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Respond to Discussion minimum 150 Words
Throughout my life I haven’t had to work with any other word
processing programs other than Microsoft Word. While reading
this weeks discussion requirements I was boggled since I had
never heard of other word processing software programs. After
doing some research I found an article that summed up the
differences between MS Word, StarOffice, and Corel
WordPerfect. We are all aware of the ruler bar we use and
would be useless without it. Well, MS Word and StarOffice are
use it by default but WordPerfect does not. Also, StarOffice
uses the left side of the screen for some of their shortcuts. All
three programs have the luxury of automatic underlining; the
only downfall with StarOffice is that sometimes it doesn’t
recognize some common words and underlines them as incorrect
words. Another downfall with StarOffice is that the help
systems are not useable and comprehensive (Lowe).
Throughout organizations, some have chosen to use different
Word processing programs and there are various reasons that
they make this decision. First of all the three different programs
have different file formats. When converting formats
WordPerfect is unable to convert to MS Word format and vice
versa. StarOffice on the other hand is able to read and write to
MS Word but is only able to read to WordPerfect. A
disadvantage to some companies would be the inability to
convert their files with other companies software programs. I
believe that being able to work with different companies is
highly important. If you are unable to share important
documents it makes it more difficult to create the positive
relationships between companies.
Lowe, S. (n.d.). Choose the right word processor: WordPerfect,
StarOffice Writer, or Word XP - TechRepublic. Retrieved
August 18, 2016, from
Respond to Discussion minimum 150 Words
Like most people, Microsoft Word is the software that I am
most familiar and comfortable with. However I have used a few
other Word alternatives such as OpenOffice and Google Docs.
For basic documents, I found OpenOffice was very similar to
Word and also provides you with spreadsheet and powerpoint
options as well. OpenOffice is a free software however I still
prefer Microsoft Word. Word has many more advanced options
and truly has a user friendly design. I think with some
improvement Google Docs could pose more competition to
Word. Similar to Word’s SkyDrive, Google Drive allows you to
access your documents from any device. I think one of the
biggest benefits to Google Docs is not having to download a
software. Google Docs allows you to create your documents
right from the web browser. However, Google Docs also just
does not have as many great options as Word.
I think the biggest disadvantage an organization would face in
choosing another software over Word, is the ability of their
users to use that software effectively. The majority of people
have at least a basic knowledge of how to use Word, and I think
we will continue to see an increase in people like us who have
expanded our knowledge on the software. However, a company
could save a lot of money by choosing to use a much cheaper
alternative to Word that can still preform mostly all the same
tasks. I think that choosing the cheaper option is risking the
productivity of the company since they will probably have to
educate their users on the different software.
Note: CR-08 two page discussions and followed by two
responses as usual, Thanks.
Why is it important to consider the future drivers of conflict
discussed in this week's readings? Please discuss each one.
CO-5: Identify obstacles to conflict resolution and propose
alternative strategies to overcome such barriers.
CO-6: Apply knowledge skill sets in a simulation exercise or
case study.
Ramsbotham, Chapters 17 and 20
Guest Website: Access
Research Paper
CO-5: Identify obstacles to conflict resolution and propose
alternative strategies to overcome such barriers.
CO-6: Apply knowledge skill sets in a simulation exercise or
case study.
08 two page discussions and followed by two responses as
usual, Thanks.
Why is it important
to consider the future drivers of conflict discussed in this
week's readings?
discuss each one
to conflict
skill sets
in a
or case
, Chapters 17 and 20
Guest Website
: Access
Identify obstacles t
o conflict resolution and propose alternative strategies to
overcome such barriers.
Apply knowledge skill sets in a simulation exercise or case
Note: CR-08 two page discussions and followed by two
responses as usual, Thanks.
Why is it important to consider the future drivers of conflict
discussed in this week's readings? Please
discuss each one.
8 Conclusion
5: Identify
to conflict
6: Apply
skill sets
in a
or case
Ramsbotham, Chapters 17 and 20
Guest Website: Access
CO-5: Identify obstacles to conflict resolution and propose
alternative strategies to
overcome such barriers.
CO-6: Apply knowledge skill sets in a simulation exercise or
case study.
Respond to Discussion minimum 150 Words
There are two WLAN modes. One is how a small number of
devices to communicate with each other directly called Ad Hoc
mode (Ad Hoc Mode). The other is how to communicate with
each device via the Access Point is called infrastructure mode.
The WLAN also has a standard name which is IEEE 802.11. The
IEEE 802.11 standard was created in 1997, 802.11b, 802.11a,
802.11g, 802.11n as a standard order.
Each WLAN network has a value of the SSID (Service Set ID).
This is the value to use the WLAN network classification and
identification is accomplished to 32 ASCII characters.
Typically, programs that help (for example: ZCF-Zero
Configuration Utility- MS Windows) users, etc. to automatically
collect the SSID of the AP for the WLAN easy to use without
any special operation in the detection range for most of the
operating system provides The. Separately, also most of the NIC
manufacturer offers dedicated control programs for their
products. The overlapping cells using two or more AP called the
Extended service set.
Finally, if the engineer to install the WLAN before or after the
installation does not work, do the work of a site survey (Site
Survey). Determine the appropriate AP position during this
operation, oozing around the signal strength measurement, dead
spots (areas WLAN is not working) Checking presence, client
checks such things as whether a problem with the signal
received from the AP and in particular the site survey when the
notebook equipped with a WLAN card and a useful way to
determine traveled directly back.
Beal, V. (n.d.). 802.11 IEEE Wireless LAN Standards.
Retrieved August 17, 2016, from Webopedia:
IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi Standards. (n.d.). Retrieved August 17,
2016, from
Respond to Discussion minimum 150 Words
The IEEE 802.11 standards are used to define wireless
technologies. Most of us, if not all of us are familiar with the
term Wifi. These standards are used to define the technologies
that operate using non-wired transmission mediums. There are
many subsets of standards for the 802.11 family.
The 802.11b standard supports speeds of up to 11 Mbps
and operates at 2.4 Ghz. 802.11a replaced the b standard and
offers 54 Mbps speeds at 5 Ghz. 802.11g operates on the 2.4
Ghz band for longer broadcast distances, while offering 54
Mbps. 802.11n is backwards compatible with b/g, offers 300
Mbps, and uses MIMO to combine wireless signals for higher
speeds. 802.11ac offer up to 1300 Mbps at 5 Ghz and 450 at 2.4
Ghz (Mitchell, 2015).
Bluetooth is a wireless technology that allows devices to be
connected within a very short range. Bluetooth uses standard
specific protocols for network communication. Bluetooth works
in a range up to 10 meters and can offer 25 Mbps speeds
(Mitchell, 2016). Bluetooth does use the 2.4 Ghz range,
interfering with any other network or electronic device
operating in that band.
Mitchell, Bradley (2016). Bluetooth. Retrieved from
Mitchell, Bradley (2015). The 802.11 Family Explained.
Retrieved from
Respond to Discussion minimum 150 Words
This week are tasked to focus on how enhanced communication
to allow for the growth of civil and uncivil networks of
organizations. For this forum I will compare the two and try to
list the pros and cons of both.
The first organization that I will focus on is a "civil" network
organization called the, "The Global Campaign for Education."
This organization better known as (GCE), is a civil society
movement working to end the global education crisis.
According to their website, their mission is: "to make sure that
States act now to deliver the right of everyone to a free, quality
public education." I find that their wording of their mission to,
"act now" is an interesting one because it is stressing the
urgency of access to education to areas that would not normally
have it. They also go on to say that their membership is
"comprised of a huge variety of national, regional and
international civil society organizations, teachers’ unions and
child rights campaigners. Together, we hold governments to
account for their promises repeatedly made to provide
Education for All." This organization points out that although
their movement is growing and has helped at least 40 million
children get an education, it also says that there are close to a
billion people that have been denied access to an education. The
GCE states that they campaign throughout the year, (including
Internet campaigns) to put pressure on all sectors and holding
governments and international institutions to account.
The "uncivil" network or, Transnational organized crime
organization that I am going to focus on is the,"Yamaguchi
Guchi"or better known as the Japanese Yakuza. They are the
equivalent to the American Mafia and acquire more money from
drug trafficking than any other source. They are very dangerous
because you rarely hear about their crimes or even think of
them, when you think of drug trafficking. They are highly
organized and they go back hundreds of years. They are also
very secretive and have a strict code of honor. Although the
Japanese government has recently been trying to crack down on
the Yakuza, it has been hard for them to tie the crimes to any
one part of the Yakuza. With Japan being one of the most
technologically advanced countries on the planet, it is easy for
them to use enhanced communication to keep their illegal
operations afloat and hard to trace.
Both of these organizations are not supposedly backed or
influenced by the government or NGO's but, I am sure that they
use their resources to influence their causes, whether for good
or for bad.
Respond to Discussion minimum 150 Words
Evidently, the Internet is hands-down the most reliable means
of communication. Whether its for just, or unjust purposes,
civil, or uncivil purposes; we are starting to see more patterns
of people using the Internet, as means of sharing their views.
Although the Internet is rich in content (obviously being a hub
for information), if used with ill intent, can also provide a
sickening array of malicious information. I obviously cannot
make the Internet seem like the devils work, for i am using the
Internet now as we speak. But i can say i sometimes hate the
Internet. As stated by author Paul Wilkinson, Terrorism is not a
philosophy or movement: it is a method. Unfortunately, the
main method these cowards are using to convey, convert,
decimate their ideologies and philosophies, is the Internet. As i
read Terror on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube, by author
Gabriel Weilmann, i realized how openly terrorist sympathizers
communicate with one another. The author gave insight on a
man by the name of Abu Jendal, who openly seeked information
on how to develop a bomb that would destroy an Army jeep. His
question was answered by a person by the name of Abu Hadafa,
who gave Jendal the information he was seeking. One might
think, "well, why don't we just shut down these sites." The
problem is while your shutting one down, another is being
created. In my opinion, terrorism will forever exist. While we
may believe there are means of controlling terrorism, the sad
truth is that their really isn't. As stated by Wilkerson, Terrorist
use their acts, to express their views. In the mist of expressing
these views, innocent people die. I just do not see a perfect
world, where everyone is going to feel the same about
The civil side of the spectrum, involves more positive use of the
Internet. Their are numerous groups that use the Internet to
advocate just causes. Its not to say that everyone feels the same
about the causes. In example, a government might not feel
comfortable with a group publicly advocating against war
crimes their government might have committed. What one side
might feel is a just cause, the other might feel is a nuisance. I
guess there really aren't any pros and cons. There will always be
an arguments and disagreements.
International Relations: A Very Short Introduction. (n.d.).
Retrieved August 18, 2016, from
The Brown Journal of World Affairs on JSTOR. (n.d.).
Retrieved August 18, 2016, from
Respond to discussion minimum 150 Words
The list type is a container that holds a number of other objects,
in a given order. The list type implements the sequence
protocol, and also allows you to add and remove objects from
the sequence. (Lundh 2006) After reading about lists, it seems
as if it is an easier way to use the print function when using
several values. For instance, to print the days of the week, you
have to create 7 different lines of the print command, or have it
all displayed at once. But with list, it can be done in one swoop,
and possibly only be coded to show certain parts of the list at a
time. For instance you might be able to have the user type day
3, and it pulls from the list and shows Tuesday (If you start
your week on a Sunday).
Arrays in basic Python are actually lists that can contain
mixed datatypes. However, the numarray module contains
support for true arrays, including multi-dimensional arrays, as
well as IDL-style array operations and the where function.
(Python Basics) I'm not really sure how to put in words what an
array is, or an example. The best information I can give is to go
to my second reference which breaks down arrays with
examples. When going through, it seems like it has lists, inside
of lists.
Lundh, F. (2006, August). An Introduction to Python Lists.
Retrieved August 18, 2016, from
Python Basics. (n.d.). Retrieved August 18, 2016, from
Respond to discussion minimum 150 Words
Lists are useful for collecting information in software. They are
sequences that allow many types of data to be stored together in
a single place, but each data has its own value and spot in
memory, and can be retrieved individually. Or more than one
value can be retrieved, or all of them at once. Lists are also
contiguous, so as you add more items, more storage spots are
added to the end of the location in memory. A benefit to using
a list is that all the items do not have to be the same data type,
some can be integers, others can be strings of floating point
numbers. This makes it very versatile.
Creating a list:
ToDoList = [‘clean house’, ‘mow lawn’]
GroceryList = [‘hamburgers’, ‘buns’, ‘ketchup’]
To access one of the items in a list:
print (ToDoList[1])
#This would return “mow lawn”
An array is different from a list, for one, because it can only
store one data type. If the array stores an integer, it can only
store integers. When you build an array, you first let python
know what the data type will be, then you list it. In the
example below, the “i” shows Python that the values will be
integers. Everything between the following parenthesis need to
be integers as well.
Creating an array:
from array import *
my_array = array('i', [1,2,3,4])
To show the elements in the array:
For i in my_array:
#1 through 4 will be listed on each of the next four lines.
To access on of the items in an array:
#This will return “2”.

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Respond to Discussion minimum 150 WordsThroughout my life I have.docx

  • 1. Respond to Discussion minimum 150 Words Throughout my life I haven’t had to work with any other word processing programs other than Microsoft Word. While reading this weeks discussion requirements I was boggled since I had never heard of other word processing software programs. After doing some research I found an article that summed up the differences between MS Word, StarOffice, and Corel WordPerfect. We are all aware of the ruler bar we use and would be useless without it. Well, MS Word and StarOffice are use it by default but WordPerfect does not. Also, StarOffice uses the left side of the screen for some of their shortcuts. All three programs have the luxury of automatic underlining; the only downfall with StarOffice is that sometimes it doesn’t recognize some common words and underlines them as incorrect words. Another downfall with StarOffice is that the help systems are not useable and comprehensive (Lowe). Throughout organizations, some have chosen to use different Word processing programs and there are various reasons that they make this decision. First of all the three different programs have different file formats. When converting formats WordPerfect is unable to convert to MS Word format and vice versa. StarOffice on the other hand is able to read and write to MS Word but is only able to read to WordPerfect. A disadvantage to some companies would be the inability to convert their files with other companies software programs. I believe that being able to work with different companies is highly important. If you are unable to share important documents it makes it more difficult to create the positive relationships between companies. Lowe, S. (n.d.). Choose the right word processor: WordPerfect, StarOffice Writer, or Word XP - TechRepublic. Retrieved August 18, 2016, from
  • 2. processor-wordperfect-staroffice-writer-or-word-xp/ -Kathy Respond to Discussion minimum 150 Words Like most people, Microsoft Word is the software that I am most familiar and comfortable with. However I have used a few other Word alternatives such as OpenOffice and Google Docs. For basic documents, I found OpenOffice was very similar to Word and also provides you with spreadsheet and powerpoint options as well. OpenOffice is a free software however I still prefer Microsoft Word. Word has many more advanced options and truly has a user friendly design. I think with some improvement Google Docs could pose more competition to Word. Similar to Word’s SkyDrive, Google Drive allows you to access your documents from any device. I think one of the biggest benefits to Google Docs is not having to download a software. Google Docs allows you to create your documents right from the web browser. However, Google Docs also just does not have as many great options as Word. I think the biggest disadvantage an organization would face in choosing another software over Word, is the ability of their users to use that software effectively. The majority of people have at least a basic knowledge of how to use Word, and I think we will continue to see an increase in people like us who have expanded our knowledge on the software. However, a company could save a lot of money by choosing to use a much cheaper alternative to Word that can still preform mostly all the same tasks. I think that choosing the cheaper option is risking the productivity of the company since they will probably have to educate their users on the different software. -Breana Note: CR-08 two page discussions and followed by two responses as usual, Thanks. Why is it important to consider the future drivers of conflict
  • 3. discussed in this week's readings? Please discuss each one. 8 Conclusion CO-5: Identify obstacles to conflict resolution and propose alternative strategies to overcome such barriers. CO-6: Apply knowledge skill sets in a simulation exercise or case study. Ramsbotham, Chapters 17 and 20 Guest Website: Access Forum Research Paper CO-5: Identify obstacles to conflict resolution and propose alternative strategies to overcome such barriers. CO-6: Apply knowledge skill sets in a simulation exercise or case study. Note: CR - 08 two page discussions and followed by two responses as usual, Thanks.
  • 4. Why is it important to consider the future drivers of conflict discussed in this week's readings? Please discuss each one . 8 Conclusion CO - 5: Identify obstacles to conflict resolution and propose alternative strategies to overcome such barriers. CO - 6:
  • 5. Apply knowledge skill sets in a simulation exercise or case study. Ramsbotham , Chapters 17 and 20 Guest Website : Access Forum Research Paper CO - 5: Identify obstacles t o conflict resolution and propose alternative strategies to
  • 6. overcome such barriers. CO - 6: Apply knowledge skill sets in a simulation exercise or case study. Note: CR-08 two page discussions and followed by two responses as usual, Thanks. Why is it important to consider the future drivers of conflict discussed in this week's readings? Please discuss each one. 8 Conclusion CO- 5: Identify obstacles to conflict resolution and propose alternative strategies to overcome such barriers. CO- 6: Apply
  • 7. knowledge skill sets in a simulation exercise or case study. Ramsbotham, Chapters 17 and 20 Guest Website: Access Forum Research Paper CO-5: Identify obstacles to conflict resolution and propose alternative strategies to overcome such barriers. CO-6: Apply knowledge skill sets in a simulation exercise or case study. Respond to Discussion minimum 150 Words There are two WLAN modes. One is how a small number of devices to communicate with each other directly called Ad Hoc mode (Ad Hoc Mode). The other is how to communicate with each device via the Access Point is called infrastructure mode. The WLAN also has a standard name which is IEEE 802.11. The IEEE 802.11 standard was created in 1997, 802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g, 802.11n as a standard order. Each WLAN network has a value of the SSID (Service Set ID).
  • 8. This is the value to use the WLAN network classification and identification is accomplished to 32 ASCII characters. Typically, programs that help (for example: ZCF-Zero Configuration Utility- MS Windows) users, etc. to automatically collect the SSID of the AP for the WLAN easy to use without any special operation in the detection range for most of the operating system provides The. Separately, also most of the NIC manufacturer offers dedicated control programs for their products. The overlapping cells using two or more AP called the Extended service set. Finally, if the engineer to install the WLAN before or after the installation does not work, do the work of a site survey (Site Survey). Determine the appropriate AP position during this operation, oozing around the signal strength measurement, dead spots (areas WLAN is not working) Checking presence, client checks such things as whether a problem with the signal received from the AP and in particular the site survey when the notebook equipped with a WLAN card and a useful way to determine traveled directly back. Reference Beal, V. (n.d.). 802.11 IEEE Wireless LAN Standards. Retrieved August 17, 2016, from Webopedia: IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi Standards. (n.d.). Retrieved August 17, 2016, from fi/ieee-802-11-standards-tutorial.php -Terry Respond to Discussion minimum 150 Words The IEEE 802.11 standards are used to define wireless technologies. Most of us, if not all of us are familiar with the term Wifi. These standards are used to define the technologies that operate using non-wired transmission mediums. There are many subsets of standards for the 802.11 family. The 802.11b standard supports speeds of up to 11 Mbps and operates at 2.4 Ghz. 802.11a replaced the b standard and offers 54 Mbps speeds at 5 Ghz. 802.11g operates on the 2.4
  • 9. Ghz band for longer broadcast distances, while offering 54 Mbps. 802.11n is backwards compatible with b/g, offers 300 Mbps, and uses MIMO to combine wireless signals for higher speeds. 802.11ac offer up to 1300 Mbps at 5 Ghz and 450 at 2.4 Ghz (Mitchell, 2015). Bluetooth is a wireless technology that allows devices to be connected within a very short range. Bluetooth uses standard specific protocols for network communication. Bluetooth works in a range up to 10 meters and can offer 25 Mbps speeds (Mitchell, 2016). Bluetooth does use the 2.4 Ghz range, interfering with any other network or electronic device operating in that band. References Mitchell, Bradley (2016). Bluetooth. Retrieved from h.htm. Mitchell, Bradley (2015). The 802.11 Family Explained. Retrieved from andard.htm. -Dylan Respond to Discussion minimum 150 Words This week are tasked to focus on how enhanced communication to allow for the growth of civil and uncivil networks of organizations. For this forum I will compare the two and try to list the pros and cons of both. The first organization that I will focus on is a "civil" network organization called the, "The Global Campaign for Education." This organization better known as (GCE), is a civil society movement working to end the global education crisis. According to their website, their mission is: "to make sure that States act now to deliver the right of everyone to a free, quality public education." I find that their wording of their mission to, "act now" is an interesting one because it is stressing the urgency of access to education to areas that would not normally
  • 10. have it. They also go on to say that their membership is "comprised of a huge variety of national, regional and international civil society organizations, teachers’ unions and child rights campaigners. Together, we hold governments to account for their promises repeatedly made to provide Education for All." This organization points out that although their movement is growing and has helped at least 40 million children get an education, it also says that there are close to a billion people that have been denied access to an education. The GCE states that they campaign throughout the year, (including Internet campaigns) to put pressure on all sectors and holding governments and international institutions to account. The "uncivil" network or, Transnational organized crime organization that I am going to focus on is the,"Yamaguchi Guchi"or better known as the Japanese Yakuza. They are the equivalent to the American Mafia and acquire more money from drug trafficking than any other source. They are very dangerous because you rarely hear about their crimes or even think of them, when you think of drug trafficking. They are highly organized and they go back hundreds of years. They are also very secretive and have a strict code of honor. Although the Japanese government has recently been trying to crack down on the Yakuza, it has been hard for them to tie the crimes to any one part of the Yakuza. With Japan being one of the most technologically advanced countries on the planet, it is easy for them to use enhanced communication to keep their illegal operations afloat and hard to trace. Both of these organizations are not supposedly backed or influenced by the government or NGO's but, I am sure that they use their resources to influence their causes, whether for good or for bad. Marquita in-the-world/ -Marquita
  • 11. Respond to Discussion minimum 150 Words Evidently, the Internet is hands-down the most reliable means of communication. Whether its for just, or unjust purposes, civil, or uncivil purposes; we are starting to see more patterns of people using the Internet, as means of sharing their views. Although the Internet is rich in content (obviously being a hub for information), if used with ill intent, can also provide a sickening array of malicious information. I obviously cannot make the Internet seem like the devils work, for i am using the Internet now as we speak. But i can say i sometimes hate the Internet. As stated by author Paul Wilkinson, Terrorism is not a philosophy or movement: it is a method. Unfortunately, the main method these cowards are using to convey, convert, decimate their ideologies and philosophies, is the Internet. As i read Terror on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube, by author Gabriel Weilmann, i realized how openly terrorist sympathizers communicate with one another. The author gave insight on a man by the name of Abu Jendal, who openly seeked information on how to develop a bomb that would destroy an Army jeep. His question was answered by a person by the name of Abu Hadafa, who gave Jendal the information he was seeking. One might think, "well, why don't we just shut down these sites." The problem is while your shutting one down, another is being created. In my opinion, terrorism will forever exist. While we may believe there are means of controlling terrorism, the sad truth is that their really isn't. As stated by Wilkerson, Terrorist use their acts, to express their views. In the mist of expressing these views, innocent people die. I just do not see a perfect world, where everyone is going to feel the same about everything. The civil side of the spectrum, involves more positive use of the Internet. Their are numerous groups that use the Internet to advocate just causes. Its not to say that everyone feels the same about the causes. In example, a government might not feel
  • 12. comfortable with a group publicly advocating against war crimes their government might have committed. What one side might feel is a just cause, the other might feel is a nuisance. I guess there really aren't any pros and cons. There will always be an arguments and disagreements. International Relations: A Very Short Introduction. (n.d.). Retrieved August 18, 2016, from Short-Introduction-Paul-Wilkinson/9780192801579 The Brown Journal of World Affairs on JSTOR. (n.d.). Retrieved August 18, 2016, from -Raymond Respond to discussion minimum 150 Words The list type is a container that holds a number of other objects, in a given order. The list type implements the sequence protocol, and also allows you to add and remove objects from the sequence. (Lundh 2006) After reading about lists, it seems as if it is an easier way to use the print function when using several values. For instance, to print the days of the week, you have to create 7 different lines of the print command, or have it all displayed at once. But with list, it can be done in one swoop, and possibly only be coded to show certain parts of the list at a time. For instance you might be able to have the user type day 3, and it pulls from the list and shows Tuesday (If you start your week on a Sunday). Arrays in basic Python are actually lists that can contain mixed datatypes. However, the numarray module contains support for true arrays, including multi-dimensional arrays, as well as IDL-style array operations and the where function. (Python Basics) I'm not really sure how to put in words what an array is, or an example. The best information I can give is to go
  • 13. to my second reference which breaks down arrays with examples. When going through, it seems like it has lists, inside of lists. Lundh, F. (2006, August). An Introduction to Python Lists. Retrieved August 18, 2016, from list.htm Python Basics. (n.d.). Retrieved August 18, 2016, from -Jonathan Respond to discussion minimum 150 Words Lists are useful for collecting information in software. They are sequences that allow many types of data to be stored together in a single place, but each data has its own value and spot in memory, and can be retrieved individually. Or more than one value can be retrieved, or all of them at once. Lists are also contiguous, so as you add more items, more storage spots are added to the end of the location in memory. A benefit to using a list is that all the items do not have to be the same data type, some can be integers, others can be strings of floating point numbers. This makes it very versatile. Creating a list: ToDoList = [‘clean house’, ‘mow lawn’] GroceryList = [‘hamburgers’, ‘buns’, ‘ketchup’] To access one of the items in a list: print (ToDoList[1]) #This would return “mow lawn” An array is different from a list, for one, because it can only
  • 14. store one data type. If the array stores an integer, it can only store integers. When you build an array, you first let python know what the data type will be, then you list it. In the example below, the “i” shows Python that the values will be integers. Everything between the following parenthesis need to be integers as well. Creating an array: from array import * my_array = array('i', [1,2,3,4]) To show the elements in the array: For i in my_array: Print(i) #1 through 4 will be listed on each of the next four lines. To access on of the items in an array: my_array[1] #This will return “2”. -Norman