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Rights Of Women Essay
Writing an essay on the rights of women can be a challenging task due to the complexity and
sensitivity of the subject matter. It requires a deep understanding of historical contexts, societal
norms, legal frameworks, and cultural perspectives regarding women's rights across different
regions and periods.
To craft a comprehensive essay, one must navigate through a plethora of information, ranging
from feminist theories to legislative changes, and incorporate diverse viewpoints while
maintaining objectivity. The topic demands meticulous research, critical analysis, and empathetic
consideration of the struggles and achievements of women throughout history.
Moreover, addressing contemporary issues and ongoing debates surrounding women's rights
adds another layer of intricacy to the essay. Balancing the exploration of systemic injustices,
gender disparities, and the progress made towards gender equality requires nuance and careful
Furthermore, conveying the significance of women's rights in various spheres of life, including
politics, education, employment, and healthcare, demands clarity of thought and eloquence in
In essence, writing an essay on the rights of women entails grappling with multifaceted
dimensions of gender equality, social justice, and human rights, making it a daunting yet
indispensable endeavor in advocating for gender equity and empowerment.
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Rights Of Women EssayRights Of Women Essay
Post Soviet States Chapter Summaries
In chapter five it talks about Russia and the Post Soviet states which happens to be
the world s largest continent. According to the book, the Soviet Union happened to
be the largest political unit in the world but later ended up breaking up. After the
Soviet Union had broken up it became replaced by a group named the
Commonwealth f Independent states. Within these states it involved Russia and 11
more post soviet states. These post soviet states were called, Ukraine, Belarus,
Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. It also talks about the Russian Federation, Siberia,
steppes, permafrost and the tundra climate. The first point that this chapter addresses
is the environment and how the climate is changing due to the pollution of the air
and toxic waste being let into the water by factories. According to the book it was
stated that during the soviet s time of shine they as a whole ignored the industrial
pollutions that was damaging the air... Show more content on ...
According to the book it says that the urban cities remain in a communist era
where as others don t. It also discussed that Central Asia had a low rate within
Urbanization, Moscow has a population of 11.5 million people. The fifth pint
addressed in this chapter was population and gender regarding in these regions. As
the before chapter stated the population is declining due to the lack of births and
declines of life expectancy. Before women were thought of as the stay at home
mom with all of the kids but now since there s become more job opportunities in
the work force for women they re deciding to have a minimum of kids as possible
so they can help provide for their families. According to the book male lives have
been declining due to alcohol poisoning although they re trying to make a turn around
by offering
Essay on Hair Loss Treatments
An effective hair loss treatment can proceed after indentifying the cause of hair loss.
Hair loss is a condition affecting both men and women. There are several causes of
hair loss. In men, hereditary factors play an important role in hair loss. Such a
condition is termed as male pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia. This is linked
to elevated levels of DHT in the scalp. This is characterized by hair loss in the
temples and top regions of head and presence of thinning hairs elsewhere.
Ageing also causes some hair loss naturally. The side effects of some drugs also
results in hair loss. They include medications used for the treatment of cholesterol
levels, gout, ulcers, arthritis, Parkinson s disease etc. hair loss is caused due ... Show
more content on ...
Treatment must continue to indefinitely preserve hair growth.
Minoxidil is a hair loss treatment approved by the FDA and is applicable for both
male and females. Minoxidil helps in increasing the blood supply in areas where it is
applied. Minoxidil acts by dilating the blood vessels, which helps stimulate hair
It increases the supply of nutrients to hair follicles and also prevents the shrinkage of
hair follicles. This helps in preventing hair loss and promotes hair re growth.
Minoxidil helps in opening up the potassium channels. This has been found for
preventing hair loss in males and females.
Minoxidil acts best for hair loss occurring in the crown region of the scalp.
Effective hair loss treatment: Propecia
Propecia acts by blocking dihydrotestosterone (DHT) production. DHT has been
identified to attack and destroy hair follicle and results in its fall out. Propecia has
been found to be effective for hair growth in top and mid regions of the scalp.
It is advisable to take Propecia under the prior recommendation of a dermatologist. It
Restriction Enzyme Digestion Lab Report
Materials and Methods
Restriction Enzyme Digestion The experiment was begun after putting on gloves to
avoid any chemical contact with the skin. Four microtest tubes were obtained, and
each of them was labeled to contain the different enzymes or suspect DNA. Two of
the microtest tubes were used for suspect one and the two different restriction
enzymes, while two other microtest tubes were labeled for suspect two and the two
restriction enzymes. After labeling the tubes, the contents that were at the bottom
were taken out by slightly tapping them. Then to begin setting up the enzyme
reactions, a micropipette was used to obtain 10 ОјL of the reaction buffer which was
added to each of the four test tubes. The buffer is important because it carries the
electrical current from the power supply in the gel. After the reaction buffer was in
each, the microtest tubes were individually filled with their specific enzymes and
DNA, shown in summary through Table 1.1 below. The restriction enzymes are used
to cleave the DNA at specific ... Show more content on ...
The use of gel electrophoresis to separate DNA fragments by size and charge can
be used in genetic testing, like paternity or maternity tests. This method could
allow the DNA of the child to be accurately compared with the DNA fragments and
banding patterns of one of the parents. This can allow one to determine the
biological parents of a child. Another important use of DNA fingerprinting is the
diagnosis of many inherited diseases. The DNA fingerprint of a person can allow
doctors to determine if they carry an inherited disease through comparison of the
band patterns, and if they are diagnosed, a treatment for the disease can be provided
early on. DNA fingerprinting is extremely useful and essential in the improvement
of lives through the medical field, as well as its other uses in solving crimes and
cases of biological
A Brief Note On Linkage Analysis Data Mining Tool
an alternative to linkage analysis data mining tool recently widely used to identify
loci with considerable effect, the tool has extensively been utilized in maize,
Arabidopsis, rice, wheat barley and soybean (Weng et al. 2011; Atwell et al. 2010;
Li et al. 2010; Huang et al. 2010; Raman et al. 2010; Cockram et al. 2010; Niu et al.
2013). Photosensitivity plays an essential role in the inducing plants to their
changing environments to start reproductive stage before complete their life
cycle. Flowering defined as process that plant change from the vegetative to the
reproductive phase. That transition required external environmental cues, such as
photoperiod and temperature, are required to begin plant flowering under the
favourite seasonal conditions. In soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill], efforts have
been devoted result it in associations between photosensitivity and maturity genetic
loci are known and designated as E loci (Cober et al. 1996), have been described by
classical methods. The detected loci are E1 and E2 (Bernard 1971), E3 (Buzzell
1971), E4 (Buzzell and Voldeng 1980), E5 (McBlain and Bernard 1987), E6 (Bonato
and Vello 1999), and E7 (Cober and Voldeng 2001). Later investigation carried out
in E series, the E1, E3, and E4 loci have been suggested to be related to photoperiod
sensitivity under various light conditions (Saidon et al. 1989; Cober et al. 1996b;
Abe et al. 2003). QTLs linked to phenotypic traits were identified when N87 984
16Г— TN93 99 101 F6
The Breakfast Club Essays
The Breakfast Club The Breakfast Club is a movie about five totally different
students in high school who are forced to spend a Saturday in detention in their
school library. The students come from completely different social classes which
make it very difficult for any of them to get along. They learn more about each
other and their problems that each of them have at home and at school. This movie
plays their different personality types against each other. In this essay I will go into
detail about each of the students and the principal individually. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;The first student I will talk about is the first one to be seen in the movie.
This is Claire Standish. Claire is one of the popular girls in the school.... Show more
content on ...
He admits that the reason that he was in detention was because he was going to
commit suicide and he brought the gun to school. He said that he attempted to kill
himself but he couldn t pull the trigger. His (flair) gun went off in his locker. He
has suicidal ideation. He thought that suicide was the logical thing to do and he
went one step beyond thinking about it and attempted. He just couldn t pull the
trigger. He has the ultimate when it comes to parental monitoring. His parents are
probably really intelligent and this is why the push him so hard academically. The
reason I think this is because his mother s license plate was EMC2 and she made
sure that he knew that this (detention) was a one time thing and he should use his
time wisely to study. Much like Claire, I feel that Brian is not much of a risk taker.
He is a very jumpy kid and is easily told what to do by just about everybody in the
movie. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;The third student in the movie is Andrew
Clark. He is a jock. His father drives p in a blazer to drop him off for detention and
he gets out with a letterman jacket on (with several letters on it). You can see from
the very beginning that his father only cares about one thing and that is, how
successful his son is in wrestling and other sports. His father says Hey, I screwed
around...guys screw around, there is nothing wrong with that, except you got caught,
Sport. Brian s father seems to live through him and even
Texting Can Wait Essay
The Texting can Wait.. After the Drive Distracted driving is a big problem across
the world. The group of people with the most reported destructive driving is people
18 25. In 2014 3,179 people died in distracted driving car accidents. There is a lot of
suggestions when it comes to how to stop distracted driving, most states have
outlawed texting and driving, others have put the emails and texts on the dashboard
so the driver can speak to text and not get distracted. There are many ways to prevent
distracted driving. Young people are the age total and no more amazing threat for
informing related accidents. In light of current circumstances, high researchers are
the freshest drivers out there, and they are furthermore the most reliant on informing.
... Show more content on ...
Even after making it illegal the accident rate due to texting and driving has not
gone any lower! According to The Huffington Post, nine is the Number of
Americans killed every day from motor vehicle accidents that involved distracted
driving, such as using a cellphone, texting or eating (Schumaker). Legislators and
health experts are suggesting a stray used before, They want to treat distracted
driving like drunken driving (Richtel). When cops have suspicion of drinking and
driving they are allowed to ask the driver to take a breathalyzer test. The method
they are trying to use is similar to the breathalyzer it is called the textalyzer. This is
how it would work after an accident a cop can ask for your phone to check for
recent activity due to their new technology. This new technology would tell the cop
how recently they used the phone and what they were doing on there phone either
texting, calling, emails, social media, etc... if the driver refuses to give their phone
to the cop it could result in a license suspension just like the breathalyzer. A hurtle
this method will come across is privacy concerns but this method would not give the
police access to the contents of any emails or texts (Richtel), they are just trying to
stop distracted driving. This method will decrease the number of accidents due to
How Did Joseph The Transformer
Wahab 1. Qudus Wahab Mr. Snader Biblical Reflection 01 15 2017 JOSEPH THE
DREAMER Out of twelve children, Joseph was the favorite of their father because
he is believed to be a special child and he is the son of his most loved wife (Rachel).
Joseph s dad (Jacob) pampers and gives Joseph a lot of gift which made the other
children to be jealous of him. Joseph had a dream which translated to him
becoming a king and a leader to his elder brothers. The jealous brothers tried to
avert it by killing him but God has his own plan for Joseph. You will find out what
happen next as you continue to read this interesting story. The setting of the story
began when the boys planned to get rid of joseph, because they don t want him to
fulfil his destiny written by God. they tried to hurt him but Joseph survived.
Joseph was discovered by a slave trader who took him to Egypt and sold him to a
man known as Potiphar, one of Pharaoh s officers. Joseph served Potiphar well and
accepted him as his master so he gained great favor. Joseph was later imprisoned
because Pharaoh s wife tried to seduce him but he rejected, so she went to Pharaoh
and falsely accused Joseph. Joseph is a man of faith so God proved his presence
and protection over him even in the prison. The prison keeper became a close
friend with Joseph, the prison keeper have also noticed Joseph ability to interpret
dreams, on a fateful day Joseph was called upon by Pharaoh to interpret a dream that
has so much troubled him. None of the wise consults was able to... Show more
content on ...
Joseph s brothers thought they have the power to change Joseph destiny, but little
did they know that their jealous actions to stop the dream from coming to past will
only lead Joseph to fulfilling his destiny. God is a merciful Lord, because even with
the terrible actions of the brothers they still received
8th Hussars Museum
a.Summer students are integral to the operation of the Museum. They are to have a
comprehensive grasp of the operations of the Museum to ensure they can be effective
representatives of the history of the 8th Hussars. Doing so ensures that the public will
have an interactive and intellectually stimulating exchange leaving the Museumwith
more knowledge than what they previously possessed.
4.Risk Management: Strategies to identify and manage risks to the staff and collection
a.The Board of Directors must ensure the physical locations where Museum Artifacts
and Archival Materials are displayed and stored meet all National Building Codes,
fire codes, and regulations, and being a safe environment in which staff may work
and the public ... Show more content on ...
Consult with the Town Manager and the police concerning building security and
vandalism and how they plan to respond to this growing concern.
c.Identify possible causes of emergencies. Consider the effects each will have on the
collection and plan what to do in each case
d.Have readily available the name, telephone number and address of all key
personnel who will need to be contacted on very short notice, should a disaster occur.
(Annex C).
e.Prepare a floor plan of the Museum, identifying priority artifacts or displays for
immediate recovery in case of an emergency.
f.Prepare emergency evacuation procedures for staff and visitors.
g.Identify Immediate Response Team members in the local area (6a).
h.Develop a contact list of volunteers, conservators and others experienced in disaster
recovery of Museums.
i.Identify commercial companies who could be called upon to provide specialized
services should it be necessary: freezing facilities, dehumidification, water pumps,
emergency electricity, cube vans, transport trucks, salvage companies and disaster
clean up crews.
j.Re evaluate and update this Risk Assessment Policy on at least an annual basis, and
especially following a disastrous event at one s
President Clinton Vs. The 104th And 105th Congress
President Clinton vs. the 104th and 105th Congress
President William Bill Clinton was the United States 42nd president. Bill Clinton
was born in Arkansas on August 19th 1946. In 1976 he was elected to become the
Attorney General of Arkansas. Two years later he became governor, becoming the
youngest governor. Clinton ran for president in 1992 with running mate Al Gore.
His presidency ran from 1993 to 2001. During his presidency the 104th ( 95 97)
and the 105th ( 97 95) Congress was established and the Republicans took over the
House with 228 seats in the 104th and 226 seats in the 105th. The Democrats had
206 seats in the house in the 104th and the 105th had 207 seats. The Senate was no
different, The Republicans had 52 seats ... Show more content on ...
His term as Speaker of the House seemed as the opposite of President Clinton. When
he was speaker there were many government and budget shutdowns, and also
unpleasant impeachment proceedings. Yet Gingrich and Clinton have agreed on
welfare reform, tax cuts and budgeting deals.
Overrides and Vetoes Over the course of Clinton s presidency there have been 37
bills that have been vetoed, although 36 were regular vetoes, one pocket veto, and two
vetoes that were overridden. The two bills that were overridden are the Private
Securities Litigation Act of 1995 and the Line Item Veto.
The Bankruptcy Act of 2000 was one of the laws that was a pocket veto. The
sponsor of this act was Representative Christopher H. Smith. The bill as asserted by
the president because it was not fair towards ordinary debtors who fell on hard
times. Yet this represents a loophole for the wealthy. Under the Homestead
Exemption, bankruptcy filers can protect some of their equity in their homes under
chapter seven bankruptcy. This also implies to chapter 13 bankruptcy as well. You
can be relieved of all or most of your equity, this would decrease the minimum
amount you must pay to your creditors. In the meantime this will be easier to repay
your debts.
The Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995 but later overridden as the Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, was designed to stop or to limit non
serious securities
God Vs Atheism Argument
The video, God vs. Atheism: Which is more rational, doesn t make sense to me. It
starts by saying faith s a belief in God, but towards the end it says God doesn t
require faith. If Faith is a belief in God, how does God not require faith? It says
Atheism requires faith but Atheists don t believe in God. How would Atheists have a
belief in God, Faith? It says faith and reason are opposites which I agree with but I
feel God has to do with faith and Atheists think they are being reasonable because
they feel science has proved God impossible, but just like the video said, the belief in
God is far more rational than Atheism. Logic can show there s a God. Nothing can
come from nothing. Things move and we know something must cause that
movement. Catholics believe God is the unmoved mover. Just because you... Show
more content on ...
In this, it says things don t happen by chance and most natural things lack
knowledge. There are four ways atheists go at explaining this It had to be this way,
it s only a coincidence, it just happened to be this way, and winning the cosmic
lottery, but it s easy to prove this wrong because our proof states nothing happens
by chance and these examples would all be chance. To say something happened by
luck or chance honestly just sounds uneducated to me. This being said, the
scenario that best goes with our proof is You are at a coffee shop after class
discussing the Big Bang Theory for an upcoming test and another student asks: If
the Big Bang caused the universe, why would Christians believe in a God causing
the universe? Moreover, if God caused it, who/what caused God? Belief in God is
reasonable. The Atheists don t think God s realistic because Catholic believe God
was the beginning, the one who created everything, but science says the Big Bang
was. Atheists also feel someone had to have created God. The world s 13.7 billion
years old, but God is 2018 years old. Therefore, God didn t create or come with the
Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance or mental stress which is primarily caused by contradictory
beliefs, can be a common part of some peoples life s however we are psychologically
motivated to avoid situations which cause mental stress. This paper will discuss a
situation and the behavior using attribution theory, the reciprocal relationship between
behavior and attitudes as well as how cognitive dissonance theory could be used to
rationalize the behavior.
Situation and Subsequent Behavior
Richard is driving along a lonely road late at night after working late that day. He
has a 4 year old daughter who he has not spent much time with the entire week
because of the long project that makes him work late. Similarly, he has not ... Show
more content on ...
It is however worth noting that other factors also come into play concerning this
relationship between behavior and attitudes (Albarracin et al. 2014). For instance, an
individual s behavior or attitudes can further be shaped by their social or cultural
setting. For instance in a case whereby an individual is raised to believe that people
in a given ethnic community or race are hostile or violent, the individual will
automatically behave in a protective manner when around people from the particular
ethnic group or race.
In Richard s scenario, he may have approached the situation with the attitude that
people who walk alone in the dark are either criminals or drunkards ad thus they are
mostly up to no good. This attitude may have further influenced his behavior to speed
up his car without bothering to know who the man was or what had happened to him.
On the other hand, Richard s behavior may have shaped his attitude as well. The fact
that he simply drove away without finding out what had happened to the man may
have shaped his attitudes to the extent that he would most likely do the same when
faced with a similar situation again.
How Cognitive Dissonance Theory could be used to Rationalize the Behavior
Sanderson (2009) reveals that the cognitive dissonance theory is a social psychology
theory whose main proponent was
Le Morte d Arthur Essay
The Chivalric Code in Le Morte d?Arthur
An act of chivalry is described as the qualifications or character of the ideal knight.
Knights were expected to uphold this code of conduct. In the English literature Le
Morte d?Arthur, French for ?The Death of Arthur?, by Sir Thomas Malory, the
characters display acts of chivalry from beginning to end. Though the code of
chivalry contains many qualities or acts, nevertheless bravery, loyalty, and courtly
love are demonstrated more throughout this literature.
Bravery is the mental or moral strength to venture and withstand danger, fear, or
difficulty. Fear is what one feels when fighting, knowing that he or she could die. For
example, when ... Show more content on ...
In Book XVIII (Eighteen), Chapter VII (Seven), Sir Mador kidnapped Queen
Guinevere. Lancelot knew that Mador was a strong knight, but because he was loyal
to Guinevere and Arthur, he fought Mador. Another case of loyalty mixed with a
touch of bravery is when Arthur?s knights fought to their death to save Arthur from
Loyalty can also come without fight or bravery. When Arthur went to the lake to
seek the sword Excalibur, he swore to grant Avalon?s Lady whatever gift she
someday desired. Also, Merlin was known for telling Arthur about the future and
what could happen if Arthur did not listen to him, and because of that, Arthur was
loyal enough to Merlin to follow his wishes. Aside from being told what to do and
what not to do, when Arthur was wounded and in the process of dying, Sir Lucan
and Sir Bedivere were not going to leave Arthur unattended. They carried him to the
next town. Also, when Queen Guinevere heard of the death of King Arthur, she ran
off to Amesbury and became a nun, where she cursed herself for all her wrongdoing.
Despite how it sounds, she expressed loyalty to the death of Arthur, by cleansing her
soul so that she may join him again, one day in the after life.
One of Queen Guinevere?s main objectives of cleansing her soul was allowing her to
forgive herself for the courtly love expressed between her and Sir Lancelot. Courtly
love was a secret part of the chivalric code.
Brandon Steven
Brandon Steven Business Intellect of Brandon Steven during His College Life
Brandon Steven is a self made entrepreneur; he was born on July 25, 1973 in
Kansas. He is a successful businessman based out of Kansas City. Brandon has
invested in different businesses, but he is best known for award winning car
dealerships. He has also received prestigious national Man of the Year award. His
automotive dealership has sold more than 80,000 cars so far; he supports this
organization by donating on a regular basis. His business endeavors have given
employment to thousands of people. Early Years of His Life His mother, Rebecca
Steven was a school teacher and father Rod Steven Sr., a business owner. He has two
brothers and one sister Julie. His father... Show more content on ...
During his high school days, he started working for the Gorge s Motor Co. He
discovered his love with the car industry and start selling cars when he was 17
years old. He took permission from his owner to allow him to sell cars. Brandon
achieved so much success that he didn t consider the idea of joining college.
Parents didn t give him an option and he went to Southern Illinois University,
Carbondale. His brother was also attending the same university on a tennis
scholarship. In 1995 Brandon was graduated with a bachelor s degree in
marketing. Brandon graduated with Honors, and he was also awarded with a
distinguished senior s award. This is an award which is given only to 25 students.
During his college days, his creative business mind was working in the direction to
make money. He found several creative ways and his business ventures during
college time ranged from buying and selling of mopeds to used cars. He also sold T
shirts, vending machines and candy. Brandon Steven used HBO guide to fulfill his
desires of money making till he graduated. When he graduated from the University,
he sold the HBO guide to a
Heroism Of The Molly Maguires
Many say that fighting for your rights is an act of heroism, but that was not the
case with the Molly Maguires. The Molly Maguires were miners in the late 19th
century who believed they were treated unfairly and deserved better rights. Their
voices were not heard, and therefore a small group was created to take matter into
their own hands. They would secretly destroy properties to get the mining company s
attention, but backfired. Since they were a secret group, their story is not known
fully. Therefore, people have have their own assumptions of what and who the Molly
Maguireswere. Initially, the Molly Maguires were devoting their lives to being miners
and were not getting compensated with what they deserved. They were located...
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In the film The Molly Maguires directed by Martin Ritt, physically shows how the
situation may have been like. The movie shows the lack of respect the supervisors
or the mining employers had for the workers. The mining company hired detective
James McParlan to find information that will go against the Mollies. Their
objective was not to only stop the mollies but to also make them go to trial and be
judged guilty, which eventually leads to their deaths. It shows that the company
did not care about their workers, but only the money they got from their labor.
They had small children working in places that they could be crushed. At the time
they still did not have a law that could protect children, it was later implemented in
1938 that prohibited child labor. In fact, we know the mining company did not
care for their workers because in the scene where Mr.Raines dies of black lung
disease the leader of the mollies takes action into his own hands. They go and
destroy the store because Mr.Raines has done so much for the mine, but on the day
of his funeral he didn t even have a proper suit (since it couldn t be afforded). It
shows how desperate the workers were for money, that not even for their last day on
earth they have
Beethoven Concert Symphony No 6
The Pastorale Symphony and the Emperor Piano Concerto, one named by Ludwig
van Beethoven and the other by a friend, are splendid examples of Beethoven s
musical acumen. These pieces are more formally known as Beethoven s Symphony
No. 6 and Piano Concerto No. 5. This concert report will cover both pieces and will
contain my impressions of each piece. Symphony No. 6 Pastorale was performed by
the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, and was conducted by Paavo Jarvi
during their Beethoven series. Piano Concerto No. 5 Emperor was performed by
Murray Perahia (Piano) accompanied by the Academy of St Martin in the Fields,
conducted by Neville Marriner. The dates of the performances are not known because
this ... Show more content on ...
The five movements of Beethoven s Symphony No. 6 Pastorale draw listeners in
with a quick, but leisurely tempo and rich developed movements. The symphony
seemingly flows and fits the titles beautifully. It is easy to paint a picture of a noble
countryside, nature, and all the activities it entails.
Beethoven s Piano Concerto No.5 Emperor is a three part traditional concerto, an
Allegro, Adagio, and the Rondo. This concerto was named Emperor because of the
powerful themes and heroic note of the composition (www.all about
The opening of the concerto brings a main theme introduced by a solo piano with
the full orchestra providing a dramatic presence of several chords. The piano
flourishes grow in length until reaching a cadenza after the third time. The full
orchestra joins in and carries the theme into the full exposition. The theme is bold
with a pleasant interjection of a second subject that seems to tiptoe through the
movement. The orchestra stays in the tonic key as the piano modulates and reaches
a wide variety of tones as the scales are worked. The development of the movement
effectively flips the lead. The orchestra now leads and the piano accompanies. The
main theme rhythm is reinforced by a powerful bassoon. The coda is lead by horns
and joined by the rest of the orchestra to a thrilling close.
The second movement is a slow movement and begins quietly
Evaluation Of Established Mentorship Programs For...
III.Evaluation of Established Mentorship Programs for Disengaged Youth in New
In the 1980s and 1990s there was a baby blip in New Zealand, thus resulting in an
increased number of young people aged 12 24 years living in New Zealand
(Ministry of Youth Development, 2011). The numbers of young people have grown
from 757,000 at the time of the 2006 Census to approximately 818,000 in 2011
(Ministry of Youth Development, 2011).. However, even with this increase of the
school aged population, a higher percentage of students are gaining school level
qualifications (Ministry of Youth Development, 2011). The New Zealand
Qualification Authority (NZQA) Annual Report on National Certificate of
Educational Achievement (NCEA) and New Zealand Scholarship Data Statistics
(2014), report an increase in the Cumulative Percentage of Year 11 Students
Attaining National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) at Level 1 in
literacy and numeracy from 81.7% in 2010 to 90.7% in 2014 (New Zealand
Qualification Authority, 2015). However, in numeracy alone there was a downward
trend from 2010 to 2014 being 89.0% to 88.5% with a minimal peak of 86.4% in
2012 (New Zealand Qualification Authority, 2015). Also in this report, there was an
increase in retention rate for secondary school education (New Zealand Qualification
Authority, 2015). Contrary to the increase in retention rate and achievement of Level
1, the unemployment rate of youth has increased in New Zealand. There is a
Theme Of Logo In Harry Potter
According to Oxford Advanced Learner s Dictionary, the definition of logo is a
symbol or other small design adopted by an organization to identify its products,
uniform, vehicles, etc. As one of media to communicate, movie includes many kind
of logo in order to make the messages simple and attractive to be watched. In a
movie, the use of words (conversation between the characters), sounds (the music of
movies), and images (the motion picture of movies) work together, it relates between
one to other in order to produce a good performance and deep impression to the
One of the most famous movies in the world is Harry Potter. Harry Potter is a feature
film series based on the Harry Potter novels by author J. K. Rowling. In a general
word, ... Show more content on ...
The blue colour in the Ravenclaw logo symbolizes softness, trust and quietness of the
dormitory. Silver is used in Ravenclaw logo design to show that the intelligence of the
The ratio of width to length of the logo of Ravenclaw is 2:3.
There are several empty spaces of the appearance of the logo. The empty space is
located on every side of the shape shield. 4.Contrast
The silver eagle symbol located in the middle of the shield contrast with the blue
shield as the background tend to strengthen the eagle character which is the main
actor of the logo.
пЂThe shield: embody the will to protect the honor and pride of the dormitory.
пЂEagle: to represent that Ravenclaw is penchant for learning and intelligence.
пЂRibbon: sweet and lasting friendship of each character in the dormitory.
There is no grain involved in the Ravenclaw logo.
1.Use of Colour
Green and silver are dominated the logo of Slytherin Dormitory. The green colour in
the Slytherin logo symbolizes ingenuity, growth, and ambition of the dormitory.
Silver is used in Slytherin logo design to represent the confidence and
Justin Apeiros Research Paper
As Justin, Apeiros was a very short and rather weak looking girl. She had very short
and brown hair that she keeps very straight by combing it carefully. This is because
she wants her outer image to not appear as if she is a messy girl but rather a well
kept girl who cares about her looks. She has smooth, pale skin that only has a few
glaring spots on it in general. She generally keeps her body in a very healthy, clean
looking state. She makes sure to trim her bangs so they never get in the way of her
eyes or are too noticeable in general. She never wears makeup, as she feels like it
would be pointless to add onto her body. She wants to still appear tough and bruiting
while still never going too far in girlishness or toughness. As the military
Google Business Case Study
What Makes Google the Best Place to Work and Why
Latoya Battle
Professor David Wells
Organizational Behavior
October 22, 2017 Introduction
Google Inc. which was founded by founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998
is a multinational technology company. The firm has headquarters in California,
United States. Presently, the business hoses several online services like Gmail.
Initially, the company operated solely as an online search firm, but it currently offers
over fifty internet products along with services. In fact, it is the most popular and
largest search engine globally. Over the 20 years of its operations, the tech giant has
turned out to be synonymous when it comes to innovation and is well known due to its
human ... Show more content on ...
The tech giant has generated a large percentage of its financial success from its
dominant position in the online advertising market. Google has established data
centers infrastructure in various regions of the world which have played a
significant role towards its success (Savitz, 2013). A good example is Eemshaven in
Netherlands which has the company s ability to compete at the global levels.
Google has made notable efforts in creating an inclusive culture. For future
innovation and success of every company, diversity along with inclusion are
critical values. Google has created a workplace where individuals from diverse
backgrounds and with different experiences can exploit their abilities and develop a
sense of belonging to the company. Google believes that its best work is realized
when the workforce mirrors the world. Through engagement of talents and
community outreach efforts, the company is addressing the issue of lack of
representation across all organizational units. As a way of creating a more inclusive
environment, Google has been working tirelessly towards the elimination of bias in
the people, system, and processes.
Innovation is a primary priority in the company as they understand that variety of
perspectives is critical in the creation of better products. Google not only focusses on
developing technology that is useful and accessible to everyone but also ensuring that
diversity is supported by the company s supplier network.
The Strategic Advantage Of Technology
Historically, strategists have overestimated the strategic advantage of technology.
Gray noted that Lieutenant General Rudolf von Caemmerer, a renowned German
strategist during the early 20th Century, over valued the impact of the telegraph,
when in 1905, he wrote, However much the enemy may have succeeded in placing
himself between our armies, we can still amply communicate...over an arc of a
hundred or two hundred or four hundred miles . While the telegraph indeed helped
mitigate the tyranny of distance between armies stretched across Europe, it also
created a dangerous reliance that diminished focus on dealing with the real fog and
friction of war. In the end, the German Army in 1914, relying violently on the
telegraph, was unable... Show more content on ...
This reliance on technology to defeat the Improvised Explosive Device (IED) threat
has effectively crippled mobility, creating one of the slowest forces in the modern
era. Chris Lowe from Small War Journals states, The MRAP has yet to prove its place
in future service equipment plans. The gas guzzling MRAP could impose a strain on
logistics...and could run counter to the intent of counterinsurgency doctrine, which
stresses close contact with the population (Small War Journals). Both examples
highlight that reliance on technology as a ways versus a means can hinder military
forces against an irregular enemy threat. Looking at the even more recent NATO
campaign against the Moammar Gadhafi led Libyan government, it is obvious that
strategy is being created around technology, rather than technology being nested
into strategy. In Libya, the might of air power was the technology around which
the strategy was developed. NATO leaders argued that bombing the Libyan Army
would clear the way for anti Gadhafi forces, which would lead to an overthrow and a
more pro Coalition government. Oren Dorell of USA Today says, The strategy in
Libya in 2011 was for a U.S. led NATO air campaign to reinforce Libyan rebels, with
NATO forces partnering with moderate rebel groups to create a more stable Libya. In
the end,
Aerodynamic Braking System On A Race Car
Aerodynamic Braking system on a race car
Vivek Muralidharan Abhijith Balakrishnan Suresh Kumar Y
Abstract Every second in a racing competition counts the performance of a team
against the other. Many innovative and sophisticated techniques are being employed
to overcome loses in time and add to the performance of the vehicle. Especially in a
car racing challenge there is more freedom to install these innovative systems to
empower the car to maximum efficiency due to availability of more space. At the
global spectrum there are few events which encourage such innovations. Formula
Student Racing competitions are one of the global events organized by the Society of
Automotive Engineers of different countries which gives ... Show more content on ...
Like any racing event, a student racing event also has the thrill and intensity of
competition. Minimal lap timings are the concern of all the participating teams.
Along with good acceleration and high velocity, a good deceleration is an
important parameter which decides the performance of the vehicle. A good
amount of deceleration is required especially while maneuvering sharp corners
[2]. Besides, the Formula Student racing event is classified into static events and
dynamic events. In order to qualify to the dynamic events every team must clear
the scrutinizing which include the brake test [3] wherein every car should brake
in a straight line between two marked lines on the track. It can be accounted that
better deceleration is required to execute smooth cornering and qualify the brake
test. In order to increase the braking ability of the car, the drag created while
steering can be utilized. The aerodynamic wings also known as the spoilers can be
modified to capture the drag force created due to the motion of the vehicle and
thereby contribute to braking. This paper is based on the work done over the NITK
Racing Formula Student Car to capture the drag force by changing the angle of
attack of the rear airfoil while braking. On application of brakes, the aerodynamic
wings present at the rear is adjusted to corresponding angle of attack where the drag
created is maximum. A study has been done to find the amount
A Welcome Letter Of President Obama And Secretary Foxx
Good morning.
On behalf of President Obama and Secretary Foxx, it is an honor to be here this
morning and to welcome you to the United States.
It is truly a pleasure for the Department of Transportation s Maritime Administration
to host this APEC Port Services Network Workshop in one of America s greatest port
cities: Seattle, Washington.
It is very fitting that we chose this location for our engagement.
Seattle s waterfront and harbor played central roles in this city s transition from a tiny
frontier settlement supporting the lumber industry to the bustling international trade
center it is today and I hope that your busy schedules allow you to experience some
of what this wonderful city has to offer.
Before we go further I d like to thank the APSN for the invitation to speak here
today, and I d like to recognize some of our distinguished guests:
APSN Vice President Abdulah Bassiron;
Second Vice President of the APSN Council Tan Cheng Peng; and
Port of Seattle Deputy CEO Kurt Beckett.
Thank you for making this workshop possible. I d also like to thank all of the
delegates from APEC Countries, as well as all of today s participants and speakers
for contributing to this critical engagement.
. . .
I think it is safe to say that all of us in this room have a smartphone.
This model was designed in Canada and manufactured in China. It contains glass
from the Dow Corning Plant in my home state of Kentucky; software written in South
Carolina; a
Desert Places Poetry Analysis
Witnessing constant disappearance, however, remaining to seem like the depiction
of complete normality. Deafening silence engulfing all surroundings, on its way to
eventually evoking insanity. The smell of cold, dry air freezes over all breathing
pathways, caging in the ribs, preventing the ability to inhale and exhale, leaving
behind the taste of metal as a reminder of a chaotic state of mind. Mentally trapped in
chosen solidarity, Robert Frost, William Shakespeare, and Elizabeth Bishop were able
to express their hidden despair through poetry. Frost having experienced major loss
in his life, Shakespeare lying to himself to cope with his actions, and Bishop
constantly masking her pain while in the eyes of the public. In Desert Places , When
my love swears she is made of truth , and One Art , the author s use connotative
diction to weaken the severity of their personal issues. Robert Frost s poem Desert
Places diminishes an overall sense of emptiness to being nothing compared to what he
holds within himself through the use of connotative diction. Throughout the poem,
the description of a cold, dark night represents the intensity of the depression that
Frost was feeling. In the final stanza, Frost reveals that I have it in me so much
nearer home, To scare myself with my own desert places , it being the darkness
previously mentioned in the poem. Furthermore, the desert places introduced in the
final line are a representation of the dark emotions Frost was experiencing, and to
state that they were within him, provide the sense that he did not express them to
other people, meaning he chose to be left with a cold, dark state of mind. Overall,
Desert Places is deemed as Frost s admittance to not fearing the troubles of the rest of
the world, because they could not cause him any greater pain that what his own
troubles already have.
As a result of facing constant loss, writing about emptiness allowed Frost the ability
to express the solidarity he felt within himself. With the experiences that Frost had
endured throughout his life, he is described as having suffered more than the normal
amount of tragedy , however, he also showed more than the usual amount of
determination and courage (Bailey).
Alberta Oil Sand Analysis
Oil has become extremely vital in our society, so vital that it has affected developed
and developing countries. It is a massive contributor to economic growth as well as
environmental destruction. The Alberta Oil Sands has destroyed acres of local
ecosystems, but has also achieved and ensured that Canadastays as an economic
power. The economical, cultural, and political benefits the oil sands give to Canada
makes it an asset they can not function without. The oil sands have been Canada s
major contributor to their economic activity for many years. The oil industry has led
to benefits for other industries such as business services, manufacturing, retail,
finance and insurance. The impacts of the oil sands economically can also be seen in
the national employment rates and statistics. People are immigrating from countries
outside of Canada and other regions of Canada to move to Albertain order to get high
paying jobs from the development of the oil sands. Recently Canada s cost for oil
has increased and oil sands producers are struggling as oil prices begin to plummet,
and even the most efficient... Show more content on ...
This project is not only valued by the province, country, and the entire world but it
is also valued by Albertans themselves. As of July 2013, there were 114 recorded
oil sands projects located in Alberta. This goes to show how big the project is.
Employment is a one of the biggest benefits of the oil sands project. In 2012,
around 121,500 people were working for Alberta s upstream energy sector, which
includes conventional oil and gas, and mining (Alberta Government). Estimated
profit from the projects was around $3.56 billion in 2012 2013 and is still growing.
This revenue is used to help fund many public services in Alberta. Within the next
25 years employment on the oil sands is expected to grow to over 500,000 jobs; and
is currently affecting the jobs of 112,000 people throughout
Solange s Influence On Women
The Knowles sisters ruled 2016. Solange s third studio album A Seat at the Table,
released on September 30, 2016 became Solange s first number one album on the
Billboard 200, her first album to chart in several countries, and her single Cranes in
the Sky is nominated for the Grammy Award for Best R B performance. BeyoncГ©
s sixth studio album, Lemonade and her second visual album was nominated for an
Emmy, 11 nominations at the VMA s (winning eight of the eleven) and has recently
been nominated for nine Grammy s, which brings her Grammy nomination up to 63
the most nominated woman in Grammy history, as well as being the first artist ever
to earn nominations in the pop, rock, R B and rap categories in the same year.
Together the sisters became... Show more content on ...
(Craig 25) These messages were internalized by Black women especially, because
in a male dominated society...women were valued as much for beauty as men were
for their accomplishments [and] an ugly woman was a failure (Craig 24). Patricia
Collins, the renowned Black scholar, echoes this in her piece Black Feminist
Thought: During [Gwendolyn] Brooks s childhood, having African features was
so universally denigrated that she writes, when I was a child, it did not occur to
me even once, that the black in which I was encased . . . would be considered, one
day, beautiful. (Collins 90 91). From this stigmatization was the widespread birth
of respectability politics within the black community. Craig writes that the
discourse of race and respectability can be viewed as a product of the aspirations
and fears of a particular segment of the black population...the racist s gaze would
judge the black race on the basis of the least of its members, and thus dignified self
presentation was a racial project in which all black women could and must participate
Cci-20 Case Study Igcse
1.)CI 20 is credible in that his statement regarding the crime of John Brown tossing
a homemade dynamite under a passing pickup truck from the summer of 1995. To
verify his statement, Lt. Nenning provided a statement from Fred Green, who was
one of the victims from the incident CI 20 told Detective shield. Therefore, veracity
and basis of knowledge can be attributed to CI 20 s statement of observation.
Therefore, CI 20 can be deemed truthful and reliable for providing his observation
that was corroborated by Deputy Hughes investigation and report with Fred Green.
The degree of specificity of CI 20 s observation and claims is also accurate in that
time at which the crime occurred, and the similarities are identical to those that Fred
Green stated as well. CI 20 also voluntarily gave information that he is personally
acquainted with John Brown, that he was present during the incident... Show more
content on ...
To prove CI 20 s statement regarding John Brown s involvement with detonating an
explosive that endangered others, Deputy Mike Hughes made contact with one of
the victims to the incident. The specificity of Fred Green s account regarding how
it occurred on June 25, 1995 when he and his girlfriend were attacked with an
explosive being thrown under his truck when he passed the residence of John
Brown. Deputy Hughes was able to verify the damages as explained by Fred Green
through his observation and investigation to the vehicle; Deputy Hughes and Lt.
Nenning also went to the scene of the truck explosion and recovered evidence of
heavy cardboard tubing. They were also able to identified a bum mark in the
roadway that was directly across from John Brown s residence. Thus, by the totality
of the circumstances, these reports and findings prove reasonable suspicion for Lt.
Nenning to request an affidavit for a search warrant for John Brown and his
Pharmaceutical Companies Are Entering Into Public
1. Introduction
The classic example used to describe the capitalistic greed and oppression of the
developed world is Big Pharma : pharmaceutical companies apparently commit
fraud, cover up their mistakes, and increase prices of their products for maximum
profits. This criticism of pharmaceutical companies is sometimes justified, especially
in the issue of neglected tropical diseases (NTD). NTDs are a group of diseases that
predominantly affect less economically developed populations but are eliminated in
the developed world. Effective treatment for various NTDs have existed since the last
century, but pharmaceutical companies have historically not catered to NTD patients
because it was not commercially profitable (WHO, Intensified 2). ... Show more
content on ...
To explore these ideas, this paper will analyze the historical shift to public private
partnerships, the motivations to invest in NTDs and partnerships, and the resulting
strategies that have surfaced to analyze NTDs.
2. Neglected Tropical Diseases: Overview
Neglected Tropical Diseases are a series of chronic, endemic tropical diseases that
predominantly affect less economically developed populations and are neglected in
the health industry (WHO, Investing 1). This definition is broad, as a large variety of
pathogens are tropical and poverty related. As a result, NTDs are diverse in their
biological makeup, ranging from airborne vectors to bacteria to worms. They are
spread and treated differently, and receive varying levels of attention from the public
and private sectors. Many tropical pathogens, notably typhoid fever, are not included
in the list of NTDs despite their debilitating effects on impoverished populations
(Hotez and Kamath 1).
The lack of a clear cut definition and the lack of research for NTDs creates a severe
underestimate of their disease burden, or their impact on economy, mortality,
morbidity, and general quality of life (Hotez and Kamath 1). The big three diseases
of our time, or the diseases that receive the most attention, are
Victorian Era Women
During the Victorian era most Victorians had a strong belief in romantic love. It
definitely was not a normal for people to sleep with one another before they were
married. Younger women were generally expected to remain a virgin until they
were married. Sometimes even though two people were married, it was not because
they were in love. The upper and middle class women were monitored, and were
never left alone with any of the young men. Romance for the Victorians could be a
dramatic and dangerous affair according to newspaper articles of the Victorian time
era. During the Victorian eraQueen Elizabeth reigned. The Victorian period was a
time in which many different changes in England took place. At this time England
was finally considered... Show more content on ...
If a man were to meet a lady that he wished to become better acquainted with, he
had to find a mutual friend between the two of them so that the mutual friend could
introduce him. During the Victorian time period flirting was permitted at most
social events. Some flirting techniques during the Victorian time period included
the use of various personal accessories such as fans, parasols, and gloves to relay
messages of interest or disinterest. Once a man and woman are formally introduced,
a gentlemen was allowed to offer to walk a young woman home by presenting her
with a card that asked if he could be her escort. The woman would then present a
card to the gentlemen giving him her answer. During an evening a woman could
collect many cards from different gentlemen but the one that she prefers the most
would get a card from her and this meant that she had accepted his offer to be
escorted home. Even during the walk home the gentlemen and the woman had to
walk apart from one another. A gentlemen was only allowed to offer a woman his
hand while walking over rough spots. This was the only contact that they could have
with one another since the woman was not his
Relative Dating In The Iliad
Unlike the fictional tactics that movies such as Indiana Jones and The Mummy
portray, archaeologists utilize meticulous and methodical strategies when studying
archaeological sites. Rather than simply stumbling upon a glorious treasure out of
the blue, archaeologists tend to have a reason to explore a specific region for
historical artifacts. Moreover, the process of digging up these sites is extensively
regulated so that the integrity and value of these sites are kept intact. Over time, the
methods that archaeologists implement has evolved greatly, as observed by
comparing the techniques of Heinrich Schliemann, Howard Carter, and Kenneth
Feder. It can be observed that as time has progressed, these archaeologists have
become more tentative... Show more content on ...
Though he was part of the working class, Carter was a talented artist who painted
many of the Egyptian artifacts discovered at the beginning of the twentieth century.
He was widely rejected by the other British archaeologists, as he was regarded as a
custodian and guard to the excavation sites. Yet, upon Lord Carnarvon s arrival in
Egypt, he received funding to carry out his research design to locate King
Tutankhamen s tomb. To initiate his expedition, he ruled out which kings in Egypt
were not yet detected, including Akheat and Tutankhamen. Then, he devised a
hypothesis, which suggested that as a New Kingdom Pharaoh, King Tutankhamen
would be situated in the Valley of the Kings. After conducting extensive background
research, he was able to recognize the remains of King Tut s funeral party. Carter
then made a grid of the valley, and ruled out which areas had not been previously
excavated. Ultimately, he was able to uncover King Tutankhamen s mummy, coffins,
statues, and jewelry. As Carter did his work at the beginning of the the twentieth
century, he had more archaeological methods available to him, such as absolute
dating, which matches the age of an artifact to a specific time
The White Man s Burden Imperialism
The author of the poem, The White Man s Burden, was Rudyard Kipling who was
born in 1865 in Bombay. As a young person, he lived in India, but at the age of six
he was taken to England and left for five years at a foster home at Southsea so that
he could receive a formal British education. He went to school in Englandand
continued his education before returning to his home place of Bombay in 1882,
where he worked as a journalist for seven years. Kipling was an accomplished
journalist, writer, poet and author. Kipling s work was influenced by the
Imperialistic era in which he lived. During this era of Imperialism, European
powers practiced a foreign policy of expanding its influence around the world; both
peacefully and by force .Kipling witnessed the loss of lives on both sides, the
British and the inhabitants of India, but still believed that the British had a right to
control India and also a responsibility to civilize the Indians. This belief was
reflected in his poem, The White Man s Burden, which was originally published in
February of 1899, under the title An Address to the United States.... Show more
content on ...
Under isolationism, the United States stayed out of the business of other countries
and wanted them to stay out of their business. In 1898 the United States became
involved in the Spanish American War. The United States entered the war with the
goal of helping Cuba, but by the end of the war this was not the case. Winning the
war gave the United States control of the Cuban government and the rights to Puerto
Rico, Guam and the Philippines. The United States had now become an imperialistic
Mark Twain Thesis
Samuel L. Clemens Many people have read books by the famous author Mark
Twain. A few of his most famous novels are The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,
Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and Jim Smiley and his Jumping Frog. Hearing the
name Mark Twain rings a bell, but surprisingly, that is not the author s real name.
His given name is Samuel Clemens. Samuel Langhorne Clemens was born
November 30, 1835, in Florida, Missouri, and he was the sixth child of John and
Jane Clemens. His father was always searching for wealth, but he never achieved it,
and he often times found it hard to feed his family. He had many jobs, and he was a
surly, unsmiling man. According to one legend, young Samuel never saw his dad
laugh. His mother became the head of the household when his... Show more content
on ...
Nothing ended up working, and he was broke and needed a regular job. Clemens
became a reporter for the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, where he adopted the
pen name Mark Twain. That is steamboat slang for 12 feet of water. Mark Twain
became one of the best storytellers in the West, and he had this distinct writing
style, where everything was funny and friendly, but also scornful, ironic, and
sarcastic. He wrote Jim Smiley and his Jumping Frog, earning his big break. His
next jump into success came from his cruise along the Mediterranean, where he
wrote humorously for newspaper, also hoping to get a book out of the trip. At the
age of 34, he published The Innocents Abroad, and he became a best selling author.
Twain s stories are shaped by life experiences. Some influences come from
Hannibal, where he saw how slaves and Native Americans were treated. Huck Finn
is an orphan who travels with a freed slave named Jim. Another experience, such as
the fact that his father and a few of his siblings died when he was young, shaped his
writing of Huckleberry Finn. Young Huck Finn experiences death at a young
Pathological Processes Help Distinguish Medical Conditions
Pathophysiology Assessment 2: Case based assignment
Pathological processes help distinguish medical conditions through the use of a
variety methods to assist in diagnosis and treatment of patients. Mr Johns, a 60 year
old male has exhibited to his doctor a number of symptoms that usually coincide and
are distinctive with issues relating to the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of
the body. This case based assignment will in order to assist in the treatment of Mr
Johns, assist in diagnosing his conditions by; investigating the presenting features and
its pathophysiology, analyse the results and importance of vital signs, physical
inspection and blood tests, construct a differential diagnosis signifying likely
conditions the patient may be experiencing , and finally providing a justification for
further diagnostic tests.
Signs and Symptoms
One of the chief complaints Mr Johns presents is shortness of breath, also known as
dyspnoea whilst he is resting. Breathlessness is a multidimensional and subjective
experience of difficulty or uncomfortable breathing originating from an intricate
interaction between physiological and psychological factors (Yorke 2014). Mr
Johns presents a respiration rate of 28 breaths per minute, which is peculiarly
elevated, and is specified as tachypnoea. Tachypnoea signifies that a greater volume
of oxygen is needed to supply components of the body, or to recompense for limited
supply in bodily systems where there has been a restriction of
Article Review Paper
After searching through the textbook, Macroeconomics: Principles for a Changing
World, one topic that stuck out was Chapter 11, Saving, Investment, and the
Financial System. Four articles on this topic are summarized below, then linked to
the material learned in class. The articles chosen are White paper explores merits
of Bank of Canada creating a digital currency by Ian Bickis, Global M A: What Has
Happened and Where Next? by Akshat Joshi, Actually, Maybe China Shouldn t Open
Up Just Yet by Michael Pettis, and Can Tech Tools Help Millennials Avoid A
Looming Retirement Crisis? by Morey Stettner. This group of articles relates to
moneyand the system of finance.
In the first article, White paper explores merits of Bank of ... Show more content on ...
The value of global deals has been decreasing after a peak in 2015. Also, the western
part of the globe is currently trying to normalize their rates, with several headwinds
impeding the process. Some countries are thought to be in secular stagnation, which
is when the neutral real rate, involving long run saving and investment for the
loanable funds market, declines so much that the Central Bank can no longer attain it
through usual methods.
This article applies to the section, The Market for Loanable Funds. As factors like
outlooks on economics, incentives on saving, government deficits, regulations, and
expectations of businesses change, the supply and demand of loanable funds from the
market also change. Because the quantity of loanable funds increases with higher real
interest rates, the supply curve has a positive slope. Since the quantity of loanable
funds decreases with higher real interest rates, the demand curve has a negative slope.
In the third article, Actually, Maybe China Shouldn t Open Up Just Yet, Michael
Pettis states that people believe that China s economy is failing, and that the best
way to fix it is to bolster markets roles, free money, and free up the financial system,
as a ninety percent increase in debt has caused people to become fearful of a
possible financial crisis. Pettis lists several flaws with this logic. Since the
government has the ability to restructure the liabilities of banking sectors whenever
The Importance Of Information On The Internet Of Things
The Internet of Things speeds up awareness and response to events. It has a wide
domain of application for instance in industries such as manufacturing, transportation
and public sectors, faster response time not only improves the output, it also
decreases the occurrence of a hazard.
Taking an example of any factory, a temperature sensordeployed on critical
machines on the floor can send readings before a failure is about to happen and
action can be taken before in hand. Likewise, deploying a sensor on oil pipelines
can raise an alert and slow down or stop the pumping of oil as a response to the
alert which can help prevent a huge loss. Now that we understand how important it is
to harvest upon the IoT, we need a new kind of ... Show more content on ...
Acts on IoT data in milliseconds, based on policy.
Sends selected data to the cloud for historical analysis and longer term storage.
Analyzing the IoT data close to where it is collected minimizes latency. It reduces
gigabytes of network traffic load from the core network and keeps the sensitive
information within the network.
1.5 Concept of Fog Computing:
The fog extends the cloud to be closer to the things that produce and act on IoT
data. These devices, called fog nodes, can be deployed anywhere with a network
connection: on a factory floor, on top of a power pole, alongside a railway track, in
a vehicle, or on an oil rig. Any device with computing, storage, and network
connectivity can be a fog node. Examples include industrial controllers, switches,
routers, embedded servers, and video surveillance cameras. IDC estimates that the
amount of data analyzed on devices that are physically close to the Internet of Things
is approaching 40 percent.
Fog computing, also known as fogging/edge computing, it is a model in which data,
processing and applications are concentrated in devices at the network edge rather
than existing almost entirely in the cloud.
Fog computing offers many key
Sample Physics Exam
University of the Philippines
College of Science
Second Semester 2010 2011 First Long Examination
National Institute of Physics
2nd Sem AY 2010 2011
Physics 72
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the best answer and shade the corresponding circle on
your answer sheet. To change your answer, cross out and sign your original answer
and then shade your new answer. No computational devices allowed (e.g. calculators,
mobile phones). Following instructions is part of the exam. Useful formulas: Area
Sphere (radius = r) Cylinder (radius =r, height = h) 1. Volume Useful constants: e me
Оµo k 1.60 x 10 19 C 9.1 x 10 31 kg 8.854 x 10 12 C2/Nm2 8.988 x 109 Nm2/C2
Consider three identical metal spheres, A, B, and C. Sphere A... Show more content
on ...
Electric fields passing through a Gaussian box (pointed inward) as shown in the
figure to the right. Which of the following is a possible charge system inside the
box? A. +4e and 3e B. 3e, 4e and +2e C. 16e, 23e and +7e D. +13e, 34e and +20e E.
Cannot be determined 12. Find my charge. Two parallel infinite line of charge are
separated by a distance 2L. A point P is located at exactly midway between the two
lines of charge as shown in the figure. The charge density of line of charge 1 is
+3О». What should by the charge density of charge 2 if the net electric field at point P
is given by A. +3λ B. 3λ C. +(3/2)λ D. (3/2)λ E. 0λ €
пЃ¶ E = 0?
13. Rank the E field. Consider a solid with a total charge Q and radius figure. Rank
the points W, X, Y and magnitude of electric field. Point Y the conductor. A.
Y=X=W Z B. Z Y=X=W C. Z Y X=W D. W=X Y Z E. Y Z X=W
conducting sphere R as shown in the Z according to the is on the surface of
14. Concentric. Consider two concentric metal spheres. Spheres 1 and 2 are both
hollow as shown in the figure. A negative point charge ( e) is located at the center
of the two spheres. Initially, spheres 1 (S1) and 2 (S2) have charges +2e and e
respectively. At static equilibrium, what is the charge at the outer surface of sphere
2? A. e B. +e C. 2e D. +2e E. zero 15. Applications of Gauss s Law. A point charge Q
and an infinite line of charge with linear charge density +О» are situated a distance
2L from each other. What is
Haunting Of Hill House Book Report
For this summer reading I decided to read the Scary Novels. Which included
Shirley Jackson s The Haunting of Hill House, William Peter Blatty s The
Exorcist, and Stephen King s The Shining. The Haunting of Hill House is about an
80 year old mansion built by a man named Huge Crain. Dr. Montague, a paranormal
investigator, rents the house in hopes to experience the supernatural. He invites four
people, Eleanor Vance, Theodora and Luke Sanderson, based on their pasts. From
there they stay for the summer in hopes to explore the supernatural side. The
Exorcist is about a young girl Regan MacNeil, a daughter of a famous actress, that
gets possessed. After the actress, Chris, tries everything to help her daughter from the
so called sickness, she calls in a priest.... Show more content on ...
The author also adds an eerie backstory as to why it would be haunted , which
consisted of a suicide by hanging. It confused me by the end because I didn t know
if she was possessed or going crazy. I leaned more towards the possessed side since
the ghosts would write out her name in I assumed was blood and everyone else
could see it, which knocks out the idea that she was just imagining it; but she also
could have done that herself but the book didn t specify that. My least favorite
character was Jack Torrance from The Shining. I hated it when he broke Danny s
arm and how he couldn t control his temper. Although it wasn t exactly his fault
that he went crazy and tired to also kill his family I feel like it wouldn t have
maybe happened in the first place. If he wasn t an alcoholic with anger issues he
wouldn t have been so heavily influenced by the ghosts into killing his family. One
similarity all the books share is the involvement of an evil force that greatly affects
the people. Regan being possessed by a demon, Eleanor being possessed by the
ghosts in Hill House, and Jack being almost controlled by the ghost of Delbert. A
similarity between The Exorcist and The Shining is the use of a child having
Pdb Enzyme Lab
The crystal structure of enzyme Plasmodium falciparum enzyme farnesyltransferase
was not found available in Protein Data Bank (PDB) archive, therefore the structure
was built using homology modeling method. In order to predict the structure of
enzyme (PfFT), the sequence of enzyme IDs PF3D7_1242600 [alpha subunit] and
PF3D7_1147500 [beta subunit] were obtained from the web services (www.gene, proteinsequence data bank in swiss prot or uniprock KB (Q8IHP6), NCBI
(AAW78025). The only sequence of the active site (beta subunit) was taken for
homology modeling. Phyre2 V 2.0 at server available online (http:/
/ The X ray crystallographic
structure of farnesyltransferase from aspergillus fumigatus protein... Show more
content on ...
Atomic charges were assigned to the receptor using AMBER7 FF99 force field.
The protein complex was minimized using AMBER7 FF99 force field. Finally the
3D structure of the prepared protein was saved as PDB file.
3.4.2. Protomol generation
The protomol is a representation of the enzyme s binding cavity in which putative
ligands are aligned. The complexed ligand from the crystal structure was used to
construct the protomol, which was then stored as MOL2 file. Ligands were docked
directly from molecular database or mol2 files.
3.5. Ligands Sources
Compounds used in and docking screening were downloaded as mol2 files from the
web based databases zinc docking org. (www. The ligand
geometries were optimized with the Powel method using the Tripos force field and
Gasteiger HГјckel charges for all atoms, until a gradient 0.01 kcal/mol/Г… was
Mental Impact Of Hopelessness
Impact of Hopelessness on Prognosis of Mental Illness
Hopelessness, the state of being devoid of any hope to complete or to reach a
destination, is often characterized by lack of motivation and will to achieve what
one desires coupled with the thinking that nothing or no one can do anything about
their condition. According to Valtonen, (2011, p. 9), if the impact of hopelessness
on a physically sound person can drive them to the depths of self pity and a feeling
of uselessness, its effect on a mentally ill patient can result in poor prognosis and an
even worse outcome.
Hopelessness, if not recognized and catered to properly, not only affects a patient on
a personal level, but it also has an impact on the people around them. On a personal
level, it can transform into other serious mental issues like depression and suicide
ideation which adds to the ever present mental burden of dealing with an already
present mental illness (Acosta, Aguilar, Cejas, Gracia, 2013, p. 52). It can also lead
to relapse of the mental disorder the patient was initially ... Show more content on ...
On individual level, since hopelessness arises from negative thoughts and attitude,
cognitive behavior therapy can be done which gives positive reinforcement and
focuses on changing negative and self destructive behavior by altering negative
thoughts in an individual. It is also important to educate family members about the
miraculous change in hopelessness that can be brought about by support and
cooperation. Additionally, involving patient in religious practices and encouraging to
engage in other interests can also be helpful in instilling newfound hope and faith in
oneself (Khan Farooq, 2003, p. 2). Furthermore, a nurse should monitor for
depression, relapse, poor prognosis and medication noncompliance in the
Humor In The Devil Is A Part-Timer
Furthermore, it is important to understand how humor functions within The Devil is
a Part Timer in order to see how it brings to light the problems of the part time
working world. For human beings, humor is a significant part of verbal
communication, which in turn makes humor an important part of any type of
communication based media, such as television. One study done by Professor Joanne
Cantor at the University of Wisconsin implies that almost eighty two percent of all
television programs contained at least one attempt at humor. . . all of the situational
comedies contained attempts to be humorous, but well over nine out of ten game
shows, children s shows, variety shows, and movies contained at least one humorous
appeal (505). Human s... Show more content on ...
The superiority theory notes that people laugh outwardly or inwardly at others
because they feel some sort of triumph over them or feel superior in someway to
them, for example parents laughing at the the misunderstandings of their children.
When communicators, or narratives, use this type of humor they make their
audiences feel superior in the sense that they [the audience] are brought up to a
more equal relationship with the speaker (Meyer 314, 318). Although allowing an
audience to feel superior to the character within a show may seem negative at first,
due to the fact that it separates the audience from the characters mentally, in reality
by deprecating Maou and Ashiya through humor, the show is able to bring the two
powerful demons down the the audience s level, bringing the two groups closer. As
demons, the situations the the two participate in or the actions that they perform are
outside the realm of the average human being. However, through the use of
superiority style humor, the show is able to make the two more human. The
audience is able to see actions that the two preform and know they as human beings
the audience members would be able to perform those actions at the same level or
better. Maou is no longer an all powerful demon king, but an average being on the
same playing field as the audience. This allows the audience to connect with Maou on
Victorian Middle Class
The Victorian Era was a time of peace and prosperity. During the Victorian Era the
society was divided into various social classes like the working class, middle class.
Upper class, Dickens/Victorians. Above all those classes the middle class was the
most hard working class with all the various occupations but also they also had quite
relaxing life also speaking of which let s get into the middle class.
Victorian Middle class people lived a relaxing daily life, including various outdoor
activities and raging, competitive sports. The middle class also pleasured their ears
with musics and eyes. In the 1830 s through 1840 s one of the popular activity or
thing was gardens. The middle class women made themselves some tea gardens since
they really ... Show more content on ...
The middle class itself is divided into low, middle, upper middle class according to
your occupation. The low middle class were mostly shopkeepers, clerical workers.
With these occupations they only had to be literate, higher education was not
needed (Mitchell). The middle middle class included successful industrialists,
wealthy banker, skilled worker most commonly printe, railway engine driver, and
clerk (Mitchell). The clerks in this ranked jobs was quite low status and they
earned half income as what a skilled worker would earn. The Upper middle class
jobs were clergymen, military/Navy officer, level of government services, level of
medicine or law, merchants, bankers, manufacturers (Mitchell). In the Victorian
middle class society both men and women worked, women were often writers,
some doctors, hoteliers, trades women, housekeepers, teacher(Mitchell). Often
what the Victorian middle class ate was highly dependent to their occupations and
the amount of income they have. The Low middles class mostly got their nutrition
from bread because their income was not enough for a full meal, but in the Low
middle class those with a better jobs and social status were able to provide cheese,
sugar, tea, salt, and potatoes (Mitchell). The middle class who had decent income
they could eat all the Low middle class were able to eat plus they could get plenty
of meat and soup, some of their favorite menus were Vegetable marrow soup , Cold
lamb, salad , Boiled mackerel , Roasted ribs of beef (Mitchell). What the middle
class ate was highly correlated with their occupations and their income so the poor
middle class ate bread and middle, upper middle class ate meat, soup, vegetables and
Managed Care Cases
Managed care contracts are investment assets, similar to stocks and bonds. As such
these contracts need to be continually monitored and evaluated in any type of HCOs
contracting procedures. Therefore, following factors need to be reviewed.
Reimbursement rate concentrating with whether emergency service charge separated
or not, the broker cannot get paid more than the provider, total discount outlier
provision, clear indication of whether coinsurance to be paid by the patient is based
on full charge or discounted charge, is there any special language that cannot be
clarified I will focus on following structures in the given types of HCOs.
For hospitals, the predominant unit of payment for inpatient care is often a per day
basis. The hospital receives a fixed daily payment rate per enrollee patient regardless
of the services provided. However, it can have mixed option in the hospitals
including pay a per diem rate for all inpatient services, as well as case rate pay for
DRGs; most often high costed surgeries get paid by case basis rate. Under this case
based arrangement, providers must take into consideration outlier and inlier cases.
These cases can be reimbursed on a percentage of ... Show more content on ...
The fee schedule is usually by CPT or directly by Medicare payment system. The
capitation payment method of reimbursement is the most commonly used by
HMOs. The physician accepts a predetermined amount on a per enrollee per month
basis, regardless of the actual services and utilization incurred by the enrollee. The
provider must in return provide all contractually agreed upon services to the
enrollees. The risk under capitation is shifted substantially from the plan to the
provider. The provider can decrease the risk by ensuring that an adequate number of
individuals are covered to reduce the risks associated with each covered
Female Rebellion In Aurora Leigh and The Lady in the...
Female Rebellion In Aurora Leigh and The Lady in the Looking Glass
Women of both the ages of Victorian and early Modernism were restricted from
education at universities or the financial independence of professionalism. In both
ages, women writers often rebelled against perceived female expectations as a result
of their oppression. To lead a solitary life as a subservient wife and mother was not
satisfactory for writers like Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Virginia Woolf. One of
the most popular female poets of the Victorian era, Elizabeth Barrett Browning,
illustrated a woman s struggle to achieve artistic and economical independence in
modern society (Longman P.1858). Many Victorian critics were shocked by Barrett...
Show more content on ...
She compares her aunt s life to A sort of cage bird life and views her own rebellion
toward the expected role as A wild bird scarcely fledged (P.1866 1867, Ll.305,
311). Aurora s aunt tries teaching the role of Victorian women with books
dictating if women do not think at all, they may teach thinking (P.1869, L. 427).
One of the only rights of thinking given to women, was their right to comprehend
their husbands (P. 1869, L. 431). The limited rights were not satisfactory for
Aurora, who finds a savior to oppression of intellect through poetry. Rebelling
against the limited lite rature available, her soul is At poetry s divine first finger
touch, / Let go of convictions and sprang up surprised (P.1872, L.L 850 851).
Through Aurora s rebellion, she found sanctity in educating herself with poetry.
More hardened towards rebellion is the modern character of Isabella; a wealthy
spinster who bought this house and collected with her own hands (P.2454), a new
concept for women in the age of Modernism. The fact that Isabella has remained
unmarried can be thought of as rebellion towards the repression of women s
education, world travel and financial freedom of the previous of the still fresh
Victorian era. With a husband, Isabella may not of been able to keep these
freedoms. The speaker views Isabella s freedom from a man as twenty times more
passion and experience than those that loves are
The Fate Of The Colonists
John White left for supplies with 117 people in his colony in Roanoke, VA and
came back two years later (Lane). Everything had completely vanished. How could
someone leave and when they get back everything is just gone? Roanoke Colony
completely vanished nothing left; no bodies, no supplies, but there are many
theories dealing with the fate of the colonists. In 1584, Raleigh was granted a
patent by Queen Elizabeth I to colonize in America (Lane). Raleigh sent explorers
Philip Amadas, and Artur Barloue to scout the island of Roanoke. They returned a
year later with Native Americans Manteo and Wanchese (Manteo). Roanoke was
founded by Sir Walter Raleigh. Roanoke was found 22 years before Jamestown
and 37 years before the pilgrims (Lane). Raleigh sent a party of 100 soldiers,
miners, and scientists to Roanoke Islands. The first party of men were directed by
Ralph Lane, they were doomed from the beginning. They arrived too late for
planting and supplies were running out quickly. To make things even worse they
were rivaling with the neighboring natives. Ralph Lane sealed their fate when he
killed the natives chief Wingina. By 1586 Sir Francis Drake who was headed back
to England stopped by and Lane and his men had enough. They left the fort behind
and headed back to England. Supply ships soon arrived not knowing they had left
and found the island deserted. They left fifteen men behind to watch the fort. Raleigh
was angry with Lane for leaving, but he did not quit
How Did The 1960s Influence American Society In The
Recreation, reinventing, and reimagining the world that surrounds us: the 1960s
was just that recreating the social and political views in the United States. In 1955,
America got involved in the Vietnam War and nothing become of it in the
American society. However, in the late 1960s, around 1967 to be exact, the people
of America opinions on the war split into two, either being for the war (Hawks) or
against it (Doves). The Hawks were the ones that wanted to stay in the war and
believed that they shouldn t back down from the fight and that leaving the fight was a
sign of weakness. While the Doves wanted the United Statesto pull out of the war
because it wasn t our war to fight to begin with. Whichever the side the people were
on, it was creating

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Rights Of Women Essay.pdf

  • 1. Rights Of Women Essay Writing an essay on the rights of women can be a challenging task due to the complexity and sensitivity of the subject matter. It requires a deep understanding of historical contexts, societal norms, legal frameworks, and cultural perspectives regarding women's rights across different regions and periods. To craft a comprehensive essay, one must navigate through a plethora of information, ranging from feminist theories to legislative changes, and incorporate diverse viewpoints while maintaining objectivity. The topic demands meticulous research, critical analysis, and empathetic consideration of the struggles and achievements of women throughout history. Moreover, addressing contemporary issues and ongoing debates surrounding women's rights adds another layer of intricacy to the essay. Balancing the exploration of systemic injustices, gender disparities, and the progress made towards gender equality requires nuance and careful deliberation. Furthermore, conveying the significance of women's rights in various spheres of life, including politics, education, employment, and healthcare, demands clarity of thought and eloquence in expression. In essence, writing an essay on the rights of women entails grappling with multifaceted dimensions of gender equality, social justice, and human rights, making it a daunting yet indispensable endeavor in advocating for gender equity and empowerment. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Rights Of Women EssayRights Of Women Essay
  • 2. Post Soviet States Chapter Summaries In chapter five it talks about Russia and the Post Soviet states which happens to be the world s largest continent. According to the book, the Soviet Union happened to be the largest political unit in the world but later ended up breaking up. After the Soviet Union had broken up it became replaced by a group named the Commonwealth f Independent states. Within these states it involved Russia and 11 more post soviet states. These post soviet states were called, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. It also talks about the Russian Federation, Siberia, steppes, permafrost and the tundra climate. The first point that this chapter addresses is the environment and how the climate is changing due to the pollution of the air and toxic waste being let into the water by factories. According to the book it was stated that during the soviet s time of shine they as a whole ignored the industrial pollutions that was damaging the air... Show more content on ... According to the book it says that the urban cities remain in a communist era where as others don t. It also discussed that Central Asia had a low rate within Urbanization, Moscow has a population of 11.5 million people. The fifth pint addressed in this chapter was population and gender regarding in these regions. As the before chapter stated the population is declining due to the lack of births and declines of life expectancy. Before women were thought of as the stay at home mom with all of the kids but now since there s become more job opportunities in the work force for women they re deciding to have a minimum of kids as possible so they can help provide for their families. According to the book male lives have been declining due to alcohol poisoning although they re trying to make a turn around by offering
  • 3. Essay on Hair Loss Treatments An effective hair loss treatment can proceed after indentifying the cause of hair loss. Hair loss is a condition affecting both men and women. There are several causes of hair loss. In men, hereditary factors play an important role in hair loss. Such a condition is termed as male pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia. This is linked to elevated levels of DHT in the scalp. This is characterized by hair loss in the temples and top regions of head and presence of thinning hairs elsewhere. Ageing also causes some hair loss naturally. The side effects of some drugs also results in hair loss. They include medications used for the treatment of cholesterol levels, gout, ulcers, arthritis, Parkinson s disease etc. hair loss is caused due ... Show more content on ... Treatment must continue to indefinitely preserve hair growth. Minoxidil is a hair loss treatment approved by the FDA and is applicable for both male and females. Minoxidil helps in increasing the blood supply in areas where it is applied. Minoxidil acts by dilating the blood vessels, which helps stimulate hair growth. It increases the supply of nutrients to hair follicles and also prevents the shrinkage of hair follicles. This helps in preventing hair loss and promotes hair re growth. Minoxidil helps in opening up the potassium channels. This has been found for preventing hair loss in males and females. Minoxidil acts best for hair loss occurring in the crown region of the scalp. Effective hair loss treatment: Propecia Propecia acts by blocking dihydrotestosterone (DHT) production. DHT has been identified to attack and destroy hair follicle and results in its fall out. Propecia has been found to be effective for hair growth in top and mid regions of the scalp. It is advisable to take Propecia under the prior recommendation of a dermatologist. It is
  • 4. Restriction Enzyme Digestion Lab Report Materials and Methods Restriction Enzyme Digestion The experiment was begun after putting on gloves to avoid any chemical contact with the skin. Four microtest tubes were obtained, and each of them was labeled to contain the different enzymes or suspect DNA. Two of the microtest tubes were used for suspect one and the two different restriction enzymes, while two other microtest tubes were labeled for suspect two and the two restriction enzymes. After labeling the tubes, the contents that were at the bottom were taken out by slightly tapping them. Then to begin setting up the enzyme reactions, a micropipette was used to obtain 10 ОјL of the reaction buffer which was added to each of the four test tubes. The buffer is important because it carries the electrical current from the power supply in the gel. After the reaction buffer was in each, the microtest tubes were individually filled with their specific enzymes and DNA, shown in summary through Table 1.1 below. The restriction enzymes are used to cleave the DNA at specific ... Show more content on ... The use of gel electrophoresis to separate DNA fragments by size and charge can be used in genetic testing, like paternity or maternity tests. This method could allow the DNA of the child to be accurately compared with the DNA fragments and banding patterns of one of the parents. This can allow one to determine the biological parents of a child. Another important use of DNA fingerprinting is the diagnosis of many inherited diseases. The DNA fingerprint of a person can allow doctors to determine if they carry an inherited disease through comparison of the band patterns, and if they are diagnosed, a treatment for the disease can be provided early on. DNA fingerprinting is extremely useful and essential in the improvement of lives through the medical field, as well as its other uses in solving crimes and cases of biological
  • 5. A Brief Note On Linkage Analysis Data Mining Tool an alternative to linkage analysis data mining tool recently widely used to identify loci with considerable effect, the tool has extensively been utilized in maize, Arabidopsis, rice, wheat barley and soybean (Weng et al. 2011; Atwell et al. 2010; Li et al. 2010; Huang et al. 2010; Raman et al. 2010; Cockram et al. 2010; Niu et al. 2013). Photosensitivity plays an essential role in the inducing plants to their changing environments to start reproductive stage before complete their life cycle. Flowering defined as process that plant change from the vegetative to the reproductive phase. That transition required external environmental cues, such as photoperiod and temperature, are required to begin plant flowering under the favourite seasonal conditions. In soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill], efforts have been devoted result it in associations between photosensitivity and maturity genetic loci are known and designated as E loci (Cober et al. 1996), have been described by classical methods. The detected loci are E1 and E2 (Bernard 1971), E3 (Buzzell 1971), E4 (Buzzell and Voldeng 1980), E5 (McBlain and Bernard 1987), E6 (Bonato and Vello 1999), and E7 (Cober and Voldeng 2001). Later investigation carried out in E series, the E1, E3, and E4 loci have been suggested to be related to photoperiod sensitivity under various light conditions (Saidon et al. 1989; Cober et al. 1996b; Abe et al. 2003). QTLs linked to phenotypic traits were identified when N87 984 16Г— TN93 99 101 F6
  • 6. The Breakfast Club Essays The Breakfast Club The Breakfast Club is a movie about five totally different students in high school who are forced to spend a Saturday in detention in their school library. The students come from completely different social classes which make it very difficult for any of them to get along. They learn more about each other and their problems that each of them have at home and at school. This movie plays their different personality types against each other. In this essay I will go into detail about each of the students and the principal individually. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;The first student I will talk about is the first one to be seen in the movie. This is Claire Standish. Claire is one of the popular girls in the school.... Show more content on ... He admits that the reason that he was in detention was because he was going to commit suicide and he brought the gun to school. He said that he attempted to kill himself but he couldn t pull the trigger. His (flair) gun went off in his locker. He has suicidal ideation. He thought that suicide was the logical thing to do and he went one step beyond thinking about it and attempted. He just couldn t pull the trigger. He has the ultimate when it comes to parental monitoring. His parents are probably really intelligent and this is why the push him so hard academically. The reason I think this is because his mother s license plate was EMC2 and she made sure that he knew that this (detention) was a one time thing and he should use his time wisely to study. Much like Claire, I feel that Brian is not much of a risk taker. He is a very jumpy kid and is easily told what to do by just about everybody in the movie. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;The third student in the movie is Andrew Clark. He is a jock. His father drives p in a blazer to drop him off for detention and he gets out with a letterman jacket on (with several letters on it). You can see from the very beginning that his father only cares about one thing and that is, how successful his son is in wrestling and other sports. His father says Hey, I screwed around...guys screw around, there is nothing wrong with that, except you got caught, Sport. Brian s father seems to live through him and even
  • 7. Texting Can Wait Essay The Texting can Wait.. After the Drive Distracted driving is a big problem across the world. The group of people with the most reported destructive driving is people 18 25. In 2014 3,179 people died in distracted driving car accidents. There is a lot of suggestions when it comes to how to stop distracted driving, most states have outlawed texting and driving, others have put the emails and texts on the dashboard so the driver can speak to text and not get distracted. There are many ways to prevent distracted driving. Young people are the age total and no more amazing threat for informing related accidents. In light of current circumstances, high researchers are the freshest drivers out there, and they are furthermore the most reliant on informing. ... Show more content on ... Even after making it illegal the accident rate due to texting and driving has not gone any lower! According to The Huffington Post, nine is the Number of Americans killed every day from motor vehicle accidents that involved distracted driving, such as using a cellphone, texting or eating (Schumaker). Legislators and health experts are suggesting a stray used before, They want to treat distracted driving like drunken driving (Richtel). When cops have suspicion of drinking and driving they are allowed to ask the driver to take a breathalyzer test. The method they are trying to use is similar to the breathalyzer it is called the textalyzer. This is how it would work after an accident a cop can ask for your phone to check for recent activity due to their new technology. This new technology would tell the cop how recently they used the phone and what they were doing on there phone either texting, calling, emails, social media, etc... if the driver refuses to give their phone to the cop it could result in a license suspension just like the breathalyzer. A hurtle this method will come across is privacy concerns but this method would not give the police access to the contents of any emails or texts (Richtel), they are just trying to stop distracted driving. This method will decrease the number of accidents due to distracted
  • 8. How Did Joseph The Transformer Wahab 1. Qudus Wahab Mr. Snader Biblical Reflection 01 15 2017 JOSEPH THE DREAMER Out of twelve children, Joseph was the favorite of their father because he is believed to be a special child and he is the son of his most loved wife (Rachel). Joseph s dad (Jacob) pampers and gives Joseph a lot of gift which made the other children to be jealous of him. Joseph had a dream which translated to him becoming a king and a leader to his elder brothers. The jealous brothers tried to avert it by killing him but God has his own plan for Joseph. You will find out what happen next as you continue to read this interesting story. The setting of the story began when the boys planned to get rid of joseph, because they don t want him to fulfil his destiny written by God. they tried to hurt him but Joseph survived. Joseph was discovered by a slave trader who took him to Egypt and sold him to a man known as Potiphar, one of Pharaoh s officers. Joseph served Potiphar well and accepted him as his master so he gained great favor. Joseph was later imprisoned because Pharaoh s wife tried to seduce him but he rejected, so she went to Pharaoh and falsely accused Joseph. Joseph is a man of faith so God proved his presence and protection over him even in the prison. The prison keeper became a close friend with Joseph, the prison keeper have also noticed Joseph ability to interpret dreams, on a fateful day Joseph was called upon by Pharaoh to interpret a dream that has so much troubled him. None of the wise consults was able to... Show more content on ... Joseph s brothers thought they have the power to change Joseph destiny, but little did they know that their jealous actions to stop the dream from coming to past will only lead Joseph to fulfilling his destiny. God is a merciful Lord, because even with the terrible actions of the brothers they still received
  • 9. 8th Hussars Museum a.Summer students are integral to the operation of the Museum. They are to have a comprehensive grasp of the operations of the Museum to ensure they can be effective representatives of the history of the 8th Hussars. Doing so ensures that the public will have an interactive and intellectually stimulating exchange leaving the Museumwith more knowledge than what they previously possessed. 4.Risk Management: Strategies to identify and manage risks to the staff and collection a.The Board of Directors must ensure the physical locations where Museum Artifacts and Archival Materials are displayed and stored meet all National Building Codes, fire codes, and regulations, and being a safe environment in which staff may work and the public ... Show more content on ... Consult with the Town Manager and the police concerning building security and vandalism and how they plan to respond to this growing concern. c.Identify possible causes of emergencies. Consider the effects each will have on the collection and plan what to do in each case d.Have readily available the name, telephone number and address of all key personnel who will need to be contacted on very short notice, should a disaster occur. (Annex C). e.Prepare a floor plan of the Museum, identifying priority artifacts or displays for immediate recovery in case of an emergency. f.Prepare emergency evacuation procedures for staff and visitors. g.Identify Immediate Response Team members in the local area (6a). h.Develop a contact list of volunteers, conservators and others experienced in disaster recovery of Museums. i.Identify commercial companies who could be called upon to provide specialized services should it be necessary: freezing facilities, dehumidification, water pumps, emergency electricity, cube vans, transport trucks, salvage companies and disaster clean up crews. j.Re evaluate and update this Risk Assessment Policy on at least an annual basis, and especially following a disastrous event at one s
  • 10. President Clinton Vs. The 104th And 105th Congress President Clinton vs. the 104th and 105th Congress President William Bill Clinton was the United States 42nd president. Bill Clinton was born in Arkansas on August 19th 1946. In 1976 he was elected to become the Attorney General of Arkansas. Two years later he became governor, becoming the youngest governor. Clinton ran for president in 1992 with running mate Al Gore. His presidency ran from 1993 to 2001. During his presidency the 104th ( 95 97) and the 105th ( 97 95) Congress was established and the Republicans took over the House with 228 seats in the 104th and 226 seats in the 105th. The Democrats had 206 seats in the house in the 104th and the 105th had 207 seats. The Senate was no different, The Republicans had 52 seats ... Show more content on ... His term as Speaker of the House seemed as the opposite of President Clinton. When he was speaker there were many government and budget shutdowns, and also unpleasant impeachment proceedings. Yet Gingrich and Clinton have agreed on welfare reform, tax cuts and budgeting deals. Overrides and Vetoes Over the course of Clinton s presidency there have been 37 bills that have been vetoed, although 36 were regular vetoes, one pocket veto, and two vetoes that were overridden. The two bills that were overridden are the Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995 and the Line Item Veto. The Bankruptcy Act of 2000 was one of the laws that was a pocket veto. The sponsor of this act was Representative Christopher H. Smith. The bill as asserted by the president because it was not fair towards ordinary debtors who fell on hard times. Yet this represents a loophole for the wealthy. Under the Homestead Exemption, bankruptcy filers can protect some of their equity in their homes under chapter seven bankruptcy. This also implies to chapter 13 bankruptcy as well. You can be relieved of all or most of your equity, this would decrease the minimum amount you must pay to your creditors. In the meantime this will be easier to repay your debts. The Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995 but later overridden as the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, was designed to stop or to limit non serious securities
  • 11. God Vs Atheism Argument The video, God vs. Atheism: Which is more rational, doesn t make sense to me. It starts by saying faith s a belief in God, but towards the end it says God doesn t require faith. If Faith is a belief in God, how does God not require faith? It says Atheism requires faith but Atheists don t believe in God. How would Atheists have a belief in God, Faith? It says faith and reason are opposites which I agree with but I feel God has to do with faith and Atheists think they are being reasonable because they feel science has proved God impossible, but just like the video said, the belief in God is far more rational than Atheism. Logic can show there s a God. Nothing can come from nothing. Things move and we know something must cause that movement. Catholics believe God is the unmoved mover. Just because you... Show more content on ... In this, it says things don t happen by chance and most natural things lack knowledge. There are four ways atheists go at explaining this It had to be this way, it s only a coincidence, it just happened to be this way, and winning the cosmic lottery, but it s easy to prove this wrong because our proof states nothing happens by chance and these examples would all be chance. To say something happened by luck or chance honestly just sounds uneducated to me. This being said, the scenario that best goes with our proof is You are at a coffee shop after class discussing the Big Bang Theory for an upcoming test and another student asks: If the Big Bang caused the universe, why would Christians believe in a God causing the universe? Moreover, if God caused it, who/what caused God? Belief in God is reasonable. The Atheists don t think God s realistic because Catholic believe God was the beginning, the one who created everything, but science says the Big Bang was. Atheists also feel someone had to have created God. The world s 13.7 billion years old, but God is 2018 years old. Therefore, God didn t create or come with the Big
  • 12. Cognitive Dissonance Cognitive Dissonance Cognitive Dissonance or mental stress which is primarily caused by contradictory beliefs, can be a common part of some peoples life s however we are psychologically motivated to avoid situations which cause mental stress. This paper will discuss a situation and the behavior using attribution theory, the reciprocal relationship between behavior and attitudes as well as how cognitive dissonance theory could be used to rationalize the behavior. Situation and Subsequent Behavior Richard is driving along a lonely road late at night after working late that day. He has a 4 year old daughter who he has not spent much time with the entire week because of the long project that makes him work late. Similarly, he has not ... Show more content on ... It is however worth noting that other factors also come into play concerning this relationship between behavior and attitudes (Albarracin et al. 2014). For instance, an individual s behavior or attitudes can further be shaped by their social or cultural setting. For instance in a case whereby an individual is raised to believe that people in a given ethnic community or race are hostile or violent, the individual will automatically behave in a protective manner when around people from the particular ethnic group or race. In Richard s scenario, he may have approached the situation with the attitude that people who walk alone in the dark are either criminals or drunkards ad thus they are mostly up to no good. This attitude may have further influenced his behavior to speed up his car without bothering to know who the man was or what had happened to him. On the other hand, Richard s behavior may have shaped his attitude as well. The fact that he simply drove away without finding out what had happened to the man may have shaped his attitudes to the extent that he would most likely do the same when faced with a similar situation again. How Cognitive Dissonance Theory could be used to Rationalize the Behavior Sanderson (2009) reveals that the cognitive dissonance theory is a social psychology theory whose main proponent was
  • 13. Le Morte d Arthur Essay The Chivalric Code in Le Morte d?Arthur An act of chivalry is described as the qualifications or character of the ideal knight. Knights were expected to uphold this code of conduct. In the English literature Le Morte d?Arthur, French for ?The Death of Arthur?, by Sir Thomas Malory, the characters display acts of chivalry from beginning to end. Though the code of chivalry contains many qualities or acts, nevertheless bravery, loyalty, and courtly love are demonstrated more throughout this literature. Bravery is the mental or moral strength to venture and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. Fear is what one feels when fighting, knowing that he or she could die. For example, when ... Show more content on ... In Book XVIII (Eighteen), Chapter VII (Seven), Sir Mador kidnapped Queen Guinevere. Lancelot knew that Mador was a strong knight, but because he was loyal to Guinevere and Arthur, he fought Mador. Another case of loyalty mixed with a touch of bravery is when Arthur?s knights fought to their death to save Arthur from Mordred. Loyalty can also come without fight or bravery. When Arthur went to the lake to seek the sword Excalibur, he swore to grant Avalon?s Lady whatever gift she someday desired. Also, Merlin was known for telling Arthur about the future and what could happen if Arthur did not listen to him, and because of that, Arthur was loyal enough to Merlin to follow his wishes. Aside from being told what to do and what not to do, when Arthur was wounded and in the process of dying, Sir Lucan and Sir Bedivere were not going to leave Arthur unattended. They carried him to the next town. Also, when Queen Guinevere heard of the death of King Arthur, she ran off to Amesbury and became a nun, where she cursed herself for all her wrongdoing. Despite how it sounds, she expressed loyalty to the death of Arthur, by cleansing her soul so that she may join him again, one day in the after life. One of Queen Guinevere?s main objectives of cleansing her soul was allowing her to forgive herself for the courtly love expressed between her and Sir Lancelot. Courtly love was a secret part of the chivalric code.
  • 14. Brandon Steven Brandon Steven Business Intellect of Brandon Steven during His College Life Brandon Steven is a self made entrepreneur; he was born on July 25, 1973 in Kansas. He is a successful businessman based out of Kansas City. Brandon has invested in different businesses, but he is best known for award winning car dealerships. He has also received prestigious national Man of the Year award. His automotive dealership has sold more than 80,000 cars so far; he supports this organization by donating on a regular basis. His business endeavors have given employment to thousands of people. Early Years of His Life His mother, Rebecca Steven was a school teacher and father Rod Steven Sr., a business owner. He has two brothers and one sister Julie. His father... Show more content on ... During his high school days, he started working for the Gorge s Motor Co. He discovered his love with the car industry and start selling cars when he was 17 years old. He took permission from his owner to allow him to sell cars. Brandon achieved so much success that he didn t consider the idea of joining college. Parents didn t give him an option and he went to Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. His brother was also attending the same university on a tennis scholarship. In 1995 Brandon was graduated with a bachelor s degree in marketing. Brandon graduated with Honors, and he was also awarded with a distinguished senior s award. This is an award which is given only to 25 students. During his college days, his creative business mind was working in the direction to make money. He found several creative ways and his business ventures during college time ranged from buying and selling of mopeds to used cars. He also sold T shirts, vending machines and candy. Brandon Steven used HBO guide to fulfill his desires of money making till he graduated. When he graduated from the University, he sold the HBO guide to a
  • 15. Heroism Of The Molly Maguires Many say that fighting for your rights is an act of heroism, but that was not the case with the Molly Maguires. The Molly Maguires were miners in the late 19th century who believed they were treated unfairly and deserved better rights. Their voices were not heard, and therefore a small group was created to take matter into their own hands. They would secretly destroy properties to get the mining company s attention, but backfired. Since they were a secret group, their story is not known fully. Therefore, people have have their own assumptions of what and who the Molly Maguireswere. Initially, the Molly Maguires were devoting their lives to being miners and were not getting compensated with what they deserved. They were located... Show more content on ... In the film The Molly Maguires directed by Martin Ritt, physically shows how the situation may have been like. The movie shows the lack of respect the supervisors or the mining employers had for the workers. The mining company hired detective James McParlan to find information that will go against the Mollies. Their objective was not to only stop the mollies but to also make them go to trial and be judged guilty, which eventually leads to their deaths. It shows that the company did not care about their workers, but only the money they got from their labor. They had small children working in places that they could be crushed. At the time they still did not have a law that could protect children, it was later implemented in 1938 that prohibited child labor. In fact, we know the mining company did not care for their workers because in the scene where Mr.Raines dies of black lung disease the leader of the mollies takes action into his own hands. They go and destroy the store because Mr.Raines has done so much for the mine, but on the day of his funeral he didn t even have a proper suit (since it couldn t be afforded). It shows how desperate the workers were for money, that not even for their last day on earth they have
  • 16. Beethoven Concert Symphony No 6 BEETHOVEN CONCERTS The Pastorale Symphony and the Emperor Piano Concerto, one named by Ludwig van Beethoven and the other by a friend, are splendid examples of Beethoven s musical acumen. These pieces are more formally known as Beethoven s Symphony No. 6 and Piano Concerto No. 5. This concert report will cover both pieces and will contain my impressions of each piece. Symphony No. 6 Pastorale was performed by the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, and was conducted by Paavo Jarvi during their Beethoven series. Piano Concerto No. 5 Emperor was performed by Murray Perahia (Piano) accompanied by the Academy of St Martin in the Fields, conducted by Neville Marriner. The dates of the performances are not known because this ... Show more content on ... The five movements of Beethoven s Symphony No. 6 Pastorale draw listeners in with a quick, but leisurely tempo and rich developed movements. The symphony seemingly flows and fits the titles beautifully. It is easy to paint a picture of a noble countryside, nature, and all the activities it entails. Beethoven s Piano Concerto No.5 Emperor is a three part traditional concerto, an Allegro, Adagio, and the Rondo. This concerto was named Emperor because of the powerful themes and heroic note of the composition (www.all about /concerto5.html). The opening of the concerto brings a main theme introduced by a solo piano with the full orchestra providing a dramatic presence of several chords. The piano flourishes grow in length until reaching a cadenza after the third time. The full orchestra joins in and carries the theme into the full exposition. The theme is bold with a pleasant interjection of a second subject that seems to tiptoe through the movement. The orchestra stays in the tonic key as the piano modulates and reaches a wide variety of tones as the scales are worked. The development of the movement effectively flips the lead. The orchestra now leads and the piano accompanies. The main theme rhythm is reinforced by a powerful bassoon. The coda is lead by horns and joined by the rest of the orchestra to a thrilling close. The second movement is a slow movement and begins quietly
  • 17. Evaluation Of Established Mentorship Programs For... III.Evaluation of Established Mentorship Programs for Disengaged Youth in New Zealand: In the 1980s and 1990s there was a baby blip in New Zealand, thus resulting in an increased number of young people aged 12 24 years living in New Zealand (Ministry of Youth Development, 2011). The numbers of young people have grown from 757,000 at the time of the 2006 Census to approximately 818,000 in 2011 (Ministry of Youth Development, 2011).. However, even with this increase of the school aged population, a higher percentage of students are gaining school level qualifications (Ministry of Youth Development, 2011). The New Zealand Qualification Authority (NZQA) Annual Report on National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) and New Zealand Scholarship Data Statistics (2014), report an increase in the Cumulative Percentage of Year 11 Students Attaining National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) at Level 1 in literacy and numeracy from 81.7% in 2010 to 90.7% in 2014 (New Zealand Qualification Authority, 2015). However, in numeracy alone there was a downward trend from 2010 to 2014 being 89.0% to 88.5% with a minimal peak of 86.4% in 2012 (New Zealand Qualification Authority, 2015). Also in this report, there was an increase in retention rate for secondary school education (New Zealand Qualification Authority, 2015). Contrary to the increase in retention rate and achievement of Level 1, the unemployment rate of youth has increased in New Zealand. There is a
  • 18. Theme Of Logo In Harry Potter According to Oxford Advanced Learner s Dictionary, the definition of logo is a symbol or other small design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc. As one of media to communicate, movie includes many kind of logo in order to make the messages simple and attractive to be watched. In a movie, the use of words (conversation between the characters), sounds (the music of movies), and images (the motion picture of movies) work together, it relates between one to other in order to produce a good performance and deep impression to the viewers. One of the most famous movies in the world is Harry Potter. Harry Potter is a feature film series based on the Harry Potter novels by author J. K. Rowling. In a general word, ... Show more content on ... The blue colour in the Ravenclaw logo symbolizes softness, trust and quietness of the dormitory. Silver is used in Ravenclaw logo design to show that the intelligence of the dormitory. 2.Size The ratio of width to length of the logo of Ravenclaw is 2:3. 3.Spatiality There are several empty spaces of the appearance of the logo. The empty space is located on every side of the shape shield. 4.Contrast The silver eagle symbol located in the middle of the shield contrast with the blue shield as the background tend to strengthen the eagle character which is the main actor of the logo. 5.Shape пЂThe shield: embody the will to protect the honor and pride of the dormitory. пЂEagle: to represent that Ravenclaw is penchant for learning and intelligence. пЂRibbon: sweet and lasting friendship of each character in the dormitory. 6.Grain There is no grain involved in the Ravenclaw logo. 3.2.4.Slytherin 1.Use of Colour Green and silver are dominated the logo of Slytherin Dormitory. The green colour in the Slytherin logo symbolizes ingenuity, growth, and ambition of the dormitory. Silver is used in Slytherin logo design to represent the confidence and
  • 19. Justin Apeiros Research Paper As Justin, Apeiros was a very short and rather weak looking girl. She had very short and brown hair that she keeps very straight by combing it carefully. This is because she wants her outer image to not appear as if she is a messy girl but rather a well kept girl who cares about her looks. She has smooth, pale skin that only has a few glaring spots on it in general. She generally keeps her body in a very healthy, clean looking state. She makes sure to trim her bangs so they never get in the way of her eyes or are too noticeable in general. She never wears makeup, as she feels like it would be pointless to add onto her body. She wants to still appear tough and bruiting while still never going too far in girlishness or toughness. As the military
  • 20. Google Business Case Study What Makes Google the Best Place to Work and Why Latoya Battle Professor David Wells Organizational Behavior October 22, 2017 Introduction Google Inc. which was founded by founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998 is a multinational technology company. The firm has headquarters in California, United States. Presently, the business hoses several online services like Gmail. Initially, the company operated solely as an online search firm, but it currently offers over fifty internet products along with services. In fact, it is the most popular and largest search engine globally. Over the 20 years of its operations, the tech giant has turned out to be synonymous when it comes to innovation and is well known due to its human ... Show more content on ... The tech giant has generated a large percentage of its financial success from its dominant position in the online advertising market. Google has established data centers infrastructure in various regions of the world which have played a significant role towards its success (Savitz, 2013). A good example is Eemshaven in Netherlands which has the company s ability to compete at the global levels. Google has made notable efforts in creating an inclusive culture. For future innovation and success of every company, diversity along with inclusion are critical values. Google has created a workplace where individuals from diverse backgrounds and with different experiences can exploit their abilities and develop a sense of belonging to the company. Google believes that its best work is realized when the workforce mirrors the world. Through engagement of talents and community outreach efforts, the company is addressing the issue of lack of representation across all organizational units. As a way of creating a more inclusive environment, Google has been working tirelessly towards the elimination of bias in the people, system, and processes. Innovation is a primary priority in the company as they understand that variety of perspectives is critical in the creation of better products. Google not only focusses on developing technology that is useful and accessible to everyone but also ensuring that diversity is supported by the company s supplier network.
  • 21. The Strategic Advantage Of Technology Historically, strategists have overestimated the strategic advantage of technology. Gray noted that Lieutenant General Rudolf von Caemmerer, a renowned German strategist during the early 20th Century, over valued the impact of the telegraph, when in 1905, he wrote, However much the enemy may have succeeded in placing himself between our armies, we can still amply communicate...over an arc of a hundred or two hundred or four hundred miles . While the telegraph indeed helped mitigate the tyranny of distance between armies stretched across Europe, it also created a dangerous reliance that diminished focus on dealing with the real fog and friction of war. In the end, the German Army in 1914, relying violently on the telegraph, was unable... Show more content on ... This reliance on technology to defeat the Improvised Explosive Device (IED) threat has effectively crippled mobility, creating one of the slowest forces in the modern era. Chris Lowe from Small War Journals states, The MRAP has yet to prove its place in future service equipment plans. The gas guzzling MRAP could impose a strain on logistics...and could run counter to the intent of counterinsurgency doctrine, which stresses close contact with the population (Small War Journals). Both examples highlight that reliance on technology as a ways versus a means can hinder military forces against an irregular enemy threat. Looking at the even more recent NATO campaign against the Moammar Gadhafi led Libyan government, it is obvious that strategy is being created around technology, rather than technology being nested into strategy. In Libya, the might of air power was the technology around which the strategy was developed. NATO leaders argued that bombing the Libyan Army would clear the way for anti Gadhafi forces, which would lead to an overthrow and a more pro Coalition government. Oren Dorell of USA Today says, The strategy in Libya in 2011 was for a U.S. led NATO air campaign to reinforce Libyan rebels, with NATO forces partnering with moderate rebel groups to create a more stable Libya. In the end,
  • 22. Aerodynamic Braking System On A Race Car Aerodynamic Braking system on a race car Vivek Muralidharan Abhijith Balakrishnan Suresh Kumar Y Abstract Every second in a racing competition counts the performance of a team against the other. Many innovative and sophisticated techniques are being employed to overcome loses in time and add to the performance of the vehicle. Especially in a car racing challenge there is more freedom to install these innovative systems to empower the car to maximum efficiency due to availability of more space. At the global spectrum there are few events which encourage such innovations. Formula Student Racing competitions are one of the global events organized by the Society of Automotive Engineers of different countries which gives ... Show more content on ... Like any racing event, a student racing event also has the thrill and intensity of competition. Minimal lap timings are the concern of all the participating teams. Along with good acceleration and high velocity, a good deceleration is an important parameter which decides the performance of the vehicle. A good amount of deceleration is required especially while maneuvering sharp corners [2]. Besides, the Formula Student racing event is classified into static events and dynamic events. In order to qualify to the dynamic events every team must clear the scrutinizing which include the brake test [3] wherein every car should brake in a straight line between two marked lines on the track. It can be accounted that better deceleration is required to execute smooth cornering and qualify the brake test. In order to increase the braking ability of the car, the drag created while steering can be utilized. The aerodynamic wings also known as the spoilers can be modified to capture the drag force created due to the motion of the vehicle and thereby contribute to braking. This paper is based on the work done over the NITK Racing Formula Student Car to capture the drag force by changing the angle of attack of the rear airfoil while braking. On application of brakes, the aerodynamic wings present at the rear is adjusted to corresponding angle of attack where the drag created is maximum. A study has been done to find the amount
  • 23. A Welcome Letter Of President Obama And Secretary Foxx Good morning. On behalf of President Obama and Secretary Foxx, it is an honor to be here this morning and to welcome you to the United States. It is truly a pleasure for the Department of Transportation s Maritime Administration to host this APEC Port Services Network Workshop in one of America s greatest port cities: Seattle, Washington. It is very fitting that we chose this location for our engagement. Seattle s waterfront and harbor played central roles in this city s transition from a tiny frontier settlement supporting the lumber industry to the bustling international trade center it is today and I hope that your busy schedules allow you to experience some of what this wonderful city has to offer. Before we go further I d like to thank the APSN for the invitation to speak here today, and I d like to recognize some of our distinguished guests: APSN Vice President Abdulah Bassiron; Second Vice President of the APSN Council Tan Cheng Peng; and Port of Seattle Deputy CEO Kurt Beckett. Thank you for making this workshop possible. I d also like to thank all of the delegates from APEC Countries, as well as all of today s participants and speakers for contributing to this critical engagement. . . . I think it is safe to say that all of us in this room have a smartphone. This model was designed in Canada and manufactured in China. It contains glass from the Dow Corning Plant in my home state of Kentucky; software written in South Carolina; a
  • 24. Desert Places Poetry Analysis Witnessing constant disappearance, however, remaining to seem like the depiction of complete normality. Deafening silence engulfing all surroundings, on its way to eventually evoking insanity. The smell of cold, dry air freezes over all breathing pathways, caging in the ribs, preventing the ability to inhale and exhale, leaving behind the taste of metal as a reminder of a chaotic state of mind. Mentally trapped in chosen solidarity, Robert Frost, William Shakespeare, and Elizabeth Bishop were able to express their hidden despair through poetry. Frost having experienced major loss in his life, Shakespeare lying to himself to cope with his actions, and Bishop constantly masking her pain while in the eyes of the public. In Desert Places , When my love swears she is made of truth , and One Art , the author s use connotative diction to weaken the severity of their personal issues. Robert Frost s poem Desert Places diminishes an overall sense of emptiness to being nothing compared to what he holds within himself through the use of connotative diction. Throughout the poem, the description of a cold, dark night represents the intensity of the depression that Frost was feeling. In the final stanza, Frost reveals that I have it in me so much nearer home, To scare myself with my own desert places , it being the darkness previously mentioned in the poem. Furthermore, the desert places introduced in the final line are a representation of the dark emotions Frost was experiencing, and to state that they were within him, provide the sense that he did not express them to other people, meaning he chose to be left with a cold, dark state of mind. Overall, Desert Places is deemed as Frost s admittance to not fearing the troubles of the rest of the world, because they could not cause him any greater pain that what his own troubles already have. As a result of facing constant loss, writing about emptiness allowed Frost the ability to express the solidarity he felt within himself. With the experiences that Frost had endured throughout his life, he is described as having suffered more than the normal amount of tragedy , however, he also showed more than the usual amount of determination and courage (Bailey).
  • 25. Alberta Oil Sand Analysis Oil has become extremely vital in our society, so vital that it has affected developed and developing countries. It is a massive contributor to economic growth as well as environmental destruction. The Alberta Oil Sands has destroyed acres of local ecosystems, but has also achieved and ensured that Canadastays as an economic power. The economical, cultural, and political benefits the oil sands give to Canada makes it an asset they can not function without. The oil sands have been Canada s major contributor to their economic activity for many years. The oil industry has led to benefits for other industries such as business services, manufacturing, retail, finance and insurance. The impacts of the oil sands economically can also be seen in the national employment rates and statistics. People are immigrating from countries outside of Canada and other regions of Canada to move to Albertain order to get high paying jobs from the development of the oil sands. Recently Canada s cost for oil has increased and oil sands producers are struggling as oil prices begin to plummet, and even the most efficient... Show more content on ... This project is not only valued by the province, country, and the entire world but it is also valued by Albertans themselves. As of July 2013, there were 114 recorded oil sands projects located in Alberta. This goes to show how big the project is. Employment is a one of the biggest benefits of the oil sands project. In 2012, around 121,500 people were working for Alberta s upstream energy sector, which includes conventional oil and gas, and mining (Alberta Government). Estimated profit from the projects was around $3.56 billion in 2012 2013 and is still growing. This revenue is used to help fund many public services in Alberta. Within the next 25 years employment on the oil sands is expected to grow to over 500,000 jobs; and is currently affecting the jobs of 112,000 people throughout
  • 26. Solange s Influence On Women The Knowles sisters ruled 2016. Solange s third studio album A Seat at the Table, released on September 30, 2016 became Solange s first number one album on the Billboard 200, her first album to chart in several countries, and her single Cranes in the Sky is nominated for the Grammy Award for Best R B performance. BeyoncГ© s sixth studio album, Lemonade and her second visual album was nominated for an Emmy, 11 nominations at the VMA s (winning eight of the eleven) and has recently been nominated for nine Grammy s, which brings her Grammy nomination up to 63 the most nominated woman in Grammy history, as well as being the first artist ever to earn nominations in the pop, rock, R B and rap categories in the same year. Together the sisters became... Show more content on ... (Craig 25) These messages were internalized by Black women especially, because in a male dominated society...women were valued as much for beauty as men were for their accomplishments [and] an ugly woman was a failure (Craig 24). Patricia Collins, the renowned Black scholar, echoes this in her piece Black Feminist Thought: During [Gwendolyn] Brooks s childhood, having African features was so universally denigrated that she writes, when I was a child, it did not occur to me even once, that the black in which I was encased . . . would be considered, one day, beautiful. (Collins 90 91). From this stigmatization was the widespread birth of respectability politics within the black community. Craig writes that the discourse of race and respectability can be viewed as a product of the aspirations and fears of a particular segment of the black population...the racist s gaze would judge the black race on the basis of the least of its members, and thus dignified self presentation was a racial project in which all black women could and must participate (Craig
  • 27. Cci-20 Case Study Igcse 1.)CI 20 is credible in that his statement regarding the crime of John Brown tossing a homemade dynamite under a passing pickup truck from the summer of 1995. To verify his statement, Lt. Nenning provided a statement from Fred Green, who was one of the victims from the incident CI 20 told Detective shield. Therefore, veracity and basis of knowledge can be attributed to CI 20 s statement of observation. Therefore, CI 20 can be deemed truthful and reliable for providing his observation that was corroborated by Deputy Hughes investigation and report with Fred Green. The degree of specificity of CI 20 s observation and claims is also accurate in that time at which the crime occurred, and the similarities are identical to those that Fred Green stated as well. CI 20 also voluntarily gave information that he is personally acquainted with John Brown, that he was present during the incident... Show more content on ... To prove CI 20 s statement regarding John Brown s involvement with detonating an explosive that endangered others, Deputy Mike Hughes made contact with one of the victims to the incident. The specificity of Fred Green s account regarding how it occurred on June 25, 1995 when he and his girlfriend were attacked with an explosive being thrown under his truck when he passed the residence of John Brown. Deputy Hughes was able to verify the damages as explained by Fred Green through his observation and investigation to the vehicle; Deputy Hughes and Lt. Nenning also went to the scene of the truck explosion and recovered evidence of heavy cardboard tubing. They were also able to identified a bum mark in the roadway that was directly across from John Brown s residence. Thus, by the totality of the circumstances, these reports and findings prove reasonable suspicion for Lt. Nenning to request an affidavit for a search warrant for John Brown and his
  • 28. Pharmaceutical Companies Are Entering Into Public Private... 1. Introduction The classic example used to describe the capitalistic greed and oppression of the developed world is Big Pharma : pharmaceutical companies apparently commit fraud, cover up their mistakes, and increase prices of their products for maximum profits. This criticism of pharmaceutical companies is sometimes justified, especially in the issue of neglected tropical diseases (NTD). NTDs are a group of diseases that predominantly affect less economically developed populations but are eliminated in the developed world. Effective treatment for various NTDs have existed since the last century, but pharmaceutical companies have historically not catered to NTD patients because it was not commercially profitable (WHO, Intensified 2). ... Show more content on ... To explore these ideas, this paper will analyze the historical shift to public private partnerships, the motivations to invest in NTDs and partnerships, and the resulting strategies that have surfaced to analyze NTDs. 2. Neglected Tropical Diseases: Overview Neglected Tropical Diseases are a series of chronic, endemic tropical diseases that predominantly affect less economically developed populations and are neglected in the health industry (WHO, Investing 1). This definition is broad, as a large variety of pathogens are tropical and poverty related. As a result, NTDs are diverse in their biological makeup, ranging from airborne vectors to bacteria to worms. They are spread and treated differently, and receive varying levels of attention from the public and private sectors. Many tropical pathogens, notably typhoid fever, are not included in the list of NTDs despite their debilitating effects on impoverished populations (Hotez and Kamath 1). The lack of a clear cut definition and the lack of research for NTDs creates a severe underestimate of their disease burden, or their impact on economy, mortality, morbidity, and general quality of life (Hotez and Kamath 1). The big three diseases of our time, or the diseases that receive the most attention, are
  • 29. Victorian Era Women During the Victorian era most Victorians had a strong belief in romantic love. It definitely was not a normal for people to sleep with one another before they were married. Younger women were generally expected to remain a virgin until they were married. Sometimes even though two people were married, it was not because they were in love. The upper and middle class women were monitored, and were never left alone with any of the young men. Romance for the Victorians could be a dramatic and dangerous affair according to newspaper articles of the Victorian time era. During the Victorian eraQueen Elizabeth reigned. The Victorian period was a time in which many different changes in England took place. At this time England was finally considered... Show more content on ... If a man were to meet a lady that he wished to become better acquainted with, he had to find a mutual friend between the two of them so that the mutual friend could introduce him. During the Victorian time period flirting was permitted at most social events. Some flirting techniques during the Victorian time period included the use of various personal accessories such as fans, parasols, and gloves to relay messages of interest or disinterest. Once a man and woman are formally introduced, a gentlemen was allowed to offer to walk a young woman home by presenting her with a card that asked if he could be her escort. The woman would then present a card to the gentlemen giving him her answer. During an evening a woman could collect many cards from different gentlemen but the one that she prefers the most would get a card from her and this meant that she had accepted his offer to be escorted home. Even during the walk home the gentlemen and the woman had to walk apart from one another. A gentlemen was only allowed to offer a woman his hand while walking over rough spots. This was the only contact that they could have with one another since the woman was not his
  • 30. Relative Dating In The Iliad Unlike the fictional tactics that movies such as Indiana Jones and The Mummy portray, archaeologists utilize meticulous and methodical strategies when studying archaeological sites. Rather than simply stumbling upon a glorious treasure out of the blue, archaeologists tend to have a reason to explore a specific region for historical artifacts. Moreover, the process of digging up these sites is extensively regulated so that the integrity and value of these sites are kept intact. Over time, the methods that archaeologists implement has evolved greatly, as observed by comparing the techniques of Heinrich Schliemann, Howard Carter, and Kenneth Feder. It can be observed that as time has progressed, these archaeologists have become more tentative... Show more content on ... Though he was part of the working class, Carter was a talented artist who painted many of the Egyptian artifacts discovered at the beginning of the twentieth century. He was widely rejected by the other British archaeologists, as he was regarded as a custodian and guard to the excavation sites. Yet, upon Lord Carnarvon s arrival in Egypt, he received funding to carry out his research design to locate King Tutankhamen s tomb. To initiate his expedition, he ruled out which kings in Egypt were not yet detected, including Akheat and Tutankhamen. Then, he devised a hypothesis, which suggested that as a New Kingdom Pharaoh, King Tutankhamen would be situated in the Valley of the Kings. After conducting extensive background research, he was able to recognize the remains of King Tut s funeral party. Carter then made a grid of the valley, and ruled out which areas had not been previously excavated. Ultimately, he was able to uncover King Tutankhamen s mummy, coffins, statues, and jewelry. As Carter did his work at the beginning of the the twentieth century, he had more archaeological methods available to him, such as absolute dating, which matches the age of an artifact to a specific time
  • 31. The White Man s Burden Imperialism The author of the poem, The White Man s Burden, was Rudyard Kipling who was born in 1865 in Bombay. As a young person, he lived in India, but at the age of six he was taken to England and left for five years at a foster home at Southsea so that he could receive a formal British education. He went to school in Englandand continued his education before returning to his home place of Bombay in 1882, where he worked as a journalist for seven years. Kipling was an accomplished journalist, writer, poet and author. Kipling s work was influenced by the Imperialistic era in which he lived. During this era of Imperialism, European powers practiced a foreign policy of expanding its influence around the world; both peacefully and by force .Kipling witnessed the loss of lives on both sides, the British and the inhabitants of India, but still believed that the British had a right to control India and also a responsibility to civilize the Indians. This belief was reflected in his poem, The White Man s Burden, which was originally published in February of 1899, under the title An Address to the United States.... Show more content on ... Under isolationism, the United States stayed out of the business of other countries and wanted them to stay out of their business. In 1898 the United States became involved in the Spanish American War. The United States entered the war with the goal of helping Cuba, but by the end of the war this was not the case. Winning the war gave the United States control of the Cuban government and the rights to Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines. The United States had now become an imperialistic
  • 32. Mark Twain Thesis Samuel L. Clemens Many people have read books by the famous author Mark Twain. A few of his most famous novels are The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and Jim Smiley and his Jumping Frog. Hearing the name Mark Twain rings a bell, but surprisingly, that is not the author s real name. His given name is Samuel Clemens. Samuel Langhorne Clemens was born November 30, 1835, in Florida, Missouri, and he was the sixth child of John and Jane Clemens. His father was always searching for wealth, but he never achieved it, and he often times found it hard to feed his family. He had many jobs, and he was a surly, unsmiling man. According to one legend, young Samuel never saw his dad laugh. His mother became the head of the household when his... Show more content on ... Nothing ended up working, and he was broke and needed a regular job. Clemens became a reporter for the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, where he adopted the pen name Mark Twain. That is steamboat slang for 12 feet of water. Mark Twain became one of the best storytellers in the West, and he had this distinct writing style, where everything was funny and friendly, but also scornful, ironic, and sarcastic. He wrote Jim Smiley and his Jumping Frog, earning his big break. His next jump into success came from his cruise along the Mediterranean, where he wrote humorously for newspaper, also hoping to get a book out of the trip. At the age of 34, he published The Innocents Abroad, and he became a best selling author. Twain s stories are shaped by life experiences. Some influences come from Hannibal, where he saw how slaves and Native Americans were treated. Huck Finn is an orphan who travels with a freed slave named Jim. Another experience, such as the fact that his father and a few of his siblings died when he was young, shaped his writing of Huckleberry Finn. Young Huck Finn experiences death at a young
  • 33. Pathological Processes Help Distinguish Medical Conditions Pathophysiology Assessment 2: Case based assignment Pathological processes help distinguish medical conditions through the use of a variety methods to assist in diagnosis and treatment of patients. Mr Johns, a 60 year old male has exhibited to his doctor a number of symptoms that usually coincide and are distinctive with issues relating to the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of the body. This case based assignment will in order to assist in the treatment of Mr Johns, assist in diagnosing his conditions by; investigating the presenting features and its pathophysiology, analyse the results and importance of vital signs, physical inspection and blood tests, construct a differential diagnosis signifying likely conditions the patient may be experiencing , and finally providing a justification for further diagnostic tests. Signs and Symptoms One of the chief complaints Mr Johns presents is shortness of breath, also known as dyspnoea whilst he is resting. Breathlessness is a multidimensional and subjective experience of difficulty or uncomfortable breathing originating from an intricate interaction between physiological and psychological factors (Yorke 2014). Mr Johns presents a respiration rate of 28 breaths per minute, which is peculiarly elevated, and is specified as tachypnoea. Tachypnoea signifies that a greater volume of oxygen is needed to supply components of the body, or to recompense for limited supply in bodily systems where there has been a restriction of
  • 34. Article Review Paper After searching through the textbook, Macroeconomics: Principles for a Changing World, one topic that stuck out was Chapter 11, Saving, Investment, and the Financial System. Four articles on this topic are summarized below, then linked to the material learned in class. The articles chosen are White paper explores merits of Bank of Canada creating a digital currency by Ian Bickis, Global M A: What Has Happened and Where Next? by Akshat Joshi, Actually, Maybe China Shouldn t Open Up Just Yet by Michael Pettis, and Can Tech Tools Help Millennials Avoid A Looming Retirement Crisis? by Morey Stettner. This group of articles relates to moneyand the system of finance. In the first article, White paper explores merits of Bank of ... Show more content on ... The value of global deals has been decreasing after a peak in 2015. Also, the western part of the globe is currently trying to normalize their rates, with several headwinds impeding the process. Some countries are thought to be in secular stagnation, which is when the neutral real rate, involving long run saving and investment for the loanable funds market, declines so much that the Central Bank can no longer attain it through usual methods. This article applies to the section, The Market for Loanable Funds. As factors like outlooks on economics, incentives on saving, government deficits, regulations, and expectations of businesses change, the supply and demand of loanable funds from the market also change. Because the quantity of loanable funds increases with higher real interest rates, the supply curve has a positive slope. Since the quantity of loanable funds decreases with higher real interest rates, the demand curve has a negative slope. In the third article, Actually, Maybe China Shouldn t Open Up Just Yet, Michael Pettis states that people believe that China s economy is failing, and that the best way to fix it is to bolster markets roles, free money, and free up the financial system, as a ninety percent increase in debt has caused people to become fearful of a possible financial crisis. Pettis lists several flaws with this logic. Since the government has the ability to restructure the liabilities of banking sectors whenever they
  • 35. The Importance Of Information On The Internet Of Things The Internet of Things speeds up awareness and response to events. It has a wide domain of application for instance in industries such as manufacturing, transportation and public sectors, faster response time not only improves the output, it also decreases the occurrence of a hazard. Taking an example of any factory, a temperature sensordeployed on critical machines on the floor can send readings before a failure is about to happen and action can be taken before in hand. Likewise, deploying a sensor on oil pipelines can raise an alert and slow down or stop the pumping of oil as a response to the alert which can help prevent a huge loss. Now that we understand how important it is to harvest upon the IoT, we need a new kind of ... Show more content on ... Acts on IoT data in milliseconds, based on policy. Sends selected data to the cloud for historical analysis and longer term storage. Analyzing the IoT data close to where it is collected minimizes latency. It reduces gigabytes of network traffic load from the core network and keeps the sensitive information within the network. 1.5 Concept of Fog Computing: The fog extends the cloud to be closer to the things that produce and act on IoT data. These devices, called fog nodes, can be deployed anywhere with a network connection: on a factory floor, on top of a power pole, alongside a railway track, in a vehicle, or on an oil rig. Any device with computing, storage, and network connectivity can be a fog node. Examples include industrial controllers, switches, routers, embedded servers, and video surveillance cameras. IDC estimates that the amount of data analyzed on devices that are physically close to the Internet of Things is approaching 40 percent. Fog computing, also known as fogging/edge computing, it is a model in which data, processing and applications are concentrated in devices at the network edge rather than existing almost entirely in the cloud. Fog computing offers many key
  • 36. Sample Physics Exam University of the Philippines College of Science PHYSICS 72 SET A Second Semester 2010 2011 First Long Examination National Institute of Physics 2nd Sem AY 2010 2011 Physics 72 INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the best answer and shade the corresponding circle on your answer sheet. To change your answer, cross out and sign your original answer and then shade your new answer. No computational devices allowed (e.g. calculators, mobile phones). Following instructions is part of the exam. Useful formulas: Area Sphere (radius = r) Cylinder (radius =r, height = h) 1. Volume Useful constants: e me Оµo k 1.60 x 10 19 C 9.1 x 10 31 kg 8.854 x 10 12 C2/Nm2 8.988 x 109 Nm2/C2 Consider three identical metal spheres, A, B, and C. Sphere A... Show more content on ... Electric fields passing through a Gaussian box (pointed inward) as shown in the figure to the right. Which of the following is a possible charge system inside the box? A. +4e and 3e B. 3e, 4e and +2e C. 16e, 23e and +7e D. +13e, 34e and +20e E. Cannot be determined 12. Find my charge. Two parallel infinite line of charge are separated by a distance 2L. A point P is located at exactly midway between the two lines of charge as shown in the figure. The charge density of line of charge 1 is +3О». What should by the charge density of charge 2 if the net electric field at point P is given by A. +3О» B. 3О» C. +(3/2)О» D. (3/2)О» E. 0О» € пЃ¶ E = 0? 3|A 13. Rank the E field. Consider a solid with a total charge Q and radius figure. Rank the points W, X, Y and magnitude of electric field. Point Y the conductor. A. Y=X=W Z B. Z Y=X=W C. Z Y X=W D. W=X Y Z E. Y Z X=W conducting sphere R as shown in the Z according to the is on the surface of 14. Concentric. Consider two concentric metal spheres. Spheres 1 and 2 are both hollow as shown in the figure. A negative point charge ( e) is located at the center
  • 37. of the two spheres. Initially, spheres 1 (S1) and 2 (S2) have charges +2e and e respectively. At static equilibrium, what is the charge at the outer surface of sphere 2? A. e B. +e C. 2e D. +2e E. zero 15. Applications of Gauss s Law. A point charge Q and an infinite line of charge with linear charge density +О» are situated a distance 2L from each other. What is
  • 38. Haunting Of Hill House Book Report For this summer reading I decided to read the Scary Novels. Which included Shirley Jackson s The Haunting of Hill House, William Peter Blatty s The Exorcist, and Stephen King s The Shining. The Haunting of Hill House is about an 80 year old mansion built by a man named Huge Crain. Dr. Montague, a paranormal investigator, rents the house in hopes to experience the supernatural. He invites four people, Eleanor Vance, Theodora and Luke Sanderson, based on their pasts. From there they stay for the summer in hopes to explore the supernatural side. The Exorcist is about a young girl Regan MacNeil, a daughter of a famous actress, that gets possessed. After the actress, Chris, tries everything to help her daughter from the so called sickness, she calls in a priest.... Show more content on ... The author also adds an eerie backstory as to why it would be haunted , which consisted of a suicide by hanging. It confused me by the end because I didn t know if she was possessed or going crazy. I leaned more towards the possessed side since the ghosts would write out her name in I assumed was blood and everyone else could see it, which knocks out the idea that she was just imagining it; but she also could have done that herself but the book didn t specify that. My least favorite character was Jack Torrance from The Shining. I hated it when he broke Danny s arm and how he couldn t control his temper. Although it wasn t exactly his fault that he went crazy and tired to also kill his family I feel like it wouldn t have maybe happened in the first place. If he wasn t an alcoholic with anger issues he wouldn t have been so heavily influenced by the ghosts into killing his family. One similarity all the books share is the involvement of an evil force that greatly affects the people. Regan being possessed by a demon, Eleanor being possessed by the ghosts in Hill House, and Jack being almost controlled by the ghost of Delbert. A similarity between The Exorcist and The Shining is the use of a child having
  • 39. Pdb Enzyme Lab The crystal structure of enzyme Plasmodium falciparum enzyme farnesyltransferase was not found available in Protein Data Bank (PDB) archive, therefore the structure was built using homology modeling method. In order to predict the structure of enzyme (PfFT), the sequence of enzyme IDs PF3D7_1242600 [alpha subunit] and PF3D7_1147500 [beta subunit] were obtained from the web services (www.gene, proteinsequence data bank in swiss prot or uniprock KB (Q8IHP6), NCBI (AAW78025). The only sequence of the active site (beta subunit) was taken for homology modeling. Phyre2 V 2.0 at server available online (http:/ / The X ray crystallographic structure of farnesyltransferase from aspergillus fumigatus protein... Show more content on ... Atomic charges were assigned to the receptor using AMBER7 FF99 force field. The protein complex was minimized using AMBER7 FF99 force field. Finally the 3D structure of the prepared protein was saved as PDB file. 3.4.2. Protomol generation The protomol is a representation of the enzyme s binding cavity in which putative ligands are aligned. The complexed ligand from the crystal structure was used to construct the protomol, which was then stored as MOL2 file. Ligands were docked directly from molecular database or mol2 files. 3.5. Ligands Sources Compounds used in and docking screening were downloaded as mol2 files from the web based databases zinc docking org. (www. The ligand geometries were optimized with the Powel method using the Tripos force field and Gasteiger HГјckel charges for all atoms, until a gradient 0.01 kcal/mol/Г… was
  • 40. Mental Impact Of Hopelessness Impact of Hopelessness on Prognosis of Mental Illness Hopelessness, the state of being devoid of any hope to complete or to reach a destination, is often characterized by lack of motivation and will to achieve what one desires coupled with the thinking that nothing or no one can do anything about their condition. According to Valtonen, (2011, p. 9), if the impact of hopelessness on a physically sound person can drive them to the depths of self pity and a feeling of uselessness, its effect on a mentally ill patient can result in poor prognosis and an even worse outcome. Hopelessness, if not recognized and catered to properly, not only affects a patient on a personal level, but it also has an impact on the people around them. On a personal level, it can transform into other serious mental issues like depression and suicide ideation which adds to the ever present mental burden of dealing with an already present mental illness (Acosta, Aguilar, Cejas, Gracia, 2013, p. 52). It can also lead to relapse of the mental disorder the patient was initially ... Show more content on ... On individual level, since hopelessness arises from negative thoughts and attitude, cognitive behavior therapy can be done which gives positive reinforcement and focuses on changing negative and self destructive behavior by altering negative thoughts in an individual. It is also important to educate family members about the miraculous change in hopelessness that can be brought about by support and cooperation. Additionally, involving patient in religious practices and encouraging to engage in other interests can also be helpful in instilling newfound hope and faith in oneself (Khan Farooq, 2003, p. 2). Furthermore, a nurse should monitor for depression, relapse, poor prognosis and medication noncompliance in the
  • 41. Humor In The Devil Is A Part-Timer Furthermore, it is important to understand how humor functions within The Devil is a Part Timer in order to see how it brings to light the problems of the part time working world. For human beings, humor is a significant part of verbal communication, which in turn makes humor an important part of any type of communication based media, such as television. One study done by Professor Joanne Cantor at the University of Wisconsin implies that almost eighty two percent of all television programs contained at least one attempt at humor. . . all of the situational comedies contained attempts to be humorous, but well over nine out of ten game shows, children s shows, variety shows, and movies contained at least one humorous appeal (505). Human s... Show more content on ... The superiority theory notes that people laugh outwardly or inwardly at others because they feel some sort of triumph over them or feel superior in someway to them, for example parents laughing at the the misunderstandings of their children. When communicators, or narratives, use this type of humor they make their audiences feel superior in the sense that they [the audience] are brought up to a more equal relationship with the speaker (Meyer 314, 318). Although allowing an audience to feel superior to the character within a show may seem negative at first, due to the fact that it separates the audience from the characters mentally, in reality by deprecating Maou and Ashiya through humor, the show is able to bring the two powerful demons down the the audience s level, bringing the two groups closer. As demons, the situations the the two participate in or the actions that they perform are outside the realm of the average human being. However, through the use of superiority style humor, the show is able to make the two more human. The audience is able to see actions that the two preform and know they as human beings the audience members would be able to perform those actions at the same level or better. Maou is no longer an all powerful demon king, but an average being on the same playing field as the audience. This allows the audience to connect with Maou on a
  • 42. Victorian Middle Class The Victorian Era was a time of peace and prosperity. During the Victorian Era the society was divided into various social classes like the working class, middle class. Upper class, Dickens/Victorians. Above all those classes the middle class was the most hard working class with all the various occupations but also they also had quite relaxing life also speaking of which let s get into the middle class. Victorian Middle class people lived a relaxing daily life, including various outdoor activities and raging, competitive sports. The middle class also pleasured their ears with musics and eyes. In the 1830 s through 1840 s one of the popular activity or thing was gardens. The middle class women made themselves some tea gardens since they really ... Show more content on ... The middle class itself is divided into low, middle, upper middle class according to your occupation. The low middle class were mostly shopkeepers, clerical workers. With these occupations they only had to be literate, higher education was not needed (Mitchell). The middle middle class included successful industrialists, wealthy banker, skilled worker most commonly printe, railway engine driver, and clerk (Mitchell). The clerks in this ranked jobs was quite low status and they earned half income as what a skilled worker would earn. The Upper middle class jobs were clergymen, military/Navy officer, level of government services, level of medicine or law, merchants, bankers, manufacturers (Mitchell). In the Victorian middle class society both men and women worked, women were often writers, some doctors, hoteliers, trades women, housekeepers, teacher(Mitchell). Often what the Victorian middle class ate was highly dependent to their occupations and the amount of income they have. The Low middles class mostly got their nutrition from bread because their income was not enough for a full meal, but in the Low middle class those with a better jobs and social status were able to provide cheese, sugar, tea, salt, and potatoes (Mitchell). The middle class who had decent income they could eat all the Low middle class were able to eat plus they could get plenty of meat and soup, some of their favorite menus were Vegetable marrow soup , Cold lamb, salad , Boiled mackerel , Roasted ribs of beef (Mitchell). What the middle class ate was highly correlated with their occupations and their income so the poor middle class ate bread and middle, upper middle class ate meat, soup, vegetables and many
  • 43. Managed Care Cases Managed care contracts are investment assets, similar to stocks and bonds. As such these contracts need to be continually monitored and evaluated in any type of HCOs contracting procedures. Therefore, following factors need to be reviewed. Reimbursement rate concentrating with whether emergency service charge separated or not, the broker cannot get paid more than the provider, total discount outlier provision, clear indication of whether coinsurance to be paid by the patient is based on full charge or discounted charge, is there any special language that cannot be clarified I will focus on following structures in the given types of HCOs. For hospitals, the predominant unit of payment for inpatient care is often a per day basis. The hospital receives a fixed daily payment rate per enrollee patient regardless of the services provided. However, it can have mixed option in the hospitals including pay a per diem rate for all inpatient services, as well as case rate pay for DRGs; most often high costed surgeries get paid by case basis rate. Under this case based arrangement, providers must take into consideration outlier and inlier cases. These cases can be reimbursed on a percentage of ... Show more content on ... The fee schedule is usually by CPT or directly by Medicare payment system. The capitation payment method of reimbursement is the most commonly used by HMOs. The physician accepts a predetermined amount on a per enrollee per month basis, regardless of the actual services and utilization incurred by the enrollee. The provider must in return provide all contractually agreed upon services to the enrollees. The risk under capitation is shifted substantially from the plan to the provider. The provider can decrease the risk by ensuring that an adequate number of individuals are covered to reduce the risks associated with each covered
  • 44. Female Rebellion In Aurora Leigh and The Lady in the... Female Rebellion In Aurora Leigh and The Lady in the Looking Glass Women of both the ages of Victorian and early Modernism were restricted from education at universities or the financial independence of professionalism. In both ages, women writers often rebelled against perceived female expectations as a result of their oppression. To lead a solitary life as a subservient wife and mother was not satisfactory for writers like Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Virginia Woolf. One of the most popular female poets of the Victorian era, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, illustrated a woman s struggle to achieve artistic and economical independence in modern society (Longman P.1858). Many Victorian critics were shocked by Barrett... Show more content on ... She compares her aunt s life to A sort of cage bird life and views her own rebellion toward the expected role as A wild bird scarcely fledged (P.1866 1867, Ll.305, 311). Aurora s aunt tries teaching the role of Victorian women with books dictating if women do not think at all, they may teach thinking (P.1869, L. 427). One of the only rights of thinking given to women, was their right to comprehend their husbands (P. 1869, L. 431). The limited rights were not satisfactory for Aurora, who finds a savior to oppression of intellect through poetry. Rebelling against the limited lite rature available, her soul is At poetry s divine first finger touch, / Let go of convictions and sprang up surprised (P.1872, L.L 850 851). Through Aurora s rebellion, she found sanctity in educating herself with poetry. More hardened towards rebellion is the modern character of Isabella; a wealthy spinster who bought this house and collected with her own hands (P.2454), a new concept for women in the age of Modernism. The fact that Isabella has remained unmarried can be thought of as rebellion towards the repression of women s education, world travel and financial freedom of the previous of the still fresh Victorian era. With a husband, Isabella may not of been able to keep these freedoms. The speaker views Isabella s freedom from a man as twenty times more passion and experience than those that loves are
  • 45. The Fate Of The Colonists John White left for supplies with 117 people in his colony in Roanoke, VA and came back two years later (Lane). Everything had completely vanished. How could someone leave and when they get back everything is just gone? Roanoke Colony completely vanished nothing left; no bodies, no supplies, but there are many theories dealing with the fate of the colonists. In 1584, Raleigh was granted a patent by Queen Elizabeth I to colonize in America (Lane). Raleigh sent explorers Philip Amadas, and Artur Barloue to scout the island of Roanoke. They returned a year later with Native Americans Manteo and Wanchese (Manteo). Roanoke was founded by Sir Walter Raleigh. Roanoke was found 22 years before Jamestown and 37 years before the pilgrims (Lane). Raleigh sent a party of 100 soldiers, miners, and scientists to Roanoke Islands. The first party of men were directed by Ralph Lane, they were doomed from the beginning. They arrived too late for planting and supplies were running out quickly. To make things even worse they were rivaling with the neighboring natives. Ralph Lane sealed their fate when he killed the natives chief Wingina. By 1586 Sir Francis Drake who was headed back to England stopped by and Lane and his men had enough. They left the fort behind and headed back to England. Supply ships soon arrived not knowing they had left and found the island deserted. They left fifteen men behind to watch the fort. Raleigh was angry with Lane for leaving, but he did not quit
  • 46. How Did The 1960s Influence American Society In The Late... Recreation, reinventing, and reimagining the world that surrounds us: the 1960s was just that recreating the social and political views in the United States. In 1955, America got involved in the Vietnam War and nothing become of it in the American society. However, in the late 1960s, around 1967 to be exact, the people of America opinions on the war split into two, either being for the war (Hawks) or against it (Doves). The Hawks were the ones that wanted to stay in the war and believed that they shouldn t back down from the fight and that leaving the fight was a sign of weakness. While the Doves wanted the United Statesto pull out of the war because it wasn t our war to fight to begin with. Whichever the side the people were on, it was creating