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Squaring the Circle: i.e. Order out of Chaos
William John Meegan
his paper is all about how the MONAD: i.e. Soul: God/Man Christ works harmoniously
with the two-hemispheres of the brain, which symbolizes the unconscious mind and ego-
consciousness: i.e. the Soul’s Two-Part Psyche.
The MATRIX OF WISDOM is abstractly a commentary on the MONAD, which can be
psychically discerned by any initiate: i.e. an individual that
is attentive to his or her psyche and the world around him
or her. The MATRIX OF WISDOM per se does not exist;
though, it superlatively and inexplicably educates the
initiate as to what its psychic activities are all about inside
the skull, symbolically represents the illusionary world.
It is difficult for uninitiates to grasp that the Soul’s
Two-Part Psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious
mind per se has no superlative knowledge of its own. All
knowledge that ego-consciousness has without it being in
unanimity with the spiritual force of creation: i.e. God is
totally profane and useless. The psyche is, for all intent and
purpose, tabula rasa: i.e. a blank slate.
All activities in life voluntarily and/or involuntarily
are solely based upon the wisdom of the MONAD: i.e. Soul:
God/Man Christ and this will be discussed throughout this
paper. If the uninitiate knows nothing of the MATRIX OF
WISDOM then he or she lives life barbarously, which is
analogous to the manner that modernity is presently
portrayed as: i.e. erroneously thinking it is civilized.
The entire human body coincides with the duality of
the two-hemispheres of the brain. The manner that parents
and societal mores educate a new born baby coincides with
the esoteric teachings of the MONAD. All activities in the illusionary outer world: i.e. ego-
consciousness, are solely based upon the instinctual archetypal principles of the MONAD.
The only intelligent and scientific manner that this esoteric knowledge about the MONAD:
i.e. Soul: God/Man Christ can be conveyed to the outer world is via the sacred scriptures.
Spirituality is silent; whereas, materiality is extremely vocal and the sacred scriptures explicitly
demonstrate this. Uninitiates paid attention only to the choir: i.e. the din of the outer world,
which coincides with its psyche’s personal biases, prejudices and preconceived notions.
The above image is symbolic of the LIGHT distinguished from the DARKNESS. The
DARKNESS symbolizes the unconscious mind and the colored numerics from one (1) to eight
(8) symbolizes the LIGHT: i.e. ego-consciousness distinguished from the DARKNESS. The
LIGHT symbolizes what the psyche desires on a personal level.
Esotericism’s Mythological Historicity
here is no other way other than the canonized sacred scriptures to discuss the
inexplicable esoteric activities of Christ consciousness. In fact the bible only begins
when the MONAD: i.e. Soul: God/Man Christ dominates the psyche.
The bible, as modernity knows it, realistically is only the tip of the iceberg so-to-speak
as to the esoteric information it contains. Most of Judaism, Christianity and Islam peruse
the Judaeo Christian Scriptures via a foreign language that completely obliterates the
sacred scriptures indigenous languages: i.e. both the Hebrew and Greek alphabets are
alphanumerically structured and each letter is designated as a symbol and then classified as
archetypal, existential or cosmic. The textual wording of the sacred scriptures are presented
iconoclastically via one word definitions; whereas, esoterically every symbol has an infinite
depth of knowledge.
An example of this is esoterically inferred in day one of creation that speaks about the
LIGHT that is distinguished from the DARKNESS; yet, that LIGHT symbolizes Astrology,
the cerebral lobes of the brain, the Tarot Cards and a host of other concepts, which are
never considered by orthodox Christianity; nonetheless, a deep esoteric study of the
scriptural texts unravels these mysteries. Every concept in the bible is discussing nothing
more than the psyche; however, if the initiate does not pay attention to what he or she is
reading nothing would ever be esoterically revealed.
The sacred scriptures are not just the books of the bible. Christ consciousness is the
origin of the sacred scriptures. The psyche’s activities are the sacred scriptures; but,
because, time travels at the speed of light there is no way of analyzing the dynamics of
ongoing psychic activities.
The realm of modernity is pure chaos; though, it appears on the surface to be civilized.
That inexplicable chaos would represent incalculable methods the uninitiates, in the out
world, traverses via the psyche’s archetypal instinctual patterns. Few uninitiate rise to the
level of scriptural existentialism; thus, even fewer would rise to the superlative state of
Christ consciousness.
No human psyche exists unless it is governed by the MONAD: i.e. Soul: God/Man
Christ. Being governed by the MONAD does not necessary mean the psyche is in the state of
Christ consciousness; whereas, those that are in the state of Christ consciousness are on the
same page as how the sacred scriptures are esoterically written.
This latter statement is difficult to discuss unless the reader knows about the esoteric
science. It took me decades to realize that I had crossed the threshold into Christ
In the first two chapters of Genesis there are patterns that illustrate a system of cycle,
which I named the Cycles of Divina Creation1
that illustrate all twelve signs of the zodiac
that have within each of their precincts all twelve signs of the zodiac. This is why the same
spiritual concepts can be codified to any particular part of the sacred scriptures symbolized
by any sign of the zodiac.
All biblical writings symbolically represents what goes on in the psyche while in the
state of Christ consciousness. The bible has nothing to do with the activities of the profane
and/or infidels.
The scriptural sacred geometry symbolizing the Cycles of Divine Creation represents
the archetypal image of the Scales of Libra; however, the first archetypal image that has to
be esoterically traversed is DESIRE (Coma), which is the first decan of Virgo. These
esoteric patterns are not envisaged by the uninitiate; because, he or she truly does not
DESIRE to know the truth about it.
To the uninitiate such psychic archetypal patterns are unbelievable; yet, this is
analogous to Catholicism2
symbolically being a single sect of Christianity; whereas,
Protestantism has 27,000+ sects.
Enter in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that
leads to destruction, and many there be who go in there (Matthew 7:13).
For the sacred scriptures to have these sacred geometry patterns codified into its
precincts it is extremely suggestive as to the unwitting pathway that the initiate
serendipitously embarks upon. I will go further into this particular concept as I continue on
in this work.
For decades I have been confused as to why the sacred scriptures were written from
what appears to be a historical perspective. Four decades of researching the esoteric
science codified to the bible has taught me that God has nothing to do with time per se; for
the reason that, the bible’s only missive concerns what takes place in the NOW.
When reading Pope Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger’s work ‘IN THE BEGINNING’3
visualized why the sacred scriptures were seemingly written historically. Of course I would
not have been able to envisage this esoteric mythological historicity if I had not an immense
understanding of the esoteric science codified to the first chapter of Genesis.
It always amazes me how I can look at the wording of the sacred scriptures for decades
and not see the full truth that is there in plain sight. Now the answers: i.e. new nuances that
radiate out of the sacred scriptures seems so simple as if they should never have escaped me.
I know that the first four days of creation symbolized the LIGHT: i.e. the four basic
elements: i.e. Earth, Air, Water and Fire scattered into the outer world and I know
esoterically that the fifth and sixth days of creation symbolized the human skeleton
symbolizing the skeletal structure of the psyche raison d’être.
However, now the textual mythoi of the fifth and sixth days of creation are projecting
out a new more superlative perspective. I understood that the birds coming out of the
waters of the fifth day of creation symbolized the psyche spiritually escaping the Inferno
I am using Catholicism as a single sect merely as an example; though, I envisage Catholicism teachings as being spiritual and
superlatively correct; whereas, the laity, which includes the hierarchy, in modernity, for the most part, is just as profane as
Protestants. Paradoxically, many esoteric examples, in the contexts of the mythoi of the sacred scriptures, are as inexplicably
confusing as this one.
In the Beginning…': A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall
and Purgatorial states of consciousness that ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind
were encapsulated it into. Rising out of the waters of the fifth day of creation symbolizes
the psyche obtaining Christ consciousness: i.e. entering the Garden of Eden.
The angelic psyche after leaving the oceanic waters of the fifth day of creation goes and
lives on the earth: i.e. creation’s mastaba in the sixth day of creation would be analogous to
living in the Garden of Eden with the mentality of Christ consciousness. Yahweh and
Elohym continue to make or create Adam in the sixth day of creation, which would
symbolize via TIME and TIMELESSNESS psychically regressing and/or being reinitiated.
The first three verses in the second chapter of Genesis is a summary of the first chapter
of Genesis and I envisage the first four chapters of Genesis as symbolizing the Sign of the
Cross that is symbolized in the first four days of creation.
The first four chapters of Genesis are in perfect alignment with the first four days of
creation in symbolizing the Sign of the Cross.
CHAPTER FOUR (Fire) symbolizes north (forehead, which is the location of the pineal
gland) mirror-imaging the Day Four emphasizes DESIRE, which is what inaugurates
the zodiac’s movement.
CHAPTER TWO (Air) symbolizes south (heart) mirror-imaging Day Two creating the
Vesica Piscis; because, God is heaven (empyrean) and the Sun and Moon are terrestrial:
i.e. earth.
CHAPTER TRHEE (Water) symbolizes west (left shoulder) mirror-imaging Day Three
creating the mastaba of creation,
CHAPTER ONE (Earth) symbolized east (right shoulder) mirror-imaging Day One
distinguishing the LIGHT from the DARKNESS.
The Sign of the Cross literally symbolizes on a minute scale how the psyche works. Life
takes place in the pineal gland, which is in the center of the skull, which is analogous to the
Crossing in the center of the church’s transept. The Crossing simultaneously separates the
apse from the nave. The Crossing symbolizes it is no part of the four directions; because, it
radiates out its missive to the psyche. The Crossing is not an amalgamation of the four
directions and their symbolism; rather, the four directions are radiated/scattered into the
outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness.
The Sign of the Cross is a ritualistic mechanism (prayer), which is supposed to be a
reminder of how the psyche activities work. The pineal gland radiate out the psyche’s life
force; however, in order for ego-consciousness to comprehend what is taking place
psychically in all that is symbolized via the materialistic communication mechanisms: i.e.
numerics (east -Cups), images (north - Wands), symbols (south - Symbols) and words (west
– Pentacles) it has to receive continuous and never-ending feedback from the spiritual force
of creation: i.e. God.
The spiritual force of creation has no directions; because, that is an earthly concept
classifying, diversifying and individualizing: i.e. dissecting the infinite realm in order to
understand it: i.e. bring Order out of Chaos. Once the spiritual force of creation
amalgamates with the terrestrial realm of the psyche nanosecond by nanosecond, all
knowledge of the psyche’s past are instantaneously in place in the MONAD: God/Man
Christ, which is what the pineal gland symbolizes, which creates ego-consciousness’
(Adam’s) knowledge into its image and logic and this is what is radiated back out in the
outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness. This is an infinite psychological cyclic process. Ego-
consciousness accepts and/or rejects it.
The MATRIX OF WISDOM being a commentary on the MONAD projected out the
illusionary universe, which in and of itself, symbolizes the infinite content of the psyche.
This aspect of the outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness is called nature; whereas, the
unconscious mind represents the universe on an abstract level.
The Sign of the Cross, once fully understood, symbolizes the Ouroboros Serpent;
because, it is an infinite cyclic motif symbolizing the number eight
(8) on a horizontal level. The point here is that the pineal gland
radiates outwardly, which is analogous to the sun radiating its
light out. It is only the psychic aspects of the MONAD that can
define the LIGHT; because, the spiritual force of creation is
totally silent from a materialistic perspective; however, the spiritual force of creation is
extremely vocal on an inexplicable esoteric level when ego-consciousness meditates.
Don’t misunderstand any of this; for the reason that, in no way, shape or form is the
psyche able to fully grasp the superlative; thought, via Christ consciousness the psyche does
the best it can. For example ‘the mathematical symbol for infinity is named the lemniscate’.
As it can be seen the serpent’s head is in the center, which is the Crossing in the Church;
however, this four directions symbolized by the Sign of the Cross is the initiate best way of
comprehending the psychological process of the spiritual forces of creation revitalizing ego-
consciousness archival memory database to provide suggestion as to how to proceed in life.
The psyche is mystically Christ, which is the Ouroboros Serpent that can only dine
upon itself. The psyche is not capable of cannibalizing anybody else’s thoughts, words
and/or deeds; though, this psychic process can be misinterpreted to mean that cannibalism
would enlighten those that eat other human beings, with the intellect of those they
The process is eternally cyclic; however, ego-consciousness does not radiate into the
spiritual force of creation; rather, ego-consciousness when it communicates with the
unconscious mind it is radiating into it its present psychic activities. It is the spiritual force
of creation that radiates into the unconscious mind that advises ego-consciousness;
therefore, the unconscious mind radiates out new LIGHT: i.e. missive of God. During the
course of the psyche existence none of its thoughts, words or deeds: i.e. archival memory
database is annihilated; because, it was all originally formatted via the spiritual force of
creation, which is not capable of dissipating into annihilation.
If I am reading the MATRIX OF WISDOM, Astrology, cerebral lobes of the brain, the
Sign of the Cross, etc. properly then everything in the outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness
that continuously receives the LIGHT from out of the unconscious mind: i.e. DARKNESS
instantaneously format creation nanosecond by nanosecond via that Ouroboros Serpent,
which symbolizes a circle of 360º: i.e. SHIN ‫:ש‬ i.e. THE FOOL, which is a zero (0): i.e.
creating creation ex nihilo: i.e. out of nothing.
I am interpreting this to mean that since the world does not exist, it never did exist and it
never will exist, that each nanosecond of time is a brand new psychic reality totally oblivious
of the previous reality; though, the new reality ostensibly appear to mythological sync with
the previous reality. It is as if, when the psyche goes to sleep at night and reawakens in the
morning the outer world may not be the same mythological reality that was left behind
before falling asleep?
I know that this all sound inane; yet, considering the esoteric facts presented to the
initiate via the esoteric science, encoded into the sacred scriptures, it is hard to believe that
creation can be created in any other manner. When considering the fact that every psyche
on the face of the earth (seven billion plus) is autonomous it is all too obvious that each
human being has to create Order out of Chaos within its own psyche.
The esoteric science codified to the sacred scriptures is continuously validating itself in
all its textual mythological vignettes. For example the first word of Genesis BERESHITH
‫בראשית‬ will be shown below to transubstantiate into a sacred geometry image of a sphere,
which has everything to do with a center with BERESHITH’s ‫בראשית‬ six ordinal directions
surrounding it; hence, this is an eternal cyclic symbolic mirror-imaging process of PEI ‫פ‬
inundating and surrounding the first letter of Genesis BETH ‫.ב‬ BERESHITH ‫בראשית‬
symbolizes Christ consciousness mirror-imaging and integrating symbolically with the
superlative activities of the MONAD.
The mirror-imaging process is analogous to ego-consciousness and the unconscious
mind getting on the same page, which is analogous to a tree growing in the outer world: i.e.
ego-consciousness, which the root portion of the tree is symbolic of the unconscious mind.
The Garden of Eden is analogous to the Tree of Life; because, the deflated ego pays
attention to Christ consciousness. Yahweh Elohym: i.e. Christ consciousness warned Adam
not to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which is ego-consciousness and
the unconscious mind not being on the same page, which is totally dismissing Christ
consciousness, which is analogous to what the serpent (Adam) and Eve did in the third
chapter of Genesis.
NORTH symbolizes the empyrean’s (heaven) realm; SOUTH symbolizes the heart
revealing the true nature of the psyche’s activities; thus, when the spiritual force of creation
comes symbolically from the NORTH it radiates right through the east-west-corridor-of-
time formatting the Cross of Christ continuously creating the psyche into its image and
WEST symbolizes the psyche creating its own Eternal Temple of God, which is
returning to the EAST with what it has spiritually received. This latter psychic content is
what is called the sacred scriptures of the world: i.e. Book of Life. Now the psyche does not
have to pay attention to what is being suggested to it; thus, it will pay the addictive and
obsessive consequences of its modus operandi in its psychic activities.
EAST symbolizes the apse: i.e. altar area of the Eternal Temple of God. The MONAD:
God/Man Christ performs Holy Mass. The bible symbolizes the psyche content: i.e. Book of
Life that the psyche projects back to the unconscious mind, which is radiated through via
the God/Man Christ. This Book of Life is symbolized by the sacred scriptures that the laity
reads during the beginning of the Holy Mass that Christ (priest) gives a sermon on. This
intertwining of the laity and Christ is why Christ is called the God/Man.
Thus, the whole process of the Signing of the Cross is a continuous never-ending
reevaluation of the psyche’s activities and the spiritual force of creation continuously
advising the psyche on to how to conduct itself in its activities.
The Sign of the Cross is ritualistically symbolic of parents continuously overseeing
their child’s activities; thus, the Sign of the Cross is an archetypal pattern; for the reason
that, the psyche is a very finite mechanism trying to understand the infinite realm of the
MONAD: God/Man Christ.
It becomes all too obvious that from birth to death the psyche is learning all about
itself. Each initiate or uninitiate can only choose a finite amount of things to do in life; thus,
the Sign of the Cross symbolizes that the more the psyche pays attention to what it is
interested in the more knowledgeable it will become, which is similar to an fledgling student
becoming an expert in his or her chosen profession. This is analogous to the universe
expanding outwards; yet, it appears to be the same size at all times.
The fifth and sixth days of creation symbolizes the psychic experiences the initiate goes
through in his or her journey to obtain or lose Christ consciousness. The process of learning
to understand Christ consciousness can deflate or inflate the ego’s hubris.
The second chapter of Genesis symbolizes the activities of the fifth day of creation.
Yahweh Elohym (Christ) is creating Eve out of Adam, which is analogous to the birds flying
out of the waters. The fifth day of creation symbolizes Taurus the second sign of the zodiac.
Taurus is a vicious bull that is a fixed sign and it hates movement. Passiveness is what the
bull symbolizes.
The third chapter of Genesis symbolizes the activities of the sixth day of creation where
Adam’s hubris is inflated enough to trick Eve, making her join him in the realm of duality:
i.e. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil; however, the sixth day of creation also
symbolizes Elohym creating Adam into his own image; thus, Adam had a choice as to which
direction to take to be MADE or CREATED.
The reason for discussing all this is to point out that the moment that the first word of
Genesis BERESHITH ‫בראשית‬ was written Christ consciousness enters the psyche and ego-
consciousness and the unconscious mind no longer existed: i.e. only the Trinitarian
Paradigm: i.e. Trinity exist.
This same archetypal paradigm representing the Sign of the Cross just laid out above is
extrapolated out into the sacred scriptures to continuously reemphasize what causes the
dynamics of the psyche to choose Christ consciousness or ego-consciousness’ hubris.
The next example in the sacred scriptures representing the fifth and sixth days of
create are seen is the mythoi of Noah’s Ark, which points out that the peoples of the world
are drowned in the flood (fifth day of creation) and the only thing that survives is the Ark,
which is the MATRIX OF WISDOM. All the peoples of the world have one language: i.e.
numerics in the mythoi of the Tower of Babel and then they are scattered confused via
multiple cultural languages throughout the world symbolizing what goes on in the sixth day
of creation.
The waters of creation are symbolized by Yahweh (26) and Elohym (86), which
combine have the aggregate of 112, which is reduce to four (4). In the archetypal realm the
number four is symbolized by the fourth (4th
) Hebrew letter DALETH ‫ד‬ (4: i.e. Door of
Creation) The archetypal number four (4) expands out to the thirteenth (13th
) Hebrew letter
MEM ‫מ‬ (40, which is in the existential realm: i.e. waters of creation). The waters of creation
are the teachings of a religion: i.e. Baptism, which can overwhelm any member of the laity.
This is why Noah was able to name every animal male and female and put them on the Ark:
i.e. MATRIX OF WISDOM. Then the number forty (40) expands out to the cosmic Hebrew
letter TAV ‫ת‬ (400). TAV is also a doorway into the cosmic realm: i.e. Garden of Eden or it
can be reversed for those that loose Christ consciousness, which are cast out into the outer
world: ego-consciousness without any guidance.
The making of Adam in the sixth day of creation; rather, than creating him, brought
forth a hubris that could not be deflated. The Tower of Babel infers confusion or is that
hubris at work inferring that all religions were so out of touch with God’s missive they
could not stop building the Tower of Babel? Stop building would have been analogous to
not canonizing the Old and New Testaments. Finishing a project is very much like what
Dante Alighieri did in esoterically writing La Divina Commedia; though, I personally
understood Dante’s mathematical system, I did not understand the Italian language, which
is analogous to drowning in the waters of the fifth day of creation; though, Dante’s
numerics guided me out of iconoclasm, which is ego-consciousness’ hubris at work.
Further into the sacred scriptures symbolizes the four equinoctial signs: i.e. Gemini
(Air), Taurus (Earth), Aries (Fire) and Pisces
(Waters), which is another symbol of the Sign of
the Cross. Pisces of course symbolizes the New
Testament. From that perspective Gemini: i.e.
the antediluvian times: i.e. first eleven chapters
of Genesis symbolizes the right shoulder, Pisces
symbolizes the Heart, Taurus symbolizes the
Bull (left shoulder) in its passiveness drowning
itself in an ocean of nonsense and Aries
(forehead) symbolizes the Ram and through its
activities sacrifices itself by deflating the ego;
rather, than inflating the ego’s hubris.
These four equinoctial signs: i.e. Gemini,
Taurus, Aries and Pisces symbolizes the left side
of the brain, which is the masculine side: i.e.
creative side: i.e. Jachin (Sun). Too often the
symbolism that portrays this concept is misread.
A good example of misreading this symbolism is
seen in both the West Façade of Chartres
Cathedral and the north and south Rose
Windows in the area of the transept.
Chartres Cathedral’s West Façade shows Christ in the center of a Vesica Piscis, with the
Sun Tower on his right side (North) and the Moon Tower on his left side (South). This image
ostensibly symbolizes the MATRIX OF WISDOM transformed into the Eternal Temple of God
where ego-consciousness (sun) and the unconscious mind (moon) intertwine with each other.
This merging of the Soul’s Two-Part Psyche ostensibly would symbolize Christ consciousness.
However, the cerebral lobes of the brain are in reverse of that. The moon symbolizing
abstractions is on the right side of the brain and the sun symbolizing creativity is on the left
side of the brain. Going into Chartres Cathedral up by the altar area where the transept is the
North Rose Window symbolize the feminine (moon) and the South Rose Window symbolizes
the masculine (sun).
Paradoxically, to the uninitiate this is quite confusing; however, the West Façade
illustrates Christ: i.e. a member of the laity coming out of the Chartres Cathedral going back
into the world. Symbolically, the psyche is leaving the skull going into the outer world: i.e.
ego-consciousness. Those that know the two-hemispheres of the brain recognize that the right
side of the brain rules the left side of the body and the left side of the brain rules the right side
of the body: i.e. hence the West Facade. Every Roman Catholic Church is structured in the
image and likeness of the cerebral lobes of the brain, within the skull with the pineal gland:
i.e. Crossing in its center.
Knowing this about the West Façade, take the image of the West Façade and face it east
as if the West Façade was looking into a mirror at the North and South Rose Windows
flanking the transept. NOW the reader should go to a mirror and lift his or her right arm. The
image in the mirror will be raising his or her left arm; thus, the missive of Chartres
Cathedral’s West Façade is that the outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness’ hubris is in total
opposition to the teachings of the Church. Do people actually envisage that message?
However, the elephant is in the room, so-to-speak, via the sizes of the Sun and Moon
Towers, which rises sky-high way above the central portion of the West Façade, which says a
great deal about what, is antichrist. The Sun and the Moon Towers are analogous to
government and corporate business buildings that symbolizes the psyche’s hubris gone out of
control. This is actually envisaged on the streets of modernity. Great cathedrals and all
religious buildings are psychically minimized via modernity’s hubris. Chartres Cathedral West
Façade built in 1134AD can be said to have prophesize the manner that governments and
businesses would boaster there hubris in the future; though, this is not a prophecy per se;
because, it is standard religious knowledge that is notoriously known about the psychic
activities of ego-consciousness (government) and the unconscious mind (business).
Now look at the triptych in the center of the West Façade. The north and south doors are
smaller than the central entrance, which symbolizes ego-consciousness and the unconscious
mind genuflecting before going into the holy cathedral. In Christ there is no male or female.
The stain glass windows above the triptych are also illustrating the same concept as the three
doors. This is why Freemasonry has the Boaz and Jachin columns outside their temple.
The reason why the sacred scriptures are written using these four equinoctial signs is to
emphasize the cerebral lobes of the brain.
The psyche’s activities in the outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness can do no less than
involuntarily and instinctually activities that align with the primal archetypal principles of
the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ and its commentary: i.e. MATRIX OF WISDOM.
In the first two chapters of Genesis there are patterns that illustrate a system of cycle,
which I named the Cycles of Divina Creation4
that illustrate all twelve signs of the zodiac
that have within their precincts all twelve signs of the zodiac. This is why the same spiritual
concepts can be codified to any particular part of the sacred scriptures symbolized by any
sign of the zodiac.
All biblical writings symbolically represents what goes on in the psyche while in the
state of Christ consciousness. The bible has nothing to do with the activities of the profane
and infidels.
this work
previous writing
for the read
reader reads that paper in order to
understand how the matrix was developed ex
nihilo: i.e. out of nothing.
truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through me. If you had known me, you
would have known my Father also. From now
on you know him and have seen him”
The spiritual force
per se, cannot be envisage
means whatsoever other than
of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data
then becomes the MONAD: i.e. number one (1).
The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1)
Everything that is manifested i
images the MONAD: i.e. number one (1).
The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist.
all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by
fixture; yet,
time; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that
sound; nevertheless, it is true.
sequence of time.
align with time.
When the initiate studies the
column and/or row
number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta
are mirror
image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ.
reviously, I have
did not intuit a good deal of
this work on the matrix’s numerics
I will have to repeat some of
previous writings
the reader to understand this
information. I highly recommend that the
reader reads that paper in order to
understand how the matrix was developed ex
nihilo: i.e. out of nothing.
“Jesus said to him, ‘
truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through me. If you had known me, you
would have known my Father also. From now
on you know him and have seen him”
(John 14:6–7).
The spiritual force
per se, cannot be envisage
means whatsoever other than
of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data
then becomes the MONAD: i.e. number one (1).
The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1)
symbolically radiates
Everything that is manifested i
images the MONAD: i.e. number one (1).
The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist.
all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by
nanosecond is the illusionary
fixture; yet, ego-consciousness: i.e. all creation
; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that
sound; nevertheless, it is true.
Twenty-four (24)
sequence of time.
align with time.
When the initiate studies the
column and/or row
number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta
mirror-imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the
number one is mirro
image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ.
ly, I have written
did not intuit a good deal of
information that will be discussed in
on the matrix’s numerics
I will have to repeat some of
s about the matrix in order
to understand this
I highly recommend that the
reader reads that paper in order to
understand how the matrix was developed ex
nihilo: i.e. out of nothing.
Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the
truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through me. If you had known me, you
would have known my Father also. From now
on you know him and have seen him”
The spiritual force of creation: i.e. God,
per se, cannot be envisaged
means whatsoever other than
of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data
then becomes the MONAD: i.e. number one (1).
The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1)
radiates LIGHT into the outer world
Everything that is manifested i
images the MONAD: i.e. number one (1).
The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist.
all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by
the illusionary
consciousness: i.e. all creation
; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that
sound; nevertheless, it is true.
(24) movie slides are needed
sequence of time. Ego-consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to
When the initiate studies the
column and/or row is a multiplication table casting
number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta
imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the
one is mirror-imaging the number one; therefore,
image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ.
MATRIX OF WISDOM: How was it Created? An Esoteric Commentary
written on how the
did not intuit a good deal of
that will be discussed in
on the matrix’s numerics at th
I will have to repeat some of those
about the matrix in order
to understand this additional
I highly recommend that the
reader reads that paper in order to
understand how the matrix was developed ex
I am the way, and the
truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through me. If you had known me, you
would have known my Father also. From now
on you know him and have seen him”
of creation: i.e. God,
by any psychic
the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force
of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data
then becomes the MONAD: i.e. number one (1).
The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1)
LIGHT into the outer world
Everything that is manifested into creation
images the MONAD: i.e. number one (1).
The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist.
all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by
the illusionary outer world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent
consciousness: i.e. all creation
; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that
sound; nevertheless, it is true. Ego-consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie.
movie slides are needed
consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to
When the initiate studies the MATRIX OF WISDOM
a multiplication table casting
number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta
imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the
imaging the number one; therefore,
image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ.
was it Created? An Esoteric Commentary
did not intuit a good deal of the
that will be discussed in
at that
about the matrix in order
I highly recommend that the
reader reads that paper in order to
understand how the matrix was developed ex
I am the way, and the
truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through me. If you had known me, you
would have known my Father also. From now
on you know him and have seen him”
of creation: i.e. God,
the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force
of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data
then becomes the MONAD: i.e. number one (1).
The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1)
LIGHT into the outer world
creation: i.e. ego-consciousness
The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist.
all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by
world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent
consciousness: i.e. all creation dissipate in
; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that
consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie.
movie slides are needed per second for the film to coordinate with the
consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to
a multiplication table casting-out
number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta
imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the
imaging the number one; therefore,
image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ.
was it Created? An Esoteric Commentary
the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force
of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data
The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1)
, which per se is ego
The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist.
all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by
world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent
dissipate into the past
; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that
consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie.
per second for the film to coordinate with the
consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to
MATRIX OF WISDOM he or she will realize that each
out-nines (reducing each multiplication
number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta
imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the
imaging the number one; therefore, all manifested creation is in the
image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ.
was it Created? An Esoteric Commentary
was developed
the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force
of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory database of knowledge and
The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1)
, which per se is ego-consciousness
consciousness symbolizes and mirror
The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist. Ego-consciousness is, for
all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by
world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent
to the past every nanosecond of
; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that
consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie.
per second for the film to coordinate with the
consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to
he or she will realize that each
nines (reducing each multiplication
number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication tables beyond the first
imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the
all manifested creation is in the
was developed and
the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force
of knowledge and
The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1) that
symbolizes and mirror
consciousness is, for
all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by
world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent
every nanosecond of
; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that
consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie.
per second for the film to coordinate with the
consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to
he or she will realize that each
nines (reducing each multiplication
bles beyond the first
imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the
all manifested creation is in the
the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force
of knowledge and
symbolizes and mirror-
consciousness is, for
all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by
world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent
every nanosecond of
; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that
consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie.
per second for the film to coordinate with the
consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to
he or she will realize that each
nines (reducing each multiplication
bles beyond the first
imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the
all manifested creation is in the
Without the MATRIX OF WISDOM color coded like it is seen here, in the above
image, in concord with the numerics of the Sun
Signs of Astrology and/or Chess pieces it would be
nigh unto an impossibility for the uninitiated to
understand what is being discussed in this work.
The reader would have absolutely no knowledge of
the matrix’s existence whatsoever; though, it has
been known all over the world in all times and
The MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ: i.e.
Eucharist is contained within the chalice: i.e. Holy
Grail. The Roman Catholic Church’s apse is the
altar’s area, which symbolizes the unconscious
mind, which is not in the outer world: i.e. ego-
consciousness per se; thus, the unconscious mind
symbolizes the Holy Grail: i.e. chalice that contains
the Eucharist. The Eucharist: i.e. LIGHT is what is given to ego-consciousness.
The nines (9s) in the MATRIX OF WISDOM symbolize the Holy Grail and the colored
numbers ones (1s) thru eights (8s) symbolizes the LIGHT of the world, which symbolizes
the Eucharist: i.e. God/Man Christ. When the Eucharist is given to a member of the laity
essentially the Eucharist is being scattered into the outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness.
What is meant by the Eucharist being scattered into the world is, each initiate
envisages Christ from a different perspective than anybody else in the outer world. Each
member of the laity, during the Holy Mass, listens to the same scriptural readings and the
same sermon, on those scriptural readings.
Listening to the scriptural readings and sermon, in and of itself, is receiving the
Eucharist without actually taking in the wafer host. What the initiate envisages via the Holy
Mass is different from every other member of the laity; because, of his or her personal
biases, prejudices and preconceived notions. This same process goes on, in the outer world,
outside of the Church services, continuously everlastingly nanosecond by nanosecond.
When the priest blesses the Eucharistic wafer host, that blessing symbolizes Christ
perfecting each member of the laity’s mental acuity on the biblical readings and the sermon.
The homily was symbolically spoken by the priest, who symbolizes Christ: i.e. God/Man
amalgamating with the surface textual readings, which is read by members of the laity.
When the initiate receives the Eucharist he is somewhat confused by what he or she is
envisaging and it is that confusion that scatters the Eucharist into the outer world.
Receiving the Eucharistic wafer host is symbolic of what the laity had already received
when they heard the scriptural readings from other members of the laity and the sermon
spoken symbolically by Christ.
The Cross is on the Eucharist’s wafer host; because, it symbolizes Christ unanimity
with each member of the laity’s mental acuity. This latter is how the Unknown God sends
Christ into the world. Everything in the outer world symbolizes the Sign of the Cross no
matter what its mythoi are saying.
This is why during every Holy Mass, in every Catholic Church the Cross hangs above
the altar; because, no matter what anybody envisages that Cross is the bottom-line to every
issue presented in manifested creation’s: i.e. ego-consciousness’ mythoi. The Cross is
symbolic of squaring proportionally infinite knowledge: i.e. squaring the circle.
What is meant by squaring proportionally infinite knowledge is analogous to the
creation of Eve. The fifth and sixth days of creation symbolizes the human skeleton;
because, these two days contain 206-words, which is symbolic of the 206-bones in the body.
It is interesting to notice that THE 206-words reduce down to twenty-six (26), which is the
Gematria value of YAHWEH. Yahweh Elohym (Christ) takes a rib out of Adam’s axial
skeleton that symbolizes the universe, and builds from it. The skeleton will be discussed
more below.
The MATRIX OF WISDOM is inexplicably and scientifically, on a mathematical level,
developed flawlessly. All that comes into the outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness are
symbolically the numerical abstractions of the numbers from one (1) to eight (8) radiating
out of the number nine (9); however, the ego’s hubris only sees images not actually
abstractions: i.e. numerics; whereas, if the unconscious mind was capable of seeing what it
radiated into the outer world it would see only numerics: i.e. its abstractions.
Numerics (Cups), images (Wands), symbols (Swords) and Words (Pentacles) are the
initiate’s psychic objective communication mechanisms use to convey the word of God;
whereas, human’s sensatory perceptions: i.e. five senses per se are merely subjective
NUMERICS (Cups) symbolize the highly superlative, via abstractions, method used to
convey the psyche’s activities. This is analogous to what takes place while sleeping. It is
also what takes place enigmatically during the awaken hours of the day.
IMAGES (Wands) are what ego-consciousness’ hubris envisages via its sensatory
perceptions. An image holds the entire superlative picture of creation, which ego-
consciousness has to dissect in order to comprehend it. This kind of superlative image is
what ego-consciousness envisages when awaking from sleep. The whole dream is given
to the psyche’s hubris instantaneously upon awaking.
SYMBOLS (Swords) symbolize the folk tongue: i.e. two-edge sword, which points to the
fact that everything in manifested creation: i.e. ego-consciousness has its opposites,
trying to understand what the dream or illusionary world is about.
WORDS (Pentacles) are ego-consciousness’ manner of trying to convey the activities of
the psyche; but, ego-consciousness can do no better than convey those psychic activities
via a slanted perspective via its own biases, prejudices and preconceived notions.
The initiate has to learn to comprehend, on his or her own volition, the differences
between numerics: i.e. abstractions and/or images (religious artworks and/or the sensory
perception of the outer world) and/or words (sacred scriptures). The initiate has to name:
i.e. symbolize what numerics and images are actually conveying esoterically.
In the numerics of the MATRIX OF WISDOM each multiplication table beyond the
first multiplication table is analogous to a different translation of the first multiplication
table: i.e. symbolic of multiple translations; because, individually and collectively all nine
(9) multiplication tables are conveying the same message. These numerics also infer that all
religions are the same: i.e. one language; though, they appear symbolically to be multiple
languages. The numerics of the MATRIX OF WISDOM symbolize in Western Civilization
this work
previous writing
for the read
reader reads that paper in order to
understand how the matrix was developed ex
nihilo: i.e. out of nothing.
truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through me. If you had known me, you
would have known my Father also. From now
on you know him and have seen him”
The spiritual force
per se, cannot be envisage
means whatsoever other than
of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data
then becomes the MONAD: i.e. number one (1).
The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1)
Everything that is manifested i
images the MONAD: i.e. number one (1).
The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist.
all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by
fixture; yet,
time; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that
sound; nevertheless, it is true.
sequence of time.
align with time.
When the initiate studies the
column and/or row
number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta
are mirror
image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ.
reviously, I have
did not intuit a good deal of
this work on the matrix’s numerics
I will have to repeat some of
previous writings
the reader to understand this
information. I highly recommend that the
reader reads that paper in order to
understand how the matrix was developed ex
nihilo: i.e. out of nothing.
“Jesus said to him, ‘
truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through me. If you had known me, you
would have known my Father also. From now
on you know him and have seen him”
(John 14:6–7).
The spiritual force
per se, cannot be envisage
means whatsoever other than
of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data
then becomes the MONAD: i.e. number one (1).
The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1)
symbolically radiates
Everything that is manifested i
images the MONAD: i.e. number one (1).
The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist.
all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by
nanosecond is the illusionary
fixture; yet, ego-consciousness: i.e. all creation
; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that
sound; nevertheless, it is true.
Twenty-four (24)
sequence of time.
align with time.
When the initiate studies the
column and/or row
number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta
mirror-imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the
number one is mirro
image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ.
ly, I have written
did not intuit a good deal of
information that will be discussed in
on the matrix’s numerics
I will have to repeat some of
s about the matrix in order
to understand this
I highly recommend that the
reader reads that paper in order to
understand how the matrix was developed ex
nihilo: i.e. out of nothing.
Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the
truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through me. If you had known me, you
would have known my Father also. From now
on you know him and have seen him”
The spiritual force of creation: i.e. God,
per se, cannot be envisaged
means whatsoever other than
of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data
then becomes the MONAD: i.e. number one (1).
The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1)
radiates LIGHT into the outer world
Everything that is manifested i
images the MONAD: i.e. number one (1).
The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist.
all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by
the illusionary
consciousness: i.e. all creation
; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that
sound; nevertheless, it is true.
(24) movie slides are needed
sequence of time. Ego-consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to
When the initiate studies the
column and/or row is a multiplication table casting
number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta
imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the
one is mirror-imaging the number one; therefore,
image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ.
MATRIX OF WISDOM: How was it Created? An Esoteric Commentary
written on how the
did not intuit a good deal of
that will be discussed in
on the matrix’s numerics at th
I will have to repeat some of those
about the matrix in order
to understand this additional
I highly recommend that the
reader reads that paper in order to
understand how the matrix was developed ex
I am the way, and the
truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through me. If you had known me, you
would have known my Father also. From now
on you know him and have seen him”
of creation: i.e. God,
by any psychic
the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force
of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data
then becomes the MONAD: i.e. number one (1).
The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1)
LIGHT into the outer world
Everything that is manifested into creation
images the MONAD: i.e. number one (1).
The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist.
all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by
the illusionary outer world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent
consciousness: i.e. all creation
; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that
sound; nevertheless, it is true. Ego-consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie.
movie slides are needed
consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to
When the initiate studies the MATRIX OF WISDOM
a multiplication table casting
number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta
imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the
imaging the number one; therefore,
image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ.
was it Created? An Esoteric Commentary
did not intuit a good deal of the
that will be discussed in
at that
about the matrix in order
I highly recommend that the
reader reads that paper in order to
understand how the matrix was developed ex
I am the way, and the
truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through me. If you had known me, you
would have known my Father also. From now
on you know him and have seen him”
of creation: i.e. God,
the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force
of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data
then becomes the MONAD: i.e. number one (1).
The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1)
LIGHT into the outer world
creation: i.e. ego-consciousness
The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist.
all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by
world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent
consciousness: i.e. all creation dissipate in
; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that
consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie.
movie slides are needed per second for the film to coordinate with the
consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to
a multiplication table casting-out
number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta
imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the
imaging the number one; therefore,
image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ.
was it Created? An Esoteric Commentary
the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force
of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data
The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1)
, which per se is ego
The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist.
all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by
world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent
dissipate into the past
; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that
consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie.
per second for the film to coordinate with the
consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to
MATRIX OF WISDOM he or she will realize that each
out-nines (reducing each multiplication
number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta
imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the
imaging the number one; therefore, all manifested creation is in the
image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ.
was it Created? An Esoteric Commentary
was developed
the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force
of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory database of knowledge and
The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1)
, which per se is ego-consciousness
consciousness symbolizes and mirror
The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist. Ego-consciousness is, for
all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by
world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent
to the past every nanosecond of
; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that
consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie.
per second for the film to coordinate with the
consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to
he or she will realize that each
nines (reducing each multiplication
number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication tables beyond the first
imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the
all manifested creation is in the
was developed and
the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force
of knowledge and
The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1) that
symbolizes and mirror
consciousness is, for
all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by
world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent
every nanosecond of
; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that
consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie.
per second for the film to coordinate with the
consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to
he or she will realize that each
nines (reducing each multiplication
bles beyond the first
imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the
all manifested creation is in the
the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force
of knowledge and
symbolizes and mirror-
consciousness is, for
all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by
world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent
every nanosecond of
; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that
consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie.
per second for the film to coordinate with the
consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to
he or she will realize that each
nines (reducing each multiplication
bles beyond the first
imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the
all manifested creation is in the
The Hopewell Indian Mound Builders9
in Ross County, Ohio USA built a circular and
a square mound in the BC era, which is extraordinarily similar to the diagram of Saint
Peter’s Basilica and Bernini Square. The
American Indians built a number of these
circular and square mounds, which are
obviously symbols of squaring the circle.
This above image literally infers the Kamea
of Saturn: i.e. 3 x 3 square inherently
embedded in the MATRIX OF WISDOM.
Discovering the MATRIX OF WIDOM
in literary works and a number of
monuments esoterically hidden in plain sight
and then to be able to produce demonstrable evidence of it should go a long way in
convincing the reader that this is valid esoteric research.
Realistically, in the outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness, a mother raising her child is
symbolically the Matriarchal age mirror-imaging the unconscious mind from a materialistic
perspective, which is completely opposite of the unconscious mind’s Matriarchal process.
The sacred geometry I intuit from out of the first eleven chapters of Genesis is more aligned
with instinctual archetypal imprints, which are embedded in the unconscious mind’s
Matriarchal process. These psychic instinctual archetypal imprints are what Carl G. Jung10
called The Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious11
During the child’s adolescent years in the outer world’s Matriarchal culture the child is
trained via a motherly and fatherly manner. During these matriarchal years the child
learns to civilize its habits (not get rid of) and it learns the basic principles of reading,
writing and arithmetic. Preliminarily, it is the mother that trains the child in curtailing its
primal instinctual habits and the mother begins to teach the child simple arithmetic via
children toys and introduces the child to writing via coloring books. Aboriginal indigenous
native cultures train their offspring differently as to how to read nature and how to express
it; though, mysteriously they also venture into the esoteric sciences.
Schooling is a Patriarchal setting from societal mores’ perspective, which symbolizes a
father embracing his child’s education. A child before it reaches puberty, about the age ego-
consciousness’s hubris is firmly implanted in the psyche, instinctually learned the basics
principles that governs the Trinitarian Paradigm both spiritually and materially.
READING symbolizes what is discerned in the unconscious mind: i.e. feminine
(Elohym) discerning the spiritual, WRITING symbolizes ego-consciousness: i.e. masculine
(Yahweh) explaining what the initiate knows and ARITHMETIC (numerical abstractions)
symbolizes the missive from the MONAD: i.e. Soul’s God/Man Christ.
The multiplication tables that a child learns in his or her adolescence years at home
and in school are literally the foundational principle that mystically formats the MATRIX
Hopewell Indian Mound Builders
Carl Jung
Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious
OF WISDOM. The child is not informed of the matrix or the importance that the numerics
represent; because, the child’s parents and/or teachers are totally ignorant of the esoteric
Paradoxically, the child walks around in school with compositional books with the
multiplication tables in it; thus, the child has unwittingly the MATRIX OF WISDOM in his
or her possession and he or she know nothing of that pearl of great price. This is very much
like Judaism, Christianity and Islam having the matrix esoterically hidden in the sacred
scriptures without knowing it is there.
The matriarchal years of a child are analogous to the ARCHETYPAL principles being
taught to it unintentionally about its psyche, which unwittingly come from its mother just as
ego-consciousness (masculine) is guided through life via the unconscious mind (feminine).
Once the child reaches puberty it is basically dealing with EXISTENTIAL principles
where it now has to find a way of living life, in the outer world, on its own volition. At this
young age a child still lives with it parents and it now goes out dating or getting teenage
jobs; but, the child comes home very much like a person that attend church services going
in and out of the outer world periodically. Eventually, the child goes out into the world
permanently just as Abraham did (Gen. 12:1) with his wife and entourage.
The MATRIX OF WISDOM, once the psyche intuited it on its own volition find itself
in the midst of COSMIC principles. The matrix has to then be continuously studied and
meditated on for the rest of the initiate’s life span to maintain Christ consciousness. The
matrix has imprinted into its precincts infinite knowledge; both, spiritual and material.
This matrix literally illustrates how the Judaeo Christian Scriptures were written.
Many readers will see all these above statements in regards to the MATRIX OF
WISDOM as inane; because, they know little or nothing about it; nonetheless, no matter
how inexplicable esotericism conveys itself, it is what it is; for the reason that, it is solely
based upon the attention span of the initiate that unravels the secrets of esotericism.
Inattentiveness is solely the province of the ego’s hubris thinking its psyche knows
everything it needs to know. Ego’s hubris does not want to learn from another source.
The numerics coded to the MATRIX OF WISDOM have numerous meanings. Each
meaning has to be studied from a different perspective. Each concept intuited out of the
matrix is another barrier in the psyche preventing the initiate from learning any other truth
from the matrix. This is why the matrix has to be continuously meditated on to extract new
concepts from out of it and this is a never-ending process: i.e. the bible has to be researched
and meditated on in concord with the matrix’s sacred geometry.
The MATRIX OF WISDOM writes the sacred scriptures of the world; though, the
matrix is known all over the world no initiate ever created it. The matrix abstractly
portrays the activities of ego-consciousness. Yes, the matrix is put together via the nine (9)
multiplication tables casting-out-nines; but, the inexplicable knowledge that is inherent in
this matrix is mystically radiated into it via the MONAD: i.e. Soul: God/Man Christ;
Thus, no initiate has the intellectual capacity to invent per se the MATRIX OF
WISDOM. Yes, the initiate can envisage the matrix and write the sacred scriptures and
build monuments based upon what the matrix conveys. The matrix is an instinctual
archetypal image, which is projected, into the outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness.
Symbolizes the Skeleton and the Human Body
No symbol(s) can be fully drained of its meanings. Obtaining information: i.e. spiritual
and/or material from the spiritual force of creation is analogous to breathing in and
breathing out. The lungs, which are analogous to the Soul’s Two-Part Psyche, breathe in
oxygen and then breathe out carbon dioxide, which is analogous to how limited the human
psyche is. The spiritual force of creation radiates out ego-consciousness: i.e. the LIGHT of
the world, which instantly dissipate back into DARKNESS just as the oxygen breathed in
dissipates into carbon dioxide; however, the vegetation takes in the carbon dioxide and
exudes oxygen just as DARKNESS continuously exudes LIGHT.
It is obvious what created the limitations of the psyche, which is inherently an eternal
cyclic process. The spiritual force of creation radiates outward a finite psyche; thus,
creating the cyclic process. The spiritual force of creation is basically life’s energy and per
se does not become part of the psyche; however, ego-consciousness, which is the LIGHT
terrestrially barbaric momentarily until it desires Christ consciousness.
The entire human body is analogous to the Soul’s Two-Part Psyche’s dual paradigm:
two legs, two arms, to eyes, two ears, and two nostrils, two sets of teeth upper and lower,
two lungs and the anus and penis/womb: i.e. the gender duality: i.e. male and female. The
brain has two hemispheres. Eating is analogous to breathing in utilizing oxygen and
breathing out is analogous to the body ridding itself of the waste materials. Nothing goes on
in or out of the body that does not reflect the psychic activities of the Soul’s Two Part
Some of these dualities of the body involuntarily work in concord with each other
literally creating a third invisible sensory perception blending each duality into a
Trinitarian Paradigm: i.e. two hemispheres of the brain, eyes (sight), ears (hearing), nostrils
(smell), skin (touch) and lungs (breathing); nonetheless, there are parts of body that are
used voluntarily: i.e. legs, arms, teeth, etc.; whereas, ego-consciousness is both a voluntarily
and involuntarily psychic vessel and the unconscious mind is an involuntary vessel. This
involuntary process is analogous to the spiritual force of creation radiating into the psyche
and the voluntary: free will process symbolizes ego-consciousness’ hubris.
It is as if the psyche and body are institutional training grounds teaching the initiate
how to obtain the Trinitarian Paradigm via free will; for the reason that, it is the only way
to obtain Christ consciousness. If either part of a sensory perception’s duality: i.e. eyes,
ears, nostrils, lungs, etc. is not working then that sensory perspective is a slanted
perspective of seeing or hearing or smelling, etc., which would destroy the amalgamation
that creates the Trinitarian Paradigm. This is what happens when those reading the bible
have no comprehension of the MATRIX OF WISDOM and/or the alphanumerics of the
Hebrew and/or Greek letters that writes the sacred scriptures.
The psyche activities displayed via the human body is symbolic of the Trinitarian
Paradigm: i.e. Christ consciousness that ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind create
by the initiate sacrificing his or her ego’s hubris. It is this latter point that is the sole
purpose of life: i.e. learning to live life via Christ consciousness.
The human body is inherently a projection of the psyche as a continuous reminder, in
plain sight, of how the psyche works. Below is an image illustrating the human skeleton via
sacred geometry inferred in the fifth (57) and six (149) days of creation that is also split into
two parts totaling 206-words: i.e. axial skeleton (80-bones) that symbolizes the unconscious
mind, which is stationary and the appendicular skeleton (126-bones) that symbolizes ego-
consciousness, which is moveable reflecting mobility.
The skeleton 206-bones are symbolic of the symbolism esoterically displayed in the first
word of Genesis BERESHITH ‫.בראשית‬ The 126-bones in the appendicular skeleton: i.e. the
arms and legs symbolize the Kamea of the Sun cubed (216: 6³) cast out of the axial
skeleton’s 80-bones: i.e. KAMEA OF THE MOON cube (729: 9³). This is symbolically
BERESHITH ‫בראשית‬ (Kamea of the Sun) being cast out of the COSMIC realm (Kamea of
the Moon) into the outer world. How the Kamea of the Moon is known as the COSMIC
realm is when the Kamea of the Sun is subtracted from the Kamea of the Moon: i.e. 729 –
216 = 513, which is the transposition of the Vesica Piscis’ numerics 153. The axial skeleton
radiates out the appendicular skeleton’s arms and legs.
This is actually further inferred in the second verse of Genesis. The word “moved” as
in “moved over face of the waters (appendicular skeleton)” can also be translated as
“hovered” as in “hovered over the face of the waters (axial skeleton)” otherwise the numerics
of 206-bones symbolizing the human skeleton would not be in the fifth and sixth days of
creation via 206-words.
It does not take a rocket-scientist, for those that understand the first two verses of
Genesis, to realize that the skeleton and body is the psyche just as much as Genesis 1:3-31;
is a commentary on the first two verses. The first two verses of Genesis symbolize
spirituality permeating the skeletal structure; because, the first two verses are above the
206-words that symbolize DARKNESS. The first four days of creation symbolize LIGHT.
The number nine (9) symbolizes DARKNESS that represents the initiate’s psychic
universe; because, from the number nine (9) comes the LIGHT of the world: i.e. ego-
consciousness. The MATRIX OF WISDOM cubed, with twenty-six (26) identical matrices
surrounding it exudes an image of the universe 28³ cubed, which is, for all intents and
purposes, a symbolic esoteric concept of a lone number nine. The number nine (9)
symbolizes the unconscious mind, which is basically empty of any knowledge other than
past memories, which really is of no immediate value. The number one (1) thru eight (8)
are analogous to a library of past thoughts: i.e. tomes/tombs. It is only when the spiritual
force of creation permeate the number nine (9) that new concepts: i.e. LIGHT can be culled
out of the DARKNESS.
The nines (9s) in the MATRIX OF WISDOM are collectively the DARKNESS: i.e.
unconscious mind that is being radiated on via the spiritual force of creation symbolized by
the Vesica Piscis. The spiritual force of creation symbolizes the MONAD when it is
psychically connect to the number nine (9), which symbolizes the whole universe. The
MONAD (1) coupled with the number nine (9) creates the number nineteen (19), which
symbolizes the nineteenth (19th
) letter of the Hebrew Alphabet: i.e. QOPH ‫ק‬ that finishes the
spelling of CHRIST in the first word of Genesis BERESHITH ‫.בראשית‬ QOPH (19) attaching
itself to the number nine (9²) squared (81) creating the MATRIX OF WISDOM, which
instantly would be cubed (10³).
DARKNESS is also radiated on via the initiate’s psyche’s archival memory database of
knowledge, which took place over the span of the initiate’s life. This archival memory
database is symbolized by the star-studded universe, which is analogous to ego-
consciousness’ past thoughts: i.e. a graveyard of learned thoughts.
The number nine (9) per se is tabular rasa (blank slate); for the reason that, it only
contains that which is radiated into it; thus, all the number nine (9) can radiate out from
itself is that which it absorbed or was radiated into it: spiritual force of creation and ego-
consciousness’ past thoughts: i.e. archival memory database; equally, this is where
voluntary and involuntary primal principles are put into action. The number nine (9) is
symbolized by the unconscious mind: i.e. THE HERMIT in the Major Arcana Tarot Cards;
whereas, the zero (0) is what symbolizes ego-consciousness: i.e. THE FOOL in the Major
Arcana Tarot Cards.
THE FOOL in the Major Arcana Tarot Cards is a complex card to understand;
because, it simultaneously takes on the numerics of zero (0) and twenty-one (21) that
symbolizes the twenty-first (21st
) Hebrew letter SHIN ‫.ש‬ The spiritual force of creation: i.e.
zero (0) cannot per se come into manifested creation; for the reason that, the moment it
does it is classified as anyone of the Hebrew letters that ego-consciousness names it. SHIN ‫ש‬
symbolizes the creation mound (mastaba: i.e. tomb): i.e. outer world: i.e. naming something.
The image on the next page, which has to be enlarged to study demonstrably, illustrates
how each numeric of a Hebrew letter is inherently archetypal, existential or cosmic. Each
Hebrew letter comes into the outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness symbolizing the coiled
Kundalini Serpent. It is the initiate’s obligation to uncoil it.
The spiritual force of creation is zero (0); because, it per se is nothing other than life’s
energy that reinvigorates: i.e. reanimate ego-consciousness’ archival memory database. The
Prologue of the Zohar points out that God: i.e. MONAD (1) represented via the number
thirteen (13: i.e. Gematria value of the number one) is symbolized as a superlative spiritual
celestial Lily before it enters manifested creation. After the Lily comes into manifested
creation it transubstantiates into a superlative beautiful terrestrial Rose.
Though the spiritual force of creation: i.e. God radiates omniscience into the psyche the
psyche can only psychically handle a finite portion of what is radiated into its. This finite
portion has to do with what the psyche is most enamored by in life; thus, only the psyche
raison d’être benefits by the spiritual force of creation missive.
It can be interpreted that the number nine (9); though, it symbolizes the entire universe
(psyche) it is symbolized by Adam: i.e. an uninitiate, which has the Gematria value of forty-
five (45). The aggregate of nine (9) is forty-five (45). Nine (9) symbolizes the Patriarchal
mentality that represents anti-matter or anti-life. The female produces life and it is only
when the masculine works in harmony with the feminine that life radiates out of the
number nine (9) as the LIGHT: i.e. ego-consciousness. LIGHT is manifested creation: i.e.
In the Hebrew alphabet the number nine (9) symbolizes TAYT ‫ט‬ a serpent. This is why
the first four chapters of Genesis are in the circular shape of an Ouroboros Serpent. The
symbolism symbolizing the Ouroboros Serpent also symbolizes the seven (7) Major Light
Chakras and the twenty-one (21) Minor Light Chakras. This same symbolism symbolizes
the Zodiac (celestial) and Calendar (terrestrial) years.
This intuition as to what the Soul’s Two-Part Psyche: i.e. ego-consciousness and the
unconscious mind symbolizes is an amazing revelation; because, it explains both the triune
aspects of the Hebrew alphabet: i.e. Archetypal, Existential and Cosmic and the Major
Arcana Tarot Cards. The Major Arcana Tarot Cards may not appear to be triune;
nonetheless, because they are associated to the Hebrew alphabet the synchronization of
these two mechanistic systems becomes all too obvious.
THE HERMIT is, the ninth (9th
) Major Arcana Tarot Card, holding a lamp, which
indicated it’s the initiate that governs the mechanism that contains the LIGHT of the world:
i.e. ego-consciousness. In the first nine (9) Major Arcana Tarot Cards and the first nine (9)
Hebrew letters (1-9): i.e. Archetypal there are no zeroes (0).
In the second set of nines Major Arcana Tarot Cards (10-18) and the second set of
Hebrew letters (10-90): i.e. the zero (0) as THE FOOL emerges into the existential realm.
Elohym symbolizes DARKNESS: i.e. the unconscious mind: i.e. instinctual archetypal
knowledge; whereas, Yahweh symbolizes the LIGHT that comes into the world
existentially, which is basically nothing but zero (nothing). This is why it is said, that “God
created the world ex nihilo (out of nothing)”. I don’t think it is audacious to reinterpret and
paraphrase that saying as, ‘God created the world out of THE FOOL.’ Knowing esotericism
as I do that is not a surprising revelation.
From a spiritual superlative level the initiate can be call THE FOOL from an infidel’s
perspective or the uninitiate can be called THE FOOL from the initiate perspective; thus,
every nanosecond of time the initiate learns something and then find him or herself walking
like a ghost amongst the tombs of its own archival memory database.
This may very well be why John the Baptist was conceived on October First (the
mythoi of an Equinox’s date) and Jesus Christ is conceived on April First (the mythoi of an
Equinox’s date): i.e. All Fool’s Day. The Equinoxes take place on and around March 20th
and September 22nd
. The day and night are practically equal: i.e. as if they are mirror-
imaging each other. The equinoxes are important to contemplate and when eight days are
added to them as was added to the rite of circumcision for both Jesus: January 1st
and John
the Baptist on July 1st
; thus, the mythoi of the New Testament were coordinated with the
yearly Equinoxes and the Solstices: i.e. the Sign of the Cross.
Think about the Sign of the Cross, October 1st
(forehead, desire) to April 1st
(heart) to
July 1st
(left shoulder) to January 1st
(right shoulder): i.e. a perfect Sign of the Cross.
Each one of the four (4) seasons can be said to start on those dates from a mythological
perspective: i.e. not on a historical worldly perspective. Of course there will be arguments
against this; because, the dates listed are not aligned perfectly with the eight (8) days of the
circumcision rite. The Solstices pair off perfectly with January 1st
and July 1st
via the eight
(8) days of the circumcision rite; however, the Equinoxes are slightly off via the eight (8)
days of the circumcision rite; though, via the mythoi they are aligned with April 1st
October 1st
via a fractional margin of error. I believe this fractional error is; because,
initiation rites cannot be aligned perfection as the circumcision rite. Mirror-imaging ego-
consciousness with the unconscious mind to psychically balance the Scales of Libra cannot
be judged by the initiate: i.e. the mirror-imaging process can only be judge by the MONAD:
i.e. Soul: i.e. God/Man Christ.
Thus the conception, birth and circumcision dates of Jesus Christ12
and John the
symbolize the Sign of the Cross. The dates are envisaged by calculating forward
and backwards. No dates are giving in the New Testament in regards to the conception,
birth and circumcision dates of John the Baptist and Jesus; because, they are covered via
esotericism and the mythoi of Catholicism mythological traditions.
October 1st
: i.e. the conception date of the John the Baptist symbolizes the initiate
touching of the forehead in the north where the third-eye is located, which is mythologically
the Autumn-season symbolizing the hand as falling (genuflecting): i.e. initiation rite of
Baptism: i.e. desiring to learn the teachings of a religion and/or a mystery school. This is
symbolically going from materialistic readings to spiritual readings
The hand, during the Signing of the Cross, falls: i.e. genuflecting, to the heart, which
symbolizes April 1st
in the south, which is mythologically the beginning of the Spring-
season, which is the conception of Christ: i.e. Kundalini Serpent. In the body the fourth
chakra is at the heart’s level and it is symbolized by the Star of David. Every member of the
Roman Catholic Church genuflects when entering a Church respecting Christ as his or her
On July 1st
the hand, during the Signing of the Cross traverses west to the left shoulder,
which symbolizes the birth and circumcision of John the Baptist, mythologically
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST (Sequel): Why was John the Baptist Conceived and then Executed?
The psyche activities displayed via the human body is symbolic of the Trinitarian
Paradigm: i.e. Christ consciousness that ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind create
by the initiate sacrificing his or her ego’s hubris. It is this latter point that is the sole
purpose of life: i.e. learning to live life via Christ consciousness.
The human body is inherently a projection of the psyche as a continuous reminder, in
plain sight, of how the psyche works. Below is an image illustrating the human skeleton via
sacred geometry inferred in the fifth (57) and six (149) days of creation that is also split into
two parts totaling 206-words: i.e. axial skeleton (80-bones) that symbolizes the unconscious
mind, which is stationary and the appendicular skeleton (126-bones) that symbolizes ego-
consciousness, which is moveable reflecting mobility.
The skeleton 206-bones are symbolic of the symbolism esoterically displayed in the first
word of Genesis BERESHITH ‫.בראשית‬ The 126-bones in the appendicular skeleton: i.e. the
arms and legs symbolize the Kamea of the Sun cubed (216: 6³) cast out of the axial
skeleton’s 80-bones: i.e. KAMEA OF THE MOON cube (729: 9³). This is symbolically
BERESHITH ‫בראשית‬ (Kamea of the Sun) being cast out of the COSMIC realm (Kamea of
the Moon) into the outer world. How the Kamea of the Moon is known as the COSMIC
realm is when the Kamea of the Sun is subtracted from the Kamea of the Moon: i.e. 729 –
216 = 513, which is the transposition of the Vesica Piscis’ numerics 153. The axial skeleton
radiates out the appendicular skeleton’s arms and legs.
This is actually further inferred in the second verse of Genesis. The word “moved” as
in “moved over face of the waters (appendicular skeleton)” can also be translated as
“hovered” as in “hovered over the face of the waters (axial skeleton)” otherwise the numerics
of 206-bones symbolizing the human skeleton would not be in the fifth and sixth days of
creation via 206-words.
It does not take a rocket-scientist, for those that understand the first two verses of
Genesis, to realize that the skeleton and body is the psyche just as much as Genesis 1:3-31;
is a commentary on the first two verses. The first two verses of Genesis symbolize
The THIRD DAY of creation symbolizes the WATERS that goes on to one place and
the dryland appears. The third day symbolizes the west, which is in the outer world. The
waters of creation are symbolized by Adam, which has the Gematria value of forty-five (45).
In the MATRIX OF WISDOM the fourth and fifth multiplication tables symbolizes the
waters of creation, which are out of alignment with each other.
Until these two multiplication tables: i.e. four and five align and mirror image each
other psychic intercourse cannot take place between ego-consciousness and the unconscious
mind; however, via the Genesis Formula it is seen that the waters: i.e. the two-fours align
with each other and go on to their place in the Eternal Temple of God.
In the Genesis Formula the first four symbolizes DALETH ‫:ד‬ i.e. the DOOR to the
sacred scriptures, which is the first chapter of Genesis that has four-hundred and thirty-
four (434) words symbolizing the DOOR to creation. Understanding the esoteric science
codified to the first chapter of Genesis symbolizes obtaining the key to understanding the
esoteric science in the sacred scriptures in Judaism and Christianity. I believe this is why
Catholicism built Bernini Square and Saint Peter’s Basilica looking like a key.
Just because DALETH ‫ד‬ looks like, in the Genesis Formula, it is in the east does not
mean that is so. DALETH ‫ד‬ is in the south receiving the superlative Hebrew alphabet from
the north from TAV ‫ת‬ to ALEPH ‫:א‬ i.e. beginning and end: i.e. Alpha and the Omega; thus,
it can be seen in the first chapter of Genesis how DALETH ‫ד‬ receives the Hebrew alphabet
from TAV ‫.ת‬ Initially it looks chaotic to the uninitiated; however, the initiate see the Order
within that Chaos.
DAY ONE of creation symbolizes the EARTH, which is in the east. Day one of creation
symbolizes NOW, which distinguishes the LIGHT from the DARKNESS. This is very much
like viewing the Sun Signs of Astrology, which per se has no spiritual LIGHT; however,
ego-consciousness’ hubris does radiate its light: i.e. biases, prejudices and preconceived
notions (archival memory database) upon those orbs in the DARKNESS in conjunction
with the spiritual force of creation radiating its LIGHT upon ego-consciousness’ desires.
The LIGHT is ego-consciousness. Thus the Sign of the Cross is completed.
Ego-consciousness can choose to completely ignore the spiritual force of creation,
which he or she normally does, and this is what causes the psyche to become addictive
and/or obsessive throughout life; because, it is only by following the suggestions that are
instinctually imprinted archetypally on the psyche that the initiate can alleviate his or her
addictive and/or obsessive personality. This is emphasize via April 1st
and October 1st
because, the Equinoxes equilateral days and nights symbolizes the Scales of Libra.
Because humans are finite beings, daily and/or yearly cycles in the outer world are
symbolically analogous to what takes place every nanosecond of time. Humans cannot
evaluate what takes place during a nanosecond of time; thus, when the initiate sleep ego-
consciousness becomes a captive audience when its psyche is mystically, again, brought up
to date as to how to deal with its psychic activities.
It is amazing how the initiate’s activity in the outer world perfectly mimics the
primordial archetypal imprints on the psyche. The unconscious mind symbolizes the
woman continuously cleansing ego-consciousness’ behavior symbolically in the selfsame
manner that a woman cleans the house while the man is out working. From the unconscious
mind comes the rainbow of LIGHT; however, the male diminishes that LIGHT down to a
single color for his clothing while a woman in the outer world wears multi-color cloths. For
the most part a man wears blue clothing (symbolizing the female), which symbolizes the
woman; whereas, woman for the most part wears red clothing, which symbolizes the man;
thus, the man and the woman are taking on each other’s psychic dynamics. This latter is
most likely because a man listens unwittingly to his anima and a woman listens unwittingly
to her animus.
This all can be interpreted from out of the primal laws that radiate out of the psyche’s
MATRIX OF WISDOM; however, besides the primal laws of the psyche what radiates out
of the psyche’s matrix are suggestions solely for ego-consciousness’ benefit, which is being
guided throughout life via its spiritual angelic guide. For the most part the psyche will
conform to the primal mandates of the psyche; however, the ego’s hubris is the ruler of the
outer world and opinionates as to whether to follow the suggestions of its anima or animus.
This intertwining of the DARKNESS and the past light: i.e. star studded universe is
analogous to Active imagination. This Active Imagination is analogous to the psyche
distinguishing the birth of a new star LIGHT in the midst of DARKNESS. The library of
tomes (past thoughts) is what creates the nine symbolically as the initiate’s whole universe.
The number nine (9) symbolically on its own volition cannot do anything. The unconscious
mind is analogous to an ocean of water; thus, the unconscious mind is often symbolized as
water: i.e. this is how John the Baptist baptized Jesus. Then Jesus goes out into the desert:
i.e. outer world to be confronted by ego-consciousness: i.e. Satan.
The Hebraic letter BETH ‫ב‬ is spelt out Beth ‫,ב‬ Yud ‫י‬ and Tav ‫.ת‬ BETH ‫ב‬ symbolizes the
beginning of the material world, YUD ‫י‬ symbolizes the Sun: i.e. ego-consciousness and TAV
‫ת‬ symbolizes the end of the spiritual Hebraic alphabet. In the star studded universe each
star symbolizes BETH ‫,ב‬ which is the radiated light from the Sun and each star is
surrounded by DARKNESS. BETH ‫ב‬ is conceptually the solar system surrounding the Sun;
thus, the solar system (conceptual idea) is BETH ‫.ב‬ TAV ‫ת‬ symbolizes the spiritual barrier
that the Sun cannot traverse. The Hebrew letter ALEPH ‫א‬ is prior to BETH ‫ב‬ in both the
spiritual and the material Hebrew alphabets; thus, it can be intuited that the spiritual
alphabet radiates out the material alphabet when it enters the blank abyss: i.e. the outer
world. This paragraph goes a longer way in illustrating how the Hebrew letter BETH ‫ב‬ was
developed in the Hebrew Alphabet and why it is the first letter of Genesis.
From an esoteric point of view I envisage the nine (9) as a symbol of the psyche, which
only becomes the MONAD: i.e. Soul: God/Man Christ when it is permeated by the spiritual
force of creation. The MONAD per se; though, it represents the invisible number one (1)
that permeates the number nine (9), the number nine (9) symbolically transforms into the
number one (1) in the Vesica Piscis; yet, for the most part the MONAD: i.e. Vesica Piscis is
separated from the number nine (9). The number nine (9) is not spiritual per se. It is only
spiritual when it is imbued with the spiritual force of creation mystically creating invisible
Vesica Piscis. In explaining the Equinoctial Year it was demonstrated that the Vesica Piscis
which permeated the nines (9s) validates that the numbers one (1) and nine (9) are in
The number nine (9) symbolizes antimatter: i.e. DARKNESS and when it radiates out
the LIGHT that would be symbolically analogous to splitting the atom comparable to an
atomic bomb taking place in the psyche: i.e. birth of a new star.
The nines (9s) that symbolize DARKNESS: i.e. unconscious mind per se has no
knowledge of its own volition; however, the unconscious mind becomes the medium that
transmits the data that the spiritual force of creation reanimates: i.e. reinvigorate with new
suggestions on how ego-conscious should deal with its psychic activities. This psyche’s
archival memory database of knowledge is essentially a graveyard of tomes and tombs of
psychic activities that took place in the past, which is continuously reanimated.
Learned knowledge per se cannot be relearned; though, learned knowledge does
continuously radiate out throughout the psyche’s unconscious mind: i.e. DARKNESS.
DARKNESS does not become the number nine (9) until it is permeated with the archival
memory database of knowledge. This archival memory database of knowledge per se cannot
be reused unless it is saturated with the spiritual force of creation: i.e. Vesica Piscis; thus, it
is solely dependent upon ego-consciousness whether those spiritual invisible suggestions will
be utilized or not. This is why the angel: i.e. unconscious mind is on the left shoulder
emanating out of the right hemisphere of
the brain and the demon: i.e. ego-
consciousness is on the right shoulder
emanating out of the left hemisphere of the
The least amount of numerical data
used in a scriptural vignette (module)
tersely, to advance an esoteric concept; the
more it will be out of sync with precision
fractional-mathematics; though, the
mathematics used per se will be as near to
perfection fractionally as possible. The
reason for this is; because, the bible can
only have whole letters, words, verses, chapter and books and not fractions thereof; though,
fractions are inferred esoterically. This is why the more rhetorical a scriptural vignette
(module) is the more perfect the fractional mathematics will be.
The number nine (9) splits into four pairs of numbers: i.e. the four rivers of the Garden
of Eden: i.e. one (1) and eight (8), two (2) and seven (7), three (3) and six (6) and four (4)
and five (5) radiating out the LIGHT of the world.
The first nine (9) numbers viewed in the MATRIX OF WISDOM are laid out in all four
directions exuding the first nine (9) multiplication tables: i.e. casting-out-nines: i.e. each
number in the multiplication table is reduced down to its lowest common denominator.
The three (3) and six (6) does not
appear to contain all four sets of the nine’s
numerics however, in the Kamea of Saturn
(3 x 3 square), which is inherent in the
MATRIX OF WISDOM, it can be seen
that both the numbers one (1) and eight (8)
and the three (3) and six (6) formats two
Sigils of Saturn; whereas, the three (3) and
six (6) also illustrates in its Sigil of Saturn
the numerics of the Quadruplicities of
Astrology: i.e. Cardinal 1, 4, 7, Fixed 2, 5,
8, Mutable 3, 6, 9: i.e. Trinitarian
Paradigm and this is why the 3s, 6s, 9s are
repetitive in their columns and rows
creating the image of the Kamea of Saturn:
i.e. Father of Time: i.e. Cronus/Zeus in the
MATRIX OF WISDOM. This more than
infers that Cronus/Saturn: i.e. Father of
Time is held responsible for the
development of the Trinitarian Paradigm.
This is the first time in the MATRIX
OF WISDOM that I envisaged the hidden
esoteric data and this is why I envisage
why the three (3) and six (6) were named
Mercury: i.e. messenger of the God;
because, only Mercury can conceptually
convey the invisible esoteric knowledge
inferred throughout the sacred scriptures.
Each of the first eight numbers 1- 8
symbolize a sign of the Zodiac and each of
the four (4) sets emanating out of the nine
(9) symbolize a Sun Sign of Astrology. The
four signs of Astrology not envisage
immediately in the MATRIX OF WISDOM is Capricorn (10) and Aquarius (11) reigned
over by the Sun Sign Cronus/Saturn: i.e. Father of Time. This is symbolized by the Kamea
of Saturn structured inherently by the numbers threes (3s) and sixes (6s) to seemingly
dominate the MATRIX OF WISDOM that blocks the psyche from envisaging anything
spiritual; however, it is Sagittarius (9) and Pisces (12) that is reigns over by the Sun Sign
Jupiter/Zeus, which symbolizes TIMELESSNESS. The image below illustrating the three
swastikas: i.e. male, female and neutral where it is seen that Jupiter circular symbol is seen
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MATRIX OF WISDOM: Order out of Chaos

  • 1. 1 THE MATRIX OF WISDOM Squaring the Circle: i.e. Order out of Chaos William John Meegan PREFACE his paper is all about how the MONAD: i.e. Soul: God/Man Christ works harmoniously with the two-hemispheres of the brain, which symbolizes the unconscious mind and ego- consciousness: i.e. the Soul’s Two-Part Psyche. The MATRIX OF WISDOM is abstractly a commentary on the MONAD, which can be psychically discerned by any initiate: i.e. an individual that is attentive to his or her psyche and the world around him or her. The MATRIX OF WISDOM per se does not exist; though, it superlatively and inexplicably educates the initiate as to what its psychic activities are all about inside the skull, symbolically represents the illusionary world. It is difficult for uninitiates to grasp that the Soul’s Two-Part Psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind per se has no superlative knowledge of its own. All knowledge that ego-consciousness has without it being in unanimity with the spiritual force of creation: i.e. God is totally profane and useless. The psyche is, for all intent and purpose, tabula rasa: i.e. a blank slate. All activities in life voluntarily and/or involuntarily are solely based upon the wisdom of the MONAD: i.e. Soul: God/Man Christ and this will be discussed throughout this paper. If the uninitiate knows nothing of the MATRIX OF WISDOM then he or she lives life barbarously, which is analogous to the manner that modernity is presently portrayed as: i.e. erroneously thinking it is civilized. The entire human body coincides with the duality of the two-hemispheres of the brain. The manner that parents and societal mores educate a new born baby coincides with the esoteric teachings of the MONAD. All activities in the illusionary outer world: i.e. ego- consciousness, are solely based upon the instinctual archetypal principles of the MONAD. The only intelligent and scientific manner that this esoteric knowledge about the MONAD: i.e. Soul: God/Man Christ can be conveyed to the outer world is via the sacred scriptures. Spirituality is silent; whereas, materiality is extremely vocal and the sacred scriptures explicitly demonstrate this. Uninitiates paid attention only to the choir: i.e. the din of the outer world, which coincides with its psyche’s personal biases, prejudices and preconceived notions. The above image is symbolic of the LIGHT distinguished from the DARKNESS. The DARKNESS symbolizes the unconscious mind and the colored numerics from one (1) to eight (8) symbolizes the LIGHT: i.e. ego-consciousness distinguished from the DARKNESS. The LIGHT symbolizes what the psyche desires on a personal level. T
  • 2. 2 THE JUDAEO CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Esotericism’s Mythological Historicity here is no other way other than the canonized sacred scriptures to discuss the inexplicable esoteric activities of Christ consciousness. In fact the bible only begins when the MONAD: i.e. Soul: God/Man Christ dominates the psyche. The bible, as modernity knows it, realistically is only the tip of the iceberg so-to-speak as to the esoteric information it contains. Most of Judaism, Christianity and Islam peruse the Judaeo Christian Scriptures via a foreign language that completely obliterates the sacred scriptures indigenous languages: i.e. both the Hebrew and Greek alphabets are alphanumerically structured and each letter is designated as a symbol and then classified as archetypal, existential or cosmic. The textual wording of the sacred scriptures are presented iconoclastically via one word definitions; whereas, esoterically every symbol has an infinite depth of knowledge. An example of this is esoterically inferred in day one of creation that speaks about the LIGHT that is distinguished from the DARKNESS; yet, that LIGHT symbolizes Astrology, the cerebral lobes of the brain, the Tarot Cards and a host of other concepts, which are never considered by orthodox Christianity; nonetheless, a deep esoteric study of the scriptural texts unravels these mysteries. Every concept in the bible is discussing nothing more than the psyche; however, if the initiate does not pay attention to what he or she is reading nothing would ever be esoterically revealed. The sacred scriptures are not just the books of the bible. Christ consciousness is the origin of the sacred scriptures. The psyche’s activities are the sacred scriptures; but, because, time travels at the speed of light there is no way of analyzing the dynamics of ongoing psychic activities. The realm of modernity is pure chaos; though, it appears on the surface to be civilized. That inexplicable chaos would represent incalculable methods the uninitiates, in the out world, traverses via the psyche’s archetypal instinctual patterns. Few uninitiate rise to the level of scriptural existentialism; thus, even fewer would rise to the superlative state of Christ consciousness. No human psyche exists unless it is governed by the MONAD: i.e. Soul: God/Man Christ. Being governed by the MONAD does not necessary mean the psyche is in the state of Christ consciousness; whereas, those that are in the state of Christ consciousness are on the same page as how the sacred scriptures are esoterically written. This latter statement is difficult to discuss unless the reader knows about the esoteric science. It took me decades to realize that I had crossed the threshold into Christ consciousness. In the first two chapters of Genesis there are patterns that illustrate a system of cycle, which I named the Cycles of Divina Creation1 that illustrate all twelve signs of the zodiac that have within each of their precincts all twelve signs of the zodiac. This is why the same 1 THE CYCLES OF DIVINE CREATION & THE UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX T
  • 3. 3 spiritual concepts can be codified to any particular part of the sacred scriptures symbolized by any sign of the zodiac. All biblical writings symbolically represents what goes on in the psyche while in the state of Christ consciousness. The bible has nothing to do with the activities of the profane and/or infidels. The scriptural sacred geometry symbolizing the Cycles of Divine Creation represents the archetypal image of the Scales of Libra; however, the first archetypal image that has to be esoterically traversed is DESIRE (Coma), which is the first decan of Virgo. These esoteric patterns are not envisaged by the uninitiate; because, he or she truly does not DESIRE to know the truth about it. To the uninitiate such psychic archetypal patterns are unbelievable; yet, this is analogous to Catholicism2 symbolically being a single sect of Christianity; whereas, Protestantism has 27,000+ sects. Enter in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be who go in there (Matthew 7:13). For the sacred scriptures to have these sacred geometry patterns codified into its precincts it is extremely suggestive as to the unwitting pathway that the initiate serendipitously embarks upon. I will go further into this particular concept as I continue on in this work. For decades I have been confused as to why the sacred scriptures were written from what appears to be a historical perspective. Four decades of researching the esoteric science codified to the bible has taught me that God has nothing to do with time per se; for the reason that, the bible’s only missive concerns what takes place in the NOW. When reading Pope Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger’s work ‘IN THE BEGINNING’3 I visualized why the sacred scriptures were seemingly written historically. Of course I would not have been able to envisage this esoteric mythological historicity if I had not an immense understanding of the esoteric science codified to the first chapter of Genesis. It always amazes me how I can look at the wording of the sacred scriptures for decades and not see the full truth that is there in plain sight. Now the answers: i.e. new nuances that radiate out of the sacred scriptures seems so simple as if they should never have escaped me. I know that the first four days of creation symbolized the LIGHT: i.e. the four basic elements: i.e. Earth, Air, Water and Fire scattered into the outer world and I know esoterically that the fifth and sixth days of creation symbolized the human skeleton symbolizing the skeletal structure of the psyche raison d’être. However, now the textual mythoi of the fifth and sixth days of creation are projecting out a new more superlative perspective. I understood that the birds coming out of the waters of the fifth day of creation symbolized the psyche spiritually escaping the Inferno 2 I am using Catholicism as a single sect merely as an example; though, I envisage Catholicism teachings as being spiritual and superlatively correct; whereas, the laity, which includes the hierarchy, in modernity, for the most part, is just as profane as Protestants. Paradoxically, many esoteric examples, in the contexts of the mythoi of the sacred scriptures, are as inexplicably confusing as this one. 3 In the Beginning…': A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall Catholic-Understanding-Ressourcement-Retrieval-ebook/dp/B005MWFG1E/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1523978849&sr=8- 3&keywords=in+the+beginning&dpID=51xgyWVPKgL&preST=_SY445_QL70_&dpSrc=srch
  • 4. 4 and Purgatorial states of consciousness that ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind were encapsulated it into. Rising out of the waters of the fifth day of creation symbolizes the psyche obtaining Christ consciousness: i.e. entering the Garden of Eden. The angelic psyche after leaving the oceanic waters of the fifth day of creation goes and lives on the earth: i.e. creation’s mastaba in the sixth day of creation would be analogous to living in the Garden of Eden with the mentality of Christ consciousness. Yahweh and Elohym continue to make or create Adam in the sixth day of creation, which would symbolize via TIME and TIMELESSNESS psychically regressing and/or being reinitiated. The first three verses in the second chapter of Genesis is a summary of the first chapter of Genesis and I envisage the first four chapters of Genesis as symbolizing the Sign of the Cross that is symbolized in the first four days of creation. The first four chapters of Genesis are in perfect alignment with the first four days of creation in symbolizing the Sign of the Cross. CHAPTER FOUR (Fire) symbolizes north (forehead, which is the location of the pineal gland) mirror-imaging the Day Four emphasizes DESIRE, which is what inaugurates the zodiac’s movement. CHAPTER TWO (Air) symbolizes south (heart) mirror-imaging Day Two creating the Vesica Piscis; because, God is heaven (empyrean) and the Sun and Moon are terrestrial: i.e. earth. CHAPTER TRHEE (Water) symbolizes west (left shoulder) mirror-imaging Day Three creating the mastaba of creation, CHAPTER ONE (Earth) symbolized east (right shoulder) mirror-imaging Day One distinguishing the LIGHT from the DARKNESS. The Sign of the Cross literally symbolizes on a minute scale how the psyche works. Life takes place in the pineal gland, which is in the center of the skull, which is analogous to the Crossing in the center of the church’s transept. The Crossing simultaneously separates the apse from the nave. The Crossing symbolizes it is no part of the four directions; because, it radiates out its missive to the psyche. The Crossing is not an amalgamation of the four directions and their symbolism; rather, the four directions are radiated/scattered into the outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness. The Sign of the Cross is a ritualistic mechanism (prayer), which is supposed to be a reminder of how the psyche activities work. The pineal gland radiate out the psyche’s life force; however, in order for ego-consciousness to comprehend what is taking place psychically in all that is symbolized via the materialistic communication mechanisms: i.e. numerics (east -Cups), images (north - Wands), symbols (south - Symbols) and words (west – Pentacles) it has to receive continuous and never-ending feedback from the spiritual force of creation: i.e. God. The spiritual force of creation has no directions; because, that is an earthly concept classifying, diversifying and individualizing: i.e. dissecting the infinite realm in order to understand it: i.e. bring Order out of Chaos. Once the spiritual force of creation amalgamates with the terrestrial realm of the psyche nanosecond by nanosecond, all knowledge of the psyche’s past are instantaneously in place in the MONAD: God/Man Christ, which is what the pineal gland symbolizes, which creates ego-consciousness’ (Adam’s) knowledge into its image and logic and this is what is radiated back out in the
  • 5. 5 outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness. This is an infinite psychological cyclic process. Ego- consciousness accepts and/or rejects it. The MATRIX OF WISDOM being a commentary on the MONAD projected out the illusionary universe, which in and of itself, symbolizes the infinite content of the psyche. This aspect of the outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness is called nature; whereas, the unconscious mind represents the universe on an abstract level. The Sign of the Cross, once fully understood, symbolizes the Ouroboros Serpent; because, it is an infinite cyclic motif symbolizing the number eight (8) on a horizontal level. The point here is that the pineal gland radiates outwardly, which is analogous to the sun radiating its light out. It is only the psychic aspects of the MONAD that can define the LIGHT; because, the spiritual force of creation is totally silent from a materialistic perspective; however, the spiritual force of creation is extremely vocal on an inexplicable esoteric level when ego-consciousness meditates. Don’t misunderstand any of this; for the reason that, in no way, shape or form is the psyche able to fully grasp the superlative; thought, via Christ consciousness the psyche does the best it can. For example ‘the mathematical symbol for infinity is named the lemniscate’. As it can be seen the serpent’s head is in the center, which is the Crossing in the Church; however, this four directions symbolized by the Sign of the Cross is the initiate best way of comprehending the psychological process of the spiritual forces of creation revitalizing ego- consciousness archival memory database to provide suggestion as to how to proceed in life. The psyche is mystically Christ, which is the Ouroboros Serpent that can only dine upon itself. The psyche is not capable of cannibalizing anybody else’s thoughts, words and/or deeds; though, this psychic process can be misinterpreted to mean that cannibalism would enlighten those that eat other human beings, with the intellect of those they cannibalize. The process is eternally cyclic; however, ego-consciousness does not radiate into the spiritual force of creation; rather, ego-consciousness when it communicates with the unconscious mind it is radiating into it its present psychic activities. It is the spiritual force of creation that radiates into the unconscious mind that advises ego-consciousness; therefore, the unconscious mind radiates out new LIGHT: i.e. missive of God. During the course of the psyche existence none of its thoughts, words or deeds: i.e. archival memory database is annihilated; because, it was all originally formatted via the spiritual force of creation, which is not capable of dissipating into annihilation. If I am reading the MATRIX OF WISDOM, Astrology, cerebral lobes of the brain, the Sign of the Cross, etc. properly then everything in the outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness that continuously receives the LIGHT from out of the unconscious mind: i.e. DARKNESS instantaneously format creation nanosecond by nanosecond via that Ouroboros Serpent, which symbolizes a circle of 360º: i.e. SHIN ‫:ש‬ i.e. THE FOOL, which is a zero (0): i.e. creating creation ex nihilo: i.e. out of nothing. I am interpreting this to mean that since the world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist, that each nanosecond of time is a brand new psychic reality totally oblivious of the previous reality; though, the new reality ostensibly appear to mythological sync with the previous reality. It is as if, when the psyche goes to sleep at night and reawakens in the
  • 6. 6 morning the outer world may not be the same mythological reality that was left behind before falling asleep? I know that this all sound inane; yet, considering the esoteric facts presented to the initiate via the esoteric science, encoded into the sacred scriptures, it is hard to believe that creation can be created in any other manner. When considering the fact that every psyche on the face of the earth (seven billion plus) is autonomous it is all too obvious that each human being has to create Order out of Chaos within its own psyche. The esoteric science codified to the sacred scriptures is continuously validating itself in all its textual mythological vignettes. For example the first word of Genesis BERESHITH ‫בראשית‬ will be shown below to transubstantiate into a sacred geometry image of a sphere, which has everything to do with a center with BERESHITH’s ‫בראשית‬ six ordinal directions surrounding it; hence, this is an eternal cyclic symbolic mirror-imaging process of PEI ‫פ‬ inundating and surrounding the first letter of Genesis BETH ‫.ב‬ BERESHITH ‫בראשית‬ symbolizes Christ consciousness mirror-imaging and integrating symbolically with the superlative activities of the MONAD. The mirror-imaging process is analogous to ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind getting on the same page, which is analogous to a tree growing in the outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness, which the root portion of the tree is symbolic of the unconscious mind. The Garden of Eden is analogous to the Tree of Life; because, the deflated ego pays attention to Christ consciousness. Yahweh Elohym: i.e. Christ consciousness warned Adam not to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which is ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind not being on the same page, which is totally dismissing Christ consciousness, which is analogous to what the serpent (Adam) and Eve did in the third chapter of Genesis. NORTH symbolizes the empyrean’s (heaven) realm; SOUTH symbolizes the heart revealing the true nature of the psyche’s activities; thus, when the spiritual force of creation comes symbolically from the NORTH it radiates right through the east-west-corridor-of- time formatting the Cross of Christ continuously creating the psyche into its image and likeness. WEST symbolizes the psyche creating its own Eternal Temple of God, which is returning to the EAST with what it has spiritually received. This latter psychic content is what is called the sacred scriptures of the world: i.e. Book of Life. Now the psyche does not have to pay attention to what is being suggested to it; thus, it will pay the addictive and obsessive consequences of its modus operandi in its psychic activities. EAST symbolizes the apse: i.e. altar area of the Eternal Temple of God. The MONAD: God/Man Christ performs Holy Mass. The bible symbolizes the psyche content: i.e. Book of Life that the psyche projects back to the unconscious mind, which is radiated through via the God/Man Christ. This Book of Life is symbolized by the sacred scriptures that the laity reads during the beginning of the Holy Mass that Christ (priest) gives a sermon on. This intertwining of the laity and Christ is why Christ is called the God/Man. Thus, the whole process of the Signing of the Cross is a continuous never-ending reevaluation of the psyche’s activities and the spiritual force of creation continuously advising the psyche on to how to conduct itself in its activities.
  • 7. 7 The Sign of the Cross is ritualistically symbolic of parents continuously overseeing their child’s activities; thus, the Sign of the Cross is an archetypal pattern; for the reason that, the psyche is a very finite mechanism trying to understand the infinite realm of the MONAD: God/Man Christ. It becomes all too obvious that from birth to death the psyche is learning all about itself. Each initiate or uninitiate can only choose a finite amount of things to do in life; thus, the Sign of the Cross symbolizes that the more the psyche pays attention to what it is interested in the more knowledgeable it will become, which is similar to an fledgling student becoming an expert in his or her chosen profession. This is analogous to the universe expanding outwards; yet, it appears to be the same size at all times. The fifth and sixth days of creation symbolizes the psychic experiences the initiate goes through in his or her journey to obtain or lose Christ consciousness. The process of learning to understand Christ consciousness can deflate or inflate the ego’s hubris. The second chapter of Genesis symbolizes the activities of the fifth day of creation. Yahweh Elohym (Christ) is creating Eve out of Adam, which is analogous to the birds flying out of the waters. The fifth day of creation symbolizes Taurus the second sign of the zodiac. Taurus is a vicious bull that is a fixed sign and it hates movement. Passiveness is what the bull symbolizes. The third chapter of Genesis symbolizes the activities of the sixth day of creation where Adam’s hubris is inflated enough to trick Eve, making her join him in the realm of duality: i.e. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil; however, the sixth day of creation also symbolizes Elohym creating Adam into his own image; thus, Adam had a choice as to which direction to take to be MADE or CREATED. The reason for discussing all this is to point out that the moment that the first word of Genesis BERESHITH ‫בראשית‬ was written Christ consciousness enters the psyche and ego- consciousness and the unconscious mind no longer existed: i.e. only the Trinitarian Paradigm: i.e. Trinity exist. This same archetypal paradigm representing the Sign of the Cross just laid out above is extrapolated out into the sacred scriptures to continuously reemphasize what causes the dynamics of the psyche to choose Christ consciousness or ego-consciousness’ hubris. The next example in the sacred scriptures representing the fifth and sixth days of create are seen is the mythoi of Noah’s Ark, which points out that the peoples of the world are drowned in the flood (fifth day of creation) and the only thing that survives is the Ark, which is the MATRIX OF WISDOM. All the peoples of the world have one language: i.e. numerics in the mythoi of the Tower of Babel and then they are scattered confused via multiple cultural languages throughout the world symbolizing what goes on in the sixth day of creation. The waters of creation are symbolized by Yahweh (26) and Elohym (86), which combine have the aggregate of 112, which is reduce to four (4). In the archetypal realm the number four is symbolized by the fourth (4th ) Hebrew letter DALETH ‫ד‬ (4: i.e. Door of Creation) The archetypal number four (4) expands out to the thirteenth (13th ) Hebrew letter MEM ‫מ‬ (40, which is in the existential realm: i.e. waters of creation). The waters of creation
  • 8. 8 are the teachings of a religion: i.e. Baptism, which can overwhelm any member of the laity. This is why Noah was able to name every animal male and female and put them on the Ark: i.e. MATRIX OF WISDOM. Then the number forty (40) expands out to the cosmic Hebrew letter TAV ‫ת‬ (400). TAV is also a doorway into the cosmic realm: i.e. Garden of Eden or it can be reversed for those that loose Christ consciousness, which are cast out into the outer world: ego-consciousness without any guidance. The making of Adam in the sixth day of creation; rather, than creating him, brought forth a hubris that could not be deflated. The Tower of Babel infers confusion or is that hubris at work inferring that all religions were so out of touch with God’s missive they could not stop building the Tower of Babel? Stop building would have been analogous to not canonizing the Old and New Testaments. Finishing a project is very much like what Dante Alighieri did in esoterically writing La Divina Commedia; though, I personally understood Dante’s mathematical system, I did not understand the Italian language, which is analogous to drowning in the waters of the fifth day of creation; though, Dante’s numerics guided me out of iconoclasm, which is ego-consciousness’ hubris at work. Further into the sacred scriptures symbolizes the four equinoctial signs: i.e. Gemini (Air), Taurus (Earth), Aries (Fire) and Pisces (Waters), which is another symbol of the Sign of the Cross. Pisces of course symbolizes the New Testament. From that perspective Gemini: i.e. the antediluvian times: i.e. first eleven chapters of Genesis symbolizes the right shoulder, Pisces symbolizes the Heart, Taurus symbolizes the Bull (left shoulder) in its passiveness drowning itself in an ocean of nonsense and Aries (forehead) symbolizes the Ram and through its activities sacrifices itself by deflating the ego; rather, than inflating the ego’s hubris. These four equinoctial signs: i.e. Gemini, Taurus, Aries and Pisces symbolizes the left side of the brain, which is the masculine side: i.e. creative side: i.e. Jachin (Sun). Too often the symbolism that portrays this concept is misread. A good example of misreading this symbolism is seen in both the West Façade of Chartres Cathedral and the north and south Rose Windows in the area of the transept. Chartres Cathedral’s West Façade shows Christ in the center of a Vesica Piscis, with the Sun Tower on his right side (North) and the Moon Tower on his left side (South). This image ostensibly symbolizes the MATRIX OF WISDOM transformed into the Eternal Temple of God where ego-consciousness (sun) and the unconscious mind (moon) intertwine with each other. This merging of the Soul’s Two-Part Psyche ostensibly would symbolize Christ consciousness. However, the cerebral lobes of the brain are in reverse of that. The moon symbolizing abstractions is on the right side of the brain and the sun symbolizing creativity is on the left side of the brain. Going into Chartres Cathedral up by the altar area where the transept is the North Rose Window symbolize the feminine (moon) and the South Rose Window symbolizes the masculine (sun).
  • 9. 9 Paradoxically, to the uninitiate this is quite confusing; however, the West Façade illustrates Christ: i.e. a member of the laity coming out of the Chartres Cathedral going back into the world. Symbolically, the psyche is leaving the skull going into the outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness. Those that know the two-hemispheres of the brain recognize that the right side of the brain rules the left side of the body and the left side of the brain rules the right side of the body: i.e. hence the West Facade. Every Roman Catholic Church is structured in the image and likeness of the cerebral lobes of the brain, within the skull with the pineal gland: i.e. Crossing in its center. Knowing this about the West Façade, take the image of the West Façade and face it east as if the West Façade was looking into a mirror at the North and South Rose Windows flanking the transept. NOW the reader should go to a mirror and lift his or her right arm. The image in the mirror will be raising his or her left arm; thus, the missive of Chartres Cathedral’s West Façade is that the outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness’ hubris is in total opposition to the teachings of the Church. Do people actually envisage that message? However, the elephant is in the room, so-to-speak, via the sizes of the Sun and Moon Towers, which rises sky-high way above the central portion of the West Façade, which says a great deal about what, is antichrist. The Sun and the Moon Towers are analogous to government and corporate business buildings that symbolizes the psyche’s hubris gone out of control. This is actually envisaged on the streets of modernity. Great cathedrals and all religious buildings are psychically minimized via modernity’s hubris. Chartres Cathedral West Façade built in 1134AD can be said to have prophesize the manner that governments and businesses would boaster there hubris in the future; though, this is not a prophecy per se; because, it is standard religious knowledge that is notoriously known about the psychic activities of ego-consciousness (government) and the unconscious mind (business). Now look at the triptych in the center of the West Façade. The north and south doors are smaller than the central entrance, which symbolizes ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind genuflecting before going into the holy cathedral. In Christ there is no male or female. The stain glass windows above the triptych are also illustrating the same concept as the three doors. This is why Freemasonry has the Boaz and Jachin columns outside their temple. The reason why the sacred scriptures are written using these four equinoctial signs is to emphasize the cerebral lobes of the brain. The psyche’s activities in the outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness can do no less than involuntarily and instinctually activities that align with the primal archetypal principles of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ and its commentary: i.e. MATRIX OF WISDOM. In the first two chapters of Genesis there are patterns that illustrate a system of cycle, which I named the Cycles of Divina Creation4 that illustrate all twelve signs of the zodiac that have within their precincts all twelve signs of the zodiac. This is why the same spiritual concepts can be codified to any particular part of the sacred scriptures symbolized by any sign of the zodiac. All biblical writings symbolically represents what goes on in the psyche while in the state of Christ consciousness. The bible has nothing to do with the activities of the profane and infidels. 4 THE CYCLES OF DIVINE CREATION & THE UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX
  • 10. this work time. previous writing for the read information reader reads that paper in order to understand how the matrix was developed ex nihilo: i.e. out of nothing. “ truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you know him and have seen him” (John The spiritual force per se, cannot be envisage means whatsoever other than of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data then becomes the MONAD: i.e. number one (1). The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1) symbolically Everything that is manifested i images the MONAD: i.e. number one (1). The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist. all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by nanosecond fixture; yet, time; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that sound; nevertheless, it is true. Twenty sequence of time. align with time. When the initiate studies the column and/or row number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta are mirror number image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ. 5 MATRIX OF WISDOM: How P THE MATRIX OF WISDOM reviously, I have did not intuit a good deal of information this work on the matrix’s numerics I will have to repeat some of previous writings the reader to understand this information. I highly recommend that the reader reads that paper in order to understand how the matrix was developed ex nihilo: i.e. out of nothing. “Jesus said to him, ‘ truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you know him and have seen him” (John 14:6–7). The spiritual force per se, cannot be envisage means whatsoever other than of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data then becomes the MONAD: i.e. number one (1). The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1) symbolically radiates Everything that is manifested i images the MONAD: i.e. number one (1). The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist. all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by nanosecond is the illusionary fixture; yet, ego-consciousness: i.e. all creation ; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that sound; nevertheless, it is true. Twenty-four (24) sequence of time. align with time. When the initiate studies the column and/or row number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta mirror-imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the number one is mirro image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ. MATRIX OF WISDOM: How P THE MATRIX OF WISDOM ly, I have written did not intuit a good deal of information that will be discussed in on the matrix’s numerics I will have to repeat some of s about the matrix in order to understand this I highly recommend that the reader reads that paper in order to understand how the matrix was developed ex nihilo: i.e. out of nothing. Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you know him and have seen him” The spiritual force of creation: i.e. God, per se, cannot be envisaged means whatsoever other than of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data then becomes the MONAD: i.e. number one (1). The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1) radiates LIGHT into the outer world Everything that is manifested i images the MONAD: i.e. number one (1). The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist. all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by the illusionary consciousness: i.e. all creation ; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that sound; nevertheless, it is true. (24) movie slides are needed sequence of time. Ego-consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to When the initiate studies the column and/or row is a multiplication table casting number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the one is mirror-imaging the number one; therefore, image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ. MATRIX OF WISDOM: How was it Created? An Esoteric Commentary THE MATRIX OF WISDOM written on how the did not intuit a good deal of that will be discussed in on the matrix’s numerics at th I will have to repeat some of those about the matrix in order to understand this additional I highly recommend that the reader reads that paper in order to understand how the matrix was developed ex I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you know him and have seen him” of creation: i.e. God, by any psychic the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data then becomes the MONAD: i.e. number one (1). The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1) LIGHT into the outer world Everything that is manifested into creation images the MONAD: i.e. number one (1). The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist. all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by the illusionary outer world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent consciousness: i.e. all creation ; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that sound; nevertheless, it is true. Ego-consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie. movie slides are needed consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to When the initiate studies the MATRIX OF WISDOM a multiplication table casting number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the imaging the number one; therefore, image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ. was it Created? An Esoteric Commentary 10 THE MATRIX OF WISDOM’S ELEMENTARY DATA the MATRIX OF WISDOM did not intuit a good deal of the that will be discussed in at that those about the matrix in order additional I highly recommend that the reader reads that paper in order to understand how the matrix was developed ex I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you know him and have seen him” of creation: i.e. God, psychic the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data then becomes the MONAD: i.e. number one (1). The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1) LIGHT into the outer world creation: i.e. ego-consciousness The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist. all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent consciousness: i.e. all creation dissipate in ; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie. movie slides are needed per second for the film to coordinate with the consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to MATRIX OF WISDOM a multiplication table casting-out number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the imaging the number one; therefore, image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ. was it Created? An Esoteric Commentary -mathematical-matrix ELEMENTARY DATA MATRIX OF WISDOM the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1) , which per se is ego consciousness The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist. all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent dissipate into the past ; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie. per second for the film to coordinate with the consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to MATRIX OF WISDOM he or she will realize that each out-nines (reducing each multiplication number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the imaging the number one; therefore, all manifested creation is in the image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ. was it Created? An Esoteric Commentary matrix-how-was-it ELEMENTARY DATA MATRIX OF WISDOM5 was developed the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory database of knowledge and The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1) , which per se is ego-consciousness consciousness symbolizes and mirror The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist. Ego-consciousness is, for all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent to the past every nanosecond of ; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie. per second for the film to coordinate with the consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to he or she will realize that each nines (reducing each multiplication number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication tables beyond the first imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the all manifested creation is in the it-created ELEMENTARY DATA was developed and the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force of knowledge and The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1) that consciousness symbolizes and mirror consciousness is, for all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent every nanosecond of ; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie. per second for the film to coordinate with the consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to he or she will realize that each nines (reducing each multiplication bles beyond the first imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the all manifested creation is in the I the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force of knowledge and that consciousness. symbolizes and mirror- consciousness is, for all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent every nanosecond of ; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie. per second for the film to coordinate with the consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to he or she will realize that each nines (reducing each multiplication bles beyond the first imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the all manifested creation is in the
  • 11. 11 Without the MATRIX OF WISDOM color coded like it is seen here, in the above image, in concord with the numerics of the Sun Signs of Astrology and/or Chess pieces it would be nigh unto an impossibility for the uninitiated to understand what is being discussed in this work. The reader would have absolutely no knowledge of the matrix’s existence whatsoever; though, it has been known all over the world in all times and climes. The MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ: i.e. Eucharist is contained within the chalice: i.e. Holy Grail. The Roman Catholic Church’s apse is the altar’s area, which symbolizes the unconscious mind, which is not in the outer world: i.e. ego- consciousness per se; thus, the unconscious mind symbolizes the Holy Grail: i.e. chalice that contains the Eucharist. The Eucharist: i.e. LIGHT is what is given to ego-consciousness. The nines (9s) in the MATRIX OF WISDOM symbolize the Holy Grail and the colored numbers ones (1s) thru eights (8s) symbolizes the LIGHT of the world, which symbolizes the Eucharist: i.e. God/Man Christ. When the Eucharist is given to a member of the laity essentially the Eucharist is being scattered into the outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness. What is meant by the Eucharist being scattered into the world is, each initiate envisages Christ from a different perspective than anybody else in the outer world. Each member of the laity, during the Holy Mass, listens to the same scriptural readings and the same sermon, on those scriptural readings. Listening to the scriptural readings and sermon, in and of itself, is receiving the Eucharist without actually taking in the wafer host. What the initiate envisages via the Holy Mass is different from every other member of the laity; because, of his or her personal biases, prejudices and preconceived notions. This same process goes on, in the outer world, outside of the Church services, continuously everlastingly nanosecond by nanosecond. When the priest blesses the Eucharistic wafer host, that blessing symbolizes Christ perfecting each member of the laity’s mental acuity on the biblical readings and the sermon. The homily was symbolically spoken by the priest, who symbolizes Christ: i.e. God/Man amalgamating with the surface textual readings, which is read by members of the laity. When the initiate receives the Eucharist he is somewhat confused by what he or she is envisaging and it is that confusion that scatters the Eucharist into the outer world. Receiving the Eucharistic wafer host is symbolic of what the laity had already received when they heard the scriptural readings from other members of the laity and the sermon spoken symbolically by Christ. The Cross is on the Eucharist’s wafer host; because, it symbolizes Christ unanimity with each member of the laity’s mental acuity. This latter is how the Unknown God sends Christ into the world. Everything in the outer world symbolizes the Sign of the Cross no matter what its mythoi are saying.
  • 12. 12 This is why during every Holy Mass, in every Catholic Church the Cross hangs above the altar; because, no matter what anybody envisages that Cross is the bottom-line to every issue presented in manifested creation’s: i.e. ego-consciousness’ mythoi. The Cross is symbolic of squaring proportionally infinite knowledge: i.e. squaring the circle. What is meant by squaring proportionally infinite knowledge is analogous to the creation of Eve. The fifth and sixth days of creation symbolizes the human skeleton; because, these two days contain 206-words, which is symbolic of the 206-bones in the body. It is interesting to notice that THE 206-words reduce down to twenty-six (26), which is the Gematria value of YAHWEH. Yahweh Elohym (Christ) takes a rib out of Adam’s axial skeleton that symbolizes the universe, and builds from it. The skeleton will be discussed more below. The MATRIX OF WISDOM is inexplicably and scientifically, on a mathematical level, developed flawlessly. All that comes into the outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness are symbolically the numerical abstractions of the numbers from one (1) to eight (8) radiating out of the number nine (9); however, the ego’s hubris only sees images not actually abstractions: i.e. numerics; whereas, if the unconscious mind was capable of seeing what it radiated into the outer world it would see only numerics: i.e. its abstractions. Numerics (Cups), images (Wands), symbols (Swords) and Words (Pentacles) are the initiate’s psychic objective communication mechanisms use to convey the word of God; whereas, human’s sensatory perceptions: i.e. five senses per se are merely subjective perspectives. NUMERICS (Cups) symbolize the highly superlative, via abstractions, method used to convey the psyche’s activities. This is analogous to what takes place while sleeping. It is also what takes place enigmatically during the awaken hours of the day. IMAGES (Wands) are what ego-consciousness’ hubris envisages via its sensatory perceptions. An image holds the entire superlative picture of creation, which ego- consciousness has to dissect in order to comprehend it. This kind of superlative image is what ego-consciousness envisages when awaking from sleep. The whole dream is given to the psyche’s hubris instantaneously upon awaking. SYMBOLS (Swords) symbolize the folk tongue: i.e. two-edge sword, which points to the fact that everything in manifested creation: i.e. ego-consciousness has its opposites, trying to understand what the dream or illusionary world is about. WORDS (Pentacles) are ego-consciousness’ manner of trying to convey the activities of the psyche; but, ego-consciousness can do no better than convey those psychic activities via a slanted perspective via its own biases, prejudices and preconceived notions. The initiate has to learn to comprehend, on his or her own volition, the differences between numerics: i.e. abstractions and/or images (religious artworks and/or the sensory perception of the outer world) and/or words (sacred scriptures). The initiate has to name: i.e. symbolize what numerics and images are actually conveying esoterically. In the numerics of the MATRIX OF WISDOM each multiplication table beyond the first multiplication table is analogous to a different translation of the first multiplication table: i.e. symbolic of multiple translations; because, individually and collectively all nine (9) multiplication tables are conveying the same message. These numerics also infer that all religions are the same: i.e. one language; though, they appear symbolically to be multiple languages. The numerics of the MATRIX OF WISDOM symbolize in Western Civilization
  • 13. this work time. previous writing for the read information reader reads that paper in order to understand how the matrix was developed ex nihilo: i.e. out of nothing. “ truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you know him and have seen him” (John The spiritual force per se, cannot be envisage means whatsoever other than of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data then becomes the MONAD: i.e. number one (1). The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1) symbolically Everything that is manifested i images the MONAD: i.e. number one (1). The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist. all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by nanosecond fixture; yet, time; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that sound; nevertheless, it is true. Twenty sequence of time. align with time. When the initiate studies the column and/or row number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta are mirror number image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ. 5 MATRIX OF WISDOM: How P THE MATRIX OF WISDOM reviously, I have did not intuit a good deal of information this work on the matrix’s numerics I will have to repeat some of previous writings the reader to understand this information. I highly recommend that the reader reads that paper in order to understand how the matrix was developed ex nihilo: i.e. out of nothing. “Jesus said to him, ‘ truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you know him and have seen him” (John 14:6–7). The spiritual force per se, cannot be envisage means whatsoever other than of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data then becomes the MONAD: i.e. number one (1). The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1) symbolically radiates Everything that is manifested i images the MONAD: i.e. number one (1). The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist. all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by nanosecond is the illusionary fixture; yet, ego-consciousness: i.e. all creation ; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that sound; nevertheless, it is true. Twenty-four (24) sequence of time. align with time. When the initiate studies the column and/or row number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta mirror-imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the number one is mirro image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ. MATRIX OF WISDOM: How P THE MATRIX OF WISDOM ly, I have written did not intuit a good deal of information that will be discussed in on the matrix’s numerics I will have to repeat some of s about the matrix in order to understand this I highly recommend that the reader reads that paper in order to understand how the matrix was developed ex nihilo: i.e. out of nothing. Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you know him and have seen him” The spiritual force of creation: i.e. God, per se, cannot be envisaged means whatsoever other than of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data then becomes the MONAD: i.e. number one (1). The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1) radiates LIGHT into the outer world Everything that is manifested i images the MONAD: i.e. number one (1). The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist. all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by the illusionary consciousness: i.e. all creation ; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that sound; nevertheless, it is true. (24) movie slides are needed sequence of time. Ego-consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to When the initiate studies the column and/or row is a multiplication table casting number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the one is mirror-imaging the number one; therefore, image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ. MATRIX OF WISDOM: How was it Created? An Esoteric Commentary THE MATRIX OF WISDOM written on how the did not intuit a good deal of that will be discussed in on the matrix’s numerics at th I will have to repeat some of those about the matrix in order to understand this additional I highly recommend that the reader reads that paper in order to understand how the matrix was developed ex I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you know him and have seen him” of creation: i.e. God, by any psychic the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data then becomes the MONAD: i.e. number one (1). The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1) LIGHT into the outer world Everything that is manifested into creation images the MONAD: i.e. number one (1). The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist. all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by the illusionary outer world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent consciousness: i.e. all creation ; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that sound; nevertheless, it is true. Ego-consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie. movie slides are needed consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to When the initiate studies the MATRIX OF WISDOM a multiplication table casting number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the imaging the number one; therefore, image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ. was it Created? An Esoteric Commentary 10 THE MATRIX OF WISDOM’S ELEMENTARY DATA the MATRIX OF WISDOM did not intuit a good deal of the that will be discussed in at that those about the matrix in order additional I highly recommend that the reader reads that paper in order to understand how the matrix was developed ex I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you know him and have seen him” of creation: i.e. God, psychic the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data then becomes the MONAD: i.e. number one (1). The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1) LIGHT into the outer world creation: i.e. ego-consciousness The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist. all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent consciousness: i.e. all creation dissipate in ; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie. movie slides are needed per second for the film to coordinate with the consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to MATRIX OF WISDOM a multiplication table casting-out number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the imaging the number one; therefore, image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ. was it Created? An Esoteric Commentary -mathematical-matrix ELEMENTARY DATA MATRIX OF WISDOM the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory data The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1) , which per se is ego consciousness The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist. all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent dissipate into the past ; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie. per second for the film to coordinate with the consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to MATRIX OF WISDOM he or she will realize that each out-nines (reducing each multiplication number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication ta imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the imaging the number one; therefore, all manifested creation is in the image and likeness of the MONAD: i.e. God/Man Christ. was it Created? An Esoteric Commentary matrix-how-was-it ELEMENTARY DATA MATRIX OF WISDOM5 was developed the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force of creation radiates into the ego’s hubris’s archival memory database of knowledge and The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1) , which per se is ego-consciousness consciousness symbolizes and mirror The world does not exist, it never did exist and it never will exist. Ego-consciousness is, for all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent to the past every nanosecond of ; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie. per second for the film to coordinate with the consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to he or she will realize that each nines (reducing each multiplication number down to its lowest common denominator). All multiplication tables beyond the first imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the all manifested creation is in the it-created ELEMENTARY DATA was developed and the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force of knowledge and The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. number one (1) that consciousness symbolizes and mirror consciousness is, for all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent every nanosecond of ; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie. per second for the film to coordinate with the consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to he or she will realize that each nines (reducing each multiplication bles beyond the first imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the all manifested creation is in the I the LIGHT of the world: God/Man Christ. The spiritual force of knowledge and that consciousness. symbolizes and mirror- consciousness is, for all intent and purpose, a symbolic holographic mechanism, which nanosecond by world. It is assumed that the psyche is a permanent every nanosecond of ; thus, the psyche has to be resurrected every nanosecond of time. As asinine as that consciousness is analogous to a single slide in a movie. per second for the film to coordinate with the consciousness needs billions of slides nanosecond by nanosecond to he or she will realize that each nines (reducing each multiplication bles beyond the first imaging the first multiplication table; thus, all eight numbers beyond the all manifested creation is in the
  • 14. 14 The Hopewell Indian Mound Builders9 in Ross County, Ohio USA built a circular and a square mound in the BC era, which is extraordinarily similar to the diagram of Saint Peter’s Basilica and Bernini Square. The American Indians built a number of these circular and square mounds, which are obviously symbols of squaring the circle. This above image literally infers the Kamea of Saturn: i.e. 3 x 3 square inherently embedded in the MATRIX OF WISDOM. Discovering the MATRIX OF WIDOM in literary works and a number of monuments esoterically hidden in plain sight and then to be able to produce demonstrable evidence of it should go a long way in convincing the reader that this is valid esoteric research. THE MATRIARCHAL CULTURE Realistically, in the outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness, a mother raising her child is symbolically the Matriarchal age mirror-imaging the unconscious mind from a materialistic perspective, which is completely opposite of the unconscious mind’s Matriarchal process. The sacred geometry I intuit from out of the first eleven chapters of Genesis is more aligned with instinctual archetypal imprints, which are embedded in the unconscious mind’s Matriarchal process. These psychic instinctual archetypal imprints are what Carl G. Jung10 called The Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious11 . During the child’s adolescent years in the outer world’s Matriarchal culture the child is trained via a motherly and fatherly manner. During these matriarchal years the child learns to civilize its habits (not get rid of) and it learns the basic principles of reading, writing and arithmetic. Preliminarily, it is the mother that trains the child in curtailing its primal instinctual habits and the mother begins to teach the child simple arithmetic via children toys and introduces the child to writing via coloring books. Aboriginal indigenous native cultures train their offspring differently as to how to read nature and how to express it; though, mysteriously they also venture into the esoteric sciences. Schooling is a Patriarchal setting from societal mores’ perspective, which symbolizes a father embracing his child’s education. A child before it reaches puberty, about the age ego- consciousness’s hubris is firmly implanted in the psyche, instinctually learned the basics principles that governs the Trinitarian Paradigm both spiritually and materially. READING symbolizes what is discerned in the unconscious mind: i.e. feminine (Elohym) discerning the spiritual, WRITING symbolizes ego-consciousness: i.e. masculine (Yahweh) explaining what the initiate knows and ARITHMETIC (numerical abstractions) symbolizes the missive from the MONAD: i.e. Soul’s God/Man Christ. The multiplication tables that a child learns in his or her adolescence years at home and in school are literally the foundational principle that mystically formats the MATRIX 9 Hopewell Indian Mound Builders 10 Carl Jung 11 Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious 1&keywords=carl+jung+archetypes+and+the+collective+unconscious&dpID=41tw8iylR9L&preST=_SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch
  • 15. 15 OF WISDOM. The child is not informed of the matrix or the importance that the numerics represent; because, the child’s parents and/or teachers are totally ignorant of the esoteric science. Paradoxically, the child walks around in school with compositional books with the multiplication tables in it; thus, the child has unwittingly the MATRIX OF WISDOM in his or her possession and he or she know nothing of that pearl of great price. This is very much like Judaism, Christianity and Islam having the matrix esoterically hidden in the sacred scriptures without knowing it is there. THE MATRIX OF WISDOM ARCHETYPAL, EXISTENTIAL and COSMIC The matriarchal years of a child are analogous to the ARCHETYPAL principles being taught to it unintentionally about its psyche, which unwittingly come from its mother just as ego-consciousness (masculine) is guided through life via the unconscious mind (feminine). Once the child reaches puberty it is basically dealing with EXISTENTIAL principles where it now has to find a way of living life, in the outer world, on its own volition. At this young age a child still lives with it parents and it now goes out dating or getting teenage jobs; but, the child comes home very much like a person that attend church services going in and out of the outer world periodically. Eventually, the child goes out into the world permanently just as Abraham did (Gen. 12:1) with his wife and entourage. The MATRIX OF WISDOM, once the psyche intuited it on its own volition find itself in the midst of COSMIC principles. The matrix has to then be continuously studied and meditated on for the rest of the initiate’s life span to maintain Christ consciousness. The matrix has imprinted into its precincts infinite knowledge; both, spiritual and material. This matrix literally illustrates how the Judaeo Christian Scriptures were written. Many readers will see all these above statements in regards to the MATRIX OF WISDOM as inane; because, they know little or nothing about it; nonetheless, no matter how inexplicable esotericism conveys itself, it is what it is; for the reason that, it is solely based upon the attention span of the initiate that unravels the secrets of esotericism. Inattentiveness is solely the province of the ego’s hubris thinking its psyche knows everything it needs to know. Ego’s hubris does not want to learn from another source. The numerics coded to the MATRIX OF WISDOM have numerous meanings. Each meaning has to be studied from a different perspective. Each concept intuited out of the matrix is another barrier in the psyche preventing the initiate from learning any other truth from the matrix. This is why the matrix has to be continuously meditated on to extract new concepts from out of it and this is a never-ending process: i.e. the bible has to be researched and meditated on in concord with the matrix’s sacred geometry. The MATRIX OF WISDOM writes the sacred scriptures of the world; though, the matrix is known all over the world no initiate ever created it. The matrix abstractly portrays the activities of ego-consciousness. Yes, the matrix is put together via the nine (9) multiplication tables casting-out-nines; but, the inexplicable knowledge that is inherent in this matrix is mystically radiated into it via the MONAD: i.e. Soul: God/Man Christ;
  • 16. 16 Thus, no initiate has the intellectual capacity to invent per se the MATRIX OF WISDOM. Yes, the initiate can envisage the matrix and write the sacred scriptures and build monuments based upon what the matrix conveys. The matrix is an instinctual archetypal image, which is projected, into the outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness. THE MATRIX OF WISDOM Symbolizes the Skeleton and the Human Body No symbol(s) can be fully drained of its meanings. Obtaining information: i.e. spiritual and/or material from the spiritual force of creation is analogous to breathing in and breathing out. The lungs, which are analogous to the Soul’s Two-Part Psyche, breathe in oxygen and then breathe out carbon dioxide, which is analogous to how limited the human psyche is. The spiritual force of creation radiates out ego-consciousness: i.e. the LIGHT of the world, which instantly dissipate back into DARKNESS just as the oxygen breathed in dissipates into carbon dioxide; however, the vegetation takes in the carbon dioxide and exudes oxygen just as DARKNESS continuously exudes LIGHT. It is obvious what created the limitations of the psyche, which is inherently an eternal cyclic process. The spiritual force of creation radiates outward a finite psyche; thus, creating the cyclic process. The spiritual force of creation is basically life’s energy and per se does not become part of the psyche; however, ego-consciousness, which is the LIGHT terrestrially barbaric momentarily until it desires Christ consciousness. The entire human body is analogous to the Soul’s Two-Part Psyche’s dual paradigm: two legs, two arms, to eyes, two ears, and two nostrils, two sets of teeth upper and lower, two lungs and the anus and penis/womb: i.e. the gender duality: i.e. male and female. The brain has two hemispheres. Eating is analogous to breathing in utilizing oxygen and breathing out is analogous to the body ridding itself of the waste materials. Nothing goes on in or out of the body that does not reflect the psychic activities of the Soul’s Two Part Psyche. Some of these dualities of the body involuntarily work in concord with each other literally creating a third invisible sensory perception blending each duality into a Trinitarian Paradigm: i.e. two hemispheres of the brain, eyes (sight), ears (hearing), nostrils (smell), skin (touch) and lungs (breathing); nonetheless, there are parts of body that are used voluntarily: i.e. legs, arms, teeth, etc.; whereas, ego-consciousness is both a voluntarily and involuntarily psychic vessel and the unconscious mind is an involuntary vessel. This involuntary process is analogous to the spiritual force of creation radiating into the psyche and the voluntary: free will process symbolizes ego-consciousness’ hubris. It is as if the psyche and body are institutional training grounds teaching the initiate how to obtain the Trinitarian Paradigm via free will; for the reason that, it is the only way to obtain Christ consciousness. If either part of a sensory perception’s duality: i.e. eyes, ears, nostrils, lungs, etc. is not working then that sensory perspective is a slanted perspective of seeing or hearing or smelling, etc., which would destroy the amalgamation that creates the Trinitarian Paradigm. This is what happens when those reading the bible have no comprehension of the MATRIX OF WISDOM and/or the alphanumerics of the Hebrew and/or Greek letters that writes the sacred scriptures.
  • 17. 17 The psyche activities displayed via the human body is symbolic of the Trinitarian Paradigm: i.e. Christ consciousness that ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind create by the initiate sacrificing his or her ego’s hubris. It is this latter point that is the sole purpose of life: i.e. learning to live life via Christ consciousness. The human body is inherently a projection of the psyche as a continuous reminder, in plain sight, of how the psyche works. Below is an image illustrating the human skeleton via sacred geometry inferred in the fifth (57) and six (149) days of creation that is also split into two parts totaling 206-words: i.e. axial skeleton (80-bones) that symbolizes the unconscious mind, which is stationary and the appendicular skeleton (126-bones) that symbolizes ego- consciousness, which is moveable reflecting mobility. The skeleton 206-bones are symbolic of the symbolism esoterically displayed in the first word of Genesis BERESHITH ‫.בראשית‬ The 126-bones in the appendicular skeleton: i.e. the arms and legs symbolize the Kamea of the Sun cubed (216: 6³) cast out of the axial skeleton’s 80-bones: i.e. KAMEA OF THE MOON cube (729: 9³). This is symbolically BERESHITH ‫בראשית‬ (Kamea of the Sun) being cast out of the COSMIC realm (Kamea of the Moon) into the outer world. How the Kamea of the Moon is known as the COSMIC realm is when the Kamea of the Sun is subtracted from the Kamea of the Moon: i.e. 729 – 216 = 513, which is the transposition of the Vesica Piscis’ numerics 153. The axial skeleton radiates out the appendicular skeleton’s arms and legs. This is actually further inferred in the second verse of Genesis. The word “moved” as in “moved over face of the waters (appendicular skeleton)” can also be translated as “hovered” as in “hovered over the face of the waters (axial skeleton)” otherwise the numerics of 206-bones symbolizing the human skeleton would not be in the fifth and sixth days of creation via 206-words. It does not take a rocket-scientist, for those that understand the first two verses of Genesis, to realize that the skeleton and body is the psyche just as much as Genesis 1:3-31; is a commentary on the first two verses. The first two verses of Genesis symbolize
  • 18. 18 spirituality permeating the skeletal structure; because, the first two verses are above the 206-words that symbolize DARKNESS. The first four days of creation symbolize LIGHT. The number nine (9) symbolizes DARKNESS that represents the initiate’s psychic universe; because, from the number nine (9) comes the LIGHT of the world: i.e. ego- consciousness. The MATRIX OF WISDOM cubed, with twenty-six (26) identical matrices surrounding it exudes an image of the universe 28³ cubed, which is, for all intents and purposes, a symbolic esoteric concept of a lone number nine. The number nine (9) symbolizes the unconscious mind, which is basically empty of any knowledge other than past memories, which really is of no immediate value. The number one (1) thru eight (8) are analogous to a library of past thoughts: i.e. tomes/tombs. It is only when the spiritual force of creation permeate the number nine (9) that new concepts: i.e. LIGHT can be culled out of the DARKNESS. The nines (9s) in the MATRIX OF WISDOM are collectively the DARKNESS: i.e. unconscious mind that is being radiated on via the spiritual force of creation symbolized by the Vesica Piscis. The spiritual force of creation symbolizes the MONAD when it is psychically connect to the number nine (9), which symbolizes the whole universe. The MONAD (1) coupled with the number nine (9) creates the number nineteen (19), which symbolizes the nineteenth (19th ) letter of the Hebrew Alphabet: i.e. QOPH ‫ק‬ that finishes the spelling of CHRIST in the first word of Genesis BERESHITH ‫.בראשית‬ QOPH (19) attaching itself to the number nine (9²) squared (81) creating the MATRIX OF WISDOM, which instantly would be cubed (10³). DARKNESS is also radiated on via the initiate’s psyche’s archival memory database of knowledge, which took place over the span of the initiate’s life. This archival memory database is symbolized by the star-studded universe, which is analogous to ego- consciousness’ past thoughts: i.e. a graveyard of learned thoughts. The number nine (9) per se is tabular rasa (blank slate); for the reason that, it only contains that which is radiated into it; thus, all the number nine (9) can radiate out from itself is that which it absorbed or was radiated into it: spiritual force of creation and ego- consciousness’ past thoughts: i.e. archival memory database; equally, this is where voluntary and involuntary primal principles are put into action. The number nine (9) is symbolized by the unconscious mind: i.e. THE HERMIT in the Major Arcana Tarot Cards; whereas, the zero (0) is what symbolizes ego-consciousness: i.e. THE FOOL in the Major Arcana Tarot Cards. THE FOOL in the Major Arcana Tarot Cards is a complex card to understand; because, it simultaneously takes on the numerics of zero (0) and twenty-one (21) that symbolizes the twenty-first (21st ) Hebrew letter SHIN ‫.ש‬ The spiritual force of creation: i.e. zero (0) cannot per se come into manifested creation; for the reason that, the moment it does it is classified as anyone of the Hebrew letters that ego-consciousness names it. SHIN ‫ש‬ symbolizes the creation mound (mastaba: i.e. tomb): i.e. outer world: i.e. naming something. The image on the next page, which has to be enlarged to study demonstrably, illustrates how each numeric of a Hebrew letter is inherently archetypal, existential or cosmic. Each Hebrew letter comes into the outer world: i.e. ego-consciousness symbolizing the coiled Kundalini Serpent. It is the initiate’s obligation to uncoil it.
  • 19. 19 The spiritual force of creation is zero (0); because, it per se is nothing other than life’s energy that reinvigorates: i.e. reanimate ego-consciousness’ archival memory database. The Prologue of the Zohar points out that God: i.e. MONAD (1) represented via the number thirteen (13: i.e. Gematria value of the number one) is symbolized as a superlative spiritual celestial Lily before it enters manifested creation. After the Lily comes into manifested creation it transubstantiates into a superlative beautiful terrestrial Rose. Though the spiritual force of creation: i.e. God radiates omniscience into the psyche the psyche can only psychically handle a finite portion of what is radiated into its. This finite portion has to do with what the psyche is most enamored by in life; thus, only the psyche raison d’être benefits by the spiritual force of creation missive. It can be interpreted that the number nine (9); though, it symbolizes the entire universe (psyche) it is symbolized by Adam: i.e. an uninitiate, which has the Gematria value of forty- five (45). The aggregate of nine (9) is forty-five (45). Nine (9) symbolizes the Patriarchal mentality that represents anti-matter or anti-life. The female produces life and it is only when the masculine works in harmony with the feminine that life radiates out of the number nine (9) as the LIGHT: i.e. ego-consciousness. LIGHT is manifested creation: i.e. ego-consciousness. In the Hebrew alphabet the number nine (9) symbolizes TAYT ‫ט‬ a serpent. This is why the first four chapters of Genesis are in the circular shape of an Ouroboros Serpent. The symbolism symbolizing the Ouroboros Serpent also symbolizes the seven (7) Major Light Chakras and the twenty-one (21) Minor Light Chakras. This same symbolism symbolizes the Zodiac (celestial) and Calendar (terrestrial) years. This intuition as to what the Soul’s Two-Part Psyche: i.e. ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind symbolizes is an amazing revelation; because, it explains both the triune aspects of the Hebrew alphabet: i.e. Archetypal, Existential and Cosmic and the Major Arcana Tarot Cards. The Major Arcana Tarot Cards may not appear to be triune; nonetheless, because they are associated to the Hebrew alphabet the synchronization of these two mechanistic systems becomes all too obvious. THE HERMIT is, the ninth (9th ) Major Arcana Tarot Card, holding a lamp, which indicated it’s the initiate that governs the mechanism that contains the LIGHT of the world: i.e. ego-consciousness. In the first nine (9) Major Arcana Tarot Cards and the first nine (9) Hebrew letters (1-9): i.e. Archetypal there are no zeroes (0). In the second set of nines Major Arcana Tarot Cards (10-18) and the second set of Hebrew letters (10-90): i.e. the zero (0) as THE FOOL emerges into the existential realm. Elohym symbolizes DARKNESS: i.e. the unconscious mind: i.e. instinctual archetypal knowledge; whereas, Yahweh symbolizes the LIGHT that comes into the world existentially, which is basically nothing but zero (nothing). This is why it is said, that “God created the world ex nihilo (out of nothing)”. I don’t think it is audacious to reinterpret and paraphrase that saying as, ‘God created the world out of THE FOOL.’ Knowing esotericism as I do that is not a surprising revelation. From a spiritual superlative level the initiate can be call THE FOOL from an infidel’s perspective or the uninitiate can be called THE FOOL from the initiate perspective; thus, every nanosecond of time the initiate learns something and then find him or herself walking like a ghost amongst the tombs of its own archival memory database.
  • 20. 20
  • 21. 21 This may very well be why John the Baptist was conceived on October First (the mythoi of an Equinox’s date) and Jesus Christ is conceived on April First (the mythoi of an Equinox’s date): i.e. All Fool’s Day. The Equinoxes take place on and around March 20th and September 22nd -23rd . The day and night are practically equal: i.e. as if they are mirror- imaging each other. The equinoxes are important to contemplate and when eight days are added to them as was added to the rite of circumcision for both Jesus: January 1st and John the Baptist on July 1st ; thus, the mythoi of the New Testament were coordinated with the yearly Equinoxes and the Solstices: i.e. the Sign of the Cross. Think about the Sign of the Cross, October 1st (forehead, desire) to April 1st (heart) to July 1st (left shoulder) to January 1st (right shoulder): i.e. a perfect Sign of the Cross. Each one of the four (4) seasons can be said to start on those dates from a mythological perspective: i.e. not on a historical worldly perspective. Of course there will be arguments against this; because, the dates listed are not aligned perfectly with the eight (8) days of the circumcision rite. The Solstices pair off perfectly with January 1st and July 1st via the eight (8) days of the circumcision rite; however, the Equinoxes are slightly off via the eight (8) days of the circumcision rite; though, via the mythoi they are aligned with April 1st and October 1st via a fractional margin of error. I believe this fractional error is; because, initiation rites cannot be aligned perfection as the circumcision rite. Mirror-imaging ego- consciousness with the unconscious mind to psychically balance the Scales of Libra cannot be judged by the initiate: i.e. the mirror-imaging process can only be judge by the MONAD: i.e. Soul: i.e. God/Man Christ. THE SIGN OF THE CROSS Thus the conception, birth and circumcision dates of Jesus Christ12 and John the Baptist13 symbolize the Sign of the Cross. The dates are envisaged by calculating forward and backwards. No dates are giving in the New Testament in regards to the conception, birth and circumcision dates of John the Baptist and Jesus; because, they are covered via esotericism and the mythoi of Catholicism mythological traditions. October 1st : i.e. the conception date of the John the Baptist symbolizes the initiate touching of the forehead in the north where the third-eye is located, which is mythologically the Autumn-season symbolizing the hand as falling (genuflecting): i.e. initiation rite of Baptism: i.e. desiring to learn the teachings of a religion and/or a mystery school. This is symbolically going from materialistic readings to spiritual readings The hand, during the Signing of the Cross, falls: i.e. genuflecting, to the heart, which symbolizes April 1st in the south, which is mythologically the beginning of the Spring- season, which is the conception of Christ: i.e. Kundalini Serpent. In the body the fourth chakra is at the heart’s level and it is symbolized by the Star of David. Every member of the Roman Catholic Church genuflects when entering a Church respecting Christ as his or her savior. On July 1st the hand, during the Signing of the Cross traverses west to the left shoulder, which symbolizes the birth and circumcision of John the Baptist, mythologically 12 THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 13 THE BIRTH OF CHRIST (Sequel): Why was John the Baptist Conceived and then Executed?
  • 22. 17 The psyche activities displayed via the human body is symbolic of the Trinitarian Paradigm: i.e. Christ consciousness that ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind create by the initiate sacrificing his or her ego’s hubris. It is this latter point that is the sole purpose of life: i.e. learning to live life via Christ consciousness. The human body is inherently a projection of the psyche as a continuous reminder, in plain sight, of how the psyche works. Below is an image illustrating the human skeleton via sacred geometry inferred in the fifth (57) and six (149) days of creation that is also split into two parts totaling 206-words: i.e. axial skeleton (80-bones) that symbolizes the unconscious mind, which is stationary and the appendicular skeleton (126-bones) that symbolizes ego- consciousness, which is moveable reflecting mobility. The skeleton 206-bones are symbolic of the symbolism esoterically displayed in the first word of Genesis BERESHITH ‫.בראשית‬ The 126-bones in the appendicular skeleton: i.e. the arms and legs symbolize the Kamea of the Sun cubed (216: 6³) cast out of the axial skeleton’s 80-bones: i.e. KAMEA OF THE MOON cube (729: 9³). This is symbolically BERESHITH ‫בראשית‬ (Kamea of the Sun) being cast out of the COSMIC realm (Kamea of the Moon) into the outer world. How the Kamea of the Moon is known as the COSMIC realm is when the Kamea of the Sun is subtracted from the Kamea of the Moon: i.e. 729 – 216 = 513, which is the transposition of the Vesica Piscis’ numerics 153. The axial skeleton radiates out the appendicular skeleton’s arms and legs. This is actually further inferred in the second verse of Genesis. The word “moved” as in “moved over face of the waters (appendicular skeleton)” can also be translated as “hovered” as in “hovered over the face of the waters (axial skeleton)” otherwise the numerics of 206-bones symbolizing the human skeleton would not be in the fifth and sixth days of creation via 206-words. It does not take a rocket-scientist, for those that understand the first two verses of Genesis, to realize that the skeleton and body is the psyche just as much as Genesis 1:3-31; is a commentary on the first two verses. The first two verses of Genesis symbolize
  • 23. 23 The THIRD DAY of creation symbolizes the WATERS that goes on to one place and the dryland appears. The third day symbolizes the west, which is in the outer world. The waters of creation are symbolized by Adam, which has the Gematria value of forty-five (45). In the MATRIX OF WISDOM the fourth and fifth multiplication tables symbolizes the waters of creation, which are out of alignment with each other. Until these two multiplication tables: i.e. four and five align and mirror image each other psychic intercourse cannot take place between ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind; however, via the Genesis Formula it is seen that the waters: i.e. the two-fours align with each other and go on to their place in the Eternal Temple of God. In the Genesis Formula the first four symbolizes DALETH ‫:ד‬ i.e. the DOOR to the sacred scriptures, which is the first chapter of Genesis that has four-hundred and thirty- four (434) words symbolizing the DOOR to creation. Understanding the esoteric science codified to the first chapter of Genesis symbolizes obtaining the key to understanding the esoteric science in the sacred scriptures in Judaism and Christianity. I believe this is why Catholicism built Bernini Square and Saint Peter’s Basilica looking like a key. Just because DALETH ‫ד‬ looks like, in the Genesis Formula, it is in the east does not mean that is so. DALETH ‫ד‬ is in the south receiving the superlative Hebrew alphabet from the north from TAV ‫ת‬ to ALEPH ‫:א‬ i.e. beginning and end: i.e. Alpha and the Omega; thus, it can be seen in the first chapter of Genesis how DALETH ‫ד‬ receives the Hebrew alphabet from TAV ‫.ת‬ Initially it looks chaotic to the uninitiated; however, the initiate see the Order within that Chaos. DAY ONE of creation symbolizes the EARTH, which is in the east. Day one of creation symbolizes NOW, which distinguishes the LIGHT from the DARKNESS. This is very much like viewing the Sun Signs of Astrology, which per se has no spiritual LIGHT; however, ego-consciousness’ hubris does radiate its light: i.e. biases, prejudices and preconceived notions (archival memory database) upon those orbs in the DARKNESS in conjunction with the spiritual force of creation radiating its LIGHT upon ego-consciousness’ desires. The LIGHT is ego-consciousness. Thus the Sign of the Cross is completed.
  • 24. 24 Ego-consciousness can choose to completely ignore the spiritual force of creation, which he or she normally does, and this is what causes the psyche to become addictive and/or obsessive throughout life; because, it is only by following the suggestions that are instinctually imprinted archetypally on the psyche that the initiate can alleviate his or her addictive and/or obsessive personality. This is emphasize via April 1st and October 1st ; because, the Equinoxes equilateral days and nights symbolizes the Scales of Libra. Because humans are finite beings, daily and/or yearly cycles in the outer world are symbolically analogous to what takes place every nanosecond of time. Humans cannot evaluate what takes place during a nanosecond of time; thus, when the initiate sleep ego- consciousness becomes a captive audience when its psyche is mystically, again, brought up to date as to how to deal with its psychic activities. It is amazing how the initiate’s activity in the outer world perfectly mimics the primordial archetypal imprints on the psyche. The unconscious mind symbolizes the woman continuously cleansing ego-consciousness’ behavior symbolically in the selfsame manner that a woman cleans the house while the man is out working. From the unconscious mind comes the rainbow of LIGHT; however, the male diminishes that LIGHT down to a single color for his clothing while a woman in the outer world wears multi-color cloths. For the most part a man wears blue clothing (symbolizing the female), which symbolizes the woman; whereas, woman for the most part wears red clothing, which symbolizes the man; thus, the man and the woman are taking on each other’s psychic dynamics. This latter is most likely because a man listens unwittingly to his anima and a woman listens unwittingly to her animus. This all can be interpreted from out of the primal laws that radiate out of the psyche’s MATRIX OF WISDOM; however, besides the primal laws of the psyche what radiates out of the psyche’s matrix are suggestions solely for ego-consciousness’ benefit, which is being guided throughout life via its spiritual angelic guide. For the most part the psyche will conform to the primal mandates of the psyche; however, the ego’s hubris is the ruler of the outer world and opinionates as to whether to follow the suggestions of its anima or animus. This intertwining of the DARKNESS and the past light: i.e. star studded universe is analogous to Active imagination. This Active Imagination is analogous to the psyche distinguishing the birth of a new star LIGHT in the midst of DARKNESS. The library of tomes (past thoughts) is what creates the nine symbolically as the initiate’s whole universe. The number nine (9) symbolically on its own volition cannot do anything. The unconscious mind is analogous to an ocean of water; thus, the unconscious mind is often symbolized as water: i.e. this is how John the Baptist baptized Jesus. Then Jesus goes out into the desert: i.e. outer world to be confronted by ego-consciousness: i.e. Satan. The Hebraic letter BETH ‫ב‬ is spelt out Beth ‫,ב‬ Yud ‫י‬ and Tav ‫.ת‬ BETH ‫ב‬ symbolizes the beginning of the material world, YUD ‫י‬ symbolizes the Sun: i.e. ego-consciousness and TAV ‫ת‬ symbolizes the end of the spiritual Hebraic alphabet. In the star studded universe each star symbolizes BETH ‫,ב‬ which is the radiated light from the Sun and each star is surrounded by DARKNESS. BETH ‫ב‬ is conceptually the solar system surrounding the Sun; thus, the solar system (conceptual idea) is BETH ‫.ב‬ TAV ‫ת‬ symbolizes the spiritual barrier that the Sun cannot traverse. The Hebrew letter ALEPH ‫א‬ is prior to BETH ‫ב‬ in both the spiritual and the material Hebrew alphabets; thus, it can be intuited that the spiritual alphabet radiates out the material alphabet when it enters the blank abyss: i.e. the outer
  • 25. 25 world. This paragraph goes a longer way in illustrating how the Hebrew letter BETH ‫ב‬ was developed in the Hebrew Alphabet and why it is the first letter of Genesis. From an esoteric point of view I envisage the nine (9) as a symbol of the psyche, which only becomes the MONAD: i.e. Soul: God/Man Christ when it is permeated by the spiritual force of creation. The MONAD per se; though, it represents the invisible number one (1) that permeates the number nine (9), the number nine (9) symbolically transforms into the number one (1) in the Vesica Piscis; yet, for the most part the MONAD: i.e. Vesica Piscis is separated from the number nine (9). The number nine (9) is not spiritual per se. It is only spiritual when it is imbued with the spiritual force of creation mystically creating invisible Vesica Piscis. In explaining the Equinoctial Year it was demonstrated that the Vesica Piscis which permeated the nines (9s) validates that the numbers one (1) and nine (9) are in unanimity. The number nine (9) symbolizes antimatter: i.e. DARKNESS and when it radiates out the LIGHT that would be symbolically analogous to splitting the atom comparable to an atomic bomb taking place in the psyche: i.e. birth of a new star. The nines (9s) that symbolize DARKNESS: i.e. unconscious mind per se has no knowledge of its own volition; however, the unconscious mind becomes the medium that transmits the data that the spiritual force of creation reanimates: i.e. reinvigorate with new suggestions on how ego-conscious should deal with its psychic activities. This psyche’s archival memory database of knowledge is essentially a graveyard of tomes and tombs of psychic activities that took place in the past, which is continuously reanimated. Learned knowledge per se cannot be relearned; though, learned knowledge does continuously radiate out throughout the psyche’s unconscious mind: i.e. DARKNESS. DARKNESS does not become the number nine (9) until it is permeated with the archival memory database of knowledge. This archival memory database of knowledge per se cannot be reused unless it is saturated with the spiritual force of creation: i.e. Vesica Piscis; thus, it is solely dependent upon ego-consciousness whether those spiritual invisible suggestions will be utilized or not. This is why the angel: i.e. unconscious mind is on the left shoulder emanating out of the right hemisphere of the brain and the demon: i.e. ego- consciousness is on the right shoulder emanating out of the left hemisphere of the brain. The least amount of numerical data used in a scriptural vignette (module) tersely, to advance an esoteric concept; the more it will be out of sync with precision fractional-mathematics; though, the mathematics used per se will be as near to perfection fractionally as possible. The reason for this is; because, the bible can only have whole letters, words, verses, chapter and books and not fractions thereof; though, fractions are inferred esoterically. This is why the more rhetorical a scriptural vignette (module) is the more perfect the fractional mathematics will be.
  • 26. 26 The number nine (9) splits into four pairs of numbers: i.e. the four rivers of the Garden of Eden: i.e. one (1) and eight (8), two (2) and seven (7), three (3) and six (6) and four (4) and five (5) radiating out the LIGHT of the world. The first nine (9) numbers viewed in the MATRIX OF WISDOM are laid out in all four directions exuding the first nine (9) multiplication tables: i.e. casting-out-nines: i.e. each number in the multiplication table is reduced down to its lowest common denominator. The three (3) and six (6) does not appear to contain all four sets of the nine’s numerics however, in the Kamea of Saturn (3 x 3 square), which is inherent in the MATRIX OF WISDOM, it can be seen that both the numbers one (1) and eight (8) and the three (3) and six (6) formats two Sigils of Saturn; whereas, the three (3) and six (6) also illustrates in its Sigil of Saturn the numerics of the Quadruplicities of Astrology: i.e. Cardinal 1, 4, 7, Fixed 2, 5, 8, Mutable 3, 6, 9: i.e. Trinitarian Paradigm and this is why the 3s, 6s, 9s are repetitive in their columns and rows creating the image of the Kamea of Saturn: i.e. Father of Time: i.e. Cronus/Zeus in the MATRIX OF WISDOM. This more than infers that Cronus/Saturn: i.e. Father of Time is held responsible for the development of the Trinitarian Paradigm. This is the first time in the MATRIX OF WISDOM that I envisaged the hidden esoteric data and this is why I envisage why the three (3) and six (6) were named Mercury: i.e. messenger of the God; because, only Mercury can conceptually convey the invisible esoteric knowledge inferred throughout the sacred scriptures. Each of the first eight numbers 1- 8 symbolize a sign of the Zodiac and each of the four (4) sets emanating out of the nine (9) symbolize a Sun Sign of Astrology. The four signs of Astrology not envisage immediately in the MATRIX OF WISDOM is Capricorn (10) and Aquarius (11) reigned over by the Sun Sign Cronus/Saturn: i.e. Father of Time. This is symbolized by the Kamea of Saturn structured inherently by the numbers threes (3s) and sixes (6s) to seemingly dominate the MATRIX OF WISDOM that blocks the psyche from envisaging anything spiritual; however, it is Sagittarius (9) and Pisces (12) that is reigns over by the Sun Sign Jupiter/Zeus, which symbolizes TIMELESSNESS. The image below illustrating the three swastikas: i.e. male, female and neutral where it is seen that Jupiter circular symbol is seen