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Revelation Chapter 9
Revelation chapter 12 and verse 9 is enormously useful when dealing with Satan for it tells us in one
verse the extent of his demonic character as identified by his names or titles i.e. old serpent, Devil,
Satan as well as his fallen status "cast out", his ruthless work to "deceive the nations", his domain of
operation "the earth" and his co–conspirators "his angels". Here is the scripture, "And the great
dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world:
he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." When we speak of Satan, the
enemy of God and by definition the enemy of all mankind, we are speaking of a powerful adversary
who has the ability to wreck havoc on earth ... Show more content on ...
It is for very good reason that when God created man and planted him in the Garden of Eden he
structured a family unit around him consisting of a typical nuclear family. The entire angelic
community was created by God as part of God's family, "Of whom the whole family in heaven and
earth is named." (Ephesians 3:15). Earth's royalty are like homeless vagrants when compared to the
excellence and dignity of heaven's abode. What an enormous privilege to be created and reside in
heaven as part of God's family. It does not get better than
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Exploring Revelation Essay
Exploring Revelation
What is revelation? There are many different uses of the word revelation. It can be the speech act of
making something evident, an enlightening or astonishing disclosure or a communication of
knowledge to man by a divine or supernatural agency.
The last book of the New Testament contains visionary descriptions of heaven and of conflicts
between good and evil and of the end of the world. The author of this book tells us his name is John.
However, the John of Revelation does not claim to be a disciple or to have known Jesus. Scholars
have said that John of Revelation was a significant figure in the early church in the Roman province
of Asia Minor. The Book of Revelation ... Show more content on ...
The imagery in the Book of Revelations shows that good triumphs over evil, suggesting that
faithfulness will be rewarded to Christians and justice will be done. Although most people believe
that the book of Revelation is a book about the end of the world, it is also believed that it is not
prophesising the end of the world but it is a polemic against the Roman Empire. The book is
Revelation is also known as "The Revelation of John" and "St. Johns Apocalypse."
The Book of Revelation is the primary source of inspiration of Christian prophecy believers. The
last book and only apocalypse in the New Testament, it was likely written in the last decade of the
first century, during a period of great turmoil after the destruction of the second Jewish Temple by
the Romans in 70 A.D. Biblical scholars are sceptical of the historical claim that the Apostle John
was its author. Millions of Christians have taken the events so vividly described in Revelation as a
blueprint for what will happen in the last days as God brings an end to this world. But beyond that,
many ideas and symbols from Revelation have found a place in the wider culture, including: the
Mark of the Beast, represented by the number "666;" the seven seals; the four horsemen of the
Apocalypse; the Whore of Babylon; and the
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Book Of Revelation Research Paper
The majority of Revelation depicts a world at war. The Book of Revelation shows the struggles
people have been through because of sin. God keeps His promises to His people despite what mess
they have created (Class Notes). The Book of Revelation shows that God is the ultimate winner,
having the greatest power, and God's children will also be winners in the end, if they remain faithful
to God, by entering the gates of heaven.
God is the ultimate winner and His love is the greatest power in the world. God defeats all evil and
He will renew the world. The Book of Revelation introduces the restoration when John hears a voice
from the throne in heaven saying, "See, the home of God is among mortals. He will dwell with
them; they will be his people,
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Revelation 20
The "thousand years" in Revelation is only used six times and only in chapter 20 between verses 2–
7. In verse 7 it is a reference to after the "thousand years" and in this paper we will concentrate on
verses 1–6 which focus on the "thousand years" themselves. Since a "thousand years" equals a
millennium this term we will be used interchangeably from this point forward. The millennium in
Revelation 20 is only used in reference to the reign of Jesus Christ after Satan the devil has been
imprisoned. There are three main views on this millennial reign they are Amillennial,
Postmillennial, and Premillennial. While there is much debate over the differences, all three views
believe that Jesus is coming again, that there will be a physical resurrection ... Show more content
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The classical postmillennial view sees the millennium as a near future event. The modern
postmillennial view sees us as currently in the millennium. The postmillennial millennium may be
an actual or symbolic (long time) thousand years. Both see that by spreading the gospel, the church
will cause the world to continuously improve till the entire world comes to Christ. The conclusion
of the millennium will be the second coming of Jesus Christ and the defeat of the Devil. The view
that the church needs to continue spread the gospel and should except Christ to return at any time is
correct. As for the world continuing to improve it would seem to this author that the world is
currently going in the wrong direction. Gay and lesbian marriage has been legalized, abortion has
been legalized, and President Obama has said that we are not a Christian country. The Olivet
Discourse (Matt 24; MK 13; LK 21) does not lead one to see peace on earth before the return of
Christ. It actually teaches the opposite. How can we have the millennial reign of Christ and have
false messiahs and prophets, wars, famines, pestilence, persecution, and earthquakes? The
postmillennial view requires that we ignore the world's current state, and constrain the Olivet
Discourse to the Jews of that time and the end of the world as they knew
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Essay on General Revelations of God
A question that has perplexed humans through the ages is if we have the ability to reach God. The
witness of Scripture and leading theologians attest that individuals have a limited knowledge of God
through general revelation in the natural world. General revelation can provide valid knowledge that
there is a God, which aids in the acceptance of special revelation.
General revelation is an individual's ability to gain knowledge of God through his presence in the
world. The knowledge we are able to gain through general revelation is limited. It doesn't bring
salvation and tells very little about God's character, but it can bring us knowledge of the existence of
God. We are able to gain this knowledge of him because he is a Creator ... Show more content on ...
Humans, unlike animals, have a sense of moral responsibility to do what is good (Guthrie, 42). It is
more than a subjective sense of what is right and wrong, it is a understanding of justice and
injustice. The presence of our conscience implies there is a moral standard. If there is a moral
standard, then the standard had to be set by someone or something. "An objective moral order is
meaningless unless there is a Divine Being" (Trueblood, Philosophy of Religion, 114). Aesthetics is
another place a person can experience general revelation. Like our sense of morals, beauty is not
subjective. It is something we discover. For example, music is random sounds but is based on scales.
A musician has to learn about scales and chords before writing a song. If beauty is not something we
create, but something we discover then there must be a set standard of what is beautiful. If there is a
standard of beauty in the world, then there must be a Creator of the world. It is through the various
forms of general revelation that individuals are able to learn certain aspects about the character of
God and the purpose of human life. We can see this in other belief systems, theories, and ideas about
life and the world that non–Christians hold to that are very similar to certain biblical teachings.
"Without any reference to Jesus, the Bible, or the Christian church, many philosophers, scientists,
psychologists, artists, and followers of other
religions have
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Revelation Twelve Essay
Second, the preceding and the succeeding context of Revelation twelve works against the traditional
interpretation of the text. The chapter under consideration begins the second segment of Revelation,
which concerns what the little book contained (Rev. 10:9–11; Hailey 267). Generally, the chapter
has been seen as the "center" and "key" of the entire work (Beale 621). Chapters twelve through
twenty–two, then, retell the story of chapters one through eleven, but expands upon what they "only
introduce and imply" (622). Early in the chapter, two figures are introduced. There is a pregnant
woman preparing to give birth and a dragon with seven heads (Rev. 12:1–4). The former figure has
been subject to differing interpretations. One suggests that the woman is Israel, and her child is the
Messiah, Jesus Christ (Arnold 317–18). Another claims that the woman is the faithful remnant of
God's people who "had kept covenant with Him," but not just from the old covenant; instead, it is a
reference to all of God's ... Show more content on ...
Outside of this view of Revelation twelve, the only references to Satan's origins refer to his deceitful
nature and his arrogance (Jn. 8:44; 1 Tim. 3:7). Much is said concerning his nature, however. First,
his name simply means "adversary" or "enemy" (Arndt 916). The succeeding context of the
passages under consideration demonstrate his adversarial nature, showing that he is the archenemy
of God (Rev. 12:10; Ryken 759). Second, Satan does have power and influence over all creation, but
he must act within God's parameters (Job 1:12; 2:6; Martin 1078). Third, as demonstrated by the
text under consideration, Satan's primary goal is to hinder God and His causes. He accomplishes this
task by tempting God's people to sin and by inciting persecution against them (Ryken 1079–80; 1
Pet. 5:8; Rev. 13:1–2). Thus, Scripture furnishes many details concerning who Satan is, but not how
he came to be who he
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Moral Revelation Theme
Moral revelation and redemption seems to be the focus of Flannery O'Connor's theme in A Good
Man is Hard to Find, Revelation, and Everything that Rises Must Converge. O'Connor's upbringing
stemmed from southern roots with a strong religious foundation from which she seems to center her
short stories. Although she is a master at integrating different themes throughout her stories, her
dark comedic style of writing allows her to question one's ability to live a good, proper Christian
life, without inducing hatred or bigotry. O'Connor often questions her characters' ethics, morals, and
how aware they are spiritually. She brings to light the sinful lives many live by interjecting a
condemning or judgmental attitude. She does however, infer ... Show more content on ...
Mrs. Turpin, a professed "saved" Christian, is quite judgmental, prejudice, and has an inconsistent
view of Christianity. She is critical of those she vies as below her economic status as less than she.
The revelation she receives comes from Mary Grace, a young girl Mrs. Turpin has heavily judged.
The girl's name is a symbol O'Connor uses as a symbol of good as opposed to the bad ethics Mrs.
Turpin displays. The physical eye contact and focus Mary Grace had on Mrs. Turpin was a symbol
of Mary Grace helping Mrs. Turpin reach redemption. Again, as in the other two short stories,
O'Connor allows the characters an option of seeking redemption. Mrs. Turpin had the option of
facing her judgmental falsities, by looking Mary Grace in the eye, or not choosing to r4ealize and
change her behavior, by looking away from Mary
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The Book of Revelation
In the book of Revelation, the end of the world is foretold. The different elements of the Apocalypse
(described in Revelation) fire, brimstone, war, famine, pestilence, and death are all indicatives of
chaos within the world.
Rapture–Palooza is a prime example of a movie that has great concept behind it, but struggles to
actually contribute factual information regarding The Book of Revelation. The ideas of these kinds
of movies are so absurd that you're immediately drawn in; people desire these kinds of movies.
Especially Bible teachers I'm sure. In the end, the finished product is more than a footnote on a
summer screen that includes better apocalyptic films like This is the End, The World's End, It's a
Disaster, and 2012 which is a shame, because it has an incredible cast unlike the rest of them.
Lindsey (Anna Kendrick) and Ben (John Francis Daley) are a young couple living in Seattle. They
enjoy bowling together and one night something strange occurs: the Rapture. As in, the biblical
Rapture, where all the believers are sucked up into Heaven for an eternity of happiness with God,
while the rest of us are left on Earth to fend for ourselves, coping with all the fun games the Book of
Revelation has in store for us. This includes swarms of foul– mouthed crows, locusts that follow
you around screaming "suffer," and, of course, occasional rain with a slight chance of blood. As you
can imagine, this would be terrible to tolerate but the two deal with it, going about their
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Book Of Revelations Essay
Book of Revelations
When will the end come? It is human nature for humans to ask questions. Many of these questions
are without answers and there is no possible way to come up with one. A common question that
plagues the human race is "When will the world end?" For thousands of years, astrologers and
psychics have been trying to come up with clues to when it all will end. There is a source, the Bible,
which aids humans, specifically Christians, in trying to come up with some answers. Many places in
the Bible such as Revelations, Ezekiel, Matthew, Daniel, and I Corinthians all give some clues to
how and when the end of the world will come. Two articles that give some insight on this subject
are "Visions or Heaven, Dreams of the End" by ... Show more content on ...
The Catholic Church, even though they do not speak of the Rapture (McBride & Praem, 65)
believes that we will be with God someday. They are not sure though how this will happen
(McBride & Praem, 58). The second question a millenarian would ask is "What about the years
of tribulation?" A millenarian says that there will be seven years of tribulation. They base this claim
on the happenings in the book of Revelations. In the Book of Revelations the number seven is used
several times like, the seven seals, the seven trumpets, and so on. Nevertheless, millenarians are not
sure when all of this will happen. The Catholic Church believes though that the tribulations will
come along with the Second Coming. The third question is "What, exactly, is meant by
millennium?" In the American Heritage Dictionary, millennium is defined as " In the NT, a
thousand–year period in which Jesus is to reign on Earth." (American Heritage Dictionary, 529).
This same definition is found in The Book of Revelations 20:1–6 (McBride & Praem, 61).
Millenarians believe that after the seven years of tribulations and the Battle of Armageddon, comes
the millennium as described in Revelations, will come. The final question is " When can we expect
the Second Coming?" Millenarians believe that the Second Coming is the last criteria for the end of
the world. Not only
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Book Of Revelation Chapter 4
While banished to the island of Patmos John received an apocalyptic visions from an angle of God.
In this vision he was told by Jesus to "write the things which you have seen, and the things which
are, and the things which will take place after these things" (Revelation1:19). The Book of
Revelation consist of epistle, prophetic, and apocalyptic visions that foretells events that will and
has come to pass. Chapter 4 introduces the prophetic part of the book where John is called up to
heaven, sees the throne of God and other heavenly presences. To start with John sees an opened
door to heaven and he hears a voice like a trumpet telling him to come up hither and "I will show
you things which must be hereafter" (Revlation.4:1). Immediately after
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Interpreting The Book Of Revelation
Approaches to Interpreting the Book of Revelation
Josie Nicolato
Regent University
Approaches to Interpreting the Book of Revelation
The book of Revelation was written by the apostle John, in an apocalyptic literature style. It consists
of a series of prophecies about the end times, when Jesus will return and triumph over all the evil
residing in the world. Its purpose is to bring hope and encouragement to Christians so that they will
continue watching for the return and victory of Jesus Christ, but it is also a warning of the Final
Judgment that nonbelievers will endure. The depiction of the cosmic battle that takes place both in
heaven and on earth, symbolic language, and introduction of surreal ... Show more content on ...
According to this view, the events in Revelation are not tied to any specific events historically or in
future. It reduces John's prophesies to a one simple 'big picture' idea about the continuing struggle
between good and evil (Gundry, 2012). Though there is some truth to this summary, the idealistic
approach is heading towards the mindset that Boxall warned his readers about. The idealistic view
seems to emphasize the analogy aspect of Revelation, as if it was only written to hold devotional
value. This approach would be good to use to gain a simple understanding of the overall theme of
Revelation, but should not be the sole perspective used to interpret the book. Preterists and idealists
have much in common in that they seem to reject the prophetic element the book of Revelation.
However, in the preterist approach, Revelation was perceived to be describing the events
surrounding the destruction of the Roman Empire (Gundry 2012). For example, Mark Hitchcock
explains in his article "A Critique of The Preterist View", that some scholars believe that the seven
heads and seven kings, mentioned in 2 Revelations 17:9, are symbolic of a complete set of Roman
rulers. The number seven, referenced in the scripture, is viewed as being an apocalyptic symbol for
completeness. Though all four approaches agree, to some extent, that the book of Revelation
contains symbolic
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Essay about Revelation
"Revelation, n. A famous book in which St. John the Divine concealed all that he knew. The
revealing is done by the commentators, who know nothing."1 The book of Revelation, the
only apocalypse among the twenty–seven books of the New Testament, has always occupied a
marginal role within the field of Biblical interpretation. Its bizarre visions of beasts, dragons,
plagues, and cataclysms have inspired poets and artists while confounding more traditionally
minded scholars for centuries. England in the early seventeenth century proved an exception to this
rule. The flowering of apocalyptic exegesis in this period among academic circles bestowed a new
respectability on the book of Revelation as a literal roadmap of church history ... Show more content
on ...
Although these later scholars cited Luther as an important figure in church history, they did not
acknowledge (or realize) any methodological debt to him; adopting a mode of interpretation
outlined by Luther, they redirected these ideas towards a scheme which was Calvinist in its hope for
worldly improvement.
The phrase "Calvinist millenarian," upon further examination, joins two sets of
seemingly incompatible ideas without explaining the origins of this odd combination. Calvin
himself expressed little interest in either history or eschatology. William M. Lamont has noticed that
like St. Augustine, Calvin "viewed the Apocalypse with detachment: it had a circumscribed,
allegorical significance, and that was all. Calvin remained wedded to a view of God as, in all
significant things, Unknowable."2 He concerned himself more with personal salvation than
with the salvation of the world, and his sparse and unsystematic views on history tended to look for
progressive improvement rather than rapid upheaval. Calvin spoke in terms of a "zeal for
daily progress" among the community, and his followers expanded his ideas to encompass the
betterment of a much larger group. "Indeed, despite Calvins Augustinian avoidance of
historically oriented eschatology," writes Robin Bruce Barnes, "the hint of
progressivism in his thought
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Book of Revelation
The Book of Revelation is the last profound book in the New Testament. It conveys the significant
purpose of Christianity by describing God's plan for the world and his final judgment of the people
by reinforcing the importance of faith and the concept of Christianity as a whole. Accordingly, this
book is the written record–not of wild dreams–but the dramatic God–sent visions given to one of
God's servants, John the Apostle. This book was written by John in 95 or 96 A.D. at the reign of the
Roman Emperor, Domitian, and is the revelation of Jesus Christ illustrating the events that occur
before and during the second coming of Christ. By using complex symbolism and apocalyptic
metaphor, the meaning of Revelation is defined: what is, what ... Show more content on ...
In Latin "Revelatio" means unveiling and in Greek "apokalypsis" means the removing of a veil. The
purpose of this book is the revelation of Jesus Christ and the final judgment of the word of God.
"The coming of sin into the world, the establishment of the economy of redemption, has
necessitated the making known of truths not made known by general revelation. Therefore, God has
given the special revelation brought to us in the Holy Scriptures. "The scriptures reiterate the truths
proclaimed in nature, in history, and in man himself; and, in addition thereto, declare the salvation
which God has provided for mankind in Jesus Christ" (Campbell).
In retrospect, revelation unveils God's future plan for the earth and is written to be understood.
Clearly the book of Revelation is the ultimate battle between good and evil. It is the time when all
sin will be judged, demons will be cast away, and Christ will reign over the earth.
This is the word of God showing us his plan for the retribution of his son Jesus Christ. By sending
these words to John in a vision God is warning the people of the world to repent for their sins and
that the time is drawing near. "John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and
peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven spirits which
are before his throne;" (New American Standard Bible, Rev.1:4).
The content of Revelation is very complex apocalyptic literature
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Reflection Of The Book Of Revelation
The book of Revelation opens with an astonishing glimpse of future events that Jesus revealed to
John. God gave Jesus the revelation, and Jesus sent the revelation to His servant John by an angel.
In this opening scene of Revelation, John heard a mighty voice behind him speaking to him. When
he turned to see who was speaking he saw a graphic view of seven candlesticks with a man standing
amid them. The display of seven candlesticks and the One in the middle of them was significant to
the totality of the vision that John received to be written down for an everlasting record of the things
that must certainly come to pass for all believers. John, the servant of Jesus Christ, had been exiled
on the Isle of Patmos because of his witness and testimony of the word of God, and because of his
all–embracing commitment to Jesus. He proclaimed that he was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day
when he heard a mighty, powerful voice speaking behind him. Upon hearing the voice, he
immediately gave heed to the direction of the voice and saw seven candlesticks and the One
standing in the midst of them. The significance of the candlesticks was that they were symbolic of
the seven churches that were in Asia. The Lord assigned John the task of writing to the seven
churches and reporting the revelation to them that was divulged to him by Jesus. Jesus analyzed
each of the churches and revealed to John a status report of His findings. The very candid reports,
whether good or bad,
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Revelation And The Background Of The Book Of Revelation
Throughout history of religion, there have been men who have left an extraordinary work to the
world. St. John who accepted the calling of God to be his disciple; He has written a marvelous work
to the early Church. He was one beloved disciples of Jesus Christ. His profoundly spirituality could
see magnificent visions and heard extraordinary messages. In this work will try to investigate why is
so important the book of revelation and the background, which was the motivation for St. John
wrote about it.
Book of Revelation
Biography of St. John apostle
To understand more profoundly the context of the book of Revelation, we have to search the
background of the author. John's name in Hebrew means, "God has been gracious." According to ...
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Therefore, most the scholars thought that the book was written, "attributing this event to the
fifteenth year of the Domitian's reign, that is, 81–96 CE." In conclusion the scholars did not know
exactly when the book was writing because the Author did not give any date. In this way, the
Apocalypse was written at the end of the first century, when each of the seven churches of Asia
Minor, to which St. John refers. To understand more profoundly the book of revelation , it is
important to know the religious context, historical context and social cultural text in which was
written, that is, the way of life of Christians in the territory that the Romans called "Asia Minor". As
we know, the early Church was persecuted by different reigns of the epoch special by Domitian.
Religion was the first vehicle of this imperial propaganda and the strongest support of its power. The
Romans were generally benevolent to foreign religions as long as they fit the imperial system and
recognized central authority. Therefore, the Hebrews and Christians, who could not come to
recognize the absolute lordship of Caesar was always looked down upon by the Empire, when not
even persecuted by him. Therefore, we must reaffirm that the real threat to the Church was not
persecution, but moral commitment. It is not strange, therefore, that in this situation many
Christians, like many Jews, were
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Revelation Is The Act And The Result Of God
Definition of Revelation (in Bibliology)
Revelation is the act and the result of God by which HE communicates to man the truth concerning
Himself in relation to His creatures, and conveys to man the knowledge of His will. It includes
general revelation and special revelation.
God has given His revelation progressively concerning Himself and His will in a variety of forms
and media (Heb.1:1). The special revelation is recorded in the Old and New Testaments.
The Sources of General Revelation
1) Nature–creation and providence (Ps. 8:3–4, 19:1–4; Acts 14:17)
2) Conscience within man (Rom. 2:15)
3) Man created bearing the image and likeness of God (Gen. 1:26; Rom. 1:19; Ps. 139:14)
4) Human reasoning ability and the existence of human authority (Rom. 13:2)
5) General religious experience
The significance of General Revelation for those without Special Revelation
1) It explains why man is religious and builds a bridge to share the gospel.
2) It renders him without excuse when facing the judgment (Rom. 1:20).
3) It brings him to consciousness of sin and his need of Christ and thus brings him toward Christ.
The Relationship between the Living Word and the Written Word
1) Both of the Living Word and the Written Word are necessary for our salvation and sanctification.
The Special Revelation is to lead us to Christ (Luke 24:25–27; John 5:39–40). We (after AD. 2
Century) can only know Christ through the Scriptures (John 20:31). It is impossible to truly study
the Scriptures without
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Dualism In Revelations
"Revelation" translates Greek term apokalypsis, which means "an uncovering, an unveiling, a
stripping naked of what was formerly covered" (Harris, 2014, p. 431). An apocalypse is something
that is unforeseen or previously hidden. Revelations is a great example of an apocalypse because
according to the author it is a vision of God's future intentions and in some cases, it includes what is
known as supernatural beings, angels, and demons as well. Revelations symbolizes the battle
between good and evil. However, there are other known literary writings that use apocalyptic
characteristics. Writers can express his or her views in Universality, Cosmic Dualism, Chronological
Dualism, Ethical Dualism, Predestination, Exclusivism and/or Limited Theology
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Revelation Of Revelation And Revelation
Revelation. Revelation is defined in the dictionary as "a surprising and previously unknown fact,
especially one that is made known in a dramatic way." What this shows us that while others may
describe revelation as an event that may only occur once, as Catholics we believe that revelation is a
process. The process of revelation is a long laborious process that has taken thousands of years to
get to the understanding that we are at right now and it will probably take humanity millions of
years to fully understand the process of revelation that Catholics believe in.
There are four details to the process of revelation. One of them is that God has created us with
everything that we needed to understand him. This means that God has given us all of the tools to
comprehend all the things that he had revealed. What we do not realize is that we can only obtain
the infirmaries that God has given to us. He has only given us some of the pieces of the puzzle as
well as the complete picture of what the puzzle will look like. But this isn 't enough for us as a
society. In a world when everything is given to us very quickly we can 't understand why we don 't
have all the information right away. Because of this we must remind ourselves the that God loves us
and just because we can 't understand doesn 't mean he loves us any less.
The second detail of revelation is that God will reveals himself to us when we are ready. This means
that God is all knowing and only he will know when
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Book Of Revelations
The British Broadcast Corporation did a documentary on the Book of Revelations on its conception,
meaning and legitimacy in today's modern world. This documentary provides interesting historical
insight, archaeology and rationality when addressing Revelations and the "End Times" the book
describes. The arguments described in in documentary, though interesting, some were confusing and
did not make sense. The conclusion that was given from the documentary, was that John wrote the
book of the Revelations in response to weakening of the church, and the rise of empirical worship.
With that, I would say this movie is lackluster and not that thought provoking. A stylometrist named
Sir Anthony Kenny conducted 99 tests where he found it was unlikely that the book of John and
Revelations were written by the same person, and he found these results to be conclusive. However
further into the documentary, there is no ... Show more content on ...
Kenny talked about how it was his professional opinion that John did not write the book of
revelations, by comparing the two texts. However, he did not mention comparing the book of
revelations to any other book written in the new testament, and the fact that it widely assumed by
both believers and non believers that Revelations is written by John, calling into question the
legitimacy and accuracy of his test. Secondly, this documentary argues towards the idea that John
wrote the book of Revelations as to prevent the christian followers from falling into empirical
worship. The vivid imagery shown to John, i personally believe is too specific and is God given to
warn not only the early christians but everyone. Also the fact, many things that book warns about
has happened such as the blasphemy against God and the war against His people (Rev 13:6–7) ,
idolizing false gods (Revelations 13: 8), and international disasters (Revelation
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The Two Witnesses of Revelation
Who are the witnesses of Revelation 11? What is there importance? There are multiple theories on
who these witness are. One of the most popular theories is that it will be Elijah and Enoch because
they were taken away by God before their death.(2 Kings 2:11; Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:5) Others
believe that it will be Moses, who turned water to blood and sent other plagues on Egypt, and Elijah
because he stopped the rain in Israel for 3 1/2 years. (Exodus 7–12; 1 Kings 17:1) Another theory
believes that the two witnesses are the two houses of Israel. Finally, another theory is that these two
witnesses will be completely new. All of these have different twists and use scripture to back them
up. However, almost everyone believes their importance in the end times because it is pretty clearly
stated in the Bible. (Revelation 11: 1–14) First, let us look at the theory that the Moses and Elijah
are the two witnesses. The most common reason to believe Moses and Elijah are the two witnesses
are because "the miracles they will perform are similar to the judgments inflicted in the Old
Testament by Moses and Elijah for the purpose of stimulating repentance. Elijah called down fire
from heaven (2 Kings 1:10, 12) and pronounced a three–and–one–half–year drought on the land (1
Kings 17:1; James 5:17)–the same length as the drought brought by the two witnesses (Rev. 11:6).
Moses turned the waters of the Nile into blood (Ex. 7:17–21) and announced the other plagues on
Egypt recorded in
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The Book of Revelation Essay
This essay will argue that the eschatology of the Book of Revelation forms an integral part of John's
attempt within the pages of his book to form a literary world in which the forms, figures, and forces
of the earthly realm are critiqued and unmasked through the re–focalization of existence from the
perspective of heaven. It will attempt to show that, in response to the social, political, religious, and
economic circumstances of his readers, the Book of Revelation forms a counter imaginative reality.
Through drawing upon an inaugurated sense of eschatology and evocative imagery, John is able to
pull the reader in and show them the true face of the imperial world and consequences of its
ideology, forcing the reader allegiance to fall ... Show more content on ...
In chapter 5 of the Book of Revelation, we see Christ enter John's vision in the form of the slain
lamb, a picture of Christ sacrifice (Rev 5:6). In the 'new song' of the saints, the lamb is said to have
"ransom[ed] for God saints from every tribe and language and people and nation' (5:9) and, later in
the chapter, that "...every creature in heaven and on earth..." now sings praise to the lamb (5:13).
These verses speak of God's victory already having been fulfilled in Christ's sacrifice in a way that
leaves the reader with a vision of the eschatological hope of the Christian faith as being both
fulfilled, but yet to be completed, a conception which falls within an inaugurated understanding of
eschatology. As such, the 'end of the world' in Revelation can be considered as having already
occurred in Christ's death as evil was defeated and the New Creation initiated, while simultaneously
not complete as the forces of Satan; the beast, the false prophet, and the harlot, still function in the
cosmology of the First Creation. This understanding of the eschatological reality is an important
aspect of John's text, as it is through this that he is able to identify the dangers to the Church as well
as encourage and strengthen its faith.
With this inaugurated conception of eschatology and the 'not yet' aspect of it in which his readers
must dwell, John perceived many threats to the Church, the most powerful one being
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Revelation Sparknotes
The book Revelation by David Yonggi Cho is an informative book about the mysteries of
Revelation. Throughout revelation there is trials and tribulations that the people of earth will have to
go through because they did not believe in God, and did not wish to be saved. In revelation God the
Father and the Son will cleanse this world of all sin and evil. Revelation is a book of the bible that
tells what is to come in the future, just like the books Daniel and Isaiah. God is each one of these
books appears to people and gives the visions of what is to come. Jesus is coming back for his
people, they are the true church not the people who act like they are believers. Jesus will come back
for the church before the tribulation this is called the rapture. The Rapture of the church is the
catching up of all true believers in Christ to meet the Lord in the air. People often times think that
the rapture and the ... Show more content on ...
God will tell his angels to sound seven trumpets at different times, and for each trumpet there was a
great calamity that occured. The first trumpet was hail and fire, the second the sea turned to blood,
third the rivers to blood, fourth there was a darkness, fifth there was a great heat, sixth there was a
the Euphrates dries up, seventh there was a great earthquake and hail. All these things are to make
the people of earth see God's power and to change their ways and give their lives to God. Sadly this
will not happen because they will have hard hearts, and instead hate God. The thing is since they are
not going to change their hearts they will suffer throughout the tribulation wanting death but it shall
elude them. Many will die because of the calamities, but those that don't will have to suffer in pain
on earth. And when they die they will be in even worse pain because they will have gone to fiery
hell rather than the blissful
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Review Of Elaine Pagels The Christian Revelation To John:...
The Christian Revelation to John, The Book of Revelation, reveals the world coming to an end
through a variety of spiritual visions. Revelations, written by Elaine Pagels summarizes the events
taken place during John's revelation and relates it to ancient history. Elaine Pagels highlights main
content from the messages, the seals, to the trumpets, while providing historical background. The
main argument of Pagels analysis is that The Book of Revelation clearly portrays the war between
the Jews against the Roman Empire. This is evident because Pagels explains that the visions John
had embodies events that represent the corrupted Roman Empire. Furthermore, Pagels' analysis
provides clear historical evidence from the past and is able to properly cover questions readers are
concerned about in The Book of Revelation. However, Pagels lacks in variety, as she only uses
historical examples in an unorganized matter to prove her argument. ... Show more content on ...
The author uses historical evidence to prove that the visions John experiences symbolizes the Jews
and Romans. One of the main ideas the author uses to prove her argument were the signs John
witnessed of a woman clothed in sun, being intimidated by a dragon with seven heads, followed by
another beast. Pagels described the first dragon to be the Roman emperors of the Julio–Claudian
dynasty and the second monster appears with the numbers six hundred sixty–six, representing
Caesar Nero, a Roman Emperor. These beasts brainwashed the minds of the people to praise them
and take over the Earth, the same way Roman Empire did. Elaine Pagels explains that the prophetic
images present conflicts between the Jews and
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The Book Of Revelation By John The Apostle
The book of Revelation, written in c. 95 A.D. by John the apostle, was written to Christians who
were facing increasing hostility from the Roman Empire, which was beginning to enforce the cult of
emperor worship. John had been exiled to the island of Patmos for his activities as a Christian
missionary. The book of Revelation is considered apocalyptic literature, a kind of writing that is
highly symbolic, but the book itself provides a number of clues for its own interpretation. There are
several purposes of the book of Revelation, including encouraging believers by showing the final
outcome of God 's plan, showing the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, and revealing Christ
in all his glory. John writes to encourage the faithful to resist the demands of emperor worship and
hold fast to God 's promises: that the final showdown between God and Satan is imminent, the
believers are sealed against spiritual harm and will be vindicated when Christ returns, the wicked
will be forever destroyed, and God 's people will enter an eternity of glory and blessedness. In this
vision that John receives, he is shown many things about the final judgment to come and the
establishment of the Messiah 's kingdom. The vision begins with Jesus giving a command for John
to write letters to seven churches addressing problems that are common to most churches across the
world (chapters 2–3). Chapter 5 introduces a book, or scroll, with seven seals that represent seven
judgments. This begins the
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Brief History Of Revelations : Revelation Was The Last...
Brief History of Revelations
The book of Revelations is the last book of the New Testament consisting of only 22 verses and is
prophetic in nature: Revelation 19 v.10 declares, "for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophe–
cy"; contains descriptions of the final conflict between God and Satan as well as the signs (seven)
that reveals the end of the world; attributed to Saint John the Apostle via an angel sent by God; "I
was in the spirit on the Lord 's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet" (Rev. 1.11).
According to Biblica the Book of Revelation was written during when Christians were entering two
periods of persecution in the Roman Empire. The latter part of Nero's reign (a.d. 54–68) and the
latter part of Domitian's reign (81–96 A.D )
The Number Seven is used several times in the Revelations: There are: seven churches (1:4,11),
seven spirits (1:4), seven golden lampstands (1:12), seven stars (1:16), seven seals (5:1), seven
horns and seven eyes (5:6), seven trumpets (8:2), seven thunders (10:3), seven signs (12:1,3; 13:13–
14; 15:1; 16:14; 19:20), seven crowns (12:3), seven plagues (15:6), seven golden bowls (15:7),
seven hills (17:9) and seven kings (17:10), as well as other sevens. Symbolically, the num–ber seven
(as is the number ten) stands for completeness (Revelation).
The Second Coming of Christ is the end result of the Revelation Prophesies "...and there were great
voices in heaven, saying, the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms
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Revelation Papers
Revelation Paper
Bob Entler
Ohio Christian University
John wrote to the seven churches explaining the need for a relationship with Christ. After speaking
to the seven churches that are in the Roman province of Asia, the book of Revelation moves forward
in the prophecy. Revelation 4:1 tells us that we moving forward: "After this" and "what must take
place after this." The point is to show us that the information concerning the seven churches has
stopped. A new series of images is beginning. John sees a door standing open in heaven. The voice
that spoke to John at the beginning that sounded like a trumpet. Christ is speaking to John and
calling him into heaven. John does not actually go into heaven, as we see in verse 2. John is having
a new vision and John is going to see into the throne room of heaven. As we are taken into this
vision, we must visualize the picture before us. Try and picture this in your head and see what is
going on in heaven (–bible–study/view–of–
heaven.html) John was told by the voice to write down the things that ... Show more content on ...
Ephesus was the influential capital city of Asia Minor on the Aegean Sea. Ephesus is now known for
its huge metropolis of ancient streets, arches, and ruins.
Smyrna – The persecuted church that suffered poverty and martyrdom (Revelation 2:8–11). Smyrna
was located north of Ephesus in a powerful trading position on the Aegean Sea known for its
harbors, commerce, and marketplaces. The primary ruins of Smyrna are located in the modern
Turkish city of Izmir.
Pergamum – The worldly church that mixed doctrines and needed to repent (Rev. 2:12–17).
Pergamum is located on the plains and foothills along the Caicus River in Western Turkey. It was
considered a major city in Asia Minor since the 3rd century BC and became a Greek and Roman
hub for temple
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Kondratiev's Revelations: Analysis
In Revelations, John the Apostle writes about the horrific economic downfall before the rapture of
Jesus Christ. There are numerous prophecies, some of the most prominent being the economic
worldwide crash (Rev 18), the institution of the one–world currency (Rev 13:16–17), and the ruling
of the economy by one man (Rev 13). Some people are saying that even currently we are in the first
possible stages of the economic doom Revelation talks about. Greece, Portugal, and many other
countries are in an economic crisis and as it looks right now, America may soon be following. A
time will soon come when the dollar will become worthless and the world will be controlled solely
under a global economy lead by the Antichrist. In January of 2015, Christian ... Show more content
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We have been seeing countries fall individually. Portugal, China, and America is soon to follow
undoubtedly. Nowhere int he bible does it actually use the phrases 'one word currency' or 'one–
world government', however, it does give very clear evidence that both of these will be ruled over
by one man: the antichrist. We can very safely assume, based on John's Revelation writings, that the
antichrist will be supreme over the entire world government and will institute the one–world
currency. John goes on to say that all the power this man has is given by Satan himself in the hopes
of receiving the worship he has been seeking ever since he was thrown out of God's presence. The
antichrist will seem to be drastically turning the economy around and he will promise safety and
success to all those who are loyal to him and his
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The Book Of Revelation: Rome And Rome
The book of Revelation consists of vivid descriptions of events that occur in a prophetic vision to
John, the author of the book. It has given rise to a wide number of depictions in modern media about
the apocalypse as well as a lot of conflicting opinions about its intended meaning. The scholarly
consensus, based on the text, is that the book of Revelation was not prophesying about the end of
the world, but rather is a condemnation of the practices of the Roman Empire. In this essay, I will
contend that while the text of Revelation itself is about the past, more specifically Rome, it can also
be used to characterise the present by reinterpretation.
The time around which the book of Revelation is supposed to be written, around 64 CE, coincides
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WHY WE SHOULD STUDY THE BOOK OF REVELATION The book of Revelation is one the
most unread, unstudied, most misunderstood, and most twisted out of context, books of the Bible.
So why is it one the most unread book? The main reason seems to stem from fear of the book. This
fear is driven from the idea that the book is one which cannot be understood. That it is a book
written in code that cannot be decoded. When you add to these issues a lack of God's knowledge,
you come up with someone who is not only ignorant, but also someone who lacks confidence. These
two combinations can be very dangerous and leads to not only the misunderstanding but also to the
twisting of the scriptures. The twisting of the scriptures can be done for a couple of ... Show more
content on ...
The number one reason we should study this wonderful book is to put to rest the fear, and the
misunderstanding, so we will no longer be ignorant to the powerful message of God. There is much
to be learned within the pages of this Revelation. It is a book of warning, a book of encouragement,
a book of truths, that we can applicant into our lives and also into our worship. The more we read,
study, and understand this book the greater position we will be in to teach this book to others. The
writer of Hebrews stresses the importance of growing and maturing in the word, that you may not
only be a student, but also a teacher (Heb.5:12–14). The second reason we should study this great
book, is to be able to defend it against the false and ridiculous accusations drawn from it. There are
many false teachings about what all the signs and symbols represent or do not represent. It is our
responsibility to read and search out the message God has revealed to us (seven churches of Asia),
that we may grow and be strengthen by it. If we choose to remain ignorant of the message found in
this prophecy, we too could fall for the false teachings that many have been led astray by. The third
and last reason we should study the book of Revelation, is to be able to take heed to the many
warnings found throughout the book. Once we have put the book into proper perspective, we then
can begin to apply the teachings properly. This is what makes, not only the book of Revelation, but
also the
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The Beast In The Book Of Revelation
In the Book of Revelation, the beast that came out of the sea represented the Roman Empire and its
emperor Domitian. The beast is initially described in Rev 11:7 as coming out of the abyss, and his
daunting appearance is depicted in Rev 13:2–"He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns
on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name" (REV 13:2). As the verses in Revelation
illustrated, the best "opened his mouth to blaspheme God" (REV 13:6). Moreover, "all inhabitants of
the earth will worship the beast" (REV 13:8). It seems like the beast has authority and is in
opposition to the figure of God. As many scholars of the Bible believed, the beast represents the
Roman Empire and its emperor, Domitian, at that time when the Book of Revelation ... Show more
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On one hand, some believe that the Book of Revelation was the message from Jesus Christ's which
was sent directly to Christians of the first century to comfort them in a time of conflict and struggle.
On the other hand, some comprehend the book of Revelation in another way–They argue that the
Revelation was not written only for Christians in first century, and the original purpose was not to
console their pain. It's also important to explore these different approaches to interpret the
Revelation. The first kind of view which I hold is called the Preterist view. And the other view
which considers Revelation to be fulfilled in past history is called the Historicist view. Historicists
would "see Revelation as predicting the major movements of Christian history, most of them have
been fulfilled up to the time of the commentator." According to this description, the historicist
interpreters regard the purpose of the Book of Revelation as predicting a part of the future (which in
this case means after the1st century). Different commentators in different time interpreted the Book
of Revelation in different ways, but all of them only considered the history before the time when
they studied it. But if Jesus Christ was to show the future, why did he just show a part of it rather
than the whole Christian history? To answer this question, a new school called the futurist view
emerged. "The futurist view
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Analysis Of The Book ' Revelation '
Written in a culture divergent and foreign to modern audiences, the Book of Revelation is a
challenging text to interpret. With rich symbolism and visions, which were intrinsic to the first
hearers, this book is classified under the label of an Apocalypse. Apocalyptic literature, often
ornamented with intricate visions, symbolism and numerology, is a classification of cataclysmic
Jewish writings which incorporate impressions of heaven. The term Apocalypse is translated into
'revelation' or 'unveiling' (Keener 31). Composed of numerous allusion to the Old Testament, the
Book of Revelation was originally sent to the seven churches in Asia Minor to be read in the context
of liturgy concerning the imminent future (Filho, 214). That being said, it is important to understand
the book of Revelation not only through the historical perspective but also as a liturgical context as
it contains many hymns and other liturgical elements (Filho, 214). This paper will explore
Revelation 4:1–11 in terms of context, Old Testament allusions, liturgical symbolism and modern
significance, as it is a beautiful depiction of earth joining perpetual heavenly worship. According to
Keener, the central message of the book of Revelation is the encouragement of Christians facing
persecution in Asia Minor (Keener 39). Historical context and biblical allusions are crucial to the
interpretation of the Book of Revelation as seventy percent of the content found in the Book of
Revelation is a parallel to the
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The Book Of Revelation
Esther Park
REL 371
Week 6 – The Book of Revelation The book of Hebrews was written by a Christian scholar and not
by one of the Gospels. I knew that many authors made up the New Testament but I did not know
scholars wrote some books a well. Hebrews writer was someone who linked the Hebrew Bible along
with Greek philosophy. The writer never identifies himself but his views on the end times were very
strong. He assumes that there is an existence of two parallel worlds: the eternal and the perfect
realm of spirits. This is something that I have never heard before. This writer is the only person to
speak of Jesus as the mediator between God and humanity. He has so much insight on what was
happening or what was to happen but we do not know who this person was. Hebrew is written very
differently and some of the ... Show more content on ...
John wrote the book of Revelation and he was not a synoptic gospel. The fact that John was chosen
to be the author of this book speak volumes of what God wanted for him. The book of Revelation is
hope but not many people can see that through the doom and gloom that it screams at you. It seems
as though it will be a scary time when the end comes but it shouldn't be for the believers. We
constantly deal with what we do not know and we want to make to know what is going to actually
happen. I always wonder who the anti–Christ is going to be and I think every year I guess someone
new. It's a scary thought but the end result of the Revelation will be us in heaven with our Father.
We will go through the hard times to get to the end which is our hope for the future. The Charles
Manson documentary was scary too as I was just watching him think he was doing everything right.
He justified what he was doing by the readings from the Bible. Many can interpret this book wrong
and Charles Manson was one of many that took the book completely out of
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John's Book Of Revelation
In comparison to many of the initially accepted books of the Biblical canon, John's book of
Revelation was written decades later, around 96 CE, and was forced to address the failure of the
kingdom's arrival. Many earlier Biblical books argued that God's kingdom was imminent and would
arrive swiftly, but the passing of time may have led to a gradual decrease in this sense of urgency
and, by extension of this, religious faith in Jesus and his teachings. In response to this, John's
contemporaries faced him with a unique challenge to renew their eschatological beliefs and answer
the mystery behind the delayed coming of the kingdom of God. Within the book of Revelation, John
encourages his readers to strengthen their belief in the urgency behind ... Show more content on ...
In many instances, he urges his audience to oppose Rome, such as with his metaphors with the who
beasts. The beast of the sea and the land represent two aspects of the Roman Empire, the emperors
of Rome that either deified themselves or, through their communities, were aggrandized to divine
identities and the Roman imperial cult. Dorothy A. Lee addresses the idea of Christological parody
through Roman emperors as she describes that, within Revelation 12, the "fundamental issue here is
political as well as religious, relating particularly to the cult of emperor worship in the Roman
Empire, which sprang up during the reign of the Emperor Augustus [...] in Asia Minor–the
geopolitical setting of Revelation [...]" (201). Lee considers that "Over the next century the imperial
cult rapidly became the test of political allegiance for peoples subject to the Roman imperium. The
first altars were raised to the goddess Roma, personification of the city of Rome, and her "son"
Augustus in Pergamum and Nicomedia" (201). In order to most effectively maintain power, Roman
emperors occasionally deified themselves and encouraged emperor worship. John mimics this in
Revelation as he describes "In amazement the whole earth followed the beast. They worshipped the
dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshipped the beast, saying, "Who is
like the beast, and who can fight against it?" (Rev 13.3–4). In this passage, John forges a connection
between Rome and Satan and illuminates the folly of worshipping either of these two entities.
Within John's writing, he argues that these beasts maintain power through their blasphemous
utterances about God and the ability to both oppose and conquer the saints. While discussing how
the beast retains its power, John describes how "It opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against
God, blaspheming his name and his
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Analysis Of The Book ' Revelation Of The Bible '
Since the beginning of time there has been a concept as old as thought itself: how will it all end?
Not just how will life end but how will the world end. Some cultures are molded by the way that
specific groups believe the end times will come to fruition. Eschatological concepts are those that
concern themselves with the end of the world, as we know it and how it will come about. One thing
that is for certain is across the ages there is a consensus that this will occur, though there may not be
a consensus on how. This concept has infiltrated almost all aspects of life from entertainment to
daily practices. There are numerous pieces of literature that addresses how the world will end and of
them one of the most well know is the Book of ... Show more content on ...
Jesus later goes on to explain that the seven stars that were in his hand represent the angels of seven
churches and the seven gold lamp stands represent the seven churches. Once he states this he begins
to address each church individually. The letters poses similarities while at the same time also
possessing differences. The overall structures of the letters are the same and follow these guidelines:
address, commendation/complaint, advice, appeal for others to listen, and then a promised reward
for heading the words of the Lord. The differences arise in the content of the addresses, how the
problems should be corrected and the reward that will come.
The seven letters serve as a connection between the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation.
Though the Book of Revelation lacks any direct Old Testament connection, the views and
connection between the two are seen throughout the Book of Revelation. The authorship by John
took place during the Greco–Roman era but the structure of writing that the letters poses is more
appropriate for the prophetic lawsuit of the Old Testament. The difference between the styles lies in
the fact that the letters contain commendations and accusations along with the customary features
judgment and salvation, which makes them in concordance with prophetic lawsuit speech (Bandy
186). Bandy stated, "specifically, it resembles the covenant lawsuit whereby Christ scrutinizes the
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God 's Special Act Of Revelation
What makes Schelling set Christianity apart from other traditions is precisely its character of being a
revealed religion. Mythology is a natural process like healing, and thus, argues Schelling, "
[mythology] is a religion where no productive role is given to the deity as such." Christianity,
however, is another story. Thanks to God's special act of revelation, Christianity is based on the full
awareness of God according to his spirituality, and bears what mythologies lack. In other words, all
the traditional symbols of Christianity and their dogmatic expositions stand as representations of an
image of God where the three potencies are reconciled as One. Hence, while the birth of Christianity
is not the last development of the relationship between God and humanity, in Christianity the
theogonical process comes to an end in that after it there is no further progression in the
development of our images of God. Christian representations of God are 'perfect', insofar as they do
not lack anything in terms of opening a way for us to be conscious of God's nature.
This claim is made by Schelling mainly in relation to the Trinitarian representation of God. As
mentioned above, just like Schelling expands the understanding of monotheism, similarly he gives
an account of the dogma of the Trinity as a representation of God as the spiritual union of the three
potencies. Accordingly, as mythology presents imperfect representations of the three potencies, its
representations are
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Reflective Essay On Revelation
My project was to have a study and revelation journal. In the journal, I would write down
experiences in which I would felt was inspiration and valuable to me moving forward in my life. I
know that doing this project was important because in the world we live in, we need to build a
strong relationship with God. This is through revelation and in order to receive revelation, we have
to be able to be tune in and listen to what God is trying to. I have come to understand that this
relationship is built in our ability of recognizing the promptings rather than seeking. God is giving
us a continuous stream of revelation, it our job to receive that stream of revelation through modes of
reception that put us in a position to receive such revelation. I believe because of our ability to
receive revelation, we will be able to be better prepare for the world and also that God is always
speaking to us. We just have to be willing to act upon and listen. As a result of this project I was
able to make small changes in my life that has helped me build my relationship with my father in
heaven. While I was doing this project, I have come to the knowledge that revelation is more part of
our daily lives than we realize. Little things like saying morning prayers or watching inspirational
Mormon Messages help us recognize the things or fulfill the potential or purpose that God has for
us. As I was doing the project, the most common time I was able to recognize revelation wasn't
when I asked for
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The Bible Of Revelation Chapter 20
In referencing the book of Revelation chapter 20 verses 1–6, the debate continues on: has Satan not
already been bound (post–millennial view)? There will not be a new kingdom on earth – (a–
millennial view), or that the words of God written down by John the Apostle are accurate, true and
correct (premillennial view). This paper stems to show that the only true view is that of the pre–
millennial view, Christ will return with a new earth and bring with him, all the saints of eternity to
rule and rein forever and ever, Amen.
The Apostles of Christ along with the pre–millennialist view fall in accord with the actual words
written in the bible of Revelation 20:1. The beliefs of the pre–millennialist are the Bibles words are
the ... Show more content on ...
When the seen arrives in the 20th chapter of Revelation vs. 1, the false prophet and the antichrist
have been tossed into the lake of fire at the bottomless pit and the only true threat left on earth or in
heaven is the red dragon, the deceiver, also known as Satan. (Rev. 19:20) This would fall within the
the view of pre–millennials: Jesus will come again literally – establish a "new heaven and a new
earth" a new kingdom to rule and to reign – on or over the earth for 1000 years. The view of any
other just appears to be self–lacking and without any form of true merit, regardless of the research
and criteria that are withstanding. There are other views available: Post–millennials, according to
Brand (HISB) the 1000 year reign does not start until the end of an extended period of righteousness
and prosperity– which is the current state in which the world sits today. There will be no tribulation
period other than the one that is currently in process. Their beliefs seem to hold to the fact that
Christ has come and that there will not be another scene of him again until the end of the times.
Christ came and that was the starting point in their view. He was born, died, resurrected and the
beginning of the new age started the millennium. A–millennialists are similar in their belief to the
post–millennials: their view that Christ will come after the 1000 year reign,
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Metaphors In The Book Of Revelations
When examining the Book of Revelation, one gets an impression God is sympathetic towards the
world because He shows the heavens in advance. He demands someone to record what is happening
so the rest of the world can acknowledge what awaits them in the afterlife. Consequently, John who
is invited to Heaven is likewise the author of the Book and uses metaphors and simple ideas to
describe what he witnessed on that fateful day . The book of Revelations can be seen as a journal
entry of John's Heavenly visit which he writes in detail the actions and conversation between
everyone situated there. God explains to John in simple language and uses metaphors to represent
the important figures in Christian religion. An example of such metaphors is
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Thematic Essay On Revelation
Every religion has their own revelations. Revelations from each religion are different. The Semitic
religions each have their own revelations however they are similar. The Christians believe that the
revelation is how God has revealed himself to humanity. There are usually two ways which they
distinguish between Gods revelations, there is both general and special revelation. The Christians
nowadays believe that the revelation sent upon them is the Bible. The real revelation that was sent
down was the Injil. This was the Gospel of Jesus (Isa). The Injil was brought down to guide us to
the straight path. The Injil has now been lost and it has now changed to the Bible. The Bible is
written and changed by man. We do not have the Injil with us ... Show more content on ...
According to a 2011 census Christianity accounts for 61% of the population in Australia followed
by 23% of people who don't believe in religion. Christianity is big in Australia because of the
British, who illegally invaded the land and slaughtered the Aboriginals. Islam was in Australia
before Christianity ever was, this was during the time of the Afghans who were working here before
the British. Islam comes in at a 2.2% and Judaism at 0.45%. This was back in 2011, as of now Islam
is the fastest growing religion in the world, therefore it would be easy to say Islam has increased
greatly in Australia as of now. As of now Christianity is the biggest religion on earth with Islam
right behind it and having Judaism far behind many other beliefs. Islam is on a very fast rise and to
help that as well Christianity is on a decline. As far as religion being there for the betterment of
people and bringing peace to many places, people have used religion to start wars and kill many
... Get more on ...

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Revelation Chapter 9

  • 1. Revelation Chapter 9 Revelation chapter 12 and verse 9 is enormously useful when dealing with Satan for it tells us in one verse the extent of his demonic character as identified by his names or titles i.e. old serpent, Devil, Satan as well as his fallen status "cast out", his ruthless work to "deceive the nations", his domain of operation "the earth" and his co–conspirators "his angels". Here is the scripture, "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." When we speak of Satan, the enemy of God and by definition the enemy of all mankind, we are speaking of a powerful adversary who has the ability to wreck havoc on earth ... Show more content on ... It is for very good reason that when God created man and planted him in the Garden of Eden he structured a family unit around him consisting of a typical nuclear family. The entire angelic community was created by God as part of God's family, "Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named." (Ephesians 3:15). Earth's royalty are like homeless vagrants when compared to the excellence and dignity of heaven's abode. What an enormous privilege to be created and reside in heaven as part of God's family. It does not get better than ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Exploring Revelation Essay Exploring Revelation What is revelation? There are many different uses of the word revelation. It can be the speech act of making something evident, an enlightening or astonishing disclosure or a communication of knowledge to man by a divine or supernatural agency. The last book of the New Testament contains visionary descriptions of heaven and of conflicts between good and evil and of the end of the world. The author of this book tells us his name is John. However, the John of Revelation does not claim to be a disciple or to have known Jesus. Scholars have said that John of Revelation was a significant figure in the early church in the Roman province of Asia Minor. The Book of Revelation ... Show more content on ... The imagery in the Book of Revelations shows that good triumphs over evil, suggesting that faithfulness will be rewarded to Christians and justice will be done. Although most people believe that the book of Revelation is a book about the end of the world, it is also believed that it is not prophesising the end of the world but it is a polemic against the Roman Empire. The book is Revelation is also known as "The Revelation of John" and "St. Johns Apocalypse." The Book of Revelation is the primary source of inspiration of Christian prophecy believers. The last book and only apocalypse in the New Testament, it was likely written in the last decade of the first century, during a period of great turmoil after the destruction of the second Jewish Temple by the Romans in 70 A.D. Biblical scholars are sceptical of the historical claim that the Apostle John was its author. Millions of Christians have taken the events so vividly described in Revelation as a blueprint for what will happen in the last days as God brings an end to this world. But beyond that, many ideas and symbols from Revelation have found a place in the wider culture, including: the Mark of the Beast, represented by the number "666;" the seven seals; the four horsemen of the Apocalypse; the Whore of Babylon; and the ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Book Of Revelation Research Paper The majority of Revelation depicts a world at war. The Book of Revelation shows the struggles people have been through because of sin. God keeps His promises to His people despite what mess they have created (Class Notes). The Book of Revelation shows that God is the ultimate winner, having the greatest power, and God's children will also be winners in the end, if they remain faithful to God, by entering the gates of heaven. God is the ultimate winner and His love is the greatest power in the world. God defeats all evil and He will renew the world. The Book of Revelation introduces the restoration when John hears a voice from the throne in heaven saying, "See, the home of God is among mortals. He will dwell with them; they will be his people, ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Revelation 20 The "thousand years" in Revelation is only used six times and only in chapter 20 between verses 2– 7. In verse 7 it is a reference to after the "thousand years" and in this paper we will concentrate on verses 1–6 which focus on the "thousand years" themselves. Since a "thousand years" equals a millennium this term we will be used interchangeably from this point forward. The millennium in Revelation 20 is only used in reference to the reign of Jesus Christ after Satan the devil has been imprisoned. There are three main views on this millennial reign they are Amillennial, Postmillennial, and Premillennial. While there is much debate over the differences, all three views believe that Jesus is coming again, that there will be a physical resurrection ... Show more content on ... The classical postmillennial view sees the millennium as a near future event. The modern postmillennial view sees us as currently in the millennium. The postmillennial millennium may be an actual or symbolic (long time) thousand years. Both see that by spreading the gospel, the church will cause the world to continuously improve till the entire world comes to Christ. The conclusion of the millennium will be the second coming of Jesus Christ and the defeat of the Devil. The view that the church needs to continue spread the gospel and should except Christ to return at any time is correct. As for the world continuing to improve it would seem to this author that the world is currently going in the wrong direction. Gay and lesbian marriage has been legalized, abortion has been legalized, and President Obama has said that we are not a Christian country. The Olivet Discourse (Matt 24; MK 13; LK 21) does not lead one to see peace on earth before the return of Christ. It actually teaches the opposite. How can we have the millennial reign of Christ and have false messiahs and prophets, wars, famines, pestilence, persecution, and earthquakes? The postmillennial view requires that we ignore the world's current state, and constrain the Olivet Discourse to the Jews of that time and the end of the world as they knew ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Essay on General Revelations of God A question that has perplexed humans through the ages is if we have the ability to reach God. The witness of Scripture and leading theologians attest that individuals have a limited knowledge of God through general revelation in the natural world. General revelation can provide valid knowledge that there is a God, which aids in the acceptance of special revelation. General revelation is an individual's ability to gain knowledge of God through his presence in the world. The knowledge we are able to gain through general revelation is limited. It doesn't bring salvation and tells very little about God's character, but it can bring us knowledge of the existence of God. We are able to gain this knowledge of him because he is a Creator ... Show more content on ... Humans, unlike animals, have a sense of moral responsibility to do what is good (Guthrie, 42). It is more than a subjective sense of what is right and wrong, it is a understanding of justice and injustice. The presence of our conscience implies there is a moral standard. If there is a moral standard, then the standard had to be set by someone or something. "An objective moral order is meaningless unless there is a Divine Being" (Trueblood, Philosophy of Religion, 114). Aesthetics is another place a person can experience general revelation. Like our sense of morals, beauty is not subjective. It is something we discover. For example, music is random sounds but is based on scales. A musician has to learn about scales and chords before writing a song. If beauty is not something we create, but something we discover then there must be a set standard of what is beautiful. If there is a standard of beauty in the world, then there must be a Creator of the world. It is through the various forms of general revelation that individuals are able to learn certain aspects about the character of God and the purpose of human life. We can see this in other belief systems, theories, and ideas about life and the world that non–Christians hold to that are very similar to certain biblical teachings. "Without any reference to Jesus, the Bible, or the Christian church, many philosophers, scientists, psychologists, artists, and followers of other religions have ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Revelation Twelve Essay Second, the preceding and the succeeding context of Revelation twelve works against the traditional interpretation of the text. The chapter under consideration begins the second segment of Revelation, which concerns what the little book contained (Rev. 10:9–11; Hailey 267). Generally, the chapter has been seen as the "center" and "key" of the entire work (Beale 621). Chapters twelve through twenty–two, then, retell the story of chapters one through eleven, but expands upon what they "only introduce and imply" (622). Early in the chapter, two figures are introduced. There is a pregnant woman preparing to give birth and a dragon with seven heads (Rev. 12:1–4). The former figure has been subject to differing interpretations. One suggests that the woman is Israel, and her child is the Messiah, Jesus Christ (Arnold 317–18). Another claims that the woman is the faithful remnant of God's people who "had kept covenant with Him," but not just from the old covenant; instead, it is a reference to all of God's ... Show more content on ... Outside of this view of Revelation twelve, the only references to Satan's origins refer to his deceitful nature and his arrogance (Jn. 8:44; 1 Tim. 3:7). Much is said concerning his nature, however. First, his name simply means "adversary" or "enemy" (Arndt 916). The succeeding context of the passages under consideration demonstrate his adversarial nature, showing that he is the archenemy of God (Rev. 12:10; Ryken 759). Second, Satan does have power and influence over all creation, but he must act within God's parameters (Job 1:12; 2:6; Martin 1078). Third, as demonstrated by the text under consideration, Satan's primary goal is to hinder God and His causes. He accomplishes this task by tempting God's people to sin and by inciting persecution against them (Ryken 1079–80; 1 Pet. 5:8; Rev. 13:1–2). Thus, Scripture furnishes many details concerning who Satan is, but not how he came to be who he ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Moral Revelation Theme Moral revelation and redemption seems to be the focus of Flannery O'Connor's theme in A Good Man is Hard to Find, Revelation, and Everything that Rises Must Converge. O'Connor's upbringing stemmed from southern roots with a strong religious foundation from which she seems to center her short stories. Although she is a master at integrating different themes throughout her stories, her dark comedic style of writing allows her to question one's ability to live a good, proper Christian life, without inducing hatred or bigotry. O'Connor often questions her characters' ethics, morals, and how aware they are spiritually. She brings to light the sinful lives many live by interjecting a condemning or judgmental attitude. She does however, infer ... Show more content on ... Mrs. Turpin, a professed "saved" Christian, is quite judgmental, prejudice, and has an inconsistent view of Christianity. She is critical of those she vies as below her economic status as less than she. The revelation she receives comes from Mary Grace, a young girl Mrs. Turpin has heavily judged. The girl's name is a symbol O'Connor uses as a symbol of good as opposed to the bad ethics Mrs. Turpin displays. The physical eye contact and focus Mary Grace had on Mrs. Turpin was a symbol of Mary Grace helping Mrs. Turpin reach redemption. Again, as in the other two short stories, O'Connor allows the characters an option of seeking redemption. Mrs. Turpin had the option of facing her judgmental falsities, by looking Mary Grace in the eye, or not choosing to r4ealize and change her behavior, by looking away from Mary ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Book of Revelation In the book of Revelation, the end of the world is foretold. The different elements of the Apocalypse (described in Revelation) fire, brimstone, war, famine, pestilence, and death are all indicatives of chaos within the world. Rapture–Palooza is a prime example of a movie that has great concept behind it, but struggles to actually contribute factual information regarding The Book of Revelation. The ideas of these kinds of movies are so absurd that you're immediately drawn in; people desire these kinds of movies. Especially Bible teachers I'm sure. In the end, the finished product is more than a footnote on a summer screen that includes better apocalyptic films like This is the End, The World's End, It's a Disaster, and 2012 which is a shame, because it has an incredible cast unlike the rest of them. Lindsey (Anna Kendrick) and Ben (John Francis Daley) are a young couple living in Seattle. They enjoy bowling together and one night something strange occurs: the Rapture. As in, the biblical Rapture, where all the believers are sucked up into Heaven for an eternity of happiness with God, while the rest of us are left on Earth to fend for ourselves, coping with all the fun games the Book of Revelation has in store for us. This includes swarms of foul– mouthed crows, locusts that follow you around screaming "suffer," and, of course, occasional rain with a slight chance of blood. As you can imagine, this would be terrible to tolerate but the two deal with it, going about their ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Book Of Revelations Essay Book of Revelations When will the end come? It is human nature for humans to ask questions. Many of these questions are without answers and there is no possible way to come up with one. A common question that plagues the human race is "When will the world end?" For thousands of years, astrologers and psychics have been trying to come up with clues to when it all will end. There is a source, the Bible, which aids humans, specifically Christians, in trying to come up with some answers. Many places in the Bible such as Revelations, Ezekiel, Matthew, Daniel, and I Corinthians all give some clues to how and when the end of the world will come. Two articles that give some insight on this subject are "Visions or Heaven, Dreams of the End" by ... Show more content on ... The Catholic Church, even though they do not speak of the Rapture (McBride & Praem, 65) believes that we will be with God someday. They are not sure though how this will happen (McBride & Praem, 58). The second question a millenarian would ask is "What about the years of tribulation?" A millenarian says that there will be seven years of tribulation. They base this claim on the happenings in the book of Revelations. In the Book of Revelations the number seven is used several times like, the seven seals, the seven trumpets, and so on. Nevertheless, millenarians are not sure when all of this will happen. The Catholic Church believes though that the tribulations will come along with the Second Coming. The third question is "What, exactly, is meant by millennium?" In the American Heritage Dictionary, millennium is defined as " In the NT, a thousand–year period in which Jesus is to reign on Earth." (American Heritage Dictionary, 529). This same definition is found in The Book of Revelations 20:1–6 (McBride & Praem, 61). Millenarians believe that after the seven years of tribulations and the Battle of Armageddon, comes the millennium as described in Revelations, will come. The final question is " When can we expect the Second Coming?" Millenarians believe that the Second Coming is the last criteria for the end of the world. Not only ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Book Of Revelation Chapter 4 While banished to the island of Patmos John received an apocalyptic visions from an angle of God. In this vision he was told by Jesus to "write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after these things" (Revelation1:19). The Book of Revelation consist of epistle, prophetic, and apocalyptic visions that foretells events that will and has come to pass. Chapter 4 introduces the prophetic part of the book where John is called up to heaven, sees the throne of God and other heavenly presences. To start with John sees an opened door to heaven and he hears a voice like a trumpet telling him to come up hither and "I will show you things which must be hereafter" (Revlation.4:1). Immediately after ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Interpreting The Book Of Revelation Approaches to Interpreting the Book of Revelation Josie Nicolato Regent University Approaches to Interpreting the Book of Revelation The book of Revelation was written by the apostle John, in an apocalyptic literature style. It consists of a series of prophecies about the end times, when Jesus will return and triumph over all the evil residing in the world. Its purpose is to bring hope and encouragement to Christians so that they will continue watching for the return and victory of Jesus Christ, but it is also a warning of the Final Judgment that nonbelievers will endure. The depiction of the cosmic battle that takes place both in heaven and on earth, symbolic language, and introduction of surreal ... Show more content on ... According to this view, the events in Revelation are not tied to any specific events historically or in future. It reduces John's prophesies to a one simple 'big picture' idea about the continuing struggle between good and evil (Gundry, 2012). Though there is some truth to this summary, the idealistic approach is heading towards the mindset that Boxall warned his readers about. The idealistic view seems to emphasize the analogy aspect of Revelation, as if it was only written to hold devotional value. This approach would be good to use to gain a simple understanding of the overall theme of Revelation, but should not be the sole perspective used to interpret the book. Preterists and idealists have much in common in that they seem to reject the prophetic element the book of Revelation. However, in the preterist approach, Revelation was perceived to be describing the events surrounding the destruction of the Roman Empire (Gundry 2012). For example, Mark Hitchcock explains in his article "A Critique of The Preterist View", that some scholars believe that the seven heads and seven kings, mentioned in 2 Revelations 17:9, are symbolic of a complete set of Roman rulers. The number seven, referenced in the scripture, is viewed as being an apocalyptic symbol for completeness. Though all four approaches agree, to some extent, that the book of Revelation contains symbolic ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Essay about Revelation "Revelation, n. A famous book in which St. John the Divine concealed all that he knew. The revealing is done by the commentators, who know nothing."1 The book of Revelation, the only apocalypse among the twenty–seven books of the New Testament, has always occupied a marginal role within the field of Biblical interpretation. Its bizarre visions of beasts, dragons, plagues, and cataclysms have inspired poets and artists while confounding more traditionally minded scholars for centuries. England in the early seventeenth century proved an exception to this rule. The flowering of apocalyptic exegesis in this period among academic circles bestowed a new respectability on the book of Revelation as a literal roadmap of church history ... Show more content on ... Although these later scholars cited Luther as an important figure in church history, they did not acknowledge (or realize) any methodological debt to him; adopting a mode of interpretation outlined by Luther, they redirected these ideas towards a scheme which was Calvinist in its hope for worldly improvement. The phrase "Calvinist millenarian," upon further examination, joins two sets of seemingly incompatible ideas without explaining the origins of this odd combination. Calvin himself expressed little interest in either history or eschatology. William M. Lamont has noticed that like St. Augustine, Calvin "viewed the Apocalypse with detachment: it had a circumscribed, allegorical significance, and that was all. Calvin remained wedded to a view of God as, in all significant things, Unknowable."2 He concerned himself more with personal salvation than with the salvation of the world, and his sparse and unsystematic views on history tended to look for progressive improvement rather than rapid upheaval. Calvin spoke in terms of a "zeal for daily progress" among the community, and his followers expanded his ideas to encompass the betterment of a much larger group. "Indeed, despite Calvins Augustinian avoidance of historically oriented eschatology," writes Robin Bruce Barnes, "the hint of progressivism in his thought ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Book of Revelation The Book of Revelation is the last profound book in the New Testament. It conveys the significant purpose of Christianity by describing God's plan for the world and his final judgment of the people by reinforcing the importance of faith and the concept of Christianity as a whole. Accordingly, this book is the written record–not of wild dreams–but the dramatic God–sent visions given to one of God's servants, John the Apostle. This book was written by John in 95 or 96 A.D. at the reign of the Roman Emperor, Domitian, and is the revelation of Jesus Christ illustrating the events that occur before and during the second coming of Christ. By using complex symbolism and apocalyptic metaphor, the meaning of Revelation is defined: what is, what ... Show more content on ... In Latin "Revelatio" means unveiling and in Greek "apokalypsis" means the removing of a veil. The purpose of this book is the revelation of Jesus Christ and the final judgment of the word of God. "The coming of sin into the world, the establishment of the economy of redemption, has necessitated the making known of truths not made known by general revelation. Therefore, God has given the special revelation brought to us in the Holy Scriptures. "The scriptures reiterate the truths proclaimed in nature, in history, and in man himself; and, in addition thereto, declare the salvation which God has provided for mankind in Jesus Christ" (Campbell). In retrospect, revelation unveils God's future plan for the earth and is written to be understood. Clearly the book of Revelation is the ultimate battle between good and evil. It is the time when all sin will be judged, demons will be cast away, and Christ will reign over the earth. This is the word of God showing us his plan for the retribution of his son Jesus Christ. By sending these words to John in a vision God is warning the people of the world to repent for their sins and that the time is drawing near. "John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven spirits which are before his throne;" (New American Standard Bible, Rev.1:4). The content of Revelation is very complex apocalyptic literature ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Reflection Of The Book Of Revelation The book of Revelation opens with an astonishing glimpse of future events that Jesus revealed to John. God gave Jesus the revelation, and Jesus sent the revelation to His servant John by an angel. In this opening scene of Revelation, John heard a mighty voice behind him speaking to him. When he turned to see who was speaking he saw a graphic view of seven candlesticks with a man standing amid them. The display of seven candlesticks and the One in the middle of them was significant to the totality of the vision that John received to be written down for an everlasting record of the things that must certainly come to pass for all believers. John, the servant of Jesus Christ, had been exiled on the Isle of Patmos because of his witness and testimony of the word of God, and because of his all–embracing commitment to Jesus. He proclaimed that he was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day when he heard a mighty, powerful voice speaking behind him. Upon hearing the voice, he immediately gave heed to the direction of the voice and saw seven candlesticks and the One standing in the midst of them. The significance of the candlesticks was that they were symbolic of the seven churches that were in Asia. The Lord assigned John the task of writing to the seven churches and reporting the revelation to them that was divulged to him by Jesus. Jesus analyzed each of the churches and revealed to John a status report of His findings. The very candid reports, whether good or bad, ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Revelation And The Background Of The Book Of Revelation Throughout history of religion, there have been men who have left an extraordinary work to the world. St. John who accepted the calling of God to be his disciple; He has written a marvelous work to the early Church. He was one beloved disciples of Jesus Christ. His profoundly spirituality could see magnificent visions and heard extraordinary messages. In this work will try to investigate why is so important the book of revelation and the background, which was the motivation for St. John wrote about it. Book of Revelation Biography of St. John apostle To understand more profoundly the context of the book of Revelation, we have to search the background of the author. John's name in Hebrew means, "God has been gracious." According to ... Show more content on ... Therefore, most the scholars thought that the book was written, "attributing this event to the fifteenth year of the Domitian's reign, that is, 81–96 CE." In conclusion the scholars did not know exactly when the book was writing because the Author did not give any date. In this way, the Apocalypse was written at the end of the first century, when each of the seven churches of Asia Minor, to which St. John refers. To understand more profoundly the book of revelation , it is important to know the religious context, historical context and social cultural text in which was written, that is, the way of life of Christians in the territory that the Romans called "Asia Minor". As we know, the early Church was persecuted by different reigns of the epoch special by Domitian. Religion was the first vehicle of this imperial propaganda and the strongest support of its power. The Romans were generally benevolent to foreign religions as long as they fit the imperial system and recognized central authority. Therefore, the Hebrews and Christians, who could not come to recognize the absolute lordship of Caesar was always looked down upon by the Empire, when not even persecuted by him. Therefore, we must reaffirm that the real threat to the Church was not persecution, but moral commitment. It is not strange, therefore, that in this situation many Christians, like many Jews, were ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Revelation Is The Act And The Result Of God Definition of Revelation (in Bibliology) Revelation is the act and the result of God by which HE communicates to man the truth concerning Himself in relation to His creatures, and conveys to man the knowledge of His will. It includes general revelation and special revelation. God has given His revelation progressively concerning Himself and His will in a variety of forms and media (Heb.1:1). The special revelation is recorded in the Old and New Testaments. The Sources of General Revelation 1) Nature–creation and providence (Ps. 8:3–4, 19:1–4; Acts 14:17) 2) Conscience within man (Rom. 2:15) 3) Man created bearing the image and likeness of God (Gen. 1:26; Rom. 1:19; Ps. 139:14) 4) Human reasoning ability and the existence of human authority (Rom. 13:2) 5) General religious experience The significance of General Revelation for those without Special Revelation 1) It explains why man is religious and builds a bridge to share the gospel. 2) It renders him without excuse when facing the judgment (Rom. 1:20). 3) It brings him to consciousness of sin and his need of Christ and thus brings him toward Christ. The Relationship between the Living Word and the Written Word 1) Both of the Living Word and the Written Word are necessary for our salvation and sanctification. The Special Revelation is to lead us to Christ (Luke 24:25–27; John 5:39–40). We (after AD. 2 Century) can only know Christ through the Scriptures (John 20:31). It is impossible to truly study the Scriptures without ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Dualism In Revelations "Revelation" translates Greek term apokalypsis, which means "an uncovering, an unveiling, a stripping naked of what was formerly covered" (Harris, 2014, p. 431). An apocalypse is something that is unforeseen or previously hidden. Revelations is a great example of an apocalypse because according to the author it is a vision of God's future intentions and in some cases, it includes what is known as supernatural beings, angels, and demons as well. Revelations symbolizes the battle between good and evil. However, there are other known literary writings that use apocalyptic characteristics. Writers can express his or her views in Universality, Cosmic Dualism, Chronological Dualism, Ethical Dualism, Predestination, Exclusivism and/or Limited Theology ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Revelation Of Revelation And Revelation Revelation. Revelation is defined in the dictionary as "a surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one that is made known in a dramatic way." What this shows us that while others may describe revelation as an event that may only occur once, as Catholics we believe that revelation is a process. The process of revelation is a long laborious process that has taken thousands of years to get to the understanding that we are at right now and it will probably take humanity millions of years to fully understand the process of revelation that Catholics believe in. There are four details to the process of revelation. One of them is that God has created us with everything that we needed to understand him. This means that God has given us all of the tools to comprehend all the things that he had revealed. What we do not realize is that we can only obtain the infirmaries that God has given to us. He has only given us some of the pieces of the puzzle as well as the complete picture of what the puzzle will look like. But this isn 't enough for us as a society. In a world when everything is given to us very quickly we can 't understand why we don 't have all the information right away. Because of this we must remind ourselves the that God loves us and just because we can 't understand doesn 't mean he loves us any less. The second detail of revelation is that God will reveals himself to us when we are ready. This means that God is all knowing and only he will know when ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Book Of Revelations The British Broadcast Corporation did a documentary on the Book of Revelations on its conception, meaning and legitimacy in today's modern world. This documentary provides interesting historical insight, archaeology and rationality when addressing Revelations and the "End Times" the book describes. The arguments described in in documentary, though interesting, some were confusing and did not make sense. The conclusion that was given from the documentary, was that John wrote the book of the Revelations in response to weakening of the church, and the rise of empirical worship. With that, I would say this movie is lackluster and not that thought provoking. A stylometrist named Sir Anthony Kenny conducted 99 tests where he found it was unlikely that the book of John and Revelations were written by the same person, and he found these results to be conclusive. However further into the documentary, there is no ... Show more content on ... Kenny talked about how it was his professional opinion that John did not write the book of revelations, by comparing the two texts. However, he did not mention comparing the book of revelations to any other book written in the new testament, and the fact that it widely assumed by both believers and non believers that Revelations is written by John, calling into question the legitimacy and accuracy of his test. Secondly, this documentary argues towards the idea that John wrote the book of Revelations as to prevent the christian followers from falling into empirical worship. The vivid imagery shown to John, i personally believe is too specific and is God given to warn not only the early christians but everyone. Also the fact, many things that book warns about has happened such as the blasphemy against God and the war against His people (Rev 13:6–7) , idolizing false gods (Revelations 13: 8), and international disasters (Revelation ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Two Witnesses of Revelation Who are the witnesses of Revelation 11? What is there importance? There are multiple theories on who these witness are. One of the most popular theories is that it will be Elijah and Enoch because they were taken away by God before their death.(2 Kings 2:11; Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:5) Others believe that it will be Moses, who turned water to blood and sent other plagues on Egypt, and Elijah because he stopped the rain in Israel for 3 1/2 years. (Exodus 7–12; 1 Kings 17:1) Another theory believes that the two witnesses are the two houses of Israel. Finally, another theory is that these two witnesses will be completely new. All of these have different twists and use scripture to back them up. However, almost everyone believes their importance in the end times because it is pretty clearly stated in the Bible. (Revelation 11: 1–14) First, let us look at the theory that the Moses and Elijah are the two witnesses. The most common reason to believe Moses and Elijah are the two witnesses are because "the miracles they will perform are similar to the judgments inflicted in the Old Testament by Moses and Elijah for the purpose of stimulating repentance. Elijah called down fire from heaven (2 Kings 1:10, 12) and pronounced a three–and–one–half–year drought on the land (1 Kings 17:1; James 5:17)–the same length as the drought brought by the two witnesses (Rev. 11:6). Moses turned the waters of the Nile into blood (Ex. 7:17–21) and announced the other plagues on Egypt recorded in ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Book of Revelation Essay This essay will argue that the eschatology of the Book of Revelation forms an integral part of John's attempt within the pages of his book to form a literary world in which the forms, figures, and forces of the earthly realm are critiqued and unmasked through the re–focalization of existence from the perspective of heaven. It will attempt to show that, in response to the social, political, religious, and economic circumstances of his readers, the Book of Revelation forms a counter imaginative reality. Through drawing upon an inaugurated sense of eschatology and evocative imagery, John is able to pull the reader in and show them the true face of the imperial world and consequences of its ideology, forcing the reader allegiance to fall ... Show more content on ... In chapter 5 of the Book of Revelation, we see Christ enter John's vision in the form of the slain lamb, a picture of Christ sacrifice (Rev 5:6). In the 'new song' of the saints, the lamb is said to have "ransom[ed] for God saints from every tribe and language and people and nation' (5:9) and, later in the chapter, that "...every creature in heaven and on earth..." now sings praise to the lamb (5:13). These verses speak of God's victory already having been fulfilled in Christ's sacrifice in a way that leaves the reader with a vision of the eschatological hope of the Christian faith as being both fulfilled, but yet to be completed, a conception which falls within an inaugurated understanding of eschatology. As such, the 'end of the world' in Revelation can be considered as having already occurred in Christ's death as evil was defeated and the New Creation initiated, while simultaneously not complete as the forces of Satan; the beast, the false prophet, and the harlot, still function in the cosmology of the First Creation. This understanding of the eschatological reality is an important aspect of John's text, as it is through this that he is able to identify the dangers to the Church as well as encourage and strengthen its faith. With this inaugurated conception of eschatology and the 'not yet' aspect of it in which his readers must dwell, John perceived many threats to the Church, the most powerful one being ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Revelation Sparknotes The book Revelation by David Yonggi Cho is an informative book about the mysteries of Revelation. Throughout revelation there is trials and tribulations that the people of earth will have to go through because they did not believe in God, and did not wish to be saved. In revelation God the Father and the Son will cleanse this world of all sin and evil. Revelation is a book of the bible that tells what is to come in the future, just like the books Daniel and Isaiah. God is each one of these books appears to people and gives the visions of what is to come. Jesus is coming back for his people, they are the true church not the people who act like they are believers. Jesus will come back for the church before the tribulation this is called the rapture. The Rapture of the church is the catching up of all true believers in Christ to meet the Lord in the air. People often times think that the rapture and the ... Show more content on ... God will tell his angels to sound seven trumpets at different times, and for each trumpet there was a great calamity that occured. The first trumpet was hail and fire, the second the sea turned to blood, third the rivers to blood, fourth there was a darkness, fifth there was a great heat, sixth there was a the Euphrates dries up, seventh there was a great earthquake and hail. All these things are to make the people of earth see God's power and to change their ways and give their lives to God. Sadly this will not happen because they will have hard hearts, and instead hate God. The thing is since they are not going to change their hearts they will suffer throughout the tribulation wanting death but it shall elude them. Many will die because of the calamities, but those that don't will have to suffer in pain on earth. And when they die they will be in even worse pain because they will have gone to fiery hell rather than the blissful ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Review Of Elaine Pagels The Christian Revelation To John:... The Christian Revelation to John, The Book of Revelation, reveals the world coming to an end through a variety of spiritual visions. Revelations, written by Elaine Pagels summarizes the events taken place during John's revelation and relates it to ancient history. Elaine Pagels highlights main content from the messages, the seals, to the trumpets, while providing historical background. The main argument of Pagels analysis is that The Book of Revelation clearly portrays the war between the Jews against the Roman Empire. This is evident because Pagels explains that the visions John had embodies events that represent the corrupted Roman Empire. Furthermore, Pagels' analysis provides clear historical evidence from the past and is able to properly cover questions readers are concerned about in The Book of Revelation. However, Pagels lacks in variety, as she only uses historical examples in an unorganized matter to prove her argument. ... Show more content on ... The author uses historical evidence to prove that the visions John experiences symbolizes the Jews and Romans. One of the main ideas the author uses to prove her argument were the signs John witnessed of a woman clothed in sun, being intimidated by a dragon with seven heads, followed by another beast. Pagels described the first dragon to be the Roman emperors of the Julio–Claudian dynasty and the second monster appears with the numbers six hundred sixty–six, representing Caesar Nero, a Roman Emperor. These beasts brainwashed the minds of the people to praise them and take over the Earth, the same way Roman Empire did. Elaine Pagels explains that the prophetic images present conflicts between the Jews and ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Book Of Revelation By John The Apostle The book of Revelation, written in c. 95 A.D. by John the apostle, was written to Christians who were facing increasing hostility from the Roman Empire, which was beginning to enforce the cult of emperor worship. John had been exiled to the island of Patmos for his activities as a Christian missionary. The book of Revelation is considered apocalyptic literature, a kind of writing that is highly symbolic, but the book itself provides a number of clues for its own interpretation. There are several purposes of the book of Revelation, including encouraging believers by showing the final outcome of God 's plan, showing the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, and revealing Christ in all his glory. John writes to encourage the faithful to resist the demands of emperor worship and hold fast to God 's promises: that the final showdown between God and Satan is imminent, the believers are sealed against spiritual harm and will be vindicated when Christ returns, the wicked will be forever destroyed, and God 's people will enter an eternity of glory and blessedness. In this vision that John receives, he is shown many things about the final judgment to come and the establishment of the Messiah 's kingdom. The vision begins with Jesus giving a command for John to write letters to seven churches addressing problems that are common to most churches across the world (chapters 2–3). Chapter 5 introduces a book, or scroll, with seven seals that represent seven judgments. This begins the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Brief History Of Revelations : Revelation Was The Last... Brief History of Revelations The book of Revelations is the last book of the New Testament consisting of only 22 verses and is prophetic in nature: Revelation 19 v.10 declares, "for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophe– cy"; contains descriptions of the final conflict between God and Satan as well as the signs (seven) that reveals the end of the world; attributed to Saint John the Apostle via an angel sent by God; "I was in the spirit on the Lord 's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet" (Rev. 1.11). According to Biblica the Book of Revelation was written during when Christians were entering two periods of persecution in the Roman Empire. The latter part of Nero's reign (a.d. 54–68) and the latter part of Domitian's reign (81–96 A.D ) The Number Seven is used several times in the Revelations: There are: seven churches (1:4,11), seven spirits (1:4), seven golden lampstands (1:12), seven stars (1:16), seven seals (5:1), seven horns and seven eyes (5:6), seven trumpets (8:2), seven thunders (10:3), seven signs (12:1,3; 13:13– 14; 15:1; 16:14; 19:20), seven crowns (12:3), seven plagues (15:6), seven golden bowls (15:7), seven hills (17:9) and seven kings (17:10), as well as other sevens. Symbolically, the num–ber seven (as is the number ten) stands for completeness (Revelation). The Second Coming of Christ is the end result of the Revelation Prophesies "...and there were great voices in heaven, saying, the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Revelation Papers Revelation Paper Bob Entler Ohio Christian University John wrote to the seven churches explaining the need for a relationship with Christ. After speaking to the seven churches that are in the Roman province of Asia, the book of Revelation moves forward in the prophecy. Revelation 4:1 tells us that we moving forward: "After this" and "what must take place after this." The point is to show us that the information concerning the seven churches has stopped. A new series of images is beginning. John sees a door standing open in heaven. The voice that spoke to John at the beginning that sounded like a trumpet. Christ is speaking to John and calling him into heaven. John does not actually go into heaven, as we see in verse 2. John is having a new vision and John is going to see into the throne room of heaven. As we are taken into this vision, we must visualize the picture before us. Try and picture this in your head and see what is going on in heaven (–bible–study/view–of– heaven.html) John was told by the voice to write down the things that ... Show more content on ... Ephesus was the influential capital city of Asia Minor on the Aegean Sea. Ephesus is now known for its huge metropolis of ancient streets, arches, and ruins. Smyrna – The persecuted church that suffered poverty and martyrdom (Revelation 2:8–11). Smyrna was located north of Ephesus in a powerful trading position on the Aegean Sea known for its harbors, commerce, and marketplaces. The primary ruins of Smyrna are located in the modern Turkish city of Izmir. Pergamum – The worldly church that mixed doctrines and needed to repent (Rev. 2:12–17). Pergamum is located on the plains and foothills along the Caicus River in Western Turkey. It was considered a major city in Asia Minor since the 3rd century BC and became a Greek and Roman hub for temple ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Kondratiev's Revelations: Analysis In Revelations, John the Apostle writes about the horrific economic downfall before the rapture of Jesus Christ. There are numerous prophecies, some of the most prominent being the economic worldwide crash (Rev 18), the institution of the one–world currency (Rev 13:16–17), and the ruling of the economy by one man (Rev 13). Some people are saying that even currently we are in the first possible stages of the economic doom Revelation talks about. Greece, Portugal, and many other countries are in an economic crisis and as it looks right now, America may soon be following. A time will soon come when the dollar will become worthless and the world will be controlled solely under a global economy lead by the Antichrist. In January of 2015, Christian ... Show more content on ... We have been seeing countries fall individually. Portugal, China, and America is soon to follow undoubtedly. Nowhere int he bible does it actually use the phrases 'one word currency' or 'one– world government', however, it does give very clear evidence that both of these will be ruled over by one man: the antichrist. We can very safely assume, based on John's Revelation writings, that the antichrist will be supreme over the entire world government and will institute the one–world currency. John goes on to say that all the power this man has is given by Satan himself in the hopes of receiving the worship he has been seeking ever since he was thrown out of God's presence. The antichrist will seem to be drastically turning the economy around and he will promise safety and success to all those who are loyal to him and his ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Book Of Revelation: Rome And Rome The book of Revelation consists of vivid descriptions of events that occur in a prophetic vision to John, the author of the book. It has given rise to a wide number of depictions in modern media about the apocalypse as well as a lot of conflicting opinions about its intended meaning. The scholarly consensus, based on the text, is that the book of Revelation was not prophesying about the end of the world, but rather is a condemnation of the practices of the Roman Empire. In this essay, I will contend that while the text of Revelation itself is about the past, more specifically Rome, it can also be used to characterise the present by reinterpretation. The time around which the book of Revelation is supposed to be written, around 64 CE, coincides ... Get more on ...
  • 29. WHY WE SHOULD STUDY THE BOOK OF REVELATION WHY WE SHOULD STUDY THE BOOK OF REVELATION The book of Revelation is one the most unread, unstudied, most misunderstood, and most twisted out of context, books of the Bible. So why is it one the most unread book? The main reason seems to stem from fear of the book. This fear is driven from the idea that the book is one which cannot be understood. That it is a book written in code that cannot be decoded. When you add to these issues a lack of God's knowledge, you come up with someone who is not only ignorant, but also someone who lacks confidence. These two combinations can be very dangerous and leads to not only the misunderstanding but also to the twisting of the scriptures. The twisting of the scriptures can be done for a couple of ... Show more content on ... The number one reason we should study this wonderful book is to put to rest the fear, and the misunderstanding, so we will no longer be ignorant to the powerful message of God. There is much to be learned within the pages of this Revelation. It is a book of warning, a book of encouragement, a book of truths, that we can applicant into our lives and also into our worship. The more we read, study, and understand this book the greater position we will be in to teach this book to others. The writer of Hebrews stresses the importance of growing and maturing in the word, that you may not only be a student, but also a teacher (Heb.5:12–14). The second reason we should study this great book, is to be able to defend it against the false and ridiculous accusations drawn from it. There are many false teachings about what all the signs and symbols represent or do not represent. It is our responsibility to read and search out the message God has revealed to us (seven churches of Asia), that we may grow and be strengthen by it. If we choose to remain ignorant of the message found in this prophecy, we too could fall for the false teachings that many have been led astray by. The third and last reason we should study the book of Revelation, is to be able to take heed to the many warnings found throughout the book. Once we have put the book into proper perspective, we then can begin to apply the teachings properly. This is what makes, not only the book of Revelation, but also the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Beast In The Book Of Revelation In the Book of Revelation, the beast that came out of the sea represented the Roman Empire and its emperor Domitian. The beast is initially described in Rev 11:7 as coming out of the abyss, and his daunting appearance is depicted in Rev 13:2–"He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name" (REV 13:2). As the verses in Revelation illustrated, the best "opened his mouth to blaspheme God" (REV 13:6). Moreover, "all inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast" (REV 13:8). It seems like the beast has authority and is in opposition to the figure of God. As many scholars of the Bible believed, the beast represents the Roman Empire and its emperor, Domitian, at that time when the Book of Revelation ... Show more content on ... On one hand, some believe that the Book of Revelation was the message from Jesus Christ's which was sent directly to Christians of the first century to comfort them in a time of conflict and struggle. On the other hand, some comprehend the book of Revelation in another way–They argue that the Revelation was not written only for Christians in first century, and the original purpose was not to console their pain. It's also important to explore these different approaches to interpret the Revelation. The first kind of view which I hold is called the Preterist view. And the other view which considers Revelation to be fulfilled in past history is called the Historicist view. Historicists would "see Revelation as predicting the major movements of Christian history, most of them have been fulfilled up to the time of the commentator." According to this description, the historicist interpreters regard the purpose of the Book of Revelation as predicting a part of the future (which in this case means after the1st century). Different commentators in different time interpreted the Book of Revelation in different ways, but all of them only considered the history before the time when they studied it. But if Jesus Christ was to show the future, why did he just show a part of it rather than the whole Christian history? To answer this question, a new school called the futurist view emerged. "The futurist view ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Analysis Of The Book ' Revelation ' Written in a culture divergent and foreign to modern audiences, the Book of Revelation is a challenging text to interpret. With rich symbolism and visions, which were intrinsic to the first hearers, this book is classified under the label of an Apocalypse. Apocalyptic literature, often ornamented with intricate visions, symbolism and numerology, is a classification of cataclysmic Jewish writings which incorporate impressions of heaven. The term Apocalypse is translated into 'revelation' or 'unveiling' (Keener 31). Composed of numerous allusion to the Old Testament, the Book of Revelation was originally sent to the seven churches in Asia Minor to be read in the context of liturgy concerning the imminent future (Filho, 214). That being said, it is important to understand the book of Revelation not only through the historical perspective but also as a liturgical context as it contains many hymns and other liturgical elements (Filho, 214). This paper will explore Revelation 4:1–11 in terms of context, Old Testament allusions, liturgical symbolism and modern significance, as it is a beautiful depiction of earth joining perpetual heavenly worship. According to Keener, the central message of the book of Revelation is the encouragement of Christians facing persecution in Asia Minor (Keener 39). Historical context and biblical allusions are crucial to the interpretation of the Book of Revelation as seventy percent of the content found in the Book of Revelation is a parallel to the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Book Of Revelation Esther Park REL 371 Week 6 – The Book of Revelation The book of Hebrews was written by a Christian scholar and not by one of the Gospels. I knew that many authors made up the New Testament but I did not know scholars wrote some books a well. Hebrews writer was someone who linked the Hebrew Bible along with Greek philosophy. The writer never identifies himself but his views on the end times were very strong. He assumes that there is an existence of two parallel worlds: the eternal and the perfect realm of spirits. This is something that I have never heard before. This writer is the only person to speak of Jesus as the mediator between God and humanity. He has so much insight on what was happening or what was to happen but we do not know who this person was. Hebrew is written very differently and some of the ... Show more content on ... John wrote the book of Revelation and he was not a synoptic gospel. The fact that John was chosen to be the author of this book speak volumes of what God wanted for him. The book of Revelation is hope but not many people can see that through the doom and gloom that it screams at you. It seems as though it will be a scary time when the end comes but it shouldn't be for the believers. We constantly deal with what we do not know and we want to make to know what is going to actually happen. I always wonder who the anti–Christ is going to be and I think every year I guess someone new. It's a scary thought but the end result of the Revelation will be us in heaven with our Father. We will go through the hard times to get to the end which is our hope for the future. The Charles Manson documentary was scary too as I was just watching him think he was doing everything right. He justified what he was doing by the readings from the Bible. Many can interpret this book wrong and Charles Manson was one of many that took the book completely out of ... Get more on ...
  • 33. John's Book Of Revelation In comparison to many of the initially accepted books of the Biblical canon, John's book of Revelation was written decades later, around 96 CE, and was forced to address the failure of the kingdom's arrival. Many earlier Biblical books argued that God's kingdom was imminent and would arrive swiftly, but the passing of time may have led to a gradual decrease in this sense of urgency and, by extension of this, religious faith in Jesus and his teachings. In response to this, John's contemporaries faced him with a unique challenge to renew their eschatological beliefs and answer the mystery behind the delayed coming of the kingdom of God. Within the book of Revelation, John encourages his readers to strengthen their belief in the urgency behind ... Show more content on ... In many instances, he urges his audience to oppose Rome, such as with his metaphors with the who beasts. The beast of the sea and the land represent two aspects of the Roman Empire, the emperors of Rome that either deified themselves or, through their communities, were aggrandized to divine identities and the Roman imperial cult. Dorothy A. Lee addresses the idea of Christological parody through Roman emperors as she describes that, within Revelation 12, the "fundamental issue here is political as well as religious, relating particularly to the cult of emperor worship in the Roman Empire, which sprang up during the reign of the Emperor Augustus [...] in Asia Minor–the geopolitical setting of Revelation [...]" (201). Lee considers that "Over the next century the imperial cult rapidly became the test of political allegiance for peoples subject to the Roman imperium. The first altars were raised to the goddess Roma, personification of the city of Rome, and her "son" Augustus in Pergamum and Nicomedia" (201). In order to most effectively maintain power, Roman emperors occasionally deified themselves and encouraged emperor worship. John mimics this in Revelation as he describes "In amazement the whole earth followed the beast. They worshipped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshipped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?" (Rev 13.3–4). In this passage, John forges a connection between Rome and Satan and illuminates the folly of worshipping either of these two entities. Within John's writing, he argues that these beasts maintain power through their blasphemous utterances about God and the ability to both oppose and conquer the saints. While discussing how the beast retains its power, John describes how "It opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Analysis Of The Book ' Revelation Of The Bible ' Since the beginning of time there has been a concept as old as thought itself: how will it all end? Not just how will life end but how will the world end. Some cultures are molded by the way that specific groups believe the end times will come to fruition. Eschatological concepts are those that concern themselves with the end of the world, as we know it and how it will come about. One thing that is for certain is across the ages there is a consensus that this will occur, though there may not be a consensus on how. This concept has infiltrated almost all aspects of life from entertainment to daily practices. There are numerous pieces of literature that addresses how the world will end and of them one of the most well know is the Book of ... Show more content on ... Jesus later goes on to explain that the seven stars that were in his hand represent the angels of seven churches and the seven gold lamp stands represent the seven churches. Once he states this he begins to address each church individually. The letters poses similarities while at the same time also possessing differences. The overall structures of the letters are the same and follow these guidelines: address, commendation/complaint, advice, appeal for others to listen, and then a promised reward for heading the words of the Lord. The differences arise in the content of the addresses, how the problems should be corrected and the reward that will come. The seven letters serve as a connection between the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation. Though the Book of Revelation lacks any direct Old Testament connection, the views and connection between the two are seen throughout the Book of Revelation. The authorship by John took place during the Greco–Roman era but the structure of writing that the letters poses is more appropriate for the prophetic lawsuit of the Old Testament. The difference between the styles lies in the fact that the letters contain commendations and accusations along with the customary features judgment and salvation, which makes them in concordance with prophetic lawsuit speech (Bandy 186). Bandy stated, "specifically, it resembles the covenant lawsuit whereby Christ scrutinizes the new ... Get more on ...
  • 35. God 's Special Act Of Revelation What makes Schelling set Christianity apart from other traditions is precisely its character of being a revealed religion. Mythology is a natural process like healing, and thus, argues Schelling, " [mythology] is a religion where no productive role is given to the deity as such." Christianity, however, is another story. Thanks to God's special act of revelation, Christianity is based on the full awareness of God according to his spirituality, and bears what mythologies lack. In other words, all the traditional symbols of Christianity and their dogmatic expositions stand as representations of an image of God where the three potencies are reconciled as One. Hence, while the birth of Christianity is not the last development of the relationship between God and humanity, in Christianity the theogonical process comes to an end in that after it there is no further progression in the development of our images of God. Christian representations of God are 'perfect', insofar as they do not lack anything in terms of opening a way for us to be conscious of God's nature. This claim is made by Schelling mainly in relation to the Trinitarian representation of God. As mentioned above, just like Schelling expands the understanding of monotheism, similarly he gives an account of the dogma of the Trinity as a representation of God as the spiritual union of the three potencies. Accordingly, as mythology presents imperfect representations of the three potencies, its representations are ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Reflective Essay On Revelation My project was to have a study and revelation journal. In the journal, I would write down experiences in which I would felt was inspiration and valuable to me moving forward in my life. I know that doing this project was important because in the world we live in, we need to build a strong relationship with God. This is through revelation and in order to receive revelation, we have to be able to be tune in and listen to what God is trying to. I have come to understand that this relationship is built in our ability of recognizing the promptings rather than seeking. God is giving us a continuous stream of revelation, it our job to receive that stream of revelation through modes of reception that put us in a position to receive such revelation. I believe because of our ability to receive revelation, we will be able to be better prepare for the world and also that God is always speaking to us. We just have to be willing to act upon and listen. As a result of this project I was able to make small changes in my life that has helped me build my relationship with my father in heaven. While I was doing this project, I have come to the knowledge that revelation is more part of our daily lives than we realize. Little things like saying morning prayers or watching inspirational Mormon Messages help us recognize the things or fulfill the potential or purpose that God has for us. As I was doing the project, the most common time I was able to recognize revelation wasn't when I asked for ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Bible Of Revelation Chapter 20 In referencing the book of Revelation chapter 20 verses 1–6, the debate continues on: has Satan not already been bound (post–millennial view)? There will not be a new kingdom on earth – (a– millennial view), or that the words of God written down by John the Apostle are accurate, true and correct (premillennial view). This paper stems to show that the only true view is that of the pre– millennial view, Christ will return with a new earth and bring with him, all the saints of eternity to rule and rein forever and ever, Amen. The Apostles of Christ along with the pre–millennialist view fall in accord with the actual words written in the bible of Revelation 20:1. The beliefs of the pre–millennialist are the Bibles words are the ... Show more content on ... When the seen arrives in the 20th chapter of Revelation vs. 1, the false prophet and the antichrist have been tossed into the lake of fire at the bottomless pit and the only true threat left on earth or in heaven is the red dragon, the deceiver, also known as Satan. (Rev. 19:20) This would fall within the the view of pre–millennials: Jesus will come again literally – establish a "new heaven and a new earth" a new kingdom to rule and to reign – on or over the earth for 1000 years. The view of any other just appears to be self–lacking and without any form of true merit, regardless of the research and criteria that are withstanding. There are other views available: Post–millennials, according to Brand (HISB) the 1000 year reign does not start until the end of an extended period of righteousness and prosperity– which is the current state in which the world sits today. There will be no tribulation period other than the one that is currently in process. Their beliefs seem to hold to the fact that Christ has come and that there will not be another scene of him again until the end of the times. Christ came and that was the starting point in their view. He was born, died, resurrected and the beginning of the new age started the millennium. A–millennialists are similar in their belief to the post–millennials: their view that Christ will come after the 1000 year reign, ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Metaphors In The Book Of Revelations When examining the Book of Revelation, one gets an impression God is sympathetic towards the world because He shows the heavens in advance. He demands someone to record what is happening so the rest of the world can acknowledge what awaits them in the afterlife. Consequently, John who is invited to Heaven is likewise the author of the Book and uses metaphors and simple ideas to describe what he witnessed on that fateful day . The book of Revelations can be seen as a journal entry of John's Heavenly visit which he writes in detail the actions and conversation between everyone situated there. God explains to John in simple language and uses metaphors to represent the important figures in Christian religion. An example of such metaphors is ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Thematic Essay On Revelation Every religion has their own revelations. Revelations from each religion are different. The Semitic religions each have their own revelations however they are similar. The Christians believe that the revelation is how God has revealed himself to humanity. There are usually two ways which they distinguish between Gods revelations, there is both general and special revelation. The Christians nowadays believe that the revelation sent upon them is the Bible. The real revelation that was sent down was the Injil. This was the Gospel of Jesus (Isa). The Injil was brought down to guide us to the straight path. The Injil has now been lost and it has now changed to the Bible. The Bible is written and changed by man. We do not have the Injil with us ... Show more content on ... According to a 2011 census Christianity accounts for 61% of the population in Australia followed by 23% of people who don't believe in religion. Christianity is big in Australia because of the British, who illegally invaded the land and slaughtered the Aboriginals. Islam was in Australia before Christianity ever was, this was during the time of the Afghans who were working here before the British. Islam comes in at a 2.2% and Judaism at 0.45%. This was back in 2011, as of now Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, therefore it would be easy to say Islam has increased greatly in Australia as of now. As of now Christianity is the biggest religion on earth with Islam right behind it and having Judaism far behind many other beliefs. Islam is on a very fast rise and to help that as well Christianity is on a decline. As far as religion being there for the betterment of people and bringing peace to many places, people have used religion to start wars and kill many ... Get more on ...