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Research Paper
Provide critical analysis of an issue and policy intended to
address it. For instance, some issue which students have
suggested are:
· Water or drought in California
· Educational spending proposals
· Impact of Proposition 47 (reducing sentencing)
· California Health Care Challenges and
· State Budget and Reform Concepts, e.g., pension reform or
· Challenge of transportation (high speed rail) and environment
(AB 32 or water)
· Other as approved by instructor
Develop the topic into a fairly narrowly focused “mini” research
paper. The idea is to choose a topic that is sufficiently narrow
and focused so that it is manageable in a 12-15 page paper plus
references and cover page. Regardless of the topic you choose,
your paper must present some kind of analysis supported by
published research.
Analysis involves asking an important question. What, for
example, are the most important features of a political conflict
that generates notice of a relevant issue? Or, which features of
a political issue or reform merits change and is significant in
California Politics today? For instance: Water and the
implications of drought? Building a peripheral canal? The
effects of campaign reform financing?
Proposal and minimum sources
Please forward by e-mail attachment to me by March 1st a one
page statement of your proposal and five annotated tentative
references. Optional: an outline or initial draft of the paper can
be e-mailed any time for comment up to the last week of March.
The final draft is due by March 31st
Your annotated references should identify a minimum of five
separate sources of information (in addition to the course text)
about your topic. The more recent the sources – the better.
Articles are more useful than books. Conduct a decent
literature search in ProQuest. Be cautious when using only
WWW sources. They are not all equally credible.
Avoid only popular magazines – Time, Newsweek, Psychology
Today, Parents Magazine, etc. Similarly, avoid electronic
sources for which the organizational affiliation is unknown.
Critically review and cautiously use any material from an
organization or agency that has a specific agenda, e.g.,
A.C.L.U., government agency, etc. Seek help from one of the
Reference librarians in the Pearson Library
Final papers will be 12-15 pages in length and will analyze
specific institutional and political influences placed upon policy
development in the selected issue area using, in part, the
information and interaction provided your written sources and
the Sacramento persons with whom you met and their staffs.
Generally papers should be presented as policy briefs taking the
following format:
1. Statement of the issue and its significance
2. Context or Background of the Issue
3. Pros and Cons of the issue (including what groups support
each side)
4. Your views on the feasibility and desirability of one or more
Final Class Presentation
Students are asked to condense the analysis of their final paper
into a short (no longer than 10-12 minutes / no more than 10
slides) PowerPoint presentation to fellow students and lead a
discussion following on the topic.
Generally one side equals one minute of presentation. Do not
read your slides, or indeed read from prepared notes. Serve as
the instructor of the class and attempt to engage and inform
others. Slides should use large font and graphics, minimizing
writing in favor of visual communication. There will be time
(up to 15 minutes) for question and answer to explore in greater
depth anything you feel you have had to leave out but is vital.
Title of Presentation
Student’s name
Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color
and design are recommended in an appealing visual
The name of the student evaluated and the topic
Also should detail the purpose and flow of the presentation
Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color
and design are recommended in an appealing visual
Format of Paper
Evaluate the following three questions regarding the overall
format of the paper.
Were all required sections included?
Were they clearly distinguished from one another?
If not, were reasons given for not including some?
Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color
and design are recommended in an appealing visual
Historical Timeline and Predecessor Assessment Evaluation
Assess the following three components as detailed on the
Student Evaluation Form
Writing Skills
Remember that graphics go a long way in a visual presentation.
Add them to play up the visual appeal of this slide but be sure
to cite them in proper APA format.
Add additional slides as needed for this section.
Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color
and design are recommended in an appealing visual
Analysis of Impact Evaluation
Assess the following three components as detailed on the
Student Evaluation Form
Writing Skills
Remember that graphics go a long way in a visual presentation.
Add them to play up the visual appeal of this slide but be sure
to cite them in proper APA format.
Add additional slides as needed for this section.
Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color
and design are recommended in an appealing visual
Ethical Considerations Evaluation
Assess the following three components as detailed on the
Student Evaluation Form
Writing Skills
Remember that graphics go a long way in a visual presentation.
Add them to play up the visual appeal of this slide but be sure
to cite them in proper APA format.
Add additional slides as needed for this section.
Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color
and design are recommended in an appealing visual
Concluding Remarks
Summarize the areas of the writer's strengths and weakness as
presented in your presentation and remember to always end on a
positive note!
Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color
and design are recommended in an appealing visual
Reference all sources used in completing this assignment.
Remember that in-text citations are just as important in a
presentation as they are in papers.
The references listed here should be a list of what you have
posted on your previous slides, including any images that you
used, unless they are clipart.
Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color
and design are recommended in an appealing visual
1. Please use this form to evaluate your assigned peer’s final
research paper according to
the criteria below.
2. Specific information should be supplied for each item; that
is, do not simply answer Yes or No.
3. This form can be downloaded and expanded to allow space
for your report.
4. This is a graded assignment.
1. Evaluate your assigned classmate’s paper according to the
following instructions:
a. Were all required sections included?
b. Were they clearly distinguished from one another?
c. If not, were reasons given for not including some?
d. Were in-text references used?
e. Were they properly formatted?
f. Were primary sources used?
g. Were they formatted properly?
h. Were sources from our textbook used?
i. Were they formatted properly?
j. Were the length requirements observed?
k. Did the paper have a thesis and introduction?
l. Was it clear to you?
m. Did each section relate to the thesis? Evaluate by section.
n. If any of the sections did not apply to the paper, was a reason
o. Was some form of quantitative reasoning used?
p. If so, did it apply to the thesis?
q. Conclusion: did it accurately summarize the author’s
r. Was a Works Cited page included?
s. Was it properly formatted?
t. Evaluate the writing of the paper. The following includes all
elements of writing: spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence
structure, and clarity of expression.
1. Excellent: Virtually error free
2. Very good: Very few insignificant errors
3. Good: Some errors; somewhat distracting
4. Fair: Significant number of writing errors; distracting
5. Poor: Unacceptable level of writing errors
Christina Galindo
DeVry University
Drones can easily be identified as one of the most essential
technological advances of our most recent time because we
know what drones are capable of. Over the course of the last
several decades we could definitely envision a similar
mechanism would be introduced to society much like the drone,
to be more significant and impactful. We may have thought
flying cars, or robotics to be the highlight of technology most
recently, had we engaged in the topic of discussion years ago.
The research conducted throughout this assignment will allow
me further explain the importance of the drone, what it is able
to contribute on a global level, and the controversies and
disagreements associated with this particular technological
Drones began as a simple object of entertainment, if you a
will. A technological advancement that allowed us to capture
photos in mid air, and quickly advanced to having them being
taken, several hundred feet in the air. The most recent
experiments conducted on drones, include Emergency Medical
Technicians, paramedics, and even police officers. This
advancement can easily be described as one of the most
controversial breakthroughs in technology because while drones
have the capacity to reach a person in distress that may have a
life threatening condition, within a fraction of the time of
emergency responders, society will have to also embrace law
enforcement situations being attended to much more rapidly.
With all the situations that have multiplied over the years in
regards to law enforcement and society, it may be difficult for
such a mechanism to be accepted freely in the U.Ss, let alone
around the globe. People may not take into account the fact that
this idea of having drones become a part of emergency settings,
and unlawful situations can potentially save lives and catch
criminals in a timely fashion, while all being displayed on video
Historic Timeline
Since the beginning of the drone era in my recent
introduction to drones, I never believed UAV’s to have been
created so long ago. What we currently define as the drone in
our most recent technological development, was never given the
attention that it has gained in the most recent years. The lack of
knowledge that we currently have towards technology,
revolutionized, depicts the lack of knowledge we currently have
towards technology in its entirety. “The forerunners of modern
drones in World War I with the U.S. Navy’s flying bomb, a
propeller-driven Curtis biplane. (Alley-Young, 2016)
The first human attempt to utilize a UAV was the use of
bats, it was a woeful attempt at technology. The use of bats
should not even be categorized as UAV. There was also the use
of balloons by the Australian army but this another failed
attempt as the balloons laden with explosives was at the mercy
of the wind, following the tides of the wind. Some of these
balloons even exploded within Australian territories. These
balloons were proven and recorded to be the earliest forms of
UAV (WashingtonPost, 2013)
Apart from these two failed attempts, the 1st world war
presented the opportunity to try out new technology. The first of
which is Kettering Bug and Operation Aphrodite. Another failed
attempt but an attempt that is better than the rest. Using
Aphrodite for instance, the United States used war tiring and
remote controlled B-17 Bombers in bombing bomb resistant
targets on German territory. (Merger, 2006) This is how it
works, the aircraft will be initially manned by a pilot which will
later leave the aircraft at a far distance from target. At that
point, it will be handed over to a remote control via radio link.
Another attempt at Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is the
Reconnaissance UAVs which came into limelight during the
Vietnam wars. (Army Technology, n.d.). They are called LUNA,
a light weight missile and surveillance drone. They have
actually been a success as they have engaged in over 5000
missions but are seemingly quite far from the modern day UAV
in terms of sophistication, precision and accuracy. The use of
UAV’s in the military experienced a turbulent start but has
become more stable than before and in the future, will continue
to reach a further and more sophisticated level of success.
In conclusion, the intricate and complex parts of the drone
derive from similar components of the ones we have today, but
have been continuously modified over the years. Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles clearly began before we even knew what they
truly were, and what their ultimate purpose was when they were
originally established. Upon currently being the spotlight of
the technological evolution we have currently been
experiencing, it is clear to see that the representation of what
UAV has essentially been defined as, continues to grow rapidly
ahead of governmental restrictions and laws that have not yet
been mandated.
Analysis Impact
Throughout my further investigation regarding the topic of
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles I was able to delve deeper into what
it signifies to society, how it is perceived and the way it has
evolved over time. I was also able to unravel details regarding
drones and culture, the economy, politics, and UAV’s’ impact
on the environment. They have become a trend in which people
use them for the simple fun of capturing photos hundreds of feet
in the air, or using them scientifically for all different types of
experiments, and making certain tasks more simple.
Drones were initially invented and used for military purposes
which society reacted to quite well. The amount of casualties
began to decrease in the line of duty, due to replacing fighter
planes and their pilots, with drones that could be flown from a
safe location far from the war zone. Since then, Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles have advanced into becoming a significant part
of everyday technology and are constantly being tested to
replace some of the most vital areas of life and humanity, which
can potentially benefit the world in many ways. However,
people have also become somewhat skeptical and even a tad
afraid on what some individuals are utilizing drones for
nowadays. Some are using them to invade people’s privacy,
collect information on sensitive subjects, and the advancement
of drones today in accordance with militia from around the
globe, is difficult to grasp. While companies have been able
increase the want and demand for drones, it has become a
physiological idea that it is an essential, must-have item.
According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and how the human
mind perceives the desire for something based on several
factors, the advancement of drones has become motivational to
developers everywhere, in attempts to implement using UAV’s
to facilitate day to day tasks and activities.
“Culture is a challenging variable to research, in part because of
the multiple divergent definitions and measures of culture.”
(Leidner & Kayworth, 2006) One of the most innovative and
rapidly growing countries in technology is the United States, in
part because of the diversity of our population and the various
different cultures that comprise this great nation. As drones
continue to be modified and developed further by some of the
most intelligent individuals in the field, combined with the
cultural diversity allows for a broader perspective on how to
enhance these mechanisms and what can be done to handle
challenges that may come along the way. Many people which
also include artists and musicians have began to use drones in
extreme, and more innovative ways because of the many lengths
and angles they are able to capture. UAV’s can also take the
place of high-tech video cameras which are used to shoot films,
and even provide lighting. It enhances the art of photography,
ideography, science, and several other entities which are
considerably deemed as art.
The government can easily be named the “creator” of UAV’s for
its use in warfare, but has ironically began to establish several
rules and regulations to the personal and commercial use of
drones. The government will always find a way to regulate
certain technological advances, and I believe it is mainly
because of the fear that the general population can probably
outdo the government in their enhancements on the technology.
Some of the laws and guidelines that have been implemented
most recently since the influx of personal and commercial drone
use include being unable to exceed a 400 ft maximum altitude,
which would could potentially interfere with airplanes,
helicopters, air traffic control, and could easily put others in
danger. “The law says that you have to notify airports, but the
law does not say how to do it.” (Merllott, 2016)Another law that
has been implemented is that you are prohibited to fly your
UAV within five miles of any airport. While I do understand
these laws to be safety precautions, I am also aware that the
government uses UAV’s to their advantage and will invade the
privacy of their citizens without informing them.
Drones have become a significant part of our economy and
while supply and demand have led to this actualization, the cost
of production in relation to the impact it has had on our
economy has been quite impressive. The cost of production
does not compare to the sale price for one drone, because I have
witnessed several occasions where people finance and make
monthly payments on drones just to have one. It is a hot
commodity, and like a majority of hot commodities, they will
always provide companies who manufacture them, work, while
providing them a place in the global market. In order to
continue to grow a product and keep it fresh on the market is to
modify, and make the product better, while tailoring it to fit
other countries and their own economic situations.
Environmental Impact:
The environmental dangers that the drone has on the planet is
minimal in comparison with some of the mechanisms that are
currently being used, and have been for some time now. A
perfect example of this inference is emergency crew members
like fire rescue, police officers, medical technicians that can
potentially put civilians in harm’s way by maneuvering and
weaving through traffic how they are subjected to when there is
a life or death situation. Land and air vehicles (excluding the
drone) were the most rapid way to reaching persons in distress,
never forgetting to grasp the severity of the emission of toxins
in the air each time they were used. Science has been able to
prove that modern UAVs are less harmful to the environment
than gas guzzlers and have played an impactful role on our
established ability to maintain our forests, wildlife, and crops
more efficiently and effectively, amongst other things.
My intricate research on UAVs has enabled me to understand
the many faces of what the people around the globe find so
attractive about this piece, and why they feel the need to have
it. Drones have become an epidemic in our lives and just like
the cellular/smart phone came into play and evolved, I strongly
adhere to them doing so as well.
Ethical Implications
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are particularly controversial in
society for a multitude of different reasons. Drones have been
held accountable for several discrepancies in regards to politics
and the population, mainly because of the lack of enforcement
and the privacy of citizens. I intend to further discuss some of
these ethical affairs as they have been presented to me in my
research, while providing my opinion on what I actually believe
to be “ethical.”
“Although a widely accepted definition of privacy remains
elusive, there has been rather more consensus on recognition
that privacy comprises multiple dimensions, which privacy guru
Roger Clarke specified as privacy of the person, privacy of the
personal data, privacy of personal behavior, and privacy of
personal communication.” (Finn, R. L., & Wright, D. 2012)
Humanity has responded to unmanned aerial vehicles in a
divided way as they are being used more frequently for
entertainment, as well as inappropriately unlawful. It is
apparent to me that surveillance laws on drones are not being
taken seriously by society, and are not being implemented
accordingly by government officials, which is what leads to the
illicit use of UAV’s by both parties.
The following illustration displays the various codes of ethics
that similarly relate to the topic of drones and the general
population. The standard code of ethics asks questions that
correlate with who we are and what our beliefs are, what is
morally correct in the given circumstance, and what
consequences we may or may not endure by offenses committed
using drones freely. Who will be affected by the choices made,
what level of satisfaction is one able to succumb in making
these decisions, and is the decision being made for the greater
good of the people playing a part?
Statistics and Drones
As displayed in the graph below, UAV sales have significantly
increased overtime causing concern and obstacles for
Emergency vehicles that are attempting to reach individuals
experiencing trauma or simply in need of services. It exhibits a
drone sales increase by four times in one year and six times in
just two, while sales have only continued to thrive. At this rate,
and what has been recorded in numbers over such a short period
of time can only allow us to believe that at one point the sale of
the drone will be far too massive to control in terms of what the
“law” says. On the same token, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
have become a popular mechanism that are essentially used for
the pure form of entertainment that add meaning to what art,
fun, and photography/videography has become.
My notion of the ethics of drones positions me in my firm belief
that while the majority of society is preoccupying themselves
with the entertainment that UAV’s bring, the government is
engrossed with utilizing them for their own purposes that are
considered violation of privacy. This broadens my horizons
that human civilization’s law abiding citizens are blinded by
what occurs with drones and our head administration, as they
invade our privacy in secrecy, while we fly them in amusement,
utterly oblivious to the illegality of the situation. Ignorance is
Works Cited
Alley-Young, G. (2016). Drone: (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle).
Salem Press Encyclopedia.
Army Technology. (n.d.). LUNA Aerial Reconnaissance and
Surveillance UAV, Germany. Retrieved from Army Technology:
AVIATION . Kansas.
WashingtonPost. (2013). Washinton Post National. Retrieved
Leidner, D., & Kayworth, T. (2006). A Review of Culture in
Information Systems Research: Toward a Theory of Information
Technology Culture Conflict. MIS Quarterly, 357-399.
Merllott, F. D. (2016). Keep It Legal. Model Airplane News,
Spargaf, E. (2015, August 31). Drones Getting in the Way of
Emergency Responders.
Finn, Rachel L., and David Wright. "Unmanned aircraft
systems: Surveillance, ethics and privacy in civil
applications." Computer Law & Security Review 28.2 (2012):
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Research PaperProvide critical analysis of an issue and policy.docx

  • 1. Research Paper Provide critical analysis of an issue and policy intended to address it. For instance, some issue which students have suggested are: · Water or drought in California · Educational spending proposals · Impact of Proposition 47 (reducing sentencing) · California Health Care Challenges and Solution s · State Budget and Reform Concepts, e.g., pension reform or realignment · Challenge of transportation (high speed rail) and environment (AB 32 or water) · Other as approved by instructor Develop the topic into a fairly narrowly focused “mini” research paper. The idea is to choose a topic that is sufficiently narrow and focused so that it is manageable in a 12-15 page paper plus references and cover page. Regardless of the topic you choose, your paper must present some kind of analysis supported by published research.
  • 2. Analysis involves asking an important question. What, for example, are the most important features of a political conflict that generates notice of a relevant issue? Or, which features of a political issue or reform merits change and is significant in California Politics today? For instance: Water and the implications of drought? Building a peripheral canal? The effects of campaign reform financing? Proposal and minimum sources Please forward by e-mail attachment to me by March 1st a one page statement of your proposal and five annotated tentative references. Optional: an outline or initial draft of the paper can be e-mailed any time for comment up to the last week of March. The final draft is due by March 31st Your annotated references should identify a minimum of five separate sources of information (in addition to the course text) about your topic. The more recent the sources – the better. Articles are more useful than books. Conduct a decent literature search in ProQuest. Be cautious when using only WWW sources. They are not all equally credible.
  • 3. Avoid only popular magazines – Time, Newsweek, Psychology Today, Parents Magazine, etc. Similarly, avoid electronic sources for which the organizational affiliation is unknown. Critically review and cautiously use any material from an organization or agency that has a specific agenda, e.g., A.C.L.U., government agency, etc. Seek help from one of the Reference librarians in the Pearson Library Final papers will be 12-15 pages in length and will analyze specific institutional and political influences placed upon policy development in the selected issue area using, in part, the information and interaction provided your written sources and the Sacramento persons with whom you met and their staffs. Generally papers should be presented as policy briefs taking the following format: 1. Statement of the issue and its significance 2. Context or Background of the Issue 3. Pros and Cons of the issue (including what groups support each side) 4. Your views on the feasibility and desirability of one or more options
  • 4. Final Class Presentation Students are asked to condense the analysis of their final paper into a short (no longer than 10-12 minutes / no more than 10 slides) PowerPoint presentation to fellow students and lead a discussion following on the topic. Generally one side equals one minute of presentation. Do not read your slides, or indeed read from prepared notes. Serve as the instructor of the class and attempt to engage and inform others. Slides should use large font and graphics, minimizing writing in favor of visual communication. There will be time (up to 15 minutes) for question and answer to explore in greater depth anything you feel you have had to leave out but is vital. Title of Presentation Student’s name Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color and design are recommended in an appealing visual presentation.
  • 5. 1 Introduction Includes The name of the student evaluated and the topic Also should detail the purpose and flow of the presentation Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color and design are recommended in an appealing visual presentation. 2 Format of Paper Evaluate the following three questions regarding the overall format of the paper. Were all required sections included? Were they clearly distinguished from one another? If not, were reasons given for not including some? Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color and design are recommended in an appealing visual
  • 6. presentation. 3 Historical Timeline and Predecessor Assessment Evaluation Assess the following three components as detailed on the Student Evaluation Form Sources Content Writing Skills Remember that graphics go a long way in a visual presentation. Add them to play up the visual appeal of this slide but be sure to cite them in proper APA format. Add additional slides as needed for this section. Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color and design are recommended in an appealing visual presentation. 4
  • 7. Analysis of Impact Evaluation Assess the following three components as detailed on the Student Evaluation Form Sources Content Writing Skills Remember that graphics go a long way in a visual presentation. Add them to play up the visual appeal of this slide but be sure to cite them in proper APA format. Add additional slides as needed for this section. Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color and design are recommended in an appealing visual presentation. 5 Ethical Considerations Evaluation Assess the following three components as detailed on the Student Evaluation Form Sources Content Writing Skills Remember that graphics go a long way in a visual presentation.
  • 8. Add them to play up the visual appeal of this slide but be sure to cite them in proper APA format. Add additional slides as needed for this section. Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color and design are recommended in an appealing visual presentation. 6 Concluding Remarks Summarize the areas of the writer's strengths and weakness as presented in your presentation and remember to always end on a positive note! Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color and design are recommended in an appealing visual presentation. 7 References Reference all sources used in completing this assignment.
  • 9. Remember that in-text citations are just as important in a presentation as they are in papers. The references listed here should be a list of what you have posted on your previous slides, including any images that you used, unless they are clipart. Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color and design are recommended in an appealing visual presentation. 8 PEER EVALUATION PRESENTATION ASSESSMENT FORM: TO BE USED TO EVALUATE YOUR TEAMMATE’S COURSE PAPER DIRECTIONS: 1. Please use this form to evaluate your assigned peer’s final research paper according to the criteria below. 2. Specific information should be supplied for each item; that is, do not simply answer Yes or No. 3. This form can be downloaded and expanded to allow space for your report.
  • 10. 4. This is a graded assignment. 1. Evaluate your assigned classmate’s paper according to the following instructions: FORMAT: a. Were all required sections included? b. Were they clearly distinguished from one another? c. If not, were reasons given for not including some? FOR EACH SECTION: SOURCES: d. Were in-text references used? e. Were they properly formatted? f. Were primary sources used? g. Were they formatted properly? h. Were sources from our textbook used? i. Were they formatted properly? j. Were the length requirements observed? CONTENT: k. Did the paper have a thesis and introduction? l. Was it clear to you? m. Did each section relate to the thesis? Evaluate by section. n. If any of the sections did not apply to the paper, was a reason given?
  • 11. o. Was some form of quantitative reasoning used? p. If so, did it apply to the thesis? q. Conclusion: did it accurately summarize the author’s argument? r. Was a Works Cited page included? s. Was it properly formatted? WRITING SKILLS: t. Evaluate the writing of the paper. The following includes all elements of writing: spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and clarity of expression. 1. Excellent: Virtually error free 2. Very good: Very few insignificant errors 3. Good: Some errors; somewhat distracting 4. Fair: Significant number of writing errors; distracting 5. Poor: Unacceptable level of writing errors
  • 12. Drones Christina Galindo DeVry University Introduction: Drones can easily be identified as one of the most essential technological advances of our most recent time because we know what drones are capable of. Over the course of the last several decades we could definitely envision a similar mechanism would be introduced to society much like the drone, to be more significant and impactful. We may have thought flying cars, or robotics to be the highlight of technology most recently, had we engaged in the topic of discussion years ago. The research conducted throughout this assignment will allow me further explain the importance of the drone, what it is able to contribute on a global level, and the controversies and
  • 13. disagreements associated with this particular technological advancement. Drones began as a simple object of entertainment, if you a will. A technological advancement that allowed us to capture photos in mid air, and quickly advanced to having them being taken, several hundred feet in the air. The most recent experiments conducted on drones, include Emergency Medical Technicians, paramedics, and even police officers. This advancement can easily be described as one of the most controversial breakthroughs in technology because while drones have the capacity to reach a person in distress that may have a life threatening condition, within a fraction of the time of emergency responders, society will have to also embrace law enforcement situations being attended to much more rapidly. With all the situations that have multiplied over the years in regards to law enforcement and society, it may be difficult for such a mechanism to be accepted freely in the U.Ss, let alone around the globe. People may not take into account the fact that this idea of having drones become a part of emergency settings, and unlawful situations can potentially save lives and catch criminals in a timely fashion, while all being displayed on video footage. Historic Timeline Since the beginning of the drone era in my recent
  • 14. introduction to drones, I never believed UAV’s to have been created so long ago. What we currently define as the drone in our most recent technological development, was never given the attention that it has gained in the most recent years. The lack of knowledge that we currently have towards technology, revolutionized, depicts the lack of knowledge we currently have towards technology in its entirety. “The forerunners of modern drones in World War I with the U.S. Navy’s flying bomb, a propeller-driven Curtis biplane. (Alley-Young, 2016) The first human attempt to utilize a UAV was the use of bats, it was a woeful attempt at technology. The use of bats should not even be categorized as UAV. There was also the use of balloons by the Australian army but this another failed attempt as the balloons laden with explosives was at the mercy of the wind, following the tides of the wind. Some of these balloons even exploded within Australian territories. These balloons were proven and recorded to be the earliest forms of UAV (WashingtonPost, 2013) Apart from these two failed attempts, the 1st world war presented the opportunity to try out new technology. The first of which is Kettering Bug and Operation Aphrodite. Another failed attempt but an attempt that is better than the rest. Using Aphrodite for instance, the United States used war tiring and remote controlled B-17 Bombers in bombing bomb resistant targets on German territory. (Merger, 2006) This is how it
  • 15. works, the aircraft will be initially manned by a pilot which will later leave the aircraft at a far distance from target. At that point, it will be handed over to a remote control via radio link. Another attempt at Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is the Reconnaissance UAVs which came into limelight during the Vietnam wars. (Army Technology, n.d.). They are called LUNA, a light weight missile and surveillance drone. They have actually been a success as they have engaged in over 5000 missions but are seemingly quite far from the modern day UAV in terms of sophistication, precision and accuracy. The use of UAV’s in the military experienced a turbulent start but has become more stable than before and in the future, will continue to reach a further and more sophisticated level of success. In conclusion, the intricate and complex parts of the drone derive from similar components of the ones we have today, but have been continuously modified over the years. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles clearly began before we even knew what they truly were, and what their ultimate purpose was when they were originally established. Upon currently being the spotlight of the technological evolution we have currently been experiencing, it is clear to see that the representation of what UAV has essentially been defined as, continues to grow rapidly ahead of governmental restrictions and laws that have not yet been mandated.
  • 16. Analysis Impact Abstract: Throughout my further investigation regarding the topic of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles I was able to delve deeper into what it signifies to society, how it is perceived and the way it has evolved over time. I was also able to unravel details regarding drones and culture, the economy, politics, and UAV’s’ impact on the environment. They have become a trend in which people use them for the simple fun of capturing photos hundreds of feet in the air, or using them scientifically for all different types of experiments, and making certain tasks more simple. Social: Drones were initially invented and used for military purposes which society reacted to quite well. The amount of casualties began to decrease in the line of duty, due to replacing fighter planes and their pilots, with drones that could be flown from a safe location far from the war zone. Since then, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles have advanced into becoming a significant part of everyday technology and are constantly being tested to replace some of the most vital areas of life and humanity, which can potentially benefit the world in many ways. However, people have also become somewhat skeptical and even a tad
  • 17. afraid on what some individuals are utilizing drones for nowadays. Some are using them to invade people’s privacy, collect information on sensitive subjects, and the advancement of drones today in accordance with militia from around the globe, is difficult to grasp. While companies have been able increase the want and demand for drones, it has become a physiological idea that it is an essential, must-have item. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and how the human mind perceives the desire for something based on several factors, the advancement of drones has become motivational to developers everywhere, in attempts to implement using UAV’s to facilitate day to day tasks and activities. Cultural: “Culture is a challenging variable to research, in part because of the multiple divergent definitions and measures of culture.” (Leidner & Kayworth, 2006) One of the most innovative and rapidly growing countries in technology is the United States, in part because of the diversity of our population and the various different cultures that comprise this great nation. As drones continue to be modified and developed further by some of the most intelligent individuals in the field, combined with the cultural diversity allows for a broader perspective on how to enhance these mechanisms and what can be done to handle challenges that may come along the way. Many people which
  • 18. also include artists and musicians have began to use drones in extreme, and more innovative ways because of the many lengths and angles they are able to capture. UAV’s can also take the place of high-tech video cameras which are used to shoot films, and even provide lighting. It enhances the art of photography, ideography, science, and several other entities which are considerably deemed as art. Political: The government can easily be named the “creator” of UAV’s for its use in warfare, but has ironically began to establish several rules and regulations to the personal and commercial use of drones. The government will always find a way to regulate certain technological advances, and I believe it is mainly because of the fear that the general population can probably outdo the government in their enhancements on the technology. Some of the laws and guidelines that have been implemented most recently since the influx of personal and commercial drone use include being unable to exceed a 400 ft maximum altitude, which would could potentially interfere with airplanes, helicopters, air traffic control, and could easily put others in danger. “The law says that you have to notify airports, but the law does not say how to do it.” (Merllott, 2016)Another law that has been implemented is that you are prohibited to fly your
  • 19. UAV within five miles of any airport. While I do understand these laws to be safety precautions, I am also aware that the government uses UAV’s to their advantage and will invade the privacy of their citizens without informing them. Economic: Drones have become a significant part of our economy and while supply and demand have led to this actualization, the cost of production in relation to the impact it has had on our economy has been quite impressive. The cost of production does not compare to the sale price for one drone, because I have witnessed several occasions where people finance and make monthly payments on drones just to have one. It is a hot commodity, and like a majority of hot commodities, they will always provide companies who manufacture them, work, while providing them a place in the global market. In order to continue to grow a product and keep it fresh on the market is to modify, and make the product better, while tailoring it to fit other countries and their own economic situations. Environmental Impact: The environmental dangers that the drone has on the planet is minimal in comparison with some of the mechanisms that are currently being used, and have been for some time now. A perfect example of this inference is emergency crew members
  • 20. like fire rescue, police officers, medical technicians that can potentially put civilians in harm’s way by maneuvering and weaving through traffic how they are subjected to when there is a life or death situation. Land and air vehicles (excluding the drone) were the most rapid way to reaching persons in distress, never forgetting to grasp the severity of the emission of toxins in the air each time they were used. Science has been able to prove that modern UAVs are less harmful to the environment than gas guzzlers and have played an impactful role on our established ability to maintain our forests, wildlife, and crops more efficiently and effectively, amongst other things. Conclusion: My intricate research on UAVs has enabled me to understand the many faces of what the people around the globe find so attractive about this piece, and why they feel the need to have it. Drones have become an epidemic in our lives and just like the cellular/smart phone came into play and evolved, I strongly adhere to them doing so as well. Ethical Implications Introduction: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are particularly controversial in society for a multitude of different reasons. Drones have been
  • 21. held accountable for several discrepancies in regards to politics and the population, mainly because of the lack of enforcement and the privacy of citizens. I intend to further discuss some of these ethical affairs as they have been presented to me in my research, while providing my opinion on what I actually believe to be “ethical.” Evaluation: “Although a widely accepted definition of privacy remains elusive, there has been rather more consensus on recognition that privacy comprises multiple dimensions, which privacy guru Roger Clarke specified as privacy of the person, privacy of the personal data, privacy of personal behavior, and privacy of personal communication.” (Finn, R. L., & Wright, D. 2012) Humanity has responded to unmanned aerial vehicles in a divided way as they are being used more frequently for entertainment, as well as inappropriately unlawful. It is apparent to me that surveillance laws on drones are not being taken seriously by society, and are not being implemented accordingly by government officials, which is what leads to the illicit use of UAV’s by both parties. The following illustration displays the various codes of ethics that similarly relate to the topic of drones and the general population. The standard code of ethics asks questions that correlate with who we are and what our beliefs are, what is morally correct in the given circumstance, and what
  • 22. consequences we may or may not endure by offenses committed using drones freely. Who will be affected by the choices made, what level of satisfaction is one able to succumb in making these decisions, and is the decision being made for the greater good of the people playing a part? . Statistics and Drones As displayed in the graph below, UAV sales have significantly increased overtime causing concern and obstacles for Emergency vehicles that are attempting to reach individuals experiencing trauma or simply in need of services. It exhibits a drone sales increase by four times in one year and six times in just two, while sales have only continued to thrive. At this rate, and what has been recorded in numbers over such a short period of time can only allow us to believe that at one point the sale of the drone will be far too massive to control in terms of what the “law” says. On the same token, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles have become a popular mechanism that are essentially used for the pure form of entertainment that add meaning to what art, fun, and photography/videography has become. Conclusion: My notion of the ethics of drones positions me in my firm belief
  • 23. that while the majority of society is preoccupying themselves with the entertainment that UAV’s bring, the government is engrossed with utilizing them for their own purposes that are considered violation of privacy. This broadens my horizons that human civilization’s law abiding citizens are blinded by what occurs with drones and our head administration, as they invade our privacy in secrecy, while we fly them in amusement, utterly oblivious to the illegality of the situation. Ignorance is bliss. References Works Cited Alley-Young, G. (2016). Drone: (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). Salem Press Encyclopedia.
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