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Submitted to the English Education Study Program Language Education Faculty
of IKIP Siliwangi in Partial Fulfilment of Requirements for the Sarjana
Pendidikan Degree
Rika Kartika
Student’s ID. 18220037
Rika Kartika
Student’s ID. 18220037
Approved for Oral Examination Session:
Supervisor I Supervisor II
Ningtyas Orilina Argawati, M.Pd. Hendra Husnussalam S.Pd, M.Hum.
NIDN. 0424098701 NIDN: 040711793
I Hereby Declare That My Thesis Entitled "Developing E-Module Assisted By
Flip PDF Professional In Teaching Writing Recount Text For Second Grade
Students’ of Junior High School" is entirely my own and original works which I
fulfilled as one of the requirements for obtaining Sarjana Pendidikan degree from
IKIP Siliwangi Bandung. There are certain parts that I cited in writing this thesis
are sourced other studies by following the prevalnet procedure of scientific writing.
If in the future my statement is not true, I willing receive a sanctions in accordance
with the applicable regulations.
Cimahi, Oktober 2022
Rika Kartika
NIM. 18220037
Praise be to Allah SWT, the Almighty God who has gave His grace and
blessing, thus that the thesis "Developing E-Module Assisted By Flip PDF
Professional In Teaching Writing Recount Text For Second Grade Students’ Of
Junior High School. This thesis examines the development of e-module that can
be used as by junior high school teachers the guidelines are located. This thesis has
not been completed expect with the academic guidance of the supervisors Ningtyas
Orilina Argawati, M. Pd and Hendra Husnussalam, S.Pd, M.Hum where the
researcher received many guidance and many lessons, as partial of the
requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan Degree.
The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from perfection. Therefore,
suggestions and criticisms are very much welcome. Finally, the researcher hope that
this thesis can be useful for the development of the world of education.
The Researcher
Rika Kartika
All praise and gratitude to the presence of God Allah SWT, who give us
Messing and mercy therefore I can complete the thesis entitled “ Developing E-
Module Assisted By Flip Pdf Professional In Teaching Writing Recount Text For
Second Grade Students’ of Junior High School”. Shalawat and greetings always
go to Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, companions and adheremis.
The authors would like to express their gratitude to both parents and husband
who have never stopped giving love, sacrifice and prayers for the completion of
this research, as well as children who have been the biggest encouragement and
motivation so that this research can be completed on time. The authors also thank
the research supervisors, namely Ningtyas Orilina Argawati, M.Pd and
Husnussalam, S.Pd., M.Hum who always provide support, motivation, advice and
input in guiding this thesis. The researcher realizes that in completing this thesis,
the researcher received a lot of direction, assistance, and support from various
parties, either directly or indirectly, so that this thesis can be completed properly.
Therefore, on this occasion the researcher would like to express his gratitude
especially to:
1. Prof. Dr. Hj. Euis Eti Rohaeti, M.Pd., as the Rector of IKIP Siliwangi
2. Dr. Hj. Teti Sobari, M.Pd., as the Dean Faculty of Language Education
3. Yana, S,Pd, M.Hum., as the Head of English Education Study Program
4. All lecturers and staff of the faculty of language education for their
direction while researcher study at IKIP Siliwangi Bandung.
The researcher hopes that this research will provide benefits for the
advancement of education and the readers of this research.
Writing is one of the important skills that should be mastered by the
students’.Writing is considered the most difficult and complicated language skill
to be learned. Writing needs hard thinking to produce idea, words, sentences,
paragraph, and composition. However, in reality students’ have difficulty in
learning it, especially in the Recount Text material. The problem came from
Teachers that have limitations in using teaching materials to support learning
process. This research objectives are to describe the process, the feasibility, and
students’ and teacher’s respond toward E-Module assisted by Flip PDF
Professional. This research method is Research and Developemnt (R&D) in
which adapted from Borg and Gall. The results of this research were analyzed
qualitatively. This research was conducted in one of junior high school in West
Bandung Regency involving eighth grade students’ and teacher. The research
revealed three results. First, the development process produces digital teaching
materials in the form of E-Module with Recount Text material assisted by Flip
PDF Professional. Second, the feasibility of E- Module reached feasible category
based on the validation results by language and teaching materials expert
validators. Third, the responses of students’ and teacher towards the development
of E- Module. Furthermore, this research provides suggestions for further
researcher and development researcher.
Key Term: E-Module, Flip PDF Professional, Recount Text
TITLE PAGE ..........................................................................................................i
APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................ ii
STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ................................................................... iii
ABSTRACT......................................................................................................... vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................... viii
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................xi
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................ xii
LIST OF APPENDICE...................................................................................... xiii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...................................................................................... 1
A. Background Of The Research ...........................................1
B. Research Questions.............................................................6
C. Objectives of The Research...............................................7
D. Significant Of The Research..............................................7
E. Operational Definition .......................................................7
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................... 10
A. Electronic Module (E-Module)........................................10
B. Flip PDF Professional.......................................................18
C. Writing...............................................................................20
D. Recount Text .....................................................................30
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................................ 37
A. Research Method ..............................................................37
B. The Subject of the Research ........................................3939
C. Instruments of the Research............................................40
D. Product Validation ...........................................................41
E. Data Analysis Technique..................................................42
CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ......................................................... 44
A. Results................................................................................44
B. Discussions.........................................................................70
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ..............................................7373
A. Conclusion .........................................................................73
B. Suggestions ....................................................................7474
REFERENCES.................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.75
Appendix 1 Student Interview Transcription......................................................7979
Appendix 2 Teacher Interview Transcription ....................................................8282
Appendix 3 Field Note Observation...................................................................8686
RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (RPP)...........................8787
Students’ Questionnaire ..................................................................................9090
Teacher Questionnaire.....................................................................................9393
Appendix 7 Validation Sheet..............................................................................9596
Appendix 8 Instrument of The Research Approval ............................................9697
Appendix 9 Documentation................................................................................8698
Table 2.1 E-Module Framework..........................................................................16
Table 2.2 The Punctuation Rules .........................................................................27
Table 2.3 The Capitalization Rules......................................................................28
Table 3.1 Sample Information..............................................................................40
Figure 4.1The Preliminary Draft Product ............................................................46
Figure 4.2 Before and After Revision on Content Components..........................48
Figure 4.3 Before and After Revision on Presentation Components...................49
Figure 4.4 Before and After Revision on Preliminary Field Testing...................52
Figure 4.5 E-Module Cover ................................................................................55
Figure 4.6 Table of Content ................................................................................56
Figure 4.7 Basic Competencies, Main Competencies and Learning Objectives...56
Figure 4.8 Material Description Page ..................................................................57
Figure 4.9 Exercise...............................................................................................57
Figure 4.10 The Final Product .............................................................................58
Figure 4.11 Content Feasibility Components ......................................................58
Figure 4.12 Presentation Feasibility Components ...............................................59
Figure 4.13 Language Feasibility Components ...................................................60
Appendix 1 Student Interview Transcription....................................................... 79
Appendix 2 Teacher Interview Transcription...................................................... 82
Appendix 3 Field Note Observation .................................................................... 86
Appendix 4 Research Lesson Plan....................................................................... 87
Appendix 5 Students’ Questionnaire ................................................................... 90
Appendix 6 Teacher Questionnair ....................................................................... 93
Appendix 7 Validation Sheet............................................................................... 95
Appendix 8 Instrument of The Research Approval ............................................. 97
Appendix 9 Documentation................................................................................. 98
A. Background of The Research
English is an international language spoken in most countries in the world. It is
used as a mean of communication. Many countries use English for many occasions such
as diplomatic, social, education, etc. some countries consider English as their native
language, but in Indonesia English is considered as a foreign language. As a foreign
language, English is not normally used as a medium of instruction, but English is used in
formal setting, such as school and university. It means that English in Indonesia is not
used for daily interactions, and it is learned in school as one of subjects in school.
Studying English as a foreign language is gradually getting more important. In
Indonesia, English is considered as a first foreign language and compulsory subject to be
taught in high school. One of the aims of teaching English is developing the ability to
communicate. The ability involves the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and
The researcher is mainly focused on writing skill. Writing is one of the important
skills that should be mastered by the students’. As Nunan (1999) states that writing is
considered difficult by most students’ where they often make mistakes in writing.
W r i t i n g needs hard thinking to produce idea, words, sentences, paragraph,and
composition. In writing,they need to express their feeling in a good way. They need to
express their ideas and emotion creatively, so the reader can understand their writing.
Raimes (1983) indicates that writing can help our students’ for those reasons;
firstly writing reinforces the grammatical structures, idioms and vocabulary that we
teach, secondly when students’ write, they have a chance to be adventurous with the
language to take risks, and lastly they become very involved with the new language; the
effort to express ideas. There are many writing forms, some are creative, and some are
not. However, all writing is creative writing due to writing uses the materials of language,
experiences, knowledge, textual sources, personal ideas and imaginings of the writer,
bringing out something that did not exist before. Raimes (1983: 3) proposes the most
important reason writing helps students’ learn. Why writing is important. He mentions
that: First, writing reinforces students’ grammatical structure, idioms and vocabulary.
Second, when students’ write, they have a chance to express what they have already
learnt. Third,students’ become involve in new language when they are writing. They will
discover something new to write or a new way to express their ideas.
Based on the results of observations at SMPN 3 Ngamprah, researchers found
problems that: (1) teachers had used e-module teaching materials other than printed
books and worksheets in face-to-face learning and online learning, but the e-module
developed by the teacher was only in PDF format. . This is due to the limitations of
teachers in mastering information and communication technology, so teachers have not
been able to take advantage of existing software to develop e-modules with a more
attractive appearance and can present learning audio and video. So that the e-module
used in learning does not only contain a lot of material and can help students’ understand
the material independently; (3) teachers and all students’ already have and can operate
smartphones, while only a few students’ have computers, so that e-modules are suitable
for students’ to use, which can be accessed via smartphones; (4) for learning materials,
the teacher said that recount text material is material that requires many examples that
must be packaged attractively, such as the use of pictures and also presenting examples
through videos so that students’ easily understand the material.
According to syllabus second grade of junior high school the students’ should be
able to analyze the social function, structure, and language features of recount text.
writing, they need to express their feeling in a good way. They need to express their ideas
and emotion creatively, so the reader can understand their writing. Based on the writer’s
experience, the most difficult skill to learn is writing. The writer has observed some
students’ in SMP Negeri 3 Ngamprah about the students’ problems in writing English
text. There are some problems that they faced. First, they lack of vocabularies, second
they do not know how to make a good sentence due to they grammar skill is low, and
third they do not know how to organize writing.
According to Elanneri Karani (2008), there are four problems encountered by the
students’ when they are ordered to write a text. They are problems in content, organizing,
vocabulary, and grammar. First is content, it means that the students’ cannot produce an
effective text due to they cannot construct the main idea and supporting detail into a
paragraph. Second is organizing, in organizing the students’ cannot organize paragraph
into a good text. Third is vocabulary, sometimes the students’ lack of vocabulary for
constucting a good paragraph, so the students’ cannot convey their ideas and opinions
smoothly. Fourth is grammar, a good text describes a sentence structure correctly, and
the paragraph has a good order of the words in sentence sequence. In other word, the
students’ faced many problems in writing English text. Their problems focus on the
writing procedures, and they usually lack of vocabulary and grammar mastery to start
writing English text.
These problems can be influenced by some factors. Based on the writer’s
experience while teaching in SMP Negeri 3 Ngamprah, such as : 1) teaching materials
that are often used by teachers in learning process generally use printed media such as
handbooks and teaching materials is not interactive and effective in learning process, so
the students’ motivation in teaching and learning activities is low; 2) teachers had used
e-module teaching materials other than printed books and worksheets in learning process,
but the e-module developed by the teacher was only in PDF format, this is due to the
limitations of teachers in mastering information and communication technology, so
teachers have not been able to take advantage of existing software to develop e-modules
with a more attractive appearance and can present learning audio and video. So that the
e-module used in learning does not only contain a lot of material and can help students’
understand the material independently; 3) teachers and all students’ already have and can
operate smartphones, while only a few students’ have computers, so that e-modules are
suitable for students’ to use, which can be accessed via smartphones; (4) For learning
materials, the teacher said that recount text material is material that requires many
examples that must be packaged attractively, such as the use of pictures and also
presenting examples through videos so that students’ easily understand the material.
One of the thing that can applied to overcome the problems faced by students’ is
made another teaching materials to increase they motivation in learning English,
especially in writing recount text.
Therefore, the researcher decided to develop a learning material that resembles a
textbook, namely an e- module. E-module is a teaching material that uses electronic
media in the form of computers, laptops, and smartphone in delivering media to taught
students’ in class. Several electronic devices that can be combined to build an electronic
module are: 1) Microsoft Office Power Point, 2) Microsoft Office Word, 3)
Sofware(application) and the web.
E-Modules are teaching materials that can direct and build students’
independence in understanding learning materials. Nisa et al. (2020: 14) emphasized the
advantages of e-modules, namely the cost of making it economical, efficient to carry,
strong and will not be worn down by time, and can be equipped with images, video, audio
and animation.
There is a lot of software that can be used in developing e-modules, namely
kvisoft flipbook maker (Sugianto et al., 2017), 3D page flip professional (Ferdianto et
al., 2019), exe-learning (Muzijah et al., 2020) and flip pdf professional (Seruni et al.,
2020). et al., 2019). Among these software, flip pdf professional has advantages, namely
how to work on flip pdf professional and the operation of the final product produced is
not difficult, can be published offline so that it can be run on a computer and uploaded
online so that it can be run on computers and smartphones. This is what makes flip pdf
professional can be used for beginners who do not know the HTML programming
language (Seruni, 2019: 50).
Flip Pdf Professional is software that can convert PDF files to digital publication flip
pages so that they can be flipped over like a book when opened. In flip pdf professionals can also
add images, audio, video, animation, quizzes, buttons, and others, so as to make the final product
display attractive and interactive (Agustin et al., 2021: 164).
Using professional flip pdf software in developing e-modules is very good and suitable
for use in the learning process. This can be seen from the results of research conducted by Seruni,
et al. (2019), it is known that the e-module he developed obtained an average percentage of
material and language experts 85.00% and media experts 83.35%. The average percentage of
student responses to the field test is 84.39%. Based on the advice given by Seruni, et al. (2019:
53), it is known that the e-module he developed with Flip PDF Professional can only be run on
a computer, so it is necessary to develop an e-module that can also be run on a smartphone to
make it easier to learn the material on the e-module without having to open the computer.
The research that will be carried out has similarities with previous research, namely
developing e-modules using the help of a professional flip pdf. The difference with previous
research is that it uses almost all of the features contained in Flip PDF Professional, so that in e-
module there will be audio, video, and buttons that make the e-module more interesting. It is not
difficult to access and operate it due to the e-module is published online, so it can be run on
computers and smartphones using a good internet connection.
Based on the things described above, it is hoped that the development of e-module
assisted professional flip pdfs on recount text for second grade students’ of junior high school
that is carried out can be an alternative teaching material for students’ and teachers, and can help
students’ in independent learning. Therefore, the development research carried out is
regarding Developing E- Module Assisted by Flip PDF Professional in Teaching Writing
Recount Text for Second Grade Students’ of Junior High School.
B. Research Questions
1. How is the process of developing e-module assisted by Flip PDF Professional in
teaching writing recount text ?
2. How is feasibility of e- module assisted by Flip PDF Professional in teaching writing
recount text on experts and practioner?
3. How are teacher and students’ responses toward the developing e-module assisted by
Flip PDF Professional in teaching writing recount text?
C. Objectives of The Research
Based on the research questions, this research aims to examine:
1. To describe the process of developing e-module assisted by Flip PDF Professional in
teaching writing recount text.
2. To described the feasibility of e-module assisted by Flip PDF Professional in teaching
writing recount text.
3. To described the teacher and students’ responses of developing e-module assisted by
Flip PDF Professional in teaching writing recount text.
D. Significant Of The Research
This research is expected to provide the advantages for students’, teachers and
the other researchers. This research can be a recommendation and opportunity for other
teachers and researchers who want to increase the value and motivation of students’ in
writing recount rext.
1. For Teachers, may this study and e-module can support the teachers to teach writing
recount text and improve the quality of the English learning process.
2. For Students’, may this study and e-module can support the students’ to learn writing
recount text in online or luring learning independently (with or without a teacher).
And can make students’ more interested in participating in the learning process of
recount text.
E. Operational Definition
Some key terms used in this research are as follow:
1. E- Module
E-module are teaching materials that are packaged systematically and
interesting based on the curriculum and certain conditions that can be displayed using
a computer, laptop, or smartphone. E– module is the electronic based part of learning
utilizing information technology and education. Not only utilizing internet media but
also utilizing that others device such as tape recorders, videos, cassettes, projectors
and others. Sunismi & Fathani (2015) stated that the electronic module is a printed
module that has been converted into an electronic version that can be used for
interactive multimedia applications.
2. Flip PDF Professional
Flip PDF Professional is a powerful flipbook maker for e-catalogs, online
magazines, digital brochures, and e-books. The Flip PDF Professional is different
from the other pdf. It can combine the material in the form of pdf files with images,
animations and learning videos that are still rarely used in physics learning. Flip PDF
Professional is a software that can be used to convert PDF files to digital publication
flip pages and change the appearance to be more attractive like a book that can be
flipped over while reading it (Rahman et al., 2021: 186).
3. Writing
Meyers (2005:2) states that writing is a way to produce language you do
naturally when you speak. Writing is speaking to other on paper – or on a computer
screen. Writing is also an action – a process of discovering and organizing your ideas,
putting them on a paper and reshaping and revising them. In other words, Palmer
(1994:35) states that writing is recursive. It goesback and forth we plan a little, put
words on paper, stop to plan when we wantto say next, go back and change a
sentence, or change our minds altogether. From those definitions, writing can be
concluded as the written form of human communication that represent the language
and communication.
4. Recount Text
One kind of texts that is learned by Junior High School Students’ is recount
text. Recount text is one of text types that retells past events. According to Anderson,
a recount is a piece of text that retells past, events, usually in order in which they
happened. Thus, the special features of recount text could be found in its sequence of
events in which the past event is written chronologically. The purpose of the text is
usually to give the reader a description of event. Besides, its most common purposes
are to inform and to entertain.
This chapter presents and discusses theory that is connected with the study. The
discussion focusses on electronic module (e-module), aplication Flip PDF Professional and
writing and recount text.
A. Electronic Module (E-Module)
1. Definition of E- Module
E-module is a teaching material that can assist students’ in studying subject
matter independently which uses electronic media. There is no significant difference
between module and e- module. What distinguishes it is only the form of presentation,
where the e-module is provided in electronic learning media. E-module is an electronic
version of the module where access and use are made through electronic devices such
as computers, laptops, tablets, or even smartphones. Sunismi & Fathani (2015) (cited
in Sucia, Syahrul, and Yasnur, 2019: 64) stated that the electronic module is a printed
module that has been converted into an electronic version that can be used for
interactive multimedia applications. Thus the differences between module and e-
module only on the packaging of both. If module is simple than textbook, so e-module
is simple than module, due to e-module can be brought by learner everywhere they
want in their smartphone.
The advantages of e- modules are complete with interactive media such as video,
audio, animation, and other interactive features that can be played and played back by
students’ when using the e-module. Team of UNY (2016: 3) (cited in Muhammad, 2020:
32) said that the e-module could be loaded with the material in the form of pdfs, images,
and animations that encourage the user to participate in the learning process actively. E-
modules are innovative due to they can display complete, interactive teaching materials
and good cognitive function. Text on e-modules can be created using Microsoft Word,
Microsoft Power Point and etc. According to Mahayuki (2013:266), e-module is a
module that is combined with Information and Communication Technology (ICT), has
an interactive nature is easy to use, can display audiovisuals to make it easier to
understand the material, and is equipped with formative test or quizzes that allow
immediate automatic feedback. However, e-modules must be created using special
programs/applications (e.g., Flip PDF Professional).
According to the explanation before, the researcher state that e-module is one of
learning material that can support teaching and learning process effectively, where in
there has the contain of the materials of lesson which will be discussed by teacher and
students’ easier for use, it can accessed in smartphone which brought by themselves
everywhere they gone.
2. Characteristic of Electronic Module
A good e- module should cover as a whole include a description of the
competencies to be achieved, material written in excellent and enjoyable language
equipped with illustrations or examples, written coherently so that it is easy to
understand, completed worksheets, and answer keys. Based on the definition above, the
e-module is an electronic form of a module, so that the characteristics are the same.
According to Daryanto (2013: 9) (cited in Evi: 2018), a good learning e-module has
several characteristics, namely self- instruction, self-contained, stand-alone, adaptive,
and user friendly:
1. Self-instruction is an essential characteristic of the E-module and must be contained
in the E-module. An E-module must have clear instructions to easily use it and know
what learning objectives they have to achieve.
2. Self-contained. The subject matter is presented in a complete E- module so that
students’ can study the material thoroughly.
3. Stand-alone. E-learning modules must stand alone or not depend on other teaching
materials or do not require other supporting tools in their use. If the E-module
learning still requires other teaching materials, it is not categorized as an independent
learning E-module.
4. Adaptive. E-modules have the adaptability to developments in science and
technology. E-Module learning that is good must be able to adapt to developments
in science and technology. E- Module learning can be said to be adaptive if the E-
module is by the development of science and technology and is flexible to use.
5. User friendly. E-learning modules should be friendly or familiar to the user. Every
exposure and instruction contained in the E- module is helpful and friendly to the
user. One form of user- friendly learning E-module is to use simple and easy to
understand and use commonly used terms. Russel (1974) (cited in Lutfi et al., 2012:
39; and Heni, 2007: stated there are eight characteristics of module: (a) a learning
package that is 'self-instruction, (b) it recognizes the existence of individual
differences, (c) it contains formulated objectives explicitly, (d) it deals with the
existence of association, structure, and sequence of knowledge, (e) it uses a variety
of instructional media, (f) there is the active participation of students’, (g) there is
reinforcement 'directly to the student's response, and (h) there is evaluation of the
mastery of the material.
3. E-Module Quality Elements
To produce e-module that can play its function and role in effective learning, the
e- module needs to be designed and developed by considering several elements that
require it, namely: format, organization, attractiveness, font size, blank space, and
1) Format
a) Use proportional column format (single or multi). The use of single or multi-
columns must be following the shape and size of the paper used. If using multi-
column, the distance and comparison between columns should be proportional.
b) Use the correct paper format (vertical or horizontal). The use of paper formats
vertically or horizontally must pay attention to the layout and typing format.
c) Use signs (icons) that are easy to graps and emphasize things considered
important or special. Signs can be pictorial, bold, italic, or otherwise.
2) Organization
a) Display a map/chart that describes the scope of material to be discussed in the
b) Organize the contents of the learning material in a systematic order and
arrangement, making it easier for students’ to understand the learning material.
c) Arrange and place manuscripts, pictures, and illustrations so that the information
is easy to understand by students’.
d) Organize between chapters, between units, and between paragraphs with an
arrangement and flow that makes it easier for students’ to understand.
e) Organize between titles, subtitles, and descriptions that are easy for students’ to
3) Attractiveness
a. The cover (front cover) combines colors, images (illustrations), shapes, and sizes
of letters to match.
b. The e-module contents by placing stimuli in pictures or illustrations, printing in
bold, italic, underline, or color.
c. Assignments and exercises are packaged in such an attractive way.
4) Letter Shape and Size
a) Use easy-to-read font shapes and sizes following the general characteristics of
b) Use a proportional ratio of letters between titles, subtitles, and the manuscript's
c) Avoid using capital letters for the entire text, as this can make the reading process
5) Space (blank space)
a) Use unscripted or graphic spaces or blank spaces to add contrast to the appearance
of the module. Blank spaces can serve to add important notes and provide pause
opportunities to students’. Use and place the blank space proportionally. Free
space's placement can be done in several places such as:
b) Space around chapter and section headings.
c) Margin (margin); wide borders force students’ attention to enter the center of the
d) Space between columns; the wider the column, the wider the space between them.
e) Change between paragraphs and start with a capital letter.
f) Change between chapters or sections.
g) Use shapes and letters consistently from page to page. Try not to combine
multiple prints with too many variations of font shapes and sizes.
h) Use consistent spacing. Consistent with the spacing between the title and the first
line, between the title and the main text. Unequal spacing is often considered bad
and untidy.
i) Use a consistent typing layout, both typing patterns, and typing
6) Consistency/obedience to principles.
All elements in the module, whether related to writing format, organization,
the font form, or blank space, must be consistent.
4. Objectives of E-Module Development
There are several purposes of module development:
a. Clarify and make it easier to present the message so that it is not too verbal.
b. Overcoming the limitations of time, space, and sensory power, both students’ and
c. Can be used appropriately and varies, such as Increasing motivation and passion for
learning for students’; Developing the ability of students’ to interact directly with the
environment and other learning resources; Allowing students’ to learn independently
according to their abilities and interests; Allows students’ to measure or evaluate their
learning outcomes.
Hamdani (2011: 220-224) (cited in M. Taufik, 2013: 8) also stated that one of the
objectives of e-module preparation was to provide teaching materials that are suitable
with the demands of the curriculum by noticing student needs, namely teaching materials
that are suitable with the characteristics of teaching materials and student characteristics,
as well as social and environmental background.
The Ministry of Education and Culture (2017: 6) explains that in module
development, it is best to choose a structure or framework that is simple and best suited
to existing needs and conditions. The module framework is structured as follows:
Table 2.1 E-Module Framework
COVER  Sumarry
 Module Title  Assignment
 Name of Subject  Exercies
 Topic / Learning Material  Self assessment
 Level of Class  Learning Activity 2, and so
 Author following the number of lesson
designed in.
 Table of Contents
I. Introduction Key answers and guidelines for
 Brief description of the
material, rationalization and
relevance (motivation)
 Prerequisites (if any)
 Instructions for Use of E-
 Learning activity 1
 Destination
 Material Description
5. Principles of E-Module Development
Dwi (2015) stated that in e-module development, several principles need
attention. An e-module must be developed based on the results of the needs and conditions
analysis. It is necessary to know with certainty what learning materials need to be
arranged into a module, how many modules are wanted, who will use them, what
resources are required and are available to support the use of the modules, and other
necessary things. Furthermore, a modular design is developed, which is considered the
most suitable with various objective data and information obtained from the needs and
condition analysis. What form, structure, and module components can meet the sundry
needs and conditions.
According to Dwi (2015) Based on the design that has been developed, the
required e-modules are compiled per module. The e-module development process
consists of three main stages:
a. First, determine the appropriate learning strategy and learning media. At this stage,
it is necessary to pay attention to the various characteristics of the competencies to
be studied, the characteristics of students’ and the context, and the situation in which
the e-module will be used.
b. Second, producing or realizing the physical e-module. The components of the e-
module content include learning objectives, learner prerequisites, learning substances
or materials, forms of learning activities, and their supporting elements.
c. Third, develop assessment tools. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention so that
all aspects of competence (related knowledge, skills, and attitudes) can be assessed
based on specific predetermined criteria.
For the development of e-module, a simple structure or framework and best fits
the existing needs and conditions is chosen. Pudji Muljono (2001) (cited in Tri, 2012:
108) revealed the following module development chart:
a. The introductory section consists of a brief description, relevance, and instructional
b. The presentation section is the module content which is divided into several sub-
sections commonly called Learning Activities 1, Learning Activities 2 and so on. In
textbooks, these learning activities are called sub-chapters. Each module is expected
to be divided into 2-4 Learning Activities, each of which is structured, among others;
the title of the learning activity, a description or a detailed explanation of the content
of the lesson, an exercise that contains activities that students’ must do, and a
summary of the concepts learned, and the closing section contain formative tests,
feedback, and follow-up and there are formal test answer keys. On the other hand,
Hamdani (2011) said that, like other teaching materials, the preparation of a module
should pay attention to the various principles that make the module fulfill its
B. Flip PDF Professional
1. Definition of Flip PDF Professional
The module is one of the teaching materials designed to facilitate the learning process
so that students’ can study independently. Meanwhile, the e-module is a renewal of the print
module in the form of digital/electronic with a combination of several other media and an
attractive design without compromising its usefulness. E-Module is part of a digital book, one
of the applications/software used in making digital books is Flip PDF Professional. So, in this
research the researcher developed the e-module used Flip PDF Professional platform. Flip
PDF Professional is an application that can be used to convert pdf to digital flipping pages that
allows us to create interactive learning content with 44 supported features. Flip PDF
Professional is a software that can be used to convert PDF files to digital publication flip pages
and change the appearance to be more attractive like a book that can be flipped over while
reading it (Rahman et al., 2021: 186). Flip PDF Professional is equipped with various
multimedia features that have the function of editing PDF pages to insert images, audio, video,
hyperlinks, quizzes, flash animations, create buttons, and others, which make the final product
display more attractive and interactive. (Seruni, et al., 2019: 50).
So it is in line with Komikesari et al., (2020: 3) which states that Flip PDF Professional
software is very suitable for making e-books and interactive learning media that are still rarely
used in learning and make learning less monotonous. The final result or output of this
professional flip pdf software can be HTML5, EXE, zip, Mac app, FBR, mobile version, burn
to CD. HTML5 format can be operated online on smartphones and computers, while other
formats can only be operated offline on computers (Febrianti, 2021: 105).
Based on the explanation above, it can be seen that Flip PDF Professional is software
used to convert pdf files to digital publication flip pages that allow for developing teaching
materials and interactive learning media due to it has multimedia features that support adding
images, audio, videos, animations, quizzes, and attractive buttons, and easy to operate on a
smartphone or computer.
2. The advantages of Flip PDF Professional include the following:
Using the learning media is expected to provide renewal in the learning process in the
classroom. The use of Flip PDF Professional media can increase students’ interest in learning
and can also affect student achievement or learning outcomes. The use of Flip PDF
Professional can also improve understanding and improve the achievement of learning
a. Interactive publishing. With an attractive appearance by adding videos, images, links and
more, making the flipbook interactive with users.
b. Students’ have diverse experiences from all media.
c. Can eliminate student boredom due to the media used is more varied.
d. In this software, there is an editing function that allows users to add videos, images, audio,
hyperlinks and multimedia objects to pages that can be flipped over like an original book
so that the learning process will be more interesting.
e. Very good for self-study activities.
f. There are various templates, themes, views, backgrounds and plugins to customize the
developed e-module.
g. Students’ are not bored with reading Algebra material even though it is in book form due
to of this Flip PDF Professional media.
h. Use of Flip PDF Professional media without internet online.
i. Flexible output formats such as html, exe, zip, Mac App, mobile version and burn to CD.
3. The Disadvantages of Flip PDF Professional include the following:
a. E-modules that are processed in the software can only be input from pdf format, if there
is a change in the main file, a new project must be created.
b. The file size is quite large due to the contents are full of videos and images.
C. Writing
1. Definition of writing
Richard et al. (2002: 309) and Nation (2009: 119) (cited in Puspa et al. l: 2018)
stated that writing is a way to transfer ideas for learners. Through writing, we can
share ideas, express feelings, and convince others. Some students’ have ideas as
authors but have trouble producing, organizing, and translating them into readable
Writing is an activity that is quite difficult for students’ to do. Andi (2020: 2)
said that writing is seen as a difficult duty for both teachers and students’. Tesema
(2005) and Fidalgo et al. (2009:129) (cited in Puspa et al. 2018: l) stated that for most
English language students’, learning to write in English as a foreign language is a
complex and cognitively challenging challenge. The most complex language skill to
be studied and taught is writing some aspects or elements should be included in the
developing and transforming of their ideas, such as content, vocabulary, and grammar.
Meyers (2005:2) states that writing is a way to produce language you do
naturally when you speak. Writing is speaking to other people on paper or on a
computer screen. Furthermore, writing is also an action or a process of discovering
and organizing the ideas, putting them on a paper, reshaping and revising them. In
other term, Highman (2011:4) declares that writing is not simply a task to be done by
conducting once research or other preparation is completed. It can be an integral part
of the work progress. Randal (2004: 160) states that writing is an ability to make a
form of words that in general it may have a higher truth value than the fact that it has
set it down. It means that the product of writing should be truly acceptable by the
readers. Besides, it must contain meaningful values so that the readers can get
the benefits from the writing.
Nunan (2003: 88) says that writing is an intellectual activity of finding the ideas
and thinking about the way to express and arrange them into a statement and paragraph
that is clear to be understood by the people. It means 14 that the writers are supposed
to think their idea and arrange into good arrangement and composition. Surely, the
writers have to consider the grammar and punctuation too. So, it will make the reader
easy to understand the story.
This statement is supported by Hyland (2004: 09) who says that writing is a way
to share personal meanings. The people construct their own views on topic. They will
share their views on a topic to each other then. A person’s views may be different from
other people’s views. It depends on their belief. Therefore, when constructing their
views (ideas), the people have to make it understandable and acceptable.
Nura (2003: 71) says that writing is an activity. Writing is not merely
symbolized spoken language. Writing is a person’s way to express him/herself and
to adapt with the society. Through writing, readers will understand the writer’s way
of thinking. It means that writing can be a reflection of the writer’s mind.
Additionally, Harmer (2004: 86) stated that writing is a process that what
we write is often heavily influenced by the constraints of genres, then these
elements have to be present in learning activities. It means that writing cannot be
separated with genres especially in teaching learning activities of writing. In this
case, writing activities can be present in a classroom.
From all of those definitions, it can be concluded that writing is an activity
of thinking in which it is expressed into graphic symbols and communicative
written language. In expressing the writers’ thought into written language, the sense
and feeling have the important role, so that the products of writing will be easily
understood and enjoyed by the readers.
2. Purpose of Writing
The purpose of writing is the expression of ideas and the conveying of a
message to the readers. Mc. Mahon et al (1996: 8) states that there are many
purposes of writing which surely different. Those are: a) To express the writers
feeling. The writer wants to produce and express what he/she feels or thinks through
written forms, as in diary or a love letter. It is what is so called expressive writing.
b) To entertain the readers.
The writer intends to entertain the readers through written forms. The writer
usually uses aesthetical materials to entertain the readers. It is called literary
writing. c) To inform the readers. The writer intends to give information or explain
something to the readers. It is a kind of informative writing. d) To persuade the
readers. The writer tries to persuade or convince the readers about his opinion or
concept or idea. It is called persuasive writing.
3. Stages in Writing
According to (Harmer 2004:12), stages or can be called as writing process
is the ways that are used by the writers when they are arranging the written text. It
means that the writing process only focuses on the what the 16 writers do. There
are four stages in writing include prewriting, drafting, editing, and final draft. In
addition, all of those stages can be explained briefly as follows:
a. Prewriting
Prewriting means that the activity in making the outline or design of
writing before the writers start to write. It can help them to organize their ideas
and imagination. The outcome of this stage is the form of outline.
b. Drafting
Drafting is the process when the writers start to write the ideas and
information that they know. Basically, those ideas are used as the guide to develop
the main thought. As the writing process proceeds into editing, a number of drafts
may be produced on the way to final drafts. This is usually done on the assumption
that it will be amended later. The outcome of this stage is the form of first draft.
c. Revising
In revising process, the will review their final draft to check five aspects of
writing that cover organization, grammar, language use, mechanic, and content.
Revising is a process in which writers not only polish their style, but also develop
their ideas. The outcome of this stage is the form of first draft with corrective
d. Editing
It is final version, the writers check their final text revision for some
mistakes that they have made. Checking grammar and spelling 17 accuracies,
punctuations, and word choices usually becomes the main task to be done at this
stage. The outcome of this stage is the form of first draft with error correction final
4. Aspects of Writing
According to Weigh (2002:16), writing has several elements that must be
included in the product of written text such as contents, organization, vocabulary,
grammar, and mechanic.
Here are the explanations of each element in writing:
a. Content
The definition of content is about the material existed in the composition
such as topic, explanations, discussions, and the core of the main topic. It means
that the content should be consider clearly for a good text.
b. Organization
The meaning of organization during the composing of the writing text
should be consider the sequence of each statement. In addition, the statement
of the recount text be organize well.
c. Vocabulary
Vocabulary means that the word that we used in writing the text.
Furthermore, the vocabulary should suitable, great, and clear for the text. So,
consider the vocabulary will make the result of the text in the recount text better.
In this research, the researcher found that the students’ vocabulary mastery was
low. The students’ did not master vocabulary enough. So, the researcher would
improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.
d. Grammar
It refers to the use of the correct grammatical forms and syntactical
pattern. It is identified from the construction of well-formed sentence. Studying
grammar means knowing how different grammatical elements can be strung
together to make chains of words. There are many kinds of grammatical form.
They are nouns, pronouns, adjectives, tense, adverbs and preposition. In this
research, the researcher focuses in using of tenses and punctuation. In this
research, the researcher found some grammar mistakes about sentence. The
students’ still found difficulties in using sentence, like present tense, past tense,
and future tense. In this research, the researcher would teach about recount text.
The researcher would focus in using past tense.
e. Mechanic
Mechanics deals with the punctuation, spelling, capitalization as well as
the type of handwriting whether it is clear or not. It is important to arrange the
mechanics kindly since the effect to the writing result. Besides that, the
students’ have to consider the rules of language, punctuation, and spelling. The
recount text which use the true and suitable mechanics will be readable and easy
to understand.
f. Punctuation
Punctuation gives a sign or tone in writing. It is necessary to make the
meaning of the senteces clearly. There are three punctuation marks that you can
use at theend of the sentences. They are period, the question marks, and the
exclamations mark. The following table explains about thepunctuation rules:
Table 2.2 The Punctuation Rules
g. Capitalization
Capitalization is also important thing in writing. There are some rules
of the capitalization. The following table presents about the rules of
Punctuation Role Examples
Put period (full stop) at the end
of statement.
My name is Prima Pratama.
I don’t like to give interviews.
Put a question mark at the end
of the question.
What is your name?
Do you speak English?
Put exclamation mark at the
end of a sentence to showstrong
It sure is hot today!
Table 2.3 The Capitalization Rules
Rules Examples
Put capitalize in the first word
of a sentence.
Mother Sifa is admired for
work all over the world.
Put capitalize the pronoun ‘I” Rama and I try to care for
poor, sick people throughout
the world.
Put capitalize of the abbreviations and
acronyms, which are words formed from the
first letters of words in the
names of organizations.
Put capitalize on all proper nouns. Proper
nouns include: names of details and names of
people and their titles.
Names of detail : God,
Names of people and their
titles : (Reni C.W, S.pd )
Put capitalize of specific placesyou could
find in the map
First Street Lake Victoria
Parangtritis Beach
Put capitalize of names of days,month, and
special days
Independent Day
Put capitalize in the names ofspecific
groups of people (Nationalities, races, and
groups), language, and regions.
Asian EnglishArabic
Put capitalize of name of geographic areas the North
the Southwest
5. Difficulty in Writing
Byrne (1988) (cited in Fikri: 2014) stated that three problems make writing skills
difficult to master, namely linguistic, cognitive, and content problems. The first problem is
linguistic. Linguistic’s problem is related to our shrewdness in writing the correct structure,
and therefore the formed sentences will be able to blend into one another. The result is that
the text is made that readers can implement properly.
The second problem is a cognitive problem related to our mastery of language
forms, structures, and grammar, which are useful for effective communication in writing.
Harmer (2004) (cited in Fikri: 2014) terms it with an organizational problem which is, of
course, more complicated than an organization problem in speaking.
The third is the problem of ideas. This is related to what we can put in writing.
Often we lose ideas in the middle of the writing process.
6. Teaching Writing
Teaching writing especially at Junior High School is not easy as teaching other
language skills which must be learnt as other language skills which are mastered, and it
demands very much of learner, either the basic language proficiency to control their
language performance. While writing, students’ also need much time to think. Teacher
asks students’ to focus on accurate language use and ideas what they will write. Specific
technique is needed in teaching writing English for senior high school.
Lindsay and Knight (2006: 3) say that teaching is the teacher’s job to help learners
learn. Teaching writing is teaching the students’ how to express the idea or imagination in
writing form. Writing is more than productive skill in the written mode. It is the
complicated skill than the other three skills, even for native speakers of language, since it
involves not just a graphic representation of speech, but the development and presentation
of thoughts in a structured way.
Thus, the teachers are able to select a suitable material in writing class, so that
materials and technique could be understandable for the students’ and they can express
their idea, thinking into good writing.
Dorn and Soffos (2001) said that in the teaching writing to young learners, teachers
have to recognize the complexity of the process and also think a moment about what
happens in the mind of their students’ as they create a written work. Teacher must be
creative to prepare materials that feature real-life situations and authentic language in
teaching. Teachers also must be conscious of the types of practice: they are mechanical,
meaningful, and communicative.
Based on those statements, the writer can concluded that the teacher’s role is
needed to motivate students’ in teaching learning process while students’ in transition
period, and teacher must be creative to prepare materials that feature real-life situations
and authentic language in teaching due to they have some different characteristic. In
practicing their writing, they have to follow the steps of process writing to make their
writing more effective and help the students’ to write a text become easier. All of that the
students’ do before writing is very important, due to the student can be guided to think
about a topic in relation to a perceived audience. In this activity of writing involved process
D. Recount Text
1. Definition of Recount Text
Hyland (2004: 29) states that recount is a kind of genre that has social function
to reconstruct past experience by retelling in original sequence. The tense that use in
recount text is past tense. Then, Hyland’s statement is supported by Anderson (2003)
who defines recount text as a piece of text that retells past events, usually in the order
in which they happened.
The purpose of a recount text is to give the audience a description of what
occurred and when it occurred. Anderson and Anderson (1997: 48) said that recount is
speaking or writing about past events or a piece of text that retells past events, usually
in the order which they happened. It can be the writers’ or others’ experience that
happened in the past. In recount text, the writers can tell everything whether it is
embarrassing, unforgettable, pleasing experience, and other as long as it is already
Formally, Knapp (2005:223) declared that recounts are sequential texts that do
little more sequence a series of events. Every story, no matter how simple, needs an
orientation. From those statements, the researcher can conclude that recount is a type of
text which retell event or experiences happened in the past. Then, the purpose of recount
text is to entertain, inform, or reflect the readers.
2. Types of Recount Text
According to UC High School Kaleen Writing Handbook (2011), recount text
is classified into three types which include personal recount, factual recount, and
imaginative recount.
a) Personal Recount
A personal recount is where the writer is recounting the personal event that
they were involved directly. It means that the writer is actively involved in the
activity of the event. The purposes of personal recount are to inform and to entertain
the reader.
b) Factual Recount
A factual recount is a list of record of a certain event. It can be used to retell
the particular incident or event, such as an accident report, eyewitness, science
experience, historical events, and newspaper report. Its purpose is just to inform the
reader about what was going on in the past
c) Imaginative Recount
An imaginative recount retells an imaginative story through the eyes of a
fiction character. It means, the event that happened in the text do not occur in the
real life. Its purpose is usually to entertain, and it usually can be found in textbook.
3. Generic Structure of Recount Text
In making an effective recount text, it needs standard that is used to guide a
writer to make a good writing. Furthermore, recount text has several significant
characteristics. According to Mukarto et al as cited in Novela (2019:20), the generic
structures of recount text consist of: orientation, events, and reorientation.
a) Orientation
Recount begins by telling the reader who was involved, what happened,
where the event took place, and when it happened. Orientation gives reader
background information needed to understand the text, and the reader will
recognize about scene setting and context of the text.
b) Events
Event is the main activities that occurred in the story of the text. In
writing recount text, events are ordered in a chronological sequence. Sometimes,
additional detail is added to the text to give some information for reader.
c) Reorientation
Reorientation is a closing statement that may include elaboration. Some
recount texts also have a concluding paragraph. In this concluding paragraph, the
writer can give his/ her personal comment or statement, but it is optional one.
4. Language Features of Recount
According to Mark et al as cited in Nugrahani (2016: 21), the language features
of recount text are:
a) Proper noun to identify those involved in the text.
b) Descriptive words to give details about who, what, when, where, and how.
c) The use of past tense to retell the events.
d) Words that show the order of events (for example, first, next, then).
5. Previous Related Study
In writing this thesis, the researcher found some researches which are closely
related to this research, those researchers:
a) Areta Puspa, Mohammad Adnan Latief, Emalia Iragiliati (2018), in their journal
"English for Academic Purposes: E-Module of Writing a Report for Food
Processing Technology Students’."
Their research produced an E-module for writing reports for students’ of the Food
Processing Technology Study Program who participated in an internship program.
This product is a PDF file that can be used by uploading and downloading through
Edmodo, where teachers and students’ are familiar with this educational social
media. E-modules are uploaded on Edmodo so that teachers and students’ can
communicate through them. On the other hand, researchers provide teacher guides
and student guides in downloading the E-module and using Edmodo. The material
is focused on writing reports in English for Food Processing Technology, especially
for twelfth-grade students’. The e-module provides deductive learning in each unit
consisting of theory (explanation), examples (models), and practice (exercises and
tests) which in turn can lead students’ to complete written reports on
However, the resulting product cannot be used at Junior
High School of SMPN 3 Ngamprah , Students’ do not learn about writing Food
Processing Technology reports for their internships, so they do not do
b) Sucia Winita, Syahrul Ramadhan, and Yasnur Asri (2019), in their article "The
Development of Electronic Module Based on Discovery Learning in Writing
Explanation Text." Their article developed an electronic module,"Mahir Menulis
Teks Eksplanasi,"to explain text writing theory that is valid, practical, and
effective, based on discovery learning needs. This module was designed in the
Indonesian language to achieve the contents of the 2013 Indonesian Language
Curriculum for SMA/MAK in Kompetensi Dasar 3.4 and 4.4. The students’ must
understand and produce explanation texts contained. However, the resulting
product cannot be used at Junior High School of Students’ of SMPN 3 Ngamprah
due to in English syllabus for second-grade of Junior High School of SMPN3
Ngamprah not include Explanation Text learning, so it does not enter into the
students’ need due to students’ do not learn the Explanation Text.
c) Anita Widiyanti (2021) in her thesis “Pengembangan Bahan Ajar E- LKPD
Menggunakan Liveworksheet pada Materi Bangun Datar Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar”
In her thesis, she made a teaching material in an electronic worksheet, using a
Liveworksheet. The teaching material contains mathematical material about
Keliling Bangun Datar for elementary level students’ class IV semester II SDN
Sumbersari 1 Malang City. This e- worksheet was made by considering the current
pandemic conditions, which requires SDN Sumbersari 1 Malang City to carry out
PJJ (Distance Learning Process). This e-worksheet was made using
Liveworksheets, where Liveworksheets is applications for designing electronic
worksheets. In the development of the e-worksheet, there were videos as relevant
(real) examples so that learning was more attractive to students’, and teachers could
assign tasks without correcting them. However, the resulting product cannot be
used at Junior High School of SMPN 3 Ngamprah, due to the learning material is
not about English and the level of schools are different. Besides, she designed an
e-LKDP, not an e-module.
d) Sitti Fadhilah Zulkifli (2021) In Her Thesis Developing E-Module Of Writing
Using Liveworksheets For Senior High School Of Modern Islamic Boarding
School Datuk Sulaiman Putri Palopo” In her thesis, she made a teaching material
in an electronic module, using a Liveworksheet. The teaching material contains
writing material for XI Grade students’ of Modern Islamic Boarding School
students’ Datuk Sulaiman Putri Palopo. This e-worksheet was made using
Liveworksheets, where Liveworksheets is applications for designing electronic
worksheets. In the development of the e-worksheet, there were videos as relevant
(real) examples so that learning was more attractive to students’, and teachers could
assign tasks without correcting them. Based on the results of research and
discussion, it was concluded that the E-module of Writing as a source of learning
English writing is suitable for students’ at Senior High School of Modern Islamic
Boarding School Datuk Sulaiman Putri Palopo. However, the resulting product
cannot be used at Junior High School of SMPN 3 Ngamprah, due to the learning
material is about English writing skill and but the level of schools are different.
e) Sri Agus Turnip (2018) in his article “Developing Writing Materials In Recount
Text For The Eight Grade Students’ At Smp Rk Serdang Murni Lubuk Pakam” his
article developed an the writing materials in recount text. The product of this study
is a set of writing materials of recount text entitled “Guide for Writing” for
students’ of second grade of SMP for the eight grade students’, to explain text
writing recount text theory that is valid, practical, and effective, based on discovery
learning needs. The writing material is “My Unforgettable Experience”. It consists
of Pre-writing, Drafting, Responding, and Editing tasks ranging 15 tasks.
However, the resulting product can be used at Junior High School of Students’ of
SMPN 3 Ngamprah due to in English syllabus for second-grade of Junior High
School of SMPN 3 Ngamprah, due to the material is accordance with the syllabus
of second grade students’ and the same grade level.
A. Research Method
This research employed Research and Development (R&D) based on Borg and
Gall. R & D is a type of research that produces a product. Development is the technical
process of a series of elements arranged together to form a product (Ranberg, 1974). The
product is e-module. The stages of the research were adapted based on Borg and Gall
(1971), a presented in Figure 3.1
Figure 3.1 the Design of this research (Adapted from Borg and Gall, 1971)
1. Research and Information Collecting
At this stages includes activities to revieww the literature and class observation
(Borg & Gall, 1983). The stages ere done to determine the problems experienced by
students’ in learning English and interest of students’ in learning English. From the
observation data, the researcher collecting material and learn the syllabus. Thus, the
material contained in the e-module is relevant to learning needs
Research and
Research and
Field Testing
Main Field
Testing Final Product
2. Planning
The researcher designing layouts, pictures, and texts on recount text material
that had been collected.
3. Develop Product
The product is developed according to the design, plan, and learning objectives.
The researcher designing the layouts, pictures, and text are based on the recount text
material that has been collected and then loaded to the Flip PDF Professional platform.
4. Product Validation
Product validation is require to measure the feasibility of the product developed
as a teaching materials. Therefore, this also required expert validation. The validators
of this research and product development are two lecturers who are experts in language
and teaching material. The results of validated e-module will be analyzed to determine
their feasibility.
5. Product Revision
In this stages, the revision conduct as its results of the validation.
6. Preliminary Field Testing
The next test subject after the revised product was a small group trial. The main
field testing conducted in from 1-3 schools with 3-12 subjects (Borg & Gall, 1971).
Due to the limited time, the researcher conducts is one junior high with 15 subjects as
a sample of the population.
7. Produt Revision
In this stages, the revision conduct as its results of the preliminary field testing.
8. Main Field Testing
The next test subject is a test on a large group. The operational field testing
conducted in from 5-15 schools with 30-100 subjects (Borg & Gall, 1971). Due to the
limited time, the researcher conducted in one junior high school with 30 subjects as a
sample of the population.
9. Final Product
The product is ready to be used for educational purposes in a wider real.
B. The Subject of the Research
1. Validator
This research involved two lectures, there are English lecturer as expert
validator in term of teaching materials validation, an English lecturer as expert validator
in term of language validation and an second grader English teacher as a practitioner of
learning media.
2. Sample Students’
a. Population
The teachers and second grade students’ at public junior high school in
West Bandung Regency who attend during the research activities were involved.
b. Sample
The sample of this research involved two classes, consisting of 45 second
grade students’ who attend the research activity and an Englishh Teachers of second
grade students’. The treatment of learning using product exercises and questionnaire
given to all samples of students’ on different occasions.
Table 3.1 Sample Information
No. Test Stage Number of Sample
1. Main Field Testing 15
2. Operational Field Testing 30
Total 45
C. Instruments of the Research
Instrument is a tool that serves to facilitate the implementation of something. In
addition to compiling teaching materials for e-module, research instruments used to assess
the developed e-module are also compiled. Based on the research objectives, the following
instruments were designed and arranged:
1. Observation
In this research, the researcher role as a non-participant observer. The researcher
apply instructed observation, and take the field note to obtain the data related to
information collecting to develop product and related to obstacle in developing the
2. Interview
Interview is a technique carried out by dialogue using the media or face to face
directly by the interviewer with the resource person who is used as a data source. The
researcher apply semi-interview to collect information or responses regarding learning
recount text using the product. Interview conducted on students’ and teachers as
3. Questionnaire
The questionnaire is a technique of collecting data in form of written statements
or questions in order to obtain answers from respondents (Sugiyono, 2017). The
questionnaires were used to obtain the e-module feasibility data from material experts
and teaching materials experts and students’ and teachers' responses. The
questionnaires were distributed to collect the information related to the students’ and
teacher’s responses to learning using e-module.
D. Product Validation
Product validation is needed to test the feasibility of the product developed as
teaching material. Therefore, expert validators, preliminary field testing, and main field
testing are needed.
1. Expert validation
If the results of the validation analysis show that the expected results have not
been achieved, the researchers make improvements according to the suggestions given
by the validators. This instrument is in the form of a validation questionnaire related to
the feasibility of the content, the feasibility of the presentation, and the feasibility of the
language. The researcher used a Likert Scale. The Likert scale is used to measure the
attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of a person or group towards an event or social
phenomenon (Widagdo, 2021). The scale used consists of 4 points with a very
appropriate score, namely number 1 = not good, 2 = less, 3 = good, and 4 = very good.
Its function is to provide input in the development of web-based teaching materials,
namely e-module.
2. Preliminary Field Testing
The product validation test has been carried out on two validators, a revision
will immediately be made to adjust the input from the two validators. Thus, e-module
assisted by Flip PDF Professional can be tested in small groups, namely preliminary
field testing involved 15 second grade students’ of junior high school. The preliminary
filed testing was conducted to describe students’ respond to the use of e-module assisted
by Flip PDF Professional. The researcher used a Likert Scale. The Likert scale is used
to measure the attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of a person or group towards an
event or social phenomenon (Widagdo, 2021). The scale used consists of 4 points with
a very appropriate score, namely strongly concured, concured, neutral, disconcured,
and strongly disconcured.
3. Main Field Testing
Main field testing was conducted after the preliminary field trial, with a larger
number of students’ involved 30 students’ second grade students’ of junior high school.
The main field testing was conducted to describe the wider students’ and teacher’s
respond to the use of e-module assisted by Flip PDF Professional. The researcher used
a Likert Scale. The Likert scale is used to measure the attitudes, opinions, and
perceptions of a person or group towards an event or social phenomenon (Widagdo,
2021). The scale used consists of 4 points with a very appropriate score, namely
strongly concured, concured, neutral, disconcured, and strongly disconcured.
E. Data Analysis Technique
The data analysis technique is a process of simplifying data into a form that is
easier to read and interpret. In this research, the researcher used the data analysis technique
based on Miles and Huberman (1994), consisting of three steps; data reduction, data
display, and conclusion drawing or verification.
1. Data reduction
The data reduction becomes the first step to do in analyzing the data in this
research. According to Miles & Huberman (1994), data reduction refers to the process
of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data as written up
filed notes or transcripts. Firstly, the researcher transcribed the data. The irrelevant data
which were not related to research questions were described. Then, the researcher
displayed the data is the form of descriptive explanation.
2. Data display
In the process of displaying data, it was based on the formulation of the research
problem. This step is done by presenting a set of information that is structured and
possibility of drawing conclusions since the data obtained during the process of
qualitative research is usually in form of a narrative explanation.
3. Conclusion
The last step to analyze the data in this research is drawing conclusions. In this
step, the researcher concludes the result of the research based on the research problems
that are discovered.
A. Results
This section elaborates the results of product development process, the feasibility of
the product according to the validators, and students’ and teacher respondses toward
1. The Process of Developing E-Module Assisted by Flip PDF Professional
The development conducted in this research was developing e- module assisted
by Flip PDF Professional in teaching writing recount text for second grade students’
of junior high school.
a. Draft Product of E- Module
The researcher developed the e-module assisted by Flip PDF
Professional platform. The process of developing e-module assisted by Flip PDF
Professional has conducted based on the development of Borg & Gall (1971) it has
nine stages. The resercher do the observation has conducted as part of Research
and Information Collecting stage to investigate the research problem, to investigate
the solutions needs, and to collect literature review. The data obtained used as a
basis in developing the product. The observation has conducted in April 18th
Based on the information collected, it can be identified that the students’
as conducting blended learning, lack of variety of digital-based teaching materials,
and the students’ are allowed to bring their phones in certain subjects, the students’
were less enthusiastic in participating in the learning process.
Based on the problems found, the researcher was interested in
developing teaching materials. The researcher found a platform namely Flip PDF
Professional which can be a means to develop digital-based teaching materials.
After that, the researcher plans the material to be loaded, the number of questions,
types of questions, layout design, and color choices.
Considering the inability to design directly using Flip PDF
Professional, the researcher used Canva platform as a design solution. Next, the
researcher started product development, by creating a design e-module using the
Canva platform, due to the Flip PDF Professional platform does not provided
features for designing layouts. After the e-module design has created on Canva
platform, the e-module loaded into Flip PDF Professional platform to combine
with the features in it.The following is the preliminary draft product developed by
the researcher, as presented in Figure 4.1.
Figure 4.1 the Preliminary Draft Product
The Figure 4.1 is the preliminary draft product of e-module design that
has been developed by researcher.
b. Expert Validation
In this stages, the researcher distributed a validation questionnaire to
validators language expert and teaching materials expert on March 29, 2022. The
validators of this research are an English lecturer as expert validator in term of
language validation, an English lecturer as expert validator in term of teaching
materials validation. Validation of a product contains three components, namely
content feasibility component, presentation feasibility component, and language
feasibility component. At this stage the validator has assessed that there were things
that need to be revised by the researcher, including the content feasibility
component and the presentation feasibility component.
1) Content
In the term of content, both validators concuredd that the developed
of e-module is in accordance with the material taught at the second grade level
where in the second grade of junior high school syllabus there is material about
recount text, after seen the learning objectives of the developed e-module both
validators concuredd that the learning objectives are in accordance with the
second grade level of junior high school, in the developed e-module there are
practice questions, where the practice questions according to the two validators
are in accordance with the material being discussed, as well as the examples
provided in the e-module are in accordance with the material discussed, but both
validators concuredd that the examples there are too few, while students’ need
lots of examples in order to understand the recount text material.
So, in the end of the class students’ can write simple personal recount
text according to the learning objectives. In addition, the two validators
concuredd that in the end of e-module there needs the practice questions as an
evaluation of learning material. The following are the content of e-module
before and after revisions:
Figure 4.2 before and after revision
Figure 4.2 the difference between the product before and after the
revision. The researcher made revision in accordance with the suggestions that
given by expert validators. The researcher added example from the previous one
example to four examples. And added practice questions as an evaluation of
learning material.
2) Presentation
In the presentation, the validator assessed that the developed e-
module has been presented in a systematic arrangement, but the validator
evaluated the dark colour and contrast presentation and suggested to made the
colour and contrast presentation brighter, and in terms of font size the validator
evaluated lowercase letters on one page contains quite a lot of text, which
psychologically reduces students’ reading interest.
However, with the display of interesting pictures and videos in the e-
module, both validators stated that the e-module developed could attract
students’ interest in learning. The following are the presentation of e-module
before and after the revisions.
Before After
Figure 4.3 before and after revision
Based on Figure 4.3 it showed the fundamental difference between
the product before and after revision. After revision showed that the colour were
more brighter and the font size were larger than before revision which make
more readable for students’ in using product.
3) Language
Validators concuredd that the e-module developed had fulfilled the
language eligibility component, where the vocabulary and language used were
in accordance with the second grade junior high school level, were
unambiguous and used the right sentence structure. In addition, according to the
validator, the developed e-module used standard language with consistent terms
and symbols. The validator considers that with the fulfillment of the language
eligibility component, it is hoped that students’ can use the developed e-module
more easily and not be confused.
c. Preliminary Field Testing
In this field testing, researcher involved 15 of second grader junior high
school students’. The researcher distributed product links to class groups, as a
means of teaching using e-module. Students’ used the product themselves to
learned and discussed the recount text material. After learning was completed,
students’ are given a questionnaire to assessed the attractiveness of the products
they have tried. The indicators contained in the questionnaire are:
1) The use of e-module were easy to access, 10 of students’ answered “Strongly
Concured” and 5 of students’ answered “Concured”.
2) The instructions and icons in e-module were easy to understand, 9 of students’
answered “Strongly Concured”, 5 of students’ answered “Concured”, and one
of students’ answered “Neutral”.
3) The pictures and illustrations contained in e-module help to comprehend the
material, 11 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured” and 4 of students’
answered “Concured”.
4) The e-module presentation was interesting, 12 of students’ answered “Strongly
Concured” and 3 of students’ answered “Concured”.
5) E-module are presented with the appropriate typeface and font size, 13 of
students’ answered “Strongly Concured” and 2 of students’ answered
6) The subject matter provided in e-module was easy to understand, 13 of
students’ answered “Strongly Concured” and 2 of students’ answered
7) The exercise were in accordance to the material that have been learned, 14 of
students’ answered “Strongly Concured” and 1 of students’ answered
8) The language used in the e-module were easy to understand, 12 of students’
answered “Strongly Concured” and 3 of students’ answered “Concured”.
9) The material contained in the e-module were in accordance with the material
that have been learned, 11 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured” 2 of
students’ answered “Concured”, and 1 of students’ answered “Neutral”.
10) The example provided were clear to understand, 10 of students’ answered
“Strongly Concured” and five of students’ answered “Concured”.
11) Learning using e-module was not boring, 14 of students’ answered “Strongly
Concured” and 1 of students’ answered “Concured”.
12) Learning using e-module were a new experience, 15 of students’ answered
“strongly concured”
It can be seen from the results of the preliminary test data, the results of
the analysis of the data obtained show that the used of e-module is a new experience
for them, where they can felt reading textbooks in digital form, thus growing the
enthusiasm and curiosity of students’ to be great. By made an attractive display and
there are pictures and videos, it is hoped that it can attract students’ interest to learn
and read recount text material on the e-module. The student said that he did not
understand the language features of the recount text which was followed by several
other students’, as expressed by the student.
"Miss, saya kurang paham pada bagian language features dari recount text
karena tidak ada cukup contoh yang tersedia". [Miss, I don't understand the part of
language features of recount text, thus there is no enough of example in this e-
Therefore, the researcher need to revise the product, thus that students’
better comperhend the material contained in the e-module. The researcher revised
the product after the preliminary field testing due to some students’ felt that the
material contained in the e-module was still poorly understood by students’. In the
language features material section, the students’ does not understood the meaning
and use of language features themselves. Therefore, the researcher added an
example of the language features.
Before After
Figure 4.4 Before and After Revision
Figure 4.4 it can be seen that before the revision there was no example of
of language features, and after the revision there was an example of the language
features. Thus, that students’ were able to understand the uses of language features
in recount text.
d. Main Feld Testing
In this field testing, the researcher involved 30 second grader junior high
school students’. The researcher distributed product links to class groups, as a
means of teaching using e-module. The students’ used the product themselves to
do the questions contained in the e-module. After learning was completed,
students’ are given a questionnaire to assess the attractiveness of the products they
have tried. The indicators contained in the questionnaire are:
1) The use of e-module were easy to access, 16 of students’ answered “Strongly
Concured”, 13 of students’ answered “Concured” and 1 of students’ answered
2) The instructions and icons in the e-module were easy to understand, 20 of
students’ answered “Strongly Concured”, 6 of students’ answered “Concured”,
and 4 of students’ answered “Neutral”.
3) The pictures and illustrtions contained in e-module help to comprehend
material, 16 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured”, 12 of students’
answered “Concured” and 2 of students’ answered “Neutral”.
4) The e-module presentation/display was interesting, 19 of students’ answered
“Strongly Concured” and 11 of students’ answered “Concured”.
5) E-module are presented with the appropriate typeface and font size, 14 of
students’ answered “Strongly Concured”, 16 of students’ answered “Concured”
6) The subject matter provided in e-module was easy to understand, 17 of students’
answered “Strongly Concured” and 13 of students’ answered “Concured”.
7) The exercise were in accordance to the material that have been learned, 20 of
students’ answered “Strongly Concured” and 10 of students’ answered
8) The language used in the e-module were easy to understand, 19 of students’
answered “Strongly Concured” and 11 of students’ answered “Concured”.
9) The material contained in the e-module were in accordance with the material
that have been learned, 22 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured” and eight
of students’ answered “Concured”.
10) The example provided were clear to understand, 18 of students’ answered
“Strongly Concured” and 12 of students’ answered “Concured”.
11) Learning using e-module was not boring, 25 of students’ answered “Strongly
Concured” and five of students’ answered “Concured”.
12) Learning using e-module were a new experience, 30 of students’ answered
“Strongly Concured”
This can be seen from the results of the main field trial data, the results
of data analysis from student statements show that using e-module is a new
experience for students’. Thus, students’ were enthusiastic in the learning process.
According to students’, the use of the product is very beneficial for every student
due to it is easy to used by students’, the material presented was easy comprehend
by students’ supported by pictures, videos and attractive presentations that make
students’ not get bored quickly.
E-module assisted by Flip PDF Professional are ready to use after all
development stages completed. The researcher distributed questionnaires to one
language expert and one teaching materials expert. The researcher make revisions
on everything suggested by the experts. After that, the researcher conducted a
preliminary field test and there were revisions made by the researcher thus that the
product was better for in the main field testing, if there was no revision after the
main field testing, the product was ready to be used and suitable for use as a
teaching materials.
The following are the components contained in e-module that have been
developed by researchers, as follows:
a. Cover
Figure 4.5 E- Module Cover
Figure 4.5 e-module is equipped with a colorful cover that provides
information about the name of the e-module and the material it contains, grade
level and author of e-module.
b. Introduction and Table of Content
Figure 4.6 Introduction and Table of Content
In this e-module there is an introduction and table of content.
Introduction as knowledge for readers and users regarding what has been
recognized by author when making the e-module. And table of content to make it
easier for readers to find the material they want, due to if it is not equipped with a
table of contents, it is feared that readers will find it difficult so that they discourage
reading this e-module. In addition, the presence of a table of contents makes the e-
module look more professional when compared to a written paper without a table
of contents.
c. Guidelines, Basic Competence, Main Competence and Learning Objectives
Figure 4.7 Guidelines, Basic Competence, Main Competence and
Learning Objectives
There are guidelines, to help students’ uses e-module.Beside that, this e-
module is provided with basic competencies, main competences and learning
objectives in accordance with the second grader English syllabus of junior high
d. Description of Material
Figure 4.8 Material Description Page
Figure 4.8 is the description of the material contains explanations of
material recount text and in accordance with the basic competencies that students’
must be master in the learning process.
e. Learning Activities
Figure 4.9 Learning Activities Page
Figure 4.9 the e-module equipped with learning activities according to
the material available on the e-module that related to learning objectives and
provide experiences that will enable students’ to enggagein, practice and get
feedback on specific progress toward those goals.
f. Videos
Figure 4.10 Video
Figure 4.10 In this e-module there is a learning videos related to recount
text material, which is expected to attract students’ interest in learning process.
g. Evaluation
Figure 4.11 Evaluation Page
Figure 4.11 In this e-module there is a practice question as an evaluation
to find out the students’ towards the recount text material.
h. References Page
Figure 4.12 References Page
Figure 4.12 In the end of this e-module is there References page.
The following is the final product that has been made by the researcher.
Figure 4.13 the Final Product
Figure 4.13 is the final product after going through three validations,
namely expert validation, preliminary field testing, and main field testing. In expert
validation, the researcher revised the content feasibility component by adding
examples from 2 to 4 examples, the presentation feasibility component by making
the display brighter and enlarging the font thus that student readability was clear.
In the preliminary field test, the researcher revised the content feasibility
component by added an explanation of the language features. Finally, in the main
field testing there were no revisions made by the researcher since there was no
suggets given by the students’ which meant that it was enough to make students’
comprehend the material contained.
2. Feasibility of the Product
The feasibility of the product regards to content feasibility component,
presentation feasibility component, and language feasibility component. E-module
were declared suitable for use by students’ after going through three stages, namely
expert validation, preliminary field testing, and main field testing. The results can be
interpreted as follow:
a. Content Feasibility Component
In the content feasibility component, the developed e-module contains
recount text material that is made according to the learning objectives taught at the
second grade level of junior high school, as well as examples and questions that
are available according to the material being discussed. As shown in Figure 4.14
Figure 4.14 Content Feasibility Component
Based on the Figure 4.14 as a content feasibility component, e-module
assisted by Flip PDF Prosessional are considered suitable for use by students’ due
to the material and learning objectives are in accordance with the second grade
level of junior high school. In addition, the examples and the practice questions
provided can make it easier for students’ to comprehend the material.
b. Presentation Feasibility Component
In this component, e-module developed by researchers are
presented artistically, meaning that they are presented in an attractive manner, there
are illustrations or images that match the material, the type and size of the font are
appropriate so that students’ readability is clear. As shown in Figure 4.14
Figure 4.15 Presentation Feasibility Component
Figure 4.15 as a presentation feasibility component, e-module assisted
by Flip PDF Professional are considered interesting for students’, supported by the
available colours and images, which are able to attract students’ interest in reading
and learning.
c. Language Feasibility Component
In this component, the e-module developed by the researcher used
language and vocabulary that were appropriate for the second grade students’ of
junior high school, used language that does not confuse students’, and the symbols
provided are consistent. As showed in Figure 4.16
Figure 4.16 Language Feasibility Component
Figure 4.16 as a language feasibility component, e-module assisted by
Flip PDF Professional are considered suitable for use by students’ due to the
language and vocabulary used are in accordance with the level for second grade
students’ of junior high school, which means they are easy to understand and
commonly used languages.
3. Students’ Responses
The questionnaires have distributed to 45 second grader students’ and the
interview has conducted to second grade students’ of main field testing. Based on the
questionnaire and interview data, the students’ responses are as follows.
Based on the questionnaire data as many as 26 of students’ answered ‘Strongly
Concured’, 18 of students’ answered ‘Concured’, and only one of student answered
‘Neutral’ that the use of e-module were easy for students’ to use. Moreover, as many
as 27 of students’ answered ‘Strongly Concured, 13 of students’ answered ‘Concured’,
and only five of students’ answered ‘Neutral’ that the instructions and icons in the e-
module were easy for them to understand. The student expressed that the practically of
use was easy, as the student stated.
“Mudah ko, setiap pindah halaman tinggal di klik, seperti membuka buku asli”
[It's easy, every time you move pages, just click like opening an original book].
Based on the questionnaires data it can be interpreted that as many as 28 of
students’ answered ‘Strongly Concured’, 15 of students’ answered ‘Concured’, and
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Research Paper_Rika Kartika_18220037.docx

  • 1. DEVELOPING E-MODULE ASSISTED BY FLIP PDF PROFESSIONAL IN TEACHING WRITING RECOUNT TEXT FOR SECOND GRADE STUDENT’S OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL A RESEARCH PAPER Submitted to the English Education Study Program Language Education Faculty of IKIP Siliwangi in Partial Fulfilment of Requirements for the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree By Rika Kartika Student’s ID. 18220037 ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM FACULTY OF LANGUAGE EDUCATION IKIP SILIWANGI CIMAHI 2022
  • 2. ii APPROVAL SHEET DEVELOPING E-MODULE ASSISTED BY FLIP PDF PROFESSIONAL IN TEACHING RECOUNT TEXT FOR SECOND GRADE STUDENTS’ OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL By Rika Kartika Student’s ID. 18220037 Approved for Oral Examination Session: Supervisor I Supervisor II Ningtyas Orilina Argawati, M.Pd. Hendra Husnussalam S.Pd, M.Hum. NIDN. 0424098701 NIDN: 040711793
  • 3. iii STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY I Hereby Declare That My Thesis Entitled "Developing E-Module Assisted By Flip PDF Professional In Teaching Writing Recount Text For Second Grade Students’ of Junior High School" is entirely my own and original works which I fulfilled as one of the requirements for obtaining Sarjana Pendidikan degree from IKIP Siliwangi Bandung. There are certain parts that I cited in writing this thesis are sourced other studies by following the prevalnet procedure of scientific writing. If in the future my statement is not true, I willing receive a sanctions in accordance with the applicable regulations. Cimahi, Oktober 2022 Rika Kartika NIM. 18220037
  • 4. iv PREFACE Praise be to Allah SWT, the Almighty God who has gave His grace and blessing, thus that the thesis "Developing E-Module Assisted By Flip PDF Professional In Teaching Writing Recount Text For Second Grade Students’ Of Junior High School. This thesis examines the development of e-module that can be used as by junior high school teachers the guidelines are located. This thesis has not been completed expect with the academic guidance of the supervisors Ningtyas Orilina Argawati, M. Pd and Hendra Husnussalam, S.Pd, M.Hum where the researcher received many guidance and many lessons, as partial of the requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan Degree. The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from perfection. Therefore, suggestions and criticisms are very much welcome. Finally, the researcher hope that this thesis can be useful for the development of the world of education. The Researcher Rika Kartika
  • 5. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT All praise and gratitude to the presence of God Allah SWT, who give us Messing and mercy therefore I can complete the thesis entitled “ Developing E- Module Assisted By Flip Pdf Professional In Teaching Writing Recount Text For Second Grade Students’ of Junior High School”. Shalawat and greetings always go to Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, companions and adheremis. The authors would like to express their gratitude to both parents and husband who have never stopped giving love, sacrifice and prayers for the completion of this research, as well as children who have been the biggest encouragement and motivation so that this research can be completed on time. The authors also thank the research supervisors, namely Ningtyas Orilina Argawati, M.Pd and Husnussalam, S.Pd., M.Hum who always provide support, motivation, advice and input in guiding this thesis. The researcher realizes that in completing this thesis, the researcher received a lot of direction, assistance, and support from various parties, either directly or indirectly, so that this thesis can be completed properly. Therefore, on this occasion the researcher would like to express his gratitude especially to: 1. Prof. Dr. Hj. Euis Eti Rohaeti, M.Pd., as the Rector of IKIP Siliwangi 2. Dr. Hj. Teti Sobari, M.Pd., as the Dean Faculty of Language Education 3. Yana, S,Pd, M.Hum., as the Head of English Education Study Program 4. All lecturers and staff of the faculty of language education for their direction while researcher study at IKIP Siliwangi Bandung.
  • 6. vi The researcher hopes that this research will provide benefits for the advancement of education and the readers of this research.
  • 7. vii ABSTRACT Writing is one of the important skills that should be mastered by the students’.Writing is considered the most difficult and complicated language skill to be learned. Writing needs hard thinking to produce idea, words, sentences, paragraph, and composition. However, in reality students’ have difficulty in learning it, especially in the Recount Text material. The problem came from Teachers that have limitations in using teaching materials to support learning process. This research objectives are to describe the process, the feasibility, and students’ and teacher’s respond toward E-Module assisted by Flip PDF Professional. This research method is Research and Developemnt (R&D) in which adapted from Borg and Gall. The results of this research were analyzed qualitatively. This research was conducted in one of junior high school in West Bandung Regency involving eighth grade students’ and teacher. The research revealed three results. First, the development process produces digital teaching materials in the form of E-Module with Recount Text material assisted by Flip PDF Professional. Second, the feasibility of E- Module reached feasible category based on the validation results by language and teaching materials expert validators. Third, the responses of students’ and teacher towards the development of E- Module. Furthermore, this research provides suggestions for further researcher and development researcher. Key Term: E-Module, Flip PDF Professional, Recount Text
  • 8. viii viii TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ..........................................................................................................i APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................ ii STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ................................................................... iii PREFACE..............................................................................................................iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.....................................................................................v ABSTRACT......................................................................................................... vii TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................... viii LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................xi LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................ xii LIST OF APPENDICE...................................................................................... xiii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...................................................................................... 1 A. Background Of The Research ...........................................1 B. Research Questions.............................................................6 C. Objectives of The Research...............................................7 D. Significant Of The Research..............................................7 E. Operational Definition .......................................................7
  • 9. ix CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................... 10 A. Electronic Module (E-Module)........................................10 B. Flip PDF Professional.......................................................18 C. Writing...............................................................................20 D. Recount Text .....................................................................30 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................................ 37 A. Research Method ..............................................................37 B. The Subject of the Research ........................................3939 C. Instruments of the Research............................................40 D. Product Validation ...........................................................41 E. Data Analysis Technique..................................................42 CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ......................................................... 44 A. Results................................................................................44 B. Discussions.........................................................................70 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ..............................................7373 A. Conclusion .........................................................................73 B. Suggestions ....................................................................7474 REFERENCES.................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.75 APPENDIX...........................................................................................................79 Appendix 1 Student Interview Transcription......................................................7979 Appendix 2 Teacher Interview Transcription ....................................................8282 Appendix 3 Field Note Observation...................................................................8686
  • 10. x x RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (RPP)...........................8787 Students’ Questionnaire ..................................................................................9090 Teacher Questionnaire.....................................................................................9393 Appendix 7 Validation Sheet..............................................................................9596 Appendix 8 Instrument of The Research Approval ............................................9697 Appendix 9 Documentation................................................................................8698
  • 11. xi LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 E-Module Framework..........................................................................16 Table 2.2 The Punctuation Rules .........................................................................27 Table 2.3 The Capitalization Rules......................................................................28 Table 3.1 Sample Information..............................................................................40
  • 12. xii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 4.1The Preliminary Draft Product ............................................................46 Figure 4.2 Before and After Revision on Content Components..........................48 Figure 4.3 Before and After Revision on Presentation Components...................49 Figure 4.4 Before and After Revision on Preliminary Field Testing...................52 Figure 4.5 E-Module Cover ................................................................................55 Figure 4.6 Table of Content ................................................................................56 Figure 4.7 Basic Competencies, Main Competencies and Learning Objectives...56 Figure 4.8 Material Description Page ..................................................................57 Figure 4.9 Exercise...............................................................................................57 Figure 4.10 The Final Product .............................................................................58 Figure 4.11 Content Feasibility Components ......................................................58 Figure 4.12 Presentation Feasibility Components ...............................................59 Figure 4.13 Language Feasibility Components ...................................................60
  • 13. xiii LIST OF APPENDICE Appendix 1 Student Interview Transcription....................................................... 79 Appendix 2 Teacher Interview Transcription...................................................... 82 Appendix 3 Field Note Observation .................................................................... 86 Appendix 4 Research Lesson Plan....................................................................... 87 Appendix 5 Students’ Questionnaire ................................................................... 90 Appendix 6 Teacher Questionnair ....................................................................... 93 Appendix 7 Validation Sheet............................................................................... 95 Appendix 8 Instrument of The Research Approval ............................................. 97 Appendix 9 Documentation................................................................................. 98
  • 14. 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of The Research English is an international language spoken in most countries in the world. It is used as a mean of communication. Many countries use English for many occasions such as diplomatic, social, education, etc. some countries consider English as their native language, but in Indonesia English is considered as a foreign language. As a foreign language, English is not normally used as a medium of instruction, but English is used in formal setting, such as school and university. It means that English in Indonesia is not used for daily interactions, and it is learned in school as one of subjects in school. Studying English as a foreign language is gradually getting more important. In Indonesia, English is considered as a first foreign language and compulsory subject to be taught in high school. One of the aims of teaching English is developing the ability to communicate. The ability involves the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The researcher is mainly focused on writing skill. Writing is one of the important skills that should be mastered by the students’. As Nunan (1999) states that writing is considered difficult by most students’ where they often make mistakes in writing. W r i t i n g needs hard thinking to produce idea, words, sentences, paragraph,and composition. In writing,they need to express their feeling in a good way. They need to express their ideas and emotion creatively, so the reader can understand their writing. Raimes (1983) indicates that writing can help our students’ for those reasons; firstly writing reinforces the grammatical structures, idioms and vocabulary that we
  • 15. 2 teach, secondly when students’ write, they have a chance to be adventurous with the language to take risks, and lastly they become very involved with the new language; the effort to express ideas. There are many writing forms, some are creative, and some are not. However, all writing is creative writing due to writing uses the materials of language, experiences, knowledge, textual sources, personal ideas and imaginings of the writer, bringing out something that did not exist before. Raimes (1983: 3) proposes the most important reason writing helps students’ learn. Why writing is important. He mentions that: First, writing reinforces students’ grammatical structure, idioms and vocabulary. Second, when students’ write, they have a chance to express what they have already learnt. Third,students’ become involve in new language when they are writing. They will discover something new to write or a new way to express their ideas. Based on the results of observations at SMPN 3 Ngamprah, researchers found problems that: (1) teachers had used e-module teaching materials other than printed books and worksheets in face-to-face learning and online learning, but the e-module developed by the teacher was only in PDF format. . This is due to the limitations of teachers in mastering information and communication technology, so teachers have not been able to take advantage of existing software to develop e-modules with a more attractive appearance and can present learning audio and video. So that the e-module used in learning does not only contain a lot of material and can help students’ understand the material independently; (3) teachers and all students’ already have and can operate smartphones, while only a few students’ have computers, so that e-modules are suitable for students’ to use, which can be accessed via smartphones; (4) for learning materials, the teacher said that recount text material is material that requires many examples that must be packaged attractively, such as the use of pictures and also presenting examples through videos so that students’ easily understand the material.
  • 16. 3 According to syllabus second grade of junior high school the students’ should be able to analyze the social function, structure, and language features of recount text. writing, they need to express their feeling in a good way. They need to express their ideas and emotion creatively, so the reader can understand their writing. Based on the writer’s experience, the most difficult skill to learn is writing. The writer has observed some students’ in SMP Negeri 3 Ngamprah about the students’ problems in writing English text. There are some problems that they faced. First, they lack of vocabularies, second they do not know how to make a good sentence due to they grammar skill is low, and third they do not know how to organize writing. According to Elanneri Karani (2008), there are four problems encountered by the students’ when they are ordered to write a text. They are problems in content, organizing, vocabulary, and grammar. First is content, it means that the students’ cannot produce an effective text due to they cannot construct the main idea and supporting detail into a paragraph. Second is organizing, in organizing the students’ cannot organize paragraph into a good text. Third is vocabulary, sometimes the students’ lack of vocabulary for constucting a good paragraph, so the students’ cannot convey their ideas and opinions smoothly. Fourth is grammar, a good text describes a sentence structure correctly, and the paragraph has a good order of the words in sentence sequence. In other word, the students’ faced many problems in writing English text. Their problems focus on the writing procedures, and they usually lack of vocabulary and grammar mastery to start writing English text. These problems can be influenced by some factors. Based on the writer’s experience while teaching in SMP Negeri 3 Ngamprah, such as : 1) teaching materials that are often used by teachers in learning process generally use printed media such as handbooks and teaching materials is not interactive and effective in learning process, so
  • 17. 4 the students’ motivation in teaching and learning activities is low; 2) teachers had used e-module teaching materials other than printed books and worksheets in learning process, but the e-module developed by the teacher was only in PDF format, this is due to the limitations of teachers in mastering information and communication technology, so teachers have not been able to take advantage of existing software to develop e-modules with a more attractive appearance and can present learning audio and video. So that the e-module used in learning does not only contain a lot of material and can help students’ understand the material independently; 3) teachers and all students’ already have and can operate smartphones, while only a few students’ have computers, so that e-modules are suitable for students’ to use, which can be accessed via smartphones; (4) For learning materials, the teacher said that recount text material is material that requires many examples that must be packaged attractively, such as the use of pictures and also presenting examples through videos so that students’ easily understand the material. One of the thing that can applied to overcome the problems faced by students’ is made another teaching materials to increase they motivation in learning English, especially in writing recount text. Therefore, the researcher decided to develop a learning material that resembles a textbook, namely an e- module. E-module is a teaching material that uses electronic media in the form of computers, laptops, and smartphone in delivering media to taught students’ in class. Several electronic devices that can be combined to build an electronic module are: 1) Microsoft Office Power Point, 2) Microsoft Office Word, 3) Sofware(application) and the web. E-Modules are teaching materials that can direct and build students’ independence in understanding learning materials. Nisa et al. (2020: 14) emphasized the
  • 18. 5 advantages of e-modules, namely the cost of making it economical, efficient to carry, strong and will not be worn down by time, and can be equipped with images, video, audio and animation. There is a lot of software that can be used in developing e-modules, namely kvisoft flipbook maker (Sugianto et al., 2017), 3D page flip professional (Ferdianto et al., 2019), exe-learning (Muzijah et al., 2020) and flip pdf professional (Seruni et al., 2020). et al., 2019). Among these software, flip pdf professional has advantages, namely how to work on flip pdf professional and the operation of the final product produced is not difficult, can be published offline so that it can be run on a computer and uploaded online so that it can be run on computers and smartphones. This is what makes flip pdf professional can be used for beginners who do not know the HTML programming language (Seruni, 2019: 50). Flip Pdf Professional is software that can convert PDF files to digital publication flip pages so that they can be flipped over like a book when opened. In flip pdf professionals can also add images, audio, video, animation, quizzes, buttons, and others, so as to make the final product display attractive and interactive (Agustin et al., 2021: 164). Using professional flip pdf software in developing e-modules is very good and suitable for use in the learning process. This can be seen from the results of research conducted by Seruni, et al. (2019), it is known that the e-module he developed obtained an average percentage of material and language experts 85.00% and media experts 83.35%. The average percentage of student responses to the field test is 84.39%. Based on the advice given by Seruni, et al. (2019: 53), it is known that the e-module he developed with Flip PDF Professional can only be run on a computer, so it is necessary to develop an e-module that can also be run on a smartphone to make it easier to learn the material on the e-module without having to open the computer.
  • 19. 6 The research that will be carried out has similarities with previous research, namely developing e-modules using the help of a professional flip pdf. The difference with previous research is that it uses almost all of the features contained in Flip PDF Professional, so that in e- module there will be audio, video, and buttons that make the e-module more interesting. It is not difficult to access and operate it due to the e-module is published online, so it can be run on computers and smartphones using a good internet connection. Based on the things described above, it is hoped that the development of e-module assisted professional flip pdfs on recount text for second grade students’ of junior high school that is carried out can be an alternative teaching material for students’ and teachers, and can help students’ in independent learning. Therefore, the development research carried out is regarding Developing E- Module Assisted by Flip PDF Professional in Teaching Writing Recount Text for Second Grade Students’ of Junior High School. B. Research Questions 1. How is the process of developing e-module assisted by Flip PDF Professional in teaching writing recount text ? 2. How is feasibility of e- module assisted by Flip PDF Professional in teaching writing recount text on experts and practioner? 3. How are teacher and students’ responses toward the developing e-module assisted by Flip PDF Professional in teaching writing recount text? C. Objectives of The Research Based on the research questions, this research aims to examine: 1. To describe the process of developing e-module assisted by Flip PDF Professional in teaching writing recount text.
  • 20. 7 2. To described the feasibility of e-module assisted by Flip PDF Professional in teaching writing recount text. 3. To described the teacher and students’ responses of developing e-module assisted by Flip PDF Professional in teaching writing recount text. D. Significant Of The Research This research is expected to provide the advantages for students’, teachers and the other researchers. This research can be a recommendation and opportunity for other teachers and researchers who want to increase the value and motivation of students’ in writing recount rext. 1. For Teachers, may this study and e-module can support the teachers to teach writing recount text and improve the quality of the English learning process. 2. For Students’, may this study and e-module can support the students’ to learn writing recount text in online or luring learning independently (with or without a teacher). And can make students’ more interested in participating in the learning process of recount text. E. Operational Definition Some key terms used in this research are as follow: 1. E- Module E-module are teaching materials that are packaged systematically and interesting based on the curriculum and certain conditions that can be displayed using a computer, laptop, or smartphone. E– module is the electronic based part of learning
  • 21. 8 utilizing information technology and education. Not only utilizing internet media but also utilizing that others device such as tape recorders, videos, cassettes, projectors and others. Sunismi & Fathani (2015) stated that the electronic module is a printed module that has been converted into an electronic version that can be used for interactive multimedia applications. 2. Flip PDF Professional Flip PDF Professional is a powerful flipbook maker for e-catalogs, online magazines, digital brochures, and e-books. The Flip PDF Professional is different from the other pdf. It can combine the material in the form of pdf files with images, animations and learning videos that are still rarely used in physics learning. Flip PDF Professional is a software that can be used to convert PDF files to digital publication flip pages and change the appearance to be more attractive like a book that can be flipped over while reading it (Rahman et al., 2021: 186). 3. Writing Meyers (2005:2) states that writing is a way to produce language you do naturally when you speak. Writing is speaking to other on paper – or on a computer screen. Writing is also an action – a process of discovering and organizing your ideas, putting them on a paper and reshaping and revising them. In other words, Palmer (1994:35) states that writing is recursive. It goesback and forth we plan a little, put words on paper, stop to plan when we wantto say next, go back and change a sentence, or change our minds altogether. From those definitions, writing can be concluded as the written form of human communication that represent the language and communication. 4. Recount Text
  • 22. 9 One kind of texts that is learned by Junior High School Students’ is recount text. Recount text is one of text types that retells past events. According to Anderson, a recount is a piece of text that retells past, events, usually in order in which they happened. Thus, the special features of recount text could be found in its sequence of events in which the past event is written chronologically. The purpose of the text is usually to give the reader a description of event. Besides, its most common purposes are to inform and to entertain.
  • 23. 10 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter presents and discusses theory that is connected with the study. The discussion focusses on electronic module (e-module), aplication Flip PDF Professional and writing and recount text. A. Electronic Module (E-Module) 1. Definition of E- Module E-module is a teaching material that can assist students’ in studying subject matter independently which uses electronic media. There is no significant difference between module and e- module. What distinguishes it is only the form of presentation, where the e-module is provided in electronic learning media. E-module is an electronic version of the module where access and use are made through electronic devices such as computers, laptops, tablets, or even smartphones. Sunismi & Fathani (2015) (cited in Sucia, Syahrul, and Yasnur, 2019: 64) stated that the electronic module is a printed module that has been converted into an electronic version that can be used for interactive multimedia applications. Thus the differences between module and e- module only on the packaging of both. If module is simple than textbook, so e-module is simple than module, due to e-module can be brought by learner everywhere they want in their smartphone. The advantages of e- modules are complete with interactive media such as video, audio, animation, and other interactive features that can be played and played back by students’ when using the e-module. Team of UNY (2016: 3) (cited in Muhammad, 2020: 32) said that the e-module could be loaded with the material in the form of pdfs, images,
  • 24. 11 and animations that encourage the user to participate in the learning process actively. E- modules are innovative due to they can display complete, interactive teaching materials and good cognitive function. Text on e-modules can be created using Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point and etc. According to Mahayuki (2013:266), e-module is a module that is combined with Information and Communication Technology (ICT), has an interactive nature is easy to use, can display audiovisuals to make it easier to understand the material, and is equipped with formative test or quizzes that allow immediate automatic feedback. However, e-modules must be created using special programs/applications (e.g., Flip PDF Professional). According to the explanation before, the researcher state that e-module is one of learning material that can support teaching and learning process effectively, where in there has the contain of the materials of lesson which will be discussed by teacher and students’ easier for use, it can accessed in smartphone which brought by themselves everywhere they gone. 2. Characteristic of Electronic Module A good e- module should cover as a whole include a description of the competencies to be achieved, material written in excellent and enjoyable language equipped with illustrations or examples, written coherently so that it is easy to understand, completed worksheets, and answer keys. Based on the definition above, the e-module is an electronic form of a module, so that the characteristics are the same. According to Daryanto (2013: 9) (cited in Evi: 2018), a good learning e-module has several characteristics, namely self- instruction, self-contained, stand-alone, adaptive, and user friendly:
  • 25. 12 1. Self-instruction is an essential characteristic of the E-module and must be contained in the E-module. An E-module must have clear instructions to easily use it and know what learning objectives they have to achieve. 2. Self-contained. The subject matter is presented in a complete E- module so that students’ can study the material thoroughly. 3. Stand-alone. E-learning modules must stand alone or not depend on other teaching materials or do not require other supporting tools in their use. If the E-module learning still requires other teaching materials, it is not categorized as an independent learning E-module. 4. Adaptive. E-modules have the adaptability to developments in science and technology. E-Module learning that is good must be able to adapt to developments in science and technology. E- Module learning can be said to be adaptive if the E- module is by the development of science and technology and is flexible to use. 5. User friendly. E-learning modules should be friendly or familiar to the user. Every exposure and instruction contained in the E- module is helpful and friendly to the user. One form of user- friendly learning E-module is to use simple and easy to understand and use commonly used terms. Russel (1974) (cited in Lutfi et al., 2012: 39; and Heni, 2007: stated there are eight characteristics of module: (a) a learning package that is 'self-instruction, (b) it recognizes the existence of individual differences, (c) it contains formulated objectives explicitly, (d) it deals with the existence of association, structure, and sequence of knowledge, (e) it uses a variety of instructional media, (f) there is the active participation of students’, (g) there is reinforcement 'directly to the student's response, and (h) there is evaluation of the mastery of the material.
  • 26. 13 3. E-Module Quality Elements To produce e-module that can play its function and role in effective learning, the e- module needs to be designed and developed by considering several elements that require it, namely: format, organization, attractiveness, font size, blank space, and consistency. 1) Format a) Use proportional column format (single or multi). The use of single or multi- columns must be following the shape and size of the paper used. If using multi- column, the distance and comparison between columns should be proportional. b) Use the correct paper format (vertical or horizontal). The use of paper formats vertically or horizontally must pay attention to the layout and typing format. c) Use signs (icons) that are easy to graps and emphasize things considered important or special. Signs can be pictorial, bold, italic, or otherwise. 2) Organization a) Display a map/chart that describes the scope of material to be discussed in the module. b) Organize the contents of the learning material in a systematic order and arrangement, making it easier for students’ to understand the learning material. c) Arrange and place manuscripts, pictures, and illustrations so that the information is easy to understand by students’. d) Organize between chapters, between units, and between paragraphs with an arrangement and flow that makes it easier for students’ to understand. e) Organize between titles, subtitles, and descriptions that are easy for students’ to follow. 3) Attractiveness
  • 27. 14 a. The cover (front cover) combines colors, images (illustrations), shapes, and sizes of letters to match. b. The e-module contents by placing stimuli in pictures or illustrations, printing in bold, italic, underline, or color. c. Assignments and exercises are packaged in such an attractive way. 4) Letter Shape and Size a) Use easy-to-read font shapes and sizes following the general characteristics of students’. b) Use a proportional ratio of letters between titles, subtitles, and the manuscript's contents. c) Avoid using capital letters for the entire text, as this can make the reading process difficult. 5) Space (blank space) a) Use unscripted or graphic spaces or blank spaces to add contrast to the appearance of the module. Blank spaces can serve to add important notes and provide pause opportunities to students’. Use and place the blank space proportionally. Free space's placement can be done in several places such as: b) Space around chapter and section headings. c) Margin (margin); wide borders force students’ attention to enter the center of the page. d) Space between columns; the wider the column, the wider the space between them. e) Change between paragraphs and start with a capital letter. f) Change between chapters or sections. g) Use shapes and letters consistently from page to page. Try not to combine multiple prints with too many variations of font shapes and sizes.
  • 28. 15 h) Use consistent spacing. Consistent with the spacing between the title and the first line, between the title and the main text. Unequal spacing is often considered bad and untidy. i) Use a consistent typing layout, both typing patterns, and typing margins/boundaries. 6) Consistency/obedience to principles. All elements in the module, whether related to writing format, organization, the font form, or blank space, must be consistent. 4. Objectives of E-Module Development There are several purposes of module development: a. Clarify and make it easier to present the message so that it is not too verbal. b. Overcoming the limitations of time, space, and sensory power, both students’ and teachers/instructors. c. Can be used appropriately and varies, such as Increasing motivation and passion for learning for students’; Developing the ability of students’ to interact directly with the environment and other learning resources; Allowing students’ to learn independently according to their abilities and interests; Allows students’ to measure or evaluate their learning outcomes. Hamdani (2011: 220-224) (cited in M. Taufik, 2013: 8) also stated that one of the objectives of e-module preparation was to provide teaching materials that are suitable with the demands of the curriculum by noticing student needs, namely teaching materials
  • 29. 16 that are suitable with the characteristics of teaching materials and student characteristics, as well as social and environmental background. The Ministry of Education and Culture (2017: 6) explains that in module development, it is best to choose a structure or framework that is simple and best suited to existing needs and conditions. The module framework is structured as follows: Table 2.1 E-Module Framework COVER  Sumarry  Module Title  Assignment  Name of Subject  Exercies  Topic / Learning Material  Self assessment  Level of Class  Learning Activity 2, and so on.  Author following the number of lesson designed in.  Table of Contents  Glossary II I. EVALUATION I. Introduction Key answers and guidelines for scoring.  KD REFERENCES  Brief description of the material, rationalization and relevance (motivation)  Prerequisites (if any)  Instructions for Use of E- Modules APPENDIX II. LEARNING  Learning activity 1  Destination  Material Description 5. Principles of E-Module Development Dwi (2015) stated that in e-module development, several principles need attention. An e-module must be developed based on the results of the needs and conditions
  • 30. 17 analysis. It is necessary to know with certainty what learning materials need to be arranged into a module, how many modules are wanted, who will use them, what resources are required and are available to support the use of the modules, and other necessary things. Furthermore, a modular design is developed, which is considered the most suitable with various objective data and information obtained from the needs and condition analysis. What form, structure, and module components can meet the sundry needs and conditions. According to Dwi (2015) Based on the design that has been developed, the required e-modules are compiled per module. The e-module development process consists of three main stages: a. First, determine the appropriate learning strategy and learning media. At this stage, it is necessary to pay attention to the various characteristics of the competencies to be studied, the characteristics of students’ and the context, and the situation in which the e-module will be used. b. Second, producing or realizing the physical e-module. The components of the e- module content include learning objectives, learner prerequisites, learning substances or materials, forms of learning activities, and their supporting elements. c. Third, develop assessment tools. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention so that all aspects of competence (related knowledge, skills, and attitudes) can be assessed based on specific predetermined criteria. For the development of e-module, a simple structure or framework and best fits the existing needs and conditions is chosen. Pudji Muljono (2001) (cited in Tri, 2012: 108) revealed the following module development chart:
  • 31. 18 a. The introductory section consists of a brief description, relevance, and instructional objectives b. The presentation section is the module content which is divided into several sub- sections commonly called Learning Activities 1, Learning Activities 2 and so on. In textbooks, these learning activities are called sub-chapters. Each module is expected to be divided into 2-4 Learning Activities, each of which is structured, among others; the title of the learning activity, a description or a detailed explanation of the content of the lesson, an exercise that contains activities that students’ must do, and a summary of the concepts learned, and the closing section contain formative tests, feedback, and follow-up and there are formal test answer keys. On the other hand, Hamdani (2011) said that, like other teaching materials, the preparation of a module should pay attention to the various principles that make the module fulfill its purpose. B. Flip PDF Professional 1. Definition of Flip PDF Professional The module is one of the teaching materials designed to facilitate the learning process so that students’ can study independently. Meanwhile, the e-module is a renewal of the print module in the form of digital/electronic with a combination of several other media and an attractive design without compromising its usefulness. E-Module is part of a digital book, one of the applications/software used in making digital books is Flip PDF Professional. So, in this research the researcher developed the e-module used Flip PDF Professional platform. Flip PDF Professional is an application that can be used to convert pdf to digital flipping pages that allows us to create interactive learning content with 44 supported features. Flip PDF Professional is a software that can be used to convert PDF files to digital publication flip pages
  • 32. 19 and change the appearance to be more attractive like a book that can be flipped over while reading it (Rahman et al., 2021: 186). Flip PDF Professional is equipped with various multimedia features that have the function of editing PDF pages to insert images, audio, video, hyperlinks, quizzes, flash animations, create buttons, and others, which make the final product display more attractive and interactive. (Seruni, et al., 2019: 50). So it is in line with Komikesari et al., (2020: 3) which states that Flip PDF Professional software is very suitable for making e-books and interactive learning media that are still rarely used in learning and make learning less monotonous. The final result or output of this professional flip pdf software can be HTML5, EXE, zip, Mac app, FBR, mobile version, burn to CD. HTML5 format can be operated online on smartphones and computers, while other formats can only be operated offline on computers (Febrianti, 2021: 105). Based on the explanation above, it can be seen that Flip PDF Professional is software used to convert pdf files to digital publication flip pages that allow for developing teaching materials and interactive learning media due to it has multimedia features that support adding images, audio, videos, animations, quizzes, and attractive buttons, and easy to operate on a smartphone or computer. 2. The advantages of Flip PDF Professional include the following: Using the learning media is expected to provide renewal in the learning process in the classroom. The use of Flip PDF Professional media can increase students’ interest in learning and can also affect student achievement or learning outcomes. The use of Flip PDF Professional can also improve understanding and improve the achievement of learning outcomes. a. Interactive publishing. With an attractive appearance by adding videos, images, links and more, making the flipbook interactive with users. b. Students’ have diverse experiences from all media. c. Can eliminate student boredom due to the media used is more varied. d. In this software, there is an editing function that allows users to add videos, images, audio,
  • 33. 20 hyperlinks and multimedia objects to pages that can be flipped over like an original book so that the learning process will be more interesting. e. Very good for self-study activities. f. There are various templates, themes, views, backgrounds and plugins to customize the developed e-module. g. Students’ are not bored with reading Algebra material even though it is in book form due to of this Flip PDF Professional media. h. Use of Flip PDF Professional media without internet online. i. Flexible output formats such as html, exe, zip, Mac App, mobile version and burn to CD. 3. The Disadvantages of Flip PDF Professional include the following: a. E-modules that are processed in the software can only be input from pdf format, if there is a change in the main file, a new project must be created. b. The file size is quite large due to the contents are full of videos and images. C. Writing 1. Definition of writing Richard et al. (2002: 309) and Nation (2009: 119) (cited in Puspa et al. l: 2018) stated that writing is a way to transfer ideas for learners. Through writing, we can share ideas, express feelings, and convince others. Some students’ have ideas as authors but have trouble producing, organizing, and translating them into readable texts. Writing is an activity that is quite difficult for students’ to do. Andi (2020: 2) said that writing is seen as a difficult duty for both teachers and students’. Tesema (2005) and Fidalgo et al. (2009:129) (cited in Puspa et al. 2018: l) stated that for most English language students’, learning to write in English as a foreign language is a complex and cognitively challenging challenge. The most complex language skill to
  • 34. 21 be studied and taught is writing some aspects or elements should be included in the developing and transforming of their ideas, such as content, vocabulary, and grammar. Meyers (2005:2) states that writing is a way to produce language you do naturally when you speak. Writing is speaking to other people on paper or on a computer screen. Furthermore, writing is also an action or a process of discovering and organizing the ideas, putting them on a paper, reshaping and revising them. In other term, Highman (2011:4) declares that writing is not simply a task to be done by conducting once research or other preparation is completed. It can be an integral part of the work progress. Randal (2004: 160) states that writing is an ability to make a form of words that in general it may have a higher truth value than the fact that it has set it down. It means that the product of writing should be truly acceptable by the readers. Besides, it must contain meaningful values so that the readers can get the benefits from the writing. Nunan (2003: 88) says that writing is an intellectual activity of finding the ideas and thinking about the way to express and arrange them into a statement and paragraph that is clear to be understood by the people. It means 14 that the writers are supposed to think their idea and arrange into good arrangement and composition. Surely, the writers have to consider the grammar and punctuation too. So, it will make the reader easy to understand the story. This statement is supported by Hyland (2004: 09) who says that writing is a way to share personal meanings. The people construct their own views on topic. They will share their views on a topic to each other then. A person’s views may be different from other people’s views. It depends on their belief. Therefore, when constructing their views (ideas), the people have to make it understandable and acceptable.
  • 35. 22 Nura (2003: 71) says that writing is an activity. Writing is not merely symbolized spoken language. Writing is a person’s way to express him/herself and to adapt with the society. Through writing, readers will understand the writer’s way of thinking. It means that writing can be a reflection of the writer’s mind. Additionally, Harmer (2004: 86) stated that writing is a process that what we write is often heavily influenced by the constraints of genres, then these elements have to be present in learning activities. It means that writing cannot be separated with genres especially in teaching learning activities of writing. In this case, writing activities can be present in a classroom. From all of those definitions, it can be concluded that writing is an activity of thinking in which it is expressed into graphic symbols and communicative written language. In expressing the writers’ thought into written language, the sense and feeling have the important role, so that the products of writing will be easily understood and enjoyed by the readers. 2. Purpose of Writing The purpose of writing is the expression of ideas and the conveying of a message to the readers. Mc. Mahon et al (1996: 8) states that there are many purposes of writing which surely different. Those are: a) To express the writers feeling. The writer wants to produce and express what he/she feels or thinks through written forms, as in diary or a love letter. It is what is so called expressive writing. b) To entertain the readers. The writer intends to entertain the readers through written forms. The writer usually uses aesthetical materials to entertain the readers. It is called literary writing. c) To inform the readers. The writer intends to give information or explain
  • 36. 23 something to the readers. It is a kind of informative writing. d) To persuade the readers. The writer tries to persuade or convince the readers about his opinion or concept or idea. It is called persuasive writing. 3. Stages in Writing According to (Harmer 2004:12), stages or can be called as writing process is the ways that are used by the writers when they are arranging the written text. It means that the writing process only focuses on the what the 16 writers do. There are four stages in writing include prewriting, drafting, editing, and final draft. In addition, all of those stages can be explained briefly as follows: a. Prewriting Prewriting means that the activity in making the outline or design of writing before the writers start to write. It can help them to organize their ideas and imagination. The outcome of this stage is the form of outline. b. Drafting Drafting is the process when the writers start to write the ideas and information that they know. Basically, those ideas are used as the guide to develop the main thought. As the writing process proceeds into editing, a number of drafts may be produced on the way to final drafts. This is usually done on the assumption that it will be amended later. The outcome of this stage is the form of first draft. c. Revising In revising process, the will review their final draft to check five aspects of writing that cover organization, grammar, language use, mechanic, and content. Revising is a process in which writers not only polish their style, but also develop
  • 37. 24 their ideas. The outcome of this stage is the form of first draft with corrective feedback. d. Editing It is final version, the writers check their final text revision for some mistakes that they have made. Checking grammar and spelling 17 accuracies, punctuations, and word choices usually becomes the main task to be done at this stage. The outcome of this stage is the form of first draft with error correction final draft. 4. Aspects of Writing According to Weigh (2002:16), writing has several elements that must be included in the product of written text such as contents, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanic. Here are the explanations of each element in writing: a. Content The definition of content is about the material existed in the composition such as topic, explanations, discussions, and the core of the main topic. It means that the content should be consider clearly for a good text. b. Organization The meaning of organization during the composing of the writing text should be consider the sequence of each statement. In addition, the statement of the recount text be organize well.
  • 38. 25 c. Vocabulary Vocabulary means that the word that we used in writing the text. Furthermore, the vocabulary should suitable, great, and clear for the text. So, consider the vocabulary will make the result of the text in the recount text better. In this research, the researcher found that the students’ vocabulary mastery was low. The students’ did not master vocabulary enough. So, the researcher would improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. d. Grammar It refers to the use of the correct grammatical forms and syntactical pattern. It is identified from the construction of well-formed sentence. Studying grammar means knowing how different grammatical elements can be strung together to make chains of words. There are many kinds of grammatical form. They are nouns, pronouns, adjectives, tense, adverbs and preposition. In this research, the researcher focuses in using of tenses and punctuation. In this research, the researcher found some grammar mistakes about sentence. The students’ still found difficulties in using sentence, like present tense, past tense, and future tense. In this research, the researcher would teach about recount text. The researcher would focus in using past tense. e. Mechanic Mechanics deals with the punctuation, spelling, capitalization as well as the type of handwriting whether it is clear or not. It is important to arrange the mechanics kindly since the effect to the writing result. Besides that, the students’ have to consider the rules of language, punctuation, and spelling. The
  • 39. 26 recount text which use the true and suitable mechanics will be readable and easy to understand. f. Punctuation Punctuation gives a sign or tone in writing. It is necessary to make the meaning of the senteces clearly. There are three punctuation marks that you can use at theend of the sentences. They are period, the question marks, and the exclamations mark. The following table explains about thepunctuation rules: Table 2.2 The Punctuation Rules g. Capitalization Capitalization is also important thing in writing. There are some rules of the capitalization. The following table presents about the rules of capitalization: Punctuation Role Examples Put period (full stop) at the end of statement. My name is Prima Pratama. I don’t like to give interviews. Put a question mark at the end of the question. What is your name? Do you speak English? Put exclamation mark at the end of a sentence to showstrong feeling. It sure is hot today!
  • 40. 27 Table 2.3 The Capitalization Rules Rules Examples Put capitalize in the first word of a sentence. Mother Sifa is admired for her work all over the world. Put capitalize the pronoun ‘I” Rama and I try to care for poor, sick people throughout the world. Put capitalize of the abbreviations and acronyms, which are words formed from the first letters of words in the names of organizations. FBI USA UNICEF Put capitalize on all proper nouns. Proper nouns include: names of details and names of people and their titles. Names of detail : God, Allah Names of people and their titles : (Reni C.W, S.pd ) Put capitalize of specific placesyou could find in the map First Street Lake Victoria Parangtritis Beach Put capitalize of names of days,month, and special days MondayJanuary Independent Day Put capitalize in the names ofspecific groups of people (Nationalities, races, and ethnic groups), language, and regions. Asian EnglishArabic
  • 41. 28 Put capitalize of name of geographic areas the North the Southwest 5. Difficulty in Writing Byrne (1988) (cited in Fikri: 2014) stated that three problems make writing skills difficult to master, namely linguistic, cognitive, and content problems. The first problem is linguistic. Linguistic’s problem is related to our shrewdness in writing the correct structure, and therefore the formed sentences will be able to blend into one another. The result is that the text is made that readers can implement properly. The second problem is a cognitive problem related to our mastery of language forms, structures, and grammar, which are useful for effective communication in writing. Harmer (2004) (cited in Fikri: 2014) terms it with an organizational problem which is, of course, more complicated than an organization problem in speaking. The third is the problem of ideas. This is related to what we can put in writing. Often we lose ideas in the middle of the writing process. 6. Teaching Writing Teaching writing especially at Junior High School is not easy as teaching other language skills which must be learnt as other language skills which are mastered, and it demands very much of learner, either the basic language proficiency to control their language performance. While writing, students’ also need much time to think. Teacher asks students’ to focus on accurate language use and ideas what they will write. Specific technique is needed in teaching writing English for senior high school.
  • 42. 29 Lindsay and Knight (2006: 3) say that teaching is the teacher’s job to help learners learn. Teaching writing is teaching the students’ how to express the idea or imagination in writing form. Writing is more than productive skill in the written mode. It is the complicated skill than the other three skills, even for native speakers of language, since it involves not just a graphic representation of speech, but the development and presentation of thoughts in a structured way. Thus, the teachers are able to select a suitable material in writing class, so that materials and technique could be understandable for the students’ and they can express their idea, thinking into good writing. Dorn and Soffos (2001) said that in the teaching writing to young learners, teachers have to recognize the complexity of the process and also think a moment about what happens in the mind of their students’ as they create a written work. Teacher must be creative to prepare materials that feature real-life situations and authentic language in teaching. Teachers also must be conscious of the types of practice: they are mechanical, meaningful, and communicative. Based on those statements, the writer can concluded that the teacher’s role is needed to motivate students’ in teaching learning process while students’ in transition period, and teacher must be creative to prepare materials that feature real-life situations and authentic language in teaching due to they have some different characteristic. In practicing their writing, they have to follow the steps of process writing to make their writing more effective and help the students’ to write a text become easier. All of that the students’ do before writing is very important, due to the student can be guided to think about a topic in relation to a perceived audience. In this activity of writing involved process writing.
  • 43. 30 D. Recount Text 1. Definition of Recount Text Hyland (2004: 29) states that recount is a kind of genre that has social function to reconstruct past experience by retelling in original sequence. The tense that use in recount text is past tense. Then, Hyland’s statement is supported by Anderson (2003) who defines recount text as a piece of text that retells past events, usually in the order in which they happened. The purpose of a recount text is to give the audience a description of what occurred and when it occurred. Anderson and Anderson (1997: 48) said that recount is speaking or writing about past events or a piece of text that retells past events, usually in the order which they happened. It can be the writers’ or others’ experience that happened in the past. In recount text, the writers can tell everything whether it is embarrassing, unforgettable, pleasing experience, and other as long as it is already happened. Formally, Knapp (2005:223) declared that recounts are sequential texts that do little more sequence a series of events. Every story, no matter how simple, needs an orientation. From those statements, the researcher can conclude that recount is a type of text which retell event or experiences happened in the past. Then, the purpose of recount text is to entertain, inform, or reflect the readers. 2. Types of Recount Text According to UC High School Kaleen Writing Handbook (2011), recount text is classified into three types which include personal recount, factual recount, and imaginative recount.
  • 44. 31 a) Personal Recount A personal recount is where the writer is recounting the personal event that they were involved directly. It means that the writer is actively involved in the activity of the event. The purposes of personal recount are to inform and to entertain the reader. b) Factual Recount A factual recount is a list of record of a certain event. It can be used to retell the particular incident or event, such as an accident report, eyewitness, science experience, historical events, and newspaper report. Its purpose is just to inform the reader about what was going on in the past c) Imaginative Recount An imaginative recount retells an imaginative story through the eyes of a fiction character. It means, the event that happened in the text do not occur in the real life. Its purpose is usually to entertain, and it usually can be found in textbook. 3. Generic Structure of Recount Text In making an effective recount text, it needs standard that is used to guide a writer to make a good writing. Furthermore, recount text has several significant characteristics. According to Mukarto et al as cited in Novela (2019:20), the generic structures of recount text consist of: orientation, events, and reorientation. a) Orientation Recount begins by telling the reader who was involved, what happened, where the event took place, and when it happened. Orientation gives reader
  • 45. 32 background information needed to understand the text, and the reader will recognize about scene setting and context of the text. b) Events Event is the main activities that occurred in the story of the text. In writing recount text, events are ordered in a chronological sequence. Sometimes, additional detail is added to the text to give some information for reader. c) Reorientation Reorientation is a closing statement that may include elaboration. Some recount texts also have a concluding paragraph. In this concluding paragraph, the writer can give his/ her personal comment or statement, but it is optional one. 4. Language Features of Recount According to Mark et al as cited in Nugrahani (2016: 21), the language features of recount text are: a) Proper noun to identify those involved in the text. b) Descriptive words to give details about who, what, when, where, and how. c) The use of past tense to retell the events. d) Words that show the order of events (for example, first, next, then). 5. Previous Related Study In writing this thesis, the researcher found some researches which are closely related to this research, those researchers:
  • 46. 33 a) Areta Puspa, Mohammad Adnan Latief, Emalia Iragiliati (2018), in their journal "English for Academic Purposes: E-Module of Writing a Report for Food Processing Technology Students’." Their research produced an E-module for writing reports for students’ of the Food Processing Technology Study Program who participated in an internship program. This product is a PDF file that can be used by uploading and downloading through Edmodo, where teachers and students’ are familiar with this educational social media. E-modules are uploaded on Edmodo so that teachers and students’ can communicate through them. On the other hand, researchers provide teacher guides and student guides in downloading the E-module and using Edmodo. The material is focused on writing reports in English for Food Processing Technology, especially for twelfth-grade students’. The e-module provides deductive learning in each unit consisting of theory (explanation), examples (models), and practice (exercises and tests) which in turn can lead students’ to complete written reports on internshipindependently.9 However, the resulting product cannot be used at Junior High School of SMPN 3 Ngamprah , Students’ do not learn about writing Food Processing Technology reports for their internships, so they do not do apprenticeships. b) Sucia Winita, Syahrul Ramadhan, and Yasnur Asri (2019), in their article "The Development of Electronic Module Based on Discovery Learning in Writing Explanation Text." Their article developed an electronic module,"Mahir Menulis Teks Eksplanasi,"to explain text writing theory that is valid, practical, and effective, based on discovery learning needs. This module was designed in the Indonesian language to achieve the contents of the 2013 Indonesian Language Curriculum for SMA/MAK in Kompetensi Dasar 3.4 and 4.4. The students’ must
  • 47. 34 understand and produce explanation texts contained. However, the resulting product cannot be used at Junior High School of Students’ of SMPN 3 Ngamprah due to in English syllabus for second-grade of Junior High School of SMPN3 Ngamprah not include Explanation Text learning, so it does not enter into the students’ need due to students’ do not learn the Explanation Text. c) Anita Widiyanti (2021) in her thesis “Pengembangan Bahan Ajar E- LKPD Menggunakan Liveworksheet pada Materi Bangun Datar Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar” In her thesis, she made a teaching material in an electronic worksheet, using a Liveworksheet. The teaching material contains mathematical material about Keliling Bangun Datar for elementary level students’ class IV semester II SDN Sumbersari 1 Malang City. This e- worksheet was made by considering the current pandemic conditions, which requires SDN Sumbersari 1 Malang City to carry out PJJ (Distance Learning Process). This e-worksheet was made using Liveworksheets, where Liveworksheets is applications for designing electronic worksheets. In the development of the e-worksheet, there were videos as relevant (real) examples so that learning was more attractive to students’, and teachers could assign tasks without correcting them. However, the resulting product cannot be used at Junior High School of SMPN 3 Ngamprah, due to the learning material is not about English and the level of schools are different. Besides, she designed an e-LKDP, not an e-module. d) Sitti Fadhilah Zulkifli (2021) In Her Thesis Developing E-Module Of Writing Using Liveworksheets For Senior High School Of Modern Islamic Boarding School Datuk Sulaiman Putri Palopo” In her thesis, she made a teaching material in an electronic module, using a Liveworksheet. The teaching material contains writing material for XI Grade students’ of Modern Islamic Boarding School
  • 48. 35 students’ Datuk Sulaiman Putri Palopo. This e-worksheet was made using Liveworksheets, where Liveworksheets is applications for designing electronic worksheets. In the development of the e-worksheet, there were videos as relevant (real) examples so that learning was more attractive to students’, and teachers could assign tasks without correcting them. Based on the results of research and discussion, it was concluded that the E-module of Writing as a source of learning English writing is suitable for students’ at Senior High School of Modern Islamic Boarding School Datuk Sulaiman Putri Palopo. However, the resulting product cannot be used at Junior High School of SMPN 3 Ngamprah, due to the learning material is about English writing skill and but the level of schools are different. e) Sri Agus Turnip (2018) in his article “Developing Writing Materials In Recount Text For The Eight Grade Students’ At Smp Rk Serdang Murni Lubuk Pakam” his article developed an the writing materials in recount text. The product of this study is a set of writing materials of recount text entitled “Guide for Writing” for students’ of second grade of SMP for the eight grade students’, to explain text writing recount text theory that is valid, practical, and effective, based on discovery learning needs. The writing material is “My Unforgettable Experience”. It consists of Pre-writing, Drafting, Responding, and Editing tasks ranging 15 tasks. However, the resulting product can be used at Junior High School of Students’ of SMPN 3 Ngamprah due to in English syllabus for second-grade of Junior High School of SMPN 3 Ngamprah, due to the material is accordance with the syllabus of second grade students’ and the same grade level.
  • 49. 37 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Method This research employed Research and Development (R&D) based on Borg and Gall. R & D is a type of research that produces a product. Development is the technical process of a series of elements arranged together to form a product (Ranberg, 1974). The product is e-module. The stages of the research were adapted based on Borg and Gall (1971), a presented in Figure 3.1 Figure 3.1 the Design of this research (Adapted from Borg and Gall, 1971) 1. Research and Information Collecting At this stages includes activities to revieww the literature and class observation (Borg & Gall, 1983). The stages ere done to determine the problems experienced by students’ in learning English and interest of students’ in learning English. From the observation data, the researcher collecting material and learn the syllabus. Thus, the material contained in the e-module is relevant to learning needs Research and Information Collecting Research and Planning Collecting Develop Product Product Validation Product Revision Preliminary Field Testing Product Revison Main Field Testing Final Product
  • 50. 38 2. Planning The researcher designing layouts, pictures, and texts on recount text material that had been collected. 3. Develop Product The product is developed according to the design, plan, and learning objectives. The researcher designing the layouts, pictures, and text are based on the recount text material that has been collected and then loaded to the Flip PDF Professional platform. 4. Product Validation Product validation is require to measure the feasibility of the product developed as a teaching materials. Therefore, this also required expert validation. The validators of this research and product development are two lecturers who are experts in language and teaching material. The results of validated e-module will be analyzed to determine their feasibility. 5. Product Revision In this stages, the revision conduct as its results of the validation. 6. Preliminary Field Testing The next test subject after the revised product was a small group trial. The main field testing conducted in from 1-3 schools with 3-12 subjects (Borg & Gall, 1971). Due to the limited time, the researcher conducts is one junior high with 15 subjects as a sample of the population. 7. Produt Revision In this stages, the revision conduct as its results of the preliminary field testing. 8. Main Field Testing The next test subject is a test on a large group. The operational field testing conducted in from 5-15 schools with 30-100 subjects (Borg & Gall, 1971). Due to the
  • 51. 39 limited time, the researcher conducted in one junior high school with 30 subjects as a sample of the population. 9. Final Product The product is ready to be used for educational purposes in a wider real. B. The Subject of the Research 1. Validator This research involved two lectures, there are English lecturer as expert validator in term of teaching materials validation, an English lecturer as expert validator in term of language validation and an second grader English teacher as a practitioner of learning media. 2. Sample Students’ a. Population The teachers and second grade students’ at public junior high school in West Bandung Regency who attend during the research activities were involved. b. Sample The sample of this research involved two classes, consisting of 45 second grade students’ who attend the research activity and an Englishh Teachers of second grade students’. The treatment of learning using product exercises and questionnaire given to all samples of students’ on different occasions. Table 3.1 Sample Information No. Test Stage Number of Sample 1. Main Field Testing 15 2. Operational Field Testing 30 Total 45
  • 52. 40 C. Instruments of the Research Instrument is a tool that serves to facilitate the implementation of something. In addition to compiling teaching materials for e-module, research instruments used to assess the developed e-module are also compiled. Based on the research objectives, the following instruments were designed and arranged: 1. Observation In this research, the researcher role as a non-participant observer. The researcher apply instructed observation, and take the field note to obtain the data related to information collecting to develop product and related to obstacle in developing the product. 2. Interview Interview is a technique carried out by dialogue using the media or face to face directly by the interviewer with the resource person who is used as a data source. The researcher apply semi-interview to collect information or responses regarding learning recount text using the product. Interview conducted on students’ and teachers as practitioners. 3. Questionnaire The questionnaire is a technique of collecting data in form of written statements or questions in order to obtain answers from respondents (Sugiyono, 2017). The questionnaires were used to obtain the e-module feasibility data from material experts and teaching materials experts and students’ and teachers' responses. The questionnaires were distributed to collect the information related to the students’ and teacher’s responses to learning using e-module.
  • 53. 41 D. Product Validation Product validation is needed to test the feasibility of the product developed as teaching material. Therefore, expert validators, preliminary field testing, and main field testing are needed. 1. Expert validation If the results of the validation analysis show that the expected results have not been achieved, the researchers make improvements according to the suggestions given by the validators. This instrument is in the form of a validation questionnaire related to the feasibility of the content, the feasibility of the presentation, and the feasibility of the language. The researcher used a Likert Scale. The Likert scale is used to measure the attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of a person or group towards an event or social phenomenon (Widagdo, 2021). The scale used consists of 4 points with a very appropriate score, namely number 1 = not good, 2 = less, 3 = good, and 4 = very good. Its function is to provide input in the development of web-based teaching materials, namely e-module. 2. Preliminary Field Testing The product validation test has been carried out on two validators, a revision will immediately be made to adjust the input from the two validators. Thus, e-module assisted by Flip PDF Professional can be tested in small groups, namely preliminary field testing involved 15 second grade students’ of junior high school. The preliminary filed testing was conducted to describe students’ respond to the use of e-module assisted by Flip PDF Professional. The researcher used a Likert Scale. The Likert scale is used to measure the attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of a person or group towards an event or social phenomenon (Widagdo, 2021). The scale used consists of 4 points with
  • 54. 42 a very appropriate score, namely strongly concured, concured, neutral, disconcured, and strongly disconcured. 3. Main Field Testing Main field testing was conducted after the preliminary field trial, with a larger number of students’ involved 30 students’ second grade students’ of junior high school. The main field testing was conducted to describe the wider students’ and teacher’s respond to the use of e-module assisted by Flip PDF Professional. The researcher used a Likert Scale. The Likert scale is used to measure the attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of a person or group towards an event or social phenomenon (Widagdo, 2021). The scale used consists of 4 points with a very appropriate score, namely strongly concured, concured, neutral, disconcured, and strongly disconcured. E. Data Analysis Technique The data analysis technique is a process of simplifying data into a form that is easier to read and interpret. In this research, the researcher used the data analysis technique based on Miles and Huberman (1994), consisting of three steps; data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification. 1. Data reduction The data reduction becomes the first step to do in analyzing the data in this research. According to Miles & Huberman (1994), data reduction refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data as written up filed notes or transcripts. Firstly, the researcher transcribed the data. The irrelevant data which were not related to research questions were described. Then, the researcher displayed the data is the form of descriptive explanation. 2. Data display
  • 55. 43 In the process of displaying data, it was based on the formulation of the research problem. This step is done by presenting a set of information that is structured and possibility of drawing conclusions since the data obtained during the process of qualitative research is usually in form of a narrative explanation. 3. Conclusion The last step to analyze the data in this research is drawing conclusions. In this step, the researcher concludes the result of the research based on the research problems that are discovered.
  • 56. 44 CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS A. Results This section elaborates the results of product development process, the feasibility of the product according to the validators, and students’ and teacher respondses toward product. 1. The Process of Developing E-Module Assisted by Flip PDF Professional The development conducted in this research was developing e- module assisted by Flip PDF Professional in teaching writing recount text for second grade students’ of junior high school. a. Draft Product of E- Module The researcher developed the e-module assisted by Flip PDF Professional platform. The process of developing e-module assisted by Flip PDF Professional has conducted based on the development of Borg & Gall (1971) it has nine stages. The resercher do the observation has conducted as part of Research and Information Collecting stage to investigate the research problem, to investigate the solutions needs, and to collect literature review. The data obtained used as a basis in developing the product. The observation has conducted in April 18th 2022. Based on the information collected, it can be identified that the students’ as conducting blended learning, lack of variety of digital-based teaching materials, and the students’ are allowed to bring their phones in certain subjects, the students’ were less enthusiastic in participating in the learning process. Based on the problems found, the researcher was interested in developing teaching materials. The researcher found a platform namely Flip PDF Professional which can be a means to develop digital-based teaching materials.
  • 57. 45 After that, the researcher plans the material to be loaded, the number of questions, types of questions, layout design, and color choices. Considering the inability to design directly using Flip PDF Professional, the researcher used Canva platform as a design solution. Next, the researcher started product development, by creating a design e-module using the Canva platform, due to the Flip PDF Professional platform does not provided features for designing layouts. After the e-module design has created on Canva platform, the e-module loaded into Flip PDF Professional platform to combine with the features in it.The following is the preliminary draft product developed by the researcher, as presented in Figure 4.1.
  • 58. 46 Figure 4.1 the Preliminary Draft Product The Figure 4.1 is the preliminary draft product of e-module design that has been developed by researcher. b. Expert Validation In this stages, the researcher distributed a validation questionnaire to validators language expert and teaching materials expert on March 29, 2022. The validators of this research are an English lecturer as expert validator in term of language validation, an English lecturer as expert validator in term of teaching materials validation. Validation of a product contains three components, namely content feasibility component, presentation feasibility component, and language feasibility component. At this stage the validator has assessed that there were things that need to be revised by the researcher, including the content feasibility component and the presentation feasibility component. 1) Content
  • 59. 47 In the term of content, both validators concuredd that the developed of e-module is in accordance with the material taught at the second grade level where in the second grade of junior high school syllabus there is material about recount text, after seen the learning objectives of the developed e-module both validators concuredd that the learning objectives are in accordance with the second grade level of junior high school, in the developed e-module there are practice questions, where the practice questions according to the two validators are in accordance with the material being discussed, as well as the examples provided in the e-module are in accordance with the material discussed, but both validators concuredd that the examples there are too few, while students’ need lots of examples in order to understand the recount text material. So, in the end of the class students’ can write simple personal recount text according to the learning objectives. In addition, the two validators concuredd that in the end of e-module there needs the practice questions as an evaluation of learning material. The following are the content of e-module before and after revisions: Before After
  • 60. 48 Figure 4.2 before and after revision Figure 4.2 the difference between the product before and after the revision. The researcher made revision in accordance with the suggestions that given by expert validators. The researcher added example from the previous one example to four examples. And added practice questions as an evaluation of learning material. 2) Presentation In the presentation, the validator assessed that the developed e- module has been presented in a systematic arrangement, but the validator evaluated the dark colour and contrast presentation and suggested to made the colour and contrast presentation brighter, and in terms of font size the validator evaluated lowercase letters on one page contains quite a lot of text, which psychologically reduces students’ reading interest. However, with the display of interesting pictures and videos in the e- module, both validators stated that the e-module developed could attract
  • 61. 49 students’ interest in learning. The following are the presentation of e-module before and after the revisions. Before After Figure 4.3 before and after revision Based on Figure 4.3 it showed the fundamental difference between the product before and after revision. After revision showed that the colour were more brighter and the font size were larger than before revision which make more readable for students’ in using product. 3) Language Validators concuredd that the e-module developed had fulfilled the language eligibility component, where the vocabulary and language used were in accordance with the second grade junior high school level, were unambiguous and used the right sentence structure. In addition, according to the validator, the developed e-module used standard language with consistent terms and symbols. The validator considers that with the fulfillment of the language eligibility component, it is hoped that students’ can use the developed e-module more easily and not be confused. c. Preliminary Field Testing In this field testing, researcher involved 15 of second grader junior high school students’. The researcher distributed product links to class groups, as a means of teaching using e-module. Students’ used the product themselves to learned and discussed the recount text material. After learning was completed,
  • 62. 50 students’ are given a questionnaire to assessed the attractiveness of the products they have tried. The indicators contained in the questionnaire are: 1) The use of e-module were easy to access, 10 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured” and 5 of students’ answered “Concured”. 2) The instructions and icons in e-module were easy to understand, 9 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured”, 5 of students’ answered “Concured”, and one of students’ answered “Neutral”. 3) The pictures and illustrations contained in e-module help to comprehend the material, 11 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured” and 4 of students’ answered “Concured”. 4) The e-module presentation was interesting, 12 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured” and 3 of students’ answered “Concured”. 5) E-module are presented with the appropriate typeface and font size, 13 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured” and 2 of students’ answered “Concured”. 6) The subject matter provided in e-module was easy to understand, 13 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured” and 2 of students’ answered “Concured”. 7) The exercise were in accordance to the material that have been learned, 14 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured” and 1 of students’ answered “Concured”. 8) The language used in the e-module were easy to understand, 12 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured” and 3 of students’ answered “Concured”.
  • 63. 51 9) The material contained in the e-module were in accordance with the material that have been learned, 11 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured” 2 of students’ answered “Concured”, and 1 of students’ answered “Neutral”. 10) The example provided were clear to understand, 10 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured” and five of students’ answered “Concured”. 11) Learning using e-module was not boring, 14 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured” and 1 of students’ answered “Concured”. 12) Learning using e-module were a new experience, 15 of students’ answered “strongly concured” It can be seen from the results of the preliminary test data, the results of the analysis of the data obtained show that the used of e-module is a new experience for them, where they can felt reading textbooks in digital form, thus growing the enthusiasm and curiosity of students’ to be great. By made an attractive display and there are pictures and videos, it is hoped that it can attract students’ interest to learn and read recount text material on the e-module. The student said that he did not understand the language features of the recount text which was followed by several other students’, as expressed by the student.
  • 64. 52 "Miss, saya kurang paham pada bagian language features dari recount text karena tidak ada cukup contoh yang tersedia". [Miss, I don't understand the part of language features of recount text, thus there is no enough of example in this e- module"]. Therefore, the researcher need to revise the product, thus that students’ better comperhend the material contained in the e-module. The researcher revised the product after the preliminary field testing due to some students’ felt that the material contained in the e-module was still poorly understood by students’. In the language features material section, the students’ does not understood the meaning and use of language features themselves. Therefore, the researcher added an example of the language features. Before After Figure 4.4 Before and After Revision
  • 65. 53 Figure 4.4 it can be seen that before the revision there was no example of of language features, and after the revision there was an example of the language features. Thus, that students’ were able to understand the uses of language features in recount text. d. Main Feld Testing In this field testing, the researcher involved 30 second grader junior high school students’. The researcher distributed product links to class groups, as a means of teaching using e-module. The students’ used the product themselves to do the questions contained in the e-module. After learning was completed, students’ are given a questionnaire to assess the attractiveness of the products they have tried. The indicators contained in the questionnaire are: 1) The use of e-module were easy to access, 16 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured”, 13 of students’ answered “Concured” and 1 of students’ answered “Neutral”. 2) The instructions and icons in the e-module were easy to understand, 20 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured”, 6 of students’ answered “Concured”, and 4 of students’ answered “Neutral”. 3) The pictures and illustrtions contained in e-module help to comprehend material, 16 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured”, 12 of students’ answered “Concured” and 2 of students’ answered “Neutral”. 4) The e-module presentation/display was interesting, 19 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured” and 11 of students’ answered “Concured”. 5) E-module are presented with the appropriate typeface and font size, 14 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured”, 16 of students’ answered “Concured”
  • 66. 54 6) The subject matter provided in e-module was easy to understand, 17 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured” and 13 of students’ answered “Concured”. 7) The exercise were in accordance to the material that have been learned, 20 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured” and 10 of students’ answered “Concured”. 8) The language used in the e-module were easy to understand, 19 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured” and 11 of students’ answered “Concured”. 9) The material contained in the e-module were in accordance with the material that have been learned, 22 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured” and eight of students’ answered “Concured”. 10) The example provided were clear to understand, 18 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured” and 12 of students’ answered “Concured”. 11) Learning using e-module was not boring, 25 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured” and five of students’ answered “Concured”. 12) Learning using e-module were a new experience, 30 of students’ answered “Strongly Concured”
  • 67. 55 This can be seen from the results of the main field trial data, the results of data analysis from student statements show that using e-module is a new experience for students’. Thus, students’ were enthusiastic in the learning process. According to students’, the use of the product is very beneficial for every student due to it is easy to used by students’, the material presented was easy comprehend by students’ supported by pictures, videos and attractive presentations that make students’ not get bored quickly. E-module assisted by Flip PDF Professional are ready to use after all development stages completed. The researcher distributed questionnaires to one language expert and one teaching materials expert. The researcher make revisions on everything suggested by the experts. After that, the researcher conducted a preliminary field test and there were revisions made by the researcher thus that the product was better for in the main field testing, if there was no revision after the main field testing, the product was ready to be used and suitable for use as a teaching materials. The following are the components contained in e-module that have been developed by researchers, as follows: a. Cover Figure 4.5 E- Module Cover
  • 68. 56 Figure 4.5 e-module is equipped with a colorful cover that provides information about the name of the e-module and the material it contains, grade level and author of e-module. b. Introduction and Table of Content Figure 4.6 Introduction and Table of Content In this e-module there is an introduction and table of content. Introduction as knowledge for readers and users regarding what has been recognized by author when making the e-module. And table of content to make it easier for readers to find the material they want, due to if it is not equipped with a table of contents, it is feared that readers will find it difficult so that they discourage reading this e-module. In addition, the presence of a table of contents makes the e- module look more professional when compared to a written paper without a table of contents. c. Guidelines, Basic Competence, Main Competence and Learning Objectives Figure 4.7 Guidelines, Basic Competence, Main Competence and Learning Objectives
  • 69. 57 There are guidelines, to help students’ uses e-module.Beside that, this e- module is provided with basic competencies, main competences and learning objectives in accordance with the second grader English syllabus of junior high school. d. Description of Material Figure 4.8 Material Description Page Figure 4.8 is the description of the material contains explanations of material recount text and in accordance with the basic competencies that students’ must be master in the learning process. e. Learning Activities Figure 4.9 Learning Activities Page
  • 70. 58 Figure 4.9 the e-module equipped with learning activities according to the material available on the e-module that related to learning objectives and provide experiences that will enable students’ to enggagein, practice and get feedback on specific progress toward those goals. f. Videos Figure 4.10 Video Figure 4.10 In this e-module there is a learning videos related to recount text material, which is expected to attract students’ interest in learning process. g. Evaluation Figure 4.11 Evaluation Page
  • 71. 59 Figure 4.11 In this e-module there is a practice question as an evaluation to find out the students’ towards the recount text material. h. References Page Figure 4.12 References Page Figure 4.12 In the end of this e-module is there References page. The following is the final product that has been made by the researcher.
  • 72. 60 Figure 4.13 the Final Product Figure 4.13 is the final product after going through three validations, namely expert validation, preliminary field testing, and main field testing. In expert validation, the researcher revised the content feasibility component by adding examples from 2 to 4 examples, the presentation feasibility component by making the display brighter and enlarging the font thus that student readability was clear. In the preliminary field test, the researcher revised the content feasibility component by added an explanation of the language features. Finally, in the main field testing there were no revisions made by the researcher since there was no
  • 73. 61 suggets given by the students’ which meant that it was enough to make students’ comprehend the material contained. 2. Feasibility of the Product The feasibility of the product regards to content feasibility component, presentation feasibility component, and language feasibility component. E-module were declared suitable for use by students’ after going through three stages, namely expert validation, preliminary field testing, and main field testing. The results can be interpreted as follow: a. Content Feasibility Component In the content feasibility component, the developed e-module contains recount text material that is made according to the learning objectives taught at the second grade level of junior high school, as well as examples and questions that are available according to the material being discussed. As shown in Figure 4.14 Figure 4.14 Content Feasibility Component Based on the Figure 4.14 as a content feasibility component, e-module assisted by Flip PDF Prosessional are considered suitable for use by students’ due
  • 74. 62 to the material and learning objectives are in accordance with the second grade level of junior high school. In addition, the examples and the practice questions provided can make it easier for students’ to comprehend the material. b. Presentation Feasibility Component In this component, e-module developed by researchers are presented artistically, meaning that they are presented in an attractive manner, there are illustrations or images that match the material, the type and size of the font are appropriate so that students’ readability is clear. As shown in Figure 4.14 Figure 4.15 Presentation Feasibility Component Figure 4.15 as a presentation feasibility component, e-module assisted by Flip PDF Professional are considered interesting for students’, supported by the available colours and images, which are able to attract students’ interest in reading and learning. c. Language Feasibility Component In this component, the e-module developed by the researcher used language and vocabulary that were appropriate for the second grade students’ of junior high school, used language that does not confuse students’, and the symbols provided are consistent. As showed in Figure 4.16
  • 75. 63 Figure 4.16 Language Feasibility Component Figure 4.16 as a language feasibility component, e-module assisted by Flip PDF Professional are considered suitable for use by students’ due to the language and vocabulary used are in accordance with the level for second grade students’ of junior high school, which means they are easy to understand and commonly used languages. 3. Students’ Responses The questionnaires have distributed to 45 second grader students’ and the interview has conducted to second grade students’ of main field testing. Based on the questionnaire and interview data, the students’ responses are as follows. Based on the questionnaire data as many as 26 of students’ answered ‘Strongly Concured’, 18 of students’ answered ‘Concured’, and only one of student answered ‘Neutral’ that the use of e-module were easy for students’ to use. Moreover, as many as 27 of students’ answered ‘Strongly Concured, 13 of students’ answered ‘Concured’, and only five of students’ answered ‘Neutral’ that the instructions and icons in the e- module were easy for them to understand. The student expressed that the practically of use was easy, as the student stated. “Mudah ko, setiap pindah halaman tinggal di klik, seperti membuka buku asli” [It's easy, every time you move pages, just click like opening an original book]. Based on the questionnaires data it can be interpreted that as many as 28 of students’ answered ‘Strongly Concured’, 15 of students’ answered ‘Concured’, and