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sudo ("superuser do"): A very common expression which indicates that the taken action must be verified 
with the admin password. 
Now over to some help commands, When you need information about a command, 
type "<command name>-h" or "<command name>--help" 
man: This manual page tells you about the manual page itself. 
intro: Gives you a brief introduction to Linux Commands. 
info: Introduces you to the info pages 
1. adduser: Add a user to the system 
2. addgroup: Add a group to the system 
3. alias: Create an alias 
4. apropos: Search Help manual pages (man -k) 
5. apt-get: Search for and install software packages (Debian/Ubuntu) 
6. aptitude: Search for and instal l software packages (Debian/Ubuntu) 
7. aspell: Spell Checker 
8. awk: Find and Replace text, database sort/validate/index 
9. basename: Strip directory and suffix from filenames 
10. bash: GNU Bourne-Again SHell 
11. bc: Arbitrary precision calculator language 
12. bg: Send to background 
13. break: Exit from a loop 
14. bui ltin: Run a shel l bui ltin 
15. bzip2: Compress or decompress named fi le(s) 
16. cal: Display a calendar 
17. case: Conditional ly perform a command 
18. cat: Display the contents of a file 
19. cd: Change Directory 
20. cfdisk: Partit ion table manipulator for Linux 
21. chgrp: Change group ownership 
22. chmod: Change access permissions 
23. chown: Change fi le owner and group 
24. chroot: Run a command with a di fferent root directory
25. chkconfig: System services (runlevel) 
26. cksum: Print CRC checksum and byte counts 
27. clear: Clear terminal screen 
28. cmp: Compare two fi les 
29. comm: Compare two sorted fi les line by line 
30. command: Run a command - ignoring shel l functions 
31. continue: Resume the next iteration of a loop 
32. cp: Copy one or more fi les to another locat ion 
33. cron: Daemon to execute scheduled commands 
34. crontab: Schedule a command to run at a later time 
35. csplit: Spl it a file into context -determined pieces 
36. cut: Divide a file into several parts 
37. date: Display or change the date & t ime 
38. dc: Desk Calculator 
39. dd: Convert and copy a fi le, write disk headers, boot records 
40. ddrescue: Data recovery tool 
41. declare: Declare variables and give them attributes 
42. df: Display free disk space 
43. diff: Display the di fferences between two fi les 
44. diff3: Show di fferences among three files 
45. dig: DNS lookup 
46. dir: Briefly l ist directory contents 
47. dircolors: Colour setup for `ls' 
48. dirname: Convert a full pathname to just a path 
49. dirs: Display list of remembered directories 
50. dmesg: Print kernel & driver messages 
51. du: Estimate file space usage 
52. echo: Display message on screen 
53. egrep: Search file(s) for lines that match an extended expression 
54. eject: Eject removable media 
55. enable: Enable and disable bui ltin shell commands 
56. env: Environment variables 
57. ethtool: Ethernet card settings 
58. eval: Evaluate several commands/arguments 
59. exec: Execute a command 
60. exit: Exit the shell 
61. expect: Automate arbitrary appl icat ions accessed over a terminal 
62. expand: Convert tabs to spaces 
63. export: Set an environment variable
64. expr: Evaluate expressions 
65. false: Do nothing, unsuccessful ly 
66. fdformat: Low-level format a floppy disk 
67. fdisk: Partition table manipulator for Linux 
68. fg: Send job to foreground 
69. fgrep: Search file(s) for lines that match a fixed string 
70. file: Determine file type 
71. find: Search for files that meet a desired criteria 
72. fmt: Reformat paragraph text 
73. fold: Wrap text to fit a speci fied width. 
74. for: Expand words, and execute commands 
75. format: Format disks or tapes 
76. free: Display memory usage 
77. fsck: File system consistency check and repair 
78. ftp: Fi le Transfer Protocol 
79. function: Define Function Macros 
80. fuser: Identi fy/kil l the process that is accessing a file 
81. gawk: Find and Replace text within file(s) 
82. getopts: Parse positional parameters 
83. grep: Search file(s) for lines that match a given pat tern 
84. groups: Print group names a user is in 
85. gzip: Compress or decompress named file(s) 
86. hash: Remember the full pathname of a name argument 
87. head: Output the first part of fi le(s) 
88. help: Display help for a built -in command 
89. history: Command History 
90. hostname: Print or set system name 
91. id: Print user and group id's 
92. if: Condit ionally perform a command 
93. ifconfig: Configure a network interface 
94. ifdown: Stop a network interface 
95. ifup: Start a network interface up 
96. import: Capture an X server screen and save the image to file 
97. install: Copy fi les and set attributes 
98. jobs: List active jobs 
99. join: Join l ines on a common field 
100. kil l: Stop a process from running 
101. kil lall: Kill processes by name 
102. less: Display output one screen at a time
103. let: Perform arithmetic on shell variables 
104. ln: Make links between files 
105. local: Create variables 
106. locate: Find files 
107. logname: Print current login name 
108. logout: Exit a login shel l 
109. look: Display lines beginning with a given string 
110. lpc: Line printer control program 
111. lpr: Off l ine print 
112. lprint: Print a fi le 
113. lprintd: Abort a print job 
114. lprintq: List the print queue 
115. lprm: Remove jobs from the print queue 
116. ls: List information about fi le(s) 
117. lsof: List open files 
118. make: Recompi le a group of programs 
119. man: Help manual 
120. mkdir: Create new folder(s) 
121. mkfi fo: Make FIFOs (named pipes) 
122. mkisofs: Create an hybrid ISO9660/JOLIET/HFS fi lesystem 
123. mknod: Make block or character special files 
124. more: Display output one screen at a time 
125. mount: Mount a file system 
126. mtools: Manipulate MS-DOS files 
127. mtr: Network diagnost ics (traceroute/ping) 
128. mv: Move or rename files or directories 
129. mmv: Mass Move and rename (files) 
130. netstat: Networking information 
131. nice: Set the priority of a command or job 
132. nl: Number lines and write files 
133. nohup: Run a command immune to hangups 
134. not ify-send: Send desktop not i fications 
135. nslookup: Query Internet name servers interactively 
136. open: Open a file in its default application 
137. op: Operator access 
138. passwd: Modi fy a user password 
139. paste: Merge lines of fi les 
140. pathchk: Check fi le name portabi lity 
141. ping: Test a network connect ion
142. pki ll: Stop processes from running 
143. popd: Restore the previous value of the current directory 
144. pr: Prepare fi les for printing 
145. printcap: Printer capabi lity database 
146. printenv: Print environment variables 
147. print f: Format and print data 
148. ps: Process status 
149. pushd: Save and then change the current directory 
150. pwd: Print Working Directory 
151. quota: Display disk usage and l imits 
152. quotacheck: Scan a fi le system for disk usage 
153. quotact l: Set disk quotas 
154. ram: ram disk device 
155. rcp: Copy files between two machines 
156. read: Read a line from standard input 
157. readarray: Read from stdin into an array variable 
158. readonly: Mark variables/functions as readonly 
159. reboot: Reboot the system 
160. rename: Rename files 
161. renice: Alter priority of running processes 
162. remsync: Synchronize remote fi les via email 
163. return: Exit a shel l function 
164. rev: Reverse lines of a file 
165. rm: Remove files 
166. rmdir: Remove folder(s) 
167. rsync: Remote fi le copy (Synchronize file trees) 
168. screen: Multiplex terminal, run remote shells via ssh 
169. scp: Secure copy (remote file copy) 
170. sdi ff: Merge two fi les interact ively 
171. sed: Stream Editor 
172. select: Accept keyboard input 
173. seq: Print numeric sequences 
174. set: Manipulate shell variables and funct ions 
175. sftp: Secure File Transfer Program 
176. shi ft: Shi ft positional parameters 
177. shopt: Shell Options 
178. shutdown: Shutdown or restart l inux 
179. sleep: Delay for a speci fied time 
180. slocate: Find files
181. sort: Sort text fi les 
182. source: Run commands from a fi le 
183. split: Split a file into fixed-size pieces 
184. ssh: Secure Shel l client (remote login program) 
185. strace: Trace system calls and signals 
186. su: Subst itute user identity 
187. sudo: Execute a command as another user 
188. sum: Print a checksum for a fi le 
189. suspend: Suspend execution of this shell 
190. symlink: Make a new name for a file 
191. sync: Synchronize data on disk with memory 
192. tail: Output the last part of files 
193. tar: Tape Archiver 
194. tee: Redirect output to mult iple files 
195. test: Evaluate a conditional expression 
196. time: Measure Program running t ime 
197. times: User and system times 
198. touch: Change fi le timestamps 
199. top: List processes running on the system 
200. traceroute: Trace Route to Host 
201. trap: Run a command when a signal is set(bourne) 
202. tr: Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters 
203. true: Do nothing, successfully 
204. tsort: Topological sort 
205. tty: Print filename of terminal on stdin 
206. type: Describe a command 
207. ulimit: Limit user resources 
208. umask: Users file creation mask 
209. umount: Unmount a device 
210. unalias: Remove an alias 
211. uname: Print system information 
212. unexpand: Convert spaces to tabs 
213. uniq: Uniqui fy fi les 
214. units: Convert units from one scale to another 
215. unset: Remove variable or funct ion names 
216. unshar: Unpack shell archive scripts 
217. until: Execute commands (until error) 
218. useradd: Create new user account 
219. usermod: Modi fy user account
220. users: List users currently logged in 
221. uuencode: Encode a binary file 
222. uudecode: Decode a file created by uuencode 
223. v: Verbosely list directory contents (`ls -l -b') 
224. vdir: Verbosely list directory contents (`ls -l -b') 
225. vi: Text Editor 
226. vmstat: Report virtual memory statistics 
227. watch: Execute/display a program periodically 
228. wc: Print byte, word, and line counts 
229. whereis: Search the user's $path, man pages and source fi les for a program 
230. which: Search the user's $path for a program file 
231. while: Execute commands 
232. who: Print all usernames currently logged in 
233. whoami: Print the current user id and name (`id -un') 
234. Wget: Retrieve web pages or fi les via HTTP, HTTPS or FTP 
235. write: Send a message to another user 
236. xargs: Execute uti lity, passing constructed argument list(s) 
237. xdg-open: Open a fi le or URL in the user's preferred appl icat ion 
Add new user 
sudo adduser username 
Enter password of current user 
Enter new unix password for username 
Retype new unix password for username 
Remove a user 
sudo userdel username 
Enter password of current user 
Change password of user 
sudo passwd username 
Enter new unix password for username 
Retype new unix password for username 
Enable root 
sudo passwd root 
Enter new unix password for root 
Retype new unix password for root 
Change user to root 
Show network interface configuration
Show all network interface configuration 
ifconfig –a 
Down Ethernet 
ifdown eth0 
Up Ethernet 
ifup eth0 
Down and up ethernet 
ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0 
To stop networking service 
sudo service networking stop or sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop 
To start networking service 
sudo service networking start or sudo /etc/init.d/networking start 
To restart networking service 
sudo service networking restart or sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart 
To restart networking service for desktop 
sudo service network-manager restart 
Ip address for Ethernet eth0 
sudo ifconfig eth0 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX netmask XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX 
Default gateway for Ethernet eth0 
sudo route add default gw XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX eth0 
DNS or Name server 
nameserver XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX 
nameserver XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX 
Edit Ip address via editor 
vi /etc/network/interfaces 
Ethernet eth0 static to dhcpclient 
sudo dhclient eth0 
Disable IPv6 if not needed. 
echo "net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf 
sysctl –p 
To stop any service 
sudo service stop servicename 
sudo /etc/init.d/ servicename stop 
To start any service 
sudo service start servicename 
sudo /etc/init.d/ servicename start 
To restart any service 
sudo service restart servicename 
sudo /etc/init.d/ servicename restart 
Add any service to startup 
initctl start servicename 
Remove any service from startup 
initctl stop servicename 
To see the list of the startup service 
initctl list 
To see the status of the startup service 
initctl status servicename 
Update your Ubuntu Server Using the Software Updater 
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

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  • 1. OTHER USEFUL COMMAND OF UBUNTU SERVER BASIC COMMANDS OF LINUX BASIC COMMANDS OF LINUX sudo ("superuser do"): A very common expression which indicates that the taken action must be verified with the admin password. Now over to some help commands, When you need information about a command, type "<command name>-h" or "<command name>--help" man: This manual page tells you about the manual page itself. intro: Gives you a brief introduction to Linux Commands. info: Introduces you to the info pages 1. adduser: Add a user to the system 2. addgroup: Add a group to the system 3. alias: Create an alias 4. apropos: Search Help manual pages (man -k) 5. apt-get: Search for and install software packages (Debian/Ubuntu) 6. aptitude: Search for and instal l software packages (Debian/Ubuntu) 7. aspell: Spell Checker 8. awk: Find and Replace text, database sort/validate/index 9. basename: Strip directory and suffix from filenames 10. bash: GNU Bourne-Again SHell 11. bc: Arbitrary precision calculator language 12. bg: Send to background 13. break: Exit from a loop 14. bui ltin: Run a shel l bui ltin 15. bzip2: Compress or decompress named fi le(s) 16. cal: Display a calendar 17. case: Conditional ly perform a command 18. cat: Display the contents of a file 19. cd: Change Directory 20. cfdisk: Partit ion table manipulator for Linux 21. chgrp: Change group ownership 22. chmod: Change access permissions 23. chown: Change fi le owner and group 24. chroot: Run a command with a di fferent root directory
  • 2. 25. chkconfig: System services (runlevel) 26. cksum: Print CRC checksum and byte counts 27. clear: Clear terminal screen 28. cmp: Compare two fi les 29. comm: Compare two sorted fi les line by line 30. command: Run a command - ignoring shel l functions 31. continue: Resume the next iteration of a loop 32. cp: Copy one or more fi les to another locat ion 33. cron: Daemon to execute scheduled commands 34. crontab: Schedule a command to run at a later time 35. csplit: Spl it a file into context -determined pieces 36. cut: Divide a file into several parts 37. date: Display or change the date & t ime 38. dc: Desk Calculator 39. dd: Convert and copy a fi le, write disk headers, boot records 40. ddrescue: Data recovery tool 41. declare: Declare variables and give them attributes 42. df: Display free disk space 43. diff: Display the di fferences between two fi les 44. diff3: Show di fferences among three files 45. dig: DNS lookup 46. dir: Briefly l ist directory contents 47. dircolors: Colour setup for `ls' 48. dirname: Convert a full pathname to just a path 49. dirs: Display list of remembered directories 50. dmesg: Print kernel & driver messages 51. du: Estimate file space usage 52. echo: Display message on screen 53. egrep: Search file(s) for lines that match an extended expression 54. eject: Eject removable media 55. enable: Enable and disable bui ltin shell commands 56. env: Environment variables 57. ethtool: Ethernet card settings 58. eval: Evaluate several commands/arguments 59. exec: Execute a command 60. exit: Exit the shell 61. expect: Automate arbitrary appl icat ions accessed over a terminal 62. expand: Convert tabs to spaces 63. export: Set an environment variable
  • 3. 64. expr: Evaluate expressions 65. false: Do nothing, unsuccessful ly 66. fdformat: Low-level format a floppy disk 67. fdisk: Partition table manipulator for Linux 68. fg: Send job to foreground 69. fgrep: Search file(s) for lines that match a fixed string 70. file: Determine file type 71. find: Search for files that meet a desired criteria 72. fmt: Reformat paragraph text 73. fold: Wrap text to fit a speci fied width. 74. for: Expand words, and execute commands 75. format: Format disks or tapes 76. free: Display memory usage 77. fsck: File system consistency check and repair 78. ftp: Fi le Transfer Protocol 79. function: Define Function Macros 80. fuser: Identi fy/kil l the process that is accessing a file 81. gawk: Find and Replace text within file(s) 82. getopts: Parse positional parameters 83. grep: Search file(s) for lines that match a given pat tern 84. groups: Print group names a user is in 85. gzip: Compress or decompress named file(s) 86. hash: Remember the full pathname of a name argument 87. head: Output the first part of fi le(s) 88. help: Display help for a built -in command 89. history: Command History 90. hostname: Print or set system name 91. id: Print user and group id's 92. if: Condit ionally perform a command 93. ifconfig: Configure a network interface 94. ifdown: Stop a network interface 95. ifup: Start a network interface up 96. import: Capture an X server screen and save the image to file 97. install: Copy fi les and set attributes 98. jobs: List active jobs 99. join: Join l ines on a common field 100. kil l: Stop a process from running 101. kil lall: Kill processes by name 102. less: Display output one screen at a time
  • 4. 103. let: Perform arithmetic on shell variables 104. ln: Make links between files 105. local: Create variables 106. locate: Find files 107. logname: Print current login name 108. logout: Exit a login shel l 109. look: Display lines beginning with a given string 110. lpc: Line printer control program 111. lpr: Off l ine print 112. lprint: Print a fi le 113. lprintd: Abort a print job 114. lprintq: List the print queue 115. lprm: Remove jobs from the print queue 116. ls: List information about fi le(s) 117. lsof: List open files 118. make: Recompi le a group of programs 119. man: Help manual 120. mkdir: Create new folder(s) 121. mkfi fo: Make FIFOs (named pipes) 122. mkisofs: Create an hybrid ISO9660/JOLIET/HFS fi lesystem 123. mknod: Make block or character special files 124. more: Display output one screen at a time 125. mount: Mount a file system 126. mtools: Manipulate MS-DOS files 127. mtr: Network diagnost ics (traceroute/ping) 128. mv: Move or rename files or directories 129. mmv: Mass Move and rename (files) 130. netstat: Networking information 131. nice: Set the priority of a command or job 132. nl: Number lines and write files 133. nohup: Run a command immune to hangups 134. not ify-send: Send desktop not i fications 135. nslookup: Query Internet name servers interactively 136. open: Open a file in its default application 137. op: Operator access 138. passwd: Modi fy a user password 139. paste: Merge lines of fi les 140. pathchk: Check fi le name portabi lity 141. ping: Test a network connect ion
  • 5. 142. pki ll: Stop processes from running 143. popd: Restore the previous value of the current directory 144. pr: Prepare fi les for printing 145. printcap: Printer capabi lity database 146. printenv: Print environment variables 147. print f: Format and print data 148. ps: Process status 149. pushd: Save and then change the current directory 150. pwd: Print Working Directory 151. quota: Display disk usage and l imits 152. quotacheck: Scan a fi le system for disk usage 153. quotact l: Set disk quotas 154. ram: ram disk device 155. rcp: Copy files between two machines 156. read: Read a line from standard input 157. readarray: Read from stdin into an array variable 158. readonly: Mark variables/functions as readonly 159. reboot: Reboot the system 160. rename: Rename files 161. renice: Alter priority of running processes 162. remsync: Synchronize remote fi les via email 163. return: Exit a shel l function 164. rev: Reverse lines of a file 165. rm: Remove files 166. rmdir: Remove folder(s) 167. rsync: Remote fi le copy (Synchronize file trees) 168. screen: Multiplex terminal, run remote shells via ssh 169. scp: Secure copy (remote file copy) 170. sdi ff: Merge two fi les interact ively 171. sed: Stream Editor 172. select: Accept keyboard input 173. seq: Print numeric sequences 174. set: Manipulate shell variables and funct ions 175. sftp: Secure File Transfer Program 176. shi ft: Shi ft positional parameters 177. shopt: Shell Options 178. shutdown: Shutdown or restart l inux 179. sleep: Delay for a speci fied time 180. slocate: Find files
  • 6. 181. sort: Sort text fi les 182. source: Run commands from a fi le 183. split: Split a file into fixed-size pieces 184. ssh: Secure Shel l client (remote login program) 185. strace: Trace system calls and signals 186. su: Subst itute user identity 187. sudo: Execute a command as another user 188. sum: Print a checksum for a fi le 189. suspend: Suspend execution of this shell 190. symlink: Make a new name for a file 191. sync: Synchronize data on disk with memory 192. tail: Output the last part of files 193. tar: Tape Archiver 194. tee: Redirect output to mult iple files 195. test: Evaluate a conditional expression 196. time: Measure Program running t ime 197. times: User and system times 198. touch: Change fi le timestamps 199. top: List processes running on the system 200. traceroute: Trace Route to Host 201. trap: Run a command when a signal is set(bourne) 202. tr: Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters 203. true: Do nothing, successfully 204. tsort: Topological sort 205. tty: Print filename of terminal on stdin 206. type: Describe a command 207. ulimit: Limit user resources 208. umask: Users file creation mask 209. umount: Unmount a device 210. unalias: Remove an alias 211. uname: Print system information 212. unexpand: Convert spaces to tabs 213. uniq: Uniqui fy fi les 214. units: Convert units from one scale to another 215. unset: Remove variable or funct ion names 216. unshar: Unpack shell archive scripts 217. until: Execute commands (until error) 218. useradd: Create new user account 219. usermod: Modi fy user account
  • 7. 220. users: List users currently logged in 221. uuencode: Encode a binary file 222. uudecode: Decode a file created by uuencode 223. v: Verbosely list directory contents (`ls -l -b') 224. vdir: Verbosely list directory contents (`ls -l -b') 225. vi: Text Editor 226. vmstat: Report virtual memory statistics 227. watch: Execute/display a program periodically 228. wc: Print byte, word, and line counts 229. whereis: Search the user's $path, man pages and source fi les for a program 230. which: Search the user's $path for a program file 231. while: Execute commands 232. who: Print all usernames currently logged in 233. whoami: Print the current user id and name (`id -un') 234. Wget: Retrieve web pages or fi les via HTTP, HTTPS or FTP 235. write: Send a message to another user 236. xargs: Execute uti lity, passing constructed argument list(s) 237. xdg-open: Open a fi le or URL in the user's preferred appl icat ion Add new user sudo adduser username Enter password of current user Enter new unix password for username Retype new unix password for username Remove a user sudo userdel username Enter password of current user Change password of user sudo passwd username Enter new unix password for username Retype new unix password for username Enable root sudo passwd root Enter new unix password for root Retype new unix password for root Change user to root su Show network interface configuration
  • 8. ifconfig Show all network interface configuration ifconfig –a Down Ethernet ifdown eth0 Up Ethernet ifup eth0 Down and up ethernet ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0 To stop networking service sudo service networking stop or sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop To start networking service sudo service networking start or sudo /etc/init.d/networking start To restart networking service sudo service networking restart or sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart To restart networking service for desktop sudo service network-manager restart Ip address for Ethernet eth0 sudo ifconfig eth0 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX netmask XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Default gateway for Ethernet eth0 sudo route add default gw XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX eth0 DNS or Name server nameserver XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX nameserver XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Edit Ip address via editor vi /etc/network/interfaces Ethernet eth0 static to dhcpclient sudo dhclient eth0 Disable IPv6 if not needed. echo "net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf sysctl –p ifconfig
  • 9. To stop any service sudo service stop servicename sudo /etc/init.d/ servicename stop To start any service sudo service start servicename sudo /etc/init.d/ servicename start To restart any service sudo service restart servicename sudo /etc/init.d/ servicename restart Add any service to startup initctl start servicename Remove any service from startup initctl stop servicename To see the list of the startup service initctl list To see the status of the startup service initctl status servicename Update your Ubuntu Server Using the Software Updater sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade