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Refactoring for Software Design Smells
A Visual Overview
This presentation is
about our successful
book on refactoring.
You can view smells
as violation of
fundamental design
principles; our book
catalogs 25 design
In this book, we
focus only on
“structural” and
“design” smells
You can apply the
principles of abstract,
modularisation and
hierarchy proactively
through these key
enabling techniques
Published	in	Journal	of	Object	Technology	(Vol.	12,	No.	2,	2013)	
  S	G	Ganesh,	Tushar	Sharma,	Girish	Suryanarayana.		Towards	a	Principle-based	
Classifica4on	of	Structural	Design	Smells.		In	Journal	of	Object	Technology,	vol.	
12,	no.	2,	2013,	pages	1:1–29.doi:10.5381/jot.2013.12.2.a1	
  URL:	hLp://	(open	access)
Published	in	Journal	of	Object	Technology	(Vol.	12,	No.	2,	2013)	
  S	G	Ganesh,	Tushar	Sharma,	Girish	Suryanarayana.		Towards	a	Principle-based	
Classifica4on	of	Structural	Design	Smells.		In	Journal	of	Object	Technology,	vol.	
12,	no.	2,	2013,	pages	1:1–29.doi:10.5381/jot.2013.12.2.a1	
  URL:	hLp://	(open	access)		
It all started with
our initial paper on
classifying smells; we
got really positive
review comments,
which encouraged us
to work further to
write it as a book
Our refactoring book
is now being
translated to other
languages; here is the
Korean translation of
the book!
Our work is being
well-received when
we present in top
We have written
many related articles
on this topic (this
article was published
in July 2015 in IEEE
Software magazine -
We have presented in
many tutorials/
workshops across the
world - Tushar
presented this one in
DevWeek ’15
We have conducted
numerous workshops
on design smells
(this certificate is
from a workshop
organised by IEEE in
June 2015)
It’s a joy to see
people get “aha!”
moments and get
understanding when
they solve exercises
based on the book
(this picture was
taken during an
exercise in ICSE ’14
Developers and
architects have
picked up our design
smells work; here is
a Jam packed session
(100+ on-site and
180+ online
attendees) on Design
Smells in Siemens
PLM (Pune) in May
People give awesome
feedback for our
training programs on
refactoring & design
Check out Designite
tool (for C#) that
detects many smells
described in our
book and classifies
them based on
principles they
“Given its practical orientation and
the variety of real-world examples
offered throughout the book, this
is a must-have for any practicing
software engineer, developer,
software architect, or anyone else
interested in software design. This
book would also provide a good
introduction to real-world
problems in the context of a
software design or architecture
- Extract from the book review in “ACM
Computing Reviews”
“Given its practical orientation and
the variety of real-world examples
offered throughout the book, this
is a must-have for any practicing
software engineer, developer,
software architect, or anyone else
interested in software design. This
book would also provide a good
introduction to real-world
problems in the context of a
software design or architecture
- Extract from the book review in “ACM
Computing Reviews”
Numerous positive
reviews have
appeared for the
book; here is an
extract from one
such review
"This is a good book about ‘Design
Smells’ – actually a great book –
nicely organized - clearly written
with plenty of examples and a fair
sprinkling of anecdotes."
- Will Tracz (Principal Research Scientist
& Fellow, Lockheed Martin)
"This is a good book about ‘Design
Smells’ – actually a great book –
nicely organized - clearly written
with plenty of examples and a fair
sprinkling of anecdotes."
- Will Tracz (Principal Research Scientist
& Fellow, Lockheed Martin)
This quote is from
the book review in
Software Engineering
Here is Tushar’s
recent work is on
configuration smells
(in Puppet code:
We are also working
on the emerging
topic of architecture
smells and
refactoring (this
image from JDK 7
shows a tangle - an
architecture smell)
Refactoring for Software Design Smells
Missing Abst%action
This	smell	arises	when	clumps	of	data	or	
encoded	strings	are	used	instead	of	crea5ng	
a	class	or	an	interface.	
Imperative Abst%action
This	smell	arises	when	an	opera5on	is	
turned	into	a	class.		
Incomplete Abst%action
This	smell	arises	when	an	abstrac5on	does	
not	support	complementary	or	interrelated	
methods	completely.	
Multifaceted Abst%action
This	smell	arises	when	an	abstrac5on	has	
more	than	one	responsibility	assigned	to	it.	
Unnecessar9 Abst%action
This	smell	occurs	when	an	abstrac5on	which	
is	actually	not	needed	(and	thus	could	have	
been	avoided)	gets	introduced	in	a	so<ware	
Unutilized Abst%action
This	smell	arises	when	an	abstrac5on	is	le<	
unused	(either	not	directly	used	or	not	
Duplicate Abst%action
This	smell	arises	when	two	or	more	
abstrac5ons	have	the	iden5cal	name	or	
iden5cal	implementa5on	or	both.		
Deficient Encapsulation
This	smell	occurs	when	the	declared	accessibility	
of	one	or	more	members	of	an	abstrac5on	is	
more	permissive	than	actually	required.	
Leaky Encapsulation
This	smell	arises	when	an	abstrac5on	“exposes”	
or	“leaks”	implementa5on	details	through	its	
public	interface.	
Missing Encapsulation
This	smell	occurs	when	the	encapsula5on	of	
implementa5on	varia5ons	in	a	type	or	hierarchy	
is	missing.	
UnexBloited Encapsulation
This	smell	arises	when	client	code	uses	explicit	
type	checks(using	chained	if-else	or	switch	
statements)	instead	of	exploi5ng	the	varia5on	in	
types	already	encapsulated	within	a	hierarchy.	
Broken Modularization
This	smell	arises	when	data	and/or	methods	
that	ideally	should	have	been	localized	into	a	
single	abstrac5on	are	separated	and	spread	
across	mul5ple	abstrac5ons.	
Insufficient Modularization
This	smell	arises	when	an	abstrac5on	exists	that	
has	not	been	completely	decomposed	and	a	
further	decomposi5on	could	reduce	its	size,	
implementa5on	complexity,	or	both.		
Cyclically- dependent
This	smell	arises	when	two	or	more	abstrac5ons	
depend	on	each	other	directly	or	indirectly	
(crea5ng	a	5ght	coupling	between	the	
Hub-like Modularization
This	smell	arises	when	an	abstrac5on	has	
dependencies	(both	incoming	and	outgoing)	
with	large	number	of	other	abstrac5ons.	
Missing Hierarchy
This	smell	arises	when	a	code	segment	uses	
condi5onal	logic	(typically	in	conjunc5on	with	
“tagged	types”)	to	explicitly	manage	varia5on	in	
behavior	where	a	hierarchy	could	have	been	
created	and	used	to	encapsulate	those	
Unnecessar9 Hierarchy
This	smell	arises	when	the	whole	inheritance	
hierarchy	is	unnecessary,	indica5ng	that	
inheritance	has	been	applied	needlessly	for	the	
par5cular	design	context.		
Unfactored Hierarchy
This	smell	arises	when	there	is	unnecessary	
duplica5on	among	types	in	the	hierarchy.	
Wide Hierarchy
This	smell	arises	when	an	inheritance	hierarchy	
is	“too”	wide	indica5ng	that	intermediate	
abstrac5ons	may	be	missing.		
Speculative Hierarchy
This	smell	arises	when	one	or	more	types	in	a	
hierarchy	are	provided	specula5vely	(i.e.	based	
on	imagined	needs	rather	than	real	
Deep Hierarchy
This	smell	arises	when	an	inheritance	hierarchy	
is	"excessively"	deep.		
Rebellious Hierarchy
This	smell	arises	when	a	subtype	rejects	the	
methods	provided	by	its	supertype(s).		
Broken Hierarchy
This	smell	arises	when	a	supertype	and	its	
subtype	conceptually	do	not	share	an	“IS-A”	
rela5onship	resul5ng	in	broken	subs5tutability.		
Multipath Hierarchy
This	smell	arises	when	a	subtype	inherits	both	
directly	as	well	as	indirectly	from	a	supertype	
leading	to	unnecessary	inheritance	paths	in	the	
Cyclic Hierarchy
This	smell	arises	when	a	supertype	in	a	
hierarchy	depends	on	any	of	its	subtypes.		
“Refactoring for SoſtNare DesigO
Smells: Managing Technical Debt”,
Girish Sur9anarayana, Ganesh
SamarUhyam, Tushar SharVa, ISBN:
978-0128013977, Morgan KaufVann/
Elsevier, 2014
Refactoring for Software Design Smells
Missing Abst%action
This	smell	arises	when	clumps	of	data	or	
encoded	strings	are	used	instead	of	crea5ng	
a	class	or	an	interface.	
Imperative Abst%action
This	smell	arises	when	an	opera5on	is	
turned	into	a	class.		
Incomplete Abst%action
This	smell	arises	when	an	abstrac5on	does	
not	support	complementary	or	interrelated	
methods	completely.	
Multifaceted Abst%action
This	smell	arises	when	an	abstrac5on	has	
more	than	one	responsibility	assigned	to	it.	
Unnecessar9 Abst%action
This	smell	occurs	when	an	abstrac5on	which	
is	actually	not	needed	(and	thus	could	have	
been	avoided)	gets	introduced	in	a	so<ware	
Unutilized Abst%action
This	smell	arises	when	an	abstrac5on	is	le<	
unused	(either	not	directly	used	or	not	
Duplicate Abst%action
This	smell	arises	when	two	or	more	
abstrac5ons	have	the	iden5cal	name	or	
iden5cal	implementa5on	or	both.		
Deficient Encapsulation
This	smell	occurs	when	the	declared	accessibility	
of	one	or	more	members	of	an	abstrac5on	is	
more	permissive	than	actually	required.	
Leaky Encapsulation
This	smell	arises	when	an	abstrac5on	“exposes”	
or	“leaks”	implementa5on	details	through	its	
public	interface.	
Missing Encapsulation
This	smell	occurs	when	the	encapsula5on	of	
implementa5on	varia5ons	in	a	type	or	hierarchy	
is	missing.	
UnexBloited Encapsulation
This	smell	arises	when	client	code	uses	explicit	
type	checks(using	chained	if-else	or	switch	
statements)	instead	of	exploi5ng	the	varia5on	in	
types	already	encapsulated	within	a	hierarchy.	
Broken Modularization
This	smell	arises	when	data	and/or	methods	
that	ideally	should	have	been	localized	into	a	
single	abstrac5on	are	separated	and	spread	
across	mul5ple	abstrac5ons.	
Insufficient Modularization
This	smell	arises	when	an	abstrac5on	exists	that	
has	not	been	completely	decomposed	and	a	
further	decomposi5on	could	reduce	its	size,	
implementa5on	complexity,	or	both.		
Cyclically- dependent
This	smell	arises	when	two	or	more	abstrac5ons	
depend	on	each	other	directly	or	indirectly	
(crea5ng	a	5ght	coupling	between	the	
Hub-like Modularization
This	smell	arises	when	an	abstrac5on	has	
dependencies	(both	incoming	and	outgoing)	
with	large	number	of	other	abstrac5ons.	
Missing Hierarchy
This	smell	arises	when	a	code	segment	uses	
condi5onal	logic	(typically	in	conjunc5on	with	
“tagged	types”)	to	explicitly	manage	varia5on	in	
behavior	where	a	hierarchy	could	have	been	
created	and	used	to	encapsulate	those	
Unnecessar9 Hierarchy
This	smell	arises	when	the	whole	inheritance	
hierarchy	is	unnecessary,	indica5ng	that	
inheritance	has	been	applied	needlessly	for	the	
par5cular	design	context.		
Unfactored Hierarchy
This	smell	arises	when	there	is	unnecessary	
duplica5on	among	types	in	the	hierarchy.	
Wide Hierarchy
This	smell	arises	when	an	inheritance	hierarchy	
is	“too”	wide	indica5ng	that	intermediate	
abstrac5ons	may	be	missing.		
Speculative Hierarchy
This	smell	arises	when	one	or	more	types	in	a	
hierarchy	are	provided	specula5vely	(i.e.	based	
on	imagined	needs	rather	than	real	
Deep Hierarchy
This	smell	arises	when	an	inheritance	hierarchy	
is	"excessively"	deep.		
Rebellious Hierarchy
This	smell	arises	when	a	subtype	rejects	the	
methods	provided	by	its	supertype(s).		
Broken Hierarchy
This	smell	arises	when	a	supertype	and	its	
subtype	conceptually	do	not	share	an	“IS-A”	
rela5onship	resul5ng	in	broken	subs5tutability.		
Multipath Hierarchy
This	smell	arises	when	a	subtype	inherits	both	
directly	as	well	as	indirectly	from	a	supertype	
leading	to	unnecessary	inheritance	paths	in	the	
Cyclic Hierarchy
This	smell	arises	when	a	supertype	in	a	
hierarchy	depends	on	any	of	its	subtypes.		
“Refactoring for SoſtNare DesigO
Smells: Managing Technical Debt”,
Girish Sur9anarayana, Ganesh
SamarUhyam, Tushar SharVa, ISBN:
978-0128013977, Morgan KaufVann/
Elsevier, 2014
Download free
supporting material
from our website
(this poster is
available for
download here)
Best of the
developers read
high-quality books to
hone their skills;
hope you’ll enhance
your book of
technical books by
adding our book!

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Refactoring for Software Design Smells Book - A Visual Overview

  • 1. Refactoring for Software Design Smells A Visual Overview
  • 3. This presentation is about our successful book on refactoring. Link:
  • 4.
  • 5. You can view smells as violation of fundamental design principles; our book catalogs 25 design smells
  • 6.
  • 7. In this book, we focus only on “structural” and “design” smells
  • 8.
  • 9. You can apply the principles of abstract, encapsulation modularisation and hierarchy proactively through these key enabling techniques
  • 12.
  • 13. Our refactoring book is now being translated to other languages; here is the Korean translation of the book!
  • 14.
  • 15. Our work is being well-received when we present in top conferences
  • 16.
  • 17. We have written many related articles on this topic (this article was published in July 2015 in IEEE Software magazine -
  • 18.
  • 19. We have presented in many tutorials/ workshops across the world - Tushar presented this one in DevWeek ’15
  • 20.
  • 21. We have conducted numerous workshops on design smells (this certificate is from a workshop organised by IEEE in June 2015)
  • 22.
  • 23. It’s a joy to see people get “aha!” moments and get deeper understanding when they solve exercises based on the book (this picture was taken during an exercise in ICSE ’14 tutorial)
  • 24.
  • 25. Developers and architects have picked up our design smells work; here is a Jam packed session (100+ on-site and 180+ online attendees) on Design Smells in Siemens PLM (Pune) in May 2016
  • 26.
  • 27. People give awesome feedback for our training programs on refactoring & design smells
  • 28.
  • 29. Check out Designite tool (for C#) that detects many smells described in our book and classifies them based on principles they violate (http://www:designite-tools:com/)
  • 30. “Given its practical orientation and the variety of real-world examples offered throughout the book, this is a must-have for any practicing software engineer, developer, software architect, or anyone else interested in software design. This book would also provide a good introduction to real-world problems in the context of a software design or architecture course." - Extract from the book review in “ACM Computing Reviews”
  • 31. “Given its practical orientation and the variety of real-world examples offered throughout the book, this is a must-have for any practicing software engineer, developer, software architect, or anyone else interested in software design. This book would also provide a good introduction to real-world problems in the context of a software design or architecture course." - Extract from the book review in “ACM Computing Reviews” Numerous positive reviews have appeared for the book; here is an extract from one such review
  • 32. "This is a good book about ‘Design Smells’ – actually a great book – nicely organized - clearly written with plenty of examples and a fair sprinkling of anecdotes." - Will Tracz (Principal Research Scientist & Fellow, Lockheed Martin)
  • 33. "This is a good book about ‘Design Smells’ – actually a great book – nicely organized - clearly written with plenty of examples and a fair sprinkling of anecdotes." - Will Tracz (Principal Research Scientist & Fellow, Lockheed Martin) This quote is from the book review in ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
  • 34.
  • 35. Here is Tushar’s recent work is on detecting configuration smells (in Puppet code: RuypoQiNek)
  • 36.
  • 37. We are also working on the emerging topic of architecture smells and refactoring (this image from JDK 7 shows a tangle - an architecture smell)
  • 38. Refactoring for Software Design Smells Abst%action Missing Abst%action This smell arises when clumps of data or encoded strings are used instead of crea5ng a class or an interface. Imperative Abst%action This smell arises when an opera5on is turned into a class. Incomplete Abst%action This smell arises when an abstrac5on does not support complementary or interrelated methods completely. Multifaceted Abst%action This smell arises when an abstrac5on has more than one responsibility assigned to it. Unnecessar9 Abst%action This smell occurs when an abstrac5on which is actually not needed (and thus could have been avoided) gets introduced in a so<ware design. Unutilized Abst%action This smell arises when an abstrac5on is le< unused (either not directly used or not reachable). Duplicate Abst%action This smell arises when two or more abstrac5ons have the iden5cal name or iden5cal implementa5on or both. Encapsulation Deficient Encapsulation This smell occurs when the declared accessibility of one or more members of an abstrac5on is more permissive than actually required. Leaky Encapsulation This smell arises when an abstrac5on “exposes” or “leaks” implementa5on details through its public interface. Missing Encapsulation This smell occurs when the encapsula5on of implementa5on varia5ons in a type or hierarchy is missing. UnexBloited Encapsulation This smell arises when client code uses explicit type checks(using chained if-else or switch statements) instead of exploi5ng the varia5on in types already encapsulated within a hierarchy. Modularization Broken Modularization This smell arises when data and/or methods that ideally should have been localized into a single abstrac5on are separated and spread across mul5ple abstrac5ons. Insufficient Modularization This smell arises when an abstrac5on exists that has not been completely decomposed and a further decomposi5on could reduce its size, implementa5on complexity, or both. Cyclically- dependent Modularization This smell arises when two or more abstrac5ons depend on each other directly or indirectly (crea5ng a 5ght coupling between the abstrac5ons). Hub-like Modularization This smell arises when an abstrac5on has dependencies (both incoming and outgoing) with large number of other abstrac5ons. Hierarchy Missing Hierarchy This smell arises when a code segment uses condi5onal logic (typically in conjunc5on with “tagged types”) to explicitly manage varia5on in behavior where a hierarchy could have been created and used to encapsulate those varia5ons. Unnecessar9 Hierarchy This smell arises when the whole inheritance hierarchy is unnecessary, indica5ng that inheritance has been applied needlessly for the par5cular design context. Unfactored Hierarchy This smell arises when there is unnecessary duplica5on among types in the hierarchy. Wide Hierarchy This smell arises when an inheritance hierarchy is “too” wide indica5ng that intermediate abstrac5ons may be missing. Speculative Hierarchy This smell arises when one or more types in a hierarchy are provided specula5vely (i.e. based on imagined needs rather than real requirements). Deep Hierarchy This smell arises when an inheritance hierarchy is "excessively" deep. Rebellious Hierarchy This smell arises when a subtype rejects the methods provided by its supertype(s). Broken Hierarchy This smell arises when a supertype and its subtype conceptually do not share an “IS-A” rela5onship resul5ng in broken subs5tutability. Multipath Hierarchy This smell arises when a subtype inherits both directly as well as indirectly from a supertype leading to unnecessary inheritance paths in the hierarchy. Cyclic Hierarchy This smell arises when a supertype in a hierarchy depends on any of its subtypes. “Refactoring for SoſtNare DesigO Smells: Managing Technical Debt”, Girish Sur9anarayana, Ganesh SamarUhyam, Tushar SharVa, ISBN: 978-0128013977, Morgan KaufVann/ Elsevier, 2014 hbB://
  • 39. Refactoring for Software Design Smells Abst%action Missing Abst%action This smell arises when clumps of data or encoded strings are used instead of crea5ng a class or an interface. Imperative Abst%action This smell arises when an opera5on is turned into a class. Incomplete Abst%action This smell arises when an abstrac5on does not support complementary or interrelated methods completely. Multifaceted Abst%action This smell arises when an abstrac5on has more than one responsibility assigned to it. Unnecessar9 Abst%action This smell occurs when an abstrac5on which is actually not needed (and thus could have been avoided) gets introduced in a so<ware design. Unutilized Abst%action This smell arises when an abstrac5on is le< unused (either not directly used or not reachable). Duplicate Abst%action This smell arises when two or more abstrac5ons have the iden5cal name or iden5cal implementa5on or both. Encapsulation Deficient Encapsulation This smell occurs when the declared accessibility of one or more members of an abstrac5on is more permissive than actually required. Leaky Encapsulation This smell arises when an abstrac5on “exposes” or “leaks” implementa5on details through its public interface. Missing Encapsulation This smell occurs when the encapsula5on of implementa5on varia5ons in a type or hierarchy is missing. UnexBloited Encapsulation This smell arises when client code uses explicit type checks(using chained if-else or switch statements) instead of exploi5ng the varia5on in types already encapsulated within a hierarchy. Modularization Broken Modularization This smell arises when data and/or methods that ideally should have been localized into a single abstrac5on are separated and spread across mul5ple abstrac5ons. Insufficient Modularization This smell arises when an abstrac5on exists that has not been completely decomposed and a further decomposi5on could reduce its size, implementa5on complexity, or both. Cyclically- dependent Modularization This smell arises when two or more abstrac5ons depend on each other directly or indirectly (crea5ng a 5ght coupling between the abstrac5ons). Hub-like Modularization This smell arises when an abstrac5on has dependencies (both incoming and outgoing) with large number of other abstrac5ons. Hierarchy Missing Hierarchy This smell arises when a code segment uses condi5onal logic (typically in conjunc5on with “tagged types”) to explicitly manage varia5on in behavior where a hierarchy could have been created and used to encapsulate those varia5ons. Unnecessar9 Hierarchy This smell arises when the whole inheritance hierarchy is unnecessary, indica5ng that inheritance has been applied needlessly for the par5cular design context. Unfactored Hierarchy This smell arises when there is unnecessary duplica5on among types in the hierarchy. Wide Hierarchy This smell arises when an inheritance hierarchy is “too” wide indica5ng that intermediate abstrac5ons may be missing. Speculative Hierarchy This smell arises when one or more types in a hierarchy are provided specula5vely (i.e. based on imagined needs rather than real requirements). Deep Hierarchy This smell arises when an inheritance hierarchy is "excessively" deep. Rebellious Hierarchy This smell arises when a subtype rejects the methods provided by its supertype(s). Broken Hierarchy This smell arises when a supertype and its subtype conceptually do not share an “IS-A” rela5onship resul5ng in broken subs5tutability. Multipath Hierarchy This smell arises when a subtype inherits both directly as well as indirectly from a supertype leading to unnecessary inheritance paths in the hierarchy. Cyclic Hierarchy This smell arises when a supertype in a hierarchy depends on any of its subtypes. “Refactoring for SoſtNare DesigO Smells: Managing Technical Debt”, Girish Sur9anarayana, Ganesh SamarUhyam, Tushar SharVa, ISBN: 978-0128013977, Morgan KaufVann/ Elsevier, 2014 hbB:// Download free supporting material from our website (this poster is available for download here)
  • 40.
  • 41. Best of the developers read high-quality books to hone their skills; hope you’ll enhance your book of technical books by adding our book!