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Lesson 1
The Alpha and the Omega (Part 1)

Amen! Hallelujah! – A Study of the Book of Revelation
                    By Dale Wells
           Text: Rev 1.1-8; Rev 22.8-12
Revelation is a book to be
               Rev 1:1-3 WEB This is
               the Revelation of Jesus
               Christ …
               Apocalypsis – an
               “unveiling”, “revealing”,
               or “disclosure”
               The book is not a
               (mysterion), but a
"Blessed is he who reads"

Rev 1:3 WEB Blessed
is he who reads and
those who hear the
words of the prophecy,
and keep the things that
are written in it...
Ho anaginooskon – “the
one reading aloud”
   Apparent in blessing
    “those who hear”
   Envisions one reading to
    a congregation
“Blessed are those who hear”

                Akouoo with a genitive
                noun meant “hear”
                With the accusative, as
                here, it meant
                Jesus intended the
                message to be
“Blessed are … those who … keep
        the things … in it”
Terountes means “observe”, or “obey”
   God intended people to “understand” and “obey”
    the book, so he must have written one they could
    understand and were capable of obeying!
Why is the book misunderstood?
   People misunderstand the book because of faulty
    assumptions they bring to the text, not because of
    what the text, itself, says
Popular approaches to Revelation

Some see it as a “summary of history”
   They see the Catholic Church, Reformation, Luther & Calvin
        Philip Melanchthon, Luther’s contemporary, took this approach
        Recent authors are Albert Barnes and John Hinds
   Each reapplies history to put himself in the last days
Some believe it only deals with the end of time
   Authors since 1948 think we are in the last moments of time
   Each rewrites when time proves him wrong
Something is wrong with an approach that rewrites
interpretation every time history disproves it
The time frame is set by two phrases

 Dei genesthai en tachei - “which must happen soon”
    Rev 1:1 WEB … the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God
     gave him to show … the things which must happen soon...
    Rev 22:6 WEB He said to me, “… The Lord God … sent his
     angel to show … the things which must happen soon.”
 Some believe that en tachei means “certainly”
    Not so! Tacheoo always means “quickly”.
         Act 22:17-18 WEB “… while I prayed … I fell into a trance, and
          saw him saying to me, 'Hurry and get out of Jerusalem quickly,”
         Gal 1:6-7 WEB I marvel that you are so quickly deserting him
          who called you in the grace of Christ to a different gospel …
         2Ti 4:9 WEB Be diligent to come to me soon...
 Readers of Revelation understood that the fulfillment
 would be soon - from their point of view, not ours!
The time is at hand

Ho gar kairos engus – “for the time is at hand”
   Engus means “in hand” or “within reach”
The use of “the time is at hand”
   Rev 1:3 WEB Blessed is he who reads … those who hear …
    and keep the things … written in it, for the time is at hand.
   Rev 22:10 WEB He said to me, “Don't seal up the words of
    the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand.
This same expression is used elsewhere
   Mar 1:14-15 WEB … Jesus came … saying, “The time is
    fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand! …”
   Rom 10:8-9 WEB The word is near you...
   Phi 4:5 WEB The Lord is at hand.
No text uses engus of something far away
Reasons for interpreting the book in
         light of its time:
It was a “revelation” to its readers, not a “mystery”
It was intended to be read, understood and acted on
Its time of fulfillment was close at hand
Picture yourself as a Christian in Pergamum
    Antipas has been executed for his faith. You may be next!
    A messenger comes with John's letter.
    Do you want to know what to expect in 2000 years? No!
         You want to know if you’re going to be alive tomorrow! If not,
          what then? Was it worth it for Antipas – or for you?
         You don’t care about 21st Century writers. You want to know
          what’s going to happen to you and what God is doing about it!
A message to early Christians about their concerns!
Keys to understanding Revelation

All literature is not read alike
   Elizabeth Barrett Browning vs. Edgar Allen Poe
   William Shakespeare vs. Stephen King
   Newspaper vs. poetry; biography vs. prophecy;
    history vs. a math textbook
   They are not interpreted the same way
Revelation is written in apocalyptic style
   Makes heavy use of symbols
   Imagery that is not intended to be taken literally
What if I told you that yesterday, I
            saw a vision
I saw what looked like a living creature
   It had four legs, but it stood up on two, like a man. It had a
    prominent nose. It was brown with long ears
I saw another living creature
   It looked like a bird without wings. It was blue and had two
    legs with three toes on each foot
The first creature sat astride a red cylinder
The first creature sped toward the second creature
The second stepped aside as the first sped past
Who are the two creatures?
Read Revelation the way you watch
animations – use your imagination
                  7-headed dragon, 7-
                  headed beast, lamb
                  with 7 horns and eyes,
                  prostitute on a beast
                  Don’t let details distract
                  you from the picture
                  Let the picture grab
                  your imagination and
                  you will understand it
                  Revelation uses
                  symbols extensively
                      Some are self-evident
Consider John's description of one
 like a son of man in Rev 1:13-18
Robe and gold sash
Hair like white wool
Eyes like a flame of fire
Feet like brass
Sword out of his mouth
Face like the sun
I am the first and the
last, and the Living one
I was dead, and … I am
alive forevermore
This is clearly Jesus.
Look at the description of the Lamb
        of God in Rev 5:5-6
                   Lion of Judah
                   Root of David
                   He who opens the book
                   and its seven seals
                   Lamb standing, as
                   though it had been slain
                   It cannot be anyone but
Consider the vignette about two
     witnesses in Rev 11:6
Shut up the sky that
it may not rain
   Comes from Elijah
Turn water into
blood and strike the
earth with plagues
   Come from Moses
A radiant woman gives birth to a
   unique child in Rev 12:1-5
                  Clothed with the sun
                  Moon under her feet
                  Crown of twelve stars
                  Pregnant and in labor
                  Gives birth to a son who
                  is to rule the nations
                  with a rod of iron
                  John expects his
                  readers to identify the
                  woman as Mary, and
                  her child as Jesus
A conquering king rides in on a white
      horse in Rev 19:11-16
 Faithful and True
 Eyes are a flame of fire
 Many crowns
 Covered with blood
 “The Word of God”
 Sword out of his mouth
 Rules with a rod of iron
 King of Kings and Lord
 of Lords
 No doubt this is Jesus
The text explains the less obvious
                   What are the stars and
                       Rev 1:20 WEB … The
                        seven stars are the
                        angels of the seven
                        assemblies. The seven
                        lampstands are seven
                   The lampstands are
                   churches and the stars
                   are their messengers
What about the dragon out to devour
             the child?
 Rev 12:9 WEB The
 great dragon …, the old
 serpent, he who is
 called the devil and
 Satan ...
 In the Apocalypse, the
 dragon is Satan
John sees a prostitute riding on a
 seven-headed beast in Rev 17
                   Rev 17:18 WEB The
                   woman … is the great
                   city which reigns over
                   the kings of the earth.”
                   Rev 17:9-11 WEB The
                   seven heads are seven
                   mountains, on which
                   the woman sits. They
                   are also seven kings …
                   Rome sat on 7 hills and
                   ruled the world – the
                   prostitute is Rome
A puzzle to solve, not a mystery to
                    Start with what you
                       Lamb is Jesus
                       Dragon is Satan
                       Prostitute is Rome
                       Heads are emperors
                    Start there and the
                    picture comes together!
Revelation for Dummies

God Rules!

Jesus is Lord!

We win!
The symbolism of numbers

Apocalyptic literature
used numbers
Four numerals are
oppositional pairs.
   7 stands opposed to 3 ½
   12 stands opposed to 6
Others are not paired
   1/3, 2, 4, 10, 1,000
Oppositional pairs are a
feature of Revelation
There are two lambs

           The Lamb of God
               Rev 5:6 WEB I saw in
                the midst of the throne …
                a Lamb standing, as
                though it had been slain
           A lamb that speaks with
           the voice of a dragon
               Rev 13:11 WEB I saw
                another … He had two
                horns like a lamb, and he
                spoke like a dragon.
Two oppositional women

The prostitute
   Rev 19:1-2 NIV … God
    … has condemned the
    great prostitute …
The bride of the Lamb
   Rev 19:7 NIV Let us
    rejoice and be glad and
    give him glory! For the
    wedding of the Lamb has
    come, and his bride has
    made herself ready.
Two who claim dominion

             God on the throne
                Rev 4:2 WEB …
                 Behold, there was a
                 throne … and one sitting
                 on the throne
             Dragon who attempts to
             invade heaven
                Rev 12:7 WEB …
                 Michael and his angels
                 made war on the dragon.
                 The dragon and his
                 angels made war.
Two marks on people’s foreheads

The seal of God
   Rev 7:3 WEB Don't
    harm the earth… until we
    have sealed the
    bondservants of our God
    on their foreheads!
The mark of the beast
   Rev 13:16-17 WEB He
    causes all … to be given
    marks on their right
    hands, or on their
    foreheads …
Kings of the earth and the King of
                   Rev 17:12 WEB The
                   ten horns … are ten
                   kings …
                   Rev 19:16 WEB He
                   has … a name written,
                   “KING OF KINGS, AND
                   LORD OF LORDS.”
                   There are other
                   opposites, but this gives
                   you the idea
                   Some numbers are also
                   in oppositional pairs
Seven symbolizes God's completed
7 occurs …
    more in Revelation than
     the rest of the NT
    more in Revelation than
     in any OT book
7 symbolizes God
finishing his work
    Gen 2:1-3 WEB … On
     the seventh day God
     finished his work … and
     he rested on the seventh
     day ...
Revelation begins with a letter to 7
                    Rev 1:4 WEB John, to
                    the seven assemblies ...
                    Rev 1:11 WEB ... “What
                    you see, write in a book
                    and send to the seven
                    assemblies …”
                    Rev 1:20 WEB ... The
                    seven lampstands are
                    seven assemblies.
                    Ekklesiai is “churches”
                    in other translations
The first vision features two sevens

The son of man is
among 7 lampstands
    Rev 1:20 WEB ... The
     seven lampstands are
     seven assemblies.
He is holding 7 stars
    Rev 1:20 WEB ... The
     seven stars are the
     angels of the seven
Before God's throne were 7 lamps

                  Rev 4:5 WEB ... There
                  were seven lamps of
                  fire burning before his
                  throne, which are the
                  seven Spirits of God.
                  These are seen
                     Rev 1:4 WEB ... Grace to
                      you and peace ... from
                      the seven Spirits who are
                      before his throne
A 7-sealed scroll was opened by a
  Lamb with 7 horns and 7 eyes
Rev 5:1-6 WEB I saw,
in the right hand of him
who sat on the throne, a
book written inside and
outside, sealed shut
with seven seals … (6)
I saw … a Lamb
standing, as though it
had been slain, having
seven horns, and seven
eyes …
God's judgments were announced by
     7 angels with 7 trumpets.
                  Rev 8:2-6 WEB I saw
                  the seven angels who
                  stand before God, and
                  seven trumpets were
                  given to them … (6)
                  The seven angels who
                  had the seven trumpets
                  prepared themselves to
7 angels administer God's judgments

 Rev 15:1 WEB I saw …
 seven angels having
 the seven last plagues,
 for in them God's wrath
 is finished.
 Rev 15:6-8 WEB …
 One of the four living
 creatures gave to the
 seven angels seven
 golden bowls full of the
 wrath of God...
7 bowls of wrath were poured out on
             the earth.
                   Rev 16:1 WEB I heard
                   a loud voice out of the
                   temple, saying to the
                   seven angels, “Go and
                   pour out the seven
                   bowls of the wrath of
                   God on the earth!”
3½ depicts Satan's attempt to thwart
          God's purpose
 3 ½ is opposed to 7
    7 is God doing his will.
    3½ is a time of suffering
 Daniel envisioned a 3 ½
 year oppression
    Dan 7:25 WEB He shall
     speak … against the
     Most High, and … the
     saints … be given into
     his hand until a time and
     times and half a time.
    A year (“time”) + 2 years
     (“times”) + 6 months
     (“half a time”).
A time of oppression and provision

                   Drought during the
                   reign of Ahab
                       Jam 5:17 WEB Elijah …
                        prayed … that it might
                        not rain, and it didn't rain
                        on the earth for three
                        years and six months.
                   God provided for Elijah
                       1Ki 17:3-6 WEB … (6)
                        The ravens brought him
                        bread and flesh in the
                        morning, and bread and
                        flesh in the evening; and
                        he drank of the brook.
The picture comes from military
Measured in months
   Roman army surrounded
    a city, cutting off supplies
   Built siegeworks and
    starved the city
Jewish-Roman War
   Began in 66 AD
   Jerusalem fell 42 months
    later in 70 AD
A time when Satan tries
to stop God’s work, but
God is still in control!
3½ years in Revelation 11

              Gentiles besiege God’s
              city for 42 months
                  Rev 11:1-2 … They will
                   tread the holy city under
                   foot for forty-two months.
              God's witnesses preach
              for the same 1260 days
                  Rev 11:3 … my two
                   witnesses … will
                   prophesy one thousand
                   two hundred sixty days
3½ years as 1260 days and “a time,
      times, and half a time”
                   God cares for the
                   woman for 1260 days
                      Rev 12:6
                   Satan tries to get at the
                   woman for a time, times
                   and half a time
                      Rev 12:13-14
                   He can’t get to
                   her, because God is
                   protecting her
                   The outcome is always
                   the same – God wins!
Twelve symbolizes God's people

12 and multiples (24,
12,000, 144,000) is the
second most prominent
number in Revelation
In Rev 4:4, 24 elders sit
on thrones
24 elders are God’s
people in two covenants
   12 patriarchs (Old
   12 apostles (New
In Revelation 7 there are 144,000
         people sealed
                  Rev 7:4 WEB … one
                  hundred forty-four
                  thousand, sealed out of
                  every tribe of the
                  children of Israel
                  These are people with
                  God’s seal of approval
                  on their foreheads
                  12,000 from each of the
                  12 tribes of Israel
                  The number is not literal
The radiant woman in Rev 12 wears
      a crown of twelve stars
                  Rev 12:1 WEB … a
                  woman … and on her
                  head a crown of twelve
                  We saw this woman
                  earlier as an idealized
                  picture of Mary
                  The 12 stars represent
                  God’s people – her
                  crowning glory
12 dominates the description of the
     holy city in Rev 21:10-17
12 gates
12 angels
Names of 12 tribes
12 foundations
12 names of the 12
12,000 stadia
Wall is 144 cubits
This is the city where God’s people
                    It is a cube 12,000
                    stadia on each side,
                    with 12 gates, having
                    walls 144 cubits thick.
                    The city has plenty of
                       access (gates)
                       room (dimensions)
                       security (angels at the
                       protection (walls)
6 symbolizes rebellion against God

                   It depicts man’s attempt
                   to dispense with God
                   Contrast of 6 and 12
                      12 is God’s faithful
                       people protected by him
                      6 is man in rebellion
                       against God
                   Like Satan’s attempts to
                   stop God (3 ½), man’s
                   rebellion always fails
The most infamous use of 6 is the
number of the beast in Rev 13:18
Rev 13:18 WEB … His
number is six hundred
   Rebellion compounded
   Man’s attempt to usurp
    God’s throne
666 is a gematria
   The number concealed a
    name the readers knew,
    but history quickly forgot
   Irenaeus (2nd Century)
    suggested names, but
    couldn’t determine the
    name behind the number
Ancient alphabets were not like our
        modern alphabets
                    Hebrew and Greek had
                    alphabets composed of
                    characters that served a
                    dual purpose as letters
                    and numbers
                    Thus “a” could either
                    serve as a letter, or it
                    could be the numeral
                    “1”, “b” could be used
                    as the numeral “2”, etc.
Ancient writers engaged in
    “gematria” (Greek isopsephia)
They added the letter values and the sum was the
"number" of the name
   The sum represented the name when they wanted to reveal
    the identity to some, but conceal it from others
   This is important to understanding “666” in Rev 13:18
Ancient examples of gematria
   Graffiti in Pompeii: “I love her whose number is 545.” Only
    the couple would know about whom he was writing.
   A Roman inscription describes Gaius as holy and good
        Gaios = 3 + 1 + 10 + 70 + 200 = 284
        (Ha)gios = 1 + 3 + 10 + 70 + 200 = 284
        Aga(th)os =1 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 70 + 200 = 284
        The words are gematrically interchangeable
Possible names that make sense in
   light of the historical setting
Lateinos = “Latin” (e.g. Rome, the city or the empire)
= 30+1+300+5+10+50+70+200 = 666
Teitan = “Titus” (common name of the Flavian
Emperors. Vespasian was emperor when Revelation
was written. Titus ascended shortly thereafter.
Domitian began the empire-wide persecution of
Christians.) = 300+5+10+300+1+50 = 666
Kaisarsebaston = “Caesar Augustus” (“worshipful
Caesar”). The imperial name =
20+1+10+200+1+100+200+5+2+1+6+70+50 = 666
    (Note: this requires using the obsolete letter stigma (= 6) in
     the place of the letters sigma (= 200) and tau (= 300). Recall
     the book was intended to be read aloud. The hearers would
     be used to associating the “st” sound with the value of 6.)
1/3 symbolizes God’s restraint in
      judgment in Rev 8:6-12
1/3 earth burnt up
1/3 trees burnt up
1/3 sea became blood
1/3 sea creatures died
1/3 ships destroyed
1/3 rivers struck by star
1/3 waters became
1/3 sun, moon and stars
Old Testament roots in Ezekiel 5
where he was told to shave his head
                   Eze 5:1-2 WEB … (2)
                   A third part you shall
                   burn … in the … city …
                   take a third part, and
                   strike with the sword …
                   a third part you shall
                   scatter to the wind ….
                   Eze 5:12 WEB A third
                   … shall die … and a
                   third … shall fall by the
                   sword … and a third …
                   I will scatter to … the
                   winds, and … draw … a
                   sword after them
Two symbolizes testimony

Emissaries sent in pairs
   Mar 6:7 WEB He …
    began to send them out
    two by two …
   Mat 11:2-3 WEB … John
    … sent two ... disciples
Jewish law of evidence
required two witnesses
   Deu 19:15 WEB One
    witness shall not rise up
    against a man … at the
    mouth of two witnesses,
    or … three … shall a
    matter be established.
The only significant usage of two is in
            Rev 11:3-11
                      2 witnesses
                      prophesy 1260 days
                         They are 2 olive
                         They are also 2
                          lampstands, standing
                          before the Lord
                         They are also 2
The image comes from Zechariah 4

Zec 4:2-3 WEB … “I
have seen, and
behold, a lampstand all
of gold, … (3) and two
olive trees by it…”
Zec 4:11-14 WEB Then
I asked him, “What are
these two olive trees …
(14) Then he
said, “These are the two
anointed ones who
stand by the Lord of the
whole earth.”
The two represent the testimony of
      the Law and Prophets
                   Moses and Elijah at
                       Mat 17:1-3 WEB … (2)
                        He was transfigured
                        before them. His face
                        shone like the sun, and
                        his garments became as
                        white as the light. (3)
                        Behold, Moses and Elijah
                        appeared to them talking
                        with him.
                   In Rev 11 they are sent
                   to proclaim God's word
Four symbolizes the entire earth and
 Symbol of 4 derives
 from 4 compass points,
 4 wind directions and 4
 Babylonian mythology:
 4 signs of the Zodiac,
 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio
 and Aquarius, powerful
 figures supporting
 heaven by 4 corners, or
 as the beasts of burden
 of the 4-wheeled
 heavenly chariot
Ezekiel 1 described 4 creatures of
   God's heavenly entourage
                   4 living creatures
                   Each had 4 faces:
                   man, lion, ox and eagle
                   Each had 4 wings
                   Eze 1:4-28 WEB This
                   was the appearance of
                   the likeness of the glory
                   of Yahweh.
John saw 4 creatures around God's
throne worshiping him in Rev 4:6-8
Rev 4:6-8 WEB …
around the throne were
four living creatures ...
(7) The first … like a
lion, … the second …
like a calf, and the third
… had a face like a
man, and the fourth …
like a flying eagle. (8)
… They have no rest
day and night, saying,
“Holy, holy, holy is the
Lord God, the Almighty
The 4 creatures worship the Lamb in
            Rev 5:6-14
                   Rev 5:6-14 WEB … (8)
                   … the four living
                   creatures … fell down
                   before the Lamb … (9)
                   … saying, “You are
                   worthy … (11) … I
                   heard … a voice of
                   many angels … (12)
                   saying … “Worthy is the
                   Lamb …” (14) The four
                   living creatures said,
Zechariah 6 has 4 chariots depicting
God's omnipresence & omniscience
                    4 chariots drawn by
                    red, black, white, and
                    dappled horses
                    Zec 6:5-8 WEB …
                    “These are the four
                    winds of the sky, which
                    go forth from standing
                    before the Lord of all
                    the earth. …” (7) … So
                    they walked back and
                    forth through the earth
In Rev 6:1-8, 4 creatures announce 4
  horses with the opening of 4 seals
 1st seal – 1st creature
 announces 1st rider on a
 white horse
 2nd seal – 2nd creature
 announces 2nd rider on
 a red horse
 3rd seal – 3rd creature
 announces 3rd rider on
 a black horse
 4th seal – 4th creature
 announces 4th rider on
 a pale horse
The OT mentions the 4 winds & the 4
       corners of the earth
                   4 corners of the earth
                   from which God gathers
                       Isa 11:12 WEB He will
                        … assemble … Israel,
                        and gather … Judah from
                        the four corners of the
                   4 winds by which God
                   scatters his enemies
                       Jer 49:36 WEB On Elam
                        will I bring the four winds
                        from the four quarters of
                        the sky …,
Revelation has 4 angels at 4 corners
 of the earth holding back judgment
 Rev 7:1 WEB I saw
 four angels standing at
 the four corners of the
 earth, holding the four
 winds of the earth …
 Rev 9:13-15 WEB …
 (15) The four angels
 were freed who had
 been prepared for that
 hour and day and
 month and year, so that
 they might kill one third
 of mankind.
Ten symbolizes limits

Relates to anatomy: ten fingers on the human hand
   Once you’ve counted to ten, you’ve exhausted all of your
    fingers, and all of your chances
Many places in the Bible where one counts to ten and
then says: “Enough!”
Ten years was limit of Abram's
 patience with God's promise
                 Gen 13:16 WEB I will
                 make your offspring as
                 the dust of the earth…
                 Gen 16:3 WEB
                 Sarai, Abram's
                 wife, took Hagar the
                 Egyptian, her
                 handmaid, after Abram
                 had lived ten years in
                 the land of Canaan, and
                 gave her to Abram her
                 husband to be his wife.
Ten was the limit of God's patience
          with Sodom
Abraham bargained
with God to spare
Sodom, testing God’s
limits till he reached the
    Gen 18:32 WEB “Oh
     don't let the Lord be
     angry … What if ten are
     found there?” He said, “I
     will not destroy it for the
     ten's sake.”
Ten changes in terms was the limit of
    Jacob's patience with Laban
                    Gen 31:41 WEB These
                    twenty years I have
                    been in your house. I
                    served you fourteen
                    years for your two
                    daughters, and six
                    years for your flock, and
                    you have changed my
                    wages ten times.
The Ten Commandments were the
 limits God set on Israel's conduct
Exo 34:28 WEB He was
there with Yahweh forty
days and forty nights;
he neither ate bread,
nor drank water. He
wrote on the tablets the
words of the covenant,
the ten commandments.
God gave people ten
chances – as seen in
two other events during
the life of Moses
Ten plagues showed the limit of
   God's patience with Egypt.

Egypt suffers for Pharaoh's refusal to let Israel go
In spite of plague after plague, Pharaoh continues to
harden his heart
The tenth plague results in final judgment on Egypt
Ten rebellions test the limits of God's
patience with the Exodus generation
 Num 14:20-23 WEB
 Yahweh said, …
 because all those men
 who have seen my
 glory, and my signs …
 yet have tempted me
 these ten times, and
 have not listened to my
 voice; surely they shall
 not see the land which I
 swore to their fathers …
The uses of “ten” in Revelation

                  Pergamum would suffer
                  ten days before God
                  said, “Enough!”
                     Rev 2:10 WEB … the
                      devil is about to throw
                      some of you into prison
                      … and you will have
                      oppression for ten days.
                      Be faithful to death, and I
                      will give you the crown of
                  Devil is limited by what
                  God allows him to do!
The dragon and the sea beast have
            10 horns
Rev 12:3 WEB Behold,
a great red dragon,
having seven heads
and ten horns …
Rev 13:1 WEB I saw a
beast coming up out of
the sea, having ten
horns … On his horns
were ten crowns …
They have power,
(horns), but only the
power God gives them
– God sets their limits!
10 horns are 10 kings – God sets
   limits on the beast's power
                  Rev 17:7 WEB I will tell
                  you the mystery of the
                  woman, and of the
                  beast … which has the
                  seven heads and the
                  ten horns.
                  Rev 17:12 WEB The
                  ten horns that you saw
                  are ten kings who have
                  received no kingdom as
                  yet, but they receive
                  authority as kings, with
                  the beast, for one hour.
1,000 symbolizes limitlessness

Psa 50:10 WEB For
every animal of the
forest is mine, and the
livestock on a thousand
God is not exempting
the livestock on other
hills, nor the livestock in
valleys. What he’s
saying is that all
livestock belongs to him
Apply that reasoning to other
Deu 7:9 WEB … Yahweh your God … keeps
covenant … with them who love him and keep his
commandments to a thousand generations
   Message: God loves everyone who loves and obeys him
Psa 68:17 WEB The chariots of God are tens of
thousands and thousands of thousands …
   Message: God has immeasurable power
And when we come to that text about 1,000 years
   Time is insignificant to God. Man’s eon is God’s moment
        Psa 90:4 WEB For a thousand years in your sight are just like
         yesterday when it is past, like a watch in the night.
   God’s schedule is not to be judged by man's.
        2Pe 3:8 WEB But don't forget … that one day is with the Lord
         as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
Remember the symbolic use of 1,000
   when we get to Rev 20:2-7
                   He seized the dragon
                   … and bound him for a
                   thousand years … I saw
                   the souls of those who
                   had been beheaded for
                   the testimony of Jesus
                   … They lived, and
                   reigned with Christ for a
                   thousand years …
                   Devil’s power is limited
                   (10 horns), but God’s
                   dominion over him is
                   unlimited (1,000 years)

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01 the alpha and the omega (part 1)

  • 1. Lesson 1 The Alpha and the Omega (Part 1) Amen! Hallelujah! – A Study of the Book of Revelation By Dale Wells Text: Rev 1.1-8; Rev 22.8-12
  • 2. Revelation is a book to be understood Rev 1:1-3 WEB This is the Revelation of Jesus Christ … Apocalypsis – an “unveiling”, “revealing”, or “disclosure” The book is not a “mystery” (mysterion), but a “revelation”
  • 3. "Blessed is he who reads" Rev 1:3 WEB Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and keep the things that are written in it... Ho anaginooskon – “the one reading aloud”  Apparent in blessing “those who hear”  Envisions one reading to a congregation
  • 4. “Blessed are those who hear” Akouoo with a genitive noun meant “hear” With the accusative, as here, it meant “understand” Jesus intended the message to be understood
  • 5. “Blessed are … those who … keep the things … in it” Terountes means “observe”, or “obey”  God intended people to “understand” and “obey” the book, so he must have written one they could understand and were capable of obeying! Why is the book misunderstood?  People misunderstand the book because of faulty assumptions they bring to the text, not because of what the text, itself, says
  • 6. Popular approaches to Revelation Some see it as a “summary of history”  They see the Catholic Church, Reformation, Luther & Calvin  Philip Melanchthon, Luther’s contemporary, took this approach  Recent authors are Albert Barnes and John Hinds  Each reapplies history to put himself in the last days Some believe it only deals with the end of time  Authors since 1948 think we are in the last moments of time  Each rewrites when time proves him wrong Something is wrong with an approach that rewrites interpretation every time history disproves it
  • 7. The time frame is set by two phrases Dei genesthai en tachei - “which must happen soon”  Rev 1:1 WEB … the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show … the things which must happen soon...  Rev 22:6 WEB He said to me, “… The Lord God … sent his angel to show … the things which must happen soon.” Some believe that en tachei means “certainly”  Not so! Tacheoo always means “quickly”.  Act 22:17-18 WEB “… while I prayed … I fell into a trance, and saw him saying to me, 'Hurry and get out of Jerusalem quickly,”  Gal 1:6-7 WEB I marvel that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ to a different gospel …  2Ti 4:9 WEB Be diligent to come to me soon... Readers of Revelation understood that the fulfillment would be soon - from their point of view, not ours!
  • 8. The time is at hand Ho gar kairos engus – “for the time is at hand”  Engus means “in hand” or “within reach” The use of “the time is at hand”  Rev 1:3 WEB Blessed is he who reads … those who hear … and keep the things … written in it, for the time is at hand.  Rev 22:10 WEB He said to me, “Don't seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand. This same expression is used elsewhere  Mar 1:14-15 WEB … Jesus came … saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand! …”  Rom 10:8-9 WEB The word is near you...  Phi 4:5 WEB The Lord is at hand. No text uses engus of something far away
  • 9. Reasons for interpreting the book in light of its time: It was a “revelation” to its readers, not a “mystery” It was intended to be read, understood and acted on Its time of fulfillment was close at hand Picture yourself as a Christian in Pergamum  Antipas has been executed for his faith. You may be next!  A messenger comes with John's letter.  Do you want to know what to expect in 2000 years? No!  You want to know if you’re going to be alive tomorrow! If not, what then? Was it worth it for Antipas – or for you?  You don’t care about 21st Century writers. You want to know what’s going to happen to you and what God is doing about it! A message to early Christians about their concerns!
  • 10. Keys to understanding Revelation All literature is not read alike  Elizabeth Barrett Browning vs. Edgar Allen Poe  William Shakespeare vs. Stephen King  Newspaper vs. poetry; biography vs. prophecy; history vs. a math textbook  They are not interpreted the same way Revelation is written in apocalyptic style  Makes heavy use of symbols  Imagery that is not intended to be taken literally
  • 11. What if I told you that yesterday, I saw a vision I saw what looked like a living creature  It had four legs, but it stood up on two, like a man. It had a prominent nose. It was brown with long ears I saw another living creature  It looked like a bird without wings. It was blue and had two legs with three toes on each foot The first creature sat astride a red cylinder The first creature sped toward the second creature The second stepped aside as the first sped past Who are the two creatures?
  • 12. Read Revelation the way you watch animations – use your imagination 7-headed dragon, 7- headed beast, lamb with 7 horns and eyes, prostitute on a beast Don’t let details distract you from the picture Let the picture grab your imagination and you will understand it Revelation uses symbols extensively  Some are self-evident
  • 13. Consider John's description of one like a son of man in Rev 1:13-18 Robe and gold sash Hair like white wool Eyes like a flame of fire Feet like brass Sword out of his mouth Face like the sun I am the first and the last, and the Living one I was dead, and … I am alive forevermore This is clearly Jesus.
  • 14. Look at the description of the Lamb of God in Rev 5:5-6 Lion of Judah Root of David He who opens the book and its seven seals Lamb standing, as though it had been slain It cannot be anyone but Jesus
  • 15. Consider the vignette about two witnesses in Rev 11:6 Shut up the sky that it may not rain  Comes from Elijah Turn water into blood and strike the earth with plagues  Come from Moses
  • 16. A radiant woman gives birth to a unique child in Rev 12:1-5 Clothed with the sun Moon under her feet Crown of twelve stars Pregnant and in labor Gives birth to a son who is to rule the nations with a rod of iron John expects his readers to identify the woman as Mary, and her child as Jesus
  • 17. A conquering king rides in on a white horse in Rev 19:11-16 Faithful and True Eyes are a flame of fire Many crowns Covered with blood “The Word of God” Sword out of his mouth Rules with a rod of iron King of Kings and Lord of Lords No doubt this is Jesus
  • 18. The text explains the less obvious symbols What are the stars and lampstands?  Rev 1:20 WEB … The seven stars are the angels of the seven assemblies. The seven lampstands are seven assemblies. The lampstands are churches and the stars are their messengers
  • 19. What about the dragon out to devour the child? Rev 12:9 WEB The great dragon …, the old serpent, he who is called the devil and Satan ... In the Apocalypse, the dragon is Satan
  • 20. John sees a prostitute riding on a seven-headed beast in Rev 17 Rev 17:18 WEB The woman … is the great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.” Rev 17:9-11 WEB The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sits. They are also seven kings … Rome sat on 7 hills and ruled the world – the prostitute is Rome
  • 21. A puzzle to solve, not a mystery to ignore Start with what you know  Lamb is Jesus  Dragon is Satan  Prostitute is Rome  Heads are emperors Start there and the picture comes together!
  • 22. Revelation for Dummies God Rules! Jesus is Lord! We win!
  • 23. The symbolism of numbers Apocalyptic literature used numbers symbolically Four numerals are oppositional pairs.  7 stands opposed to 3 ½  12 stands opposed to 6 Others are not paired  1/3, 2, 4, 10, 1,000 Oppositional pairs are a feature of Revelation
  • 24. There are two lambs The Lamb of God  Rev 5:6 WEB I saw in the midst of the throne … a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain A lamb that speaks with the voice of a dragon  Rev 13:11 WEB I saw another … He had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke like a dragon.
  • 25. Two oppositional women The prostitute  Rev 19:1-2 NIV … God … has condemned the great prostitute … The bride of the Lamb  Rev 19:7 NIV Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.
  • 26. Two who claim dominion God on the throne  Rev 4:2 WEB … Behold, there was a throne … and one sitting on the throne Dragon who attempts to invade heaven  Rev 12:7 WEB … Michael and his angels made war on the dragon. The dragon and his angels made war.
  • 27. Two marks on people’s foreheads The seal of God  Rev 7:3 WEB Don't harm the earth… until we have sealed the bondservants of our God on their foreheads! The mark of the beast  Rev 13:16-17 WEB He causes all … to be given marks on their right hands, or on their foreheads …
  • 28. Kings of the earth and the King of Kings Rev 17:12 WEB The ten horns … are ten kings … Rev 19:16 WEB He has … a name written, “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.” There are other opposites, but this gives you the idea Some numbers are also in oppositional pairs
  • 29. Seven symbolizes God's completed work 7 occurs …  more in Revelation than the rest of the NT  more in Revelation than in any OT book 7 symbolizes God finishing his work  Gen 2:1-3 WEB … On the seventh day God finished his work … and he rested on the seventh day ...
  • 30. Revelation begins with a letter to 7 churches. Rev 1:4 WEB John, to the seven assemblies ... Rev 1:11 WEB ... “What you see, write in a book and send to the seven assemblies …” Rev 1:20 WEB ... The seven lampstands are seven assemblies. Ekklesiai is “churches” in other translations
  • 31. The first vision features two sevens The son of man is among 7 lampstands  Rev 1:20 WEB ... The seven lampstands are seven assemblies. He is holding 7 stars  Rev 1:20 WEB ... The seven stars are the angels of the seven assemblies...
  • 32. Before God's throne were 7 lamps Rev 4:5 WEB ... There were seven lamps of fire burning before his throne, which are the seven Spirits of God. These are seen elsewhere  Rev 1:4 WEB ... Grace to you and peace ... from the seven Spirits who are before his throne
  • 33. A 7-sealed scroll was opened by a Lamb with 7 horns and 7 eyes Rev 5:1-6 WEB I saw, in the right hand of him who sat on the throne, a book written inside and outside, sealed shut with seven seals … (6) I saw … a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain, having seven horns, and seven eyes …
  • 34. God's judgments were announced by 7 angels with 7 trumpets. Rev 8:2-6 WEB I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them … (6) The seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.
  • 35. 7 angels administer God's judgments Rev 15:1 WEB I saw … seven angels having the seven last plagues, for in them God's wrath is finished. Rev 15:6-8 WEB … One of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls full of the wrath of God...
  • 36. 7 bowls of wrath were poured out on the earth. Rev 16:1 WEB I heard a loud voice out of the temple, saying to the seven angels, “Go and pour out the seven bowls of the wrath of God on the earth!”
  • 37. 3½ depicts Satan's attempt to thwart God's purpose 3 ½ is opposed to 7  7 is God doing his will.  3½ is a time of suffering Daniel envisioned a 3 ½ year oppression  Dan 7:25 WEB He shall speak … against the Most High, and … the saints … be given into his hand until a time and times and half a time.  A year (“time”) + 2 years (“times”) + 6 months (“half a time”).
  • 38. A time of oppression and provision Drought during the reign of Ahab  Jam 5:17 WEB Elijah … prayed … that it might not rain, and it didn't rain on the earth for three years and six months. God provided for Elijah  1Ki 17:3-6 WEB … (6) The ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook.
  • 39. The picture comes from military sieges Measured in months  Roman army surrounded a city, cutting off supplies  Built siegeworks and starved the city Jewish-Roman War  Began in 66 AD  Jerusalem fell 42 months later in 70 AD A time when Satan tries to stop God’s work, but God is still in control!
  • 40. 3½ years in Revelation 11 Gentiles besiege God’s city for 42 months  Rev 11:1-2 … They will tread the holy city under foot for forty-two months. God's witnesses preach for the same 1260 days  Rev 11:3 … my two witnesses … will prophesy one thousand two hundred sixty days
  • 41. 3½ years as 1260 days and “a time, times, and half a time” God cares for the woman for 1260 days  Rev 12:6 Satan tries to get at the woman for a time, times and half a time  Rev 12:13-14 He can’t get to her, because God is protecting her The outcome is always the same – God wins!
  • 42. Twelve symbolizes God's people 12 and multiples (24, 12,000, 144,000) is the second most prominent number in Revelation In Rev 4:4, 24 elders sit on thrones 24 elders are God’s people in two covenants  12 patriarchs (Old Testament)  12 apostles (New Testament)
  • 43. In Revelation 7 there are 144,000 people sealed Rev 7:4 WEB … one hundred forty-four thousand, sealed out of every tribe of the children of Israel These are people with God’s seal of approval on their foreheads 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel The number is not literal
  • 44. The radiant woman in Rev 12 wears a crown of twelve stars Rev 12:1 WEB … a woman … and on her head a crown of twelve stars We saw this woman earlier as an idealized picture of Mary The 12 stars represent God’s people – her crowning glory
  • 45. 12 dominates the description of the holy city in Rev 21:10-17 12 gates 12 angels Names of 12 tribes 12 foundations 12 names of the 12 Apostles 12,000 stadia Wall is 144 cubits
  • 46. This is the city where God’s people live! It is a cube 12,000 stadia on each side, with 12 gates, having walls 144 cubits thick. The city has plenty of  access (gates)  room (dimensions)  security (angels at the gates)  protection (walls)
  • 47. 6 symbolizes rebellion against God It depicts man’s attempt to dispense with God Contrast of 6 and 12  12 is God’s faithful people protected by him  6 is man in rebellion against God Like Satan’s attempts to stop God (3 ½), man’s rebellion always fails
  • 48. The most infamous use of 6 is the number of the beast in Rev 13:18 Rev 13:18 WEB … His number is six hundred sixty-six.  Rebellion compounded  Man’s attempt to usurp God’s throne 666 is a gematria  The number concealed a name the readers knew, but history quickly forgot  Irenaeus (2nd Century) suggested names, but couldn’t determine the name behind the number
  • 49. Ancient alphabets were not like our modern alphabets Hebrew and Greek had alphabets composed of characters that served a dual purpose as letters and numbers Thus “a” could either serve as a letter, or it could be the numeral “1”, “b” could be used as the numeral “2”, etc.
  • 50. Ancient writers engaged in “gematria” (Greek isopsephia) They added the letter values and the sum was the "number" of the name  The sum represented the name when they wanted to reveal the identity to some, but conceal it from others  This is important to understanding “666” in Rev 13:18 Ancient examples of gematria  Graffiti in Pompeii: “I love her whose number is 545.” Only the couple would know about whom he was writing.  A Roman inscription describes Gaius as holy and good  Gaios = 3 + 1 + 10 + 70 + 200 = 284  (Ha)gios = 1 + 3 + 10 + 70 + 200 = 284  Aga(th)os =1 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 70 + 200 = 284  The words are gematrically interchangeable
  • 51. Possible names that make sense in light of the historical setting Lateinos = “Latin” (e.g. Rome, the city or the empire) = 30+1+300+5+10+50+70+200 = 666 Teitan = “Titus” (common name of the Flavian Emperors. Vespasian was emperor when Revelation was written. Titus ascended shortly thereafter. Domitian began the empire-wide persecution of Christians.) = 300+5+10+300+1+50 = 666 Kaisarsebaston = “Caesar Augustus” (“worshipful Caesar”). The imperial name = 20+1+10+200+1+100+200+5+2+1+6+70+50 = 666  (Note: this requires using the obsolete letter stigma (= 6) in the place of the letters sigma (= 200) and tau (= 300). Recall the book was intended to be read aloud. The hearers would be used to associating the “st” sound with the value of 6.)
  • 52. 1/3 symbolizes God’s restraint in judgment in Rev 8:6-12 1/3 earth burnt up 1/3 trees burnt up 1/3 sea became blood 1/3 sea creatures died 1/3 ships destroyed 1/3 rivers struck by star 1/3 waters became wormwood 1/3 sun, moon and stars darkened
  • 53. Old Testament roots in Ezekiel 5 where he was told to shave his head Eze 5:1-2 WEB … (2) A third part you shall burn … in the … city … take a third part, and strike with the sword … a third part you shall scatter to the wind …. Eze 5:12 WEB A third … shall die … and a third … shall fall by the sword … and a third … I will scatter to … the winds, and … draw … a sword after them
  • 54. Two symbolizes testimony Emissaries sent in pairs  Mar 6:7 WEB He … began to send them out two by two …  Mat 11:2-3 WEB … John … sent two ... disciples Jewish law of evidence required two witnesses  Deu 19:15 WEB One witness shall not rise up against a man … at the mouth of two witnesses, or … three … shall a matter be established.
  • 55. The only significant usage of two is in Rev 11:3-11 2 witnesses prophesy 1260 days  They are 2 olive trees  They are also 2 lampstands, standing before the Lord  They are also 2 prophets
  • 56. The image comes from Zechariah 4 Zec 4:2-3 WEB … “I have seen, and behold, a lampstand all of gold, … (3) and two olive trees by it…” Zec 4:11-14 WEB Then I asked him, “What are these two olive trees … (14) Then he said, “These are the two anointed ones who stand by the Lord of the whole earth.”
  • 57. The two represent the testimony of the Law and Prophets Moses and Elijah at Transfiguration  Mat 17:1-3 WEB … (2) He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his garments became as white as the light. (3) Behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them talking with him. In Rev 11 they are sent to proclaim God's word
  • 58. Four symbolizes the entire earth and universe Symbol of 4 derives from 4 compass points, 4 wind directions and 4 seasons Babylonian mythology: 4 signs of the Zodiac, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, powerful figures supporting heaven by 4 corners, or as the beasts of burden of the 4-wheeled heavenly chariot
  • 59. Ezekiel 1 described 4 creatures of God's heavenly entourage 4 living creatures Each had 4 faces: man, lion, ox and eagle Each had 4 wings Eze 1:4-28 WEB This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of Yahweh.
  • 60. John saw 4 creatures around God's throne worshiping him in Rev 4:6-8 Rev 4:6-8 WEB … around the throne were four living creatures ... (7) The first … like a lion, … the second … like a calf, and the third … had a face like a man, and the fourth … like a flying eagle. (8) … They have no rest day and night, saying, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty …”
  • 61. The 4 creatures worship the Lamb in Rev 5:6-14 Rev 5:6-14 WEB … (8) … the four living creatures … fell down before the Lamb … (9) … saying, “You are worthy … (11) … I heard … a voice of many angels … (12) saying … “Worthy is the Lamb …” (14) The four living creatures said, “Amen!”
  • 62. Zechariah 6 has 4 chariots depicting God's omnipresence & omniscience 4 chariots drawn by red, black, white, and dappled horses Zec 6:5-8 WEB … “These are the four winds of the sky, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth. …” (7) … So they walked back and forth through the earth …
  • 63. In Rev 6:1-8, 4 creatures announce 4 horses with the opening of 4 seals 1st seal – 1st creature announces 1st rider on a white horse 2nd seal – 2nd creature announces 2nd rider on a red horse 3rd seal – 3rd creature announces 3rd rider on a black horse 4th seal – 4th creature announces 4th rider on a pale horse
  • 64. The OT mentions the 4 winds & the 4 corners of the earth 4 corners of the earth from which God gathers  Isa 11:12 WEB He will … assemble … Israel, and gather … Judah from the four corners of the earth. 4 winds by which God scatters his enemies  Jer 49:36 WEB On Elam will I bring the four winds from the four quarters of the sky …,
  • 65. Revelation has 4 angels at 4 corners of the earth holding back judgment Rev 7:1 WEB I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth … Rev 9:13-15 WEB … (15) The four angels were freed who had been prepared for that hour and day and month and year, so that they might kill one third of mankind.
  • 66. Ten symbolizes limits Relates to anatomy: ten fingers on the human hand  Once you’ve counted to ten, you’ve exhausted all of your fingers, and all of your chances Many places in the Bible where one counts to ten and then says: “Enough!”
  • 67. Ten years was limit of Abram's patience with God's promise Gen 13:16 WEB I will make your offspring as the dust of the earth… Gen 16:3 WEB Sarai, Abram's wife, took Hagar the Egyptian, her handmaid, after Abram had lived ten years in the land of Canaan, and gave her to Abram her husband to be his wife.
  • 68. Ten was the limit of God's patience with Sodom Abraham bargained with God to spare Sodom, testing God’s limits till he reached the ten  Gen 18:32 WEB “Oh don't let the Lord be angry … What if ten are found there?” He said, “I will not destroy it for the ten's sake.”
  • 69. Ten changes in terms was the limit of Jacob's patience with Laban Gen 31:41 WEB These twenty years I have been in your house. I served you fourteen years for your two daughters, and six years for your flock, and you have changed my wages ten times.
  • 70. The Ten Commandments were the limits God set on Israel's conduct Exo 34:28 WEB He was there with Yahweh forty days and forty nights; he neither ate bread, nor drank water. He wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the ten commandments. God gave people ten chances – as seen in two other events during the life of Moses
  • 71. Ten plagues showed the limit of God's patience with Egypt. Egypt suffers for Pharaoh's refusal to let Israel go In spite of plague after plague, Pharaoh continues to harden his heart The tenth plague results in final judgment on Egypt
  • 72. Ten rebellions test the limits of God's patience with the Exodus generation Num 14:20-23 WEB Yahweh said, … because all those men who have seen my glory, and my signs … yet have tempted me these ten times, and have not listened to my voice; surely they shall not see the land which I swore to their fathers …
  • 73. The uses of “ten” in Revelation Pergamum would suffer ten days before God said, “Enough!”  Rev 2:10 WEB … the devil is about to throw some of you into prison … and you will have oppression for ten days. Be faithful to death, and I will give you the crown of life. Devil is limited by what God allows him to do!
  • 74. The dragon and the sea beast have 10 horns Rev 12:3 WEB Behold, a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns … Rev 13:1 WEB I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns … On his horns were ten crowns … They have power, (horns), but only the power God gives them – God sets their limits!
  • 75. 10 horns are 10 kings – God sets limits on the beast's power Rev 17:7 WEB I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast … which has the seven heads and the ten horns. Rev 17:12 WEB The ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority as kings, with the beast, for one hour.
  • 76. 1,000 symbolizes limitlessness Psa 50:10 WEB For every animal of the forest is mine, and the livestock on a thousand hills. God is not exempting the livestock on other hills, nor the livestock in valleys. What he’s saying is that all livestock belongs to him
  • 77. Apply that reasoning to other passages: Deu 7:9 WEB … Yahweh your God … keeps covenant … with them who love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations  Message: God loves everyone who loves and obeys him Psa 68:17 WEB The chariots of God are tens of thousands and thousands of thousands …  Message: God has immeasurable power And when we come to that text about 1,000 years  Time is insignificant to God. Man’s eon is God’s moment  Psa 90:4 WEB For a thousand years in your sight are just like yesterday when it is past, like a watch in the night.  God’s schedule is not to be judged by man's.  2Pe 3:8 WEB But don't forget … that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
  • 78. Remember the symbolic use of 1,000 when we get to Rev 20:2-7 He seized the dragon … and bound him for a thousand years … I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus … They lived, and reigned with Christ for a thousand years … Devil’s power is limited (10 horns), but God’s dominion over him is unlimited (1,000 years)