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Realtime Processing with
Who are we?

              Dario Simonassi

              Gabriel Eisbruch

              Jonathan Leibiusky

         ● The problem

         ● Storm - Basic concepts

         ● Trident

         ● Deploying

         ● Some other features

         ● Contributions
Tons of
                                     Re   it


                       Queue   Worker           Worker

Information   Worker
  Source                                Queue              DB

                       Queue   Worker


                       Queue   Worker
What is Storm?

●   Is a highly distributed realtime computation system.

●   Provides general primitives to do realtime computation.

●   Can be used with any programming language.

●   It's scalable and fault-tolerant.
Example - Main Concepts
Main Concepts - Example

         "Count tweets related to strataconf and show hashtag totals."
Main Concepts - Spout

● First thing we need is to read all tweets related to strataconf from twitter

● A Spout is a special component that is a source of messages to be processed.

                                Tweets                    Tuples
Main Concepts - Spout
      public class ApiStreamingSpout extends BaseRichSpout {
        SpoutOutputCollector collector;
        TwitterReader reader;

          public void nextTuple() {
            Tweet tweet = reader.getNextTweet();
            if(tweet != null)
               collector.emit(new Values(tweet));
          public void open(Map conf, TopologyContext context,
               SpoutOutputCollector collector) {
            reader = new TwitterReader(conf.get("track"), conf.get("user"), conf.get("pass"));
            this.collector = collector;
          public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) {
            declarer.declare(new Fields("tweet"));

                                           Tweets                                Tuples
Main Concepts - Bolt

● For every tweet, we find hashtags

● A Bolt is a component that does the processing.

                        tweet                                            hashtags
                        stream               tweet                      hashtags

                                  Spout              HashtagsSplitter
Main Concepts - Bolt
         public class HashtagsSplitter extends BaseBasicBolt {
           public void execute(Tuple input, BasicOutputCollector collector) {
              Tweet tweet = (Tweet)input.getValueByField("tweet");
              for(String hashtag : tweet.getHashTags()){
                collector.emit(new Values(hashtag));
           public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) {
              declarer.declare(new Fields("hashtag"));

                    tweet                                                 hashtags
                                              tweet                      hashtags
                                Spout                 HashtagsSplitter
Main Concepts - Bolt
           public class HashtagsCounterBolt extends BaseBasicBolt {
             private Jedis jedis;

                 public void execute(Tuple input, BasicOutputCollector collector) {
                   String hashtag = input.getStringByField("hashtag");
                   jedis.hincrBy("hashs", key, val);

                 public void prepare(Map conf, TopologyContext context) {
                   jedis = new Jedis("localhost");

        stream                     tweet                      hashtag
                      Spout                HashtagsSplitter              HashtagsCounterBolt
Main Concepts - Topology
     public static Topology createTopology() {
       TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();

         builder.setSpout("tweets-collector", new ApiStreamingSpout(), 1);
         builder.setBolt("hashtags-splitter", new HashTagsSplitter(), 2)
         builder.setBolt("hashtags-counter", new HashtagsCounterBolt(), 2)
           .fieldsGrouping("hashtags-splitter", new Fields("hashtags"));

         return builder.createTopology();


                                            HashtagsSplitter            HashtagsCounterBolt
                                            HashtagsSplitter            HashtagsCounterBolt
Example Overview - Read Tweet

 Spout                           Splitter   Counter   Redis

         This tweet has #hello
         #world hashtags!!!
Example Overview - Split Tweet

 Spout                           Splitter                     Counter   Redis

         This tweet has #hello
         #world hashtags!!!                 #hello

Example Overview - Split Tweet

 Spout                           Splitter                     Counter                  Redis

         This tweet has #hello
         #world hashtags!!                  #hello
                                                                                       #hello = 1
                                                                                       #world = 1
Example Overview - Split Tweet

 Spout                         Splitter   Counter   Redis

                                                    #hello = 1

         This tweet has #bye
         #world hashtags
                                                    #world = 1
Example Overview - Split Tweet

 Spout                         Splitter                   Counter   Redis

                                                                    #hello = 1
         This tweet has #bye
         #world hashtags                                            #world = 1
Example Overview - Split Tweet

 Spout                         Splitter                   Counter                  Redis

                                                                                   #hello = 1
         This tweet has #bye                                        incr(#bye)
         #world hashtags                                                           #world = 2
                                                                    incr(#world)    #bye =1
Main Concepts - In summary

 ○ Topology

 ○ Spout

 ○ Stream

 ○ Bolt
Guaranteeing Message Processing

Guaranteeing Message Processing

                       HashtagsSplitter   HashtagsCounterBolt
                       HashtagsSplitter   HashtagsCounterBolt
Guaranteeing Message Processing

                       HashtagsSplitter        HashtagsCounterBolt
                       HashtagsSplitter        HashtagsCounterBolt

Guaranteeing Message Processing

                       HashtagsSplitter   HashtagsCounterBolt
                       HashtagsSplitter   HashtagsCounterBolt
Guaranteeing Message Processing

                       HashtagsSplitter   HashtagsCounterBolt
                       HashtagsSplitter   HashtagsCounterBolt
Guaranteeing Message Processing

                                      HashtagsSplitter   HashtagsCounterBolt
                                      HashtagsSplitter   HashtagsCounterBolt

           void fail(Object msgId);

Trident - What is Trident?

   ● High-level abstraction on top of Storm.

   ● Will make it easier to build topologies.

   ● Similar to Hadoop, Pig
Trident - Topology

   TridentTopology topology =
                    new TridentTopology();

             tweet                                       hashtags
             stream           tweet

                      Spout           HashtagsSplitter               Memory
Trident - Stream

  Stream tweetsStream = topology
          .newStream("tweets", new ApiStreamingSpout());

          Stream hashtagsStream =
               tweetsStrem.each(new Fields("tweet"),new BaseFunction() {
                   public void execute(TridentTuple tuple,
                                 TridentCollector collector) {
                       Tweet tweet = (Tweet)tuple.getValueByField("tweet");
                       for(String hashtag : tweet.getHashtags())
                          collector.emit(new Values(hashtag));
                    }, new Fields("hashtag")

                       tweet                                           hashtags
                       stream              tweet                      hashtags

                                Spout              HashtagsSplitter
Trident - States

   TridentState hashtagCounts =
      hashtagsStream.groupBy(new Fields("hashtag"))
       .persistentAggregate(new MemoryMapState.Factory(),
                            new Count(),
                            new Fields("count"));

             tweet                                       hashtags
             stream           tweet
                      Spout           HashtagsSplitter
Trident - States

   TridentState hashtagCounts =
      hashtagsStream.groupBy(new Fields("hashtag"))
       .persistentAggregate(new MemoryMapState.Factory(),
                            new Count(),
                            new Fields("count"));

             tweet                                       hashtags
             stream           tweet
                      Spout           HashtagsSplitter
Trident - States

   TridentState hashtagCounts =
      hashtagsStream.groupBy(new Fields("hashtag"))
       .persistentAggregate(new MemoryMapState.Factory(),
                            new Count(),
                            new Fields("count"));

             tweet                                       hashtags
             stream           tweet
                      Spout           HashtagsSplitter
Trident - States

   TridentState hashtagCounts =
      hashtagsStream.groupBy(new Fields("hashtag"))
       .persistentAggregate(new MemoryMapState.Factory(),
                            new Count(),
                            new Fields("count"));

             tweet                                       hashtags
             stream           tweet
                      Spout           HashtagsSplitter
Trident - Complete example

 TridentState hashtags = topology
        .newStream("tweets", new ApiStreamingSpout())
        .each(new Fields("tweet"),new HashTagSplitter(), new Fields("hashtag"))
        .groupBy(new Fields("hashtag"))
        .persistentAggregate(new MemoryMapState.Factory(),
                                      new Count(),
                                      new Fields("count"))

               tweet                                         hashtags
               stream             tweet
                        Spout             HashtagsSplitter
  ● Exactly once message processing semantic
  ● The intermediate processing may be executed in a parallel way
  ● But persistence should be strictly sequential
  ● Spouts and persistence should be designed to be transactional
Trident - Queries

     We want to know on-line the count of tweets with hashtag hadoop and the
                    amount of tweets with strataconf hashtag
Trident - DRPC
Trident - Query

 DRPCClient drpc = new DRPCClient("MyDRPCServer",

 drpc.execute("counts", "strataconf hadoop");
Trident - Query

       Stream drpcStream =
Trident - Query

  Stream singleHashtag =
       drpcStream.each(new Fields("args"), new Split(), new Fields("hashtag"))

                                     DRPC            Hashtag
                DRPC                 stream          Splitter
Trident - Query

   Stream hashtagsCountQuery =
        singleHashtag.stateQuery(hashtagCountMemoryState, new Fields("hashtag"),
        new MapGet(), new Fields("count"));

                            DRPC              Hashtag         Hashtag Count
                            stream            Splitter           Query
Trident - Query

     Stream drpcCountAggregate =
                hashtagsCountQuery.groupBy(new Fields("hashtag"))
                .aggregate(new Fields("count"), new Sum(), new Fields("sum"));

                         DRPC           Hashtag       Hashtag Count   Aggregate
    DRPC                 stream         Splitter         Query          Count
Trident - Query - Complete Example

        .each(new Fields("args"), new Split(), new Fields("hashtag"))
        .stateQuery(hashtags, new Fields("hashtag"),
              new MapGet(), new Fields("count"))
        .each(new Fields("count"), new FilterNull())
        .groupBy(new Fields("hashtag"))
        .aggregate(new Fields("count"), new Sum(), new Fields("sum"));
Trident - Query - Complete Example

                       DRPC      Hashtag    Hashtag Count   Aggregate
         DRPC          stream    Splitter      Query          Count
Trident - Query - Complete Example

    Client Call

                       DRPC      Hashtag    Hashtag Count   Aggregate
              DRPC     stream    Splitter      Query          Count
Trident - Query - Complete Example

    Hold the

                                  DRPC     Hashtag    Hashtag Count   Aggregate
               DRPC               stream   Splitter      Query          Count
Trident - Query - Complete Example

  Request continue

                       DRPC           Hashtag        Hashtag Count   Aggregate
              DRPC     stream         Splitter          Query          Count

                                On finish return to DRPC
Trident - Query - Complete Example

                          DRPC     Hashtag    Hashtag Count   Aggregate
              DRPC        stream   Splitter      Query          Count

 Return response to the
Running Topologies
Running Topologies - Local Cluster
    Config conf = new Config();
    LocalCluster cluster = new LocalCluster();
    cluster.submitTopology("twitter-hashtag-summarizer", conf, builder.createTopology());

    ●   The whole topology will run in a single machine.

    ●   Similar to run in a production cluster

    ●   Very Useful for test and development

    ●   Configurable parallelism

    ●   Similar methods than StormSubmitter
Running Topologies - Production

   package twitter.streaming;
   public class Topology {
     public static void main(String[] args){
          conf, builder.createTopology());

    mvn package

    storm jar Strata2012-0.0.1.jar twitter.streaming.Topology 
         "$REDIS_HOST" $REDIS_PORT "strata,strataconf"
Running Topologies - Cluster Layout

● Single Master process                Storm Cluster
● No SPOF                                                                  (where the processing is done)

● Automatic Task distribution              Nimbus                                Supervisor
                                           (The master
                                                                           (where the processing is done)
● Amount of task configurable by
  process                                                                        Supervisor
                                                                           (where the processing is done)

● Automatic tasks re-distribution on
  supervisors fails
                                                            Zookeeper Cluster
                                                       (Only for coordination and cluster state)
● Work continue on nimbus fails
Running Topologies - Cluster Architecture - No SPOF

          Storm Cluster

                                      (where the processing is done)

                   Nimbus                   Supervisor
               (The master Process)   (where the processing is done)

                                      (where the processing is done)
Running Topologies - Cluster Architecture - No SPOF

          Storm Cluster

                                      (where the processing is done)

                   Nimbus                   Supervisor
               (The master Process)   (where the processing is done)

                                      (where the processing is done)
Running Topologies - Cluster Architecture - No SPOF

          Storm Cluster

                                      (where the processing is done)

                   Nimbus                   Supervisor
               (The master Process)   (where the processing is done)

                                      (where the processing is done)
Other features
Other features - Non JVM languages
    ● Use Non-JVM Languages                      "conf": {
                                                    "topology.message.timeout.secs": 3,
                                                    // etc
    ● Simple protocol                            },
                                                 "context": {
    ● Use stdin & stdout for communication          "task->component": {
                                                       "1": "example-spout",
                                                       "2": "__acker",
    ● Many implementations and abstraction
                                                       "3": "example-bolt"
      layers done by the community                  },
                                                    "taskid": 3
                                                 "pidDir": "..."
●   A collection of community developed spouts, bolts, serializers, and other goodies.
●   You can find it in:

●   Some of those goodies are:

    ○   cassandra: Integrates Storm and Cassandra by writing tuples to a Cassandra Column Family.

    ○   mongodb: Provides a spout to read documents from mongo, and a bolt to write documents to mongo.

    ○   SQS: Provides a spout to consume messages from Amazon SQS.

    ○   hbase: Provides a spout and a bolt to read and write from HBase.

    ○   kafka: Provides a spout to read messages from kafka.

    ○   rdbms: Provides a bolt to write tuples to a table.

    ○   redis-pubsub: Provides a spout to read messages from redis pubsub.

    ○   And more...

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Realtime processing with storm presentation

  • 2. Who are we? Dario Simonassi @ldsimonassi Gabriel Eisbruch @geisbruch Jonathan Leibiusky @xetorthio
  • 3. Agenda ● The problem ● Storm - Basic concepts ● Trident ● Deploying ● Some other features ● Contributions
  • 4. Tons of information arriving every second
  • 5. Heavy workload
  • 6. Do Re it alti me !
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9. Worker Complex Queue Worker Queue Queue Worker Worker Information Worker Source Queue DB Queue Worker Worker Worker Queue Queue Worker
  • 10. What is Storm? ● Is a highly distributed realtime computation system. ● Provides general primitives to do realtime computation. ● Can be used with any programming language. ● It's scalable and fault-tolerant.
  • 11. Example - Main Concepts
  • 12. Main Concepts - Example "Count tweets related to strataconf and show hashtag totals."
  • 13. Main Concepts - Spout ● First thing we need is to read all tweets related to strataconf from twitter ● A Spout is a special component that is a source of messages to be processed. Tweets Tuples Spout
  • 14. Main Concepts - Spout public class ApiStreamingSpout extends BaseRichSpout { SpoutOutputCollector collector; TwitterReader reader; public void nextTuple() { Tweet tweet = reader.getNextTweet(); if(tweet != null) collector.emit(new Values(tweet)); } public void open(Map conf, TopologyContext context, SpoutOutputCollector collector) { reader = new TwitterReader(conf.get("track"), conf.get("user"), conf.get("pass")); this.collector = collector; } public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) { declarer.declare(new Fields("tweet")); } } Tweets Tuples Spout
  • 15. Main Concepts - Bolt ● For every tweet, we find hashtags ● A Bolt is a component that does the processing. tweet hashtags hashtags stream tweet hashtags Spout HashtagsSplitter
  • 16. Main Concepts - Bolt public class HashtagsSplitter extends BaseBasicBolt { public void execute(Tuple input, BasicOutputCollector collector) { Tweet tweet = (Tweet)input.getValueByField("tweet"); for(String hashtag : tweet.getHashTags()){ collector.emit(new Values(hashtag)); } } public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) { declarer.declare(new Fields("hashtag")); } } tweet hashtags tweet hashtags hashtags stream Spout HashtagsSplitter
  • 17. Main Concepts - Bolt public class HashtagsCounterBolt extends BaseBasicBolt { private Jedis jedis; public void execute(Tuple input, BasicOutputCollector collector) { String hashtag = input.getStringByField("hashtag"); jedis.hincrBy("hashs", key, val); } public void prepare(Map conf, TopologyContext context) { jedis = new Jedis("localhost"); } } tweet stream tweet hashtag hashtag hashtag Spout HashtagsSplitter HashtagsCounterBolt
  • 18. Main Concepts - Topology public static Topology createTopology() { TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder(); builder.setSpout("tweets-collector", new ApiStreamingSpout(), 1); builder.setBolt("hashtags-splitter", new HashTagsSplitter(), 2) .shuffleGrouping("tweets-collector"); builder.setBolt("hashtags-counter", new HashtagsCounterBolt(), 2) .fieldsGrouping("hashtags-splitter", new Fields("hashtags")); return builder.createTopology(); } fields shuffle HashtagsSplitter HashtagsCounterBolt Spout HashtagsSplitter HashtagsCounterBolt
  • 19. Example Overview - Read Tweet Spout Splitter Counter Redis This tweet has #hello #world hashtags!!!
  • 20. Example Overview - Split Tweet Spout Splitter Counter Redis This tweet has #hello #world hashtags!!! #hello #world
  • 21. Example Overview - Split Tweet Spout Splitter Counter Redis This tweet has #hello #world hashtags!! #hello incr(#hello) #hello = 1 #world incr(#world) #world = 1
  • 22. Example Overview - Split Tweet Spout Splitter Counter Redis #hello = 1 This tweet has #bye #world hashtags #world = 1
  • 23. Example Overview - Split Tweet Spout Splitter Counter Redis #hello = 1 #world #bye This tweet has #bye #world hashtags #world = 1
  • 24. Example Overview - Split Tweet Spout Splitter Counter Redis #hello = 1 #world #bye This tweet has #bye incr(#bye) #world hashtags #world = 2 incr(#world) #bye =1
  • 25. Main Concepts - In summary ○ Topology ○ Spout ○ Stream ○ Bolt
  • 26. Guaranteeing Message Processing
  • 27. Guaranteeing Message Processing HashtagsSplitter HashtagsCounterBolt Spout HashtagsSplitter HashtagsCounterBolt
  • 28. Guaranteeing Message Processing HashtagsSplitter HashtagsCounterBolt Spout HashtagsSplitter HashtagsCounterBolt _collector.ack(tuple);
  • 29. Guaranteeing Message Processing HashtagsSplitter HashtagsCounterBolt Spout HashtagsSplitter HashtagsCounterBolt
  • 30. Guaranteeing Message Processing HashtagsSplitter HashtagsCounterBolt Spout HashtagsSplitter HashtagsCounterBolt
  • 31. Guaranteeing Message Processing HashtagsSplitter HashtagsCounterBolt Spout HashtagsSplitter HashtagsCounterBolt void fail(Object msgId);
  • 32. Trident
  • 33. Trident - What is Trident? ● High-level abstraction on top of Storm. ● Will make it easier to build topologies. ● Similar to Hadoop, Pig
  • 34. Trident - Topology TridentTopology topology = new TridentTopology(); hashtags hashtags tweet hashtags stream tweet Spout HashtagsSplitter Memory
  • 35. Trident - Stream Stream tweetsStream = topology .newStream("tweets", new ApiStreamingSpout()); tweet stream Spout
  • 36. Trident Stream hashtagsStream = tweetsStrem.each(new Fields("tweet"),new BaseFunction() { public void execute(TridentTuple tuple, TridentCollector collector) { Tweet tweet = (Tweet)tuple.getValueByField("tweet"); for(String hashtag : tweet.getHashtags()) collector.emit(new Values(hashtag)); } }, new Fields("hashtag") ); tweet hashtags hashtags stream tweet hashtags Spout HashtagsSplitter
  • 37. Trident - States TridentState hashtagCounts = hashtagsStream.groupBy(new Fields("hashtag")) .persistentAggregate(new MemoryMapState.Factory(), new Count(), new Fields("count")); hashtags hashtags tweet hashtags stream tweet Memory Spout HashtagsSplitter (State)
  • 38. Trident - States TridentState hashtagCounts = hashtagsStream.groupBy(new Fields("hashtag")) .persistentAggregate(new MemoryMapState.Factory(), new Count(), new Fields("count")); hashtags hashtags tweet hashtags stream tweet Memory Spout HashtagsSplitter (State)
  • 39. Trident - States TridentState hashtagCounts = hashtagsStream.groupBy(new Fields("hashtag")) .persistentAggregate(new MemoryMapState.Factory(), new Count(), new Fields("count")); hashtags hashtags tweet hashtags stream tweet Memory Spout HashtagsSplitter (State)
  • 40. Trident - States TridentState hashtagCounts = hashtagsStream.groupBy(new Fields("hashtag")) .persistentAggregate(new MemoryMapState.Factory(), new Count(), new Fields("count")); hashtags hashtags tweet hashtags stream tweet Memory Spout HashtagsSplitter (State)
  • 41. Trident - Complete example TridentState hashtags = topology .newStream("tweets", new ApiStreamingSpout()) .each(new Fields("tweet"),new HashTagSplitter(), new Fields("hashtag")) .groupBy(new Fields("hashtag")) .persistentAggregate(new MemoryMapState.Factory(), new Count(), new Fields("count")) hashtags hashtags tweet hashtags stream tweet Memory Spout HashtagsSplitter (State)
  • 43. Transactions ● Exactly once message processing semantic
  • 44. Transactions ● The intermediate processing may be executed in a parallel way
  • 45. Transactions ● But persistence should be strictly sequential
  • 46. Transactions ● Spouts and persistence should be designed to be transactional
  • 47. Trident - Queries We want to know on-line the count of tweets with hashtag hadoop and the amount of tweets with strataconf hashtag
  • 49. Trident - Query DRPCClient drpc = new DRPCClient("MyDRPCServer", "MyDRPCPort"); drpc.execute("counts", "strataconf hadoop");
  • 50. Trident - Query Stream drpcStream = topology.newDRPCStream("counts",drpc)
  • 51. Trident - Query Stream singleHashtag = drpcStream.each(new Fields("args"), new Split(), new Fields("hashtag")) DRPC Hashtag DRPC stream Splitter Server
  • 52. Trident - Query Stream hashtagsCountQuery = singleHashtag.stateQuery(hashtagCountMemoryState, new Fields("hashtag"), new MapGet(), new Fields("count")); DRPC Hashtag Hashtag Count stream Splitter Query DRPC Server
  • 53. Trident - Query Stream drpcCountAggregate = hashtagsCountQuery.groupBy(new Fields("hashtag")) .aggregate(new Fields("count"), new Sum(), new Fields("sum")); DRPC Hashtag Hashtag Count Aggregate DRPC stream Splitter Query Count Server
  • 54. Trident - Query - Complete Example topology.newDRPCStream("counts",drpc) .each(new Fields("args"), new Split(), new Fields("hashtag")) .stateQuery(hashtags, new Fields("hashtag"), new MapGet(), new Fields("count")) .each(new Fields("count"), new FilterNull()) .groupBy(new Fields("hashtag")) .aggregate(new Fields("count"), new Sum(), new Fields("sum"));
  • 55. Trident - Query - Complete Example DRPC Hashtag Hashtag Count Aggregate DRPC stream Splitter Query Count Server
  • 56. Trident - Query - Complete Example Client Call DRPC Hashtag Hashtag Count Aggregate DRPC stream Splitter Query Count Server
  • 57. Trident - Query - Complete Example Hold the Execute Request DRPC Hashtag Hashtag Count Aggregate DRPC stream Splitter Query Count Server
  • 58. Trident - Query - Complete Example Request continue holded DRPC Hashtag Hashtag Count Aggregate DRPC stream Splitter Query Count Server On finish return to DRPC server
  • 59. Trident - Query - Complete Example DRPC Hashtag Hashtag Count Aggregate DRPC stream Splitter Query Count Server Return response to the client
  • 61. Running Topologies - Local Cluster Config conf = new Config(); conf.put("some_property","some_value") LocalCluster cluster = new LocalCluster(); cluster.submitTopology("twitter-hashtag-summarizer", conf, builder.createTopology()); ● The whole topology will run in a single machine. ● Similar to run in a production cluster ● Very Useful for test and development ● Configurable parallelism ● Similar methods than StormSubmitter
  • 62. Running Topologies - Production package twitter.streaming; public class Topology { public static void main(String[] args){ StormSubmitter.submitTopology("twitter-hashtag-summarizer", conf, builder.createTopology()); } } mvn package storm jar Strata2012-0.0.1.jar twitter.streaming.Topology "$REDIS_HOST" $REDIS_PORT "strata,strataconf" $TWITTER_USER $TWITTER_PASS
  • 63. Running Topologies - Cluster Layout ● Single Master process Storm Cluster Supervisor ● No SPOF (where the processing is done) ● Automatic Task distribution Nimbus Supervisor (The master (where the processing is done) Process) ● Amount of task configurable by process Supervisor (where the processing is done) ● Automatic tasks re-distribution on supervisors fails Zookeeper Cluster (Only for coordination and cluster state) ● Work continue on nimbus fails
  • 64. Running Topologies - Cluster Architecture - No SPOF Storm Cluster Supervisor (where the processing is done) Nimbus Supervisor (The master Process) (where the processing is done) Supervisor (where the processing is done)
  • 65. Running Topologies - Cluster Architecture - No SPOF Storm Cluster Supervisor (where the processing is done) Nimbus Supervisor (The master Process) (where the processing is done) Supervisor (where the processing is done)
  • 66. Running Topologies - Cluster Architecture - No SPOF Storm Cluster Supervisor (where the processing is done) Nimbus Supervisor (The master Process) (where the processing is done) Supervisor (where the processing is done)
  • 68. Other features - Non JVM languages { ● Use Non-JVM Languages "conf": { "topology.message.timeout.secs": 3, // etc ● Simple protocol }, "context": { ● Use stdin & stdout for communication "task->component": { "1": "example-spout", "2": "__acker", ● Many implementations and abstraction "3": "example-bolt" layers done by the community }, "taskid": 3 }, "pidDir": "..." }
  • 69. Contribution ● A collection of community developed spouts, bolts, serializers, and other goodies. ● You can find it in: ● Some of those goodies are: ○ cassandra: Integrates Storm and Cassandra by writing tuples to a Cassandra Column Family. ○ mongodb: Provides a spout to read documents from mongo, and a bolt to write documents to mongo. ○ SQS: Provides a spout to consume messages from Amazon SQS. ○ hbase: Provides a spout and a bolt to read and write from HBase. ○ kafka: Provides a spout to read messages from kafka. ○ rdbms: Provides a bolt to write tuples to a table. ○ redis-pubsub: Provides a spout to read messages from redis pubsub. ○ And more...