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Saving lives with RxJava
Shahar Barsheshet
About me
Shahar Barsheshet
Talk agenda
● Intro to RxJava
● Why and How?
● Common Mistakes
and some tips
Do You Rx?
Intro to Rx
reactive programming is a programming paradigm oriented around data flows and the
propagation of change. This means that it should be possible to express static or
dynamic data flows with ease in the programming languages used, and that the
underlying execution model will automatically propagate changes through the data flow.
RxJava ← Reactive eXtentions ← Reactive Programing
Mmmm…. Data Flow….
Intro to Rx
Definition from ReactiveX:
ReactiveX is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using
observable sequences.
It extends the observer pattern to support sequences of data and/or events and adds
operators that allow you to compose sequences together declaratively while abstracting
away concerns about things like low-level threading, synchronization, thread-safety,
concurrent data structures, and non-blocking I/O.
The Problem
The Problem
Some solutions:
● AsyncTask
○ Comfortable - nice callbacks
○ Error handling sucks - Tuple??
○ The lost Context
○ Composing multiple calls… oh no!
○ Testing… yeah right…
● Threading
○ Very hard to handle concurrency
○ Bugs are easy to create
● IntentService
○ Easy to use
○ Updating the UI isn't trivial
○ Concurrency…???
The Solution
● Can easily join background operations
● Easy error handling
● Can be tied to lifecycle
● Easy to test
● Remove boilerplate code
RxJava with Android
● RxAndroid - Android Schedulers
● RxBinding - by Jake Wharton
● RxJava
compile 'com.jakewharton.rxbinding:rxbinding:1.0.0'
compile 'io.reactivex:rxandroid:1.2.1'
compile 'io.reactivex:rxjava:1.2.6'
compile 'io.reactivex:rxjava:1.2.6'
Rx Concepts
● Observable and the observer contracts
● Operators
● Schedulers
The Observable
Observables emits data when you subscribe to them.
● onNext(0 … ∞)
● onComplete(0 … 1)
● onError(0 … 1)
onError() and onComplete() are exclusive.
Subscribers and Subscriptions
Once subscribing to an Observable, we get the Subscription object.
The Subscription describes the connection between the Observable and the
As long as we are subscribed, we will get data emitted from the Observable.
To stop the Observable from emitting more item, we just need to call
Error handling
When an error occurs, the Observable stop emitting data.
onError(Throwable t) gets called so we can handle the error in a proper way.
What happens if we don't implement onError(Throwable t) ?
The Magazine...
Subscribing - creating the Subscription
Preparing dataData ready - user
can observe
Subscribers and Subscriptions
Subscription mySubscription = myIntegers.subscribe(new Subscriber<Integer>() {
public void onCompleted() {
// YEY!! finished emitting all the integers
public void onError(Throwable e) {
// something bad happened
public void onNext(Integer integer) {
// we just got a new integer
Observable<Integer> myIntegers = Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
ReactiveX offers lots of operators to handle and manipulate data.
Creating Observables
● Just — convert an object or a set of objects into an Observable that emits that or those objects
● Interval — create an Observable that emits a sequence of integers spaced by a particular time interval
● Create — create an Observable from scratch by calling observer methods programmatically
Transforming Observables
● Map — transform the items emitted by an Observable by applying a function to each item
Combining Observables
● Merge — combine multiple Observables into one by merging their emissions
● CombineLatest — when an item is emitted by either of two Observables, combine the latest item emitted by each
Observable via a specified function and emit items based on the results of this function
Operators - Map
Operators - Filter
Observable<Integer> myIntegers = Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Observable<Integer> evenIntegers = myIntegers.filter(new Func1<Integer, Boolean>() {
public Boolean call(Integer integer) {
return integer % 2 == 0;
// onNext("Just mapped 2")
// onNext("Just mapped 4")
// onComplete()
Observable<String> mappedToString = Func1<Integer, String>() {
public String call(Integer integer) {
return "Just mapped " + integer;
Observable<Integer> myIntegers = Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
myIntegers.filter(new Func1<Integer, Boolean>() {
public Boolean call(Integer integer) {
return integer % 2 == 0;
}).map(new Func1<Integer, String>() {
public String call(Integer integer) {
return "Just mapped " + integer;
Lambda Expression
new Func1<String, Integer>()
public Integer call(String string)
return string.length();
(String string) ->
return string.length();
string -> string.length();
= =
.filter(integer -> integer % 2 == 0)
.map(integer -> "Just mapped " + integer);
Observable<Integer> myIntegers = Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
myIntegers.filter(new Func1<Integer, Boolean>() {
public Boolean call(Integer integer) {
return integer % 2 == 0;
}).map(new Func1<Integer, String>() {
public String call(Integer integer) {
return "Just mapped " + integer;
From this:
To this:
By default, an Observable and the chain of operators that you apply to it
will do its work, and will notify its observers, on the same thread on
which its Subscribe method is called. The SubscribeOn operator
changes this behavior by specifying a different Scheduler on which the
Observable should operate.
● Schedulers.computation( ) meant for computational work such
as event-loops and callback processing
● ) meant for I/O-bound work such as asynchronous
performance of blocking I/O, this scheduler is backed by a
thread-pool that will grow as needed
● AndroidSchedulers.mainThread( ) (using RxAndroid)
subscribeOn() and observeOn
String userId = "102";
AsyncTask getUserTask = new AsyncTask<String, Void, User>() {
protected User doInBackground(String[] strings) {
return ServerAPI.getUserProfile(strings[0]);
protected void onPostExecute(User user) {
mAdapter.add(user.firstName + " " + user.lastName);
String userId = "102";
.map(id -> ServerAPI.getUserProfile(id))
.subscribe(user -> {
mAdapter.add(user.firstName + " " + user.lastName);
}, throwable -> {
Toast.makeText(this, "An error occurred, please try again"
, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
.map(id -> ServerAPI.getUserProfile(id))
.subscribe(user -> {
mAdapter.add(user.firstName + " " + user.lastName);
}, throwable -> {
Toast.makeText(this, "An error occurred, please try again"
, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
//initialize the TimerTask's job
TimerTask timerTask = new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
// Do some cool stuff
// on the UI Thread
//set a new Timer
Timer timer = new Timer();
//schedule the timer, after the first 5000ms
// the TimerTask will run every 10000ms
timer.schedule(timerTask, 5000, 10000);
Observable.interval(5000, 10000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.subscribe(interval -> {
// Do some cool stuff
// on the UI Thread
public static Observable<Long> interval(long initialDelay, long period, TimeUnit unit) {
return interval(initialDelay, period, unit, Schedulers.computation());
Search address using Google Places API
TextWatcher() {
public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence
charSequence, int i, int i1, int i2) {
GetPlaces task = new GetPlaces();
String check = mEditText.getText().toString();
public void onTextChanged(CharSequence
charSequence, int i, int i1, int i2) {}
public void afterTextChanged(Editable editable) {}
// get the list of predictions in an asynctask
class GetPlaces extends AsyncTask<String, Void, ArrayList<String>> {
protected ArrayList<String> doInBackground(String... args) {
ArrayList<String> predictionsArr = new ArrayList<String>();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// return all the predictions based on the typing the in the search
return predictionsArr;
protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList<String> result) {
// update the list with new data
Search address using Google Places API - using RxJava
.debounce(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.filter(charSequence -> charSequence != null && charSequence.length() > 0)
.map(charSequence -> ServerAPI.getSuggestionsFromGoogleAPI(charSequence))
.doOnError(throwable -> {
// show user something about this error
.subscribe(strings -> {
// update the list with new data
Getting the current country
Getting the current country
public Observable<CountryProvider> getCountryCode()
Observable<CountryProvider> locationObservable = getCountryFromLocationProvider();
Observable<CountryProvider> ipObservable = getCountryFromNetwork();
Observable<CountryProvider> providerObservable = getCountryFromNetworkProvider();
return Observable.merge(providerObservable, locationObservable, ipObservable)
.startWith(new CountryProvider("il", CountryProviderType.DEFAULT))
.scan((countryProvider, countryProvider2) -> {
if (countryProvider2 == null)
return countryProvider;
int value1 = countryProvider.getProviderType().getValue();
int value2 = countryProvider2.getProviderType().getValue();
return value1 > value2 ? countryProvider : countryProvider2;
Getting the current country
.subscribe(countryProvider ->
Toast.makeText(this, "Got country " + countryProvider.getCountryCode()
+ " from provider: " + countryProvider.getProviderType().name()
, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
And Tips
Default Schedulers
.subscribe(); → happens on the current thread
.delay(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.subscribe(); → happens on the computation thread
Multiple SubscribeOn
.map(string -> string.length())
Observable.just("Hello") // current thread
.map(string -> string.length()) // io
.subscribe(); // computation
Multiple observeOn do work as expected.
Memory leak
● Subscribers can leak!
● Use leakcanary
● Unsubscribe when leaving
Subscription subscription = Observable.just("Hello").subscribe();
Subscription myIntegerSubscription = myIntegers.subscribe(new Subscriber<Integer>() {
public void onCompleted() {}
public void onError(Throwable e) {}
public void onNext(Integer integer) {}
Subscription myStringSubscription = myStrings.subscribe(new Subscriber<String>() {
public void onCompleted() {}
public void onError(Throwable e) {}
public void onNext(String string) {}
Observable<Integer> myIntegers = Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Observable<String> myStrings = Observable.just("one", "two", "three", "four", "five");
// OR
CompositeSubscription compositeSubscription = new CompositeSubscription();
private CompositeSubscription mSubscriptions;
public void onViewCreated(View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);
mSubscriptions = new CompositeSubscription();
public void onDestroyView() {
if (!mSubscriptions.isUnsubscribed())
public void addSubscriptionToViewLifeCycle(Subscription subscription) {
By the way
We are hiring!Shahar Barsheshet
Source code

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Saving lives with rx java

  • 1. Saving lives with RxJava Shahar Barsheshet
  • 3. Talk agenda ● Intro to RxJava ● Why and How? ● Common Mistakes and some tips
  • 5. Intro to Rx Wikipedia: reactive programming is a programming paradigm oriented around data flows and the propagation of change. This means that it should be possible to express static or dynamic data flows with ease in the programming languages used, and that the underlying execution model will automatically propagate changes through the data flow. RxJava ← Reactive eXtentions ← Reactive Programing
  • 7. Intro to Rx Definition from ReactiveX: ReactiveX is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences. It extends the observer pattern to support sequences of data and/or events and adds operators that allow you to compose sequences together declaratively while abstracting away concerns about things like low-level threading, synchronization, thread-safety, concurrent data structures, and non-blocking I/O.
  • 9. The Problem Some solutions: ● AsyncTask ○ Comfortable - nice callbacks ○ Error handling sucks - Tuple?? ○ The lost Context ○ Composing multiple calls… oh no! ○ Testing… yeah right… ● Threading ○ Very hard to handle concurrency ○ Bugs are easy to create ● IntentService ○ Easy to use ○ Updating the UI isn't trivial ○ Concurrency…???
  • 10. The Solution RxJava ● Can easily join background operations ● Easy error handling ● Can be tied to lifecycle ● Easy to test ● Remove boilerplate code
  • 11. RxJava with Android ● RxAndroid - Android Schedulers ● RxBinding - by Jake Wharton ● RxJava compile 'com.jakewharton.rxbinding:rxbinding:1.0.0' compile 'io.reactivex:rxandroid:1.2.1' compile 'io.reactivex:rxjava:1.2.6' compile 'io.reactivex:rxjava:1.2.6'
  • 12. Rx Concepts ● Observable and the observer contracts ● Operators ● Schedulers
  • 13. The Observable Observables emits data when you subscribe to them. ● onNext(0 … ∞) ● onComplete(0 … 1) ● onError(0 … 1) onError() and onComplete() are exclusive.
  • 14. Subscribers and Subscriptions Once subscribing to an Observable, we get the Subscription object. The Subscription describes the connection between the Observable and the observer. As long as we are subscribed, we will get data emitted from the Observable. To stop the Observable from emitting more item, we just need to call subscription.unsubscribe();
  • 15. Error handling When an error occurs, the Observable stop emitting data. onError(Throwable t) gets called so we can handle the error in a proper way. What happens if we don't implement onError(Throwable t) ?
  • 16. The Magazine... Subscribing - creating the Subscription Preparing dataData ready - user can observe Error!!!Complete Observable Observer Unsubscribe
  • 17. Subscribers and Subscriptions Subscription mySubscription = myIntegers.subscribe(new Subscriber<Integer>() { @Override public void onCompleted() { // YEY!! finished emitting all the integers } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { // something bad happened } @Override public void onNext(Integer integer) { // we just got a new integer } }); Observable<Integer> myIntegers = Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); mySubscription.unsubscribe();
  • 18. Operators ReactiveX offers lots of operators to handle and manipulate data. Creating Observables ● Just — convert an object or a set of objects into an Observable that emits that or those objects ● Interval — create an Observable that emits a sequence of integers spaced by a particular time interval ● Create — create an Observable from scratch by calling observer methods programmatically Transforming Observables ● Map — transform the items emitted by an Observable by applying a function to each item Combining Observables ● Merge — combine multiple Observables into one by merging their emissions ● CombineLatest — when an item is emitted by either of two Observables, combine the latest item emitted by each Observable via a specified function and emit items based on the results of this function
  • 21. Operators Observable<Integer> myIntegers = Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); Observable<Integer> evenIntegers = myIntegers.filter(new Func1<Integer, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean call(Integer integer) { return integer % 2 == 0; } }); mappedToString.subscribe(); // onNext("Just mapped 2") // onNext("Just mapped 4") // onComplete() Observable<String> mappedToString = Func1<Integer, String>() { @Override public String call(Integer integer) { return "Just mapped " + integer; } });
  • 22. Operators Observable<Integer> myIntegers = Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); myIntegers.filter(new Func1<Integer, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean call(Integer integer) { return integer % 2 == 0; } }).map(new Func1<Integer, String>() { @Override public String call(Integer integer) { return "Just mapped " + integer; } });
  • 23. Lambda Expression new Func1<String, Integer>() { @Override public Integer call(String string) { return string.length(); } }; (String string) -> { return string.length(); }; string -> string.length(); = =
  • 24. Operators myIntegers .filter(integer -> integer % 2 == 0) .map(integer -> "Just mapped " + integer); Observable<Integer> myIntegers = Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); myIntegers.filter(new Func1<Integer, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean call(Integer integer) { return integer % 2 == 0; } }).map(new Func1<Integer, String>() { @Override public String call(Integer integer) { return "Just mapped " + integer; } }); From this: To this:
  • 25. Schedulers By default, an Observable and the chain of operators that you apply to it will do its work, and will notify its observers, on the same thread on which its Subscribe method is called. The SubscribeOn operator changes this behavior by specifying a different Scheduler on which the Observable should operate. ● Schedulers.computation( ) meant for computational work such as event-loops and callback processing ● ) meant for I/O-bound work such as asynchronous performance of blocking I/O, this scheduler is backed by a thread-pool that will grow as needed ● AndroidSchedulers.mainThread( ) (using RxAndroid) subscribeOn() and observeOn
  • 26. AsyncTask String userId = "102"; AsyncTask getUserTask = new AsyncTask<String, Void, User>() { @Override protected User doInBackground(String[] strings) { return ServerAPI.getUserProfile(strings[0]); } @Override protected void onPostExecute(User user) { super.onPostExecute(user); mAdapter.add(user.firstName + " " + user.lastName); } }; getUserTask.execute(userId);
  • 27. AsyncTask String userId = "102"; Observable.just(userId) .map(id -> ServerAPI.getUserProfile(id)) .subscribe(user -> { mAdapter.add(user.firstName + " " + user.lastName); }, throwable -> { Toast.makeText(this, "An error occurred, please try again" , Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }); Observable.just(userId) .map(id -> ServerAPI.getUserProfile(id)) .subscribeOn( .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe(user -> { mAdapter.add(user.firstName + " " + user.lastName); }, throwable -> { Toast.makeText(this, "An error occurred, please try again" , Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); });
  • 28. TimerTask //initialize the TimerTask's job TimerTask timerTask = new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { // Do some cool stuff // on the UI Thread } }; //set a new Timer Timer timer = new Timer(); //schedule the timer, after the first 5000ms // the TimerTask will run every 10000ms timer.schedule(timerTask, 5000, 10000);
  • 29. TimerTask Observable.interval(5000, 10000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe(interval -> { // Do some cool stuff // on the UI Thread }); public static Observable<Long> interval(long initialDelay, long period, TimeUnit unit) { return interval(initialDelay, period, unit, Schedulers.computation()); }
  • 30. Search address using Google Places API mEditText.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() { @Override public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence charSequence, int i, int i1, int i2) { GetPlaces task = new GetPlaces(); String check = mEditText.getText().toString(); task.execute(check); } @Override public void onTextChanged(CharSequence charSequence, int i, int i1, int i2) {} @Override public void afterTextChanged(Editable editable) {} }); // get the list of predictions in an asynctask class GetPlaces extends AsyncTask<String, Void, ArrayList<String>> { @Override protected ArrayList<String> doInBackground(String... args) { ArrayList<String> predictionsArr = new ArrayList<String>(); try { ServerAPI.getSuggestionsFromGoogleAPI(args[0]); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // return all the predictions based on the typing the in the search return predictionsArr; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList<String> result) { // update the list with new data } }
  • 31. Search address using Google Places API - using RxJava RxTextView.textChanges(mEditText) .debounce(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .distinctUntilChanged() .filter(charSequence -> charSequence != null && charSequence.length() > 0) .map(charSequence -> ServerAPI.getSuggestionsFromGoogleAPI(charSequence)) .subscribeOn( .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .doOnError(throwable -> { // show user something about this error }) .subscribe(strings -> { // update the list with new data });
  • 32. Getting the current country Network Provider IP GPS
  • 33. Getting the current country public Observable<CountryProvider> getCountryCode() { Observable<CountryProvider> locationObservable = getCountryFromLocationProvider(); Observable<CountryProvider> ipObservable = getCountryFromNetwork(); Observable<CountryProvider> providerObservable = getCountryFromNetworkProvider(); return Observable.merge(providerObservable, locationObservable, ipObservable) .subscribeOn( .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .startWith(new CountryProvider("il", CountryProviderType.DEFAULT)) .scan((countryProvider, countryProvider2) -> { if (countryProvider2 == null) { return countryProvider; } int value1 = countryProvider.getProviderType().getValue(); int value2 = countryProvider2.getProviderType().getValue(); return value1 > value2 ? countryProvider : countryProvider2; }) .distinctUntilChanged() .onErrorReturn(null); }
  • 34. Getting the current country mCountryManager.getCountryCode() .subscribeOn( .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe(countryProvider -> { Toast.makeText(this, "Got country " + countryProvider.getCountryCode() + " from provider: " + countryProvider.getProviderType().name() , Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); });
  • 36. Default Schedulers Observable.just("hello") .subscribe(); → happens on the current thread Observable.just("hello") .delay(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .subscribe(); → happens on the computation thread VS
  • 37. Multiple SubscribeOn Observable.just("Hello") .subscribeOn( .map(string -> string.length()) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.computation()) .subscribe(); io()
  • 38. ObserveOn Observable.just("Hello") // current thread .observeOn( .map(string -> string.length()) // io .observeOn(Schedulers.computation()) .subscribe(); // computation Multiple observeOn do work as expected.
  • 39. Memory leak ● Subscribers can leak! ● Use leakcanary ● Unsubscribe when leaving
  • 40. Unsubscribe Subscription subscription = Observable.just("Hello").subscribe(); subscription.unsubscribe();
  • 41. CompositeSubscription Subscription myIntegerSubscription = myIntegers.subscribe(new Subscriber<Integer>() { @Override public void onCompleted() {} @Override public void onError(Throwable e) {} @Override public void onNext(Integer integer) {} }); Subscription myStringSubscription = myStrings.subscribe(new Subscriber<String>() { @Override public void onCompleted() {} @Override public void onError(Throwable e) {} @Override public void onNext(String string) {} }); compositeSubscription.add(myIntegerSubscription); compositeSubscription.add(myStringSubscription); Observable<Integer> myIntegers = Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); Observable<String> myStrings = Observable.just("one", "two", "three", "four", "five"); compositeSubscription.unsubscribe(); // OR compositeSubscription.clear(); CompositeSubscription compositeSubscription = new CompositeSubscription();
  • 42. LifeCycle private CompositeSubscription mSubscriptions; @Override public void onViewCreated(View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState); mSubscriptions = new CompositeSubscription(); } @Override public void onDestroyView() { super.onDestroyView(); if (!mSubscriptions.isUnsubscribed()) mSubscriptions.unsubscribe(); } public void addSubscriptionToViewLifeCycle(Subscription subscription) { mSubscriptions.add(subscription); }
  • 43. Thanks! By the way We are hiring!Shahar Barsheshet Source code