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Workshop Objectives

   To build a shared understanding of our future choices and responses in
    South Africa
   To identify key capacities and actions in order to pursue our preferred
    future options
   To highlight those skills, capacities and interests which exist in this group
    to help us move in this preferred direction
   To create an environment, to share these valuable contributions to the
    benefit of all participants
   To clarify the way forward in order to sustain and build on this sharing,
    and create a community of practice

Workshop Principles

   The leadership and capacity we need is already in this room
   We encourage listening with curiosity, and being ok with not necessarily
    knowing the answer
   Ask for what you need and offer what you can
   There are no experts, only learners and practitioners

Appreciative Inquiry

Appreciative Inquiry is a strategy for intentional change that identifies the
best of ‘what is’ to pursue dreams and possibilities of ‘what could be’; a
cooperative search for strengths, passions and life-giving forces that are
found within every system and that hold potential for inspired, positive
change. (Cooperrider & Srivastva, 1987)


   In every community something works
   What we focus on becomes our reality
   Reality is created in the moment—there is more than one reality
   The act of asking questions influences the community in some way
   People have more confidence and comfort to journey into the future
    when they carry forward parts of the past
          o If we carry forward parts of the past, they should be what is best

         o    It is important to value differences

         o    The language we use creates our reality

Problem Solving                     Appreciative Inquiry
“Felt Need” identification of the   Appreciating and valuing the best of
problem                             “what is”
Analysis of causes                  Envisioning “what might be”,
                                    Dialoguing “What should be”
Analysis of possible solutions      Innovating “What will be”
Basic assumption: an
                                    Basic assumption: an organisation is a
organisation is a problem to be
                                    mystery to be embraced.

General flow of an Appreciative Inquiry process:

Appreciative inquiry can be done as a longer structured process going
through phases of:
  Discovery: identifying organisational processes that work well.
  Dream: envisioning processes that would work well in the future.
  Design: Planning and prioritising those processes.
  Delivery: implementing the proposed design.

The basic idea is to build organisations around what works, rather than trying
to fix what doesn't.


Dialogue Interviews

The aim of the dialogue interview is to try to come to see through the eyes of
the other person, and to create connection. In the best dialogue interviews,
the interviewee comes to realize they know something they didn’t know
they knew, or they come to realizations about
what they must do – they have A-ha

Guidelines for Dialogue Interviews

   Invite their story
   Connect heart to heart
   Monitor your listening
   Seek to understand patterns
   Notice energy and go with the flow
   Generative silence
   Leave the door open

Appreciative Dialogue Questions

People engaged with each other in pairs around these questions

   Think of a story of your work, when you felt happy/excited/fulfilled
   What was it about your own leadership that made that story what it was?
   As you consider this story and what you do now, what do you think you
    might have to offer this network of people contributing to the Walk
    Together Scenario?

Open Space Session Technology

The goal of an Open Space Technology meeting is to create time and space
for people to engage deeply and creatively around issues of concern to
them. The agenda is set by people with the power and desire to see it
through. Typically, Open Space meetings result in transformative
experiences for the individuals and groups involved. It is a simple and
powerful way to catalyze effective working conversations and to truly invite
organisations to thrive in times of swirling change.

Principles of Open Space:

   Whoever comes are the right people
   Whenever it starts is the right time
   Whatever happens is the only thing that could have
   When it’s over it’s over

                                                   The Law of Two Feet: If you find
                                                   yourself in a situation where you
                                                   are not contributing or learning,
                                                   move somewhere where you can.
                                                      PASSION & RESPONSIBILTY

The four principles and the law work to create a powerful event motivated by
the passion and bounded by the responsibility of the participants.

Roles in Open Space:

   Host—announce and host a workshop
   Participant—participate in a workshop
   Bumble bee—“shop” between workshops
   Butterfly—take time out to reflect

General flow of an Open Space meeting:

The group convenes in a circle and is welcomed by the sponsor.
The facilitator provides an overview of the process and explains how it
works. The facilitator invites people with issues of concern to come into the
circle, write the issue on a piece of paper and announces it to the group.
 These people are "conveners." Each convener places their paper on the wall
and chooses a time and a place to meet. This process continues until there
are no more agenda items.
The group then breaks up and heads to the agenda wall, by now covered
with a variety of sessions. Participants take note of the time and place for
sessions they want to be involved in.
Dialogue sessions convene for the rest of the meeting. Recorders
(determined by each group) capture the important points and post the
reports on the news wall. All of these reports will be harvested in some way
and returned to the larger group.
Following a closing or a break, the group might move into ‘convergence’, a
process that takes the issues that have been discussed and attaches action
plans to them to "get them out of the room."
The group then finishes the meeting with a closing circle where people are
invited to share comments, insights and commitments arising from the


Our open space question:

What idea do you have that you wish to explore with others here in support of the ‘Walk Together’ Scenario?

Round One
1.   If you want to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat
2.   Time is against all of us
3.   Leveraging off the pain
4.   Initiating social media networks between NGO’s
5.   I want to start a drop in centre for kids. I need help
6.   What of SA’s past should we take forward and what should we leave

Round Two
1.   How do we bring together different interests?
2.   Database of organisation strengths & needs
3.   De-politicize the walk together?
4.   Generosity of spirit to share lessons will bring about appropriate solutions
5.   Collaborating all our skills together in a performances/concert and create
     a fundraising platform for all NGO’s

 Round 1

1. If you want to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat

Convenor: Inge Walters

Participants: Erica, S’bo, Karla, Theo, Janet, Stacey, Thérèse,

Key insights:

    Trust the impossible
    Be bold, get out of the comfort zone not for you but your cause = put
     fears aside
    Power of people’s stories = smaller groups + people
    Passion makes the difference, belief, trust, persistence & take the first
    Act as if you already have the courage
    Not all about me - sometimes we don’t try because …
     Focus on the positive
    Leave life jacket at home

What needs to happen next?

   Share your “impossible” story and if you don’t
    have one think of what yours could be
   Use social network to share good news = Facebook
    profile for this group

Who is responsible?

   Each person

2. Time is against us (Leveraging off the pain)

Convenor: Oupa Mabena

Participants: Dawn, Elizabeth, Jerry

Key insights:
   Sometimes we need to take a step back to reassess
    versus rushing in. Other times we need to take risks
   “Time is against us” - Problem
   Therefore “Make the most of every opportunity.” Future state
   With awareness of time pressures
   Invest differently/ use time differently
   Make time profitable/ fruitful
   Focus more on solution vs blaming- it wastes time
   What you do with time doesn’t’ just impact on you- consider the impact
    on others as well. How can we collectively use our time
   There are certain things that we cannot challenge time on (i.e. months to
    have a baby; if a baby comes 6 months; chances of survival are
   It takes 100 years to grow an oak tree & 6 months to grow a butternut!
    Which do we want (want others) to be

What needs to happen next?

   Corporate need to get involved with learners while they in school VS only.

Who is responsible?

   Each of us - as it is relevant to our lives

4. Initiating social media network between NGO’s

Convenor:       Simangele Mabena

Participants: Sharanjeet, Ann, Jillian, Gerard, Peter, Jillian, Francois

Key insights:

   If they’re so many social websites, which do you use?
   Facebook more accessible but open to abuse
   Long-term plan to privatise our Facebook account
   Linked-in / skills universe
   Intentional social media platform-
    only open to NGO’s

   How do we sustain the momentum? We need to share in the process
   Are we promoting ‘Walk together’?
   What type of communication do we need?
   We need to have intentionality in media activist
   Look at how Obama used social media into real context

What needs to happen next?

   Get email addresses of NGO’s @ RMB to send out to feelers- are people
    keen to join?

Who is responsible?

   Simangele (to initiate) and get Sharanjeet to send me stories about her
    organisation in relation to real stories/reports
   Anni (to sustain) - to keep us in contact of what is going on in the
    fundraising world

6. What of SA’s past do we take forward and what do we leave behind?

Convenor: Victoria

Participants: Kelvin, Dave, Melusi, Pontsho, Ilka, Mokibelo, Nonhlanhla

Key insights:
   What gets communicated about the past e.g. Youth day - drunken parties
    (missed the point)
   Need to build a deeper understanding of the past and how it affects us
   Have we forgotten our past? (complacency now)
   Today’s struggle - poverty/unemployment/hopelessness – develop
    peers to share messages (role models for the youth)
   How do we counter negative role models e.g. criminals
   We need to keep the stories alive
   Education is key (need to get that right)
   Identify the strengths/potential within poor

What needs to happen next?
   Take the knowledge of the past (strengths) to take
    things forward
   A family structure is key if we are to succeed
   Motivate the kids
   Time frame?

Who is responsible?
   All of us
   Our NGO community work- we can make the difference

Round Two

1. How do we build together different interest?

Convenor: S’bo Vilakazi

Participants: Debbie, Jerry, Keri, Jillian, Francois, Melusi,

Key insights:

   Common denominator- integrated process
   Forums bring different interest together- look for pockets of opportunity
   All have the same goal
   Trust- big challenge/limited resources (we’re in survival mode)
   Working together – leverage resources, increase reach, share skills –
    stronger voice eg lobbying government (strength in numbers)
   Don’t know what other organisations are doing

What needs to happen next?

   Keeping this discussion going/ practice outside of the
   Networking /connect to each other/opportunities
    including social networks/ databases
   Share skills - learning from each other

Who is responsible?

   Everyone of us: accountability
   Talk to each other! Private enterprises also need to talk to each other

2. Creating a Database for NGO’s

Convenor: Peter France

Participants: Karla, Yvette, Ilka

Key insights:

   Experiences
   Skills
   Communication
   Cross pollination
   Links in common interest
   Needs
   Geographical situation
   NGO’s to upgrade their info

What needs to happen next?

   Research existing databases. To establish database where NGO’s input
    their info in light of above & to keep base relevant. ‘Walk together.’

Who is responsible?

   Need a volunteer to run with the idea & implement

3. De-politizing the walk together

Convenor: David Rossouw

Participants: Theo, Mokibelo, Stacey, Elizabeth,

Judy, Oupa
Key insights:

   We need a collective voice as NGO’s
   Get info out as to what we are doing
   Focus on being the mutual voice, resistance force (we need to play an
    advocacy role)
   Politicians will do what politicians do
   We need to set the youth thinking critically
   Education is key to the process
   Share methodologies (knowledge etc. collaborate)
   What divided us in the past needs to be used to unite us
   What is stopping us today to work against the weakness
    that we see
   Sometimes political issues need to be faced
   Look for the good
   None of this walking together can happen unless SA
    develops as a true democracy

What needs to happen next?

   Develop advocacy role - politics won’t disappear
   We need more acute engagement
   Advocacy development to humankind (become upon to
    one another)

Who is responsible?

   As NGO’s – ‘to prove’ – we can walk together
   Make sure what we preach is what we practice

4. Generosity of spirit in sharing lessons will find appropriate solutions

Convenor:       Sharanjeet Shan

Participants: Janet, Gerard, Pontso, Smangele, Erica, Kelvin

Key insights:

   Dilemmas/when we leave, sustainability- great concern
   Civil society/ Government state departments have not come to the party
   Take a government official to work day
   Humility & Openness
   Change – thank you
   Fundraising relationship
    building. Engagement
   Social media website
   SETA’s are very difficult to
    talk to
   Strength in numbers
   Collective
   ISASA lobbies government member pay for the rights to secure
   More budget on research, independent reviews- publish - Foreigner do
    this well

What needs to happen next?

    Media/ Twitter/Facebook/Ning- talk to each other

Who is responsible?

   Everyone; Simangele & Annie

5. Collaborating of skill for a concert performance and create a
fundraising for all RMB NGO’s

Convenor: Anni Wolf

Participants: Yvonne, Simangele

Key insights:

   Collaborating between all performing arts companies sponsored by RMB
    in an RMB concert.
   Showcasing the good work RMB is supporting it will showcase all NGO’s
    talents e.g. Collaboration of The Black Tie Ensemble, Sibikwa, JHB
    Orchestra, Vuyani Dance, SA Ballet Theatre etc.

What needs to happen next?

   Contact NGO’s
   Approach RMB
   Create Proposal

Blank Slate (a meeting of butterflies)

Convenor: Dawn Phillips

Participants: Inge, Thérèse, Karen

Key insights:

   WWF South Africa- would like Inge & Dawn to facilitate on insights
    workshop for all NGO reps ( this group)
   WWF- needs change management
        o What about RMB imparting their knowledge i.e. someone like
           Dawn can come & teach CM or assist in some way
        o WWF can then also impair knowledge from an environmental

What needs to happen next?

   Dawn & Inge are accredited through insights
   Yvette & Ilka arrange another workshop so we can do it!
   Dawn, Yvette & IIka to discuss

Who is responsible?

   Dawn to facilitate



   Workshop in Governance
   Networking
   60 donated used white shirts (please contact Yvette, whoever made this
   Fundraising: I would really love to know more about the how’s, where
    we go & what we do
   Maybe do a short 5 minutes slot on what RMB funds, and why?
   Please can you share everyone’s contact details & copies of the
   Branding (our) company and bridging the gap in different NGO’s: Share

Feedback – Thank you very much! No really… Thank YOU… No really…

    An enriching, stimulating and engaging workshop. So much to think
    about, so much to take forward...walking together...

   The opportunity to attend your very well organised and well put together
    NGO session... I thoroughly enjoyed it, found it most thought provoking,
    very interactive and when I left I was more positive than when I arrived on
    Wednesday morning about where we as individuals and as a country
    should be heading… Also for the Jim Collins book which I am looking
    forward to reading in due course.

   The awesome training, meals and networking with others. Thanks for
    making a difference.

   The sessions are very empowering – keep them coming. We are moving
    closer to the real “walk together”.

   It is awesome to get to know other NGO’s who are not involved in feed.
    WOW thanks.

   The food and camaraderie is very encouraging and makes one feel very
    excited about our NGO. I love the buzz, excitement, challenges. Most of
    all to think outside the box get out of the boat and walk on the water.

Thank YOU, our Partners, for your continued support of this ever changing
 RMB NGO Leadership Network initiative! Your attendance, participation,
enthusiasm and commitment to this process, and more importantly to your
respective organisations and the good work you do, is what makes each
programme a success. See you again in the not-too-distant future! ~ Ilka,
                           Happy & Yvette ~


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Reos Rmb Ngo Workshop Output

  • 1. RMB NGO LEADERSHIP NETWORK SESSION OUTPUT Workshop Objectives  To build a shared understanding of our future choices and responses in South Africa  To identify key capacities and actions in order to pursue our preferred future options  To highlight those skills, capacities and interests which exist in this group to help us move in this preferred direction  To create an environment, to share these valuable contributions to the benefit of all participants  To clarify the way forward in order to sustain and build on this sharing, and create a community of practice Workshop Principles  The leadership and capacity we need is already in this room  We encourage listening with curiosity, and being ok with not necessarily knowing the answer  Ask for what you need and offer what you can  There are no experts, only learners and practitioners Appreciative Inquiry Appreciative Inquiry is a strategy for intentional change that identifies the best of ‘what is’ to pursue dreams and possibilities of ‘what could be’; a cooperative search for strengths, passions and life-giving forces that are found within every system and that hold potential for inspired, positive change. (Cooperrider & Srivastva, 1987) Assumptions  In every community something works  What we focus on becomes our reality  Reality is created in the moment—there is more than one reality  The act of asking questions influences the community in some way  People have more confidence and comfort to journey into the future when they carry forward parts of the past o If we carry forward parts of the past, they should be what is best o It is important to value differences o The language we use creates our reality 1
  • 2. Problem Solving Appreciative Inquiry “Felt Need” identification of the Appreciating and valuing the best of problem “what is” Analysis of causes Envisioning “what might be”, Dialoguing “What should be” Analysis of possible solutions Innovating “What will be” Basic assumption: an Basic assumption: an organisation is a organisation is a problem to be mystery to be embraced. solved. 2
  • 3. General flow of an Appreciative Inquiry process: Appreciative inquiry can be done as a longer structured process going through phases of:  Discovery: identifying organisational processes that work well.  Dream: envisioning processes that would work well in the future.  Design: Planning and prioritising those processes.  Delivery: implementing the proposed design. The basic idea is to build organisations around what works, rather than trying to fix what doesn't. Resource: Dialogue Interviews The aim of the dialogue interview is to try to come to see through the eyes of the other person, and to create connection. In the best dialogue interviews, the interviewee comes to realize they know something they didn’t know they knew, or they come to realizations about what they must do – they have A-ha experiences. Guidelines for Dialogue Interviews  Invite their story  Connect heart to heart  Monitor your listening  Seek to understand patterns  Notice energy and go with the flow  Generative silence  Leave the door open Appreciative Dialogue Questions People engaged with each other in pairs around these questions  Think of a story of your work, when you felt happy/excited/fulfilled  What was it about your own leadership that made that story what it was?  As you consider this story and what you do now, what do you think you might have to offer this network of people contributing to the Walk Together Scenario? 3
  • 4. Open Space Session Technology The goal of an Open Space Technology meeting is to create time and space for people to engage deeply and creatively around issues of concern to them. The agenda is set by people with the power and desire to see it through. Typically, Open Space meetings result in transformative experiences for the individuals and groups involved. It is a simple and powerful way to catalyze effective working conversations and to truly invite organisations to thrive in times of swirling change. 4
  • 5. Principles of Open Space:  Whoever comes are the right people  Whenever it starts is the right time  Whatever happens is the only thing that could have  When it’s over it’s over The Law of Two Feet: If you find yourself in a situation where you are not contributing or learning, move somewhere where you can. PASSION & RESPONSIBILTY The four principles and the law work to create a powerful event motivated by the passion and bounded by the responsibility of the participants. Roles in Open Space:  Host—announce and host a workshop  Participant—participate in a workshop  Bumble bee—“shop” between workshops  Butterfly—take time out to reflect General flow of an Open Space meeting: The group convenes in a circle and is welcomed by the sponsor. The facilitator provides an overview of the process and explains how it works. The facilitator invites people with issues of concern to come into the circle, write the issue on a piece of paper and announces it to the group. These people are "conveners." Each convener places their paper on the wall and chooses a time and a place to meet. This process continues until there are no more agenda items. The group then breaks up and heads to the agenda wall, by now covered with a variety of sessions. Participants take note of the time and place for sessions they want to be involved in. Dialogue sessions convene for the rest of the meeting. Recorders (determined by each group) capture the important points and post the reports on the news wall. All of these reports will be harvested in some way and returned to the larger group. Following a closing or a break, the group might move into ‘convergence’, a process that takes the issues that have been discussed and attaches action plans to them to "get them out of the room." The group then finishes the meeting with a closing circle where people are invited to share comments, insights and commitments arising from the process. 5
  • 7. Our open space question: What idea do you have that you wish to explore with others here in support of the ‘Walk Together’ Scenario? Round One 1. If you want to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat 2. Time is against all of us 3. Leveraging off the pain 4. Initiating social media networks between NGO’s 5. I want to start a drop in centre for kids. I need help 6. What of SA’s past should we take forward and what should we leave behind? Round Two 1. How do we bring together different interests? 2. Database of organisation strengths & needs 3. De-politicize the walk together? 4. Generosity of spirit to share lessons will bring about appropriate solutions 5. Collaborating all our skills together in a performances/concert and create a fundraising platform for all NGO’s Round 1 1. If you want to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat Convenor: Inge Walters Participants: Erica, S’bo, Karla, Theo, Janet, Stacey, Thérèse, Karen Key insights:  Trust the impossible  Be bold, get out of the comfort zone not for you but your cause = put fears aside  Power of people’s stories = smaller groups + people  Passion makes the difference, belief, trust, persistence & take the first step  Act as if you already have the courage  Not all about me - sometimes we don’t try because …  Focus on the positive  Leave life jacket at home What needs to happen next? 7
  • 8. Share your “impossible” story and if you don’t have one think of what yours could be  Use social network to share good news = Facebook profile for this group Who is responsible?  Each person 8
  • 9. 2. Time is against us (Leveraging off the pain) Convenor: Oupa Mabena Participants: Dawn, Elizabeth, Jerry Key insights:  Sometimes we need to take a step back to reassess versus rushing in. Other times we need to take risks  “Time is against us” - Problem  Therefore “Make the most of every opportunity.” Future state  With awareness of time pressures  Invest differently/ use time differently  Make time profitable/ fruitful  Focus more on solution vs blaming- it wastes time  What you do with time doesn’t’ just impact on you- consider the impact on others as well. How can we collectively use our time  There are certain things that we cannot challenge time on (i.e. months to have a baby; if a baby comes 6 months; chances of survival are decreased)  It takes 100 years to grow an oak tree & 6 months to grow a butternut! Which do we want (want others) to be What needs to happen next?  Corporate need to get involved with learners while they in school VS only. Who is responsible?  Each of us - as it is relevant to our lives 4. Initiating social media network between NGO’s Convenor: Simangele Mabena Participants: Sharanjeet, Ann, Jillian, Gerard, Peter, Jillian, Francois Key insights:  If they’re so many social websites, which do you use?  Facebook more accessible but open to abuse  Long-term plan to privatise our Facebook account  Linked-in / skills universe  Intentional social media platform- only open to NGO’s 9
  • 10. How do we sustain the momentum? We need to share in the process  Are we promoting ‘Walk together’?  What type of communication do we need?  We need to have intentionality in media activist  Look at how Obama used social media into real context What needs to happen next?  Get email addresses of NGO’s @ RMB to send out to feelers- are people keen to join? Who is responsible?  Simangele (to initiate) and get Sharanjeet to send me stories about her organisation in relation to real stories/reports  Anni (to sustain) - to keep us in contact of what is going on in the fundraising world 6. What of SA’s past do we take forward and what do we leave behind? Convenor: Victoria Participants: Kelvin, Dave, Melusi, Pontsho, Ilka, Mokibelo, Nonhlanhla Key insights:  What gets communicated about the past e.g. Youth day - drunken parties (missed the point)  Need to build a deeper understanding of the past and how it affects us today  Have we forgotten our past? (complacency now)  Today’s struggle - poverty/unemployment/hopelessness – develop peers to share messages (role models for the youth)  How do we counter negative role models e.g. criminals  We need to keep the stories alive  Education is key (need to get that right)  Identify the strengths/potential within poor communities What needs to happen next?  Take the knowledge of the past (strengths) to take things forward  A family structure is key if we are to succeed  Motivate the kids  Time frame? 10
  • 11. Who is responsible?  All of us  Our NGO community work- we can make the difference Round Two 1. How do we build together different interest? Convenor: S’bo Vilakazi Participants: Debbie, Jerry, Keri, Jillian, Francois, Melusi, Loura Key insights:  Common denominator- integrated process  Forums bring different interest together- look for pockets of opportunity  All have the same goal  Trust- big challenge/limited resources (we’re in survival mode)  Working together – leverage resources, increase reach, share skills – stronger voice eg lobbying government (strength in numbers)  Don’t know what other organisations are doing What needs to happen next?  Keeping this discussion going/ practice outside of the workshop  Networking /connect to each other/opportunities including social networks/ databases  Share skills - learning from each other Who is responsible?  Everyone of us: accountability  Talk to each other! Private enterprises also need to talk to each other 2. Creating a Database for NGO’s Convenor: Peter France Participants: Karla, Yvette, Ilka 11
  • 12. Key insights:  Experiences  Skills  Communication  Cross pollination  Links in common interest  Needs  Geographical situation  NGO’s to upgrade their info What needs to happen next?  Research existing databases. To establish database where NGO’s input their info in light of above & to keep base relevant. ‘Walk together.’ Who is responsible?  Need a volunteer to run with the idea & implement 3. De-politizing the walk together Convenor: David Rossouw Participants: Theo, Mokibelo, Stacey, Elizabeth, Judy, Oupa Key insights:  We need a collective voice as NGO’s  Get info out as to what we are doing  Focus on being the mutual voice, resistance force (we need to play an advocacy role)  Politicians will do what politicians do  We need to set the youth thinking critically  Education is key to the process  Share methodologies (knowledge etc. collaborate)  What divided us in the past needs to be used to unite us  What is stopping us today to work against the weakness that we see  Sometimes political issues need to be faced  Look for the good  None of this walking together can happen unless SA develops as a true democracy What needs to happen next? 12
  • 13. Develop advocacy role - politics won’t disappear  We need more acute engagement  Advocacy development to humankind (become upon to one another) Who is responsible?  As NGO’s – ‘to prove’ – we can walk together  Make sure what we preach is what we practice 4. Generosity of spirit in sharing lessons will find appropriate solutions Convenor: Sharanjeet Shan Participants: Janet, Gerard, Pontso, Smangele, Erica, Kelvin Key insights:  Dilemmas/when we leave, sustainability- great concern  Civil society/ Government state departments have not come to the party  Take a government official to work day  Humility & Openness  Change – thank you  Fundraising relationship building. Engagement  Social media website  SETA’s are very difficult to talk to  Strength in numbers  Collective  ISASA lobbies government member pay for the rights to secure  More budget on research, independent reviews- publish - Foreigner do this well What needs to happen next?  Media/ Twitter/Facebook/Ning- talk to each other Who is responsible?  Everyone; Simangele & Annie 5. Collaborating of skill for a concert performance and create a fundraising for all RMB NGO’s Convenor: Anni Wolf 13
  • 14. Participants: Yvonne, Simangele Key insights:  Collaborating between all performing arts companies sponsored by RMB in an RMB concert.  Showcasing the good work RMB is supporting it will showcase all NGO’s talents e.g. Collaboration of The Black Tie Ensemble, Sibikwa, JHB Orchestra, Vuyani Dance, SA Ballet Theatre etc. What needs to happen next?  Contact NGO’s  Approach RMB  Create Proposal Blank Slate (a meeting of butterflies) Convenor: Dawn Phillips Participants: Inge, Thérèse, Karen Key insights:  WWF South Africa- would like Inge & Dawn to facilitate on insights workshop for all NGO reps ( this group)  WWF- needs change management o What about RMB imparting their knowledge i.e. someone like Dawn can come & teach CM or assist in some way o WWF can then also impair knowledge from an environmental perspective What needs to happen next?  Dawn & Inge are accredited through insights  Yvette & Ilka arrange another workshop so we can do it!  Dawn, Yvette & IIka to discuss Who is responsible?  Dawn to facilitate 14
  • 15. 15
  • 16. NEEDS & GENERAL FEEDBACK: Needs  Workshop in Governance  Networking  60 donated used white shirts (please contact Yvette, whoever made this request?)  Fundraising: I would really love to know more about the how’s, where we go & what we do  Maybe do a short 5 minutes slot on what RMB funds, and why?  Please can you share everyone’s contact details & copies of the PowerPoint  Branding (our) company and bridging the gap in different NGO’s: Share skills Feedback – Thank you very much! No really… Thank YOU… No really…  An enriching, stimulating and engaging workshop. So much to think about, so much to take forward...walking together...  The opportunity to attend your very well organised and well put together NGO session... I thoroughly enjoyed it, found it most thought provoking, very interactive and when I left I was more positive than when I arrived on Wednesday morning about where we as individuals and as a country should be heading… Also for the Jim Collins book which I am looking forward to reading in due course.  The awesome training, meals and networking with others. Thanks for making a difference.  The sessions are very empowering – keep them coming. We are moving closer to the real “walk together”.  It is awesome to get to know other NGO’s who are not involved in feed. WOW thanks.  The food and camaraderie is very encouraging and makes one feel very excited about our NGO. I love the buzz, excitement, challenges. Most of all to think outside the box get out of the boat and walk on the water. 16
  • 17. Thank YOU, our Partners, for your continued support of this ever changing RMB NGO Leadership Network initiative! Your attendance, participation, enthusiasm and commitment to this process, and more importantly to your respective organisations and the good work you do, is what makes each programme a success. See you again in the not-too-distant future! ~ Ilka, Happy & Yvette ~ 17