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The Network Infrastructure of Jets Inc.
Name: sunil patel
Institution Affiliation:Iglobal university
MIT 681 : MSIT capston final project
Executive Summary
According to estimates, there will be ten billion devices in the
next half a decade, which is equivalent to 1.5 for every human
being. As mobile devices increasingly become integrated with
all sectors of our personal lives, companies realize that
employees progressively want to utilize their own mobile
devices along with company-issued devices to perform work-
related roles; many employees are urging the IT department to
facilitate this. Companies have come to the conclusion that it is
impossible to stop the utilization of mobile device for both
work and private purposes, but they need to have the framework
to regulate it. In the present economic climate, firms require
employees that are highly efficient; having a secure mobile
framework that permits personal devices to be utilized safely to
perform work roles can increase worker productivity and be a
substantial competitive edge. It can even facilitate a higher
acceptance rate in the process of recruitment. On that account,
the following study will examine the network infrastructure of
data analytic firm Jest Inc. In particular, will evaluate the
systems and factors that will enable the project to be a success
The Network Infrastructure of Jets Inc.
Jets Inc. is a data analytics firm that helps manufacturing
companies to improve companies improve the process to gain
better efficiency. A key part of Jets’ operations is its network
infrastructure. The infrastructure consists of cloud computing,
big data systems, and the accompanying information security
and DR protocols. To that end, it is important that Jets’ invests
in suitable and efficient network infrastructure to enable it to
offer optimal services to its clients. The following paper will
illustrate the network infrastructure of Jets Inc. It will begin by
exploring its cloud computing services, followed by the
information security and DR security, and then the big data and
data warehouse.
Since Jets Inc’s data analytic services are tailored for
manufacturing firms, the company will opt for a Cloud ERP
System from Microsoft. Some of the advantages that the cloud-
based ERP solution provides to companies include lower cost as
the deployment of the ERP will need very few hardware
investments and the traditional internal system maintenance
won’t be required during an occasional upgrade. In the cloud,
computing time is saved as organizations won't physically be
required internal computing resources as the services will be
virtually outsourced to third parties via the web who have
advanced technological IT hosting resources. Cloud computing
will enhance mobility as the organization can access ERP cloud
applications anywhere through web browsers using other
handheld mobile devices such as tablets, laptops smartphones
without necessarily having to use traditional PCs.
Key strategies for successful Cloud-Based ERP adoption
The top management should entirely support the implementation
of Cloud-based ERP for its adoption and upgrade to be
successful. The organization should also use other IS
applications in case of larger organizations specific functions
and not entirely rely on cloud computing in cross-functional
cooperation. For data security, the companies implementing
Cloud ERP should be very careful when selecting the cloud ERP
service providers and the signing of contracts and other legal
entities should be strictly taken care of.
Cloud-based ERP provides a set of new features to helps
organizations to solve technical barriers that result from the
traditional in-house ERP implementation. The time and the cost
that organizations incur during the in-house ERP system
upgrade is hugely reduced with the advent of cloud ERP. A
location restriction for ERP user is a factor that makes it
impossible for the organization to access the system whenever
they are outside the boundaries of the organization premises.
The cloud ERP computation provides solutions that do not make
it necessary for users to be within the physical environment of
the ERP machinery but can simply access it virtually through
the web. For a company that is very big with several
international branches, the adoption of Cloud computing makes
it simple to upgrade the system without the difficulty of
physically accessing the companies’ PCs in every branch. The
communication via the web is such efficient that cloud
computing services provider will just have to primarily upgrade
the system at the headquarters and integrate the same features to
all branches virtually.
Effect of Cloud ERP on Performance
The use of cloud ERP system considerably increases the speed
in which data is processed. The cloud system provides
organizations with an effective way of upgrading their systems
as it’s virtually done. Considerably reduction in the cost of
implementing ERP as human resources, time and investments to
manage it is reduced. The ERP mobility is highly enhanced as
users can actually access ERP services using mobile
technologies such as smartphones, tablets or laptops.
Jets Inc. Cloud Policy for Users
Jets will grant its workers the joy of using tablets and
smartphones that they prefer at the workplace for the
convenience. It maintains the right to remove the program if
users do not follow the procedures and policies that are stated
in the next section. Regulations are meant to guard the integrity
and security of the Jets’ technological infrastructure and data.
Restricted allowances to the regulation may happen because of
the differences in platforms and devices. The employees must
consent to the rules and guidelines established in the regulation
to be facilitated with access to the company’s network through
their mobile devices...
Suitable Usage
· Jets’ describes the suitable application as actions that directly
or indirectly reinforce its operations.
· Jets’ describes suitable usage of personal devices on work
hours as rational and restricted individual interaction or
relaxing, such as playing a game or reading.
· Certain sites are restricted from employee access on company
time or while linked to the firm’s infrastructure with the
knowledge of the enterprise. These sites include limited to
social media sites, video sharing sites, entertainment blogs, and
pornographic sites.
· The camera of devices and video capabilities should be
disabled when one is the company’s premises.
· At no time, should devices be used to store or distribute
explicit materials, store or distribute proprietary data that
belongs to another firm, harassment, engage in activities that
are not related to Jets’, among others?
· Social media sites are only allowed when engaging in
company business.
· Applications that are not downloaded through Windows Store,
Google Play, or iTunes are not allowed.
· Personal mobile devices have access to some resources
belonging to the frim like documents, emails, calendars, and
contacts, among others.
· Jets’ apply a zero-tolerance for emailing or texting by a
driver. Hands-free communication is allowed.
Gadgets and Support
· Various platforms including Windows phones, iPhones,
Blackberry, and Android are permitted. The IT department
usually releases a list of the required operating system versions
and models.
· Tablets such as Android and iPad are permitted. The IT
department releases a list of the required operating system
versions and models.
· The IT department supports issues regarding connectivity:
workers should contact the manufacturer of the device or
network carrier in the case that IT fails to address the issue.
· Devices must be introduced to the IT department for
comprehensive provisioning of job and installation of
conventional software like office efficiency programs, web
browsers, and safety application prior to being handed
permission to the network.
· Jets’ does not compensate workers for the part of the total cost
of the mobile gadget. Instead, the company facilitates workers
with an allowance that will cover the data plan.
· The company does not compensate employees for the
following charges; plan overcharges, roaming, among others.
· To restrict unsanctioned entree, gadgets must feature PIN
protection using the inbuilt applications of the gadget and a
secure password is needed to facilitate admission to the firm’s
· Jets’ robust password guideline is: Passwords should have an
of a minimum of eight letterings and a mix of lower and upper-
case letters, symbols, and numbers. Passwords are changed after
three months, and the novel password cannot be any of the user
· The gadget should lock itself with a PIN or password if it
stays unused for three minutes.
· In the event of failed attempts to log in, the device will self-
lock. Employees usually contact IT to gain back access to the
· JailbrokeniOS devices or rooted Android devices are strictly
restricted from gaining access to the firm’s infrastructure.
· Workers are restricted from downloading, configuring, and
utilizing any program that that is not approved by the firm.
· Tablets and smartphones that are on the list of devices that are
supported by the company are not permitted to connect to the
· Tablets and smartphones that are owned by employees for the
sole reason of personal use are not permitted access to the
· Access to company data by employees is restricted on the
basis of user-profiles described by the It department, and are
enforced automatically.
· The device of an employee may be wiped remotely if 1) the
device gets lost 2) the employment of a worker is terminated 3)
IT department detects a breach of policy or data, a virus or a
similar type of security risk to the company’s technological
infrastructure and data.
· Whereas the IT department takes a comprehensive precaution
to prevent the loss of employee’s personal data if a remote wipe
must be performed, it is the duty of a worker to use extra
defenses like storing contacts and email.
· The company maintains the right to disable services or
disconnect devices without prior notice.
· Stolen or lost devices must be stated to the IT department
within 24 hours. It is the responsibility of employees to notify
their mobile carries once a device is lost.
· The employee is anticipated to use his/her device in a manner
that is ethical at all times and comply with the user policy that
is accepted by the company as illustrated above.
· It is a personal liability of employees for all costs that are
related to his/her gadget.
· Workers should take entire responsibility for risks like
complete or partial damage of personal and company data as a
result of bugs, failure of the operating system, malware,
viruses, and other failures related to the software or hardware,
or errors related to programming that make the device to
become unusable.
· Jets’ maintains the right to take the necessary disciplinary
steps including termination of employment for failure to comply
with this policy.
Network Diagram
Image 1: The Design of Jets’ Network
Governance of Privacy
Enhancing legislation concerning privacy is an occurrence that
will be more profound in the near future. As Jets’ designs
security controls for BYOD, these may affect with individual
anticipation of privacy. To address this issue, the company uses
the BYOD policy to address privacy concerns. The BYOD
policy is well-formed and includes clear and defined
expectations on procedures that impact privacy. In some
geographical regions, the company is forced to facilitate
employees with an alternative to BYOD thus potentially
reducing the savings that are to be realized by the entire
program. For example, in Europe, it is more common for the
employer to facilitate the hardware that enables work to be
performed, induced mainly by the inability to force workers to
have their own smartphones (French, Aaron, Chengqi, & Shim,
2013). Consequently, this may either bring about a BYOD
program that is hybrid, that is, where there are both
organization-owned and private programs and devices that are
inclusive of provisions for the purchase of these devices. On the
other hand, US regulations hand companies the right to observe
and wipe the device of a user (French, Aaron, Chengqi, &Shim,
2013). It is key that the company examines the risk that
surrounds this practice, creates a policy and communicates to
users about the implications of privacy of using their personal
Protection of Data
In the implementation of a BYOD program, protection of data is
not only relevant to company data. Federal and state regulations
that guide the dispensation of personal information in a BYOD
setting apply, and if the firm is gathering personal information
from the device of an employer, security, expiration, the
purpose, among others, of the accumulated data must be clearly
defined in the BYOD policy (Zhang, Kunjithapatha.,Jeong, &
Gibbs, 2011). Jets will perform an assessment of the risks that
are related to the dispensation. If a third party is used to
process data, that is, if the firm uses a provider of cloud
service, it is crucial that that data is protected through an
agreement of data processing with the third party (Thomson,
2012). With the transfer of data, the duty of protecting the data
should be shifted and the compliance should be verified.
The Right to Erasure and Be Forgotten
It is gradually more widespread for regulation involving privacy
to include provisions for the right to be forgotten for the
employees, and to have an individual’s personal data deleted
when he/she leaves the company (Hunt, 2012). Therefore, since
Jetsoperates in regions where such regulations are in place, it
assesses the effect to the company and develops support
procedures that are formalized to handle these requests. The
company takes advantage of these processes to include
employees that are enrolled in BYOD.
Monitoring Privacy at the Work Place
There is a broad range of requirements and laws centered on
monitoring, data protection, and wiping. For example, privacy
regulations in the EU state that surveillance should be restricted
to the use of the device at the workplace only. Company-wide
and worldwide monitoring may also be limited, as EU limits
transfer of data to countries that are not-EAA (French, Aaron,
Chengqi, &Shim, 2013). Labor laws depend on the state and
limit the company for monitoring the personal information of
employees. This may restrict the firm’s ability to control and
monitor sent to mobile devices for the purpose of security.
These needs are complicated further when, for example, an
employee gives a child the device to play a game. To avoid
these pitfalls involving measures that monitor privacy, Jets’
uses a product that enables the monitoring ability to occur
entirely around activities that are work-related.
Breach Investigation and Report
Due to breaches, digital investigations on personal devices may
seem like an invasion of privacy. As such, it is important for the
company to reserve the right to analyze the devices of
employees when in the event of such an incidence (Gatewood,
2012). If such a right is not reserved on the BYOD policy that is
agreed upon, the company may encounter legal difficulties and
delays when examination of information on personal devices is
required. The present trend for future and novel laws are
starting to address notification of data breaches, with exclusions
around notice if certain criteria surrounding data protection are
met (Thomson, 2012). The company prepares for these statutes
by keeping a dynamic record of the devices, the data that they
possess, and the security measures used to protect the
Encryption Systems
Bit locker and The Kerberos authentication system
Bit locker is a program created by Microsoft to enhance
the security of its operating systems. The software is easy-to-
use and can encrypt an entire hard drive and can assist to defend
an O.S against malware. BitLocker is available to any user who
has Windows Vista and above.
The Kerberos authentication system is developed above tickets
or credentials. The main idea underlying the system is that one
does not submit his/her password for each service that he/she
requires. Instead, one keeps tracks of his/her tickets on the local
system and only displays each service a ticket particularly for
that service and cannot be applied for anything else (Araki,
Barak, Furukawa, Lindell, Nof, &Ohara, 2016). When one
begins to use his/her system, he she uses a password to acquire
a master ticket termed as the ticket-granting ticket (TGT);
regardless whether one is using Kerberos for Windows, Linux,
or Macintosh. The ticket master has a validity of 25 hours and
should be renewed with the password after this period (Araki et
al, 2016). Whenever one goes through a service that applies
Kerberos, he/she displays the ticket master to the service’s
server and acquires a custom ticket for that service. After this
step, one displays the ticket for that particular service to the
service to confirm his/her identity. The tickets are preserved in
a ticket cache in one’s local system.
The conventional password is similar to one’s birth certificate,
national identification card or passport since it proves his/her
identity. It is not well reinforced against forgery, its bothersome
to type, and has all the data required to acquire one’s identity
(Araki et al, 2016). Indeed, one does not want to display such
documents whenever they want to get an official document from
the government. On that account, the Kerberos TGT is like
one’s national I.D. It is a powerful means of identification but
workers more effectively with anti-forgery reinforcement. One
can use the identification to prove his/her identity and acquire
secondary identities for particular situations (Araki et al, 2016).
In other words, the Kerberos service tickets are similar to other
single-purpose identifiers like match tickets.
The apparent benefit of this system is that a service receives a
custom ticket. One does not need to submit his/her I.D, thus, the
service does not have the opportunity to acquire one’s I.D and
apply it for personification (Khurana, Saggar, &Kaur, 2016). If
applied for its original purpose, Kerberos is a multifaced
protection tool. It protects a user’s personal files and defends
against a person personating an email server to acquire an
identity to use somewhere else.
Unfortunately, there are some clients and services that do not
have direct support for Kerberos. For instance, several mail
clients do not comprehend Kerberos and can only interpret
passwords. When utilizing such clients or services, one may
have to insert their password, so that it is relayed to the server.
The server utilizes the password to acquire the master ticket for
a user and validate that the master ticket is the right one
(Khurana, Saggar, &Kaur, 2016). Even though this method is
applicable, it is not convenient. It is like a person handing over
his/her social security number and birth certificate to each
service that he/she wants to use, instead of simply displaying a
ticket customized for that service. Even though most services
can be trusted, such a method creates additional risk. In that
regard, one should try to reduce the number of services that
need password and attempt to utilize actual Kerberos tickets in
every situation possible.
Additionally, a user should validate every application that
requests a password. Nonetheless, requesting a password is not
the most effective or safe way to utilize Kerberos. The ideal
situation is where one has to insert his/her password into his/her
computer once a day. As such, one should seek for a software
that is compatible with Kerberos to evade the hassle of typing
the password each time and reinforce the security of the
account. Overall, even though the Kerberos system has its
vulnerabilities, it provides adequate security for one’s data.
The components that will make up Jet’s Big Data system
include software, hardware, the connections and its users and
storage place of the system. The most common types of Big
Data systems include management information systems,
operation support systems, Executive information systems, and
decision support systems. Many manufacturing firms are
currently seeking for ways of managing their big data while at
the same time increasing their production efficiency using well-
established information architecture. As such, the
manufacturing firms have to collect information from various
data sources to improve the outcome of the process. Doing this
often improve both productive and analytical capabilities of a
company. This section highlights the big data systems that Jets
will use, benefits of big data, key business challenges, the issue
associated with the handling of big data, and how to overcome
these issues.
Jets’ Big Data Systems
The big data systems that have been recommended for use in
Jets’ operations include relational database management
systems, and they are ideal for managing structured data. Other
are MOLAP databases, NoSQL, distributed file system, and big
table inspired databases.
Benefits of Big Data to Jets
Big data are quite beneficial to the Jets. They help in optimizing
production and plant operations, thus, maximizing quality and
productivity while at the same keeping costs to a minimum
level. These systems are also helpful in minimizing threats in
the supply such. Besides, they are useful tools for planning as
well as support services that ensure good quality of the outcome
(Marcus, 2013). Furthermore, they ensure improved forecasting
of services, prevention of loss and revenue protection, and
enhanced efficiency in IT operations.
The key business challenges that these systems aim at
addressing include quality of manufacturing and support
services, customer experience and intimacy, and improvement
of operational efficiency.
Issues Associated with Handling of Big Data in Manufacturing
Generally, the issues that manufacturers face while handling big
data include data variety, volume, value, and velocity. These
have been discussed thoroughly in the paper.
Overcoming these Issues
To overcome these issues, it is prudent that the company should
consider its current and existing gaps to achieve its future
objectives. In this case, the company has to adjust its
technology architecture to accommodate the change made.
Further, the firm has to match the existing capabilities with
appropriate tools (Marcus, 2013). The company should also
consider security and data governance. Finally, for a project to
be successful, the firm should use data models, reference
architecture, and simulations to improve reliability.
Dimensions of Jets’ Big Data System
Today, organizations are highly dependent on information
systems to execute and keep track of their operations, interact
with suppliers and clients and to give them a competitive edge
in the market. Firms use Big Data for crucial operations such as
finance and human resource and to get customer feedback while
governments utilize it to provide timely and cheap services to
Human beings rely mostly on internet-based information
systems to run their daily lives. From entertainment to shopping
to socializing and even banking, individuals use information
systems to run their personal lives
The technology dimension includes all software, hardware and
telecommunication devices which are integrated to make up an
information system.
Data and Literacy
Data is a term used to represent raw, random facts which are
unclassified since they are not processed while information
represents data that has already processed, i.e., it is classified
and structured in a way that it has meaning and use to the
specific user. Information system literacy entails possessing a
framework for searching, understanding, evaluating and
utilizing information technology in order to obtain relevant
information through critical thinking and analysis (Lin, 2012).
On the other hand, computer literacy refers to having fluency
with various computer hardware and software.
Best Practices for Jets’ Data Centers
Measurement of PUE
PUE stands for Power Usage Effectiveness; it is a measurement
of how efficiently a data center utilizes energy. It is the ratio of
the overall amount of energy used by a data center to the
amount delivered to IT equipment (Lin, 2012). The value of
PUE that firms should strive for is 1.2 which means that the
data center is running very efficiently. Through measurement of
PUE, the energy that a data center uses can be tracked and thus
improvements can be made. Measurements should be done
regularly and over the entire year.
Management of Airflow
Sufficient airflow management is important if any data center is
to be run effectively. The flow of cold and hot air should be
controlled using various methods such as the use of blanket
Constant adjustment of the Thermostat
Google recommends the use of an economizer so that the
thermostat of devices can be adjusted to allow more “free
cooling” intervals and thus save on energy.
Utilization of Free Cooling
Free cooling is a technique that removes heat from a data center
without the use of an electronic chiller. It reduces the cost of
chillers which are the biggest energy users in a data center.
Power Distribution Optimization
Optimization involves the reduction of steps involved in power
conversion by using highly efficient models such as Power
Distribution Units (PDUs).
Factors that retard or accelerate the power consumption of a
data center
The following factors affect the power consumed by a data
· Location- Energy costs are highly dependent on a location
since different areas have diverse techniques of power
generation and varying tax regimes
· Design- Data centers that are designed to allow more of free
cooling consume less power than those that utilize chillers.
· Size- Generally, the bigger the data center and the more
equipment it has, the more power it consumes.
· Maintenance- Constant maintenance of a data center is
important if it is to consume power efficiently.
· Power Density- It is an indication of how much IT equipment
can be placed in individual racks. A data center with many
racks will have less power density and thus consume less power.
Overall, Big Data will be critical Jets. This is because they are
capable of exposing certain problems associated with the
company’s operations. Otherwise, big data is very helpful in
improving processes to achieve sustainable growth.
The adoption of cloud computing will be intertwined with the
use of big data systems. Cloud computing is a service that is
transforming how organizations store and use their data. The
technology will enable the access and utilization of numerous
server-based computational resources through a digital network
(WAN) or internet connection, which can be accessed using
several devices. In cloud computing, the users do not install or
download applications on their personal computer or device;
rather it is a third-party service provider that handles all an
organization’s data. Its usage at Jets will enable the adoption of
autonomic and utility computing, service-oriented architecture,
and virtualization.
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N 90° 0' 0" E 10.600
N 90° 0' 0" E 10.700
Wireless Access
Printer 1
Laptop and Computer
Connection Points
Boardroom 1 projector and
Printer 2
Boardroom 2 Projector and TV
Printer 3
Boardroom 3 Projector and TV
Wireless Access
Wireless Access
Laptop and Computer
Connection Points
Laptop and Computer
Connection Points
Main Server
Backup Server
° ' " 

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  • 1. Running head: THE NETWORK INFASTRUCTURE OF JETS INC 1 THE NETWORK INFASTRUCTURE OF JETS INC 13 The Network Infrastructure of Jets Inc. Name: sunil patel Institution Affiliation:Iglobal university MIT 681 : MSIT capston final project Executive Summary According to estimates, there will be ten billion devices in the next half a decade, which is equivalent to 1.5 for every human being. As mobile devices increasingly become integrated with all sectors of our personal lives, companies realize that employees progressively want to utilize their own mobile devices along with company-issued devices to perform work- related roles; many employees are urging the IT department to facilitate this. Companies have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to stop the utilization of mobile device for both work and private purposes, but they need to have the framework to regulate it. In the present economic climate, firms require employees that are highly efficient; having a secure mobile framework that permits personal devices to be utilized safely to perform work roles can increase worker productivity and be a substantial competitive edge. It can even facilitate a higher
  • 2. acceptance rate in the process of recruitment. On that account, the following study will examine the network infrastructure of data analytic firm Jest Inc. In particular, will evaluate the systems and factors that will enable the project to be a success The Network Infrastructure of Jets Inc. Jets Inc. is a data analytics firm that helps manufacturing companies to improve companies improve the process to gain better efficiency. A key part of Jets’ operations is its network infrastructure. The infrastructure consists of cloud computing, big data systems, and the accompanying information security and DR protocols. To that end, it is important that Jets’ invests in suitable and efficient network infrastructure to enable it to offer optimal services to its clients. The following paper will illustrate the network infrastructure of Jets Inc. It will begin by exploring its cloud computing services, followed by the information security and DR security, and then the big data and data warehouse. CLOUD SERVICES Since Jets Inc’s data analytic services are tailored for manufacturing firms, the company will opt for a Cloud ERP System from Microsoft. Some of the advantages that the cloud- based ERP solution provides to companies include lower cost as the deployment of the ERP will need very few hardware investments and the traditional internal system maintenance won’t be required during an occasional upgrade. In the cloud, computing time is saved as organizations won't physically be
  • 3. required internal computing resources as the services will be virtually outsourced to third parties via the web who have advanced technological IT hosting resources. Cloud computing will enhance mobility as the organization can access ERP cloud applications anywhere through web browsers using other handheld mobile devices such as tablets, laptops smartphones without necessarily having to use traditional PCs. Key strategies for successful Cloud-Based ERP adoption The top management should entirely support the implementation of Cloud-based ERP for its adoption and upgrade to be successful. The organization should also use other IS applications in case of larger organizations specific functions and not entirely rely on cloud computing in cross-functional cooperation. For data security, the companies implementing Cloud ERP should be very careful when selecting the cloud ERP service providers and the signing of contracts and other legal entities should be strictly taken care of. Cloud-based ERP provides a set of new features to helps organizations to solve technical barriers that result from the traditional in-house ERP implementation. The time and the cost that organizations incur during the in-house ERP system upgrade is hugely reduced with the advent of cloud ERP. A location restriction for ERP user is a factor that makes it impossible for the organization to access the system whenever they are outside the boundaries of the organization premises. The cloud ERP computation provides solutions that do not make it necessary for users to be within the physical environment of the ERP machinery but can simply access it virtually through the web. For a company that is very big with several international branches, the adoption of Cloud computing makes it simple to upgrade the system without the difficulty of physically accessing the companies’ PCs in every branch. The communication via the web is such efficient that cloud computing services provider will just have to primarily upgrade the system at the headquarters and integrate the same features to all branches virtually.
  • 4. Effect of Cloud ERP on Performance The use of cloud ERP system considerably increases the speed in which data is processed. The cloud system provides organizations with an effective way of upgrading their systems as it’s virtually done. Considerably reduction in the cost of implementing ERP as human resources, time and investments to manage it is reduced. The ERP mobility is highly enhanced as users can actually access ERP services using mobile technologies such as smartphones, tablets or laptops. Jets Inc. Cloud Policy for Users Jets will grant its workers the joy of using tablets and smartphones that they prefer at the workplace for the convenience. It maintains the right to remove the program if users do not follow the procedures and policies that are stated in the next section. Regulations are meant to guard the integrity and security of the Jets’ technological infrastructure and data. Restricted allowances to the regulation may happen because of the differences in platforms and devices. The employees must consent to the rules and guidelines established in the regulation to be facilitated with access to the company’s network through their mobile devices... Suitable Usage · Jets’ describes the suitable application as actions that directly or indirectly reinforce its operations. · Jets’ describes suitable usage of personal devices on work hours as rational and restricted individual interaction or relaxing, such as playing a game or reading. · Certain sites are restricted from employee access on company time or while linked to the firm’s infrastructure with the knowledge of the enterprise. These sites include limited to social media sites, video sharing sites, entertainment blogs, and pornographic sites. · The camera of devices and video capabilities should be disabled when one is the company’s premises. · At no time, should devices be used to store or distribute explicit materials, store or distribute proprietary data that
  • 5. belongs to another firm, harassment, engage in activities that are not related to Jets’, among others? · Social media sites are only allowed when engaging in company business. · Applications that are not downloaded through Windows Store, Google Play, or iTunes are not allowed. · Personal mobile devices have access to some resources belonging to the frim like documents, emails, calendars, and contacts, among others. · Jets’ apply a zero-tolerance for emailing or texting by a driver. Hands-free communication is allowed. Gadgets and Support · Various platforms including Windows phones, iPhones, Blackberry, and Android are permitted. The IT department usually releases a list of the required operating system versions and models. · Tablets such as Android and iPad are permitted. The IT department releases a list of the required operating system versions and models. · The IT department supports issues regarding connectivity: workers should contact the manufacturer of the device or network carrier in the case that IT fails to address the issue. · Devices must be introduced to the IT department for comprehensive provisioning of job and installation of conventional software like office efficiency programs, web browsers, and safety application prior to being handed permission to the network. Reimbursement · Jets’ does not compensate workers for the part of the total cost of the mobile gadget. Instead, the company facilitates workers with an allowance that will cover the data plan. · The company does not compensate employees for the following charges; plan overcharges, roaming, among others. Security · To restrict unsanctioned entree, gadgets must feature PIN
  • 6. protection using the inbuilt applications of the gadget and a secure password is needed to facilitate admission to the firm’s network. · Jets’ robust password guideline is: Passwords should have an of a minimum of eight letterings and a mix of lower and upper- case letters, symbols, and numbers. Passwords are changed after three months, and the novel password cannot be any of the user passwords. · The gadget should lock itself with a PIN or password if it stays unused for three minutes. · In the event of failed attempts to log in, the device will self- lock. Employees usually contact IT to gain back access to the network. · JailbrokeniOS devices or rooted Android devices are strictly restricted from gaining access to the firm’s infrastructure. · Workers are restricted from downloading, configuring, and utilizing any program that that is not approved by the firm. · Tablets and smartphones that are on the list of devices that are supported by the company are not permitted to connect to the network. · Tablets and smartphones that are owned by employees for the sole reason of personal use are not permitted access to the network. · Access to company data by employees is restricted on the basis of user-profiles described by the It department, and are enforced automatically. · The device of an employee may be wiped remotely if 1) the device gets lost 2) the employment of a worker is terminated 3) IT department detects a breach of policy or data, a virus or a similar type of security risk to the company’s technological infrastructure and data. Risk/Liabilities/Disclaimers · Whereas the IT department takes a comprehensive precaution to prevent the loss of employee’s personal data if a remote wipe must be performed, it is the duty of a worker to use extra defenses like storing contacts and email.
  • 7. · The company maintains the right to disable services or disconnect devices without prior notice. · Stolen or lost devices must be stated to the IT department within 24 hours. It is the responsibility of employees to notify their mobile carries once a device is lost. · The employee is anticipated to use his/her device in a manner that is ethical at all times and comply with the user policy that is accepted by the company as illustrated above. · It is a personal liability of employees for all costs that are related to his/her gadget. · Workers should take entire responsibility for risks like complete or partial damage of personal and company data as a result of bugs, failure of the operating system, malware, viruses, and other failures related to the software or hardware, or errors related to programming that make the device to become unusable. · Jets’ maintains the right to take the necessary disciplinary steps including termination of employment for failure to comply with this policy. Network Diagram Image 1: The Design of Jets’ Network
  • 8. SECURITY AND DR Governance of Privacy Enhancing legislation concerning privacy is an occurrence that will be more profound in the near future. As Jets’ designs security controls for BYOD, these may affect with individual anticipation of privacy. To address this issue, the company uses the BYOD policy to address privacy concerns. The BYOD policy is well-formed and includes clear and defined expectations on procedures that impact privacy. In some geographical regions, the company is forced to facilitate employees with an alternative to BYOD thus potentially reducing the savings that are to be realized by the entire program. For example, in Europe, it is more common for the employer to facilitate the hardware that enables work to be performed, induced mainly by the inability to force workers to have their own smartphones (French, Aaron, Chengqi, & Shim, 2013). Consequently, this may either bring about a BYOD program that is hybrid, that is, where there are both organization-owned and private programs and devices that are inclusive of provisions for the purchase of these devices. On the other hand, US regulations hand companies the right to observe and wipe the device of a user (French, Aaron, Chengqi, &Shim, 2013). It is key that the company examines the risk that surrounds this practice, creates a policy and communicates to users about the implications of privacy of using their personal device. Protection of Data In the implementation of a BYOD program, protection of data is not only relevant to company data. Federal and state regulations that guide the dispensation of personal information in a BYOD setting apply, and if the firm is gathering personal information from the device of an employer, security, expiration, the purpose, among others, of the accumulated data must be clearly defined in the BYOD policy (Zhang, Kunjithapatha.,Jeong, & Gibbs, 2011). Jets will perform an assessment of the risks that
  • 9. are related to the dispensation. If a third party is used to process data, that is, if the firm uses a provider of cloud service, it is crucial that that data is protected through an agreement of data processing with the third party (Thomson, 2012). With the transfer of data, the duty of protecting the data should be shifted and the compliance should be verified. The Right to Erasure and Be Forgotten It is gradually more widespread for regulation involving privacy to include provisions for the right to be forgotten for the employees, and to have an individual’s personal data deleted when he/she leaves the company (Hunt, 2012). Therefore, since Jetsoperates in regions where such regulations are in place, it assesses the effect to the company and develops support procedures that are formalized to handle these requests. The company takes advantage of these processes to include employees that are enrolled in BYOD. Monitoring Privacy at the Work Place There is a broad range of requirements and laws centered on monitoring, data protection, and wiping. For example, privacy regulations in the EU state that surveillance should be restricted to the use of the device at the workplace only. Company-wide and worldwide monitoring may also be limited, as EU limits transfer of data to countries that are not-EAA (French, Aaron, Chengqi, &Shim, 2013). Labor laws depend on the state and limit the company for monitoring the personal information of employees. This may restrict the firm’s ability to control and monitor sent to mobile devices for the purpose of security. These needs are complicated further when, for example, an employee gives a child the device to play a game. To avoid these pitfalls involving measures that monitor privacy, Jets’ uses a product that enables the monitoring ability to occur entirely around activities that are work-related. Breach Investigation and Report Due to breaches, digital investigations on personal devices may seem like an invasion of privacy. As such, it is important for the company to reserve the right to analyze the devices of
  • 10. employees when in the event of such an incidence (Gatewood, 2012). If such a right is not reserved on the BYOD policy that is agreed upon, the company may encounter legal difficulties and delays when examination of information on personal devices is required. The present trend for future and novel laws are starting to address notification of data breaches, with exclusions around notice if certain criteria surrounding data protection are met (Thomson, 2012). The company prepares for these statutes by keeping a dynamic record of the devices, the data that they possess, and the security measures used to protect the information. Encryption Systems Bit locker and The Kerberos authentication system Bit locker is a program created by Microsoft to enhance the security of its operating systems. The software is easy-to- use and can encrypt an entire hard drive and can assist to defend an O.S against malware. BitLocker is available to any user who has Windows Vista and above. The Kerberos authentication system is developed above tickets or credentials. The main idea underlying the system is that one does not submit his/her password for each service that he/she requires. Instead, one keeps tracks of his/her tickets on the local system and only displays each service a ticket particularly for that service and cannot be applied for anything else (Araki, Barak, Furukawa, Lindell, Nof, &Ohara, 2016). When one begins to use his/her system, he she uses a password to acquire a master ticket termed as the ticket-granting ticket (TGT); regardless whether one is using Kerberos for Windows, Linux, or Macintosh. The ticket master has a validity of 25 hours and should be renewed with the password after this period (Araki et al, 2016). Whenever one goes through a service that applies Kerberos, he/she displays the ticket master to the service’s server and acquires a custom ticket for that service. After this step, one displays the ticket for that particular service to the service to confirm his/her identity. The tickets are preserved in a ticket cache in one’s local system.
  • 11. The conventional password is similar to one’s birth certificate, national identification card or passport since it proves his/her identity. It is not well reinforced against forgery, its bothersome to type, and has all the data required to acquire one’s identity (Araki et al, 2016). Indeed, one does not want to display such documents whenever they want to get an official document from the government. On that account, the Kerberos TGT is like one’s national I.D. It is a powerful means of identification but workers more effectively with anti-forgery reinforcement. One can use the identification to prove his/her identity and acquire secondary identities for particular situations (Araki et al, 2016). In other words, the Kerberos service tickets are similar to other single-purpose identifiers like match tickets. The apparent benefit of this system is that a service receives a custom ticket. One does not need to submit his/her I.D, thus, the service does not have the opportunity to acquire one’s I.D and apply it for personification (Khurana, Saggar, &Kaur, 2016). If applied for its original purpose, Kerberos is a multifaced protection tool. It protects a user’s personal files and defends against a person personating an email server to acquire an identity to use somewhere else. Unfortunately, there are some clients and services that do not have direct support for Kerberos. For instance, several mail clients do not comprehend Kerberos and can only interpret passwords. When utilizing such clients or services, one may have to insert their password, so that it is relayed to the server. The server utilizes the password to acquire the master ticket for a user and validate that the master ticket is the right one (Khurana, Saggar, &Kaur, 2016). Even though this method is applicable, it is not convenient. It is like a person handing over his/her social security number and birth certificate to each service that he/she wants to use, instead of simply displaying a ticket customized for that service. Even though most services can be trusted, such a method creates additional risk. In that regard, one should try to reduce the number of services that need password and attempt to utilize actual Kerberos tickets in
  • 12. every situation possible. Additionally, a user should validate every application that requests a password. Nonetheless, requesting a password is not the most effective or safe way to utilize Kerberos. The ideal situation is where one has to insert his/her password into his/her computer once a day. As such, one should seek for a software that is compatible with Kerberos to evade the hassle of typing the password each time and reinforce the security of the account. Overall, even though the Kerberos system has its vulnerabilities, it provides adequate security for one’s data. BIG DATA AND DATA CENTER The components that will make up Jet’s Big Data system include software, hardware, the connections and its users and storage place of the system. The most common types of Big Data systems include management information systems, operation support systems, Executive information systems, and decision support systems. Many manufacturing firms are currently seeking for ways of managing their big data while at the same time increasing their production efficiency using well- established information architecture. As such, the manufacturing firms have to collect information from various data sources to improve the outcome of the process. Doing this often improve both productive and analytical capabilities of a company. This section highlights the big data systems that Jets will use, benefits of big data, key business challenges, the issue associated with the handling of big data, and how to overcome these issues.
  • 13. Jets’ Big Data Systems The big data systems that have been recommended for use in Jets’ operations include relational database management systems, and they are ideal for managing structured data. Other are MOLAP databases, NoSQL, distributed file system, and big table inspired databases. Benefits of Big Data to Jets Big data are quite beneficial to the Jets. They help in optimizing production and plant operations, thus, maximizing quality and productivity while at the same keeping costs to a minimum level. These systems are also helpful in minimizing threats in the supply such. Besides, they are useful tools for planning as well as support services that ensure good quality of the outcome (Marcus, 2013). Furthermore, they ensure improved forecasting of services, prevention of loss and revenue protection, and enhanced efficiency in IT operations. Challenges The key business challenges that these systems aim at addressing include quality of manufacturing and support services, customer experience and intimacy, and improvement of operational efficiency. Issues Associated with Handling of Big Data in Manufacturing Firms Generally, the issues that manufacturers face while handling big data include data variety, volume, value, and velocity. These have been discussed thoroughly in the paper. Overcoming these Issues To overcome these issues, it is prudent that the company should consider its current and existing gaps to achieve its future objectives. In this case, the company has to adjust its technology architecture to accommodate the change made. Further, the firm has to match the existing capabilities with appropriate tools (Marcus, 2013). The company should also consider security and data governance. Finally, for a project to be successful, the firm should use data models, reference
  • 14. architecture, and simulations to improve reliability. Dimensions of Jets’ Big Data System Organizational Today, organizations are highly dependent on information systems to execute and keep track of their operations, interact with suppliers and clients and to give them a competitive edge in the market. Firms use Big Data for crucial operations such as finance and human resource and to get customer feedback while governments utilize it to provide timely and cheap services to citizens. People Human beings rely mostly on internet-based information systems to run their daily lives. From entertainment to shopping to socializing and even banking, individuals use information systems to run their personal lives Technology The technology dimension includes all software, hardware and telecommunication devices which are integrated to make up an information system. Data and Literacy Data is a term used to represent raw, random facts which are unclassified since they are not processed while information represents data that has already processed, i.e., it is classified and structured in a way that it has meaning and use to the specific user. Information system literacy entails possessing a framework for searching, understanding, evaluating and utilizing information technology in order to obtain relevant information through critical thinking and analysis (Lin, 2012). On the other hand, computer literacy refers to having fluency with various computer hardware and software. Best Practices for Jets’ Data Centers Measurement of PUE PUE stands for Power Usage Effectiveness; it is a measurement
  • 15. of how efficiently a data center utilizes energy. It is the ratio of the overall amount of energy used by a data center to the amount delivered to IT equipment (Lin, 2012). The value of PUE that firms should strive for is 1.2 which means that the data center is running very efficiently. Through measurement of PUE, the energy that a data center uses can be tracked and thus improvements can be made. Measurements should be done regularly and over the entire year. Management of Airflow Sufficient airflow management is important if any data center is to be run effectively. The flow of cold and hot air should be controlled using various methods such as the use of blanket plates. Constant adjustment of the Thermostat Google recommends the use of an economizer so that the thermostat of devices can be adjusted to allow more “free cooling” intervals and thus save on energy. Utilization of Free Cooling Free cooling is a technique that removes heat from a data center without the use of an electronic chiller. It reduces the cost of chillers which are the biggest energy users in a data center. Power Distribution Optimization Optimization involves the reduction of steps involved in power conversion by using highly efficient models such as Power Distribution Units (PDUs). Factors that retard or accelerate the power consumption of a data center The following factors affect the power consumed by a data center: · Location- Energy costs are highly dependent on a location since different areas have diverse techniques of power generation and varying tax regimes · Design- Data centers that are designed to allow more of free cooling consume less power than those that utilize chillers. · Size- Generally, the bigger the data center and the more
  • 16. equipment it has, the more power it consumes. · Maintenance- Constant maintenance of a data center is important if it is to consume power efficiently. · Power Density- It is an indication of how much IT equipment can be placed in individual racks. A data center with many racks will have less power density and thus consume less power. Overall, Big Data will be critical Jets. This is because they are capable of exposing certain problems associated with the company’s operations. Otherwise, big data is very helpful in improving processes to achieve sustainable growth. Conclusion The adoption of cloud computing will be intertwined with the use of big data systems. Cloud computing is a service that is transforming how organizations store and use their data. The technology will enable the access and utilization of numerous server-based computational resources through a digital network (WAN) or internet connection, which can be accessed using several devices. In cloud computing, the users do not install or download applications on their personal computer or device; rather it is a third-party service provider that handles all an organization’s data. Its usage at Jets will enable the adoption of autonomic and utility computing, service-oriented architecture, and virtualization. References Araki, T., Barak, A., Furukawa, J., Lindell, Y., Nof, A., &Ohara, K. (2016, October).High-Throughput Secure Three- Party Computation of Kerberos Ticket
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