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WOMEN (an-Nisa')
By the reality of The One To Serve/Allah The Beneficient The Ever Giving.
1. O people! Be conscious/Fear ofyour Regulator, who created you from a
single person, and created the mate, and propagated from them many
men and women. And be conscious of The One To Serve/Allah whom
you ask about, and the wombs. Surely, The One To Serve/Allah is
watchful over you.
Ta-Qaf-Ya = to fear, be cautious, guarded, prepared, preserve, forethoughtful, fearntial & pious fear (of God), righteous/virtuous/just/honest.
Nun-Fa-Siin = was or became high in estimation, of high account or excellent, highly prized/precious/valuable and therefore desired with much emulation or
much request, desired, it became loved or highly esteemed, console, cheer, envy. Was or became avaricious/tenacious/niggardly of it because of its being in
high estimation or excellent, little to much good. Brought forth (e.g. gave birth to a child), menstruated, blood. Clear away grief/anxiety/sorrow, ease/relieve,
delay. Breath, gust, drew breath, sigh, spoke long (due to regular intake of breath), become extended/long/increased, ability. Soul/spirit, the vital principle,
intellect/reason/mind, inner desire or feeling, knowledge, pride, self-magnification, a state where there is ample scope for action, 'willingly' when used as
adverb, nafs - soul of discrimination (mental) and ruh - soul of breath (physical), oneself/itself, whole, essential constituent, reality,
sometimes ghayb and nafs are synonymous, a person/being/individual, quantity, man, life, soul + body, life-blood, body, contention/thought/face/substance,
heart, stomach, gulp, drought. Brother or co-partner in conviction/religion/relationship. Wide space, distance, width. Greatness, nobility, glory, scarcity,
absoluteness, unseen, hidden reality which is beyond human perception, intention, requital, punishment.
Waw-Ha-Dal = to be one, alone, unique, unparalleled, remain lowly, be apart, assert the unity. waahidun - cardinal, number one, single. wahda - alone.
Wahidun/Wahidatun (adj. to a f. n.): One.
Zay-Waw-Jiim = to couple/join/pair/unite/wed, marriage, a pair, a fellow or like, spouse. Zawwajnaa (prf. 1st p. plu. II.): We wedded, gave in marriage or pair
Yuzawwiju (imp. 3rd p.m. sing. II.): He conjoins, mixes. Zuwwijat (pp. 3rd p. f. sing. II): Is paired, united. Zaujan (n.): Wife; Husband; Pairs; Comrade; One of the
pair, male or female. Zaujaan (nom). Zaujain (acc. noun. dual) - husband and wife, two kinds/pairs, comrade, one of the pair, male or female. Azwaaj (noun. pl.)
- wives, husbands, pairs, kinds.
Siin-Alif-Lam =to ask/interrogate/inquire/question/demand/pray/beg, a thing asked, a question/proposition/problem/petition/request, beggar, that which is
demanded or inquired into, asked, questioned, responsible.
What? -be conscious/forethoughtful is the correct terminology
-its careful planning for the future
-it’s the first principle of life to plan for the future
-it’s the key to productive, peaceful and successful life
-and the origin of your life, the Wombs
What plan? -plan your path of life, do it when you reached puberty
-at around 15-year-old, do a five yearly plan
-what do you plan to achieve?
-plan until your life expectancy, plan everythings
Then? -you have enquired a lot about the One
-you have speculated and imagined things
-you want to know about The One
-now you have been told about The One-The Energy
-fear with your Energy
-its your source of life, don’t be like the European
What about -don’t you know?
the European? -they discard the cheap and efficient Energy
-opted for the more expensive one
2. And give orphans and widows their properties, and do not substitute the
bad for the good. And do not consume their properties by combining
them with yours, for that would be a serious crime.
Ya-Ta-Miim = orphan, fatherless, become isolated or lonely, solitary, weary, jaded, become widow, become without father before puberty/maturity.
Yatama? -yatama includes orphans and widows
-don’t cheat them out of their inheritance, its so easy to do just that
-especially in their traumatic moments of losing somebody
-they are grasping for something to hang on to
-anybody with deceitful intent can cheat them easily
3. If you fear you cannot act fairly towards the orphans and widows —then
marry what seem suitable to you from the women—two, or three, or four.
But if you fear you will not be fair, then one, or whom you
controlled/right hand amongst the unmarried women. That makes it
more likely that you avoid bias.
Ya-Ta-Miim = orphan, fatherless, become isolated or lonely, solitary, weary, jaded, become widow, become without father before puberty/maturity.
Alif-Ya-Miim = to be unmarried, single/widowed/divorced, lives in celibacy. what you controlled amongst the unmarried/single/widowed/divorced
Who are these? -these are the women you controlled
-among them your serf, debt slaves, prisoners of wars
-you can marry up to four of these women
-the case is you must marry them, otherwise marry only one
What is the isuue here? -if you are an executor of an estate
-an executor is appointed by the maker of the will
-not an administrator, as they appointed by court
Then? -then as an executor if you can’t act fairly to the heirs
-especially if the heirs are women
-be them orphans or widows
-then you marry them to avoid bias
4. Give women their dowries graciously. But if they willingly forego some
of it, then consume it with enjoyment and pleasure.
Sad-Dal-Qaf = to be truthful, true, sincere, speak the truth, establish or confirm the truth of what another has said, verify, keep conviction, observe a promise
convictionfully, fulfill, speak veraciously, hold anyone as trustworthy. sadaqa fi al-qitaali - to fight gallantly. tsaddaqa - to give alms. sidqun - truth, veracity,
sincerity, soundness, excellence in a variety of different objects, salubrious and agreeable, favourable entrance, praise. saadiqun - one who is true and sincere,
one who speaks the truth. saadiqah - perfect woman. sadaqat (pl. saduqaat) - dowry. siddiiq - person who is trustworthy, sincere. saddaqa - to confirm, verify,
fulfil. asdaqu - more true.
Dowry? -a payment, such as property or money
-paid by the bride's family to the groom or his family
-at the time of marriage
-the wealth transferred from the bride to the groom
5. Do not give the immature your money which The One To Serve/Allah has
assigned to you for support. But provide for them from it, and clothe
them, and speak to them with kind words.
Executor? -yes if you are an executor
-careful with your money or their money
-if they are immature
-provide for them well
6. Test the orphans until they reach the age of marriage. If you find them
to be mature enough, hand over their properties to them. And do not
consume it extravagantly or hastily before they grow up. The rich shall
not charge any wage, but the poor may charge fairly. When you hand
over their properties to them, have it witnessed for them. The One To
Serve/Allah suffices as a Reckoner.
Executor again? -yes, maturity is their benchmark
-and for you the benchmark is your wealth
7. Men must strive to separate/a portion of what is left from
mother/parents and siblings and the women must strive to separate
from mother/parents and siblings poor or rich an obligation.
Ra-Jiim-Lam = to go on foot, urge with foot, walk, tie by the feet, let (a female) suckle her young, be curly (hair), set free with his mother. rajjala - to comfort
anyone, comb the hair, grant a respite. tarajjala - to go down without rope. rijlatun - vigour in walking. rijlun - foot, soldiers, good walker, tramp. arajil - hunters, pedestrian. rajulun - male
human being, man, a person with heir. rajilun - foot, footmen (slow walkers). rijlain - two feet. arjul (pl.) - feet.
Nun-Saad-Ba = to fix, raise/setup/establish, act with hostility/emnity, he put down a thing, fatigued/tired, suffer difficulty/distress/affliction, nasiba - to use
diligence, toil/labour, be instant.
Ta-Ra-Kaf = To leave off, leave alone, abandon/desert/relinquish/quit, forsake, give up anything, neglect, omit, bequeath anything to anyone.
A certain nation, Turks, Turkish.
Qaf-Ra-Ba = to be near to, approach, offer, be near in relationship or rank, be at hand, draw near. qurbatun - proximity, means of drawing nigh, kindred,
relationship. qurubatan (pl. qurubatun) - pious works and good deeds which draw people nigh to The One To Serve/Allah, means by which an approach is sought. qaribun - night, near at
hand (either in time or place). min qaribin - soon after. qurba - affinity, relationship. qurban - sacrifice, offer made for God, means of access to God. aqrabu - closer, closest. aqrabun - kinsfolk,
kindred, those most nearly related. qarrab (vb. 2) - to set before, cause to draw nigh, make an offering, offer (sacrifice). muqarrabun (pl. maqarrabuna) - one who is made or permitted
to approach, who is brought nigh.
Qaf-Lam-Lam = to be few in number, small in quantity, rare. qalilun - few, little, small, rare, seldom. aqall - fewer, poorer. qallala - to appear as few.
Kaf-Tha-Ra = To surpass in number or quantity, increase, multiply, happen often, copious, richness; To be much, many, numerous, a man whose ancestors are
many or whose good deeds are many. A man possessing much good, river in paradise from which other rivers flow, talkative person.
Fa-Ra-Dad = to impose law, prescribe, ordain, enact, settle, fix, ratify, appoint, command an observation or obedience to, sanction, assign, be aged. faridzun -
old cow. faridzatun - ordinance, settlement, settled portion, jointure stipulation. mafrudz - appointed, determinate, settled one, allotted.
Story? -men/women when they got married
-they must leave their family home
-leaving their parents and siblings
-wether they are good or bad financially
-the couple must start new life in new place
-this about human economic and life growth
8. When disputed/present the separation/at times of division, visit the
siblings and the widowed mother/the orphan and to rest/the poor their
doubt then provides them thereof and speak nicely to them.
Ha-Dad-Ra = To be present, present at, stand in presence of, hurt, be at hand. To come or arrive, to be ready or prepared, to attend someone or come into
someones presence, to present oneself to or before a thing or person, to visit a person, to be in the vicinity of a place, to live or dwell in or become an inhabitant
of a place, witness or see a thing, behold a thing with one's eye, to answer or reply, dispute or debate, contend with and overcome someone, to intrude.
Qaf-Siin-Miim = to divide, dispose, separate, apportion, distribute. qasamun - oath. qismatun - partition, division, dividing, apportionment. maqsumun -
divided/distinct. muqassimun (vb. 2) - one who takes oath, who apportions. qasama (vb. 3) - to swear. aqsama (vb. 4) - to swear. taqasama (vb. 6) - to swear
one to another. muqtasimun (vb. 8) - who divides. istaqsama (vb. 10) - to draw lots. tastaqsimu - you seek division.
Alif-Waw-Lam - To return, be before, come back to. To interpret [by consideration], explain. To contract, withdraw, become. To preside over, hold command or
authority. To come to be. To put in a proper state/condition, or to compose [an affair]. To resort to; namely [a thing of any kind; the thing or place whence he
or it originated, or came. His or its origin or source; his or its original state, condition, quantity, weight; any place. A former action, saying, or the like]. To return
or restore to [ a thing, place, or disposition]. To explain, expound, interpret [collecting the meanings of dubious expressions by such expression as is clear, or
plain, without dubiousness]. To explain the meaning of that which is equivocal or ambiguous. To be seen from a distance.
Siin-Kaf-Nun = to be quiet, rest/repose/dwell/lodge, inhabit, stop/still, subside. Tranquillity, security, mercy, blessing. masakin - poor/destitute/weak/penniless,
humble/submissive, one who is in a state of lowliness/humiliation/abasement/submissiveness, one who cannot move to earn his livelihood because of his
physical/mental/financial disability. sikkin - knife, as it is cause of making still after slaughtering.
Story -this is common for newly weds
-their siblings and parents are longing for them
-visit them often both families
9. And dread/fear those left behind would twist/if the separation to
successfully blundered/offsprings things for the feeble minded who
would follow them. So let them plan their future with The One To
Serve/Allah and speak nice words.
Kh-Shiin-Ya = To fear or dread, to fear with reverence/veneration/honour/awe, to hope, to know a thing, frighten or make to fear/dread, be cautious or wary.
Lam-Waw-Ya = To twist, pervert/distort, turn back, bend/contort/curled/curved/coiled, wound, avert (the face) from, lean, feel an inclination, very contentious.
Kh-Lam-Fa = To follow/come after/succeed another, substitute or supersede, to supply/be a supplier to someone, to restore or replace a thing to someone, smite
or strike from behind, yearn towards other than one's spouse (in the spouses absence/behind his or her back), speak of/mention someone behind his or her back,
remain behind/not go forth, to be kept back from all good, to not prosper or be successful, to become corrupt or altered for the worse, retire/withdraw/go away,
to turn away from/avoid/shun a thing, to become foolish/idiotic/deficient in intellect, contrarious/hard in disposition, to leave behind, to appoint someone as
successor, disagree with or differ from someone, contradict or oppose someone, to break/fail to perform a promise, to follow reciprocally/alternate/interchange,
repeatedly move to and fro (coming and going), to differ/ be dissimilar
Thal-Ra-Ra = to scatter, strew, sprinkle, rise. Least degree. Atom, small ant, smallest kind of an ant resembling in weight and shape to an atom, smallest seed of
grain, grub, small particle thats sprinkled. Progeny, offspring, children, race, raising children.
Dad-Ayn-Fa = to be weak/feeble/infirm. To think repute, esteem, treat or hold a person weak. To exceed, twofold, manyfold, double, triple, multiple words.
Like, an equal portion or as much again.
Story -to avoid the siblings quarrel
-and bad mouthing the newly weds
-this is common ocurance
-those leaving the family immediately after marriage
-accepting new member for the family is not easy
10. Those who consume the wealth of orphans illicitly consume only fire into
their bellies; and they will roast in a blaze.
This a warning from your Creator
11. Commanded The One To Serve/Allah for your children, the male is
ordered/like to subsidises the/portion the female. If they are females,
two or more, they split/then for them two thirds of what he leaves. If
there is only one, she gets one-half. As for the parents, each gets one-
sixth of what he leaves, if he had children. If he had no children, and his
parents inherit from him, his mother gets one-third. If he has siblings, his
mother gets one-sixth. After fulfilling any bequest and paying off debts.
Your parents and your children—you do not know which are closer to
you in welfare. This is The One To Serve/Allah 's Law. The One To
Serve/Allah is Knowing and Judicious.
Waw-Sad-Ya = to join to, be joined, be contiguous, to have dense vegetation. wassa - to bequeath, recommend, order, command with wise counsel and
sermon, charge, exhort, enjoin, make a will.
Thaal-Kaf-Ra = to remember/commemorate/recollect, study in order to remember, remind, bear in mind, mindful, mention/tell/relate, magnify/praise,
admonish/warn (e.g. dhikra is the 2nd declenation and it is stronger than dhikr), preach, extol, give status. nobility/eminence/honour, fame, good report,
cause of good reputation, means of exaltation. Male/man/masculine (dhakar, dual - dhakarain, plural - dhukur).
Miim-Tha-Lam = Stand erect, mutilate or castrate (namely a sheep or goat), to set up a thing, affect to be like or to imitate a thing, apply a proverb, apply a
thing proverbially, be nearly in a sound or healthy state, near to convalescence, obey/follow a command or order, to resemble, be of likeness or equivalent.
Ha-Za-Za = To be in good circumstances, to be fortunate, to be rich/wealthy/opulent, possess competence or sufficiency, in no need, without wants or with few
wants, prefer one person above another.
Alif-Nun-Tha = It was or became female, feminine, or of the feminine gender; It was or became soft.
Nun-Siin-Waw = women. There is no singular of this word.
Fa-Waw-Qaf = to be superior in rank or excellence, overcome, surpass, to be above/over, on, upon, more, on high. fauq - it is a preposition meaning
above/upon/over/more/superior. fawaq - time between two milkings/sucklings, between the opening of one's hand and grasping with it the udder and then lets
it go for milking or a delay and space of time between the opening and closing of the hand during milking. afaqa - to come to one's self, recover (after a swoon
or ilness), awake (from sleep), recollect.
Tha-Nun-Ya = to bend/fold, double up, turn one part of a thing upon the other, draw one of its two extremities to the other, join or adjoin one of the things to
the other, turn anyone away or back from his course or from the object of his want, conceal enmity. mathna - by twos, in pairs, two, two and two. mathaan /
al-mathaanii (pl. of mathnan/mathnaatun) - oft-repeated, benefactions. thanaya/athnaa - he praised, spoke well of anyone. thinan - repetition of a thing.
Fa-Lam-Ha = cut/slit/crack/split/fissure, furrowed/plough/cultivate, agriculture, till the ground, to prosper be successful, attain/acquire, become
fortunate/happy, become independent, permanence/lastingness/duration.
Tha-Lam-Tha = to become three in division or number, a third part of a thing, one third, by threes, the third of any number.
Nun-Saad-Fa = half, reach its middle/midst, divide a thing into halves.
Complicated! -not really
-women get more
-to subsidize the female
-if there are 2 or more women they get 2/3 portion
-if there is one then half of what he leaves
Different again? -yes
-it comes from these interpretations
-look at Alif-Nun-Tha meaning female and Tha-Nun-Ya meaning two/double
-female 2 or more – they get two third
-female only one – she gets one half
-it doesn’t matter how many males heir
-female gets more
-the male will have to subsidise the female
-wrongly interpreted as one male as two female portions
12. You get one-half of what your wives leave behind, if they had no children.
If they had children, you get one-fourth of what they leave. After fulfilling
any bequest and paying off debts. They get one fourth of what you leave
behind, if you have no children. If you have children, they get one-eighth
of what you leave. After fulfilling any bequest and paying off debts. If a
man or woman leaves neither parents nor children, but has a brother or
sister, each of them gets one-sixth. If there are more siblings, they share
one-third. After fulfilling any bequest and paying off debts, without any
prejudice. This is a will from The One To Serve/Allah. The One To
Serve/Allah H is Knowing and Clement.
13. These are the limits set by The One To Serve/Allah. Whoever obeys The
One To Serve/Allah and The One’s Messenger, The One will admit him
into Gardens beneath which rivers flow, to abide therein. That is the great
Do not cross the limits
14. But whoever disobeys The One To Serve/Allah and The One’s Messenger,
and oversteps The One limits, The One will admit him into a Fire, wherein
he stays, and he will have a shameful retribution.
15. Those of your women who commit immorality, you must have four
witnesses against them, from among you. If they testify, confine them to
the homes until death claims them, or The One To Serve/Allah makes a
way for them.
16. If those two from among you commit it, punish them both. But if they
return and reform, leave them alone. The One To Serve/Allah is Forgiving,
Full of Mercy.
17. Repentance is available from The One To Serve/Allah for those who
commit wrong out of ignorance, and then return soon after. These— The
One To Serve/Allah will relent towards them. The One To Serve/Allah is
Knowing and Wise.
18. But repentance is not available for those who commit wrong, until when
death approaches one of them, he says, “Now I repent,” nor for those
who die as deniers. These—The One has prepared for them a painful
19. O you who are convinced! It is not permitted for you to inherit women
against their will. And do not coerce them in order to take away some of
what you had given them, unless they commit adultery openly. And live
with them in kindness. If you dislike them, it may be that you dislike
something in which The One To Serve/Allah has placed much good.
20. If you wish to replace one wife with another, and you have given one of
them a fortune, take nothing back from it. Would you take it back
fraudulently and wrongfully?
21. And how can you take it back, when you have been intimate with one
another, and they have received from you a solid covenant?
22. Do not marry women whom your fathers married, except what is already
past. That is improper, indecent, and a bad custom.
23. Forbidden for you are your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your
paternal aunts, your maternal aunts, your brother's daughters, your
sister's daughters, your foster-mothers who nursed you, your sisters
through nursing, your wives' mothers, and your stepdaughters in your
guardianship—born of wives you have gone into—but if you have not
gone into them, there is no blame on you. And the wives of your genetic
sons; and marrying two sisters simultaneously, except what is past. The
One To Serve/Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
24. And all married women, except those you rightfully married. This is The
One To Serve/Allah’s decree, binding upon you. Permitted for you are
those that lie outside these limits, provided you seek them in legal
marriage with gifts from your property, seeking wedlock, not
prostitution. If you wish to enjoy them, then give them their dowry—a
legal obligation. You commit no error by agreeing to any change to the
dowry. The One To Serve/Allah is All-Knowing, All Wise.
25. If any of you lack the means to marry free convinced women, he may
marry one of the convinced maids under your control. The One To
Serve/Allah is well aware of your conviction. You are from one another.
Marry them with the permission of their guardians, and give them their
recompense fairly—to be protected—neither committing adultery, nor
taking secret lovers. When they are married, if they commit adultery, their
punishment shall be half that of free women. That is for those among
you who fear falling into decadence. But to practice self-restraint is better
for you. The One To Serve/Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.
26. The One To Serve/Allah intends to make things clear to you, and to guide
you in the ways of those before you, and to redeem you. The One To
Serve/Allah is Most Knowing, All Wise.
27. The One To Serve/Allah intends to redeem you, but those who follow
their desires want you to turn away utterly.
28. The One To Serve/Allah intends to lighten your burden, for the human
being was created weak.
29. O you who convinced! Do not consume each other’s wealth illicitly, but
trade by mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves, for The One To
Serve/Allah is Merciful towards you.
30. Whoever does that, out of hostility and wrongdoing, The One will cast
him into a Fire. And that would be easy for The One To Serve/Allah.
31. If you avoid the worst of what you are forbidden, The One will remit your
wrongs, and admit you to productive relationship entrance nobel.
Dal-Kha-Lam = to enter, got in, passed, to penetrate, breach, break through, invade, come upon, visit, intrude, meddle, insert, introduce, to participate/
commence/ include/take part, it became comprehended/comprised in it, mix/intermingle. Have intercourse with, go into (one's wife). Income/revenue/profit.
onfused/ badness/ unsound/corrupt, vice, deceit/guile/circumvention. A select group of close associates. A place of entrance, gate, ingoing, instrument
allowing entrance, key. Guest.
Kaf-Ra-Miim = To be productive, generous, precious, valuable, honourable, noble, All-Generous, Most Generous
What is it? -avoid the worst of the hudud, the limits
-The One will remit your wrongs
-The One will refrain from inflicting punishment
-The One will admit you to productive relationship
32. Do not covet what The One To Serve/Allah has given to some of you in
preference to others. For men is a share of what they have earned, and
for women is a share of what they have earned. And ask The One To
Serve/Allah of his bounty. The One To Serve/Allah has knowledge of
33. To everyone The One has assigned beneficiaries in what is left by parents
and relatives. Those with whom you have made an agreement, give them
their share. The One To Serve/Allah is Witness over all things.
34. Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, as The One To
Serve/Allah has given some of them an advantage over others, and
because they spend out of their wealth. The good women are obedient,
guarding what The One To Serve/Allah would have them guard. As for
those from whom you fear disloyalty, admonish them, and abandon
them in their beds, then seek a way over them. But if they obey you, do
not transgress against them. The One To Serve/Allah is Sublime, Grand.
35. If you fear a breach between the two, appoint an arbiter from his family
and an arbiter from her family. If they wish to reconcile, The One To
Serve/Allah will bring them together. The One To Serve/Allah is
Knowledgeable, Expert.
36. Serve The One To Serve/Allah, and ascribe no associates to The One, and
be good to the parents, and the relatives, and the orphans, and the poor,
and the neighbor next door, and the distant neighbor, and the close
associate, and the traveler, and your servants. The One To Serve/Allah
does not love the arrogant showoff.
37. Those who are stingy, and exhort people to stinginess, and conceal what
The One To Serve/Allah has given them from The One’s bounty. The One
has prepared for the denier disgraceful difficulties.
38. And those who spend their money to be seen by people, and are
convinced neither in The One To Serve/Allah nor in the End Day.
Whoever has Sceptic mind/Satan as a companion—what a wicked
39. What would they have lost, had they convinced in The One To
Serve/Allah and the End Day, and gave out of what The One To
Serve/Allah has provided for them? The One To Serve/Allah knows them
very well.
40. The One To Serve/Allah does not commit an atom's weight of injustice;
and if there is a good deed, The One doubles it, and gives from The One’s
Presence a sublime compensation.
41. Then how will it be, when The One brings a witness from every
community, and The One brings you as a witness against these?
42. On that Day, those who denied and disobeyed the Messenger will wish
that the earth was leveled over them. They will conceal nothing from The
One To Serve/Allah.
43. O you who are convinced! Do not come close to review/discussion while
you are intoxicated, until you know what you say; nor after sexual
orgasm—unless you are travelling—until you have bathed. If you are
sick, or traveling, or one of you comes from the toilet, or you have had
intercourse with women, and cannot find water, find clean sand and wipe
your faces and your hands with it. The One To Serve/Allah Protects and
44. Have you not considered those who were given a share of the Book?
They buy error, and wish you would lose the way.
45. But The One To Serve/Allah knows your enemies best. The One To
Serve/Allah is sufficient as a Protector, and The One To Serve/Allah is
sufficient as a Supporter.
46. Among the guided(yahud) are some who take words out of context, and
say, “We hear and we disobey”, and “Hear without listening”, and
“Observe us,” twisting with their tongues and slandering the way of life.
Had they said, “We hear and we obey”, and “Listen”, and “Give us your
attention,” it would have been better for them, and more upright. But
The One To Serve/Allah has cursed them for their denial; they do not
convince except a little.
47. O you who were given the Book! Convince in what The One sent down,
confirming what you have, before The One obliterate faces and turn
them inside out, or curse them as The One cursed the rest day/seventh
day-breakers. The command of The One To Serve/Allah is always done.
48. The One To Serve/Allah does not protect association with The One, but
The One protects anything less than that to whomever accordingly.
Whoever associates anything with The One To Serve/Allah has devised a
tremendous crime.
49. Have you not considered those who claim purity for themselves? Rather,
The One To Serve/Allah purifies whom accordingly, and they will not be
wronged a whit.
50. See how they devise lies against The One To Serve/Allah. That alone is
an outright crime.
51. Have you not considered those who were given a share of the Book?
They are convinced in superstition and illogical/false dieties, and say of
those who are not convinced, “These are better guided on the way than
the convinced.”
Jiim-Ba-Ta = The idol/idols. The name of a certain idol. That which is worshipped instead of God whatever it may be. He/that wherein is no good. The
diviner/enchanter/devil/satan. From the devil.
Tay-Ghayn-Ya = exceed a limit, to transgress, wander from its orbit, exceed the bound, wayward, to rise high, to overflow, to rage, go astray, deviate, be
incurious, mischievous, impious, tyrannical, inordinate, rebellious, exorbitant, exceedingly wicked, insolence, injustice, infidelity, rebellion, storm of thunder &
lightning of extreme severity, outburst, powers of evil, lead to evil, be overbold, contumacy, extravagantly disobedient, immoderate, corrupt, top or upper part
of a mountain, idol/demon, source of wickedness.
52. Those are they whom The One To Serve/Allah has cursed. Whomever
The One To Serve/Allah curses, you will find no savior for him.
53. Or do they own a share of the dominion? Then they would not give
people a speck.
54. Or do they envy the people for what The One To Serve/Allah has given
them of The One’s grace? The One have given the family of Ibrahim the
Book and wisdom, and The One has given them a great dominion.
55. Among them are those who are convinced in it, and among them are
those who held back from it. Hell is a sufficient Inferno.
56. Those who reject The One’s signs—soon The One will scorch them in a
fire. Every time their skins are cooked, The One will replace them with
other skins, so they will experience the suffering. The One To Serve/Allah
is Most Powerful, All Wise.
57. As for those who are convinced and do productive works, The One will
admit them into Gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein
forever. They will have purified spouses therein, and The One will admit
them into a shady shade.
58. The One To Serve/Allah instructs you to give back things entrusted to
you to their owners. And when you judge between people, judge with
justice. The One To Serve/Allah’s instructions to you are excellent. The
One To Serve/Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.
59. O you who are convinced! Obey The One To Serve/Allah and obey the
Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you dispute over
anything, refer it to The One To Serve/Allah and the Messenger, if you
are convinced in The One To Serve/Allah and the End Day. That is best,
and a most excellent determination.
60. Have you not observed those who claim that they are convinced in what
was revealed to you, and in what was revealed before you, yet they seek
illogical as sources for legislation, in spite of being commanded to reject
them? Sceptic mind/Satan means to mislead them far astray.
61. And when it is said to them, “Come to what The One To Serve/Allah has
revealed, and to the Messenger,” you see the hypocrites shunning you
62. How about when a disaster strikes them because what their hands have
put forward, and then they come to you swearing by The One To
Serve/Allah: “We only intended goodwill and reconciliation”?
63. They are those whom The One To Serve/Allah knows what is in their
hearts. So ignore them, and admonish them, and say to them concerning
themselves sharp words.
64. The One did not send any messenger except to be obeyed by The One
To Serve/Allah’s leave. Had they, when they wronged themselves, come
to you, and asked for The One To Serve/Allah's forgiveness, and the
Messenger had asked for their forgiveness, they would have found The
One To Serve/Allah Relenting and Merciful.
65. But no, by your Regulator, will they be convinced until they call you to
arbitrate in their disputes, and then find within themselves no
resentment regarding your decisions, and submit themselves
66. Had The One decreed for them: “Kill your pride,” or “Leave your homes,”
they would not have done it, except for a few of them. But had they done
what they were instructed to do, it would have been better for them, and
a firmer confirmation.
Nun-Fa-Siin = was or became high in estimation, of high account or excellent, highly prized/precious/valuable and therefore desired with much emulation or
much request, desired, it became loved or highly esteemed, console, cheer, envy. Was or became avaricious/tenacious/niggardly of it because of its being in
high estimation or excellent, little too much good. Brought forth (e.g. gave birth to a child), menstruated, blood. Clear away grief/anxiety/sorrow, ease/relieve,
delay. Breath, gust, drew breath, sigh, spoke long (due to regular intake of breath), become extended/long/increased, ability. Soul/spirit, the vital principle,
intellect/reason/mind, inner desire or feeling, knowledge, pride, self-magnification, a state where there is ample scope for action, 'willingly' when used as
adverb, nafs - soul of discrimination (mental) and ruh - soul of breath (physical), oneself/itself, whole, essential constituent, reality,
sometimes ghayb and nafs are synonymous, a person/being/individual, quantity, man, life, soul + body, life-blood, body, contention/thought/face/substance,
heart, stomach, gulp, drought.Brother or co-partner in conviction/religion/relationship. Wide space, distance, width. Greatness, nobility, glory, scarcity,
absoluteness, unseen, hidden reality which is beyond human perception, intention, requital, punishment.
67. And The One would have given them from The One presence a rich
68. And The One would have guided them on systematic ways.
69. Whoever obeys The One To Serve/Allah and the Messenger—these are
among those whom The One To Serve/Allah has blessed—among the
prophets, and the sincere, and the well informed, and the upright.
Excellent are those as companions.
Shiin-ha-Dal = told/gave information, to witness/see, to be present, give evidence/testimony, bear witness. mushhad - time or place of being present or of giving
or hearing evidence, meeting place. mashhuud - that which is witnessed.
70. That is the grace from The One To Serve/Allah. The One To Serve/Allah
suffices as Knower.
71. O you who convinced! Take your precautions and proceed firmly, or
mobilize altogether.
Nun-Fa-Ra = to run away from fight, go forth from any business (as from war), march, grow wild, restive.
Tha-Ba-Ta = to be firm/steadfast/constant/established, remain in (a place), preserve in doing, to continue/endure. thabbata - to strengthen/fasten/consolidate.
thubuut - steadfastness, stability, firmly planted. thaabit - remaining firmly fixed, firm, steadfast. thabbata - to confirm/establish, steadfast. tathbiit -
confirmation, establishment. athbataa - to confirm, keep in bonds, confine, restrain (e.g. from doing a deed). To render something true or valid, to declare
something obligatory, permanence, certainty, a state of being established.
72. Among you is he who lags behind. Then, when a calamity befalls you, he
says, “The One To Serve/Allah has favored me, that I was not well
informed with them.”
73. But when some bounty from The One To Serve/Allah comes to you, he
says—as if no affection existed between you and him “If only I had been
with them, I would have achieved a great victory.”
74. Let those who sell the life of this world for the End Day fight in the cause
of The One To Serve/Allah. Whoever fights in the cause of The One To
Serve/Allah, and then is killed, or achieves victory, The One will grant him
a great compensation.
75. And why would you not fight in the cause of The One To Serve/Allah,
and the helpless men, and women, and children, cry out, “Our Regulator,
deliver us from this town whose people are oppressive, and appoint for
us from Your Presence a Protector, and appoint for us from Your
Presence a Victor.”
76. Those who convinced fight in the cause of The One To Serve/Allah, while
those who deny fight in the cause of illogical. So fight the allies of the
Sceptic mind. Surely the strategy of the Sceptic mind is weak.
77. Have you not seen those who were told, “Restrain your hands, and
review/discussion and purify and proper”? But when fighting was
ordained for them, a faction of them feared the people as The One To
Serve/Allah is ought to be feared, or even more. And they said, “Our
Regulator, why did You ordain fighting for us? If only You would
postpone it for us for a while.” Say, “The enjoyments of this life are brief,
but the End Day is better for the honest, and you will not be wronged
one bit.”
78. Wherever you may be, death will catch up with you, even if you were in
fortified towers. When a good fortune comes their way, they say, “This is
from The One To Serve/Allah.” But when a misfortune befalls them, they
say, “This is from you.” Say, “All things happen according to The One To
Serve/Allah 's.” So what is the matter with these people, that they hardly
understand a thing?
79. Whatever good happens to you is from The One To Serve/Allah, and
whatever bad happens to you is from your own self. The One sent you
to humanity as a messenger, and The One To Serve/Allah is Witness
80. Whoever obeys the Messenger is obeying The One To Serve/Allah. And
whoever turns away—The One did not send you as a watcher over them.
81. They profess obedience, but when they leave your presence, some of
them conspire something contrary to what you said. But The One To
Serve/Allah writes down what they conspire. So avoid them, and put your
trust in The One To Serve/Allah. The One To Serve/Allah is Guardian
82. Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than The
One To Serve/Allah, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
83. When some news of security or alarm comes their way, they broadcast
it. But had they referred it to the Messenger, and to those in authority
among them, those who can draw conclusions from it would have
comprehended it. Were it not for The One To Serve/Allah’s blessing and
mercy upon you, you would have followed the Sceptic mind, except for
a few.
84. So fight in the cause of The One To Serve/Allah; you are responsible only
for yourself. And rouse the convinced. Perhaps The One To Serve/Allah
will restrain the might of those who deny. The One To Serve/Allah is
Stronger in Might, and stronger in punishment.
85. Whoever intercedes for a good cause has a share in it, and whoever
intercedes for the sceptic mind/satan cause shares in its burdens. The
One To Serve/Allah keeps watch over everything.
86. When you are greeted with a greeting, respond with a better greeting,
or return it. The One To Serve/Allah keeps count of everything.
87. The One To Serve/Allah —there is nothing to serve except The One. The
One will gather you to the Day of Resurrection, in which there is no
doubt. And who speaks more truly than The One To Serve/Allah?
88. What is the matter with you, divided into two factions regarding the
hypocrites, when The One To Serve/Allah has overwhelmed them on
account of what they did? Do you want to guide those whom The One
To Serve/Allah has let go astray? Whomever The One To Serve/Allah let
go astray—you will never find for him a way.
89. They would love to see your denial, just as they deny, so you would
become equal. So do not get close to any of them, unless they emigrate
in the way of The One To Serve/Allah. If they turn away, take up/seize
with them and master/kill them wherever you may find them; and do not
take from among them allies or supporters.
Alif-Kha-Dhal = to take in one's hand, received/acquired, derived/deduced/admitted, accepted, accept a covenant, affected/influenced, overpowering influence,
take captive, gain mastery, slew/destroy, captivate/fascinate.
Qaf-Ta-Lam = to kill, put to death, be accused, slay/murder/kill/slaughter, attempt to kill, render person like to one killed, to wage war/combat/battle, to master,
contend/fight, deadly, knew a thing thoroughly/well, become acquainted with it.
90. Except those who join people with whom you have a treaty, or those who
come to you restraining their breast to fight you or fight their own
people. Had The One To Serve/Allah accords, The One would have given
them power over you, and they would have fought you. If they withdraw
from you, and do not fight you, and offer you peace, then The One To
Serve/Allah asevidences no excuse for you against them.
91. You will find others who want security from you, and security from their
own people. But whenever they are tempted into civil discord, they
plunge into it. So if they do not withdraw from you, nor offer you peace,
nor restrain their hands, take up with them and master them wherever
you find them. Against these, The One has given you clear authorization.
92. Never should a convinced kill another convinced person, unless by error.
Anyone who kills a convinced by error must set free a convinced slave,
and pay compensation to the victim’s family, unless they remit it as
charity. If the victim belonged to a people who are hostile to you, but is
a convinced, then the compensation is to free a convinced slave. If he
belonged to a people with whom you have a treaty, then blood money
should be paid to his family, and a convinced slave set free. Anyone who
lacks the means must abstain for two consecutive months, by way of
Repentance to The One To Serve/Allah. The One To Serve/Allah is All-
Knowing, All Wise.
93. Whoever kills a convinced person deliberately, the penalty for him is fire,
where he will remain. And The One To Serve/Allah will be angry with him,
and will curse him, and will prepare for him a terrible suffering.
94. O you who are convinced! When you go in the way of The One To
Serve/Allah, investigate, and do not say to him who offers you peace,
“You are not convinced,” aspiring for the goods of this world. With The
One To Serve/Allah are abundant riches. You yourselves were like this
before, and The One To Serve/Allah bestowed favor on you; so
investigate. The One To Serve/Allah is well aware of what you do.
95. Not equal are the inactive among the convinced—except the disabled—
and the strivers in the cause of The One To Serve/Allah with their
possessions and their persons. The One To Serve/Allah prefers the
strivers with their possessions and their persons above the inactive, by a
degree. But The One To Serve/Allah has promised goodness to both. Yet
The One To Serve/Allah favors the strivers, over the inactive, with a great
96. Great ranks from The One, and forgiveness, and mercy. The One To
Serve/Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
97. While the Powerful Agents are performing/take them death of those who
have wronged themselves, they will say, “What was the matter with you?”
They will say, “We were oppressed in the land.” They will say, “Was The
One To Serve/Allah’s earth not vast enough for you to emigrate in it?”
These—their refuge is Hell. What a wretched retreat!
Waw-Fa-Ya = to reach the end, keep ones promise, fulfil ones engagement, pay a debt, perform a promise. tawaffa - to die. wafaat - death.
98. Except for the weak among men, and women, and children who have no
means to act, and no means to find a way out.
99. These— The One To Serve/Allah may well pardon them. The One To
Serve/Allah is Pardoning and Forgiving.
100. Anyone who emigrates for the sake of The One To Serve/Allah will find
on earth many places of refuge, and plentitude. Anyone who leaves his
home, emigrating to The One To Serve/Allah and The One’s Messenger,
and then is overtaken by death, his compensation falls on The One To
Serve/Allah. The One To Serve/Allah is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
101. When you travel in the land, there is no blame on you to restraint your
review/discussion, if you fear that the deniers may harm you. The deniers
are your clear enemies.
102. When you are among them, and you review/discuss, let a group of them
stand with you, and let them hold their weapons. Then, when they have
reviewed/discussed, let them withdraw to the rear, and let another group
behind you come forward and not done the review/ discuss and do the
review/ discuss with you; and let them take their precautions and their
weapons. Those who would like you to neglect your weapons and your
equipment, so they can attack you in a single assault. There is no error,
if you are hampered by rain or are sick, by putting down your weapons;
but take precautions. Indeed, The One To Serve/Allah has prepared for
the deniers a demeaning punishment.
103. When you have completed the review/discussion, remember The One To
Serve/Allah, standing, or sitting, or on your sides. And when you feel
secure, perform the review/discussion. The review/discussion is
obligatory for the convinced at specific times.
104. And do not falter in the pursuit of the enemy. If you are aching, they are
aching as you are aching, but you expect from The One To Serve/Allah
what they cannot expect. The One To Serve/Allah is Knowledgeable and
105. The One has revealed to you the Scripture, with the truth, so that you
judge between people in accordance with what The One To Serve/Allah
has shown you. And do not be an advocate for the traitors.
106. And ask The One To Serve/Allah for protection. The One To Serve/Allah
is Protector and Merciful.
107. And do not argue on behalf of those who deceive themselves. The One
To Serve/Allah does not love any treacherous and immoral.
108. They hide from the people, but they cannot hide from The One To
Serve/Allah. The One is with them, as they plot by night with words The
One does not approve. The One To Serve/Allah comprehends what they
109. There you are, arguing on their behalf in the present life, but who will
argue with The One To Serve/Allah on their behalf on the Day of
Resurrection? Or who will be their representative?
110. Whoever commits oppression, or wrongs himself, then seeks The One To
Serve/Allah for forgiveness, will find The One To Serve/Allah Forgiving
and Merciful.
111. And whoever earns a crime, earns it against him. The One To Serve/Allah
is Aware and Wise.
112. And whoever commits a mistake, or a crime, and then blames it on an
innocent person, has taken a slander and a clear error.
113. Were it not for The One To Serve/Allah’s grace towards you, and The
One’s mercy, a faction of them would have managed to mislead you. But
they only mislead themselves, and they cannot harm you in any way. The
One To Serve/Allah has revealed to you the Scripture and wisdom, and
has taught you what you did not know. The One To Serve/Allah’s grace
towards you is great.
114. There is no good in much of their secret talks, except for him who
advocates charity, or kindness, or reconciliation between people.
Whoever does that, seeking The One To Serve/Allah’s approval, The One
will give him a great compensation.
115. Whoever makes a breach with the Messenger, after the guidance has
become clear to him, and follows other than the path of the convinced,
The One will direct him in the direction he has chosen, and commit him
to Hell—what a terrible destination!
116. The One To Serve/Allah will not forgive that partners be associated with
The One, but will forgive anything less than that, to whomever
accordingly. Anyone who ascribes associates to The One To Serve/Allah
has strayed into far error.
117. Not they invoked from besides The One’s but female. In fact, they invoke
none but a rebellious Sceptic brain.
Ya-Dal-Ya = to touch, aid, do good, be beneficent, show power and superiority, a hand. By his agency/means. With a willing hand, out of hand, having financial
ability. In acknowledgement of the superior power, in ready money and not in the form of deferred payment, considering it as a favour, on account of help,
(payment should be made by the hand of the parties themselves without the intervention of a third party and without reluctance. baina yadaihi - before him, in
his presence hit, between his two hands. ulill aidi - men of power (lit. gifted with hands) suqaita fi aidihim (idiomatic expression) they returned, the idea seems
to be that they hit their fingers in grief and contrition. Handy, Might, Power, Superiority, Benefit, Possession, Favour, Generosity. The idea behind those
expressions is that the use of the hand is the real source of the superiority and power. Under his authority, upper hand, arm, foreleg of a beast, handle of a tool,
wing of a bird. ma qaddamat yada - that is what thou hast deserved.
118. The One To Serve/Allah has cursed him. And he said, “I will take to myself
my due share of Your servants.”
119. “And let them, and surely will arise desire in them, and they will slit the
ears of cattle, and they will alter the creation of The One To Serve/Allah.”
Whoever takes Sceptic brain as a Regulator, instead of The One To
Serve/Allah, has surely suffered a profound loss.
120. The One promises them, and raises their expectations, but Sceptic brain
promises them nothing but delusions.
121. These—their place is Hell, and they will find no escape from it.
122. But as for those who are convinced and do productive works, The One
will admit them into gardens beneath which rivers flow, where they will
abide forever. The promise of The One To Serve/Allah is true—and who
is more truthful in speech than The One To Serve/Allah?
123. It is not in accordance with your wishes, nor in accordance with the
wishes of the People of the Scripture. Whoever commit crimes will pay
for it, and will not find for himself, besides The One To Serve/Allah, any
protector or savior.
124. But whoever do productive works, whether male or female, and is a
convinced—those will enter the garden, and will not be wronged a whit.
125. And who is better in way of life than he who are peaceful himself wholly
to The One To Serve/Allah, and is a doer of good, and follows the
conviction of Ibrahim the upright? The One To Serve/Allah has chosen
Ibrahim for a friend.
126. To The One To Serve/Allah belongs what is in the universe and what is
on earth, and The One To Serve/Allah encompasses everything.
127. They ask you for a ruling about women. Say, “The One To Serve/Allah
gives you a ruling about them, and so does what is stated to you in the
Book about widowed women from whom you withhold what is decreed
for them, yet you desire to marry them, and about helpless children: that
you should treat them fairly.” Whatever good you do, The One To
Serve/Allah knows it.
128. If a woman fears maltreatment or desertion from her husband, there is
no fault in them if they make terms of settlement between them, for and
settlement is best. Souls are prone to avarice, yet if you do what is good,
and practice consciousness— The One To Serve/Allah is aware of what
you do.
Sad-Lam-Ha = to be right/good/honest/upright/sound/honest, suit, fit. aslaha - to set a thing aright, reform, do good. saalihaat - good works, fit and suiting
deeds. aslaha (vb. 4) - to make whole sound, set things right, effect an agreement between, render fit. islaah - uprightness, reconciliation, amendment,
reformation. muslihun - reformer, one who is upright, honest, a person of integrity, peacemaker, suitable. saalih - name of a prophet sent to the tribe of
129. You will not be able to treat women with equal fairness, no matter how
much you desire it. But do not be so biased as to leave another
suspended. If you make amends, and act honestly— The One To
Serve/Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
130. And if they separate, The One To Serve/Allah will enrich each from The
One’s abundance. The One To Serve/Allah is Bounteous and Wise.
131. To The One To Serve/Allah belongs everything in the universe and
everything on earth. The One have instructed those who were given the
Book before you, and you, to be conscious of The One To Serve/Allah.
But if you refuse—to The One To Serve/Allah belongs everything in the
universe and everything on earth. The One To Serve/Allah is in no need,
132. To The One To Serve/Allah belongs everything in the universe and
everything on earth. The One To Serve/Allah suffices as disposer of affair.
133. If The One accords, The One can do away with you, O people, and bring
others. The One To Serve/Allah is Able to do that.
134. Whoever desires the reward of this world—with The One To Serve/Allah
is the reward of this world and the next. The One To Serve/Allah is All-
Hearing, All-Seeing.
135. O you who are convinced! Stand firmly for justice, as witnesses to The
One To Serve/Allah, even if against yourselves, or your parents, or your
relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, The One To Serve/Allah takes care
of both. So do not follow your desires, lest you swerve. If you deviate, or
turn away—then The One To Serve/Allah is Aware of what you do.
136. O you who are convinced! Convince in The One To Serve/Allah and The
One’s messenger, and the Book The One sent down to The One’s
messenger, and the Book The One sent down before. Whoever rejects
The One To Serve/Allah, The One’s Powerful Agents, The One’s Books,
The One’s messengers, and the End Day, has strayed far in error.
137. Those who convinced, then turned not convinced, then convinced, then
not convinced, then increase in denial, The One To Serve/Allah will not
forgive them, nor will The One guide them to a way.
138. Inform the hypocrites that they will have a painful punishment.
139. Those who ally themselves with the deniers instead of those convinced.
Do they seek glory in them? All glory belongs to The One To Serve/Allah.
140. The One has revealed to you in the Book that when you hear The One
To Serve/Allah’s revelations being rejected, or ridiculed, do not sit with
them until they engage in some other subject. Otherwise, you would be
like them. The One To Serve/Allah will gather the hypocrites and the
deniers, into Hell, altogether.
141. Those who wait for you: if you attain victory from The One To Serve/Allah,
they say, “Were we not with you?” But if the deniers get a turn, they say,
“Did we not side with you, and defend you from the convinced?” The
One To Serve/Allah will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection;
and The One To Serve/Allah will give the deniers no means of
overcoming the convinced.
142. The hypocrites try to deceive The One To Serve/Allah, but The One is
deceiving them. And when they stand for review/discussion, they stand
lazily, showing off in front of people, and remembering The One To
Serve/Allah only in appearance.
143. Wavering in between, neither with these, nor with those. Whomever The
One To Serve/Allah let go astray, you will never find for him a way.
144. O you who are convinced! Do not make allies of those not convinced
rather than those convinced. Do you want to give The One To Serve/Allah
a clear case against you?
145. The hypocrites will be in the lowest level of the Fire, and you will find no
helper for them.
146. Except those who return, and reform, and hold fast to The One To
Serve/Allah, and dedicate their way of life to The One To Serve/Allah
alone. These are with those convinced; and The One To Serve/Allah will
give those convinced a great reward.
147. What would The One To Serve/Allah accomplish by punishing you, if you
are grateful, and are convinced? The One To Serve/Allah is Appreciative
and Aware.
148. The One To Serve/Allah does not like the public uttering of bad
language, unless someone was wronged. The One To Serve/Allah is
Hearing and Knowing.
149. If you let a good deed be shown, or conceal it, or pardon an offense—
The One To Serve/Allah is Pardoning and Capable.
150. Those who are not convinced in The One To Serve/Allah and The One’s
messengers, and want to separate between The One To Serve/Allah and
The One’s messengers, and say, “We are convinced in some, and reject
some,” and wish to take a path in between.
151. These are not convinced, truly. The One have prepared for those not
convinced a shameful punishment.
152. As for those who are convinced in The One To Serve/Allah and The One’s
messengers, and make no distinction between any of them, The One will
give them their reward. The One To Serve/Allah is Forgiver and Merciful.
153. The People of the Scripture challenge you to bring down to them a book
from the sky. They had asked Musa for something even greater. They
said, “Show us The One To Serve/Allah plainly.” The thunderbolt struck
them for their wickedness. Then they took the calf for serving, even after
the clear proofs had come to them. Yet The One pardoned that, and The
One gave Musa a clear authority.
154. And The One upgrade them to be superior in their action/raised over
them the mount in accordance with their covenant, and The One said to
them, “Enter the gate humbly”, and The One said to them, “Do not violate
the rest day/seventh day”, and The One received from them a solemn
Ra-Fa-Ayn = to raise/uplift/elevate, to take up, to lift/hoist, extol, opposite of Kha-Fa-Daad [56:3], uprear it, rear it, make it high/lofty, take it and carry it, raise
into view, to exalt, to advance, bring a thing near presenting or offering, to bring forward, to take away, disappear, trace back, honour, show regard to, to
introduce, refine, to make known, go upwards, high rank/condition/state. Anything raised: mountain, throne
Fa-Waw-Qaf = to be superior in rank or excellence, overcome, surpass, to be above/over, on, upon, more, on high. fauq - it is a preposition meaning
above/upon/over/more/superior. fawaq - time between two milkings/sucklings, between the opening of one's hand and grasping with it the udder and then lets
it go for milking or a delay and space of time between the opening and closing of the hand during milking. afaqa - to come to one's self, recover (after a swoon
or ilness), awake (from sleep), recollect.
Tay -Waw-Ra = went or hovered round about it, approach, time or one time, repeated times, quantity/measure/extent/limit, aspect/form/disposition, way of
action, manner, kind/class, stage/state, Mount Sinai, Mount of Olives, applied to several other mountains, mountain which produces trees, mountain, wild or
to estrange oneself from mankind, stranger, utmost point, encounter two extremes.
155. But for their violation of their covenant, and their denial of The One To
Serve/Allah’s revelations, and their killing of the prophets unjustly, and
their saying, “Our minds are closed.” In fact, The One To Serve/Allah has
sealed them for their denials, so they are not convinced, except for a few.
156. And for their rejection, and their saying against Mariam a great slander.
157. And for their saying, “We have killed The Anointed One, Isa, the son of
Mariam, the Messenger of The One To Serve/Allah.” In fact, they did not
kill him, nor did they crucify him, but it was made to appear to them as
if they did. Indeed, those who differ about him are in doubt about it.
They have no knowledge of it, except the following of assumptions.
Certainly, they did not kill him.
Please explain! -there are 2 school of thought that I can think of
-the 1st
is that he was crucified physically
-but not the essence of him or his soul/ruh as in
-do not say of those killed in the cause of THE ONE is dead
-rather, they are alive, but you do not perceive
-don’t think those killed in the cause of THE ONE TO SERVE/ALLAH
as dead
-in fact, they are alive, with their Regulator, well provided for
-he was told, "Enter the Garden."
-he said, "I wish my people knew The One has forgiven/honor
-enter my garden
-the 2nd
is that from the Gospel
-Gospel of Mark chapter 24 verse 50
-in the critical juncture of his life
-when he was about to be crucified
-all his disciples left him and fled
-Jesus returned to the upper room after 3 days
-the place they had the last supper
-after the alleged crucifixion
-10 of the hawariyun were there
-Jesus greet them with salam
-his disciples were terrified
-because they thought he was a spirit
-the hawariyun had heard people talking
-all the knowledge was heresay
-they thought he was resurrected from the dead
-Jesus said ‘behold my hand and my feet’
-he said ‘I’m the same fellow man, whats wrong with you’
-he said ‘handle me and see’, ‘for a spirit has no fleshes and bones’
-to prove further to his disciples
-Jesus said ‘have you anything to eat’
-and they gave him piece of bread and a honeycomb
-and he took it and ate it
But men are like that! -you tell him that you are not
-the more he believed that you are
-when Jesus told them he is not dead
-the more they believe he was dead and resurrescted
-the more he said he was not a spirit
-the more they believe he was a spirit
-the more he told them he was son of man
-he told them hundreds of times
-the more they believe he was son of god
-the more he told them he was not god
-the more they believe he was god
-the more he told them he doesn’t know the end day
-the more they said he knew
-Jesus said I can’t do things on my own
-they said he can
What wrong -they are deaf, dumb and blind
with people -they will not return
In the case of Jesus, all these mathematically coded verses show that Allah/God raised the real person,
Jesus' soul, leaving his body for the torturers and crucifiers. Thus, they never tortured Jesus. They
never crucified him. He was gone long before any torture or crucifixion of his body.
They plotted and schemed, but so did Allah/God; Allah/God is the best schemer. Thus, Allah/God said,
"O Jesus, I am putting you to death; raising you to Me, and ridding you of the disbelievers. I will make
those who follow you high above those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is
the ultimate destiny of all of you. Then I will judge among you concerning your disputes." [Quran
It is astonishing to find this phenomenon, the separation of the real person from the still living body,
indicated in the New Testament, and even more specifically stated in some apocryphal literature.
The Nag Hammadi Library is a collection of ancient documents unearthed at Nag Hammadi, Egypt.
They are described as containing "the sacred scriptures of the Gnostic movement that emerged and
rapidly grew in the cradle of civilization at the time of Jesus and early Christianity. Its codices are a
priceless periscope into the tumultuous world of ideas brewing during one of civilization's great turning points."
James Brashler describes a vision seen by the apostle Peter, in his introduction to the Gnostic
Apocalypse of Peter (Ibid., p. 339):
The first visionary scene, is depicting the hostile priests and people about to kill Jesus (72,4-9)....The
second scene (81,3-14) describes Peter's vision of the crucifixion of Jesus. The accompanying
interpretation by Jesus makes a distinction between the external physical form and the living Jesus;
the latter stands nearby laughing at his ignorant persecutors. A clear distinction is thus made in this
ancient literature, very close to the time of Jesus, between "the external physical form," i.e., the body
of Jesus, and "the living Jesus." According to this narration, the real person of Jesus was unphased by
the torturers and persecutors of his soulless body.
Looking at the translation of the Apocalypse of Peter itself (., p. 344), we find the startling vision of
When he had said those things, I saw him seemingly being seized by them. And I said, "What do I see,
O Lord, that it is you yourself whom they take, and that you are grasping me? Or who is this one, glad
and laughing, on the tree? And is it another one whose feet and hands they are striking?" The Savior
said to me, "He whom you saw on the tree, glad and laughing, this is the living Jesus. But this one into
whose hands and feet they drive the nails is the fleshy part." [Apocalypse of Peter, VII, 3, 81]
A careful examination of the Gospels of Mark and Luke reveals that Jesus was in fact gone prior to
crucifixion. He did not respond to the surrounding chaos. This confirms the apocryphal account
reported in the Nag Hammadi Library, and agrees with the mathematically authenticated account of
the Quran:
The chief priests, meanwhile, brought many accusations against Jesus. Pilate interrogated him again:
"Surely you have some answer? See how many accusations they are leveling against you." But greatly
to Pilate's surprise, Jesus made no further response. [Mark 15:3-5]
Herod was extremely pleased to see Jesus. From the reports about him he had wanted to see him, and
he was hoping to see him work some miracle. He questioned Jesus at considerable length, but Jesus
made no answer. The chief priests and scribes were at hand to accuse him vehemently. Herod and his
guards then treated him with contempt and insult.... [Luke 23:8-11]
Putting all these accounts together, this possible picture emerges:
1. The human being consists of two main distinct entities:
a. the body, which serves as a mere shell or garment, and
b. the soul, which is the real person.
2. In accordance with a predetermined plan, the time came for Jesus to complete his mission as
Allah/God's messenger to the Children of Israel and as the Messiah. This coincided with the scheme
of Jesus' adversaries to crucify him. Just before executing their plot, God's plan was implemented,
and Jesus the real person was summoned or "raised to God."
3. Jesus' body was left for his persecutors to torture and crucify; they were dealing with an empty
shell devoid of all feelings or understanding.
4. Thus, the Quran's mathematically coded statements that "they never killed Jesus, they never
crucified him; they were led to believe that they did," are accurate and proven facts.
Rashad Khalifa draws an interesting parallel between what he understands to be the case in Jesus' death, and
that of a modern patient who underwent an historical surgical procedure. (See Khalifa's QURAN THE FINAL
TESTAMENT, Ibid. Appendix 22, p. 667)
On November 25, 1984, William J. Schroeder, from Jasper, Indiana, received an artificial heart at Humana
Heart Institute International of Louisville, Kentucky. The NEW YORK TIMES of Monday, November 26, 1984
published the following news item:
surgical team today removed the diseased heart of a 52-year old man and replaced it with a plastic and metal
pump. Dr. Devries leaned over Mr. Schroeder and said, "Everything went well, perfectly." On Wednesday,
December 12, 1984, the 18th day after receiving the artificial heart, Mr. Schroeder was so normal and so alert
that when President Reagan talked with him he complained about a delay in sending his Social Security
disability check. On the nineteenth day, December 13, 1984, the world was told that Mr. Schroeder "suffered
a stroke." What really happened was that Mr. Schroeder, the real person, departed. William J. Schroeder
died. His body, the empty shell, continued to function through artificial means. The artificial heart continued
to pump, and all other life processes of Mr. Schroeder's body continued to work. Significantly, from that
moment on, he never recognized the date, the day or time. The WASHINGTON POST of Friday, December
14, 1984 published the following news:
LOUISVILLE, Dec. 13---William J. Schroeder, who became the world's second recipient of an artificial heart
18 days ago, tonight suffered a stroke in his hospital bed as he ate dinner with his wife, doctors reported....
(Dr. A. M.) Lansing replied, "unequivocally, no," when asked if the stroke could have been a result of
Schroeder's many activities recently. These included a telephone conversation with President Reagan
Wednesday and fast government action earlier today to deliver a Social Security disability check that he had
told Reagan was overdue.
At Humana Hospital - Audubon, where the implant took place, Lansing said Schroeder was talking to his wife
when "she noticed suddenly he stopped feeding himself and was just holding his food in his right hand." He
appeared "drowsy, his eyes rolled back, and he became somewhat limp," Lansing said. The stroke was not
"life threatening," Lansing said. Shortly afterward, Schroeder was somewhat "stuporous" and "not talking
intelligently," Lansing said.
In retrospect, it is obvious that William J. Schroeder actually left his body on the nineteenth day (December
13, 1984) after receiving the artificial heart on November 25, 1984. Schroeder was raised to Allah/God about
600 days-19 months-before his body finally ceased to function.
According to the Quran, this is precisely what happened to Jesus: he was raised to Allah/God before the
crucifixion of his empty body:
They claimed that they killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of God. In fact, they never
killed him; they never crucified him; they were led to believe that they did.... For sure, they never killed him.
Instead, Allah/God raised him to The One/Him. Allah/God is Almighty, Most Wise. [Quran 4:157-158]
158. Rather, The One To Serve/Allah brought him forward/raised towards to
The One self. The One To Serve/Allah is Mighty and Wise.
Ra-Fa-Ayn = to raise/uplift/elevate, to take up, to lift/hoist, extol, opposite of Kha-Fa-Daad [56:3], uprear it, rear it, make it high/lofty, take it and carry it, raise
into view, to exalt, to advance, bring a thing near presenting or offering, to bring forward, to take away, disappear, trace back, honour, show regard to, to
introduce, refine, to make known, go upwards, high rank/condition/state. Anything raised: mountain, throne etc.
Brought him forward? -I believe now his time has come
-he was brought forward to The One
-the reason he was anointed
-to withstand effect of radiation
-Musa without the protection of the anointment
-whose skin burned thoroughly
159. It is not from the People of the Book but those convinced in him to
accept/before his death, and on the Day of Resurrection he will be a
witness against them.
Qaf-Ba-Lam = to accept/admit/receive/agree, meet anyone, to face/encounter someone/something, advance/approach, correspond,
counteract/compare/requite/compensate, the front part (12:26), accept with approval, show favour.
The People of the Book -they are convinced Isa is not dead
-he will be brought back to earth before supernova
Those convinced in Isa -accepted his death
-he will be a witness on day of resurrection
160. Due to wrongdoing on the part of the guided (AlYahud), The One
forbade them good things that used to be lawful for them; and for
deterring many from The One To Serve/Allah’s path.
161. And for their taking usury, although they were forbidden it, and for their
consuming people's wealth dishonestly. The One have prepared for the
denials among them a painful torment.
162. But those among them firmly rooted in knowledge, and those convinced,
convinced in what was revealed to you, and in what was revealed before
you; and the observers of review/discussion, and purify and prosper, and
convinced in The One To Serve/Allah and the End Day—upon this The
One will bestow an immense reward.
163. The One has inspired you, as The One had inspired Noh and the prophets
after him. And The One inspired Ibrahim, and Ismail, and Ishak, and
Ya’akub, and the Patriarchs, and Isa, and Ayub, and Yunus, and Harun,
and Sulaiman. And The One gave Daud the Zabur.
164. Some Messengers The One has already told you about, while some
messengers The One has not told you about. And The One To
Serve/Allah spoke to Musa directly.
165. Messengers delivering good news, and bringing warnings, so that
people may have no excuse before The One To Serve/Allah after the
coming of the messengers. The One To Serve/Allah is Powerful and Wise.
166. But The One To Serve/Allah bears witness to what The One revealed to
you. The One revealed it with The One’s knowledge. And the Powerful
Agents bear witness. Though The One To Serve/Allah is a sufficient
167. Those who are not convinced and repel from The One To Serve/Allah’s
path have gone far astray.
168. Those who denies and transgress, The One To Serve/Allah is not about
to forgive them, nor guide them to any path.
169. Except to the path of Hell, where they will stay forever. And that is easy
for The One To Serve/Allah.
170. O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your
Regulator, so be convinced—that is best for you. But if you deny, to The
One To Serve/Allah belongs everything in the universe and the earth. The
One To Serve/Allah is All Knowing and All Wise.
171. O People of the Book! Do not exaggerate in your way of life, and do not
say about The One To Serve/Allah except the truth. The Anointed One,
Isa, the son of Mariam, is the Messenger of The One To Serve/Allah, and
The One’s Word that The One conveyed to Mariam, and a physical being
with positivity from The One. So be convinced in The One To Serve/Allah
and The One’s messengers, and do not say, “Trinity.” Refrain—it is better
for you. The One To Serve/Allah is The One To Serve/Allah. The
Performing One —that The One should have a son? To The One belongs
everything in the universe and the earth, and The One To Serve/Allah is
a sufficient Protector.
172. The Anointed One does not disdain to be a servant of The One To
Serve/Allah, nor do the favored Powerful Agents. Whoever disdain
serving The One, and is too arrogant— The One will round them up to
The One’s self altogether.
173. But as for those who are convinced and be productive, The One will pay
them their wages in full, and will increase The One grace for them. But
as for those who disdain and are too proud, The One will punish them
with an agonizing punishment. And they will find for themselves, apart
from The One To Serve/Allah, no Regulator and no savior.
174. O people! proof has come to you from your Regulator, and The One sent
down to you a clear light.
175. As for those who are convinced in The One To Serve/Allah, and hold fast
to The One, The One will admit them into mercy from The One, and
grace, and The One will guide them to The One’s self in systematic ways.
176. They ask you for a ruling. Say, “The One To Serve/Allah gives you a ruling
concerning the person who has neither parents nor children.” If a man
dies, and leaves no children, and he had a sister, she receives one-half of
what he leaves. And he inherits from her if she leaves no children. But if
there are two sisters, they receive two-thirds of what he leaves. If the
siblings are men and women, mindful of order to subsidise women/the
male will have like share of the two females.” The One To Serve/Allah
makes things clear for you, lest you err. The One To Serve/Allah is Aware
of everything.
Thaal-Kaf-Ra = to remember/commemorate/recollect, study in order to remember, remind, bear in mind, mindful, mention/tell/relate, magnify/praise,
admonish/warn (e.g. dhikra is the 2nd declenation and it is stronger than dhikr), preach, extol, give status.
nobility/eminence/honour, fame, good report, cause of good reputation, means of exaltation.
Male/man/masculine (dhakar, dual - dhakarain, plural - dhukur).
Miim-Tha-Lam = Stand erect, mutilate or castrate (namely a sheep or goat), to set up a thing, affect to be like or to imitate a thing, apply a proverb, apply a
thing proverbially, be nearly in a sound or healthy state, near to convalescence, obey/follow a command or order, to resemble, be of likeness or equivalent.
Ha-Tay-Tay = To put down (a burden), leave off, lower. To put something down from a high to a lower place, to alight or alight and abode in a place, throw a
thing down, pay a thing down (namely money), make a thing descend or go down/downwards/down a declivity from above to below, lower or degrade a person,
abate of a thing much, make a large abatement of a thing, abate someone of a debt, remove or skim off from a thing, to be abated, to be low or cheap (price),
to be quick in pace, vehement running, launch forth into a thing, to press on in, polish or smooth the skin and figure or decorate it, rule or make lines upon a
thing, to be put down, descend, go down or downwards, go from above to below, to be lowered or degraded, go back or backward, go away, perish,
ask/demand/desire abatement from a person.
Alif-Nun-Thal = It was or became female, feminine, or of the feminine gender; It was or became soft.
Nun-Siin-Waw = women. There is no singular of this word.
Fa-Waw-Qaf = to be superior in rank or excellence, overcome, surpass, to be above/over, on, upon, more, on high. fauq - it is a preposition meaning
above/upon/over/more/superior. fawaq - time between two milkings/sucklings, between the opening of one's hand and grasping with it the udder and then lets
it go for milking or a delay and space of time between the opening and closing of the hand during milking. afaqa - to come to one's self, recover (after a swoon
or ilness), awake (from sleep), recollect.
Tha-Lam-Tha = to become three in division or number, a third part of a thing, one third, by threes, the third of any number.
Nun-Saad-Fa = half, reach its middle/midst, divide a thing into halves.
Tha-Nun-Ya = to bend/fold, double up, turn one part of a thing upon the other, draw one of its two extremities to the other, join or adjoin one of the things to
the other, turn anyone away or back from his course or from the object of his want, conceal enmity. mathna - by twos, in pairs, two, two and two. mathaan /
al-mathaanii (pl. of mathnan/mathnaatun) - oft-repeated, benefactions. thanaya/athnaa - he praised, spoke well of anyone. thinan - repetition of a thing.
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  • 1. WOMEN (an-Nisa') By the reality of The One To Serve/Allah The Beneficient The Ever Giving. 1. O people! Be conscious/Fear ofyour Regulator, who created you from a single person, and created the mate, and propagated from them many men and women. And be conscious of The One To Serve/Allah whom you ask about, and the wombs. Surely, The One To Serve/Allah is watchful over you. Ta-Qaf-Ya = to fear, be cautious, guarded, prepared, preserve, forethoughtful, fearntial & pious fear (of God), righteous/virtuous/just/honest. Nun-Fa-Siin = was or became high in estimation, of high account or excellent, highly prized/precious/valuable and therefore desired with much emulation or much request, desired, it became loved or highly esteemed, console, cheer, envy. Was or became avaricious/tenacious/niggardly of it because of its being in high estimation or excellent, little to much good. Brought forth (e.g. gave birth to a child), menstruated, blood. Clear away grief/anxiety/sorrow, ease/relieve, delay. Breath, gust, drew breath, sigh, spoke long (due to regular intake of breath), become extended/long/increased, ability. Soul/spirit, the vital principle, intellect/reason/mind, inner desire or feeling, knowledge, pride, self-magnification, a state where there is ample scope for action, 'willingly' when used as adverb, nafs - soul of discrimination (mental) and ruh - soul of breath (physical), oneself/itself, whole, essential constituent, reality, sometimes ghayb and nafs are synonymous, a person/being/individual, quantity, man, life, soul + body, life-blood, body, contention/thought/face/substance, heart, stomach, gulp, drought. Brother or co-partner in conviction/religion/relationship. Wide space, distance, width. Greatness, nobility, glory, scarcity, absoluteness, unseen, hidden reality which is beyond human perception, intention, requital, punishment. Waw-Ha-Dal = to be one, alone, unique, unparalleled, remain lowly, be apart, assert the unity. waahidun - cardinal, number one, single. wahda - alone. Wahidun/Wahidatun (adj. to a f. n.): One. Zay-Waw-Jiim = to couple/join/pair/unite/wed, marriage, a pair, a fellow or like, spouse. Zawwajnaa (prf. 1st p. plu. II.): We wedded, gave in marriage or pair them Yuzawwiju (imp. 3rd p.m. sing. II.): He conjoins, mixes. Zuwwijat (pp. 3rd p. f. sing. II): Is paired, united. Zaujan (n.): Wife; Husband; Pairs; Comrade; One of the pair, male or female. Zaujaan (nom). Zaujain (acc. noun. dual) - husband and wife, two kinds/pairs, comrade, one of the pair, male or female. Azwaaj (noun. pl.) - wives, husbands, pairs, kinds. Siin-Alif-Lam =to ask/interrogate/inquire/question/demand/pray/beg, a thing asked, a question/proposition/problem/petition/request, beggar, that which is demanded or inquired into, asked, questioned, responsible. What? -be conscious/forethoughtful is the correct terminology -its careful planning for the future -it’s the first principle of life to plan for the future -it’s the key to productive, peaceful and successful life -and the origin of your life, the Wombs What plan? -plan your path of life, do it when you reached puberty -at around 15-year-old, do a five yearly plan -what do you plan to achieve? -plan until your life expectancy, plan everythings Then? -you have enquired a lot about the One -you have speculated and imagined things -you want to know about The One -now you have been told about The One-The Energy -fear with your Energy -its your source of life, don’t be like the European What about -don’t you know? the European? -they discard the cheap and efficient Energy -opted for the more expensive one 2. And give orphans and widows their properties, and do not substitute the bad for the good. And do not consume their properties by combining them with yours, for that would be a serious crime.
  • 2. Ya-Ta-Miim = orphan, fatherless, become isolated or lonely, solitary, weary, jaded, become widow, become without father before puberty/maturity. Yatama? -yatama includes orphans and widows -don’t cheat them out of their inheritance, its so easy to do just that -especially in their traumatic moments of losing somebody -they are grasping for something to hang on to -anybody with deceitful intent can cheat them easily 3. If you fear you cannot act fairly towards the orphans and widows —then marry what seem suitable to you from the women—two, or three, or four. But if you fear you will not be fair, then one, or whom you controlled/right hand amongst the unmarried women. That makes it more likely that you avoid bias. Ya-Ta-Miim = orphan, fatherless, become isolated or lonely, solitary, weary, jaded, become widow, become without father before puberty/maturity. Alif-Ya-Miim = to be unmarried, single/widowed/divorced, lives in celibacy. what you controlled amongst the unmarried/single/widowed/divorced Who are these? -these are the women you controlled -among them your serf, debt slaves, prisoners of wars -you can marry up to four of these women -the case is you must marry them, otherwise marry only one What is the isuue here? -if you are an executor of an estate -an executor is appointed by the maker of the will -not an administrator, as they appointed by court Then? -then as an executor if you can’t act fairly to the heirs -especially if the heirs are women -be them orphans or widows -then you marry them to avoid bias 4. Give women their dowries graciously. But if they willingly forego some of it, then consume it with enjoyment and pleasure. Sad-Dal-Qaf = to be truthful, true, sincere, speak the truth, establish or confirm the truth of what another has said, verify, keep conviction, observe a promise convictionfully, fulfill, speak veraciously, hold anyone as trustworthy. sadaqa fi al-qitaali - to fight gallantly. tsaddaqa - to give alms. sidqun - truth, veracity, sincerity, soundness, excellence in a variety of different objects, salubrious and agreeable, favourable entrance, praise. saadiqun - one who is true and sincere, one who speaks the truth. saadiqah - perfect woman. sadaqat (pl. saduqaat) - dowry. siddiiq - person who is trustworthy, sincere. saddaqa - to confirm, verify, fulfil. asdaqu - more true. Dowry? -a payment, such as property or money -paid by the bride's family to the groom or his family -at the time of marriage -the wealth transferred from the bride to the groom 5. Do not give the immature your money which The One To Serve/Allah has assigned to you for support. But provide for them from it, and clothe them, and speak to them with kind words. Executor? -yes if you are an executor -careful with your money or their money -if they are immature -provide for them well
  • 3. 6. Test the orphans until they reach the age of marriage. If you find them to be mature enough, hand over their properties to them. And do not consume it extravagantly or hastily before they grow up. The rich shall not charge any wage, but the poor may charge fairly. When you hand over their properties to them, have it witnessed for them. The One To Serve/Allah suffices as a Reckoner. Executor again? -yes, maturity is their benchmark -and for you the benchmark is your wealth 7. Men must strive to separate/a portion of what is left from mother/parents and siblings and the women must strive to separate from mother/parents and siblings poor or rich an obligation. Ra-Jiim-Lam = to go on foot, urge with foot, walk, tie by the feet, let (a female) suckle her young, be curly (hair), set free with his mother. rajjala - to comfort anyone, comb the hair, grant a respite. tarajjala - to go down without rope. rijlatun - vigour in walking. rijlun - foot, soldiers, good walker, tramp. arajil - hunters, pedestrian. rajulun - male human being, man, a person with heir. rajilun - foot, footmen (slow walkers). rijlain - two feet. arjul (pl.) - feet. Nun-Saad-Ba = to fix, raise/setup/establish, act with hostility/emnity, he put down a thing, fatigued/tired, suffer difficulty/distress/affliction, nasiba - to use diligence, toil/labour, be instant. Ta-Ra-Kaf = To leave off, leave alone, abandon/desert/relinquish/quit, forsake, give up anything, neglect, omit, bequeath anything to anyone. A certain nation, Turks, Turkish. Qaf-Ra-Ba = to be near to, approach, offer, be near in relationship or rank, be at hand, draw near. qurbatun - proximity, means of drawing nigh, kindred, relationship. qurubatan (pl. qurubatun) - pious works and good deeds which draw people nigh to The One To Serve/Allah, means by which an approach is sought. qaribun - night, near at hand (either in time or place). min qaribin - soon after. qurba - affinity, relationship. qurban - sacrifice, offer made for God, means of access to God. aqrabu - closer, closest. aqrabun - kinsfolk, kindred, those most nearly related. qarrab (vb. 2) - to set before, cause to draw nigh, make an offering, offer (sacrifice). muqarrabun (pl. maqarrabuna) - one who is made or permitted to approach, who is brought nigh. Qaf-Lam-Lam = to be few in number, small in quantity, rare. qalilun - few, little, small, rare, seldom. aqall - fewer, poorer. qallala - to appear as few. Kaf-Tha-Ra = To surpass in number or quantity, increase, multiply, happen often, copious, richness; To be much, many, numerous, a man whose ancestors are many or whose good deeds are many. A man possessing much good, river in paradise from which other rivers flow, talkative person. Fa-Ra-Dad = to impose law, prescribe, ordain, enact, settle, fix, ratify, appoint, command an observation or obedience to, sanction, assign, be aged. faridzun - old cow. faridzatun - ordinance, settlement, settled portion, jointure stipulation. mafrudz - appointed, determinate, settled one, allotted. Story? -men/women when they got married -they must leave their family home -leaving their parents and siblings -wether they are good or bad financially -the couple must start new life in new place -this about human economic and life growth 8. When disputed/present the separation/at times of division, visit the siblings and the widowed mother/the orphan and to rest/the poor their doubt then provides them thereof and speak nicely to them. Ha-Dad-Ra = To be present, present at, stand in presence of, hurt, be at hand. To come or arrive, to be ready or prepared, to attend someone or come into someones presence, to present oneself to or before a thing or person, to visit a person, to be in the vicinity of a place, to live or dwell in or become an inhabitant of a place, witness or see a thing, behold a thing with one's eye, to answer or reply, dispute or debate, contend with and overcome someone, to intrude. Qaf-Siin-Miim = to divide, dispose, separate, apportion, distribute. qasamun - oath. qismatun - partition, division, dividing, apportionment. maqsumun - divided/distinct. muqassimun (vb. 2) - one who takes oath, who apportions. qasama (vb. 3) - to swear. aqsama (vb. 4) - to swear. taqasama (vb. 6) - to swear one to another. muqtasimun (vb. 8) - who divides. istaqsama (vb. 10) - to draw lots. tastaqsimu - you seek division. Alif-Waw-Lam - To return, be before, come back to. To interpret [by consideration], explain. To contract, withdraw, become. To preside over, hold command or authority. To come to be. To put in a proper state/condition, or to compose [an affair]. To resort to; namely [a thing of any kind; the thing or place whence he or it originated, or came. His or its origin or source; his or its original state, condition, quantity, weight; any place. A former action, saying, or the like]. To return or restore to [ a thing, place, or disposition]. To explain, expound, interpret [collecting the meanings of dubious expressions by such expression as is clear, or plain, without dubiousness]. To explain the meaning of that which is equivocal or ambiguous. To be seen from a distance. Siin-Kaf-Nun = to be quiet, rest/repose/dwell/lodge, inhabit, stop/still, subside. Tranquillity, security, mercy, blessing. masakin - poor/destitute/weak/penniless, humble/submissive, one who is in a state of lowliness/humiliation/abasement/submissiveness, one who cannot move to earn his livelihood because of his physical/mental/financial disability. sikkin - knife, as it is cause of making still after slaughtering. Story -this is common for newly weds
  • 4. -their siblings and parents are longing for them -visit them often both families 9. And dread/fear those left behind would twist/if the separation to successfully blundered/offsprings things for the feeble minded who would follow them. So let them plan their future with The One To Serve/Allah and speak nice words. Kh-Shiin-Ya = To fear or dread, to fear with reverence/veneration/honour/awe, to hope, to know a thing, frighten or make to fear/dread, be cautious or wary. Lam-Waw-Ya = To twist, pervert/distort, turn back, bend/contort/curled/curved/coiled, wound, avert (the face) from, lean, feel an inclination, very contentious. Kh-Lam-Fa = To follow/come after/succeed another, substitute or supersede, to supply/be a supplier to someone, to restore or replace a thing to someone, smite or strike from behind, yearn towards other than one's spouse (in the spouses absence/behind his or her back), speak of/mention someone behind his or her back, remain behind/not go forth, to be kept back from all good, to not prosper or be successful, to become corrupt or altered for the worse, retire/withdraw/go away, to turn away from/avoid/shun a thing, to become foolish/idiotic/deficient in intellect, contrarious/hard in disposition, to leave behind, to appoint someone as successor, disagree with or differ from someone, contradict or oppose someone, to break/fail to perform a promise, to follow reciprocally/alternate/interchange, repeatedly move to and fro (coming and going), to differ/ be dissimilar Thal-Ra-Ra = to scatter, strew, sprinkle, rise. Least degree. Atom, small ant, smallest kind of an ant resembling in weight and shape to an atom, smallest seed of grain, grub, small particle thats sprinkled. Progeny, offspring, children, race, raising children. Dad-Ayn-Fa = to be weak/feeble/infirm. To think repute, esteem, treat or hold a person weak. To exceed, twofold, manyfold, double, triple, multiple words. Like, an equal portion or as much again. Story -to avoid the siblings quarrel -and bad mouthing the newly weds -this is common ocurance -those leaving the family immediately after marriage -accepting new member for the family is not easy 10. Those who consume the wealth of orphans illicitly consume only fire into their bellies; and they will roast in a blaze. This a warning from your Creator 11. Commanded The One To Serve/Allah for your children, the male is ordered/like to subsidises the/portion the female. If they are females, two or more, they split/then for them two thirds of what he leaves. If there is only one, she gets one-half. As for the parents, each gets one- sixth of what he leaves, if he had children. If he had no children, and his parents inherit from him, his mother gets one-third. If he has siblings, his mother gets one-sixth. After fulfilling any bequest and paying off debts. Your parents and your children—you do not know which are closer to you in welfare. This is The One To Serve/Allah 's Law. The One To Serve/Allah is Knowing and Judicious. Waw-Sad-Ya = to join to, be joined, be contiguous, to have dense vegetation. wassa - to bequeath, recommend, order, command with wise counsel and sermon, charge, exhort, enjoin, make a will.
  • 5. Thaal-Kaf-Ra = to remember/commemorate/recollect, study in order to remember, remind, bear in mind, mindful, mention/tell/relate, magnify/praise, admonish/warn (e.g. dhikra is the 2nd declenation and it is stronger than dhikr), preach, extol, give status. nobility/eminence/honour, fame, good report, cause of good reputation, means of exaltation. Male/man/masculine (dhakar, dual - dhakarain, plural - dhukur). Miim-Tha-Lam = Stand erect, mutilate or castrate (namely a sheep or goat), to set up a thing, affect to be like or to imitate a thing, apply a proverb, apply a thing proverbially, be nearly in a sound or healthy state, near to convalescence, obey/follow a command or order, to resemble, be of likeness or equivalent. Ha-Za-Za = To be in good circumstances, to be fortunate, to be rich/wealthy/opulent, possess competence or sufficiency, in no need, without wants or with few wants, prefer one person above another. Alif-Nun-Tha = It was or became female, feminine, or of the feminine gender; It was or became soft. Nun-Siin-Waw = women. There is no singular of this word. Fa-Waw-Qaf = to be superior in rank or excellence, overcome, surpass, to be above/over, on, upon, more, on high. fauq - it is a preposition meaning above/upon/over/more/superior. fawaq - time between two milkings/sucklings, between the opening of one's hand and grasping with it the udder and then lets it go for milking or a delay and space of time between the opening and closing of the hand during milking. afaqa - to come to one's self, recover (after a swoon or ilness), awake (from sleep), recollect. Tha-Nun-Ya = to bend/fold, double up, turn one part of a thing upon the other, draw one of its two extremities to the other, join or adjoin one of the things to the other, turn anyone away or back from his course or from the object of his want, conceal enmity. mathna - by twos, in pairs, two, two and two. mathaan / al-mathaanii (pl. of mathnan/mathnaatun) - oft-repeated, benefactions. thanaya/athnaa - he praised, spoke well of anyone. thinan - repetition of a thing. Fa-Lam-Ha = cut/slit/crack/split/fissure, furrowed/plough/cultivate, agriculture, till the ground, to prosper be successful, attain/acquire, become fortunate/happy, become independent, permanence/lastingness/duration. Tha-Lam-Tha = to become three in division or number, a third part of a thing, one third, by threes, the third of any number. Nun-Saad-Fa = half, reach its middle/midst, divide a thing into halves. Complicated! -not really -women get more -to subsidize the female -if there are 2 or more women they get 2/3 portion -if there is one then half of what he leaves Different again? -yes -it comes from these interpretations -look at Alif-Nun-Tha meaning female and Tha-Nun-Ya meaning two/double -female 2 or more – they get two third -female only one – she gets one half -it doesn’t matter how many males heir -female gets more -the male will have to subsidise the female -wrongly interpreted as one male as two female portions 12. You get one-half of what your wives leave behind, if they had no children. If they had children, you get one-fourth of what they leave. After fulfilling any bequest and paying off debts. They get one fourth of what you leave behind, if you have no children. If you have children, they get one-eighth of what you leave. After fulfilling any bequest and paying off debts. If a man or woman leaves neither parents nor children, but has a brother or sister, each of them gets one-sixth. If there are more siblings, they share one-third. After fulfilling any bequest and paying off debts, without any prejudice. This is a will from The One To Serve/Allah. The One To Serve/Allah H is Knowing and Clement.
  • 6. 13. These are the limits set by The One To Serve/Allah. Whoever obeys The One To Serve/Allah and The One’s Messenger, The One will admit him into Gardens beneath which rivers flow, to abide therein. That is the great attainment. Do not cross the limits 14. But whoever disobeys The One To Serve/Allah and The One’s Messenger, and oversteps The One limits, The One will admit him into a Fire, wherein he stays, and he will have a shameful retribution. Retributions 15. Those of your women who commit immorality, you must have four witnesses against them, from among you. If they testify, confine them to the homes until death claims them, or The One To Serve/Allah makes a way for them. 16. If those two from among you commit it, punish them both. But if they return and reform, leave them alone. The One To Serve/Allah is Forgiving, Full of Mercy. 17. Repentance is available from The One To Serve/Allah for those who commit wrong out of ignorance, and then return soon after. These— The One To Serve/Allah will relent towards them. The One To Serve/Allah is Knowing and Wise. 18. But repentance is not available for those who commit wrong, until when death approaches one of them, he says, “Now I repent,” nor for those
  • 7. who die as deniers. These—The One has prepared for them a painful punishment. 19. O you who are convinced! It is not permitted for you to inherit women against their will. And do not coerce them in order to take away some of what you had given them, unless they commit adultery openly. And live with them in kindness. If you dislike them, it may be that you dislike something in which The One To Serve/Allah has placed much good. 20. If you wish to replace one wife with another, and you have given one of them a fortune, take nothing back from it. Would you take it back fraudulently and wrongfully? 21. And how can you take it back, when you have been intimate with one another, and they have received from you a solid covenant? 22. Do not marry women whom your fathers married, except what is already past. That is improper, indecent, and a bad custom. 23. Forbidden for you are your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your paternal aunts, your maternal aunts, your brother's daughters, your sister's daughters, your foster-mothers who nursed you, your sisters
  • 8. through nursing, your wives' mothers, and your stepdaughters in your guardianship—born of wives you have gone into—but if you have not gone into them, there is no blame on you. And the wives of your genetic sons; and marrying two sisters simultaneously, except what is past. The One To Serve/Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. 24. And all married women, except those you rightfully married. This is The One To Serve/Allah’s decree, binding upon you. Permitted for you are those that lie outside these limits, provided you seek them in legal marriage with gifts from your property, seeking wedlock, not prostitution. If you wish to enjoy them, then give them their dowry—a legal obligation. You commit no error by agreeing to any change to the dowry. The One To Serve/Allah is All-Knowing, All Wise. 25. If any of you lack the means to marry free convinced women, he may marry one of the convinced maids under your control. The One To Serve/Allah is well aware of your conviction. You are from one another. Marry them with the permission of their guardians, and give them their recompense fairly—to be protected—neither committing adultery, nor taking secret lovers. When they are married, if they commit adultery, their punishment shall be half that of free women. That is for those among you who fear falling into decadence. But to practice self-restraint is better for you. The One To Serve/Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. 26. The One To Serve/Allah intends to make things clear to you, and to guide you in the ways of those before you, and to redeem you. The One To Serve/Allah is Most Knowing, All Wise.
  • 9. 27. The One To Serve/Allah intends to redeem you, but those who follow their desires want you to turn away utterly. 28. The One To Serve/Allah intends to lighten your burden, for the human being was created weak. 29. O you who convinced! Do not consume each other’s wealth illicitly, but trade by mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves, for The One To Serve/Allah is Merciful towards you. 30. Whoever does that, out of hostility and wrongdoing, The One will cast him into a Fire. And that would be easy for The One To Serve/Allah. 31. If you avoid the worst of what you are forbidden, The One will remit your wrongs, and admit you to productive relationship entrance nobel. Dal-Kha-Lam = to enter, got in, passed, to penetrate, breach, break through, invade, come upon, visit, intrude, meddle, insert, introduce, to participate/ commence/ include/take part, it became comprehended/comprised in it, mix/intermingle. Have intercourse with, go into (one's wife). Income/revenue/profit. onfused/ badness/ unsound/corrupt, vice, deceit/guile/circumvention. A select group of close associates. A place of entrance, gate, ingoing, instrument allowing entrance, key. Guest. Kaf-Ra-Miim = To be productive, generous, precious, valuable, honourable, noble, All-Generous, Most Generous What is it? -avoid the worst of the hudud, the limits -The One will remit your wrongs -The One will refrain from inflicting punishment -The One will admit you to productive relationship 32. Do not covet what The One To Serve/Allah has given to some of you in preference to others. For men is a share of what they have earned, and for women is a share of what they have earned. And ask The One To Serve/Allah of his bounty. The One To Serve/Allah has knowledge of everything.
  • 10. 33. To everyone The One has assigned beneficiaries in what is left by parents and relatives. Those with whom you have made an agreement, give them their share. The One To Serve/Allah is Witness over all things. 34. Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, as The One To Serve/Allah has given some of them an advantage over others, and because they spend out of their wealth. The good women are obedient, guarding what The One To Serve/Allah would have them guard. As for those from whom you fear disloyalty, admonish them, and abandon them in their beds, then seek a way over them. But if they obey you, do not transgress against them. The One To Serve/Allah is Sublime, Grand. 35. If you fear a breach between the two, appoint an arbiter from his family and an arbiter from her family. If they wish to reconcile, The One To Serve/Allah will bring them together. The One To Serve/Allah is Knowledgeable, Expert. 36. Serve The One To Serve/Allah, and ascribe no associates to The One, and be good to the parents, and the relatives, and the orphans, and the poor, and the neighbor next door, and the distant neighbor, and the close associate, and the traveler, and your servants. The One To Serve/Allah does not love the arrogant showoff.
  • 11. 37. Those who are stingy, and exhort people to stinginess, and conceal what The One To Serve/Allah has given them from The One’s bounty. The One has prepared for the denier disgraceful difficulties. 38. And those who spend their money to be seen by people, and are convinced neither in The One To Serve/Allah nor in the End Day. Whoever has Sceptic mind/Satan as a companion—what a wicked companion. 39. What would they have lost, had they convinced in The One To Serve/Allah and the End Day, and gave out of what The One To Serve/Allah has provided for them? The One To Serve/Allah knows them very well. 40. The One To Serve/Allah does not commit an atom's weight of injustice; and if there is a good deed, The One doubles it, and gives from The One’s Presence a sublime compensation. 41. Then how will it be, when The One brings a witness from every community, and The One brings you as a witness against these? 42. On that Day, those who denied and disobeyed the Messenger will wish that the earth was leveled over them. They will conceal nothing from The One To Serve/Allah.
  • 12. 43. O you who are convinced! Do not come close to review/discussion while you are intoxicated, until you know what you say; nor after sexual orgasm—unless you are travelling—until you have bathed. If you are sick, or traveling, or one of you comes from the toilet, or you have had intercourse with women, and cannot find water, find clean sand and wipe your faces and your hands with it. The One To Serve/Allah Protects and Protecting. 44. Have you not considered those who were given a share of the Book? They buy error, and wish you would lose the way. 45. But The One To Serve/Allah knows your enemies best. The One To Serve/Allah is sufficient as a Protector, and The One To Serve/Allah is sufficient as a Supporter. 46. Among the guided(yahud) are some who take words out of context, and say, “We hear and we disobey”, and “Hear without listening”, and “Observe us,” twisting with their tongues and slandering the way of life. Had they said, “We hear and we obey”, and “Listen”, and “Give us your attention,” it would have been better for them, and more upright. But The One To Serve/Allah has cursed them for their denial; they do not convince except a little. 47. O you who were given the Book! Convince in what The One sent down, confirming what you have, before The One obliterate faces and turn
  • 13. them inside out, or curse them as The One cursed the rest day/seventh day-breakers. The command of The One To Serve/Allah is always done. 48. The One To Serve/Allah does not protect association with The One, but The One protects anything less than that to whomever accordingly. Whoever associates anything with The One To Serve/Allah has devised a tremendous crime. 49. Have you not considered those who claim purity for themselves? Rather, The One To Serve/Allah purifies whom accordingly, and they will not be wronged a whit. 50. See how they devise lies against The One To Serve/Allah. That alone is an outright crime. 51. Have you not considered those who were given a share of the Book? They are convinced in superstition and illogical/false dieties, and say of those who are not convinced, “These are better guided on the way than the convinced.” Jiim-Ba-Ta = The idol/idols. The name of a certain idol. That which is worshipped instead of God whatever it may be. He/that wherein is no good. The diviner/enchanter/devil/satan. From the devil. Tay-Ghayn-Ya = exceed a limit, to transgress, wander from its orbit, exceed the bound, wayward, to rise high, to overflow, to rage, go astray, deviate, be incurious, mischievous, impious, tyrannical, inordinate, rebellious, exorbitant, exceedingly wicked, insolence, injustice, infidelity, rebellion, storm of thunder & lightning of extreme severity, outburst, powers of evil, lead to evil, be overbold, contumacy, extravagantly disobedient, immoderate, corrupt, top or upper part of a mountain, idol/demon, source of wickedness. 52. Those are they whom The One To Serve/Allah has cursed. Whomever The One To Serve/Allah curses, you will find no savior for him. 53. Or do they own a share of the dominion? Then they would not give people a speck. 54. Or do they envy the people for what The One To Serve/Allah has given them of The One’s grace? The One have given the family of Ibrahim the Book and wisdom, and The One has given them a great dominion.
  • 14. 55. Among them are those who are convinced in it, and among them are those who held back from it. Hell is a sufficient Inferno. 56. Those who reject The One’s signs—soon The One will scorch them in a fire. Every time their skins are cooked, The One will replace them with other skins, so they will experience the suffering. The One To Serve/Allah is Most Powerful, All Wise. 57. As for those who are convinced and do productive works, The One will admit them into Gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein forever. They will have purified spouses therein, and The One will admit them into a shady shade. 58. The One To Serve/Allah instructs you to give back things entrusted to you to their owners. And when you judge between people, judge with justice. The One To Serve/Allah’s instructions to you are excellent. The One To Serve/Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing. 59. O you who are convinced! Obey The One To Serve/Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you dispute over anything, refer it to The One To Serve/Allah and the Messenger, if you are convinced in The One To Serve/Allah and the End Day. That is best, and a most excellent determination. 60. Have you not observed those who claim that they are convinced in what was revealed to you, and in what was revealed before you, yet they seek
  • 15. illogical as sources for legislation, in spite of being commanded to reject them? Sceptic mind/Satan means to mislead them far astray. 61. And when it is said to them, “Come to what The One To Serve/Allah has revealed, and to the Messenger,” you see the hypocrites shunning you completely. 62. How about when a disaster strikes them because what their hands have put forward, and then they come to you swearing by The One To Serve/Allah: “We only intended goodwill and reconciliation”? 63. They are those whom The One To Serve/Allah knows what is in their hearts. So ignore them, and admonish them, and say to them concerning themselves sharp words. 64. The One did not send any messenger except to be obeyed by The One To Serve/Allah’s leave. Had they, when they wronged themselves, come to you, and asked for The One To Serve/Allah's forgiveness, and the Messenger had asked for their forgiveness, they would have found The One To Serve/Allah Relenting and Merciful. 65. But no, by your Regulator, will they be convinced until they call you to arbitrate in their disputes, and then find within themselves no resentment regarding your decisions, and submit themselves completely. 66. Had The One decreed for them: “Kill your pride,” or “Leave your homes,” they would not have done it, except for a few of them. But had they done
  • 16. what they were instructed to do, it would have been better for them, and a firmer confirmation. Nun-Fa-Siin = was or became high in estimation, of high account or excellent, highly prized/precious/valuable and therefore desired with much emulation or much request, desired, it became loved or highly esteemed, console, cheer, envy. Was or became avaricious/tenacious/niggardly of it because of its being in high estimation or excellent, little too much good. Brought forth (e.g. gave birth to a child), menstruated, blood. Clear away grief/anxiety/sorrow, ease/relieve, delay. Breath, gust, drew breath, sigh, spoke long (due to regular intake of breath), become extended/long/increased, ability. Soul/spirit, the vital principle, intellect/reason/mind, inner desire or feeling, knowledge, pride, self-magnification, a state where there is ample scope for action, 'willingly' when used as adverb, nafs - soul of discrimination (mental) and ruh - soul of breath (physical), oneself/itself, whole, essential constituent, reality, sometimes ghayb and nafs are synonymous, a person/being/individual, quantity, man, life, soul + body, life-blood, body, contention/thought/face/substance, heart, stomach, gulp, drought.Brother or co-partner in conviction/religion/relationship. Wide space, distance, width. Greatness, nobility, glory, scarcity, absoluteness, unseen, hidden reality which is beyond human perception, intention, requital, punishment. 67. And The One would have given them from The One presence a rich compensation. 68. And The One would have guided them on systematic ways. 69. Whoever obeys The One To Serve/Allah and the Messenger—these are among those whom The One To Serve/Allah has blessed—among the prophets, and the sincere, and the well informed, and the upright. Excellent are those as companions. Shiin-ha-Dal = told/gave information, to witness/see, to be present, give evidence/testimony, bear witness. mushhad - time or place of being present or of giving or hearing evidence, meeting place. mashhuud - that which is witnessed. 70. That is the grace from The One To Serve/Allah. The One To Serve/Allah suffices as Knower. 71. O you who convinced! Take your precautions and proceed firmly, or mobilize altogether. Nun-Fa-Ra = to run away from fight, go forth from any business (as from war), march, grow wild, restive. Tha-Ba-Ta = to be firm/steadfast/constant/established, remain in (a place), preserve in doing, to continue/endure. thabbata - to strengthen/fasten/consolidate. thubuut - steadfastness, stability, firmly planted. thaabit - remaining firmly fixed, firm, steadfast. thabbata - to confirm/establish, steadfast. tathbiit - confirmation, establishment. athbataa - to confirm, keep in bonds, confine, restrain (e.g. from doing a deed). To render something true or valid, to declare something obligatory, permanence, certainty, a state of being established. 72. Among you is he who lags behind. Then, when a calamity befalls you, he says, “The One To Serve/Allah has favored me, that I was not well informed with them.”
  • 17. 73. But when some bounty from The One To Serve/Allah comes to you, he says—as if no affection existed between you and him “If only I had been with them, I would have achieved a great victory.” 74. Let those who sell the life of this world for the End Day fight in the cause of The One To Serve/Allah. Whoever fights in the cause of The One To Serve/Allah, and then is killed, or achieves victory, The One will grant him a great compensation. 75. And why would you not fight in the cause of The One To Serve/Allah, and the helpless men, and women, and children, cry out, “Our Regulator, deliver us from this town whose people are oppressive, and appoint for us from Your Presence a Protector, and appoint for us from Your Presence a Victor.” 76. Those who convinced fight in the cause of The One To Serve/Allah, while those who deny fight in the cause of illogical. So fight the allies of the Sceptic mind. Surely the strategy of the Sceptic mind is weak. 77. Have you not seen those who were told, “Restrain your hands, and review/discussion and purify and proper”? But when fighting was ordained for them, a faction of them feared the people as The One To Serve/Allah is ought to be feared, or even more. And they said, “Our Regulator, why did You ordain fighting for us? If only You would postpone it for us for a while.” Say, “The enjoyments of this life are brief, but the End Day is better for the honest, and you will not be wronged one bit.” 78. Wherever you may be, death will catch up with you, even if you were in fortified towers. When a good fortune comes their way, they say, “This is
  • 18. from The One To Serve/Allah.” But when a misfortune befalls them, they say, “This is from you.” Say, “All things happen according to The One To Serve/Allah 's.” So what is the matter with these people, that they hardly understand a thing? 79. Whatever good happens to you is from The One To Serve/Allah, and whatever bad happens to you is from your own self. The One sent you to humanity as a messenger, and The One To Serve/Allah is Witness enough. 80. Whoever obeys the Messenger is obeying The One To Serve/Allah. And whoever turns away—The One did not send you as a watcher over them. 81. They profess obedience, but when they leave your presence, some of them conspire something contrary to what you said. But The One To Serve/Allah writes down what they conspire. So avoid them, and put your trust in The One To Serve/Allah. The One To Serve/Allah is Guardian enough. 82. Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than The One To Serve/Allah, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 83. When some news of security or alarm comes their way, they broadcast it. But had they referred it to the Messenger, and to those in authority among them, those who can draw conclusions from it would have comprehended it. Were it not for The One To Serve/Allah’s blessing and mercy upon you, you would have followed the Sceptic mind, except for a few.
  • 19. 84. So fight in the cause of The One To Serve/Allah; you are responsible only for yourself. And rouse the convinced. Perhaps The One To Serve/Allah will restrain the might of those who deny. The One To Serve/Allah is Stronger in Might, and stronger in punishment. 85. Whoever intercedes for a good cause has a share in it, and whoever intercedes for the sceptic mind/satan cause shares in its burdens. The One To Serve/Allah keeps watch over everything. 86. When you are greeted with a greeting, respond with a better greeting, or return it. The One To Serve/Allah keeps count of everything. 87. The One To Serve/Allah —there is nothing to serve except The One. The One will gather you to the Day of Resurrection, in which there is no doubt. And who speaks more truly than The One To Serve/Allah? 88. What is the matter with you, divided into two factions regarding the hypocrites, when The One To Serve/Allah has overwhelmed them on account of what they did? Do you want to guide those whom The One To Serve/Allah has let go astray? Whomever The One To Serve/Allah let go astray—you will never find for him a way. 89. They would love to see your denial, just as they deny, so you would become equal. So do not get close to any of them, unless they emigrate in the way of The One To Serve/Allah. If they turn away, take up/seize with them and master/kill them wherever you may find them; and do not take from among them allies or supporters. Alif-Kha-Dhal = to take in one's hand, received/acquired, derived/deduced/admitted, accepted, accept a covenant, affected/influenced, overpowering influence, take captive, gain mastery, slew/destroy, captivate/fascinate.
  • 20. Qaf-Ta-Lam = to kill, put to death, be accused, slay/murder/kill/slaughter, attempt to kill, render person like to one killed, to wage war/combat/battle, to master, contend/fight, deadly, knew a thing thoroughly/well, become acquainted with it. 90. Except those who join people with whom you have a treaty, or those who come to you restraining their breast to fight you or fight their own people. Had The One To Serve/Allah accords, The One would have given them power over you, and they would have fought you. If they withdraw from you, and do not fight you, and offer you peace, then The One To Serve/Allah asevidences no excuse for you against them. 91. You will find others who want security from you, and security from their own people. But whenever they are tempted into civil discord, they plunge into it. So if they do not withdraw from you, nor offer you peace, nor restrain their hands, take up with them and master them wherever you find them. Against these, The One has given you clear authorization. 92. Never should a convinced kill another convinced person, unless by error. Anyone who kills a convinced by error must set free a convinced slave, and pay compensation to the victim’s family, unless they remit it as charity. If the victim belonged to a people who are hostile to you, but is a convinced, then the compensation is to free a convinced slave. If he belonged to a people with whom you have a treaty, then blood money should be paid to his family, and a convinced slave set free. Anyone who lacks the means must abstain for two consecutive months, by way of Repentance to The One To Serve/Allah. The One To Serve/Allah is All- Knowing, All Wise.
  • 21. 93. Whoever kills a convinced person deliberately, the penalty for him is fire, where he will remain. And The One To Serve/Allah will be angry with him, and will curse him, and will prepare for him a terrible suffering. 94. O you who are convinced! When you go in the way of The One To Serve/Allah, investigate, and do not say to him who offers you peace, “You are not convinced,” aspiring for the goods of this world. With The One To Serve/Allah are abundant riches. You yourselves were like this before, and The One To Serve/Allah bestowed favor on you; so investigate. The One To Serve/Allah is well aware of what you do. 95. Not equal are the inactive among the convinced—except the disabled— and the strivers in the cause of The One To Serve/Allah with their possessions and their persons. The One To Serve/Allah prefers the strivers with their possessions and their persons above the inactive, by a degree. But The One To Serve/Allah has promised goodness to both. Yet The One To Serve/Allah favors the strivers, over the inactive, with a great reward. 96. Great ranks from The One, and forgiveness, and mercy. The One To Serve/Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. 97. While the Powerful Agents are performing/take them death of those who have wronged themselves, they will say, “What was the matter with you?” They will say, “We were oppressed in the land.” They will say, “Was The One To Serve/Allah’s earth not vast enough for you to emigrate in it?” These—their refuge is Hell. What a wretched retreat! Waw-Fa-Ya = to reach the end, keep ones promise, fulfil ones engagement, pay a debt, perform a promise. tawaffa - to die. wafaat - death.
  • 22. 98. Except for the weak among men, and women, and children who have no means to act, and no means to find a way out. 99. These— The One To Serve/Allah may well pardon them. The One To Serve/Allah is Pardoning and Forgiving. 100. Anyone who emigrates for the sake of The One To Serve/Allah will find on earth many places of refuge, and plentitude. Anyone who leaves his home, emigrating to The One To Serve/Allah and The One’s Messenger, and then is overtaken by death, his compensation falls on The One To Serve/Allah. The One To Serve/Allah is Forgiver, Most Merciful. 101. When you travel in the land, there is no blame on you to restraint your review/discussion, if you fear that the deniers may harm you. The deniers are your clear enemies. 102. When you are among them, and you review/discuss, let a group of them stand with you, and let them hold their weapons. Then, when they have reviewed/discussed, let them withdraw to the rear, and let another group behind you come forward and not done the review/ discuss and do the review/ discuss with you; and let them take their precautions and their weapons. Those who would like you to neglect your weapons and your equipment, so they can attack you in a single assault. There is no error, if you are hampered by rain or are sick, by putting down your weapons; but take precautions. Indeed, The One To Serve/Allah has prepared for the deniers a demeaning punishment.
  • 23. 103. When you have completed the review/discussion, remember The One To Serve/Allah, standing, or sitting, or on your sides. And when you feel secure, perform the review/discussion. The review/discussion is obligatory for the convinced at specific times. 104. And do not falter in the pursuit of the enemy. If you are aching, they are aching as you are aching, but you expect from The One To Serve/Allah what they cannot expect. The One To Serve/Allah is Knowledgeable and Wise. 105. The One has revealed to you the Scripture, with the truth, so that you judge between people in accordance with what The One To Serve/Allah has shown you. And do not be an advocate for the traitors. 106. And ask The One To Serve/Allah for protection. The One To Serve/Allah is Protector and Merciful. 107. And do not argue on behalf of those who deceive themselves. The One To Serve/Allah does not love any treacherous and immoral. 108. They hide from the people, but they cannot hide from The One To Serve/Allah. The One is with them, as they plot by night with words The One does not approve. The One To Serve/Allah comprehends what they do. 109. There you are, arguing on their behalf in the present life, but who will argue with The One To Serve/Allah on their behalf on the Day of Resurrection? Or who will be their representative?
  • 24. 110. Whoever commits oppression, or wrongs himself, then seeks The One To Serve/Allah for forgiveness, will find The One To Serve/Allah Forgiving and Merciful. 111. And whoever earns a crime, earns it against him. The One To Serve/Allah is Aware and Wise. 112. And whoever commits a mistake, or a crime, and then blames it on an innocent person, has taken a slander and a clear error. 113. Were it not for The One To Serve/Allah’s grace towards you, and The One’s mercy, a faction of them would have managed to mislead you. But they only mislead themselves, and they cannot harm you in any way. The One To Serve/Allah has revealed to you the Scripture and wisdom, and has taught you what you did not know. The One To Serve/Allah’s grace towards you is great. 114. There is no good in much of their secret talks, except for him who advocates charity, or kindness, or reconciliation between people. Whoever does that, seeking The One To Serve/Allah’s approval, The One will give him a great compensation. 115. Whoever makes a breach with the Messenger, after the guidance has become clear to him, and follows other than the path of the convinced, The One will direct him in the direction he has chosen, and commit him to Hell—what a terrible destination!
  • 25. 116. The One To Serve/Allah will not forgive that partners be associated with The One, but will forgive anything less than that, to whomever accordingly. Anyone who ascribes associates to The One To Serve/Allah has strayed into far error. 117. Not they invoked from besides The One’s but female. In fact, they invoke none but a rebellious Sceptic brain. Ya-Dal-Ya = to touch, aid, do good, be beneficent, show power and superiority, a hand. By his agency/means. With a willing hand, out of hand, having financial ability. In acknowledgement of the superior power, in ready money and not in the form of deferred payment, considering it as a favour, on account of help, (payment should be made by the hand of the parties themselves without the intervention of a third party and without reluctance. baina yadaihi - before him, in his presence hit, between his two hands. ulill aidi - men of power (lit. gifted with hands) suqaita fi aidihim (idiomatic expression) they returned, the idea seems to be that they hit their fingers in grief and contrition. Handy, Might, Power, Superiority, Benefit, Possession, Favour, Generosity. The idea behind those expressions is that the use of the hand is the real source of the superiority and power. Under his authority, upper hand, arm, foreleg of a beast, handle of a tool, wing of a bird. ma qaddamat yada - that is what thou hast deserved. 118. The One To Serve/Allah has cursed him. And he said, “I will take to myself my due share of Your servants.” 119. “And let them, and surely will arise desire in them, and they will slit the ears of cattle, and they will alter the creation of The One To Serve/Allah.” Whoever takes Sceptic brain as a Regulator, instead of The One To Serve/Allah, has surely suffered a profound loss. 120. The One promises them, and raises their expectations, but Sceptic brain promises them nothing but delusions. 121. These—their place is Hell, and they will find no escape from it. 122. But as for those who are convinced and do productive works, The One will admit them into gardens beneath which rivers flow, where they will abide forever. The promise of The One To Serve/Allah is true—and who is more truthful in speech than The One To Serve/Allah?
  • 26. 123. It is not in accordance with your wishes, nor in accordance with the wishes of the People of the Scripture. Whoever commit crimes will pay for it, and will not find for himself, besides The One To Serve/Allah, any protector or savior. 124. But whoever do productive works, whether male or female, and is a convinced—those will enter the garden, and will not be wronged a whit. 125. And who is better in way of life than he who are peaceful himself wholly to The One To Serve/Allah, and is a doer of good, and follows the conviction of Ibrahim the upright? The One To Serve/Allah has chosen Ibrahim for a friend. 126. To The One To Serve/Allah belongs what is in the universe and what is on earth, and The One To Serve/Allah encompasses everything. 127. They ask you for a ruling about women. Say, “The One To Serve/Allah gives you a ruling about them, and so does what is stated to you in the Book about widowed women from whom you withhold what is decreed for them, yet you desire to marry them, and about helpless children: that you should treat them fairly.” Whatever good you do, The One To Serve/Allah knows it. 128. If a woman fears maltreatment or desertion from her husband, there is no fault in them if they make terms of settlement between them, for and settlement is best. Souls are prone to avarice, yet if you do what is good, and practice consciousness— The One To Serve/Allah is aware of what you do.
  • 27. Sad-Lam-Ha = to be right/good/honest/upright/sound/honest, suit, fit. aslaha - to set a thing aright, reform, do good. saalihaat - good works, fit and suiting deeds. aslaha (vb. 4) - to make whole sound, set things right, effect an agreement between, render fit. islaah - uprightness, reconciliation, amendment, reformation. muslihun - reformer, one who is upright, honest, a person of integrity, peacemaker, suitable. saalih - name of a prophet sent to the tribe of Thamuud. 129. You will not be able to treat women with equal fairness, no matter how much you desire it. But do not be so biased as to leave another suspended. If you make amends, and act honestly— The One To Serve/Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. 130. And if they separate, The One To Serve/Allah will enrich each from The One’s abundance. The One To Serve/Allah is Bounteous and Wise. 131. To The One To Serve/Allah belongs everything in the universe and everything on earth. The One have instructed those who were given the Book before you, and you, to be conscious of The One To Serve/Allah. But if you refuse—to The One To Serve/Allah belongs everything in the universe and everything on earth. The One To Serve/Allah is in no need, Praiseworthy. 132. To The One To Serve/Allah belongs everything in the universe and everything on earth. The One To Serve/Allah suffices as disposer of affair. 133. If The One accords, The One can do away with you, O people, and bring others. The One To Serve/Allah is Able to do that. 134. Whoever desires the reward of this world—with The One To Serve/Allah is the reward of this world and the next. The One To Serve/Allah is All- Hearing, All-Seeing.
  • 28. 135. O you who are convinced! Stand firmly for justice, as witnesses to The One To Serve/Allah, even if against yourselves, or your parents, or your relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, The One To Serve/Allah takes care of both. So do not follow your desires, lest you swerve. If you deviate, or turn away—then The One To Serve/Allah is Aware of what you do. 136. O you who are convinced! Convince in The One To Serve/Allah and The One’s messenger, and the Book The One sent down to The One’s messenger, and the Book The One sent down before. Whoever rejects The One To Serve/Allah, The One’s Powerful Agents, The One’s Books, The One’s messengers, and the End Day, has strayed far in error. 137. Those who convinced, then turned not convinced, then convinced, then not convinced, then increase in denial, The One To Serve/Allah will not forgive them, nor will The One guide them to a way. 138. Inform the hypocrites that they will have a painful punishment. 139. Those who ally themselves with the deniers instead of those convinced. Do they seek glory in them? All glory belongs to The One To Serve/Allah. 140. The One has revealed to you in the Book that when you hear The One To Serve/Allah’s revelations being rejected, or ridiculed, do not sit with them until they engage in some other subject. Otherwise, you would be like them. The One To Serve/Allah will gather the hypocrites and the deniers, into Hell, altogether. 141. Those who wait for you: if you attain victory from The One To Serve/Allah, they say, “Were we not with you?” But if the deniers get a turn, they say, “Did we not side with you, and defend you from the convinced?” The
  • 29. One To Serve/Allah will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection; and The One To Serve/Allah will give the deniers no means of overcoming the convinced. 142. The hypocrites try to deceive The One To Serve/Allah, but The One is deceiving them. And when they stand for review/discussion, they stand lazily, showing off in front of people, and remembering The One To Serve/Allah only in appearance. 143. Wavering in between, neither with these, nor with those. Whomever The One To Serve/Allah let go astray, you will never find for him a way. 144. O you who are convinced! Do not make allies of those not convinced rather than those convinced. Do you want to give The One To Serve/Allah a clear case against you? 145. The hypocrites will be in the lowest level of the Fire, and you will find no helper for them. 146. Except those who return, and reform, and hold fast to The One To Serve/Allah, and dedicate their way of life to The One To Serve/Allah alone. These are with those convinced; and The One To Serve/Allah will give those convinced a great reward. 147. What would The One To Serve/Allah accomplish by punishing you, if you are grateful, and are convinced? The One To Serve/Allah is Appreciative and Aware. 148. The One To Serve/Allah does not like the public uttering of bad language, unless someone was wronged. The One To Serve/Allah is Hearing and Knowing.
  • 30. 149. If you let a good deed be shown, or conceal it, or pardon an offense— The One To Serve/Allah is Pardoning and Capable. 150. Those who are not convinced in The One To Serve/Allah and The One’s messengers, and want to separate between The One To Serve/Allah and The One’s messengers, and say, “We are convinced in some, and reject some,” and wish to take a path in between. 151. These are not convinced, truly. The One have prepared for those not convinced a shameful punishment. 152. As for those who are convinced in The One To Serve/Allah and The One’s messengers, and make no distinction between any of them, The One will give them their reward. The One To Serve/Allah is Forgiver and Merciful. 153. The People of the Scripture challenge you to bring down to them a book from the sky. They had asked Musa for something even greater. They said, “Show us The One To Serve/Allah plainly.” The thunderbolt struck them for their wickedness. Then they took the calf for serving, even after the clear proofs had come to them. Yet The One pardoned that, and The One gave Musa a clear authority. 154. And The One upgrade them to be superior in their action/raised over them the mount in accordance with their covenant, and The One said to them, “Enter the gate humbly”, and The One said to them, “Do not violate the rest day/seventh day”, and The One received from them a solemn pledge. Ra-Fa-Ayn = to raise/uplift/elevate, to take up, to lift/hoist, extol, opposite of Kha-Fa-Daad [56:3], uprear it, rear it, make it high/lofty, take it and carry it, raise into view, to exalt, to advance, bring a thing near presenting or offering, to bring forward, to take away, disappear, trace back, honour, show regard to, to introduce, refine, to make known, go upwards, high rank/condition/state. Anything raised: mountain, throne Fa-Waw-Qaf = to be superior in rank or excellence, overcome, surpass, to be above/over, on, upon, more, on high. fauq - it is a preposition meaning above/upon/over/more/superior. fawaq - time between two milkings/sucklings, between the opening of one's hand and grasping with it the udder and then lets
  • 31. it go for milking or a delay and space of time between the opening and closing of the hand during milking. afaqa - to come to one's self, recover (after a swoon or ilness), awake (from sleep), recollect. Tay -Waw-Ra = went or hovered round about it, approach, time or one time, repeated times, quantity/measure/extent/limit, aspect/form/disposition, way of action, manner, kind/class, stage/state, Mount Sinai, Mount of Olives, applied to several other mountains, mountain which produces trees, mountain, wild or to estrange oneself from mankind, stranger, utmost point, encounter two extremes. 155. But for their violation of their covenant, and their denial of The One To Serve/Allah’s revelations, and their killing of the prophets unjustly, and their saying, “Our minds are closed.” In fact, The One To Serve/Allah has sealed them for their denials, so they are not convinced, except for a few. 156. And for their rejection, and their saying against Mariam a great slander. 157. And for their saying, “We have killed The Anointed One, Isa, the son of Mariam, the Messenger of The One To Serve/Allah.” In fact, they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but it was made to appear to them as if they did. Indeed, those who differ about him are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it, except the following of assumptions. Certainly, they did not kill him. Please explain! -there are 2 school of thought that I can think of -the 1st is that he was crucified physically -but not the essence of him or his soul/ruh as in -2:154 -do not say of those killed in the cause of THE ONE is dead -rather, they are alive, but you do not perceive -3:169 -don’t think those killed in the cause of THE ONE TO SERVE/ALLAH as dead -in fact, they are alive, with their Regulator, well provided for -36:26 -he was told, "Enter the Garden." -he said, "I wish my people knew The One has forgiven/honor me" -89:30 -enter my garden -the 2nd is that from the Gospel -Gospel of Mark chapter 24 verse 50 -in the critical juncture of his life -when he was about to be crucified -all his disciples left him and fled -Jesus returned to the upper room after 3 days -the place they had the last supper -after the alleged crucifixion -10 of the hawariyun were there -Jesus greet them with salam
  • 32. -his disciples were terrified -because they thought he was a spirit -the hawariyun had heard people talking -all the knowledge was heresay -they thought he was resurrected from the dead -Jesus said ‘behold my hand and my feet’ -he said ‘I’m the same fellow man, whats wrong with you’ -he said ‘handle me and see’, ‘for a spirit has no fleshes and bones’ -to prove further to his disciples -Jesus said ‘have you anything to eat’ -and they gave him piece of bread and a honeycomb -and he took it and ate it But men are like that! -you tell him that you are not -the more he believed that you are -when Jesus told them he is not dead -the more they believe he was dead and resurrescted -the more he said he was not a spirit -the more they believe he was a spirit -the more he told them he was son of man -he told them hundreds of times -the more they believe he was son of god -the more he told them he was not god -the more they believe he was god -the more he told them he doesn’t know the end day -the more they said he knew -Jesus said I can’t do things on my own -they said he can What wrong -they are deaf, dumb and blind with people -they will not return In the case of Jesus, all these mathematically coded verses show that Allah/God raised the real person, Jesus' soul, leaving his body for the torturers and crucifiers. Thus, they never tortured Jesus. They never crucified him. He was gone long before any torture or crucifixion of his body. They plotted and schemed, but so did Allah/God; Allah/God is the best schemer. Thus, Allah/God said, "O Jesus, I am putting you to death; raising you to Me, and ridding you of the disbelievers. I will make those who follow you high above those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is the ultimate destiny of all of you. Then I will judge among you concerning your disputes." [Quran 3:54-55] It is astonishing to find this phenomenon, the separation of the real person from the still living body, indicated in the New Testament, and even more specifically stated in some apocryphal literature. The Nag Hammadi Library is a collection of ancient documents unearthed at Nag Hammadi, Egypt. They are described as containing "the sacred scriptures of the Gnostic movement that emerged and rapidly grew in the cradle of civilization at the time of Jesus and early Christianity. Its codices are a priceless periscope into the tumultuous world of ideas brewing during one of civilization's great turning points." James Brashler describes a vision seen by the apostle Peter, in his introduction to the Gnostic Apocalypse of Peter (Ibid., p. 339): The first visionary scene, is depicting the hostile priests and people about to kill Jesus (72,4-9)....The second scene (81,3-14) describes Peter's vision of the crucifixion of Jesus. The accompanying interpretation by Jesus makes a distinction between the external physical form and the living Jesus; the latter stands nearby laughing at his ignorant persecutors. A clear distinction is thus made in this ancient literature, very close to the time of Jesus, between "the external physical form," i.e., the body of Jesus, and "the living Jesus." According to this narration, the real person of Jesus was unphased by the torturers and persecutors of his soulless body. Looking at the translation of the Apocalypse of Peter itself (., p. 344), we find the startling vision of Peter: When he had said those things, I saw him seemingly being seized by them. And I said, "What do I see, O Lord, that it is you yourself whom they take, and that you are grasping me? Or who is this one, glad and laughing, on the tree? And is it another one whose feet and hands they are striking?" The Savior said to me, "He whom you saw on the tree, glad and laughing, this is the living Jesus. But this one into whose hands and feet they drive the nails is the fleshy part." [Apocalypse of Peter, VII, 3, 81]
  • 33. A careful examination of the Gospels of Mark and Luke reveals that Jesus was in fact gone prior to crucifixion. He did not respond to the surrounding chaos. This confirms the apocryphal account reported in the Nag Hammadi Library, and agrees with the mathematically authenticated account of the Quran: The chief priests, meanwhile, brought many accusations against Jesus. Pilate interrogated him again: "Surely you have some answer? See how many accusations they are leveling against you." But greatly to Pilate's surprise, Jesus made no further response. [Mark 15:3-5] Herod was extremely pleased to see Jesus. From the reports about him he had wanted to see him, and he was hoping to see him work some miracle. He questioned Jesus at considerable length, but Jesus made no answer. The chief priests and scribes were at hand to accuse him vehemently. Herod and his guards then treated him with contempt and insult.... [Luke 23:8-11] Putting all these accounts together, this possible picture emerges: 1. The human being consists of two main distinct entities: a. the body, which serves as a mere shell or garment, and b. the soul, which is the real person. 2. In accordance with a predetermined plan, the time came for Jesus to complete his mission as Allah/God's messenger to the Children of Israel and as the Messiah. This coincided with the scheme of Jesus' adversaries to crucify him. Just before executing their plot, God's plan was implemented, and Jesus the real person was summoned or "raised to God." 3. Jesus' body was left for his persecutors to torture and crucify; they were dealing with an empty shell devoid of all feelings or understanding. 4. Thus, the Quran's mathematically coded statements that "they never killed Jesus, they never crucified him; they were led to believe that they did," are accurate and proven facts. MODERN DEMONSTRATION Rashad Khalifa draws an interesting parallel between what he understands to be the case in Jesus' death, and that of a modern patient who underwent an historical surgical procedure. (See Khalifa's QURAN THE FINAL TESTAMENT, Ibid. Appendix 22, p. 667) On November 25, 1984, William J. Schroeder, from Jasper, Indiana, received an artificial heart at Humana Heart Institute International of Louisville, Kentucky. The NEW YORK TIMES of Monday, November 26, 1984 published the following news item: SURGEONS IMPLANT MECHANICAL PUMP TO REPLACE HEARTLOUISVILLE, KY, Nov 25 -- A 17-member surgical team today removed the diseased heart of a 52-year old man and replaced it with a plastic and metal pump. Dr. Devries leaned over Mr. Schroeder and said, "Everything went well, perfectly." On Wednesday, December 12, 1984, the 18th day after receiving the artificial heart, Mr. Schroeder was so normal and so alert that when President Reagan talked with him he complained about a delay in sending his Social Security disability check. On the nineteenth day, December 13, 1984, the world was told that Mr. Schroeder "suffered a stroke." What really happened was that Mr. Schroeder, the real person, departed. William J. Schroeder died. His body, the empty shell, continued to function through artificial means. The artificial heart continued to pump, and all other life processes of Mr. Schroeder's body continued to work. Significantly, from that moment on, he never recognized the date, the day or time. The WASHINGTON POST of Friday, December 14, 1984 published the following news: LOUISVILLE, Dec. 13---William J. Schroeder, who became the world's second recipient of an artificial heart 18 days ago, tonight suffered a stroke in his hospital bed as he ate dinner with his wife, doctors reported.... (Dr. A. M.) Lansing replied, "unequivocally, no," when asked if the stroke could have been a result of Schroeder's many activities recently. These included a telephone conversation with President Reagan Wednesday and fast government action earlier today to deliver a Social Security disability check that he had told Reagan was overdue. At Humana Hospital - Audubon, where the implant took place, Lansing said Schroeder was talking to his wife when "she noticed suddenly he stopped feeding himself and was just holding his food in his right hand." He appeared "drowsy, his eyes rolled back, and he became somewhat limp," Lansing said. The stroke was not "life threatening," Lansing said. Shortly afterward, Schroeder was somewhat "stuporous" and "not talking intelligently," Lansing said. In retrospect, it is obvious that William J. Schroeder actually left his body on the nineteenth day (December 13, 1984) after receiving the artificial heart on November 25, 1984. Schroeder was raised to Allah/God about 600 days-19 months-before his body finally ceased to function. According to the Quran, this is precisely what happened to Jesus: he was raised to Allah/God before the crucifixion of his empty body: They claimed that they killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of God. In fact, they never killed him; they never crucified him; they were led to believe that they did.... For sure, they never killed him. Instead, Allah/God raised him to The One/Him. Allah/God is Almighty, Most Wise. [Quran 4:157-158] 158. Rather, The One To Serve/Allah brought him forward/raised towards to The One self. The One To Serve/Allah is Mighty and Wise. Ra-Fa-Ayn = to raise/uplift/elevate, to take up, to lift/hoist, extol, opposite of Kha-Fa-Daad [56:3], uprear it, rear it, make it high/lofty, take it and carry it, raise into view, to exalt, to advance, bring a thing near presenting or offering, to bring forward, to take away, disappear, trace back, honour, show regard to, to introduce, refine, to make known, go upwards, high rank/condition/state. Anything raised: mountain, throne etc.
  • 34. Brought him forward? -I believe now his time has come -he was brought forward to The One -the reason he was anointed -to withstand effect of radiation -Musa without the protection of the anointment -whose skin burned thoroughly 159. It is not from the People of the Book but those convinced in him to accept/before his death, and on the Day of Resurrection he will be a witness against them. Qaf-Ba-Lam = to accept/admit/receive/agree, meet anyone, to face/encounter someone/something, advance/approach, correspond, counteract/compare/requite/compensate, the front part (12:26), accept with approval, show favour. The People of the Book -they are convinced Isa is not dead -he will be brought back to earth before supernova Those convinced in Isa -accepted his death -he will be a witness on day of resurrection 160. Due to wrongdoing on the part of the guided (AlYahud), The One forbade them good things that used to be lawful for them; and for deterring many from The One To Serve/Allah’s path. 161. And for their taking usury, although they were forbidden it, and for their consuming people's wealth dishonestly. The One have prepared for the denials among them a painful torment. 162. But those among them firmly rooted in knowledge, and those convinced, convinced in what was revealed to you, and in what was revealed before you; and the observers of review/discussion, and purify and prosper, and convinced in The One To Serve/Allah and the End Day—upon this The One will bestow an immense reward. 163. The One has inspired you, as The One had inspired Noh and the prophets after him. And The One inspired Ibrahim, and Ismail, and Ishak, and
  • 35. Ya’akub, and the Patriarchs, and Isa, and Ayub, and Yunus, and Harun, and Sulaiman. And The One gave Daud the Zabur. 164. Some Messengers The One has already told you about, while some messengers The One has not told you about. And The One To Serve/Allah spoke to Musa directly. 165. Messengers delivering good news, and bringing warnings, so that people may have no excuse before The One To Serve/Allah after the coming of the messengers. The One To Serve/Allah is Powerful and Wise. 166. But The One To Serve/Allah bears witness to what The One revealed to you. The One revealed it with The One’s knowledge. And the Powerful Agents bear witness. Though The One To Serve/Allah is a sufficient witness. 167. Those who are not convinced and repel from The One To Serve/Allah’s path have gone far astray. 168. Those who denies and transgress, The One To Serve/Allah is not about to forgive them, nor guide them to any path. 169. Except to the path of Hell, where they will stay forever. And that is easy for The One To Serve/Allah. 170. O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Regulator, so be convinced—that is best for you. But if you deny, to The One To Serve/Allah belongs everything in the universe and the earth. The One To Serve/Allah is All Knowing and All Wise.
  • 36. 171. O People of the Book! Do not exaggerate in your way of life, and do not say about The One To Serve/Allah except the truth. The Anointed One, Isa, the son of Mariam, is the Messenger of The One To Serve/Allah, and The One’s Word that The One conveyed to Mariam, and a physical being with positivity from The One. So be convinced in The One To Serve/Allah and The One’s messengers, and do not say, “Trinity.” Refrain—it is better for you. The One To Serve/Allah is The One To Serve/Allah. The Performing One —that The One should have a son? To The One belongs everything in the universe and the earth, and The One To Serve/Allah is a sufficient Protector. 172. The Anointed One does not disdain to be a servant of The One To Serve/Allah, nor do the favored Powerful Agents. Whoever disdain serving The One, and is too arrogant— The One will round them up to The One’s self altogether. 173. But as for those who are convinced and be productive, The One will pay them their wages in full, and will increase The One grace for them. But as for those who disdain and are too proud, The One will punish them with an agonizing punishment. And they will find for themselves, apart from The One To Serve/Allah, no Regulator and no savior. 174. O people! proof has come to you from your Regulator, and The One sent down to you a clear light.
  • 37. 175. As for those who are convinced in The One To Serve/Allah, and hold fast to The One, The One will admit them into mercy from The One, and grace, and The One will guide them to The One’s self in systematic ways. 176. They ask you for a ruling. Say, “The One To Serve/Allah gives you a ruling concerning the person who has neither parents nor children.” If a man dies, and leaves no children, and he had a sister, she receives one-half of what he leaves. And he inherits from her if she leaves no children. But if there are two sisters, they receive two-thirds of what he leaves. If the siblings are men and women, mindful of order to subsidise women/the male will have like share of the two females.” The One To Serve/Allah makes things clear for you, lest you err. The One To Serve/Allah is Aware of everything. Thaal-Kaf-Ra = to remember/commemorate/recollect, study in order to remember, remind, bear in mind, mindful, mention/tell/relate, magnify/praise, admonish/warn (e.g. dhikra is the 2nd declenation and it is stronger than dhikr), preach, extol, give status. nobility/eminence/honour, fame, good report, cause of good reputation, means of exaltation. Male/man/masculine (dhakar, dual - dhakarain, plural - dhukur). Miim-Tha-Lam = Stand erect, mutilate or castrate (namely a sheep or goat), to set up a thing, affect to be like or to imitate a thing, apply a proverb, apply a thing proverbially, be nearly in a sound or healthy state, near to convalescence, obey/follow a command or order, to resemble, be of likeness or equivalent. Ha-Tay-Tay = To put down (a burden), leave off, lower. To put something down from a high to a lower place, to alight or alight and abode in a place, throw a thing down, pay a thing down (namely money), make a thing descend or go down/downwards/down a declivity from above to below, lower or degrade a person, abate of a thing much, make a large abatement of a thing, abate someone of a debt, remove or skim off from a thing, to be abated, to be low or cheap (price), to be quick in pace, vehement running, launch forth into a thing, to press on in, polish or smooth the skin and figure or decorate it, rule or make lines upon a thing, to be put down, descend, go down or downwards, go from above to below, to be lowered or degraded, go back or backward, go away, perish, ask/demand/desire abatement from a person. Alif-Nun-Thal = It was or became female, feminine, or of the feminine gender; It was or became soft. Nun-Siin-Waw = women. There is no singular of this word. Fa-Waw-Qaf = to be superior in rank or excellence, overcome, surpass, to be above/over, on, upon, more, on high. fauq - it is a preposition meaning above/upon/over/more/superior. fawaq - time between two milkings/sucklings, between the opening of one's hand and grasping with it the udder and then lets it go for milking or a delay and space of time between the opening and closing of the hand during milking. afaqa - to come to one's self, recover (after a swoon or ilness), awake (from sleep), recollect. Tha-Lam-Tha = to become three in division or number, a third part of a thing, one third, by threes, the third of any number. Nun-Saad-Fa = half, reach its middle/midst, divide a thing into halves. Tha-Nun-Ya = to bend/fold, double up, turn one part of a thing upon the other, draw one of its two extremities to the other, join or adjoin one of the things to the other, turn anyone away or back from his course or from the object of his want, conceal enmity. mathna - by twos, in pairs, two, two and two. mathaan / al-mathaanii (pl. of mathnan/mathnaatun) - oft-repeated, benefactions. thanaya/athnaa - he praised, spoke well of anyone. thinan - repetition of a thing. For any enquiries: