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Gestão da Cadeia
de Suprimentos
como Diferencial
Daniel Bio - SAP Brasil
Outubro 2010
Cenários de Negócios
O Brasil e o Mundo
Mercados Interno e Externo
Brasil - Há apenas 20 anos atrás ...
Brasil – Hoje Algumas certezas ...
R$ 300 bilhões até 2014
R$ 130 bilhões
R$ 537 bilhões
Engenharia e Construção
© SAP 2010 / Page 5
13% 0%0%0%0%0%0%
Sports Events Investiments x EC&O - Impact (Euro Bi)
8 Euro Bi
52 Euro Bi
Total Investiment
60 Euro Bi
Fontes: Ministro do Desenvolvimento : Miguel Jorge – Seminario FIESP – Junho 2010
Revista Valor Infraestrutura - Maio 2010
Engenharia e Construção
© SAP 2010 / Page 6
Brazil Investiments 2011 - 2020
Popular Home Build
Oil Extraction
(regular Investiment)
Oil Extraction (pre
salt Investiment)
Infrastructure230 Euro
100 Euro Bi
100 Euro Bi
Total Investiment
470 Euro Bi
Fontes: Ministro do Desenvolvimento : Miguel Jorge – Seminario FIESP – Junho 2010
Revista Valor Infraestrutura - Maio 2010
Papel e Celulose e Metalurgia
(Mercado Interno )
Auto suppliers continue to move
toward building a low cost
manufacturing presence
Raw material prices are increasing
and margins are shrinking
Customers are looking for higher
quality and faster product
Pressure mounting to improve operational performance while meeting escalating customer requirements
Cenário Mundial
Desafios dos “Global Automotive Suppliers”
Global Competition
Rising costs and shrinking
Higher Customer Expectations
The world wide crisis came on top
 Automotive market not expected to recover completely before 2013
Cenário Mundial
Montadoras de Veículos
Source: PWC Automotive Institute Datacenter
Cenário Mundial
Preço do Petróleo ($100/bbl again…)
Spot Oil Prices
Truck Rail Water
Source: ACC’s Guide to Business of Chemistry
Cenário Mundial
Preços por modal de Transportes…
Cenário Mundial… a Gestão de Transportes
esta no topo dos investimentos
An Aberdeen benchmark Study on the Process
Industry shows that Transportation Management is the
Top Investment Area to drive Supply Chain and
Logistics Performance
Source: Aberdeen – Supply Chain Cost Cutting Strategies for
the Process Industry, March 2007
25%30%40%Demand management
25%17%40%Strategic network design
25%17%43%Warehouse/dock/yard mgmt
38%29%44%Inventory optimization
13%52%57%Product/batch traceability
13%36%Manufacturing applications
Best in Class
13%Channel management (channel sales data
visibility, prevent speculation/diversions,
25%Transportation management
New Applications Implemented as Part
of Improvement Strategy
25%30%40%Demand management
25%17%40%Strategic network design
25%17%43%Warehouse/dock/yard mgmt
38%29%44%Inventory optimization
13%52%57%Product/batch traceability
13%36%Manufacturing applications
Best in Class
13%Channel management (channel sales data
visibility, prevent speculation/diversions,
25%Transportation management
New Applications Implemented as Part
of Improvement Strategy
An ARC benchmark Study on Manufacturing
Industries IT Spending ranked Supply Chain
Performance (Time, Service Levels) and better
Transportation Planning and Execution as top
priorities where to focus investments
Source: ARC Advisory Group – Manufacturing IT
Benchmarking Analysis Report, April 2008
Finished-goods inventory
up from 2005
Cenário Mundial
Varejo o desafio do Planejamento
Retailers are offering POS data and engage in new ways yet manufacturers are still battling high inventory
levels, inflated supply chain costs and service level issues
Missing ever-stretching
service level targets
Source: IBM Institute for Business Value, 2008 GMA Logistics Survey
Finished-goods inventory up from 2005
Cenário Mundial
Varejo o desafio da Logística
Growing complexity and Rising fuel costs leads to increased Logistics costs per unit and despite increased
inventory Customer Service targets are being missed.
Missing ever-stretching service level targets
Source: IBM Institute for Business Value, 2008 GMA Logistics Survey
Doubling Logistics cost per Unit
E as nossas empresas?
Empresas no Brasil !! ??
Complexidade crescente
Importância da Visibilidade
Os processos não estão integrados, havendo
falhas em toda a cadeia de suprimentos …
Foco em :
Planejam. e
De Risco
• Gestão de Risco
• Planejamento
• Vendas
• RH
• Finanças
• Operações
© SAP 2008 / Page 16
Baixa utilização dos ativos
Visibilidade de inventários
( MRO )
Custos altos Baixa Colaboração
Inúmeros SKUs
com novas
Empresas /
de Integração
Processos industriais
não integrado.
Dificuldade de
Integrar com
no Atendimento
de pedidos e
no cumprimento
das condições
Falhas na
Captação e
Entrega de
Visibilidade de
Planta Manufatura
Baixa visibilidade
Impacto das variações de
Preços e Demanda nos estoques
Troca de
Plano de
Produção e uso
dos ativos
Custos de
e Inteligência de
Solução: Promover a Visibilidade e Integração dos Processos
Capacidade de
Utlização ,
Programação e
Avaliar Demanda e
(Compras e
Análise de Valor
Escalável (SOA)
Informações em
Tempo real
Integração na Cadeia de Suprimentos
Inteligência de
na Precificação
Planejamento e
e performance
da Produção
Integração do
© SAP 2008 / Page 17
Increased Visibility
to Orders
Increased Visibility
to Orders
Visão Global da Cadeia Suprimentos
do Fornecedor ao Cliente
Processos de Negócios de ponta a ponta
Comprar Suprir Produzir Vender Movimentar Serviços Cliente
Planejamento da Cadeia de Suprimentos
Visão Global da Cadeia Suprimentos
do Fornecedor ao Cliente
Processos de Negócios de ponta a ponta
Comprar Suprir Produzir Vender Movimentar Serviços Cliente
Planejamento da Cadeia de Suprimentos
SCM solution enables Consumer Products
companies to create a Responsive Supply Network
SCM Solution allows Consumer
Products companies to better respond
to demand and supply dynamics across
the supply network….
 Integrated End to end planning processes
 Connecting Sales and Marketing with Supply
 Tightly integrated Supply Chain Execution
 Build-in performance measurement
 Easily deployable in modular implementable
Design Source Make Store Move Sell Service
Product Safety & Traceability
Logistics & Fulfillment Management
Demand & Supply Planning
High-Level Business Process
Planning Horizon
Demand Planning
Supply Network
Global Planned
Planned Stock
Confirmed Stock
Planned Orders
Synchronize supply with demand in your
global supply chain by balancing push and
pull network-planning processes and by
handling replenishment and production
based on actual demand.
 APO DP: Improves the forecast quality and
planning accuracy
 APO SNP: Improves visibility across your global
supply chain and lowers inventory
 APO PP/DS: Supports you in creating optimized
production plans
 APO gATP: Allows state-of-the-art sales order
confirmation planning processes
 APO TP/VS: Optimizes transportation loads and
minimizes transportation costs
 APO Alert Monitor: Powerful exception message
system integrated in all APO planning modules
Global Available-to-Promise
Demand Planning
Supply Network Planning
Production Planning &
Detailed Scheduling
Advanced Planning & Optimization
Transportation Planning &
Vehicle Scheduling
How SAP APO is structured
APO DP (Demand Planning)
 Comprehensive forecasting tool-set
 Statistical forecasting with causal
and time-series methods
 Selection of best-fit model
 Automatic outlier detection available
 Highly configurable planning books
with macro functionality
 Supporting aggregation /
disaggregation logic
 Lifecycle planning
 Plan promotions separately from the
rest of your forecast
 Track & monitor forecast accuracy
 Seasonal planning
 Collaborative demand planning
 Improved forecast quality
 One tool for power and business user
 Consolidated demand plan (different
regions, countries, departments, …)
Key BenefitsFeatures
Calculate and determine future demand to improve demand quality
and accuracy
Exemplo Ciclo do Planejamento de
APO Supply Network Planning (SNP) is the
solution to your problems…
Key BenefitsFeatures
 Increased visibility over the whole
supply chain
 Optimized sourcing and capacity
 Shortened order-fulfillment times
 Reduced inventory levels
 Improved customer service
 Integrate purchasing, manufacturing,
distribution, and transportation
 Consider constraints and penalties to
plan the product flow along the supply
 Enable planning on different levels of
detail (aggregated planning)
 Choice of heuristic-, rule- or
optimization-based algorithm
 Advanced safety stock planning
 Shelf-life
Calculates quantities to be produced and delivered to the locations to
match customer demand and maintain desired service levels.
Collaborative Demand & Supply Planning
© SAP 2008 / Page 26
Business Scenarios
Periodic Revision
Rolling Forecast
Strategic Plans
S&OP com “dashboards” específicos
Visão Global da Cadeia Suprimentos
do Fornecedor ao Cliente
Processos de Negócios de ponta a ponta
Comprar Suprir Produzir Vender Movimentar Serviços Cliente
Planejamento da Cadeia de Suprimentos
A gestão de suprimentos cresceu em
sofisticação no últimos anos...
Compra Tática
 Minimizar preço
 Limitada gestão da base de
Fornecedores históricos e
mudança de fornecedores
Relação transacional
Maior base de fornecedores
para redução de risco
 Cadeia desintegrada
 Baixo nível de cooperação
Controle de qualidade na
recepção dos produtos
 Ausência de processo para decidir
centralização ou descentralização
de compras
Compra Operacional
 Minimizar o custo total
 Gestão de fornecedores
Processos para seleção de
fornecedores e iniciativas
Contratos mais completos
 Início de integração da cadeia
de suprimentos (coordenação)
 Médio nível de cooperação com
Controle de qualidade no
 Processos estáticos para definir
centralização ou
Compra Estratégica
 Maximizar o valor
 Gestão sofisticada de
 Segmentação, conhecimento
da estrutura de custos e
mercados dos fornecedores
 Integração da cadeia (e.g.
gestão conjunta de estoque,
planejamento conjunto, etc)
 Alto nível de cooperação
 Programas para reduzir
custos e aumentar
produtividade do fornecedor
 Processos dinâmicos para
decidir centralização ou
descentralização das compras
Fonte: IBMEC – Dr. Lars Meyer Sanches
Modelos de Compras – Visão Estratégica
Interno Híbrido Outsourcing
 A área é estratégica e não devemos fazer outsourcing ...
 Para alguns itens faz sentido e para outros não ...
 Teremos grandes ganhos com outsourcing desde que ele seja realizado de modo
inteligente e com segurança ...
 Estamos reavaliando processos e uma opção é uma maior centralização
do processo de suprimentos ...
Diferentes possibilidades de modelos de modo a atender às necessidades
específicas de cada empresa ...
Informação é a chave para se ter a
Performance em “ Contratações Estratégicas”
Se eu pudesse trazer todos os meus dados para uma
ferramenta de análise de gastos, integrada com meus
indicadores de performance, eu poderia facilmente verificar e
direcionar a aplicação dos meus recursos onde teríamos a
melhor economia e redução dos gastos.”
CPO, Empresa de Seguros (USA)
… e requer
 Completa visibilidade dos gastos
e dos padrões de compras por
toda a organização
 Dados completos, acurados e
 Informações poderosas nas
mãos dos usuários de negócio
Para alcançar os objetivos
estratégicos, compras
 Melhorar as estratégias de
fornecimento (aquisição,
fornecedores etc)
 Gerenciar efetivamente as
oportunidades de economia
 Desenvolver relações
saudáveis com os fornecedores
 Melhorar a governança
Valor agregado da área de Compras
Os líderes atingem os melhores resultados
Capacidade de
Outros Líderes
Crescimento Resultado Operacional
Source: SAP Insight – Enabling Profitable Growth Through Procurement, 2007
Outros Líderes
As Empresas líderes são capazes de
transformar o valor agregado de compras
em resultados operacionais
Este estudo aborda 12 processos-chave de Compras e Suprimentos
Indicadores de Performance Média
Ganhos/Melhoria do Gerenciamento dos Gastos 34%
Ganhos/Melhorias na economia em “fornecimento
Ganhos/Melhoria na Governança dos Contratos 25%
Redução nos ciclos de tempo em compras 22%
Portal de Compras e análise de gastos - todos
os líderes reconhecem os benefícios …
Source: Aberdeen, 2008
Área de Compras lidera ranking e apresenta
maior potencial de ganhos....
Procurement Portfolio
Processos End to End
1 2
Supplier Management
 Aggregates and enriches
spend data
 Provides insights into
supplier information,
savings opportunities
 Centralizes supplier
 Project based and
centralized sourcing
 Predefined and complex
enabled RFX’s
 In depth supplier proposal
 Reverse auctions
Contract Management
 Accelerate the cycle by
automating the contract
management process
 Automates the transfer of
negotiated prices and
 Enable contract
 Automates end to end
procure to pay process
 Enables goods and services
 Supports multiple back-end
 Extends supplier
Operational Procurement
Mapa Comparativo de Fornecedores
Ambiente para simulações….
Cockpit para Leilão Eletrônico
Monitoramento de Contratos
Spend Performance Management
Conteúdo pré-definido e pronto para ser utilizado e adaptado
Visão Global da Cadeia Suprimentos
do Fornecedor ao Cliente
Processos de Negócios de ponta a ponta
Comprar Suprir Produzir Vender Movimentar Serviços Cliente
Planejamento da Cadeia de Suprimentos
APO PP/DS: Production Planning
 Multi-level production planning
 Capable-to-Promise
 Use existing or own developed
 Supports lot quantity calculations and
 Support the following Models:
 Make to Stock
 Make to Order
 Make to Order with Order BOM
 Engineer to Order
 Project Manufacturing
 Flow Manufacturing
 Order Pegging
 Integrated with the APO Alert Monitor
 Determines how, when, and where
resources and materials should be
deployed to accomplish the production
 Master planning for materials
and capacity (resource loads)
 Realistic delivery date confirmations
 …
Key BenefitsFeatures
Delivers a short term production plan that matches overall supply to
demand, given available resources and production methodology.
APO PP/DS: Detailed Scheduling
 Scheduling Optimizer
 Optimal Sequencing
 Flexible & Graphical Activity
 Backlog Resolution Planning
 What-if Analysis & Simulation
 Forward & Backward Scheduling
 Configurable Exception Alert Monitor
 Plan Monitor
 Production Order Release
 …
 Optimal production sequence that is
feasible and can be executed
 Allows simulation of various planning
scenarios to determine optimal schedule
 Optimization based on actual constraints
ensures reliable delivery due date
Key BenefitsFeatures
Determines optimal production sequence for execution, to meet
delivery commitments based on actual constraints on the shop floor.
Typical Planning Cycle
Interactive Scheduling to
reduce late orders and
capacity overload
Productions Planning- and
Optimization Run
1) Weekly program and
2) Short term change-over and
sequence optimization
Monitor Alerts for
Orders and main assemblies
Simulate and compare
alternative solutions, execute
Manufacturing & Procurement
Execution – Changes,
... Without missing parts
... Optimized Plan
... On time
... Backlog free
... Restriction based
... Human based sense & respond
Não há uma maneira única de:
Operações de Manufatura
EAI tools
DCS to
MES to
to SAP
Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence
Diversidade de Sistemas e Interfaces
“Perfect Orders at 98%”
“ FG inventory at 36 days”
O Mundo Perfeito – Visibilidade Completa da Produção
Operação são visíveis, permitindo resposta rápida & Drill-Down
Os líderes da produção agora podem controlar / otimizar as taxas de produção,
qualidade do produto e custos operacionais através do aumento de visibilidade entre
as operações das plantas.
Solução: “Dashboards” da planta
facilmente acessíveis permitem
aos gerentes comparar /
identificar as melhores práticas,
tornar os KPIs visíveis, avaliar
gradualmente grupos de dados e
visualizar dados em tempo real
Solução: Alertas em tempo real
através dos “dashboards“ da
planta fornecem atualizações
do status dos equipamentos
em cada instante & permite
reação rápida
Solução: Links com os dados
do ERP identificam a
necessidade de mudanças de
programação na produção e
envio para atender às
necessidades dos clientes
“Aqui estão os KPIs comuns
e programa de 6 sigma”
Solução: Análises de
tendências e drill-down de
dados permitem identificar
as áreas com problemas
para investigação imediata
“First pass prime up to 99.6%”
“96% de atendimento ao
SAP Manufacturing
Manufacturing Integration
Manufacturing Intelligence
Manufacturing Integration
SAP MII sincroniza as operações da Manufatura
 Planejamento de
Ordens de Trabalho
 Verificação de
 Programação
 Liberação de ordens
 Fechamento de
 Embarques e
 Eventos e alertas em
tempo real
 Status de ordens
 Taxas e tarifas
 Visibilidade de
 Desvios
 Utilização de recursos
 Tempos de processo e
de paradas
 Dados de qualidade e
 Histórico do processo
 Eficiência das
 Atrasos e desperdícios
Extended Warehouse Management
Optimized Warehouse Productivity, Utilization and Efficiency
What is EWM?
 SAP EWM is SAP’s next generation warehouse management solution
which is designed to manage and track logistics execution processes
 SAP EWM offers flexible, automated support for processing various
goods movements and for managing stocks in a warehouse
How do customers benefit from EWM?
 High warehouse productivity / efficiency
 High inventory accuracy
 Reduced labor costs
 Better customer service
What are key capabilities of EWM?
 Multi customer warehouse
 Flexible modeling of warehouse processes
 Stock and process transparency
 Optimization in storage planning and process execution
 Seamless integration of technique (RF, Automation, RFID, Pick-by-
Voice, …)
 Integration in the overall SAP Logistics Solution
Warehouse Management Solution:
Extended Warehouse Management
Single Scan
Receiving with
Multiple data
Value Added
Serial Number
Multiple Wave
Advanced Cycle
Basic Labor
SCM AII: Auto-ID Infrastructure
Visibility, Traceability & Automation !!!
Visão Global da Cadeia Suprimentos
do Fornecedor ao Cliente
Processos de Negócios de ponta a ponta
Comprar Suprir Produzir Vender Movimentar Serviços Cliente
Planejamento da Cadeia de Suprimentos
Atualmente o Cliente é o centro do poder –
e o Foco de todas as Empresas – CRM
Infinidade de
Informação ao
alcance de todos
de Preços
Redes Sociais e
 O poder de negociação mudou das mãos do vendedor para as mãos do cliente
 Evolução da “Gestão do Relacionamento” para a “Gestão Total da Experiencia”
 Novos canais de Comunicação e Interação se sobrepõe aos tradicionais
 Enorme necessidade de adaptação e respostas em tempo real
Nova Interface – amigável e intuitiva
Garante a satisfação do cliente
Informação Integrada
Inteligencia de Mercado
Acesso direto aos processos
Soluções de Mídias Sociais
Mídias Sociais
Evento : O meu link xxxx de Internet está sempre caindo ... Não aguento mais ter
problemas com minha Internet. O suporte da empresa xxxx é péssimo.
Acho que vou migrar para outra opção.
Regra: Encontrado:
Sentimento Negativo: Positivo:
Empresa: Produto: Problema
Não aguento mais
Sempre caindo
Migrar para outra opção
Mídias Sociais
SCM SNC: Supply Network Collaboration
The Gateway to Collaborate !!!
SCM TM: Transportation Management
Effective Logistic and Fulfillment Network !!!
SCM EM: Event Management
Visibility, Track & Trace !!!
Event Management Helps Companies to
Understand, Adapt, and Respond
Partner Performance
Supply chain object
event 2 event 4
actual events
expected events
event 3
event 1
event 2event 1
Visibility Processes in Event Management
Supply Network CollaborationTransportation Management
Order Taking
Transportation Execution Responsive Replenishment
Purchase Order
Auto ID
RFID-Enabled Outbound / Inbound
Product Tracking & Authentication
RFID-Enabled Returnable
Transport Item
Ocean Carrier Booking (with TM
Seasonal Procurement (Retail)Fulfillment
Railcar Management (Custom Dev)
Production Malfunction
Outbound / Inbound Delivery
Performance and Risk Management
Supply Chain Performance Management
Gain visibility and control across network
 Integrate data across (heterogeneous)
systems landscapes, including internal and
external data feeds
 Gain insights and control, by focusing on
metrics that matter (based on best practices
such as SCOR, or company specific metrics)
 Drill-down via cascading metrics hierarchies
Align stakeholders
 Measure and visualize impact between
metrics, across supply chain network
 Metric management functionality provides
flexibility to define department-specific
metrics, and assign accountability
Optimize decision making
 Perform what-if analysis, to arrive at optimal
decisions (e.g. in order to reduce supply
chain cost, should you reduce inventory or
reduce express freight)
Supply Chain Performance Management
Supply Chain Performance Management
( SCOR – Supply Chain Operations Reference model )
Sustainable Supply Chain Management
How do I
enable a
Green and
Optimize for low
GHG footprint in
supply chain
network to
optimize on
Enable sales
and operations
plan per new
Reduce energy
consumption in
logistics and
Optimize fleet
transport modes
and routes
Adjust loads,
packaging and
Alignment of
business and
Analyze net
benefits to
and KPIs
SAP Business
Objects SCPM
with supply
chain to
Provide full
traceability of
products for safe
production and
Track batches
and flow of
products for
Auto-ID, ERP
Custos de implementação e operação de uma solução
integrada são menores que soluções especialistas
Implementação Operação e Melhoria
Go Live
Custos de
Custo de
Custo de
Custos de
 Desenvolvimento e teste das
integrações, e custos de migração
 Integração da infra-estrutura
(hardware, licenças de middleware)
 Upgrades e manutenção das interfaces
 Desenvolvimento e testes dos pontos de
integração em upgrades
 Custos de suporte e treinamento adicional
Custos de
Operação Solução
Custos de
Custos de Solução Integrada versus Soluções Especialistas (Best of Breed)
Fonte: Estudo "The Cost of Complexity and the Value of Integration" - IBM, McKinsey, Meta Group
Maior Gasto
SAP Supply Chain Management
Responsiveness combined with Operational Excellence
Planning Supply
SCM Infrastructure
Co-Innovation Ecosystem
SAP is the Consumer Products Standard
Industry leaders are leveraging SAP beyond ERP to address high-value industry scenarios
Industry Business Scenarios Select Customers
Financial Excellence
 Financials, Controlling, HR
Responsive Supply Networks
 Collaborative Demand & Supply Planning, Logistics &
Fulfillment Management, Manufacturing Network
Planning & Execution
Superior Customer Value
 Optimize Sales & marketing Investments, Sales
Product & Service Leadership
 Continuous Product Innovation, Integrated Product
Marketing and Consumer Insights
 Brand & Category Mgmt,
Strategic IT
 NetWeaver Exchange Infrastructure, BI, Portal, MDM
Wholesaler /
Logistic Service
SAP Footprint across the Consumer
Value Chain
 Opportunity for Collaboration and Network Transformation
 Proven and low risk solutions
 Fast deployment and value delivery
SAP Consumer Products Supply Chain
Planning Benchmarking Insights
Best Practice
Source: ASUG/SAP Benchmarking Study, Based on Consumer Product Participants only (SAP Customers and Non-Customers)
Low Coverage
“The forecasting process is highly collaborative and is used by customer
teams with all key customers. Statistical techniques can produce monthly,
daily, sub daily replenishment demands”
Adopting Best Practices Improves Performance on Key KPIs for Consumer Product Companies
High Coverage
“Safety stock calculations are dynamic and performed frequently” 53.6 days93.1 days
“Transportation planning process can be performed on a timely basis with
consideration of other supply chain constraints in the network”
3.9%4.8% - 20%
- 42%
+ 6%
81.8%58.0% + 41%
“Procurement plays a strategic role within the organization and actively
participates in business unit decision-making. Organization operates a single,
integrated procurement system”
X %Performance Improvement Opportunity
Collaborative Forecasting
Inventory Planning
Strategic Procurement
Transportation Planning Transportation Spend (% of Revenue)
Days in Inventory (days)
On-time Delivery (%)
Direct Material (%Spend Managed Strategically)
“Effective processes and systems are in place for tracking trade promotion
80.3%53.9% + 49%
Tracking Trade Promotions Management Promotions Resulting in Incremental Volume (%)
98.5%91.3% + 8%
“Production personnel have the ability to gather, monitor and track production
and parametric data about processes, orders, materials and operations and
exceptions on the factory floor in real-time”
Manufacturing Execution Plant on time Delivery (%)
Customers Drive Value with Streamlined
Supply Chain Operations
 A change in the distribution strategy
for Wawa-branded nuts saved the
company $1.5 million
 Reduced out-of-stock situations,
better response to seasonal needs
“ We’ve transformed our business. The parallel implementation and rollout of SAP
solutions to standardize global operations gives us the foundation for the Fossil of
the future.
Vice President of Wholesale Applications
 Enhanced inventory management
and control with fast, accurate views
of global Inventory
 Decreased the need for working
capital by consolidating warehouse
 Reduced labor associated with store
ordering by 95%
 Reduced out-of-stock by 75%
SAP is the Retail Standard
More than 9,500 Retail & Wholesale companies worldwide run SAP
33 out of the Top 50 Global Retailer run SAP
Proven Customer Value Through SAP
Increased sales by improving inventory availability
 Reduced costs through increased process efficiencies
 Up to the minute stock and sales information now available
 Reduced cost of procurement, operations and transportation
 Automated store replenishment increased from 60% to 81%
 Stock reduced from 34 days of coverage to 10-14 days
 Store replenishment cycle reduced from 35 days to 8 days
 Lowered inventory by $390M
Customers are realizing substantial value with SAP’s solutions for Supply Chain
Customers Drive Value with
Sales & Operations Planning
SAP Supply Chain Management enables us to support true sales and operations planning to
meet our business goals. It is a critical tool that helps us drive transparent customer, production,
and inventory information throughout our supply chain and be a better partner for our customers.“
Tim Weidenhaft, Director of Demand Planning - General Mills Inc.
“S&OP is helping us meet our goal of better business decisions through an improved mutual
understanding of demand, supply and financial information.”
Dick Clark , Procter & Gamble
“Companies that solve the riddle of
the speed-scope paradox in global
sales and operations planning deliver
superior economic returns; a new
class of global S&OP leaders shows
the way.”
 Adopted global S&OP process
based on SAP SCM
 Increased the number of products
while maintaining 12 inventory
turns per year and 99%+ service
 Designed and implemented an
S&OP process in Brazil & Europe
 Increased sales with lower
inventories, higher utilization of the
distribution & production assets,
reduced losses caused by shelf life
Customers Drive Value with
Supply Planning
“With SAP SCM, Brown-Forman increased the number of combined item/locations
offered in some regions while maintaining 12 inventory turns per year and 99%+
service levels. Brown-Forman met their long-term inventory targets within a few
months of start-up.”
Jim Hutchinson
Senior Vice President of Supply Chain Management
Brown-Forman Corporation
 Reduced days in inventory by 7%
 Improved store in-stock, forecast
accuracy and case-fill metrics
while improving productivity
 Reduced expediting costs in
 Increased in-full and on-time
delivery service level in the range
of 97% and 100%
 Reduced overall supply chain
costs by 4%
 Lowered finished goods inventory
by 15% and raw material
inventory by 18%
 Reduced procurement costs by
 Reduced stock-outs by 41%
Customers Drive Value with
Collaborative Demand Management
We have achieved cross-functional alignment and increased forecast
accuracy significantly right after go-live of our Collaborative Demand
Management process.”
Herbert Hockley
Manager, Customer Planning
 Reduced mean absolute forecast
error by over 50%
 Reduce time between forecast
close and completion of
schedules by 33%
 Streamlined trade promotion
planning; improved operations
and demand planning
 Using RR, streamlined VMI
process and improved customer
in-stock rate esp. for promotions
 Improved forecast accuracy by
 Enabled data transparency in all
phases of the planning process
 Improved ability to make rapid
changes to production schedule
Customers Drive Value with
Collaborative Demand and Supply Planning
The most advanced demand-sensing companies have 15% less inventory, a 17%
better perfect order performance, and a 35% shorter cash-to-cash cycle time. We
have also found that DDSN leaders have 10% higher revenue and 5% to 7% better
profit margins than competitors.”
The Handbook for Becoming Demand Driven
 Out-of-stocks declined up to 25%
 On-shelf inventory improved by
 Replenishment cycles cut down
from 15 to 6 days
 Improved on-time and complete
orders from 70% to 98%
 Reduced inventory by 22%
 Improved cycle times
 Improved forecast accuracy by
 Reduced cycle time
 Faster reaction to market changes
SAP SCM EWM stories
… and more new customers and
 Almost 40 live sites comprised of
approximately 20 customers are
 Approximately 50 customer are
implementing , with the majority
due to go live by the end of 2010.
 Over 50 new customers have
recently signed , but not yet begun
their implementations
 Customers are in the following
industries: Automotive, Automotive
Parts, Chemical, CP Food, CP
Fashion, Engineering/Construction,
Forest Products, High Tech Ind.
Machinery, Life Sciences, LSP, OEM,
Professional Services, Public Sector,
Retail and Service Parts
Rich Ecosystem
 SAP Consulting
 25+ partners
SAP MII – Clientes no seguimento -
Indústria de Bebidas
Reino UnidoHolanda
SAP® Customer Relationship Management
The entire Consumer Products Value
Chain runs SAP
 Opportunity for Collaboration and Network Transformation
 Proven and low risk solutions
 Fast deployment and value delivery
Food Ingredients Raw Material
Wholesaler /
Industry Business Scenarios Select Customers
Financial Excellence
Responsive Supply Networks
Superior Customer Value
Product & Service Leadership
Strategic IT
SAP delivers comprehensive solutions to
Consumer Products companies
93% of Top 500 global CP companies run SAP
Consumer Products Industry leaders are leveraging SAP beyond ERP to address high-value industry scenarios
SAP Driving Customer Value:
Selected Consumer Products References
 Innovation processes driving 35% improvement in time to market
 Significant increase in new product sales
 Increased logistics transparency leading to improved on-time delivery
 Maximized storage capacities, enhanced daily truck movement
 Reduced market share validation reporting from 1 day to 30 minutes
 Reporting for all company users; Fast searches across 280 million records
 Reduced forecast error rates by 33%
 Maintain 12 inventory turns per year @ 99%+ customer service levels
 SKUs with increase in activity: +60%; avg. increase +195%
 Collection-to-Cash (AR Processing time) reduced > 50%
 Reduced product defects and rework, resulting in immediate quality
improvements and lower costs
 Global visibility across plants, higher productivity and product performance
 Standardized product development and simplified change management
 Real-time visibility to recipes & product safety information across the company
Canada Post – SAP EM Solution
Order Receipt Processing
Delivery to Customer
When customers and service providers can add information to the supply
chain system, the overall supply chain performance and value improves.
A New Visibility Paradigm
Daniel Bio
SCM & Manufacturing
Solution Principal
SAP Brazil
55 11 5503 2490

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  • 14. Finished-goods inventory up from 2005 Cenário Mundial Varejo o desafio da Logística Growing complexity and Rising fuel costs leads to increased Logistics costs per unit and despite increased inventory Customer Service targets are being missed. Missing ever-stretching service level targets Source: IBM Institute for Business Value, 2008 GMA Logistics Survey Doubling Logistics cost per Unit
  • 15. E as nossas empresas? Empresas no Brasil !! ??
  • 16. Complexidade crescente Importância da Visibilidade Os processos não estão integrados, havendo falhas em toda a cadeia de suprimentos … Metalurgica Subsidiaria Subsidiaria Cliente Cliente IT IT IT RH RH RH MKT MKT Vendas Vendas MKT Vendas Foco em : Planejam. e Produção RH Finanças Vendas Gestão De Risco • Gestão de Risco • Planejamento • Vendas • RH • Finanças • Operações © SAP 2008 / Page 16 Fornecedores Baixa utilização dos ativos Visibilidade de inventários ( MRO ) Custos altos Baixa Colaboração Inúmeros SKUs Integração com novas Empresas / parceiros Dificuldade de Integração Processos industriais Outsourcing não integrado. Dificuldade de Integrar com Terceiros Baixa Confiabilidade no Atendimento de pedidos e no cumprimento das condições Comerciais Falhas na Captação e Entrega de Pedidos Visibilidade de Estoques Planta Manufatura Baixa visibilidade Impacto das variações de Preços e Demanda nos estoques Pequena Troca de Informações Plano de Produção e uso dos ativos Custos de Aquisição e Inteligência de Mercado
  • 17. METAL FABRICATORMETAL FABRICATOR SUBSIDIARY SUBSIDIARY IT @ IT @ IT @@ Planning SALARIES Planning SALARIES Planning SALARIESSALARIESSALARIES Financial Analysis Financial Analysis Financial Analysis Management Skills Management Skills Management Skills Information Flow Information Flow Information Flow Local Marketing Local Marketing Local Marketing SalesSalesSales Global Marketing Global Marketing Global Marketing HRHRHR Solução: Promover a Visibilidade e Integração dos Processos Capacidade de Utlização , Programação e Rentabilidade Avaliar Demanda e Oportunidades (Compras e Vendas) Análise de Valor Processos Integrados Tecnologia Escalável (SOA) Informações em Tempo real Integração na Cadeia de Suprimentos Inteligência de Mercado Flexibilidade na Precificação Planejamento e Programação Escalabilidade e performance Visibilidade da Produção Integração do SCM © SAP 2008 / Page 17 Increased Visibility to Orders Increased Visibility to Orders Metalúrgica Subsidiaria Subsidiaria
  • 18. Visão Global da Cadeia Suprimentos do Fornecedor ao Cliente Processos de Negócios de ponta a ponta Comprar Suprir Produzir Vender Movimentar Serviços Cliente Planejamento da Cadeia de Suprimentos
  • 19. Visão Global da Cadeia Suprimentos do Fornecedor ao Cliente Processos de Negócios de ponta a ponta Comprar Suprir Produzir Vender Movimentar Serviços Cliente Planejamento da Cadeia de Suprimentos
  • 20. SCM solution enables Consumer Products companies to create a Responsive Supply Network SCM Solution allows Consumer Products companies to better respond to demand and supply dynamics across the supply network….  Integrated End to end planning processes  Connecting Sales and Marketing with Supply Chain  Tightly integrated Supply Chain Execution  Build-in performance measurement  Easily deployable in modular implementable steps Design Source Make Store Move Sell Service Product Safety & Traceability Logistics & Fulfillment Management Collaborative Demand & Supply Planning
  • 21. High-Level Business Process Planning Horizon Demand Planning Supply Network Planning PP/DS Deployment Transportation Planning Global Planned Orders Planned Stock Transfer Confirmed Stock Transfer Planned Orders Forecast
  • 22. Synchronize supply with demand in your global supply chain by balancing push and pull network-planning processes and by handling replenishment and production based on actual demand.  APO DP: Improves the forecast quality and planning accuracy  APO SNP: Improves visibility across your global supply chain and lowers inventory  APO PP/DS: Supports you in creating optimized production plans  APO gATP: Allows state-of-the-art sales order confirmation planning processes  APO TP/VS: Optimizes transportation loads and minimizes transportation costs  APO Alert Monitor: Powerful exception message system integrated in all APO planning modules Global Available-to-Promise Demand Planning Supply Network Planning Production Planning & Detailed Scheduling Advanced Planning & Optimization AlertMonitor Transportation Planning & Vehicle Scheduling How SAP APO is structured
  • 23. APO DP (Demand Planning)  Comprehensive forecasting tool-set  Statistical forecasting with causal and time-series methods  Selection of best-fit model  Automatic outlier detection available  Highly configurable planning books with macro functionality  Supporting aggregation / disaggregation logic  Lifecycle planning  Plan promotions separately from the rest of your forecast  Track & monitor forecast accuracy  Seasonal planning  Collaborative demand planning  Improved forecast quality  One tool for power and business user  Consolidated demand plan (different regions, countries, departments, …) Key BenefitsFeatures Calculate and determine future demand to improve demand quality and accuracy
  • 24. Exemplo Ciclo do Planejamento de Demanda Simulate Collaborate
  • 25. APO Supply Network Planning (SNP) is the solution to your problems… Key BenefitsFeatures  Increased visibility over the whole supply chain  Optimized sourcing and capacity utilization  Shortened order-fulfillment times  Reduced inventory levels  Improved customer service  Integrate purchasing, manufacturing, distribution, and transportation  Consider constraints and penalties to plan the product flow along the supply chain  Enable planning on different levels of detail (aggregated planning)  Choice of heuristic-, rule- or optimization-based algorithm  Advanced safety stock planning algorithms  Shelf-life Calculates quantities to be produced and delivered to the locations to match customer demand and maintain desired service levels.
  • 26. Collaborative Demand & Supply Planning © SAP 2008 / Page 26 Demand S&OP Business Scenarios Periodic Revision Rolling Forecast Strategic Plans Supply
  • 28. Visão Global da Cadeia Suprimentos do Fornecedor ao Cliente Processos de Negócios de ponta a ponta Comprar Suprir Produzir Vender Movimentar Serviços Cliente Planejamento da Cadeia de Suprimentos
  • 29. A gestão de suprimentos cresceu em sofisticação no últimos anos... Compra Tática  Minimizar preço  Limitada gestão da base de fornecedores Fornecedores históricos e mudança de fornecedores oportunistas Relação transacional Maior base de fornecedores para redução de risco  Cadeia desintegrada  Baixo nível de cooperação Controle de qualidade na recepção dos produtos  Ausência de processo para decidir centralização ou descentralização de compras Compra Operacional  Minimizar o custo total  Gestão de fornecedores sofisticada Processos para seleção de fornecedores e iniciativas conjuntas Contratos mais completos  Início de integração da cadeia de suprimentos (coordenação)  Médio nível de cooperação com fornecedores Controle de qualidade no fornecedor  Processos estáticos para definir centralização ou descentralização Compra Estratégica  Maximizar o valor  Gestão sofisticada de fornecedores  Segmentação, conhecimento da estrutura de custos e mercados dos fornecedores  Integração da cadeia (e.g. gestão conjunta de estoque, planejamento conjunto, etc)  Alto nível de cooperação  Programas para reduzir custos e aumentar produtividade do fornecedor  Processos dinâmicos para decidir centralização ou descentralização das compras Baixa Sofisticação Alta Sofisticação Fonte: IBMEC – Dr. Lars Meyer Sanches
  • 30. Modelos de Compras – Visão Estratégica Interno Híbrido Outsourcing  A área é estratégica e não devemos fazer outsourcing ...  Para alguns itens faz sentido e para outros não ...  Teremos grandes ganhos com outsourcing desde que ele seja realizado de modo inteligente e com segurança ...  Estamos reavaliando processos e uma opção é uma maior centralização do processo de suprimentos ... Diferentes possibilidades de modelos de modo a atender às necessidades específicas de cada empresa ...
  • 31. Informação é a chave para se ter a Performance em “ Contratações Estratégicas” Se eu pudesse trazer todos os meus dados para uma ferramenta de análise de gastos, integrada com meus indicadores de performance, eu poderia facilmente verificar e direcionar a aplicação dos meus recursos onde teríamos a melhor economia e redução dos gastos.” CPO, Empresa de Seguros (USA) “ … e requer  Completa visibilidade dos gastos e dos padrões de compras por toda a organização  Dados completos, acurados e confiáveis  Informações poderosas nas mãos dos usuários de negócio Para alcançar os objetivos estratégicos, compras precisa…  Melhorar as estratégias de fornecimento (aquisição, fornecedores etc)  Gerenciar efetivamente as oportunidades de economia  Desenvolver relações saudáveis com os fornecedores  Melhorar a governança
  • 32. Valor agregado da área de Compras Os líderes atingem os melhores resultados Capacidade de Economizar 2.2% Outros Líderes 4.1% Crescimento Resultado Operacional Source: SAP Insight – Enabling Profitable Growth Through Procurement, 2007 13% Outros Líderes 28% As Empresas líderes são capazes de transformar o valor agregado de compras em resultados operacionais Este estudo aborda 12 processos-chave de Compras e Suprimentos
  • 33. Indicadores de Performance Média Ganhos/Melhoria do Gerenciamento dos Gastos 34% Ganhos/Melhorias na economia em “fornecimento estratégico” 75% Ganhos/Melhoria na Governança dos Contratos 25% Redução nos ciclos de tempo em compras 22% Portal de Compras e análise de gastos - todos os líderes reconhecem os benefícios … Source: Aberdeen, 2008
  • 34. Área de Compras lidera ranking e apresenta maior potencial de ganhos....
  • 35. Procurement Portfolio Processos End to End 1 2 3 4 Supplier Management  Aggregates and enriches spend data  Provides insights into supplier information, savings opportunities  Centralizes supplier management Sourcing  Project based and centralized sourcing  Predefined and complex enabled RFX’s  In depth supplier proposal analysis  Reverse auctions Contract Management  Accelerate the cycle by automating the contract management process  Automates the transfer of negotiated prices and conditions  Enable contract compliance  Automates end to end procure to pay process  Enables goods and services procurement  Supports multiple back-end systems  Extends supplier collaboration Operational Procurement
  • 36. Mapa Comparativo de Fornecedores Ambiente para simulações….
  • 37. Cockpit para Leilão Eletrônico
  • 39. Spend Performance Management Conteúdo pré-definido e pronto para ser utilizado e adaptado
  • 40. Visão Global da Cadeia Suprimentos do Fornecedor ao Cliente Processos de Negócios de ponta a ponta Comprar Suprir Produzir Vender Movimentar Serviços Cliente Planejamento da Cadeia de Suprimentos
  • 41. APO PP/DS: Production Planning  Multi-level production planning  Capable-to-Promise  Use existing or own developed heuristics  Supports lot quantity calculations and sourcing  Support the following Models:  Make to Stock  Make to Order  Make to Order with Order BOM  Engineer to Order  Project Manufacturing  Flow Manufacturing  Order Pegging  Integrated with the APO Alert Monitor  Determines how, when, and where resources and materials should be deployed to accomplish the production goals  Master planning for materials and capacity (resource loads)  Realistic delivery date confirmations  … Key BenefitsFeatures Delivers a short term production plan that matches overall supply to demand, given available resources and production methodology.
  • 42. APO PP/DS: Detailed Scheduling  Scheduling Optimizer  Optimal Sequencing  Flexible & Graphical Activity Scheduling  Backlog Resolution Planning  What-if Analysis & Simulation  Forward & Backward Scheduling  Configurable Exception Alert Monitor  Plan Monitor  Production Order Release  …  Optimal production sequence that is feasible and can be executed  Allows simulation of various planning scenarios to determine optimal schedule  Optimization based on actual constraints ensures reliable delivery due date promises Key BenefitsFeatures Determines optimal production sequence for execution, to meet delivery commitments based on actual constraints on the shop floor.
  • 43. Typical Planning Cycle Sense & Respond Interactive Scheduling to reduce late orders and capacity overload Productions Planning- and Optimization Run 1) Weekly program and 2) Short term change-over and sequence optimization Monitor Alerts for Orders and main assemblies Simulate and compare alternative solutions, execute decision Manufacturing & Procurement Execution – Changes, Exceptions ... Without missing parts ... Optimized Plan ... On time ... Backlog free ... Restriction based ... Human based sense & respond 1 2 3 4 5
  • 44. Não há uma maneira única de: VER MEDIR INTEGRAR Operações de Manufatura EAI tools SAP ERP (4.6 +)PI-PCS DCS to SAP MES to SAP Custom to SAP LIMS to SAP QMIDI Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence Diversidade de Sistemas e Interfaces Empresa Fabrica
  • 45. internal “Perfect Orders at 98%” “ FG inventory at 36 days” O Mundo Perfeito – Visibilidade Completa da Produção Operação são visíveis, permitindo resposta rápida & Drill-Down Os líderes da produção agora podem controlar / otimizar as taxas de produção, qualidade do produto e custos operacionais através do aumento de visibilidade entre as operações das plantas. Solução: “Dashboards” da planta facilmente acessíveis permitem aos gerentes comparar / identificar as melhores práticas, tornar os KPIs visíveis, avaliar gradualmente grupos de dados e visualizar dados em tempo real Solução: Alertas em tempo real através dos “dashboards“ da planta fornecem atualizações do status dos equipamentos em cada instante & permite reação rápida Solução: Links com os dados do ERP identificam a necessidade de mudanças de programação na produção e envio para atender às necessidades dos clientes PERFORMANCE DRILL DOWN ANÁLISES AJUSTES RESULTADOS! “Aqui estão os KPIs comuns e programa de 6 sigma” Solução: Análises de tendências e drill-down de dados permitem identificar as áreas com problemas para investigação imediata “First pass prime up to 99.6%” “96% de atendimento ao prazo” Gerente. V.P. Produção Planta Cliente
  • 46. Enterprise SAP NETWEAVER OtherSAPBus.Solutions SAPBI SAP Manufacturing (SAP ERP) Manufacturing Intelligence Dashboards SAP MII Manufacturing Integration Manufacturing Intelligence Manufacturing Integration SAP MII sincroniza as operações da Manufatura  Planejamento de Ordens de Trabalho  Verificação de recursos  Programação  Liberação de ordens  Fechamento de ordens  Embarques e Logística  Eventos e alertas em tempo real  Status de ordens  Taxas e tarifas  Visibilidade de inventario  Desvios  Utilização de recursos  Tempos de processo e de paradas  Dados de qualidade e laboratórios  Histórico do processo  Eficiência das máquinas  Atrasos e desperdícios
  • 47. Extended Warehouse Management Optimized Warehouse Productivity, Utilization and Efficiency What is EWM?  SAP EWM is SAP’s next generation warehouse management solution which is designed to manage and track logistics execution processes  SAP EWM offers flexible, automated support for processing various goods movements and for managing stocks in a warehouse How do customers benefit from EWM?  High warehouse productivity / efficiency  High inventory accuracy  Reduced labor costs  Better customer service What are key capabilities of EWM?  Multi customer warehouse  Flexible modeling of warehouse processes  Stock and process transparency  Optimization in storage planning and process execution  Seamless integration of technique (RF, Automation, RFID, Pick-by- Voice, …)  Integration in the overall SAP Logistics Solution
  • 48. Warehouse Management Solution: Extended Warehouse Management Yard Management Cross Docking Single Scan Receiving with ASN Directed Putaway Multiple data collection technologies Multiple Handling Units SlottingAutomated Replenishment Task Interleaving Value Added Services Serial Number Support Multiple Wave Strategies Advanced Cycle Counting Basic Labor Management
  • 49. SCM AII: Auto-ID Infrastructure Visibility, Traceability & Automation !!!
  • 50. Visão Global da Cadeia Suprimentos do Fornecedor ao Cliente Processos de Negócios de ponta a ponta Comprar Suprir Produzir Vender Movimentar Serviços Cliente Planejamento da Cadeia de Suprimentos
  • 51. Cliente Atualmente o Cliente é o centro do poder – e o Foco de todas as Empresas – CRM Infinidade de Opções Informação ao alcance de todos Transparencia de Preços Redes Sociais e Comunidades  O poder de negociação mudou das mãos do vendedor para as mãos do cliente  Evolução da “Gestão do Relacionamento” para a “Gestão Total da Experiencia” (Relacionamento)  Novos canais de Comunicação e Interação se sobrepõe aos tradicionais  Enorme necessidade de adaptação e respostas em tempo real Implicações
  • 52. Nova Interface – amigável e intuitiva Garante a satisfação do cliente Informação Integrada Inteligencia de Mercado Acesso direto aos processos decisórios
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 57. Evento : O meu link xxxx de Internet está sempre caindo ... Não aguento mais ter problemas com minha Internet. O suporte da empresa xxxx é péssimo. Acho que vou migrar para outra opção. Regra: Encontrado: Sentimento Negativo: Positivo: Classificação Empresa: Produto: Problema Prioridade Problemas Não aguento mais Péssimo XXXX Internet Suporte Sempre caindo Migrar para outra opção Mídias Sociais
  • 58. SCM SNC: Supply Network Collaboration The Gateway to Collaborate !!!
  • 59.
  • 60.
  • 61.
  • 62.
  • 63. SCM TM: Transportation Management Effective Logistic and Fulfillment Network !!!
  • 64. SCM EM: Event Management Visibility, Track & Trace !!!
  • 65. Event Management Helps Companies to Understand, Adapt, and Respond notify adjust Learn Alerts monitor Partner Performance Collaborate measure Control Supply chain object event 2 event 4 actual events expected events event 3 event 1 event 2event 1 Simulate Plan/Schedule
  • 66. Visibility Processes in Event Management Supply Network CollaborationTransportation Management Order Taking Transportation Execution Responsive Replenishment Purchase Order Resource Tendering Auto ID RFID-Enabled Outbound / Inbound Delivery Product Tracking & Authentication RFID-Enabled Returnable Transport Item ERP Ocean Carrier Booking (with TM Add-On) Seasonal Procurement (Retail)Fulfillment Railcar Management (Custom Dev) Procurement Production Malfunction Outbound / Inbound Delivery Transportation
  • 67. Performance and Risk Management Supply Chain Performance Management Gain visibility and control across network  Integrate data across (heterogeneous) systems landscapes, including internal and external data feeds  Gain insights and control, by focusing on metrics that matter (based on best practices such as SCOR, or company specific metrics)  Drill-down via cascading metrics hierarchies Align stakeholders  Measure and visualize impact between metrics, across supply chain network  Metric management functionality provides flexibility to define department-specific metrics, and assign accountability Optimize decision making  Perform what-if analysis, to arrive at optimal decisions (e.g. in order to reduce supply chain cost, should you reduce inventory or reduce express freight)
  • 68. Supply Chain Performance Management Supply Chain Performance Management ( SCOR – Supply Chain Operations Reference model )
  • 69. Sustainable Supply Chain Management How do I enable a Green and Sustainable Supply Network? Optimize for low GHG footprint in supply chain network Design network to optimize on GHG Enable sales and operations plan per new conditions APO, S&OP, NDO Reduce energy consumption in logistics and distribution network Optimize fleet efficiency, transport modes and routes Adjust loads, packaging and warehousing operations SAP TM, EWM Alignment of business and sustainability goals Analyze net financial benefits to initiatives Monitor governance and KPIs SAP Business Objects SCPM Collaborate with supply chain to respond Provide full traceability of products for safe production and distribution Track batches and flow of products for recalls SAP SCM, Auto-ID, ERP Visiprise
  • 70.
  • 71. Custos de implementação e operação de uma solução integrada são menores que soluções especialistas Implementação Operação e Melhoria Custos Go Live Tempo Custos de Implementação Soluções Especialistas Custo de Implementação Economia Custo de Operação Custos de Implementação Solução Integrada  Desenvolvimento e teste das integrações, e custos de migração  Integração da infra-estrutura (hardware, licenças de middleware)  Upgrades e manutenção das interfaces  Desenvolvimento e testes dos pontos de integração em upgrades  Custos de suporte e treinamento adicional Custos de Operação Solução Integrada Custos de Operação Soluções Especialistas Custos de Solução Integrada versus Soluções Especialistas (Best of Breed) Fonte: Estudo "The Cost of Complexity and the Value of Integration" - IBM, McKinsey, Meta Group Maior Gasto
  • 72. SAP Supply Chain Management Responsiveness combined with Operational Excellence Composites ERP SRM PLM APODemand Planning Supply Network Planning PP / DS Global ATP TP / VS EWM T MSNC SCM Infrastructure Event Manager AII SCM Basis Duet Demand Planning SCM Analytics PTA Co-Innovation Ecosystem
  • 73. SAP is the Consumer Products Standard Industry leaders are leveraging SAP beyond ERP to address high-value industry scenarios Industry Business Scenarios Select Customers Financial Excellence  Financials, Controlling, HR Responsive Supply Networks  Collaborative Demand & Supply Planning, Logistics & Fulfillment Management, Manufacturing Network Planning & Execution Superior Customer Value  Optimize Sales & marketing Investments, Sales Execution Product & Service Leadership  Continuous Product Innovation, Integrated Product Development Marketing and Consumer Insights  Brand & Category Mgmt, Strategic IT  NetWeaver Exchange Infrastructure, BI, Portal, MDM
  • 74. Ingredients Packaging Supplier Manufacturer Wholesaler / Distributor Logistic Service Provider Retail Customers SAP Footprint across the Consumer Value Chain  Opportunity for Collaboration and Network Transformation  Proven and low risk solutions  Fast deployment and value delivery
  • 75. SAP Consumer Products Supply Chain Planning Benchmarking Insights Best Practice Source: ASUG/SAP Benchmarking Study, Based on Consumer Product Participants only (SAP Customers and Non-Customers) Low Coverage 88.5% “The forecasting process is highly collaborative and is used by customer teams with all key customers. Statistical techniques can produce monthly, daily, sub daily replenishment demands” Adopting Best Practices Improves Performance on Key KPIs for Consumer Product Companies High Coverage “Safety stock calculations are dynamic and performed frequently” 53.6 days93.1 days “Transportation planning process can be performed on a timely basis with consideration of other supply chain constraints in the network” 3.9%4.8% - 20% - 42% + 6% 81.8%58.0% + 41% “Procurement plays a strategic role within the organization and actively participates in business unit decision-making. Organization operates a single, integrated procurement system” X %Performance Improvement Opportunity Collaborative Forecasting Inventory Planning Strategic Procurement Transportation Planning Transportation Spend (% of Revenue) Days in Inventory (days) On-time Delivery (%) 93.6% Direct Material (%Spend Managed Strategically) “Effective processes and systems are in place for tracking trade promotion ROI ” 80.3%53.9% + 49% Tracking Trade Promotions Management Promotions Resulting in Incremental Volume (%) 98.5%91.3% + 8% “Production personnel have the ability to gather, monitor and track production and parametric data about processes, orders, materials and operations and exceptions on the factory floor in real-time” Manufacturing Execution Plant on time Delivery (%)
  • 76. Customers Drive Value with Streamlined Supply Chain Operations  A change in the distribution strategy for Wawa-branded nuts saved the company $1.5 million  Reduced out-of-stock situations, better response to seasonal needs “ We’ve transformed our business. The parallel implementation and rollout of SAP solutions to standardize global operations gives us the foundation for the Fossil of the future. Vice President of Wholesale Applications Fossil  Enhanced inventory management and control with fast, accurate views of global Inventory  Decreased the need for working capital by consolidating warehouse operations  Reduced labor associated with store ordering by 95%  Reduced out-of-stock by 75%
  • 77. SAP is the Retail Standard More than 9,500 Retail & Wholesale companies worldwide run SAP 33 out of the Top 50 Global Retailer run SAP
  • 78. Proven Customer Value Through SAP Increased sales by improving inventory availability  Reduced costs through increased process efficiencies  Up to the minute stock and sales information now available  Reduced cost of procurement, operations and transportation  Automated store replenishment increased from 60% to 81%  Stock reduced from 34 days of coverage to 10-14 days  Store replenishment cycle reduced from 35 days to 8 days  Lowered inventory by $390M Customers are realizing substantial value with SAP’s solutions for Supply Chain
  • 79. Customers Drive Value with Sales & Operations Planning SAP Supply Chain Management enables us to support true sales and operations planning to meet our business goals. It is a critical tool that helps us drive transparent customer, production, and inventory information throughout our supply chain and be a better partner for our customers.“ Tim Weidenhaft, Director of Demand Planning - General Mills Inc. “S&OP is helping us meet our goal of better business decisions through an improved mutual understanding of demand, supply and financial information.” Dick Clark , Procter & Gamble “ “Companies that solve the riddle of the speed-scope paradox in global sales and operations planning deliver superior economic returns; a new class of global S&OP leaders shows the way.”  Adopted global S&OP process based on SAP SCM  Increased the number of products while maintaining 12 inventory turns per year and 99%+ service levels.  Designed and implemented an S&OP process in Brazil & Europe  Increased sales with lower inventories, higher utilization of the distribution & production assets, reduced losses caused by shelf life
  • 80. Customers Drive Value with Supply Planning “With SAP SCM, Brown-Forman increased the number of combined item/locations offered in some regions while maintaining 12 inventory turns per year and 99%+ service levels. Brown-Forman met their long-term inventory targets within a few months of start-up.” Jim Hutchinson Senior Vice President of Supply Chain Management Brown-Forman Corporation “  Reduced days in inventory by 7%  Improved store in-stock, forecast accuracy and case-fill metrics while improving productivity  Reduced expediting costs in transportation  Increased in-full and on-time delivery service level in the range of 97% and 100%  Reduced overall supply chain costs by 4%  Lowered finished goods inventory by 15% and raw material inventory by 18%  Reduced procurement costs by 5%  Reduced stock-outs by 41%
  • 81. Customers Drive Value with Collaborative Demand Management We have achieved cross-functional alignment and increased forecast accuracy significantly right after go-live of our Collaborative Demand Management process.” Herbert Hockley Manager, Customer Planning “  Reduced mean absolute forecast error by over 50%  Reduce time between forecast close and completion of schedules by 33%  Streamlined trade promotion planning; improved operations and demand planning  Using RR, streamlined VMI process and improved customer in-stock rate esp. for promotions  Improved forecast accuracy by 21%  Enabled data transparency in all phases of the planning process  Improved ability to make rapid changes to production schedule
  • 82. Customers Drive Value with Collaborative Demand and Supply Planning The most advanced demand-sensing companies have 15% less inventory, a 17% better perfect order performance, and a 35% shorter cash-to-cash cycle time. We have also found that DDSN leaders have 10% higher revenue and 5% to 7% better profit margins than competitors.” AMR The Handbook for Becoming Demand Driven “  Out-of-stocks declined up to 25%  On-shelf inventory improved by 20%  Replenishment cycles cut down from 15 to 6 days  Improved on-time and complete orders from 70% to 98%  Reduced inventory by 22%  Improved cycle times  Improved forecast accuracy by 10%  Reduced cycle time  Faster reaction to market changes
  • 83. SAP SCM EWM stories … and more new customers and go-lives  Almost 40 live sites comprised of approximately 20 customers are live.  Approximately 50 customer are implementing , with the majority due to go live by the end of 2010.  Over 50 new customers have recently signed , but not yet begun their implementations  Customers are in the following industries: Automotive, Automotive Parts, Chemical, CP Food, CP Fashion, Engineering/Construction, Forest Products, High Tech Ind. Machinery, Life Sciences, LSP, OEM, Professional Services, Public Sector, Retail and Service Parts Rich Ecosystem  SAP Consulting  25+ partners
  • 84.
  • 85. SAP MII – Clientes no seguimento - Indústria de Bebidas Dinamarca Venezuela EUA Reino UnidoHolanda EUA Dinamarca EUA
  • 87. The entire Consumer Products Value Chain runs SAP Retail Customers Consumer Products Manufacturer Packaging Supplier  Opportunity for Collaboration and Network Transformation  Proven and low risk solutions  Fast deployment and value delivery Food Ingredients Raw Material Supplier Wholesaler / Distributor
  • 88. Industry Business Scenarios Select Customers Financial Excellence Responsive Supply Networks Superior Customer Value Product & Service Leadership Strategic IT SAP delivers comprehensive solutions to Consumer Products companies 93% of Top 500 global CP companies run SAP Consumer Products Industry leaders are leveraging SAP beyond ERP to address high-value industry scenarios
  • 89. SAP Driving Customer Value: Selected Consumer Products References  Innovation processes driving 35% improvement in time to market  Significant increase in new product sales  Increased logistics transparency leading to improved on-time delivery  Maximized storage capacities, enhanced daily truck movement  Reduced market share validation reporting from 1 day to 30 minutes  Reporting for all company users; Fast searches across 280 million records  Reduced forecast error rates by 33%  Maintain 12 inventory turns per year @ 99%+ customer service levels  SKUs with increase in activity: +60%; avg. increase +195%  Collection-to-Cash (AR Processing time) reduced > 50%  Reduced product defects and rework, resulting in immediate quality improvements and lower costs  Global visibility across plants, higher productivity and product performance  Standardized product development and simplified change management  Real-time visibility to recipes & product safety information across the company
  • 90. Canada Post – SAP EM Solution Order Receipt Processing Transportation Delivery to Customer When customers and service providers can add information to the supply chain system, the overall supply chain performance and value improves. A New Visibility Paradigm
  • 91. Obrigado Daniel Bio SCM & Manufacturing Solution Principal SAP Brazil 55 11 5503 2490