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RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School
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RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School
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Build the confidence to join in and the skills to cash out.
How do you succeed at crowdfunding? Here you´ll get the step-by-step break down.
Welcome to our Success School — the heart of RocketHub. We´re passionate about using
crowdfunding to expand and democratize opportunity, and work daily to improve education on
how to leverage its power.
Gain access to the latest knowledge and tools. And use them to create a customized plan for
achieving your goals.
What is RocketHub?
RocketHub is the world's crowdfunding machine. RocketHub has been featured in the New
York Times, Wall Street Journal, CNN, The Economist, NBC, NPR, ABC, etc. – and is the
fastest growing crowdfunding community in the world.
We´re an online crowdfunding platform that offers:
Access • Raise money from anywhere around the world
Community • Art, science, business, and social good projects - all welcome
Affordability • Keep the funds you raise (not an ´all or nothing´ model)
• No upfront cost to launch
• Reach your goal: 4% commission fee + 4% credit card handling fee
• Don´t reach your goal: 8% commission fee + 4% credit card handling
• Get paid out fast
Value • Robust funding platform that makes it quick and easy to raise money
• Unique, simple crowdfunding education - curriculum and tools
• Latest industry news - at the forefront of crowdfunding innovation
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i. What’s Crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding [kroud-fuhnd-ing] noun, the act of many people contributing money to a project in exchange
for a good or service, esp. to expand and democratize opportunity: crowdfund the album; crowdfund the
start-up; crowdfund the research; crowdfund the event
Concept origin: historical practice of public patronage of arts and science (e.g., Medici funded da Vinci).
Today via the Internet artists, scientists, entrepreneurs, and social leaders receive smaller amounts from
many public patrons, who get something they value in return.
ii. How it Works
What you get at RocketHub
Access • Raise money from anywhere around the world
Community • Art, science, business, and social good projects - all welcome
Affordability • Keep the funds you raise (not an ´all or nothing´ model)
• No upfront cost to launch
• Reach your goal: 4% commission fee + 4% credit card handling fee
• Don't reach your goal: 8% commission fee + 4% credit card handling
• Get paid out fast
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Value • Robust funding platform that makes it quick and easy to raise money
• Unique, simple crowdfunding education - curriculum and tools
• Latest industry news - at the forefront of crowdfunding innovation
iii. How You Do It
1. Post the project (no upfront cost to launch):
o Describe the project in words and visuals (art, science, business, and social good projects - all
o Set the funding goal and fundraising timeframe
o Explain what you will give or do (goods or services) in exchange for funds
o Use RocketHub's Crowdfunding Success School to support you along the way
2. Tell everyone you know and keep up the communication going to create buzz and momentum
3. Raise your funds
o Raise money from anywhere around the world
o Keep the funds you raise (not an ´all or nothing´ model)
o Reach your goal: 4% commission fee + 4% credit card handling fee
o Don't reach your goal: 8% commission fee + 4% credit card handling fee
o Get paid out fast
4. Do your project and communicate with your funders on how it is going
5. Get those goods ⁄ services back to your funders as promised
6. So crowdfunding is easy to understand and to do.
7. But is it for me? If you have a project that excites you, and you think it will excite others, especially those
in your network, RocketHub is for you.
8. But can I be good at it? Yes. Anyone can, if you know the formula.
iv. RocketHub Success Formula
These factors determine which projects achieve their goals.
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Your network is the center of any successful project. Those who press the funding button will make an
emotional connection with you and your project. Funders may be moved by your passion, the project itself,
or both, but somehow you made them feel they had to support you.
v. What’s My Network Worth
How much money could I potentially raise with crowdfunding?
A. How many people are in my/our network(s)?
Look at all your social media connections and beyond. __________
B. What is the average amount you could raise per person?
Average RocketHub contribution is $75/person. __________
TOTAL (AXB) __________
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i. Get Ready to Crowdfund
Most of your initial funding will come from your network. And that is for one basic reason: Trust. It is the
catalyst that gets the funding ball rolling. As you prepare to launch, view your network as having three tiers.
Catalyze Funding
Tier 1 - Friends, Family, and Dedicated Fans - Contribute first because trust and relationship is already
established (plan to reach out to a few before you launch so they are ready for their role as catalysts)
Tier 2 - Friends-of-Friends and Acquaintances - Contribute after ´trust signals´ are sent (i.e., see other
people contribute or see other people buzzing about your project via online discussions or press)
Tier 3 - Broader Connections and the Crowd - Contribute last because it takes more work to gain their
attention and win trust
Projects that raise the most are ones that start with Tiers 1 and 2, and build momentum into the Tier 3.
How do you do that? You need a simple plan.
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ii. Set a Funding Goal, Timeline, and Plan
STEP 1: How much do I need?
Project costs:
Factor in all people, materials, etc.
Notes: On RocketHub you can raise more than your budget.
STEP 2: How much money could I raise?
A. How many people are in my ⁄ our network(s)?
Look at all your social media connections, email list, and beyond.
B. What is the average amount you could raise per person?
Average RocketHub contribution is $75/person. Can your Tier 1 connections be galvanized to fund $500,
$5,000 or $50,000? What about Tier 2? Tier 3?
STEP 3: What will it take to raise that amount of money?
Basic $1,000-
Advanced $100,000+
Contributors 40 to 200 150 or more 1000+
30 to 45 30 to 60 30 to 75
Time required
(per day)
15 min to 2 hours 1 to 2 hours per day 2 to 4 hours per day
• Methodical, yet
flexible and
campaign plan,
emails and
social media
• Same as Basic,
• Blog influence.
• Same as Intermediate,
• Press support and
broader reach.
with network
• Established trust
between the
• Established trust
between the
• Established trust
between the Project
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Leader(s) and
their Tier 1 and
part of their Tier
2 network.
Project Leader(s)
and their Tier 1
and Tier 2
networks, and
part of their Tier
Leader(s) and their 1st,
2nd and 3rd Tier and
beyond (see Go
RocketHub Viral)
• Many times Project
Leaders are stars in their
niche/community, and
have an engaged and
energized fan base.
Note: 30 to 75 days works best for most projects. Shorter timeframes require more time dedication and planning than many Project
Leader(s) can handle amidst other priorities. Longer timeframes can become more difficult to manage as they lose a sense of
urgency. Also, note that, generally, we have seen that projects driven by a team tend to raise more funds because they are able to tap
into more networks.
STEP 4: What's your goal, timeline and plan?
Compare how much you need to raise, against how much you can raise, against how much effort it will take
to raise your ideal amount. If what you need is more than what you think is realistic to raise, then you may
want to adjust the size of your project (i.e., break it into phases or pieces and fund one of those)
My funding goal:
My campaign length:
My plan (i.e., x min/hr per day):
How I need to spend that time:
iii. Post a Resonant Project
So, you have your goal, timeline and plan. You are ready to post your project. Here are all the elements you
need to have ready to ensure your network feels your passion.
Project Title
• Write a title that differentiates your project - use words like "support", "fund" and avoid words like "help",
• Make it relevant and catchy via intrigue, humor, and authenticity
• Include your name and/or the name of your organization
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Project Description
• Introduce yourself
• Keep it to 3 to 5 paragraphs
• Have a tone that is reflective of who you are
• Tell the back-story of your project and your journey until this point
• Touch on "why this project matters"
• Include high-level details on where the money is going and what your are trying to accomplish
• Explain how RocketHub works to liberate ideas
• Make your call to action (i.e., what you want people to do [fund] and why) clear and compelling, convey "I
need you to make this happen"
• Be authentic, be confident, show passion for your project and passion for adding value to others
• Talk about the unique Goods each funder will get in return for their contribution
The Goods
• Have the goods you are going to offer in exchange for funds designed and ready. See Create the
Goods below.
• Video should be considered mandatory. Projects with videos have a much higher likelihood of funding.
Videos show you are a real person who is credible and trustworthy. Videos engage supporters in a more
dynamic way than your project description. Plus, a good video gives viewers a reason to stay on your
project page. And, most importantly, with a video, your project has a higher probability of "going viral."
Don't forget to address the RocketHub community in your video - and thank them for taking a look at your
• Update your videos. You can make new videos to keep your audience coming back for fresh and
dynamic material during your campaign
• Be creative. You don't have to have a traditional video with the "talking head." You can use finger
puppets, product demos, voice-over techniques, stop animations, etc.
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• Yet, keep it simple. Videos that work best are often shot with a smartphone or webcam
• Make your call to action (i.e., what you want people to do [fund] and why) clear and compelling, convey "I
need you to make this happen"
• Where appropriate, include a video of a demo
• Images give you an additional way to communicate your message
• Pick images that reflect who you are and what you are doing with your RocketHub project
• Select images to showcase your Goods
• You can upload an audio file to your project page
• Audio can build additional credibility and foster further engagement
iv. Create the Goods
Tips on designing good Goods:
1. Be thoughtful about the Goods your offer - they are a core part of determining success.
2. Have a wide range of price-points: small ($5-$100), medium ($150-$500), large ($600-$1,000), and extra-
large ($1,000+).
3. Ensure the Goods have meaning and value to your network and beyond.
4. Have the small level be easy to distribute (e.g., MP3's, digital still pictures, acknowledgements on a
website); medium level is often physical goods, large and extra large levels are often live ⁄ custom ⁄ special
goods, services, or experiences.
5. Make the Goods special, unique, in short supply (e.g., custom, handwritten, signed, numbered, limited).
6. Create a Goods menu that reveals your character and project brand.
7. Allow funders to be part of your project (e.g., their name featured, access to a live event, join in on
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8. Use Goods to help funders feel like they know you (e.g., if you paint, do photography, love cats, work that
into your Goods).
9. Offer experiences that get you to meet funders face to face (e.g., invite them to live shows, workshops,
consulting sessions, tours, dinners), and provide these at various price points.
Examples of good Goods:
• Thank you on your website, on your product, in the CD liner notes, in the film credits, in your
research report
• Announcement at your event
• Product named after funder
• Free ticket(s) to the show, event, launch party
• VIP tickets/access at the show, event, launch party
Versions of the finished RocketHub product:
• Free or discounted goods or services (the ones your business or organization will produce once the
project is done)
• Digital, physical, "Deluxe version," or autographed version of album, book, app, product, art, report,
• Fun souvenirs
• A role in your project
• Mentoring or consultation
• An internship
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• Presence in the creative process, e.g., character names, product naming, song titles, walk-on acting
role, etc.
• Direct collaboration in your project, e.g., design, development, co-writing, producing, singing,
performing, etc.
• Sticker, pin, magnet, mug, poster, t-shirt, etc.
• Copies of your previous work or products Personal services
• Lesson in something you know, e.g., audio production, business planning, welding, writing, coding,
surfing, cooking, film, etc.
• Customized work, e.g., artwork, code, writing, music, etc. Personal performance or demonstration
Direct interaction
• Post card, email, phone call, web-video, etc.
• Invitation to launch party, ceremony, backstage, etc.
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i. Build Momentum
If trust is the catalyst that gets the funding ball rolling (see Phase 2), then passion for your project is what
builds momentum.
You convey your passion and create emotional connection through how you set up your project (i.e.,
description, videos, audio, images) and how you communicate throughout your campaign (i.e., emails,
blogs, social media, live events).
ii. Campaign
Here’s your step-by-step path to successful RocketHub project promotion:
Step 1 - Commit to the dynamic campaign.
Uploading your project to RocketHub is just the first step. Take full ownership of your crowdfunding
campaign. Commit to a plan built on what you learn here at the Success School, but allow for flexibility.
Each crowdfunding project is different. Trial and error is a natural part of the process. Embrace it.
Step 2 - Reach out to your first funders.
If you haven't already, handpick 15 to 50 people in your network that love what you do, know what you are
all about, and trust you. It is very important to have your first followers primed and ready to contribute right
after you launch. This provides the public social proof of your credibility, and other funders will follow their
Step 3 - Thank your first funders publicly and establish a dialogue.
Thank your funders publicly on your project page and via social media. Facebook is great place to say
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"Thanks for the contribution Ricky - can't wait to deliver your Goods!" This builds credibility for your project to
spiral out to a wider network. Keep this up throughout your entire campaign and establish a consistent
communication with your supporters.
Step 4 - Spiral out to your social network.
Announce your project on your email list, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and any other social media
you use. The message should reflect your character or brand, and should offer value to your network. Don't
make it too salesy or make your project feel like a donation, charity, or begging. You are simply offering your
network a fun journey and real value. Test your messages and be prepared to adapt your tone.
Step 5 - Let the story unfold.
Update your project page on a daily basis by adding blog posts and comments - RocketHub allows you to
change your current video or add new videos. This is a great way to keep your followers aware of how your
project is doing. Your campaign is a virtual event that must be nourished. Publicize and celebrate
accomplished and upcoming milestones - e.g. quantitative goals (percentage of funding, number of
contributors, etc.) and qualitative (blog mentions, press, etc.).
Step 6 - Keep them talking.
Find fun ways to stay relevant and keep your followers coming back by adding new layers to the journey.
This could come through new Goods, live events and fundraisers, or other imaginative short-term initiatives.
The goal is to keep your network talking and coming back to the project page - remember, "Conversation is
King!" Your network will see and reward your hard work.
Step 7 - Meet the press.
Once your project has momentum reach out to press and bloggers.
Step 8 - Bring it home and finish strong.
Messages during the last few days should be updated faster and delivered with more frequency. Build on
your success and add a sense of urgency combined with gratitude. Be sure to thank everybody for coming
along for the ride.
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iii. Go RocketHub Viral
Those who have viral campaigns are often surprised at the level of emotional resonance they evoke. Viral
campaigns are hard to plan. Yet, there are some consistent elements of projects that go viral:
• Compelling video: Viral videos are tough to manufacture and predict. If you have an emotionally charged
video, you have a better shot of the project breaking out of your primary network and into the Tier 3
• Tapped Tier 3 network and beyond: Project Leaders who have a viral project are able to access new
people by tapping into their networks' networks (i.e., their contacts become promoters and mine their own
networks, etc.). Whether you do this by having a great video, leveraging people with social capital, or
doing fantastic campaigning, it is a proved way to go viral.
• Evangelizers: Gaining momentum gets easier when someone who is well connected vouches for your
project. We call them people with social capital. This person can be a celebrity or an established
connector. If you find him/her, there is nothing like it. Two or more is even better.
• Complete quality: Viral projects rarely have an aspect of the project that isn’t up to par. The project has
strong value to the network. The Goods are great. The Project Leaders are giving their all, and have
mobilized their network behind them. So, if you want to go viral, be thoughtful about every step and give
yourself the best chance possible.
There's no way to perfectly plan or prepare for funding viral highs, but, there are lots of ways to prepare for
every project's inevitable low. (Yes, even viral projects have dips).
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iv. Embrace the Dip
Most crowdfunding campaigns are shaped like a U - spike, dip, spike. Even the best ones.
Why? Human nature.
People start off excited. Then, for some, attention fades. Others take longer to decide. Then, the deadline
gets close. And funding spikes again.
Not only can you experience a dip in activity mid-project, but many also experience an emotional dip.
Some project leaders think they have the one project that shouldn’t have a dip. Or they get just one email
from someone who isn’t super excited about their project.
The project leaders continued passion is the key driver to success. So the most important thing you can do
is: Keep the faith. Here's what you can do.
How to approach the dip:
• Think of this time as the period in which many people in your network are deciding whether to fund you
(chances are, they will wait until the deadline).
• Re-energize yourself and your network.
• Remind yourself: It´s typical that not everyone in your network will get behind your project.
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What to do during the dip:
• Hold a live event
• Update video and pictures
• Watch the story unfold
• Reach out to bloggers and press interested in your niche
• Add new Goods
• Create milestones (e.g., ´let´s reach 50% today´)
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i. Communicate, Engage, Over-Deliver
So you raised your funds. Your campaign is done. Your endeavor is underway.
Now what? Deliver the Goods. Keep your network engaged.
Most project leaders will crowdfund again. Keep your options open.
Celebrate their support
• Acknowledge and publicize that you reached your goal
• Announce and celebrate as you begin your project
• Do ´thank you´ shout-outs now and again
Invite them to continue on
your journey
• Keep funders updated
• Use multimedia to document your progress
• Ask for input on your project
Deliver the goods • Set expectations for timing and delivery (give yourself
room to over-deliver)
• Follow through and deliver
• Ask funders to post their reactions to the Goods (helps
broaden your network)
• Get paid out fast
Most projects that are crowdfunded also require support in their next stage to be successful. Whether you
want them to support your brand, come to your performances, or buy your products, think of crowdfunding
as a way to gain loyalists early. And, ideally, they are with you for life.
ii. Debrief the Project
At the end of the day, crowdfunding is an art. Do you best, and learn from it for next time.
1. How did this project go (including how you worked together as a team, if applicable)?
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2. Rate yourself on the elements of the formula (1 to 5, with 5 = outstanding):
a. Was my project resonant with my network
(i.e., they felt my passion, my project was something they cared about)?
What would I do the same: What would I do differently:
b. Did I engage my network throughout the project (i.e, I communicated with them throughout the
project with the quantity and quality of message that got them engaged)?
What would I do the same: What would I do differently:
c. Did my Goods have value (i.e., people in my network were enticed by what I offered)?
What would I do the same: What would I do differently:
3. Overall, what will I do in the same way for my next project?
4. Overall, what will I do differently for my next project?
5. What are my ideas for my next project?
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iii. Celebrate!
Congrats! You did it!

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  • 1. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. Build the confidence to join in and the skills to cash out. How do you succeed at crowdfunding? Here you´ll get the step-by-step break down. Welcome to our Success School — the heart of RocketHub. We´re passionate about using crowdfunding to expand and democratize opportunity, and work daily to improve education on how to leverage its power. Gain access to the latest knowledge and tools. And use them to create a customized plan for achieving your goals. What is RocketHub? RocketHub is the world's crowdfunding machine. RocketHub has been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, CNN, The Economist, NBC, NPR, ABC, etc. – and is the fastest growing crowdfunding community in the world. We´re an online crowdfunding platform that offers: Access • Raise money from anywhere around the world Community • Art, science, business, and social good projects - all welcome Affordability • Keep the funds you raise (not an ´all or nothing´ model) • No upfront cost to launch • Reach your goal: 4% commission fee + 4% credit card handling fee • Don´t reach your goal: 8% commission fee + 4% credit card handling fee • Get paid out fast Value • Robust funding platform that makes it quick and easy to raise money • Unique, simple crowdfunding education - curriculum and tools • Latest industry news - at the forefront of crowdfunding innovation
  • 2. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. 1. MASTER THE BASICS i. What’s Crowdfunding? Crowdfunding [kroud-fuhnd-ing] noun, the act of many people contributing money to a project in exchange for a good or service, esp. to expand and democratize opportunity: crowdfund the album; crowdfund the start-up; crowdfund the research; crowdfund the event Concept origin: historical practice of public patronage of arts and science (e.g., Medici funded da Vinci). Today via the Internet artists, scientists, entrepreneurs, and social leaders receive smaller amounts from many public patrons, who get something they value in return. ii. How it Works What you get at RocketHub Access • Raise money from anywhere around the world Community • Art, science, business, and social good projects - all welcome Affordability • Keep the funds you raise (not an ´all or nothing´ model) • No upfront cost to launch • Reach your goal: 4% commission fee + 4% credit card handling fee • Don't reach your goal: 8% commission fee + 4% credit card handling fee • Get paid out fast
  • 3. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. Value • Robust funding platform that makes it quick and easy to raise money • Unique, simple crowdfunding education - curriculum and tools • Latest industry news - at the forefront of crowdfunding innovation iii. How You Do It 1. Post the project (no upfront cost to launch): o Describe the project in words and visuals (art, science, business, and social good projects - all welcome) o Set the funding goal and fundraising timeframe o Explain what you will give or do (goods or services) in exchange for funds o Use RocketHub's Crowdfunding Success School to support you along the way 2. Tell everyone you know and keep up the communication going to create buzz and momentum 3. Raise your funds o Raise money from anywhere around the world o Keep the funds you raise (not an ´all or nothing´ model) o Reach your goal: 4% commission fee + 4% credit card handling fee o Don't reach your goal: 8% commission fee + 4% credit card handling fee o Get paid out fast 4. Do your project and communicate with your funders on how it is going 5. Get those goods ⁄ services back to your funders as promised 6. So crowdfunding is easy to understand and to do. 7. But is it for me? If you have a project that excites you, and you think it will excite others, especially those in your network, RocketHub is for you. 8. But can I be good at it? Yes. Anyone can, if you know the formula. iv. RocketHub Success Formula These factors determine which projects achieve their goals.
  • 4. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. Your network is the center of any successful project. Those who press the funding button will make an emotional connection with you and your project. Funders may be moved by your passion, the project itself, or both, but somehow you made them feel they had to support you. v. What’s My Network Worth How much money could I potentially raise with crowdfunding? A. How many people are in my/our network(s)? Look at all your social media connections and beyond. __________ B. What is the average amount you could raise per person? Average RocketHub contribution is $75/person. __________ TOTAL (AXB) __________
  • 5. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. 2. PREPARE TO LAUNCH i. Get Ready to Crowdfund Most of your initial funding will come from your network. And that is for one basic reason: Trust. It is the catalyst that gets the funding ball rolling. As you prepare to launch, view your network as having three tiers. Catalyze Funding Tier 1 - Friends, Family, and Dedicated Fans - Contribute first because trust and relationship is already established (plan to reach out to a few before you launch so they are ready for their role as catalysts) Tier 2 - Friends-of-Friends and Acquaintances - Contribute after ´trust signals´ are sent (i.e., see other people contribute or see other people buzzing about your project via online discussions or press) Tier 3 - Broader Connections and the Crowd - Contribute last because it takes more work to gain their attention and win trust Projects that raise the most are ones that start with Tiers 1 and 2, and build momentum into the Tier 3. How do you do that? You need a simple plan.
  • 6. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. ii. Set a Funding Goal, Timeline, and Plan STEP 1: How much do I need? Project costs: Factor in all people, materials, etc. Notes: On RocketHub you can raise more than your budget. STEP 2: How much money could I raise? A. How many people are in my ⁄ our network(s)? Look at all your social media connections, email list, and beyond. B. What is the average amount you could raise per person? Average RocketHub contribution is $75/person. Can your Tier 1 connections be galvanized to fund $500, $5,000 or $50,000? What about Tier 2? Tier 3? TOTAL (A x B) STEP 3: What will it take to raise that amount of money? Basic $1,000- 10,000 Intermediate $10,000-100,000 Advanced $100,000+ Contributors 40 to 200 150 or more 1000+ Campaign (days) 30 to 45 30 to 60 30 to 75 Time required (per day) 15 min to 2 hours 1 to 2 hours per day 2 to 4 hours per day Campaign activity • Methodical, yet flexible and dynamic campaign plan, involving consistent emails and social media conversations. • Same as Basic, plus. • Blog influence. • Same as Intermediate, plus. • Press support and broader reach. Relationship with network • Established trust between the • Established trust between the • Established trust between the Project
  • 7. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. Project Leader(s) and their Tier 1 and part of their Tier 2 network. Project Leader(s) and their Tier 1 and Tier 2 networks, and part of their Tier 3. Leader(s) and their 1st, 2nd and 3rd Tier and beyond (see Go RocketHub Viral) • Many times Project Leaders are stars in their niche/community, and have an engaged and energized fan base. Note: 30 to 75 days works best for most projects. Shorter timeframes require more time dedication and planning than many Project Leader(s) can handle amidst other priorities. Longer timeframes can become more difficult to manage as they lose a sense of urgency. Also, note that, generally, we have seen that projects driven by a team tend to raise more funds because they are able to tap into more networks. STEP 4: What's your goal, timeline and plan? Compare how much you need to raise, against how much you can raise, against how much effort it will take to raise your ideal amount. If what you need is more than what you think is realistic to raise, then you may want to adjust the size of your project (i.e., break it into phases or pieces and fund one of those) My funding goal: My campaign length: My plan (i.e., x min/hr per day): How I need to spend that time: iii. Post a Resonant Project So, you have your goal, timeline and plan. You are ready to post your project. Here are all the elements you need to have ready to ensure your network feels your passion. Project Title • Write a title that differentiates your project - use words like "support", "fund" and avoid words like "help", "donate" • Make it relevant and catchy via intrigue, humor, and authenticity • Include your name and/or the name of your organization
  • 8. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. Project Description • Introduce yourself • Keep it to 3 to 5 paragraphs • Have a tone that is reflective of who you are • Tell the back-story of your project and your journey until this point • Touch on "why this project matters" • Include high-level details on where the money is going and what your are trying to accomplish • Explain how RocketHub works to liberate ideas • Make your call to action (i.e., what you want people to do [fund] and why) clear and compelling, convey "I need you to make this happen" • Be authentic, be confident, show passion for your project and passion for adding value to others • Talk about the unique Goods each funder will get in return for their contribution The Goods • Have the goods you are going to offer in exchange for funds designed and ready. See Create the Goods below. Video • Video should be considered mandatory. Projects with videos have a much higher likelihood of funding. Videos show you are a real person who is credible and trustworthy. Videos engage supporters in a more dynamic way than your project description. Plus, a good video gives viewers a reason to stay on your project page. And, most importantly, with a video, your project has a higher probability of "going viral." Don't forget to address the RocketHub community in your video - and thank them for taking a look at your project • Update your videos. You can make new videos to keep your audience coming back for fresh and dynamic material during your campaign • Be creative. You don't have to have a traditional video with the "talking head." You can use finger puppets, product demos, voice-over techniques, stop animations, etc.
  • 9. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. • Yet, keep it simple. Videos that work best are often shot with a smartphone or webcam • Make your call to action (i.e., what you want people to do [fund] and why) clear and compelling, convey "I need you to make this happen" • Where appropriate, include a video of a demo Imagery • Images give you an additional way to communicate your message • Pick images that reflect who you are and what you are doing with your RocketHub project • Select images to showcase your Goods Audio • You can upload an audio file to your project page • Audio can build additional credibility and foster further engagement iv. Create the Goods Tips on designing good Goods: 1. Be thoughtful about the Goods your offer - they are a core part of determining success. 2. Have a wide range of price-points: small ($5-$100), medium ($150-$500), large ($600-$1,000), and extra- large ($1,000+). 3. Ensure the Goods have meaning and value to your network and beyond. 4. Have the small level be easy to distribute (e.g., MP3's, digital still pictures, acknowledgements on a website); medium level is often physical goods, large and extra large levels are often live ⁄ custom ⁄ special goods, services, or experiences. 5. Make the Goods special, unique, in short supply (e.g., custom, handwritten, signed, numbered, limited). 6. Create a Goods menu that reveals your character and project brand. 7. Allow funders to be part of your project (e.g., their name featured, access to a live event, join in on production).
  • 10. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. 8. Use Goods to help funders feel like they know you (e.g., if you paint, do photography, love cats, work that into your Goods). 9. Offer experiences that get you to meet funders face to face (e.g., invite them to live shows, workshops, consulting sessions, tours, dinners), and provide these at various price points. Examples of good Goods: Acknowledgements: • Thank you on your website, on your product, in the CD liner notes, in the film credits, in your research report • Announcement at your event • Product named after funder Tickets: • Free ticket(s) to the show, event, launch party • VIP tickets/access at the show, event, launch party Versions of the finished RocketHub product: • Free or discounted goods or services (the ones your business or organization will produce once the project is done) • Digital, physical, "Deluxe version," or autographed version of album, book, app, product, art, report, etc. • Fun souvenirs Experiences • A role in your project • Mentoring or consultation • An internship
  • 11. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. • Presence in the creative process, e.g., character names, product naming, song titles, walk-on acting role, etc. • Direct collaboration in your project, e.g., design, development, co-writing, producing, singing, performing, etc. Keepsakes • Sticker, pin, magnet, mug, poster, t-shirt, etc. • Copies of your previous work or products Personal services • Lesson in something you know, e.g., audio production, business planning, welding, writing, coding, surfing, cooking, film, etc. • Customized work, e.g., artwork, code, writing, music, etc. Personal performance or demonstration Direct interaction • Post card, email, phone call, web-video, etc. • Invitation to launch party, ceremony, backstage, etc.
  • 12. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. 3. RUN A LIVE PROJECT i. Build Momentum If trust is the catalyst that gets the funding ball rolling (see Phase 2), then passion for your project is what builds momentum. You convey your passion and create emotional connection through how you set up your project (i.e., description, videos, audio, images) and how you communicate throughout your campaign (i.e., emails, blogs, social media, live events). ii. Campaign Here’s your step-by-step path to successful RocketHub project promotion: Step 1 - Commit to the dynamic campaign. Uploading your project to RocketHub is just the first step. Take full ownership of your crowdfunding campaign. Commit to a plan built on what you learn here at the Success School, but allow for flexibility. Each crowdfunding project is different. Trial and error is a natural part of the process. Embrace it. Step 2 - Reach out to your first funders. If you haven't already, handpick 15 to 50 people in your network that love what you do, know what you are all about, and trust you. It is very important to have your first followers primed and ready to contribute right after you launch. This provides the public social proof of your credibility, and other funders will follow their lead. Step 3 - Thank your first funders publicly and establish a dialogue. Thank your funders publicly on your project page and via social media. Facebook is great place to say
  • 13. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. "Thanks for the contribution Ricky - can't wait to deliver your Goods!" This builds credibility for your project to spiral out to a wider network. Keep this up throughout your entire campaign and establish a consistent communication with your supporters. Step 4 - Spiral out to your social network. Announce your project on your email list, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and any other social media you use. The message should reflect your character or brand, and should offer value to your network. Don't make it too salesy or make your project feel like a donation, charity, or begging. You are simply offering your network a fun journey and real value. Test your messages and be prepared to adapt your tone. Step 5 - Let the story unfold. Update your project page on a daily basis by adding blog posts and comments - RocketHub allows you to change your current video or add new videos. This is a great way to keep your followers aware of how your project is doing. Your campaign is a virtual event that must be nourished. Publicize and celebrate accomplished and upcoming milestones - e.g. quantitative goals (percentage of funding, number of contributors, etc.) and qualitative (blog mentions, press, etc.). Step 6 - Keep them talking. Find fun ways to stay relevant and keep your followers coming back by adding new layers to the journey. This could come through new Goods, live events and fundraisers, or other imaginative short-term initiatives. The goal is to keep your network talking and coming back to the project page - remember, "Conversation is King!" Your network will see and reward your hard work. Step 7 - Meet the press. Once your project has momentum reach out to press and bloggers. Step 8 - Bring it home and finish strong. Messages during the last few days should be updated faster and delivered with more frequency. Build on your success and add a sense of urgency combined with gratitude. Be sure to thank everybody for coming along for the ride.
  • 14. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. iii. Go RocketHub Viral Those who have viral campaigns are often surprised at the level of emotional resonance they evoke. Viral campaigns are hard to plan. Yet, there are some consistent elements of projects that go viral: • Compelling video: Viral videos are tough to manufacture and predict. If you have an emotionally charged video, you have a better shot of the project breaking out of your primary network and into the Tier 3 crowd • Tapped Tier 3 network and beyond: Project Leaders who have a viral project are able to access new people by tapping into their networks' networks (i.e., their contacts become promoters and mine their own networks, etc.). Whether you do this by having a great video, leveraging people with social capital, or doing fantastic campaigning, it is a proved way to go viral. • Evangelizers: Gaining momentum gets easier when someone who is well connected vouches for your project. We call them people with social capital. This person can be a celebrity or an established connector. If you find him/her, there is nothing like it. Two or more is even better. • Complete quality: Viral projects rarely have an aspect of the project that isn’t up to par. The project has strong value to the network. The Goods are great. The Project Leaders are giving their all, and have mobilized their network behind them. So, if you want to go viral, be thoughtful about every step and give yourself the best chance possible. There's no way to perfectly plan or prepare for funding viral highs, but, there are lots of ways to prepare for every project's inevitable low. (Yes, even viral projects have dips).
  • 15. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. iv. Embrace the Dip Most crowdfunding campaigns are shaped like a U - spike, dip, spike. Even the best ones. Why? Human nature. People start off excited. Then, for some, attention fades. Others take longer to decide. Then, the deadline gets close. And funding spikes again. Not only can you experience a dip in activity mid-project, but many also experience an emotional dip. Some project leaders think they have the one project that shouldn’t have a dip. Or they get just one email from someone who isn’t super excited about their project. The project leaders continued passion is the key driver to success. So the most important thing you can do is: Keep the faith. Here's what you can do. How to approach the dip: • Think of this time as the period in which many people in your network are deciding whether to fund you (chances are, they will wait until the deadline). • Re-energize yourself and your network. • Remind yourself: It´s typical that not everyone in your network will get behind your project.
  • 16. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. What to do during the dip: • Hold a live event • Update video and pictures • Watch the story unfold • Reach out to bloggers and press interested in your niche • Add new Goods • Create milestones (e.g., ´let´s reach 50% today´)
  • 17. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. 4. MANAGE FUNDERS i. Communicate, Engage, Over-Deliver So you raised your funds. Your campaign is done. Your endeavor is underway. Now what? Deliver the Goods. Keep your network engaged. Most project leaders will crowdfund again. Keep your options open. Celebrate their support • Acknowledge and publicize that you reached your goal • Announce and celebrate as you begin your project • Do ´thank you´ shout-outs now and again Invite them to continue on your journey • Keep funders updated • Use multimedia to document your progress • Ask for input on your project Deliver the goods • Set expectations for timing and delivery (give yourself room to over-deliver) • Follow through and deliver • Ask funders to post their reactions to the Goods (helps broaden your network) • Get paid out fast Most projects that are crowdfunded also require support in their next stage to be successful. Whether you want them to support your brand, come to your performances, or buy your products, think of crowdfunding as a way to gain loyalists early. And, ideally, they are with you for life. ii. Debrief the Project At the end of the day, crowdfunding is an art. Do you best, and learn from it for next time. 1. How did this project go (including how you worked together as a team, if applicable)? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________
  • 18. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. 2. Rate yourself on the elements of the formula (1 to 5, with 5 = outstanding): a. Was my project resonant with my network (i.e., they felt my passion, my project was something they cared about)? Rating: What would I do the same: What would I do differently: b. Did I engage my network throughout the project (i.e, I communicated with them throughout the project with the quantity and quality of message that got them engaged)? Rating: What would I do the same: What would I do differently: c. Did my Goods have value (i.e., people in my network were enticed by what I offered)? Rating: What would I do the same: What would I do differently: 3. Overall, what will I do in the same way for my next project? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Overall, what will I do differently for my next project? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What are my ideas for my next project? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________
  • 19. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School Launch Your Project at All Content © RocketHub, Inc. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ iii. Celebrate! Congrats! You did it!