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On a trip to the ROC’s South Pacific
                                          ally Nauru in March 2010, President
                                          Ma Ying-jeou visits a Nauruan family
                                          who painted the ROC’s national flag
                                          on their house in a show of friendship.
                                          (Courtesy of the Office of the President)

05五校 (spelling check)(indexed2).indd 66                                      2011/10/18 12:20:21 AM
5	 Foreign Relations
                 At a Glance
                 •	 Viable diplomacy: deepening relations with the world
                 •	 Giving back: international humanitarian aid and development cooperation

                           s a vibrant multiparty democracy, an economic powerhouse
                           and a major provider of humanitarian and development assis-
                           tance, the Republic of China plays an important role in world
                           affairs. Though not a member of many major international or-
                 ganizations, it strives to cultivate mutually beneficial interactions with
                 all nations and to contribute to cooperative ventures of critical signifi-
                 cance to mankind.
                 Since President Ma Ying-jeou assumed office in mid-2008, the ROC’s
                 foreign policy has been guided by a philosophy of “viable diplomacy,”
                 with the principal aim of redirecting resources previously squandered
                 on counterproductive competition in the international arena with main-
                 land China to the task of improving people’s lives.


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5            Foreign Relations
                Foreign Policy                                 These include the Asian Development
                                                               Bank; the World Trade Organization
                Viable Diplomacy                               (WTO), which Taiwan joined under the
                    Since President Ma Ying-jeou took          name “Separate Customs Territory of
               office in May 2008, his administration          Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu”;
               has pursued a new approach to engaging          and the Asia-Pacific Economic Coopera-
               the international community known as            tion (APEC) forum, in which it partici-
               “viable diplomacy” 活路外交. The general            pates as “Chinese Taipei”—a name the
               aim is to remove obstacles that have pre-       country also uses for its national Olympic
               vented the Republic of China (Taiwan)           Committee and in the World Health As-
               from cooperating more effectively with          sembly (WHA). In addition, the ROC has
               other nations bilaterally and through in-       observer status or other membership in 19
               ternational forums.                             other IGOs or their subsidiary bodies.
                    Before President Ma’s inauguration,            By participating in these organiza-
               the main hindrance to such international        tions, the ROC seeks not only to defend
               cooperation was hostile competition be-         the rights and interests of its people, but
               tween the ROC government in Taipei 臺            also to forge friendships with other na-
               北 and the Chinese Communist Party-led
                                                               tions and develop initiatives that benefit
                                                               the world as a whole.
               government in Beijing for diplomatic rec-
               ognition. Over a period of six decades, the
               two governments expended vast resources         United Nations
               to secure support for their respective              In the spirit of viable diplomacy, the
               stances in a sovereignty dispute that has       ROC’s U.N.-related initiatives focus on
               persisted since 1949, making the Taiwan         meaningful participation in U.N. special-
               Strait a potential flashpoint for armed con-    ized agencies and mechanisms that ad-
               flict with severe implications for the entire   dress issues pertaining to the welfare of
               world (see Chapter 3, “History”).               its people and its national development.
                    Cross-strait relations have warmed         While full membership in the world
               notably, however, since the two sides           body currently remains distant, the ROC
               shelved sovereignty issues in 2008 and re-      is seeking every practical, feasible and
               sumed talks aimed at reaching agreements        innovative means of meaningful partici-
               on mutually beneficial economic and civil       pation, such as first becoming involved
               interchange and creating an environment         as an observer. The ROC government’s
               conducive to long-lasting peace and pros-       adoption of this pragmatic approach has
               perity. The subsequent improvement in           enabled it to take part in a greater number
               relations has allowed the ROC to redirect       of international forums than before. In
               diplomatic resources toward enhancing           particular, Taiwan has been invited to the
               substantive ties with world nations (see        WHA annual meeting as an observer for
               Chapter 6, “Cross-strait Relations”).           three consecutive years since 2009.
                                                                   The government is following the same
                                                               approach in seeking participation in the
                Participation in 		                            U.N.’s other specialized agencies and
                International Bodies                           mechanisms, with particular focus on the
                                                               International Civil Aviation Organization
                    Currently, the ROC has full member-        (ICAO) and activities under the United
                ship in 32 intergovernmental organiza-         Nations Framework Convention on Cli-
                tions (IGOs) and their subsidiary bodies.      mate Change (UNFCCC).


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Since announcing its intention to do          comprehensive picture of its trade poli-
                so in September 2009, the ROC has re-              cies and practices as well as reiterating its
                ceived substantial international support.          determination to cooperate constructively
                Many of its diplomatic partners have sent          with other WTO members to promptly
                letters to the ICAO’s secretary-general            complete the Doha Round with a mean-
                and to the UNFCCC’s executive secretary,           ingful and balanced outcome.
                or made remarks favorable to the ROC                   As a genuine supporter of the Aid for
                at the United Nations General Assembly,            Trade initiative of the WTO, the ROC be-
                the ICAO Assembly and the UNFCCC                   lieves that domestic development factors
                Conference of the Parties, respectively,           should be considered in all DDA negotia-
                in support of the ROC’s meaningful and             tions. To ensure that developing countries
                direct participation in their activities. Nu-      and least developed countries (LDCs) are
                merous parliamentary bodies—including              better integrated into the multilateral trad-
                the European Parliament, the United                ing system, the ROC has offered financial
                States House of Representatives and the            support to help LDC delegations take part
                Australian Senate—have also passed sup-            in the 7th Ministerial Conference in 2009
                portive resolutions.                               and continues to provide technical as-
                     In June 2010, Environmental Protec-           sistance and capacity building programs
                tion Administration 行政院環境保護署 Min-                  in cooperation with partner countries
                ister Shen Shu-hung 沈世宏 informed the               through its International Cooperation
                UNFCCC Secretariat that the ROC will               and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF)
                take concrete measures to reduce its green-        國際合作發展基金會. In 2010 the govern-
                house gas emissions by at least 30 percent         ment contributed to the Standards and
                relative to the “business-as-usual” bench-         Trade Development Facility trust fund, a
                mark before 2020. In recognition of such           joint initiative by the Food and Agricul-
                responsibility and efforts to fulfill this goal,   ture Organization, World Organization
                it is imperative that the ROC be accorded          for Animal Health, World Bank, World
                at least observer status in the UNFCCC             Health Organization (WHO) and WTO,
                Conference of the Parties, thereby en-             in an effort to assist developing countries
                abling it to more effectively contribute to        in improving their capacity to implement
                the work of combating and responding to            international sanitary and phytosanitary
                the challenges of global warming.                  measures and to gain better access to ex-
                                                                   port markets.  
                World Trade Organization                               In order to address core negotiation
                    Since its accession to the WTO in              issues and advance common interests,
                2002, the ROC has faithfully imple-                the ROC has endeavored to engage in
                mented its obligations under WTO rules             trade talks on all fronts by joining vari-
                and, through its permanent mission based           ous negotiating subgroups, such as the
                at the WTO headquarters in Geneva, has             Group of Recently Acceded Members,
                continued to participate actively in the           G-10 and the Friends of Anti-dumping
                Doha Development Agenda (DDA) nego-                Negotiations. In addition, the govern-
                tiations. To fulfill its accession commit-         ment is looking to expand trade and
                ment, the ROC became the 41st signatory            economic relations by taking part in
                to the plurilateral Agreement on Govern-           accession negotiations with prospec-
                ment Procurement on July 15, 2009 and              tive new members, including Belarus,
                successfully concluded its second Trade            Laos, Lebanon, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan,
                Policy Review in July 2010, presenting a           Azerbaijan and Tajikistan.


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5            Foreign Relations

                                                                                       The founding
                                                                                       ceremony of
                                                                                       the SME Crisis
                                                                                       Center, the first in
                                                                                       Taiwan overseen
                                                                                       by APEC. The
                                                                                       center opened in
                                                                                       Taipei in May 2010
                                                                                       and works with
                                                                                       small and medium-
                                                                                       sized enterprises
                                                                                       to enhance
                                                                                       their abilities
                                                                                       to overcome
                                                                                       the impacts of
                                                                                       global economic

                    The ROC also participates in the Dis-     its fellow APEC member economies
                pute Settlement Mechanism to ensure that      to promote sustained economic growth
                its interests are protected. In 2008, the     through commitments to trade and
                government brought its first case, together   investment liberalization, business fa-
                with two co-complainants—Japan and the        cilitation, and economic and technical
                United States—to the Dispute Settlement       cooperation in the region. It has played
                Body (DSB), against the European Com-         a proactive role in APEC meetings and
                munities and its Member States (ECMS),        activities in numerous realms: agricul-
                over their tariff treatment of certain in-    tural technology, fisheries and marine
                formation technology products. The DSB        resource conservation, human resource
                panel adopted a final report in September     development, intellectual property rights
                2010, confirming that the ECMS—today’s        protection, telecommunications and
                European Union—had violated its obli-         information, development of small and
                gations under the WTO and that tariffs        medium-sized enterprises (SME), tour-
                imposed on the disputed products must be      ism, energy efficiency, public health,
                abolished. The European Union indicated       emergency preparedness, climate change,
                in October 2010 that it would bring its       anti-corruption and counterterrorism.
                relevant measures in conformity with the           Between August 2004 and December
                final report within a reasonable period of    2010, the ROC established 69 APEC Dig-
                time, and subsequently agreed with the        ital Opportunity Centers in 10 APEC part-
                ROC that this would be nine months and        ner member economies. Consequently,
                nine days from the date of the DSB ruling.    training at these centers has been provid-
                                                              ed 165,000 person-times, giving people
                                                              access to digital opportunities to improve
                Asia-Pacific Economic                         their businesses, jobs, studies and overall
                Cooperation                                   quality of life. In particular, the number
                  Since joining APEC in 1991, the             of female participants increased from 16
                ROC has been working closely with             percent in 2005 to 49 percent in 2010.


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President Ma designated former Vice        for the ROC’s foreign aid policy (see box
                President Lien Chan 連戰 as his represen-        “White Paper on Foreign Aid Policy”).  
                tative to the APEC Economic Leaders’               The International Cooperation and
                Meetings held in Lima (2008), Singapore        Development Act 國際合作發展法, promul-
                (2009) and Yokohama (2010). Lien is the        gated June 15, 2010, is a landmark statute
                highest-ranking former official to have        that provides a legal basis and serves as a
                attended the meeting in the president’s        guideline for the ROC’s foreign aid activ-
                stead since the nation joined this multilat-   ities. Drafted by the MOFA and drawing
                eral economic and trade forum.                 on the Paris Declaration on Aid Effective-
                    In 2010, the ROC participated in           ness of the Organization for Economic
                over 200 APEC activities and hosted 19         Cooperation and Development, the Act
                APEC-related meetings and workshops.           aims to bring Taiwan’s international co-
                The APEC Business Advisory Council             operation and development projects in
                meeting held in Taipei from May 17 to          line with international norms.
                May 21 drew over 170 delegates from                The International Cooperation and
                APEC’s 21 member economies. The                Development Act designates the MOFA
                APEC SME Crisis Management Center,             as the key organization responsible for
                which opened in Taipei in May 2010,            handling foreign aid affairs and for coor-
                aims to enhance the ability of SMEs to         dinating related efforts by other govern-
                cope with economic crises. The APEC            ment agencies. The Act also authorizes
                Research Center for Typhoon and Society,       the MOFA to entrust foreign aid work to
                established in Taipei in November 2010,        TaiwanICDF as well as to private organi-
                serves as a platform for bringing together     zations and professionals.
                relevant regional research, and for estab-
                lishing an effective early warning system      International Cooperation
                and information-sharing network. Both          Development Fund
                independently and in partnership with              The TaiwanICDF was established in
                other member economies, the ROC will           1996 as an independent organization to
                continue to make significant contributions     implement government-funded foreign
                to improving the quality of life for people    aid programs. The organization’s core
                in the APEC community and to achieving         competencies include lending and invest-
                growth, peace and prosperity throughout        ment, technical cooperation, humanitarian
                the Asia-Pacific region.                       assistance, and international education
                                                               and training. As of the end of 2010, the
                Development and 	                              organization had established 29 overseas
                                                               technical missions, principally in Central
                Humanitarian Assistance                        and South America, the Caribbean, Africa
                                                               and the Pacific.
                Policy                                             The TaiwanICDF’s lending and in-
                    In line with the principles of “proper     vestment activities range from providing
                goals, legal processes and effective ad-       micro-financing to funding large-scale
                ministration,” the Ministry of Foreign Af-     infrastructure projects, and from assisting
                fairs (MOFA) in May 2009 published the         private-sector growth to boosting social
                White Paper on Foreign Aid Policy: Part-       development. In 2010, the organization
                nerships for Progress and Sustainable          worked on several new lending projects in
                Development 援外政策白皮書:進步夥伴、永                     these and other fields, with an emphasis
                續發展, outlining key goals and strategies        on agricultural finance.


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5            Foreign Relations

                                             White Paper on Foreign Aid Policy:
                                    Partnerships for Progress and Sustainable Development
                        In the 1950s, the ROC was the beneficiary of approximately US$100 million in foreign aid
                    each year, equivalent to about 9 percent of its gross domestic product at the time. Thanks to
                    such aid, it managed to get through the hard post-war years and create an “economic miracle.”
                        Grateful for such generosity, the ROC people feel morally obligated to help out other
                    societies in need. Over the past five decades, the ROC has provided hundreds of millions of
                    dollars’ worth of financial, material and technical aid, accumulating an abundance of valuable
                    experience and a long list of accomplishments in the process.
                        Since “viable diplomacy” was established as a core policy initiative in 2008, it has been
                    stressed that the nation’s international assistance programs must be designed with proper
                    goals in mind, conforming to legal processes and implemented effectively. In line with these
                    principles, the MOFA has performed a comprehensive review of the ROC’s foreign aid,
                    whose findings have been published in May 2009 as the White Paper on Foreign Aid Policy:
                    Partnerships for Progress and Sustainable Development.
                        Clearly outlining the key themes, goals, strategies and measures of the ROC’s foreign aid
                    policy, the document also constitutes a declaration to ROC citizens and the world at large that
                    the ROC government is determined to uphold the highest moral and professional standards
                    and expand the scope of its humanitarian undertakings.

                    The organization also nurtures aca-              in 2010, covering a diverse range of sub-
                demic talent through its Higher Educa-               jects such as health care management,
                tion Scholarship Program, which enables              WTO technical barriers to trade and trade
                foreign students to pursue a range of                promotion, tourism, media development,
                undergraduate and post-graduate degree               SMEs, natural disaster management,
                programs at universities in the ROC. The             agribusiness, waste management, food
                main focus of these scholarships is on               safety, human capital management, urban
                sustainable agricultural development,                planning, women’s development, climate
                public health and medicine, science and              change and natural resource management,
                technology, the humanities and social sci-           and economic planning and development.
                ences, and private-sector development.                   In the event of natural disasters, the
                Meanwhile, the MOFA also provides                    TaiwanICDF offers timely assistance in
                Taiwan Scholarships to foreign students              cooperation with like-minded public and
                for higher education in a broader variety            private organizations. When Haiti was
                of fields. To date, over 1,400 foreign stu-          struck by a devastating earthquake in
                dents have benefited from the two schol-             January 2010, the organization responded
                arship programs.                                     immediately by dispatching a joint medi-
                    More widely, the goal of educa-                  cal team with Taiwan Root Medical Peace
                tion and training operations at the                  Corps 台灣路竹會. The organization also
                TaiwanICDF is to spur social and eco-                provided World Vision with emergency
                nomic progress by assisting partner coun-            tents and shipped 800 tonnes of rice to
                tries to expand and improve their pool of            Food for the Poor for distribution among
                human resources. To this end, the organi-            survivors. To support Haiti’s long-term
                zation conducts seminars and workshops               recovery, the TaiwanICDF is conducting
                on Taiwan’s own development experi-                  the Haiti Earthquake Calamity Recovery
                ences for participants from around the               Assistance Project, covering basic train-
                world. Twenty workshops were organized               ing for construction workers, increased


05五校 (spelling check)(indexed2).indd 72                                                                           2011/10/18 12:20:27 AM
production of grains, and training for the        while learning from other cultures, the
                production of bamboo handicrafts. The             TaiwanICDF recruits medics, technicians
                total cost of the project is approximately        and agricultural experts to serve abroad.
                US$2.4 million.                                   It also directs the Taiwan Youth Overseas
                    Elsewhere, international humanitarian         Service 外交替代役, through which young
                assistance by the TaiwanICDF has mainly           men perform humanitarian service abroad
                focused on emergency relief and poverty           in place of military service at home. Since
                alleviation. In recent years, the organiza-       1996, 509 experts have been dispatched
                tion has collaborated with Mercy Corps,           to operate technical and medical missions
                the Red Cross Society of the Republic of          overseas, while 710 alternative service-
                China, World Vision Taiwan, the Esperan-          men have contributed to the work of such
                za de Vida in Guatemala and other inter-          missions since 2001.
                national nongovernmental organizations
                (INGOs) to provide natural disaster relief        Contributions by
                and post-disaster reconstruction aid in           Nongovernmental Organizations
                Latin American and Caribbean countries.
                                                                      The ROC has carried out long-term
                    To utilize the talents of ROC citizens
                                                                  humanitarian and environmental projects
                who are eager to share their know-how
                                                                  in East Asia and Southeast Asia in collab-
                                                                  oration with such INGOs as the Sumatran
                                                                  Orangutan Society, Research Triangle In-
                                                                  stitute International, the Humpty Dumpty
                                                                  Institute, the Thailand Burma Border Con-
                                                                  sortium and Handicaps Enfants sans Fron-
                                                                  tière. Through such interaction, Taiwan
                                                                  has also facilitated the participation of
                                                                  Taiwanese nongovernmental organiza-
                                                                  tions (NGO) in cooperative international
                                                                  ventures. Further, it has conducted numer-
                                                                  ous NGO training programs, seminars and
                                                                  presentations and has provided grants to
                                                                  NGO managers to receive training abroad
                                                                  and make study visits to INGOs.
                                                                      Private Taiwanese groups providing
                                                                  international assistance in 2010 included
                                                                  the Taiwan Root Medical Peace Corps,
                                                                  which delivered medical services to
                                                                  countries such as Guatemala, Honduras,
                                                                  Nicaragua and the Philippines; the Taipei
                                                                  Overseas Peace Service 台北海外和平服
                                                                  務團, which continued its decades-long
                                                                  work of providing primary education to
                   Taiwan’s technical missions in the island      refugee children in Thailand; and World
                   nations of the Pacific are committed to        Vision Taiwan and the Taiwan Fund for
                   promoting sustainable agriculture. The         Children and Families 台灣兒童暨家庭扶助
                   picture shows a trainee working with           基金會, which helped thousands of chil-
                   seedlings at a demonstration farm in Tuvalu.   dren around the globe with both public
                                                                  and private support.


05五校 (spelling check)(indexed2).indd 73                                                                  2011/10/18 12:20:30 AM
5            Foreign Relations
                    Meanwhile, the Buddhist Compas-           Africa, six in Oceania and one in Europe.
                                                              In 2010, it maintained 91 representative
                sion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation 佛教慈濟
                慈善事業基金會, the world’s largest Bud-             offices in the capitals and major cities of
                dhist charity with some 10 million regu-      57 countries. Meanwhile, the ROC’s dip-
                lar financial supporters worldwide and        lomatic partners, other countries and the
                2 million volunteer workers serving in        European Union maintained 68 embassies
                61 countries, provided medical services,      or representative offices in Taiwan.
                emergency relief and various types of             The ROC has also signed working
                long-term assistance all over the world.      holiday programs with six countries—
                Typically, they have been among the first     Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, New
                to reach the scenes of major natural disas-   Zealand and South Korea—allowing
                ters, including the Japan earthquake and      young people from Taiwan to live, work
                tsunami in March 2011.                        and vacation in those countries for up to
                    World-renowned international orga-        12 months. Additionally, the number of
                nizations dedicated to global agricultural    countries and territories extending visa-
                development that were founded decades         free or landing visa privileges to ROC
                ago and continue to operate in the ROC in-    passport holders has climbed from 53
                clude AVRDC-The World Vegetable Cen-          when President Ma entered office in May
                ter and the Food and Fertilizer Technology    2008 to 124 as of October 2011.
                Center under the Asian Pacific Council.

                                                              Diplomatic Partners
                Bilateral Ties                                    The ROC has close relations with its
                                                              diplomatic partners in Latin America and
                    Through its partnerships with na-         the Caribbean. Countless instances of
                tions the world over, the ROC seeks to        fruitful cooperation between them can be
                advance common agendas of benefit to          cited in areas such as the development of
                all. It has full diplomatic relations with    SMEs, agriculture, forestry, fishery, ani-
                23 states, including 12 in Central and        mal husbandry, environmental protection
                South America and the Caribbean, four in      and tourism.

                                                                                       Vice President
                                                                                       Vincent Siew (front
                                                                                       center) stands with
                                                                                       from other nations
                                                                                       at a ceremony
                                                                                       bicentennial in May
                                                                                       2011.(Courtesy of the
                                                                                       Office of the President)


05五校 (spelling check)(indexed2).indd 74                                                                   2011/10/18 12:20:36 AM
In January 2010, President Ma jour-      agriculture, green energy and cultural
                neyed to Central America to attend the       exchanges were unveiled.
                inauguration of Honduran President               The ROC and its four diplomatic
                Porfirio Lobo Sosa as well as to meet        partners in Africa—Burkina Faso, the
                with the Dominican Republic’s President      Gambia, São Tomé and Príncipe, and
                Leonel Fernández Reyna and Haiti’s           Swaziland—are reviewing existing coop-
                Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive to         erative projects and planning new ones.
                understand relief efforts in the wake of     Current programs focus on medical care
                the January 12 earthquake that devastated    and infrastructure development.
                Haiti. President Ma’s plane unloaded 10          In December 2010, Premier Wu Den-
                tonnes of relief supplies in the Dominican   yih visited Burkina Faso to attend the
                Republic for delivery by truck to neigh-     inauguration ceremony of President Blaise
                boring Haiti. In total, the ROC govern-      Compaoré. While there, Premier Wu also
                ment and private sector donated US$16        presided over the opening ceremony for a
                million in cash and relief supplies to       vocational training center built with ROC
                Haiti for post-disaster aid. In May 2011,    support. The ROC will assist the West Af-
                Taiwan also donated US$300,000 to the        rican nation with national industry devel-
                Pan American Development Foundation          opment through the provision of vocational
                under the Organization of American States    training programs and technical personnel.
                to support post-earthquake reconstruction        In Europe, the ROC has diplomatic
                and cholera control and prevention efforts   ties with the Holy See, founded on their
                in Haiti.                                    common commitment to serving human-
                    In May 2011, Vice President Vincent      ity and advancing human dignity.
                Siew led a delegation to Paraguay and
                Panama for an official visit. While in
                Paraguay, he attended ceremonies cel-        Taiwan-US Relations
                ebrating Paraguay’s bicentennial as well         Despite their lack of formal diplo-
                as the centennial year of the ROC. The       matic ties, Taiwan and the United States
                vice president told the media that the       continue to enjoy a strong and fruitful
                ROC will help its ally create more local     partnership. The United States is the
                jobs and expand agricultural manufactur-     ROC’s third largest trading partner, while
                ing and processing for a greater share       the ROC is the United States’ ninth larg-
                of the South American market. While in       est. In 2010, the ROC’s total exports to
                Panama, Siew met with President Ricardo      the United States amounted to US$31.47
                Martinelli and witnessed the signing of an   billion, up by 33.6 percent from the
                agreement between the two countries on       previous year; imports from the United
                visa exemption for holders of diplomatic,    States amounted to US$25.37 billion, an
                official, consular and special passports.    increase of 39.8 percent.
                    Relations with the ROC’s six diplo-          The two countries maintain a wide
                matic partners in the Pacific—Kiribati,      range of cooperative relations in the
                the Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, the      realms of international security, trade,
                Solomon Islands and Tuvalu—continued         investment, cultural exchange, education,
                to flourish in 2010. In March of that        and science and technology.
                year, during President Ma’s state visits         In January 2010, the Obama admin-
                to the six nations, regional development     istration approved the sale of a US$6.4
                plans in the fields of medical care, fish-   billion arms package to the ROC. This
                ery conservation, vocational training,       demonstrates Washington’s commitment


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5            Foreign Relations
                to its obligations under the Taiwan Rela-
                tions Act, enacted by the U.S. Congress
                                                             the growing need for more exchanges be-
                                                             tween the two countries.
                in March 1979.
                    The Obama administration has ap-         Taiwan-Japan Relations
                plauded the ROC’s efforts to relax ten-           The ROC and Japan are neighbors
                sions and improve relations across the       with significant historical, trade and in-
                Taiwan Strait. At the same time, it has      vestment ties. While the two countries
                voiced support for the ROC’s participa-      do not have formal diplomatic relations,
                tion in international organizations such     Japan is the ROC’s second largest trading
                as the WHO and the International Civil       partner, while the ROC is Japan’s fourth
                Aviation Organization.                       largest. In 2010, the ROC’s exports to
                    On December 14, 2010, the first-ever     Japan amounted to US$18.02 billion, an
                U.S.-Taiwan Clean Energy Forum 台美國           increase of 24.3 percent from the previous
                際綠能產業/節能減碳論壇 took place in the               year, while imports from Japan amounted
                southern city of Kaohsiung 高雄, with          to US$51.93 billion, up by 43.4 percent.   
                specialized seminars featuring presenta-         On September 24, 2009, Taiwan’s Na-
                tions on clean energy innovation by dis-     tional Chengchi University 國立政治大學,
                tinguished speakers from both the United     under support from the Interchange Asso-
                States and Taiwan. This unprecedented        ciation, Japan 日本交流協會 and the Japan
                event highlighted the two sides’ long-       Foundation 日本國際交流基金會, set up the
                standing cooperation on energy issues.       Center for Modern Japan Studies 當代日
                                                             本研究中心 as an academic exchange plat-
                Taiwan-Canada Relations                      form between the two countries. On April
                    The ROC is Canada’s 13th-largest         21, 2010, the Taipei Culture Center 臺北
                trading partner globally and fourth in       文化中心, dedicated to promoting cultural
                Asia. About 15,000 students from the         exchanges between Taiwan and Japan,
                ROC are currently in Canada, the fourth      opened in Tokyo. The center is the first of
                most popular foreign destination for study   its kind in Asia and modeled after similar
                among Taiwanese. In April 2010, a Youth      facilities in New York and Paris.
                Mobility Program agreement between the           On April 30, 2010, Taiwan and Japan
                ROC and Canada came into effect, allow-      signed a memorandum of understand-
                ing citizens from either side between the    ing (MOU) calling on the two sides to
                ages of 18 and 35 to travel, live and work   strengthen cooperation in 15 areas: trade,
                in the other country for up to 12 months.    economics, tourism, academics, culture,
                The program quota for both sides was in-     technology, disaster prevention, environ-
                creased from an initial 200 to 1,000 per-    mental protection, energy conservation,
                sons in January 2011. Currently, holders     maritime safety, crime-fighting, agricul-
                of Canadian passports are accorded visa-     ture, fishery, city-to-city interactions and
                free entry for up to 90 days when enter-     exchange visits of their media. It is the
                ing the ROC. On November 22, 2010, the       first comprehensive document signed be-
                Canadian government waived the visitor-      tween Taiwan and Japan since diplomatic
                visa requirements for holders of ordinary    ties were severed in 1972.
                ROC passports for stays of up to six             The two countries have been work-
                months, on the condition that such pass-     ing to make travel more convenient and
                ports contain personal identification num-   rewarding for each other’s citizens. Since
                bers. The success of the Youth Mobility      October 2008, ROC and Japanese citizens
                Program and visa-waiver treatment reflect    who have held a valid driver’s license for


05五校 (spelling check)(indexed2).indd 76                                                              2011/10/18 12:20:37 AM
more than three months in their home          Taiwan-ASEAN Relations
                countries have been able to use their na-         In 2010, two-way trade between the
                tive licenses (with accompanying transla-
                                                              ROC and the member states of the Associ-
                tions) to drive in the other country.
                                                              ation of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
                    In April 2009, Japan signed a “work-      amounted to US$70.2 billion. The ROC
                ing holiday” agreement with the ROC,          is among the top foreign investors in the
                whereby young citizens of either country      Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia
                can obtain special visas that allow them
                                                              and Thailand. It is also an important mar-
                to work while visiting the other country.  
                                                              ket for ASEAN goods and services as well
                    For several decades, flights to Japan     as a provider of technology.
                were only available from international
                                                                  Although economic and trade rela-
                airports in Taoyuan 桃園 and Kaohsiung.
                                                              tions between the ROC and ASEAN
                The resumption of flights between Taipei
                International Airport (Songshan Airport)      countries are close, the ROC’s ability to
                臺北國際航空站 and Tokyo International
                                                              participate fully in East Asian economic
                Airport (Haneda Airport) on October 31,       integration has been impeded as a con-
                2010 after three decades of suspended         sequence of Beijing’s objections. With a
                services has boosted the convenience of       view to maximizing the benefits of free
                tourists from both cities and enhanced        trade while removing hindrances to de-
                Taiwan-Japan relations.                       velopment of economic ties in the Asia-
                    In the wake of the massive March 11,      Pacific and beyond, since mid-2008 the
                2011 earthquake and tsunami that rav-         ROC government has signed the Cross-
                aged Japan, Taiwan sent an emergency          Straits Economic Cooperation Frame-
                rescue team and over 500 tonnes of relief     work Agreement (ECFA) 海峽兩岸經濟合
                supplies to Japan, as well as over US$200     作架構協議 and 14 other agreements with
                million in aid—90 percent of which came       mainland China.
                from private donors. Japanese Prime Min-          In November 2010, the ROC and
                ister Naoto Kan subsequently issued an        Vietnam concluded the Mutual Legal As-
                open letter thanking Taiwan for its friend-   sistance Agreement, making Vietnam the
                ship and assistance during his nation’s       second nation, after the United States,
                worst natural calamity in decades.            with which the ROC does not have formal
                    Despite a lack of formal ties, visits     diplomatic relations, to sign such a pact
                to Taiwan by several Japanese political       with Taiwan. The agreement, in addition
                heavyweights over the past two years have     to furthering bilateral relations between
                signified a close relationship between        the two nations, will make it easier for
                Taipei and Tokyo. These include trips by      Taiwan and Vietnam to fight crime and
                former Japanese prime ministers Taro Aso      deal with a range of civil cases.
                (in April 2010), Shinzo Abe (November             The Taipei Representative Office
                2010), Yoshiro Mori (December 2010) and       in Singapore and the Singapore Trade
                Toshiki Kaifu (March 2011) to promote         Office in Taipei simultaneously issued
                cultural, economic and tourism exchanges      a joint press release on December 15,
                between the two countries. In May 2011,       2010, stating that Taiwan and Singapore
                Yoshiro Mori returned again to attend the     had completed a feasibility study and
                opening ceremony of a park in honor of        agreed to initiate negotiations in 2011
                Japanese civil engineer Yoichi Hatta, re-     on an economic partnership agreement
                sponsible for creating southern Taiwan’s      under the rules of the WTO. The com-
                irrigation system during the Japanese co-     prehensive pact, to be known as the
                lonial period (1895-1945).                    Agreement between Singapore and the


05五校 (spelling check)(indexed2).indd 77                                                             2011/10/18 12:20:37 AM
5            Foreign Relations
                Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan,         the ROC’s endeavors to play a construc-
                                                              tive role in the international community
                Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu on Econom-
                ic Partnership, will address issues such      and contribute to regional and global
                as lowering tariffs and reducing non-         peace and prosperity.
                tariff barriers.
                                                                   Embassies and Missions Abroad
                Taiwan-Europe Relations
                    Taiwan enjoys strong ties with Euro-
                pean countries. The 27-member European        Belize	           Kiribati	        Saint Lucia	
                Union is currently Taiwan’s fourth-largest    Burkina Faso	     Marshall	        Saint Vincent
                trading partner, while Taiwan is the Euro-    Dominican	          Islands	         and the
                pean Union’s seventh-largest Asian trading      Republic	       Nauru	             Grenadines
                partner. In 2010, Taiwan’s exports to the     El Salvador 	     Nicaragua	       São Tomé
                European Union totaled US$27.3 billion,       Gambia, The 	     Palau	             and Príncipe
                up by 28 percent from the previous year,      Guatemala	        Panama	          Solomon
                while imports from the European Union         Haiti	            Paraguay	          Islands
                                                              Holy See 	        Saint Kitts	     Swaziland
                amounted to US$21.6 billion, an increase      Honduras	           and Nevis	     Tuvalu
                of 36 percent. The European Union is the
                top foreign investor in the ROC, ahead of
                the United States and Japan. The annual                            Missions¹
                Taiwan-EU Consultation, held alternately
                in Brussels and Taipei, serves as an impor-   Argentina 	       India	           Philippines
                tant platform for promoting economic and      Australia	        Indonesia	       Poland
                cooperative relations. The 22nd round of      Austria	          Ireland	         Portugal
                consultations was convened in Brussels in     Bahrain	          Israel	          Russia
                November 2010.                                Brazil	           Italy	           Saudi Arabia
                                                              Brunei	           Japan	           Singapore
                    Since President Ma took office in
                                                              Canada	           Jordan	          Slovakia
                2008, the European Council and Euro-          Chile	            South Korea	     South Africa
                pean Parliament have issued statements        Colombia	         Kuwait	          Spain
                and resolutions praising the ROC’s efforts    Czech 	           Latvia	          Sweden
                to improve cross-strait relations and to        Republic	       Libya	           Switzerland
                participate more fully in international or-   Denmark	          Malaysia	        Thailand
                ganizations by extending cross-strait con-    Ecuador  	        Mexico	          Turkey
                ciliation into the realm of global affairs.   Belgium	          Mongolia	        United Arab
                On June 30, 2010, the high representative       (European	      Netherlands	       Emirates
                                                                Union)²	        New Zealand	     United
                of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Se-
                                                              Fiji	             Nigeria	           Kingdom
                curity Policy, Catherine Ashton, issued       Finland	          Norway	          United States
                a statement on behalf of the European         France	           Oman	              of  America
                Union, hailing the signing of the ECFA        Germany	          Papua New	       Vietnam
                between Taiwan and mainland China.            Greece	             Guinea	        World Trade
                    Parliamentary liaisons in particular      Hungary	          Peru	              Organization
                have played a valuable role in encour-
                aging the development of cooperative          111 The ROC has 91 representative offices in 57 coun-
                bilateral and multilateral ties over the          tries in addition to a mission at the World Trade
                                                                  Organization headquarters in Geneva.
                years. The European Parliament’s Taiwan       22 The ROC representative office in Belgium doubles
                Friendship Group founded in 1991, for             as the nation’s mission to the European Union.
                example, has enthusiastically supported       Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, April 2011


05五校 (spelling check)(indexed2).indd 78                                                                       2011/10/18 12:20:37 AM
Among other positive developments                     •• December 2010—Taiwan and France
                in Taiwan-EU relations in 2010, the                           inked an agreement to abolish double tax-
                Taiwan Textile Federation 紡拓會 and the                         ation between the two countries, which
                European Apparel and Textile Federa-                          came into effect on January 1, 2011;
                tion signed an MOU in October that is                      •• January 2011—A Taiwan-Hungary
                expected to assist textile firms from both                    agreement abolishing double taxation
                sides to make joint inroads into the vast                     between the two countries took ef-
                mainland Chinese market.                                      fect; and Taiwan and France signed a
                     On December 22, 2010, the European                       cooperation protocol to bolster judicial
                Union announced the inclusion of Taiwan                       training exchanges.
                in its visa-waiver program. Since Janu-
                ary 11, 2011, ROC passport holders have
                enjoyed visa-free entry to 35 European                     Commitment to Global 	
                countries for up to 90 days.                               Vision and Understanding
                     Recent positive developments in inter-
                actions between the ROC and individual                          To enhance the effectiveness of Taiwan’s
                EU member states include:                                  cultural diplomacy, the MOFA has orga-
                •• May-September 2010—the ROC and                          nized the Training Course on Internation-
                   the Czech Republic signed one MOU                       al Affairs for Future Talents 國際事務人才
                   in May on cooperation in the field of                   培訓班, the Training Camp for Diplomatic
                   e-government, and two MOUs in Sep-                      Pioneers 外交尖兵培訓營, the Festival of
                   tember on information exchange and                      Public Diplomacy 公眾外交嘉年華, the In-
                   cooperation between the intellectual                    ternational Young Ambassadors Program
                   property offices of the two countries;                  國際青年大使 and the International Youth
                •• September 2010—Ireland inked a driver’s                 Culture and Study Tour in the Republic of
                   license exchange agreement with Taiwan,                 China (Taiwan) 國際青年台灣研習營. It also
                   becoming the 10th European nation to                    encourages young people to take educa-
                   do so, after the Netherlands, Belgium,                  tional tours abroad.
                   Luxembourg, France, Denmark, Italy,                          At the same time, the MOFA pro-
                   Hungary, Finland and Switzerland;                       motes visits by foreign academics, artists
                •• October 2010—The ROC and the Unit-                      and political figures by conducting or fa-
                   ed Kingdom amended a previous avia-                     cilitating a variety of international semi-
                   tion agreement, allowing a substantial                  nars, conferences and other events in the
                   increase in flight services between the                 ROC. Its website and those of its offices
                   two countries; the ROC-Germany work-                    around the world also provide a wealth of
                   ing holiday program came into effect;                   information about the nation.

                                          • Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
                   Related                • International Cooperation and Development Fund:
                   Websites               • AVRDC-The World Vegetable Center:
                                          • Food and Fertilizer Technology Center:


05五校 (spelling check)(indexed2).indd 79                                                                              2011/10/18 12:20:38 AM

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Summary report global meeting post-2015_cambodia(1)

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  • 1. On a trip to the ROC’s South Pacific ally Nauru in March 2010, President Ma Ying-jeou visits a Nauruan family who painted the ROC’s national flag on their house in a show of friendship. (Courtesy of the Office of the President) 05五校 (spelling check)(indexed2).indd 66 2011/10/18 12:20:21 AM
  • 2. 5 Foreign Relations At a Glance • Viable diplomacy: deepening relations with the world • Giving back: international humanitarian aid and development cooperation A s a vibrant multiparty democracy, an economic powerhouse and a major provider of humanitarian and development assis- tance, the Republic of China plays an important role in world affairs. Though not a member of many major international or- ganizations, it strives to cultivate mutually beneficial interactions with all nations and to contribute to cooperative ventures of critical signifi- cance to mankind. Since President Ma Ying-jeou assumed office in mid-2008, the ROC’s foreign policy has been guided by a philosophy of “viable diplomacy,” with the principal aim of redirecting resources previously squandered on counterproductive competition in the international arena with main- land China to the task of improving people’s lives. 67 05五校 (spelling check)(indexed2).indd 67 2011/10/18 12:20:22 AM
  • 3. 5 Foreign Relations Foreign Policy These include the Asian Development Bank; the World Trade Organization Viable Diplomacy (WTO), which Taiwan joined under the Since President Ma Ying-jeou took name “Separate Customs Territory of office in May 2008, his administration Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu”; has pursued a new approach to engaging and the Asia-Pacific Economic Coopera- the international community known as tion (APEC) forum, in which it partici- “viable diplomacy” 活路外交. The general pates as “Chinese Taipei”—a name the aim is to remove obstacles that have pre- country also uses for its national Olympic vented the Republic of China (Taiwan) Committee and in the World Health As- from cooperating more effectively with sembly (WHA). In addition, the ROC has other nations bilaterally and through in- observer status or other membership in 19 ternational forums. other IGOs or their subsidiary bodies. Before President Ma’s inauguration, By participating in these organiza- the main hindrance to such international tions, the ROC seeks not only to defend cooperation was hostile competition be- the rights and interests of its people, but tween the ROC government in Taipei 臺 also to forge friendships with other na- 北 and the Chinese Communist Party-led tions and develop initiatives that benefit the world as a whole. government in Beijing for diplomatic rec- ognition. Over a period of six decades, the two governments expended vast resources United Nations to secure support for their respective In the spirit of viable diplomacy, the stances in a sovereignty dispute that has ROC’s U.N.-related initiatives focus on persisted since 1949, making the Taiwan meaningful participation in U.N. special- Strait a potential flashpoint for armed con- ized agencies and mechanisms that ad- flict with severe implications for the entire dress issues pertaining to the welfare of world (see Chapter 3, “History”). its people and its national development. Cross-strait relations have warmed While full membership in the world notably, however, since the two sides body currently remains distant, the ROC shelved sovereignty issues in 2008 and re- is seeking every practical, feasible and sumed talks aimed at reaching agreements innovative means of meaningful partici- on mutually beneficial economic and civil pation, such as first becoming involved interchange and creating an environment as an observer. The ROC government’s conducive to long-lasting peace and pros- adoption of this pragmatic approach has perity. The subsequent improvement in enabled it to take part in a greater number relations has allowed the ROC to redirect of international forums than before. In diplomatic resources toward enhancing particular, Taiwan has been invited to the substantive ties with world nations (see WHA annual meeting as an observer for Chapter 6, “Cross-strait Relations”). three consecutive years since 2009. The government is following the same approach in seeking participation in the Participation in U.N.’s other specialized agencies and International Bodies mechanisms, with particular focus on the International Civil Aviation Organization Currently, the ROC has full member- (ICAO) and activities under the United ship in 32 intergovernmental organiza- Nations Framework Convention on Cli- tions (IGOs) and their subsidiary bodies. mate Change (UNFCCC). 68 05五校 (spelling check)(indexed2).indd 68 2011/10/18 12:20:22 AM
  • 4. Since announcing its intention to do comprehensive picture of its trade poli- so in September 2009, the ROC has re- cies and practices as well as reiterating its ceived substantial international support. determination to cooperate constructively Many of its diplomatic partners have sent with other WTO members to promptly letters to the ICAO’s secretary-general complete the Doha Round with a mean- and to the UNFCCC’s executive secretary, ingful and balanced outcome. or made remarks favorable to the ROC As a genuine supporter of the Aid for at the United Nations General Assembly, Trade initiative of the WTO, the ROC be- the ICAO Assembly and the UNFCCC lieves that domestic development factors Conference of the Parties, respectively, should be considered in all DDA negotia- in support of the ROC’s meaningful and tions. To ensure that developing countries direct participation in their activities. Nu- and least developed countries (LDCs) are merous parliamentary bodies—including better integrated into the multilateral trad- the European Parliament, the United ing system, the ROC has offered financial States House of Representatives and the support to help LDC delegations take part Australian Senate—have also passed sup- in the 7th Ministerial Conference in 2009 portive resolutions. and continues to provide technical as- In June 2010, Environmental Protec- sistance and capacity building programs tion Administration 行政院環境保護署 Min- in cooperation with partner countries ister Shen Shu-hung 沈世宏 informed the through its International Cooperation UNFCCC Secretariat that the ROC will and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF) take concrete measures to reduce its green- 國際合作發展基金會. In 2010 the govern- house gas emissions by at least 30 percent ment contributed to the Standards and relative to the “business-as-usual” bench- Trade Development Facility trust fund, a mark before 2020. In recognition of such joint initiative by the Food and Agricul- responsibility and efforts to fulfill this goal, ture Organization, World Organization it is imperative that the ROC be accorded for Animal Health, World Bank, World at least observer status in the UNFCCC Health Organization (WHO) and WTO, Conference of the Parties, thereby en- in an effort to assist developing countries abling it to more effectively contribute to in improving their capacity to implement the work of combating and responding to international sanitary and phytosanitary the challenges of global warming. measures and to gain better access to ex- port markets. World Trade Organization In order to address core negotiation Since its accession to the WTO in issues and advance common interests, 2002, the ROC has faithfully imple- the ROC has endeavored to engage in mented its obligations under WTO rules trade talks on all fronts by joining vari- and, through its permanent mission based ous negotiating subgroups, such as the at the WTO headquarters in Geneva, has Group of Recently Acceded Members, continued to participate actively in the G-10 and the Friends of Anti-dumping Doha Development Agenda (DDA) nego- Negotiations. In addition, the govern- tiations. To fulfill its accession commit- ment is looking to expand trade and ment, the ROC became the 41st signatory economic relations by taking part in to the plurilateral Agreement on Govern- accession negotiations with prospec- ment Procurement on July 15, 2009 and tive new members, including Belarus, successfully concluded its second Trade Laos, Lebanon, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Policy Review in July 2010, presenting a Azerbaijan and Tajikistan. 69 05五校 (spelling check)(indexed2).indd 69 2011/10/18 12:20:22 AM
  • 5. 5 Foreign Relations The founding ceremony of the SME Crisis Management Center, the first in Taiwan overseen by APEC. The center opened in Taipei in May 2010 and works with small and medium- sized enterprises to enhance their abilities to overcome the impacts of global economic challenges. The ROC also participates in the Dis- its fellow APEC member economies pute Settlement Mechanism to ensure that to promote sustained economic growth its interests are protected. In 2008, the through commitments to trade and government brought its first case, together investment liberalization, business fa- with two co-complainants—Japan and the cilitation, and economic and technical United States—to the Dispute Settlement cooperation in the region. It has played Body (DSB), against the European Com- a proactive role in APEC meetings and munities and its Member States (ECMS), activities in numerous realms: agricul- over their tariff treatment of certain in- tural technology, fisheries and marine formation technology products. The DSB resource conservation, human resource panel adopted a final report in September development, intellectual property rights 2010, confirming that the ECMS—today’s protection, telecommunications and European Union—had violated its obli- information, development of small and gations under the WTO and that tariffs medium-sized enterprises (SME), tour- imposed on the disputed products must be ism, energy efficiency, public health, abolished. The European Union indicated emergency preparedness, climate change, in October 2010 that it would bring its anti-corruption and counterterrorism. relevant measures in conformity with the Between August 2004 and December final report within a reasonable period of 2010, the ROC established 69 APEC Dig- time, and subsequently agreed with the ital Opportunity Centers in 10 APEC part- ROC that this would be nine months and ner member economies. Consequently, nine days from the date of the DSB ruling. training at these centers has been provid- ed 165,000 person-times, giving people access to digital opportunities to improve Asia-Pacific Economic their businesses, jobs, studies and overall Cooperation quality of life. In particular, the number Since joining APEC in 1991, the of female participants increased from 16 ROC has been working closely with percent in 2005 to 49 percent in 2010. 70 05五校 (spelling check)(indexed2).indd 70 2011/10/18 12:20:26 AM
  • 6. President Ma designated former Vice for the ROC’s foreign aid policy (see box President Lien Chan 連戰 as his represen- “White Paper on Foreign Aid Policy”). tative to the APEC Economic Leaders’ The International Cooperation and Meetings held in Lima (2008), Singapore Development Act 國際合作發展法, promul- (2009) and Yokohama (2010). Lien is the gated June 15, 2010, is a landmark statute highest-ranking former official to have that provides a legal basis and serves as a attended the meeting in the president’s guideline for the ROC’s foreign aid activ- stead since the nation joined this multilat- ities. Drafted by the MOFA and drawing eral economic and trade forum. on the Paris Declaration on Aid Effective- In 2010, the ROC participated in ness of the Organization for Economic over 200 APEC activities and hosted 19 Cooperation and Development, the Act APEC-related meetings and workshops. aims to bring Taiwan’s international co- The APEC Business Advisory Council operation and development projects in meeting held in Taipei from May 17 to line with international norms. May 21 drew over 170 delegates from The International Cooperation and APEC’s 21 member economies. The Development Act designates the MOFA APEC SME Crisis Management Center, as the key organization responsible for which opened in Taipei in May 2010, handling foreign aid affairs and for coor- aims to enhance the ability of SMEs to dinating related efforts by other govern- cope with economic crises. The APEC ment agencies. The Act also authorizes Research Center for Typhoon and Society, the MOFA to entrust foreign aid work to established in Taipei in November 2010, TaiwanICDF as well as to private organi- serves as a platform for bringing together zations and professionals. relevant regional research, and for estab- lishing an effective early warning system International Cooperation and information-sharing network. Both Development Fund independently and in partnership with The TaiwanICDF was established in other member economies, the ROC will 1996 as an independent organization to continue to make significant contributions implement government-funded foreign to improving the quality of life for people aid programs. The organization’s core in the APEC community and to achieving competencies include lending and invest- growth, peace and prosperity throughout ment, technical cooperation, humanitarian the Asia-Pacific region. assistance, and international education and training. As of the end of 2010, the Development and organization had established 29 overseas technical missions, principally in Central Humanitarian Assistance and South America, the Caribbean, Africa and the Pacific. Policy The TaiwanICDF’s lending and in- In line with the principles of “proper vestment activities range from providing goals, legal processes and effective ad- micro-financing to funding large-scale ministration,” the Ministry of Foreign Af- infrastructure projects, and from assisting fairs (MOFA) in May 2009 published the private-sector growth to boosting social White Paper on Foreign Aid Policy: Part- development. In 2010, the organization nerships for Progress and Sustainable worked on several new lending projects in Development 援外政策白皮書:進步夥伴、永 these and other fields, with an emphasis 續發展, outlining key goals and strategies on agricultural finance. 71 05五校 (spelling check)(indexed2).indd 71 2011/10/18 12:20:26 AM
  • 7. 5 Foreign Relations White Paper on Foreign Aid Policy: Partnerships for Progress and Sustainable Development In the 1950s, the ROC was the beneficiary of approximately US$100 million in foreign aid each year, equivalent to about 9 percent of its gross domestic product at the time. Thanks to such aid, it managed to get through the hard post-war years and create an “economic miracle.” Grateful for such generosity, the ROC people feel morally obligated to help out other societies in need. Over the past five decades, the ROC has provided hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of financial, material and technical aid, accumulating an abundance of valuable experience and a long list of accomplishments in the process. Since “viable diplomacy” was established as a core policy initiative in 2008, it has been stressed that the nation’s international assistance programs must be designed with proper goals in mind, conforming to legal processes and implemented effectively. In line with these principles, the MOFA has performed a comprehensive review of the ROC’s foreign aid, whose findings have been published in May 2009 as the White Paper on Foreign Aid Policy: Partnerships for Progress and Sustainable Development. Clearly outlining the key themes, goals, strategies and measures of the ROC’s foreign aid policy, the document also constitutes a declaration to ROC citizens and the world at large that the ROC government is determined to uphold the highest moral and professional standards and expand the scope of its humanitarian undertakings. The organization also nurtures aca- in 2010, covering a diverse range of sub- demic talent through its Higher Educa- jects such as health care management, tion Scholarship Program, which enables WTO technical barriers to trade and trade foreign students to pursue a range of promotion, tourism, media development, undergraduate and post-graduate degree SMEs, natural disaster management, programs at universities in the ROC. The agribusiness, waste management, food main focus of these scholarships is on safety, human capital management, urban sustainable agricultural development, planning, women’s development, climate public health and medicine, science and change and natural resource management, technology, the humanities and social sci- and economic planning and development. ences, and private-sector development. In the event of natural disasters, the Meanwhile, the MOFA also provides TaiwanICDF offers timely assistance in Taiwan Scholarships to foreign students cooperation with like-minded public and for higher education in a broader variety private organizations. When Haiti was of fields. To date, over 1,400 foreign stu- struck by a devastating earthquake in dents have benefited from the two schol- January 2010, the organization responded arship programs. immediately by dispatching a joint medi- More widely, the goal of educa- cal team with Taiwan Root Medical Peace tion and training operations at the Corps 台灣路竹會. The organization also TaiwanICDF is to spur social and eco- provided World Vision with emergency nomic progress by assisting partner coun- tents and shipped 800 tonnes of rice to tries to expand and improve their pool of Food for the Poor for distribution among human resources. To this end, the organi- survivors. To support Haiti’s long-term zation conducts seminars and workshops recovery, the TaiwanICDF is conducting on Taiwan’s own development experi- the Haiti Earthquake Calamity Recovery ences for participants from around the Assistance Project, covering basic train- world. Twenty workshops were organized ing for construction workers, increased 72 05五校 (spelling check)(indexed2).indd 72 2011/10/18 12:20:27 AM
  • 8. production of grains, and training for the while learning from other cultures, the production of bamboo handicrafts. The TaiwanICDF recruits medics, technicians total cost of the project is approximately and agricultural experts to serve abroad. US$2.4 million. It also directs the Taiwan Youth Overseas Elsewhere, international humanitarian Service 外交替代役, through which young assistance by the TaiwanICDF has mainly men perform humanitarian service abroad focused on emergency relief and poverty in place of military service at home. Since alleviation. In recent years, the organiza- 1996, 509 experts have been dispatched tion has collaborated with Mercy Corps, to operate technical and medical missions the Red Cross Society of the Republic of overseas, while 710 alternative service- China, World Vision Taiwan, the Esperan- men have contributed to the work of such za de Vida in Guatemala and other inter- missions since 2001. national nongovernmental organizations (INGOs) to provide natural disaster relief Contributions by and post-disaster reconstruction aid in Nongovernmental Organizations Latin American and Caribbean countries. The ROC has carried out long-term To utilize the talents of ROC citizens humanitarian and environmental projects who are eager to share their know-how in East Asia and Southeast Asia in collab- oration with such INGOs as the Sumatran Orangutan Society, Research Triangle In- stitute International, the Humpty Dumpty Institute, the Thailand Burma Border Con- sortium and Handicaps Enfants sans Fron- tière. Through such interaction, Taiwan has also facilitated the participation of Taiwanese nongovernmental organiza- tions (NGO) in cooperative international ventures. Further, it has conducted numer- ous NGO training programs, seminars and presentations and has provided grants to NGO managers to receive training abroad and make study visits to INGOs. Private Taiwanese groups providing international assistance in 2010 included the Taiwan Root Medical Peace Corps, which delivered medical services to countries such as Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and the Philippines; the Taipei Overseas Peace Service 台北海外和平服 務團, which continued its decades-long work of providing primary education to Taiwan’s technical missions in the island refugee children in Thailand; and World nations of the Pacific are committed to Vision Taiwan and the Taiwan Fund for promoting sustainable agriculture. The Children and Families 台灣兒童暨家庭扶助 picture shows a trainee working with 基金會, which helped thousands of chil- seedlings at a demonstration farm in Tuvalu. dren around the globe with both public and private support. 73 05五校 (spelling check)(indexed2).indd 73 2011/10/18 12:20:30 AM
  • 9. 5 Foreign Relations Meanwhile, the Buddhist Compas- Africa, six in Oceania and one in Europe. In 2010, it maintained 91 representative sion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation 佛教慈濟 慈善事業基金會, the world’s largest Bud- offices in the capitals and major cities of dhist charity with some 10 million regu- 57 countries. Meanwhile, the ROC’s dip- lar financial supporters worldwide and lomatic partners, other countries and the 2 million volunteer workers serving in European Union maintained 68 embassies 61 countries, provided medical services, or representative offices in Taiwan. emergency relief and various types of The ROC has also signed working long-term assistance all over the world. holiday programs with six countries— Typically, they have been among the first Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, New to reach the scenes of major natural disas- Zealand and South Korea—allowing ters, including the Japan earthquake and young people from Taiwan to live, work tsunami in March 2011. and vacation in those countries for up to World-renowned international orga- 12 months. Additionally, the number of nizations dedicated to global agricultural countries and territories extending visa- development that were founded decades free or landing visa privileges to ROC ago and continue to operate in the ROC in- passport holders has climbed from 53 clude AVRDC-The World Vegetable Cen- when President Ma entered office in May ter and the Food and Fertilizer Technology 2008 to 124 as of October 2011. Center under the Asian Pacific Council. 
 Diplomatic Partners Bilateral Ties The ROC has close relations with its diplomatic partners in Latin America and Through its partnerships with na- the Caribbean. Countless instances of tions the world over, the ROC seeks to fruitful cooperation between them can be advance common agendas of benefit to cited in areas such as the development of all. It has full diplomatic relations with SMEs, agriculture, forestry, fishery, ani- 23 states, including 12 in Central and mal husbandry, environmental protection South America and the Caribbean, four in and tourism. Vice President Vincent Siew (front center) stands with representatives from other nations at a ceremony celebrating Paraguay’s bicentennial in May 2011.(Courtesy of the Office of the President) 74 05五校 (spelling check)(indexed2).indd 74 2011/10/18 12:20:36 AM
  • 10. In January 2010, President Ma jour- agriculture, green energy and cultural neyed to Central America to attend the exchanges were unveiled. inauguration of Honduran President The ROC and its four diplomatic Porfirio Lobo Sosa as well as to meet partners in Africa—Burkina Faso, the with the Dominican Republic’s President Gambia, São Tomé and Príncipe, and Leonel Fernández Reyna and Haiti’s Swaziland—are reviewing existing coop- Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive to erative projects and planning new ones. understand relief efforts in the wake of Current programs focus on medical care the January 12 earthquake that devastated and infrastructure development. Haiti. President Ma’s plane unloaded 10 In December 2010, Premier Wu Den- tonnes of relief supplies in the Dominican yih visited Burkina Faso to attend the Republic for delivery by truck to neigh- inauguration ceremony of President Blaise boring Haiti. In total, the ROC govern- Compaoré. While there, Premier Wu also ment and private sector donated US$16 presided over the opening ceremony for a million in cash and relief supplies to vocational training center built with ROC Haiti for post-disaster aid. In May 2011, support. The ROC will assist the West Af- Taiwan also donated US$300,000 to the rican nation with national industry devel- Pan American Development Foundation opment through the provision of vocational under the Organization of American States training programs and technical personnel. to support post-earthquake reconstruction In Europe, the ROC has diplomatic and cholera control and prevention efforts ties with the Holy See, founded on their in Haiti. common commitment to serving human- In May 2011, Vice President Vincent ity and advancing human dignity. Siew led a delegation to Paraguay and Panama for an official visit. While in Paraguay, he attended ceremonies cel- Taiwan-US Relations ebrating Paraguay’s bicentennial as well Despite their lack of formal diplo- as the centennial year of the ROC. The matic ties, Taiwan and the United States vice president told the media that the continue to enjoy a strong and fruitful ROC will help its ally create more local partnership. The United States is the jobs and expand agricultural manufactur- ROC’s third largest trading partner, while ing and processing for a greater share the ROC is the United States’ ninth larg- of the South American market. While in est. In 2010, the ROC’s total exports to Panama, Siew met with President Ricardo the United States amounted to US$31.47 Martinelli and witnessed the signing of an billion, up by 33.6 percent from the agreement between the two countries on previous year; imports from the United visa exemption for holders of diplomatic, States amounted to US$25.37 billion, an official, consular and special passports. increase of 39.8 percent. Relations with the ROC’s six diplo- The two countries maintain a wide matic partners in the Pacific—Kiribati, range of cooperative relations in the the Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, the realms of international security, trade, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu—continued investment, cultural exchange, education, to flourish in 2010. In March of that and science and technology. year, during President Ma’s state visits In January 2010, the Obama admin- to the six nations, regional development istration approved the sale of a US$6.4 plans in the fields of medical care, fish- billion arms package to the ROC. This ery conservation, vocational training, demonstrates Washington’s commitment 75 05五校 (spelling check)(indexed2).indd 75 2011/10/18 12:20:36 AM
  • 11. 5 Foreign Relations to its obligations under the Taiwan Rela- tions Act, enacted by the U.S. Congress the growing need for more exchanges be- tween the two countries. in March 1979. The Obama administration has ap- Taiwan-Japan Relations plauded the ROC’s efforts to relax ten- The ROC and Japan are neighbors sions and improve relations across the with significant historical, trade and in- Taiwan Strait. At the same time, it has vestment ties. While the two countries voiced support for the ROC’s participa- do not have formal diplomatic relations, tion in international organizations such Japan is the ROC’s second largest trading as the WHO and the International Civil partner, while the ROC is Japan’s fourth Aviation Organization. largest. In 2010, the ROC’s exports to On December 14, 2010, the first-ever Japan amounted to US$18.02 billion, an U.S.-Taiwan Clean Energy Forum 台美國 increase of 24.3 percent from the previous 際綠能產業/節能減碳論壇 took place in the year, while imports from Japan amounted southern city of Kaohsiung 高雄, with to US$51.93 billion, up by 43.4 percent. specialized seminars featuring presenta- On September 24, 2009, Taiwan’s Na- tions on clean energy innovation by dis- tional Chengchi University 國立政治大學, tinguished speakers from both the United under support from the Interchange Asso- States and Taiwan. This unprecedented ciation, Japan 日本交流協會 and the Japan event highlighted the two sides’ long- Foundation 日本國際交流基金會, set up the standing cooperation on energy issues. Center for Modern Japan Studies 當代日 本研究中心 as an academic exchange plat- Taiwan-Canada Relations form between the two countries. On April The ROC is Canada’s 13th-largest 21, 2010, the Taipei Culture Center 臺北 trading partner globally and fourth in 文化中心, dedicated to promoting cultural Asia. About 15,000 students from the exchanges between Taiwan and Japan, ROC are currently in Canada, the fourth opened in Tokyo. The center is the first of most popular foreign destination for study its kind in Asia and modeled after similar among Taiwanese. In April 2010, a Youth facilities in New York and Paris. Mobility Program agreement between the On April 30, 2010, Taiwan and Japan ROC and Canada came into effect, allow- signed a memorandum of understand- ing citizens from either side between the ing (MOU) calling on the two sides to ages of 18 and 35 to travel, live and work strengthen cooperation in 15 areas: trade, in the other country for up to 12 months. economics, tourism, academics, culture, The program quota for both sides was in- technology, disaster prevention, environ- creased from an initial 200 to 1,000 per- mental protection, energy conservation, sons in January 2011. Currently, holders maritime safety, crime-fighting, agricul- of Canadian passports are accorded visa- ture, fishery, city-to-city interactions and free entry for up to 90 days when enter- exchange visits of their media. It is the ing the ROC. On November 22, 2010, the first comprehensive document signed be- Canadian government waived the visitor- tween Taiwan and Japan since diplomatic visa requirements for holders of ordinary ties were severed in 1972. ROC passports for stays of up to six The two countries have been work- months, on the condition that such pass- ing to make travel more convenient and ports contain personal identification num- rewarding for each other’s citizens. Since bers. The success of the Youth Mobility October 2008, ROC and Japanese citizens Program and visa-waiver treatment reflect who have held a valid driver’s license for 76 05五校 (spelling check)(indexed2).indd 76 2011/10/18 12:20:37 AM
  • 12. more than three months in their home Taiwan-ASEAN Relations countries have been able to use their na- In 2010, two-way trade between the tive licenses (with accompanying transla- ROC and the member states of the Associ- tions) to drive in the other country. ation of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) In April 2009, Japan signed a “work- amounted to US$70.2 billion. The ROC ing holiday” agreement with the ROC, is among the top foreign investors in the whereby young citizens of either country Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia can obtain special visas that allow them and Thailand. It is also an important mar- to work while visiting the other country. ket for ASEAN goods and services as well For several decades, flights to Japan as a provider of technology. were only available from international Although economic and trade rela- airports in Taoyuan 桃園 and Kaohsiung. tions between the ROC and ASEAN The resumption of flights between Taipei International Airport (Songshan Airport) countries are close, the ROC’s ability to 臺北國際航空站 and Tokyo International participate fully in East Asian economic Airport (Haneda Airport) on October 31, integration has been impeded as a con- 2010 after three decades of suspended sequence of Beijing’s objections. With a services has boosted the convenience of view to maximizing the benefits of free tourists from both cities and enhanced trade while removing hindrances to de- Taiwan-Japan relations. velopment of economic ties in the Asia- In the wake of the massive March 11, Pacific and beyond, since mid-2008 the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that rav- ROC government has signed the Cross- aged Japan, Taiwan sent an emergency Straits Economic Cooperation Frame- rescue team and over 500 tonnes of relief work Agreement (ECFA) 海峽兩岸經濟合 supplies to Japan, as well as over US$200 作架構協議 and 14 other agreements with million in aid—90 percent of which came mainland China. from private donors. Japanese Prime Min- In November 2010, the ROC and ister Naoto Kan subsequently issued an Vietnam concluded the Mutual Legal As- open letter thanking Taiwan for its friend- sistance Agreement, making Vietnam the ship and assistance during his nation’s second nation, after the United States, worst natural calamity in decades. with which the ROC does not have formal Despite a lack of formal ties, visits diplomatic relations, to sign such a pact to Taiwan by several Japanese political with Taiwan. The agreement, in addition heavyweights over the past two years have to furthering bilateral relations between signified a close relationship between the two nations, will make it easier for Taipei and Tokyo. These include trips by Taiwan and Vietnam to fight crime and former Japanese prime ministers Taro Aso deal with a range of civil cases. (in April 2010), Shinzo Abe (November The Taipei Representative Office 2010), Yoshiro Mori (December 2010) and in Singapore and the Singapore Trade Toshiki Kaifu (March 2011) to promote Office in Taipei simultaneously issued cultural, economic and tourism exchanges a joint press release on December 15, between the two countries. In May 2011, 2010, stating that Taiwan and Singapore Yoshiro Mori returned again to attend the had completed a feasibility study and opening ceremony of a park in honor of agreed to initiate negotiations in 2011 Japanese civil engineer Yoichi Hatta, re- on an economic partnership agreement sponsible for creating southern Taiwan’s under the rules of the WTO. The com- irrigation system during the Japanese co- prehensive pact, to be known as the lonial period (1895-1945). Agreement between Singapore and the 77 05五校 (spelling check)(indexed2).indd 77 2011/10/18 12:20:37 AM
  • 13. 5 Foreign Relations Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, the ROC’s endeavors to play a construc- tive role in the international community Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu on Econom- ic Partnership, will address issues such and contribute to regional and global as lowering tariffs and reducing non- peace and prosperity. tariff barriers. Embassies and Missions Abroad Taiwan-Europe Relations Embassies Taiwan enjoys strong ties with Euro- pean countries. The 27-member European Belize Kiribati Saint Lucia Union is currently Taiwan’s fourth-largest Burkina Faso Marshall Saint Vincent trading partner, while Taiwan is the Euro- Dominican   Islands   and the pean Union’s seventh-largest Asian trading   Republic Nauru   Grenadines partner. In 2010, Taiwan’s exports to the El Salvador Nicaragua São Tomé European Union totaled US$27.3 billion, Gambia, The Palau   and Príncipe up by 28 percent from the previous year, Guatemala Panama Solomon while imports from the European Union Haiti Paraguay   Islands Holy See Saint Kitts Swaziland amounted to US$21.6 billion, an increase Honduras   and Nevis Tuvalu of 36 percent. The European Union is the top foreign investor in the ROC, ahead of the United States and Japan. The annual Missions¹ Taiwan-EU Consultation, held alternately in Brussels and Taipei, serves as an impor- Argentina India Philippines tant platform for promoting economic and Australia Indonesia Poland cooperative relations. The 22nd round of Austria Ireland Portugal consultations was convened in Brussels in Bahrain Israel Russia November 2010. Brazil Italy Saudi Arabia Brunei Japan Singapore Since President Ma took office in Canada Jordan Slovakia 2008, the European Council and Euro- Chile South Korea South Africa pean Parliament have issued statements Colombia Kuwait Spain and resolutions praising the ROC’s efforts Czech Latvia Sweden to improve cross-strait relations and to   Republic Libya Switzerland participate more fully in international or- Denmark Malaysia Thailand ganizations by extending cross-strait con- Ecuador Mexico Turkey ciliation into the realm of global affairs. Belgium Mongolia United Arab On June 30, 2010, the high representative   (European Netherlands   Emirates   Union)² New Zealand United of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Se- Fiji Nigeria   Kingdom curity Policy, Catherine Ashton, issued Finland Norway United States a statement on behalf of the European France Oman   of America Union, hailing the signing of the ECFA Germany Papua New Vietnam between Taiwan and mainland China. Greece   Guinea World Trade Parliamentary liaisons in particular Hungary Peru   Organization have played a valuable role in encour- aging the development of cooperative 111 The ROC has 91 representative offices in 57 coun- bilateral and multilateral ties over the tries in addition to a mission at the World Trade Organization headquarters in Geneva. years. The European Parliament’s Taiwan 22 The ROC representative office in Belgium doubles Friendship Group founded in 1991, for as the nation’s mission to the European Union. example, has enthusiastically supported Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, April 2011 78 05五校 (spelling check)(indexed2).indd 78 2011/10/18 12:20:37 AM
  • 14. Among other positive developments •• December 2010—Taiwan and France in Taiwan-EU relations in 2010, the inked an agreement to abolish double tax- Taiwan Textile Federation 紡拓會 and the ation between the two countries, which European Apparel and Textile Federa- came into effect on January 1, 2011; tion signed an MOU in October that is •• January 2011—A Taiwan-Hungary expected to assist textile firms from both agreement abolishing double taxation sides to make joint inroads into the vast between the two countries took ef- mainland Chinese market. fect; and Taiwan and France signed a On December 22, 2010, the European cooperation protocol to bolster judicial Union announced the inclusion of Taiwan training exchanges. in its visa-waiver program. Since Janu- ary 11, 2011, ROC passport holders have enjoyed visa-free entry to 35 European Commitment to Global countries for up to 90 days. Vision and Understanding Recent positive developments in inter- actions between the ROC and individual To enhance the effectiveness of Taiwan’s EU member states include: cultural diplomacy, the MOFA has orga- •• May-September 2010—the ROC and nized the Training Course on Internation- the Czech Republic signed one MOU al Affairs for Future Talents 國際事務人才 in May on cooperation in the field of 培訓班, the Training Camp for Diplomatic e-government, and two MOUs in Sep- Pioneers 外交尖兵培訓營, the Festival of tember on information exchange and Public Diplomacy 公眾外交嘉年華, the In- cooperation between the intellectual ternational Young Ambassadors Program property offices of the two countries; 國際青年大使 and the International Youth •• September 2010—Ireland inked a driver’s Culture and Study Tour in the Republic of license exchange agreement with Taiwan, China (Taiwan) 國際青年台灣研習營. It also becoming the 10th European nation to encourages young people to take educa- do so, after the Netherlands, Belgium, tional tours abroad. Luxembourg, France, Denmark, Italy, At the same time, the MOFA pro- Hungary, Finland and Switzerland; motes visits by foreign academics, artists •• October 2010—The ROC and the Unit- and political figures by conducting or fa- ed Kingdom amended a previous avia- cilitating a variety of international semi- tion agreement, allowing a substantial nars, conferences and other events in the increase in flight services between the ROC. Its website and those of its offices two countries; the ROC-Germany work- around the world also provide a wealth of ing holiday program came into effect; information about the nation. • Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Related • International Cooperation and Development Fund: Websites • AVRDC-The World Vegetable Center: • Food and Fertilizer Technology Center: 79 05五校 (spelling check)(indexed2).indd 79 2011/10/18 12:20:38 AM