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Sample Questions Speaking FCE Part 1 (About the
place you live in)
Pregunta Posible respuesta Pron. aprox. Fonética
Where are you from?
¿De dónde eres?
I’m from Madrid.
Soy de Madrid
aim from Madrid. ajm frəm mədrɪd
Where do you live?
¿Dónde vives?
I live in Madrid.
Vivo en Madrid.
ai liv in MAdrid. aj liv ɪn mədrɪd
Have you ever lived
¿Has vivido alguna
vez en el extranjero?
No, I haven’t, but I
have visited some
cities like London and
Paris.No, pero he
visitado ciudades
como Londres y París.
Nou, ai haven’t bat ai
hav visitit sam sitis
laik london and peris.
no, aj hævənt, bət aj
hæv vɪzətəd səm sɪtiz
lajk ləndən ænd
Which of these
cities -I mean
London and Paris- do
you like best?
¿Cuál de estas
ciudades te gusta
It’s difficult to say. I
like them both. Es
difícil decirlo. Me
gustan ambas.
London is a very
cosmopolitan city and
Paris is very romantic.
London es muy
cosmopolita y París es
muy romántica.
Its difikelt tu sei. ai
laik dem bouz.
London is a very
cosmopolitan siti and
Peris is very romantic.
ɪts dɪfəkəlt tu se. aj
lajk ðɛm boθ
ləndən ɪz ə vɛri
kɑzməpɑlətən sɪti
ænd pærɪs ɪz vɛri
Can you tell
something about the
city/town you live in?
¿Me podrías decir
algo sobre la ciudad/
pueblo donde vives?
Well, Madrid is the
capital and largest
city of Spain. Bueno,
Madrid es la capital y
es la ciudad más
grande de España.
Madrid is located on
the Manzanares river
in the centre of the
country, and it’s a
wel, madrid is de
capital and larchest
siti of spein.
MAdrid is lokeitit on
de mansanares river
in de senter of de
kantri and its a rili
nais siti to visit and to
liv in.
wɛl, mədrɪd ɪz ðə
kæpətəl ænd lɑrdʒəst
sɪti əv spen. mədrɪd
ɪz loketəd ɑn ðə
manzanɑrɛs rɪvər ɪn
ðə sɛntər əv ðə kəntri,
ænd ɪts ə rɪli najs sɪti
tu vɪzət ænd tu liv ɪn.
really nice city to visit
and to live in. Madrid
está situada en el río
Manzanares en el
centro del país. Es
también una ciudad
muy bonita para
visitar y vivir.
Do you know what
Madrid’s population
¿Sabes cuántos
habitantes tiene
Yes, I do. It’s about 6
million including the
metropolitan area. Sí
lo sé. Son 6 millones
de habitantes
incluyendo el área
ies, ai du. Its abaut
six milion including
de metropolitan eria.
jɛs, aj du. ɪts əbawt
six mɪljən ɪnkludɪŋ
ðə mɛtrəpɑlətən ɛriə.
What’s special about
your city/town?
¿Qué es especial
acerca de tu
There are many
things that make
Madrid special. For
example, it has a lot
of parks , museums,
big buildings, and
many people from
different regions of
Spain and other
Hay muchas cosas
que hacen de Madrid
(una ciudad) especial.
Por ejemplo, tiene
muchos parques,
museos, grandes
edificios y mucha
gente de diferentes
regiones de España y
de otros países.
der ar meni zings dat
meik MAdrid
sspeshal. for
eksampel, it has a lot
of parks, miussemss,
big bildings, and
meni pipol from
diferent richions of
spein and ader
ðɛr ɑr mɛni θɪŋz ðæt
mek mədrɪd spɛʃəl.
fɔr ɪgzæmpəl, ɪt hæz
ə lɑt əv pɑrks ,
mjuziəmz, bɪg
bɪldɪŋz, ænd mɛni
pipəl frəm dɪfərənt
ridʒənz əv spen ænd
əðər kəntriz.
Sample questions Speaking FCE Part 1 (About your
work or studies- future plans)
Pregunta Posible respuesta Pron. aprox. Fonética
Do you work or
I’m studying at the
Estudio en la
aim sstading at de
ajm stədiɪŋ æt ðə
What are you
I’m studying
computer science.
Estudio informática.
aim sstading
kompiuter sains
ajm stədiɪŋ kəmpjutər
Do you like your
studies? Why?
Yes, I do. I like to
study computer
science because I
have always liked
computers. Sí. Me
gusta estudiar
informática porque
siempre me han
gustado los
ordenadores. I got
my first computer
when I was 10 and
since then I have
been building or
repairing them. Tuve
mi primer ordenador
cuando tenía 10 años
y desde entonces he
estado construyendo
o reparando
ies ai du. ai laik tu
sstadi compiuter
sains bikos ai hav
olweis likt
compiuters. ai gat
mai first compiuter
wen ai was ten and
sins den ai hav bin
bilding or ripering
jɛs, aj du. aj lajk tu
stədi kəmpjutər
sajəns bɪkɒz aj hæv
ɒlwez lajkt
kəmpjutərz. aj gɑt
maj fərst kəmpjutər
wɛn aj wəz tɛn ænd
sɪns ðɛn aj hæv bɪn
bɪldɪŋ ɔr rəpɛrɪŋ ðɛm.
What are you
planning to do when
you finish studying?
I’m planning to go to
live in The UK for a
year to study English.
Pienso ir a vivir al
Reino Unido por un
año para estudiar
aim planing tu go tu
liv in de yu kei for a
ier tu sstadi inglish.
ajm plænɪŋ tu go tu
lIv ɪn ðə jùké fɔr ə jɪr
tu stədi ɪŋglɪʃ.
Where would you like
to work in the future?
I’d like to work for an
IT company in Spain
or abroad, for
example in The UK or
Germany. Me gustaría
trabajar para una
empresa de
en España o en el
extranjero, por
ejemplo, en el Reino
Unido o en Alemania.
aid laik tu wuork for
an aiti kampani in
sspein or abrod, for
exampel in de iu kei
or in yermani.
ajd lajk tu wərk fɔr
æn aj ti kəmpəni ɪn
spen ɔr əbrɒd, fɔr
ɪgzæmpəl ɪn ðə jùké
ɔr dʒərməni.
How long have you
been unemployed?
I have been
unemployed for six
months. He estado en
el pago 6 meses.
ai hav bin anemploid
for six monzs.
aj hæv bɪn ənɛmplɔjd
fɔr sɪks mənθs.
Sample Questions Speaking FCE Part 1 (About your
Pregunta Posible respuesta Pron. aprox. Fonética
Do you have a big or
small family?
I have a small family.
There are four of us,
my parents, my
brother and I. Tengo
una familia pequeña.
ai hav a smol famili.
der ar for of as, mai
perents, mai braders
and ai.
aj hæv ə smɒl fæməli.
ðɛr ɑr fɔr əv əs, maj
pɛrənts, maj brəðər
ænd aj.
Somos 4, mis padres
mi hermano y yo.
Do you live with your
Yes, I do. I live with
my family in a flat in
Sí. Vivo con mi familia
en un piso en
ies ai du. ai liv wiz
mai famili in a flat in
jɛs, aj du. aj liv wɪθ
maj fæməli ɪn ə flæt
ɪn bɑrsəlonə.
Do you have any
brothers or sisters?
Yes I do. I have one
sister and a brother.
Sí, tengo una
hermana y un
ies ai du. i hav wan
sister and a brader.
jɛs aj du. aj hæv wən
sɪstər ænd ə brəðər.
Would you have liked
to be an only child?
No, I wouldn’t. When I
was small I enjoyed
very much playing
with my brother and
my sister and now I
enjoy being with
them. No. Cuando era
pequeño me gustaba
mucho jugar con mi
hermano y mi
hermana y ahora me
gusta estar con ellos.
no ai wudnt. when ai
was ssmol ai enyoid
very mach pleing wiz
mai brader and mai
sister and nau ai
enyoi bing wiz dem.
no, aj wʊdənt. wɛn aj
wəz smɒl aj ɛndʒɔjd
vɛri mətʃ pleɪŋ wɪθ
maj brəðər ænd maj
sɪstər ænd naw aj
ɛndʒɔj biɪŋ wɪθ ðɛm.
Sample Questions Speaking FCE Part 1 (About your
Pregunta Posible respuesta Pron. aprox. Fonética
In your opinion, what
makes a good friend?
A good friend is
someone who stays
close to you in
a gud frend is
samwan hu steis
clous tu iu in difikelt
ə gʊd frɛnd ɪz
səmwən hu stez klos
tu ju ɪn dɪfəkəlt
difficult moments.
Un buen amigo es
alguien que se queda
junto a ti en los
momentos difíciles.
Do you have many
friends or few
I have few friends,
but very good ones.
Tengo pocos amigos,
pero muy buenos.
ai hav fiu frends bat
gud uans.
aj hæv fju frɛndz, bət
vɛri gʊd wənz.
Do you spend most of
your time with your
friends or with your
During the week I’m
at home with my
family, but I usually
spend weekends with
my friends.
Durante la semana
estoy en casa con mi
familia, pero
generalmente los
fines de semana los
paso con mis amigos.
during de wik aim at
hom wiz mai famili,
bat ai yushuali spend
wikends wiz mai
dʊrɪŋ ðə wik ajm æt
hom wɪθ maj fæməli,
bət aj juʒəwəli spɛnd
wikɛndz wɪθ maj
When you are with
your friends where do
you usually go?
I usually go to have a
drink with my friends
or we go to the
cinema, or sometimes
they come to my
house or I go to
Generalmente salgo a
tomar algo con mis
amigos, o vamos al
cine, o a veces vienen
a mi casa o yo voy a
la de ellos.
ai yushuali gou tu hav
a drink wiz mai
frends o wi gou to de
sinema, or samtaims
dei kam to mai haus
or ai gou tu deirs.
aj juʒəwəli go tu hæv
ə drɪŋk wɪθ maj
frɛndz ɔr wi go tu ðə
sɪnəmə, ɔr səmtajmz
ðe kəm tu maj haws
ɔr aj go tu ðɛrz.
What do you usually When I’m at home I wen aim at hom ai
wɛn ajm æt hom aj
do when you are at
usually study, browse
the internet, watch
TV, or listen to music.
Cuando estoy en casa
estudio, navego por
internet, veo la tele o
escucho música.
yusuali sstadi, braus
de internet, watch
tivi, or lisen tu
juʒəwəli stədi, brawz
ðə ɪntərnɛt, wɑtʃ tivi,
ɔr lɪsən tu mjuzɪk .
50 FCE Speaking Questions for Part 1: The Interview
25 Sep2013 | Exam materials
Tags: FCE · first certificate
If any of you are teaching FCE (First Certificate), you will need to give your learners
lots of exam training practice. Part 1 of the exam (the interview) is a good place to start
because the learners have to talk about everyday topics, such as their home town, what
they do in their free time and work and study.
Here is a list of about 50 questions (most of which have been used in FCE exams in the
last 10 years). Feel free to share them with your learners:
Click here for a pdf copy: FCEpart1questionspdf (1)
FCE Speaking Exam Part 1 – Interview Questions
In the first part of the exam, the interviewer will ask you and your partner several
questions about everyday topics. Here is a list of questions arranged by topic:
Area where you live or used to live
1. Is there anything you would like to learn about your country?
2. Which area of your country would you like to get to know better?
3. What’s the most interesting place you’ve visited near ….?
4. Could you tell me something about the area where you grew up?
5. Could you describe your family home to me?
1. Are you interested in sport?
2. Is there a sport you’d really like to try?
3. What sports do people play most in your country?
4. How much exercise do you take each week?
5. Do you like to be physically active or do you prefer relaxing?
1. How much TV do you watch in a week?
2. Tell us about a TV programme you’ve seen recently?
3. Do you have a favourite newspaper or magazine?
4. What do you spend your time doing?
5. Do you enjoy reading?
6. What sort of books do you read?
7. Does anyone you know have an interesting hobby?
8. What’s the difference between reading the news in the newspaper and watching
it on TV?
9. Who do you spend your free time with?
10. Do you prefer to be outside or inside when you have free time?
Work and study
1. Do you find it easy to study where you live?
2. Do you use the internet to learn new things?
3. Do you prefer working on your own or with other people?
4. What kind of work would you really like to do in the future?
5. Are you happier doing mental or physical work?
6. Can you remember your first English lessons?
7. What do you think were the most important things you learned at primary
8. Would you prefer to work for a big or small company?
Family and friends
1. Who do you spend your free time with
2. Who are the most important people in your life?
3. Do you and your friends share the same ideas?
4. Tell me about your best friend?
5. Do you normally go out with family or friends?
Travel and holidays
1. Have you ever used your English on holiday?
2. Where would you really like to go on holiday in the future?
3. Do you like to plan your holidays carefully or do you prefer to just go?
4. How do you prefer to travel? by train or by plane?
5. What’s public transport like in your country?
1. Do you ever go to concerts?
2. Where do you like listening to music?
3. Do you like going to the cinema?
4. Do you enjoy playing computer games?
5. Do you enjoy shopping?
6. Do you like going to parties?
Daily life
1. How much time do you spend at home?
2. Tell us about a day you’ve really enjoyed recently?
3. Do you like cooking?
4. What’s your favourite food?
5. Have you got any plans for this weekend?
6. What’s your favourite day of the week?
7. Are you planning to do anything special this weekend?
8. What’s your favourite part of the day?
A great follow-up activity is to get learners writing their own questions. If you can
think of any other likely questions, please share and we can create the ultimate list.

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Sample questions speaking fce part 1

  • 1. Sample Questions Speaking FCE Part 1 (About the place you live in) Pregunta Posible respuesta Pron. aprox. Fonética Where are you from? ¿De dónde eres? I’m from Madrid. Soy de Madrid aim from Madrid. ajm frəm mədrɪd Where do you live? ¿Dónde vives? I live in Madrid. Vivo en Madrid. ai liv in MAdrid. aj liv ɪn mədrɪd Have you ever lived abroad? ¿Has vivido alguna vez en el extranjero? No, I haven’t, but I have visited some cities like London and Paris.No, pero he visitado ciudades como Londres y París. Nou, ai haven’t bat ai hav visitit sam sitis laik london and peris. no, aj hævənt, bət aj hæv vɪzətəd səm sɪtiz lajk ləndən ænd pærɪs Which of these cities -I mean London and Paris- do you like best? ¿Cuál de estas ciudades te gusta más? It’s difficult to say. I like them both. Es difícil decirlo. Me gustan ambas. London is a very cosmopolitan city and Paris is very romantic. London es muy cosmopolita y París es muy romántica. Its difikelt tu sei. ai laik dem bouz. London is a very cosmopolitan siti and Peris is very romantic. ɪts dɪfəkəlt tu se. aj lajk ðɛm boθ ləndən ɪz ə vɛri kɑzməpɑlətən sɪti ænd pærɪs ɪz vɛri romæntɪk. Can you tell something about the city/town you live in? ¿Me podrías decir algo sobre la ciudad/ pueblo donde vives? Well, Madrid is the capital and largest city of Spain. Bueno, Madrid es la capital y es la ciudad más grande de España. Madrid is located on the Manzanares river in the centre of the country, and it’s a wel, madrid is de capital and larchest siti of spein. MAdrid is lokeitit on de mansanares river in de senter of de kantri and its a rili nais siti to visit and to liv in. wɛl, mədrɪd ɪz ðə kæpətəl ænd lɑrdʒəst sɪti əv spen. mədrɪd ɪz loketəd ɑn ðə manzanɑrɛs rɪvər ɪn ðə sɛntər əv ðə kəntri, ænd ɪts ə rɪli najs sɪti tu vɪzət ænd tu liv ɪn.
  • 2. really nice city to visit and to live in. Madrid está situada en el río Manzanares en el centro del país. Es también una ciudad muy bonita para visitar y vivir. Do you know what Madrid’s population is? ¿Sabes cuántos habitantes tiene Madrid? Yes, I do. It’s about 6 million including the metropolitan area. Sí lo sé. Son 6 millones de habitantes incluyendo el área metropolitana. ies, ai du. Its abaut six milion including de metropolitan eria. jɛs, aj du. ɪts əbawt six mɪljən ɪnkludɪŋ ðə mɛtrəpɑlətən ɛriə. What’s special about your city/town? ¿Qué es especial acerca de tu ciudad/pueblo? There are many things that make Madrid special. For example, it has a lot of parks , museums, big buildings, and many people from different regions of Spain and other countries. Hay muchas cosas que hacen de Madrid (una ciudad) especial. Por ejemplo, tiene muchos parques, museos, grandes edificios y mucha gente de diferentes regiones de España y de otros países. der ar meni zings dat meik MAdrid sspeshal. for eksampel, it has a lot of parks, miussemss, big bildings, and meni pipol from diferent richions of spein and ader kantries. ðɛr ɑr mɛni θɪŋz ðæt mek mədrɪd spɛʃəl. fɔr ɪgzæmpəl, ɪt hæz ə lɑt əv pɑrks , mjuziəmz, bɪg bɪldɪŋz, ænd mɛni pipəl frəm dɪfərənt ridʒənz əv spen ænd əðər kəntriz.
  • 3. Sample questions Speaking FCE Part 1 (About your work or studies- future plans) Pregunta Posible respuesta Pron. aprox. Fonética Do you work or study? I’m studying at the University. Estudio en la Universidad. aim sstading at de yuniversiti. ajm stədiɪŋ æt ðə junɪvərsəti. What are you studying? I’m studying computer science. Estudio informática. aim sstading kompiuter sains ajm stədiɪŋ kəmpjutər sajəns. Do you like your studies? Why? Yes, I do. I like to study computer science because I have always liked computers. Sí. Me gusta estudiar informática porque siempre me han gustado los ordenadores. I got my first computer when I was 10 and since then I have been building or repairing them. Tuve mi primer ordenador cuando tenía 10 años y desde entonces he estado construyendo o reparando ordenadores. ies ai du. ai laik tu sstadi compiuter sains bikos ai hav olweis likt compiuters. ai gat mai first compiuter wen ai was ten and sins den ai hav bin bilding or ripering dem. jɛs, aj du. aj lajk tu stədi kəmpjutər sajəns bɪkɒz aj hæv ɒlwez lajkt kəmpjutərz. aj gɑt maj fərst kəmpjutər wɛn aj wəz tɛn ænd sɪns ðɛn aj hæv bɪn bɪldɪŋ ɔr rəpɛrɪŋ ðɛm.
  • 4. What are you planning to do when you finish studying? I’m planning to go to live in The UK for a year to study English. Pienso ir a vivir al Reino Unido por un año para estudiar inglés. aim planing tu go tu liv in de yu kei for a ier tu sstadi inglish. ajm plænɪŋ tu go tu lIv ɪn ðə jùké fɔr ə jɪr tu stədi ɪŋglɪʃ. Where would you like to work in the future? I’d like to work for an IT company in Spain or abroad, for example in The UK or Germany. Me gustaría trabajar para una empresa de telecomunicaciones en España o en el extranjero, por ejemplo, en el Reino Unido o en Alemania. aid laik tu wuork for an aiti kampani in sspein or abrod, for exampel in de iu kei or in yermani. ajd lajk tu wərk fɔr æn aj ti kəmpəni ɪn spen ɔr əbrɒd, fɔr ɪgzæmpəl ɪn ðə jùké ɔr dʒərməni. How long have you been unemployed? I have been unemployed for six months. He estado en el pago 6 meses. ai hav bin anemploid for six monzs. aj hæv bɪn ənɛmplɔjd fɔr sɪks mənθs. Sample Questions Speaking FCE Part 1 (About your family) Pregunta Posible respuesta Pron. aprox. Fonética Do you have a big or small family? I have a small family. There are four of us, my parents, my brother and I. Tengo una familia pequeña. ai hav a smol famili. der ar for of as, mai perents, mai braders and ai. aj hæv ə smɒl fæməli. ðɛr ɑr fɔr əv əs, maj pɛrənts, maj brəðər ænd aj.
  • 5. Somos 4, mis padres mi hermano y yo. Do you live with your family? Yes, I do. I live with my family in a flat in Barcelona. Sí. Vivo con mi familia en un piso en Barcelona. ies ai du. ai liv wiz mai famili in a flat in barselona. jɛs, aj du. aj liv wɪθ maj fæməli ɪn ə flæt ɪn bɑrsəlonə. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes I do. I have one sister and a brother. Sí, tengo una hermana y un hermano. ies ai du. i hav wan sister and a brader. jɛs aj du. aj hæv wən sɪstər ænd ə brəðər. Would you have liked to be an only child? No, I wouldn’t. When I was small I enjoyed very much playing with my brother and my sister and now I enjoy being with them. No. Cuando era pequeño me gustaba mucho jugar con mi hermano y mi hermana y ahora me gusta estar con ellos. no ai wudnt. when ai was ssmol ai enyoid very mach pleing wiz mai brader and mai sister and nau ai enyoi bing wiz dem. no, aj wʊdənt. wɛn aj wəz smɒl aj ɛndʒɔjd vɛri mətʃ pleɪŋ wɪθ maj brəðər ænd maj sɪstər ænd naw aj ɛndʒɔj biɪŋ wɪθ ðɛm. Sample Questions Speaking FCE Part 1 (About your friends) Pregunta Posible respuesta Pron. aprox. Fonética In your opinion, what makes a good friend? A good friend is someone who stays close to you in a gud frend is samwan hu steis clous tu iu in difikelt ə gʊd frɛnd ɪz səmwən hu stez klos tu ju ɪn dɪfəkəlt momənts.
  • 6. difficult moments. Un buen amigo es alguien que se queda junto a ti en los momentos difíciles. moments. Do you have many friends or few friends? I have few friends, but very good ones. Tengo pocos amigos, pero muy buenos. ai hav fiu frends bat gud uans. aj hæv fju frɛndz, bət vɛri gʊd wənz. Do you spend most of your time with your friends or with your family? During the week I’m at home with my family, but I usually spend weekends with my friends. Durante la semana estoy en casa con mi familia, pero generalmente los fines de semana los paso con mis amigos. during de wik aim at hom wiz mai famili, bat ai yushuali spend wikends wiz mai frends. dʊrɪŋ ðə wik ajm æt hom wɪθ maj fæməli, bət aj juʒəwəli spɛnd wikɛndz wɪθ maj frɛndz. When you are with your friends where do you usually go? I usually go to have a drink with my friends or we go to the cinema, or sometimes they come to my house or I go to theirs. Generalmente salgo a tomar algo con mis amigos, o vamos al cine, o a veces vienen a mi casa o yo voy a la de ellos. ai yushuali gou tu hav a drink wiz mai frends o wi gou to de sinema, or samtaims dei kam to mai haus or ai gou tu deirs. aj juʒəwəli go tu hæv ə drɪŋk wɪθ maj frɛndz ɔr wi go tu ðə sɪnəmə, ɔr səmtajmz ðe kəm tu maj haws ɔr aj go tu ðɛrz. What do you usually When I’m at home I wen aim at hom ai wɛn ajm æt hom aj
  • 7. do when you are at home? usually study, browse the internet, watch TV, or listen to music. Cuando estoy en casa generalmente estudio, navego por internet, veo la tele o escucho música. yusuali sstadi, braus de internet, watch tivi, or lisen tu miusik. juʒəwəli stədi, brawz ðə ɪntərnɛt, wɑtʃ tivi, ɔr lɪsən tu mjuzɪk . 50 FCE Speaking Questions for Part 1: The Interview 25 Sep2013 | Exam materials Tags: FCE · first certificate If any of you are teaching FCE (First Certificate), you will need to give your learners lots of exam training practice. Part 1 of the exam (the interview) is a good place to start because the learners have to talk about everyday topics, such as their home town, what they do in their free time and work and study. Here is a list of about 50 questions (most of which have been used in FCE exams in the last 10 years). Feel free to share them with your learners: Click here for a pdf copy: FCEpart1questionspdf (1) FCE Speaking Exam Part 1 – Interview Questions In the first part of the exam, the interviewer will ask you and your partner several questions about everyday topics. Here is a list of questions arranged by topic: Area where you live or used to live 1. Is there anything you would like to learn about your country? 2. Which area of your country would you like to get to know better?
  • 8. 3. What’s the most interesting place you’ve visited near ….? 4. Could you tell me something about the area where you grew up? 5. Could you describe your family home to me? Sports 1. Are you interested in sport? 2. Is there a sport you’d really like to try? 3. What sports do people play most in your country? 4. How much exercise do you take each week? 5. Do you like to be physically active or do you prefer relaxing? Leisure 1. How much TV do you watch in a week? 2. Tell us about a TV programme you’ve seen recently? 3. Do you have a favourite newspaper or magazine? 4. What do you spend your time doing? 5. Do you enjoy reading? 6. What sort of books do you read? 7. Does anyone you know have an interesting hobby? 8. What’s the difference between reading the news in the newspaper and watching it on TV? 9. Who do you spend your free time with? 10. Do you prefer to be outside or inside when you have free time? Work and study 1. Do you find it easy to study where you live? 2. Do you use the internet to learn new things? 3. Do you prefer working on your own or with other people? 4. What kind of work would you really like to do in the future? 5. Are you happier doing mental or physical work? 6. Can you remember your first English lessons? 7. What do you think were the most important things you learned at primary school? 8. Would you prefer to work for a big or small company? Family and friends 1. Who do you spend your free time with 2. Who are the most important people in your life? 3. Do you and your friends share the same ideas? 4. Tell me about your best friend? 5. Do you normally go out with family or friends? Travel and holidays 1. Have you ever used your English on holiday? 2. Where would you really like to go on holiday in the future?
  • 9. 3. Do you like to plan your holidays carefully or do you prefer to just go? 4. How do you prefer to travel? by train or by plane? 5. What’s public transport like in your country? Entertainment 1. Do you ever go to concerts? 2. Where do you like listening to music? 3. Do you like going to the cinema? 4. Do you enjoy playing computer games? 5. Do you enjoy shopping? 6. Do you like going to parties? Daily life 1. How much time do you spend at home? 2. Tell us about a day you’ve really enjoyed recently? 3. Do you like cooking? 4. What’s your favourite food? 5. Have you got any plans for this weekend? 6. What’s your favourite day of the week? 7. Are you planning to do anything special this weekend? 8. What’s your favourite part of the day? A great follow-up activity is to get learners writing their own questions. If you can think of any other likely questions, please share and we can create the ultimate list.