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Jake Whattam-Smith
Coming into my research segement for the fmp project im producing, I would really like to get
across somme more ideas from which I could start to develop more off of, this comes from things
like the color schmes, narrative, typical features in thriller films, sound implimentations, and of
course audience research so I can satrt to adress some of tehse things in consideration of their own
judgements and expectations.
Divided into 4 different sections, I intend on getting a better understanding of the film indsutry in
addition to the thriller genre, so doing both primary and supporting research, I should hopefully
cover all of the previously mentioend cahracteristicks in: exisiting products research to calrify
differentiations, simularities and its infleunce; a survey to help identify some of the desired
considerations in thriller genre based films from an auidences background; individual interviews
against aech and every audience that I can gather locally, looking at more specific detials to
acnowledge; and finally color schmes itself, the affects it may have on audiences, the feelings it can
connote, and involvement to the project in producing.
All in hope of achieving a well-rounded, profesionaly reflected film trailer with supporting
promotional elements like posters and social media distribution, here in this document I can satrt to
establish some things I would like to incorporate wihtin my own film concept and structure,
supporting their inclusion with a detialed observation of use and impacts it may sustain on my
auidence; as a good starting point, research starts with all things because I can consider all aspects
before determining my final intentions for the porject and making the products tehmselves, all in
longing that I can produce the best possible outcome for a thrilelr film trailer and other
promotional pieces by the end of my college progression.
Why have I chosen
Looking for sources of existing products across the YouTube platform, I had come across this trailer which struk my initial attention in
the title 'The gift'; creating obscure and mysterious intentions, this urged myself as the audience to watch it given a strong desire to
find out what this gift is was immeditaly established, something which upon observation, as a media student whom actively engages
in film and tv amongst other things, was increadibly gripping, hooking, and genuinly surprising at how effective it is at captivating an
auidence like myself. Looking into the source more, watching the whole trailer, and trying to get to grips with the way different things
are demonstrated to draw out my emotions, it was soon clear how well the video had been structured, in both clarifying the
narrative to new people similarly to me and understanding the situation, against the music and sound effect, which was extremely
supplimentary to the thriller genre and film concept, that I had to analyze the different appraoches made in more depth because it
certainly made me jump and frightened at times I least expected – something I desire to incorporate suffivcently throughout the
various products ill develop.
Film Brief
As said from IMDB's website: 'A young married couple's lives are thrown into a harrowing tailspin when an acquaintance from the
husband's past brings mysterious gifts and a horrifying secret to light after more than 20 years.'
From my own judgement (without watching the film): After moving into a house in a whole new neighbour hood, a married couples'
lives are soon threatened by an old friend of the husband who acts extremely mysteriously each and every day after fidning these
individuals visiting them and giving gifts. After a while of anticipation, asking the man to stop visiting leads to a backlash of
threatening and dangerous experiances when gifts and visits from the person remain constant but much moer deadly. Not knowing
what happens after some of the serious encounters shown in the trailer, which I can only persume to be attempted killings, amongst
finding out some backstory to the perosn they had almost refused in a way, we are left with a myserious case for ourselves to find
out 'what happens next'.
As a young married couple who are expectant of a baby soon enough, they hold extremely oridinary characteristicks in the way
they're portrayed, both physically, given the styles of clothing and activities they're engaged around (shopping and exercising etc),
and psycologically, having constantly been represented as loving, caring, thoughtful neighbours and most importantly friends with
the narrative that’s present; this makes it very emotionally drawing and evenmore so engaging given its often more relatable in the
instincts that ourselves (the auidence) begin to relfect these ideals to people we know, and because its reflective of society and the
people we know, in addition to the threatening and dangerous expectations in thriller films as shown in the trailer, it makes it equally
as threatening personally as you start to resemble these situations to yourself, resultantly making it more involving and directed.
Regarding the main focus of this trailer, Gordo, the supposed antagonist, remarks ordinary characterrisicks initially when introduced
to the film, this is up untill ordinary becomes more wieder due to a distinct change in his actions when compared to the 'ordinary'
people, and in most cases the audiences watching; with his actions drastically changing against the 'ordianry' in people, this makes it
remarkably threatening and worrying in anticipation of the next peculiar thing that'll change in his perception.
Camera Movement/Shots
Using a lot of still panning shots, this is an effective way in which the different scenes and current situations in the films are
established, given its main use in the trailer is to demonstrate the emotions and different intentions from the main characters in
recognition of Gordo (the antagonist) or vise-versa; not only this but majority of the footage extends from medium – extreme long
shots as it inaugurates the location more, especially considering that by the seems of things there are some hidden inferences in the
background to support the thriller, almost waiting in anticipation, unpredictability that Gordo could re-appear at any given time,
supportive of the shots use and intentions accustomed to bring out more emotion in the audience and be more reflective of the
thriller genre and some of the common feelings inclined.
Something I like to see in the trailer that remains effective and stereotypical of thriller films across the industry, comes in the form of
handheld camera movements during scenes where dangerous situations, or the general threat of life is exposed to the supposed
protagonist; with the camera shaking in approval of the tense scenarios, this both makes it much more personally involving and
directing the yourself the audience, almost reflective of your own pov to the circumstances occurring which resultantly make it very
engaging, captivating, and more fearful of yourself and what's around you in the real world.
Color Schemes
Consistent of mainly white and warmer colours like yellow, the house is refelctive of the modern/refurbished style it's portrayed in,
and eventhough the conotations around this remain positive majority of the time given its welcoming and clearly been used as
symbolism of the 'happy' married couple that its adjacent to, it's remenant of being 'cold' and 'unfriendly' through the prominent
color of white, which is couinsidently representive of the narrative holding a strong undersdtanding of old friendships turning south;
now the warmer colors that are much more obvious in some of the scenes, like with at night for example, although how 'happy',
'optimistick', and 'positive' their intentions are in purposefully representing the married couple once again, hold out right 'deceptive'
and 'jealous' remarks simular to whats present in the antagonist Gordo, foreshadowing whats expectant to come in the film from an
early stage as he soon becomes a threat to themselves in the ambigous tones he gives off throughout the trailer – once again
remaining a singificant technique across thriller films, creating whats catogorized as normal and associated with being safe, to
something much more vivid and threatening in the slight altercations on the connotations set. It's also understanding that the 'cold'
blue color scehmes had also been established thoroughly in some of the more dominant, suspensful scenes which subsequently
drives forward the intentions to develop a strand of fear in the audience watching from the director's point of view, making it
evenmore so engaging, impacting, and understanding of the genre being emphasised here as rousing suspicion and mystery in the
trailer form concerning and thrillling atmospheres.
Not many effects had been established in the trailer, otherthan the odd crossfade transitions to create an emotive conenction
between the auidence and the unaware couple (protagonists) to remain objective of their love and passion for one another, amongst
other things like a flashing footage implimentation and quick cutting to emphasise and draw out any thrilling emotions that have
been built up in the way the trailer had been structured, in anticipation of something to happen, but the main source of edting
from the audio tracks and added sound effects; residing to a lot of character dialogue to tell the story, bass thumps and beats, the
occasional silence, and un-natural tones/tension rises, this only advocates a build up to something important in the film and genre
being represented, working extremely well in generating threatening atmospheres to fullfill the auidences expectations and more,
making it very unsetteling, desirable, and intreguing to find out more as its clearly persuasive.
Why have I chosen
I feel like I common inception that's made against thriller genre films is the often portrayel that it has to be visually terrifying in the
characters and different environments, and this film specifically stode out to me given it completely challenges tehse expectations by
representing oridianry atmospheres in the way the narrative had been evoked (suburban household setting), because of this it
remains still as effective in the audience given its msotly relatable, but more importantly its acheivable given the circumsatcnes
around the national pandemic and not being able to mix in different environemnts as its primarily home focused filming. In addition
to this, I think its very visually engaging through the different uses of title and video effects, in rhythm to some of the implimented
audio tracks or diagetic sounds, and effective why in compelling transitions between clips in one strand of video, something I would
like to understand more and learning how to develop in my own project when acknowledging its very unique style and approach.
Film Brief
As said from IMMDB's website: 'A homeschooled teenager begins to suspect her mother is keeping a dark secret from her.'
From my own judgement (without watching the film): A teenage girl whoes bound to her wheelchair given a terminal condition at
birth grows up dependant on her mother; maturing to be more independent, she soon realises some weird occurances in her
mother, looking into it further to uncover a hidden dark history between themselves and what really happened regarding her
disability and supposed mother who she's only ever lived to know of.
Having watched the whole trailer, its clear to understand that Chloe Sherman is established as the hero from an early stage, both
through the narrative that clearer interprets herself wanting to make some changes in her life to support her mother, and the color
schemes she's often reflected across in the dress codes demonstrated throughout the trailer, consistent of mainly neutral colors with
hints of yellow across all; other than the narrative which remains obvious having watched the whole trailer, the choice of colors
embedded through her dress codes infer characteristics like 'individualism' and 'innocence' (neutral/white), to support the ideals of
clarifying the hero in the audience, whilst 'optimism' and 'enlightenment' (yellow) strongly exhibit her intentions to become more
independent as she states in the storyline that’s present from the beginning – almost used as a way of foreshadow what's soon to
come, herself running away from constant attention too survive (becoming independent). Even during the first 25 seconds of the
trailer when we're introduced to the characters for the first time, we can gather the necessary information to interpret who's going
to be the main hero, having already knowing the title of the film being 'run'; almost as a directed command to someone, the title
'run' demonstrates the need to escape something quickly, and having noticed the wheel chair from an early stage already inclines
that she is probably going to be the 'damsel in distress' because of how contrasting these ideas are.
Looking more into Diane Sherman (the supposed antagonist), we can clearly gather that shes an intreguing character from the start
as we satrt to see and hear weird things from the beginning, like with specific sound effects for her apperance or the way she
appears out of now where, but its most curious given the color schmes shes often associated with; reflective of the way she
characterises herself, red is the main color of degree here as she is a red head (ginger), this accomplices the feelings of 'love' and
'passion' for her daughter which is exemplified throughout the beginning, but moving ahead in the trailer, a swift change in her
temperament and the way she acts in the film changes to something much more sinister, threatening and psychotic, changing
these dynamics in the hidden connotations of 'danger', acting as a way of foreshadowing once again for the unpredictability in
thriller films. Something I would really like to target in both characters is the way in which both convey the thought around
'rememberance' in the colours red (Diana) and yellow (Chloe), this is couinsidental or purposeful as a referance to Diana's past when
recognising the miscarraige of a newborn in the opening scene to the trailer, which is persumed as a way of stating Chloe's birth,
when in reality is a greater understanding to the audience as to why Diana Sherman stole Chloe as we progress in the trailer and
narrative across the film.
Camera Movement/Shots
Using a lot of panning shots, most of the time they evict the different scenarios aline with the narrative, whether establishing
something in the background or the mood being set, they add a very suspensful effect to the audience because of how slow they
transitions across a piece of footage, intensifying the film and whats happening because this acts as a way of not letting you go from
the dangerous situations that are present in thriller films like this where youd typically want to get away as quickly as possible;
because this acts as a way of keeping you hooked in, it also makes it very personally attentive because you're in the steps of the
individual during the film who also can't get away, something that can be considered across the title 'run' which holds very
contrasting ideals to the slower paced shots demonstrated here as well.
Something to consider is the lack of handheld recording taking place in the trailer, challanging the typical uses in thriller films and
instead exhibiting an almost opposite portrayel; there is little use of this at points during the trailer, for insatnce when chloe is in the
wheelchair racing across the street for help, but there isnt much to go off of and this could be down to the fact that similarly with the
panning shots, its evokes the fact that you can't get away quickly from the situation where handheld, shaky footage resembels
running away from something in an urge to escape. On the other hand, because the film is relying heavily on placing you in the
position of Chloe, the hero of the film who finds out dark secretes in relation to her 'mother', the much steadier capture of shots
could be there to reflect her point-of-view on the different situations, rolling around in a wheelchair and having a much steadier view
on things.
Color Schemes
Disregarding the color schemes amongst the characters as I had previously mentioned already, the trailer goes through 3 stages of
different color schemes in the different environments that are shown, these start off with warmer tones as it gradually goes into
more neutral whites and cold blues, this already seems to advocate strongly the change in moods being set throughout the trailer.
From what seemed to be quite content, 'happy', 'caring', 'loving', and 'desirable', the mix of yellow and red tones formed a warmer
color scheme through the 'positivity' that was present between the mother and daughter initially, but progressing through the trailer
we see the thriller, psychotic side of things as we establish the more 'neutral', sinister, 'cold', 'unfriendly' side of things in some of the
much more prominent white, grey, and cold blue styles; reflective of the transition between the narrative, from what was 'happy' to
something much more threatening, this is particularly effective in the audience as it clarifies the intended emotions set for these
scenes, emphasizing its importance, making us think more about it, and therefore judging the circumstances as we are now set in the
Throughout the whole of the trailer we see a numerous amount of effects, from flashing transitions between footage of similar shot
perspectives, to relaying on sound implementations and sfx to enhance the importance of the title 'run', things like cropping the
video size and title masking effects are used as a way of adding suspense and establish its thrilling interpretations in the audience.
One feature that really stode out to me comes in the form of 3D integrated title screens amongst some of the shots that are present
in the trailer, for instance when 'lionsgate' or 'searching' is stated with some of the scene masked in front of the text; because this
effect demonstrates a unique style and integrated profesionalism for its technical drive to produce, it strongly advocates both the
high quality expectations in a film to this level, whilst sustaining a good amount of engagemetn and attention from its different
audiences because of how admired it often is.
As with regards to the audio, this embarks on only implemented sound effects to drive the narrative and different atmospheres being
created, disregarding the popular demand for music tracks which has worked surprisingly well for this specific trailer with the
common use of creaking, breathing, piano keys, violin screeches, and dialogue, this which has worked in creating tehse threatening
ambiences to characters like Diane where a certain impression is given off in the sound that’s present – likewise in the first hints at
her psychotic nature.
Why chose this
Since release, this conjuring poster has always struck my attention for its simplistick but captivating design across the color schemes,
suttel features, location portrayed, and title font. From all the features like the font remaining relfective of the dead branches, to the
suttle use of a noose and shadow that’s displayed beneath it, they give off a very threatening tones in the atmosphere because of
how little is established, making it incredibly mysterious, intriguing, and alarming to the audience.
Types of Content
I would go as far to say that theres is near to no content being offered otherthan the obvious, like in the main film title 'the
conjuring' that’s essential in all promotion, likewise also in extra information beneath to address more of a direct interest, and most
finally the single image representative of the film and what to expect; even though this strongly challenges the general requirements
in film posters to make the audience take action after having established an interest/desire to watch the film, because its most
obviously clear to the audience that this is a film, it works surprising well in the simplicity that’s present because it enacts some
differentiation to other products, whilst arousing some additional emotional draw given its not your typical expectation of a film
poster, and in fact makes the viewers take action more immediately to find out further information online when recognizing that non
is displayed..
Conventions- (colour schemes, photography, writing style, text/picture ratio, font choices, mode of address)
Consistent of many neutral and warmer color schemes, this opposes a very cold and almost threatening style at how simplistic the
poster is, only ever portraying a mysterious, what seems abandoned, dilapidated old home in the middle of nowhere in addition to
bear trees and a misty, cold atmosphere being created; the image itself is already quite frightening, but the addition of a noose
fulfills the thrilling expectations you would expect in a film like this, and likewise the subtle hint of a shadow hanging beneath this
establishes much sinister connotations as we can immediately infer suicidal intentions are being mentioned given the feet are
floating off the ground. Almost reflective of the tree's branches, the font choice remains suiting to the environment being created,
having sustained a serif style, full black similarly with the tree's portrayal, and all joined up to create one big simultaneous feature
that because of its representation, is equally as effective at demonstrating these anxious emotions given its symbolic of the tree
taking life away from someone obscure (the shadow).
Looking more at the shadow on the ground, the initial intentions are upsetting given someone has taken their life to the noose that
is clearly stated, but understanding that the person is not established in the shot visually making it incredibly intriguing from the
audiences perspective, holding a desire to find out more as to why they're not physically denoted on the poster, and resultantly
watching the film as this works very well as a persuasive method to engage their viewers.
Acknowledging the connotations set from the predominant black, white, and general dull color schemes, 'evil', 'depth' and
'depression' are key factors to consider in the establishment= of the noose and ghost like shadow figure on the ground, having all
been closely related in some way to the topic of paranormal activity and death; this is all sustained whilst other inferences like
'anonymity', 'mystery', 'remorse', and 'deceit' are demonstrated in the strong use of blacks and neutral yellows/whites to evoke
curiosity, involvement, and captivation in the perseverance of the audience when having noticed the house, general misty weather,
Codes (Written, symbolic) -
Its most profound that the title 'the conjuring' is stated across the top half of the poster, following the general characteristicks of film
posters as the audience tends to read a print based products from top to bottom, but the conventions in the title 'the
conjuring' establishes a sense of mystery and confusion when regularly referring to ' the performance of tricks' or in this case when
acknowledging the thriller style of film the designers intended on getting across, a 'cause (spirit or ghost) to appear by means of a
magical ritual'; now looking back at the poster denotations, the obscure floating shadow works increadibly well with the title,
establishing the themes to expect in the film as a method of foreshadowing that gets the audience thinking and determining what
may happen in the film itself because the poster really doesn’t give too much away for its simplistick design.
Now an intresting inclusion to the poster comes in the form of added information to support the main title, 'based on the true case
files of the warrens', this is present just beneath the main title and tehrefore I can judge that the film is closely related to whatever is
mentioned here, priamrily because this isnt a typical thing you would see in film posters across the nidsutry, making it very unique,
but because its quite obviously stated suggests its important to consider, possibly to draw out more of an emotion ebvacuse it is
referanced to something that happened in the real world which resultantly makes it more dramatic, engaging, and relatable to their
auidence; because this looks almost identical to the title's use of font, remianing a serif traditional style, we can only imply that it
infers similar traits to 'spirits' and 'ghosts' in the way that the film is based off, once again supporting the intended ideals about
getting a clearer understanding out of soemthing so simplistick to strick the audience more and get theminvolveed and thinking.
What common features do the researched products have?
Trailers – With a strong devotion to music and sound effect implimentations, these are very commonly used not only in the
products that I had researched, but indefinately for all thriller film trailerrs to ever exist because of tehir well rounded attributes
and benefits to the genre; creating often threatening and intimidating atmospheres in the auidences, this usually reflective tones
of the dangerous situations given off inflicts a lot of emotion and impact in the audience, drawing out their feelings for the
supposed protagonist of the film, whilst giving of interpretations for some of the characters or locations without
visually demonstrating it – like with hidden connotations to refer a negative portrayel, added music or sounds can calrify a
greater undersatanding. Similarly, with the use of music and sound effects, some shots are much more re-occuring than others to
both elaborate the scene or situation (very long wide shots), or point-of-view and close/extreme close up shots that resemble the
main characters position in the film trhough expressions and perspectives; because of how often they're reflective of the situation
and places the audience in the position of the protagonist, they emphasize an emotion and direct adress to the viewers in the
supporting atmosphere to make it evenmore engaging, interactive, and reusltantly involving of the auidence as they can start to
judgde 'what happens next'. Regarding the editing and effects that may have been implimented into a product, this is mostly
limited to a low standard, only ever demonstrating transitions and title screens in most cases given this can distract the audience
from the realism that’s present to make it egaging and emotionally elaborate in the first place.
Posters -
What aspects of the research will influence my own work?
Having now outlined the majority of my concept for the project, its more than ever important to understand and
clarify a more specific audience that ill target my film towards; using this questionnaire/survey to breakdown the
different interests, desires, and audiences that a thriller genre-based film will mostly involve and attract, recognizing
how important the audience is to a film makes or breaks whether it'll be successful or not, so understanding their
preferred needs or fascinations is a strong intention of mine to get across in the end product.
In addition to this, I would really like to demonstrate a range of varied opinions from people of different
backgrounds, so distributing the survey is equally as important because it's not entirely down to how effectively its
structured and put together, but mainly down to what audiences from whatever background can access the
questionnaire in order to get responses in the first place: so publishing links across many different websites that
target specific age groups (like reddit and Facebook), whilst arranging some of the questions enough that I can
elaborate what audiences of ages and backgrounds are answering the survey, so I can see both how effectively it had
been distributed to acquiring a diverse range of people, and what's going to be my main audience of interest to my
film so that I can begin to demonstrate some of their intended preferences.
When taking surveys or questionnaires as such, it’s a common trait that people often don’t make out clear
judgements and be honest in correlation to their actual opinions in whatever topic they're referencing, so
establishing a sense of trust between myself (the creator) and the people taking my survey (the different audiences)
will hopefully counter these problems amidst gathering trustworthy sources of information; to inaugurate this sense
of trust, I intend on providing the initial opening questions with relatable traits that are reflected in day-to-day talk
between one another, such as with more personal questions like ' what's your favorite film/s?' and 'what interests
you in moving image productions like tv, film, etc?', because it entails their own opinion on something from which
forms more of a connection, trust, and belief with their answers.
Questionnaire – Intentions
Q1 - Question: What's your gender?
Answers (listed): Male; Female; other; prefer not to say.
Q2 - Question: How old are you?
Answers (listed): Less than 15; 16 – 19; 20 – 25; 26 – 29; 30 – 50; 50+
Q3 - Question: How often do you watch films?
Answers (listed): Never; one per year; one per month; one per week; 2 – 5 per week; 6 -10 per week; 10+ per week.
Q4 – Question: What's your favorite genre of film?
Answers (listed): Action; drama; comedy; fantasy; horror; mystery; romance; thriller; other (please specify)
Q5 - Question: What's important for you in a film?
Answers (listed): Narrative; backstory; action; psychological influence; personal involvement; editing; effects; other
(please specify).
Q6 - Question: Do you like thriller films?
Answers (listed): Very much, i like them, , i dont like them, I really don’t like them, don’t know, other (please specify)
Q7 - Question: What would you expect in a thriller film for you to like it?
Answer (written): Please specify
Q8 - Question: Is there any clichés that you don’t like about thriller films that should be considered more?
Answer (written): Please specify
Questionnaire – Each Question
Q9 - Question: How often do you watch film trailers?
Answers (listed): Never; one per year; one per month; one per week; 2 – 5 per week; 6 -10 per week; 10+ per
Q10 - Question: Do you watch the film trailers before watching the film itself?
Answers (listed): Yes, sometimes, not often, no, don’t know, other (please specify)
Q11 - Question: Do film trailers persuade you to watch a film?
Answers (listed): Yes, sometimes, not often, no, don’t know, other (please specify)
Q12 – Question: What strikes you the most in film trailers?
Answer (written): Please specify
Q13 – Question: Wheres the first place you hear about films (trailer release, posters, friends/family, radio, etc)?
Answer (written): Please specify
Q14 – Question: Do you ever consider film posters to be effective at getting you to watch a film or look into it more?
Answers (listed): Yes, sometimes, not often, no, don’t know, other (please specify)
Q15 – Question: What strikes you in film posters?
Answer (written): Please specify
Questionnaire – Each Question
Below is a short 1-minute time lapse of me creating the survey that has been condensed from around 35 minutes to
make it more suitable for viewing, here you'll see the process in which I go by each question making it and then
checking it after finishing up until distribution. Below is the link and embedded clip:
Questionnaire – Timelapse Creating
After having started to create the survey by establishing each question totalling up to 15, I had soon come to realise that in my free version pass on the
'survey monkey' website, which is use to distribute and form my questionnairs, it came apparent to me that I can only create tehse documents up to 10
question without having to purchase an upgraded version, so adjustemnts had to be made to counter this problamatic situation, resolving this by
removing some of the less necessary questions to make space. These concluded my final 10 questions below:
Q1 - Question: What's your gender?
Answers (listed): Male; Female; other; prefer not to say.
Q2 - Question: How old are you?
Answers (listed): Less than 15; 16 – 19; 20 – 25; 26 – 29; 30 – 50; 50+
Q3 - Question: How often do you watch films?
Answers (listed): Every day; A few times a week; About once a week; A few times a month; Once a month; Less than once a month; Once a year; Less
than once a year
Q4 - Question: What's important for you in a film (Narrative, Action, Editing, etc)?
Answers (written): please specify
Q5 - Question: What would you expect in a thriller film for you to like it?
Answer (written): Please specify
Q6 - Question: Is there any clichés that you don’t like about thriller films that should be considered more?
Answer (written): Please specify
Q7 – Question: Wheres the first place you hear about films (Trailer release, posters, tv commercials, radio, etc)?
Answer (written): Please specify
Q8 – Question: What strikes you the most in film trailers?
Answer (written): Please specify
Q9 – Question: Do you ever consider film posters to be effective at getting you to watch a film or look into it more?
Answers (listed): Yes, sometimes, not often, no, don’t know, other (please specify)
Q10 – Question: What strikes you in film posters?
Questionnaire – Each Question Updated
Ensuring that my survey reaches out to a varied range and mix of people, I had demonstrated this by sending it
through email, direct-messages to family and friends, a reddit page, and social media; spreading my survey around a
diverse field of options means both I can gather the desired assortment of different audiences, given it would be
available on sites more suited to certain characteristics or communities as opposed to others, whilst of course
increasing the likelihood of being able to accumulate a larger abundance of response so that my research and
observation are more detailed and accurate because I'm able to expand the possibility of it getting more recognized
by uploading it to different sites.
Something that quickly came apparent to myself during distribution was when recognizing how different
audiences are established amongst different sites, for example the older communities tend to use 'WhatsApp', whilst
middle aged people often use sites like 'Facebook', and finally the younger generation use popular social media apps
and websites like 'Reddit' or gaming software's including Xbox, PlayStation and discord as primary ways of
communicating between their own audience groups. Because of this, I could start to understand that it was these
browsers and almost extensions of life that I should target to address each of these audiences and evidently
converge a more diverse assortment of opinions for a fairer, more elaborate research documentation.
Questionnaire – Distribution
'Reddit' post
'Microsoft Teams' post
Brief statement on the question -
The main purpose of this question and question 2 is to establish more of an auidence of who are taking my surveys,
possibly showing repetative natures in the answers they respond with, and identifying trends which can help
purpose and charactorise my porject so it suits to their needs/expectations if theyre my desired target auidence.
Question Analysis -
Looking at question 1 of my survey, 'Whats your gender?', this singles out the people taking my survey between either
'male' or 'female' given these are the main gender roles, with the exception of 'other' which is also stated alongside
'prefer not to say' if there are some personal identification issues. With a total of 40 people answering this question, we
come to a 27.50% and 72.50% difference stating 11 of the responses to be 'male', whilst the other 29 are stated to be
'female' with 0%, and therefore 0 responses, for both 'other' and 'prefer not to say' for the following question. Because
of how female dominant my audience is for the survey, this could be down to the fact that women are possibly more
intregued in the film indsutry having seen and responded to my survey much more than the opposing gender, or it
could be reflective of the auidences present where I had distributed the questionnair; this seems highly likely the right
judgement given I had received a total of 47 responses from the FaceBook application and 5 between posting it on
my classroom page and on reddit, but evenso a lot of women had taken my survey which suggests even a slight interest
towards films.
Its also important to recognise why women are taking my survey more than men when its typically men that watch and
enjoy films a lot more eventhough my survey doesn’t reflect this, and i'd like to bring this down to both the platforms I
had distributed my survey and some of the initial attitudes between men and women. First off, because there are only 7
or 8 males in my class when its expected to only get a few of them to repsond, and equally so reddit is such a popular
site that its difficult to get recognised and therefore answers from people, this doesn’t fulfill the amount of people I had
expected to take my survey in what is male predominant sites, and understandibly, males in society only stereotypically
seek to do things if they enjoy whatevers being mentioned and if it benefits there own development and self-esteem in
the future; because of this, I do believe there is a slight control over whether or not they actually like films, but its mostly
down to the fact that they can't be bothered to put in the effort for somebody else when they'll get nothing out of it.
Audience Research – Q1 Analysis
These charts here clarify some of my inferances as opposed to my judgements on each of the genders and my survey
gaining more 'female' reponses more than 'male'.
(C1) - Showing what is the dates I had received my survey responses according to each gender, its clear the FaceBook
application is mainly female dependant having received 28 against 7 male on the 02/02/21, 3 male and 1 female for
my classroom post for the 22/01/21, and finally 1 male for the reddit paltform on the 26/01/21 - all which was
expected in my overview for the previous slide.
(C2) - As a clearer representation of the genders taking my survey, we
see the significance of the differentiation between the two as the
female chart towers over the opposing gender in recognition that
they control 72.50% of the bar hieght in comparison to the smaller
27.50% the men have.
(C3) - This is only used as another way of adovcating the difference
between the two genders, reflective of how big a difference there is,
and where the anomoly lies in my result for this question.
Audience Research – Q1 Analysis
C3 C3
Brief statement on the question -
The main purpose of this question and question 1 is to establish more of an auidence of who are taking my surveys,
possibly showing repetative natures in the answers they respond with, and identifying trends which can help purpose
and charactorise my porject so it suits to their needs/expectations if theyre my desired target auidence.
Question Analysis -
Looking at question 2 of my survey, 'How old are you?', this once again singles out the people taking my survey so that I can
begin to referance simularities and trends in some of the further ahead questions we see, and so that I can start to judge the
different auidence groups, identifying which best suits my project and the intentions being set. With a total of 40 answers, we
can see a total of half of the responses were in the brackets of '30 – 49' (50% or 20 people), whilst there was 6 between the
ages of '16 – 19' (15%), 4 amidst the ages of '20 – 25' (10%), and 10 in the '50+' cateogry (25%) which leaves 0 for both 'less
than 15' and '26 – 29'. Its true that theres a differentiation in the ages of people that have taken my survey from as young as
16 to over 50's, but with 50% of everyone taking my survey between the ages of 30 – 49, this is such a high number that I
cant not consider the fact that they're interested or have a passion for watching films in some way, but I do still think this is
highly down to the ways in which I had distributed my questionnair; looking back at how many survey responses I had
acucmilated through the FaceBook platform, because both 20 and 35 are such high numbers in comparison to everything else
which has remained very low and to a minimum for the most part, I can only suggest that most of these people fall into the
middle age female category because of how simular these are when put against each other. Of course I had already pre-
determined that this would happen because FaceBook is heavily used from people in this group when compared to things like
Instagram or Snapchat which are mostly targetted for the younger generation, but with such a big response I have to
acknowledge that they enjoy films and are a big part to the indsutry with such high numbers being shown, and therefore is
something to consider more ahead of production and the porject as a whole; in addition to thi, 25% of all the people here
were also in fact aged '50+', and because of how closely related this is to people in the age boundaries of '30 – 49',
eventhough it remains a vage amount of people, I would consider this to be 75% of my whole auidence here, making it more
than ever important to consider their viewpoints than expected aswell. The ages of 16 – 25 still remains observant to the
porject, eventhough it only relates to about 25% of the auidence, but because this is mostly if not all male gender orientated,
Audience Research – Q2 Analysis
Audience Research – Q2 Analysis
Brief statement on the question -
Asking whats seems a much more directed question, this should hopefully counter not being totally honest with
themselves by thinking more personally, creating what should be a much more trusting connection between them
and myself to get trustworthy responses for the rest of the survey as it eliminates the issue of peer-pressure in most
cases; of course this is whilst gathering the necessary information around how many films they're watching, so I can
calrify and then target that age range to be most succesful – through looking at trends in the percentages etc across
the questionnair.
Question Analysis -
Looking at question 3 of my survey, 'How often do you watch films?', this is directly asking the individual whoe's
repsonding to the question 'what they do' rather than 'what they think' about something, and this should hopefully
cause some trends in the audience to target and separate the auidence groups so that I can then identify and
approach them more specifically as I could begin to use this percentage in some of the other question reponses.
Seeing the most popular answer being 'a few times a month' with a total of 32.50% and 13 people, the other
answers come off of this response being the middle outwards getting lower as you perceed to the next higher/lower
option, with the exception of 'once a year' and 'less than once a year' which didn’t gain any responses from the total
of 40 alltogether. This really shows how accurate my answers are and the average amount of times people watch
films because of how consistent it is, getting lower and lower as you come off of the median ('a few times a month'),
and this is refelctive of the direct adress I had mentioned because we're immediately getting the answers we
expected as the people taking the survey are being more thoughtful for themselves which should hopefully carry on
throughout. I cant begin to de-piction any trends in the answers against the gender and age questions I had asked
because of how spread out the responses are, but this gives me a really good insight to the film indsutry and how its
still being used on a daily basis for some people, having gained 2 reponses for watching films 'every day', and not so
much for others, having also gained 2 repsonses for 'less than once a month', showing why its still so important in
this indsutry to move forward and create film.
Audience Research – Q3 Analysis
Audience Research – Q3 Analysis
Brief statement on the question -
Again, this is for very simular purposes as it should hold that trusting relation given its another personally directed
opinionated question, but its also important that I can start judging what audience prefers what genre in trends
across the survey, so that I can both identify their main interest, and then start to demonstrate this in my porject
acknowledging whether it would work with the thriller genre I intend on reflecting heavily or not, resultant of my
FMP and the planning pahse which follows which remians a good starting point to start to establish this additional
Question Analysis -
Audience Research – Q4 Analysis
Brief statement on the question -
Question Analysis -
Audience Research – Q5 Analysis
Brief statement on the question -
Question Analysis -
Audience Research – Q6 Analysis
Brief statement on the question -
Question Analysis -
Audience Research – Q7 Analysis
Brief statement on the question -
Question Analysis -
Audience Research – Q8 Analysis
Brief statement on the question -
Question Analysis -
Audience Research – Q9 Analysis
Brief statement on the question -
Question Analysis -
Audience Research – Q10 Analysis
What did I find -
Infleunce on project -
Audience Research – Analysis
#1 - Would you say that the choice of music or added sound effects are an essential part to a thriller film trailer,
why? And what would you use in this instance? (Scratching, scraping, screaming, dragging, thuds, etc)
'I would say it is one of, if not the most essential part to a thriller film trailer as music can add tension to what would
otherwise essentially be a bland slideshow.'
#2 – What do you pay most attention to during a film trailer? (Editing, shots, the music, narrative, etc) And Why?
When watching a trailer I pay attention mainly to the shots shown as it is able to give me a general picture of the
movie and what I can expect from it and whether I'd want to go and see it or not'.
#3 – Where do you see film print promotion most of the time? (Side of buses, social media, on the streets,
newspaper/magazine, etc) And what strikes your attention the most?
'I mianly see trailers of social media sites like Twitter or Youtube, when looking at a poster the general theeme
catches my eye firsst, things such as the colour palette and overall atmoisphere created.'
#4 – When watching a film trailer, do you prefer it to be broken up by reviews, release dates, cinematic title
screens, or to be one full video?
'I prefer it to be broken up because otherqwise I feel like I'm watching too much of the movei and quite often full
video trailers seem to show off too much of the movie.'
#5 – What do you think could be improved/changed or implemented in thriller film trailers to make them better?
As of late, thriller movies seem to be low budget low quality and just churned out to make a profit, I think better
screenwriting should be employed to create a more well received movie.'
Interview 1 - Teenager
Interview 1 - Teenager
Question #1
Question #2
Question #3
Question #4
Question #5
Just as some proof of receiving the answers from a separate
individual and not forming them personally, here you can
judge me asking the questions (red) and my interviewee
(blue) answering in repsonse. Dsiclosure, I had asked them
beforehand if I could share their results whilst keeping them
Understanding the younger teenage audience and their relation to the film indsutry, its clear that in this paerticular interview a
direct appreciation to the narrative, atmospheres/emotions being created, and personal involvement was more desirable in
comparison to things like the expectations of characters, location, or exessive use of editing; established in some of the questions
when referancing that 'the general theme' and 'the overall atmospheres created' are what strikes his main attention and enticing
need to 'go and see it or not'. In addition to this, theres also a strong consideration for the final end product and the 'quality' of it
as a whole, from the 'screenwriting' and music being an 'essential part to a thriller film trailer', this particular interview goes into
how it it could and should be improved from the start to the end without even asking (untill my final question), as they regularly
mention things like wanting it to be 'broken up because otherwise I feel like im watching too much of the movie' and constantly
refering to the general feelings of 'tension' and 'atmospheres' hinting at whats important for a film to be succesful.
What this says about my auidence
Acknowledging their strong admiration to the emotions and personal involvement majority of the time, this only evicts the need
to be actively engaged in a film for them to like it, infering that a lack of involvement through emotion may result in less
enjoyment in this auidence, whilst sustaining thoughts aorund the fact that they live up to some of the expectations made in
thriller films most of the time, these residing to the 'thrill' factor in anticipation, fear, curiosity, suspense, unpredictability, and
apprehension to make it more personally directed and adressable because its these infleunces that make it more the less
appealing and captivating. Furthermore, having recognised their gratitude to a well recvieved, distributed, and well-rounded high
quality film, this can only establish that high expectations are set in the film industry against other products in comparison,
elaborating that they intend on percieving a good quality movie as we recognise in a youngeer auidence they've been brought up
in evolving technoligies to improve the ways of living in day-to-day life, therefore the quality of a movie as theyre always
implimented into films for the benefit of the doubt in improving them, and this has been reocgnised in this group because of its
impact on them all personally when growing up.
How will my product appeal to this set of peers
Being abit of a perfectionist myself, in will only ever intend on distributiing a film or poster as such if its the best it can possibly be
given the amount of time and detail ive put into it, whilst amongst all other things, I had researched into the thriller genre and
films (as both a hobby and for the mian project) to understand the involvement of an audience, what intregues them, and
involving them in the situations to create atmospheric intentions in the feelings they give off, all in hopes that I can adress the
Interview 1 - Teenager
#1 - Would you say that the choice of music or added sound effects are an essential part to a thriller film
trailer, why? And what would you use in this instance? (Scratching, scraping, screaming, dragging, thuds, etc)
Yes because it sets the scene, it creates the drama, and gives impact. I would use either something dramatic or the
complete opposite to contrast.
#2 – What do you pay most attention to during a film trailer? (Editing, shots, the music, narrative, etc) And Why?
The editing, so I like to see how theres different snippites to give me a sense of the film and draw me in.
#3 – Where do you see film print promotion most of the time? (Side of buses, social media, on the
streets, newspaper/magazine, etc) And what strikes your attention the most?
Bus shelters, billboards and public transport most of the time. The image itself, because it draws me in, which moght
be to do with the actors, because it might be someone I like, or like in the atmosphere of the image
#4 – When watching a film trailer, do you prefer it to be broken up by reviews, release dates, cinematic
title screens, or to be one full video?
Yeah I quite like it to be broken up, because I don’t want one continous section, I want bits to get a better idea of
what its about.
#5 – What do you think could be improved/changed or implimented in thriller film trailers to make them better?
I like the suspnese, because it’s a thrilelr I want tit to offer some question, like how the person is, or whats
happening, yeah I want it to question myself and draw me in.
Interview 2 – Adult
Interview 2 – Adult
Looking into this individuals responses more in depth, its clear that theres a strong acknowledgement to the digital elements
involved in creating both the film trailers and posters, supporting the distirubtion to its prefered auidences, its said that the use of
music implimentation 'sets the scene' and 'creates drama', whilst other aspects including 'the image itself' in posters and the
editing is what 'gives impact' and 'contrast' to make it evenmmore engaging as it 'draws me in'. Aside from more of an
appreciation to the digital elements in thriller film trailers and posters, there is an understanding to some of the emotions and
atmospheres being created here when remarking the 'atmosphere of the image', getting a 'better image of what its about', and I
how they 'like the suspense' against both trailers and posters to once agiain draw them in and 'set the scene' as its also apparent
that narrrative is equally as important, likewise to give 'a sense of the film' and 'whats happening'.
What this says about my auidence
Otherthan the obvious factor that in this perticualr interview the indivdual interviewd shows a strong desire towards both the
emotions/atmospheres being created and narrative, whilst remiang pasioante about the digital elements in film trailewrs and
posters, this shows a very defined view on the general way in which a film is refelcted and involving of the auidence to create a
sense of feelings. This only implies that trhough their constant speaking of narrative, emotional desire/atmospheres, and digital
elements, the adult age range holds a desire to how they're involved within a film, whether trhough use of music or edting, which
had regualrly been referanced in their answers to show a strong admiration of its use, creating emotion and feelings in
themselves is important at getting them engaged and to fulfill their full enjoyment; this could be down to the fact that im sure
growing older you come across a large abundance of similar films so the way in which its advocated becomes more of a priority
over storyline, but I would also go as far to say that when you reach a certain age, like with the person I had interviewed, day-to-
day life becomes increasingly more busy with work related ethics and family priorities, especially at times like these, so getting
emotion across is important to consider at all times.
How will my product appeal to this set of peers
Having already researched about the thriller genre in more depth and some of the key considerations when making my own,
getting across some of the desirabel emotions, including anticipation, fear, curiosity, and suspense, has always been a driven
passion of mine to evoke amongst the set audiences; and in addition to this, using some of my previosuly gained background
history in video and visual photo editing, these intentiosn will be strongly advocated in avrious skills, abilities, and technical
processes to adress the need of not only this auidence, but many others that are strongly relfected in digital implimentations and
#1 - Would you say that the choice of music or added sound effects are an essential part to a thriller film
trailer, why? And what would you use in this instance? (Scratching, scraping, screaming, dragging, thuds, etc)
Yes, music and sound effects are very important in a film trailer. It sets the mood of the film. E.g. dramatic or soft and
subtle etc. Lighting should be used to the same purpose ot set the scene.
#2 – What do you pay most attention to during a film trailer? (Editing, shots, the music, narrative, etc) And Why?
The music is what excites you to the film and different clips to give you an outline of the story. It should give the
names of the supporting actors and actresses who take leading parts.
#3 – Where do you see film print promotion most of the time? (Side of buses, social media, on the
streets, newspaper/magazine, etc) And what strikes your attention the most?
Most of what I see promoting and advertising a film is on social media and tv.
#4 – When watching a film trailer, do you prefer it to be broken up by reviews, release dates, cinematic
title screens, or to be one full video?
A film trailer should give reviews, release dates, and film clips giving a taste of what the film is all about.
#5 – What do you think could be improved/changed or implimented in thriller film trailers to make them better?
I think it is important to make the trailer not too long, concise and to the point. Give it some 3 dimensional aspects
to hit home the main dramatic scenes.
Interview 3 - Pensioner
Interview 3 - Pensioner
Just as some proof of receiving the answers from a separate
individual and not forming them personally, here you can
judge me asking the questions (blue/green) and
my interviewee (grey) answering in response. Disclosure, I
had asked them beforehand if I could share their results
whilst keeping them anonymous:
Interview 3 - Pensioner
With a clear acknowledgement of the music and sound effects in two of the 5 interview questions I had asked, its understanding
that an appreciation to the audio plays a significant role in this particular audience as it 'sets the mood' and 'excites you', which
also implies a consideration to personal involvement and moods similarly as it reflects the way in which they respond to a film,
because the feelings established having involved these aspects are effective for hooking the initial attention and engagement
throughout a film. Another key deliberation in this persons reaction is how trailers should 'give you an outline of the story' and
remain 'concise and to the point' with their reaction to the narrative and way in which the storyline is driven in film trailers; all
whilst the secondary information aside from the film itself, having been addressed as 'reviews', establishing the 'supporting
actors and actresses' involved, and 'release dates' outstanding, are something this interviewee particularly refers to and
repeatedly mentions.
What this says about my audience
With such a strong consideration to the music and other audibly heard attributes to a film, this advocates the need to be engaged
through music aside from other things that make up a film, like in the video editing here given they don’t ever reference visual
elements that make up a film in their answers to the questions, even though they had many a opportunities to do so, this could
be down to the fact that commonly in people from older ages their eyesight wears down so relaying on audio plays a significant
role in day-to-day life, but this could also be down to the fact that music is always evolving and improving in many sectors whilst
video production quality is slowing down having hit a brick wall in the visual elements of things, and this is being recognized in
this audience having lived through many adaptions in the film industry in their longer life. Away from audio engagement and
impact, the fact that this particular interviewee references and considers the actors, release dates, and reviews more considerably
against some of the other interviews, this establishes a sense of
How will my product appeal to this set of peers
I definitely think breaking up the trailer is a strong intention of mine, but including reviews, release dates and possibly even the
actors would be of good inclusion, not only because it illustrates this auidence group well, but also demonstrates a lot of
persuasive techniques with having others saying good things about the film (reviews), whilst getting across a sense of action and
direct adress given release dates and actors names give off a more personal connectivity between the audience and product. And
amongst all of this, something I had well-established from an early satge in the project, the use of music and sound elemnts will
Power, Elegance, Formality, Death, Evil, Mystery, Fear, Anger, Depression, Unlucky, Sexuality, Anonymity, Depth, Style,
How could this be reflected in my product?
To help illustrate the thriller genre that I intend on demonstrating throughout the film amoungst other things like
my trailers, posters, and advertisements, I would really like to fullfill tehse emotions that are strongly catogorized
againsst the thriller genre, and so I believe using a lot of predominant darker colour schemes, like with black and
greys, could come extremely beneficial when performing lighting arrangements to some shots, or even in some of
the print absed porducts where I could establish blacks in the foreground or on characters to resembel a sense of
mystery and anxiousness. Understanidng that the point of a thriller based film is to 'thrill' someone, refelcting tehse
emotions against this colour scehme would support the mystery, evil, remorseful and quite frightening fear factors I
intend on conveying through my audience, exposing their feelings given the dark black color often doesn't give off
too much information to the auidence but infers a lot about the atmosphere being created and what to expect in the
vibes given off, almost reflective of the situations to expect in most thriller films – anticipation of the dangers to
come as its usually not clear in the psychological profile of things.
What audiences would this appeal to?
Following demographics portrayals, this color scheme addresses people more amidst the ages of 16 – 25, through
both fashion trends and the horror genre that’s made more apparent for young adults, whilst sustaining a much
more male approach as the stereotypical values of anger and power are foten referanced to this more masculine
state. Whilst this targets young adult males, the pshychographics values adhear to people who may enjoy metal or
punk rock music, in addition to both goths, for their portrayel and commonly associated stereotypes, and people
who enjoy the mystery and or horror genres given they're frequently used in film to help evoke the emotions they
Black/Grey - Moodboard
Neutral, Hygienic, Cleanness, Refreshing, clarity, Sophistication, Purity, Simplicity, Innocence, Efficiency, Hope,
Individualism, Idealism, Optimism, Coldness, Barriers, Unfriendliness, Chillness, Emptiness, Indecision.
How could this be reflected in my product
Its apparent to me that in thriller films the reflection of slight hope is emphasized against the contrasting ideals of imminent death, constant
danger, and unpredictability throughout the film, something that could be resembled in white color schemes present given some of the
connotations it exemplifies, like with innocence in the hero (as ordinary people are often placed into these reflections), optimism, and of
course finally hope itself.
Its also reflective that thriller films give of the common inception of isolation against the ideals of less desirable weather conditions because
its naturally more engaging to an audience in the atmosphere they create, like with rain or cloudy scenarios; attentive of the connotations
surrounding coldness, unfriendliness and emptiness which I would intend on conforming for these particular reasons, because through
undesirable weather conditions comes more threatening intentions that makes it naturally more unpredictable, frightening, and suspenseful
to follow through with the theory behind the thriller genre that I had previously researched.
What audiences would this appeal to
Because it often refers towards the ideals surrounding individualism, innocence, and being neutral, I would go to consider it targets
everybody slightly from the circumstances of the thriller genre, because often ordianry people are placed into these usually dangerous
situations under this color scheme to infer characteristicks aorund purity and innocence to make it more emotive and worryingly relatable.
Otherthan this, demographic wise the color white would effectively appeal towards people between the ages of both 0 – 12 and 60+, for
witholding general emboduiments around innocence in these age boundaries; with the female gender, this is also more targetted given
calrity, sophistication, and individualism are more profound in this gender, especially when acknowledging the currrent time period in which
women are seen to be much independent in juxtapose to the past, and couinsidently women are also used much more in thriller films for
tehse powerful positions which may hint at this movement further. Following up psycographically, the color white is often relfected in the
figure of god and other religious studies, adressing people with church orientated interests in perticular, in addition to pacifists in current
society around the meanings of being 'neutral', holding 'optimism', and 'calrity' for people all fold towards reconciliation and a gathering of
people in unity – thus usiing this could be quite contradictory, especially in the eyes of the antagonist which would challenge its purpose and
form perculiar thoughts and intentions in the auidence (this being something that is simularly present in films like 'Happy Death Day' where
the white baby mask is sued to consider juxtaposed intentions as to why they're killing the main character and the reasons behind it
White - Moodboard
Faith, Trust, Loyalty, Wisdom, Confidence, Intelligence, Truth, Heaven, Contentment, Peace, Tranquility, Calm, Stability, Harmony,
Unity, Security, Cleanliness, Order, Sky, Water, Cold, Technology.
How could this be reflected in my product
Regarding the positive connotations around the color blue, I would mainly intend on establishing some pieces of blue clothing or
physical objects in the innocent individuals, whether the killer or the ones being killed, this could be used either way to follow
both the straight forward ideals in being 'trustworthy, 'intelligent', and or 'faithful', or completely contradict its common
judgement about being 'calmer' or 'contented' in the role of the killer whoes portrayed juxtaposing its initial expectation to be
used, this which may resultantly be much more succesful in creating certain emotionss and following through with the
upredictability and sudden plot twists in thriller films.
Considering the more threatening inferances made from a blue colour scheme, this is commonly adressed against remaining 'cold'
to demonstrate tense environemnts or experiances, especially when acknowledging the fact that at some point if your exposed to
cold weather, or the colder color schemes in this insatnce, you will die from it, so it could almost referance an individual from an
early stage trhoughout the whole film to foreshadow their expectant death, or vise-versa them killing someone 'being' the cold
itself as it can inflict frost bite as an example of use.
What audiences would this appeal to
When realising the demographics that this may apply to, its most doubtless that it would appeal to all ages, as it doesn’t specify
specific attributes that would be upon the occurrence of being younger or older, whilst this does sustain a target for the female
gender more significantly than male, as some characteristics within the connotations, such as peace and unity, are much more
recognised in this category for genders, juxtaposing against the stereotypical values of males to be very independent, strong and
aggressive. Approaching the styles of pacifists, the psycographic values adhear to being 'peaceful' and a 'unity' through
reconciliation as teehse compliment these personnaels, and its also coherant that it would target people within the interests of
innovators (as of the VALS roups), when confomring to and being most receptive to new ideas and technologies when considering
the connotations in relation to nature, 'Sky' and 'Water' and freedom once infered from tehse chaarcteristicks, and 'technology'
itself where they're ever evolving and moving with society – or like with nature specifically its changing for the worse and needs
to resolved.
Blue - Moodboard
Life, Renewal, Nature, Energy, Growth, Harmony, Freshness, Safety, Fertility, Environment, Money, Finances, Banking,
Ambition, Greed, Jealousy, Wall Street.
How could this be reflected in my product
Following the typical nature of green color schemes, its often used to signify the 'envvironment', 'growth' and
'fetility' where nature is present in the foreground for most cases, but this seems all too happy for a thrilelr film, so I
intennd on tweaking the aspects of 'life' that’s generally conveyed through green colours and vegetation, possibly
using it in my trailer to enhance why murders or tehse dangerous situations are being made in the first place,
starting off the trailer happily with a lot of green colours which eventually fade away soon enough to upbring these
tense, mysterious, but evil thoughts and atmospheres I desire in my work to foreshadow what's coming – taking
away the green to signify the taking away of life.
What audiences would this appeal to
Considering demographic appeal, I'm said to believe that it forwards towards people in the age category's from 40+,
especially given that green often relates to ideas around 'freshness', 'health', and 'all-natural' qualities which link
towards the interpretation of mind ideas in progress, development and serenity; however when regarding gender
ideals, I would more focus this color scheme to males when recognizing the values of 'money', 'finances', 'banking',
and 'wall street' when understanding that males in current society still hold larger wages in comparison to women
even though this is still strongly challenged.
Moving ahead and into psychographic values in things, we see that this immediately target people within the
interests of the environment, more specifically in change to sustain its beauty in which environmentalists and
achievers are addressed; achievers in particular, they play a significant role in this color scheme when perceiving the
trends around 'money' for their usually successful lifestyles and admirations to change and new ideals.
Green - Moodboard
Freshness, Happiness, Positivity, Clarity, Energy, Optimism, Enlightenment, Remembrance, Intellect, Honour, Loyalty, Joy,
Cowardice, Deceit, Caution, Sickness, Jealousy.
How could this be reflected in my product
Following the set connotations around 'joy', 'happiness', and 'positivity', I could embrace these emotions through a
series of constructive scenes in and around their family/a positive past background to contradict the common
expectations across thriller films, something which I intend on drastically changing to calrify a shift in focus from the
happy scenarios to an almost 'rememberance' format, through an emphasis of dangerous, unpredictable experiances to
upbring completely opposite intentions in the auidence, which should resultantly make it more personally impacting and
structural in the common stereotypes for thriller films – coming from the feeling of suspense and anticipation to make it
more fasinating and 'thrill' the auidence in the unpredictability of the way its consturcted. Another key feature to this
color scheme comes through the format of 'cowardice' and 'jealousy' which could be established in the main individual,
eventhough this seems uncoridnated given they should follow much more dominant, controling atmospheres, this could
be used against the sense of mystery and almost as a porcesses of foreshadowing and anticipation.
What auidences would this appeal to
Now considering who it would most sufficiently appeal towards in the demographics, i would go as far to say its equally
designated across both male and female genders, in addition to younger audiences through its almost playful style and
interpretations, whereas for adults this is primarily down to usually preferring more complex colours, or tones with
unusual names, therefore yellow is typically one of the least favourites in their ideals.
Looking more at the psychographic side of things, it would most definitely conform to strivers in the social standings of
peoples efforts, for it is psychologically uplifting and optimistic attention in brightening the spirit of these who are
exposed to its glow, for it also holds a very warm, playful and happy manners; however, I do also think it can reflect
people who are often critical towards things, for it can motivate tehmselvees to be deceitful and even mentally unstable,
especially in the darker shades of this colour which are associated with depression and low self-worth.
Yellow - Moodboard
Fire, Blood, Energy, War, Danger, Strength, Power, Determination, Passion, Desire, Love, The Human Body, Remembrance, Courage,
How could this be reflected in my product
Understanding that the most common procedures during thriller films comes around a lot of murder, revenge, and dangerous
experiences, the connotations around 'fire', 'blood', and 'danger' are very closely related to some of these ideals that you would both
expect to see in thriller films, whilst remaining some of the intentions set in my own project as it shows a strong correlation and
stereotypical advertence for similar existing products in this genre, so whether physically showing these inferences or psychologically
using these to reflect some of the aims in my character would be a great purpose of representation to the audience (i.e. fire remarking
both literal fire or an almost anger building up inside of themselves). Working closely with the set ethics of 'fire', 'blood', and 'danger'
which hold much more physically demonstrated significance, 'strength', 'power', 'determination', 'desire', and 'anger' are likewise
similar in the way they are used, but to an extent that its more in the atmosphere being created amidst that particular character which
I hold align to designate in my own film, given it can establish a range of threatening and 'thrilling' emotions, while sustaining a good
balance of both representation and understanding of my antagonist in the audience watching to make it even more intriguing and
suspenseful. In addition to this, a very crucial part to my own film is in the reasoning why such negative emotions are being drawn out
in my antagonist in the first place, and that’s why against all of these very adverse intentions I want the things like with 'blood' and 'fire'
to be reflected amidst 'passion', 'love', and most importantly 'remembrance' as these will shape controversial thoughts to the supposed
villain of my story given he'll be doing these such things for a judgmental reason that the audience can begin to figure out for
What audiences would this appeal to
I would definately consider that both female and male genders are uniformly targetted, for their contrasting implications to both desire
and love (stereotypically female) and strength and fire (males stereotypically) which are regualrly refered to across this color scheme; I
would also go as far to say that red is mostly addressable to ages 16+ given the intentions of 'love' and 'desire' are more established in
life from these ages upwards – as 'they found 55 percent of people to fall in love for the first time between the ages 15 to 18'.
Red - Moodboard
Color Scheme Research -
. Kriscoart. (2017). Get the film look. Available: Last accessed
. Cameron Chapman. (2010). Color Theory For Designers. Available: Last
accessed 19/01/2021.
. Unknown. (Unknown). Color Meaning and Psychology. Available:
meaning-poster/. Last accessed 19/01/2021.
. Formation. (2015). Color Psychology. Available:
colour-to-appeal-to-your-target-market/. Last accessed 19/01/2021.
Questionnaire -
. Jourdan Aldredge. (2020). A Guide to the Basic Film Genres (and How to Use Them). Available: Last accessed 21/01/2021.
Existing Products Research -
. Joel Edgerton. (2015). The Gift. Avaliable: Last accessed
. Aneesh Chaganty. (2020). Run. Avaliable: Last accessed

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  • 3. Coming into my research segement for the fmp project im producing, I would really like to get across somme more ideas from which I could start to develop more off of, this comes from things like the color schmes, narrative, typical features in thriller films, sound implimentations, and of course audience research so I can satrt to adress some of tehse things in consideration of their own judgements and expectations. Divided into 4 different sections, I intend on getting a better understanding of the film indsutry in addition to the thriller genre, so doing both primary and supporting research, I should hopefully cover all of the previously mentioend cahracteristicks in: exisiting products research to calrify differentiations, simularities and its infleunce; a survey to help identify some of the desired considerations in thriller genre based films from an auidences background; individual interviews against aech and every audience that I can gather locally, looking at more specific detials to acnowledge; and finally color schmes itself, the affects it may have on audiences, the feelings it can connote, and involvement to the project in producing. All in hope of achieving a well-rounded, profesionaly reflected film trailer with supporting promotional elements like posters and social media distribution, here in this document I can satrt to establish some things I would like to incorporate wihtin my own film concept and structure, supporting their inclusion with a detialed observation of use and impacts it may sustain on my auidence; as a good starting point, research starts with all things because I can consider all aspects before determining my final intentions for the porject and making the products tehmselves, all in longing that I can produce the best possible outcome for a thrilelr film trailer and other promotional pieces by the end of my college progression.
  • 6. Why have I chosen Looking for sources of existing products across the YouTube platform, I had come across this trailer which struk my initial attention in the title 'The gift'; creating obscure and mysterious intentions, this urged myself as the audience to watch it given a strong desire to find out what this gift is was immeditaly established, something which upon observation, as a media student whom actively engages in film and tv amongst other things, was increadibly gripping, hooking, and genuinly surprising at how effective it is at captivating an auidence like myself. Looking into the source more, watching the whole trailer, and trying to get to grips with the way different things are demonstrated to draw out my emotions, it was soon clear how well the video had been structured, in both clarifying the narrative to new people similarly to me and understanding the situation, against the music and sound effect, which was extremely supplimentary to the thriller genre and film concept, that I had to analyze the different appraoches made in more depth because it certainly made me jump and frightened at times I least expected – something I desire to incorporate suffivcently throughout the various products ill develop. Film Brief As said from IMDB's website: 'A young married couple's lives are thrown into a harrowing tailspin when an acquaintance from the husband's past brings mysterious gifts and a horrifying secret to light after more than 20 years.' From my own judgement (without watching the film): After moving into a house in a whole new neighbour hood, a married couples' lives are soon threatened by an old friend of the husband who acts extremely mysteriously each and every day after fidning these individuals visiting them and giving gifts. After a while of anticipation, asking the man to stop visiting leads to a backlash of threatening and dangerous experiances when gifts and visits from the person remain constant but much moer deadly. Not knowing what happens after some of the serious encounters shown in the trailer, which I can only persume to be attempted killings, amongst finding out some backstory to the perosn they had almost refused in a way, we are left with a myserious case for ourselves to find out 'what happens next'. Characters As a young married couple who are expectant of a baby soon enough, they hold extremely oridinary characteristicks in the way they're portrayed, both physically, given the styles of clothing and activities they're engaged around (shopping and exercising etc), and psycologically, having constantly been represented as loving, caring, thoughtful neighbours and most importantly friends with the narrative that’s present; this makes it very emotionally drawing and evenmore so engaging given its often more relatable in the instincts that ourselves (the auidence) begin to relfect these ideals to people we know, and because its reflective of society and the people we know, in addition to the threatening and dangerous expectations in thriller films as shown in the trailer, it makes it equally as threatening personally as you start to resemble these situations to yourself, resultantly making it more involving and directed. Regarding the main focus of this trailer, Gordo, the supposed antagonist, remarks ordinary characterrisicks initially when introduced to the film, this is up untill ordinary becomes more wieder due to a distinct change in his actions when compared to the 'ordinary' people, and in most cases the audiences watching; with his actions drastically changing against the 'ordianry' in people, this makes it remarkably threatening and worrying in anticipation of the next peculiar thing that'll change in his perception.
  • 7. Camera Movement/Shots Using a lot of still panning shots, this is an effective way in which the different scenes and current situations in the films are established, given its main use in the trailer is to demonstrate the emotions and different intentions from the main characters in recognition of Gordo (the antagonist) or vise-versa; not only this but majority of the footage extends from medium – extreme long shots as it inaugurates the location more, especially considering that by the seems of things there are some hidden inferences in the background to support the thriller, almost waiting in anticipation, unpredictability that Gordo could re-appear at any given time, supportive of the shots use and intentions accustomed to bring out more emotion in the audience and be more reflective of the thriller genre and some of the common feelings inclined. Something I like to see in the trailer that remains effective and stereotypical of thriller films across the industry, comes in the form of handheld camera movements during scenes where dangerous situations, or the general threat of life is exposed to the supposed protagonist; with the camera shaking in approval of the tense scenarios, this both makes it much more personally involving and directing the yourself the audience, almost reflective of your own pov to the circumstances occurring which resultantly make it very engaging, captivating, and more fearful of yourself and what's around you in the real world. Color Schemes Consistent of mainly white and warmer colours like yellow, the house is refelctive of the modern/refurbished style it's portrayed in, and eventhough the conotations around this remain positive majority of the time given its welcoming and clearly been used as symbolism of the 'happy' married couple that its adjacent to, it's remenant of being 'cold' and 'unfriendly' through the prominent color of white, which is couinsidently representive of the narrative holding a strong undersdtanding of old friendships turning south; now the warmer colors that are much more obvious in some of the scenes, like with at night for example, although how 'happy', 'optimistick', and 'positive' their intentions are in purposefully representing the married couple once again, hold out right 'deceptive' and 'jealous' remarks simular to whats present in the antagonist Gordo, foreshadowing whats expectant to come in the film from an early stage as he soon becomes a threat to themselves in the ambigous tones he gives off throughout the trailer – once again remaining a singificant technique across thriller films, creating whats catogorized as normal and associated with being safe, to something much more vivid and threatening in the slight altercations on the connotations set. It's also understanding that the 'cold' blue color scehmes had also been established thoroughly in some of the more dominant, suspensful scenes which subsequently drives forward the intentions to develop a strand of fear in the audience watching from the director's point of view, making it evenmore so engaging, impacting, and understanding of the genre being emphasised here as rousing suspicion and mystery in the trailer form concerning and thrillling atmospheres. Effects Not many effects had been established in the trailer, otherthan the odd crossfade transitions to create an emotive conenction between the auidence and the unaware couple (protagonists) to remain objective of their love and passion for one another, amongst other things like a flashing footage implimentation and quick cutting to emphasise and draw out any thrilling emotions that have been built up in the way the trailer had been structured, in anticipation of something to happen, but the main source of edting
  • 8. from the audio tracks and added sound effects; residing to a lot of character dialogue to tell the story, bass thumps and beats, the occasional silence, and un-natural tones/tension rises, this only advocates a build up to something important in the film and genre being represented, working extremely well in generating threatening atmospheres to fullfill the auidences expectations and more, making it very unsetteling, desirable, and intreguing to find out more as its clearly persuasive.
  • 10. Why have I chosen I feel like I common inception that's made against thriller genre films is the often portrayel that it has to be visually terrifying in the characters and different environments, and this film specifically stode out to me given it completely challenges tehse expectations by representing oridianry atmospheres in the way the narrative had been evoked (suburban household setting), because of this it remains still as effective in the audience given its msotly relatable, but more importantly its acheivable given the circumsatcnes around the national pandemic and not being able to mix in different environemnts as its primarily home focused filming. In addition to this, I think its very visually engaging through the different uses of title and video effects, in rhythm to some of the implimented audio tracks or diagetic sounds, and effective why in compelling transitions between clips in one strand of video, something I would like to understand more and learning how to develop in my own project when acknowledging its very unique style and approach. Film Brief As said from IMMDB's website: 'A homeschooled teenager begins to suspect her mother is keeping a dark secret from her.' From my own judgement (without watching the film): A teenage girl whoes bound to her wheelchair given a terminal condition at birth grows up dependant on her mother; maturing to be more independent, she soon realises some weird occurances in her mother, looking into it further to uncover a hidden dark history between themselves and what really happened regarding her disability and supposed mother who she's only ever lived to know of. Characters Having watched the whole trailer, its clear to understand that Chloe Sherman is established as the hero from an early stage, both through the narrative that clearer interprets herself wanting to make some changes in her life to support her mother, and the color schemes she's often reflected across in the dress codes demonstrated throughout the trailer, consistent of mainly neutral colors with hints of yellow across all; other than the narrative which remains obvious having watched the whole trailer, the choice of colors embedded through her dress codes infer characteristics like 'individualism' and 'innocence' (neutral/white), to support the ideals of clarifying the hero in the audience, whilst 'optimism' and 'enlightenment' (yellow) strongly exhibit her intentions to become more independent as she states in the storyline that’s present from the beginning – almost used as a way of foreshadow what's soon to come, herself running away from constant attention too survive (becoming independent). Even during the first 25 seconds of the trailer when we're introduced to the characters for the first time, we can gather the necessary information to interpret who's going to be the main hero, having already knowing the title of the film being 'run'; almost as a directed command to someone, the title 'run' demonstrates the need to escape something quickly, and having noticed the wheel chair from an early stage already inclines that she is probably going to be the 'damsel in distress' because of how contrasting these ideas are. Looking more into Diane Sherman (the supposed antagonist), we can clearly gather that shes an intreguing character from the start as we satrt to see and hear weird things from the beginning, like with specific sound effects for her apperance or the way she appears out of now where, but its most curious given the color schmes shes often associated with; reflective of the way she characterises herself, red is the main color of degree here as she is a red head (ginger), this accomplices the feelings of 'love' and 'passion' for her daughter which is exemplified throughout the beginning, but moving ahead in the trailer, a swift change in her
  • 11. temperament and the way she acts in the film changes to something much more sinister, threatening and psychotic, changing these dynamics in the hidden connotations of 'danger', acting as a way of foreshadowing once again for the unpredictability in thriller films. Something I would really like to target in both characters is the way in which both convey the thought around 'rememberance' in the colours red (Diana) and yellow (Chloe), this is couinsidental or purposeful as a referance to Diana's past when recognising the miscarraige of a newborn in the opening scene to the trailer, which is persumed as a way of stating Chloe's birth, when in reality is a greater understanding to the audience as to why Diana Sherman stole Chloe as we progress in the trailer and narrative across the film. Camera Movement/Shots Using a lot of panning shots, most of the time they evict the different scenarios aline with the narrative, whether establishing something in the background or the mood being set, they add a very suspensful effect to the audience because of how slow they transitions across a piece of footage, intensifying the film and whats happening because this acts as a way of not letting you go from the dangerous situations that are present in thriller films like this where youd typically want to get away as quickly as possible; because this acts as a way of keeping you hooked in, it also makes it very personally attentive because you're in the steps of the individual during the film who also can't get away, something that can be considered across the title 'run' which holds very contrasting ideals to the slower paced shots demonstrated here as well. Something to consider is the lack of handheld recording taking place in the trailer, challanging the typical uses in thriller films and instead exhibiting an almost opposite portrayel; there is little use of this at points during the trailer, for insatnce when chloe is in the wheelchair racing across the street for help, but there isnt much to go off of and this could be down to the fact that similarly with the panning shots, its evokes the fact that you can't get away quickly from the situation where handheld, shaky footage resembels running away from something in an urge to escape. On the other hand, because the film is relying heavily on placing you in the position of Chloe, the hero of the film who finds out dark secretes in relation to her 'mother', the much steadier capture of shots could be there to reflect her point-of-view on the different situations, rolling around in a wheelchair and having a much steadier view on things. Color Schemes Disregarding the color schemes amongst the characters as I had previously mentioned already, the trailer goes through 3 stages of different color schemes in the different environments that are shown, these start off with warmer tones as it gradually goes into more neutral whites and cold blues, this already seems to advocate strongly the change in moods being set throughout the trailer. From what seemed to be quite content, 'happy', 'caring', 'loving', and 'desirable', the mix of yellow and red tones formed a warmer color scheme through the 'positivity' that was present between the mother and daughter initially, but progressing through the trailer we see the thriller, psychotic side of things as we establish the more 'neutral', sinister, 'cold', 'unfriendly' side of things in some of the much more prominent white, grey, and cold blue styles; reflective of the transition between the narrative, from what was 'happy' to something much more threatening, this is particularly effective in the audience as it clarifies the intended emotions set for these scenes, emphasizing its importance, making us think more about it, and therefore judging the circumstances as we are now set in the
  • 12. Effects Throughout the whole of the trailer we see a numerous amount of effects, from flashing transitions between footage of similar shot perspectives, to relaying on sound implementations and sfx to enhance the importance of the title 'run', things like cropping the video size and title masking effects are used as a way of adding suspense and establish its thrilling interpretations in the audience. One feature that really stode out to me comes in the form of 3D integrated title screens amongst some of the shots that are present in the trailer, for instance when 'lionsgate' or 'searching' is stated with some of the scene masked in front of the text; because this effect demonstrates a unique style and integrated profesionalism for its technical drive to produce, it strongly advocates both the high quality expectations in a film to this level, whilst sustaining a good amount of engagemetn and attention from its different audiences because of how admired it often is. As with regards to the audio, this embarks on only implemented sound effects to drive the narrative and different atmospheres being created, disregarding the popular demand for music tracks which has worked surprisingly well for this specific trailer with the common use of creaking, breathing, piano keys, violin screeches, and dialogue, this which has worked in creating tehse threatening ambiences to characters like Diane where a certain impression is given off in the sound that’s present – likewise in the first hints at her psychotic nature.
  • 14. Why chose this Since release, this conjuring poster has always struck my attention for its simplistick but captivating design across the color schemes, suttel features, location portrayed, and title font. From all the features like the font remaining relfective of the dead branches, to the suttle use of a noose and shadow that’s displayed beneath it, they give off a very threatening tones in the atmosphere because of how little is established, making it incredibly mysterious, intriguing, and alarming to the audience. Types of Content I would go as far to say that theres is near to no content being offered otherthan the obvious, like in the main film title 'the conjuring' that’s essential in all promotion, likewise also in extra information beneath to address more of a direct interest, and most finally the single image representative of the film and what to expect; even though this strongly challenges the general requirements in film posters to make the audience take action after having established an interest/desire to watch the film, because its most obviously clear to the audience that this is a film, it works surprising well in the simplicity that’s present because it enacts some differentiation to other products, whilst arousing some additional emotional draw given its not your typical expectation of a film poster, and in fact makes the viewers take action more immediately to find out further information online when recognizing that non is displayed.. Conventions- (colour schemes, photography, writing style, text/picture ratio, font choices, mode of address) Consistent of many neutral and warmer color schemes, this opposes a very cold and almost threatening style at how simplistic the poster is, only ever portraying a mysterious, what seems abandoned, dilapidated old home in the middle of nowhere in addition to bear trees and a misty, cold atmosphere being created; the image itself is already quite frightening, but the addition of a noose fulfills the thrilling expectations you would expect in a film like this, and likewise the subtle hint of a shadow hanging beneath this establishes much sinister connotations as we can immediately infer suicidal intentions are being mentioned given the feet are floating off the ground. Almost reflective of the tree's branches, the font choice remains suiting to the environment being created, having sustained a serif style, full black similarly with the tree's portrayal, and all joined up to create one big simultaneous feature that because of its representation, is equally as effective at demonstrating these anxious emotions given its symbolic of the tree taking life away from someone obscure (the shadow). Looking more at the shadow on the ground, the initial intentions are upsetting given someone has taken their life to the noose that is clearly stated, but understanding that the person is not established in the shot visually making it incredibly intriguing from the audiences perspective, holding a desire to find out more as to why they're not physically denoted on the poster, and resultantly watching the film as this works very well as a persuasive method to engage their viewers. Acknowledging the connotations set from the predominant black, white, and general dull color schemes, 'evil', 'depth' and 'depression' are key factors to consider in the establishment= of the noose and ghost like shadow figure on the ground, having all been closely related in some way to the topic of paranormal activity and death; this is all sustained whilst other inferences like 'anonymity', 'mystery', 'remorse', and 'deceit' are demonstrated in the strong use of blacks and neutral yellows/whites to evoke curiosity, involvement, and captivation in the perseverance of the audience when having noticed the house, general misty weather,
  • 15. Codes (Written, symbolic) - Its most profound that the title 'the conjuring' is stated across the top half of the poster, following the general characteristicks of film posters as the audience tends to read a print based products from top to bottom, but the conventions in the title 'the conjuring' establishes a sense of mystery and confusion when regularly referring to ' the performance of tricks' or in this case when acknowledging the thriller style of film the designers intended on getting across, a 'cause (spirit or ghost) to appear by means of a magical ritual'; now looking back at the poster denotations, the obscure floating shadow works increadibly well with the title, establishing the themes to expect in the film as a method of foreshadowing that gets the audience thinking and determining what may happen in the film itself because the poster really doesn’t give too much away for its simplistick design. Now an intresting inclusion to the poster comes in the form of added information to support the main title, 'based on the true case files of the warrens', this is present just beneath the main title and tehrefore I can judge that the film is closely related to whatever is mentioned here, priamrily because this isnt a typical thing you would see in film posters across the nidsutry, making it very unique, but because its quite obviously stated suggests its important to consider, possibly to draw out more of an emotion ebvacuse it is referanced to something that happened in the real world which resultantly makes it more dramatic, engaging, and relatable to their auidence; because this looks almost identical to the title's use of font, remianing a serif traditional style, we can only imply that it infers similar traits to 'spirits' and 'ghosts' in the way that the film is based off, once again supporting the intended ideals about getting a clearer understanding out of soemthing so simplistick to strick the audience more and get theminvolveed and thinking.
  • 17. What common features do the researched products have? Trailers – With a strong devotion to music and sound effect implimentations, these are very commonly used not only in the products that I had researched, but indefinately for all thriller film trailerrs to ever exist because of tehir well rounded attributes and benefits to the genre; creating often threatening and intimidating atmospheres in the auidences, this usually reflective tones of the dangerous situations given off inflicts a lot of emotion and impact in the audience, drawing out their feelings for the supposed protagonist of the film, whilst giving of interpretations for some of the characters or locations without visually demonstrating it – like with hidden connotations to refer a negative portrayel, added music or sounds can calrify a greater undersatanding. Similarly, with the use of music and sound effects, some shots are much more re-occuring than others to both elaborate the scene or situation (very long wide shots), or point-of-view and close/extreme close up shots that resemble the main characters position in the film trhough expressions and perspectives; because of how often they're reflective of the situation and places the audience in the position of the protagonist, they emphasize an emotion and direct adress to the viewers in the supporting atmosphere to make it evenmore engaging, interactive, and reusltantly involving of the auidence as they can start to judgde 'what happens next'. Regarding the editing and effects that may have been implimented into a product, this is mostly limited to a low standard, only ever demonstrating transitions and title screens in most cases given this can distract the audience from the realism that’s present to make it egaging and emotionally elaborate in the first place. Posters -
  • 18. What aspects of the research will influence my own work? g
  • 20. Having now outlined the majority of my concept for the project, its more than ever important to understand and clarify a more specific audience that ill target my film towards; using this questionnaire/survey to breakdown the different interests, desires, and audiences that a thriller genre-based film will mostly involve and attract, recognizing how important the audience is to a film makes or breaks whether it'll be successful or not, so understanding their preferred needs or fascinations is a strong intention of mine to get across in the end product. In addition to this, I would really like to demonstrate a range of varied opinions from people of different backgrounds, so distributing the survey is equally as important because it's not entirely down to how effectively its structured and put together, but mainly down to what audiences from whatever background can access the questionnaire in order to get responses in the first place: so publishing links across many different websites that target specific age groups (like reddit and Facebook), whilst arranging some of the questions enough that I can elaborate what audiences of ages and backgrounds are answering the survey, so I can see both how effectively it had been distributed to acquiring a diverse range of people, and what's going to be my main audience of interest to my film so that I can begin to demonstrate some of their intended preferences. When taking surveys or questionnaires as such, it’s a common trait that people often don’t make out clear judgements and be honest in correlation to their actual opinions in whatever topic they're referencing, so establishing a sense of trust between myself (the creator) and the people taking my survey (the different audiences) will hopefully counter these problems amidst gathering trustworthy sources of information; to inaugurate this sense of trust, I intend on providing the initial opening questions with relatable traits that are reflected in day-to-day talk between one another, such as with more personal questions like ' what's your favorite film/s?' and 'what interests you in moving image productions like tv, film, etc?', because it entails their own opinion on something from which forms more of a connection, trust, and belief with their answers. Questionnaire – Intentions
  • 21. Q1 - Question: What's your gender? Answers (listed): Male; Female; other; prefer not to say. Q2 - Question: How old are you? Answers (listed): Less than 15; 16 – 19; 20 – 25; 26 – 29; 30 – 50; 50+ Q3 - Question: How often do you watch films? Answers (listed): Never; one per year; one per month; one per week; 2 – 5 per week; 6 -10 per week; 10+ per week. Q4 – Question: What's your favorite genre of film? Answers (listed): Action; drama; comedy; fantasy; horror; mystery; romance; thriller; other (please specify) Q5 - Question: What's important for you in a film? Answers (listed): Narrative; backstory; action; psychological influence; personal involvement; editing; effects; other (please specify). Q6 - Question: Do you like thriller films? Answers (listed): Very much, i like them, , i dont like them, I really don’t like them, don’t know, other (please specify) Q7 - Question: What would you expect in a thriller film for you to like it? Answer (written): Please specify Q8 - Question: Is there any clichés that you don’t like about thriller films that should be considered more? Answer (written): Please specify Questionnaire – Each Question
  • 22. Q9 - Question: How often do you watch film trailers? Answers (listed): Never; one per year; one per month; one per week; 2 – 5 per week; 6 -10 per week; 10+ per week. Q10 - Question: Do you watch the film trailers before watching the film itself? Answers (listed): Yes, sometimes, not often, no, don’t know, other (please specify) Q11 - Question: Do film trailers persuade you to watch a film? Answers (listed): Yes, sometimes, not often, no, don’t know, other (please specify) Q12 – Question: What strikes you the most in film trailers? Answer (written): Please specify Q13 – Question: Wheres the first place you hear about films (trailer release, posters, friends/family, radio, etc)? Answer (written): Please specify Q14 – Question: Do you ever consider film posters to be effective at getting you to watch a film or look into it more? Answers (listed): Yes, sometimes, not often, no, don’t know, other (please specify) Q15 – Question: What strikes you in film posters? Answer (written): Please specify Questionnaire – Each Question
  • 23. Below is a short 1-minute time lapse of me creating the survey that has been condensed from around 35 minutes to make it more suitable for viewing, here you'll see the process in which I go by each question making it and then checking it after finishing up until distribution. Below is the link and embedded clip: Questionnaire – Timelapse Creating
  • 24. After having started to create the survey by establishing each question totalling up to 15, I had soon come to realise that in my free version pass on the 'survey monkey' website, which is use to distribute and form my questionnairs, it came apparent to me that I can only create tehse documents up to 10 question without having to purchase an upgraded version, so adjustemnts had to be made to counter this problamatic situation, resolving this by removing some of the less necessary questions to make space. These concluded my final 10 questions below: Q1 - Question: What's your gender? Answers (listed): Male; Female; other; prefer not to say. Q2 - Question: How old are you? Answers (listed): Less than 15; 16 – 19; 20 – 25; 26 – 29; 30 – 50; 50+ Q3 - Question: How often do you watch films? Answers (listed): Every day; A few times a week; About once a week; A few times a month; Once a month; Less than once a month; Once a year; Less than once a year Q4 - Question: What's important for you in a film (Narrative, Action, Editing, etc)? Answers (written): please specify Q5 - Question: What would you expect in a thriller film for you to like it? Answer (written): Please specify Q6 - Question: Is there any clichés that you don’t like about thriller films that should be considered more? Answer (written): Please specify Q7 – Question: Wheres the first place you hear about films (Trailer release, posters, tv commercials, radio, etc)? Answer (written): Please specify Q8 – Question: What strikes you the most in film trailers? Answer (written): Please specify Q9 – Question: Do you ever consider film posters to be effective at getting you to watch a film or look into it more? Answers (listed): Yes, sometimes, not often, no, don’t know, other (please specify) Q10 – Question: What strikes you in film posters? Questionnaire – Each Question Updated
  • 25. Ensuring that my survey reaches out to a varied range and mix of people, I had demonstrated this by sending it through email, direct-messages to family and friends, a reddit page, and social media; spreading my survey around a diverse field of options means both I can gather the desired assortment of different audiences, given it would be available on sites more suited to certain characteristics or communities as opposed to others, whilst of course increasing the likelihood of being able to accumulate a larger abundance of response so that my research and observation are more detailed and accurate because I'm able to expand the possibility of it getting more recognized by uploading it to different sites. Something that quickly came apparent to myself during distribution was when recognizing how different audiences are established amongst different sites, for example the older communities tend to use 'WhatsApp', whilst middle aged people often use sites like 'Facebook', and finally the younger generation use popular social media apps and websites like 'Reddit' or gaming software's including Xbox, PlayStation and discord as primary ways of communicating between their own audience groups. Because of this, I could start to understand that it was these browsers and almost extensions of life that I should target to address each of these audiences and evidently converge a more diverse assortment of opinions for a fairer, more elaborate research documentation. Questionnaire – Distribution 'Reddit' post 'Microsoft Teams' post
  • 27. Brief statement on the question - The main purpose of this question and question 2 is to establish more of an auidence of who are taking my surveys, possibly showing repetative natures in the answers they respond with, and identifying trends which can help purpose and charactorise my porject so it suits to their needs/expectations if theyre my desired target auidence. Question Analysis - Looking at question 1 of my survey, 'Whats your gender?', this singles out the people taking my survey between either 'male' or 'female' given these are the main gender roles, with the exception of 'other' which is also stated alongside 'prefer not to say' if there are some personal identification issues. With a total of 40 people answering this question, we come to a 27.50% and 72.50% difference stating 11 of the responses to be 'male', whilst the other 29 are stated to be 'female' with 0%, and therefore 0 responses, for both 'other' and 'prefer not to say' for the following question. Because of how female dominant my audience is for the survey, this could be down to the fact that women are possibly more intregued in the film indsutry having seen and responded to my survey much more than the opposing gender, or it could be reflective of the auidences present where I had distributed the questionnair; this seems highly likely the right judgement given I had received a total of 47 responses from the FaceBook application and 5 between posting it on my classroom page and on reddit, but evenso a lot of women had taken my survey which suggests even a slight interest towards films. Its also important to recognise why women are taking my survey more than men when its typically men that watch and enjoy films a lot more eventhough my survey doesn’t reflect this, and i'd like to bring this down to both the platforms I had distributed my survey and some of the initial attitudes between men and women. First off, because there are only 7 or 8 males in my class when its expected to only get a few of them to repsond, and equally so reddit is such a popular site that its difficult to get recognised and therefore answers from people, this doesn’t fulfill the amount of people I had expected to take my survey in what is male predominant sites, and understandibly, males in society only stereotypically seek to do things if they enjoy whatevers being mentioned and if it benefits there own development and self-esteem in the future; because of this, I do believe there is a slight control over whether or not they actually like films, but its mostly down to the fact that they can't be bothered to put in the effort for somebody else when they'll get nothing out of it. Audience Research – Q1 Analysis
  • 28. These charts here clarify some of my inferances as opposed to my judgements on each of the genders and my survey gaining more 'female' reponses more than 'male'. (C1) - Showing what is the dates I had received my survey responses according to each gender, its clear the FaceBook application is mainly female dependant having received 28 against 7 male on the 02/02/21, 3 male and 1 female for my classroom post for the 22/01/21, and finally 1 male for the reddit paltform on the 26/01/21 - all which was expected in my overview for the previous slide. (C2) - As a clearer representation of the genders taking my survey, we see the significance of the differentiation between the two as the female chart towers over the opposing gender in recognition that they control 72.50% of the bar hieght in comparison to the smaller 27.50% the men have. (C3) - This is only used as another way of adovcating the difference between the two genders, reflective of how big a difference there is, and where the anomoly lies in my result for this question. Audience Research – Q1 Analysis C1 C2 C3 C3
  • 29. Brief statement on the question - The main purpose of this question and question 1 is to establish more of an auidence of who are taking my surveys, possibly showing repetative natures in the answers they respond with, and identifying trends which can help purpose and charactorise my porject so it suits to their needs/expectations if theyre my desired target auidence. Question Analysis - Looking at question 2 of my survey, 'How old are you?', this once again singles out the people taking my survey so that I can begin to referance simularities and trends in some of the further ahead questions we see, and so that I can start to judge the different auidence groups, identifying which best suits my project and the intentions being set. With a total of 40 answers, we can see a total of half of the responses were in the brackets of '30 – 49' (50% or 20 people), whilst there was 6 between the ages of '16 – 19' (15%), 4 amidst the ages of '20 – 25' (10%), and 10 in the '50+' cateogry (25%) which leaves 0 for both 'less than 15' and '26 – 29'. Its true that theres a differentiation in the ages of people that have taken my survey from as young as 16 to over 50's, but with 50% of everyone taking my survey between the ages of 30 – 49, this is such a high number that I cant not consider the fact that they're interested or have a passion for watching films in some way, but I do still think this is highly down to the ways in which I had distributed my questionnair; looking back at how many survey responses I had acucmilated through the FaceBook platform, because both 20 and 35 are such high numbers in comparison to everything else which has remained very low and to a minimum for the most part, I can only suggest that most of these people fall into the middle age female category because of how simular these are when put against each other. Of course I had already pre- determined that this would happen because FaceBook is heavily used from people in this group when compared to things like Instagram or Snapchat which are mostly targetted for the younger generation, but with such a big response I have to acknowledge that they enjoy films and are a big part to the indsutry with such high numbers being shown, and therefore is something to consider more ahead of production and the porject as a whole; in addition to thi, 25% of all the people here were also in fact aged '50+', and because of how closely related this is to people in the age boundaries of '30 – 49', eventhough it remains a vage amount of people, I would consider this to be 75% of my whole auidence here, making it more than ever important to consider their viewpoints than expected aswell. The ages of 16 – 25 still remains observant to the porject, eventhough it only relates to about 25% of the auidence, but because this is mostly if not all male gender orientated, Audience Research – Q2 Analysis
  • 30. Audience Research – Q2 Analysis
  • 31. Brief statement on the question - Asking whats seems a much more directed question, this should hopefully counter not being totally honest with themselves by thinking more personally, creating what should be a much more trusting connection between them and myself to get trustworthy responses for the rest of the survey as it eliminates the issue of peer-pressure in most cases; of course this is whilst gathering the necessary information around how many films they're watching, so I can calrify and then target that age range to be most succesful – through looking at trends in the percentages etc across the questionnair. Question Analysis - Looking at question 3 of my survey, 'How often do you watch films?', this is directly asking the individual whoe's repsonding to the question 'what they do' rather than 'what they think' about something, and this should hopefully cause some trends in the audience to target and separate the auidence groups so that I can then identify and approach them more specifically as I could begin to use this percentage in some of the other question reponses. Seeing the most popular answer being 'a few times a month' with a total of 32.50% and 13 people, the other answers come off of this response being the middle outwards getting lower as you perceed to the next higher/lower option, with the exception of 'once a year' and 'less than once a year' which didn’t gain any responses from the total of 40 alltogether. This really shows how accurate my answers are and the average amount of times people watch films because of how consistent it is, getting lower and lower as you come off of the median ('a few times a month'), and this is refelctive of the direct adress I had mentioned because we're immediately getting the answers we expected as the people taking the survey are being more thoughtful for themselves which should hopefully carry on throughout. I cant begin to de-piction any trends in the answers against the gender and age questions I had asked because of how spread out the responses are, but this gives me a really good insight to the film indsutry and how its still being used on a daily basis for some people, having gained 2 reponses for watching films 'every day', and not so much for others, having also gained 2 repsonses for 'less than once a month', showing why its still so important in this indsutry to move forward and create film. Audience Research – Q3 Analysis
  • 32. Audience Research – Q3 Analysis
  • 33. Brief statement on the question - Again, this is for very simular purposes as it should hold that trusting relation given its another personally directed opinionated question, but its also important that I can start judging what audience prefers what genre in trends across the survey, so that I can both identify their main interest, and then start to demonstrate this in my porject acknowledging whether it would work with the thriller genre I intend on reflecting heavily or not, resultant of my FMP and the planning pahse which follows which remians a good starting point to start to establish this additional piece. Question Analysis - Audience Research – Q4 Analysis
  • 34. Brief statement on the question - Question Analysis - Audience Research – Q5 Analysis
  • 35. Brief statement on the question - Question Analysis - Audience Research – Q6 Analysis
  • 36. Brief statement on the question - Question Analysis - Audience Research – Q7 Analysis
  • 37. Brief statement on the question - Question Analysis - Audience Research – Q8 Analysis
  • 38. Brief statement on the question - Question Analysis - Audience Research – Q9 Analysis
  • 39. Brief statement on the question - Question Analysis - Audience Research – Q10 Analysis
  • 41. What did I find - Infleunce on project - Audience Research – Analysis
  • 43. #1 - Would you say that the choice of music or added sound effects are an essential part to a thriller film trailer, why? And what would you use in this instance? (Scratching, scraping, screaming, dragging, thuds, etc) 'I would say it is one of, if not the most essential part to a thriller film trailer as music can add tension to what would otherwise essentially be a bland slideshow.' #2 – What do you pay most attention to during a film trailer? (Editing, shots, the music, narrative, etc) And Why? When watching a trailer I pay attention mainly to the shots shown as it is able to give me a general picture of the movie and what I can expect from it and whether I'd want to go and see it or not'. #3 – Where do you see film print promotion most of the time? (Side of buses, social media, on the streets, newspaper/magazine, etc) And what strikes your attention the most? 'I mianly see trailers of social media sites like Twitter or Youtube, when looking at a poster the general theeme catches my eye firsst, things such as the colour palette and overall atmoisphere created.' #4 – When watching a film trailer, do you prefer it to be broken up by reviews, release dates, cinematic title screens, or to be one full video? 'I prefer it to be broken up because otherqwise I feel like I'm watching too much of the movei and quite often full video trailers seem to show off too much of the movie.' #5 – What do you think could be improved/changed or implemented in thriller film trailers to make them better? As of late, thriller movies seem to be low budget low quality and just churned out to make a profit, I think better screenwriting should be employed to create a more well received movie.' Interview 1 - Teenager
  • 44. Interview 1 - Teenager Question #1 Question #2 Question #3 Question #4 Question #5 Just as some proof of receiving the answers from a separate individual and not forming them personally, here you can judge me asking the questions (red) and my interviewee (blue) answering in repsonse. Dsiclosure, I had asked them beforehand if I could share their results whilst keeping them anonymous:
  • 45. Observation Understanding the younger teenage audience and their relation to the film indsutry, its clear that in this paerticular interview a direct appreciation to the narrative, atmospheres/emotions being created, and personal involvement was more desirable in comparison to things like the expectations of characters, location, or exessive use of editing; established in some of the questions when referancing that 'the general theme' and 'the overall atmospheres created' are what strikes his main attention and enticing need to 'go and see it or not'. In addition to this, theres also a strong consideration for the final end product and the 'quality' of it as a whole, from the 'screenwriting' and music being an 'essential part to a thriller film trailer', this particular interview goes into how it it could and should be improved from the start to the end without even asking (untill my final question), as they regularly mention things like wanting it to be 'broken up because otherwise I feel like im watching too much of the movie' and constantly refering to the general feelings of 'tension' and 'atmospheres' hinting at whats important for a film to be succesful. What this says about my auidence Acknowledging their strong admiration to the emotions and personal involvement majority of the time, this only evicts the need to be actively engaged in a film for them to like it, infering that a lack of involvement through emotion may result in less enjoyment in this auidence, whilst sustaining thoughts aorund the fact that they live up to some of the expectations made in thriller films most of the time, these residing to the 'thrill' factor in anticipation, fear, curiosity, suspense, unpredictability, and apprehension to make it more personally directed and adressable because its these infleunces that make it more the less appealing and captivating. Furthermore, having recognised their gratitude to a well recvieved, distributed, and well-rounded high quality film, this can only establish that high expectations are set in the film industry against other products in comparison, elaborating that they intend on percieving a good quality movie as we recognise in a youngeer auidence they've been brought up in evolving technoligies to improve the ways of living in day-to-day life, therefore the quality of a movie as theyre always implimented into films for the benefit of the doubt in improving them, and this has been reocgnised in this group because of its impact on them all personally when growing up. How will my product appeal to this set of peers Being abit of a perfectionist myself, in will only ever intend on distributiing a film or poster as such if its the best it can possibly be given the amount of time and detail ive put into it, whilst amongst all other things, I had researched into the thriller genre and films (as both a hobby and for the mian project) to understand the involvement of an audience, what intregues them, and involving them in the situations to create atmospheric intentions in the feelings they give off, all in hopes that I can adress the Interview 1 - Teenager
  • 46. #1 - Would you say that the choice of music or added sound effects are an essential part to a thriller film trailer, why? And what would you use in this instance? (Scratching, scraping, screaming, dragging, thuds, etc) Yes because it sets the scene, it creates the drama, and gives impact. I would use either something dramatic or the complete opposite to contrast. #2 – What do you pay most attention to during a film trailer? (Editing, shots, the music, narrative, etc) And Why? The editing, so I like to see how theres different snippites to give me a sense of the film and draw me in. #3 – Where do you see film print promotion most of the time? (Side of buses, social media, on the streets, newspaper/magazine, etc) And what strikes your attention the most? Bus shelters, billboards and public transport most of the time. The image itself, because it draws me in, which moght be to do with the actors, because it might be someone I like, or like in the atmosphere of the image #4 – When watching a film trailer, do you prefer it to be broken up by reviews, release dates, cinematic title screens, or to be one full video? Yeah I quite like it to be broken up, because I don’t want one continous section, I want bits to get a better idea of what its about. #5 – What do you think could be improved/changed or implimented in thriller film trailers to make them better? I like the suspnese, because it’s a thrilelr I want tit to offer some question, like how the person is, or whats happening, yeah I want it to question myself and draw me in. Interview 2 – Adult
  • 47. Interview 2 – Adult Observation Looking into this individuals responses more in depth, its clear that theres a strong acknowledgement to the digital elements involved in creating both the film trailers and posters, supporting the distirubtion to its prefered auidences, its said that the use of music implimentation 'sets the scene' and 'creates drama', whilst other aspects including 'the image itself' in posters and the editing is what 'gives impact' and 'contrast' to make it evenmmore engaging as it 'draws me in'. Aside from more of an appreciation to the digital elements in thriller film trailers and posters, there is an understanding to some of the emotions and atmospheres being created here when remarking the 'atmosphere of the image', getting a 'better image of what its about', and I how they 'like the suspense' against both trailers and posters to once agiain draw them in and 'set the scene' as its also apparent that narrrative is equally as important, likewise to give 'a sense of the film' and 'whats happening'. What this says about my auidence Otherthan the obvious factor that in this perticualr interview the indivdual interviewd shows a strong desire towards both the emotions/atmospheres being created and narrative, whilst remiang pasioante about the digital elements in film trailewrs and posters, this shows a very defined view on the general way in which a film is refelcted and involving of the auidence to create a sense of feelings. This only implies that trhough their constant speaking of narrative, emotional desire/atmospheres, and digital elements, the adult age range holds a desire to how they're involved within a film, whether trhough use of music or edting, which had regualrly been referanced in their answers to show a strong admiration of its use, creating emotion and feelings in themselves is important at getting them engaged and to fulfill their full enjoyment; this could be down to the fact that im sure growing older you come across a large abundance of similar films so the way in which its advocated becomes more of a priority over storyline, but I would also go as far to say that when you reach a certain age, like with the person I had interviewed, day-to- day life becomes increasingly more busy with work related ethics and family priorities, especially at times like these, so getting emotion across is important to consider at all times. How will my product appeal to this set of peers Having already researched about the thriller genre in more depth and some of the key considerations when making my own, getting across some of the desirabel emotions, including anticipation, fear, curiosity, and suspense, has always been a driven passion of mine to evoke amongst the set audiences; and in addition to this, using some of my previosuly gained background history in video and visual photo editing, these intentiosn will be strongly advocated in avrious skills, abilities, and technical processes to adress the need of not only this auidence, but many others that are strongly relfected in digital implimentations and
  • 48. #1 - Would you say that the choice of music or added sound effects are an essential part to a thriller film trailer, why? And what would you use in this instance? (Scratching, scraping, screaming, dragging, thuds, etc) Yes, music and sound effects are very important in a film trailer. It sets the mood of the film. E.g. dramatic or soft and subtle etc. Lighting should be used to the same purpose ot set the scene. #2 – What do you pay most attention to during a film trailer? (Editing, shots, the music, narrative, etc) And Why? The music is what excites you to the film and different clips to give you an outline of the story. It should give the names of the supporting actors and actresses who take leading parts. #3 – Where do you see film print promotion most of the time? (Side of buses, social media, on the streets, newspaper/magazine, etc) And what strikes your attention the most? Most of what I see promoting and advertising a film is on social media and tv. #4 – When watching a film trailer, do you prefer it to be broken up by reviews, release dates, cinematic title screens, or to be one full video? A film trailer should give reviews, release dates, and film clips giving a taste of what the film is all about. #5 – What do you think could be improved/changed or implimented in thriller film trailers to make them better? I think it is important to make the trailer not too long, concise and to the point. Give it some 3 dimensional aspects to hit home the main dramatic scenes. Interview 3 - Pensioner
  • 49. Interview 3 - Pensioner Just as some proof of receiving the answers from a separate individual and not forming them personally, here you can judge me asking the questions (blue/green) and my interviewee (grey) answering in response. Disclosure, I had asked them beforehand if I could share their results whilst keeping them anonymous: Questions Responses
  • 50. Interview 3 - Pensioner Observation With a clear acknowledgement of the music and sound effects in two of the 5 interview questions I had asked, its understanding that an appreciation to the audio plays a significant role in this particular audience as it 'sets the mood' and 'excites you', which also implies a consideration to personal involvement and moods similarly as it reflects the way in which they respond to a film, because the feelings established having involved these aspects are effective for hooking the initial attention and engagement throughout a film. Another key deliberation in this persons reaction is how trailers should 'give you an outline of the story' and remain 'concise and to the point' with their reaction to the narrative and way in which the storyline is driven in film trailers; all whilst the secondary information aside from the film itself, having been addressed as 'reviews', establishing the 'supporting actors and actresses' involved, and 'release dates' outstanding, are something this interviewee particularly refers to and repeatedly mentions. What this says about my audience With such a strong consideration to the music and other audibly heard attributes to a film, this advocates the need to be engaged through music aside from other things that make up a film, like in the video editing here given they don’t ever reference visual elements that make up a film in their answers to the questions, even though they had many a opportunities to do so, this could be down to the fact that commonly in people from older ages their eyesight wears down so relaying on audio plays a significant role in day-to-day life, but this could also be down to the fact that music is always evolving and improving in many sectors whilst video production quality is slowing down having hit a brick wall in the visual elements of things, and this is being recognized in this audience having lived through many adaptions in the film industry in their longer life. Away from audio engagement and impact, the fact that this particular interviewee references and considers the actors, release dates, and reviews more considerably against some of the other interviews, this establishes a sense of How will my product appeal to this set of peers I definitely think breaking up the trailer is a strong intention of mine, but including reviews, release dates and possibly even the actors would be of good inclusion, not only because it illustrates this auidence group well, but also demonstrates a lot of persuasive techniques with having others saying good things about the film (reviews), whilst getting across a sense of action and direct adress given release dates and actors names give off a more personal connectivity between the audience and product. And amongst all of this, something I had well-established from an early satge in the project, the use of music and sound elemnts will
  • 52. Black/Grey Connotations: Power, Elegance, Formality, Death, Evil, Mystery, Fear, Anger, Depression, Unlucky, Sexuality, Anonymity, Depth, Style, Remorse. How could this be reflected in my product? To help illustrate the thriller genre that I intend on demonstrating throughout the film amoungst other things like my trailers, posters, and advertisements, I would really like to fullfill tehse emotions that are strongly catogorized againsst the thriller genre, and so I believe using a lot of predominant darker colour schemes, like with black and greys, could come extremely beneficial when performing lighting arrangements to some shots, or even in some of the print absed porducts where I could establish blacks in the foreground or on characters to resembel a sense of mystery and anxiousness. Understanidng that the point of a thriller based film is to 'thrill' someone, refelcting tehse emotions against this colour scehme would support the mystery, evil, remorseful and quite frightening fear factors I intend on conveying through my audience, exposing their feelings given the dark black color often doesn't give off too much information to the auidence but infers a lot about the atmosphere being created and what to expect in the vibes given off, almost reflective of the situations to expect in most thriller films – anticipation of the dangers to come as its usually not clear in the psychological profile of things. What audiences would this appeal to? Following demographics portrayals, this color scheme addresses people more amidst the ages of 16 – 25, through both fashion trends and the horror genre that’s made more apparent for young adults, whilst sustaining a much more male approach as the stereotypical values of anger and power are foten referanced to this more masculine state. Whilst this targets young adult males, the pshychographics values adhear to people who may enjoy metal or punk rock music, in addition to both goths, for their portrayel and commonly associated stereotypes, and people who enjoy the mystery and or horror genres given they're frequently used in film to help evoke the emotions they desire.
  • 54. White Connotations Neutral, Hygienic, Cleanness, Refreshing, clarity, Sophistication, Purity, Simplicity, Innocence, Efficiency, Hope, Individualism, Idealism, Optimism, Coldness, Barriers, Unfriendliness, Chillness, Emptiness, Indecision. How could this be reflected in my product Its apparent to me that in thriller films the reflection of slight hope is emphasized against the contrasting ideals of imminent death, constant danger, and unpredictability throughout the film, something that could be resembled in white color schemes present given some of the connotations it exemplifies, like with innocence in the hero (as ordinary people are often placed into these reflections), optimism, and of course finally hope itself. Its also reflective that thriller films give of the common inception of isolation against the ideals of less desirable weather conditions because its naturally more engaging to an audience in the atmosphere they create, like with rain or cloudy scenarios; attentive of the connotations surrounding coldness, unfriendliness and emptiness which I would intend on conforming for these particular reasons, because through undesirable weather conditions comes more threatening intentions that makes it naturally more unpredictable, frightening, and suspenseful to follow through with the theory behind the thriller genre that I had previously researched. What audiences would this appeal to Because it often refers towards the ideals surrounding individualism, innocence, and being neutral, I would go to consider it targets everybody slightly from the circumstances of the thriller genre, because often ordianry people are placed into these usually dangerous situations under this color scheme to infer characteristicks aorund purity and innocence to make it more emotive and worryingly relatable. Otherthan this, demographic wise the color white would effectively appeal towards people between the ages of both 0 – 12 and 60+, for witholding general emboduiments around innocence in these age boundaries; with the female gender, this is also more targetted given calrity, sophistication, and individualism are more profound in this gender, especially when acknowledging the currrent time period in which women are seen to be much independent in juxtapose to the past, and couinsidently women are also used much more in thriller films for tehse powerful positions which may hint at this movement further. Following up psycographically, the color white is often relfected in the figure of god and other religious studies, adressing people with church orientated interests in perticular, in addition to pacifists in current society around the meanings of being 'neutral', holding 'optimism', and 'calrity' for people all fold towards reconciliation and a gathering of people in unity – thus usiing this could be quite contradictory, especially in the eyes of the antagonist which would challenge its purpose and form perculiar thoughts and intentions in the auidence (this being something that is simularly present in films like 'Happy Death Day' where the white baby mask is sued to consider juxtaposed intentions as to why they're killing the main character and the reasons behind it
  • 56. Blue Connotations Faith, Trust, Loyalty, Wisdom, Confidence, Intelligence, Truth, Heaven, Contentment, Peace, Tranquility, Calm, Stability, Harmony, Unity, Security, Cleanliness, Order, Sky, Water, Cold, Technology. How could this be reflected in my product Regarding the positive connotations around the color blue, I would mainly intend on establishing some pieces of blue clothing or physical objects in the innocent individuals, whether the killer or the ones being killed, this could be used either way to follow both the straight forward ideals in being 'trustworthy, 'intelligent', and or 'faithful', or completely contradict its common judgement about being 'calmer' or 'contented' in the role of the killer whoes portrayed juxtaposing its initial expectation to be used, this which may resultantly be much more succesful in creating certain emotionss and following through with the upredictability and sudden plot twists in thriller films. Considering the more threatening inferances made from a blue colour scheme, this is commonly adressed against remaining 'cold' to demonstrate tense environemnts or experiances, especially when acknowledging the fact that at some point if your exposed to cold weather, or the colder color schemes in this insatnce, you will die from it, so it could almost referance an individual from an early stage trhoughout the whole film to foreshadow their expectant death, or vise-versa them killing someone 'being' the cold itself as it can inflict frost bite as an example of use. What audiences would this appeal to When realising the demographics that this may apply to, its most doubtless that it would appeal to all ages, as it doesn’t specify specific attributes that would be upon the occurrence of being younger or older, whilst this does sustain a target for the female gender more significantly than male, as some characteristics within the connotations, such as peace and unity, are much more recognised in this category for genders, juxtaposing against the stereotypical values of males to be very independent, strong and aggressive. Approaching the styles of pacifists, the psycographic values adhear to being 'peaceful' and a 'unity' through reconciliation as teehse compliment these personnaels, and its also coherant that it would target people within the interests of innovators (as of the VALS roups), when confomring to and being most receptive to new ideas and technologies when considering the connotations in relation to nature, 'Sky' and 'Water' and freedom once infered from tehse chaarcteristicks, and 'technology' itself where they're ever evolving and moving with society – or like with nature specifically its changing for the worse and needs to resolved.
  • 58. Green Connotations Life, Renewal, Nature, Energy, Growth, Harmony, Freshness, Safety, Fertility, Environment, Money, Finances, Banking, Ambition, Greed, Jealousy, Wall Street. How could this be reflected in my product Following the typical nature of green color schemes, its often used to signify the 'envvironment', 'growth' and 'fetility' where nature is present in the foreground for most cases, but this seems all too happy for a thrilelr film, so I intennd on tweaking the aspects of 'life' that’s generally conveyed through green colours and vegetation, possibly using it in my trailer to enhance why murders or tehse dangerous situations are being made in the first place, starting off the trailer happily with a lot of green colours which eventually fade away soon enough to upbring these tense, mysterious, but evil thoughts and atmospheres I desire in my work to foreshadow what's coming – taking away the green to signify the taking away of life. What audiences would this appeal to Considering demographic appeal, I'm said to believe that it forwards towards people in the age category's from 40+, especially given that green often relates to ideas around 'freshness', 'health', and 'all-natural' qualities which link towards the interpretation of mind ideas in progress, development and serenity; however when regarding gender ideals, I would more focus this color scheme to males when recognizing the values of 'money', 'finances', 'banking', and 'wall street' when understanding that males in current society still hold larger wages in comparison to women even though this is still strongly challenged. Moving ahead and into psychographic values in things, we see that this immediately target people within the interests of the environment, more specifically in change to sustain its beauty in which environmentalists and achievers are addressed; achievers in particular, they play a significant role in this color scheme when perceiving the trends around 'money' for their usually successful lifestyles and admirations to change and new ideals.
  • 60. Yellow Connotations Freshness, Happiness, Positivity, Clarity, Energy, Optimism, Enlightenment, Remembrance, Intellect, Honour, Loyalty, Joy, Cowardice, Deceit, Caution, Sickness, Jealousy. How could this be reflected in my product Following the set connotations around 'joy', 'happiness', and 'positivity', I could embrace these emotions through a series of constructive scenes in and around their family/a positive past background to contradict the common expectations across thriller films, something which I intend on drastically changing to calrify a shift in focus from the happy scenarios to an almost 'rememberance' format, through an emphasis of dangerous, unpredictable experiances to upbring completely opposite intentions in the auidence, which should resultantly make it more personally impacting and structural in the common stereotypes for thriller films – coming from the feeling of suspense and anticipation to make it more fasinating and 'thrill' the auidence in the unpredictability of the way its consturcted. Another key feature to this color scheme comes through the format of 'cowardice' and 'jealousy' which could be established in the main individual, eventhough this seems uncoridnated given they should follow much more dominant, controling atmospheres, this could be used against the sense of mystery and almost as a porcesses of foreshadowing and anticipation. What auidences would this appeal to Now considering who it would most sufficiently appeal towards in the demographics, i would go as far to say its equally designated across both male and female genders, in addition to younger audiences through its almost playful style and interpretations, whereas for adults this is primarily down to usually preferring more complex colours, or tones with unusual names, therefore yellow is typically one of the least favourites in their ideals. Looking more at the psychographic side of things, it would most definitely conform to strivers in the social standings of peoples efforts, for it is psychologically uplifting and optimistic attention in brightening the spirit of these who are exposed to its glow, for it also holds a very warm, playful and happy manners; however, I do also think it can reflect people who are often critical towards things, for it can motivate tehmselvees to be deceitful and even mentally unstable, especially in the darker shades of this colour which are associated with depression and low self-worth.
  • 62. Red Connotations Fire, Blood, Energy, War, Danger, Strength, Power, Determination, Passion, Desire, Love, The Human Body, Remembrance, Courage, Anger. How could this be reflected in my product Understanding that the most common procedures during thriller films comes around a lot of murder, revenge, and dangerous experiences, the connotations around 'fire', 'blood', and 'danger' are very closely related to some of these ideals that you would both expect to see in thriller films, whilst remaining some of the intentions set in my own project as it shows a strong correlation and stereotypical advertence for similar existing products in this genre, so whether physically showing these inferences or psychologically using these to reflect some of the aims in my character would be a great purpose of representation to the audience (i.e. fire remarking both literal fire or an almost anger building up inside of themselves). Working closely with the set ethics of 'fire', 'blood', and 'danger' which hold much more physically demonstrated significance, 'strength', 'power', 'determination', 'desire', and 'anger' are likewise similar in the way they are used, but to an extent that its more in the atmosphere being created amidst that particular character which I hold align to designate in my own film, given it can establish a range of threatening and 'thrilling' emotions, while sustaining a good balance of both representation and understanding of my antagonist in the audience watching to make it even more intriguing and suspenseful. In addition to this, a very crucial part to my own film is in the reasoning why such negative emotions are being drawn out in my antagonist in the first place, and that’s why against all of these very adverse intentions I want the things like with 'blood' and 'fire' to be reflected amidst 'passion', 'love', and most importantly 'remembrance' as these will shape controversial thoughts to the supposed villain of my story given he'll be doing these such things for a judgmental reason that the audience can begin to figure out for themselves. What audiences would this appeal to I would definately consider that both female and male genders are uniformly targetted, for their contrasting implications to both desire and love (stereotypically female) and strength and fire (males stereotypically) which are regualrly refered to across this color scheme; I would also go as far to say that red is mostly addressable to ages 16+ given the intentions of 'love' and 'desire' are more established in life from these ages upwards – as 'they found 55 percent of people to fall in love for the first time between the ages 15 to 18'.
  • 65. Color Scheme Research - . Kriscoart. (2017). Get the film look. Available: Last accessed 19/01/2021. . Cameron Chapman. (2010). Color Theory For Designers. Available: Last accessed 19/01/2021. . Unknown. (Unknown). Color Meaning and Psychology. Available: meaning-poster/. Last accessed 19/01/2021. . Formation. (2015). Color Psychology. Available: colour-to-appeal-to-your-target-market/. Last accessed 19/01/2021. Questionnaire - . Jourdan Aldredge. (2020). A Guide to the Basic Film Genres (and How to Use Them). Available: Last accessed 21/01/2021. Existing Products Research - . Joel Edgerton. (2015). The Gift. Avaliable: Last accessed 23/01/2021. . Aneesh Chaganty. (2020). Run. Avaliable: Last accessed 24/01/2021

Editor's Notes

  1. What will I be looking at and why? (
  2. Whites, warm colors, bluey