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Review, synthesize, and reflect on data you have collected
about yourself. Weekly discussion in lab will help you to
construct this SRL profile. The SRL profile creates an
opportunity to draw on data from your weekly self assessments
and weekly My Planners to review and summarize your
strengths and weaknesses in terms of engagement, SRL,
motivation, anxiety, emotion regulation, procrastination, time
management, task understanding, goal setting, etc. Summarize
and present a profile of YOU. The assignment will conclude
with an SRL change plan in which you will choose to
tackle/change one problem over the remaining part of the
semester in terms of: (a) behavior/s, (b) thinking, (c)
motivation, or (d) emotions/affect.
Prepare your answer in word or some other format. Cut and
paste it into the text window for this assignment.
You must answer the following questions. This assignment
should not exceed 1500:
(1) STRENGTHS: Looking across the topics and self-
assessments covered to date, what are my main strengths? How
can I leverage those strengths in taking control of my university
(2) WEAKNESSES: Looking across the topics and self-
assessments covered to date, what are my main weaknesses?
Why might addressing those weaknesses be important for taking
control of my university success?
(3) CHALLENGES: After reviewing my 6 MyPlanners to date,
these are the critical patterns I see in my weekly attempts to
take control of my learning. For this you should pay particular
attention to: (a) engagement (Q. 1), (b) Goal attainment (first
question after STOP sign), (c) Challenges - particularly patterns
over time in the challenges that get in your way, (d) Other
things such as feeling or motivation reported in the myPlanner.
(4) TARGET FOR CHANGE: Based on what you have
summarized above, identify and justify one main thing you want
to tackle in the remaining part of the semester. This should be
something you want to take control of. It should be something
you see as critical for your success in one (or more) of your
other courses. Be explicit about whether the thing you want to
change is about changing a: (a) behavior, (b) cognitive process
or outcome, (c) motivation, or (d) feeling (emotion/affect).
data do you need to collect to figure out if you have been
successful in tackling/addressing that target for change. In
addition list 5 self-assessments you would like to redo at the
end to self-evaluate your change.
Weekly Self-regulated learning assessment
1. Week 1
My strengths are knowing to creating goals and finding the
correct adjustment to correct the problem.Through the report,
the scores of planning, information management strategy and
debugging strategies are relatively high. Personally, I am used
to setting goals and planing before I started to learning, and I
am satisfied with the good performance in organizing and
engage in learning information more efficiently during the
process. I also focused on using strategies to correcting my
mistakes during the studying. I noticed that my weaknesses are
comprehension monitoring and evaluation. I believe that I have
trouble with reglecting on my learning progress during a
learning situation, and I always ignored the evaluation. I paid
more attention to the quality of the performance rather than
focus on getting things done during a learning episode. My
targets of regulation are encouraging me to get things done first,
and then identify what needs to improve, make the appriate
changes, and then follow through until the goal is accomplished.
Week 2:
Week 3:
Below is the explanation by subscale:
1. Preparing to Set Goals
· A low score on this requires you to adapt your approaches.
· Many people miss out this stage when they set goals, and they
struggle later as a result. The planning step is essential because
you need to tie your personal goals to your personal values and
dreams (and not to the goals and dreams of other people). This
will help to motivate you when times get tough.
· In EDD101, we talk about setting CAST goals and goals that
emphasize the process of doing rather than the product. Refer to
lecture slides and readings to lean more about CAST goals and
why they matter.
2. Forming Goals
· A low score on this requires you to adapt your approaches.
· You are probably familiar with the idea of goal setting, but
how do you make sure your goals have specific concepts to be
learned, actions, standard(s) and timeline for them to be
motivating? If you need guidance on setting specific and
achievable goals, refer to lecture slides and readings to learn
more about CAST goals. Ask your lab instructor for help. Then,
familiarize yourself with typical goal-setting mistakes to make
sure that you are not unintentionally holding yourself back.
· Spend some time imagining the positive impact that achieving
your goals will have on your life. Also, think about the times
when you haven't been successful, or when you fail an
assignment. Reflect on what went wrong, and whether there was
anything you could have done differently – then take what
you've learned and apply it to your new goals.
3. Motivation
· A low score on this requires you to adapt your approaches.
· There are plenty of ways that you can support yourself if you
start to lose motivation during a tough patch.
· Look for some quick wins right from the start. Keep working
towards your goals by building them into your To-Do List or
action program, and "park" other good ideas until you can do
something about them – this will help you keep on top of
multiple goals without getting distracted by exciting new ideas.
· If you lose motivation, explore what is making you feel
demotivated. Do you struggle with self-discipline, a lack of
time or a drifting sense of purpose? Redesign your goals around
your time commitments if you need to, or create smaller sub-
goals to give yourself some "easy wins" to boost your
· It's also OK to ask for support from friends or colleagues. For
example, you may want them to remind you of your bigger-
picture dreams when you're finding things tough.
· And remember: change is difficult, even when you're working
towards something you want.
4. Achieving Goals
· A low score on this requires you to adapt your approaches.
· As you get nearer to your goal, plan how you'll celebrate
success. This will spur you on to cross the finishing line!
· You need to make time to recognize and enjoy your
achievement – for your own sake, as well as to thank those who
have supported you along the way.
· After you've acknowledged your success, take a time to reflect
on the process of achieving your goal. The second half of the
MyPlanner guides this process for you. Think about what you
found tough, what went wrong, and what went better than you
expected. Build that self-knowledge into your future goal-
Week 4:
From time management behavior assessment and adaptive
procrastination assessment, I can see that my strengths lie in
that I can make a to-do list to stay organized before doing the
tasks, and track the small tasks to finish it on time. I am used to
using the notebook and app-MyStudyLife to manage my time
effectively, and using the small moments between classes to do
the achievable things. What is more, I knew how to use the
CAST strategies to set the challenge but achieveable goals,
break things down into small single work, and do one thing at a
time. I am able to accurately estimate the minimum amount of
time required to finish a task and push myself to efficiently
toward a goal, even with last minute pressure. My weaknesses
lie in that I can not manage internptions and distractors from
others or the social media when I did the work. I always like to
chat with my friends on Wechat or surf the Internet during the
studying, and have no ability to take control of myself from
time to time. Academic stress is an important problem that I
need to overcome to some extent, I always felt stressed and
anxiety before academic demands like deadlines and exams in
front of me. I can not control my emotions in an effective way
in order to cause the insomnia sometimes during the busy
schedule weeks. I can not accept the high pressure so I try to
avoid the procrastination to complete the tasks until the
deadlines, although I always satisfied with task outcomes when
I procrastinate. My targets of regulation are that I should learn
how to deal with the stress and how to have the motivation and
courage to try the things. I also should learn the strategies to
take control of myself from the distractions during the study.
Turn off the notifications for social media and avoid studying
around people who aren't studying are my favourite ways. I
should try to make changes and adaptations to become better
during the term!
Week 5:
Weekly My Planners1-5
My problems in the My Planner 1-5 are procrastination, do not
know how to reduce stress during the exams, can not control the
emotions, and do not know how to make changes
Strengths:know how to set the specific goals and achieve them.
Introduction, Thesis and Annotated Bibliography
Amber Mousel
Mrs. Finley
February 6th, 2017
Introduction, Thesis and Annotated Bibliography
Study of animal behavior and how this affects their habitat is a
societal issue that has been examined extensively. Efforts have
been put to investigate the relationship between animal behavior
and their ecology, evolution, genetics, development, and
physiology. Studies are aimed at developing policies that will
attempt to solve challenges facing wild animals (Breed &
Moore, 2011). The basis for investigating animal behaviors is a
good understanding of the integration between their ecology and
physiology. Animal behavior is influenced by stimuli, which
determines response and coordination. The two main categories
of animal responses are internal (involving variations in nerves
and hormone systems) and external (food and predators). In
addition, response in animals incorporate adaptive behavior in
various environmental circumstances (Breed & Moore, 2011).
While several studies have been done to examine animal
behavior in relation to their surroundings, little is known about
antelope behavior. Studying the behavior of antelopes in
relation to their surrounding is key to making their habitats
better, thus reducing the possibility of going extinct of some
antelope species.
Annotated Bibliography
Breed, M. D., & Moore, J. Animal Behavior. Academic Press.
Four perspectives of animal behavior have been discussed in
this book. These include survival value, ontogeny, causation,
and evolution. The authors use these four concepts to formulate
animal behavior, thus contributing to the logical knowledge of
the scientific analysis. The biological views and behavior of
individual animals has been deliberated. Furthermore, the
authors provides a detailed discussion of the genetic
background of animal behavior. Various discussions of animal
behavior such as homeostasis, learning and cognition, the
underlying communication mechanisms and neural processes are
highlighted. A number of chapters in the book have been
devoted for the discussion of animal behavior such as mating,
foraging, nesting, movement, self-defense, etc.
There is a complete chapter on conservation. The topics
presented by the authors are an excellent and reachable means
of studying animal behavior. Even though the book does not
give insight about antelopes, it offers a good basis to generalize
since some animal behaviors cut across all animals.
Dorgeloh, W. G. “Habitat Selection of a Roan Antelope
(Hippotragus Equinus) Population in Mixed Bushveld, Nylsvlei
Nature Reserve.” South African Journal of Wildlife Research,
vol.28, no. 2, 1998, pp. 47-57.
The article gives a comprehensive discussion of the process
used by the roam antelope to select its habitation. Naturally, the
selection of habitat by this antelope species is mainly done by
the breeding herd over summer and winter. Within the article, a
discussion has been done about the effect of winter and summer
on these antelope populations.
In the study of animal behavior, this source provides relevant
information which can be applied in several ways. From this
article, it is evident that animal behavior changes in accordance
with the surrounding and the changing climate. The paper has
valuable information which can be applied in managing antelope
behavior. Information can be modified and used to study the
behavior of other animals as the need may be.
Brashares, J. S., Garland, T., & Arcese, P. “Phylogenetic
analysis of coadaptation in behavior, diet, and body size in the
African antelope.” Behavioral Ecology, vol. 11, no. 4, 2000, pp.
This article focuses on investigating the relationship between
animal body size, their diet, and survival tactics I relation to the
habitat surrounding. The African antelope has been used as the
case study for this research. The authors assumed that the body
mass of an antelope is positively related to the group sizes. This
theory was supported by data from the research. However, the
research characteristics were weakly linked via a
phylogenetically corrected psychotherapy.
From this article, it can be seen that physical investigation of
various behavioral traits relating the adaptation of the African
antelope to their habitations can be done through a number of
approaches. This source employs both the qualitative and
quantitative methods of research to compare for the animal
populations being studied.
Hummel, J., Steuer, P., Südekum, K., Hammer, S., Hammer, C.,
Streich, W. J., & Clauss, M. “Fluid and particle retention in the
digestive tract of the addax antelope (Addax nasomaculatus)—
Adaptations of a grazing desert ruminant.” Comparative
Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative
Physiology, vol. 149, no. 2, 2008, pp. 142-149.
In this article, the authors present the outcomes on the
adaptation and feeding behaviors of the desert monkey species
also commonly called the addax. The objective of this resource
was to investigate the digestive system of this monkey species.
There is a detailed analysis of the adaptations of the monkey’s
tract to the hostile desert conditions.
In relation to the proposed study of animal behavior, this article
will be an invaluable source of information. Analysis from the
resource will be handy when determining the association
between animal feeding behavior, its environment and the
adaptations of the digestive system according to its habitat.
Through this article, an explanation of the adaptations to
particular feeding systems will be examined.
Spevak, E. M., Blumer, E. S., & Correll, T. L. “Species
Survival Plan Contributions to Research and Reintroduction of
Addax Addax nasomaculatus.” International Zoo Yearbook, vol.
32, no. 1, 2007, pp. 91-98.
Different traits of the antelope species known by the scientific
name Addax nasomaculatus are analyzed in this article. In
particular, various aspects of the animal’s life discussed in this
article include feeding behavior, selection, and the general
mechanisms that enable an animal to adapt to a given
environment. No doubt, this reading gives an insight into the
life of antelopes and researchers seeking to understand the
psychology of animals, particularly the antelopes will find it
very useful.
The literature on animal psychology provided in this article can
aid my research in many scientific perspectives. For instance,
this information will be handy in doing an analysis of animal
behavior within the realms of reproduction, diet, and
environmental adaptation among others. Further, the article
forms a good foundation to examine antelope behavior in
relation to their internal and external threats, habitats,
conservation as well as the distribution of their populations.
Brashares, J. S., Garland, T., & Arcese, P. “Phylogenetic
analysis of coadaptation in behavior, diet, and body size in the
African antelope.” Behavioral Ecology, vol. 11, no. 4, 2000, pp.
Breed, M. D., & Moore, J. Animal Behavior. Academic Press.
Dorgeloh, W. G. “Habitat Selection of A Roan Antelope
(Hippotragus Equinus) Population in Mixed Bushveld, Nylsvlei
Nature Reserve.” South African Journal of Wildlife Research,
vol.28, no. 2, 1998, pp. 47-57.
Hummel, J., Steuer, P., Südekum, K., Hammer, S., Hammer, C.,
Streich, W. J., & Clauss, M. “Fluid and particle retention in the
digestive tract of the addax antelope (Addax nasomaculatus)—
Adaptations of a grazing desert ruminant.” Comparative
Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative
Physiology, vol. 149, no. 2, 2008, pp. 142-149.
Spevak, E. M., Blumer, E. S., & Correll, T. L. “Species
Survival Plan Contributions to Research and Reintroduction of
Addax Addax nasomaculatus.” International Zoo Yearbook, vol.
32, no. 1, 2007, pp. 91-98.

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Review, synthesize, and reflect on data you have collected about y.docx

  • 1. Review, synthesize, and reflect on data you have collected about yourself. Weekly discussion in lab will help you to construct this SRL profile. The SRL profile creates an opportunity to draw on data from your weekly self assessments and weekly My Planners to review and summarize your strengths and weaknesses in terms of engagement, SRL, motivation, anxiety, emotion regulation, procrastination, time management, task understanding, goal setting, etc. Summarize and present a profile of YOU. The assignment will conclude with an SRL change plan in which you will choose to tackle/change one problem over the remaining part of the semester in terms of: (a) behavior/s, (b) thinking, (c) motivation, or (d) emotions/affect. Prepare your answer in word or some other format. Cut and paste it into the text window for this assignment. You must answer the following questions. This assignment should not exceed 1500: (1) STRENGTHS: Looking across the topics and self- assessments covered to date, what are my main strengths? How can I leverage those strengths in taking control of my university success? (2) WEAKNESSES: Looking across the topics and self- assessments covered to date, what are my main weaknesses? Why might addressing those weaknesses be important for taking control of my university success? (3) CHALLENGES: After reviewing my 6 MyPlanners to date, these are the critical patterns I see in my weekly attempts to take control of my learning. For this you should pay particular attention to: (a) engagement (Q. 1), (b) Goal attainment (first question after STOP sign), (c) Challenges - particularly patterns over time in the challenges that get in your way, (d) Other things such as feeling or motivation reported in the myPlanner. (4) TARGET FOR CHANGE: Based on what you have summarized above, identify and justify one main thing you want
  • 2. to tackle in the remaining part of the semester. This should be something you want to take control of. It should be something you see as critical for your success in one (or more) of your other courses. Be explicit about whether the thing you want to change is about changing a: (a) behavior, (b) cognitive process or outcome, (c) motivation, or (d) feeling (emotion/affect). (5) HOW WILL YOU EVALUATE YOUR SUCCESS? What data do you need to collect to figure out if you have been successful in tackling/addressing that target for change. In addition list 5 self-assessments you would like to redo at the end to self-evaluate your change. Weekly Self-regulated learning assessment 1. Week 1 My strengths are knowing to creating goals and finding the correct adjustment to correct the problem.Through the report, the scores of planning, information management strategy and debugging strategies are relatively high. Personally, I am used to setting goals and planing before I started to learning, and I am satisfied with the good performance in organizing and engage in learning information more efficiently during the process. I also focused on using strategies to correcting my mistakes during the studying. I noticed that my weaknesses are comprehension monitoring and evaluation. I believe that I have trouble with reglecting on my learning progress during a learning situation, and I always ignored the evaluation. I paid more attention to the quality of the performance rather than focus on getting things done during a learning episode. My targets of regulation are encouraging me to get things done first, and then identify what needs to improve, make the appriate changes, and then follow through until the goal is accomplished.
  • 3. Week 2: Week 3: Below is the explanation by subscale: 1. Preparing to Set Goals · A low score on this requires you to adapt your approaches. · Many people miss out this stage when they set goals, and they struggle later as a result. The planning step is essential because you need to tie your personal goals to your personal values and dreams (and not to the goals and dreams of other people). This will help to motivate you when times get tough. · In EDD101, we talk about setting CAST goals and goals that emphasize the process of doing rather than the product. Refer to lecture slides and readings to lean more about CAST goals and why they matter. 2. Forming Goals · A low score on this requires you to adapt your approaches. · You are probably familiar with the idea of goal setting, but how do you make sure your goals have specific concepts to be learned, actions, standard(s) and timeline for them to be motivating? If you need guidance on setting specific and achievable goals, refer to lecture slides and readings to learn more about CAST goals. Ask your lab instructor for help. Then, familiarize yourself with typical goal-setting mistakes to make sure that you are not unintentionally holding yourself back. · Spend some time imagining the positive impact that achieving your goals will have on your life. Also, think about the times when you haven't been successful, or when you fail an assignment. Reflect on what went wrong, and whether there was anything you could have done differently – then take what you've learned and apply it to your new goals. 3. Motivation · A low score on this requires you to adapt your approaches.
  • 4. · There are plenty of ways that you can support yourself if you start to lose motivation during a tough patch. · Look for some quick wins right from the start. Keep working towards your goals by building them into your To-Do List or action program, and "park" other good ideas until you can do something about them – this will help you keep on top of multiple goals without getting distracted by exciting new ideas. · If you lose motivation, explore what is making you feel demotivated. Do you struggle with self-discipline, a lack of time or a drifting sense of purpose? Redesign your goals around your time commitments if you need to, or create smaller sub- goals to give yourself some "easy wins" to boost your enthusiasm. · It's also OK to ask for support from friends or colleagues. For example, you may want them to remind you of your bigger- picture dreams when you're finding things tough. · And remember: change is difficult, even when you're working towards something you want. 4. Achieving Goals · A low score on this requires you to adapt your approaches. · As you get nearer to your goal, plan how you'll celebrate success. This will spur you on to cross the finishing line! · You need to make time to recognize and enjoy your achievement – for your own sake, as well as to thank those who have supported you along the way. · After you've acknowledged your success, take a time to reflect on the process of achieving your goal. The second half of the MyPlanner guides this process for you. Think about what you found tough, what went wrong, and what went better than you expected. Build that self-knowledge into your future goal- planning. Week 4: From time management behavior assessment and adaptive
  • 5. procrastination assessment, I can see that my strengths lie in that I can make a to-do list to stay organized before doing the tasks, and track the small tasks to finish it on time. I am used to using the notebook and app-MyStudyLife to manage my time effectively, and using the small moments between classes to do the achievable things. What is more, I knew how to use the CAST strategies to set the challenge but achieveable goals, break things down into small single work, and do one thing at a time. I am able to accurately estimate the minimum amount of time required to finish a task and push myself to efficiently toward a goal, even with last minute pressure. My weaknesses lie in that I can not manage internptions and distractors from others or the social media when I did the work. I always like to chat with my friends on Wechat or surf the Internet during the studying, and have no ability to take control of myself from time to time. Academic stress is an important problem that I need to overcome to some extent, I always felt stressed and anxiety before academic demands like deadlines and exams in front of me. I can not control my emotions in an effective way in order to cause the insomnia sometimes during the busy schedule weeks. I can not accept the high pressure so I try to avoid the procrastination to complete the tasks until the deadlines, although I always satisfied with task outcomes when I procrastinate. My targets of regulation are that I should learn how to deal with the stress and how to have the motivation and courage to try the things. I also should learn the strategies to take control of myself from the distractions during the study. Turn off the notifications for social media and avoid studying around people who aren't studying are my favourite ways. I should try to make changes and adaptations to become better during the term! Week 5: Weekly My Planners1-5
  • 6. My problems in the My Planner 1-5 are procrastination, do not know how to reduce stress during the exams, can not control the emotions, and do not know how to make changes Strengths:know how to set the specific goals and achieve them. Running head: INTRODUCTION, THESIS AND ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 INTRODUCTION, THESIS AND ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 6 Introduction, Thesis and Annotated Bibliography Amber Mousel GEN/499 Mrs. Finley February 6th, 2017
  • 7. Introduction, Thesis and Annotated Bibliography Introduction Study of animal behavior and how this affects their habitat is a societal issue that has been examined extensively. Efforts have been put to investigate the relationship between animal behavior and their ecology, evolution, genetics, development, and physiology. Studies are aimed at developing policies that will attempt to solve challenges facing wild animals (Breed & Moore, 2011). The basis for investigating animal behaviors is a good understanding of the integration between their ecology and physiology. Animal behavior is influenced by stimuli, which determines response and coordination. The two main categories of animal responses are internal (involving variations in nerves and hormone systems) and external (food and predators). In addition, response in animals incorporate adaptive behavior in various environmental circumstances (Breed & Moore, 2011). While several studies have been done to examine animal behavior in relation to their surroundings, little is known about antelope behavior. Studying the behavior of antelopes in relation to their surrounding is key to making their habitats better, thus reducing the possibility of going extinct of some antelope species. Annotated Bibliography Breed, M. D., & Moore, J. Animal Behavior. Academic Press. 2011. Four perspectives of animal behavior have been discussed in this book. These include survival value, ontogeny, causation, and evolution. The authors use these four concepts to formulate animal behavior, thus contributing to the logical knowledge of the scientific analysis. The biological views and behavior of individual animals has been deliberated. Furthermore, the authors provides a detailed discussion of the genetic background of animal behavior. Various discussions of animal
  • 8. behavior such as homeostasis, learning and cognition, the underlying communication mechanisms and neural processes are highlighted. A number of chapters in the book have been devoted for the discussion of animal behavior such as mating, foraging, nesting, movement, self-defense, etc. There is a complete chapter on conservation. The topics presented by the authors are an excellent and reachable means of studying animal behavior. Even though the book does not give insight about antelopes, it offers a good basis to generalize since some animal behaviors cut across all animals. Dorgeloh, W. G. “Habitat Selection of a Roan Antelope (Hippotragus Equinus) Population in Mixed Bushveld, Nylsvlei Nature Reserve.” South African Journal of Wildlife Research, vol.28, no. 2, 1998, pp. 47-57. The article gives a comprehensive discussion of the process used by the roam antelope to select its habitation. Naturally, the selection of habitat by this antelope species is mainly done by the breeding herd over summer and winter. Within the article, a discussion has been done about the effect of winter and summer on these antelope populations. In the study of animal behavior, this source provides relevant information which can be applied in several ways. From this article, it is evident that animal behavior changes in accordance with the surrounding and the changing climate. The paper has valuable information which can be applied in managing antelope behavior. Information can be modified and used to study the behavior of other animals as the need may be. Brashares, J. S., Garland, T., & Arcese, P. “Phylogenetic analysis of coadaptation in behavior, diet, and body size in the African antelope.” Behavioral Ecology, vol. 11, no. 4, 2000, pp. 452-463. This article focuses on investigating the relationship between animal body size, their diet, and survival tactics I relation to the habitat surrounding. The African antelope has been used as the case study for this research. The authors assumed that the body mass of an antelope is positively related to the group sizes. This
  • 9. theory was supported by data from the research. However, the research characteristics were weakly linked via a phylogenetically corrected psychotherapy. From this article, it can be seen that physical investigation of various behavioral traits relating the adaptation of the African antelope to their habitations can be done through a number of approaches. This source employs both the qualitative and quantitative methods of research to compare for the animal populations being studied. Hummel, J., Steuer, P., Südekum, K., Hammer, S., Hammer, C., Streich, W. J., & Clauss, M. “Fluid and particle retention in the digestive tract of the addax antelope (Addax nasomaculatus)— Adaptations of a grazing desert ruminant.” Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, vol. 149, no. 2, 2008, pp. 142-149. In this article, the authors present the outcomes on the adaptation and feeding behaviors of the desert monkey species also commonly called the addax. The objective of this resource was to investigate the digestive system of this monkey species. There is a detailed analysis of the adaptations of the monkey’s tract to the hostile desert conditions. In relation to the proposed study of animal behavior, this article will be an invaluable source of information. Analysis from the resource will be handy when determining the association between animal feeding behavior, its environment and the adaptations of the digestive system according to its habitat. Through this article, an explanation of the adaptations to particular feeding systems will be examined. Spevak, E. M., Blumer, E. S., & Correll, T. L. “Species Survival Plan Contributions to Research and Reintroduction of Addax Addax nasomaculatus.” International Zoo Yearbook, vol. 32, no. 1, 2007, pp. 91-98. Different traits of the antelope species known by the scientific name Addax nasomaculatus are analyzed in this article. In particular, various aspects of the animal’s life discussed in this article include feeding behavior, selection, and the general
  • 10. mechanisms that enable an animal to adapt to a given environment. No doubt, this reading gives an insight into the life of antelopes and researchers seeking to understand the psychology of animals, particularly the antelopes will find it very useful. The literature on animal psychology provided in this article can aid my research in many scientific perspectives. For instance, this information will be handy in doing an analysis of animal behavior within the realms of reproduction, diet, and environmental adaptation among others. Further, the article forms a good foundation to examine antelope behavior in relation to their internal and external threats, habitats, conservation as well as the distribution of their populations. References Brashares, J. S., Garland, T., & Arcese, P. “Phylogenetic analysis of coadaptation in behavior, diet, and body size in the African antelope.” Behavioral Ecology, vol. 11, no. 4, 2000, pp. 452-463. Breed, M. D., & Moore, J. Animal Behavior. Academic Press. 2011. Dorgeloh, W. G. “Habitat Selection of A Roan Antelope (Hippotragus Equinus) Population in Mixed Bushveld, Nylsvlei Nature Reserve.” South African Journal of Wildlife Research, vol.28, no. 2, 1998, pp. 47-57. Hummel, J., Steuer, P., Südekum, K., Hammer, S., Hammer, C., Streich, W. J., & Clauss, M. “Fluid and particle retention in the digestive tract of the addax antelope (Addax nasomaculatus)— Adaptations of a grazing desert ruminant.” Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, vol. 149, no. 2, 2008, pp. 142-149.
  • 11. Spevak, E. M., Blumer, E. S., & Correll, T. L. “Species Survival Plan Contributions to Research and Reintroduction of Addax Addax nasomaculatus.” International Zoo Yearbook, vol. 32, no. 1, 2007, pp. 91-98.