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              Travel Guide to Renaissance Period
                                      Europe. It changed some of the         learn in Italy and there are lots
Renaissance is a French word
                                      people’s point of view of things. It   of things to see. Italy is a good
and it means ‘Rebirth’. It’s a
                                      revolved a lot more towards region place to go sightseeing. There are
strange name for a period of
                                      and god. Some other people began       some cool stuff to look and much
history. The main thing that
                                      to hate god and question him.          other good stuff to learn. People in
caused the Renaissance was the
                                      Italy is a good place to visit         Italy are very friendly and there
black plague. The black plague
                                      because there are lots of stuffs to     are many famous people.
killed to one half of the people in


                      TA B LE O F C O N T E N T S

     1.    B RIEF I N TR O DU C T I ON TO R E NA I S S A N C E P E R I O D

     2.                     TA B L E O F CON T E N T S

     3.                   A M A P O F R E NA I S S A N C E

     4.                         IN T R O D U C T I ON

     5.                    W H IC H C I T I E S TO V I S I T

     6.                    H OW TO G E T A R O U N D

     7.              LO C A L C U STO M S A N D M A N N E R S

     8.                         W H AT TO W E A R

     9.                    WH AT TO SE E A N D D O

     10.        W HE R E TO STAY ( P R OV I D E D A S S A M P L E )

     11.                         W H E R E TO E AT

     12.            H OW TO STAY SA F E A N D H E A LT H Y

     13.         WH O ’ S WH O I N R E NA I S S A N C E E U R O P E

     14.                         B I BL I O G R A P H Y



                                       visit. You can visit these
    This is a map of Italy. This is
                                       countries and I will explain
    drawn by an Italian person. As
                                       about these three cities later.
    you all can see, Italy is in the
                                       There are lots of cities in Italy
    map at the middle. The capital
                                       but I prefer people to visit
    of Italy is Rome and it is
                                       Florence, Venice and Rome
    marked with a star. We don’t
                                       when they come to visit our
    have much colored paints. As
                                       country. There are lots of
    you can see in the map, there is
                                       exciting and cool things to do
    Florence, Venice and Rome.
                                       and I hope people can enjoy
    These three cities are the most
                                       their time in Italy.
    exciting and fantastic places to





    	           	   	      	       ~~WELCOME TO ITALY~~

The city you are going to visit is Italy. Welcome to Italy and I will introduce you guys to Italy. Italy is
a wonderful city filled with lots of painters, musicians and other occupations. People say that there is
nothing to do in Italy, but people misunderstood because, Italy is a great beautiful city that lots of people
enjoy. Now I am going to introduce the fun things to do in Italy and other things you can do when you visit Italy.
Firstly, there are lots of cities in Italy and there are good cities to visit, which are Florence, Rome and Venice. These
three cities can be the most exciting place.

Rome is the capital city of Italy and you can do and see lots of things in Rome. There are several paintings painted by
the famous artists. There are galleries and people like to visit those galleries because there are lots of good paintings.
People enjoy sightseeing in Italy and enjoy being in Italy.

The travel guide helps you to know better things about Italy and it might help you to lead the way inside Italy.
Travel guide is always there to lead the way and help you every time.




                                                                                You are now visiting Italy and it will
                                                                                be fun to guide you guys through Italy.
                                                                                There are lots of things to watch, do and
                                                                               play. Italy is not a boring city but it is
                                                                                very fun.

Italy is not big nor small. Italy became a very important ‘trade center city’ for Europe and the Middle East, and
trade brought wealth and ideas to its country. It is kind of important to learn the cultures from the other countries. Not
all the culture are same, but there are some differences. Different culture have different ways of living and doing
different things such as manners and customs.



        One of the most famous cities to
                                              Venice. Not only Florence is a good       famous artists that painted lots of
                                              country to visit, but also Rome and       paintings in Rome. Throughout the
    visit in the Renaissance time is          Venice are cities which people could      city of Rome, the shops in Rome is very
    Florence Italy. Visiting Florence Italy   visit when they come to Italy. Rome is fashionable and decorative. Its very
 means meeting the great works done           the capital city of Italy and is the      decorative that it is eye catching for
    by the famous artists, Leonardo Da        country’s largest and most populated      most of the visitors that come to shops
    Vinci, Michelangelo, and all the other    place. In Rome, there are not less        of Rome. Venice is also a good place to
    artists who filled the city with           paintings painted by the famous           visit. Just like Florence, Venice is a
    beautiful buildings, statues and many     artists. If people go to Rome and visit   Republic country. There are hundreds
    other paintings. Although many            the art gallery called Borghese           of ceremonies in Venice every year
 people don’t like art, this is a city that   Gallery, and this gallery includes        and visitors like to visit Venice. There
 people should visit when traveling           major works by Raphael, Rubens,           are lots of musicians and they can play
 through Italy. There are lots more           Titian, Caravaggio, Bernini, Antonello    good songs and it might be helpful to
    cities to visit which are Rome, and       da Messina and Canova. They are the people who likes to listen to music a lot.





LAND TRANSPORTATION                                                      TRANSPORTATION &
IN ITALY                                                                 WATER TRAVEL IN ITALY

        For many of the people during the Renaissance period,           	

      Merchants, soldiers, students and pilgrims were the most
traveling by land was limited to the local fair or farmer’s market.      likely to use sea to travel during the Renaissance. As trading and

Lot of peasants didn’t have enough time, resources or reasons to         exploring expanded during the Renaissance, traveling through
                                                                         seas became more popular. There was some danger traveling by
travel for far distance from their homes or farms. It was not easy
                                                                         ship because the storms could easily sink a ship and pirates can
for that time to travel in the Renaissance. Roads were very bumpy
                                                                         always cause problems.
and rocky than pathways and it was very dangerous because there
were kidnappers and thieves waiting for the people that are traveling.


      In certain parts of Western Europe, water travel was so
                                                                         popular that people use water traveling many times. Traveling by

      The transportation they used were horses, pack mules,           water is faster and effective than traveling by land. However, if a
wagons and for the wealthy, coaches. One of the most common ways         canal boats were trying to travel against the current, it could take
to get around on land was on foot and this was usually the most          about three times as long then going downstream. Payments
effective way in that time. Wagons and carts were slow and                along the river or canal would slower the travel even more, if there
                                                                         were lines at the crossing. Although traveling by river is a effective
unmanageable. The fastest way to travel was to ride on horse but
                                                                         way but it was not always reliable, either. In dry times, water
horses were for traveling far distances and they would need a fresh,
                                                                         levels could drop too low for barges and boats.
strong and a fit horse to travel far distances, which was about 12

There are manners to think about when we eat with our families or other customers. In the past few years time, people were eating with their
hands and diners were shared communal dishes. Many years have past quickly and we developed our ways of eating. We now have a fork, a
spoon and a knife.

The rich people can have lots of food but the people who are not that rich has to eat a loaf of bread for breakfast, lunch or dinner. In the
past times, people didn’t have any table manners at all but we now have table manners that we have to follow when eating. Table manners are
important during eating time. One of the manners is that people shouldn’t burp at the table. When we finish our dish and start to get full,
people start burping everywhere but burping was not aloud. Burping in front of families or customers is a bad manner showing to the family
or the customer. Another table manner is no spitting across the table. If people start spitting all over the place, it will get dirty and spitting
shows bad manner of that people. Spitting is not an appropriate thing to do. We have to be careful of manners during meals. We have these
sauce kind of thing nowadays. We might eat something that we have to dip meat inside. For example, ketchup, salt and other type of thing. In
our times, dipping meat or any other stuff directly into the salt dish is not an appropriate thing to do. Picking ones teeth in front of the people
is inappropriate. We pick our teeth with fingers when something is stuck between ones teeth. It happens when we eat kind of food like meat, and
other things that cause the teeth. If a piece of meat is stuck between a tooth and a tooth, we should take it out using our fingers. Picking ones
teeth in front of the table is showing bad manners. It could also mean that they are kind of bored and maybe the food was not so delicious.
These bad manners is not aloud.

There is another type of manner. Keeping breakfast, lunch or dinner time is very important. We must tell the reason if someone is late. It is
very important to tell the reasons why someone is late for meals and tell the situation of that person.

Slavery: Slaves are still being used. They are mainly used in a house, working, for example cleaners, maids and cooks and they do house
work. Cleaning tables, washing clothes, cook food and so on...

Social Class: There are total of five classes. The top class was the old aristocrat and a wholesaler. Below them, are the rich businessmen
and bankers. Below the rich people, not as rich as businessmen and bankers are there. Below them are the poor people. In the end, there are
slaves. Slaves are at the bottom.





Men in the Renaissance Age commonly wore boots, pants, shirt, and a vest and a hat. Women in the Renaissance
Age wore shoes, an over and under skirt, a shirt, a bodice and a hat or a snood. They more often pigtailed their long
hair. Wreathe were a mark of beauty to the women. The adults would give the children what they wore when they were
their age.

During the Renaissance, it was believed that clothes were such an important treasure. The high people who earn lots
of money would spend all their money on the clothes they wear. The women had well decorated their dresses.

                	       CLOTHING IN RENAISSANCE

The rich people wore fabrics such as velvet, satin and cotton, whereas the poor people wore flannel and other cheaply
available fabrics. It is surprising for people these days that some how cotton were expected as a rich person’s clothing.
The cotton was imported from India and America.

During the Renaissance, it was believed that clothes were such an important treasure. The high people who earn lots
of money would spend all their money on the clothes they wear. The women had well decorated their dresses.

                                                                 This is Italian clothes. The woman in
                                                                 the left is Italian Woman Dress and
                                                                 the man in the right is Italian Man










 ART: There are several stuff to do when you come to Italy. When you come to Italy, the most
 important thing that you have to see is the Italian paintings. There are many artists in Italy that has
 painted for so long and they are in Florence, Venice and Rome. They are all over around the country.
 Leonardo da Vinci is one of the great painters in the world. He is now painting. He has thought of many
 ideas to paint and sketched on the paper. It is the planning of the painting. Leonardo Da Vinci was the
 person who painted the Monna Lisa and The Last Supper. (there are more).

 There are lots of stuff to enjoy and watch and do. There are various kinds of famous people. For example,
 Galileo Galilei, he is called a “father of the modern anatomy”. He designed and made telescopes.

 Another person is Raphael to give an example. Raphael Sanzio is a painter as well. There are lots of
 painters in Italy. Raphael has painted pictures and drew lots of them.

 It is fun to visit Italy and there are not less stuff to enjoy.





  Private homes
 Out in the countryside, there are lots of inns. Inns can be few and far between, so people have to probably
 spend at least one night in a stranger’s home. But you don’t have to worry about it because many strangers
 and people welcome guest who share rooms with them. The towering pile in front of the house is the dug heap.
 But don’t expect comfort inside the large house, because it is made of wood, mud and thatch. When you are
 inside, you can see that the house is big because of its barn, too. Many animals like pigs, chickens, and even
 cattle share the cold, dark, smelly spaces. The place where we storage corn, straw, and hay are also inside the
 house. There is one room inside the house and the family lives in a single room. When it is time for them to
 sleep, kids, grandparents, mom and pop crawl into one big bed.

This is the Italian Inn and lots of people stay in Inn. Families and other relatives stay
in here but they have to crawl all together in a small inn because there are so much people.



There are lots of foods that Italian people enjoy. Italian food is as treated and complicated. The dishes are carefully
prepared to please the head and the eye of the house. Italian soups are very rich and very expensive. Some of the
families cannot afford it. And in order to make the head and the eye delighted, we have to generally make various
colors of soups and we have to sweeten the sugar. There are lots of ingredients added into the soup, such as marjoram,
sage, thyme, sweet basil and savory. The soups are resplendence and soups are taken instead of sweets. Italian roasts
are popular to many people as well. The sirloin of beef is one of the most common foods in Italy. The method of
preparing roasts, while resembling the present system, vary from boiling the strong meats first then the roast was
minutely basted with orange juice and rose water and protected with sweet sugar and powdered spices. A salad or
something else was never brought to table in its natural circumstances. Salad has lots of mixtures and it is mixed
with cooked vegetables, and the crest, livers, and even brains of poultry. The taste of the salad depends on the recipe. it
can taste very different. After eating salad, fish was severed next, which were fried and it was sometimes sliced with
eggs. There are lots of food in italy and people like to enjoy eating Italian food.

Italians like everything to be sweet. An Italian people like sweet beverages. Italian people usually drink wine, spices,
fruit, soft drinks and generous amounts of sugar or honey for sweetening. They like sweets so much that they’d like
everything to be sweet. The Italian also made the silver wines with gold potential and they enjoy drinking them.
There are many kinds of Italian wine and grape wine is very popular in Italy. Grape wine tastes very good and its
smell allures because it is too good. Italian people like to gather with friends and families and drink wines, spices,
fruit and soft drinks whatever. Furthermore, they have invented and discovered a new recipe for making soft drinks.
Not only Italians like to drink wine, but they also like to drink soft drinks and they want the soft drinks to be sweet
because they like everything to be sweet.


No matter where you travel, you always have to keep in mind of safety. Larger cities have a big problem in
safety because there are lots of bandits and rubbers trying to steal things from your bag or from your pocket.
There is a large amount of skilled thieves in the street. You have to keep in mind that the wallet of yours should
be hidden and be kept safe. Always put your back close to you and never let the thieves take your stuff. You
always have to think about thefts. Thieves tend to work together in a group and which means that they get skilled
abilities to steal stuff from your pocket or from your bag. They are cooperate and they can snatch your stuff very

People also have to take care of health in Italy. We need to know what kind of food we eat and how healthy the
food is. There are certain food that are unhealthy for you. For example, pizza, hamburgers, soft drinks and other
things. Not only there are unhealthy food, but there are also unhealthy beverages. Lots of unhealthy beverages
are made by certain people and those beverages are taken by people. In order to stay healthy, we need to drink
clean and pure water.
Local meat, poultry, seafood, fruit and vegetables are considered safe to eat.

Diseases and Dangers

The black death happened in the end of the middle ages and it has affected the whole society. Black death had
killed lots of people during the middle ages, and the people later on, were more interested in medicine and
developed the medicine technology.


The war that had affected Italy was the crusade. The main reason why this war affected Italy is that this war
started of the pope, who had the strongest and biggest power in the time of the middle ages. However, the war had
failed and lots of people lost their conviction to church and changed their minds to be focusing on humans, not
the church.



                                              One of the most famous people in Italy is Michelangelo di
                                              Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (full name) but he is more commonly
                                              known as Michelangelo. Michelangelo is a painter, sculptor,
                                              architect and a poet. Michelangelo likes to paint and draw things
                                              on a paper. Even his teachers were very proud of Michelangelo.
                                              Michelangelo produced many famous art works, such as the
                                             mural on Sistine Chapel’s ceiling and the very well-known statue
                                              of David. He has painted and produced fair amount of work.
                                              Michelangelo was talented and he used to write a large sequence
                                              of poems but mostly he spent his time in painting.

     Another person is Leonardo da Vinci also known as the
     endeavors of the world painters. Leonardo da Vinci is also
     a very forward thinking inventor and a scientist. He
     sketches and and ideas brought much to the areas of
     astronomy, aviation, hydro technology and anatomy. He
     created the Madonna Lisa, Madonna of the Rocs, The
     Last Supper. Not only these are his artworks, but there
     are also a lot of them.


 Galileo Galilei, is the world contributor to our
understanding of the Solar System. Galileo Galilei is
 also known as the ‘father of modern astronomy’ and
 he is also known for his well documented and
 organized arguments with the Roman Catholic
 church over the orbit of the Earth. Galileo Galilei
made certain telescopes that can be used in our lives.
 He had many improvements on it. And he was a well
 known astronomer in Italy.

                                                         ‘Medici’ is the name of a great ruling family in
                                                         Florence. Lorenzo, is the magnificent and he was the
                                                         most famous Medici. Lorenzo is the son of Pietro I
                                                         Medici and grandson of Cosimo de’ Medici. Florence
                                                         was one of the most powerful states in Italy and led
                                                         it to its highest flowering. Many artists worked
                                                         under Lorenzo de Medici including Michelangelo
                                                         and Leonardo Da Vinci. Lorenzo de Medici treated
                                                         the artists under his protection with respect, care and
                                                         warm-hearted familiarity.





Renaissance Clothing. Web. 20 Sep. 2009. <>.

“venice italy.” 20 Sep. 2009 <
programme/tours/ >.

“ Backgrounds to the Italian Renaissance.” Washington State University - Pullman, Washington . 20 Sep. 2009

“Shopping areas of Rome, Italy.” Avventure Bellissime - Italy Tours, Rome, Venice, Florence, Tuscany, Pompeii,
Amalfi Tours & Shore Excursions. 22 Sep. 2009 <>.

“Italy Venice.”
the-sonic-cathedral.aspx . 22 Sep. 2009 <
renaissance-venice-and-the-sonic-cathedral.aspx >.

“Renaissance history.” . 22 Sep.
2009 < >.

“Italian clothes.” . 22 Sep. 2009
< >.

“Renaissance table manner.” . 22 Sep.
2009 < >.

“Florence Italy.”
Florence-Italy-Renaissance-city/ArticleStandard/Article/detail/181740 . 24 Sep. 2009
Renaissance-city/ArticleStandard/Article/detail/181740 >.

“Florence.” . 24 Sep. 2009 <
articles/florence/florence-anchor >.


“Renaissance Florence.” . 25 Sep. 2009
< >.

“Italy Safety.” . 25 Sep. 2009 <
safety.htm >.

“Health.” . 26 Sep. 2009
< >.

“Renaissance Travel: How People Traveled During the Renaissance |” W European History: Roman
conquest to Viking invasions, Renaissance to Scientific and Industrial Revolutions, European Union to the War on
Terror, Denmark to Portugal, Iceland to Germany. | 2 Oct. 2009 <http://>.

“Renaissance period.”
necklaces_of_the_renaissance_period.html . 4 Oct. 2009 <
necklaces_of_the_renaissance_period.html >.

“Renaissance life.” . 4 Oct. 2009
< >.

“Renaissance food.” . 10 Oct. 2009 <www.renaissance- >.

“Renaissance Table manner.” . 10 Oct.
2009 < >.

“Lorenzo.” . 11 Oct. 2009 <
lorenzo.html >.

“Michelangelo.” . 13 Oct. 2009 <
M/michelangelo.html >.


                                               Beijing BISS International School

Italian Renaissance – Travel Guide
    Grade 9
Assessment Criteria
        September ‘09

Criterion A: Knowledge
Maximum 10

Achievement level                                                 Level descriptor
0                   The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
                    The use of terminology is inconsistent or incorrect.
                    Facts and examples are either absent, or those used are irrelevant or do not show understanding.
                    The use of terminology is mostly accurate and usually appropriate, though some errors remain.
                    Facts and examples used are mostly relevant, and usually show understanding.
                    Terminology is used accurately and appropriately.
5–6                  Relevant facts and examples are used to show understanding.
                    The student provides accurate descriptions; explanations are adequate but not well developed.
                    A range of terminology is used accurately and appropriately.
                    A range of relevant facts and examples are used to show understanding.
                    The student shows an excellent command of a wide range of terminology, and uses it appropriately. An
                    extensive range of relevant facts and examples are used to show understanding.

Criterion C: Skills
Maximum 10

Achievement level                                      Level descriptor
0                   The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
                    The student can select and use some relevant information..
                    The student attempts to carry out investigations, demonstrating few skills.
                    The student selects and uses mostly relevant information.
                    The student demonstrates basic investigative skills.
                    The student selects and uses relevant information.
                    The student demonstrates adequate investigative skills.
                    The student selects and uses a range of relevant information.
                    The student demonstrates effective investigative skills.
                    The student selects and uses a wide range of relevant information.
                    The student demonstrates sophisticated investigative skills.



Criterion D: Organization and presentation
Maximum 8

ement l                  Level descriptor

          The student does not reach a standard described by
0         any of the descriptors given below.

          The student communicates information that may
          not always be relevant.
          The student attempts to structure the work, but it
1–2       may be unclear and/or inappropriate to the format
          Presentation is unclear and imprecise. There may be
          some evidence of documentation.
          The student communicates information that is
          mostly relevant.
          The student attempts to structure and sequence the
          work but is not always successful.
3–4       Presentation is occasionally unclear.
          Sources of information are documented, though
          there may be omissions or consistent errors in
          adhering to conventions.
          The student communicates information that is
          The student uses a structure appropriate to the task
          and sequences the content logically.
5–6       Presentation is clear; attention is paid to the
          audience and purpose in terms of appropriate
          language, style and visual representation.
          Sources of information are documented, with
          occasional errors in adhering to conventions.
          The student communicates information that is
          always relevant.
          The student organizes information into a well-
          developed and logical sequence, appropriate to the
          format required.
7–8       Presentation is clear, concise and effective, and the
          language, style and visual representation used are
          always appropriate to the audience and purpose.
          All sources of information are documented
          according to a recognized convention.

Modified from the IBO MYP Humanities guide



                                                         My Travel Guide – Final Checklist

Name: Hyo Sik Kim        Date: October 16, 2009

Use this checklist before you hand in your travel guide!

Yes Does your travel guide have a cover page?

Yes Does your travel have an introduction with basic information about the renaissance (Who? What? Where? When? Why?)?

Yes Have you included detailed information on

Yes which cities to visit (Florence, Rome, and Venice)

Yes how to get around (by land and by water)

Yes local customs and manners

Yes what to wear

Yes what to see and do

Yes what to eat and drink

Yes how to stay safe and healthy

Yes who’s who in the Renaissance (4 PEOPLE)

Yes Did you write your information in paragraphs?

Yes Does each paragraph have a topic sentence?

Yes Does each paragraph have supporting sentences?

Yes Are all the supporting sentences relevant (important)?

Yes Did you use connectors to connect your ideas? (e.g., First, in addition, furthermore, etc)

Yes Did you include a correct bibliography? See homework diary for help.

Yes Does each section of your travel guide have a heading?

Yes Does your travel guide have useful pictures or graphics that help us understand the Renaissance period better?

Yes Did you use the same font for similar points?

Yes Did you revise and edit your travel guide?

Yes Will
 other people be interested in reading your travel guide?
R E N A I S S A N C E,_florence_tour_renaissance_italy_duomo.jpg


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Renaissance Page

  • 1. RENAISSANCE Travel Guide to Renaissance Period Europe. It changed some of the learn in Italy and there are lots Renaissance is a French word people’s point of view of things. It of things to see. Italy is a good and it means ‘Rebirth’. It’s a revolved a lot more towards region place to go sightseeing. There are strange name for a period of and god. Some other people began some cool stuff to look and much history. The main thing that to hate god and question him. other good stuff to learn. People in caused the Renaissance was the Italy is a good place to visit Italy are very friendly and there black plague. The black plague because there are lots of stuffs to are many famous people. killed to one half of the people in 1
  • 2. R E N A I S S A N C E TA B LE O F C O N T E N T S 1. B RIEF I N TR O DU C T I ON TO R E NA I S S A N C E P E R I O D 2. TA B L E O F CON T E N T S 3. A M A P O F R E NA I S S A N C E 4. IN T R O D U C T I ON 5. W H IC H C I T I E S TO V I S I T 6. H OW TO G E T A R O U N D 7. LO C A L C U STO M S A N D M A N N E R S 8. W H AT TO W E A R 9. WH AT TO SE E A N D D O 10. W HE R E TO STAY ( P R OV I D E D A S S A M P L E ) 11. W H E R E TO E AT 12. H OW TO STAY SA F E A N D H E A LT H Y 13. WH O ’ S WH O I N R E NA I S S A N C E E U R O P E 14. B I BL I O G R A P H Y 2
  • 3. RENAISSANCE A MAP OF ITALY IN RENAISSANCE visit. You can visit these This is a map of Italy. This is countries and I will explain drawn by an Italian person. As about these three cities later. you all can see, Italy is in the There are lots of cities in Italy map at the middle. The capital but I prefer people to visit of Italy is Rome and it is Florence, Venice and Rome marked with a star. We don’t when they come to visit our have much colored paints. As country. There are lots of you can see in the map, there is exciting and cool things to do Florence, Venice and Rome. and I hope people can enjoy These three cities are the most their time in Italy. exciting and fantastic places to 3
  • 4. RENAISSANCE ITALY ~~WELCOME TO ITALY~~ The city you are going to visit is Italy. Welcome to Italy and I will introduce you guys to Italy. Italy is a wonderful city filled with lots of painters, musicians and other occupations. People say that there is nothing to do in Italy, but people misunderstood because, Italy is a great beautiful city that lots of people enjoy. Now I am going to introduce the fun things to do in Italy and other things you can do when you visit Italy. Firstly, there are lots of cities in Italy and there are good cities to visit, which are Florence, Rome and Venice. These three cities can be the most exciting place. Rome is the capital city of Italy and you can do and see lots of things in Rome. There are several paintings painted by the famous artists. There are galleries and people like to visit those galleries because there are lots of good paintings. People enjoy sightseeing in Italy and enjoy being in Italy. The travel guide helps you to know better things about Italy and it might help you to lead the way inside Italy. Travel guide is always there to lead the way and help you every time. NOTICE You are now visiting Italy and it will be fun to guide you guys through Italy. There are lots of things to watch, do and play. Italy is not a boring city but it is very fun. Italy is not big nor small. Italy became a very important ‘trade center city’ for Europe and the Middle East, and trade brought wealth and ideas to its country. It is kind of important to learn the cultures from the other countries. Not all the culture are same, but there are some differences. Different culture have different ways of living and doing different things such as manners and customs. 4
  • 5. RENAISSANCE INTERESTING CITIES TO VISIT CITIES TO VISIT IN THE RENAISSANCE TIME One of the most famous cities to Venice. Not only Florence is a good famous artists that painted lots of country to visit, but also Rome and paintings in Rome. Throughout the visit in the Renaissance time is Venice are cities which people could city of Rome, the shops in Rome is very Florence Italy. Visiting Florence Italy visit when they come to Italy. Rome is fashionable and decorative. Its very means meeting the great works done the capital city of Italy and is the decorative that it is eye catching for by the famous artists, Leonardo Da country’s largest and most populated most of the visitors that come to shops Vinci, Michelangelo, and all the other place. In Rome, there are not less of Rome. Venice is also a good place to artists who filled the city with paintings painted by the famous visit. Just like Florence, Venice is a beautiful buildings, statues and many artists. If people go to Rome and visit Republic country. There are hundreds other paintings. Although many the art gallery called Borghese of ceremonies in Venice every year people don’t like art, this is a city that Gallery, and this gallery includes and visitors like to visit Venice. There people should visit when traveling major works by Raphael, Rubens, are lots of musicians and they can play through Italy. There are lots more Titian, Caravaggio, Bernini, Antonello good songs and it might be helpful to cities to visit which are Rome, and da Messina and Canova. They are the people who likes to listen to music a lot. 5
  • 6. RENAISSANCE TRANSPORTATION LAND TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION & IN ITALY WATER TRAVEL IN ITALY For many of the people during the Renaissance period, Merchants, soldiers, students and pilgrims were the most traveling by land was limited to the local fair or farmer’s market. likely to use sea to travel during the Renaissance. As trading and Lot of peasants didn’t have enough time, resources or reasons to exploring expanded during the Renaissance, traveling through seas became more popular. There was some danger traveling by travel for far distance from their homes or farms. It was not easy ship because the storms could easily sink a ship and pirates can for that time to travel in the Renaissance. Roads were very bumpy always cause problems. and rocky than pathways and it was very dangerous because there were kidnappers and thieves waiting for the people that are traveling. In certain parts of Western Europe, water travel was so popular that people use water traveling many times. Traveling by The transportation they used were horses, pack mules, water is faster and effective than traveling by land. However, if a wagons and for the wealthy, coaches. One of the most common ways canal boats were trying to travel against the current, it could take to get around on land was on foot and this was usually the most about three times as long then going downstream. Payments effective way in that time. Wagons and carts were slow and along the river or canal would slower the travel even more, if there were lines at the crossing. Although traveling by river is a effective unmanageable. The fastest way to travel was to ride on horse but way but it was not always reliable, either. In dry times, water horses were for traveling far distances and they would need a fresh, levels could drop too low for barges and boats. strong and a fit horse to travel far distances, which was about 12
  • 7. RENAISSANCE LOCAL CUSTOMS AND MANNERS There are manners to think about when we eat with our families or other customers. In the past few years time, people were eating with their hands and diners were shared communal dishes. Many years have past quickly and we developed our ways of eating. We now have a fork, a spoon and a knife. The rich people can have lots of food but the people who are not that rich has to eat a loaf of bread for breakfast, lunch or dinner. In the past times, people didn’t have any table manners at all but we now have table manners that we have to follow when eating. Table manners are important during eating time. One of the manners is that people shouldn’t burp at the table. When we finish our dish and start to get full, people start burping everywhere but burping was not aloud. Burping in front of families or customers is a bad manner showing to the family or the customer. Another table manner is no spitting across the table. If people start spitting all over the place, it will get dirty and spitting shows bad manner of that people. Spitting is not an appropriate thing to do. We have to be careful of manners during meals. We have these sauce kind of thing nowadays. We might eat something that we have to dip meat inside. For example, ketchup, salt and other type of thing. In our times, dipping meat or any other stuff directly into the salt dish is not an appropriate thing to do. Picking ones teeth in front of the people is inappropriate. We pick our teeth with fingers when something is stuck between ones teeth. It happens when we eat kind of food like meat, and other things that cause the teeth. If a piece of meat is stuck between a tooth and a tooth, we should take it out using our fingers. Picking ones teeth in front of the table is showing bad manners. It could also mean that they are kind of bored and maybe the food was not so delicious. These bad manners is not aloud. There is another type of manner. Keeping breakfast, lunch or dinner time is very important. We must tell the reason if someone is late. It is very important to tell the reasons why someone is late for meals and tell the situation of that person. Slavery: Slaves are still being used. They are mainly used in a house, working, for example cleaners, maids and cooks and they do house work. Cleaning tables, washing clothes, cook food and so on... Social Class: There are total of five classes. The top class was the old aristocrat and a wholesaler. Below them, are the rich businessmen and bankers. Below the rich people, not as rich as businessmen and bankers are there. Below them are the poor people. In the end, there are slaves. Slaves are at the bottom. [7]
  • 8. RENAISSANCE CLOTHING IN ITALY Men in the Renaissance Age commonly wore boots, pants, shirt, and a vest and a hat. Women in the Renaissance Age wore shoes, an over and under skirt, a shirt, a bodice and a hat or a snood. They more often pigtailed their long hair. Wreathe were a mark of beauty to the women. The adults would give the children what they wore when they were their age. During the Renaissance, it was believed that clothes were such an important treasure. The high people who earn lots of money would spend all their money on the clothes they wear. The women had well decorated their dresses. CLOTHING IN RENAISSANCE The rich people wore fabrics such as velvet, satin and cotton, whereas the poor people wore flannel and other cheaply available fabrics. It is surprising for people these days that some how cotton were expected as a rich person’s clothing. The cotton was imported from India and America. During the Renaissance, it was believed that clothes were such an important treasure. The high people who earn lots of money would spend all their money on the clothes they wear. The women had well decorated their dresses. This is Italian clothes. The woman in the left is Italian Woman Dress and the man in the right is Italian Man Clothes. [8]
  • 10. RENAISSANCE WHAT TO SEE AND DO ART: There are several stuff to do when you come to Italy. When you come to Italy, the most important thing that you have to see is the Italian paintings. There are many artists in Italy that has painted for so long and they are in Florence, Venice and Rome. They are all over around the country. Leonardo da Vinci is one of the great painters in the world. He is now painting. He has thought of many ideas to paint and sketched on the paper. It is the planning of the painting. Leonardo Da Vinci was the person who painted the Monna Lisa and The Last Supper. (there are more). There are lots of stuff to enjoy and watch and do. There are various kinds of famous people. For example, Galileo Galilei, he is called a “father of the modern anatomy”. He designed and made telescopes. Another person is Raphael to give an example. Raphael Sanzio is a painter as well. There are lots of painters in Italy. Raphael has painted pictures and drew lots of them. It is fun to visit Italy and there are not less stuff to enjoy. 10
  • 11. RENAISSANCE PLACES TO STAY Private homes Out in the countryside, there are lots of inns. Inns can be few and far between, so people have to probably spend at least one night in a stranger’s home. But you don’t have to worry about it because many strangers and people welcome guest who share rooms with them. The towering pile in front of the house is the dug heap. But don’t expect comfort inside the large house, because it is made of wood, mud and thatch. When you are inside, you can see that the house is big because of its barn, too. Many animals like pigs, chickens, and even cattle share the cold, dark, smelly spaces. The place where we storage corn, straw, and hay are also inside the house. There is one room inside the house and the family lives in a single room. When it is time for them to sleep, kids, grandparents, mom and pop crawl into one big bed. This is the Italian Inn and lots of people stay in Inn. Families and other relatives stay in here but they have to crawl all together in a small inn because there are so much people. 11
  • 12. RENAISSANCE WHAT TO EAT AND DRINK There are lots of foods that Italian people enjoy. Italian food is as treated and complicated. The dishes are carefully prepared to please the head and the eye of the house. Italian soups are very rich and very expensive. Some of the families cannot afford it. And in order to make the head and the eye delighted, we have to generally make various colors of soups and we have to sweeten the sugar. There are lots of ingredients added into the soup, such as marjoram, sage, thyme, sweet basil and savory. The soups are resplendence and soups are taken instead of sweets. Italian roasts are popular to many people as well. The sirloin of beef is one of the most common foods in Italy. The method of preparing roasts, while resembling the present system, vary from boiling the strong meats first then the roast was minutely basted with orange juice and rose water and protected with sweet sugar and powdered spices. A salad or something else was never brought to table in its natural circumstances. Salad has lots of mixtures and it is mixed with cooked vegetables, and the crest, livers, and even brains of poultry. The taste of the salad depends on the recipe. it can taste very different. After eating salad, fish was severed next, which were fried and it was sometimes sliced with eggs. There are lots of food in italy and people like to enjoy eating Italian food. Italians like everything to be sweet. An Italian people like sweet beverages. Italian people usually drink wine, spices, fruit, soft drinks and generous amounts of sugar or honey for sweetening. They like sweets so much that they’d like everything to be sweet. The Italian also made the silver wines with gold potential and they enjoy drinking them. There are many kinds of Italian wine and grape wine is very popular in Italy. Grape wine tastes very good and its smell allures because it is too good. Italian people like to gather with friends and families and drink wines, spices, fruit and soft drinks whatever. Furthermore, they have invented and discovered a new recipe for making soft drinks. Not only Italians like to drink wine, but they also like to drink soft drinks and they want the soft drinks to be sweet because they like everything to be sweet. 12
  • 13. RENAISSANCE HOW TO STAY SAFE AND HEALTHY No matter where you travel, you always have to keep in mind of safety. Larger cities have a big problem in safety because there are lots of bandits and rubbers trying to steal things from your bag or from your pocket. There is a large amount of skilled thieves in the street. You have to keep in mind that the wallet of yours should be hidden and be kept safe. Always put your back close to you and never let the thieves take your stuff. You always have to think about thefts. Thieves tend to work together in a group and which means that they get skilled abilities to steal stuff from your pocket or from your bag. They are cooperate and they can snatch your stuff very quickly. People also have to take care of health in Italy. We need to know what kind of food we eat and how healthy the food is. There are certain food that are unhealthy for you. For example, pizza, hamburgers, soft drinks and other things. Not only there are unhealthy food, but there are also unhealthy beverages. Lots of unhealthy beverages are made by certain people and those beverages are taken by people. In order to stay healthy, we need to drink clean and pure water. Local meat, poultry, seafood, fruit and vegetables are considered safe to eat. Diseases and Dangers The black death happened in the end of the middle ages and it has affected the whole society. Black death had killed lots of people during the middle ages, and the people later on, were more interested in medicine and developed the medicine technology. Crusades The war that had affected Italy was the crusade. The main reason why this war affected Italy is that this war started of the pope, who had the strongest and biggest power in the time of the middle ages. However, the war had failed and lots of people lost their conviction to church and changed their minds to be focusing on humans, not the church. 13
  • 14. RENAISSANCE FAMOUS PEOPLE IN ITALY One of the most famous people in Italy is Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (full name) but he is more commonly known as Michelangelo. Michelangelo is a painter, sculptor, architect and a poet. Michelangelo likes to paint and draw things on a paper. Even his teachers were very proud of Michelangelo. Michelangelo produced many famous art works, such as the mural on Sistine Chapel’s ceiling and the very well-known statue of David. He has painted and produced fair amount of work. Michelangelo was talented and he used to write a large sequence of poems but mostly he spent his time in painting. Another person is Leonardo da Vinci also known as the endeavors of the world painters. Leonardo da Vinci is also a very forward thinking inventor and a scientist. He sketches and and ideas brought much to the areas of astronomy, aviation, hydro technology and anatomy. He created the Madonna Lisa, Madonna of the Rocs, The Last Supper. Not only these are his artworks, but there are also a lot of them. 14
  • 15. RENAISSANCE FAMOUS PEOPLE IN ITALY (CONTINUED) Galileo Galilei, is the world contributor to our understanding of the Solar System. Galileo Galilei is also known as the ‘father of modern astronomy’ and he is also known for his well documented and organized arguments with the Roman Catholic church over the orbit of the Earth. Galileo Galilei made certain telescopes that can be used in our lives. He had many improvements on it. And he was a well known astronomer in Italy. ‘Medici’ is the name of a great ruling family in Florence. Lorenzo, is the magnificent and he was the most famous Medici. Lorenzo is the son of Pietro I Medici and grandson of Cosimo de’ Medici. Florence was one of the most powerful states in Italy and led it to its highest flowering. Many artists worked under Lorenzo de Medici including Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci. Lorenzo de Medici treated the artists under his protection with respect, care and warm-hearted familiarity. 15
  • 16. R E N A I S S A N C E BIBLIOGRAPHY Renaissance Clothing. Web. 20 Sep. 2009. <>. “venice italy.” 20 Sep. 2009 < programme/tours/ >. “ Backgrounds to the Italian Renaissance.” Washington State University - Pullman, Washington . 20 Sep. 2009 <>. “Shopping areas of Rome, Italy.” Avventure Bellissime - Italy Tours, Rome, Venice, Florence, Tuscany, Pompeii, Amalfi Tours & Shore Excursions. 22 Sep. 2009 <>. “Italy Venice.” the-sonic-cathedral.aspx . 22 Sep. 2009 < renaissance-venice-and-the-sonic-cathedral.aspx >. “Renaissance history.” . 22 Sep. 2009 < >. “Italian clothes.” . 22 Sep. 2009 < >. “Renaissance table manner.” . 22 Sep. 2009 < >. “Florence Italy.” Florence-Italy-Renaissance-city/ArticleStandard/Article/detail/181740 . 24 Sep. 2009 < Renaissance-city/ArticleStandard/Article/detail/181740 >. “Florence.” . 24 Sep. 2009 < articles/florence/florence-anchor >. 16
  • 17. R E N A I S S A N C E BIBLIOGRAPHY “Renaissance Florence.” . 25 Sep. 2009 < >. “Italy Safety.” . 25 Sep. 2009 < safety.htm >. “Health.” . 26 Sep. 2009 < >. “Renaissance Travel: How People Traveled During the Renaissance |” W European History: Roman conquest to Viking invasions, Renaissance to Scientific and Industrial Revolutions, European Union to the War on Terror, Denmark to Portugal, Iceland to Germany. | 2 Oct. 2009 <http://>. “Renaissance period.” necklaces_of_the_renaissance_period.html . 4 Oct. 2009 < necklaces_of_the_renaissance_period.html >. “Renaissance life.” . 4 Oct. 2009 < >. “Renaissance food.” . 10 Oct. 2009 <www.renaissance- >. “Renaissance Table manner.” . 10 Oct. 2009 < >. “Lorenzo.” . 11 Oct. 2009 < lorenzo.html >. “Michelangelo.” . 13 Oct. 2009 < M/michelangelo.html >. 17
  • 18. R E N A I S S A N C E CRITERIA Beijing BISS International School Italian Renaissance – Travel Guide Grade 9 Assessment Criteria September ‘09 Criterion A: Knowledge Maximum 10 Achievement level Level descriptor 0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below. The use of terminology is inconsistent or incorrect. 1–2 Facts and examples are either absent, or those used are irrelevant or do not show understanding. The use of terminology is mostly accurate and usually appropriate, though some errors remain. 3–4 Facts and examples used are mostly relevant, and usually show understanding. Terminology is used accurately and appropriately. 5–6 Relevant facts and examples are used to show understanding. The student provides accurate descriptions; explanations are adequate but not well developed. A range of terminology is used accurately and appropriately. 7–8 A range of relevant facts and examples are used to show understanding. The student shows an excellent command of a wide range of terminology, and uses it appropriately. An 9–10 extensive range of relevant facts and examples are used to show understanding. Criterion C: Skills Maximum 10 Achievement level Level descriptor 0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below. The student can select and use some relevant information.. 1–2 The student attempts to carry out investigations, demonstrating few skills. The student selects and uses mostly relevant information. 3–4 The student demonstrates basic investigative skills. The student selects and uses relevant information. 5–6 The student demonstrates adequate investigative skills. The student selects and uses a range of relevant information. 7–8 The student demonstrates effective investigative skills. The student selects and uses a wide range of relevant information. 9–10 The student demonstrates sophisticated investigative skills. 18
  • 19. R E N A I S S A N C E CRITERIA Criterion D: Organization and presentation Maximum 8 Achiev ement l Level descriptor evel The student does not reach a standard described by 0 any of the descriptors given below. The student communicates information that may not always be relevant. The student attempts to structure the work, but it 1–2 may be unclear and/or inappropriate to the format required. Presentation is unclear and imprecise. There may be some evidence of documentation. The student communicates information that is mostly relevant. The student attempts to structure and sequence the work but is not always successful. 3–4 Presentation is occasionally unclear. Sources of information are documented, though there may be omissions or consistent errors in adhering to conventions. The student communicates information that is relevant. The student uses a structure appropriate to the task and sequences the content logically. 5–6 Presentation is clear; attention is paid to the audience and purpose in terms of appropriate language, style and visual representation. Sources of information are documented, with occasional errors in adhering to conventions. The student communicates information that is always relevant. The student organizes information into a well- developed and logical sequence, appropriate to the format required. 7–8 Presentation is clear, concise and effective, and the language, style and visual representation used are always appropriate to the audience and purpose. All sources of information are documented according to a recognized convention. Modified from the IBO MYP Humanities guide 19
  • 20. R E N A I S S A N C E CHECKLIST My Travel Guide – Final Checklist Name: Hyo Sik Kim Date: October 16, 2009 Use this checklist before you hand in your travel guide! Yes Does your travel guide have a cover page? Yes Does your travel have an introduction with basic information about the renaissance (Who? What? Where? When? Why?)? Yes Have you included detailed information on Yes which cities to visit (Florence, Rome, and Venice) Yes how to get around (by land and by water) Yes local customs and manners Yes what to wear Yes what to see and do Yes what to eat and drink Yes how to stay safe and healthy Yes who’s who in the Renaissance (4 PEOPLE) Yes Did you write your information in paragraphs? Yes Does each paragraph have a topic sentence? Yes Does each paragraph have supporting sentences? Yes Are all the supporting sentences relevant (important)? Yes Did you use connectors to connect your ideas? (e.g., First, in addition, furthermore, etc) Yes Did you include a correct bibliography? See homework diary for help. Yes Does each section of your travel guide have a heading? Yes Does your travel guide have useful pictures or graphics that help us understand the Renaissance period better? Yes Did you use the same font for similar points? Yes Did you revise and edit your travel guide? Yes Will other people be interested in reading your travel guide? 20
  • 21. R E N A I S S A N C E,_florence_tour_renaissance_italy_duomo.jpg 21