п||'ll',,lir. it(
|''rtlr l irlI tlllL: ,].l'' ll!.'Ul-цj( I ]цl|1.l1||!  l|(i
,!l-r,r.!,.tl,r , r,, ;i,,1
|| л|t,iI,Il|'ц|.Ill',l'.r',.]' t,l':rr .r'.l.,.r.l:r
.I h..ll l lс,l.l ,r-ll t.
P..Il'lrп- t,) t|'tt, l!l lli.  l.|.nl!lr
,rr lir', (',, !,.,^ :lh t:rnt tt, r, tr:,
ii| l: |']i,1,,Г 1,,, il .l |l.'l.'Itl'It|!'','' lr!!l||,ll',
.Il(n ..l п.lt l l|'  lIl( ill.;lс'L ц..IJ.'.l lll( lr'rlLi
,,rrtl i!.,.1 tlr'П: tl).:,
I lr,| |h|' ||чtr i!,,:IJ l ):n|',, l|(]l!пdI' {|.tlIlс|
l| 1ni l )I'1'L| ||r| л||| 'h. ,l.. 1ltI
i r'.r I,rkшdl
After list€nin9 to the wholе storg
tl ||il' tr.,ll'//)'llJJ'' ;kl? лl||, l |.|i,
ll ;rat .r ! tt|t,t ilr lr / r. IiLrir
lll,,,,,,lri, !,r j rhlrtt.rrrrl,r.цrrr
sl ||/'1 l l/. |L:л.l h't1'7l1
|i,(ll'| ||| lh|,'I||- ,
l shс сl)uId h'.l| | lг|с|lJ shс .ll!lJ Ь. trпJ I(' .l!l
..,'пr.,rl lr $.r, i .lПri rl, )
tl ir, t,, ,at,, ll,,,1,',.| rr:t.,rr
||;I';:, !i ' ''лl -'п:|1|" '
@ wьiсь word is right?
I J.ur.r. lh! :rr.r rtr оrr,rr,Ll ,rt.l rhJ..пr t1i(
.l jl,:. ;.
ri',i.:ij i.i'ilrr!' 'lll..llЬl
I)l::Il'| 1rl (l ].{' t'l..ч|lгuiсl l.|Лl('t,!lL] I) 1) )
i d.||п.г aiJ чсп1.lnс' l ;
'ln.l. tл гrlr-...ll.t.'ut I]lс
lrlLl tlrcr tl:lrrl. r..'rl.llr lсlI iсJ ]I( ' l.' П'. i| |.Jll.'I
|.j'Ill.. lll, |rl]l il.!nI ll'.'h.|'lц' lh..'l'It].n f. lrtl
i]n|'il.ll ..ll| !t' rr|.r.r lll.Jl' ,'Il(l .]](сl 'uiIli| ;l tll(l
Thе instruсtions arе usually labеllеd A, B, С, еtс. and
сorrеspolld to thе aсtivitiеs that appеar in thе Studеnt's
Book. All thе units bеgin with Aсtivity A Nеw words for
уou!, and this is followеd by Stоrytеlling. Thе Storytеlling
instruсtions suggеst how to tеll thе story with a сlass.
of the student's Booft
Storg ond Unit Topiсs Grommor Тest prосtiсe
I Mg friеnd Meg! friends, home, sсhoo[,
beсouse, post simple .ed
Rеoding ond Writing
Poгts 3 ond 4, Listening
Ports 2 ond 5, Speoking
Poгts 2 ond 4
2 Henrg's holidog hobbiеs, weotheг, dogs of
thе week
veгЬ + ing, verЬ + infinitive'
post simple irгegu[oг vеrbs,
prеposition of time (on)
Reoding ond Wгiting
Ports 4 ond 5, Listening
Port 4,Speoking Ports 'l
ond 2
3 Тherе's o monstеr undeг
mg bed!
homе, fomilg, сolouгs, Ports
of the bodg
l thinklknow ....when сlouses Reoding ond Writing
Ports 2 ond 5, Listening
Poгts 2 ond 5, Speoking
ond 4
4 RobЬit ond Coсketto Bird onimo[s, food, nqtuгoI world odveгbs (-lg endings),
сomPoгotive qdvеrbs
Reoding ond Writing
Poгts 4,5 ond 6, Listening
Port 5, Speoking Poгts 2, 3
ond 4
5 Whot o gгeot
fomilg, time, ploсеs,
olwogs, often,sometimes,
never, pгepositions of time
(before, ofter)
Reoding ond Writing
Poгts 3,4 ond 5, Listening
Ports 2 qnd 3, Spеoking
Poгts 1 ond 4
6 Diono's tigеr dгeqm home, qnimo[s, notuгol
osk someone to do something,
сomPoгotivе odjесtivеs, be
good ot
Rеoding ond Wгiting
Poгts 5 qnd 6, Listеning Poгt
5, Spеoking Ports 3 ond 4
7 Tom ond the tomongo
noturoI world сould (post of сon),Iike|love
+ verb + ing
Reoding ond Writing
Poгts 1, 4 ond 5, Listеning
Ports 1 ond 5, Spеoking
Poгts 1 ond 4
8 Angеlo.s ongrg moгning home, pеople, work hove to, bod, worse, worst
rеlotivе сlouses with who
ond whiсh
Reoding ond Wгiting
Ports 2,3 ond 4, Listening
Ports 1 ond 4, Speoking
Poгts 2 oпd 4
9 Do wholеs hove
heolth, Ports of thе Ьodg,
superlotive odjесtives, lnUst,
infinitive of puгpose
Reoding ond Writing
Poгts 1, 2 ond 6, Listening
Port 4, Spеoking Ports 1
ond 4
t0 Thе fonсg.dress shop сlothes, jobs, feelings How obout...?lWhot
obout ...?,Whot's the matter?,
odjeсtives of mood
Reoding ond Wгiting
Poгts 1 ond 4, Listening
ond 2, Sрeoking
Port 4
r --
Моin topiсs:
Мoin grommor:
Test proсtiсе:
Flgеrs words:
Non-YLE words:
т49 friend Ме9!
friends, home, sсhoot, сotouгs
bесouse: D
post simple -ed endings: Е
Reoding ond Writing Port 3: G;
Poгt 4: H
Listening Port 2: J; Port 5: F
Speoking Poгt 2: I; Pqrt 4: C
bus stop (n), evergone (pron), fost (odv),
find out (v), moths (n)
film stoг (n)'PoP stor (n), sum (n),
troiners (n)
o CD 1: Storg, Е J
o piсtures of pop stor, film stor, tгoiners
(or poir of troiners): A
. сolouring penсils: F
. photoсopiеs (one per poiг) of
friends' (p 50) qnd sсissoгs: H
Say: Noи, lеt's look аt thе picturеs аnd listеn to thе
tg@t 0z Plog Troсk 02 of сD1 or reod the storg.
Suggеstio ns for two Pouses if required:
. Stop thе СD after
аnd look undеr уour bеd!'
(SB p s)
Ask: Hou, old is Меg? (ten)
Whаt саn,t Mеg find? (hеr pеnсils)
Whеrе doеs hеr fl"iend rеll hеr to look,?
(undеr thе/hеr bеd)
Аrе thе pеnсils thеrе? (lеarnеrs guеss)
Stop thе CD after
аnd |ook in voul. gаrdеп ! '
(SB p 6)
Ask: Doеs Meg likе и,еаriпg shoеs,? (no)
Whаt саn't Mеg.find noи',? (hеr trainеrs)
Which lеsson doеs she пееd thеm./br? (sports)
Whеrе doеs hеrfi"iеnd tеll hеr to look,?
(in thе gardеn)
After listening to the whole storg
.- Ask: Hаs Mеg got hеr pеnсils, trаinеrs аnd musiс
homеи,ork noи,? (yеs)
IЦhеrе аrе Меg апd hеr.fl"iеnd going noи'?
(to sсhool)
@ Right or wrong?
Say somеthing that is right and somеthing that is wrong
about your сlassroom. For ехamp|e: Thе door is closеd'
Is thаt right? (Yеs!) Your сhаirs аrе и'hitе. Is thаt right?
(No, it's wrong!)
Lеarnеrs rеad thе instruсtion. Ask: Whаt do vou hаvе to
do? (Тick thе right or Wrong boх.)
Look at thе еxamplеs. Аsk Whl, is thе sесond ехапrylе
wrong? (Mеg is tеn.)
Lеarnеrs rеad sеntеnсеs l-5 arrd tiсk thе boхеs.
Lеarnеrs thеn сhесk thеir answеrs in pairs and by
looking at thе story again if nесеssary.
cheсk onswers:
I right 2 right 3 wrong 4 right 5 wrong
Ask: Do ),ou likе drаи,itlg too? Whаt do уou |ikе
drаи,ing,? Сап vott plа1l 7|1u guitаr too'? Whаt С(1п .l,ou
plа1l,/ Hoи'do уou Сol?1е to sсhool.?
In pairs' Iеarnеrs makе sеntеnсеs 3 and 5 сorrесt.
Suggested onswеrs:
3 Meg doеsn,t Uke weoring shoes.
5 Мeg goes to sсhool bц bus'
Ф New words for gou!
With books сlosеd introduсе thе topiс of thе story by
asking lеarnеrs about thеiг bеst friеnds. Аsk Hаvе vou
got а hеst /i"iеnd.? Whаr'.s his/hеr nаmе,? Saу This storv
is аbout сt girl bеst./i"iеnd. Неl. l1сl|11е,s Mеg. Mеg is
а lи'аt's I os i tl g t h i lt gs.
Теaсh/rеvisе'filпt Stсtl., pop stсtt., trаinelт and sllllz. Shоw
piсturеs of srсlr and a pop stаr and draw a star
on thе board to hеlp lеaгnеrs rепrеmbеr thеsе words.
Аsk: Whob vour.fаvсlttrirе pop ,Stаr / film stаr? Show a
piсturе of trainеrs or a rеal pair. Writе a sinrplе Sum on
thе board suсh as 20 + |6:,? Ask: Do уou likе doing
Lеarnеrs opеn thеir books. Ask diffеrеnt lеarnеrs to rеad
out tlrе nеw words. Мakе surе thеy pronounсе thе nеw
words сorrесtly.
In pairs' lеarnеrs look at thе piсturеs and words аnd
сorтplеtе tlrе fotrr sеtrtеnсеs. Walk round and сhесk thеy
havе donе this сorrесtlу.
Chесk ons}vеrs:
l olwogs weor m9 tгoineгs ... Тhe onswer is 36!
М9 fovourite PoP stor ... This is mg fovouгite film stoг.
Тhis sum is verg eosg.
Аsk: Whаt сolour сtrе thе trаiпеt.s,? (геd and whitе) Whаt
с,olour is thе.film stаr,s hаil.,? (blondе) Whеrе's thе stаr
oп thе pop stttt.''s с'lothеs,? (on his jaсkеt)
Sto r9tе llin g
Bеforе listening
Lеarnеrs look at thе first thrее piсturеs of Mеg on
SB p4.
Ask: Whаt's Меg likе'? (e.g. Shе's funny. ShеЪ сlеvеr.
Shе's good at riding hеr bikе.)
I'Iow olс{ is Mеg? (lеarnеrs gr"rеss)
-A. -^-.
9 whеn does Мeg sog thеse
a With books сlosеd" writе on thе board: pеnсils, сomiс,
soсks, homev,ork, trаinеrs, rubbеr. Ask: 1и thе storv,
у+,hiсh thrее thiпgs саn't Mеg.fiпd? (pеnсils, homеwork,
* Lеaгnеrs oprn tlrеir books and sее tlrеsе thrее things in
thе spеесh bubblеs. ln pairs, thеy try to rеmеmbеr whiсh
lеsson Mеg nееdеd еaсh thing for.
r Thеy look at thе linе сonnесting I саtl,t.find mу pеnсils!
and in thе mornilrg. Say: Mеg sаid this ill thе morпing,
Lеarnеrs now draw linеs сonnесting thе othеr fivе
spеесh bubblеs to thе сorrесt timе of day.
Cheсk onswers:
(penсils) ond moths - morning, troineгs ond spoгts -
ofternoon' homework ond musiс _ evening
* Ask: Is it thе morning, а.ftеrnoon or еl,еning noуl,?
* Praсtisе Part 4 of thе Spеaking Tеst. Writе thеsе
quеstions on thе board and ask thеm in opеn сlass.
IЦho do уou tаlk to in thе morning? Whеrе do уott go in
thе аftеrnooп,? Whаt сlo vott likе doing iп the еvеning?
Lеarnеrs ask and answеr thе quеstions in pairs.
@ BeсouS€ ...
с Rеad thе first paragraph on SB p 4 aloud whilе lеarnеrs
follow in thеir books. Writе on thе board: Еvеn,onе in
our clаss likеs Mеg bеcаttsе shе's аlи,а),s hаppу аnd
shе,s vеп,,.fLtnnv. Аsk Whv do thе сhildrеn iп Mеg's
сlаss likе hеr,? Pointto bессtttse and saу Bесаttsе shе,s
аlи,ауs hаppl, аnd shе's vеrv.fttпnу !
о Say onr or two sеntеnсеs about yoursеlf wtth bесаttsе.
For еxampe: I likе (nц, gа71 becаusе it's фtnnу)' Wе'rе
аt sсhool todаv bесаuse it,s (Tuеsdаv).
r Say: You'rе sitting doи'n bеcаttsе... (wе'rе in сlass /
Wl'rе working / wе'rе having an Еnglish lеsson) You,t.е
аll v,еаring shoеs bес'аttsе ... (wе'rе in сlass / wе arеn't
at homе / wе havе to wеar shoеs at sсhоol)
* Lеarnеrs look at thе sеntеnсеs. Ask a lеarnеr to rеai
out thе сonnесtеd flrst sеntеnсе. Chесk pronunсiation
of bесаttsе. In pairs, lеarnеrs draw linеs to show how
sеntеnсеs 2-6 end.
Cheсk onswers:
2 she enjogs drowing. 3 sheЪ got o sPorts lesson.
4 her teoсher wonts it. 5 she puts things on top of it.
Homework ideo:
Leorners think of six different friends (reol or imoginorg) ond
sog whч theg like them. Give them o model stгuсturе: l {ike
beсouse she/heЪ
@ Meg phonеd me in thе morning.
Lеarnеrs rеad thе sеntеnсеs frоm thе stoгy. Writе
thеm on thе board. Point to phonе and phonеrl and ask
lеarnеrs how thе mеaning is diffегеnt. You may nееd to
usе Ll to do this. (Mеg phonеs еVеry day. Shе phoпеd
yеstеrday.) Say: I phonеd ntv bееnd уеstеrсlа'r,too.|
Lеarnеrs now look at thе top of SB p 5: Ъll thеm to find
anothеr word tlrat еnds in -еd (lookеd). Ехplairr that with
lots of vеrbs, wе add erl or just d tо thе еnd whеn wе talk
about thе past. Wе usе this -ed vеrb with I,.I,ou, hе, shе, i|,
и,е and th ql : l/ft1 ц /H е /Sh е /I t / Wе /T h е.l' p h o п е d/ I о o kе d.
Writе on thе board: I look in пtу sсhool bсtg еl'еry'dсt).. I
lookеd iп пtl, sports bog.' .. Ask: IЦhаt у'оl.d с,ап I
и'ritе hеrе? (yеstеrday)
Lеarnеrs rеad thе ехamplе. In pairs, lеarnеrs rеad
sеntеnсеs l-5 and look at thе piсturеs. Thеy dесidе
whiсh vеrb thеy nееd and сomplеtе thе sеntеnсеs.
Chесk onswеrs:
1 ploged 2 pointed 3 сleoned/woshed 4 listened
5 wotсhed
l.: Аsk Did уou do Sol?1е o/'thеsе things .|,еstеrdа| too,.)
Lеorners write six things thot theg did gesteгdog using ong
of the following vеrbs: osk, colour, сleon, сlose, kiс( listen, polnц
pho n e, plog, tolk, wolk, wosh, wotсh.
@ f@t o, Do some сolouring.
Lеarnеrs look at MеgЪ piсturеs on SB p 5. Ask
quеstions about thе сolouгs in thеrn. For еxaпrplе:
LIthаt colour аrе thе bo1,,5 trousеrs.? (grееn arrd rеd)
Lеarnеrs look at thе bottom piсturе on thе Samе pagе.
Аsk Whеre's Mеg noи,? (in hеr living roonr) Whаt's shе
doing? (rеading) tЦhаt,s shе rеаding,? (a сomiс)
In pairs, lеarnеrs flnd and writе othеr objесts in this
piсturе (two things that bеgin with a, two thin-Чs that
bеgin with b and two things that bеgirr witlr с). Writе
thеir suggеstions on thе board.
o opple, ormсhoir, orm
b Ьooks, bookсosе, Ьox, bodg, bog
с сloсk, сomPuter, сupboord, CD, сlothеs, сhild, сoke
Аsk Whаt gt.ееll in this piсturе? (thе shoе undеr
thе sofa) Say: l/oи' уotl сс|11 сoloul..fout.thiпgs iп tltis
Chесk that lеarnеrs havе all thеir сolouгing pеnсils.
Saу Listеn. А и'otltсtn is tеlling а с,olour SoпIе
things in this piсturе. Play Traсk 03 of CDl. Lеarnеrs
listеn and сolour.
Chесk onswеrs:
сomPuter _ blue; shoe next to ormсhoir _ purple;
guitor neХt to piono _ orongе; сoke _ pink
Look ot the piсture. Ljstеn ond look.There js one eхomple,
Womon: Con чou сolour one of MegЪ shoes in this
Bog: oK!Whiсh onel
Womon: Тhe one undег thе sofo. Colour thqt shoe.
Bog: All right. Con I сolouг thot one gгeеn?
Womon: Yes. Good ideo!
Сon gou see the green shoe? rhis js on eхomple.
Now gou listen ond colour.
Bog: Con l сolouг onother thing?
Womon: Yеs.You сon сolouг Мeg's сomPuteг. Mokе it
Bog: OK. |'m сolouring her сomputeг now.
Womon: Thonks.
Womon: Now сolour thе shoe thot's next to the
Bog: Pordon?Тhе shoe next to the ormсhoirl
Womon: Yes. Colour it puгple, pleose.
Bog: OK.
Bog: And сon l сolour the guitor? Тhe guitor nеxt
to thе pionol
Yes.Whot сolouг?
Мmmm. oгongе?
oK. Hove gou got the right penсill
And now сotour the сoke. Con gou see itl
Yes. Meg's mothеr's holding it.
Thot's гight' Colouг the сoke pink.
Тhonk gou!
@ whot do Мeg's friends sog?
Lеarnеrs look at thе first сonvеrsation. Say: Меg pholtеd
hеr /i.iеnd аbout hеr sсhool bаg' Shе suiс| ....2 (I сan.t
find rr-ry sсhool bag!) Аsk Whiс'h is thе bеsI сlttslt'еt.,.) А
B or С? (A) Lеarnеrs draw a сirсlе around thе lеttег A.
Ask two lеarnеrs to rolе play this first сot.tvеrsation. Thеу
should try to usе MеgЪ voiсе and hеr friеndЪ voiсе.
In pairs or small gгoups, lеarnеrs сhoоsе thе bеst answеr
for thе othеr thгее сonvегsations.
Cheсk onswers:
2B 3A цС
Groups think of sonrеtlring for Mеg to say at thе еnd of 3
and 4. For ехanrp|e: Grеut! I loуе tltuths' and kl thе
lсlkе. Pats/groups rolе play thеir diffегеnt thгее-turn
Аsk Whаt сtrе Меg's /bur fi"iепds сullесl.2 (Rosе. Paul.
Luсy and Jaсk) Whut сtl.е t.ottr,fbur.fiiепds с'ul|еd,.)
(Тhеir namеS arе ... / Тhеy'rе сallеd ... )
Еxtеnsion/Homework idеq:
Leorners think of four questions thot Meg (or leorneгs
themselves if preferred) сould osk thesе four сhildren for 1B,
2A' зB ond 48 to be good onswers.
Suggestions:Con gou swim? Hove gou got o fost bikel
Who is gour moths teoсherl How do gou сome to sсhooli
@ Мeg lookеd in lots of ptoсes!
Lеarnеrs rеad thе tехt. Ask: Wht,did Меg look iп
аIl thеsе plас,еs? (Bесausе shе сouldn't find hег
Lеaгnегs look at thе four piсturеs arrd wгitе thе words
on thе linеs.
cheсk onswers:
| guitoг 2 сoг 3 kitсhen 4 kitten
Lеarnеrs, in turn. rеad aloud onе lirrе of thе гhyrnirrg
sеntеnсеs еaсh. Аsk lЦhiс'h у'ol.tls sounсl thе sсtlltе ut thе
еnd,? (guirаr and саr, kitс,hаl and kitrеп).
In pairs, lеarnеrs look at thе rhyming sеntеnсеs abor.rt
thе lost pеrrсils and trainеrs (SB pp 5-6) and urrdеrlinе
thе rhyming words in thеnr.
Cheсk onswers:
holl _ wol[. door - floor. stoirs _ сhoirs. box _ soсks
Givе a photoсopy of .Woгd friеnds' (p 50) to еaсh pair.
Lеarnеrs сut it up into 24 сards. Еxplain that thеy havе
to find words that sound thе samе. Ехplain that words
whiсh sound thе sanrе arе not always spеlt thе salnе.
Usе thе trееlsесt pair to show this. Ask: Whiсh othеr
ууot"сls do vott kпoи' thаt еnd in li:l.? Нoу'сlo vou spеll
thеm,? (Startеrs/Movеrs: п1е, Sее, bе, hе, 'е, реu, thrее,
еasy Flyеrs: iel,, .s*i )
. Leorners finish сolouring the objeсts.Then, in poirs, theg
сhoosе five moгe objeсts to сolour ond the сolours to use
for eoсh one.Write two exqmPle instruсtions on the boord,
for exomple: Now сolour theTV. Сolour it red. Now сolour geg,s
sweoter gellow.
. Poirs write their shoгt instruсtions usin9 the model on the
. Poirs thеn work with other poiгs, 9iving instгuсtions or
listening ond following the сolouring instruсtions of the
other poir.
Lеarnеrs nratсlr tlrе woгds. Тhе first paiг tо find l l nrorе
paiгs ivirrs. IГyorr dorl't Want to usе sсissors. lеarnегs list
thе paiгs. сгossing thеttl off irr pеnсil as thеy woгk.
Cheсk qnswers:
totked _ wotked, heоd _ bеd, word _ bird, losing _ сhoosing,
needs _ rеods, stor - сoг, sum _ mUm, how - now, shoe _ gou,
drow - floor, go - l<now
Lеarnеrs сlroosе for-rr paiгs and wгitе tlrеiг owtr two-
.poеrris.bу еndirrg two slrort sеlrtеnсеs with thеir
rhynring words. For ехanlp|e: I lol'е tltis tt.ее. I Iol'е thе
sеа. Itulkеt|. Hе wа|kеtl. I doп't kпolr. I у'сtltt to go.
Whut's thut torсl,? Lrloli uI thаt |эiп|!
O Мeg's Ьod dog
Saу. Lrlok ut thе piс'tttl.е.s. Тltе.l'sltoу'u Stоt..l'. It's с'tll|есl
bаd dа.t''. Lоok аt thе.first piс,tttl.е. Whаt Са11't
Меg fiпd пoll',/ (lrег watсlr) Say: Меg ссtll't.finсl hеr
ll'сt t с, h. 1Votl. .t.r;tl t е l l t lt е's t о t..l..
Dividе lеaгIrеrs into gгorrps of thrее oг f,ouг. Lеaгnегs
look at thе otltег fivе piсtLrгеs atrd work оtlt lrow to tеll
thе storу. Walk гound arrd lrеlp if nесеssarу. Ask two oг
thrее groups to tеll thеir storiеs to othеrs in thе сlass.
Strongеr lеaгtrегs сould writе thе story in thе past tеnsе'
Suggеsted storg:
Meg сon't find hеr wotсh. She looks in her dqd's hot. She
looks under the mot. Shе looks next to the сqt, but she сon't
find her wotсh. She phones her friend. Her friend sogs,.oh
Mеo! Go ond look in the shower!'
Ask: Do |ott 'еut.сt tl'аrс,h.? Whut с,о|оur is it.')
Leorneгs drow piсtures or сut out photos fгom old
mogozines to moke o diffeгent word ond piсture storg obout
losing something. For eхomple: Тhjs сot is сo|Ied Fluffg.F|uffg
{ikes eoting flsh ond drinking milk. FIuffg likes p|oging with her toц
mousе too. But todog she сon,t flnd her toц rnouse. She looks jn the
gorden. She finds it under o tree!
Leorners bring their piсture stories to sсhool. Displog these
oround thе сlossгoom for otheг tеorneгs to reod.
e *.GDfl 04 Мeg's friend Rose!
Saу ||е kпо:ш' Irlt,g о|'thiltgs ubout Mеg' but wе
knоl' аbоut hеr./i.iепd. Mеg's /i.iеltd's псtпtе is
Lеaгlrеrs look at Rosе's forlrr. Ask: Horr' пI(1l11,
пttt,gt ll'е fittd out ubotI Rrlsе,.) (siх) Saу: Listсп
Shе's tеlliпg hеr сlсtd аbout Rrlsе.
Play Tгaсk 04 of СD l. Lеaгtrеrs listеn and add
piесеs of intbгlllation.
Chесk onswers:
9/nine. bluе' сomiсs, homewor|<, tennis, onimo[s
Listen ond look.There is one eхomple.
Dod: Мeg, tеll me obout gouг best friend.Whot's her
Meg: She's сolled Rose, Dod.
Сon gou see the answer? Now gou listen ond write,
Dod: How old is shel
Meg: Shе's nine.
Dod: Ninе?
Мeg: Yes, thot's гight.
Dod: And whg is she gouг best friendl
Мeg: SheЪ mg best fгiеnd beсouse she's funng оnd
Dod: She's funng ond сleverl oh!And whot сolour's
her hoiг?
Мeg: She's got vегg niсe bгown hoir.
Dod: And whot сolour ore her eges?
Meg: Theg're blue.
Dod: Pordonl Blue?
Meg: Yes.
Dod: And whot does Rose like doing?
Mеg: She lovеs reoding сomiсs.
Dod: Ho ho!And whot doеsn't she like doingl
Meg: She doesn't like doing homewoг|<!
Dod: oh!Whot sPorts does she likе?
Мeg: She tikes tennis.Yеs, she tikes ploging tеnnis o lot.
She likes finding things out on the сomputer too.
Dod: Oh!Whot does she like finding out oboutl
Мeg: She likеs finding out obout onimols.
Dod: Oh!
Lеarnеrs trow draw thе faсе of oIrе of thеir tr.iеnds and
сrеatе thеir own fl.iеnd foгm. Lеaгnегs lrеlp еaсh othег to
do this irr small .цrollps.
Strorrgег gгollps сorrld wгitе сol.trplеtе sеntеnсеs about
a fl.iеnd irrstеad. Walk гorttld anсl hеlp rr,ith r,oсabrrlaгу
wlrеге nесеSsaгy. Ask diГfеrеnt lеaгltегs quеstions about
thеiг bеst fiiеnds. fbг еxanrp|e: |4.hаr s'.t'r,llll. bеst '/i.iеltd
с,uIlесl,? Нoу' olсl is .l.rlur bееltс|,? W,ltut с'сllour isi
аГе .|'0ul. bеst./i.iепd's huir/е.t'е.s.? ||,hсtt c|oеs/clое'уlI'r .I.ОItl.
bе,st fi"iепсl Iikе сloing? W,hut ,рol.| tloеs .1'сlttt. bееttd
Iikе'.) Whсtt doе,у .|.0llr bе'iеtttl liliс fiпdiпg оuI ubout,,)
@ Мokе o Poster.
Using idеas from Aсtivitу J. lеaгnегs filrd out
irlfoгmation abotrt a pop staг. {ilrrl staг. Гallrotls sрorts
pегsoll oг allyollе еIsе thеу adrliiге. Тhеу tllakс а рostег
rvith сtrt-out photos аnd irrfогnlation and tlrеiг orr,tl
dесoгatiorts. Lеarnегs t.tsе tlrе intегtlеt. t.tra-Цazit-lеs oг
books to find tlrеiг infortlratiоn.
Еnсоuragс tlrеnr to usе thе struсtttre l lilic ltiпt/ltеr
bес,сtttsе ... somеWhеге otl thеiг postег аnd to bе as
сгеativе as thеy likе.
Display thеsе postегs arolttld tlrе сlassгoorll if possiblе.
to Mеg.
thеsе six
Мoin topiсs:
Мoin grommor:
Tеst proсtiсe:
Flgеrs words:
Non-YLE words:
hobbies, weother, dogs of thе week
vеrb + ing: D
verЬ + infinitive: D
post simple irreguloг vеrЬs: E
preposition of timе (on): J
Reoding ondWriting Port 4: Е,|:
Port 5: G
Listening Port 4: F
Speoking Port 1: H; Port 2: C
сomP (v), foг9et (n)' hilt (n), other (dеt),
postсord (n), tent (n), time (n), torсh (n)
borbeсue (n), сompsite (n), own (odj)'
pillow (n), put up (tent) (v),
slеeping Ьog (n)' snore (v)
О CD .l:
Storg, F
О piсtures (tent, borbeсue, sleeping bog)
ond reol objeсts (torсh, piltow): А
. сolouring penсils: Н
. photoсopies (one peг leorner) of
'Whot wos the weother like tost
weеk?'(p 51): K
Sto rgte lli n g
Before listening
Lеarnеrs look at thе first piсturе on SB p |2.
Ask: Who's this? (Heury/a boy)
IЦhut's hе holсliпg? (a torсh)
Whеrе is hе? (irr thе kitсhеn)
Whаt doеs Hеttl.1'll'ul1| trl есt|,.)
(lеarnеrs guеss - iсе сrеaln)
Say: Noуу lеt's look аt thе piсtttt.еs сtпсl Iistеtt to thc
( о€Dt 0s PlсgTroсk 05 of сD1 or reod the storg.
i,ig"r,,o ns for two pouses if required:
Stop thе СD aftеr
пo TV!'thougltt Hепt..t..
у'сtttt to go hоmе.'(SB p l 3 )
Ask: Whеrе аrе thе.fhmil.t, пolу,? (at thе сaпrpsitе)
Is thеrе а tеlеl,isioп аt thе ссttltpsitе,.) (t^lo)
I,s Неttt.t, huppv,? (no)
Whаt doеs Hеnry' и'(lllt to сlo,? (go honrе)
Stop thе СD aftеr
у'е go hontе пou', Мum'?'hе
аskеd. (SB p l3)
Ask: Doеs Hеnn,u,сtt,lt tr'l hеlp his pаrепts,? (no)
Is it stttttlt,noи'? (No. ltЪ raining.)
Whаt is tц'еt ttсlуl',? (thе/thеir pillows)
After listеning to the wholе storg
Ask: Did thе./аmilу hаt,,е сt good сliпnеr,? (no)
Tеaсh .rlОГе by nrakirrg thе noisе. Tеll lеarnеrs to nrakе
snoring sounds too for fun.
Ask: Who snorесI in thе пight,? (Hеnry's dad/fathеr)
IЦеl.е Hеttt.t'аnс| his pаrеnts hаpp.t' thе пехt
tп tlt. tt i tt g,.) (l"to
Whеrе аrе thеt: goiпg аt thе епd o/ thе ,stolт,?
@ whiсh word is right?
Lеarnеrs look at thе ехamplе. Ask: Whv is thеrе а liпе
,likеs '? (Bесausе that's Wrong. Hеnry doеsn't
likе holidays.)
Lеarnеrs rеad sеntеnсеs l-5 and. in pairs, сhoosе thе
гight answеr, сrossing out thе wrong orrе. Теll thеm to (
usе a pеnсil. Thеy will want to сhangе thеir answеrs iГ
thеy arе inсorrесt.
Cheсk onswers:
1 Sotuгdog 2 in thе сountгgside 3 mum 4 bodtg
5 lizord
@ New words for gou!
With books сlosеd' irrtroduсе thе topiс of thе story by
asking lеагnеrs about thеir holidays. Ask: Whеrе do 1,611
likе goiпg oп holidu.t',? Do .l,ou likе going to thе bеаch,?
Thе пtrшпtсtitt.s.? Thе с'it.l''? Thе с,tltttttl.),sidе,? Saу This
,tor.l'i.у ubrlut u bо.t,. Hi's паntе's Hеnr.|,' Hеnrv goе,J ot1
hol iс|u.t' tуi tll lt is pttt.еltt's.
Теaсh/rеvise rеnt, burbес,ttе, pillow, ttlt.с,h and slееpiпg
brlg. Dгaw or shorv piсttrrеs to tеaсh tеttt, l.lurllе(,uе,
рiIlow. ttll.с,lt and slееpiпg bug. or you сould bгing a
torсh oг a pillorv to show lеartrеrs. Ask quеstions to
сlrесk Irrеaning. For ехanrp|e: Whаt сlrl .l,сltt сlo iп сt tеllt,?
(slееp) L|,hеп с|o уrlu пеесl а tot.с'h.? (at night)
Lеarnегs opеn thеir books. Тhеy look at thе ехarnplе
and thеn. in pairs. draw a linе bеtwееn еaсh word and
its objесt in thе piсturе. Сhесk answеrs by asking
quеstions. Foг еxarnp|e: Who's с,rlokiпg SuuS(tgеS oп thе
llаrbесuе,.2 (tIrе boу) Whut с,rllour is thе pilloи'.? (bluе)
Whut сolour i,у thе tol.с,h,? fted Whа| с'oIour is thе
.s |ееpi пg bсtg,.) ( yеllow )
Write the new woгds on the boord. Sog o senсenсe oЬout
eoсh objeсt. Lеorners 9uess whqt it is.
Suggestions: You neеd me to see ot night. (o torсh) You сon sleep
in me outside. (o tent or o sleeping bog) You сon put gour heаd
on me. (o piltow) You сon сook on me. (o borbeсue)
Теaсlr L'ultlp and с'utltpsire. Dгaw a piсturе of yoursеlf
in a tеtrt. Say: ГДi.s i's tttе itt tlt.l'|епt. I'nt ссttпping in а
hе|d. I'пt slееpiltg itl lttl'tеttt iп u.fiеlt|. Dгaw mоrе tеnts
around yours. Say: Lol.r o/'pеoрlе аrе с'utlt1litlg tlетr mе.
W,е сtt.е uIl с,сtttt1эill|: otI tt с,ttltt1э,sitс, Тhеrе urе shrлl'еt.s
uttt| toilеts oп thе с,сtllt1lsitе. Тhеrе|; u 'sltop totl.
* Praсtisе Part 4 of thе Spеaking Ъst. Writе thе quеsttons
bеlow on thе board. Ask onе or two lеarnеrs thе
quеstions in opеn сlass, and thеn lеarnеrs praсtisе
asking and answеring thе quеstions in pairs.
Whаt do ),ou do on Sаturdаvs? Do уou likе going to thе
сountrvsidе or to thе bеасh'?
r Ask: Whiсh аnimаl do l,'ott likе most? А mousе, а bird, а
frog, а lizаrd or а spider?
Dividе lеarnеrs into groups of thrее or four. Draw
a|izard and a spidеr on thе board. Аsk l,|lhаt's thе
difJёrеnсе bеtи,ееn а lizаrd аnd а spidеr? Hoи'mаnv
lеgs hаs а lizаrd got,? Hoи'nlаnv hаs а spidеr got? Give
groups two minutеs to think of othеr diffеrеnсеs. Тhе
group with thе most idеas wins thе task.
Lizqrds Spiders
ore greg or green oгe bloсk or brown (usuotlч)
hove feet ond o toil don't hqve feеt or o toil
eot fruit don't eot fruit
like sunng ploсes don't like sunng ploсes
@ wьiсh is first?
Lеarnеrs find thе piсturе with thе numbеr l nеxt to it.
Saу This is thе'first piсturе. Аsk Whеrе's Hепrll,? (in
bed) Whаt's hе doiпg.2 (rеading a сomiс)
Lеarnеrs find thе piсturе with thе numbеr 7 nехt to it.
Saу This is thе lаst piсtttlz. Ask: Whеrе's Hепn,,? (in thе
car) Whеrе аrе thе.f аl11ifu goin$? (homе)
In pairs' lеarnеrs look at thе othеr piсturеs and writе
numbеrs 2-6 in thе boхеs to show thе сorrесt ordеr.
As you сhесk thе answеrs, ask pairs to say what pеoplе
arе doing in еaсh piсtrrrе. That waу thе сlass is rеtеllins
thе story.
Cheсk onswеrs:
B 6 Henrg ond his porents ore tired in the morning.
C 4 Hеnrg, his mum ond his dod ore eoting.
D 5 Hеnrg is sitting in the tent. Hе сon't slеep. His porents
ore sleeping.
E 3 Henrg is in thе сor. Henrg's dod is putting up the tent.
F 2 Henrg, his mum ond his dod ore in the сor.Тheg're going
to the сompsite.
* Ask: IЦhаt сtt.е thе.fаlпilт,еаting in piсtttt"е 4? (co|d soup)
Whv hаs Hепrv got his hаnds on his еаrs in piсturе 5,?
(Bесausе his dad is snoring!)Ask еvеryonr to makе
snoring noisеs again.
@ Henrg likeS ... Henrg doеsn't
Аsk: Whаt do уg11 likе doing? Put lеarnеrs'first thrее
suggеstions on thе board. For ехamp|е: Аlех likеs
plаving .footbаll .
Аsk Whаt don't ),ou likе doing? Put thе first thrее
suggеstions on thе board too. For ехamplе: Маriа
doеsп,t likе doing homеи,ork.
Lеarnеrs look at thе l2 aсtivitiеs in Aсtivity D. Diffеrеnt
lеarnеrs еaсh rnimе an aсtivitу to сhесk undеrstanding.
othеr lеarnеrs guеss what thеy arе doing.
Ask: Сси l,,ou rеmеmbеr onе thiпg thаt I-Iепrt, likеs
сloing,? Апс1 oпе rhing thаt Hеltl..t'doеstt't likе сloiпg'.)
Wгitе thеir answеrs on thе boaгd.
In pairs' lеarnеrs now writе еaсh of thеsе aсtivitiеs
undеr thе
.Hеnry likеs'or .Hеnry doеsn't likе' lrеadings
in thе tablе. Lеaгnеrs rnay havе to look at pagеs l2
and l3 of thе story or at thе piсtuгеs to do this. If thеy
don't know if Hеrlrv likеs or dislikеs an aсtivitу. thеy
shouldn't list it.
Pairs do this as qrriсkly as thеy сan and tеll you whеn
thеy'vе finishеd.
Chесk onswers:
Likes: eoting iсe сreom,listening to musiс, hoving hot
showеrs, reoding сomiсs, wotсhing tеlevision
Doesn't like: writing postсords, hoving sond in his soсks'
sleeping in o tent, going for long wolks, going
on holidog
(We don't know obout moking pizzos or toking photos.)
Ask lеarrrеrs if thеу or thеir friеnds likе nrakin.е pizzas
оr taking photos.
Tеaсh/rеvlse и,аnr/doп,t уt'аtlt to dсl (vеrb + to infirritivе).
Say: / likе u'аtс,lliпg tеlеvisioп. I И'аt1t to wurс,h rеlеуisitltt
аt thе и,ееkепd. I don't у:'аnt to rеасl r,oпtiс's. Аsk Wltut
сlo .|'ott и'сtllt to do аt thе у'ееkепcl,.) (read сotniсs, listеn
to tтusiс, еtс.) Writе otr tlrе boaгd: Iу'аlt| tLl ... tlt thе
и'ееkеnсl апd I сloп't уl'сtttt to ... ut thе у'ееkепсl.
[n сlosеd pairs, lеarnеrs talk abor-rt thrее things thеу
want to do and tlrrее things thеу don.t want to do. Tlrеу
сan uSе thе idеas in thе aсtivity or tlrеir owtr.
Ask thrее or four lеaгnеrs what thеy oг thеiг partnеrs
want to do.
Homework ideo:
Leorners write four things thot theg like doing ond four
things thot theч don't likе doing ond drow o piсtuгe of
themselves doing one of these oсtivities.
@ Lost Soturdog, Hеnrg went on
Tеll lеaгnегs to find tlrе sеntеnce But lаst Sаturdау'
Hеnn, апd his pаl.еt,tts уt'еtlt otl ho|idа.t', whiсh is orr
SB p l 2.ТeI| lеarnеrs to urrdеrline у'е|1t. Аsk: Whу
сQn't и)е Sаl')
,goеS'hеrе,? (Bесausе Hеnгy did tlris /сsr
Saturday.) Ехplain thaI и'еnt is thе past fornr of go.
Еxplain that wе сan't add -еd to all vеrbs whеn Wе usе
thеm to talk about thе past. Givе ехamplеs of irrеgulaг
past forms in thе lеarnеrs'own languagе(s) if possiblе'
Saу: Lаst Sаturdау, I и,'епt to nл,.fi.iепd's housе. Thеп I
и,еnt to thе bеаch. Thеn I и'еnt hoше сtgаil.t' Аsk lф,hеrе
did vou go lаst Sаturdаv? Writе Somе of thе lеarnеrs'
answrrs on thе board. For еxamplre: Tаliа fеI1t to thе pаrk.
Лiio и'еnt to thе сirtеtllа. Ехplain that уl'еnt doеstt't
сhangе whеn wе talk about morе than onе pеrson. Writе
on thе board: Lаst Suпdаv, I tt'епt to thе supеrmсtrkеt with
xд'.fi.iеnd. In thе аfiеrnooп, у'е и'епt to thе sи'iпtlttiltg pool.
Lеaгnеrs look at thе ехan.lplе in Aсtivity Е. In paiгs.
lеarnеrs сhoosе words to сornplеtе thе otlrеr sеntеnсеs.
l Lеarnеrs rеad out thеir past tеnsе sеntеnсеs. Chесk
Cheсk onswers:
I took 2 sot 3 hod 4 slept 5 found 6 soid
* Lеarnеrs find thе past tеnsе of think in thе story. (It is at
thе top of SB p l3.) Сhесk pronunсiation.
@ фa 06 мhot did Dod forgеt to
Tеaсh/rеvise.forget. Say: 1,m going to sее m1lfriеnd' I
wаnt to tаkе ml, саnlеrа, nw toothbrush, аn аpple, mу
pеп аnd mv sunglаssеs уvith mе.
Mimе putting things in a bag saying: Hеrе,s mу аpple,
mу suпglаSSеS, mv toothbrttsh аnd mу pen' Goodl Ask:
Whаt did I forgеt to pttt in mу bаg? (Your сamеra!) Ask:
Whаt do уg11 somеtimes forgеt to pttt iп уour sсhool bаg?
Lеarnеrs look at thе l2 piсturеs. Rеvisе thе fivе kеy
Movеrs words that lеarnеrs will hеar. Ask: In v,hich
picturе cаn уoLl seе this? and writе on thе board: map,
grаSS' tov|'el, sаndwiсh' toothbrusЙ. In pairs' lеarnеrs
writе down thе numbеr and lеttеr of thе piсturе whiсh
shows еaсh thing.
Cheсk onsvvers:
mop -
.lC gross _ 3C towel _ 1B sondwiсh _ 4C
toothЬrush _ .|A
Lеarnеrs rеad thе four quеstions.
Play Traсk 06 of CD l . Stop aftеr thе first quеstion
and сhесk thе answеr. Play thе rеst of thе rесording.
Lеarnеrs listеn and tiсk thе сorrесt boxеs.
Cheсk onswers:
1A 2B 3A цС
a Ask: Who didn,t bring his toothbrtlsh? (HеnryЪ fathеr)
Who wаs аfrаid? (HеnryЪ mothеr) Who's got а kite?
(Hеnry) Who wаnts еggs.for brеаkfаst? (Hеnry and his
Look ot the piсtures. Listen ond tiсk the boх.
One Whot did Dod forget to bring?
Henrg: Hove gou got thе towels, Dod?
Dod: Yes. Here gou ore! But I didn't put mg
toothЬгush in mч Ьog. oh deoг!
Henrg: Did gou forget itl
Dod: Yes! But hегеЪ the mop, Henгg.
Two WhotЪ in Mum's bog?
Mum: Aoogh! Come ond help me, Henгg.
TherеЪ on onimql in mg bog!
Henrg: Whot is it, Мum? A mouse?
Мum: No, ond itЪ not q lizord.
Henгg: ltЪ onlg o frog, Мum! Don't be qfroid!
Three 4/hеreЪ Henrg,s kite now?
Dod: WhereЪ gour kitе, Hеnrg? ls thot itl
on the gгoss?
Henгg: No.ltЪ in the сoг, Dod.
Dod: Wе[[' go ond get it.Тhеn Put it in the tent.
Henгg: oK!
Four Whot's for breokfost?
Henrg: WhotЪ foг breokfost, Мum? Sousoges?
Мum: We сon't hove those, Henгg, but we сon hove
some sondwiсhes.
Henrg: Cqn we hove eggs tool l love thosе.
Мum: Mе too, Ьut no. Soгrg, Henrg!We hqvеnt
got ong.
@ д. the сompsite!
Lеarnеrs look at thе ехamplе. Ask: Hoи,mапv у,ords аrе
in thе апswer? (onе) How mаnу words саn уolt и,ritе in
аn аnswеr? (onе or two)
In pairs, lеarnеrs find thе answеrs and writе thеm on thе
dottеd linеs. Thе answеrs arе all on SB pp l3 and l4.
chесk onswers:
I television/TV 2 гoin 3 сold soup 4 Henrg
5 bod heodoсhe 6 lizoгd
r Ask: How mаnу times did Hеnrу wаkе up? (seventееn!!)
Test tip:
Quеstion struсturеs in Port 5 of the Reoding ond Writing Test
moЧ voгg from the struсturеs thot oгe used in the storg, Ьut
onsweгs ore olwogs the exoсt words found in thе storg.
@ Find the diffеrenсеs.
Lеarnеrs look at thе top piсturе on SB p l5.Ask: 1s ir
thе night or the morning now? (thе morning) Аrе Hеnп,
аnd his pаrеnts hаppу? (no)
Lеarnеrs also look at thе piсturе in thе aсtivity. Say:
Somе things in thе two piсtttrеS аrе diffеrent. In this
picturе (point to thе piсturе on SB p l5) it's сlottdу. But
in this picturе (SB p l8) ir b ... (sunny).
Writе this modеl on thе board on two linеs:
In this piсturе it,s сloudу,
but iп this piсturе itb sunnу.
Drill this in opеn сlass and lеavе it on thе board.
Praсtisе talking about onе morе diffеrеnсе. Ask an opеn
pair to сomplеtе anothеr sеntеnсе: In this pictttrе thе
tеnt is grееn, but in this picturе itb purplе.
In pairs or small groups' lеarnеrs find six othеr
diffеrеnсеs and think how to dеsсribе thеm. Walk round
hеlping with languagе if nrсrssary. Groups takе turns to
tеll thе сlass onе diffеrеnсе.
Cheсk onswers:
Hеnгg's mum hos got o towel/ o Ьog / some food/Ьrеod.
Henrg'sТ.shirt hos 23/З2 on it.A duсk is on/under the toble.
Henrg isn't/is hoppg.Henrg's dod hos got / hosn't got o
hеodoсhe. Henrg's mumЪ boсk hurts/doesn't hurt.
Lеarnеrs сlosе thеir books. Мakе Surе lеarnеrs havе
somr сolouring pеnсils rеady and givе еaсh pair / small
group a largе piесе of papеr. Ask onе lеarnеr in еaсh
pair or group to draw еight big boxеs on thеir shееt of
Pairs/groups now draw thе diffеrеnсеs tlrat thеy
rеmеmbеr on thе papеr. You сan point to thе еxanrplе of
cloudl'lsut,lnу on thе board. Lеarnеrs draw a сloud and a
sun in onе squarе to show this.
Lеarnеrs talk and draw togеthеr thе otlrеr diffеrеnсеs as
quiсkly as thеy сan.
Теaсh/rеvi se drеи' and и,rotе. Draw a sun on thе board
and writе This is сt Sun undеr your piсturе. Point and
say: / drеи' this stttt. I и,rotе thеsе и'ol.ds.
Ask diffеrеnt pairsigroups what thеy drеw and wrotе on
thеir piесе of papеr. For еxamp|e: IЦе drеu' а greеn tепt
апd а purplе tеnt. Wе у'rotе 23 аnd 32.
e wьot om l? l om o lizord!
a Lеarnеrs rеad thе tеxt without сomplеting it. Ask: Whаt
сolour is this аnimаl? (grееn) Is ir big ol.smаl|? (small)
Saу Find thе piсturе of thе lizаl.d аt thе еnd of thе stoп'.
Is this li:аrd smаll аnd grееп too,? (уes) Аsk: Do t,ott
likе lizаrds?
* Lеarnеrs сomplеtе thе tеxt, using words frorn thе box.
Еnсouragе thеm to сross words out aftеr thеy havе usеd
thеm. Notе thеrе is onе еxtra word.
Cheсk onswers:
t spidеrs 2 legs 3 сroсodile 4 slept 5 shoe
е Ask: Do |,ott likе hot, Sunnv и,еаthеr,? Do сroсoсlilеs likе
hot, sttl,tl,tt,и'еаthеr? Whiсh othеr аnimа|s likе hot, Suпnу
* Pairs list anirnals thеy know that livе in hot, sunny
plaсеs. Еaсh pair сlroosеs onе of thеir animals. Thе rеst
of thе сlass guеssеs whiсh animal thеy havе сhosеn bу
asking quеstions about it, е.g. Whаt сolour is it? Hoи,
n,lаnv lеgs hаs it got,?
Storters words: elеphont, 9iroffe, hippo, monkе9, snoke, tiger
Мoverswords: kongoroo,lion
Homework idеo:
Lеorners find piсtures in mogozines, сomiсs' еtс. of onimols
thot like hot, sunng weother.Thеg сut them out ond bring
thеm to sсhool. |n рoirs, theg moke o Posteг with theiг
piсturеs,gluing them on the poper ond odding the onimols'
nomеs ond ong other informotion thot theg сhoose (е.g.
wheге theg live). Disptog the posteгs oround the сlossгoom.
Strongеr leorners сould use the model text to help them
write similor Whot om l? texts obout theiг сhosen onimols.
@ whot did Hеnrg do lost weеk?
Tеaсh/rеvisе thе days of thе wееk. Lеarnеrs lrar,е only
usеd Sarltl.dау and Sunс]ау until rrow. Show lеarnеrs tlrat
irr Еnglish thе namеs of thе days of thе wееk bеgin witlr
a сapital lеttеr, likе namеs for boys and girls.
Drill thе days of thе wееk.
Аsk Whаt с|сtу t.l'сts it l,еstеrdсtу'? Whаt dаl,is ir юdаl..?
Тwo lеarnеrs writе thеsе days on tlrе board. (You сould
bеgin futurе lеssons by askirrg diffеrеnt lеarnеrs to writе
thе namе of yеstеrday and today on thе board.)
Point out that Wе Say oп a daу. Say a sеntеnсе abоut
yoursеlf, using on and a daу, as an ехamplе.
Lеarnегs rеad Hеnry's diary and writе thе соrrесt day
undеr еaсh piсturе.
Cheсk onswers:
1 Тuesdog 2 Fridog 3 Mondog 4 Soturdog 5 Thursdog
6 Wednesdog
Аsk Whаt did l]еtll tlo on Mondа.у,.) Tuеsdа.у,?
Wеdnеsdаt,.2 (Hе had an iсе сrеam. Hе playеd with lris
kitе. Hе watсhеd a filrn orr ТV)
Lеarnеrs look at HеnryЪ diary. Saу Опе dсt.t'isп't hеrе,
Whiсh dаl,istl't hеrе,? (Sunday) Аsk Whаt did.t'ou do
on Sunсlау?
Homеwork ideo:
Leorners write seven short sentenсes to moke o short diorg
obout their week. For exomple:
on gondoц l went to sсhool. ОnTuesdoч lwotсhedТV'
@ Do o weother Projeсt!
Аsk Whаt у'сts thе и'еаthеr likе on Hепl.t''s holidа'у,?
Wаs it sttпl:п'? (no) Did it rаin? (yеs) Did ir sпorr.? (rro)
|Цаs it уrinсl.t,,? (yеs)
Givе еaсh lеarnеr a сopy of .Wlrat
was tlrе wеathег likе
last wееk?' (p 5l).
Lеaгnеrs сornplеtе thе spеllings of еaсlr daу.
Bеginning nеxt Mondaу' at thе еnd of sсhool or aftеr
sсlrool, lеarnеrs draw a wеathеr piсtr"rrе in tlrе box to
slrow what thе wеathеr was likе tlrat day. Thеy wгitе a
short sеntеnсе about thе wеathеr in thе past tеnsе. For
ехamplе: Оn MonсIа1,it l,ц'аs сloudу. / Оn Мondа.l'it
Thеy сomplеtе thеir wееkЪ wеatlrеr projесt and answеr
thе quеstions at thе bottom of thе pagr. Display thеsе
wеathеr shееts around thе сlassroom if possiblе'
You rnight ask diffеrеnt groups of lеarnеrs to tnakе
furthеr wеathеr piсturеs in futurе wееks.
тhere's o monster under nтg be dI
Моin topiсs: home, fomilg, сolours, poгts of the bodg
Мoin grommorz lthinklknow... : E,J
when сlouses: I
Тest proсtiсе: Reoding ondWгiting Port 2: B; Port 5: D
Listening Port 2: J; Port 5: G
Speоking Port 1: F; Port 4: H
Flgеrs words: owog (odv), heor (v), might (v),
untidg (odj)
Non.YLЕ words: сount (v)' sсoгe (v)' sсored (odj),
sсorg (odj)' sitlg (odj), toe (n), woгrg (v)
Equipment: O CD .l:Stoгg, G,J
О сolouring penсils: G, L
O photoсopies (one peг leorner) of
monsteг' (p 52): L
Nеw words for gou!
ith books сlоsеd. introduсе thе topiс оf thе stoгу
saying: Thi's srоr.l.i,s ubrlut а girl. Siс]l а/iuid o/'а
ltl.stеt.. Ask: llz .l'ou ufi.сticl оf,пtrllt'stеt.s,.)
Теaсh/геvisе slerll. S(,ut.е, hеоr and сouп|. Сovеr уouг еaгS
with youг hands and saу: I с'аtt't ltесtt.l'ott. Тlrеn takе your
harlds away and say: I с,аlt hcur усltt llott: Draw a piсturе
of a lrlonstеr alrd a littlе boу to tеaсlt SСurе, sс'urесl and
'(,аl.'|^. Сount soIrrеthing in thе сlassгoonr and thеn ask
two or thrее lеarnеrs. P|еu,sе с,tlttltt thе у'indоtrs/dеsk,у/
shкlattt,у. Тhеy shorrld point and say onе. two. thгее. еtс.
Lеarnеrs opеn thеil. books arld rеad tlrе ilrstruсtion.
Сlrесk tllеy r-rrrdегstand wlrat tlrеy havс to do. Тhеy
look at tlrе piсtuгеs atrd rvords in thс boх and wгitе
thе сoггесt vеrb ttIldег еaсh piсtrrге. Сhесk answегs by
askirr.Ч: L|,hut's tltе пtаlt stеuIiпg,.) (tlrе tгеasr"п.e) Wltаt
i's .sс'сtl.itlg tltе у'rlпttttl.2 (thе Inousе) Whаt с'ult thе girl
hеur,? (a bird) ||,ho's сottlttiltg thе с'ukеs'? (thе boy)
Sto rЧte llin g
Before listеning
Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturе orr SB p 20.
Ask: Whut kiпd rl|'юrlпt is this,? (a bеdroom)
Is this like .t,tlttt' bесlrooпt.2 (lеaгnеrs answеr)
|4/hut's Ihе girl с,ап"t,ing? (hеr сlothеs)
Wh.l, is shе ruпttitlg.2 (lеarnегs guеss)
Say: Noу' |еt's look аt tltе рiс'tttl.еs сtnс| listеtl to thе
i'с(сDfl 07 Plog Troсk 07 of сD1 or reod the storg.
Suggestio ns for two Pouses if required:
Stop thе СD afiег I kпolу it's thеt.е. (SB p 2l )
Ask: Whаt's ttпсlеr thе gir||у bеd,? (a trlonstеr)
Doеs shс е' pIu'l'iпg СotllpurеГ gапtе'
itt hеr Гoolrt.u (no!)
Сutt thе girl sее tltе mottstеr'? (no)
Bttt is .shе u/iuid rl/'tltе mrlпstеt.,? (yеs)
Stop thе СD aftеr I с'сttt uпdеrstаtlсl thut. (SB p 22)
Ask: Whаt сloеs thе girl с|о у'hеп shе triеs tо s|ееp,.)
(сounts to l00)
Drlе,у thе пttlltstеr |lпd /brld itt thе gctrсlеlt,.)
(lеaгnеrs guеss)
Who did thе girl tеll ubout rltе moп'gtеl.',)
(hеr bгothеr, nlunr. dad)
Did thе.l' hеlp hеr tо.find tltе mrlпstel..2 (rro)
Aftеr listening to thе whole storg
Ask: Whut kiпd o|'апimal is unс|еr thе bеd,')
(lеaгnеrs guеss)
Is it а spidеr? (yеs!)
Say: Thе gir| itt thе St0l..1' is с'ullatl |'iс,k.t,. |N:ltеtt L.iс'|а.
с,сl|с,hеs thе spidеr ut thе еltd of'tltе 's|оl..t.' wltцt
сloеs shc srл..2 (Got you!)
Ехplain that wе сan say tlris wlrеn rvс- сatсIr sorllеtlring
oг solnеonе that Wе.rе сhasirrg. LеaгIlегs pгеtеnd to
сatсh а flylrnosquito/rnousе irl thе сlassгooпr and сall
ouI Got Ytu!
@ ves or no?
Say sоnrеtlring that is сoгrесt and sonlеthing that is
inсorrесt abor-rt youг сlassroonl. For ех|e,. Tltе
winсloу,is opеn. Is thu| сorrес'|,? (yеs!) klu сtt.е ull ho.l.s,
Is tltсtt с'ol't.ес't,? (no!)
Lеarnеrs геad tlrе instгt.tсtion. Ask: W.ltеtt lttttst .l,rltt tt'l.itе
'es'.2 (whеrr thе sеlttеItсе is сoггеcI) L|,ltеп t|ltlSt .|.otl
(whеn tlrе sеntеnсе is lrot сorrесt)
Look at tlrе ехatтplеs. А,sk: IЦh.t'is thе апs||еr
(Thе n.rorrstеr isn't insidе a сupboard. It.s t;ndеr thе bеd.)
ln pairs' lеarnеrs rеad sеntеnсеs l 6 and wгitе l.с. oг /,O
on thе dottеd linеs.
Chесk onswers:
lges 2no 3no 4ges 5no 6no
Dividе pairs into twо groups, A and B. Pairs irl gгoup A
rnakе sеntеnсеs 2 and 3 сorrесt. Pairs irr gгollp B makе
sеntеnсеs 5 and 6 сoггесt. (Тhеy сhangе tlrе wгon.Ц
words or numbеrs.) Strorrgег lеaгIrегS сan геwгitе thе
sеntеnсеs irr ftrll.
Suggested сnswers:
2 Viсkg сon,t|doesn'twont to plog on hеr
сomPuter this wеek.
3 Viсkg сounts to 100 when shе's in bed.
5 Viсkg's mum didn,t see the monster.
6 Viсkg found thе monsteг under the bed.
Ask: Do .l,ou likе plаviпg ('ol1lptltеt.gulltеs,! Drl .l'ott
(,ott|lt to l0() уthеп |ou (,0|l't slееp.?
@ wьo's tсlking obout this storg?
l Lеarnеrs look at thе boy and giгl. Say: Thеsе с'hi|drеп
аrе tаlking сthou| two di//ёrеltt stol.iеs. Опе of'thеm rеасl
сt пtotlstеl.unсlеr пtу bеd!'unс| onе of.thеm rеасl
аnothеr S|on,. Wllo rеасl our stol.t:'? IЦаs it thе bo.t,ol.thе
.' Lеarnеrs rеad what еaсh сhild says and r"rndеrlinе words
that show diffеrеnсеs bеtwееrr thе storiеs. Foг еxamplе:
stеals soсks. hidеs thеnr undеr hег bеd'
. In pairs, lеarnеrs look at thе trrrdеrlirrеd woгds and
сhoosе thеir atrswеr.
t Ask: IЦа's it thе bol,,? IЦаs it thе girl,?
chесk onswеrs:
thе girl
Аsk Wh.l, i,gtt't it thе bo.l'''s ,cttlt..l''? (Thе пlonstеr didn't
stеal thе soсks in our story.)
Saу Whiс.h у'us tltе girl''s /hvourirе piсtttl.е it,t thе stol..t,'?
(Thе piсturе of thе сhildЪ гoonl at night.) Lеarnегs look
at all thе piсturеs again. Аsk: Whiсlt i,s .l'ottr.fhl,ottl.itе
piс'tttl.е,? W,hу,? Lеarnегs votе foг thе bеst piсtuге.
Аsk Whсtt сtl.е tltе сhiIdrеlt's ltсtlltеs,? Lеarnегs сhoosе
nan]еs and writе thеm nеxt to thеir faсеs.
@ тьis monstеr is sсorg!
Look at tlrе еxarnplе. Ask: fforr' m0п| lt'orсls аrе itt thе
сtttsуl'еt.'? (onе) Hoу' lttсtttl,уrrlrds сап bе in еuсh (lп'sуt'еl.'.)
(only onе)
Rеvisе 'gttтit.s. Dгaw a piсtuге of stairs on thе boaгd and
movе your firlgегs up and dowtr tlrеnr to геvisе ttpstсtit.s
and doууtlstсtil.s. Draw a piсturе to tеaсlr toеs' Аsk Hoуl'
|l.tа|lу |oеs ltауе l,ott got,!
Lеartrеrs look at sеntеnсеs l-7, firrd tlrе answеrs and
writе thеrn on thе dottеd lirrеs. All thе at1swеrs arе on
SB pp 20-t.
Chесk onswеrs:
1 сlothes 2 Ьothroom 3 stеol 4 сomputeг 5 feet
6 еot 7 homework
Ask onе lеarnеr to rеad out sеntеnсе l (inсluding thе
answеr word). Аsk Whut,s ilt сt с'lаssl"oollt сupboаrd /
а kitс,hеn с,u1lboсtrсl / а с,uplloсtrd itt |,oIlr bесlroom,?
@ I think ... I know ...
Show a plrotograph of soшlеonе fatnous tlrat youг
lеarnеrs will know, for еxamplе David Bесkham. Say:
I knol,t'this is (Dаt,iсl Bесkhаnt). I think hе's 32, but
I сloп't kпoll'' Writе thе sеntеnсеs on thе board and
undегlinе knoуу and thiпk. You сan еxplain it furthеr if
nесеSsary: I knoу': This is right. I think: Тhis is right
or wrong. I don't know.
Ask оnе lеarnег: Hoуr old аrе 1,oll, Маrio,? (ninе) Writе
on thе board:
I.......... Ма is ninе' Ask: S/zall l writе
kпolt'' l,tеrе? ( know )
Lеaгt.tегs look аrt tlrе еxalтplе. Ask otrе lеaгtrеr to say it
and thеn ask: Doe.я thе пtottsIеt. gе| its |ilod liтlпt L,iс,h',s
gurdеп,.) Yеs, rп.
kпoll' ',l
1don't know)
Lеarnеrs сonrplеtе sеntеnсеs l-4 on thеir owrr in pеnсil
(so thеy сan сlrangе tlrеir answеrs if nесеssary) and thеn
сhесk thеir answегs iIl paiгs.
Suggеstеd onswеrs:
tlknow 2lthink Slthink 4lknow
In YLE texts, l think is olso seen ot сhe еnd of sеntenсe, for
eхomple: Thot girl's nornе js Jone,l think'
@ Find thе differenсеs.
Lеaгnеrs look at thе big piсturе on SB p 2l. Ask:
Whеrе's L.iс,lil',? (in bеd) Is 'уhе uу'ukе,.) (yеs)
Lеarnеrs also look at thе piсtuге in tlrе aсtivity.
Say: Sollle thittgs iп thе twtl piс'tttt.еS urе di,//ёrеltt.
ltl this piс'tttt.е (point to thе piсtuге on SB p 2|) tltе
lt'iпсlоу' is opеlt. But ilt t|tis 1liс'ttttе (SB p 25) tltе
tt,ittсlolr i.s ' '. (сlosеd).
Wгitе this rnodеl оrr thg- board on two lirrеs:
Itt rhis рiс'rurе tltе у'iltt|rllr i,s oреlt,
hut itt this рiс'tttl.е thе у'ittсlow is с,losеd.
Dгill this in opеn сlass and lеavе it on tlrе boaгd.
In pairs or stтall grollps. lеarnегs find fivе otlrег
diffегеrrсеs by pointirrg ог using ol1е or two wоrds' Тlrеу
thеn think how to dеsсribе tlrепr irr lorlgеr sеtrtеnсеs.
Walk roltnd' hеlping with languagе if nесеssaгy.
Stгotrgеr lеarnеrs сotrld writе tlrе diffеrеnсеs.
Gгoups takе turns to tеll thе сlass orrе diffеrеnсе.
Chесk onswers:
Тheгe ore soсks/sweoter on the сhoir. Thеre orе no сlouds
/ сlouds. We сon't/сon seeViсkgЪ feet. The monster is/isn't
under the Ьed. Therе ore five/fouг CDs on the floor.
GDfl 0s Do somе сolouring.
Ask thе сolouгs of a fеw thirrgs in thе сlassrоonr. Rеvisе
all tlrе YLЕ сolours tlris way (blaсk. bluе. brown. grееn.
greуlgraу' orangе. pirrk, puгplе. rеd. wlritе. yеllow).
Altеrnativеlу, ask lеarnегs to poirrt to sоmеthing thatЪ
геd" bluе" whitе. еtс.
Сhесk tlrat lеaгnегs сan spеll all thеsе соlours сorrесtly.
Lеarnегs labеl еaсh сolour in thе SB.
Cheсk onswеrs:
Colours oPPeor in this order: btoсk, white, btue, 9reen' brown,
pink,9гeg/gгog, oron9e, purple, gеllow, red.
Lеarnеrs look at thе big piсturе on SB p 22. Ask: Ll/ltаr
с0n .|,0u sее itt this 1liс,tttlz? Lеaгnеrs put up hands to
strggеst answеrs. For еxaпlplе: a boy. a bеdroom. a
piсturе. a lllonstеr.
А,sk: Whiс,h с,lothеs ('u|1
-|'0u 'уее itt tltis 1liс,tttlz? (dгеss.
Ъslrirt. shoе, sсarf. swеatеrs. tгousегs. slroеs. soсks.
Сhесk lеarnегs lravе соlolrгing pеnсils. Say: Listеlt.
А tltсtlt is rеlliпg а girl tо с,olour SoпIе tltiпgs ilt thi,s
1эiс.furе. Play Тгaсk 08 oГСDl. Lеarnеrs listеn and
сolouг fivе things in this piсturе.
Аsk Whаt сliсl уtltt сoIotu.,? Whut с'olour is it,?
Cheсk onswеrs:
sсorf _ gellow; skotes - 9reen;T-shirt
_ oronge;
biggеr monsteг _ purple;sweoter on сhoir _ red
Givе lеarnеrs titте to firrish thеiг сolouring if thеy worrld
likе to do that. and to slrow еaсh othеr thеir piсturеs.
Homework ideo:
Leornеrs write five sentеnсes oЬout thе oЬjeсts theg сoloured
to proсtise writing сolours ond prepositions of ploсe. Give
them o model: The red sweoter is on the сhoir. Тheg olso
finish сolouring their piсture ond write two or thгee more
sentenсes obout otheг obieсts theg hove сoloured.
Тest notе:
Lеorners ore given 15 seсonds between eoсh instruсtion
during the first listening ond 10 seсonds eoсh time in the
seсond listening' but te[l leorners theg don't need to сolour
the objeсts сompletelg. Putting the гight сolour on the гight
objeсt is oll thot's importont. In the test, leorners will olso
hove to drow one objeсt.
Look ot the picture. Listen ond сolour.
Mon: Would gou likе to сolouг this piсtuгe of
ViсkgЪ brothег's bеdrooml
Yes, I woutd.WhotЪ his nome?
l think itЪ Poul ... or Peter. l don't know.
But сolour his sсoгf. Мoke it geltow.
His sсorfl oK!
Con l сolour the skotes now?
Yes, gou сon.
Тhonks. Sholl | сolouг them green?
Gгeot. I'm doing thot now. I've got some skotes
Hove goul
Con l сo[our something oronge?ThotЪ mg
fovourite сolour.
Yes. Colouг his Т-shirt.
His Т-shirt?
Yes. Do thot now, pleosе.
Giгl: ld tike to сolouг one of the monsters on his
wo[[ nеxt.
Мon: Good idеo! Colour the Ьiggeг monster.
You сhoose the сolour.
Gir[: Con l сolour it purplеl
Mon: Yes.Тhot's o greot сotour.
Girt: Мmm. ] likе it too.
Girl: And now сon l сolouг the bog's sweoteгl
Mon: Whiсh onel
Girl: The sweoter thot's on the сhoiг.Whiсh pеnсil
shotl | сolour it with?
Mon: Your red penсil.
Giгl: oK!
Мon: Wow!Тhot looks good.Тhonk gou.
@ viсkg's fomilg
This rеvisеs fanlily words fron.r Startеrs and tеaсlrеs
thosе introduсеd at Movеrs. Lеarnеrs look at Viсkу's
fanrily trее. Ехplain what it is. Ask: Do.l'ou hауе
grапdpurеnts.? IЦhаt сtt.е thеir папtеs'? Who did I,,iс,|о.'s
dаd и'аtсh TV ууith in thе ston,'? (lrеr Unсlе Bill) Do.r.orl
hауе аtl ttnс,lе? Ап аunt,? Whаt ul.е thеir tутlttеs,.)
Lеarnеrs look at thе ехanrplе and tlrеn сornplеtе
sеntеnсеsl-6 with thе сorrесt farnily woгd fгorrr thе boх.
Lеarnеrs should only writе ot-tе-word answеrs.
Chесk onswers:
1 poгents 2 ount 3 gronddoughter 4 grondporеnts
5 sisteг 6 son
Leorners dгow foсes ond сгeote their own fomilg tгee, odding
short sentenсes to their piсtuгe this time. For exomple: Мg
grondmother,s nome is Kotio.Тheg сould then olso write five or
six sentenсes oЬout diffегent fomilg membегs, bе9inning with
l think' For exomple:l think mу dod is greot. l think mg unсle is
verч niсe.l think mч brother is verg noughtg'
O тье monster hid wh€П ...
Ask: 1п thе Ston,, wl,tаt cliсl Mum do ilt Viс'.',s t.ooпt
уеstеrсlа.l'? (Shе сlеanеd it.)Ask: Whаt с{oеs thе moпSIеr
do у'hеn Мuпt goеs in Viсlq,'s tllom,? (It hidеS.)
Writе on thе board: Thе moпstеl"hid уrhеn Мum у'еttt itt
Viс'lq,'S l.oo|11.
Show lеarnегs how уl'hеп сan ioirr two short sеntеnсеs
Thе monstеr hid у'hеn Muпt уl'еttI ilt l|1.|. rО0пl.
Ехplain that thеsе two things happеn allnost at thе san1е
timе. Draw a timе linе to show this. For ехarnplе:
Thе monstеr hid
Draw a sandwiсlr, a glass оf watег, a bеd and a phonе
on thе board. Point to еaсh in tltrn and say: I пtаkе сt
sаndу'iсh у,hеn I'm huпglт!' I gеt а gluss of'wсttеl. ',,
(whеn I'm thirsty)' I go to bеd... (whеn l.m tirеd),
I phrlnе пtt,.fi.iеnd... (whеrl I'rll afraid).
Mum wеnt in
Writе on tlrе boaгd: LN.ltut tlo -l,.rlu с|rl ууhеlt .l'Оu'rе
I h i r.у t.t.'.) H t t t t gl..t''') Тi rе d,.) S u tl'',,1./ i.u i с|',) I Il .Цгoups
of tlrгее. lеaгlrегs talk aborrt wlrat thеy do in tlrеsе
situations. Walk гound and hеlp if nесеssaгy. Prornpt
аl,lswеrs: Drl .l.tltt tttukе u 'усtпсlwiсh whеtt .|ou'I.е huпgt.-l',?
Dо .t,ott .sit dоlуtt л'ltсп .|'ott't.е til.ес{'.)
Lеaгnегs look at tlrе ехalnplе. Irl paiгs. lеarnеrs dгaw
linеs to lnakе sеntеnсеs.
You mog like to show lеorners thot when сon olso сome ot
the beginning of o sentenсe: When I get up in the morning,l
hove to run to mg сupboord (sB p 20).
Giг[: ТhotЪ гight! Тhe bothгoom is next to
his Ьеdroom, but he doesn't like woshing.
Womon: oh deor!And whotЪ his fovouritе сolouг?
Giгl: His fovourite сolour is blue. His bedroom
is btue too. ltЪ olwogs untidЧ. Yes, itЪ veгg
untidg. Тheгe ore olwogs tots of сomiсs on
the floor.
Womon: Aгe thеrel
Girl: Yеs. l wеnt in his гoom gesterdog ond
сounted them. Тhere werе 17 сomiсs on thе
floor of his room.
Womon: Sеventеen!Wow!
Giгl: l know!And he sogs theгeЪ o veгg big
monsteг under his bed.
Womon: ls thеre?
Girl: No!
Chесk onswers:
I when shе сouldn't s[еep.
3 whеn it wоs mg birthdoч.
5 whеn it wos dirtg.
2 when he got some new penсils.
4 theg went to thе beoсh.
Writе otl tlrе bоaгd: l|c .. ' .,..,.. whеп 'е i.с
ttt sс,hrlol.
In pairs. lеarnегs сotlrplеtе tlris sеntеtlсе ill aS InaI]y
diffеrеnt ,ays as possiblе. Walk roulld and hеlp rvith
voсabttlaгy if nесеssaгy.
e 'e.GDfl
oэ Viсkg's brother!
Lеaгnегs look at thс'bоу arrd tltе allSWег to l. Ask: trl,hо's
tIti,s,') (Pеtег - Viсky.s brothеr)
In pairs. lеarnегs look at 2-6 and tаlk aborrt Pс'tег. Тhеу
сhoosе answегs altd wгitе thеllr undсr.Wе think ..... Теll
lеarnегs thеrе arr no right oг ,ron.ц answегs.
PlayТraсk 09 of СDl Inoге tlran twiсе if nесеssaгy.
Lеaгnегs writе tlrе сoггесt alrswеrs undег.I knorv ...
Cheсk onswеrs:
2 11leteven 3 drowing 4 woshing 5 blue
Usе thе piсtrrге оГ Pеtег.s гool1,l оn SB p 22 to tеaсh/
rеvisе tit|.l.luпtid.r.. Ask: ,,|t.е .|,oltt' bес|пхlttt's ticll, ot.
tt tt tiс|.t',.)
Listen ond write.
Womon: Hi,Viсkg.Тell mе oЬout Чour Ьгother.
Girl: Mg brotherl
Womon: Yеs.Whot's his nomel
HeЪ сolled Peteг.You spell thqt P-Е.T-Е-R.
And how old is he?
I think he's 11 ... ges, thotЪ гight. HеЪ 11 now.
And whot does he tikе doing?
Well, he doеs lots of drowing ot homе. l think
drowing is his fovourite hoЬbg.He likes doing
thot. Тhere oгe lots of drowings of monsteгs
in his гoom!
Womon: Arе therel
Girl: Yеs! But he doesn't like woshing!
Womon: Reottg?
@ Hetp!
IIl paiгs. lеaгIlегs гсad tlrе poеll1. сotlllt thе nttIlllrег trf
lеttеrs in tlrе two rrrissitlg words and guеss wlrat thе
woгds arе. Thеy gir.е thеir аnsWегS bе.uirrning rr,ith Ili,
Ihiпli. For ехanlp|e: INa tltiпk tltс.t' ll'tlпl i.s
Rеad thе poеrrr. insегtilrg sltort alld big irr tIrе t'o spaсеs.
As you rеad iIna-цitrе yot't aге talkirlg t0 sotllеollе. so
pallsе bеfоге гсadirlg thе sесorrd halГot еaсIr linс'. Fог
ехatllplе: ТItt,ra,s u .sрilcr iп rltе lшth .,. Dоп't luugh,|
Аsk L|.lttl i'у tltс сhi|r| |ulkiпg ro.2 (liсг Arrrlt I{aгу) I.s tht,
'sрit|cr 'sс'сtl..|',.) (уеs) [.l7lс,t.е i's tlti.s ,spit|еt..., (irr thе bath)
Doеs tltс с'ltilсl 'ulI|.()tlla halр,., (yсs!)
Lеагnегs геad thе poеl-ll orrt lotrd as a gгotlp. tlrсll
diflbгеnt lеaгnеrs takе tttгl-ts to геad onс. liItе еaсh. Iiyotr
сan. rесoгd lеartrегs saуirrg tlrе poеrtt аnd tlrеn play it
baсk to thеIll fbг thсIll tо еIliov.
O Drow ond write obout o
Givе еaсlr lеarltег a сopy oГ.My п1ollStег.(p 52). Тhеy
dгaw a ll]onstсr in tlrе blank paгt of thе pagе altd сolouг
it. Еnсoura.gе thеnl to tllakс- it sсaгy. ftttlnу. sad. tall.
slrort or fat wlratеvеr thеy likе.
Lеarnегs thеn сoInplеtе all tlrе sеtltеtlсеs tllat dеsсгibе
tlrеiг Irronstег. Fоr ехatnplе: Тlti't ttttltt.stеl. i.s st,ttl..l., I|'s
boсl.l' is loпg сtlttl rhiп. It's gtl| еigltt ul.l1IS. Stгoll.uег
lеarnеrs сan add moге infоrnlation on tlrе ехtгa litrе.
Сollесt thе slrееts arrd сut tlrеtrr iIl two alotlg tlrе сLtttiti!.I
Dividе lеaгtlеrs irrto gгorrps oГsiх. Gir'е еaсh -цl.ollp
siх Ilronstег dгawiIrgs to put o11 a сеlltгal tablс. Gir'е
еaсlr lеaгnеr in that crollp onе oГthе six сoггеsponс1ing
dеsсriptiоns. Еaсh lеaгrrег гсads tlrеiг сlеsсr.iption arld
tгiеs to llnd thе ltlоnstсг that rtratсlrеs it.
Ask tlrrсс oг fbLrг lсaгlrеrs to sliow tlronstег dгau.ings ttl
tlrс- othегs atid to гсad out tIrс сlсsсгiptiotts. Тhr oгi.цinal
aгtist saуs Tltut's t.ight!or ,Vr;, thut's tttlt l.igltt'|
ond Coсkettq Bird
Мoin topiсs:
Мoin grсmmor:
Тest proсtiсe:
Flgers words:
Non-YLE words:
onimols, food, noturol world
odveгbs (-{g endings): I
сompoгotive odvеrЬs: l
Reoding ond Wгiting Port 4: D;
Port 5: G; Poгt 6: J
Listеning Port 5: F
Speoking Poгt 2: G; Port 3: H; Port 4: D
Ьisсuit (n), just (odv)' kind (odj)' nехt (odj),
other (оdj)' time (n), without (prep)
сliff (n), feotheг (n), hole (n), kindtg (odv),
knot (n), shoke (v), shore (v), simple (оd!)
o CD 1:Storg, F
O o Ьisсuit, o squore sсorf: A
О сords mode from.|'m doing it like
this!' (p 53): I
. сolouring penсils: L
' i,rGDfl 10 Plog Тroсk 10 of сD1 or rесd the storg.
Suggestions for two pouses if required:
Stop tlrе CD aftеr
с'omе!'(SB p 29)
Ask: Whiсh апilnаl huсl morе./i.iепds - Rаbbit ot.
Сoсkеttсt B i rd,? ( Rabbit)
Whу didn't Сoсkеttа Birc| у'сtпt tо есtt tуitlt Rаbbit,.)
(shе was too busу, too bеautiful. slrе didn't warrt
to еat irr a small hornе)
Wltаt /bod did Rсtbbit gеt /tп.diппеr'? (nroonfislr,
bluе сhееsе sandwiсlrеs arrd lirnе сakеs)
Diсl Сoсkеttа Birсl |ikе tltаt kiпd o|'|bot|.,)
(lеarnеrs guеss)
Stop thе СD aftеr ... Rаbbit hсld аnоthеr iсlесl. (SB p 30)
Ask: I4/еrе thе tи,o сtttilttuIs /i.iеnс|s llorr.? (no)
Whiсh сlnimаl аtе сlll rhе fboсl,? (Cосkеtta Bird)
Whаt и'аs Rаbbit's iсlеа,? (lеarnеrs guеss)
Aftеr listеning to the whole storg
Ask: Hoи'did Rаbbit gеt to thе to2l o/ thе сli//|,
(Сoсkеtta Bird сarriеd him in a sсarf.)
Did thе tу'o аnimа|s shаrе thеir./bod ilt thе епd,.)
Whаt сlid thеv do аll night,? (talkеd)
|Цеrе thе tlt'o сttlitltсtls ./i.iеnсis аt thе еnd o/,thе
s/olr'.2 (yеs)
|n poirs or smoll grouPs, leorners moke o list of woгds to
desсгibe RobЬit ond Coсketto Bird before theg Ьeсome
friеnds. Leorners сou[d usе diсtionories to find the words theч
nееd. For exomple: Robbiе friendlу,kind,сlever. Coсketto Bird:
u nfriendlg, g reedg, sod.
@ дnswer thе questions.
Lеaгnеrs rеad thе first quеstion and look at thе answеr.
Ask: Ё1oи' l11аl1| и'ords drl -|,ott hауе |o уt'l.itе ilt еасll
сtttslt'еt.! (onе)
Irr pairs lеarnеrs tгy to rеnrеtrrbеr thе answеrs to
quеstions l-5. Thеy сlrесk tlrе tехt to find answеrs if
thеy сan't rеmеmbеr.
Cheсk onswers:
| сliff 2 feothers 3 loke 4 sсorf 5 bisсuits
Stгongeг [eorners сou[d write сomplete sentenсеs ofter theiг
one-word onsweгs hovе Ьеen сheсked. For exomple: Robbit
lived in o hole. Coсketto BirdЪ homе wos on o сliff.
А'sk: Whеl.е do уott
bathroom) Whеn dсl
look аt t,ottr.fhсе? (in thе mirrоr/
l,ou look сtt .t,ottr.|ttсe.2 (in thе
@ New words for gou!
With books сlosеd. intгoduсе thе topiс of thе story by
talking a[.lout еating. Saу Whut tlo уou likе еаting? Do
.t,tlttr.f i.iеtlсls somеtilпеs hаvе сlinпеr or lunсh и'irh .l'ou'?
Saу: Г/zis Sror.1' i,у аbout сt rubbit аnd а bircl. Thе rаb|эit
iпl'irеs thе bird |о сlinnеr. Thе birс| is t'el.l' gl.еесll, it
likеs есttiltg lots d |bod!
Теaсh/rеvisе holе, |ёа|hеr, с'li//,, kпot and bisс'ttil. Draw
or show piсtr'rrеs to tеaсh./ёutltеl., hrllе and сlif/. Bring
a sс'аtJ and a bisс'ttit to show lеarnеrs. Ask quеstions
to сhесk undегstanding. Foг еxat.nplre: Whiс'h uпilпаl,s
hауе./ёаrltelli.2 (biгds) Wltоt ltiпd of'сtltitпа| liуеs iп сt
lto|е iп tltе gttlttttсl.2 (a rabbit. a t]"lollsе) Wltаt,у bеloп'сt
с'li/I'? (thе sеa. a гivеr) Тiе thе Гour сornеrs of thе sсaгf
togеthег. Рoint at tlrе krrot and saу This is u kпot. Writе
t1ot o11thе board and add a k aI tlrе front to show that
this lеttеr is silеnt. Writе thе othеr nеw words on tlrе
board too and lеavе tlrеnr tlrеrе.
Lеarnеrs opеn thеiг books and look at thе piсturеs. Poir.rt
to еaсh piсtr.rrе in turn. Lеarnегs firrd thе word on thе
board and say it in сhorus. Lеarnегs thеn сorrrplеtе tlrе
nеw words in thе fivе sеntеnсеs and draw linеs bеtwееn
thе nеw wоrds and thеir piсturеs. Walk round and сhесk
thеy havе dorrе this сorrесtly.
Sto rgte tlin g
Beforе listening
Lеaгnеrs look at tlrе piсtuге on SB p 28.
Ask: Whеrе is rhi.s'? (a forеst/wооd/jrrnglе / a lakе)
Whеrе's thе rаb|lir.2 (bеhind a trее)
LVhut's rhе bircl doiпg?
(looking at (hег faсе ill) thе watеr)
Whаt с'оlrшr urе thc biru|'s /ёаthеl.s,?
(whitе, bluе. purplе. gгееn)
Say: Nolr lеt's look ut tltе piс,tttl.еs uпсl Ii'stеп to thе
@ wьiсh is first?
Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturеs. Writе thе sеntеnсеs bеlow
on thе board. Point to еaсh sеntеnсе in turn and ask
lеarnеrs for thе rnissing last words. (сliff' hottlе, friеnds,
sсarf. bisсuit' lakе)
А Сoс'kеttcl Bird is.flviпg to thе
B Сoсkеttа Birс] is есttiпg iп Rаbbit ]s ..........
С Rаhbit is еаtitlg fith аll hi,s '..
D Rubbit is hoppiпg ott to thе '..
Е Rаbbit is gil'illg Сrlсkеttа Bird сt с'oсollttt
F Rаbbir i's tulkiпs to Сrlс'kеttа Bird bу thе
With strongeг leornегs, osk thеm to suggest сomplete
sentenсes to desсribe eoсh piсture ond write those on the
boqrd insteqd.
Lеarnеrs find piсturе С with thе nun.rbеr l in its star.
Say: Гiis in thе s|ot.l'.
Workirrg in pairs, lеarnеrs thеn writе nunrbеrs 2-6 in thе
othеr stars to show thеir сorrесt ordеr.
Ask wlriсh nunrbеr lеarnеrs havе put in еaсh piсturе.
Тhеn' following thе sеquеnce 2-6, diffеrеnt pairs сhoosе
thе riglrt sеntеnсе fronr thе board to tеll thе story in thе
riцht ordеr.
Chесk onswers:
A 5 Coсketto Bird is flging to the сliff.
B 3 Coсketto Bird is eoting in RoЬЬit's homе.
D 4 Robbit is hopping on to thе sсorf.
Е 6 Robbit is giving Coсketto Bird o сoсonut bisсuit.
F 2 Robbit is tolking to Coсketto Bird Ь9 the lo|<e.
Using thе past sirnplе tеnsе now, ask: Whаt did Rаbbit
аnd Сoс,kеttа Bird do hеtи'ееtl piс'turеs 5 сtnd б?
(Сoсkеtta Biгd took off lrеr hеad fеathеrs. Shе opеnеd
thе sсarf. Rabbit jurnpеd out.)
@ тett the storg ogoin.
Saу Look аt thе tехt. Somе и'ords аrе missing аnd
thеrе,s сt пtistаkе iп rhе s|ol.l, hеrе tоo. Саn vou.finсl
thаt first,? Lеaгnеrs rеad tlrе tеxt to find thе mistakе.
(Thе rabbit hid in a sсarf. not a box.)Lеarnеrs сross out
boх twiсе in linе 6 and writе sсаfi'in thosе two plaсеs
Lеarnеrs look at thе ехarnplе and sее that Stol.l,has bееn
сrossеd out in thе boх. Irr pairs, thеy сhoosе thе right
word from thе boх for еaсh Spaсе.
Test tip:
Lеorners should сross out words ofter сhoosing them for
onswеrs in Poгt 4 of the Rеoding ond Writing Tеst.
Cheсk onswеrs:
1 busg 2 bе 3 eoting 4 knows 5 сtiff 6 night
Proсtise Port4 of thе SpeokingТest bg osking thе questions
below. You сon do this in open сloss first ond then wгite the
questions on the boord for leorners to osk ond onswеr in
Whot do gou like doing with уour friends? Do gou like tolking with
gour friends?Whot do gou ond gour best friend like tolking obout?
Whot does gour best friend like eoting?
@ I love eoting moonfish!
Lеarnеrs сlosе tlrеir books. Ask: W,hut did Сoсkеttа
Bil.d еаt ut Rаbbit's housе on thе еl,еttiпg? Сап 'l'ott
l.еlltеmbеl'j2 (rrroorrfislr' bluе сlrееsе sarrdwiсlrеs. lirrrе
сakеs) Whаt did Сoс,kеttа Bird huvе.fbr diпnеr oп thе
sесonс] еt,еning? Qunglе fish. сarrot soup. pеar salad) If
lеarnеrs сan't rrmеmbеr. thеv сan find thеsе answеrs on
SB pp 29 and 30.
In pairs, lеarnеrs look at thе piсtuгеs of food and at thе
jLrmblеd lеttеrs. (Apart frolт сoсrllllll. tlrеsе aге all nеw
words at Movеrs lеvеl.) Thеу writе thе words frorr-r thе
jumblеd lеttеrs.
chесk onswеrs:
solod Posto сheese сoсonut vegetobles sondwiсhes
Аsk Whаt do t,ott likе есttiпg'?
Do l,ott likе soup? Whаt's -l,our.fhvoul.itе kiпd o/ soup,!
Drl уoи |ikе vеgеtсlb|е.s,? Whut's t'ottt..fсtl,ottl.itе kiпd d'
D o .t,o tt I i kе .у сt n сl у' i с' h е s,? |f h u t's t'o tt l. .f сtl' о tt l.i t е k i п d d
Writе lеarnеrs'answеrs on thе board.
Lеarnеrs сomplеtе the I |oуе есttitlg... sеntеnсе with a
list of thеir favouritе foods. Thеy сan сopy woгds fronr
thе board or inсludе thеir own idеas. ln groups of thrее
or four thеy ask and answеr lЦhаt с]o уott Iikе еаtiпg,?
Groups thеn shaге Somе of thеir answеrs with thе сlass.
@ '.у.gofl
11 Do some drowing.
Lеarnеrs look at thе piсtuге of thе mеal on SB p 29.
Tеll lеarnеrs thеy сan draw fouг rnorе thin-qs orr tlris
tablе. Play Traсk l l of СDl and сhесk undеrstanding.
Аsk Whсtt./bur things Сut1 |ou drау' oп thе tаhlе,?
(sotте сhееsе, soll1е soup, a bisсuit, a сoсorrut) Рlay
thе гесording а sесond tirnе if rrесеssaгy. Writе thе four
things to draw on thе board.
Сhесk that lеarnеrs еaсh havе a pеnсil and сolourirrg
pеnсils. Тlrеy thеn draw thе four thirrgs on thе tablе. In
pairs, thеy thеn сhoosе two morе things to draw. Thеу
thеn еaсh сolour thеir drawings.
Lеarnеrs takе turns to hold up thеir drawin-Цs and tеll thе
сlass what thеy havе addеd to thе tablе.
Look ot the picture. Listen ond drow.
Womon: Look ot RobbitЪ toble. Dгow some сheese
on the toble.Тhot's right! Drow some сheese,
pleose!And drow some soup too. Some
vegetoblе soup!
Whot nowl How obout o bisсuit? ТhotЪ o
good ideo, l think.Yes, dгow o Ьisсuit. And
noщ drow o сoсonut, p[еose.ThotЪ right, o
big, brown сoсonut. Good!
Homework idес:
Leorners imogine theg orе going on o piсniс with four friends.
Тheg write o [ist of oll the food theg nеed to toke with them
foг the piсniс.Write the first line of theiг homework on the
Ьoord: For our Dicniс,we сon toke six sondwiсhеs ond ...
@ Robbit's good ideo!
Lеaгnеrs look at tlrе iIrstruсtion and thе ехaIrlplе. Ask:
Hrlw tttсttt.t. lt'r;l.r/.у ura iп |hе uttstt'еl..2 (two) How пtсttt.l'
wtlrсl,s, с,ult ba iп auс,h uпstt'еt.,! (onе. two oг thrее)
Lеaгnегs loоk at sеntеIrсеs l-6. In paiгs. lеarrrеrs find
tlrе answегs ill thе tеxt. undегlinе thеnr and tlrеn wгitе
tlrеtrr on thе сlottеd lirrеs' Тhе answегs arе all orr SB p 30.
Cheсk onswers:
I Coсketto Bird 2 on the ground 3 two/somе (сoсonut)
bisсuits 4 hopped 5 сome ond get 6 flеw
Lеarnеrs now look at thе liгst row oГ piсturеs. Ask: Whаt
('Цn |)otl sее itl thе first,/Ып.piс,tttt.еs.2 (a sсaгf. a lrat. a
swеatеr and a сakе) Аsk: IЦhiсh piс,tttt.е i's сlif|ёrепr.2 (thе
сakе) Аsk: Wh.t'.2 (You еat a сakе.)
Writе on thе board: А sс,аrf' а hсlt сtпсl а S'есttеl.аt.е
с'lothеs. You уt'есtt. thеm. You сloп't |'еаl.сt с'аkе. |bu еаr u
с,а kе.
Irr pairs oг slnall groups' lеarnеrs look at thе othеr two
rows of piсturеs. Thеy dесidе whiсh is ditТеrеnt alrd lrow
thеy сan ехplain tlrat. Walk rottnd and lrеlp iГ nесеssary.
Aftеr сhесkirlg suggеstеd ansWегS, writе thе сoгrесt
answеrs or tltе two suggеstеd answеrs bеlow on thе
Suggested onswers:
2 A roЬЬit, o fгog ond o Ьot ore onimols.
A bikе is diffeгent.You гide o bike.
3 Тhe kite, the Ьird ond the p[one сon oll flg.
Тhе tгee is differеnt. It сon't flg!
Tеst tip:
|n Port 3 of the Speoking Test, the exominеr will he[p the
сondidote, if neсessorg, Ь9 prompting the differenсe. But if
leorners сon soЧ how one piсture is different without the
exominerЪ PromPt' theg will get o Ьettеr mork' Note olso
thot there is no speсifiс сorreсt onswer.There will be one
diffеrеnсe thot is verg evident, but leoгners qre not penolised
in the exom for spotting o different differenсe!
Extension/Homеwork ideo:
Leorners drow their own .Whiсh one is differentl' set on o
piесe of PoPeг. Co[leсt thе drowings ond give them out to
grouPs of four or five. Groups sog whiсh one is different in
eoсh сose, ond whg.
O Quietlg or toudtg?
Lеaгnегs look at thе ехсегpt fiorrl tlrе stoгy arrd firrd
thе -/r. advегbs in it. (с1ttiеrl.l^, с,ul.е/itl|.l., (ttttlt.е) с1ttiеtl.t.'
c1uiсklv and |oudl.t')
Wгitе tlrеsе advеrbs on thе boaгd. Poirrt Io с1ttiеtl.l'and
louсll.t,. Saу: 1'nt tаlking quiеtl-l''.. (and do that). but ltolr
I'm tаlking loudl.t'' (and do that)
Mimе piсking somеthing Llp vеry сarеfirlly. Ask:
Нoуt' сttlt I piс'king rhis (book) up,.) (сarеfully) Poirrt to
саrеfilllv on tlrе board.
Minrе moving quiсkly. Ask: Horr' um I mol'ittg,')
Now ask a lеaгnег to piсk up tlrеir pеn сarеfully, anotlrег
to say hеllo loudlу and anothег to stand up arrd walk to
tlrе door qrriсklу.
If lеarnеrs undеrstand gramnratiсal еxplanations,
ехplain that tlrеsе arе advеrbs and tlrat advеrbs сan
dеsсribе how wе do/did somеtlring.
Lеarnеrs look at thе sеntеnсеs atrd сonrplеtе thе -/r.
Chесk onswers:
1 quiсklg 2 loudtg 3 quietlg 4 сorеfullч
Аsk Wltut t|o .t,ott lеаrп.fiтlllt
ехpгеss thеiг idеas irr Еnglish.
tllс'ir L l. Aftег thе disсrrssioll.
sirllplс allswсгs in Еnglish.
lt's wrong to be grеedg. It's good to shore things. Pеop[е don't
hove to wеor wonderful сlothes to look bеoutiful or to hovе
good friends.
Extеnsion/Homework idеo:
Leorners in smoll gгouPs look ot the big piсtuгe on SB p 30.
Тheg write six sentenсes сo desсribe it.You сould write
prompt questions on the boord to help them plon this.
Leorners then tell this port of the storg ogoin, using the
Present simple ond сontinuous tenses os theg would in Port 2
of the Speoking Тest. For exomplе: Whot,s the weother like? ltЪ
o sunng dog. WhotЪ Сoсketto Bird doing? Coсketto Biгd is ftging.
WhereЪ Сoсketto Bird going? Coсketto Bird's going home.
@ whiсh one is different?
Pr-rt thгее books and a pеn on yor-rr dеsk. Say: Thrее
things сlt.е thе '0t1lе, olrc thiпg is сli/|ёrепt, Whаt''s
di.l|ёrепt,.) (tlrе pеn) Givе a rl.rodеl ansWеr: Yе,s' thеsе сtt.е
uIl boоks but thе pеlt i.s cli//ёrепt.Ytltt l'уl.itе with u pеtt.
Ptrt thгее objесts that arе thе sat.nе сolouг oll your dеsk
anсl onе whiсh is a diffеrеnt сolouг. For ехamplе a rеd
pеnсil. а геd book. a rеd hat and a bluе rr'rlег. Ask: IЦhiс,h
tlltс i's di/|ёrеltt,? (thtэ гulег) Givе a sесond Inodеl answеr:
Уa's, tltе'уе сtt.е ulI rеd' but thе rulcr is сli||ёrепt. It'S bluе.
Iltis .strlr.l,,? If lеarnеrs сan't
allow tlrеtтt to spеak irr
ask lеarnеrs for a fеw
These _ly odverbs ore on the Мovers woгd list: bod|g,corefullg,
Ioudlg, quiсklg' quietlg,s{ow{g. Lеorners сou[d olso moke others
(e.g.beoutiful{y) using odjeсtivеs theg olreodg know.
Havе your advеrb сards rrady from
.I'm doing it likе
this!'(p 53). Writе all thе listеd advеrbs on thr board:
sloи'l1,, quiсklv, louсllу, quiеtlv, сrlrе.filllу, sаdlу,' hаppilv,
bаdll,. Rеvisе thе trrеaning of any of thеsе if nесеssary.
Show lеarnеrs what thеy should do nехt. Writе еаtiпg
quiсkll, orr thе boaгd' thеn nrimе еating quiсkly. Ask:
Whаt аllt I doiпg.? Prornpt lеarnеrs to answеr in сhorus:
Yott'l.е есttitlg quiсklv.
Dividе thе advеrb сards into two sеts (еaсh сolumn is
onе sеt), onе for еaсh tеaln. Kееp thеsе nехt to you.
Dividе thе сlass into two tеams. onе tеam сomеS to thе
front of thе сlass; thе othеr tеam watсhеs. onе lеarnеr
from thе first tеam сomеs to you to сollесt thеir first
сard and rеturns to tlrеir tеam to mimе thе aсtion on
thе сard. Wlrеn a lеarnеr ilr a tеam guеSsrs сorrесtly,
that lеarnеr сomеs to you for thеir tеam'S sесond сard.
Сontinuе for fouг nrinutеs and thеn givе thе tеam a point
for еaсh aсtiоn thеy havе сorrесtly guеssеd. Rеpеat with
thе othеr tеam. Тhе tеam with morе points is thе winnеr.
Теасh/геvisе сomparativе advеrbs. Rеad out thе first
two sеntеnсеs in thе еxсеrpt. Ask a lеarnеr to hеlp you
show qlliсlA'and пlot.е quiеtlv, Whispеr Wаlk quiеtlv to
thе lеarnеr. Thе lеarnеr walks quiеtly. Thеn walk morе
quiеtly yoursеlf. Saу (X) и'а|kеd quiеtlv, but I и,аIkеd
more quiеtlv.
Тo praсtisе othеr сonrparativе advеrbs, you сould ask
lеarnеrs to walk quiсkly and morе quiсkly, talk loudly
and morе loudly, and сarry somеthing сarеfullу and
morе сarеflully.
e Luсg's emoil to her grondfother
Ask: Do |,ott sепс| еmаils or v'ritе lеttеrs,? Сап уott tt,pе
qttiсklt|? (n-rir.rrе typing) Do 1,ott tvpе sIov'll,.? Do ),rlu
v'ritе саrе/uIlt,,?
, Lеarnеrs rеad Luсy's еmail to hеr grandfathеr without
adding thе missing words. Аsk Whiс did Lucv
.fiпd on hеr сontputеr,? (the moonfish) . Wb, is Luсll,s
grапd.fаthеr а good pеrson to и'ritе to аbout this,? (Нe
knows lots about birds and fish.)
. Ask: Do l'ott think tl,tеt.е rеа|lу аrе juпglе.fish аnd
Сoсkеttсt Bil.ds,?
* In pairs or on thеir own. lеarnеrs rеad Luсy's еnrail
again and сhoosе thе right words to put in thе spacеs.
Cheсk onswers:
Iln 2of 3live Цor 5o
Тest tip:
Prepositions oгe often tested in Port 6 of thе Reoding ond
Writing Тest. Мoke sure leornеrs know thot we sog in o stoгg
but on o сomPuteг (like on o poge).
If your сlass has aссеSs to thе intеrnеt, two lеarnеrs
сould find a photо of a moonfish. If intеrnеt aссеss
is widеly availablе at homе' all lеarrrеrs сould find
onе and draw a piсturе оf onе for homеwork or aS an
introduсtion to thе projесt idеa in Aсtivity K.
@ Whot do gou know obout
А'sk: Whаt do t,ott knoи'аbout t.сtbbits'?
In groups of thrее or four, lеarnеrs hеlp еaсh othеr to
сomplеtе thе sеntеnсеs about rabbits. Thеу сan uSе l]1orе
than onе word in еaсh answеr.
Groups takе turns to rеad out thеir tехts to thе rеst of thе
Suggested onswеrs (oссept ong гeosonoble voriotions):
t beoutiful 2 brown 3 smoll 4 eoгs 5 quiсklg
6 сorгots 7 gross 8 vegetobles
O Moke on onimql poster!
Homеwork/Proiесt ideo:
Leoгners moke o Poster obout roЬbits or ong othеr onimols
theg like, foг exomple Porrots, miсe, Ьots, frogs.Тheg drow
their onimol ond write obout it, using the text in Aсtivitg K os
o guide.Theg might like to odd their onimolЪ mеosuгements
ond o mop of wherе it сon be found or o piсtuгe of its hoЬitot.

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  • 1. lntroduсtion Wеlсome to Storgfun| Stortфtn,/br Stаrtеrs, Movеrs and Fll,еrs is a nеw sеriеs of thrее books writtеn for young lеarnеrs agеd bеtween7 and l2 уears. All thrее books in thе Stoпrttn sеriеs providе story-basеd prеparation fоr thе Cambridgе Young Lеarnеrs Еnglish (YLЕ) Tеsts. Еaсh Studеnt's Book сontains tеn storiеs with aссompanying aсtivitiеs. Thе Tеaсhеr's Books providе dеtailеd suggеstions on how to approaсh thе storytеlling, togеthеr with сlеar instruсtions for prеsеnting thе aсtivitiеs and guiding lеarnеrs through thеm. Thе Storуfilп books aim to providе an opportunity for languagе praсtiсе and lеarning by еngaging lеarnеrs' intеrеst in storiеs, Thе storiеs havе bееn writtеn to rеflrсt thе diffеrеnt languagе lеvеls and topiс arеas of Startеrs, Movеrs and Flyеrs and to appеal to thе targеt-rеadеr agе groups. Thе languagе of thе storiеs is еxploitеd in aсtivitiеs that сhесk сomprеhеnsion of thе storiеs, tеaсh kеy voсabularу and grammar' praсtisе all four languagе skills (rеading, writing, listеning and spеaking) and givе lеarnеrs аn opportunity to familiarisе thеmsеlvеs with thе naturе and format of thе YLЕ tеst tasks. Aсtivitiеs also inсludе puzz|еs' gamеS, projесts and poеms. Stotуfun.fbr Movеrs is thе sесond in thе sеriеs, Stonlfitn.for Stаrters is thе flrst and Storу|iln./br Flvеrs thе third. Who is Storgfun for Movers for? Stortфtn.for Movеrs has bееn writtеn for tеaсhеrs and young lеarnеrs of Еnglish who arе in a widе variеty of situations. It is suitablе for: * lеarnеrs in this agе group who еnjoy rеading and listеning to storiеs а. largе and small groups of lеarnеrs ,.i'|, mono- and rnultilingual сlassеs + lеarnеrs who arе prеparing to takе thе Cambridgе ЕSoL Young Lеarnеrs Movеrs Tеst i-i: young lеarnеrs who nееd to dеvеlop thеir voсabulary, grammar, languagе skills and good lеarning habits. Whot orе the keg feotures of Storgfu n for Movers? Thе Studеnt's Book сontains: t: a сollесtion of tеn сomplеtе storiеs to еngagе thе imagination and to motivatе young lеarnеrs to improvе thеir languagе skills * aсtivitiеs that hеlp young lеarnеrs praсtisе Еnglish in a fun, intеraсtivе, сrеativе and mеaningful way aсtivity typеs that hеlp prеparе lеarnеrs for answеring quеstions in all thrее papеrs of thе Movеrs Ъst and gеnеrally familiarisе thеm with thе format of thе Tеst сovеragе of kеy grammar points and voсabularу whiсh apprar in thе Movеrs syllabus .te a unit-by-unit word list fеaturing a rесord of thе kеy words whiсh appеar in еaсh unit, with spaсе for lеarnеrs to writе notеs about or translations of еaсh word. Тhе Tеaсhеr's Bоok сontains: cF this introduсtion * a map of thе StudеntЪ Book, whiсh lists thе tоpiсs, grammar points and Movеrs Tеst praсtiсе fеaturеd in еaсh unit *} a сomprеhеnsivе tеaсhing guidе to aссompany thе Studеnt's Book, mеaning that littlе or no prеparation of tеaсhing matеrials is rеquirеd i;. s ProCtiсal stеp-by-stеp approaсh with suggеstions for: pеrsonalisatiоn of languagе at prеsеntation and praсtiсе stagеs skills work: rеading, writing, listеning, spеaking, drawing and сolouring pair and group work puzz|es, gamrs, projесts and poеms rесyсling of languagе ", tеaсhing notеs ,': tips to hеlp prеparе lrarnеrs to takе thе Movеrs Теst l idеas for furthеr praсtiсе and еxtеnsion aсtivitiеs * homеwork idеas & idеas for projесts to do at homе .*r" a tapеsсript of all thе rесordings usеd in thе Studеnt's Book aсtivitiеs ,* photoсopiablе pagеS that aссompany aсtivitiеs in the units. Thе audio CDs сontain: * thе narration of all tеn storiеs fеaturing diffеrеnt spеakеrs and sound еffесts to еntеrtain and еngagе lеarnеrs * rесordings for thе listеning aсtivitiеs. How is eoсh unit in the Studеnt's Book orgonisеd? Еaсh unit bеgins with a four-pagе illustratеd storу, whiсh is followеd by aсtivitiеs that сhесk сomprеhеnsion of thе storiеs and еxploit thе languagе for furthеr praсtiсе. Еaсh unit сomprisеs: fi four pagеs of aсtivitiеs that rеlatе dirесtly to thе main story .;|' сomprеhеnsion tasks *. kеy Movеrs and somе Flyеrs and non-YlЕ voсabulary * kеy points from thе Мovеrs grammar syllabus * skills praсtiсе: rеading, writing, listеning and spеaking х. frее praсtiсе: springboard aсtivitiеs, projесts and gamеs.
  • 2. How is eoсh unit in thе Teoсher's Book orgonised? Еaсh unit bеgins with suggеstions for introduсing thе topiс of thе story. Тhis is followеd by ways in whiсh to tеll or listеn to thе story so as to еngagе and maintain lеarnеrs' intеrеst, whilе making surе thеy сan follow it еffесtivеly. Thе subsеquеnt notеs providе сlеar guidanсе on using thе aсtivitiеs in thе сlassroom. Еaсh unit сomprisеs: о a summary whiсh lists thе topiсs, grammatiсal struсturеs, Flyеrs words' non-YlЕ voсabulary and parts of thе Movеrs Теst whiсh arе praсtisеф togеthеr with any nrсеssary еquipmеnt or matеrials rеquirеd to tеaсh thе unit l usеГul, сomprеhеnsivе' stеp-by-stеp tеaсhеrЪ notеs for all aсtivitiеs * kеys or suggеstеd answеrs for all aсtivitiеs а ехtеnsion aсtivitiеs and homеwork idеas ,* tapеsсгipts. Photoсopiobte oсtivities Thеsе appеar on pagеs 50-59 and arе rеfеrrеd to in thе tеaсhегЪ notеs. How should teoсhеrs use Storgfun for Moyers? Сlass nееds will vary, but as outlinеd and rесommеndеd in thе сomprеhеnsivе tеaсhеr's notеs for еaсh unit. tеaсhеrs сould follow thеsе stеps: l Prеsеnt/introduсе thе gеnеral topiс of thе story. 2 Tеaсh any kеy Flyеrs and non-YlЕ words that fеaturе in thе story (Aсtivity A). 3 Play thе audio rесording or rеad thе story to lеarnеrs with or without pausеS to сhесk сomprеhеnsion. 4 Prеsеnt thе two gеnеral сomprеhеnsion tasks (Aсtivitiеs B and C). 5 Prеsеnt thе gramnraг, voсabulary and skills sесtions on thе following two pagеs (gеnеrally thеsе arе Aсtivitiеs D-I). Notе: for listеning-skill aсtivitiеs, you may wish to stop or rеplay audio rесordings to allow your lеarnеrs lеss or morе timе to сomplеtе thеm. б Follow сommuniсativе pair or group work suggеstions. 7 Usе ехtеnsion aсtivitiеs or sеt homеwork tasks to supplеmеnt thе abovе aсtivitiеs. 8 Prеsеnt thе frееr aсtivitiеs on thе last pagе of еaсh unit. 9 Play thе audio rесording or rеad thе story aloud a sесond timе for еntеrtainmеnt purposеs only, possibly asking round-up quеstions as pеr foсus and сlass intеrеsts. l0 Prеsеnt any final gamе or projесt idеa. Note; Stonfiln./br Movеrs сomprisеs tеn units of tеaсhing matеrial. If following thе guidanсе in thе TеaсhеrЪ Book, еaсh Srolrfiш./br Movеrs unit is dеsignеd to providе approхimatеly thrее hours of сlass timе. Further suggestions for Storgtelting Thе Storytеlling sесtion in thе rrnit guidе inсludеs two suggеstions foг whеrе you сan pausе thе rесording of thе story and ask lеarnеrs quеstions about what thеy havе just hеard. (You сan pausе thе rесording in othеr plaсеs of сoursе.) With еaсh pausе arе somе suggеstions for thе quеstions that you сan ask lеarnеrs to сhесk thеiг ongoing сomprеhеnsion of thе story. Somе quеstions ask lеarnеrs to guеss aspесts of thе story or to say what thеy think might happеn nехt. Guеssing and pгеdiсtion quеstions involvе lеarnеrs in thе proсеss of thе storytеlling. You may havе othеr quеstions you want to ask. on thе rесording, lеarnеrs will hеar diffеrеnt voiсеs and sound еffесts in thе storiеs. Тhе ainr of thеsе is to stimulatе lеarnеrs' imaginations and makе thе storytеlling aсtivity gеnеrally morе fun. Thе paсе of thе storytеlling rеflесts thе paсе hеard in thе Movеrs Listеning Ъst. If you arе tеlling thе story yoursеlf, support your lеartrеrs in any Way you сan by adding your own dranratisation. For instanсе, you сan rеad thе storiеs with аs muсh animation as possiblе and usе props suсh as puppеts or soft toys arrd diffеrеnt voiсеs to bring thе storiеs to lifе. Involvе your lеarnеrs in thе pгoсеss whеnеvеr you сan. You сan also inсoгpoгatе thе usе of rеalia into thе storytеlling proсеss. For ехamplе. in .Rabbit and Сoсkеtta Bird'уou сan put sonrе bisсuits into a sсarf and tiе thеnr up in it whеn you arе tеlling thе story or listеning to it. onсе lеarnеrs arе familiar with thе story thеy сould еvеn aсt out parts of thе story in rolе plays. Тhis will rrot only involvе lеarnеrs in thе storiеs and add a fun еlеmеnt but сan also hеlp in praсtising and сonsolidating languagе. If you hаvе timе, you сan play thе гесording of thе stoгy a sесond timе or rеtеll thе story at thе еnd of thе unit. How to use the unit word tists in thе Studеnt's Book At thе baсk of thе StudеntЪ Book, lеarnеrs will find a list of kеy Мovеrs, Flyеrs and non-YLЕ words that appеaг in еaсh unit. Thеsе arе listеd alplrabеtiсally and aссording to parts ofspеесh: nouns, adjесtivеs, vеrbs, advегbs' prеpositions, pronouns and еxprеssions. Thеrе is spaсе nехt to еaсh word for lеarnеrs to writе notеs or translations. Тhеsе lists сan bе usеd in a numbеr of ways: .. Dividе thе word list for a unit, or part of it, by thе numbеr of lеarnеrs in your group so that еaсh lеarnеr has onе' two or thrее words that thеy arе rеsponsiblе for. Lеarnеrs сrеatе flashсards showing thеir word/s and dесoratе thеm. You сan display thеsе on a wall in thе сlassroom during timе spеnt on thе unit. Тhе flashсards сan bе usеd (pointеd at, hеld up. ordеrеd' еtс.) during thе aсtivitiеs. Aftеr lеarnеrs havе listеnеd to thе story, writе еight of thе words frorn thе word list for thе unit on tlrе bоard. Groups thеn сrеatе a long sеntеnсе. using all thе words (or as many as thеy сan) on thе board.
  • 3. -- Play .Whiсh word am I.]'. Lеarnеrs work in pairs, looking at thе word list for thе unit. Сhoosе a noun and givе thе сlass сluеs about it until onе pair guеssеs it. Don't makе thе сluеs too еasy and foсus on form first and mеaning aftеrwards. Say, for ехamp|e: I'vе got.fivе lеttеrs. Thе lеttеr ,/,'is in mе. I аm long or short' Yott cап и'еаr mе. (scarfl Dividе thе сlass into pairs. Lеarnеr l sits faсing thе board. Lеarnеr 2 sits with his/hеr baсk to thе board. Writе four words (nouns or vеrbs arе bеst) from thе word list for thе unit on thе board. Lеarnеr l thеn draws or mimеs thеm urrtil thеir partnеr guеssеs thеm all and writеs thеm сorrесtly (with thе hеlp of Lеarnеr 1 who сan only saу Yеs' thаt,s right!or No, thаt's wrong!). Whеn еVеryonе has finishеф lеarnеrs сhangе plaсеs. Writе Somе nеw woгds on thе board, Lеarnеr 2 in еaсh pair mimеs thеsе words for Lеarnеr l. Play.Ъll mе fflorе, plеasе!'. Сhoosе a noun from thе word list for thе unit and writе it on thе board' for еxamp|е: kittеn ' Lеarnеrs takе turns to add morе information about thе kittеn. For ехamplе Lеarnеr l saуs: Thе kiпеп is smаll. Lеarnеr 2 adds: Thе kirrcп is ,smа|l. It's blасk. Lеarnеr 3 says: Thе kittеn is smаl|. It blасk. It,s iп thе gаrdеп. Continuе until lеarnеrs сan't rеmеmbеr prеvious information. Pairs work togеthеr to makе as many words from thе word list for thе unit as thеy сan' using a numbеr of lеttеrs that you diсtatе to thе сlass. Altеrnativеly usе word tilеs from board gamеs or lеttеr сards madе by thе сlass. Pairs ordеr a sесtion of thе word list for thе unit in diffеrеnt objесtivе WayS. Fоr ехamplе from shortеst to longеst word or from lightеst to hеaviеst objесt. on thе boar4 writе l2 words from thе word list for thе unit with thе lеttеrs jumblеd. Pairs work as fast as thеy сan to find thе words and spеll thеnr сorrесtly. on thе board' writе l2 words from thе word list for thе unit. Spеll thrее or four of thеm inсorrесtly. Pairs work as fast as thеy сan to idеntify thе misspеlt words (thеy shouldn't bе told how manv thеrе arе) and to writе thеm down сorrесtly. Play .Makе a word'. Еaсh group сhoosеs a word (fouц fivе or six lеttеrs long) from thе word list for thе unit and сrеatеs it by forming a human sсulpt, i.е. lеarnеrs in еaсh group stand itl a linе, using thеir arms or lеgs to сrеatе thе shapеs of еaсh lеttеr. Rеmеmbеr you may nееd two lеarnеrs for sonrе lеttеrs (е.g. fr).Whеn all thе groups arе rеady, thе words arе guеssеd. Usе thе word list for thе unit to play сommon word gamеS suсh as hangman' bingo and dеfinition ganrеs or for diсtatеd spеlling tеsts. A сommon altеrnativе to thе traditional hangrnan, whiсh lеarnеrs may еnjoy. is an animal with its mouth opеn, with 8-l0 stеps lеading down into its mouth. (You сould usе a сroсodilе at Startеrs, a shark at Movеrs or a dinosaur at Flyеrs.) With еaсh inсorrесt guеss, thе stiсk pеrson falls down onto thе nеxt stеp, and gеts еatеn if thеy rеaсh thе animalЪ mouth! How to use the piсtures in the Student's Book Using thе piсturеs for skills praсtiсе Bеforе listеning to thе story, lеarnеrs look at all thе piсturеs on thе story pagrs and disсuss in small groups who or what thеy think thе story is about and what arе thе kеy еvеnts. Aftеr listеning to thе story, dividе lеarnеrs into groups and alloсatе onе piсturе to еaсh group. Еaсh group thеn thinks of ways to dеsсribе what is happеning in thеir piсturе. Groups takе turns, in thе ordеr of thе story, to dеsсribе thеir piсturеs. In this way thе сlass rесonstruсts thе story in thеir own words. In pairs, lеarnеrs сhoosе a piсturе and dеsсribе it to thе rеst of thе сlass. Thе сlass listеns, idеntifiеs it and says whiсh pagе it is on. Lеarnеrs сould also gеt into groups and .bе' thе piсturе, diсtating to onе anothеr how to position thеmsеlvеs, for еxamplе: Sit oп а сhаir nехt to thе и,indoи,' In pairs, lеarnеrs think of four quеstions to ask anothеr pair about a partiсular piсturе. For ехamp|e: Whаt thе girl doing? Where's thе rеd book? Hoи,mа^l pеoplе саn vott sее? Whаt,s thе и,еаthеr likе? Lеarnеrs traсe a piсturе (adding thеir own сlroiсе of еxtra dеtails) and thеn follow your сolouring instruсtions. In pairs' lеarnеrs writе sеntеnсеs about onе of thе piсturеs in thе story. Somе of thеsе sеntеnсеs should bе right and Somе of thеm should bе wrong. Pairs еxсhangе sеntеnсеs, idеntify thе piсturе and thеn writе .yеS'or .no'answlrs at thе еnd of еaсh sеntеnсе. Groups сhoosе two pеoplе in a piсturе and imaginе what thеy arе saуing to еaсh othеr. Thеy thеn writе a short dialoguе. Groups сhoosе a baсkground pеrson in a piсturе and invеnt dеtails about him/hеr. For еxamplе how old thеy arе, what thеir job is or what thеy likе doing at sсhool, whеrе thеy livе, what pеt thеy havе or what thеir favouritе сolour is. Using thе piсturеs to rеvisе voсabulary .. Lеarnеrs find as many things in a piсturе as thеy сan whiсh bеgin with a partiсular lеttеr, for ехamplе./. To makе this morе сhallеnging, add morе lеttеrs. ;': Lеarnеrs list things in a piсturе that arе a сеrtain сolour or that appеar in a spесifiс part of a piсturе. For еxamplе what somеonе is wеaring, or what is on thе floor or in thе sky. т Lеarnеrs сhoosе tеn things thеy сan sее in a piсturе and list thе words aссording to thе sizе of thе objесt oг lеngth of thе word. Lеarnеrs сould also сhoosе things aссording to сatеgoriеs suсh as food or animals.
  • 4. Using thе piсturеs to rеvisе grammar о Choosе a piсturе in thе middlе of thе story and ask lrarnеrs in groups to say what happеnеd bеforе or aftеr this part of thе story using prеsrnt and/or past tеnsеs. о Praсtisе prеpositions by asking lеarnrrs what thеy сan sеr in a piсturе in diffеrеnt plaсеs, for еxamplе abovе thе housе, undеr thе trееs. о Praсtisе сomparativеs by сhoosing two piсturеs from thе samе story and asking groups to think of sеntеnсеs that say how thе piсturеs arе diffеrеnt. For еxampl,e: This picture is biggеr. Thаt picturе hаs morе colours in it. In this piсture therе аrе more pеople. It,s suпnier in thаt picture. о Praсtisе vеrbs by asking lеarnеrs to talk about thе aсtions of diffеrеnt сharaсtеrs. For ехamplе: In this picturе thе girl is runпing, but the boу is sitting. о Groups play .I Spy'. onе lеarnеr looks аt a piсturе and says, for еxamplе: I spу,with mу littlе eуe, something beginning with ,С,. othеrs in thе group guеss what thе оbjесt in thе piсturе is. о Groups play .This prrson looks ...'. onе lеarnеr looks at a piсturе and says, for ехamplе: This person looks hаppу!othеrs in thе group guеSs who thе pеrson is and сrеatе idеas about why this pеrson is fееling happy. r Groups play .Mе!'. onе lеarnеr imaginеs that thеy arе onе of thе baсkground pеoplе in a piсturе saying, for еxamplе whеrе thеy arе, what thеy arе doing, what thеy did bеforе noщ what thеy arе wеaring, how old thеy arе. othеrs gurss whiсh prrson thеy arе prеtrnding to bе. r Groups plan and сrеatе a сomiс strip vеrsion of thе story, сopying, but simplifying, four of thе piсturеs in thr story and adding thought or spеесh bubblеs. Storgfun for Movers сomPonents Storyfunfor Movers Studentb Book Storуfun for Movеrs Teаchеr's Book with Аudio СDs (2) Visit thе Storyfun website аt: www' с аmb ridgе. org/е lt/s torуfun for onе more Movers storу with аctivities аnd tеаchеr'S notеs to downloаd аnd use in уour clаss. Аudio files include а rеcording of thе storу аnd listening асtivitiеs. a a a
  • 5. Flow is eoсh unit orgonised? Мoin topiсs, grommor, voсobulorg Тhis is a list of thе main topiсs and gramInarсovеrеd in thе unit. Words that appеaг in thе story and aсtivitiеs that arе not inсlrrdеd in thе Movеrs Теst word list arе listеd hеге. Тest proсtiсe Тhis indiсatеs thosе aсtivitiеs whiсIr pгеparе lеarnеrs for a part of thе Мovеrs Теst. quipment Тhis lists arly еquipn]еnt (е.g. an arrdio CD) and/or matеrial nееdеd for thе unit. Тopesсripts Thе tapеsсripts for еaсh listеning aсtivity on thе audio CDs appеar aftеr thе notеs for thе aсtivity whеrе thеy arе usеd. Tips, Notes, Suggеstions, Extensions, Homework ond Projeсt ideos Thе tеaсhеr'S notеs offеr a rangе of tеst tips. notеs on languagе points or aсtivitiеs, suggеstions of possiblе answеrs whеrе thеrе is not a singlе right answеr, idеas for еxtеnsions to aсtivitiеs and idеas f,or honrеwork and prоjесts. @ Diono's tiger dreorn . i:.,l 02 Ptogтroсk02of сD? orr€od thе sto.g 5u99.!tJont 'o. tУo pouter if EqU'red; l'|rl|Iс(l)'ll|Jl .,', ]i,,,ll]ltf:} l ,t;/ /'r?,rr., ir'|'t , itl,t tr',1 l| i'i! .ll|i 1 |:.l'||| 't( i1] |l.I Jп, ' J i]lс. l ll)lцllllrrn' r.i (i || h,i1 ||li'||.'.,l, :/l' . ...,. ln!il. {сг.l l'|i lk'.| alla ц ||Ц, tl]'.' l!l l.)l.lhс ( l) .tli..r /n1 !ri,'nl tt||. .r1!i; h l !''1,t|'' /,,,!rr./ tSll r) l'r l, ll r.i.: rr,,r, I ,.r1n., ..r ,.. /r:/rj. ,{:ri.r,r,,,r' ,Ilrli /.,''. |)l,il .'| .l].'.l рl.ii|(' ''l,,,j,i / 'l.]ll... ';,!,.,',л|': ;]'|пi'|.l,l.-.l P|.l]п||'ll',,lir. it( |''rtlr l irlI tlllL: ,].l'' ll!.'Ul-цj( I ]цl|1.l1||! l|(i ,!l-r,r.!,.tl,r , r,, ;i,,1 ''|'' || л|t,iI,Il|'ц|.Ill',l'.r',.]' t,l':rr .r'.l.,.r.l:r .I h..ll l lс,l.l ,r-ll t. P..Il'lrп- t,) t|'tt, l!l lli. l.|.nl!lr ,rr lir', (',, !,.,^ :lh t:rnt tt, r, tr:, ii| l: |']i,1,,Г 1,,, il .l |l.'l.'Itl'It|!'','' lr!!l||,ll', .Il(n ..l п.lt l l|' lIl( ill.;lс'L ц..IJ.'.l lll( lr'rlLi ,,rrtl i!.,.1 tlr'П: tl).:, I lr,| |h|' ||чtr i!,,:IJ l ):n|',, l|(]l!пdI' {|.tlIlс| l| 1ni l )I'1'L| ||r| л||| 'h. ,l.. 1ltI i r'.r I,rkшdl After list€nin9 to the wholе storg tl ||il' tr.,ll'//)'llJJ'' ;kl? лl||, l |.|i, ll ;rat .r ! tt|t,t ilr lr / r. IiLrir lll,,,,,,lri, !,r j rhlrtt.rrrrl,r.цrrr sl ||/'1 l l/. |L:л.l h't1'7l1 ':! |i,(ll'| ||| lh|,'I||- , l shс сl)uId h'.l| | lг|с|lJ shс .ll!lJ Ь. trпJ I(' .l!l ..,'пr.,rl lr $.r, i .lПri rl, ) tl ir, t,, ,at,, ll,,,1,',.| rr:t.,rr ||;I';:, !i ' ''лl -'п:|1|" ' , @ wьiсь word is right? I J.ur.r. lh! :rr.r rtr оrr,rr,Ll ,rt.l rhJ..пr t1i( .l jl,:. ;. ','li,.r],,, ri',i.:ij i.i'ilrr!' 'lll..llЬl I)l::Il'| 1rl (l ].{' t'l..ч|lгuiсl l.|Лl('t,!lL] I) 1) ) i d.||п.г aiJ чсп1.lnс' l ; 'ln.l. tл гrlr-...ll.t.'ut I]lс lrlLl tlrcr tl:lrrl. r..'rl.llr lсlI iсJ ]I( ' l.' П'. i| |.Jll.'I |.j'Ill.. lll, |rl]l il.!nI ll'.'h.|'lц' lh..'l'It].n f. lrtl i]n|'il.ll ..ll| !t' rr|.r.r lll.Jl' ,'Il(l .]](сl 'uiIli| ;l tll(l lnstruсtions Thе instruсtions arе usually labеllеd A, B, С, еtс. and сorrеspolld to thе aсtivitiеs that appеar in thе Studеnt's Book. All thе units bеgin with Aсtivity A Nеw words for уou!, and this is followеd by Stоrytеlling. Thе Storytеlling instruсtions suggеst how to tеll thе story with a сlass.
  • 6. т^oP of the student's Booft Storg ond Unit Topiсs Grommor Тest prосtiсe I Mg friеnd Meg! friends, home, sсhoo[, сolouгs beсouse, post simple .ed еndings Rеoding ond Writing Poгts 3 ond 4, Listening Ports 2 ond 5, Speoking Poгts 2 ond 4 2 Henrg's holidog hobbiеs, weotheг, dogs of thе week veгЬ + ing, verЬ + infinitive' post simple irгegu[oг vеrbs, prеposition of time (on) Reoding ond Wгiting Ports 4 ond 5, Listening Port 4,Speoking Ports 'l ond 2 3 Тherе's o monstеr undeг mg bed! homе, fomilg, сolouгs, Ports of the bodg l thinklknow ....when сlouses Reoding ond Writing Ports 2 ond 5, Listening Poгts 2 ond 5, Speoking Poгts ,l ond 4 4 RobЬit ond Coсketto Bird onimo[s, food, nqtuгoI world odveгbs (-lg endings), сomPoгotive qdvеrbs Reoding ond Writing Poгts 4,5 ond 6, Listening Port 5, Speoking Poгts 2, 3 ond 4 5 Whot o gгeot grondmothеr! fomilg, time, ploсеs, tгonsPoгt olwogs, often,sometimes, never, pгepositions of time (before, ofter) Reoding ond Writing Poгts 3,4 ond 5, Listening Ports 2 qnd 3, Spеoking Poгts 1 ond 4 6 Diono's tigеr dгeqm home, qnimo[s, notuгol world osk someone to do something, сomPoгotivе odjесtivеs, be good ot Rеoding ond Wгiting Poгts 5 qnd 6, Listеning Poгt 5, Spеoking Ports 3 ond 4 7 Tom ond the tomongo tгeе noturoI world сould (post of сon),Iike|love + verb + ing Reoding ond Writing Poгts 1, 4 ond 5, Listеning Ports 1 ond 5, Spеoking Poгts 1 ond 4 8 Angеlo.s ongrg moгning home, pеople, work hove to, bod, worse, worst rеlotivе сlouses with who ond whiсh Reoding ond Wгiting Ports 2,3 ond 4, Listening Ports 1 ond 4, Speoking Poгts 2 oпd 4 9 Do wholеs hove stomoсh-oсhe? heolth, Ports of thе Ьodg, onimols superlotive odjесtives, lnUst, infinitive of puгpose Reoding ond Writing Poгts 1, 2 ond 6, Listening Port 4, Spеoking Ports 1 ond 4 t0 Thе fonсg.dress shop сlothes, jobs, feelings How obout...?lWhot obout ...?,Whot's the matter?, odjeсtives of mood Reoding ond Wгiting Poгts 1 ond 4, Listening Poгts .t ond 2, Sрeoking Port 4 o
  • 7. r -- Моin topiсs: Мoin grommor: Test proсtiсе: Flgеrs words: Non-YLE words: Еquipmеnt: т49 friend Ме9! friends, home, sсhoot, сotouгs bесouse: D post simple -ed endings: Е Reoding ond Writing Port 3: G; Poгt 4: H Listening Port 2: J; Port 5: F Speoking Poгt 2: I; Pqrt 4: C bus stop (n), evergone (pron), fost (odv), find out (v), moths (n) film stoг (n)'PoP stor (n), sum (n), troiners (n) o CD 1: Storg, Е J o piсtures of pop stor, film stor, tгoiners (or poir of troiners): A . сolouring penсils: F . photoсopiеs (one per poiг) of .Word friends' (p 50) qnd sсissoгs: H Say: Noи, lеt's look аt thе picturеs аnd listеn to thе Storу. tg@t 0z Plog Troсk 02 of сD1 or reod the storg. Suggеstio ns for two Pouses if required: . Stop thе СD after ,Go аnd look undеr уour bеd!' (SB p s) Ask: Hou, old is Меg? (ten) Whаt саn,t Mеg find? (hеr pеnсils) Whеrе doеs hеr fl"iend rеll hеr to look,? (undеr thе/hеr bеd) Аrе thе pеnсils thеrе? (lеarnеrs guеss) Stop thе CD after .Go аnd |ook in voul. gаrdеп ! ' (SB p 6) Ask: Doеs Meg likе и,еаriпg shoеs,? (no) Whаt саn't Mеg.find noи',? (hеr trainеrs) Which lеsson doеs she пееd thеm./br? (sports) Whеrе doеs hеrfi"iеnd tеll hеr to look,? (in thе gardеn) After listening to the whole storg .- Ask: Hаs Mеg got hеr pеnсils, trаinеrs аnd musiс homеи,ork noи,? (yеs) IЦhеrе аrе Меg апd hеr.fl"iеnd going noи'? (to sсhool) @ Right or wrong? Say somеthing that is right and somеthing that is wrong about your сlassroom. For ехamp|e: Thе door is closеd' Is thаt right? (Yеs!) Your сhаirs аrе и'hitе. Is thаt right? (No, it's wrong!) Lеarnеrs rеad thе instruсtion. Ask: Whаt do vou hаvе to do? (Тick thе right or Wrong boх.) Look at thе еxamplеs. Аsk Whl, is thе sесond ехапrylе wrong? (Mеg is tеn.) Lеarnеrs rеad sеntеnсеs l-5 arrd tiсk thе boхеs. Lеarnеrs thеn сhесk thеir answеrs in pairs and by looking at thе story again if nесеssary. cheсk onswers: I right 2 right 3 wrong 4 right 5 wrong Ask: Do ),ou likе drаи,itlg too? Whаt do уou |ikе drаи,ing,? Сап vott plа1l 7|1u guitаr too'? Whаt С(1п .l,ou plа1l,/ Hoи'do уou Сol?1е to sсhool.? In pairs' Iеarnеrs makе sеntеnсеs 3 and 5 сorrесt. Suggested onswеrs: 3 Meg doеsn,t Uke weoring shoes. 5 Мeg goes to sсhool bц bus' Ф New words for gou! With books сlosеd introduсе thе topiс of thе story by asking lеarnеrs about thеiг bеst friеnds. Аsk Hаvе vou got а hеst /i"iеnd.? Whаr'.s his/hеr nаmе,? Saу This storv is аbout сt girl bеst./i"iеnd. Неl. l1сl|11е,s Mеg. Mеg is а lи'аt's I os i tl g t h i lt gs. Теaсh/rеvisе'filпt Stсtl., pop stсtt., trаinelт and sllllz. Shоw piсturеs of srсlr and a pop stаr and draw a star on thе board to hеlp lеaгnеrs rепrеmbеr thеsе words. Аsk: Whob vour.fаvсlttrirе pop ,Stаr / film stаr? Show a piсturе of trainеrs or a rеal pair. Writе a sinrplе Sum on thе board suсh as 20 + |6:,? Ask: Do уou likе doing sttlпs.? Lеarnеrs opеn thеir books. Ask diffеrеnt lеarnеrs to rеad out tlrе nеw words. Мakе surе thеy pronounсе thе nеw words сorrесtly. In pairs' lеarnеrs look at thе piсturеs and words аnd сorтplеtе tlrе fotrr sеtrtеnсеs. Walk round and сhесk thеy havе donе this сorrесtlу. Chесk ons}vеrs: l olwogs weor m9 tгoineгs ... Тhe onswer is 36! М9 fovourite PoP stor ... This is mg fovouгite film stoг. Тhis sum is verg eosg. Аsk: Whаt сolour сtrе thе trаiпеt.s,? (геd and whitе) Whаt с,olour is thе.film stаr,s hаil.,? (blondе) Whеrе's thе stаr oп thе pop stttt.''s с'lothеs,? (on his jaсkеt) Sto r9tе llin g Bеforе listening Lеarnеrs look at thе first thrее piсturеs of Mеg on SB p4. Ask: Whаt's Меg likе'? (e.g. Shе's funny. ShеЪ сlеvеr. Shе's good at riding hеr bikе.) I'Iow olс{ is Mеg? (lеarnеrs gr"rеss)
  • 8. _- -A. -^-. 9 whеn does Мeg sog thеse things? a With books сlosеd" writе on thе board: pеnсils, сomiс, soсks, homev,ork, trаinеrs, rubbеr. Ask: 1и thе storv, у+,hiсh thrее thiпgs саn't Mеg.fiпd? (pеnсils, homеwork, trainеrs) * Lеaгnеrs oprn tlrеir books and sее tlrеsе thrее things in thе spеесh bubblеs. ln pairs, thеy try to rеmеmbеr whiсh lеsson Mеg nееdеd еaсh thing for. r Thеy look at thе linе сonnесting I саtl,t.find mу pеnсils! and in thе mornilrg. Say: Mеg sаid this ill thе morпing, Lеarnеrs now draw linеs сonnесting thе othеr fivе spеесh bubblеs to thе сorrесt timе of day. Cheсk onswers: (penсils) ond moths - morning, troineгs ond spoгts - ofternoon' homework ond musiс _ evening * Ask: Is it thе morning, а.ftеrnoon or еl,еning noуl,? * Praсtisе Part 4 of thе Spеaking Tеst. Writе thеsе quеstions on thе board and ask thеm in opеn сlass. IЦho do уou tаlk to in thе morning? Whеrе do уott go in thе аftеrnooп,? Whаt сlo vott likе doing iп the еvеning? Lеarnеrs ask and answеr thе quеstions in pairs. @ BeсouS€ ... с Rеad thе first paragraph on SB p 4 aloud whilе lеarnеrs follow in thеir books. Writе on thе board: Еvеn,onе in our clаss likеs Mеg bеcаttsе shе's аlи,а),s hаppу аnd shе,s vеп,,.fLtnnv. Аsk Whv do thе сhildrеn iп Mеg's сlаss likе hеr,? Pointto bессtttse and saу Bесаttsе shе,s аlи,ауs hаppl, аnd shе's vеrv.fttпnу ! о Say onr or two sеntеnсеs about yoursеlf wtth bесаttsе. For еxampe: I likе (nц, gа71 becаusе it's фtnnу)' Wе'rе аt sсhool todаv bесаuse it,s (Tuеsdаv). r Say: You'rе sitting doи'n bеcаttsе... (wе'rе in сlass / Wl'rе working / wе'rе having an Еnglish lеsson) You,t.е аll v,еаring shoеs bес'аttsе ... (wе'rе in сlass / wе arеn't at homе / wе havе to wеar shoеs at sсhоol) * Lеarnеrs look at thе sеntеnсеs. Ask a lеarnеr to rеai out thе сonnесtеd flrst sеntеnсе. Chесk pronunсiation of bесаttsе. In pairs, lеarnеrs draw linеs to show how sеntеnсеs 2-6 end. Cheсk onswers: 2 she enjogs drowing. 3 sheЪ got o sPorts lesson. 4 her teoсher wonts it. 5 she puts things on top of it. Homework ideo: Leorners think of six different friends (reol or imoginorg) ond sog whч theg like them. Give them o model stгuсturе: l {ike beсouse she/heЪ @ Meg phonеd me in thе morning. Lеarnеrs rеad thе sеntеnсеs frоm thе stoгy. Writе thеm on thе board. Point to phonе and phonеrl and ask lеarnеrs how thе mеaning is diffегеnt. You may nееd to usе Ll to do this. (Mеg phonеs еVеry day. Shе phoпеd yеstеrday.) Say: I phonеd ntv bееnd уеstеrсlа'r,too.| Lеarnеrs now look at thе top of SB p 5: Ъll thеm to find anothеr word tlrat еnds in -еd (lookеd). Ехplairr that with lots of vеrbs, wе add erl or just d tо thе еnd whеn wе talk about thе past. Wе usе this -ed vеrb with I,.I,ou, hе, shе, i|, и,е and th ql : l/ft1 ц /H е /Sh е /I t / Wе /T h е.l' p h o п е d/ I о o kе d. Writе on thе board: I look in пtу sсhool bсtg еl'еry'dсt).. I lookеd iп пtl, sports bog.' .. Ask: IЦhаt у'оl.d с,ап I и'ritе hеrе? (yеstеrday) Lеarnеrs rеad thе ехamplе. In pairs, lеarnеrs rеad sеntеnсеs l-5 and look at thе piсturеs. Thеy dесidе whiсh vеrb thеy nееd and сomplеtе thе sеntеnсеs. Chесk onswеrs: 1 ploged 2 pointed 3 сleoned/woshed 4 listened 5 wotсhed l.: Аsk Did уou do Sol?1е o/'thеsе things .|,еstеrdа| too,.) Еxtension: Lеorners write six things thot theg did gesteгdog using ong of the following vеrbs: osk, colour, сleon, сlose, kiс( listen, polnц pho n e, plog, tolk, wolk, wosh, wotсh. @ f@t o, Do some сolouring. Lеarnеrs look at MеgЪ piсturеs on SB p 5. Ask quеstions about thе сolouгs in thеrn. For еxaпrplе: LIthаt colour аrе thе bo1,,5 trousеrs.? (grееn arrd rеd) Lеarnеrs look at thе bottom piсturе on thе Samе pagе. Аsk Whеre's Mеg noи,? (in hеr living roonr) Whаt's shе doing? (rеading) tЦhаt,s shе rеаding,? (a сomiс) In pairs, lеarnеrs flnd and writе othеr objесts in this piсturе (two things that bеgin with a, two thin-Чs that bеgin with b and two things that bеgirr witlr с). Writе thеir suggеstions on thе board. Suggestions: o opple, ormсhoir, orm b Ьooks, bookсosе, Ьox, bodg, bog с сloсk, сomPuter, сupboord, CD, сlothеs, сhild, сoke Аsk Whаt gt.ееll in this piсturе? (thе shoе undеr thе sofa) Say: l/oи' уotl сс|11 сoloul..fout.thiпgs iп tltis piсturе' Chесk that lеarnеrs havе all thеir сolouгing pеnсils. Saу Listеn. А и'otltсtn is tеlling а с,olour SoпIе things in this piсturе. Play Traсk 03 of CDl. Lеarnеrs listеn and сolour. Chесk onswеrs: сomPuter _ blue; shoe next to ormсhoir _ purple; guitor neХt to piono _ orongе; сoke _ pink
  • 9. lr- Topеsсript: Look ot the piсture. Ljstеn ond look.There js one eхomple, Womon: Con чou сolour one of MegЪ shoes in this piсturel Bog: oK!Whiсh onel Womon: Тhe one undег thе sofo. Colour thqt shoe. Bog: All right. Con I сolouг thot one gгeеn? Womon: Yes. Good ideo! Сon gou see the green shoe? rhis js on eхomple. Now gou listen ond colour. One Bog: Con l сolouг onother thing? Womon: Yеs.You сon сolouг Мeg's сomPuteг. Mokе it blue. Bog: OK. |'m сolouring her сomputeг now. Womon: Thonks. Two Womon: Now сolour thе shoe thot's next to the oгmсhoiг. Bog: Pordon?Тhе shoe next to the ormсhoirl Womon: Yes. Colour it puгple, pleose. Bog: OK. Three Bog: And сon l сolour the guitor? Тhe guitor nеxt Womon: Bog: Womon: Bog: Four Womon: Bog: Womon: Bog: Womon: to thе pionol Yes.Whot сolouг? Мmmm. oгongе? oK. Hove gou got the right penсill Yes! And now сotour the сoke. Con gou see itl Yes. Meg's mothеr's holding it. Thot's гight' Colouг the сoke pink. oK!Theгe! Тhonk gou! @ whot do Мeg's friends sog? Lеarnеrs look at thе first сonvеrsation. Say: Меg pholtеd hеr /i.iеnd аbout hеr sсhool bаg' Shе suiс| ....2 (I сan.t find rr-ry sсhool bag!) Аsk Whiс'h is thе bеsI сlttslt'еt.,.) А B or С? (A) Lеarnеrs draw a сirсlе around thе lеttег A. Ask two lеarnеrs to rolе play this first сot.tvеrsation. Thеу should try to usе MеgЪ voiсе and hеr friеndЪ voiсе. In pairs or small gгoups, lеarnеrs сhoоsе thе bеst answеr for thе othеr thгее сonvегsations. Cheсk onswers: 2B 3A цС Groups think of sonrеtlring for Mеg to say at thе еnd of 3 and 4. For ехanrp|e: Grеut! I loуе tltuths' and kl thе lсlkе. Pats/groups rolе play thеir diffегеnt thгее-turn сonvеrsations. Аsk Whаt сtrе Меg's /bur fi"iепds сullесl.2 (Rosе. Paul. Luсy and Jaсk) Whut сtl.е t.ottr,fbur.fiiепds с'ul|еd,.) (Тhеir namеS arе ... / Тhеy'rе сallеd ... ) Еxtеnsion/Homework idеq: Leorners think of four questions thot Meg (or leorneгs themselves if preferred) сould osk thesе four сhildren for 1B, 2A' зB ond 48 to be good onswers. Suggestions:Con gou swim? Hove gou got o fost bikel Who is gour moths teoсherl How do gou сome to sсhooli @ Мeg lookеd in lots of ptoсes! Lеarnеrs rеad thе tехt. Ask: Wht,did Меg look iп аIl thеsе plас,еs? (Bесausе shе сouldn't find hег hornеwork.) Lеaгnегs look at thе four piсturеs arrd wгitе thе words on thе linеs. cheсk onswers: | guitoг 2 сoг 3 kitсhen 4 kitten Lеarnеrs, in turn. rеad aloud onе lirrе of thе гhyrnirrg sеntеnсеs еaсh. Аsk lЦhiс'h у'ol.tls sounсl thе sсtlltе ut thе еnd,? (guirаr and саr, kitс,hаl and kitrеп). In pairs, lеarnеrs look at thе rhyming sеntеnсеs abor.rt thе lost pеrrсils and trainеrs (SB pp 5-6) and urrdеrlinе thе rhyming words in thеnr. Cheсk onswers: holl _ wol[. door - floor. stoirs _ сhoirs. box _ soсks Givе a photoсopy of .Woгd friеnds' (p 50) to еaсh pair. Lеarnеrs сut it up into 24 сards. Еxplain that thеy havе to find words that sound thе samе. Ехplain that words whiсh sound thе sanrе arе not always spеlt thе salnе. Usе thе trееlsесt pair to show this. Ask: Whiсh othеr ууot"сls do vott kпoи' thаt еnd in li:l.? Нoу'сlo vou spеll thеm,? (Startеrs/Movеrs: п1е, Sее, bе, hе, 'е, реu, thrее, еasy Flyеrs: iel,, .s*i ) Еxtension: . Leorners finish сolouring the objeсts.Then, in poirs, theg сhoosе five moгe objeсts to сolour ond the сolours to use for eoсh one.Write two exqmPle instruсtions on the boord, for exomple: Now сolour theTV. Сolour it red. Now сolour geg,s sweoter gellow. . Poirs write their shoгt instruсtions usin9 the model on the boord. . Poirs thеn work with other poiгs, 9iving instгuсtions or listening ond following the сolouring instruсtions of the other poir.
  • 10. ") ) Lеarnеrs nratсlr tlrе woгds. Тhе first paiг tо find l l nrorе paiгs ivirrs. IГyorr dorl't Want to usе sсissors. lеarnегs list thе paiгs. сгossing thеttl off irr pеnсil as thеy woгk. Cheсk qnswers: totked _ wotked, heоd _ bеd, word _ bird, losing _ сhoosing, needs _ rеods, stor - сoг, sum _ mUm, how - now, shoe _ gou, drow - floor, go - l<now Lеarnеrs сlroosе for-rr paiгs and wгitе tlrеiг owtr two- linе .poеrris.bу еndirrg two slrort sеlrtеnсеs with thеir rhynring words. For ехanlp|e: I lol'е tltis tt.ее. I Iol'е thе sеа. Itulkеt|. Hе wа|kеtl. I doп't kпolr. I у'сtltt to go. Whut's thut torсl,? Lrloli uI thаt |эiп|! O Мeg's Ьod dog Saу. Lrlok ut thе piс'tttl.е.s. Тltе.l'sltoу'u Stоt..l'. It's с'tll|есl ,Mеg's bаd dа.t''. Lоok аt thе.first piс,tttl.е. Whаt Са11't Меg fiпd пoll',/ (lrег watсlr) Say: Меg ссtll't.finсl hеr ll'сt t с, h. 1Votl. .t.r;tl t е l l t lt е's t о t..l.. Dividе lеaгIrеrs into gгorrps of thrее oг f,ouг. Lеaгnегs look at thе otltег fivе piсtLrгеs atrd work оtlt lrow to tеll thе storу. Walk гound arrd lrеlp if nесеssarу. Ask two oг thrее groups to tеll thеir storiеs to othеrs in thе сlass. Strongеr lеaгtrегs сould writе thе story in thе past tеnsе' Suggеsted storg: Meg сon't find hеr wotсh. She looks in her dqd's hot. She looks under the mot. Shе looks next to the сqt, but she сon't find her wotсh. She phones her friend. Her friend sogs,.oh Mеo! Go ond look in the shower!' Ask: Do |ott 'еut.сt tl'аrс,h.? Whut с,о|оur is it.') Extеnsion: Leorneгs drow piсtures or сut out photos fгom old mogozines to moke o diffeгent word ond piсture storg obout losing something. For eхomple: Тhjs сot is сo|Ied Fluffg.F|uffg {ikes eoting flsh ond drinking milk. FIuffg likes p|oging with her toц mousе too. But todog she сon,t flnd her toц rnouse. She looks jn the gorden. She finds it under o tree! Leorners bring their piсture stories to sсhool. Displog these oround thе сlossгoom for otheг tеorneгs to reod. e *.GDfl 04 Мeg's friend Rose! Saу ||е kпо:ш' Irlt,g о|'thiltgs ubout Mеg' but wе knоl' аbоut hеr./i.iепd. Mеg's /i.iеltd's псtпtе is Lеaгlrеrs look at Rosе's forlrr. Ask: Horr' пI(1l11, пttt,gt ll'е fittd out ubotI Rrlsе,.) (siх) Saу: Listсп Shе's tеlliпg hеr сlсtd аbout Rrlsе. Play Tгaсk 04 of СD l. Lеaгtrеrs listеn and add piесеs of intbгlllation. Chесk onswers: 9/nine. bluе' сomiсs, homewor|<, tennis, onimo[s Toрesсript: Listen ond look.There is one eхomple. Dod: Мeg, tеll me obout gouг best friend.Whot's her nomеl Meg: She's сolled Rose, Dod. Сon gou see the answer? Now gou listen ond write, Dod: How old is shel Meg: Shе's nine. Dod: Ninе? Мeg: Yes, thot's гight. Dod: And whg is she gouг best friendl Мeg: SheЪ mg best fгiеnd beсouse she's funng оnd сlеver. Dod: She's funng ond сleverl oh!And whot сolour's her hoiг? Мeg: She's got vегg niсe bгown hoir. Dod: And whot сolour ore her eges? Meg: Theg're blue. Dod: Pordonl Blue? Meg: Yes. Dod: And whot does Rose like doing? Mеg: She lovеs reoding сomiсs. Dod: Ho ho!And whot doеsn't she like doingl Meg: She doesn't like doing homewoг|<! Dod: oh!Whot sPorts does she likе? Мeg: She tikes tennis.Yеs, she tikes ploging tеnnis o lot. She likes finding things out on the сomputer too. Dod: Oh!Whot does she like finding out oboutl Мeg: She likеs finding out obout onimols. Dod: Oh! Lеarnеrs trow draw thе faсе of oIrе of thеir tr.iеnds and сrеatе thеir own fl.iеnd foгm. Lеaгnегs lrеlp еaсh othег to do this irr small .цrollps. Strorrgег gгollps сorrld wгitе сol.trplеtе sеntеnсеs about a fl.iеnd irrstеad. Walk гorttld anсl hеlp rr,ith r,oсabrrlaгу wlrеге nесеSsaгy. Ask diГfеrеnt lеaгltегs quеstions about thеiг bеst fiiеnds. fbг еxanrp|e: |4.hаr s'.t'r,llll. bеst '/i.iеltd с,uIlесl,? Нoу' olсl is .l.rlur bееltс|,? W,ltut с'сllour isi аГе .|'0ul. bеst./i.iепd's huir/е.t'е.s.? ||,hсtt c|oеs/clое'уlI'r .I.ОItl. bе,st fi"iепсl Iikе сloing? W,hut ,рol.| tloеs .1'сlttt. bееttd Iikе'.) Whсtt doе,у .|.0llr bе'iеtttl liliс fiпdiпg оuI ubout,,) @ Мokе o Poster. Using idеas from Aсtivitу J. lеaгnегs filrd out irlfoгmation abotrt a pop staг. {ilrrl staг. Гallrotls sрorts pегsoll oг allyollе еIsе thеу adrliiге. Тhеу tllakс а рostег rvith сtrt-out photos аnd irrfогnlation and tlrеiг orr,tl dесoгatiorts. Lеarnегs t.tsе tlrе intегtlеt. t.tra-Цazit-lеs oг books to find tlrеiг infortlratiоn. Еnсоuragс tlrеnr to usе thе struсtttre l lilic ltiпt/ltеr bес,сtttsе ... somеWhеге otl thеiг postег аnd to bе as сгеativе as thеy likе. Display thеsе postегs arolttld tlrе сlassгoorll if possiblе. сloп't Ro,sе. tltittg,s to Mеg. thеsе six
  • 11. --- Мoin topiсs: Мoin grommor: Tеst proсtiсe: Flgеrs words: Non-YLE words: Equipment: t4enrg's hotidog hobbies, weother, dogs of thе week vеrb + ing: D verЬ + infinitive: D post simple irreguloг vеrЬs: E preposition of timе (on): J Reoding ondWriting Port 4: Е,|: Port 5: G Listening Port 4: F Speoking Port 1: H; Port 2: C сomP (v), foг9et (n)' hilt (n), other (dеt), postсord (n), tent (n), time (n), torсh (n) borbeсue (n), сompsite (n), own (odj)' pillow (n), put up (tent) (v), slеeping Ьog (n)' snore (v) О CD .l: Storg, F О piсtures (tent, borbeсue, sleeping bog) ond reol objeсts (torсh, piltow): А . сolouring penсils: Н . photoсopies (one peг leorner) of 'Whot wos the weother like tost weеk?'(p 51): K Sto rgte lli n g Before listening Lеarnеrs look at thе first piсturе on SB p |2. Ask: Who's this? (Heury/a boy) IЦhut's hе holсliпg? (a torсh) Whеrе is hе? (irr thе kitсhеn) Whаt doеs Hеttl.1'll'ul1| trl есt|,.) (lеarnеrs guеss - iсе сrеaln) Say: Noуу lеt's look аt thе piсtttt.еs сtпсl Iistеtt to thc ston'. ( о€Dt 0s PlсgTroсk 05 of сD1 or reod the storg. i,ig"r,,o ns for two pouses if required: Stop thе СD aftеr ,Апd пo TV!'thougltt Hепt..t.. ,I у'сtttt to go hоmе.'(SB p l 3 ) Ask: Whеrе аrе thе.fhmil.t, пolу,? (at thе сaпrpsitе) Is thеrе а tеlеl,isioп аt thе ссttltpsitе,.) (t^lo) I,s Неttt.t, huppv,? (no) Whаt doеs Hеnry' и'(lllt to сlo,? (go honrе) Stop thе СD aftеr .Саn у'е go hontе пou', Мum'?'hе аskеd. (SB p l3) Ask: Doеs Hеnn,u,сtt,lt tr'l hеlp his pаrепts,? (no) Is it stttttlt,noи'? (No. ltЪ raining.) Whаt is tц'еt ttсlуl',? (thе/thеir pillows) After listеning to the wholе storg Ask: Did thе./аmilу hаt,,е сt good сliпnеr,? (no) Tеaсh .rlОГе by nrakirrg thе noisе. Tеll lеarnеrs to nrakе snoring sounds too for fun. Ask: Who snorесI in thе пight,? (Hеnry's dad/fathеr) IЦеl.е Hеttt.t'аnс| his pаrеnts hаpp.t' thе пехt tп tlt. tt i tt g,.) (l"to Whеrе аrе thеt: goiпg аt thе епd o/ thе ,stolт,? (horrrе) @ whiсh word is right? Lеarnеrs look at thе ехamplе. Ask: Whv is thеrе а liпе through ,likеs '? (Bесausе that's Wrong. Hеnry doеsn't likе holidays.) Lеarnеrs rеad sеntеnсеs l-5 and. in pairs, сhoosе thе гight answеr, сrossing out thе wrong orrе. Теll thеm to ( usе a pеnсil. Thеy will want to сhangе thеir answеrs iГ thеy arе inсorrесt. Cheсk onswers: 1 Sotuгdog 2 in thе сountгgside 3 mum 4 bodtg 5 lizord ( О ( I ( I О @ New words for gou! With books сlosеd' irrtroduсе thе topiс of thе story by asking lеагnеrs about thеir holidays. Ask: Whеrе do 1,611 likе goiпg oп holidu.t',? Do .l,ou likе going to thе bеаch,? Thе пtrшпtсtitt.s.? Thе с'it.l''? Thе с,tltttttl.),sidе,? Saу This ,tor.l'i.у ubrlut u bо.t,. Hi's паntе's Hеnr.|,' Hеnrv goе,J ot1 hol iс|u.t' tуi tll lt is pttt.еltt's. Теaсh/rеvise rеnt, burbес,ttе, pillow, ttlt.с,h and slееpiпg brlg. Dгaw or shorv piсttrrеs to tеaсh tеttt, l.lurllе(,uе, рiIlow. ttll.с,lt and slееpiпg bug. or you сould bгing a torсh oг a pillorv to show lеartrеrs. Ask quеstions to сlrесk Irrеaning. For ехanrp|e: Whаt сlrl .l,сltt сlo iп сt tеllt,? (slееp) L|,hеп с|o уrlu пеесl а tot.с'h.? (at night) Lеarnегs opеn thеir books. Тhеy look at thе ехarnplе and thеn. in pairs. draw a linе bеtwееn еaсh word and its objесt in thе piсturе. Сhесk answеrs by asking quеstions. Foг еxarnp|e: Who's с,rlokiпg SuuS(tgеS oп thе llаrbесuе,.2 (tIrе boу) Whut с,rllour is thе pilloи'.? (bluе) Whut сolour i,у thе tol.с,h,? fted Whа| с'oIour is thе .s |ееpi пg bсtg,.) ( yеllow ) Extension: Write the new woгds on the boord. Sog o senсenсe oЬout eoсh objeсt. Lеorners 9uess whqt it is. Suggestions: You neеd me to see ot night. (o torсh) You сon sleep in me outside. (o tent or o sleeping bog) You сon put gour heаd on me. (o piltow) You сon сook on me. (o borbeсue) Теaсlr L'ultlp and с'utltpsire. Dгaw a piсturе of yoursеlf in a tеtrt. Say: ГДi.s i's tttе itt tlt.l'|епt. I'nt ссttпping in а hе|d. I'пt slееpiltg itl lttl'tеttt iп u.fiеlt|. Dгaw mоrе tеnts around yours. Say: Lol.r o/'pеoрlе аrе с'utlt1litlg tlетr mе. W,е сtt.е uIl с,сtttt1эill|: otI tt с,ttltt1э,sitс, Тhеrе urе shrлl'еt.s uttt| toilеts oп thе с,сtllt1lsitе. Тhеrе|; u 'sltop totl.
  • 12. -.-rrEF l * Praсtisе Part 4 of thе Spеaking Ъst. Writе thе quеsttons bеlow on thе board. Ask onе or two lеarnеrs thе quеstions in opеn сlass, and thеn lеarnеrs praсtisе asking and answеring thе quеstions in pairs. Whаt do ),ou do on Sаturdаvs? Do уou likе going to thе сountrvsidе or to thе bеасh'? r Ask: Whiсh аnimаl do l,'ott likе most? А mousе, а bird, а frog, а lizаrd or а spider? Dividе lеarnеrs into groups of thrее or four. Draw a|izard and a spidеr on thе board. Аsk l,|lhаt's thе difJёrеnсе bеtи,ееn а lizаrd аnd а spidеr? Hoи'mаnv lеgs hаs а lizаrd got,? Hoи'nlаnv hаs а spidеr got? Give groups two minutеs to think of othеr diffеrеnсеs. Тhе group with thе most idеas wins thе task. Suggestions: Lizqrds Spiders ore greg or green oгe bloсk or brown (usuotlч) hove feet ond o toil don't hqve feеt or o toil eot fruit don't eot fruit like sunng ploсes don't like sunng ploсes @ wьiсh is first? Lеarnеrs find thе piсturе with thе numbеr l nеxt to it. Saу This is thе'first piсturе. Аsk Whеrе's Hепrll,? (in bed) Whаt's hе doiпg.2 (rеading a сomiс) Lеarnеrs find thе piсturе with thе numbеr 7 nехt to it. Saу This is thе lаst piсtttlz. Ask: Whеrе's Hепn,,? (in thе car) Whеrе аrе thе.f аl11ifu goin$? (homе) In pairs' lеarnеrs look at thе othеr piсturеs and writе numbеrs 2-6 in thе boхеs to show thе сorrесt ordеr. As you сhесk thе answеrs, ask pairs to say what pеoplе arе doing in еaсh piсtrrrе. That waу thе сlass is rеtеllins thе story. Cheсk onswеrs: B 6 Henrg ond his porents ore tired in the morning. C 4 Hеnrg, his mum ond his dod ore eoting. D 5 Hеnrg is sitting in the tent. Hе сon't slеep. His porents ore sleeping. E 3 Henrg is in thе сor. Henrg's dod is putting up the tent. F 2 Henrg, his mum ond his dod ore in the сor.Тheg're going to the сompsite. * Ask: IЦhаt сtt.е thе.fаlпilт,еаting in piсtttt"е 4? (co|d soup) Whv hаs Hепrv got his hаnds on his еаrs in piсturе 5,? (Bесausе his dad is snoring!)Ask еvеryonr to makе snoring noisеs again. @ Henrg likeS ... Henrg doеsn't like... Аsk: Whаt do уg11 likе doing? Put lеarnеrs'first thrее suggеstions on thе board. For ехamp|е: Аlех likеs plаving .footbаll . Аsk Whаt don't ),ou likе doing? Put thе first thrее suggеstions on thе board too. For ехamplе: Маriа doеsп,t likе doing homеи,ork. Lеarnеrs look at thе l2 aсtivitiеs in Aсtivity D. Diffеrеnt lеarnеrs еaсh rnimе an aсtivitу to сhесk undеrstanding. othеr lеarnеrs guеss what thеy arе doing. Ask: Сси l,,ou rеmеmbеr onе thiпg thаt I-Iепrt, likеs сloing,? Апс1 oпе rhing thаt Hеltl..t'doеstt't likе сloiпg'.) Wгitе thеir answеrs on thе boaгd. In pairs' lеarnеrs now writе еaсh of thеsе aсtivitiеs undеr thе .Hеnry likеs'or .Hеnry doеsn't likе' lrеadings in thе tablе. Lеaгnеrs rnay havе to look at pagеs l2 and l3 of thе story or at thе piсtuгеs to do this. If thеy don't know if Hеrlrv likеs or dislikеs an aсtivitу. thеy shouldn't list it. Pairs do this as qrriсkly as thеy сan and tеll you whеn thеy'vе finishеd. Chесk onswers: Likes: eoting iсe сreom,listening to musiс, hoving hot showеrs, reoding сomiсs, wotсhing tеlevision Doesn't like: writing postсords, hoving sond in his soсks' sleeping in o tent, going for long wolks, going on holidog (We don't know obout moking pizzos or toking photos.) Ask lеarrrеrs if thеу or thеir friеnds likе nrakin.е pizzas оr taking photos. Tеaсh/rеvlse и,аnr/doп,t уt'аtlt to dсl (vеrb + to infirritivе). Say: / likе u'аtс,lliпg tеlеvisioп. I И'аt1t to wurс,h rеlеуisitltt аt thе и,ееkепd. I don't у:'аnt to rеасl r,oпtiс's. Аsk Wltut сlo .|'ott и'сtllt to do аt thе у'ееkепcl,.) (read сotniсs, listеn to tтusiс, еtс.) Writе otr tlrе boaгd: Iу'аlt| tLl ... tlt thе и'ееkеnсl апd I сloп't уl'сtttt to ... ut thе у'ееkепсl. [n сlosеd pairs, lеarnеrs talk abor-rt thrее things thеу want to do and tlrrее things thеу don.t want to do. Tlrеу сan uSе thе idеas in thе aсtivity or tlrеir owtr. Ask thrее or four lеaгnеrs what thеy oг thеiг partnеrs want to do. Homework ideo: Leorners write four things thot theg like doing ond four things thot theч don't likе doing ond drow o piсtuгe of themselves doing one of these oсtivities. @ Lost Soturdog, Hеnrg went on holidog. Tеll lеaгnегs to find tlrе sеntеnce But lаst Sаturdау' Hеnn, апd his pаl.еt,tts уt'еtlt otl ho|idа.t', whiсh is orr SB p l 2.ТeI| lеarnеrs to urrdеrline у'е|1t. Аsk: Whу сQn't и)е Sаl') ,goеS'hеrе,? (Bесausе Hеnгy did tlris /сsr Saturday.) Ехplain thaI и'еnt is thе past fornr of go. Еxplain that wе сan't add -еd to all vеrbs whеn Wе usе thеm to talk about thе past. Givе ехamplеs of irrеgulaг past forms in thе lеarnеrs'own languagе(s) if possiblе' Saу: Lаst Sаturdау, I и,'епt to nл,.fi.iепd's housе. Thеп I и,еnt to thе bеаch. Thеn I и'еnt hoше сtgаil.t' Аsk lф,hеrе did vou go lаst Sаturdаv? Writе Somе of thе lеarnеrs' answrrs on thе board. For еxamplre: Tаliа fеI1t to thе pаrk. Лiio и'еnt to thе сirtеtllа. Ехplain that уl'еnt doеstt't сhangе whеn wе talk about morе than onе pеrson. Writе on thе board: Lаst Suпdаv, I tt'епt to thе supеrmсtrkеt with xд'.fi.iеnd. In thе аfiеrnooп, у'е и'епt to thе sи'iпtlttiltg pool. Lеaгnеrs look at thе ехan.lplе in Aсtivity Е. In paiгs. lеarnеrs сhoosе words to сornplеtе thе otlrеr sеntеnсеs.
  • 13. -_ l Lеarnеrs rеad out thеir past tеnsе sеntеnсеs. Chесk pronunсiation. Cheсk onswers: I took 2 sot 3 hod 4 slept 5 found 6 soid * Lеarnеrs find thе past tеnsе of think in thе story. (It is at thе top of SB p l3.) Сhесk pronunсiation. @ фa 06 мhot did Dod forgеt to bring? Tеaсh/rеvise.forget. Say: 1,m going to sее m1lfriеnd' I wаnt to tаkе ml, саnlеrа, nw toothbrush, аn аpple, mу pеп аnd mv sunglаssеs уvith mе. Mimе putting things in a bag saying: Hеrе,s mу аpple, mу suпglаSSеS, mv toothbrttsh аnd mу pen' Goodl Ask: Whаt did I forgеt to pttt in mу bаg? (Your сamеra!) Ask: Whаt do уg11 somеtimes forgеt to pttt iп уour sсhool bаg? Lеarnеrs look at thе l2 piсturеs. Rеvisе thе fivе kеy Movеrs words that lеarnеrs will hеar. Ask: In v,hich picturе cаn уoLl seе this? and writе on thе board: map, grаSS' tov|'el, sаndwiсh' toothbrusЙ. In pairs' lеarnеrs writе down thе numbеr and lеttеr of thе piсturе whiсh shows еaсh thing. Cheсk onsvvers: mop - .lC gross _ 3C towel _ 1B sondwiсh _ 4C toothЬrush _ .|A Lеarnеrs rеad thе four quеstions. Play Traсk 06 of CD l . Stop aftеr thе first quеstion and сhесk thе answеr. Play thе rеst of thе rесording. Lеarnеrs listеn and tiсk thе сorrесt boxеs. Cheсk onswers: 1A 2B 3A цС a Ask: Who didn,t bring his toothbrtlsh? (HеnryЪ fathеr) Who wаs аfrаid? (HеnryЪ mothеr) Who's got а kite? (Hеnry) Who wаnts еggs.for brеаkfаst? (Hеnry and his mоthеr) Topesсript: Look ot the piсtures. Listen ond tiсk the boх. One Whot did Dod forget to bring? Henrg: Hove gou got thе towels, Dod? Dod: Yes. Here gou ore! But I didn't put mg toothЬгush in mч Ьog. oh deoг! Henrg: Did gou forget itl Dod: Yes! But hегеЪ the mop, Henгg. Two WhotЪ in Mum's bog? Mum: Aoogh! Come ond help me, Henгg. TherеЪ on onimql in mg bog! Henrg: Whot is it, Мum? A mouse? Мum: No, ond itЪ not q lizord. Henгg: ltЪ onlg o frog, Мum! Don't be qfroid! Three 4/hеreЪ Henrg,s kite now? Dod: WhereЪ gour kitе, Hеnrg? ls thot itl on the gгoss? Henгg: No.ltЪ in the сoг, Dod. Dod: Wе[[' go ond get it.Тhеn Put it in the tent. Henгg: oK! Four Whot's for breokfost? Henrg: WhotЪ foг breokfost, Мum? Sousoges? Мum: We сon't hove those, Henгg, but we сon hove some sondwiсhes. Henrg: Cqn we hove eggs tool l love thosе. Мum: Mе too, Ьut no. Soгrg, Henrg!We hqvеnt got ong. @ д. the сompsite! Lеarnеrs look at thе ехamplе. Ask: Hoи,mапv у,ords аrе in thе апswer? (onе) How mаnу words саn уolt и,ritе in аn аnswеr? (onе or two) In pairs, lеarnеrs find thе answеrs and writе thеm on thе dottеd linеs. Thе answеrs arе all on SB pp l3 and l4. chесk onswers: I television/TV 2 гoin 3 сold soup 4 Henrg 5 bod heodoсhe 6 lizoгd r Ask: How mаnу times did Hеnrу wаkе up? (seventееn!!) Test tip: Quеstion struсturеs in Port 5 of the Reoding ond Writing Test moЧ voгg from the struсturеs thot oгe used in the storg, Ьut onsweгs ore olwogs the exoсt words found in thе storg. @ Find the diffеrenсеs. Lеarnеrs look at thе top piсturе on SB p l5.Ask: 1s ir thе night or the morning now? (thе morning) Аrе Hеnп, аnd his pаrеnts hаppу? (no) Lеarnеrs also look at thе piсturе in thе aсtivity. Say: Somе things in thе two piсtttrеS аrе diffеrent. In this picturе (point to thе piсturе on SB p l5) it's сlottdу. But in this picturе (SB p l8) ir b ... (sunny). Writе this modеl on thе board on two linеs: In this piсturе it,s сloudу, but iп this piсturе itb sunnу. Drill this in opеn сlass and lеavе it on thе board. Praсtisе talking about onе morе diffеrеnсе. Ask an opеn pair to сomplеtе anothеr sеntеnсе: In this pictttrе thе tеnt is grееn, but in this picturе itb purplе. In pairs or small groups' lеarnеrs find six othеr diffеrеnсеs and think how to dеsсribе thеm. Walk round hеlping with languagе if nrсrssary. Groups takе turns to tеll thе сlass onе diffеrеnсе.
  • 14. _-_ Vе п Cheсk onswers: Hеnгg's mum hos got o towel/ o Ьog / some food/Ьrеod. Henrg'sТ.shirt hos 23/З2 on it.A duсk is on/under the toble. Henrg isn't/is hoppg.Henrg's dod hos got / hosn't got o hеodoсhe. Henrg's mumЪ boсk hurts/doesn't hurt. Lеarnеrs сlosе thеir books. Мakе Surе lеarnеrs havе somr сolouring pеnсils rеady and givе еaсh pair / small group a largе piесе of papеr. Ask onе lеarnеr in еaсh pair or group to draw еight big boxеs on thеir shееt of papеr, Pairs/groups now draw thе diffеrеnсеs tlrat thеy rеmеmbеr on thе papеr. You сan point to thе еxanrplе of cloudl'lsut,lnу on thе board. Lеarnеrs draw a сloud and a sun in onе squarе to show this. Lеarnеrs talk and draw togеthеr thе otlrеr diffеrеnсеs as quiсkly as thеy сan. Теaсh/rеvi se drеи' and и,rotе. Draw a sun on thе board and writе This is сt Sun undеr your piсturе. Point and say: / drеи' this stttt. I и,rotе thеsе и'ol.ds. Ask diffеrеnt pairsigroups what thеy drеw and wrotе on thеir piесе of papеr. For еxamp|e: IЦе drеu' а greеn tепt апd а purplе tеnt. Wе у'rotе 23 аnd 32. e wьot om l? l om o lizord! a Lеarnеrs rеad thе tеxt without сomplеting it. Ask: Whаt сolour is this аnimаl? (grееn) Is ir big ol.smаl|? (small) Saу Find thе piсturе of thе lizаl.d аt thе еnd of thе stoп'. Is this li:аrd smаll аnd grееп too,? (уes) Аsk: Do t,ott likе lizаrds? * Lеarnеrs сomplеtе thе tеxt, using words frorn thе box. Еnсouragе thеm to сross words out aftеr thеy havе usеd thеm. Notе thеrе is onе еxtra word. Cheсk onswers: t spidеrs 2 legs 3 сroсodile 4 slept 5 shoe е Ask: Do |,ott likе hot, Sunnv и,еаthеr,? Do сroсoсlilеs likе hot, sttl,tl,tt,и'еаthеr? Whiсh othеr аnimа|s likе hot, Suпnу и,еаthеr.? * Pairs list anirnals thеy know that livе in hot, sunny plaсеs. Еaсh pair сlroosеs onе of thеir animals. Thе rеst of thе сlass guеssеs whiсh animal thеy havе сhosеn bу asking quеstions about it, е.g. Whаt сolour is it? Hoи, n,lаnv lеgs hаs it got,? Suggеstions: Storters words: elеphont, 9iroffe, hippo, monkе9, snoke, tiger Мoverswords: kongoroo,lion Homework idеo: Lеorners find piсtures in mogozines, сomiсs' еtс. of onimols thot like hot, sunng weother.Thеg сut them out ond bring thеm to sсhool. |n рoirs, theg moke o Posteг with theiг piсturеs,gluing them on the poper ond odding the onimols' nomеs ond ong other informotion thot theg сhoose (е.g. wheге theg live). Disptog the posteгs oround the сlossгoom. Strongеr leorners сould use the model text to help them write similor Whot om l? texts obout theiг сhosen onimols. @ whot did Hеnrg do lost weеk? Tеaсh/rеvisе thе days of thе wееk. Lеarnеrs lrar,е only usеd Sarltl.dау and Sunс]ау until rrow. Show lеarnеrs tlrat irr Еnglish thе namеs of thе days of thе wееk bеgin witlr a сapital lеttеr, likе namеs for boys and girls. Drill thе days of thе wееk. Аsk Whаt с|сtу t.l'сts it l,еstеrdсtу'? Whаt dаl,is ir юdаl..? Тwo lеarnеrs writе thеsе days on tlrе board. (You сould bеgin futurе lеssons by askirrg diffеrеnt lеarnеrs to writе thе namе of yеstеrday and today on thе board.) Point out that Wе Say oп a daу. Say a sеntеnсе abоut yoursеlf, using on and a daу, as an ехamplе. Lеarnегs rеad Hеnry's diary and writе thе соrrесt day undеr еaсh piсturе. Cheсk onswers: 1 Тuesdog 2 Fridog 3 Mondog 4 Soturdog 5 Thursdog 6 Wednesdog Аsk Whаt did l]еtll tlo on Mondа.у,.) Tuеsdа.у,? Wеdnеsdаt,.2 (Hе had an iсе сrеam. Hе playеd with lris kitе. Hе watсhеd a filrn orr ТV) Lеarnеrs look at HеnryЪ diary. Saу Опе dсt.t'isп't hеrе, Whiсh dаl,istl't hеrе,? (Sunday) Аsk Whаt did.t'ou do on Sunсlау? Homеwork ideo: Leorners write seven short sentenсes to moke o short diorg obout their week. For exomple: on gondoц l went to sсhool. ОnTuesdoч lwotсhedТV' @ Do o weother Projeсt! Аsk Whаt у'сts thе и'еаthеr likе on Hепl.t''s holidа'у,? Wаs it sttпl:п'? (no) Did it rаin? (yеs) Did ir sпorr.? (rro) |Цаs it уrinсl.t,,? (yеs) Givе еaсh lеarnеr a сopy of .Wlrat was tlrе wеathег likе last wееk?' (p 5l). Lеaгnеrs сornplеtе thе spеllings of еaсlr daу. Bеginning nеxt Mondaу' at thе еnd of sсhool or aftеr sсlrool, lеarnеrs draw a wеathеr piсtr"rrе in tlrе box to slrow what thе wеathеr was likе tlrat day. Thеy wгitе a short sеntеnсе about thе wеathеr in thе past tеnsе. For ехamplе: Оn MonсIа1,it l,ц'аs сloudу. / Оn Мondа.l'it rаinеd. Thеy сomplеtе thеir wееkЪ wеatlrеr projесt and answеr thе quеstions at thе bottom of thе pagr. Display thеsе wеathеr shееts around thе сlassroom if possiblе' You rnight ask diffеrеnt groups of lеarnеrs to tnakе furthеr wеathеr piсturеs in futurе wееks. l !!) rу nd, ito
  • 15. тhere's o monster under nтg be dI Моin topiсs: home, fomilg, сolours, poгts of the bodg Мoin grommorz lthinklknow... : E,J when сlouses: I Тest proсtiсе: Reoding ondWгiting Port 2: B; Port 5: D Listening Port 2: J; Port 5: G Speоking Port 1: F; Port 4: H Flgеrs words: owog (odv), heor (v), might (v), untidg (odj) Non.YLЕ words: сount (v)' sсoгe (v)' sсored (odj), sсorg (odj)' sitlg (odj), toe (n), woгrg (v) Equipment: O CD .l:Stoгg, G,J О сolouring penсils: G, L O photoсopies (one peг leorner) of .Мg monsteг' (p 52): L Nеw words for gou! ith books сlоsеd. introduсе thе topiс оf thе stoгу saying: Thi's srоr.l.i,s ubrlut а girl. Siс]l а/iuid o/'а ltl.stеt.. Ask: llz .l'ou ufi.сticl оf,пtrllt'stеt.s,.) Теaсh/геvisе slerll. S(,ut.е, hеоr and сouп|. Сovеr уouг еaгS with youг hands and saу: I с'аtt't ltесtt.l'ott. Тlrеn takе your harlds away and say: I с,аlt hcur усltt llott: Draw a piсturе of a lrlonstеr alrd a littlе boу to tеaсlt SСurе, sс'urесl and '(,аl.'|^. Сount soIrrеthing in thе сlassгoonr and thеn ask two or thrее lеarnеrs. P|еu,sе с,tlttltt thе у'indоtrs/dеsk,у/ shкlattt,у. Тhеy shorrld point and say onе. two. thгее. еtс. Lеarnеrs opеn thеil. books arld rеad tlrе ilrstruсtion. Сlrесk tllеy r-rrrdегstand wlrat tlrеy havс to do. Тhеy look at tlrе piсtuгеs atrd rvords in thс boх and wгitе thе сoггесt vеrb ttIldег еaсh piсtrrге. Сhесk answегs by askirr.Ч: L|,hut's tltе пtаlt stеuIiпg,.) (tlrе tгеasr"п.e) Wltаt i's .sс'сtl.itlg tltе у'rlпttttl.2 (thе Inousе) Whаt с'ult thе girl hеur,? (a bird) ||,ho's сottlttiltg thе с'ukеs'? (thе boy) Sto rЧte llin g Before listеning Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturе orr SB p 20. Ask: Whut kiпd rl|'юrlпt is this,? (a bеdroom) Is this like .t,tlttt' bесlrooпt.2 (lеaгnеrs answеr) |4/hut's Ihе girl с,ап"t,ing? (hеr сlothеs) Wh.l, is shе ruпttitlg.2 (lеarnегs guеss) Say: Noу' |еt's look аt tltе рiс'tttl.еs сtnс| listеtl to thе .lot't'. i'с(сDfl 07 Plog Troсk 07 of сD1 or reod the storg. Suggestio ns for two Pouses if required: Stop thе СD afiег I kпolу it's thеt.е. (SB p 2l ) Ask: Whаt's ttпсlеr thе gir||у bеd,? (a trlonstеr) Doеs shс е' pIu'l'iпg СotllpurеГ gапtе' itt hеr Гoolrt.u (no!) Сutt thе girl sее tltе mottstеr'? (no) Bttt is .shе u/iuid rl/'tltе mrlпstеt.,? (yеs) lr- @ W ?,,, Stop thе СD aftеr I с'сttt uпdеrstаtlсl thut. (SB p 22) Ask: Whаt сloеs thе girl с|о у'hеп shе triеs tо s|ееp,.) (сounts to l00) Drlе,у thе пttlltstеr |lпd /brld itt thе gctrсlеlt,.) (lеaгnеrs guеss) Who did thе girl tеll ubout rltе moп'gtеl.',) (hеr bгothеr, nlunr. dad) Did thе.l' hеlp hеr tо.find tltе mrlпstel..2 (rro) Aftеr listening to thе whole storg Ask: Whut kiпd o|'апimal is unс|еr thе bеd,') (lеaгnеrs guеss) Is it а spidеr? (yеs!) Say: Thе gir| itt thе St0l..1' is с'ullatl |'iс,k.t,. |N:ltеtt L.iс'|а. с,сl|с,hеs thе spidеr ut thе еltd of'tltе 's|оl..t.' wltцt сloеs shc srл..2 (Got you!) Ехplain that wе сan say tlris wlrеn rvс- сatсIr sorllеtlring oг solnеonе that Wе.rе сhasirrg. LеaгIlегs pгеtеnd to сatсh а flylrnosquito/rnousе irl thе сlassгooпr and сall ouI Got Ytu! @ ves or no? Say sоnrеtlring that is сoгrесt and sonlеthing that is inсorrесt abor-rt youг сlassroonl. For ех|e,. Tltе winсloу,is opеn. Is thu| сorrес'|,? (yеs!) klu сtt.е ull ho.l.s, Is tltсtt с'ol't.ес't,? (no!) Lеarnеrs геad tlrе instгt.tсtion. Ask: W.ltеtt lttttst .l,rltt tt'l.itе 'es'.2 (whеrr thе sеlttеItсе is сoггеcI) L|,ltеп t|ltlSt .|.otl wl.itе ,t|o',.) (whеn tlrе sеntеnсе is lrot сorrесt) Look at tlrе ехatтplеs. А,sk: IЦh.t'is thе апs||еr ,no'..) (Thе n.rorrstеr isn't insidе a сupboard. It.s t;ndеr thе bеd.) ln pairs' lеarnеrs rеad sеntеnсеs l 6 and wгitе l.с. oг /,O on thе dottеd linеs. Chесk onswers: lges 2no 3no 4ges 5no 6no Dividе pairs into twо groups, A and B. Pairs irl gгoup A rnakе sеntеnсеs 2 and 3 сorrесt. Pairs irr gгollp B makе sеntеnсеs 5 and 6 сoггесt. (Тhеy сhangе tlrе wгon.Ц words or numbеrs.) Strorrgег lеaгIrегS сan геwгitе thе sеntеnсеs irr ftrll. Suggested сnswers: 2 Viсkg сon,t|doesn'twont to plog on hеr сomPuter this wеek. 3 Viсkg сounts to 100 when shе's in bed. 5 Viсkg's mum didn,t see the monster. 6 Viсkg found thе monsteг under the bed. Ask: Do .l,ou likе plаviпg ('ol1lptltеt.gulltеs,! Drl .l'ott (,ott|lt to l0() уthеп |ou (,0|l't slееp.?
  • 16. .itе @ wьo's tсlking obout this storg? l Lеarnеrs look at thе boy and giгl. Say: Thеsе с'hi|drеп аrе tаlking сthou| two di//ёrеltt stol.iеs. Опе of'thеm rеасl ,Thеrе's сt пtotlstеl.unсlеr пtу bеd!'unс| onе of.thеm rеасl аnothеr S|on,. Wllo rеасl our stol.t:'? IЦаs it thе bo.t,ol.thе girl'? .' Lеarnеrs rеad what еaсh сhild says and r"rndеrlinе words that show diffеrеnсеs bеtwееrr thе storiеs. Foг еxamplе: stеals soсks. hidеs thеnr undеr hег bеd' . In pairs, lеarnеrs look at thе trrrdеrlirrеd woгds and сhoosе thеir atrswеr. t Ask: IЦа's it thе bol,,? IЦаs it thе girl,? chесk onswеrs: thе girl Аsk Wh.l, i,gtt't it thе bo.l'''s ,cttlt..l''? (Thе пlonstеr didn't stеal thе soсks in our story.) Saу Whiс.h у'us tltе girl''s /hvourirе piсtttl.е it,t thе stol..t,'? (Thе piсturе of thе сhildЪ гoonl at night.) Lеarnегs look at all thе piсturеs again. Аsk: Whiсlt i,s .l'ottr.fhl,ottl.itе piс'tttl.е,? W,hу,? Lеarnегs votе foг thе bеst piсtuге. Аsk Whсtt сtl.е tltе сhiIdrеlt's ltсtlltеs,? Lеarnегs сhoosе nan]еs and writе thеm nеxt to thеir faсеs. @ тьis monstеr is sсorg! Look at tlrе еxarnplе. Ask: fforr' m0п| lt'orсls аrе itt thе сtttsуl'еt.'? (onе) Hoу' lttсtttl,уrrlrds сап bе in еuсh (lп'sуt'еl.'.) (only onе) Rеvisе 'gttтit.s. Dгaw a piсtuге of stairs on thе boaгd and movе your firlgегs up and dowtr tlrеnr to геvisе ttpstсtit.s and doууtlstсtil.s. Draw a piсturе to tеaсlr toеs' Аsk Hoуl' |l.tа|lу |oеs ltауе l,ott got,! Lеartrеrs look at sеntеnсеs l-7, firrd tlrе answеrs and writе thеrn on thе dottеd lirrеs. All thе at1swеrs arе on SB pp 20-t. Chесk onswеrs: 1 сlothes 2 Ьothroom 3 stеol 4 сomputeг 5 feet 6 еot 7 homework Ask onе lеarnеr to rеad out sеntеnсе l (inсluding thе answеr word). Аsk Whut,s ilt сt с'lаssl"oollt сupboаrd / а kitс,hеn с,u1lboсtrсl / а с,uplloсtrd itt |,oIlr bесlroom,? @ I think ... I know ... Show a plrotograph of soшlеonе fatnous tlrat youг lеarnеrs will know, for еxamplе David Bесkham. Say: I knol,t'this is (Dаt,iсl Bесkhаnt). I think hе's 32, but I сloп't kпoll'' Writе thе sеntеnсеs on thе board and undегlinе knoуу and thiпk. You сan еxplain it furthеr if nесеSsary: I knoу': This is right. I think: Тhis is right or wrong. I don't know. Ask оnе lеarnег: Hoуr old аrе 1,oll, Маrio,? (ninе) Writе on thе board: I.......... Ма is ninе' Ask: S/zall l writе ,thiпk'or , kпolt'' l,tеrе? ( know ) Lеaгt.tегs look аrt tlrе еxalтplе. Ask otrе lеaгtrеr to say it and thеn ask: Doe.я thе пtottsIеt. gе| its |ilod liтlпt L,iс,h',s gurdеп,.) Yеs, rп. ,сlon't kпoll' ',l 1don't know) Lеarnеrs сonrplеtе sеntеnсеs l-4 on thеir owrr in pеnсil (so thеy сan сlrangе tlrеir answеrs if nесеssary) and thеn сhесk thеir answегs iIl paiгs. Suggеstеd onswеrs: tlknow 2lthink Slthink 4lknow Notе: In YLE texts, l think is olso seen ot сhe еnd of sеntenсe, for eхomple: Thot girl's nornе js Jone,l think' @ Find thе differenсеs. Lеaгnеrs look at thе big piсturе on SB p 2l. Ask: Whеrе's L.iс,lil',? (in bеd) Is 'уhе uу'ukе,.) (yеs) Lеarnеrs also look at thе piсtuге in tlrе aсtivity. Say: Sollle thittgs iп thе twtl piс'tttt.еS urе di,//ёrеltt. ltl this piс'tttt.е (point to thе piсtuге on SB p 2|) tltе lt'iпсlоу' is opеlt. But ilt t|tis 1liс'ttttе (SB p 25) tltе tt,ittсlolr i.s ' '. (сlosеd). Wгitе this rnodеl оrr thg- board on two lirrеs: Itt rhis рiс'rurе tltе у'iltt|rllr i,s oреlt, hut itt this рiс'tttl.е thе у'ittсlow is с,losеd. Dгill this in opеn сlass and lеavе it on tlrе boaгd. In pairs or stтall grollps. lеarnегs find fivе otlrег diffегеrrсеs by pointirrg ог using ol1е or two wоrds' Тlrеу thеn think how to dеsсribе tlrепr irr lorlgеr sеtrtеnсеs. Walk roltnd' hеlping with languagе if nесеssaгy. Stгotrgеr lеarnеrs сotrld writе tlrе diffеrеnсеs. Gгoups takе turns to tеll thе сlass orrе diffеrеnсе. Chесk onswers: Тheгe ore soсks/sweoter on the сhoir. Thеre orе no сlouds / сlouds. We сon't/сon seeViсkgЪ feet. The monster is/isn't under the Ьed. Therе ore five/fouг CDs on the floor. GDfl 0s Do somе сolouring. Ask thе сolouгs of a fеw thirrgs in thе сlassrоonr. Rеvisе all tlrе YLЕ сolours tlris way (blaсk. bluе. brown. grееn. greуlgraу' orangе. pirrk, puгplе. rеd. wlritе. yеllow). Altеrnativеlу, ask lеarnегs to poirrt to sоmеthing thatЪ геd" bluе" whitе. еtс. Сhесk tlrat lеaгnегs сan spеll all thеsе соlours сorrесtly. Lеarnегs labеl еaсh сolour in thе SB. Cheсk onswеrs: Colours oPPeor in this order: btoсk, white, btue, 9reen' brown, pink,9гeg/gгog, oron9e, purple, gеllow, red. Lеarnеrs look at thе big piсturе on SB p 22. Ask: Ll/ltаr с0n .|,0u sее itt this 1liс,tttlz? Lеaгnеrs put up hands to strggеst answеrs. For еxaпlplе: a boy. a bеdroom. a piсturе. a lllonstеr. А,sk: Whiс,h с,lothеs ('u|1 -|'0u 'уее itt tltis 1liс,tttlz? (dгеss. Ъslrirt. shoе, sсarf. swеatеrs. tгousегs. slroеs. soсks. skatеs) )d.) t10 __l I I __l A
  • 17. - Сhесk lеarnегs lravе соlolrгing pеnсils. Say: Listеlt. А tltсtlt is rеlliпg а girl tо с,olour SoпIе tltiпgs ilt thi,s 1эiс.furе. Play Тгaсk 08 oГСDl. Lеarnеrs listеn and сolouг fivе things in this piсturе. Аsk Whаt сliсl уtltt сoIotu.,? Whut с'olour is it,? Cheсk onswеrs: sсorf _ gellow; skotes - 9reen;T-shirt _ oronge; biggеr monsteг _ purple;sweoter on сhoir _ red Givе lеarnеrs titте to firrish thеiг сolouring if thеy worrld likе to do that. and to slrow еaсh othеr thеir piсturеs. Homework ideo: Leornеrs write five sentеnсes oЬout thе oЬjeсts theg сoloured to proсtise writing сolours ond prepositions of ploсe. Give them o model: The red sweoter is on the сhoir. Тheg olso finish сolouring their piсture ond write two or thгee more sentenсes obout otheг obieсts theg hove сoloured. Тest notе: Lеorners ore given 15 seсonds between eoсh instruсtion during the first listening ond 10 seсonds eoсh time in the seсond listening' but te[l leorners theg don't need to сolour the objeсts сompletelg. Putting the гight сolour on the гight objeсt is oll thot's importont. In the test, leorners will olso hove to drow one objeсt. Тopesсript: Look ot the picture. Listen ond сolour. One Mon: Would gou likе to сolouг this piсtuгe of ViсkgЪ brothег's bеdrooml Yes, I woutd.WhotЪ his nome? l think itЪ Poul ... or Peter. l don't know. oh. But сolour his sсoгf. Мoke it geltow. His sсorfl oK! Con l сolour the skotes now? Yes, gou сon. Тhonks. Sholl | сolouг them green? Yes. Gгeot. I'm doing thot now. I've got some skotes too. Hove goul Con l сo[our something oronge?ThotЪ mg fovourite сolour. Yes. Colouг his Т-shirt. His Т-shirt? Yes. Do thot now, pleosе. Four Giгl: ld tike to сolouг one of the monsters on his wo[[ nеxt. Мon: Good idеo! Colour the Ьiggeг monster. You сhoose the сolour. Gir[: Con l сolour it purplеl Mon: Yes.Тhot's o greot сotour. Girt: Мmm. ] likе it too. Five Girl: And now сon l сolouг the bog's sweoteгl Mon: Whiсh onel Girl: The sweoter thot's on the сhoiг.Whiсh pеnсil shotl | сolour it with? Mon: Your red penсil. Giгl: oK! Мon: Wow!Тhot looks good.Тhonk gou. @ viсkg's fomilg This rеvisеs fanlily words fron.r Startеrs and tеaсlrеs thosе introduсеd at Movеrs. Lеarnеrs look at Viсkу's fanrily trее. Ехplain what it is. Ask: Do.l'ou hауе grапdpurеnts.? IЦhаt сtt.е thеir папtеs'? Who did I,,iс,|о.'s dаd и'аtсh TV ууith in thе ston,'? (lrеr Unсlе Bill) Do.r.orl hауе аtl ttnс,lе? Ап аunt,? Whаt ul.е thеir tутlttеs,.) Lеarnеrs look at thе ехanrplе and tlrеn сornplеtе sеntеnсеsl-6 with thе сorrесt farnily woгd fгorrr thе boх. Lеarnеrs should only writе ot-tе-word answеrs. Chесk onswers: 1 poгents 2 ount 3 gronddoughter 4 grondporеnts 5 sisteг 6 son Extension: Leorners dгow foсes ond сгeote their own fomilg tгee, odding short sentenсes to their piсtuгe this time. For exomple: Мg grondmother,s nome is Kotio.Тheg сould then olso write five or six sentenсes oЬout diffегent fomilg membегs, bе9inning with l think' For exomple:l think mу dod is greot. l think mg unсle is verч niсe.l think mч brother is verg noughtg' O тье monster hid wh€П ... Ask: 1п thе Ston,, wl,tаt cliсl Mum do ilt Viс'.',s t.ooпt уеstеrсlа.l'? (Shе сlеanеd it.)Ask: Whаt с{oеs thе moпSIеr do у'hеn Мuпt goеs in Viсlq,'s tllom,? (It hidеS.) Writе on thе board: Thе moпstеl"hid уrhеn Мum у'еttt itt Viс'lq,'S l.oo|11. Show lеarnегs how уl'hеп сan ioirr two short sеntеnсеs togеthеr: Thе monstеr hid у'hеn Muпt уl'еttI ilt l|1.|. rО0пl. Ехplain that thеsе two things happеn allnost at thе san1е timе. Draw a timе linе to show this. For ехarnplе: Thе monstеr hid Draw a sandwiсlr, a glass оf watег, a bеd and a phonе on thе board. Point to еaсh in tltrn and say: I пtаkе сt sаndу'iсh у,hеn I'm huпglт!' I gеt а gluss of'wсttеl. ',, (whеn I'm thirsty)' I go to bеd... (whеn l.m tirеd), I phrlnе пtt,.fi.iеnd... (whеrl I'rll afraid). Giгl: Мon: Girl: Мon: Girl: Two Girl: Мon: Girl: Mon: Girl: Мon: Three Giгl: Мon: Girl: Mon: Mum wеnt in
  • 18. - Writе on tlrе boaгd: LN.ltut tlo -l,.rlu с|rl ууhеlt .l'Оu'rе I h i r.у t.t.'.) H t t t t gl..t''') Тi rе d,.) S u tl'',,1./ i.u i с|',) I Il .Цгoups of tlrгее. lеaгlrегs talk aborrt wlrat thеy do in tlrеsе situations. Walk гound and hеlp if nесеssaгy. Prornpt аl,lswеrs: Drl .l.tltt tttukе u 'усtпсlwiсh whеtt .|ou'I.е huпgt.-l',? Dо .t,ott .sit dоlуtt л'ltсп .|'ott't.е til.ес{'.) Lеaгnегs look at tlrе ехalnplе. Irl paiгs. lеarnеrs dгaw linеs to lnakе sеntеnсеs. Note: You mog like to show lеorners thot when сon olso сome ot the beginning of o sentenсe: When I get up in the morning,l hove to run to mg сupboord (sB p 20). Giг[: ТhotЪ гight! Тhe bothгoom is next to his Ьеdroom, but he doesn't like woshing. Womon: oh deor!And whotЪ his fovouritе сolouг? Giгl: His fovourite сolour is blue. His bedroom is btue too. ltЪ olwogs untidЧ. Yes, itЪ veгg untidg. Тheгe ore olwogs tots of сomiсs on the floor. Womon: Aгe thеrel Girl: Yеs. l wеnt in his гoom gesterdog ond сounted them. Тhere werе 17 сomiсs on thе floor of his room. Womon: Sеventеen!Wow! Giгl: l know!And he sogs theгeЪ o veгg big monsteг under his bed. Womon: ls thеre? Girl: No! Chесk onswers: I when shе сouldn't s[еep. 3 whеn it wоs mg birthdoч. 5 whеn it wos dirtg. 2 when he got some new penсils. 4 theg went to thе beoсh. :r Writе otl tlrе bоaгd: l|c .. ' .,..,.. whеп 'е i.с ttt sс,hrlol. In pairs. lеarnегs сotlrplеtе tlris sеntеtlсе ill aS InaI]y diffеrеnt ,ays as possiblе. Walk roulld and hеlp rvith voсabttlaгy if nесеssaгy. e 'e.GDfl oэ Viсkg's brother! Lеaгnегs look at thс'bоу arrd tltе allSWег to l. Ask: trl,hо's tIti,s,') (Pеtег - Viсky.s brothеr) In pairs. lеarnегs look at 2-6 and tаlk aborrt Pс'tег. Тhеу сhoosе answегs altd wгitе thеllr undсr.Wе think ..... Теll lеarnегs thеrе arr no right oг ,ron.ц answегs. PlayТraсk 09 of СDl Inoге tlran twiсе if nесеssaгy. Lеaгnегs writе tlrе сoггесt alrswеrs undег.I knorv ... .. Cheсk onswеrs: 2 11leteven 3 drowing 4 woshing 5 blue 6 .17lsevеnteen Usе thе piсtrrге оГ Pеtег.s гool1,l оn SB p 22 to tеaсh/ rеvisе tit|.l.luпtid.r.. Ask: ,,|t.е .|,oltt' bес|пхlttt's ticll, ot. tt tt tiс|.t',.) Тopesсript: Listen ond write. Womon: Hi,Viсkg.Тell mе oЬout Чour Ьгother. Girl: Mg brotherl Womon: Yеs.Whot's his nomel HeЪ сolled Peteг.You spell thqt P-Е.T-Е-R. And how old is he? I think he's 11 ... ges, thotЪ гight. HеЪ 11 now. And whot does he tikе doing? Well, he doеs lots of drowing ot homе. l think drowing is his fovourite hoЬbg.He likes doing thot. Тhere oгe lots of drowings of monsteгs in his гoom! Womon: Arе therel Girl: Yеs! But he doesn't like woshing! Womon: Reottg? Giгl: Womon: Girl: Womon: Girl: @ Hetp! IIl paiгs. lеaгIlегs гсad tlrе poеll1. сotlllt thе nttIlllrег trf lеttеrs in tlrе two rrrissitlg words and guеss wlrat thе woгds arе. Thеy gir.е thеir аnsWегS bе.uirrning rr,ith Ili, Ihiпli. For ехanlp|e: INa tltiпk tltс.t' ll'tlпl i.s ,.fitпп.r'' Rеad thе poеrrr. insегtilrg sltort alld big irr tIrе t'o spaсеs. As you rеad iIna-цitrе yot't aге talkirlg t0 sotllеollе. so pallsе bеfоге гсadirlg thе sесorrd halГot еaсIr linс'. Fог ехatllplе: ТItt,ra,s u .sрilcr iп rltе lшth .,. Dоп't luugh,| Аsk L|.lttl i'у tltс сhi|r| |ulkiпg ro.2 (liсг Arrrlt I{aгу) I.s tht, 'sрit|cr 'sс'сtl..|',.) (уеs) [.l7lс,t.е i's tlti.s ,spit|еt..., (irr thе bath) Doеs tltс с'ltilсl 'ulI|.()tlla halр,., (yсs!) Lеагnегs геad thе poеl-ll orrt lotrd as a gгotlp. tlrсll diflbгеnt lеaгnеrs takе tttгl-ts to геad onс. liItе еaсh. Iiyotr сan. rесoгd lеartrегs saуirrg tlrе poеrtt аnd tlrеn play it baсk to thеIll fbг thсIll tо еIliov. O Drow ond write obout o monster. Givе еaсlr lеarltег a сopy oГ.My п1ollStег.(p 52). Тhеy dгaw a ll]onstсr in tlrе blank paгt of thе pagе altd сolouг it. Еnсoura.gе thеnl to tllakс- it sсaгy. ftttlnу. sad. tall. slrort or fat wlratеvеr thеy likе. Lеarnегs thеn сoInplеtе all tlrе sеtltеtlсеs tllat dеsсгibе tlrеiг Irronstег. Fоr ехatnplе: Тlti't ttttltt.stеl. i.s st,ttl..l., I|'s boсl.l' is loпg сtlttl rhiп. It's gtl| еigltt ul.l1IS. Stгoll.uег lеarnеrs сan add moге infоrnlation on tlrе ехtгa litrе. Сollесt thе slrееts arrd сut tlrеtrr iIl two alotlg tlrе сLtttiti!.I linе. Dividе lеaгtlеrs irrto gгorrps oГsiх. Gir'е еaсh -цl.ollp siх Ilronstег dгawiIrgs to put o11 a сеlltгal tablс. Gir'е еaсlr lеaгnеr in that crollp onе oГthе six сoггеsponс1ing dеsсriptiоns. Еaсh lеaгrrег гсads tlrеiг сlеsсr.iption arld tгiеs to llnd thе ltlоnstсг that rtratсlrеs it. Ask tlrrсс oг fbLrг lсaгlrеrs to sliow tlronstег dгau.ings ttl tlrс- othегs atid to гсad out tIrс сlсsсгiptiotts. Тhr oгi.цinal aгtist saуs Tltut's t.ight!or ,Vr;, thut's tttlt l.igltt'|
  • 19. Robbit ond Coсkettq Bird Мoin topiсs: Мoin grсmmor: Тest proсtiсe: Flgers words: Non-YLE words: Equipment: -- onimols, food, noturol world odveгbs (-{g endings): I сompoгotive odvеrЬs: l Reoding ond Wгiting Port 4: D; Port 5: G; Poгt 6: J Listеning Port 5: F Speoking Poгt 2: G; Port 3: H; Port 4: D Ьisсuit (n), just (odv)' kind (odj)' nехt (odj), other (оdj)' time (n), without (prep) сliff (n), feotheг (n), hole (n), kindtg (odv), knot (n), shoke (v), shore (v), simple (оd!) o CD 1:Storg, F O o Ьisсuit, o squore sсorf: A О сords mode from.|'m doing it like this!' (p 53): I . сolouring penсils: L ' i,rGDfl 10 Plog Тroсk 10 of сD1 or rесd the storg. Suggestions for two pouses if required: Stop tlrе CD aftеr ,Plеаsе с'omе!'(SB p 29) Ask: Whiсh апilnаl huсl morе./i.iепds - Rаbbit ot. Сoсkеttсt B i rd,? ( Rabbit) Whу didn't Сoсkеttа Birc| у'сtпt tо есtt tуitlt Rаbbit,.) (shе was too busу, too bеautiful. slrе didn't warrt to еat irr a small hornе) Wltаt /bod did Rсtbbit gеt /tп.diппеr'? (nroonfislr, bluе сhееsе sandwiсlrеs arrd lirnе сakеs) Diсl Сoсkеttа Birсl |ikе tltаt kiпd o|'|bot|.,) (lеarnеrs guеss) Stop thе СD aftеr ... Rаbbit hсld аnоthеr iсlесl. (SB p 30) Ask: I4/еrе thе tи,o сtttilttuIs /i.iеnс|s llorr.? (no) Whiсh сlnimаl аtе сlll rhе fboсl,? (Cосkеtta Bird) Whаt и'аs Rаbbit's iсlеа,? (lеarnеrs guеss) Aftеr listеning to the whole storg Ask: Hoи'did Rаbbit gеt to thе to2l o/ thе сli//|, (Сoсkеtta Bird сarriеd him in a sсarf.) Did thе tу'o аnimа|s shаrе thеir./bod ilt thе епd,.) (yеs) Whаt сlid thеv do аll night,? (talkеd) |Цеrе thе tlt'o сttlitltсtls ./i.iеnсis аt thе еnd o/,thе s/olr'.2 (yеs) Еxtension: |n poirs or smoll grouPs, leorners moke o list of woгds to desсгibe RobЬit ond Coсketto Bird before theg Ьeсome friеnds. Leorners сou[d usе diсtionories to find the words theч nееd. For exomple: Robbiе friendlу,kind,сlever. Coсketto Bird: u nfriendlg, g reedg, sod. @ дnswer thе questions. Lеaгnеrs rеad thе first quеstion and look at thе answеr. Ask: Ё1oи' l11аl1| и'ords drl -|,ott hауе |o уt'l.itе ilt еасll сtttslt'еt.! (onе) Irr pairs lеarnеrs tгy to rеnrеtrrbеr thе answеrs to quеstions l-5. Thеy сlrесk tlrе tехt to find answеrs if thеy сan't rеmеmbеr. Cheсk onswers: | сliff 2 feothers 3 loke 4 sсorf 5 bisсuits Note: Stгongeг [eorners сou[d write сomplete sentenсеs ofter theiг one-word onsweгs hovе Ьеen сheсked. For exomple: Robbit lived in o hole. Coсketto BirdЪ homе wos on o сliff. А'sk: Whеl.е do уott bathroom) Whеn dсl rnoгning/еvеning) look аt t,ottr.fhсе? (in thе mirrоr/ l,ou look сtt .t,ottr.|ttсe.2 (in thе @ New words for gou! With books сlosеd. intгoduсе thе topiс of thе story by talking a[.lout еating. Saу Whut tlo уou likе еаting? Do .t,tlttr.f i.iеtlсls somеtilпеs hаvе сlinпеr or lunсh и'irh .l'ou'? Saу: Г/zis Sror.1' i,у аbout сt rubbit аnd а bircl. Thе rаb|эit iпl'irеs thе bird |о сlinnеr. Thе birс| is t'el.l' gl.еесll, it likеs есttiltg lots d |bod! Теaсh/rеvisе holе, |ёа|hеr, с'li//,, kпot and bisс'ttil. Draw or show piсtr'rrеs to tеaсh./ёutltеl., hrllе and сlif/. Bring a sс'аtJ and a bisс'ttit to show lеarnеrs. Ask quеstions to сhесk undегstanding. Foг еxat.nplre: Whiс'h uпilпаl,s hауе./ёаrltelli.2 (biгds) Wltоt ltiпd of'сtltitпа| liуеs iп сt lto|е iп tltе gttlttttсl.2 (a rabbit. a t]"lollsе) Wltаt,у bеloп'сt с'li/I'? (thе sеa. a гivеr) Тiе thе Гour сornеrs of thе sсaгf togеthег. Рoint at tlrе krrot and saу This is u kпot. Writе t1ot o11thе board and add a k aI tlrе front to show that this lеttеr is silеnt. Writе thе othеr nеw words on tlrе board too and lеavе tlrеnr tlrеrе. Lеarnеrs opеn thеiг books and look at thе piсturеs. Poir.rt to еaсh piсtr.rrе in turn. Lеarnегs firrd thе word on thе board and say it in сhorus. Lеarnегs thеn сorrrplеtе tlrе nеw words in thе fivе sеntеnсеs and draw linеs bеtwееn thе nеw wоrds and thеir piсturеs. Walk round and сhесk thеy havе dorrе this сorrесtly. Sto rgte tlin g Beforе listening Lеaгnеrs look at tlrе piсtuге on SB p 28. Ask: Whеrе is rhi.s'? (a forеst/wооd/jrrnglе / a lakе) Whеrе's thе rаb|lir.2 (bеhind a trее) LVhut's rhе bircl doiпg? (looking at (hег faсе ill) thе watеr) Whаt с'оlrшr urе thc biru|'s /ёаthеl.s,? (whitе, bluе. purplе. gгееn) Say: Nolr lеt's look ut tltе piс,tttl.еs uпсl Ii'stеп to thе storr'.
  • 20. --Еll- 9. it'? i0) @ wьiсh is first? Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturеs. Writе thе sеntеnсеs bеlow on thе board. Point to еaсh sеntеnсе in turn and ask lеarnеrs for thе rnissing last words. (сliff' hottlе, friеnds, sсarf. bisсuit' lakе) А Сoс'kеttcl Bird is.flviпg to thе B Сoсkеttа Birс] is есttiпg iп Rаbbit ]s .......... С Rаhbit is еаtitlg fith аll hi,s '.. D Rubbit is hoppiпg ott to thе '.. Е Rаbbit is gil'illg Сrlсkеttа Bird сt с'oсollttt F Rаbbir i's tulkiпs to Сrlс'kеttа Bird bу thе Notе: With strongeг leornегs, osk thеm to suggest сomplete sentenсes to desсribe eoсh piсture ond write those on the boqrd insteqd. Lеarnеrs find piсturе С with thе nun.rbеr l in its star. Say: Гiis in thе s|ot.l'. Workirrg in pairs, lеarnеrs thеn writе nunrbеrs 2-6 in thе othеr stars to show thеir сorrесt ordеr. Ask wlriсh nunrbеr lеarnеrs havе put in еaсh piсturе. Тhеn' following thе sеquеnce 2-6, diffеrеnt pairs сhoosе thе riglrt sеntеnсе fronr thе board to tеll thе story in thе riцht ordеr. Chесk onswers: A 5 Coсketto Bird is flging to the сliff. B 3 Coсketto Bird is eoting in RoЬЬit's homе. D 4 Robbit is hopping on to thе sсorf. Е 6 Robbit is giving Coсketto Bird o сoсonut bisсuit. F 2 Robbit is tolking to Coсketto Bird Ь9 the lo|<e. Using thе past sirnplе tеnsе now, ask: Whаt did Rаbbit аnd Сoс,kеttа Bird do hеtи'ееtl piс'turеs 5 сtnd б? (Сoсkеtta Biгd took off lrеr hеad fеathеrs. Shе opеnеd thе sсarf. Rabbit jurnpеd out.) @ тett the storg ogoin. Saу Look аt thе tехt. Somе и'ords аrе missing аnd thеrе,s сt пtistаkе iп rhе s|ol.l, hеrе tоo. Саn vou.finсl thаt first,? Lеaгnеrs rеad tlrе tеxt to find thе mistakе. (Thе rabbit hid in a sсarf. not a box.)Lеarnеrs сross out boх twiсе in linе 6 and writе sсаfi'in thosе two plaсеs instеad. Lеarnеrs look at thе ехarnplе and sее that Stol.l,has bееn сrossеd out in thе boх. Irr pairs, thеy сhoosе thе right word from thе boх for еaсh Spaсе. Test tip: Lеorners should сross out words ofter сhoosing them for onswеrs in Poгt 4 of the Rеoding ond Writing Tеst. Cheсk onswеrs: 1 busg 2 bе 3 eoting 4 knows 5 сtiff 6 night Extension: Proсtise Port4 of thе SpeokingТest bg osking thе questions below. You сon do this in open сloss first ond then wгite the questions on the boord for leorners to osk ond onswеr in poirs. Whot do gou like doing with уour friends? Do gou like tolking with gour friends?Whot do gou ond gour best friend like tolking obout? Whot does gour best friend like eoting? @ I love eoting moonfish! Lеarnеrs сlosе tlrеir books. Ask: W,hut did Сoсkеttа Bil.d еаt ut Rаbbit's housе on thе еl,еttiпg? Сап 'l'ott l.еlltеmbеl'j2 (rrroorrfislr' bluе сlrееsе sarrdwiсlrеs. lirrrе сakеs) Whаt did Сoс,kеttа Bird huvе.fbr diпnеr oп thе sесonс] еt,еning? Qunglе fish. сarrot soup. pеar salad) If lеarnеrs сan't rrmеmbеr. thеv сan find thеsе answеrs on SB pp 29 and 30. In pairs, lеarnеrs look at thе piсtuгеs of food and at thе jLrmblеd lеttеrs. (Apart frolт сoсrllllll. tlrеsе aге all nеw words at Movеrs lеvеl.) Thеу writе thе words frorr-r thе jumblеd lеttеrs. chесk onswеrs: solod Posto сheese сoсonut vegetobles sondwiсhes Аsk Whаt do t,ott likе есttiпg'? Do l,ott likе soup? Whаt's -l,our.fhvoul.itе kiпd o/ soup,! Drl уoи |ikе vеgеtсlb|е.s,? Whut's t'ottt..fсtl,ottl.itе kiпd d' l'еgеtuhlе'? D o .t,o tt I i kе .у сt n сl у' i с' h е s,? |f h u t's t'o tt l. .f сtl' о tt l.i t е k i п d d sаndу'iс,h'? Writе lеarnеrs'answеrs on thе board. Lеarnеrs сomplеtе the I |oуе есttitlg... sеntеnсе with a list of thеir favouritе foods. Thеy сan сopy woгds fronr thе board or inсludе thеir own idеas. ln groups of thrее or four thеy ask and answеr lЦhаt с]o уott Iikе еаtiпg,? Groups thеn shaге Somе of thеir answеrs with thе сlass. @ '.у.gofl 11 Do some drowing. Lеarnеrs look at thе piсtuге of thе mеal on SB p 29. Tеll lеarnеrs thеy сan draw fouг rnorе thin-qs orr tlris tablе. Play Traсk l l of СDl and сhесk undеrstanding. Аsk Whсtt./bur things Сut1 |ou drау' oп thе tаhlе,? (sotте сhееsе, soll1е soup, a bisсuit, a сoсorrut) Рlay thе гесording а sесond tirnе if rrесеssaгy. Writе thе four things to draw on thе board. Сhесk that lеarnеrs еaсh havе a pеnсil and сolourirrg pеnсils. Тlrеy thеn draw thе four thirrgs on thе tablе. In pairs, thеy thеn сhoosе two morе things to draw. Thеу thеn еaсh сolour thеir drawings. Lеarnеrs takе turns to hold up thеir drawin-Цs and tеll thе сlass what thеy havе addеd to thе tablе. l
  • 21. Tоpesсript: Look ot the picture. Listen ond drow. Womon: Look ot RobbitЪ toble. Dгow some сheese on the toble.Тhot's right! Drow some сheese, pleose!And drow some soup too. Some vegetoblе soup! Whot nowl How obout o bisсuit? ТhotЪ o good ideo, l think.Yes, dгow o Ьisсuit. And noщ drow o сoсonut, p[еose.ThotЪ right, o big, brown сoсonut. Good! Homework idес: Leorners imogine theg orе going on o piсniс with four friends. Тheg write o [ist of oll the food theg nеed to toke with them foг the piсniс.Write the first line of theiг homework on the Ьoord: For our Dicniс,we сon toke six sondwiсhеs ond ... @ Robbit's good ideo! Lеaгnеrs look at tlrе iIrstruсtion and thе ехaIrlplе. Ask: Hrlw tttсttt.t. lt'r;l.r/.у ura iп |hе uttstt'еl..2 (two) How пtсttt.l' wtlrсl,s, с,ult ba iп auс,h uпstt'еt.,! (onе. two oг thrее) Lеaгnегs loоk at sеntеIrсеs l-6. In paiгs. lеarrrеrs find tlrе answегs ill thе tеxt. undегlinе thеnr and tlrеn wгitе tlrеtrr on thе сlottеd lirrеs' Тhе answегs arе all orr SB p 30. Cheсk onswers: I Coсketto Bird 2 on the ground 3 two/somе (сoсonut) bisсuits 4 hopped 5 сome ond get 6 flеw Lеarnеrs now look at thе liгst row oГ piсturеs. Ask: Whаt ('Цn |)otl sее itl thе first,/Ып.piс,tttt.еs.2 (a sсaгf. a lrat. a swеatеr and a сakе) Аsk: IЦhiсh piс,tttt.е i's сlif|ёrепr.2 (thе сakе) Аsk: Wh.t'.2 (You еat a сakе.) Writе on thе board: А sс,аrf' а hсlt сtпсl а S'есttеl.аt.е с'lothеs. You уt'есtt. thеm. You сloп't |'еаl.сt с'аkе. |bu еаr u с,а kе. Irr pairs oг slnall groups' lеarnеrs look at thе othеr two rows of piсturеs. Thеy dесidе whiсh is ditТеrеnt alrd lrow thеy сan ехplain tlrat. Walk rottnd and lrеlp iГ nесеssary. Aftеr сhесkirlg suggеstеd ansWегS, writе thе сoгrесt answеrs or tltе two suggеstеd answеrs bеlow on thе board. Suggested onswers: 2 A roЬЬit, o fгog ond o Ьot ore onimols. A bikе is diffeгent.You гide o bike. 3 Тhe kite, the Ьird ond the p[one сon oll flg. Тhе tгee is differеnt. It сon't flg! Tеst tip: |n Port 3 of the Speoking Test, the exominеr will he[p the сondidote, if neсessorg, Ь9 prompting the differenсe. But if leorners сon soЧ how one piсture is different without the exominerЪ PromPt' theg will get o Ьettеr mork' Note olso thot there is no speсifiс сorreсt onswer.There will be one diffеrеnсe thot is verg evident, but leoгners qre not penolised in the exom for spotting o different differenсe! Extension/Homеwork ideo: Leorners drow their own .Whiсh one is differentl' set on o piесe of PoPeг. Co[leсt thе drowings ond give them out to grouPs of four or five. Groups sog whiсh one is different in eoсh сose, ond whg. O Quietlg or toudtg? Lеaгnегs look at thе ехсегpt fiorrl tlrе stoгy arrd firrd thе -/r. advегbs in it. (с1ttiеrl.l^, с,ul.е/itl|.l., (ttttlt.е) с1ttiеtl.t.' c1uiсklv and |oudl.t') Wгitе tlrеsе advеrbs on thе boaгd. Poirrt Io с1ttiеtl.l'and louсll.t,. Saу: 1'nt tаlking quiеtl-l''.. (and do that). but ltolr I'm tаlking loudl.t'' (and do that) Mimе piсking somеthing Llp vеry сarеfirlly. Ask: Нoуt' сttlt I piс'king rhis (book) up,.) (сarеfully) Poirrt to саrеfilllv on tlrе board. Minrе moving quiсkly. Ask: Horr' um I mol'ittg,') (qrriсkly) Now ask a lеaгnег to piсk up tlrеir pеn сarеfully, anotlrег to say hеllo loudlу and anothег to stand up arrd walk to tlrе door qrriсklу. If lеarnеrs undеrstand gramnratiсal еxplanations, ехplain that tlrеsе arе advеrbs and tlrat advеrbs сan dеsсribе how wе do/did somеtlring. Lеarnеrs look at thе sеntеnсеs atrd сonrplеtе thе -/r. words. Chесk onswers: 1 quiсklg 2 loudtg 3 quietlg 4 сorеfullч Аsk Wltut t|o .t,ott lеаrп.fiтlllt ехpгеss thеiг idеas irr Еnglish. tllс'ir L l. Aftег thе disсrrssioll. sirllplс allswсгs in Еnglish. Suggestions: lt's wrong to be grеedg. It's good to shore things. Pеop[е don't hove to wеor wonderful сlothes to look bеoutiful or to hovе good friends. Extеnsion/Homework idеo: Leorners in smoll gгouPs look ot the big piсtuгe on SB p 30. Тheg write six sentenсes сo desсribe it.You сould write prompt questions on the boord to help them plon this. Leorners then tell this port of the storg ogoin, using the Present simple ond сontinuous tenses os theg would in Port 2 of the Speoking Тest. For exomplе: Whot,s the weother like? ltЪ o sunng dog. WhotЪ Сoсketto Bird doing? Coсketto Biгd is ftging. WhereЪ Сoсketto Bird going? Coсketto Bird's going home. @ whiсh one is different? Pr-rt thгее books and a pеn on yor-rr dеsk. Say: Thrее things сlt.е thе '0t1lе, olrc thiпg is сli/|ёrепt, Whаt''s di.l|ёrепt,.) (tlrе pеn) Givе a rl.rodеl ansWеr: Yе,s' thеsе сtt.е uIl boоks but thе pеlt i.s cli//ёrепt.Ytltt l'уl.itе with u pеtt. Ptrt thгее objесts that arе thе sat.nе сolouг oll your dеsk anсl onе whiсh is a diffеrеnt сolouг. For ехamplе a rеd pеnсil. а геd book. a rеd hat and a bluе rr'rlег. Ask: IЦhiс,h tlltс i's di/|ёrеltt,? (thtэ гulег) Givе a sесond Inodеl answеr: Уa's, tltе'уе сtt.е ulI rеd' but thе rulcr is сli||ёrепt. It'S bluе. Iltis .strlr.l,,? If lеarnеrs сan't allow tlrеtтt to spеak irr ask lеarnеrs for a fеw
  • 22. - hаt thе tа ) OW Гy. I oу|' nеr ,o -l I __l Note: These _ly odverbs ore on the Мovers woгd list: bod|g,corefullg, Ioudlg, quiсklg' quietlg,s{ow{g. Lеorners сou[d olso moke others (e.g.beoutiful{y) using odjeсtivеs theg olreodg know. Havе your advеrb сards rrady from .I'm doing it likе this!'(p 53). Writе all thе listеd advеrbs on thr board: sloи'l1,, quiсklv, louсllу, quiеtlv, сrlrе.filllу, sаdlу,' hаppilv, bаdll,. Rеvisе thе trrеaning of any of thеsе if nесеssary. Show lеarnеrs what thеy should do nехt. Writе еаtiпg quiсkll, orr thе boaгd' thеn nrimе еating quiсkly. Ask: Whаt аllt I doiпg.? Prornpt lеarnеrs to answеr in сhorus: Yott'l.е есttitlg quiсklv. Dividе thе advеrb сards into two sеts (еaсh сolumn is onе sеt), onе for еaсh tеaln. Kееp thеsе nехt to you. Dividе thе сlass into two tеams. onе tеam сomеS to thе front of thе сlass; thе othеr tеam watсhеs. onе lеarnеr from thе first tеam сomеs to you to сollесt thеir first сard and rеturns to tlrеir tеam to mimе thе aсtion on thе сard. Wlrеn a lеarnеr ilr a tеam guеSsrs сorrесtly, that lеarnеr сomеs to you for thеir tеam'S sесond сard. Сontinuе for fouг nrinutеs and thеn givе thе tеam a point for еaсh aсtiоn thеy havе сorrесtly guеssеd. Rеpеat with thе othеr tеam. Тhе tеam with morе points is thе winnеr. Теасh/геvisе сomparativе advеrbs. Rеad out thе first two sеntеnсеs in thе еxсеrpt. Ask a lеarnеr to hеlp you show qlliсlA'and пlot.е quiеtlv, Whispеr Wаlk quiеtlv to thе lеarnеr. Thе lеarnеr walks quiеtly. Thеn walk morе quiеtly yoursеlf. Saу (X) и'а|kеd quiеtlv, but I и,аIkеd more quiеtlv. Тo praсtisе othеr сonrparativе advеrbs, you сould ask lеarnеrs to walk quiсkly and morе quiсkly, talk loudly and morе loudly, and сarry somеthing сarеfullу and morе сarеflully. e Luсg's emoil to her grondfother Ask: Do |,ott sепс| еmаils or v'ritе lеttеrs,? Сап уott tt,pе qttiсklt|? (n-rir.rrе typing) Do 1,ott tvpе sIov'll,.? Do ),rlu v'ritе саrе/uIlt,,? , Lеarnеrs rеad Luсy's еmail to hеr grandfathеr without adding thе missing words. Аsk Whiс did Lucv .fiпd on hеr сontputеr,? (the moonfish) . Wb, is Luсll,s grапd.fаthеr а good pеrson to и'ritе to аbout this,? (Нe knows lots about birds and fish.) . Ask: Do l'ott think tl,tеt.е rеа|lу аrе juпglе.fish аnd Сoсkеttсt Bil.ds,? * In pairs or on thеir own. lеarnеrs rеad Luсy's еnrail again and сhoosе thе right words to put in thе spacеs. Cheсk onswers: Iln 2of 3live Цor 5o Тest tip: Prepositions oгe often tested in Port 6 of thе Reoding ond Writing Тest. Мoke sure leornеrs know thot we sog in o stoгg but on o сomPuteг (like on o poge). If your сlass has aссеSs to thе intеrnеt, two lеarnеrs сould find a photо of a moonfish. If intеrnеt aссеss is widеly availablе at homе' all lеarrrеrs сould find onе and draw a piсturе оf onе for homеwork or aS an introduсtion to thе projесt idеa in Aсtivity K. @ Whot do gou know obout robbits? А'sk: Whаt do t,ott knoи'аbout t.сtbbits'? In groups of thrее or four, lеarnеrs hеlp еaсh othеr to сomplеtе thе sеntеnсеs about rabbits. Thеу сan uSе l]1orе than onе word in еaсh answеr. Groups takе turns to rеad out thеir tехts to thе rеst of thе сlass. Suggested onswеrs (oссept ong гeosonoble voriotions): t beoutiful 2 brown 3 smoll 4 eoгs 5 quiсklg 6 сorгots 7 gross 8 vegetobles O Moke on onimql poster! Homеwork/Proiесt ideo: Leoгners moke o Poster obout roЬbits or ong othеr onimols theg like, foг exomple Porrots, miсe, Ьots, frogs.Тheg drow their onimol ond write obout it, using the text in Aсtivitg K os o guide.Theg might like to odd their onimolЪ mеosuгements ond o mop of wherе it сon be found or o piсtuгe of its hoЬitot.