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PDFs Reading and Summary
Introduction: Story Telling Basics and Beyond
Looking at the past decades, storytelling has been created or
invented as an art form as well as a professional tool. Today,
people are acting stories in radio and in theaters as well as in
televisions. Further, people are also acting for business
luncheons, religious firms as well as schools. Other people are
currently using the art of storytelling as a technique in their
variety of tasks as community organizers, lawyers, teachers,
public speakers as well as other professionals. In storytelling,
the initial steps are normally easy. This is because everyone in
their day to day lives is engaged in an element of storytelling.
However, it becomes a difficult task when storytelling is taken
into a more formal context. For this reason, a professional
storyteller requires information which goes beyond the basics or
fundamentals of storytelling.
Performance Anxiety
There are various things that show that fear has good news.
First, it is argued that half of what people consider as
performance anxiety is actually useful and the other half has not
correlation to reality. Second, it is argued that some long term
work can be used to diminish irrational part. Further,
storytelling is not a dangerous occupation and for this reason
the work of a storyteller is valuable. As a storyteller, you
require not resist the felling of fear. It is argued that this feeling
of fear may belong in your performance.
Part 1: A Communication Approach to Storytelling
It is argued that narrative becomes an important site of study as
well as communication once the audiences congregate around
storytellers. Since the storytelling is embedded in our day to
day lives of both ordinary as well as extraordinary people, this
art of living flourish. Storytelling is where people make sense
of their life experiences, interact with each other, claim
identities, as well as engage in cultural dialogue and
conversations. Here, narrative of storytelling is made perfect
everywhere. In business, for instance, advertisers or marketers
tell stories concerning their stock or products.
Week 2
Power Active
This PDF talks about the conversation that General Eisenhower
had with Winston Churchill in this case, Eisenhower
requested Churchill to consider looking over a speech that he
had written. Churchill went through the speech as commented
that the speech was a Dwight one in that it had too many zeds
and to many passives. Here the aspect of passiveness is talked
about. It is held that when liberty is given to buy a bit of
temporal safety, then neither safety nor liberty is desired.
Further, liberty can only be rewarded to those people who
actually deserve it. These are the people who have worked hard
to attain it.
Chapter 6
The recent scholarship in the aspect of identity development of
college student has started to focus on the complexities of
relationships among three basic domains of development. These
include cognitive, interpersonal, and intrapersonal relationships.
There are also relationships between social identities and
personal identities. This model of looking at the types of
relationships this way does not look into the aspect of other
domains like cognitive development. As such, Abes and Jones
(2004) applied the model of multiple dimensions of identity
development while studying the issue of identity development
of lesbians. The authors applied a more complex
conceptualization of the theory which looks at various
dimensions of identity which looks into consideration the aspect
of integrating intersecting domains of development.
Week 3
Power Pause
Here, all those people who aspire to become leaders, looks are a
prime asset that needs to be considered. It is observed that the
first president of Mexico to have elected democratically, Benito
Juarez, was a bit less than five feet and was also literary ugly.
This president is also described as the one who looked like a
toad. That is, he was literary ugly personality who many would
have guessed may make it to occupy the office of president.
However, Benito was able to overcome all the prejudices and
made it to the president in Mexico, the first to have elected
democratically. Despite him being accused of being full-
blooded Indian and for this reason he was ugly to the Spanish
speaking people in Mexico. However, Benito rose to the highest
position in Mexico.
Power Opener
The successful persuaders normally open texts with vigor
without even offering appreciation words or praise. For
instance, one of the former slaves opened his talk or speech to
business firm of Atlanta. In this talk, the former slave, Booker
T. Washington, did not start his talk by recognizing or thanking
his white hosts for inviting him as a black man. In fact, Booker
did to thank anyone for the opportunity to speak. On contrary,
Booker opened or rather started his talk by saying that one-third
of the people living in South are of Negro race. He did this with
an intention of grabbing the attention of the audience. This is
something that he was able to achieve quite comfortably since
people paid a lot of attention of what the entire speech entailed.
Presentations are Performances
It is argued that each and every outstanding personality in
history, whether famous or not famous, popular or unpopular,
understood very well the power of drama. For instance, the
speeches by Churchill which would be delivered word by word
inspired the free word in the way the speaker or the owner
would present them to the audience. For this reason drama has
power to make the speeches inspiring and great. He was not
showman but would move the cloud through his creativity in
how he delivered his speeches. It is argued that a person may
often face problems while facing others if he or she does not
have drama qualities even if he or she has great idea to
Week 4
Discovering Meaning
How the story means to you as a storyteller is one important
elements to arise as you deliver the story. It is therefore
important that a storyteller remains clear about the
interpretation of the story even if his job is not to impose the
interpretation to the audiences. Lack of focus on the part of a
storyteller will often result into lack of clarity and this will
make the audience to have less attachment to their own diverse
meanings of the story being narrated. Being clear about the
story you are telling will help the audience to have many
meanings out of the one meaning that the speaker has clarified.
In other words, the audience will be able to have clear meaning
which will help them derive other meanings in their own. This
is to say that the storyteller is just giving the meaning to help
the audience become creative in the way they interpret it.
Power of Parable
The issue of the parable of Jesus Christ is not just salvation.
Jesus used parables in order to communicate the message that
would be clear to His followers, He wanted the followers to be
able to remember His teachings very well. Jesus would use the
parables to explain abstract virtues. It is therefore important
that the storyteller be able to be creative in the way he is
delivering the story to the audience. The use of hyperboles as
well as similes will help emphasize the story and that the
audience will be able to remember the story with ease.
Kinesthetic Imagery and Characterization
There is lack of a single term which can exactly describe what
kinesthetic imagery. In terms of storytelling, it is important that
the storyteller try to expand his kinesthetic vocabulary. The use
of kinesthetic imagery helps ensure that the concepts of this
model in storytelling especially on the issue of characterization.
For this reason, the term kinesthetic simply refers to tow kinds
of sensations. These are internal tone and movement sensation.
Further, it is explained that the three most useful kinesthetic
concepts are body centers, open versus closed postures, and
habitual muscular tensions.
Week 5
Content, Delivery, Audiences, and the Speaker
In storytelling, what one says and how says it equally counts. It
is therefore assumed that the speaker must be able to be well
organized and be sincere about what he is saying in order to
have something good to say. The speaker must prove that he is
sincere about what he desires to share with his audience. The
enjoyment, acceptance and understanding of the story by the
audience have to be determined by how the speaker is able to
deliver the story. This means that poor delivery of the speech or
story will highly affect chances that the audience will enjoy,
accept, and understand the story.
Power of Parable
The issue of the parable of Jesus Christ is not just salvation.
Jesus used parables in order to communicate the message that
would be clear to His followers, He wanted the followers to be
able to remember His teachings very well. Jesus would use the
parables to explain abstract virtues. It is therefore important
that the storyteller be able to be creative in the way he is
delivering the story to the audience. The use of hyperboles as
well as similes will help emphasize the story and that the
audience will be able to remember the story with ease.
Kinesthetic Imagery and Characterization
There is lack of a single term which can exactly describe what
kinesthetic imagery. In terms of storytelling, it is important that
the storyteller try to expand his kinesthetic vocabulary. The use
of kinesthetic imagery helps ensure that the concepts of this
model in storytelling especially on the issue of characterization.
For this reason, the term kinesthetic simply refers to tow kinds
of sensations. These are internal tone and movement sensation.
Further, it is explained that the three most useful kinesthetic
concepts are body centers, open versus closed postures, and
habitual muscular tensions.
Week 6
Imaging Fully
Imagination is a very important element in storytelling. The
storyteller is supposed to be exceedingly imaginative in order to
deliver something that it exciting telling stories is such an
important task which the storyteller has to adapt various tactics
of imagination to add flavor to the story. The various sensory
modes will ensure that the audience will be able to enjoy the
story fully.
Power Poetry
The once delivered speech by Winston Churchill incorporated
the aspects such as “of’s” and “the’s” which made the speech
look like poetry. It was obsession by Churchill which proved
that a speech may not like an article to read aloud. The speech
can be delivered as a verse and this sounds just like a poet.
Presenting this speech as poetry ensures that the audience is
able to remember the speech effectively. In other words,
representing the speech as poetry gives a storyteller an
opportunity to make sure that the audience is able to remember
the speech well.
What you Think you Know may not be Slam
Slams are explained as very captivating poetry events which
mainly focus on attractive the live attention of audience. In this
case, the storyteller delivers the story in the way it appears as a
poet. This is highly applied in a church-like set up where the
people animate the listening and watching it. This will help the
listeners be able to remember the events better. This will ensure
that the storyteller is able to achieve the goal of communicating
the message to the audience effectively.
Confronting Stage Fright-Overcoming the Fear
Fear is like a living being which stands the mind of a person. It
looks for the weakest point in an individual and attacks it. It is
very clever and even treacherous. In order to completely
dominate an individual, fear starts attacking the mind. It should
be remembered that when fear has already attacked the mind the
body becomes aware that some has terribly gone wrong with an
individual. This is because the mind is the center of our nervous
system. When the mind is already attacked and weakened, this
means that the nervous system becomes destabilized and that an
individual will be confused and paralyzed. As such, the body
organs feel like they are not functioning well. Further, fear
diminishes trust and hope and destroys the foundation of an
individual. In other words the fear brings an individual to him
mortal situation. The fear attacks the mind and the body. It
destroys the foundation of an individual and diminishes all the
chances of hope or trust. However, the same fear can act as
reason for overcoming it.
Pops Ideas and Newspaper Politics
We normally have the ideas about life on the aspects such as
politics, celebrities, as well as other social things. There are
many political poems which are serious in delivering stories to
the audience. These issues also relate to war and suffering. A
writer should be able to write from his own experience. For this
reason, the writer looks for how to ensure that he delivers the
story in the most captivating manner. Imagination is therefore a
key thing in this case.
Week 7
Power Line
The speeches of Winston Churchill spelled the distinction
between survival and defeat. In this case, his languages
contained many memorable lines that may be referred as “power
lines”. Winston Churchill was able to incorporate things such as
alliteration, echo, rhyme, contrast and metaphor in his speeches.
The power lines mean that he was able to incorporate all these
things in her speeches in a manner that would ensure that give
the audience a memorable moment.
Week 8
Five Minutes
Time management is very important in ensuring that a
storyteller is able to deliver the ideas on time. This is to say
that the storyteller has to have a plan on how to deliver all the
points on time. The ideas that a speaker is delivering will
mainly be determined by how well they have been organized.
This is to say that a speaker will have to prioritize in the points
that are to be delivered. This will help him be able to come up
with ways to make the audience accept the pieces delivered.
The Flexible Shifting of Attention
A speaker normally does many things while telling a story.
Here, the speaker uses all aspects of oral language such as
gesture, as well as change your posture. Further, a speaker has
to imagine of a story to tell. The aim here is for the speaker to
respond to the audience. As a speaker, you normally have the
feelings concerning the story as well as concerning the event. A
speaker has also to tell the audience about how what is
happening in the story. This will help create a mood where the
attention of the audience is attracted. For this reason, the
speaker will devise ways to overcome the obstacles that are
emanating from distraction.
Power Quote
The words of JF Kennedy in 1960 are highly quoted by far. JF
Kennedy as well as Abraham Lincoln were great leaders who
fought for civil war through words. Their words were
convincing to the audience so that they were able to see the
sense of success. This is very important in ensuring that the
people were able to understand what was happening. The words
used have to be creative and convincing for the people to
believe. This calls for imagination.
Week 9
Your Relationship to Your Self
Storytelling is easy, physically demanding, and emotionally
demanding. All these statements are very true. When put in a
context stage, it is true that storytelling is a universal and
natural interaction which is much unrecognized. A storyteller
may use voice and body as the physical instruments which will
help him overcome the obstacles of public speaking. Since the
storyteller has to stand before the audience delivers the story,
he is faced with emotional challenge. In other words, the
storyteller has to control his emotions in a way that will ensure
he makes the audience like the story. Teaching storytelling may
require one to develop his body, psyche, voice, as well as his
support team. Further, a storyteller has to develop his
relationship to his own self.
Matching Style to Material
Since no one wears the same suit for many occasions, then in
storytelling, the speaker has to adapt various styles that suit
various needs and occasions. It is important that the speaker
present himself in a manner that will match specific
circumstances. This will help the speaker to match the various
circumstances with various themes. As such, the delivery of the
story will be suitable on a certain situation. The audience will
be able to relate the story with the suitable style used by the
speaker. This will enhance memorability as well as proper
delivery of the story.
Week 10
Coping with Special Knowledge and its Jargon
There is a story in the book of Genesis where the people
abandoned the construction of Tower of Babel. This is very
important for our modern era. The survivors of this tower began
building a city aiming to get to the heaven. However, God
confused their minds and languages and they were not able to
continue with their mission. In fact, these people failed
miserably because they did not address the fundamental things
needed. The coordination as well as inspection of the project
was something that these people did not perfect. For this reason,
they were not able to complete their project effectively. This is
something that also applies in storytelling. When the
coordination of events is not good, then the failure is the result.
Power Word
Emphasis of words is very important to show the importance of
the meaning of the word. In storytelling, the speaker may be
required in most cases to stress some words in order to offer the
required emphasis for the audience to note. This will help the
audience pay attention to the main words in the story. The
audience will be able to interpret the story in manner which is
good for getting the intended message. Emphasis has to be
noted when the speaker uses high tone while pronouncing some
words. This will draw the attention of the audience. It will give
the speaker time to pause so that the audience can reflect on the
words mentioned. This will ensure that the audience is able to
discuss on their own that is supposed to be in the future
Week 11
Building to a Strong Finish
It is very important that the speaker thank the audience for the
time to listen and examination of the idea presented. In this
case, the most important thing is to ensure that the speaker ends
up the narration of the story of a good note. He can interact
with the audience to get their feedback. He should be grateful to
the audience for having listened to him as well as participating
to the examination of the concepts presented. This will ensure
that the speaker will be able to get approval to have future
interaction with the same audience. It will also offer an
opportunity to get the feedback which may improve the future
narration. This is very important in ensuring there is
sustainability of good storytelling.
Power Closer
The words of JF Kennedy in 1960 are highly quoted by far. JF
Kennedy as well as Abraham Lincoln were great leaders who
fought for civil war through words. Their words were
convincing to the audience so that they were able to see the
sense of success. This is very important in ensuring that the
people were able to understand what was happening. The words
used have to be creative and convincing for the people to
believe. This calls for imagination.
Power Audacity
This article starts by saying that people should dare to be
different. This is what made Reagan, Lincoln, and Churchill to
rise above the crowd. They were able to approach things in a
different way. This ensured that they were able to offer
exceptional leadership traits that convinced the crowd to believe
them. They offer what was unexpected. For this reason, a
speaker should be able to surprise his audience. This calls for
the speaker of storytelling to be exceptionally creative and
imaginative. This will set him apart as one of the exceptional
speaker. This will make sure that the storytelling becomes a fun
moment. It is difficult to choose one way or the other without
valuing the way that there must be incorporation of the two
sections previously landing at a conclusion. The greater part of
the world's best leaders were conceived with certain
exceptionally created qualities, for example, a remarkable
abnormal state of desire, an uncommon sense and an ideal
mystique. Moreover, leaders share a gathering of normal
attributes that have an inseparable tie to identity and nothing to
do with position. All things being equal, an individual can't
bless him/herself a pioneer. Powerful leadership points a
direction on how to benefit as much as possible from “knowing
how to lead” either by being formal or by being cautious or by
down to earth involvement. This is what is required at last for
the accomplishment of any organization. Leadership turns out to
be significantly more muddled when endeavoring to
characterize the beginning of leaders.
Week 12
This area looks at personal improvement after giving the story.
It is important that the speaker strives to improve his
weaknesses. This will ensure that he is able to offer a better
presentation to the audience. As such, it is important that the
speaker is able to examine himself internally. This will give an
opportunity to jot the points that are important to ensuring the
speaker will offer valuable presentation in future.
Development of Self-Authorship
The aspect of self-authorship is central in ensuring that college
students have the ability to understand the meaning of the world
they are living. This concept is holistic in that it encompasses
such things such as interpersonal, cognitive, as well as
psychological dimensions. Here, the speaker is engaged in the
process of self-authoring himself so that he is able to deliver
something that is exceptional.
Week 13
Sources of Ideas
It is argued that every human being posses creative potential. A
person is able to do something in unique way and this is why
people have the potential to be creative in the way they
approach life. Individuals can be able to influence the
development of their own self as well as the alterations of the
environment that surround them. This is the reason that people
can be able to approach the challenges in life in different ways.
For this reason, it is important that the individuals are able to
improve their situations in how they approach storytelling.
Power Wit
It is important that the speaker be creative on how he or she
starts his story. For instance, there are those speakers who may
start their story with a joke. However, it is vital that the humor
used in story be backed with intelligence. In other words, the
speaker has to offer a joke that is sensible so that the audience
can find its relevance. It is therefore not the joke but a humor.
A humor is something that is an ice breaker. It makes the
audience to relax and be able to offer exceptional thing to the
Week 14
Balancing the Details with the Goals
A person normally tells stories because they help him influence
his audience. However, for the speaker to move the audience in
his story, he has to speak words, make some movements, and
get involved in explaining details as well as engaging in
discussion of issues. For this reason, the speaker has to adapt
various strategies to make the storytelling be a fun event.
Why Others Welcome your Ideas
Ideas may not be beneficial if they remain unexploited in the
mind of an individual. For this reason, it is important that
people share these ideas and transfer them form one person to
another. The audience will benefit when the ideas are circulated
among them. This is important to ensure they benefit from the
story. This calls for better leadership skills. Leadership is a
procedure by which people impact representatives toward the
accomplishment of organizational goals. Leadership is likely
the most studied subject in management courses and many
publications have been made to that effect. Most researchers
study leadership's with one restricted perspective in mind, and
therefore, the greater part of the investigations falls into
unmistakable lines of research which incorporate leaders
attributes, conduct, power and situational approaches.
Leadership is a conduct we apply when we assume liability for
our activities and their results. It is tied in with being
responsible when we accept accountability for controlling
others. Leadership is regularly the distinction amongst progress
and disappointment. It is the thing that isolates the practitioners
from the eyewitnesses, and it is the thing that gives positive
course to people and organizations.
Assignment 1: Demand Estimation
Due Week 3 and worth 200 points
Imagine that you work for the maker of a leading brand of low-
calorie, frozen microwavable food that estimates the following
demand equation for its product using data from 26
supermarkets around the country for the month of April.
For a refresher on independent and dependent variables, please
go to Sophia’s Website and review the Independent and
Dependent Variables tutorial, located at
Option 1Note: The following is a regression equation. Standard
errors are in parentheses for the demand for widgets.
QD = - 5200 - 42P + 20PX + 5.2I + 0.20A + 0.25M
(2.002) (17.5) (6.2) (2.5) (0.09) (0.21)
R2 = 0.55 n = 26 F = 4.88
Your supervisor has asked you to compute the elasticities for
each independent variable. Assume the following values for the
independent variables:
Q = Quantity demanded of 3-pack units
P (in cents) = Price of the product = 500 cents per 3-
pack unit
PX (in cents) = Price of leading competitor’s product =
600 cents per 3-pack unit
I (in dollars) = Per capita income of the standard
metropolitan statistical area
(SMSA) in which the supermarkets are located = $5,500
A (in dollars) = Monthly advertising expenditures =
M = Number of microwave ovens sold in the
SMSA in which the
supermarkets are located = 5,000
Option 2Note: The following is a regression equation. Standard
errors are in parentheses for the demand for widgets.
QD = -2,000 - 100P + 15A + 25PX + 10I
(5,234) (2.29) (525) (1.75) (1.5)
R2 = 0.85 n = 120 F = 35.25
Your supervisor has asked you to compute the elasticities for
each independent variable. Assume the following values for the
independent variables:
Q = Quantity demanded of 3-pack units
P (in cents) = Price of the product = 200 cents per 3-
pack unit
PX (in cents) = Price of leading competitor’s product =
300 cents per 3-pack unit
I (in dollars) = Per capita income of the standard
metropolitan statistical area
(SMSA) in which the supermarkets are located = $5,000
A (in dollars) = Monthly advertising expenditures =
Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:
1. Compute the elasticities for each independent variable. Note:
Write down all of your calculations.
2. Determine the implications for each of the computed
elasticities for the business in terms of short-term and long-term
pricing strategies. Provide a rationale in which you cite your
3. Recommend whether you believe that this firm should or
should not cut its price to increase its market share. Provide
support for your recommendation.
4. Assume that all the factors affecting demand in this model
remain the same, but that the price has changed. Further assume
that the price changes are 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 cents.
a. Plot the demand curve for the firm.
b. Plot the corresponding supply curve on the same graph using
the following MC / supply function Q = -7909.89 + 79.1P with
the same prices.
c. Determine the equilibrium price and quantity.
d. Outline the significant factors that could cause changes in
supply and demand for the low-calorie, frozen microwavable
food. Determine the primary manner in which both the short-
term and the long-term changes in market conditions could
impact the demand for, and the supply, of the product.
5. Indicate the crucial factors that could cause rightward shifts
and leftward shifts of the demand and supply curves for the
low-calorie, frozen microwavable food.
6. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this
assignment. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
. Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size
12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references
must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your
professor for any additional instructions.
. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the
student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the
date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in
the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this
assignment are:
. Analyze how production and cost functions in the short run
and long run affect the strategy of individual firms.
. Apply the concepts of supply and demand to determine the
impact of changes in market conditions in the short run and long
run, and the economic impact on a company’s operations.
. Use technology and information resources to research issues in
managerial economics and globalization.
. Write clearly and concisely about managerial economics and
globalization using proper writing mechanics.
Click here to view the grading rubric for this assignment.
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Malcolm X was an African-American human rights activist born
in 1965 in Omaha, Nebraska. He never shied away from telling
the truth and fighting for the black Americans during those
times when racism was the order of the day in America.
Looking at the history of the African Americans, Malcolm X
can be viewed as a role model amongst those who champion for
the rights of the African Americans. He never feared anything
when he stood to fight for the rights of the African Americans; I
guess that even when he received death threats that are what
gave him the courage to speak even louder. During this time,
when racism had taken its toll in the American soil, it was very
difficult for those who advocated for the rights of the black
Americans to live for long, in one way or the other they were
eliminated. This was also the case for Malcolm X who was
assassinated in 1965, died from multiple gunshots. This
happened like a year after his famous and most thrilling speech,
“By any means necessary.”[footnoteRef:1] [1: Malcolm X By
Any Means Necessary. May 22, 2016.
During his tour in Africa, as he says in his speech, he found out
that the Africans living in Africa were more independent that he
and other Africans living in America. This is what compelled
him most that they have to liberate themselves from the jaws of
racism “by any means necessary.” My guess is good as many
other people out there that this phrase sent a chilling cold on the
spine of the white Americans who thought that as long as
Malcolm X was alive, they were always threatened. ‘Something’
had to be done and in this case was eliminating
him[footnoteRef:2] [2: Malcolm X By Any Means Necessary ]
When Malcolm X stood on the podium in the auditorium to
deliver his speech, those present stood up and ushered him in
with applause. This to me would only mean one thing, he was a
man who was well known among the people, and it is like they
knew what was to be put across. He uses humor in his speech,
but he rarely laughed at those jokes that he puts across. He
would smile then retract back to his seriousness when going
through his business. For example, when he begins by
acknowledging everyone present and even goes ahead and
acknowledges ‘enemies’ which leaves the listeners in stitches.
Humor can be viewed as an admirable part of a leader’s
character. It intrigues the listeners to be attentive and keen. It
breaks the boredom that might be taking its toll in plain speech.
This would, in turn, help him, Malcolm X, connect with the
audience. This would arouse that feeling that they are with him.
Humor also disarms hostility. From that video one can realize
that Malcolm X, when delivering his speech, he tends to be
serious, so many first timers would see him as a stun and hostile
chap, but when he uses humor, they ease themselves and see the
hilarious part of the individual. One thing that comes out is
seriousness when Malcolm X used that phrase of ‘our friends
and enemies’ when acknowledging the attendees. He had formed
the Organization of Afro-American Unity and thus knew his
enemy zone had enlarged and he was well aware of the hostility
he was facing from every side. Thus according to me, he was
serious though it came out funnily. He knew that in that
auditorium, in as much as his friends and that of the
organization were present; his enemies too were around3
One thing that is noticeable is the standing posture that
Malcolm X took when delivering his speech to the audience. He
has his head high, and shoulders rolled back. This shows how
speaker is oozing with confidence[footnoteRef:3]. This is one of
the technique that a good public speaker [3: . Gordon, Gregory
S. Atrocity Speech Law: Foundation, Fragmentation, Fruition.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. ]
especially leaders ought to portray. This is because the moments
the audiences realize that you are afraid or let me say nervous,
instead of them having confidence in your speech they will
always look at faults and spend most of their time laughing at
you or discussing your nervousness. This would only signify
one thing; the intent of the message would have been lost.
Malcolm X would only take less than a minute looking down
and this would probably be when he is reading a script. The
good posture that he took enabled him to breathe freely and
deeply and then project his voice clearly that the audience
would be able to get the intended information[footnoteRef:4]
[4: Gordon, 290 ]
The other thing that has been displayed by Malcolm X is that
his speech speed is moderate, he
is not too slow and not too fast. This means that he intended to
connect with the audience even when he is delivering the
speech. When the speed of the speech is slow the speaker risks
sending the audience to slumberland. On the other hand, when
the speed is too fast the audience would realize how nervous the
speaker is and may be sound as an amateur public speaker, and
you are trying to speak fast to get over with the speech. This
can be evident with how Malcolm X uses pauses in his
speech.[footnoteRef:5] [5: Gordon, 292 ]
Talking of pauses, Malcolm X adopted this figure of speech.
While delivering his speech, he would pause in the middle of
the sentence and then continue. This would give the audience
time to absorb what has been said and get ready for the next
information. By using pause, he
enabled his listeners to remain engaged during the speech.
Through this, he would be building an emotional connection
with his audience and gives them that gap to follow what is
coming next. One of the types of pauses he used was the
spontaneity pause. This is that kind of pause that would create a
feeling that spontaneity, in that, he is thinking of what he is
saying not reciting what he had already so many times before.
This would arouse the listener's interest. He also used Pause for
emphasis. He would pause to emphasize the statement that he
has said. There is that instance that he uses his hand and this is
a sign of non-verbal cues in communication. This can be said he
did it to emphasize that point that he was putting across.
Another non-verbal cues that he used are the eye contact.
During his entire speech, he maintained a positive eye contact
with the audience and very few instances did he look down, and
that was when he was reading a script before raising his head
high when emphasizing that point. Eye contact would help to
establish rapport and connection between the speaker and the
Another feature that has been cleared portrayed is the dressing
code that Malcolm X has adorned. He has worn a suit and
looking elegant with a tie around his neck. All along we have
been talking about confidence/courage that is established when
a public speaker stands shoulders rolled back and headed high,
and we think that is it all. Dressing too speaks volumes. The
first impression is the last impression. As a speaker one ought
to mind the first impression that he/she will make to the
audience and that is through the dressing. Shabby dressing code
will result in audience morale to listen to you being downed.
But when a speaker looks elegant in dressing the audience
confidence to listen to you would increase and as the speaker
talks with confidence. Malcolm X dressed to the occasion owing
to the fact that he was addressing members of an organization;
Organization of Afro-African Unity[footnoteRef:6] [6:
Gordon, 300 ]
What the orator is trying to get across
This is a deliberate speech, so I can say. One thing that
Malcolm X is trying to emphasize is unity among the Afro-
Americans in order to successfully fight against their
oppressors. It out rightly clear that Malcolm X is bitter after his
trip to Africa where he found out that African in Africa is
independent more than the Afro-Americans. He reiterates that
his trip to Africa was necessitated by the fact that America
gained independence some 200years ago than the African
continent yet the Afro-Americans were still not independent in
America even after almost two centuries. He thus wanted to find
out the means through which Africans in Africa gained their
independent of which he came to realize that it was through
unity. This unity was achieved through formation of
Organization of African Unity which united all the African
nations and had the same agenda and that was gaining
independence through fighting whoever came into their way.
Malcolm wanted the Afro-Americans to stop that trend of
always running towards the white Americans from other white
Americans which he equates to running from foxes to wolves’
hands. Through the entire speech, it undeniable that he was
expressing desire for the whole of Afro-Americans to unite and
fight against the same course and that is fighting for their
independence, against racism, by any means necessary through
their formed organization [footnoteRef:7] [7: Rend,
Pocanteollo. "Ethos Pathos and Logos." ISU Writing Center,
2016: 280-282 ]
To conclude the analysis of this speech by Malcolm X, I
appreciate the figures of speech that he has employed during the
speech delivery, one of them being humor and rhetoric and even
allegory which is evident where he uses the ‘foxes and wolves.’
The speech was delivered awesomely but I realized that he did
not use the space available. He stood in one place the entire
time during the speech. My wish is that in future, public
speakers should use the space available to move up and about as
this would signify that they are connecting with the speaker
more and more.
Gordon, Gregory S. Atrocity Speech Law: Foundation,
Fragmentation, Fruition. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
Malcolm X By Any Means Necessary. May 22, 2016.
Rend, Pocanteollo. "Ethos Pathos and Logos." ISU Writing
Center, 2016: 280-282.
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  • 1. Running Head: PDFS READING AND SUMMARY 1 PDFS READING AND SUMMARY 8 PDFs Reading and Summary Name Institution Date Week1 Introduction: Story Telling Basics and Beyond Looking at the past decades, storytelling has been created or invented as an art form as well as a professional tool. Today, people are acting stories in radio and in theaters as well as in televisions. Further, people are also acting for business luncheons, religious firms as well as schools. Other people are currently using the art of storytelling as a technique in their variety of tasks as community organizers, lawyers, teachers, public speakers as well as other professionals. In storytelling, the initial steps are normally easy. This is because everyone in their day to day lives is engaged in an element of storytelling.
  • 2. However, it becomes a difficult task when storytelling is taken into a more formal context. For this reason, a professional storyteller requires information which goes beyond the basics or fundamentals of storytelling. Performance Anxiety There are various things that show that fear has good news. First, it is argued that half of what people consider as performance anxiety is actually useful and the other half has not correlation to reality. Second, it is argued that some long term work can be used to diminish irrational part. Further, storytelling is not a dangerous occupation and for this reason the work of a storyteller is valuable. As a storyteller, you require not resist the felling of fear. It is argued that this feeling of fear may belong in your performance. Part 1: A Communication Approach to Storytelling It is argued that narrative becomes an important site of study as well as communication once the audiences congregate around storytellers. Since the storytelling is embedded in our day to day lives of both ordinary as well as extraordinary people, this art of living flourish. Storytelling is where people make sense of their life experiences, interact with each other, claim identities, as well as engage in cultural dialogue and conversations. Here, narrative of storytelling is made perfect everywhere. In business, for instance, advertisers or marketers tell stories concerning their stock or products. Week 2 Power Active This PDF talks about the conversation that General Eisenhower had with Winston Churchill in this case, Eisenhower requested Churchill to consider looking over a speech that he had written. Churchill went through the speech as commented that the speech was a Dwight one in that it had too many zeds and to many passives. Here the aspect of passiveness is talked about. It is held that when liberty is given to buy a bit of
  • 3. temporal safety, then neither safety nor liberty is desired. Further, liberty can only be rewarded to those people who actually deserve it. These are the people who have worked hard to attain it. Chapter 6 The recent scholarship in the aspect of identity development of college student has started to focus on the complexities of relationships among three basic domains of development. These include cognitive, interpersonal, and intrapersonal relationships. There are also relationships between social identities and personal identities. This model of looking at the types of relationships this way does not look into the aspect of other domains like cognitive development. As such, Abes and Jones (2004) applied the model of multiple dimensions of identity development while studying the issue of identity development of lesbians. The authors applied a more complex conceptualization of the theory which looks at various dimensions of identity which looks into consideration the aspect of integrating intersecting domains of development. Week 3 Power Pause Here, all those people who aspire to become leaders, looks are a prime asset that needs to be considered. It is observed that the first president of Mexico to have elected democratically, Benito Juarez, was a bit less than five feet and was also literary ugly. This president is also described as the one who looked like a toad. That is, he was literary ugly personality who many would have guessed may make it to occupy the office of president. However, Benito was able to overcome all the prejudices and made it to the president in Mexico, the first to have elected democratically. Despite him being accused of being full- blooded Indian and for this reason he was ugly to the Spanish speaking people in Mexico. However, Benito rose to the highest position in Mexico. Power Opener
  • 4. The successful persuaders normally open texts with vigor without even offering appreciation words or praise. For instance, one of the former slaves opened his talk or speech to business firm of Atlanta. In this talk, the former slave, Booker T. Washington, did not start his talk by recognizing or thanking his white hosts for inviting him as a black man. In fact, Booker did to thank anyone for the opportunity to speak. On contrary, Booker opened or rather started his talk by saying that one-third of the people living in South are of Negro race. He did this with an intention of grabbing the attention of the audience. This is something that he was able to achieve quite comfortably since people paid a lot of attention of what the entire speech entailed. Presentations are Performances It is argued that each and every outstanding personality in history, whether famous or not famous, popular or unpopular, understood very well the power of drama. For instance, the speeches by Churchill which would be delivered word by word inspired the free word in the way the speaker or the owner would present them to the audience. For this reason drama has power to make the speeches inspiring and great. He was not showman but would move the cloud through his creativity in how he delivered his speeches. It is argued that a person may often face problems while facing others if he or she does not have drama qualities even if he or she has great idea to communicate. Week 4 Discovering Meaning How the story means to you as a storyteller is one important elements to arise as you deliver the story. It is therefore important that a storyteller remains clear about the interpretation of the story even if his job is not to impose the interpretation to the audiences. Lack of focus on the part of a storyteller will often result into lack of clarity and this will make the audience to have less attachment to their own diverse meanings of the story being narrated. Being clear about the
  • 5. story you are telling will help the audience to have many meanings out of the one meaning that the speaker has clarified. In other words, the audience will be able to have clear meaning which will help them derive other meanings in their own. This is to say that the storyteller is just giving the meaning to help the audience become creative in the way they interpret it. Power of Parable The issue of the parable of Jesus Christ is not just salvation. Jesus used parables in order to communicate the message that would be clear to His followers, He wanted the followers to be able to remember His teachings very well. Jesus would use the parables to explain abstract virtues. It is therefore important that the storyteller be able to be creative in the way he is delivering the story to the audience. The use of hyperboles as well as similes will help emphasize the story and that the audience will be able to remember the story with ease. Kinesthetic Imagery and Characterization There is lack of a single term which can exactly describe what kinesthetic imagery. In terms of storytelling, it is important that the storyteller try to expand his kinesthetic vocabulary. The use of kinesthetic imagery helps ensure that the concepts of this model in storytelling especially on the issue of characterization. For this reason, the term kinesthetic simply refers to tow kinds of sensations. These are internal tone and movement sensation. Further, it is explained that the three most useful kinesthetic concepts are body centers, open versus closed postures, and habitual muscular tensions. Week 5 Content, Delivery, Audiences, and the Speaker In storytelling, what one says and how says it equally counts. It is therefore assumed that the speaker must be able to be well organized and be sincere about what he is saying in order to have something good to say. The speaker must prove that he is sincere about what he desires to share with his audience. The enjoyment, acceptance and understanding of the story by the
  • 6. audience have to be determined by how the speaker is able to deliver the story. This means that poor delivery of the speech or story will highly affect chances that the audience will enjoy, accept, and understand the story. Power of Parable The issue of the parable of Jesus Christ is not just salvation. Jesus used parables in order to communicate the message that would be clear to His followers, He wanted the followers to be able to remember His teachings very well. Jesus would use the parables to explain abstract virtues. It is therefore important that the storyteller be able to be creative in the way he is delivering the story to the audience. The use of hyperboles as well as similes will help emphasize the story and that the audience will be able to remember the story with ease. Kinesthetic Imagery and Characterization There is lack of a single term which can exactly describe what kinesthetic imagery. In terms of storytelling, it is important that the storyteller try to expand his kinesthetic vocabulary. The use of kinesthetic imagery helps ensure that the concepts of this model in storytelling especially on the issue of characterization. For this reason, the term kinesthetic simply refers to tow kinds of sensations. These are internal tone and movement sensation. Further, it is explained that the three most useful kinesthetic concepts are body centers, open versus closed postures, and habitual muscular tensions. Week 6 Imaging Fully Imagination is a very important element in storytelling. The storyteller is supposed to be exceedingly imaginative in order to deliver something that it exciting telling stories is such an important task which the storyteller has to adapt various tactics of imagination to add flavor to the story. The various sensory modes will ensure that the audience will be able to enjoy the story fully. Power Poetry
  • 7. The once delivered speech by Winston Churchill incorporated the aspects such as “of’s” and “the’s” which made the speech look like poetry. It was obsession by Churchill which proved that a speech may not like an article to read aloud. The speech can be delivered as a verse and this sounds just like a poet. Presenting this speech as poetry ensures that the audience is able to remember the speech effectively. In other words, representing the speech as poetry gives a storyteller an opportunity to make sure that the audience is able to remember the speech well. What you Think you Know may not be Slam Slams are explained as very captivating poetry events which mainly focus on attractive the live attention of audience. In this case, the storyteller delivers the story in the way it appears as a poet. This is highly applied in a church-like set up where the people animate the listening and watching it. This will help the listeners be able to remember the events better. This will ensure that the storyteller is able to achieve the goal of communicating the message to the audience effectively. Confronting Stage Fright-Overcoming the Fear Fear is like a living being which stands the mind of a person. It looks for the weakest point in an individual and attacks it. It is very clever and even treacherous. In order to completely dominate an individual, fear starts attacking the mind. It should be remembered that when fear has already attacked the mind the body becomes aware that some has terribly gone wrong with an individual. This is because the mind is the center of our nervous system. When the mind is already attacked and weakened, this means that the nervous system becomes destabilized and that an individual will be confused and paralyzed. As such, the body organs feel like they are not functioning well. Further, fear diminishes trust and hope and destroys the foundation of an individual. In other words the fear brings an individual to him mortal situation. The fear attacks the mind and the body. It destroys the foundation of an individual and diminishes all the chances of hope or trust. However, the same fear can act as
  • 8. reason for overcoming it. Pops Ideas and Newspaper Politics We normally have the ideas about life on the aspects such as politics, celebrities, as well as other social things. There are many political poems which are serious in delivering stories to the audience. These issues also relate to war and suffering. A writer should be able to write from his own experience. For this reason, the writer looks for how to ensure that he delivers the story in the most captivating manner. Imagination is therefore a key thing in this case. Week 7 Power Line The speeches of Winston Churchill spelled the distinction between survival and defeat. In this case, his languages contained many memorable lines that may be referred as “power lines”. Winston Churchill was able to incorporate things such as alliteration, echo, rhyme, contrast and metaphor in his speeches. The power lines mean that he was able to incorporate all these things in her speeches in a manner that would ensure that give the audience a memorable moment. Week 8 Five Minutes Time management is very important in ensuring that a storyteller is able to deliver the ideas on time. This is to say that the storyteller has to have a plan on how to deliver all the points on time. The ideas that a speaker is delivering will mainly be determined by how well they have been organized. This is to say that a speaker will have to prioritize in the points that are to be delivered. This will help him be able to come up with ways to make the audience accept the pieces delivered. The Flexible Shifting of Attention A speaker normally does many things while telling a story. Here, the speaker uses all aspects of oral language such as gesture, as well as change your posture. Further, a speaker has to imagine of a story to tell. The aim here is for the speaker to respond to the audience. As a speaker, you normally have the
  • 9. feelings concerning the story as well as concerning the event. A speaker has also to tell the audience about how what is happening in the story. This will help create a mood where the attention of the audience is attracted. For this reason, the speaker will devise ways to overcome the obstacles that are emanating from distraction. Power Quote The words of JF Kennedy in 1960 are highly quoted by far. JF Kennedy as well as Abraham Lincoln were great leaders who fought for civil war through words. Their words were convincing to the audience so that they were able to see the sense of success. This is very important in ensuring that the people were able to understand what was happening. The words used have to be creative and convincing for the people to believe. This calls for imagination. Week 9 Your Relationship to Your Self Storytelling is easy, physically demanding, and emotionally demanding. All these statements are very true. When put in a context stage, it is true that storytelling is a universal and natural interaction which is much unrecognized. A storyteller may use voice and body as the physical instruments which will help him overcome the obstacles of public speaking. Since the storyteller has to stand before the audience delivers the story, he is faced with emotional challenge. In other words, the storyteller has to control his emotions in a way that will ensure he makes the audience like the story. Teaching storytelling may require one to develop his body, psyche, voice, as well as his support team. Further, a storyteller has to develop his relationship to his own self. Matching Style to Material Since no one wears the same suit for many occasions, then in storytelling, the speaker has to adapt various styles that suit various needs and occasions. It is important that the speaker
  • 10. present himself in a manner that will match specific circumstances. This will help the speaker to match the various circumstances with various themes. As such, the delivery of the story will be suitable on a certain situation. The audience will be able to relate the story with the suitable style used by the speaker. This will enhance memorability as well as proper delivery of the story. Week 10 Coping with Special Knowledge and its Jargon There is a story in the book of Genesis where the people abandoned the construction of Tower of Babel. This is very important for our modern era. The survivors of this tower began building a city aiming to get to the heaven. However, God confused their minds and languages and they were not able to continue with their mission. In fact, these people failed miserably because they did not address the fundamental things needed. The coordination as well as inspection of the project was something that these people did not perfect. For this reason, they were not able to complete their project effectively. This is something that also applies in storytelling. When the coordination of events is not good, then the failure is the result. Power Word Emphasis of words is very important to show the importance of the meaning of the word. In storytelling, the speaker may be required in most cases to stress some words in order to offer the required emphasis for the audience to note. This will help the audience pay attention to the main words in the story. The audience will be able to interpret the story in manner which is good for getting the intended message. Emphasis has to be noted when the speaker uses high tone while pronouncing some words. This will draw the attention of the audience. It will give the speaker time to pause so that the audience can reflect on the words mentioned. This will ensure that the audience is able to discuss on their own that is supposed to be in the future narration. Week 11
  • 11. Building to a Strong Finish It is very important that the speaker thank the audience for the time to listen and examination of the idea presented. In this case, the most important thing is to ensure that the speaker ends up the narration of the story of a good note. He can interact with the audience to get their feedback. He should be grateful to the audience for having listened to him as well as participating to the examination of the concepts presented. This will ensure that the speaker will be able to get approval to have future interaction with the same audience. It will also offer an opportunity to get the feedback which may improve the future narration. This is very important in ensuring there is sustainability of good storytelling. Power Closer The words of JF Kennedy in 1960 are highly quoted by far. JF Kennedy as well as Abraham Lincoln were great leaders who fought for civil war through words. Their words were convincing to the audience so that they were able to see the sense of success. This is very important in ensuring that the people were able to understand what was happening. The words used have to be creative and convincing for the people to believe. This calls for imagination. Power Audacity This article starts by saying that people should dare to be different. This is what made Reagan, Lincoln, and Churchill to rise above the crowd. They were able to approach things in a different way. This ensured that they were able to offer exceptional leadership traits that convinced the crowd to believe them. They offer what was unexpected. For this reason, a speaker should be able to surprise his audience. This calls for the speaker of storytelling to be exceptionally creative and imaginative. This will set him apart as one of the exceptional speaker. This will make sure that the storytelling becomes a fun moment. It is difficult to choose one way or the other without valuing the way that there must be incorporation of the two sections previously landing at a conclusion. The greater part of
  • 12. the world's best leaders were conceived with certain exceptionally created qualities, for example, a remarkable abnormal state of desire, an uncommon sense and an ideal mystique. Moreover, leaders share a gathering of normal attributes that have an inseparable tie to identity and nothing to do with position. All things being equal, an individual can't bless him/herself a pioneer. Powerful leadership points a direction on how to benefit as much as possible from “knowing how to lead” either by being formal or by being cautious or by down to earth involvement. This is what is required at last for the accomplishment of any organization. Leadership turns out to be significantly more muddled when endeavoring to characterize the beginning of leaders. Week 12 Appendix This area looks at personal improvement after giving the story. It is important that the speaker strives to improve his weaknesses. This will ensure that he is able to offer a better presentation to the audience. As such, it is important that the speaker is able to examine himself internally. This will give an opportunity to jot the points that are important to ensuring the speaker will offer valuable presentation in future. Development of Self-Authorship The aspect of self-authorship is central in ensuring that college students have the ability to understand the meaning of the world they are living. This concept is holistic in that it encompasses such things such as interpersonal, cognitive, as well as psychological dimensions. Here, the speaker is engaged in the process of self-authoring himself so that he is able to deliver something that is exceptional. Week 13 Sources of Ideas It is argued that every human being posses creative potential. A person is able to do something in unique way and this is why people have the potential to be creative in the way they
  • 13. approach life. Individuals can be able to influence the development of their own self as well as the alterations of the environment that surround them. This is the reason that people can be able to approach the challenges in life in different ways. For this reason, it is important that the individuals are able to improve their situations in how they approach storytelling. Power Wit It is important that the speaker be creative on how he or she starts his story. For instance, there are those speakers who may start their story with a joke. However, it is vital that the humor used in story be backed with intelligence. In other words, the speaker has to offer a joke that is sensible so that the audience can find its relevance. It is therefore not the joke but a humor. A humor is something that is an ice breaker. It makes the audience to relax and be able to offer exceptional thing to the audience. Week 14 Balancing the Details with the Goals A person normally tells stories because they help him influence his audience. However, for the speaker to move the audience in his story, he has to speak words, make some movements, and get involved in explaining details as well as engaging in discussion of issues. For this reason, the speaker has to adapt various strategies to make the storytelling be a fun event. Why Others Welcome your Ideas Ideas may not be beneficial if they remain unexploited in the mind of an individual. For this reason, it is important that people share these ideas and transfer them form one person to another. The audience will benefit when the ideas are circulated among them. This is important to ensure they benefit from the story. This calls for better leadership skills. Leadership is a procedure by which people impact representatives toward the accomplishment of organizational goals. Leadership is likely the most studied subject in management courses and many publications have been made to that effect. Most researchers study leadership's with one restricted perspective in mind, and
  • 14. therefore, the greater part of the investigations falls into unmistakable lines of research which incorporate leaders attributes, conduct, power and situational approaches. Leadership is a conduct we apply when we assume liability for our activities and their results. It is tied in with being responsible when we accept accountability for controlling others. Leadership is regularly the distinction amongst progress and disappointment. It is the thing that isolates the practitioners from the eyewitnesses, and it is the thing that gives positive course to people and organizations. Assignment 1: Demand Estimation Due Week 3 and worth 200 points Imagine that you work for the maker of a leading brand of low- calorie, frozen microwavable food that estimates the following demand equation for its product using data from 26 supermarkets around the country for the month of April. For a refresher on independent and dependent variables, please go to Sophia’s Website and review the Independent and Dependent Variables tutorial, located at variables--3. Option 1Note: The following is a regression equation. Standard errors are in parentheses for the demand for widgets. QD = - 5200 - 42P + 20PX + 5.2I + 0.20A + 0.25M (2.002) (17.5) (6.2) (2.5) (0.09) (0.21) R2 = 0.55 n = 26 F = 4.88 Your supervisor has asked you to compute the elasticities for each independent variable. Assume the following values for the independent variables: Q = Quantity demanded of 3-pack units P (in cents) = Price of the product = 500 cents per 3- pack unit PX (in cents) = Price of leading competitor’s product = 600 cents per 3-pack unit
  • 15. I (in dollars) = Per capita income of the standard metropolitan statistical area (SMSA) in which the supermarkets are located = $5,500 A (in dollars) = Monthly advertising expenditures = $10,000 M = Number of microwave ovens sold in the SMSA in which the supermarkets are located = 5,000 Option 2Note: The following is a regression equation. Standard errors are in parentheses for the demand for widgets. QD = -2,000 - 100P + 15A + 25PX + 10I (5,234) (2.29) (525) (1.75) (1.5) R2 = 0.85 n = 120 F = 35.25 Your supervisor has asked you to compute the elasticities for each independent variable. Assume the following values for the independent variables: Q = Quantity demanded of 3-pack units P (in cents) = Price of the product = 200 cents per 3- pack unit PX (in cents) = Price of leading competitor’s product = 300 cents per 3-pack unit I (in dollars) = Per capita income of the standard metropolitan statistical area (SMSA) in which the supermarkets are located = $5,000 A (in dollars) = Monthly advertising expenditures = $640 Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: 1. Compute the elasticities for each independent variable. Note: Write down all of your calculations. 2. Determine the implications for each of the computed elasticities for the business in terms of short-term and long-term pricing strategies. Provide a rationale in which you cite your results. 3. Recommend whether you believe that this firm should or should not cut its price to increase its market share. Provide support for your recommendation.
  • 16. 4. Assume that all the factors affecting demand in this model remain the same, but that the price has changed. Further assume that the price changes are 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 cents. a. Plot the demand curve for the firm. b. Plot the corresponding supply curve on the same graph using the following MC / supply function Q = -7909.89 + 79.1P with the same prices. c. Determine the equilibrium price and quantity. d. Outline the significant factors that could cause changes in supply and demand for the low-calorie, frozen microwavable food. Determine the primary manner in which both the short- term and the long-term changes in market conditions could impact the demand for, and the supply, of the product. 5. Indicate the crucial factors that could cause rightward shifts and leftward shifts of the demand and supply curves for the low-calorie, frozen microwavable food. 6. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: . Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. . Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: . Analyze how production and cost functions in the short run and long run affect the strategy of individual firms. . Apply the concepts of supply and demand to determine the impact of changes in market conditions in the short run and long run, and the economic impact on a company’s operations. . Use technology and information resources to research issues in
  • 17. managerial economics and globalization. . Write clearly and concisely about managerial economics and globalization using proper writing mechanics. Click here to view the grading rubric for this assignment. · By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution's policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates. 1 MALCOM X SPEECH ANALYSIS 2 MALCOM X SPEECH ANALYSIS 7 Running head: MALCOM X SPEECH ANALYSIS MALCOLM X SPEECH ANALYSIS
  • 18. Introduction Malcolm X was an African-American human rights activist born in 1965 in Omaha, Nebraska. He never shied away from telling the truth and fighting for the black Americans during those times when racism was the order of the day in America. Looking at the history of the African Americans, Malcolm X can be viewed as a role model amongst those who champion for the rights of the African Americans. He never feared anything when he stood to fight for the rights of the African Americans; I guess that even when he received death threats that are what gave him the courage to speak even louder. During this time, when racism had taken its toll in the American soil, it was very difficult for those who advocated for the rights of the black Americans to live for long, in one way or the other they were eliminated. This was also the case for Malcolm X who was assassinated in 1965, died from multiple gunshots. This happened like a year after his famous and most thrilling speech, “By any means necessary.”[footnoteRef:1] [1: Malcolm X By Any Means Necessary. May 22, 2016. ] During his tour in Africa, as he says in his speech, he found out that the Africans living in Africa were more independent that he and other Africans living in America. This is what compelled him most that they have to liberate themselves from the jaws of
  • 19. racism “by any means necessary.” My guess is good as many other people out there that this phrase sent a chilling cold on the spine of the white Americans who thought that as long as Malcolm X was alive, they were always threatened. ‘Something’ had to be done and in this case was eliminating him[footnoteRef:2] [2: Malcolm X By Any Means Necessary ] When Malcolm X stood on the podium in the auditorium to deliver his speech, those present stood up and ushered him in with applause. This to me would only mean one thing, he was a man who was well known among the people, and it is like they knew what was to be put across. He uses humor in his speech, but he rarely laughed at those jokes that he puts across. He would smile then retract back to his seriousness when going through his business. For example, when he begins by acknowledging everyone present and even goes ahead and acknowledges ‘enemies’ which leaves the listeners in stitches. Humor can be viewed as an admirable part of a leader’s character. It intrigues the listeners to be attentive and keen. It breaks the boredom that might be taking its toll in plain speech. This would, in turn, help him, Malcolm X, connect with the audience. This would arouse that feeling that they are with him. Humor also disarms hostility. From that video one can realize that Malcolm X, when delivering his speech, he tends to be serious, so many first timers would see him as a stun and hostile chap, but when he uses humor, they ease themselves and see the hilarious part of the individual. One thing that comes out is seriousness when Malcolm X used that phrase of ‘our friends and enemies’ when acknowledging the attendees. He had formed the Organization of Afro-American Unity and thus knew his enemy zone had enlarged and he was well aware of the hostility he was facing from every side. Thus according to me, he was serious though it came out funnily. He knew that in that auditorium, in as much as his friends and that of the organization were present; his enemies too were around3
  • 20. One thing that is noticeable is the standing posture that Malcolm X took when delivering his speech to the audience. He has his head high, and shoulders rolled back. This shows how the 3 speaker is oozing with confidence[footnoteRef:3]. This is one of the technique that a good public speaker [3: . Gordon, Gregory S. Atrocity Speech Law: Foundation, Fragmentation, Fruition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. ] especially leaders ought to portray. This is because the moments the audiences realize that you are afraid or let me say nervous, instead of them having confidence in your speech they will always look at faults and spend most of their time laughing at you or discussing your nervousness. This would only signify one thing; the intent of the message would have been lost. Malcolm X would only take less than a minute looking down and this would probably be when he is reading a script. The good posture that he took enabled him to breathe freely and deeply and then project his voice clearly that the audience would be able to get the intended information[footnoteRef:4] [4: Gordon, 290 ] The other thing that has been displayed by Malcolm X is that his speech speed is moderate, he is not too slow and not too fast. This means that he intended to connect with the audience even when he is delivering the speech. When the speed of the speech is slow the speaker risks sending the audience to slumberland. On the other hand, when the speed is too fast the audience would realize how nervous the
  • 21. speaker is and may be sound as an amateur public speaker, and you are trying to speak fast to get over with the speech. This can be evident with how Malcolm X uses pauses in his speech.[footnoteRef:5] [5: Gordon, 292 ] Talking of pauses, Malcolm X adopted this figure of speech. While delivering his speech, he would pause in the middle of the sentence and then continue. This would give the audience time to absorb what has been said and get ready for the next information. By using pause, he enabled his listeners to remain engaged during the speech. Through this, he would be building an emotional connection with his audience and gives them that gap to follow what is coming next. One of the types of pauses he used was the spontaneity pause. This is that kind of pause that would create a feeling that spontaneity, in that, he is thinking of what he is saying not reciting what he had already so many times before. This would arouse the listener's interest. He also used Pause for emphasis. He would pause to emphasize the statement that he has said. There is that instance that he uses his hand and this is a sign of non-verbal cues in communication. This can be said he did it to emphasize that point that he was putting across. Another non-verbal cues that he used are the eye contact. During his entire speech, he maintained a positive eye contact with the audience and very few instances did he look down, and that was when he was reading a script before raising his head high when emphasizing that point. Eye contact would help to establish rapport and connection between the speaker and the audience Another feature that has been cleared portrayed is the dressing code that Malcolm X has adorned. He has worn a suit and looking elegant with a tie around his neck. All along we have been talking about confidence/courage that is established when a public speaker stands shoulders rolled back and headed high, and we think that is it all. Dressing too speaks volumes. The
  • 22. first impression is the last impression. As a speaker one ought to mind the first impression that he/she will make to the audience and that is through the dressing. Shabby dressing code will result in audience morale to listen to you being downed. But when a speaker looks elegant in dressing the audience confidence to listen to you would increase and as the speaker talks with confidence. Malcolm X dressed to the occasion owing to the fact that he was addressing members of an organization; Organization of Afro-African Unity[footnoteRef:6] [6: Gordon, 300 ] What the orator is trying to get across This is a deliberate speech, so I can say. One thing that Malcolm X is trying to emphasize is unity among the Afro- Americans in order to successfully fight against their oppressors. It out rightly clear that Malcolm X is bitter after his trip to Africa where he found out that African in Africa is independent more than the Afro-Americans. He reiterates that his trip to Africa was necessitated by the fact that America gained independence some 200years ago than the African continent yet the Afro-Americans were still not independent in America even after almost two centuries. He thus wanted to find out the means through which Africans in Africa gained their independent of which he came to realize that it was through unity. This unity was achieved through formation of Organization of African Unity which united all the African nations and had the same agenda and that was gaining independence through fighting whoever came into their way. Malcolm wanted the Afro-Americans to stop that trend of always running towards the white Americans from other white Americans which he equates to running from foxes to wolves’ hands. Through the entire speech, it undeniable that he was expressing desire for the whole of Afro-Americans to unite and fight against the same course and that is fighting for their independence, against racism, by any means necessary through their formed organization [footnoteRef:7] [7: Rend,
  • 23. Pocanteollo. "Ethos Pathos and Logos." ISU Writing Center, 2016: 280-282 ] Conclusion To conclude the analysis of this speech by Malcolm X, I appreciate the figures of speech that he has employed during the speech delivery, one of them being humor and rhetoric and even allegory which is evident where he uses the ‘foxes and wolves.’ The speech was delivered awesomely but I realized that he did not use the space available. He stood in one place the entire time during the speech. My wish is that in future, public speakers should use the space available to move up and about as this would signify that they are connecting with the speaker more and more. Bibliography Gordon, Gregory S. Atrocity Speech Law: Foundation, Fragmentation, Fruition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. Malcolm X By Any Means Necessary. May 22, 2016. Rend, Pocanteollo. "Ethos Pathos and Logos." ISU Writing Center, 2016: 280-282. Powered by TCPDF (