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Child Labor in India
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The child labor situation in India is complex. It cannot be
solved by enactment or with shortsighted solutions. It is driven
mostly out of poverty and women having restricted decisions in
matters of marriage or family planning. Frantic for money, and
not able to nourish their families, they inescapably put their
children in child labor. While the child labor case in India is
complicated, it is an essential step headed toward more accepted
kinds of industrialization. It is a fundamental stage through
which pre-industrial societies need to pass before accomplishing
a level of economic advancement. Child labor in India cannot
vanish in worldwide workshops or with moving speeches.
Unless suitable options get found through more meaningful
educational frameworks, children will continue to wallow in
poor working conditions and low wages while undertaking
demeaning tasks.
The International Labor Organization evaluates child labor in
1991, there were roughly 11.3 million child workers in India,
with 2 million of them working in profoundly hazardous
circumstances. Nonetheless, starting late 2000, the ILO states
that there are currently 10.4 million child labourers in India. In
India, reasons, why children are working include a lack of
access to education and unemployed parents. Poverty is said to
be the reason for child labour. However, it can likewise be a
consequence of child labour as well. A cycle of poverty
manifests itself within child labour, and India is not an
exemption. Subsequently, this keeps children in India in a
disadvantaged state because their access to education gets
denied and thus, won't realize any new skills for a higher paying
In this research, I shall first define child labor and reasons for
its existence. I will demonstrate theoretically how the child
labor situation in India is a necessary phase through which it
must pass to achieve industrial revolution like Britain and the
U.S.A where many factory laborers were children and youth. I
will also show how child labor is a detriment to the
development of less economically developed countries. I will
discuss the advantages and limitations, the economic effect,
UNICEF’s role and solutions to the child labor problem in
What is child labor?
Work that undertaken by a child below the age of 18, it includes
work that can interfere with his or her education, harmful to
their health or physical, mental, spiritual and social
Child labor envelops each non-school going child
irrespective of whether the child gets involved with paid or non-
paid work. Whether he or she is working to support a family or
others; whether employed in perilous or non-perilous
occupations; whether used on a daily or a contract basis or as a
bonded laborer (Defining Child Labour, n.d)
Causes of Child labour in India
As indicated by the 2001 national census, there are more than
12 million child workers in India, misused by commercial
enterprises, establishments, and landowners. Male children
might likewise become beggars, and female children may
become prostitutes to sustain themselves. In rural India Child
Labor is witnessed in numerous zones; these children frequently
caught in a cycle of poverty. When they grow up, because of
their illiteracy and poverty, they might likewise make their kids
work at young ages (Wiener, 2009). These are some of the
The effects of the caste system, which became functional in the
nation even before independence: Only the upper caste Indians
were given the chance to get an education through the lower
caste individuals stayed poor and uneducated. Overpopulation
and illiteracy: The number of inhabitants in India has surpassed
1.17 billion, which has an extraordinary effect on the country's
per capita income. Not knowing the results, numerous poor,
uneducated individuals have many children; these kids are
compelled to work to help bolster their families. The absence of
education is at the foundation of various issues. Parents who are
uneducated have a tendency to send their kids to work rather
than to study. They may also feel that free primary education
won't be sufficient to earn the child a decent wage (Wiener,
Poverty: The percentage of the population in India living in
poverty is high. Poverty has an undeniable association with
child labor. Families need cash to survive; children are a
wellspring of extra wage. The irresponsible attitude of
employers: A general feeling of irresponsibility towards society
gets seen. The organizations in India which are the slightest
pestered with reference to how their employees survive. Despite
being mindful of the high cost of living and inflation, they are
least bothered and embarrassed to pay wages that are much
below sustenance levels. Additionally if the employers were
responsible, they in any case would not employ children at all.
Lack of education: The absence of training is another aspect
that is a consequence of illiteracy and lack of information. An
uneducated individual is one who is, for the most part,
unconscious of things which an average person is obliged to
know. Such individuals are typically unconscious of their
human rights and the privileges of their kids as well. The
offspring of such individuals ordinarily gets to be child workers
around their homes.
Advantages of Child Labor
Children who work for money can get working experience.
There are varieties of employment chances, yet not all of the
individuals get picked. It implies that every occupation,
regardless basic or complex, obliges particular aptitudes. In
other words, individuals including children who begin working
and collecting an extensive variety of skills in their initial ages
will have more competitive open doors than those without
experience. Besides, it is a reality that children circumstances
are not the same as one another. Some are from exceptionally
poor families and their guardians truly require their aids. Hence,
working helps them to acquire cash to bolster their guardians as
well as express their responsibility to their family (Wiener,
Disadvantages of Child Labor
Child labor likewise shows issues need to be concerned. Firstly,
both employees and employers are easily under threat. All
things considered, in numerous nations, it is not permitted to
contract laborers under 16. In this way, organizations utilizing
this occupation sources are viewed as abusing the law.
Moreover, children doing paid occupations are often too young,
making it impossible to adjust to strict working conditions,
which can influence truly on their physical and mental sides.
Additionally, children are the future of a nation and ought to be
instructed at schools, not at work. Amid their youth, they have
rights to study, play and relax to grow their insight and skills
entirely (Wiener, 2009).
Theoretical Explanation
Child labour still exists because less economically developed
countries are utilizing child workers with the end goal of
rivalling multi-national institutions and other more
economically developed nations. Most of the countries
employing young children get stuck in a stage known as
'preconditions for take-off', which can describe the need to
build up a surplus of wealth to expand investment (Mishra,
Although numerous other industrialized nations are in the last
phase of economic advancement known as 'mass consumption'.
Mass consumption, portrayed by a growing demand for
consumer goods and services, incomes being more noteworthy
than expected for purchasing essentials and an increment in
investment by society in wellbeing, education and social
programs. Child labor is fundamental to economic advancement
in LEDCs, and with a particular end goal to travel through the
phases of development, from 'preconditions for take-off' to
'mass consumption (USDA Foreign Agricultural Service GAIN
Report, n.d)
Detrimental impact on child labor in India
On the other hand, child labor is unfavorable to the
advancement of less economically developed nations because it
creates an obstruction to the education framework for kids in
India. Moreover, old, social values still exist in India today; for
instance, education is not considered for individuals in the
lower castes, mainly females (The small hands of slavery 1996)
Child labor is also an impediment to the development of India
economically because child labor depreciates the work done by
adults. When an adult incomes increase or unemployment falls,
the rate of child labor has a tendency to fall. Subsequently, on
the off chance that we are genuinely worried about child labor
work, we will need to enhance the economic state of the adult
worker (Defining Child Labor, n.d)
The Economic Effect
The diagram below illustrates the impact of child labor on
economic growth
UNICEF’s Role in India’s Child Labor Situation
UNICEF supports the Roadmap for accomplishing the
elimination of the worst manifestations of child labor by 2016,
which requires an integrated response to child labor in nations
like India. UNICEF supports communities in changing their
cultural acknowledgement of child labour while supporting
methods and programming to give alternative income to
families, access to nurseries, quality education and defensive
s to Child Labor in India
There are various solutions to child labor in India, they include:
Increasing family wages will allow the children to go to school
rather than work in demeaning working conditions in factories.
In addition education will help the children learn skills that will
help them procure a living (Wiener, 1991). Children need to
figure out how to read and write. They require social and expert
aptitudes that only school and a sustaining environment can
give. Moreover social Services, will help children and families,
survive emergencies, for example, sicknesses or loss of shelter.
Also family planning is another startegy which will reduce the
number of children per household and to ensure that families
are not burdened with children that they struggle to feed and
clothe. Eliminating poverty is another solution which will
drives children, who have no particular training, to stop their
occupations and come back to the streets to more dangerous
activities (Basu and Pham, n.d)
Moreover enforcing work laws is another solution- Most nations
have laws against child labour; nonetheless, a few legislatures
support child labour work as a method for gaining a competitive
market advantage. Additionally abolishing youngster trafficking
is another solution - Everywhere on the planet, there are adults
who win a living by purchasing and selling children. The
governments of all nations must take harsh measures against
child trafficking. Promotion of fair trade practices ensure a
reasonable cost to small scale makers. In 44 developing nations,
fair trade helps keep 550 co-operatives operating. These co-
operatives provide goods to 5 million people and often reinvest
profits in the community. Finally replacing child laborers by
adult specialists is also another solution- There are 800 million
unemployed adults on the planet; but, the quantity of working
children is evaluated to be at more than 300 million (Wiener,
The economic advancement of less economically developed
nations is only negatively affected by child labor. Child labor
prevents access to education. In India, young girls go to school
less than boys, because of conventional values still common in
the country today. Governmental policies that particularly
upgrade the economic benefits of sending kids to school should
get executed; providing many families with an incentive to send
their kids to school in India (Weiner, 1991).
Among the most obstructing impacts child labor has on the
economic development of a nation is the way that child labor
depreciates the work done by adults. When the economic
situation gets enhanced, will child workers stop to exist? Child
labor can be destructive economically because it diminishes the
nation's chance of pulling in foreign direct investment.
Consequently, child labour is harming to the economic
improvement of a less economically developed country because
it is a hindrance to the education of children. It puts the health
of child workers at risk in the short and long term and proceeds
with the cycle of poverty by downgrading the work done by
adults (CHILD LABOUR, n.d)
Basu, Kaushik, and Pham Hoang. "The Economics Of Child
Labour." The American Economic Review Vol. 88.No.3: 412-
27. Print.
CHILD LABOUR - ICSW." ICSW. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May.
Defining Child Labour-Article 32.1-United Nations Convention
..." Karmayog. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May. 2015
Mishra, L. (2000). Child labour in India. New Delhi: Oxford
University Press.
The small hands of slavery: Bonded child labor in India. (1996).
New York: Human Rights Watch.
USDA Foreign Agricultural Service GAIN Report." FAS. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 08 May. 2015
Weiner, M. (1991). The child and the state in India: Child labor
and education policy in comparative perspective. Princeton,
N.J.: Princeton University Press.
Child labor. Detroit: Greenhaven Press.
Running head: ENGLISH 1
Response Paper: A visit to Lan Su Chinese Garden
Name of Student:
Name of Institution:
My visit to the Lan Su Chinese Garden which is a traditional
Chinese garden formerly referred to the Portland Classical
Chinese Garden was an awakening experience like the slogan
name given to the garden - Garden of Awakening Orchids. The
experience was overwhelming since I had not set foot in the
4000 m2 city block enclosed garden located in the neighborhood
of the Chinatown old town located in Portland the United
States. I could understand why the garden was mentioned to be
influenced by several other famous Chinese gardens located in
Sozhou region since it had all the qualities.
The garden is really renowned with indigenous features, mostly
the indigenous Chinese plants, which surprisingly were all
nurtured from the US since the Chinese has imposed import
bans that couldn’t allow the plants to be imported – the plants
were originally from imported plants before the import ban was
effected. I had conducted my extensive research on the garden
and found that it had some plants as old as a decade or more. I
found hundreds upon hundreds of these indigenous trees like
bamboos, perennials, orchids, and water plants, as well as
shrubs that were scattered through the garden – I found this
unusual. I was able to scrutinize through more than 200 plant
species of plants out of the possible over 400 species before my
visit was over. What however caught my attention was the
structures erected (which are however common to all Chinese
gardens), with the most interesting being the bridges
(pronounced as ‘kwiao’), walkways which were covered
(pronounced as “lang”) and many more interesting structures.
The garden is the most culturally authentic gardens that I have
ever visited - Lan Su is creatively a wonder that gave me a
powerfully inspiring experience as well as informing me on the
culture of the Chinese modelled for more than two centuries
encompassing the melding of architecture, art, nature and
design all in one perfect harmony. Once I entered the inside
walls of the garden, it was as if I had explored immensely and
travelled through time over a different era existing in a world
different from the present. The visit to the Lan Su Chinese
Garden opened a window to a culture I had not been used to –
the Chinese culture, and it was an experience that felt like the
historical way of thinking. I had something new and different to
learn, every passing minute, every passing hour.
I noticed that the model of Lan Su Chinese Garden followed the
gardens of the Ming Dynasty I had read about before the visit,
which took the design of spiritual utopias; places of meditation
where people could escape the escapades that came with life and
connect to their real true selves, through a bonding with nature.
It is the feeling that I wanted to experience and true to this fact,
Lan Su Chinese Garden has the same credence as these ancient
gardens. My visit was a respite from the busy city life and I left
inspired, a kind of inspiration that facilitates mental and
personal growth – I had a spark of creativity in me.
In regard to the cultural window view, Lan Su gives an
amazingly extraordinary view into the culture of the Chinese. I
met with other visitors of all ages, who were also getting
meaning and history through the great variety of enriching and
experiencing activities. I engaged in both a self-guided as well
as guided tours, enjoying most the ongoing lectures in different
parts of the garden like those on Chinese medicine and their
eating and cooking acupunctures.
Beaven, Steve (January 3, 2010). "Portland Classical Chinese
Garden celebrates 10th anniversary with a new name - Lan Su
Chinese Garden". The Oregonian. Retrieved 4 January 2010.

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  • 1. Running head: CHILD LABOR IN INDIA1 CHILD LABOR IN INDIA10 Child Labor in India Name of Student: Name of Institution: Date: Abstract The child labor situation in India is complex. It cannot be solved by enactment or with shortsighted solutions. It is driven mostly out of poverty and women having restricted decisions in matters of marriage or family planning. Frantic for money, and not able to nourish their families, they inescapably put their children in child labor. While the child labor case in India is complicated, it is an essential step headed toward more accepted kinds of industrialization. It is a fundamental stage through which pre-industrial societies need to pass before accomplishing a level of economic advancement. Child labor in India cannot vanish in worldwide workshops or with moving speeches. Unless suitable options get found through more meaningful educational frameworks, children will continue to wallow in poor working conditions and low wages while undertaking
  • 2. demeaning tasks. Introduction The International Labor Organization evaluates child labor in 1991, there were roughly 11.3 million child workers in India, with 2 million of them working in profoundly hazardous circumstances. Nonetheless, starting late 2000, the ILO states that there are currently 10.4 million child labourers in India. In India, reasons, why children are working include a lack of access to education and unemployed parents. Poverty is said to be the reason for child labour. However, it can likewise be a consequence of child labour as well. A cycle of poverty manifests itself within child labour, and India is not an exemption. Subsequently, this keeps children in India in a disadvantaged state because their access to education gets denied and thus, won't realize any new skills for a higher paying occupation. In this research, I shall first define child labor and reasons for its existence. I will demonstrate theoretically how the child labor situation in India is a necessary phase through which it must pass to achieve industrial revolution like Britain and the U.S.A where many factory laborers were children and youth. I will also show how child labor is a detriment to the development of less economically developed countries. I will discuss the advantages and limitations, the economic effect, UNICEF’s role and solutions to the child labor problem in India. What is child labor?
  • 3. Work that undertaken by a child below the age of 18, it includes work that can interfere with his or her education, harmful to their health or physical, mental, spiritual and social development Child labor envelops each non-school going child irrespective of whether the child gets involved with paid or non- paid work. Whether he or she is working to support a family or others; whether employed in perilous or non-perilous occupations; whether used on a daily or a contract basis or as a bonded laborer (Defining Child Labour, n.d) Causes of Child labour in India As indicated by the 2001 national census, there are more than 12 million child workers in India, misused by commercial enterprises, establishments, and landowners. Male children might likewise become beggars, and female children may become prostitutes to sustain themselves. In rural India Child Labor is witnessed in numerous zones; these children frequently caught in a cycle of poverty. When they grow up, because of their illiteracy and poverty, they might likewise make their kids work at young ages (Wiener, 2009). These are some of the reasons: The effects of the caste system, which became functional in the nation even before independence: Only the upper caste Indians were given the chance to get an education through the lower caste individuals stayed poor and uneducated. Overpopulation and illiteracy: The number of inhabitants in India has surpassed 1.17 billion, which has an extraordinary effect on the country's per capita income. Not knowing the results, numerous poor, uneducated individuals have many children; these kids are compelled to work to help bolster their families. The absence of education is at the foundation of various issues. Parents who are uneducated have a tendency to send their kids to work rather than to study. They may also feel that free primary education won't be sufficient to earn the child a decent wage (Wiener, 2009). Poverty: The percentage of the population in India living in
  • 4. poverty is high. Poverty has an undeniable association with child labor. Families need cash to survive; children are a wellspring of extra wage. The irresponsible attitude of employers: A general feeling of irresponsibility towards society gets seen. The organizations in India which are the slightest pestered with reference to how their employees survive. Despite being mindful of the high cost of living and inflation, they are least bothered and embarrassed to pay wages that are much below sustenance levels. Additionally if the employers were responsible, they in any case would not employ children at all. Lack of education: The absence of training is another aspect that is a consequence of illiteracy and lack of information. An uneducated individual is one who is, for the most part, unconscious of things which an average person is obliged to know. Such individuals are typically unconscious of their human rights and the privileges of their kids as well. The offspring of such individuals ordinarily gets to be child workers around their homes. Advantages of Child Labor Children who work for money can get working experience. There are varieties of employment chances, yet not all of the individuals get picked. It implies that every occupation, regardless basic or complex, obliges particular aptitudes. In other words, individuals including children who begin working and collecting an extensive variety of skills in their initial ages will have more competitive open doors than those without experience. Besides, it is a reality that children circumstances are not the same as one another. Some are from exceptionally poor families and their guardians truly require their aids. Hence, working helps them to acquire cash to bolster their guardians as well as express their responsibility to their family (Wiener, 2009) Disadvantages of Child Labor Child labor likewise shows issues need to be concerned. Firstly, both employees and employers are easily under threat. All things considered, in numerous nations, it is not permitted to
  • 5. contract laborers under 16. In this way, organizations utilizing this occupation sources are viewed as abusing the law. Moreover, children doing paid occupations are often too young, making it impossible to adjust to strict working conditions, which can influence truly on their physical and mental sides. Additionally, children are the future of a nation and ought to be instructed at schools, not at work. Amid their youth, they have rights to study, play and relax to grow their insight and skills entirely (Wiener, 2009). Theoretical Explanation Child labour still exists because less economically developed countries are utilizing child workers with the end goal of rivalling multi-national institutions and other more economically developed nations. Most of the countries employing young children get stuck in a stage known as 'preconditions for take-off', which can describe the need to build up a surplus of wealth to expand investment (Mishra, 2000). Although numerous other industrialized nations are in the last phase of economic advancement known as 'mass consumption'. Mass consumption, portrayed by a growing demand for consumer goods and services, incomes being more noteworthy than expected for purchasing essentials and an increment in investment by society in wellbeing, education and social programs. Child labor is fundamental to economic advancement in LEDCs, and with a particular end goal to travel through the phases of development, from 'preconditions for take-off' to 'mass consumption (USDA Foreign Agricultural Service GAIN Report, n.d) Detrimental impact on child labor in India On the other hand, child labor is unfavorable to the advancement of less economically developed nations because it creates an obstruction to the education framework for kids in India. Moreover, old, social values still exist in India today; for instance, education is not considered for individuals in the lower castes, mainly females (The small hands of slavery 1996)
  • 6. Child labor is also an impediment to the development of India economically because child labor depreciates the work done by adults. When an adult incomes increase or unemployment falls, the rate of child labor has a tendency to fall. Subsequently, on the off chance that we are genuinely worried about child labor work, we will need to enhance the economic state of the adult worker (Defining Child Labor, n.d) The Economic Effect The diagram below illustrates the impact of child labor on economic growth UNICEF’s Role in India’s Child Labor Situation UNICEF supports the Roadmap for accomplishing the elimination of the worst manifestations of child labor by 2016, which requires an integrated response to child labor in nations like India. UNICEF supports communities in changing their cultural acknowledgement of child labour while supporting methods and programming to give alternative income to families, access to nurseries, quality education and defensive services. Solution s to Child Labor in India There are various solutions to child labor in India, they include: Increasing family wages will allow the children to go to school rather than work in demeaning working conditions in factories. In addition education will help the children learn skills that will help them procure a living (Wiener, 1991). Children need to
  • 7. figure out how to read and write. They require social and expert aptitudes that only school and a sustaining environment can give. Moreover social Services, will help children and families, survive emergencies, for example, sicknesses or loss of shelter. Also family planning is another startegy which will reduce the number of children per household and to ensure that families are not burdened with children that they struggle to feed and clothe. Eliminating poverty is another solution which will drives children, who have no particular training, to stop their occupations and come back to the streets to more dangerous activities (Basu and Pham, n.d) Moreover enforcing work laws is another solution- Most nations have laws against child labour; nonetheless, a few legislatures support child labour work as a method for gaining a competitive market advantage. Additionally abolishing youngster trafficking is another solution - Everywhere on the planet, there are adults who win a living by purchasing and selling children. The governments of all nations must take harsh measures against child trafficking. Promotion of fair trade practices ensure a reasonable cost to small scale makers. In 44 developing nations, fair trade helps keep 550 co-operatives operating. These co- operatives provide goods to 5 million people and often reinvest profits in the community. Finally replacing child laborers by adult specialists is also another solution- There are 800 million unemployed adults on the planet; but, the quantity of working
  • 8. children is evaluated to be at more than 300 million (Wiener, 2009). Conclusion The economic advancement of less economically developed nations is only negatively affected by child labor. Child labor prevents access to education. In India, young girls go to school less than boys, because of conventional values still common in the country today. Governmental policies that particularly upgrade the economic benefits of sending kids to school should get executed; providing many families with an incentive to send their kids to school in India (Weiner, 1991). Among the most obstructing impacts child labor has on the economic development of a nation is the way that child labor depreciates the work done by adults. When the economic situation gets enhanced, will child workers stop to exist? Child labor can be destructive economically because it diminishes the nation's chance of pulling in foreign direct investment. Consequently, child labour is harming to the economic improvement of a less economically developed country because it is a hindrance to the education of children. It puts the health of child workers at risk in the short and long term and proceeds with the cycle of poverty by downgrading the work done by adults (CHILD LABOUR, n.d) References
  • 9. Basu, Kaushik, and Pham Hoang. "The Economics Of Child Labour." The American Economic Review Vol. 88.No.3: 412- 27. Print. CHILD LABOUR - ICSW." ICSW. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May. 2015 <>. Defining Child Labour-Article 32.1-United Nations Convention ..." Karmayog. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May. 2015 <> . Mishra, L. (2000). Child labour in India. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. The small hands of slavery: Bonded child labor in India. (1996). New York: Human Rights Watch. USDA Foreign Agricultural Service GAIN Report." FAS. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May. 2015 <>. Weiner, M. (1991). The child and the state in India: Child labor and education policy in comparative perspective. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. Child labor. Detroit: Greenhaven Press. Running head: ENGLISH 1
  • 10. ENGLISH 2 Response Paper: A visit to Lan Su Chinese Garden Name of Student: Name of Institution: Date: My visit to the Lan Su Chinese Garden which is a traditional Chinese garden formerly referred to the Portland Classical Chinese Garden was an awakening experience like the slogan name given to the garden - Garden of Awakening Orchids. The experience was overwhelming since I had not set foot in the 4000 m2 city block enclosed garden located in the neighborhood
  • 11. of the Chinatown old town located in Portland the United States. I could understand why the garden was mentioned to be influenced by several other famous Chinese gardens located in Sozhou region since it had all the qualities. The garden is really renowned with indigenous features, mostly the indigenous Chinese plants, which surprisingly were all nurtured from the US since the Chinese has imposed import bans that couldn’t allow the plants to be imported – the plants were originally from imported plants before the import ban was effected. I had conducted my extensive research on the garden and found that it had some plants as old as a decade or more. I found hundreds upon hundreds of these indigenous trees like bamboos, perennials, orchids, and water plants, as well as shrubs that were scattered through the garden – I found this unusual. I was able to scrutinize through more than 200 plant species of plants out of the possible over 400 species before my visit was over. What however caught my attention was the structures erected (which are however common to all Chinese gardens), with the most interesting being the bridges (pronounced as ‘kwiao’), walkways which were covered (pronounced as “lang”) and many more interesting structures. The garden is the most culturally authentic gardens that I have ever visited - Lan Su is creatively a wonder that gave me a powerfully inspiring experience as well as informing me on the culture of the Chinese modelled for more than two centuries
  • 12. encompassing the melding of architecture, art, nature and design all in one perfect harmony. Once I entered the inside walls of the garden, it was as if I had explored immensely and travelled through time over a different era existing in a world different from the present. The visit to the Lan Su Chinese Garden opened a window to a culture I had not been used to – the Chinese culture, and it was an experience that felt like the historical way of thinking. I had something new and different to learn, every passing minute, every passing hour. I noticed that the model of Lan Su Chinese Garden followed the gardens of the Ming Dynasty I had read about before the visit, which took the design of spiritual utopias; places of meditation where people could escape the escapades that came with life and connect to their real true selves, through a bonding with nature. It is the feeling that I wanted to experience and true to this fact, Lan Su Chinese Garden has the same credence as these ancient gardens. My visit was a respite from the busy city life and I left inspired, a kind of inspiration that facilitates mental and personal growth – I had a spark of creativity in me. In regard to the cultural window view, Lan Su gives an amazingly extraordinary view into the culture of the Chinese. I met with other visitors of all ages, who were also getting meaning and history through the great variety of enriching and experiencing activities. I engaged in both a self-guided as well as guided tours, enjoying most the ongoing lectures in different
  • 13. parts of the garden like those on Chinese medicine and their eating and cooking acupunctures. Reference Beaven, Steve (January 3, 2010). "Portland Classical Chinese Garden celebrates 10th anniversary with a new name - Lan Su Chinese Garden". The Oregonian. Retrieved 4 January 2010.