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Bellevue Hospital And The Heart Health Services
Introduction of Bellevue hospital and the heart health service
Bellevue Hospital is the oldest public hospital in the USA and
boasts having the most effective staff in line with the goals of
the hospital in caregiving. Located at 462 First Avenue in the
Kip bay of Manhattan in New York City. Currently, it serves an
average of 460000 outpatients and has grown to be one of the
most efficient hospitals in New York City. The heart health
service is housed in the cardiology, and cardiothoracic surgery
department which is world-renowned and the heart health
program is among the few departments in the world and has a
state of the art labs and have “our door to STEMI” produces
better services beyond the average (Root, Schonfeld, Williams,
& Poppers, 2017).
Mission, vision and strategic goal of the organisation
The mission of the hospital is to provide the highest quality of
care to all the needy people in New York and all over the world
with honesty, integrity, and with dignity even if the patient is
not in a position to pay for the service that has been provided to
them. The vision of the hospital is to be among the top ten
hospitals in the country as far as the provision of quality service
is concerned. Further, the hospital has a strategic goal of
making the hospital the most popular in terms of compliance
and service delivery so that all the people would work better at
all time without any failure (Bellevue, 2016). Another strategic
goal is improving communication so that the service delivery
can be first, efficient and up to date.
The current state of the service using the marketing framework
The current state of the service is that it has invested in
technology to serve the goals and ambitions of the hospital. It
has incorporated technology to come up with the state of the art
lab where people all over the country can be served. It is one of
the hospitals where open-heart surgery is performed. Since the
need of the hospital is to be the go-to place, it has ensured that
the appropriate technology, leadership, and correct values to
ensure that the correct virtues of the hospitals are maintained
for better service delivery.
Stakeholders of the organization using the marketing framework
The Bellevue hospital has several stakeholders who interact in a
very effective way to maintain the business in the hospital. The
first stakeholders are the patients who pay for the services and
the physicians who work around the clock to ensure that the
patients always get what they pay for. The government is yet
another stakeholder mainly mandated to monitor and ensure that
the organization operates within the dictates of the law.
Insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies all work
together to ensure that the goals of the organization achieve the
How the current state of the service aligns with the mission,
vision and strategic goals?
The current state of the heart health service is perfectly aligned
to the mission, vision and strategic goal because the
organization has maintained three important concepts in their
operation. The first concept is innovativeness and application of
technology to provide better services to the population.
Secondly it applies strong leadership which ensures that staff
are well trained to partake the duties that are assigned to them.
In the long run, the goal of serving the people with dignity will
be achieved because of the way the leadership handles the
entries and trains the physicians will achieve good results.
Being in line with the strategic goals and being top ten hospitals
in the application of technology in service delivery (Root,
Schonfeld, Williams, & Poppers, 2017).
The target population of the heart health service by Bellevue
hospital is a range of all people from different geographies in
the world but mostly in New York. Special consideration is
however given to some categories of people like the LGBTQ
youths who are prone to the depressing issues causing heart
disease. The older people also receive special consideration and
can lead to better treatment. In a nutshell, Bellevue heart health
program targets both the young and the old and serves with
dignity because today's diets have been affected by junk and
lifestyle diseases are prone to all the people.
Bellevue, (2016). Community Health Needs Assessment.
Root, M., Schonfeld, E., Williams, R., & Poppers, D. M. (2017).
Single Balloon Enteroscopy: A Diversity of Patients, Diagnoses,
and Therapeutics-The Bellevue Hospital Experience (2008-
2015): 2791. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 112,
Suicide Assessment Presentation
Assignment Content
Top of Form
Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation
describing the process of suicide assessment in counseling.
Include the following:
· Research the role of suicide assessment in the clinical
· Review the following:
· Essential elements of the assessment
· The use of a suicide contract – my part 3 slides only
· The inventions utilized by clinicians when suicide potential is
indicated in the assessment
· Address the legal and ethical issues relevant to suicide risk,
which includes state statutes for involuntary hospitalization.
Include detailed speaker notes.
Include a minimum of two sources.
Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
Bottom of Form
IHP 510 Final Project Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
Situational Analysis
Overview: For Final Project Milestone One, you analyzed
Bellevue Hospital, and in your Module Four Worksheet, you
practiced completing a very basic SWOT
analysis. Now, for this second milestone, due in Module Five,
you will conduct a full situational analysis to identify the
internal and external market factors that
impact the Bellevue Hospital, propose a service to market for
the organization, and generate a marketing goal for this
proposed service.
Prompt: First, review the text readings and course resources you
have so far studied. In addition, review your Final Project
Milestone One and Module Four
Worksheet submissions and instructor feedback to those
submissions. The SWOT analysis you completed in the Module
Four Worksheet is one method by which
to conduct a situational analysis. Use this process to assist you
as you complete the situational analysis in this milestone. Also
refer back to the Bellevue:
Community Health Needs Assessment to inform your analysis.
Next, in 2 to 3 pages, conduct a situational analysis that
analyzes the internal and external market factors that impact
Bellevue Hospital. In addition, propose a
service to market for the organization and develop marketing
goals for this proposed service. The paper should explain how
the proposed marketing goals align
with the mission, vision, and strategic goals of the organization.
Keep in mind that your marketing goals should follow the
SMART goal framework (specific,
measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely).
The following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Situational Analysis: In this section of the marketing plan,
you will be conducting a needs analysis to identify and propose
a service for the organization.
A. Analyze the internal and external market factors impacting
the healthcare organization.
B. Propose a service to market for this organization. Include an
explanation as to whether it is addressing an opportunity or
weakness from the
market factor analysis.
C. Develop a marketing goal for the proposed service, applying
the SMART goal framework.
D. Justify the alignment of the marketing goal to the mission,
vision, and strategic goals of the organization.
E. Analyze the competition for the proposed service.
F. Evaluate how the current marketing strategies used by the
organization adhere to industry ethical criteria.
Refer to your completed Final Project Milestone One and
Module Four Worksheet, as well as to the text readings and
other course resources to support your
responses. Be sure to incorporate instructor feedback on this
milestone submission into your final project.
Guidelines for Submission: This milestone should be submitted
as a Word document, 2 to 3 pages in length, double-spaced,
using 12-point Times New Roman
font, one-inch margins, and the latest edition of the APA
manual for formatting and citations.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%)
Not Evident (0%) Value
Situational Analysis:
Market Factors
Analyzes the internal and external
market factors impacting the
healthcare organization
Analyzes the internal and external
market factors impacting the
healthcare organization, but
analysis is incomplete or unclear
Does not analyze the internal and
external market factors impacting
the healthcare organization
Situational Analysis:
Propose a Service
Proposes a service to market for
this organization, explaining
whether service is addressing an
opportunity or weakness based
on market factor analysis
Proposes a service to market for
this organization, explaining
whether service is addressing an
opportunity or weakness based
on market factor analysis, but
response has gaps in detail,
clarity, or logic
Does not propose a service to
market for this organization
Situational Analysis:
Marketing Goal
Develops a marketing goal for the
proposed service, applying the
SMART goal framework
Develops a marketing goal for the
proposed service, applying the
SMART goal framework, but goal
is incomplete or unclear, or
framework is applied inaccurately
Does not develop a marketing
goal for the proposed service
Situational Analysis:
Alignment of Goal
Justifies the alignment of the
marketing goal to the mission,
vision, and strategic goals of the
Justifies the alignment of the
marketing goal to the mission,
vision, and strategic goals of the
organization, but response is
incomplete or unclear
Does not justify the alignment of
the marketing goal to the mission,
vision, and strategic goals of the
Situational Analysis:
Analyzes the competition for the
proposed service
Analyzes the competition for the
proposed service, but with gaps in
detail, clarity, or accuracy
Does not analyze the competition
for the proposed service
Situational Analysis:
Ethical Criteria
Evaluates how current marketing
strategies adhere to industry
ethical criteria
Evaluates how current marketing
strategies adhere to industry
ethical criteria, but with gaps in
detail, clarity, or accuracy
Does not evaluate how current
marketing strategies adhere to
industry ethical criteria
Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability
and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Total 100%
Week 5 Case
Case Info
Middlehurst House is a Childcare. Capacity limit – 120 kids
Case Info
October Revenue - $21,500
October Expenses –
Expenses for October were:
Salaries for instructors $9,600
Salary of director 2,000
Salary of part-time cook 900
Food expenses 2,200
Staff benefits expenses 2,450
Supplies expenses 600
Occupancy and other administrative expenses 3,250
Total expenses $21,000
Case Info
Other Expense Info –
Food is $1.25 per student per day.
Staff benefits are 10 percent of salaries plus $200 per person for
benefit programs for instructors and the part-time cook.
Variable supplies are $1 per student per month.
Step costs are salaries for instructors, averaging $1,600 per
per class.
Case Info
Owner’s Objective - Friedman wants to increase the quality of
by decreasing class sizes and also by expanding student
Tuition increase?
For children ages 2 to 5, most parents would support a 25
tuition increase, and nearly 50 percent would support a 50
Of the 5-to-6 age group parents, nearly three fourths did not
want any
increase. The remainder said they would support a 25 percent
but no more.
Case Info
Objectives – Child/Instructor Ratio
6 to 1 for the 2-to-3 age group
8 to 1 ratio for the 3-to-4 and 4-to-5 age groups
10 to 1 ratio for the 5-to-6 age group
Case Info – Wait List
Case Questions
Look at each decision separately, as incremental to the current
situation, and
evaluate the marginal profit:
a. If class size is decreased (keeping the same 80 students),
what increase in
tuition is necessary to keep the current monthly profit level?
b. Without regard to (a), is it profitable to create the new class
from the
waiting list? Explain.
c. Use the new fee structure as found in (a). Is it profitable to
move to
smaller class sizes, if new full classes are created and filled to
their new
maximums using the waiting list? Show calculations.
d. Is a class for infant care profitable if tuition is the same as
the proposed
class tuition for the 2-to-3 age group?
Part A
If class size is decreased (keeping the same 80 students), what
increase in tuition is necessary to keep the
current monthly profit level?
For Q1, since the center is operational, all of these decisions are
based on incremental data. That is, we
look for incremental revenues and costs. For Part A, you will
calculate the Incremental Costs for each Age
Group and then determine the Tuition Change Rate. Below is
the example for the age Group 2-3 and you
can follow the same logic and complete the calculations for the
other three Age Groups.
Part A
Salaries (2 instructors x $1,600) $3,200
Staff benefits [($3,200 x 10%) + (2 x $200)] 720
Incremental costs $3,920
• $3,920/20=$196
• 196/$320=61.25%
Part B
Without regard to (a), is it profitable to create the new class
from the waiting list? Explain.
Which group age will have a new class? Hint – the one has a
large waiting list.
Incremental revenue ($260 x no. of students) $2,600
Minus incremental costs:
Instructor's salary given amount
Staff benefits [(10% x $salary) + $200] xx
Food ($1.25 x no. of students x 22 days) xx
Variable supplies ($1 x no. of students) xx 2,245
Incremental profit $355
What is your conclusion based on the number?
Part C
Use the new fee structure as found in (a). Is it profitable to
move to
smaller class sizes, if new full classes are created and filled to
their new
maximums using the waiting list? Show calculations.
(c) Again, here you will do some incremental analysis. The
check figures are provided.
Incremental revenue:
Increased fees, old students:
2-3 age group ($196*20) $3,920
3-4 age group
4-5 age group
5-6 age group
New students:
2-3 age group ($516*5) $2,580
3-4 age group
4-5 age group
5-6 age group
Total incremental revenue $16,455
Minus incremental costs:
Instructors (7 new class * $1,600) $11,200
Staff benefits
Variable supplies
Total incremental costs (14,205)
Incremental profit $2,250
This alternative increases profits by $2,250.
Part C
Incremental revenue:
Increased fees, old students:
2-3 age group ($196 x 20) $3,920
3-4 age group ($130.67 x 15) 1,960
4-5 age group ($130.67 x 15) 1,960
5-6 age group ($ 65.33 x 30) 1,960
New students:
2-3 age group ($516 x 5 students) 2,580
3-4 age group ($410.67 x 1 student) 411
4-5 age group ($410.67 x 1 student) 411
5-6 age group ($325.33 x 10 students) 3,253
Total incremental revenue $16,455
Minus incremental costs:
Instructors (7 new classes x $1,600) $11,200
Staff benefits [(10% x $11,200) + $1,400] 2,520
Food ($1.25 x 17 students x 22 days) 468
Variable supplies ($1 x 17 students) 17
Total incremental costs (14,205)
Incremental profit $2,250
Part D
Is a class for infant care profitable if tuition is the same as the
proposed class
tuition for the 2-to-3 age group?
Incremental revenue
Incremental costs:
Staff benefits
Variable supplies
Incremental profit $615
Hint – 5 new students, 1 instructor,
Middlehurst House is a daycare center/preschool which operates
as a partnership of George
Friedman and Bill Compton. The center is in a city that has a
large base of twoincome families
who have a need for quality day care. The two men started the
center this year. Compton
contributed $40,000 to get the business started—to purchase
equipment and to operate through
the early months. Friedman, who previously managed another
center, is the director of the center
and draws $2,000 per month for his services. Partnership profits
and losses, after Friedman's
salary, are split 75 percent for Compton and 25 percent for
Middlehurst House operates from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday
through Friday. It is in a single
building that has a capacity limit of 120 children and meets city
and state regulations. At present,
the center has six classes, all at maximum sizes, structured as
of classes
per class
Monthly tuition
per child
2 to 3 2 10 20 $320
3 to 4 1 15 15 280
4 to 5 1 15 15 280
5 to 6 2 15 30 260
Class sizes are determined by state law which sets a limit on the
number of children per
instructor. The center uses one instructor per classroom.
Tuition is charged monthly. Minor adjustments are made on an
individual basis. In October, the
most recent month with data available, revenues were $21,500
($22,600 less $1,100
adjustments). Monthly revenues should be rather stable since
classes are full most of the time.
Expenses for October were:
Salaries for instructors $9,600
Salary of director 2,000
Salary of part-time cook 900
Food expenses 2,200
Staff benefits expenses 2,450
Supplies expenses 600
Occupancy and other administrative
expenses 3,250
Total expenses $21,000
Fixed expenses are the salary of the part-time cook and
occupancy and other administrative
expenses. The salary of the director is fixed—as a partnership,
this is in reality a distribution of
profits, but it is included in expenses for comparative purposes.
Food is $1.25 per student per day. Staff benefits are 10 percent
of salaries plus $200 per person
for benefit programs for instructors and the part-time cook.
Variable supplies are $1 per student
per month. Step costs are salaries for instructors, averaging
$1,600 per instructor per class.
Friedman wants to increase the quality of service by decreasing
class sizes and also by
expanding student enrollments. These alternatives are
interrelated. Friedman thinks that class
sizes are too large and that children are not getting the
individual attention they require.
Friedman surveyed parents of all 80 students to measure their
support for a tuition increase tied
to a reduction in class size. For children ages 2 to 5, most
parents would support a 25 percent
tuition increase, and nearly 50 percent would support a 50
percent increase. Of the 5-to-6 age
group parents, nearly three fourths did not want any increase.
The remainder said they would
support a 25 percent increase but no more.
Proper class size is very subjective. However, Friedman feels
that he could achieve a child/
instructor ratio of 6 to 1 for the 2-to-3 age group, an 8 to 1 ratio
for the 3-to-4 and 4-to-5 age
groups, and a 10 to 1 ratio for the 5-to-6 age group.
The center has easily maintained the 80-student level, with each
class full. Friedman keeps in
touch with waiting-list parents to make certain each is still
interested. This list provides children
when someone leaves the center. The current waiting list is as
group Number of children
group Number of children
2 to 3 5 4 to 5 4
3 to 4 7 5 to 6 11
Friedman does not start a new class unless more students are on
the waiting list than are required
per class. Obviously, enough students are on the 5-to-6 age
group waiting list to start a new class.
Lately, however, he has wondered if the center could make a
profit by starting classes with fewer
than the requisite number, taking the chance that new students
would appear and could be added
Information from his various inquiries implies that a potential
market for quality infant care (0 to
24 months) exists. Friedman doesn't think this expansion would
be profitable. However, he has
never done an analysis of the situation and has not thought
about an appropriate tuition. He
believes that the infant/instructor ratio in his center should be
no higher than 5 infants to one
instructor. The center would have no food costs for the infants.
Compton will only agree to Friedman's suggested changes if the
center will continue to operate
at or above the current profit level.
Friedman does not start a new class unless more students are on
the waiting list than are required
per class. Obviously, enough students are on the 5-to-6 age
group waiting list to start a new class.
Lately, however, he has wondered if the center could make a
profit by starting classes with fewer
than the requisite number, taking the chance that new students
would appear and could be added
Information from his various inquiries implies that a potential
market for quality infant care (0 to
24 months) exists. Friedman doesn't think this expansion would
be profitable. However, he has
never done an analysis of the situation and has not thought
about an appropriate tuition. He
believes that the infant/instructor ratio in his center should be
no higher than 5 infants to one
instructor. The center would have no food costs for the infants.
Compton will only agree to Friedman's suggested changes if the
center will continue to operate
at or above the current profit level.
1. Look at each decision separately, as incremental to the
current situation, and evaluate the
marginal profit:
a. If class size is decreased (keeping the same 80 students),
what increase in tuition
is necessary to keep the current monthly profit level?
b. Without regard to (a), is it profitable to create the new class
from the waiting list?
c. Use the new fee structure as found in (a). Is it profitable to
move to smaller class
sizes, if new full classes are created and filled to their new
maximums using the
waiting list? Show calculations.
d. Is a class for infant care profitable if tuition is the same as
the proposed class
tuition for the 2-to-3 age group?
2. Write a brief memo to Friedman and Compton highlighting
any concerns that underlie
the analyses you have performed in Part 1.
BUS630 Week 5 Case Guidance
The Week 5 Case is somewhat challenging. Below are some
approaches -
For Q1, since the center is operational, all of these decisions are
based on incremental data. That is, we look for incremental
revenues and costs.
For Part A, you will calculate the Incremental Costs for each
Age Group and then determine the Tuition Change Rate. Below
is the example for the age Group 2-3 and you can follow the
same logic and complete the calculations for the other three Age
Average over
to Student Total Number of Incremental
Tuition Current
Age Ratio Children New Classes Costs Increase
2-3 6:1 20 2 $3,920
$196.00 61%
34 47%
4-5 47%
56 25%
(b) To determine is profitable, you can calculate the incremental
profit from these 10 students. Please follow the following
template and determine the incremental profit. $355 is the check
Incremental revenue $
Minus incremental costs:
Instructor's salary
Staff benefits
Variable supplies
Incremental profit $355
(c) Again, here you will do some incremental analysis. The
check figures are provided.
Incremental revenue:
Increased fees, old students:
23 age group ($196*20) $3,920
34 age group
45 age group
56 age group
New students:
23 age group ($516*5) $2,580
34 age group
45 age group
56 age group
Total incremental revenue
Minus incremental costs:
Instructors (7 new class * $1,600)
Staff benefits
Variable supplies
Total incremental costs
Incremental profit $2,250
This alternative increases profits by $2,250.
(d) Again, calculate the Incremental Profit for the New infant
Incremental revenue
Incremental costs:
Staff benefits
Variable supplies
Incremental profit $615
The infant care class is profitable since it contributes $615
to net income.
(2) Memo:
To: Mr. Friedman and Mr. Compton
From: Analyst
With above numbers, you can now complete the Memo. Be sure
to incorporate the numbers in your recommendations.

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  • 1. Running Head: BELLEVUE HOSPITAL AND THE HEART HEALTH SERVICES 1 BELLEVUE HOSPITAL AND THE HEART HEALTH SERVICES 2 Bellevue Hospital And The Heart Health Services Introduction of Bellevue hospital and the heart health service Bellevue Hospital is the oldest public hospital in the USA and boasts having the most effective staff in line with the goals of the hospital in caregiving. Located at 462 First Avenue in the Kip bay of Manhattan in New York City. Currently, it serves an average of 460000 outpatients and has grown to be one of the most efficient hospitals in New York City. The heart health service is housed in the cardiology, and cardiothoracic surgery department which is world-renowned and the heart health program is among the few departments in the world and has a state of the art labs and have “our door to STEMI” produces
  • 2. better services beyond the average (Root, Schonfeld, Williams, & Poppers, 2017). Mission, vision and strategic goal of the organisation The mission of the hospital is to provide the highest quality of care to all the needy people in New York and all over the world with honesty, integrity, and with dignity even if the patient is not in a position to pay for the service that has been provided to them. The vision of the hospital is to be among the top ten hospitals in the country as far as the provision of quality service is concerned. Further, the hospital has a strategic goal of making the hospital the most popular in terms of compliance and service delivery so that all the people would work better at all time without any failure (Bellevue, 2016). Another strategic goal is improving communication so that the service delivery can be first, efficient and up to date. The current state of the service using the marketing framework The current state of the service is that it has invested in technology to serve the goals and ambitions of the hospital. It has incorporated technology to come up with the state of the art lab where people all over the country can be served. It is one of the hospitals where open-heart surgery is performed. Since the need of the hospital is to be the go-to place, it has ensured that the appropriate technology, leadership, and correct values to ensure that the correct virtues of the hospitals are maintained for better service delivery. Stakeholders of the organization using the marketing framework The Bellevue hospital has several stakeholders who interact in a very effective way to maintain the business in the hospital. The first stakeholders are the patients who pay for the services and the physicians who work around the clock to ensure that the patients always get what they pay for. The government is yet another stakeholder mainly mandated to monitor and ensure that the organization operates within the dictates of the law. Insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies all work together to ensure that the goals of the organization achieve the targets.
  • 3. How the current state of the service aligns with the mission, vision and strategic goals? The current state of the heart health service is perfectly aligned to the mission, vision and strategic goal because the organization has maintained three important concepts in their operation. The first concept is innovativeness and application of technology to provide better services to the population. Secondly it applies strong leadership which ensures that staff are well trained to partake the duties that are assigned to them. In the long run, the goal of serving the people with dignity will be achieved because of the way the leadership handles the entries and trains the physicians will achieve good results. Being in line with the strategic goals and being top ten hospitals in the application of technology in service delivery (Root, Schonfeld, Williams, & Poppers, 2017). The target population of the heart health service by Bellevue hospital is a range of all people from different geographies in the world but mostly in New York. Special consideration is however given to some categories of people like the LGBTQ youths who are prone to the depressing issues causing heart disease. The older people also receive special consideration and can lead to better treatment. In a nutshell, Bellevue heart health program targets both the young and the old and serves with dignity because today's diets have been affected by junk and lifestyle diseases are prone to all the people.
  • 4. References Bellevue, (2016). Community Health Needs Assessment. Id=6389 Root, M., Schonfeld, E., Williams, R., & Poppers, D. M. (2017). Single Balloon Enteroscopy: A Diversity of Patients, Diagnoses, and Therapeutics-The Bellevue Hospital Experience (2008- 2015): 2791. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 112, S1506. Suicide Assessment Presentation Assignment Content Top of Form Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation describing the process of suicide assessment in counseling. Include the following: · Research the role of suicide assessment in the clinical interview. · Review the following: · Essential elements of the assessment · The use of a suicide contract – my part 3 slides only · The inventions utilized by clinicians when suicide potential is indicated in the assessment · Address the legal and ethical issues relevant to suicide risk, which includes state statutes for involuntary hospitalization. Include detailed speaker notes. Include a minimum of two sources. Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
  • 5. Bottom of Form IHP 510 Final Project Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric Situational Analysis Overview: For Final Project Milestone One, you analyzed Bellevue Hospital, and in your Module Four Worksheet, you practiced completing a very basic SWOT analysis. Now, for this second milestone, due in Module Five, you will conduct a full situational analysis to identify the internal and external market factors that impact the Bellevue Hospital, propose a service to market for the organization, and generate a marketing goal for this proposed service. Prompt: First, review the text readings and course resources you have so far studied. In addition, review your Final Project Milestone One and Module Four Worksheet submissions and instructor feedback to those submissions. The SWOT analysis you completed in the Module Four Worksheet is one method by which to conduct a situational analysis. Use this process to assist you as you complete the situational analysis in this milestone. Also refer back to the Bellevue: Community Health Needs Assessment to inform your analysis. Next, in 2 to 3 pages, conduct a situational analysis that analyzes the internal and external market factors that impact Bellevue Hospital. In addition, propose a service to market for the organization and develop marketing goals for this proposed service. The paper should explain how
  • 6. the proposed marketing goals align with the mission, vision, and strategic goals of the organization. Keep in mind that your marketing goals should follow the SMART goal framework (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely). The following critical elements must be addressed: I. Situational Analysis: In this section of the marketing plan, you will be conducting a needs analysis to identify and propose a service for the organization. A. Analyze the internal and external market factors impacting the healthcare organization. B. Propose a service to market for this organization. Include an explanation as to whether it is addressing an opportunity or weakness from the market factor analysis. C. Develop a marketing goal for the proposed service, applying the SMART goal framework. D. Justify the alignment of the marketing goal to the mission, vision, and strategic goals of the organization. E. Analyze the competition for the proposed service. F. Evaluate how the current marketing strategies used by the organization adhere to industry ethical criteria. Refer to your completed Final Project Milestone One and Module Four Worksheet, as well as to the text readings and other course resources to support your responses. Be sure to incorporate instructor feedback on this milestone submission into your final project.
  • 7. Id=6389 Id=6389 Rubric Guidelines for Submission: This milestone should be submitted as a Word document, 2 to 3 pages in length, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and the latest edition of the APA manual for formatting and citations. Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Situational Analysis: Market Factors Analyzes the internal and external market factors impacting the healthcare organization Analyzes the internal and external market factors impacting the healthcare organization, but analysis is incomplete or unclear Does not analyze the internal and external market factors impacting the healthcare organization
  • 8. 15 Situational Analysis: Propose a Service Proposes a service to market for this organization, explaining whether service is addressing an opportunity or weakness based on market factor analysis Proposes a service to market for this organization, explaining whether service is addressing an opportunity or weakness based on market factor analysis, but response has gaps in detail, clarity, or logic Does not propose a service to market for this organization 15 Situational Analysis: Marketing Goal Develops a marketing goal for the proposed service, applying the SMART goal framework Develops a marketing goal for the proposed service, applying the SMART goal framework, but goal is incomplete or unclear, or framework is applied inaccurately
  • 9. Does not develop a marketing goal for the proposed service 15 Situational Analysis: Alignment of Goal Justifies the alignment of the marketing goal to the mission, vision, and strategic goals of the organization Justifies the alignment of the marketing goal to the mission, vision, and strategic goals of the organization, but response is incomplete or unclear Does not justify the alignment of the marketing goal to the mission, vision, and strategic goals of the organization 15 Situational Analysis: Competition Analyzes the competition for the proposed service Analyzes the competition for the proposed service, but with gaps in detail, clarity, or accuracy
  • 10. Does not analyze the competition for the proposed service 15 Situational Analysis: Ethical Criteria Evaluates how current marketing strategies adhere to industry ethical criteria Evaluates how current marketing strategies adhere to industry ethical criteria, but with gaps in detail, clarity, or accuracy Does not evaluate how current marketing strategies adhere to industry ethical criteria 15 Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar,
  • 11. spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 10 Total 100% Week 5 Case Case Info Middlehurst House is a Childcare. Capacity limit – 120 kids Case Info October Revenue - $21,500 October Expenses – Expenses for October were: Salaries for instructors $9,600 Salary of director 2,000 Salary of part-time cook 900 Food expenses 2,200
  • 12. Staff benefits expenses 2,450 Supplies expenses 600 Occupancy and other administrative expenses 3,250 Total expenses $21,000 Case Info Other Expense Info – Food is $1.25 per student per day. Staff benefits are 10 percent of salaries plus $200 per person for benefit programs for instructors and the part-time cook. Variable supplies are $1 per student per month. Step costs are salaries for instructors, averaging $1,600 per instructor per class. Case Info Owner’s Objective - Friedman wants to increase the quality of service by decreasing class sizes and also by expanding student enrollments. Tuition increase?
  • 13. For children ages 2 to 5, most parents would support a 25 percent tuition increase, and nearly 50 percent would support a 50 percent increase. Of the 5-to-6 age group parents, nearly three fourths did not want any increase. The remainder said they would support a 25 percent increase but no more. Case Info Objectives – Child/Instructor Ratio 6 to 1 for the 2-to-3 age group 8 to 1 ratio for the 3-to-4 and 4-to-5 age groups 10 to 1 ratio for the 5-to-6 age group Case Info – Wait List Case Questions Look at each decision separately, as incremental to the current situation, and evaluate the marginal profit:
  • 14. a. If class size is decreased (keeping the same 80 students), what increase in tuition is necessary to keep the current monthly profit level? b. Without regard to (a), is it profitable to create the new class from the waiting list? Explain. c. Use the new fee structure as found in (a). Is it profitable to move to smaller class sizes, if new full classes are created and filled to their new maximums using the waiting list? Show calculations. d. Is a class for infant care profitable if tuition is the same as the proposed class tuition for the 2-to-3 age group? Part A If class size is decreased (keeping the same 80 students), what increase in tuition is necessary to keep the current monthly profit level? For Q1, since the center is operational, all of these decisions are based on incremental data. That is, we look for incremental revenues and costs. For Part A, you will calculate the Incremental Costs for each Age Group and then determine the Tuition Change Rate. Below is the example for the age Group 2-3 and you can follow the same logic and complete the calculations for the other three Age Groups.
  • 15. Part A Salaries (2 instructors x $1,600) $3,200 Staff benefits [($3,200 x 10%) + (2 x $200)] 720 Incremental costs $3,920 • $3,920/20=$196 • 196/$320=61.25% Part B Without regard to (a), is it profitable to create the new class from the waiting list? Explain. Which group age will have a new class? Hint – the one has a large waiting list. Incremental revenue ($260 x no. of students) $2,600 Minus incremental costs: Instructor's salary given amount Staff benefits [(10% x $salary) + $200] xx Food ($1.25 x no. of students x 22 days) xx Variable supplies ($1 x no. of students) xx 2,245 Incremental profit $355
  • 16. What is your conclusion based on the number? Part C Use the new fee structure as found in (a). Is it profitable to move to smaller class sizes, if new full classes are created and filled to their new maximums using the waiting list? Show calculations. (c) Again, here you will do some incremental analysis. The check figures are provided. Incremental revenue: Increased fees, old students: 2-3 age group ($196*20) $3,920 3-4 age group 4-5 age group 5-6 age group New students: 2-3 age group ($516*5) $2,580 3-4 age group
  • 17. 4-5 age group 5-6 age group Total incremental revenue $16,455 Minus incremental costs: Instructors (7 new class * $1,600) $11,200 Staff benefits Food Variable supplies Total incremental costs (14,205) Incremental profit $2,250 This alternative increases profits by $2,250. Part C Incremental revenue: Increased fees, old students: 2-3 age group ($196 x 20) $3,920 3-4 age group ($130.67 x 15) 1,960
  • 18. 4-5 age group ($130.67 x 15) 1,960 5-6 age group ($ 65.33 x 30) 1,960 New students: 2-3 age group ($516 x 5 students) 2,580 3-4 age group ($410.67 x 1 student) 411 4-5 age group ($410.67 x 1 student) 411 5-6 age group ($325.33 x 10 students) 3,253 Total incremental revenue $16,455 Minus incremental costs: Instructors (7 new classes x $1,600) $11,200 Staff benefits [(10% x $11,200) + $1,400] 2,520 Food ($1.25 x 17 students x 22 days) 468 Variable supplies ($1 x 17 students) 17 Total incremental costs (14,205) Incremental profit $2,250 Part D
  • 19. Is a class for infant care profitable if tuition is the same as the proposed class tuition for the 2-to-3 age group? Incremental revenue Incremental costs: Instructor Staff benefits Variable supplies Incremental profit $615 Hint – 5 new students, 1 instructor, CASE 9A – MIDDLEHURST HOUSE Middlehurst House is a daycare center/preschool which operates as a partnership of George Friedman and Bill Compton. The center is in a city that has a large base of twoincome families who have a need for quality day care. The two men started the center this year. Compton contributed $40,000 to get the business started—to purchase equipment and to operate through
  • 20. the early months. Friedman, who previously managed another center, is the director of the center and draws $2,000 per month for his services. Partnership profits and losses, after Friedman's salary, are split 75 percent for Compton and 25 percent for Friedman. Middlehurst House operates from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. It is in a single building that has a capacity limit of 120 children and meets city and state regulations. At present, the center has six classes, all at maximum sizes, structured as follows: Number of classes Children per class Total children Monthly tuition per child 2 to 3 2 10 20 $320 3 to 4 1 15 15 280 4 to 5 1 15 15 280
  • 21. 5 to 6 2 15 30 260 Class sizes are determined by state law which sets a limit on the number of children per instructor. The center uses one instructor per classroom. Tuition is charged monthly. Minor adjustments are made on an individual basis. In October, the most recent month with data available, revenues were $21,500 ($22,600 less $1,100 adjustments). Monthly revenues should be rather stable since classes are full most of the time. Expenses for October were: Salaries for instructors $9,600 Salary of director 2,000 Salary of part-time cook 900 Food expenses 2,200 Staff benefits expenses 2,450 Supplies expenses 600 Occupancy and other administrative expenses 3,250
  • 22. Total expenses $21,000 Fixed expenses are the salary of the part-time cook and occupancy and other administrative expenses. The salary of the director is fixed—as a partnership, this is in reality a distribution of profits, but it is included in expenses for comparative purposes. Food is $1.25 per student per day. Staff benefits are 10 percent of salaries plus $200 per person for benefit programs for instructors and the part-time cook. Variable supplies are $1 per student per month. Step costs are salaries for instructors, averaging $1,600 per instructor per class. Friedman wants to increase the quality of service by decreasing class sizes and also by expanding student enrollments. These alternatives are interrelated. Friedman thinks that class sizes are too large and that children are not getting the individual attention they require. Friedman surveyed parents of all 80 students to measure their support for a tuition increase tied to a reduction in class size. For children ages 2 to 5, most
  • 23. parents would support a 25 percent tuition increase, and nearly 50 percent would support a 50 percent increase. Of the 5-to-6 age group parents, nearly three fourths did not want any increase. The remainder said they would support a 25 percent increase but no more. Proper class size is very subjective. However, Friedman feels that he could achieve a child/ instructor ratio of 6 to 1 for the 2-to-3 age group, an 8 to 1 ratio for the 3-to-4 and 4-to-5 age groups, and a 10 to 1 ratio for the 5-to-6 age group. The center has easily maintained the 80-student level, with each class full. Friedman keeps in touch with waiting-list parents to make certain each is still interested. This list provides children when someone leaves the center. The current waiting list is as follows: Age group Number of children Age group Number of children 2 to 3 5 4 to 5 4 3 to 4 7 5 to 6 11
  • 24. Friedman does not start a new class unless more students are on the waiting list than are required per class. Obviously, enough students are on the 5-to-6 age group waiting list to start a new class. Lately, however, he has wondered if the center could make a profit by starting classes with fewer than the requisite number, taking the chance that new students would appear and could be added immediately. Information from his various inquiries implies that a potential market for quality infant care (0 to 24 months) exists. Friedman doesn't think this expansion would be profitable. However, he has never done an analysis of the situation and has not thought about an appropriate tuition. He believes that the infant/instructor ratio in his center should be no higher than 5 infants to one instructor. The center would have no food costs for the infants. Compton will only agree to Friedman's suggested changes if the center will continue to operate at or above the current profit level.
  • 25. Friedman does not start a new class unless more students are on the waiting list than are required per class. Obviously, enough students are on the 5-to-6 age group waiting list to start a new class. Lately, however, he has wondered if the center could make a profit by starting classes with fewer than the requisite number, taking the chance that new students would appear and could be added immediately. Information from his various inquiries implies that a potential market for quality infant care (0 to 24 months) exists. Friedman doesn't think this expansion would be profitable. However, he has never done an analysis of the situation and has not thought about an appropriate tuition. He believes that the infant/instructor ratio in his center should be no higher than 5 infants to one instructor. The center would have no food costs for the infants. Compton will only agree to Friedman's suggested changes if the center will continue to operate at or above the current profit level.
  • 26. Questions: 1. Look at each decision separately, as incremental to the current situation, and evaluate the marginal profit: a. If class size is decreased (keeping the same 80 students), what increase in tuition is necessary to keep the current monthly profit level? b. Without regard to (a), is it profitable to create the new class from the waiting list? Explain. c. Use the new fee structure as found in (a). Is it profitable to move to smaller class sizes, if new full classes are created and filled to their new maximums using the waiting list? Show calculations. d. Is a class for infant care profitable if tuition is the same as the proposed class tuition for the 2-to-3 age group? 2. Write a brief memo to Friedman and Compton highlighting any concerns that underlie the analyses you have performed in Part 1.
  • 27. BUS630 Week 5 Case Guidance Class, The Week 5 Case is somewhat challenging. Below are some approaches - For Q1, since the center is operational, all of these decisions are based on incremental data. That is, we look for incremental revenues and costs. For Part A, you will calculate the Incremental Costs for each Age Group and then determine the Tuition Change Rate. Below is the example for the age Group 2-3 and you can follow the same logic and complete the calculations for the other three Age Groups. Percentage New Increase Instructor Average over to Student Total Number of Incremental Tuition Current Age Ratio Children New Classes Costs Increase Tuition 2-3 6:1 20 2 $3,920 $196.00 61% 34 47% 4-5 47% 56 25% (b) To determine is profitable, you can calculate the incremental profit from these 10 students. Please follow the following template and determine the incremental profit. $355 is the check figure.
  • 28. Incremental revenue $ Minus incremental costs: Instructor's salary Staff benefits Food Variable supplies Incremental profit $355 (c) Again, here you will do some incremental analysis. The check figures are provided. Incremental revenue: Increased fees, old students: 23 age group ($196*20) $3,920 34 age group 45 age group 56 age group New students: 23 age group ($516*5) $2,580 34 age group 45 age group 56 age group Total incremental revenue $16,455 Minus incremental costs: Instructors (7 new class * $1,600) $11,200 Staff benefits Food Variable supplies Total incremental costs
  • 29. (14,205) Incremental profit $2,250 This alternative increases profits by $2,250. (d) Again, calculate the Incremental Profit for the New infant care: Incremental revenue Incremental costs: Instructor Staff benefits Variable supplies Incremental profit $615 The infant care class is profitable since it contributes $615 to net income. (2) Memo: To: Mr. Friedman and Mr. Compton From: Analyst With above numbers, you can now complete the Memo. Be sure to incorporate the numbers in your recommendations.