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Table	of	Contents
About	the	trainers	-	Madhu	Akula
Training	Preview
Getting	Started
Cloud	Accounts	Access
Cloud	accounts	setup
Google	Cloud
Cloud	Security
AWS	Security
Azure	Security
GCP	Security
ELK	Stack	Setup
ELK	Stack
Kibana	101
SCENARIO	1	-	SSH	Bruteforce
Before	the	Attack
Serverless	Defence
Configuring	ELK	Stack
After	serverless	defence
Serverless	Explanation
Use	cases	and	ideas
SCENARIO	2	-	Auditing	CMS
Configuring	ELK	Stack
Analyzing	Wordpress	activity
Use	cases	and	ideas
SCENARIO	3	-	IAM	Defence
Serverless	Defence
Before	the	Attack
After	the	attack
Serverless	Explanation
Use	cases	and	ideas
SCENARIO	4	-	Container	defense
Serverless	defence
After	defence
Serverless	Explanation
Use	cases	and	ideas
Tear	Down
About	Us
About	Appsecco
Upcoming	Trainings	and	Conferences
References	&	Resources
References	&	Resources
Welcome	to	"Automated	Defense	using	Cloud	Services	for	AWS,	Azure	and	GCP".
This	defence	focused,	hands	on	training	will	set	you	on	the	path	to	using	serverless	and	elastic	stack	with	help	of
cloud	services	to	defend	against	cloud	infrastructure
It	helps	you	to	get	started	about	building	automated	defence	systems	for	your	environments	based	on	your	needs
by	understanding	the	approach	and	methodology
The	idea	behind	the	Automated	Defence	is	to	reduce	the	bottle-neck	of	human	reaction	time	to	security
monitoring	by	automating	defensive	actions	to	have	a	near	real-time	response
We	live	in	cloud	first	era	where	the	cloud	is	increasingly	our	first	choice	of	deployment	due	to	its	convenience	and
scalability.	Monitoring	for	attacks	and	defending	against	them	in	real-time	is	crucial	but	defending	your	cloud
infrastructure	during	attacks	can	prove	to	be	a	nightmare	even	with	the	solutions	currently	available	in	the	market.
In	this	training	we	will	teach	how	to	defend	your	cloud	infrastructure	using	Serverless	technologies	and	Elastic	Stack.
Elastic	Stack	collects,	analyses	logs	and	triggers	alerts	based	on	a	pre-configured	rule-set	and	the	Serverless	stack
drives	defence	to	perform	automated	blocking.
The	world	is	advancing	towards	accelerated	deployments	using	DevOps	and	Cloud	technologies.	Automated	defence
solves	modern	world	security	challenges	using	near	real-time	alerting	system,	serverless	technologies	and	centralised
monitoring	system.
Students	will	need	trial	accounts	in	AWS,	Azure	and	GCP	with	administrative	access	with	billing	enabled	to	have
a	hand-on	experience	during	the	training.
Trainer Details
Name	:	Madhu	Akula	
Twitter	:	@madhuakula	
Email	:
Madhu	Akula
Madhu	Akula	is	a	security	ninja,	published	author	and	Security	Automation	Engineer	at	Appsecco.	He	is	passionate
about	Cloud	Native,	DevOps	and	security	and	is	an	active	member	of	the	international	Security	and	DevOps
His	research	has	identified	vulnerabilities	in	over	200	companies	and	organisations	including;	Google,	Microsoft,
LinkedIn,	eBay,	AT&T,	WordPress	and	Adobe,	etc.	He	is	co-author	of	Security	Automation	with	Ansible2(ISBN-13:
978-1788394512),	which	is	listed	as	a	technical	resource	by	Red	Hat	Ansible.
Madhu	frequently	speaks	and	runs	technical	sessions	at	security	events	and	conferences	around	the	world	including;
DEF	CON	(24	&	26),	Blackhat	USA	2018,	USENIX	LISA	2018,	Appsec	EU	2018,	All	Day	DevOps	(2016,	2017	&
2018),	DevSecCon	(London,	Singapore	and	Boston:	2016,	2017	&	2018),	DevOpsDays	India,	c0c0n	(2017	&	2018),
Serverless	Summit,	null	and	multiple	others.
Some	of	the	trainings/workshops	by	Madhu	Akula	include
Automated	Defense	using	Cloud	Services	for	AWS,	Azure	and	GCP	-	Blackhat	USA	2018,	2019
Attacking	&	Auditing	Docker	Containers	Using	Open	Source	-	Defcon	26,	OWASP	Bay	Area	Meetup
Attacking	&	Auditing	Docker	Containers	-	USENIX	LISA	2018,	DevSecCon	London	2018,	c0c0n	XI
Building	visualization	platforms	for	OSINT	data	using	open	source	solutions	-	Recon	Village	2018
Automated	Defense	using	Serverless	for	AWS,	Azure	and	GCP	-	Appsec	EU	2018
Breaking	and	Owning	Cloud	Servers	and	Applications	-	NULLCON	Goa	2018
Ninja	Level	Infrastructure	Monitoring	-	Defcon	24	and	DevSecon	London	2016
Automated	Infrastructure	Security	Monitoring	&	Defence	-	DevSecCon	Singapore	2017
Real	World	Security	Monitoring	&	Automated	Defence	for	almost	free	-	DevSecCon	Boston	and	DevSeCon
London	2017
Monitoring	&	Defending	Infrastructure	Security	Attacks	-	c0c0n	X
Linux	Container	Security	-	Null	Bangalore
An	Introduction	to	Containers	using	Docker	and	using	it	for	Security	Automation	-	Null	Bangalore
Automating	Documentation,	Presentation,	KB	using	Markdown	-	Null	Bangalore
Automated	infrastructure	security	monitoring	&	defence	-	Null	Bangalore
Some	of	the	talks	given	by	Madhu	Akula	include
Container	Security	Monitoring	using	Open	Source	-	All	Day	DevOps	2018,	Online	Webinar
Continuous	security	monitoring	in	CI	and	CD	pipelines	-	iwomm	2.5:	Continuous	Delivery	Meetup,	London
Modern	Security	Operations	aka	Secure	DevOps	-	All	Day	DevOps	2017
Automated	Defence	for	Cloud	Security	in	AWS	using	Serverless	-	Serverless	Summit	2017
DevOps	principles	to	build	your	lean	startup	-	Startup	Leadership	Program
Developers	guide	to	security	&	operations:	Introducing	DevSecOps	-	Software	Security	Bangalore	Meetup
Automated	Infrastructure	Security	Monitoring	using	FOSS	-	All	Day	DevOps	2016
Infrastructure	Security	Monitoring	-	DevOps	Days	India	2016
Cloud	Security	for	everyone	-	SDN	+	IoT	+	Network	Virtualization	Enthusiasts	Meetup
NodeJS	Security	-	Null	Bangalore
Web	&	Cloud	Security	in	the	Real	World	-	Keynote	speaker	at	CompTIA	Bangalore
My	bug	hunting	with	open	source	-	Hill	hacks	2015
Hardening	routers	&	switches	-	Null	Dharamshala
About	the	trainers	-	Madhu	Akula
Basics	of	networking	-	Null	Dharamshala
Published	Works	of	Madhu	Akula	include
Cover Details
Book	-	Security	Automation	with	Ansible2,	Published	by	PacktPub	December	2017,
ISBN	9781788394512
Account Details
Twitter @madhuakula
LinkedIn Madhu	Akula
About	the	trainers	-	Madhu	Akula
The	attacks	covered	in	the	training	are	for	educational	purposes	only.	Do	not	test	or	attack	any	system	outside	of
the	scope	of	this	training	lab	unless	you	have	express	permission	to	do	so
The	snippets,	commands	and	scripts	used	throughout	the	training	are	not	production-ready,	may	not	be	bug-free
and	are	not	guaranteed	in	any	way
Here	is	the	high	level	overview	of	how	next	two	days	will	look	like
Automated	Defense	using	Cloud	Serivces	for	AWS,	Azure	and	GCP
Environment	Setup
Cloud	Account	Setup
Elastic	Stack	Setup
Scenario-1	:	SSH	bruteforce	detection	and	defence
Scenario-2	:	Content	management	system	audit	analysis
Scenario-3	:	IAM	CloudTrail	logs	to	defend	against	stolen	credentials
Scenario-4	:	Container	logs	to	audit	Kubernetes	security
Tear	down
Wrap	up
References	&	Resources
Training	Preview
Training	Preview
Cloud	service	accounts
Services	we	will	be	using	in	AWS
Cloud	Watch
Cloud	Trail
API	Gateway
Dynamo	DB
Services	we	will	be	using	in	Azure
Resource	Group
Virtual	Machine
Virtual	Network
Network	Security	Group
Public	IP	Address
Azure	Cosmos	DB
Azure	Functions
Services	we	will	be	using	in	GCP
Google	Cloud	Shell
Goolge	Compute	Engine
Google	Kubernetes	Engine
Cloud	Functions
App	Engine
Stack	driver
Search	Engine	:P
Cloud	Accounts	Access
Cloud	accounts	setup
We	will	now	configure	our	cloud	account	credentials	in	the	student	VM	to	be	able	to	deploy	the	services	we	will	be
Cloud	accounts	setup
Setting	up	AWS	CLI	with	IAM	credentials
The	primary	AWS	account,	also	called	the	root	account,	is	very	powerful	in	terms	of	access.	To	avoid	losing	its	keys	or
secrets,	we	will	create	a	IAM	Administrator	account	which	will	have	the	same	privileges	as	a	AWS	root	account	except
for	access	to	certain	features	like	billing	which	we	can	anyways	access	using	the	root	account.
Steps	to	create	an	IAM	user
Search	for	IAM	in	the	services
Click	on	users	>	Add	user
Create	a	user	called		iamadmin		with	the	following	settings
AccessType:	Programmatic	access	and	AWS	Management	Console	access
Console	Password:	Select	Custom	password
Provide	a	strong	alphanumeric	character
Uncheck	require	password	reset
We	are	only	asking	you	uncheck	require	password	reset	to	do	this	for	the	purposes	of	the	training
Click	on	'Attach	existing	policies	directly'	and	select	'AdministratorAccess'
Click	Next	and	Create	User
Copy	and	save	the	following	in	your	text	editor	for	later	use
1.	 Access	key	ID
2.	 Secret	access	key
3.	 Unique	sign	in	URL	(Bookmark	this	link)
Steps	to	Configure	AWS	CLI
Run	the	following	command	to	configure	the	aws	cli
Ensure	that	you	run	this	command	in	the	Training	VM
aws	configure
You	will	need	to	provide	the		access	key	ID		and		secret	access	key	
Type	the	following	values
Default	region	name	[None]:		us-east-1		(YOU	MUST	PROVIDE		us-east-1	)
Default	output	format	[None]:		json	
These	credentials	get	stored	at		~/.aws/credentials	
Run	the	following	command	to	validate	the	AWS	configuration	to	ensure	that	account	is	added	and	set	as	default
Ensure	that	you	run	this	command	in	the	Training	VM
aws	sts	get-caller-identity
Additional	Information
Setting	up	access	using	CLI
Setting	up	Azure	CLI	with	credentials
Azure	CLI	is	optimized	for	managing	and	administering	Azure	resources	from	the	command	line,	and	for	building
automation	scripts	that	work	against	the	Azure	Resource	Manager.
Steps	to	Configure	AWS	CLI
Run	the	following	command	to	configure	the	azure	cli
Ensure	that	you	run	this	command	in	the	Training	VM
az	login
Open	the	URL	in	your	browser	and	enter	the	returned	code	to	go	to	the	next	step
Complete	the	registration	by	selecting	the	free	trail	training	account	to	confirm
After	successful	authentication,	we	can	see	the	below	output	in	the	command	prompt
Run	the	following	command	to	validate	the	Azure	configuration	to	ensure	that	account	is	added	and	set	as	default
Ensure	that	you	run	this	command	in	the	Training	VM
az	account	list
Additional	Information
Log	in	with	Azure	CLI
Google	Cloud	Platform
The	gcloud	auth	command	group	lets	you	grant	and	revoke	authorization	to	Cloud	SDK	(gcloud)	to	access	Google
Cloud	Platform.
Authenticating	via	gcloud	CLI
Run	the	following	command	in	training	vm	to	configure	gcloud	cli
Ensure	that	you	run	this	command	in	the	Training	VM
gcloud	auth	login
Copy	the	link	and	open	in	your	browser.	Make	sure	you	login	to	the	account	which	you	are	using	the	free	trail
Google	Cloud
Give	the	permission	by	clicking	Allow
Google	Cloud
Copy	the	code	for	pasting	in	the	console
Google	Cloud
Paste	the	copied	code	and	press	enter	to	continue
Run	the	following	command	to	validate	the	gcloud	configuration	to	ensure	that	account	is	added	and	set	as
Ensure	that	you	run	this	command	in	the	Training	VM
gcloud	config	list
Google	Cloud
Additional	Information
gcloud	auth	login
google	auth
Google	Cloud
AWS	Security
Five	core	areas	of	Cloud	Security
According	to	this	whitepaper,	security	in	the	cloud	is	composed	of	five	areas
1.	 Identity	and	Access	Management
2.	 Detective	Controls
3.	 Infrastructure	Protection
4.	 Data	Protection
5.	 Incident	Response
Mapping	these	areas	to	AWS	Services	and	Security
Concepts	we	covered	in	the	training
Area Services
Identity	and	Access	Management AWS	IAM
Detective	Controls AWS	Config,	AWS	CloudWatch,	AWS	S3,	AWS	Inspector
Infrastructure	Protection AWS	VPC,	AWS	S3
Data	Protection N/A
Incident	Response N/A
Cloud	Security	Architecture	Building	Blocks
Block Use	Case
AWS	VPC Logically	seperate	network
AWS	IAM Secure	access	to	resources	and	services	for	people	and	computers
AWS	CloudWatch See	logs	and	take	actions
AWS	CloudTrail Track	API	requests	and	monitor	and	notify
AWS	Config/Cloud	Custodian Validate	security	policy	and	remediate	automatically
Other	relevant	AWS	whitepapers	to	read	and	learn	from
AWS	Security	Pillar	Whitepaper
AWS	Security	Best	Practices
AWS	Auditing	use	of	AWS	Checklist
AWS	Security
AWS	Security
Azure	Security
The	features	listed	following	are	capabilities	you	can	review	to	provide	the	assurance	that	the	Azure	Platform	is
managed	in	a	secure	manner.	Links	have	been	provided	for	further	drill-down	on	how	Microsoft	addresses	customer
trust	questions	in	four	areas:	Secure	Platform,	Privacy	&	Controls,	Compliance,	and	Transparency.
Available	security	technical	capabilities	to	fulfil	user
(Customer)	responsibility	-	Big	picture
Microsoft	Azure	provides	services	that	can	help	customers	meet	the	security,	privacy,	and	compliance	needs.	The
Following	picture	helps	explain	various	Azure	services	available	for	users	to	build	a	secure	and	compliant	application
infrastructure	based	on	industry	standards.
The	built-in	capabilities	are	organized	in	six	(6)	functional	areas:
Azure	Security
Azure	Security
GCP	Security
Google	cloud	infrastructure	builds	security	through	progressive	layers	that	deliver	true	defense	in	depth.
GCP	Security
ELK	Stack
Elasticsearch,	Logstash	and	Kibana
Different	open	source	modules	working	together
Helps	users/admins	to	collect,	analyse	and	visualize	data	in	(near)	real-time
Each	module	fits	based	on	your	use	case	and	environment
Components	of	the	stack
ELK	Stack
Distributed	and	Highly	available	search	engine,	written	in	Java	and	uses	Groovy	(now	started	painless	scripting)
Built	on	top	of	Lucene
Multi	Tenant	with	Multi	types	and	a	set	of	APIs
Document	Oriented	providing	(near)	real	time	search
Tool	for	managing	events	and	logs	written	in	Ruby
Centralized	data	processing	of	all	types	of	logs
Consists	of	3	main	components
Input	:	Passing	logs	to	process	them	into	machine	understandable	format
Filter	:	Set	of	conditions	to	perform	specific	action	on	a	event
Output	:	Decision	maker	for	processed	events/logs
Basic	Logstash	Configuration
input	{
				stdin	{}
				file	{}
filter	{
ELK	Stack
grok	{}
				date	{}
				geoip	{}
output	{
			elasticsearch	{}
			email	{}
Powerful	front-end	dashboard	written	in	JavaScript
Browser	based	analytics	and	search	dashboard	for	Elasticsearch
Flexible	analytics	&	visualisation	platform
Provides	data	in	the	form	of	charts,	graphs,	counts,	maps,	etc.	in	real-time
Lightweight	shippers	for	Elasticsearch	&	Logstash
Capture	all	sorts	of	operational	data	like	logs	or	network	packet	data
It	can	send	logs	to	either	Elasticsearch,	Logstash
ELK	Stack
Different	types	of	Beats
Filebeat:	Log	Files
Metricbeat:	Metrics
Packetbeat:	Network	Data
Winlogbeat:	Windows	Event	Logs
Auditbeat:	Audit	Data
Heartbeat:	Uptime	Monitoring
Filebeat	sample	configuration
-	type:	log
		enabled:	true
				-	/var/log/auth.log
		tags:	["sshlog"]
-	type:	log
		enabled:	true
				-	/var/log/nginx/access.log
		tags:	["weblog"]
		hosts:	["localhost:5044"]
ELK	Stack	for	Security	Monitoring	&	Alerting
It	helps	to	parse	large	amount	of	log	data
We	can	aggregate	and	correlate	the	data	from	different	types	of	log	formats
Centralized	way	to	look	into	entire	logs
Provides	near	real-time	search	and	visualization	capabilities
ELK	Reference	Guide
We	can	use	the	below	Gitbook	with	detailed	instructions	for	references	to	the	ELK	stack	setup	and	usage.
ELK	Stack
We	can	set	up	a	notification	system	to	let	users/admins	know	that	a	pattern	match	has	occurred.
Logstash	output	plugin	alerting	via	(Email,	Pager	duty,	JIRA,	etc.)
An	open	source	alerting	for	elasticsearch	by	Yelp	called	elastalert
Another	open	source	project	by	Etsy	411
X-Pack	(commerical	offering	by	Elastic)
Custom	scripts
ElastAlert	is	a	simple	framework	for	alerting	on	anomalies,	spikes,	or	other	patterns	of	interest	from	data	in
Simple	ElastAlert	rule	to	detect	ssh	bruteforce	attacks
es_host:	localhost
es_port:	9200
name:	"SSH	Bruteforce	Login	Alert"
type:	frequency
index:	filebeat-*
num_events:	12
		minutes:	3
#	For	more	info:	
-	query:
						query:	'tags:	"sshlog"	AND	login:	"Failed"	AND	username:	("root"	OR	"ubuntu")'
		-	slack
		-	command
slack_webhook_url:	""
slack_username_override:	"attack-bot"
slack_emoji_override:	"robot_face"
command:	["/usr/bin/curl",	"https://LAMBDAENDPOINTGOESHERE/%(ip)s"]
		minutes:	0
Rule	Types
New	Term
Metric	Aggregation
Percentage	Match
Alert	Types
Command,	HTTP	POST
Email,	SNS,	Stomp
Jira,	Gitter,	ServiceNow
OpsGenie,	VictorOps,	PagerDuty
Twilio,	Telegram
HipChat,	Slack,	MS	Teams
Kibana	101
We	will	familiarize	ourselves	with	Kibana	dashboard	now.	For	now,	we	already	have	system	logs	from	the	ELK	VM.
Login	to	your	Kibana	dashboard
Interactive	Hands-On
We	will	practice	the	following	in	a	hands-on	manner.	Follow	the	trainer's	instructions	and	raise	any	questions	you	have
Index	Creation
We	will	create	an	index	pattern	for	our	metricbeat	log	data	so	that	we	can	query	and	build	visualisations	around
We	need	to	select	the	timestamp	field	that	we	will	be	using	for	this	index
We	will	discover	and	observe	the	logs
Kibana	101
Here	we	see	a	single	log	entry	in	JSON	format
Custom	Search
We	will	use	Apache	Lucene	query	to	analyze	the	log	data
Kibana	101
Time	Filters
We	will	try	out	various	time	filters	to	restrict	our	search	space
Creating	Visualization
We	will	create	visualizations	based	on	our	search	queries
Selecting	the	search	query	for	the	current	visualization
Kibana	101
Creating	Pie	Chart
We	will	create	a	pie	chart	to	represent	our	visualization
Creating	Dashboard
We	will	create	a	dashboard	to	feature	our	visualizations	and	queries
Kibana	101
Sharing	Dashboard
We	can	share	the	dashboard	so	that	it	can	be	used	by	others
Dev	Tools
We	will	explore	Dev	Tools	and	try	out	manual	queries	to	Elastic	search
Try	the	following	queries	to	get	the	cluster	status
GET	_cluster/health
GET	_cluster/state
We	explore	the	management	tab	to	manage	our	custom	searches,	reports,	import	and	export
Kibana	101
Generating	dashboards	for	metricbeat
We	will	login	to	the	ELK	stack	and	generate	the	metricbeat	dashboards
sudo	metricbeat	setup	--dashboards
Now,	we	can	see	the	system	dashboard	generated	in	live
Kibana	101
Custom	Ansible	playbook	to	setup
Beats	(Filebeat,	Metricbeat)
Created	a	custom	AMI	using	Ansible	provisioner	and	published	the	final	AMI	using	Packer
Used	the	Terraform	to	setup	AWS	infrastructure	for	ELK	stack
Route	Tables
Internet	Gateway
Elastic	IP
Security	Group
SSH	Key	pair
Local	provisioner
Remote	provisioner
Created	a	simple	bash	script	to
Initialise	Terraform	using	stored	AWS	credentials
Deploy	the	infrastructure	using	Terraform	plan
SSH	Bruteforce	Defence
In	this	scenario,
We	will	setup	our	infrastructure,	which	consists	of	a	VM	with	SSH	password	authentication
We	will	setup	the	serverless	components	required	for	Automated	Defence
We	will	perform	a	bruteforce	attack	on	the	SSH	service	and	see	how	to	defend	against	the	attack	using	serverless
and	automated	defence	approach
Before	the	Attack
We	will	look	at	current	state	of	our	infrastructure	and	logs	before	the	attack.
Network	ACL
Lets	observe	our	Network	ACL	for	our	infrastructure	VPC	subnet
Navigate	to	the	VPC	->	Network	ACL	dashboard	by	going	here
Please	ensure	that	you	are	logged	in	to	your	aws	account	before	visiting	the	link	above
Select	the	ACL	belonging	to	adef-lab-vpc	as	shown
Observe	that	everything	is	allowed	at	this	point
Before	the	Attack
We	will	now	attack	the	Infra	VM	SSH	service	by	running	a	bruteforce	attack	using	hydra	utility
Running	the	bruteforce	attack
Run	the	following	command	to	start	the	bruteforce	attack	against	the	SSH	service	of	the	infrastructure	vm
Ensure	that	you	run	this	command	in	the	Training	VM
hydra	-V	-L	/opt/usernames.txt	-P	/opt/passwords.txt	ssh
This	script	will
Run	a	SSH	bruteforce	attack	with	the		hydra		(Hydra	is	a	brute	force	password	cracking	tool)	using	given
The		usernames.txt		and		passwords.txt		files	are	already	placed	in	your	system	under		/opt/		directory
If	you	see	any	error,	please	inform	one	of	the	trainers
You	should	see	something	like	this
Kibana	Dashboard
Lets	observe	the	SSH	login	logs	and	visualize	the	attack.	We	are	able	to	see	the	logs	here	because	the	infra	VM	has
been	configured	to	send	logs	to	the	ELK	VM	by	default
Navigate	to	the	Kibana	dashboard	by	using	the	link
Create	new	index	pattern	in	your	elk	stack	and	give	the	index	name	pattern	and	select	the	timestamp.	We	index
the	data	so	that	it	can	be	queried	and	thus	visualized
Now	navigate	to	discover	and	select	the	filebeat	pattern	to	see	the	near	real-time	logs.
Now,	we	can	see	the	logs	coming	in	near	real-time	and	we	can	also	use	Apache	lucene	queries	to	filter	the	data
by	selecting	the	appropriate	filters	as	shown	in	the	screenshots.
Query	for	all	login	attempts	against	the	users		root	,		ubuntu		under		sshlog		
Import	the		ssh-custom-dashboard.json		dashboard.	This	dashboard	will	help	with	visualizing	the	SSH	attack	in
Apache	Lucene	Query	Syntax
Kibana	Dasboards
Serveless	Defence
We	will	now	deploy	the	serverless	defence	that	will	detect,	block	and	alert	us	about	the	attack	automatically.
Deploying	serverless	defence
Run	the	following	script	to	deploy	serverless	defence	for	the	scenario-1
Ensure	that	you	run	this	command	in	the	Training	VM
This	script	will
Deploy	DynamoDB	tables	and	Lambda	Functions	used	for	the	serverless	defence
Print	the	lambda	endpoints	that	we	will	use	for	serverless	defence
Please	note	down	this	information,	as	we	will	use	this	later
If	you	see	any	error,	please	inform	one	of	the	trainers
Serverless	Defence
Configuring	ELK	stack
We	need	to	configure	our	ELK	stack	to	trigger	a	defensive	action	by	making	a	request	to	our	serverless	endpoint.
We	use	ElastAlert,	an	open	source	tool,	to	trigger	defensive	actions	when	the	conditions	defined	in	the	rules	are	met.
Now	we	have	to	ensure	that	the	lambda	endpoint	generated	by	defence	script	has	to	be	updated	in	ElastAlert
Get	the	endpoint	from	the	student	vm	by	running	below	command
echo	$scenario_1_endpoint_ip
SSH	into	the	ELK	VM
Now	we'll	configure	the	endpoint	in	the	ElastAlert	configuration	file	to	trigger	a	HTTP	request	to	our	serverless
endpoint	with	an	ip	address	to	block
This	command	must	be	run	in	the	ELK	VM.	If	you	are	not	familiar	with		vi	,	please	use		nano		instead
sudo	vi	/opt/elastalert/rules/ssh-bruteforce-alert.yml
Now	we	have	to	restart	the	ElastAlert	service	to	apply	the	changes
This	command	must	be	run	in	the	ELK	VM
sudo	systemctl	restart	elastalert.service
Configuring	ELK	Stack
After	serverless	defence
Let's	attack	the	infra	ssh	service	again	to	see	that	serverless	defence	happening	in	near	real-time
Ensure	that	you	run	this	command	in	the	Training	VM
hydra	-L	/opt/usernames.txt	-P	/opt/passwords.txt	ssh
Now	we	can	see	the	near-real	time	ssh	logs	in	our	Kibana	dashboard
The	attack	is	now	in	progress	and	has	most	likely	been	blocked	automatically.	We	shall	verify	the	same.
Slack	Alert
You	would've	received	a	slack	alert	about	the	IP	being	blocked
You	will	also	receive	another	slack	notification	once	the	IP	address	has	been	unblocked
Network	ACL
Lets	observe	our	Network	ACL	for	our	infrastructure	VPC	subnet
Navigate	to	the	VPC	->	Network	ACL	dashboard	by	going	here
Please	ensure	that	you	are	logged	in	to	your	aws	account	before	visiting	the	link	above
Select	the	ACL	belonging	to	adef-lab-vpc	VPC	as	shown
After	serverless	defence
Observe	that	our	student	VM	IP	has	been	blocked.	There	may	be	other	IP	addresses	that	have	been	blocked
due	to	bruteforce	attacks	on	the	wild
The	following	is	the	dynamo	DB	screenshot	of	automated	defence	in	action
Action	history
Lets	check	the	actions	performed	by	our	serverless	defence	by	invoking	the	actionhistory	endpoint
We	need	to	add	the	accessToken	parameter	to	the	URL	before	we	can	use	it	to	query	for	the	actions	taken
Ensure	that	you	run	this	command	in	the	Training	VM
After	serverless	defence
echo	$scenario_1_endpoint_activity
Use	the	Lambda	URL	corresponding	to	the	actionhistory	function	printed	when	deploying	serverless-defence
After	serverless	defence
Serverless	Explanation
We	just	deployed	three	lambda	functions	and	the	DynamoDB	tables	used	by	them	for	the	serverless	defence.	Let's
look	at	them	in	more	detail
A	high	level	diagram	on	how	serverless	works
blockip	-	Lambda	Function
This	lambda	function	is	responsible	for	blocking	an	IP	address	from	accessing	the	infrastructure	for	the	configured
duration.	It	can	be	used	by	any	service	to	block	an	IP	address	by	making	a	HTTP	request.	It	uses	the		stateTable		to
store	blocking	status	and		historyTable		for	maintaining	a	log	of	all	actions	taken
The	ELK	stack	uses	this	endpoint	to	block	the	IP	addresses	that	go	beyond	the	configured	threshold	in	ElastAlert	rule
Serverless	Explanation
handleexpiry	-	Lambda	Function
This	lambda	function	runs	in	regular	intervals	and	ensures	that	entries	in	the	ACL	are	removed	after	the	configured
expiry	time	by	looking	up	their	expiry	timestamp	in	the		stateTable	
actionhistory	-	Lambda	Function
Serverless	Explanation
This	lambda	function	returns	a	list	of	actions	that	have	been	performed	by	the	serverless-defence	so	far	by	querying
the		historyTable	
Parameters	configurable	before	deployment
region	-	AWS	Region	to	deploy	in.	ACL	must	be	in	the	same	region
accessToken	-	Access	token	used	authorize	requests	to	block	IPs
aclID	-	ACL	that	will	be	used	for	blocking
stateTableName	-	DynamoDB	table	that	will	be	created	to	maintain	current	blocking	state
historyTableName	-	DynamoDB	table	that	will	be	created	to	maintain	action	history
ruleValidity	-	Time	(in	minutes)	after	which	the	IP	is	unblocked
slackUrl	-	Slack	URL	to	send	alerts
slackChannel	-	Slack	channel	to	send	alerts	to
interval	-	Time	interval	between	scheduled	executions
Serverless	Explanation
Created	a	custom	Ansible	playbook	to	setup
Basic	HTML	site
SSRF	Vulnerable	Application
SSH	Service	with	Login
Beats	(Filebeat)
Created	a	custom	AMI	using	Ansible	provisioner	and	published	the	final	AMI	using	Packer
Uses	Terraform	to	setup	the	AWS	infrastructure	for	Scenario	1
Route	Tables
Elastic	IP
Security	Group
SSH	Key	pair
IAM	Policy
IAM	Role
Local	provisioner
Remote	provisioner
Created	a	simple	bash	script	to
Initialise	Terraform	using	stored	AWS	credentials
Deploy	the	infrastructure	using	Terraform	plan
Application	code	performs
Blocking	and	Unblocking	of	IP	addresses	in	network	ACL
Triggering	slack	alert
Maintaining	block	state	and	history	in	DynamoDB
Used	serverless	framework	to	deploy	code	to	AWS	Lambda
Created	a	simple	bash	script	to	deploy	the	setup
Install	required	pacakages
Use	configured	AWS	credentials	to	deploy	the	setup
Return	the	output	endpoints	and	store	in	bashrc
Discussion,	Use	cases	and	Limitations
Use	cases	and	ideas
Preventing	bruteforce	attacks	and	limiting	bot	traffic
We	can	use	the	same	solution	with	other	IDS/IPS	that	exposes	an	API
ACL,	Security	groups	have	limits	on	maximum	number	of	rules	due	to	which	we	have	to	unblock	IP	addresses
after	a	while
Lets	Discuss	(15	minutes)
Feedback/suggestions	on	improving	this	approach
How	you	have	been	solving	a	similar	issue	/	plan	to	solve	one
If	you	come	across	any	ideas	and	suggestions	later,	please	send	them	over	at	the		discussion		slack	channel.	We
shall	discuss	them	in	the	end	of	the	training.
Use	cases	and	ideas
Auditing	Content	Management	systems
In	this	scenario,
We	will	setup	our	infrastructure	which	consists	of	a	Wordpress	CMS	which	sends	logs	to	ELK	stack	for	analysis
We	will	run	an	activity	generator	script	to	simulate	user	activity	for	generating	log	data
We	will	look	at	auditing	Wordpress	to	analyze,	identify	and	uncover	attacks	and	suspicious	activiy
Configuring	ELK	stack	to	receive	logs	from	Wordpress
Filebeat	in	Wordpress	machine	is	already	configured	to	send	logs	to	ELK	stack	during	deployment,	but	we	currently
don't	see	the	logs	becuase	logstash	isn't	accessible	from	the	Wordpress	VM.
We	will	now	update	the	security	group	for	our	ELK	VM	to	allow	the	Wordpress	machine	in	Azure	to	access	logstash
running	at	port	5044.
Login	to	the	AWS	console
Navigate	to	the	EC2	console	and	Instances
Choose	the		elk-machine		and	select	the	corresponding		security-group	
Now	click	on		elk-sg		and	click	on		Edit		to	add	a	new	inbound	rule
Get	the	wordpress	machine	IP	address	by	running	the	following	command
Ensure	that	you	run	this	command	in	the	Training	VM
Configuring	ELK	Stack
echo	$wordpress_machine_ip
Now	add	the	wordpress	machine	IP	to	inbound	rules	in	security	group
Try	logging	in	with	incorrect	credentials	to	test	whether	logging	is	working
We	can	now	see	the	logs	in	the	Kibana	dashboard
Configuring	ELK	Stack
Configuring	ELK	Stack
Analyzing	Wordpress	Activity
We	will	now	analyze	the	activity	on	our	wordpress	blog.	We	will	be	writing	custom	queries,	creating	visualizations	and
using	custom	dashboards	to	understand	and	audit	the	activity	on	the	site.
Running	activity	generator
We	will	now	simulate	user	activity	on	our	wordpress	site	by	running	the	following	script.
Ensure	that	you	run	this	command	in	the	Training	VM
This	script	will
Use	the	configured	wordpress	credentials	to	generate	randomized	activity	on	our	wordpress	site	that	we	will
If	you	see	any	error,	please	inform	one	of	the	trainers
You	should	be	able	to	see	some	activity	in	the	Kibana	dashboard
Interactive	Hands-On
We	will	practice	the	following	in	a	hands-on	manner.	Follow	the	trainer's	instructions	and	raise	any	questions	you	have
Writing	custom	search	query
We	will	write	a	custom	search	query	to	analyze	our	wordpress	login	activity
Analyzing	Wordpress	activity
Understanding	login	patterns	with	visualisations
We	will	create	a	pie	chart	to	analyze	our	wordpress	login	activity
Wordpress	CMS	Audit	Custom	Dashboard
We	will	import	the		scenario-2-wordpress-custom-dashboard.json		dashboard	and	visualize	the	wordpress	login	data
Analyzing	Wordpress	activity
Analyzing	user	activity
We	will	now	analyze
User	active	time
Login	locations
Weblogs	Custom	Dashboard
We	will	now	simulate	user	activity	on	our	infrastructure	site	by	running	the	following	command
Ensure	that	you	run	this	command	in	the	Training	VM
nikto	-h
This	command	will
Scan	and	tests	web	servers	for	dangerous	files/CGIs,	outdated	server	software	and	other	problems.	It
performs	generic	and	server	type	specific	checks.
We	will	import	the		web-custom-dashboard.json		dashboard	to	web	application	server	logs	visualisations	for
Analyzing	Wordpress	activity
Analyzing	Wordpress	activity
Used	the	Terraform	to	setup	Azure	infrastructure	for	Scenario-2
Resource	Group
Virtual	Network
Public	IP
Network	Security	Group
Network	Interface
Storage	Account
Virtual	Machine
SSH	key	pair
Local	provisioner
Created	the	simple	bash	script	to	execute	this	whole	setup
Initialises	Terraform
Obtains	temporary	Azure	session	token
Deploys	the	infrastructure	using	Terraform	plan
Custom	Ansible	playbook	to	setup
Configuration	of	basic	site	and	initial	users
Custom	plugin	setup	and	configuration
Beats	(Filebeat)
Created	a	simple	bash	script	to	execute	the	setup
Uses	IP	address	and	ssh	key	pair	to	setup	the	entire	wordpress	stack
Configures	filebeat	to	send	logs	to	the	ELK	stack
Python	script	which	performs	automated	activity	on	a	wordpress	site
Random	browsing
Failed	logins
Correct	logins
Random	activities
Discussion,	Use	cases	and	Limitations
Use	cases	and	ideas
Analyzing	and	understanding	site	activity	and	usage	patterns	to	detect,	alert	or	stop	anomalous	activity
The	above	method	can	be	used	for	a	wide	range	of	defensive	scenarios	and	other	content	management	suites
like	Drupal,	etc.
We	could	act	on	the	logs	automatically	using		wp-cli	
No	significant	limitations
Lets	Discuss	(10	minutes)
Feedback/suggestions	on	improving	this	approach
How	you	have	been	solving	a	similar	issue	/	plan	to	solve	one
If	you	come	across	any	ideas	and	suggestions	later,	please	send	them	over	at	the		discussion		slack	channel.	We
shall	discuss	them	in	the	end	of	the	training.
Use	cases	and	ideas
IAM	CloudTrail	logs	to	defend	against	stolen
In	this	scenario,
We	will	see	how	we	can	use	the	AWS	metadata	service	to	retrieve	IAM	keys
We	will	exploit	an	application	vulnerable	to	SSRF	and	to	access	the	AWS	metadata	service
We	will	deploy	serverless	defence	that	will	use	Cloud	Trail	logs	to	detect	and	automatically	defend	our	cloud
Serveless	Defence
We	will	now	deploy	the	serverless	defence	in	the	coming	steps.
Deploying	serverless	defence
Run	the	following	script	to	deploy	serverless	defence	for	the	scenario-4
Ensure	that	you	run	this	command	in	the	Training	VM
This	script	will
Use	the	stored	AWS	credentials	to	deploy	the	Lambda	function	used	in	the	serverless	defence
If	it	is	successful	it	will	print	the	information	to	access	the	machine
If	you	see	any	error,	please	inform	one	of	the	trainers
Serverless	Defence
Serverless	Defence
Before	the	Attack
We	will	look	at	current	state	of	our	services	before	the	attack
Attached	IAM	Roles
Lets	confirm	that	IAM	role	that	has	been	attached	to	this	instance
Navigate	to	AWS	EC2
1#Instances:sort=instanceId	and	select	the
Select	the	VM	named		infra-machine	
Notice	that	a	role	called		ec2accesss3		has	been	attached	to	the	VM.	Which	gives	read-only	full	access	to	s3
Before	the	Attack
Before	the	Attack
We	will	now	exploit	the	SSRF	vulnerability	in	one	of	the	applications	in	the	Infrastructure	VM	to	gain	access	to	the	IAM
Exploiting	SSRF	to	obtain	IAM	Credentials
Lets	get	the	IAM	credentials	by	querying	the	AWS	Metadata	service
Now,	enter	the	following	in	the	input	field	of	the	application
As	you	can	see	there	is	a	Local	File	Inclusion	vulnerability
Lets	now	try	to	check	for	SSRF.	Enter	the	following	in	the	input	field
The	AWS	Metadata	service	provides	meta	data	about	the	instance	such	as	IP	address,	instance	details	and	much
SSRF	Attack
In	a	Server-Side	Request	Forgery	(SSRF)	attack,	the	attacker	can	abuse	functionality	on	the	server	to	read	or	update
internal	resources.	The	attacker	can	supply	or	a	modify	a	URL	which	the	code	running	on	the	server	will	read	or
submit	data	to,	and	by	carefully	selecting	the	URLs,	the	attacker	may	be	able	to	read	server	configuration	such	as
AWS	metadata,	connect	to	internal	services	like	http	enabled	databases	or	perform	post	requests	towards	internal
services	which	are	not	intended	to	be	exposed.
Let's	get	some	metadata	information	like	instance	credentials	:P
It	also	provides	an	endpoint	to	obtain	temporary	security	credentials	for	the	configured	role	of	the	instance.	We	will
now	try	to	get	the	credentials	by	accessing
Store	this	data	for	later	use.	These	are	the	temporary	credentials	usable	by	services	on	the	machine	due	to	the
attached	role
The	credentials	we	have	obtained	are	generated	by		AssumeRole		IAM	call	and	are	temporary	security	credentials	with
a	session	token.	Though	these	credentials	work	in	the	same	way	IAM	keys	do	for	the	most	part,	there	are	some	key
differences	such	as	temporary	security	credentials	cannot	request	for	temporary	security	credentials.	The	token	may
have	a	validity	upto	12	hours.
To	revoke	a	temporary	security	credential,	one	must	detach	the	IAM	role	and	revoke	the	sessions.	To	read	more	about
temporary	security	credentials,	please	visit
Using	the	stolen	IAM	Credentials
Lets	use	the	stolen	IAM	credentials.	We	can	do	that	by	adding	the	credentials	under	an	AWS	cli	profile	in	our	training
Configure	the	credentials	found	by
Ensure	that	you	run	this	command	in	the	Training	VM
aws	configure	--profile	ssrfkey
As	we	got	temporary	session	token,	we	have	to	edit		~/.aws/credentials		and	add	the	session	token
aws_access_key_id	=	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
aws_secret_access_key	=	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
aws_session_token	=	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Lets	try	listing	the	S3	buckets	under	the	AWS	account	using	the	found	key
Ensure	that	you	run	this	command	in	the	Training	VM
aws	s3	ls	--profile	ssrfkey
You	can	see	that	you	are	able	list	the	s3	buckets	under	the	account
Lets	try	to	enumerate	further	by	listing	all	IAM	users
Ensure	that	you	run	this	command	in	the	Training	VM
aws	iam	list-users	--profile	ssrfkey
Lets	try	to	list	all	the	ec2	instances
Ensure	that	you	run	this	command	in	the	Training	VM
aws	ec2	describe-instances	--profile	ssrfkey
This	command	fails	because	the	role	does	not	have	the	privileges	required
AWS	Metadata	Service
SSRF	Attack
After	initiating	attack
The	attack	is	now	in	progress	and	has	most	likely	been	blocked	automatically.	We	shall	verify	the	same
Slack	Alert
You	will	get	a	slack	alert	about	attack	and	the	action	taken.	The	alert	says	that	the	role	has	been	detached	and	the
sessions	have	been	revoked
Attached	IAM	Roles
Lets	check	if	the	IAM	role	has	been	detached
Navigate	to	AWS	EC2
Select	the	VM	named		infrastructure-vm	
After	the	attack
Select	Actions	->	Instance	Settings	->	Attach/Replace	IAM	Roles
Notice	that	the	role	has	been	detached	from	the	VM	and	will	no	longer	be	available	via	the	AWS	metadata	endpoint
Trying	to	use	the	credentials
Now	that	have	been	alerted	that	the	credentials	have	been	revoked,	lets	try	listing	the	buckets	again
Ensure	that	you	run	this	command	in	the	Training	VM
aws	s3	ls	--profile	ssrfkey
Notice	that	you	are	not	able	to	use	the	key	as	it	has	been	revoked
After	the	attack
Serverless	Explanation
We	just	deployed	the		iamhandler		lambda	function
This	lambda	function	constantly	monitors	the	CloudTrail	logs	for	unauthorized	requests	to	AWS	API	and	detaches	the
IAM	role	from	a	VM	along	with	revoking	all	the	session	tokens.
The	following	parameters	can	be	configured	in		serverless-defence/scenario-4/config.js	
region	-	AWS	Region	to	deploy	in
logGroup	-	CloudWatch	Log	Group	to	monitor
interval	-	Time	interval	between	scheduled	executions
slackUrl	-	Slack	URL	to	send	alerts
slackChannel	-	Slack	channel	to	send	alerts	to
Serverless	Explanation
Application	code	performs
Identifying	unauthorized	API	calls	in	CloudTrail
Revokes	the	existing	sessions	for	the	role
Detaches	the	role	from	the	instance
Triggers	slack	alert
Used	serverless	framework	to	deploy	code	to	AWS	Lambda
Created	the	simple	bash	script	to	deploy	the	setup
Uses	configured	AWS	default	credentials	and	environment	variables
Discussion,	Use	cases	and	Limitations
Use	cases	and	ideas
Quarantine	the	machine	after	detecting	a	violation
Could	send	data	to	ELK	stack	for	analyzing	usage	and	abuse
Not	really	useful	when	attached	IAM	role	has		AdministratorAccess		unless	MFA	is	enabled.
CloudTrail	logs	take	anywhere	from	5	to	15	minutes	to	reflect,	preventing	real-time	monitoring	and	defence
Lets	Discuss	(10	minutes)
Feedback/suggestions	on	improving	this	approach
How	you	have	been	solving	a	similar	issue	/	plan	to	solve	one
If	you	come	across	any	ideas	and	suggestions	later,	please	send	them	over	at	the		discussion		slack	channel.	We
shall	discuss	them	in	the	end	of	the	training.
Use	cases	and	ideas
Container	logs	to	audit	Kubernetes	security
In	this	scenario	we	will	see	how	we	can	detect	a	senitive	file	read	operation	occuring	inside	a	container	in	our
Kubernetes	cluster.
We	will	see	how	to	apply	serverless	defence	to	automatically	stop	the	attack	and	apply	the	fix	in	near-realtime
We	will	now	exploit	the	command	injection	vulnerability	in	one	of	the	applications	in	the	Kubernetes	cluster.
Accessing	the	application
We	can	get	the	IP	address	at	which	the	application	has	been	deployed	by	running	the	below	command
echo	$scenario_5_endpoint_ip
We	now	try	to	access	the	application	by	vising		http://$scenario_5_endpoint	.
The	credentials	for	the	application	will	are
username:	adef
password:	batmanvssuperman
Once	we	authenticate,	we	can	now	see	the	application.	Lets	try	pinging		to	test	the	feature.
Input	the	following	into	the	application
Exploiting	command	injection	vulnerability	in	the
It	looks	like	the	application	is	passing	the	input	to	ping	command	and	is	returning	the	output.	Lets	try	to	exploit	this
Try	the	below	input
As	we	can	see,	we	are	the	root	user,	and	lets	try	to	access		/etc/shadow	.	This	worked	and	we	are	able	to	see	the
We	will	shortly	recieve	a	slack	alert	about	this	activity	from	sysdig	falco	logs
Viewing	the	log
The	entry	that	triggered	this	can	be	found	in	Stackdriver	under	the	falco	logs	for	this	Kubernetes	cluster.	We	can	see
the	logs	by	choosing		GKE	Container		->		auto-adef		->		default		->		falco		selection	under	Google	Logging
Serverless	Defence
We	will	now	deploy	serverless	defence
Run	the	following	script	to	deploy	serverless	defence	for	the	scenario-5
This	script	will
Use	the	stored	gcloud	credentials	to	deploy	the	cloud	function	used	in	the	serverless	defence
If	you	see	any	error,	please	inform	one	of	the	trainers
Serverless	defence
After	serverless	defence
Lets	try	to	repeat	the	same	attack	again.	Try	to	read		/etc/shadow		again	as	shown	below
The	attack	succeeds.	But	within	moments	of	the	attack,	we	receive	a	slack	alert	about	the	attack.	Lets	try	to	access
the	application	now	that	we	have	deployed	automated	serverless	defence
Try	accessing		/etc/shadow	
After	defence
We	see	an		Permission	Denied		error.	Lets	try	to	check	the	user	we	are	executing	commands	as	by	running		id	
After	defence
We	see	that	the	application	is	running	as		app		user	which	does	not	have	permission	to	access		/etc/shadow	
We	will	also	notice	that	we	are	not	able	to	ping	anymore
After	defence
The	capablity		CAP_NET_RAW		has	also	been	disabled
After	defence
Serverless	Explanation
We	just	deployed	the		adefscenario5		lambda	function
This	lambda	function	constantly	monitors	Stack	Driver	logs	from	our	falco	daemon	for	the	configured	rule.	If	a
matching	entry	exists	in	the	logs,	it	sends	a	slack	alert	and	automatically	re-deploy	the	affected	application	with	a
more	restrictive	configuration
The	following	parameters	can	be	configured	in		serverless-defence/scenario-5/config.js	
rule	-	Falco	rule	to	look	for	in	logs
slackUrl	-	Slack	URL	to	send	alerts
slackChannel	-	Slack	channel	to	send	alerts	to
Serverless	Explanation
Created	a	simple	bash	script	to
Spin	up	new	2-node	GKE	cluster
Installs	and	enable	the	helm	with	service	account
Installs	the	node-app	deployment
installs	the	sydig	falco
Application	code	performs
Updating	the	deployment	with	security	fixes	based	on	logs
Triggering	slack	alert
Used	gcloud	framework	to	deploy	code	to	cloud	functions
Created	a	simple	bash	script	to	deploy	the	setup
Deploys	the	serverless	defence	code
Use	configured	gcloud	credentials	to	deploy	the	setup
Discussion,	Use	cases	and	Limitations
Use	cases	and	ideas
Detect	and	act	on	intrusions	and	unexpected	behaviour
Lets	Discuss	(10	minutes)
Feedback/suggestions	on	improving	this	approach
How	you	have	been	solving	a	similar	issue	/	plan	to	solve	one
If	you	come	across	any	ideas	and	suggestions	later,	please	send	them	over	at	the		discussion		slack	channel.	We
shall	discuss	them	in	the	end	of	the	training.
Use	cases	and	ideas
We	will	now	delete	all	services	and	resources	deployed	on	our	AWS	account.	Though	the	script	only	removes	the
deployment	done	during	this	training,	we	do	not	guarantee	that.	So	please	ensure	that	you	are	using	your	trial	account
created	for	the	training	and	do	not	have	any	other	credentials	configured.
Ensure	that	you	run	this	command	in	the	Training	VM
This	script	will
Removes	the	all	infrastructure	we	have	setup	till	now	in	AWS
Ensure	you	don't	have	any	data	in	the	AWS	account	before	running	the	script
We	will	now	delete	all	services	and	resources	deployed	on	our	Azure	account.	Though	the	script	only	removes	the
deployment	done	during	this	training,	we	do	not	guarantee	that.	So	please	ensure	that	you	are	using	your	trial	account
created	for	the	training	and	do	not	have	any	other	credentials	configured.
Ensure	that	you	run	this	command	in	the	Training	VM
This	script	will
Removes	the	all	infrastructure	we	have	setup	till	now	in	Azure
Ensure	you	don't	have	any	data	in	the	Azure	account	before	running	the	script
We	will	now	delete	all	services	and	resources	deployed	on	our	GCP	account.	Though	the	script	only	removes	the
deployment	done	during	this	training,	we	do	not	guarantee	that.	So	please	ensure	that	you	are	using	your	trial	account
created	for	the	training	and	do	not	have	any	other	credentials	configured.
Run	this	command	in	the	Cloud	Shell
This	script	will
Removes	the	all	infrastructure	we	have	setup	till	now	in	GCP
Ensure	you	don't	have	any	data	in	the	GCP	account	before	running	the	script
Created	the	simple	bash	script	to	execute
Removes	the	AWS	s3	buckets	using	default	credentials
Terraform	destroy	the	existing	infrastructure	created	for	different	scenarios	in	AWS
Created	the	simple	bash	script	to	execute
Terraform	destroy	the	existing	infrastructure	created	for	scenario-2
Created	the	simple	bash	script	to	execute
Currently	it's	not	performing	anything
About	Appsecco
Appsecco	is	a	specialist	application	security	company,	founded	in	2015,	with	physical	presence	in	London,	Bangalore,
Doha	and	Boston,	providing	industry	leading	security	advice	that	is	firmly	grounded	in	commercial	reality.
Our	services	cover	the	entire	software	development	lifecycle	from	advising	on	how	build	and	foster	a	culture	of
security	within	development	teams	and	organisations	to	reviewing	and	advising	on	the	security	of	applications	and
associated	infrastructure	under	development	to	providing	rapid	response	and	advice	in	the	event	of	a	security	breach
or	incident.
As	a	team,	we	are	highly	qualified	and	have	many	years	of	extensive	experience	working	with	clients	across	multiple
counties	and	in	a	wide	range	of	industries	and	sectors;	from	financial	services	to	software	development,
manufacturing	to	governmental	organisations	and	consumer	brands	to	ecommerce.
The	solutions,	advice	and	insight	we	deliver	to	our	clients	always	follows	three	core	principles:
1.	 It	must	be	pragmatic;	taking	into	account	the	specific	commercial,	organisational	and	operational	realities	of	each
client	individually
2.	 It	must	genuinely	add	value;	the	advice	or	solutions	we	provide	must	addresses	the	specific	problem	a	client
seeks	to	solve	and	have	actionable	insight	to	enable	them	to	achieve	this
3.	 Never	be	purely	automated;	whenever	we	are	testing	for	security	our	reports	and	output	always	have	significant,
expert,	human	input	to	give	the	greatest	possible	value	for	our	clients
In	addition	to	their	client-facing	work	our	technical	team	are	actively	involved	in	researching	and	developing	new	and
better	ways	to	stay	secure	and	can	regularly	be	found	presenting	their	findings	at	industry	conferences	and	events
ranging	from	nullcon	in	India,	DevSecCon	in	London	and	Singapore,	to	DEF	CON,	the	world’s	largest	security
conference	held	annually	in	the	USA.
Structurally	we	are	a	UK	Limited	company	with	a	wholly	owned	Indian	subsidiary	(where	the	majority	of	our	technical
resource	is	based)	and	raised	seed	funding	for	our	continuing	growth	in	the	UK	in	late	2016.
About	Appsecco
About	Appsecco
Upcoming	Conferences
Nullcon	2019	-	Goa,	India
Black	Hat	2019	-	Las	Vegas,	USA
Upcoming	Trainings	and	Conferences
Upcoming	Trainings	and	Conferences
References	&	Resources
Automated	Defense	using	Serverless	Computing
AWS	in	Plain	English
Amazon	Web	Services	-	a	practical	guide
AWS	CIS	Benchmarks
AWS	Security	Best	Practices
AWS	Security	Primer
Security	auditing	tool	for	AWS	environments
Prowler:	AWS	CIS	Benchmark	Tool
Nimbostratus	-Tools	for	fingerprinting	and	exploiting	AWS
Aardvark	is	a	multi-account	AWS	IAM	Access	Advisor	API
Security	Monkey
CloudSploit	Scans
System	Shock:	How	A	Cloud	Leak	Exposed	Accenture's	Business
Fullstop	-	Audit	reporting
Abusing	the	AWS	metadata	service	using	SSRF	vulnerabilities
AWS	Vulnerabilities	and	the	Attacker’s	Perspective
Pivoting	in	Amazon	Clouds
Security	Tools	for	AWS
Microsoft	Azure	in	Plain	English
Azure	Security	Centre
Azure	security	technical	capabilities
Security	auditing	tool	for	Azure	environments
Azure	Security	Lab	Workshop
Enumeration	and	reconnaissance	activities	in	the	Microsoft	Azure	Cloud
Azure	Security	and	Compliance	Blueprint	-	FedRAMP	Web	Applications	Automation
Secure	DevOps	Kit	for	Azure	(AzSK)
Google	Infrastructure	Security	Design	Overview
Cloud	Security	Command	Center
Forseti	Security:	Open-source	tools	for	GCP	security
Google	Cloud	Platform	Security	Tool
Map	AWS	services	to	Google	Cloud	Platform	products
References	&	Resources
Servleress	Framework	Documentation
AWS	SDK	for	Javascript
Azure	SDK	for	Node.js
GCP	Javascript	API	Documentaion
Intrusion	and	Exfiltration	in	Server-less	Architectures
Serverless	Architecture
Serverless	Technologies
Awesome	Serverless
References	&	Resources

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