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Effects of
The Secret to
Losing 20 lbs or
More in 40 Days
Revolutionary Treatment
Combination Can Eliminate
Most Joint and Muscle Pain
This Christmas Herb Might Be
the Secret Weapon to Destroy
Find Out How to Feel Fabulous!
Do you want your body to feel great, your mind to function fabulously, and your spirit to expe-
rience peace? That’s what Real Health Medical is all about. And I want to welcome you to your
first step in experiencing all our transformative approach to healthcare has to offer you.
Real Health Medical doesn’t see you as just a physical body. You also have a mind, a soul, and
a spirit. By integrating all the best that Western medicine has with proven alternative therapies,
we’re able to treat the body and mind very effectively. But we don’t stop there. We also care
about your spiritual and emotional health as well.
You see, some physical ailments won’t heal properly if you don’t first treat the mind and the
spirit. Sometimes broken relationships, stress, and environmental toxins can wear your entire
being down, creating an environment for disease to flourish.
By helping to heal the whole person that you are — your body, your nutritional deficiencies,
your toxic load, your mind, your spirit, and your connection to community – we see tremen-
dous results when others fail.
Real Health Medical integrates nutrition, detoxification, and natural therapies with a very limit-
ed use of conventional medicine. When we do use conventional medicine, we find that by using
natural and nutritional medications in conjunction with the drugs, we can minimize or eliminate
most side effects of the drugs. We always look to correct the underlying causes of disease and
support the body with natural medications and treatments to support the body’s inherent and
God-given ability to heal.
As you’ll read, there are
answers to your health
concerns. Take a look
and see how you can
achieve Real Health and
give us a call if you have
any questions.
Helping You Achieve
Real Health,
Rhett Bergeron, MD
© Real Health Medical is a publi-
cation of the Real Health Medical
Clinic. All rights reserved.
Director: Rhett Bergeron, MD
Publisher: Steve Kroening
Design Director: Kevin Cole
555 Sun Valley Drive
Bldg D Ste D4
Roswell, GA 30076
(678) 990-5401
How low hormones levels can make
you age faster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 3
The secret to losing 20 pounds in
40 days – and keeping it off . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 7
How to eliminate most joint and
muscle pain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 12
This Christmas herb destroys cancer . . . . . . .pg. 18
Treat heart disease and hardening of the
arteries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 20
Smell the
If you suffer from
allergies, one study says
it could be an easy-to-fix
vitamin deficiency. Find
out more on page 17.
Have you noticed your memory
isn’t quite as sharp as it used
to be? Are your joints achy?
Are you struggling to lose
weight? Do you lack energy
and struggle with fatigue?
Have you seen your health
decline in recent years? If so,
what’s causing these problems?
Believe it or not, at the center
of these and many other health
issues are your hormones.
It’s no secret that any type of hormonal change
in your body can dramatically impact your energy
levels and so much more. As you may know,
menopause is all about hormonal changes. So it
makes sense that women who are going through
or have gone through menopause should consider
hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
Unfortunately, conventional medicine gave HRT
a bad name because it increased your risk of
getting breast cancer. The reason was simple
– the hormones used were synthetic hormones
that worked against your body – not with it. But
there are better and safer choices for hormone
replacement therapy. They are called bio-identical
hormones. These hormones are biologically
identical to the hormones your body makes. So
they are much safer, don’t cause cancer, and can
The Anti-Aging Effect
of Bio-Identical
Hormone Therapy
restore your energy levels and
body functions to where they
should be.
But it’s not just women who go
through hormonal changes.
Men often find themselves
needing hormones, particularly
testosterone. That means that
if your energy has taken a nose
dive in recent months or years,
it’s a good idea to consider bio-
identical hormone replacement
therapy. It could give you your
life back.
Unfortunately, most people don’t
take hormones. There are two
reasons for this. They are scared
of the headlines saying hormones
cause cancer or their doctor
has told them they don’t need
hormones because their hormone
levels are “normal.”
How to Determine
Your Hormone Levels
Most people – and most doctors
– think that the best way to
diagnose a hormone deficiency
is to get laboratory blood
tests. While blood tests are
useful, there are other ways to
determine hormone deficiencies.
And laboratory tests are the least
important of all of them.
The most important way to
diagnose a hormone deficiency
is to consider symptoms and
physical signs. When a particular
hormone is deficient, there are
certain symptoms and physical
findings that are obvious.
For example, dry, flaky skin
is an indicator of low thyroid
hormones. A decrease of hair
growth on the legs is a sign of
testosterone deficiency. Doctors
well-versed in bio-identical
hormone replacement (BHR)
are aware of these clues. They
can usually prescribe the right
hormones simply by talking with
and examining the patient.
The next most important way to
diagnose a deficiency is by using
a “clinical trial.” This means,
giving the patient the hormone
and seeing what happens. Here’s
an example of a clinical trial.
One of the classic symptoms
of testosterone deficiency
is apathy, or a decreased
interest in the things of life. But
there are also plenty of other
reasons why a person might be
apathetic. Depression, nutritional
imbalances, sleep disorders,
or a deficiency of the thyroid
hormones can all cause apathy.
If a doctor thinks that the reason
for apathy is a testosterone
deficiency, he can verify it with
a clinical trial. All he has to
do is prescribe a two-to-three
month course of testosterone
replacement therapy. If the
apathy disappears, then it proves
the diagnosis. If it doesn’t, then
it’s back to the drawing board.
This is perfectly safe even if
there’s not a deficiency. The body
will adjust back to normal levels
after the trial is finished.
The third most effective way to
diagnose a deficiency is by using
laboratory testing. Laboratory
testing is more effective as a
way of monitoring the hormones
as you take them than actually
determining whether there’s a
deficiency or not. The reason
is that the normal ranges for
hormones are too large. It’s quite
common for a patient to have
a hormonal deficiency and yet
still have laboratory values in the
normal range.
Clearly, doctors should check
all hormone levels before
prescribing. But when signs
and symptoms of deficiency are
present, they should not withhold
treatment simply because the
laboratory test falls within the
normal range.
What Can You Expect?
If you are deficient in any
particular hormone, taking
hormones that are bioidentical
to your own body’s hormones
can make you feel like a new
person. You may remember when
Suzanne Somers published her
book over 10 years ago. She
claimed in her book that using
bioidentical hormones restored
her bone loss, recharged her
libido, reduced her depression,
and rejuvenated her hair, skin,
and body.
Most doctors who have been
prescribing bioidentical
hormones for very long will tell
you that they continually see the
same results. In fact, the proper
use of these hormones is clearly
a major part of slowing down and
even reversing the aging process.
Most people over the age of
50 – and some younger folks
– need bioidentical hormone
replacement. If they don’t get
it, they will age faster and in
great misery. Aging gracefully
starts with taking bioidentical
What About Cancer
Any time you start taking a
new substance, you need to
be aware of any negative side
effects. When HRT first came
on the scene, doctors were
using synthetic forms of the
hormones, which were chemical
drugs and not actual hormones.
The chemicals in these drugs
significantly increased a woman’s
risk of developing breast cancer.
But what about bioidentical
hormones? Do they cause cancer
or any other negative side
One study followed 80,377
postmenopausal women and
published its results in the
journal Breast Cancer Research
and Treatment in January of
2008. The authors of the study
stated, “The goal of this study
was to assess and compare the
association between different
hormonal replacement therapies
and breast cancer risk.”
In the study, the researchers
followed the women for an
average of 8.1 years. The results
showed that the FDA-approved
hormone treatments caused a
69% increase in breast cancer.
Compare that to no risk at all
Here’s a List of
Hormones Your
Doctor Should
Test For:
• Estradiol
• Estriol (women only)
• Estrone (women only)
• Progesterone
• Testosterone
• Free T3
• Free T4
• Insulin
• Cortisol
• Somatomedin-c
for the women on bio-identical
hormone therapy.
The authors found that the
highest risk factor for the FDA-
approved drugs was from
synthetic progesterone. And
that’s not the only study showing
the safety of compounded
bioidentical hormones over the
FDA version.
Another study looked at the risk
of breast cancer in a group of
3,175 postmenopausal women
who were followed an average
of 8.9 years. Roughly half of
the women used compounded
bioidentical hormones. The other
half did not have any hormonal
therapy. What happened?
According to the authors,
“We were unable to detect an
increase in the relative risk of
breast cancer in the hormone
users.” And they further go
on to say that because of the
remarkable safety of bioidentical
hormones, there is no reason for
women to ever stop taking them.
Once again, in the authors’ own
words, “These results do not
justify early interruption of such
a type of hormonal replacement
[compounded bioidentical
hormones], which is beneficial
for quality of life, prevention of
bone loss, and cardiovascular risk
Since numerous studies have
demonstrated an increased risk
of breast cancer from synthetic
FDA-approved hormone
drugs, the results of another
study weren’t surprising. The
researchers found a 40%
increased risk of breast cancer
in women who used the FDA-
approved synthetic hormones.
But what was surprising was that
in the same study, the women
who used bioidentical hormones
had a reduced risk of breast
cancer compared to women who
were not taking any hormone
therapy of any kind.
These findings confirm work
done six years earlier that found
a trend toward a reduced risk of
breast cancer in 1,150 women
using bioidentical progesterone
compared to users of synthetic
Which Hormones Do
You Need?
For the best possible results,
you have to replace all the
deficient hormones. If you take
only one hormone and others
are deficient, then you can cause
problems. For example, if you
have hot flashes and take only
estrogen to treat it, then it will
take a much larger dose to be
effective. This can create an
imbalance, and greatly increase
the chance of side effects.
When treating hot flashes, you
can use a dose that’s about
one-eighth the dose that most
doctors use if you prescribe it
along with other hormones. So
make sure your doctor tests for
all the hormones.
Remember, if you’re over 50,
there’s a good chance you need
hormone replacement therapy
(not drug therapy). So it’s
important you see a doctor soon.
One final note: There are many
different ways to deliver bio-
identical hormones to your body.
These include creams, troches
(lozenges that dissolve in your
mouth), injections, and pellets.
While different people prefer
different delivery systems, the
most effective are injections
and pellets. Hormone pellets
are usually the most effective
because they don’t require
ongoing injections, which are
hard to self-administer for some,
painful, and easy to forget.
But pellets, which are placed
under your skin by your medical
professional, are a slow-release
hormone delivery system.
They work remarkably well and
can often turn someone from
depressed to energetic in no
time at all. One husband was
so ecstatic about the changes
they made in his wife, he told his
doctor, “You gave me my wife
For more information
on how to get started
on bioidentical
hormone replacement
therapy, contact Real
Health Medical Clinic
at 678-990-5401 and
set up an appointment
to see a hormone
specialist today.
REF: Bernard, H, editor. “Clinical
diagnosis and management by laboratory
measurements.” Seventeenth edition
(1984), W. B. Saunders. West Washington
Square, Philadelphia, PA 19105.
Have you ever heard someone say,
“I just can’t lose weight because I
was born with a slow metabolism”?
Or maybe they said, “My metabolism
really started to slow down after age
40, so I just can’t drop the weight.”
You may have even said one of these
statements yourself. But did you
know that these statements are only
half true – and the other half won’t
keep you from losing weight if you
know what to do.
Unlock the Secret to Losing
20 Pounds or More in Just
40 Days and Keep It Off!
(No Exercise Required)
The truth behind the first statement is that
your metabolism does have a genetic aspect
to it that you can’t change. You were born with
a particular body that works in a particular
way. Some people who were born with a fast
metabolism can eat pretty much whatever they
want and they burn it off. Others struggle most
of their life to keep weight off even if they eat
somewhat healthy portions.
The truth behind the second statement is that
many people notice their metabolism slows
down with age and they begin to gain weight.
But regardless of why your
metabolism is slow, you can
still lose weight.
All you have to do is kick your metabolism
into gear. In fact, a good way to think of your
metabolism is to compare it to a car engine – a
car engine that always runs. When you’re sitting
or sleeping, your metabolism is in idle, much
like a car engine that’s sitting at a stop light.
The engine is running, but it’s not moving the
That car engine will keep running as long as
it has enough fuel, is maintained well, doesn’t
have an accident, and doesn’t get junk in it.
Your metabolism is the same way.
The better you take care of your body, the
better your metabolism is going to work.
But if you don’t give it the right fuel, don’t
maintain it well, or put junk into your body, your
metabolism can really slow down. Fortunately,
if you change the fuel you’re feeding your
metabolism, it can kick start it and get it right
back into tip-top shape.
The faster your body’s “engine” runs on
average, over time, the more fat you burn. A
fast (or high) metabolism will burn more fat at
rest and during activity. You’ll have to eat more
just to maintain your weight. A “low” (or slow)
metabolism, on the other hand, will burn less fat
at rest and during activity. So you have to eat
less to avoid gaining weight.
Many experts believe exercise is the best way
to kick your metabolism into gear. But there’s
something wrong with that picture. Your engine
is already running slow. Forcing your body to
move faster can pick up your metabolism for
a while. But when you’re done exercising, a
sluggish metabolism becomes exhausted and
more likely to burn even slower. While exercise
can help, it’s not the primary answer everyone
thinks it is.
In fact, the real key to losing weight is to boost
your metabolism so you can exercise better
without over-burdening your metabolism. So
how can you do that?
Many people try different diet plans. Their
focus is taking the weight off. So they try
NutriSystems, Quick Weight Loss, Jenny Craig,
Weight Watchers, and any number of other
programs. Some of these programs are better
than others. But almost all of them cost a lot
more than what they advertise. For instance,
one program advertises for $9 per month. But
what they don’t tell you is that by the time you
pay for all the food, shakes, supplements, and
everything else, it’s over $4,000 to lose the
weight. But that’s not the real problem. All of
these focus on losing weight, not on boosting
the metabolism. Losing weight will oftentimes
boost the metabolism. But sometimes it can
make it more sluggish. The result is tremendous
weight gain once you’re off the diet.
The key is to focus on boosting your
metabolism. That’s what Jane Prescott did. Jane
is 68 years old and weighed 201 pounds. She’s
only 5’6”, so she was desperate to lose weight.
She said, “I was feeling so bad. I couldn’t sleep.
I had no energy. I just was tired all the time — I
didn’t want to get up.” That’s when her doctor
suggested she give the Lock It In program a try.
Lock It In is a weight-loss program that kick
starts your metabolism with healthy food
you buy at the grocery store. There are
no prepackaged foods or shakes. And the
proprietary homeopathic drops help curb your
appetite. These drops really work! Just look at
what this program did for Jane.
She went from 201 pounds to 165 pounds – and
she did it without any exercise.
What’s more, she’s been able to maintain the
weight loss. That’s another aspect of Lock It In
that’s really different than most programs. Once
you reach your ideal weight, you Lock It In. This
helps you stay at your ideal weight because
your metabolism is working at peak efficiency.
Some people continue to lose weight because
they’re not eating enough to maintain their
But that’s not the best part. Once you’re done
losing the weight, you know how to eat to
keep the weight off and live a much healthier
life. You learn how to overcome cravings, eat
good foods, and listen to your body. After the
program is complete, you can live a normal
life without having to take the homeopathic
drops any more. Your body adjusts to the new
diet. Your mind adjusts as well. Yes, you’ll still
want to eat ice cream (or your favorite dessert)
periodically after the program is over. You can
do that — and you’ll know how to go right back
to eating right the next meal so you don’t gain
Take the step Jane took and begin losing those
unwanted pounds today.
If you’re ready to kick start
your metabolism and drop
the weight (and keep it off),
you can schedule a free
consultation with metabolic
specialist Nancy Masoud
simply by calling the Real
Health Medical Clinic at
How to Make Ketones Work to Your Advantage
Ketones are an important part of the weight loss process. But studies show that ketogenic diets open the door for you
to regain weight fast. So how can you use ketones to lose weight without worrying about gaining the weight back?
Here’s how you do it: First, cut out most carbs. Then you need to increase your nutrition. Keeping an abundance of
nutrients in your diet tells your body that it’s not starving. But the greatly reduced blood sugar causes the body to
produce ketones anyway. So you get the benefit of ketones without going into starvation mode. And you don’t have
to worry about gaining the weight back.
What would you do if arthritis was attacking your ankles or
knees? What would you do if you picked up something over
your head and your shoulder was in so much pain it felt like
a thousand needles were jabbed into it? And what would
you do if you all of a sudden threw your back out and you
were almost immobile?
Revolutionary Treatment Combination
Can Eliminate Most Joint and Muscle Pain
For many people, these aren’t just “what ifs.” They are the
painful reality of day-to-day living. One trip after another
to the doctor does nothing to fix the pain – it just subdues
it for a few hours or days. Then it comes roaring back.
The only other option they’re given is surgery.
But what if you didn’t have to go through surgery to find
permanent relief from your pain? And what if you didn’t
have to take pain pills every day?
There are two treatments specially trained doctors have
been using for years to permanently cure people of their
joint and muscle pain. The treatments are so effective, no
one ever thought they could be improved. Until one day,
doctors started using them together. And the results were
nothing short of miraculous!
Take Alex, for example. He went to his doctor a few
months ago because he had suffered several complex
tears in the ligaments of his left knee and ankle. The usual
treatment for these types of injuries is surgery. But Alex had
seen what surgery did to a friend of his, so he wanted to
avoid that at all costs. His friend had a good outcome, but
the pain, rehab, and loss of motion were less than ideal for
Alex. So he decided to try a treatment called Prolozone®.
An amazing doctor in Carson City, Nevada developed
Prolozone more than 20 years ago to treat joint and muscle
pain. Frank Shallenberger, MD had used a treatment called
prolotherapy for years to treat these injuries. Prolotherapy is
a series of injections that send naturally derived substances
(such as cod liver oil, sugar, salt, or corn extract) into the
site of the chronic pain – usually where ligaments and
tendons attach to the bone. These injections trick the body
into thinking a new injury has occurred, which kicks the
immune system into gear to heal the area.
As you may know, there’s not a lot of blood flow to
the joints. So healing is often slow or incomplete. The
prolotherapy pushes the body to speed up the healing
and make it complete. It sounds fantastic – and it is – but
prolotherapy has some problems.
First, prolotherapy can be painful. It requires a lot of
injections into the same site to bring about healing. Second,
it can take a long time to fully heal.
How Stem Cells Can
Reverse Severe Joint
Pain and Help You
Avoid Surgery
Unfortunately, not every joint responds well to Prolo-
zone and PRP. Some joints have more severe dam-
age where the cartilage is mostly gone and bone is
rubbing on bone. Prolozone and PRP will give even
these difficult cases varied degrees of relief. But the
pain doesn’t always go away permanently. Some
cases don’t respond at all, even after a series of
many sessions. While this is rare, it’s still frustrating
when nothing seems to work.
This is where Dr. Shallenberger had a marvelous idea
to supercharge prolotherapy. He added nutrients to the
injections to help further speed the recover. But then he did
something unheard of – he added ozone to the injections.
Most people know of ozone from its use in the atmosphere.
They think it’s dangerous. But medical grade ozone is
extremely beneficial to the body. Ozone is essentially
oxygen (O2) with one extra atom of oxygen (O3).
Since oxygen atoms like to travel in pairs, the extra oxygen
atom makes it more reactive than regular oxygen. Simply
put, it wants to get rid of that extra oxygen atom. When it
does, it effectively oxygenates the area. With more oxygen,
the cells are able to produce more ATP and create more
energy. And with more energy being produced, your body
is able to work harder to lay down more collagen and
cartilage, thus restoring the health of the joint.
By adding the ozone and extra nutrients, Dr. Shallenberger
created Prolozone – which is one of the most effective joint
pain therapies we’ve ever seen. But there’s another joint
treatment that has similar results.
Platelet Rich Plasma
This second joint pain treatment is completely natural. In fact,
it simply uses your own blood to boost your body’s ability to
heal. Simply put, your blood is made up of red blood cells,
white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. In this treatment, your
practitioner takes some of your blood, spins it in a specially
designed centrifuge that separates the platelets out of the
blood. Then, the practitioner injects these separated platelets
into your joints.
This treatment is called PRP, which stands for platelet-rich-
plasma. Alternative doctors have been using it for a few years
to treat joint and back pain. And it can work wonders. The
nutrient-rich platelets in your blood can heal your body’s
tissues when nothing else will work.
Researchers recently published a study that compared PRP
injections to hyaluronic acid injections in a total of 30 patients
with osteoarthritis in the knee. They gave half of them a PRP
injection every three weeks for a total of three injections. They
gave the other half hyaluronic acid injections at the same
schedule. Then they followed the patients for six months.
In many cases, doctors will recommend joint replace-
ment surgery. While technology has brought these
surgical procedures a long way, surgery is always
risky. And these are quite painful and require long
periods of rehabilitation.
Plus, surgery isn’t always successful. One study evalu-
ated treatment for meniscus tears (the meniscus is the
thin fibrous cartilage between the surfaces of some
joints). The study found that conventional arthroscopic
surgery to cut away the damaged portion did no better
in the long run than doing nothing at all.
Fortunately, there’s still great hope that
you can recover without surgery.
In difficult cases of joint pain where Prolozone and
PRP don’t completely fix the problem, stem cells
might help. When most people think of stem cells,
they think of the controversial cells harvested after an
abortion. But there’s another type of stem cell that
avoids this controversy and is every bit as effective.
These stem cells come from the umbilical cord and
don’t require an abortion.
Umbilical cord stem cells are exciting. Stem cells
have the ability to produce growth factors and turn
on existing stem cells in tissues. This repairs injured
or aging tissue. Degenerated joints can be repaired –
resolving pain and restoring function.
Stem cell injections are minimally invasive and they’re
often helpful. There are minimal side effects. You may
experience swelling and pain for few days to a week.
But there’s no risk of surgery, anesthesia, or metals.
Rehabilitation will usually be much easier and faster.
And, most importantly, you keep your joint.
If you have severe joint damage and want to avoid
surgery, please contact the Real Health Medical Clin-
ic at 678-990-5401 to set up a consultation and see if
it’s right for you.
At the end of four months, both groups had improved the
same. But the effect of hyaluronic acid injections tends
to wear off. So, at the end of six months, the researchers
found significantly more improvement in ability to move
the knees, decreased pain, and decreased inflammation
in the PRP group. And not only does arthritis respond to
the healing effects of PRP, but so do injuries. For example,
torn and damaged shoulder rotator cuff injuries.
One problem with surgically repairing torn rotator tendons
in the shoulder is that they tend to retear easily. This is
because the tendons typically do not heal to the extent
that they regain their former thickness. What’s more, they
tend to tear with less stress than the original injury.
So, researchers studied the effect of PRP therapy on torn
rotator cuff tears. They looked at 74 patients scheduled
for surgical repair of medium to large rotator cuff tears.
Half of them went through the conventional surgical
repair. The other half had the same surgery but also had
PRP therapy at the time of surgery.
After one year, the retear rate in the PRP group was only
3%. Compare that to a retear rate in the conventional
group of 20%. And the thickness of the rotator cuff
tendons in the PRP group was close to double that of the
conventional group. This is clear proof of the marvelous
healing effect of platelets.
The Most Powerful Combination
to Treat Joint Pain
And this brings us back to Alex. When he went to see his
doctor, he wanted to use Prolozone. But he lived several
hours away. The Prolozone treatments, while substantially
faster than prolotherapy, would still take a series of
treatments every two weeks for two to three months. So
instead of using just Prolozone, his doctor combined it
with PRP. The results were fantastic.
Alex’s knee was fixed in half the time and with half the
treatments. The pain was significantly reduced from the
very first treatment. And he was completely functional in
only four months.
Now, Alex’s case was severe. For most injuries, it doesn’t
take nearly this long. In fact, Steve saw his doctor with
severe back pain. He could hardly stand up straight. After
one treatment session, he walked out of the office standing
up straight and with zero pain. He didn’t suffer any further
pain in his back until he reinjured it two years later.
So whether you use Prolozone, PRP, or both in
combination, you now have a new way to treat joint and
muscle pain without drugs, surgery, or physical therapy.
If it hurts, no matter how serious the condition, there is a
75-80% chance that PRP and Prolozone will take care of
the problem. Any doctor that is NOT using these therapies
is years behind!
Both of these treatments are available at Real Health
Medical Clinic in Roswell, Georgia. Call 678-990-5401 to
set up your first consultation.
Jo CH, Shin JS, et al. Platelet-rich plasma for arthroscopic repair of medium
to large rotator cuff tears: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Sports Med.
2015 Sep;43(9):2102-10.
Li M, Zhang C, et al. Therapeutic effectiveness of intra-knee-articular
injection of platelet-rich plasma on knee articular cartilage degeneration.
Zhongguo Xiu Fu Chong Jian Wai Ke Za Zhi. 2011 Oct;25(10):1192-6.
Vitamin B12
• Vitamin B12 is called “the energy vitamin” for good reason. It helps your body turn the foods you eat into
energy. And it creates this energy for your cells to function. When your cells don’t have enough energy,
they begin to struggle to function properly. That’s why a B12 deficiency can cause lack of energy, extreme
tiredness without any reason, becoming breathless, memory loss, brain fog, and cognitive decline, as well
as mood changes, irritability, depression, confusion, and disorientation. Taking B12 can help reverse these
issues -- and it can treat conditions like neuropathy, fatigue, and adrenal insufficiency.
• You may have heard that high homocysteine levels are bad for your heart. Homocysteine is an amino
acid. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. When these proteins break down, you’ll find ele-
vated levels of homocysteine in the bloodstream. This can lead to atherosclerosis, blood clots, and heart
attacks. But high homocysteine levels can also cause your hair to turn gray. That’s because homocysteine
generates hydrogen peroxide. And this peroxide literally bleaches the hair from the inside out. One rea-
son your homocysteine levels skyrocket is because you don’t have enough vitamin B12 in your body.
• Suffering from allergies? One study says it could be a B12 deficiency. In this study, the researchers divided
a small group of men and women between the ages of 12 and 80. All of them suffered from either hay
fever or allergic asthma. Of the 24 participants, 15 took 3,000 mcg of vitamin B12, and the other nine
took a placebo. The B12 “yielded reduction in total weekly symptoms for the active group compared to
the placebo.” The participants usually started to see relief after two weeks. And they continued to see
improvements for the duration of the study, which was nine weeks. What’s more, the researchers found
that the relief continued even after the participants stopped taking the B12.
• You can take vitamin B12 in three different forms: an injection, a lozenge you dissolve in your mouth,
and by swallowing a pill. The injection is typically the most effective B12 form. Ask your doctor about
self-administered shots. The lozenges are very effective because they bypass the digestive system,
which doesn’t typically absorb B12 very well. The oral pills are generally regarded as the least effec-
tive and not worth the money, even though they’re very inexpensive.
You need to meet two women.
These remarkable women overcame
aggressive cancers with just one
nutrient. Most of the time, cancer
patients shouldn’t rely on one
nutrient to beat cancer. But these
two women were part of a study to
see just how powerful this nutrient is.
The results are amazing.
The first patient, Jane, is a 75-year-old lady with
relapsed Merkel cell cancer. This is a rare and
aggressive neuro-endocrine skin cancer. It kills about
30% of those who contract it, which is a lot, but it
does give some room for curing it (70% don’t die).
Knowing this, Jane took a bold step and refused
radiation. Instead, she chose to use a nutrient that
most of associate with Christmas and kissing. If that
brings mistletoe to mind, you’re right on track.
While we normally think of kissing that special
someone under the mistletoe (Viscum album L.),
this report might make you think a little differently
This Christmas Herb Might Be
The Gift That Destroys Cancer
about the herb. You see, as an extract it has
antiproliferative, cytotoxic, and immunomodulatory
properties. That means this extract can keep cancer
from growing, it can kill it, and it can help your
immune system battle the cancer. That’s a pretty
impressive list of abilities. But does it deliver?
The doctor treated Jane with a combination of
intratumoural (inside the tumor), subcutaneous
(under the skin) and regular intravenous treatments
of mistletoe extract. The doctor gave her high
doses of the extract (592 mgs per month) for just
10 months. The reason? He wanted to elicit febrile
reactions (where they experience chills, aches, fever,
etc.) according to how much she could tolerate and
the tumor response.
Amazingly, Jane experienced “durable disease
responses” after her treatment with the mistletoe
alone. A “durable disease response” is a long-
lasting positive reaction to tumor therapy, usually
lasting at least a year. Her 3 cm tumor was gone
after four months and she continues to be in
complete remission after three years. This is truly
remarkable! Some would say this isn’t possible.
Or they might say her body dealt with the cancer.
Certainly, that’s possible. But let’s meet the second
women in this story.
Emma is a 50-year-old postmenopausal woman
with asynchronous bilateral breast cancer (right
breast: grade 1, hormone sensitive; left breast:
grade 3, hormone insensitive and HER2-positive
ductal carcinoma). She declined all conventional
cancer treatment. Her doctor treated her with
mistletoe alone for 2.6 years, again using high doses
(averaging 290 mg per month).
Emma’s response with the far more common
breast cancer was outstanding. She had complete
responses of both tumors after 31 months of
intratumoural and subcutaneous mistletoe
treatment. And she remains in remission after four
While these responses are absolutely stunning – and
very exciting – most doctor still don’t recommend
using one nutrient alone to treat cancer. There
are other treatments that you can use along with
mistletoe to experience a faster response with minor
or no side effects.
One final note: Mistletoe is also very effective at
shrinking tumors before surgical removal, which
makes it a good alternative to chemotherapy.
If you have cancer and wish to try mistletoe therapy
and other natural treatments, please contact
Real Health Medical Clinic at 678-990-5401 to
set up a consultation. You also can visit www. for more information.
European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2(2):63-69, June 2010.
As an extract it has
cytotoxic, and
properties. That means
this extract can keep
cancer from growing, it
can kill it, and it can help
your immune system
battle the cancer. That’s a
pretty impressive list
of abilities.
The best
therapy for
treating heart
disease and
hardening of
the arteries
Most people with heart dis-
ease have no idea that there is
a simple and very effective way
to treat it without any surgery
or other invasive procedures.
This simple procedure can
make your arteries more flex-
ible and less stiff. This helps
your blood flow easier and
sends more blood and oxygen
throughout your body.
The best
therapy for
treating heart
disease and
hardening of
the arteries
Most people with heart dis-
ease have no idea that there is
a simple and very effective way
to treat it without any surgery
or other invasive procedures.
This simple procedure can
make your arteries more flex-
ible and less stiff. This helps
your blood flow easier and
sends more blood and oxygen
throughout your body.
So what is this simple treatment? It’s called EDTA
chelation therapy. Unless you’ve had serious mercu-
ry or lead poisoning, which most of us have never
experienced, you’ve probably never heard of chela-
tion therapy. It’s highly unlikely your cardiologist has
mentioned it to you. But that oversight could cost
you your life.
A recent TACT study published in the Journal of the
American Medical Association showed that up to
50% of selected patients with heart disease will die
from their disease unless their doctor treats them
with EDTA chelation therapy. What’s more, another
study offers proof that not only can EDTA chelation
therapy treat heart disease, it can also treat the ath-
erosclerosis that leads to heart disease.
In this second study, the researchers wanted to see
what effect EDTA chelation therapy would have on
118 men and women with atherosclerosis. The par-
ticipants ranged in age from 48 to 89 years old. At
the beginning of the study, the researchers measured
the pulse wave velocity of the participants’ arteries.
This is a test that will show the doctor how stiff your
arteries are. As atherosclerosis becomes worse, it
cakes up the arteries and causes them to stiffen or
harden. So anything that makes the arteries stiffer is
the kind of thing that increases atherosclerosis and
heart disease. Anything that makes them less stiff
does just the opposite – it decreases atherosclerosis.
Here’s what happened.
The researchers gave the participants 10 chelation
treatments and then rechecked the pulse wave
velocity readings. They found that they decreased
substantially. The arteries were becoming more
flexible and less stiff. Then the researchers gave the
participants another 10 chelation treatments. The
readings decreased even more. So they administered
another 10 treatments. At this point, the decrease in
the readings seems to have reached their maximum
in most of the patients. This is exactly what most
doctors experience with their patients. The maximum
effect of chelation therapy tends to occur somewhere
between 20 and 30 treatments.
How to Supercharge Your Chelation Therapy
About 20 years ago, Dr. Frank Shallenberger in Nevada started combining chelation therapy with ozone therapy.
He found that when it comes to heart disease, the combination works even better than the chelation treatments
by themselves. He called the procedure CheZone therapy. The chelation therapy treats the atherosclerosis and
the ozone improves the way the heart cells use oxygen – a perfect marriage. Ask the medical professionals at
Real Health Medical Clinic about combining these two treatments to maximize your heart health.
When you consider that this treatment will virtually
wipe out your risk of having a heart attack or other
cardiovascular event, it’s worth the effort. What’s
more, you don’t have to worry about having heart
surgery or stents. And you don’t need drugs.
There are two different kinds of EDTA chelation thera-
py. In this study, the researchers knew what they were
doing because they used the form of chelation that
is effective for heart disease. It’s the di-sodium form.
The di-sodium form of chelation therapy is an intra-
venous treatment that takes about three hours to do.
Patients typically do it either once or twice a week
until the symptoms are gone. Then they continue to
do it once a month for the rest of their lives just as a
preventive measure.
The other form of chelation therapy is called calcium
EDTA chelation. This is very good at removing heavy
metals, but it’s not effective for atherosclerosis and
heart disease. So when you get chelation therapy for
heart disease or atherosclerosis, make sure that you
get the di-sodium version.
If you’re interested in having chelation therapy to avoid
heart attacks and other cardiovascular problem, give
Real Health Medical Clinic a call at 678-990-5401. Or
visit the website at
Tadashi Mitsuo, MD, Sigenori Nakano, MD, Masao Yoshida,MD, Hideki
Ohno,MD, Kazuo Tsubota,MD. Na2EDTA Chelation Therapy Can Decrease
baPWV in Elderly Patients. Friday, June 13, 2014
Lamas, G. A., Goertz, C., Boineau, R., Mark, D. B., Rozema, T., Nahin, R. L.,
et al. (2013). Effect of disodium EDTA chelation regimen on cardiovascular
events in patients with previous myocardial infarction: the TACT randomized
trial. JAMA, 309(12), 1241–1250.
Tomiyama, H., Yamashina, A., Arai, T., Hirose, K., Koji, Y., Chikamori, T., et al.
(2003). Influences of age and gender on results of noninvasive brachial-ankle
pulse wave velocity measurement--a survey of 12517 subjects. Atherosclerosis,
166(2), 303–309.
How to Determine
Whether You Have
Too Many Heavy
Metals in Your Body
Looking for a way to determine if you’re deficient
in any minerals? Or worse, have too many toxic
heavy metals in your body? There’s one simple
scan you can have done that will tell you every-
thing you need to know. OligoScan* allows you
to make a quick and precise analysis of the trace
elements and heavy metals in your body. Here is
a sample of what you can discover:
Baked Italian Meatballs
Serves: 1
• 5 oz lean ground turkey or beef
• ¹/4 teaspoon basil
• ¹/8 teaspoon oregano
• ¹/8 teaspoon garlic powder
• ¹/8 teaspoon oregano
• 1 clove garlic crushed and minced
• 1 serving Melba toast crumbs or crushed nut
• 1 recipe marinara sauce (no sugar added)
1. Combine meat, cracker crumbs and spices
and mix thoroughly.
2. Form into balls.
3. Place into baking dish and cover with
marinara sauce.
4. Bake for 20-30 minutes at 350 degrees.
Garnish with fresh basil.
A one-of-a-kind integrative medical practice, unlike
any other in Georgia. Located in Roswell, we serve the
Greater Atlanta area, but see patients from all over the
country. Our mission is a transformative and functional
approach to 21st century healthcare — one that integrates the
best of western medicine with proven alternative therapies
to help heal the whole person that you are — your body,
your nutritional deficiencies, your toxic load, your mind, your
spirit, and your connection to community.
Restoring Health
Scientifically - Naturally - Effectively
• Bio-Identical Hormone Replacemen
• Functional Wellness Medicine
• Thyroid optimization
• Adrenal insufficiency
• Hyperbaric Oxygen
• Stem cell RPR therapy
• Ozone / Prolozone
• IV Therapy - Myers, Glutathione, Chelation,
• Massage / Myofascial / Cranial sacral
• Laser PhotoBioModulation for pain, PTSD
• Addiction - Brain Recovery NAD
• Lock It In - Metabolic Weight Loss
• Heavy metal detoxification
• Cancer support and immunotherapy
• Allergy Desensitization
• Pediatric and Family Wellness
• Dietary / Nutritional counseling
• Detoxification coaching and therapy
• Brain Mapping / Neurofeedback
• Lymphatic detoxification therapy
• Hormone
• Brain mapping
• Heavy metals
• Nutrient/ Antioxidants levels
• Neurotransmitters
• Chronic infections
• Allergy / sensitivity testing
• Parasites
• Mitochondrial function
• Celiac - gluten
• Cancer - early diagnosis - by
circulating tumor cell count
• Cancer - sensitivity response
for chemotherapy and natural
Clinic therapies:
Special considerations
Auto-immune conditions, Inflammatory bowel disease, Addiction - Brain Recovery,
Cancer support / immunotherapy
Call or email today to find out how we can help restore you to Real Health
(678) 990-5401 •

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Real health medical magazine vol 1 iss 1 final

  • 1. 1 Volume1-Issue1 Anti-Aging Effects of Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy The Secret to Losing 20 lbs or More in 40 Days Revolutionary Treatment Combination Can Eliminate Most Joint and Muscle Pain This Christmas Herb Might Be the Secret Weapon to Destroy Cancer
  • 2. Find Out How to Feel Fabulous! Do you want your body to feel great, your mind to function fabulously, and your spirit to expe- rience peace? That’s what Real Health Medical is all about. And I want to welcome you to your first step in experiencing all our transformative approach to healthcare has to offer you. Real Health Medical doesn’t see you as just a physical body. You also have a mind, a soul, and a spirit. By integrating all the best that Western medicine has with proven alternative therapies, we’re able to treat the body and mind very effectively. But we don’t stop there. We also care about your spiritual and emotional health as well. You see, some physical ailments won’t heal properly if you don’t first treat the mind and the spirit. Sometimes broken relationships, stress, and environmental toxins can wear your entire being down, creating an environment for disease to flourish. By helping to heal the whole person that you are — your body, your nutritional deficiencies, your toxic load, your mind, your spirit, and your connection to community – we see tremen- dous results when others fail. Real Health Medical integrates nutrition, detoxification, and natural therapies with a very limit- ed use of conventional medicine. When we do use conventional medicine, we find that by using natural and nutritional medications in conjunction with the drugs, we can minimize or eliminate most side effects of the drugs. We always look to correct the underlying causes of disease and support the body with natural medications and treatments to support the body’s inherent and God-given ability to heal. As you’ll read, there are answers to your health concerns. Take a look and see how you can achieve Real Health and give us a call if you have any questions. Helping You Achieve Real Health, Rhett Bergeron, MD © Real Health Medical is a publi- cation of the Real Health Medical Clinic. All rights reserved. Director: Rhett Bergeron, MD Publisher: Steve Kroening Design Director: Kevin Cole 555 Sun Valley Drive Bldg D Ste D4 Roswell, GA 30076 (678) 990-5401 2
  • 3. How low hormones levels can make you age faster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 3 The secret to losing 20 pounds in 40 days – and keeping it off . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 7 How to eliminate most joint and muscle pain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 12 This Christmas herb destroys cancer . . . . . . .pg. 18 Treat heart disease and hardening of the arteries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 20 3 12 18 INSIDE Smell the Roses If you suffer from allergies, one study says it could be an easy-to-fix vitamin deficiency. Find out more on page 17. 3
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  • 5. Have you noticed your memory isn’t quite as sharp as it used to be? Are your joints achy? Are you struggling to lose weight? Do you lack energy and struggle with fatigue? Have you seen your health decline in recent years? If so, what’s causing these problems? Believe it or not, at the center of these and many other health issues are your hormones. It’s no secret that any type of hormonal change in your body can dramatically impact your energy levels and so much more. As you may know, menopause is all about hormonal changes. So it makes sense that women who are going through or have gone through menopause should consider hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Unfortunately, conventional medicine gave HRT a bad name because it increased your risk of getting breast cancer. The reason was simple – the hormones used were synthetic hormones that worked against your body – not with it. But there are better and safer choices for hormone replacement therapy. They are called bio-identical hormones. These hormones are biologically identical to the hormones your body makes. So they are much safer, don’t cause cancer, and can The Anti-Aging Effect of Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy 5
  • 6. restore your energy levels and body functions to where they should be. But it’s not just women who go through hormonal changes. Men often find themselves needing hormones, particularly testosterone. That means that if your energy has taken a nose dive in recent months or years, it’s a good idea to consider bio- identical hormone replacement therapy. It could give you your life back. Unfortunately, most people don’t take hormones. There are two reasons for this. They are scared of the headlines saying hormones cause cancer or their doctor has told them they don’t need hormones because their hormone levels are “normal.” How to Determine Your Hormone Levels Most people – and most doctors – think that the best way to diagnose a hormone deficiency is to get laboratory blood tests. While blood tests are useful, there are other ways to determine hormone deficiencies. And laboratory tests are the least important of all of them. The most important way to diagnose a hormone deficiency is to consider symptoms and physical signs. When a particular hormone is deficient, there are certain symptoms and physical findings that are obvious. For example, dry, flaky skin is an indicator of low thyroid hormones. A decrease of hair growth on the legs is a sign of testosterone deficiency. Doctors well-versed in bio-identical hormone replacement (BHR) are aware of these clues. They can usually prescribe the right hormones simply by talking with and examining the patient. The next most important way to diagnose a deficiency is by using a “clinical trial.” This means, giving the patient the hormone and seeing what happens. Here’s an example of a clinical trial. One of the classic symptoms of testosterone deficiency is apathy, or a decreased interest in the things of life. But there are also plenty of other reasons why a person might be apathetic. Depression, nutritional imbalances, sleep disorders, or a deficiency of the thyroid hormones can all cause apathy. 6
  • 7. If a doctor thinks that the reason for apathy is a testosterone deficiency, he can verify it with a clinical trial. All he has to do is prescribe a two-to-three month course of testosterone replacement therapy. If the apathy disappears, then it proves the diagnosis. If it doesn’t, then it’s back to the drawing board. This is perfectly safe even if there’s not a deficiency. The body will adjust back to normal levels after the trial is finished. The third most effective way to diagnose a deficiency is by using laboratory testing. Laboratory testing is more effective as a way of monitoring the hormones as you take them than actually determining whether there’s a deficiency or not. The reason is that the normal ranges for hormones are too large. It’s quite common for a patient to have a hormonal deficiency and yet still have laboratory values in the normal range. Clearly, doctors should check all hormone levels before prescribing. But when signs and symptoms of deficiency are present, they should not withhold treatment simply because the laboratory test falls within the normal range. What Can You Expect? If you are deficient in any particular hormone, taking hormones that are bioidentical to your own body’s hormones can make you feel like a new person. You may remember when Suzanne Somers published her book over 10 years ago. She claimed in her book that using bioidentical hormones restored her bone loss, recharged her libido, reduced her depression, and rejuvenated her hair, skin, and body. Most doctors who have been prescribing bioidentical hormones for very long will tell you that they continually see the same results. In fact, the proper use of these hormones is clearly a major part of slowing down and even reversing the aging process. Most people over the age of 50 – and some younger folks – need bioidentical hormone replacement. If they don’t get it, they will age faster and in great misery. Aging gracefully starts with taking bioidentical hormones. What About Cancer Risk? Any time you start taking a new substance, you need to be aware of any negative side effects. When HRT first came on the scene, doctors were using synthetic forms of the hormones, which were chemical drugs and not actual hormones. The chemicals in these drugs significantly increased a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer. But what about bioidentical hormones? Do they cause cancer or any other negative side effects? One study followed 80,377 postmenopausal women and published its results in the journal Breast Cancer Research and Treatment in January of 2008. The authors of the study stated, “The goal of this study was to assess and compare the association between different hormonal replacement therapies and breast cancer risk.” In the study, the researchers followed the women for an average of 8.1 years. The results showed that the FDA-approved hormone treatments caused a 69% increase in breast cancer. Compare that to no risk at all Here’s a List of Hormones Your Doctor Should Test For: • Estradiol • Estriol (women only) • Estrone (women only) • Progesterone • DHEA • Testosterone • TSH • Free T3 • Free T4 • Insulin • Cortisol • Somatomedin-c 7
  • 8. for the women on bio-identical hormone therapy. The authors found that the highest risk factor for the FDA- approved drugs was from synthetic progesterone. And that’s not the only study showing the safety of compounded bioidentical hormones over the FDA version. Another study looked at the risk of breast cancer in a group of 3,175 postmenopausal women who were followed an average of 8.9 years. Roughly half of the women used compounded bioidentical hormones. The other half did not have any hormonal therapy. What happened? According to the authors, “We were unable to detect an increase in the relative risk of breast cancer in the hormone users.” And they further go on to say that because of the remarkable safety of bioidentical hormones, there is no reason for women to ever stop taking them. Once again, in the authors’ own words, “These results do not justify early interruption of such a type of hormonal replacement [compounded bioidentical hormones], which is beneficial for quality of life, prevention of bone loss, and cardiovascular risk profile.” Since numerous studies have demonstrated an increased risk of breast cancer from synthetic FDA-approved hormone drugs, the results of another study weren’t surprising. The researchers found a 40% increased risk of breast cancer in women who used the FDA- approved synthetic hormones. But what was surprising was that in the same study, the women who used bioidentical hormones had a reduced risk of breast cancer compared to women who were not taking any hormone therapy of any kind. These findings confirm work done six years earlier that found a trend toward a reduced risk of breast cancer in 1,150 women using bioidentical progesterone compared to users of synthetic progesterone. Which Hormones Do You Need? For the best possible results, you have to replace all the deficient hormones. If you take only one hormone and others are deficient, then you can cause problems. For example, if you have hot flashes and take only estrogen to treat it, then it will take a much larger dose to be effective. This can create an imbalance, and greatly increase the chance of side effects. When treating hot flashes, you can use a dose that’s about one-eighth the dose that most doctors use if you prescribe it along with other hormones. So make sure your doctor tests for all the hormones. Remember, if you’re over 50, there’s a good chance you need hormone replacement therapy (not drug therapy). So it’s important you see a doctor soon. One final note: There are many different ways to deliver bio- identical hormones to your body. These include creams, troches (lozenges that dissolve in your mouth), injections, and pellets. While different people prefer different delivery systems, the most effective are injections and pellets. Hormone pellets are usually the most effective because they don’t require ongoing injections, which are hard to self-administer for some, painful, and easy to forget. But pellets, which are placed under your skin by your medical professional, are a slow-release hormone delivery system. They work remarkably well and can often turn someone from depressed to energetic in no time at all. One husband was so ecstatic about the changes they made in his wife, he told his doctor, “You gave me my wife back!” For more information on how to get started on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, contact Real Health Medical Clinic at 678-990-5401 and set up an appointment to see a hormone specialist today. REF: Bernard, H, editor. “Clinical diagnosis and management by laboratory measurements.” Seventeenth edition (1984), W. B. Saunders. West Washington Square, Philadelphia, PA 19105. 8
  • 9. Have you ever heard someone say, “I just can’t lose weight because I was born with a slow metabolism”? Or maybe they said, “My metabolism really started to slow down after age 40, so I just can’t drop the weight.” You may have even said one of these statements yourself. But did you know that these statements are only half true – and the other half won’t keep you from losing weight if you know what to do. Unlock the Secret to Losing 20 Pounds or More in Just 40 Days and Keep It Off! (No Exercise Required) 9
  • 10. The truth behind the first statement is that your metabolism does have a genetic aspect to it that you can’t change. You were born with a particular body that works in a particular way. Some people who were born with a fast metabolism can eat pretty much whatever they want and they burn it off. Others struggle most of their life to keep weight off even if they eat somewhat healthy portions. The truth behind the second statement is that many people notice their metabolism slows down with age and they begin to gain weight. But regardless of why your metabolism is slow, you can still lose weight. All you have to do is kick your metabolism into gear. In fact, a good way to think of your metabolism is to compare it to a car engine – a car engine that always runs. When you’re sitting or sleeping, your metabolism is in idle, much like a car engine that’s sitting at a stop light. The engine is running, but it’s not moving the car. That car engine will keep running as long as it has enough fuel, is maintained well, doesn’t have an accident, and doesn’t get junk in it. Your metabolism is the same way. The better you take care of your body, the better your metabolism is going to work. But if you don’t give it the right fuel, don’t maintain it well, or put junk into your body, your metabolism can really slow down. Fortunately, if you change the fuel you’re feeding your metabolism, it can kick start it and get it right back into tip-top shape. The faster your body’s “engine” runs on average, over time, the more fat you burn. A fast (or high) metabolism will burn more fat at rest and during activity. You’ll have to eat more just to maintain your weight. A “low” (or slow) metabolism, on the other hand, will burn less fat at rest and during activity. So you have to eat less to avoid gaining weight. Many experts believe exercise is the best way to kick your metabolism into gear. But there’s something wrong with that picture. Your engine is already running slow. Forcing your body to move faster can pick up your metabolism for a while. But when you’re done exercising, a sluggish metabolism becomes exhausted and more likely to burn even slower. While exercise can help, it’s not the primary answer everyone thinks it is. In fact, the real key to losing weight is to boost your metabolism so you can exercise better without over-burdening your metabolism. So how can you do that? Many people try different diet plans. Their focus is taking the weight off. So they try NutriSystems, Quick Weight Loss, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, and any number of other programs. Some of these programs are better than others. But almost all of them cost a lot more than what they advertise. For instance, one program advertises for $9 per month. But what they don’t tell you is that by the time you pay for all the food, shakes, supplements, and everything else, it’s over $4,000 to lose the weight. But that’s not the real problem. All of these focus on losing weight, not on boosting the metabolism. Losing weight will oftentimes boost the metabolism. But sometimes it can make it more sluggish. The result is tremendous weight gain once you’re off the diet. The key is to focus on boosting your metabolism. That’s what Jane Prescott did. Jane is 68 years old and weighed 201 pounds. She’s only 5’6”, so she was desperate to lose weight. She said, “I was feeling so bad. I couldn’t sleep. I had no energy. I just was tired all the time — I didn’t want to get up.” That’s when her doctor 10
  • 11. suggested she give the Lock It In program a try. Lock It In is a weight-loss program that kick starts your metabolism with healthy food you buy at the grocery store. There are no prepackaged foods or shakes. And the proprietary homeopathic drops help curb your appetite. These drops really work! Just look at what this program did for Jane. She went from 201 pounds to 165 pounds – and she did it without any exercise. What’s more, she’s been able to maintain the weight loss. That’s another aspect of Lock It In that’s really different than most programs. Once you reach your ideal weight, you Lock It In. This helps you stay at your ideal weight because your metabolism is working at peak efficiency. Some people continue to lose weight because they’re not eating enough to maintain their weight. But that’s not the best part. Once you’re done losing the weight, you know how to eat to keep the weight off and live a much healthier life. You learn how to overcome cravings, eat good foods, and listen to your body. After the program is complete, you can live a normal life without having to take the homeopathic drops any more. Your body adjusts to the new diet. Your mind adjusts as well. Yes, you’ll still want to eat ice cream (or your favorite dessert) periodically after the program is over. You can do that — and you’ll know how to go right back to eating right the next meal so you don’t gain weight. Take the step Jane took and begin losing those unwanted pounds today. If you’re ready to kick start your metabolism and drop the weight (and keep it off), you can schedule a free consultation with metabolic specialist Nancy Masoud simply by calling the Real Health Medical Clinic at 678-990-5401. How to Make Ketones Work to Your Advantage Ketones are an important part of the weight loss process. But studies show that ketogenic diets open the door for you to regain weight fast. So how can you use ketones to lose weight without worrying about gaining the weight back? Here’s how you do it: First, cut out most carbs. Then you need to increase your nutrition. Keeping an abundance of nutrients in your diet tells your body that it’s not starving. But the greatly reduced blood sugar causes the body to produce ketones anyway. So you get the benefit of ketones without going into starvation mode. And you don’t have to worry about gaining the weight back. 11
  • 12. 12
  • 13. RESTORE JOINTS NATURALLY What would you do if arthritis was attacking your ankles or knees? What would you do if you picked up something over your head and your shoulder was in so much pain it felt like a thousand needles were jabbed into it? And what would you do if you all of a sudden threw your back out and you were almost immobile? Revolutionary Treatment Combination Can Eliminate Most Joint and Muscle Pain 13
  • 14. For many people, these aren’t just “what ifs.” They are the painful reality of day-to-day living. One trip after another to the doctor does nothing to fix the pain – it just subdues it for a few hours or days. Then it comes roaring back. The only other option they’re given is surgery. But what if you didn’t have to go through surgery to find permanent relief from your pain? And what if you didn’t have to take pain pills every day? There are two treatments specially trained doctors have been using for years to permanently cure people of their joint and muscle pain. The treatments are so effective, no one ever thought they could be improved. Until one day, doctors started using them together. And the results were nothing short of miraculous! Take Alex, for example. He went to his doctor a few months ago because he had suffered several complex tears in the ligaments of his left knee and ankle. The usual treatment for these types of injuries is surgery. But Alex had seen what surgery did to a friend of his, so he wanted to avoid that at all costs. His friend had a good outcome, but the pain, rehab, and loss of motion were less than ideal for Alex. So he decided to try a treatment called Prolozone®. An amazing doctor in Carson City, Nevada developed Prolozone more than 20 years ago to treat joint and muscle pain. Frank Shallenberger, MD had used a treatment called prolotherapy for years to treat these injuries. Prolotherapy is a series of injections that send naturally derived substances (such as cod liver oil, sugar, salt, or corn extract) into the site of the chronic pain – usually where ligaments and tendons attach to the bone. These injections trick the body into thinking a new injury has occurred, which kicks the immune system into gear to heal the area. As you may know, there’s not a lot of blood flow to the joints. So healing is often slow or incomplete. The prolotherapy pushes the body to speed up the healing and make it complete. It sounds fantastic – and it is – but prolotherapy has some problems. First, prolotherapy can be painful. It requires a lot of injections into the same site to bring about healing. Second, it can take a long time to fully heal. 14 How Stem Cells Can Reverse Severe Joint Pain and Help You Avoid Surgery Unfortunately, not every joint responds well to Prolo- zone and PRP. Some joints have more severe dam- age where the cartilage is mostly gone and bone is rubbing on bone. Prolozone and PRP will give even these difficult cases varied degrees of relief. But the pain doesn’t always go away permanently. Some cases don’t respond at all, even after a series of many sessions. While this is rare, it’s still frustrating when nothing seems to work.
  • 15. This is where Dr. Shallenberger had a marvelous idea to supercharge prolotherapy. He added nutrients to the injections to help further speed the recover. But then he did something unheard of – he added ozone to the injections. Most people know of ozone from its use in the atmosphere. They think it’s dangerous. But medical grade ozone is extremely beneficial to the body. Ozone is essentially oxygen (O2) with one extra atom of oxygen (O3). Since oxygen atoms like to travel in pairs, the extra oxygen atom makes it more reactive than regular oxygen. Simply put, it wants to get rid of that extra oxygen atom. When it does, it effectively oxygenates the area. With more oxygen, the cells are able to produce more ATP and create more energy. And with more energy being produced, your body is able to work harder to lay down more collagen and cartilage, thus restoring the health of the joint. By adding the ozone and extra nutrients, Dr. Shallenberger created Prolozone – which is one of the most effective joint pain therapies we’ve ever seen. But there’s another joint treatment that has similar results. Platelet Rich Plasma This second joint pain treatment is completely natural. In fact, it simply uses your own blood to boost your body’s ability to heal. Simply put, your blood is made up of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. In this treatment, your practitioner takes some of your blood, spins it in a specially designed centrifuge that separates the platelets out of the blood. Then, the practitioner injects these separated platelets into your joints. This treatment is called PRP, which stands for platelet-rich- plasma. Alternative doctors have been using it for a few years to treat joint and back pain. And it can work wonders. The nutrient-rich platelets in your blood can heal your body’s tissues when nothing else will work. Researchers recently published a study that compared PRP injections to hyaluronic acid injections in a total of 30 patients with osteoarthritis in the knee. They gave half of them a PRP injection every three weeks for a total of three injections. They gave the other half hyaluronic acid injections at the same schedule. Then they followed the patients for six months. 15 In many cases, doctors will recommend joint replace- ment surgery. While technology has brought these surgical procedures a long way, surgery is always risky. And these are quite painful and require long periods of rehabilitation. Plus, surgery isn’t always successful. One study evalu- ated treatment for meniscus tears (the meniscus is the thin fibrous cartilage between the surfaces of some joints). The study found that conventional arthroscopic surgery to cut away the damaged portion did no better in the long run than doing nothing at all. Fortunately, there’s still great hope that you can recover without surgery. In difficult cases of joint pain where Prolozone and PRP don’t completely fix the problem, stem cells might help. When most people think of stem cells, they think of the controversial cells harvested after an abortion. But there’s another type of stem cell that avoids this controversy and is every bit as effective. These stem cells come from the umbilical cord and don’t require an abortion. Umbilical cord stem cells are exciting. Stem cells have the ability to produce growth factors and turn on existing stem cells in tissues. This repairs injured or aging tissue. Degenerated joints can be repaired – resolving pain and restoring function. Stem cell injections are minimally invasive and they’re often helpful. There are minimal side effects. You may experience swelling and pain for few days to a week. But there’s no risk of surgery, anesthesia, or metals. Rehabilitation will usually be much easier and faster. And, most importantly, you keep your joint. If you have severe joint damage and want to avoid surgery, please contact the Real Health Medical Clin- ic at 678-990-5401 to set up a consultation and see if it’s right for you.
  • 16. At the end of four months, both groups had improved the same. But the effect of hyaluronic acid injections tends to wear off. So, at the end of six months, the researchers found significantly more improvement in ability to move the knees, decreased pain, and decreased inflammation in the PRP group. And not only does arthritis respond to the healing effects of PRP, but so do injuries. For example, torn and damaged shoulder rotator cuff injuries. One problem with surgically repairing torn rotator tendons in the shoulder is that they tend to retear easily. This is because the tendons typically do not heal to the extent that they regain their former thickness. What’s more, they tend to tear with less stress than the original injury. So, researchers studied the effect of PRP therapy on torn rotator cuff tears. They looked at 74 patients scheduled for surgical repair of medium to large rotator cuff tears. Half of them went through the conventional surgical repair. The other half had the same surgery but also had PRP therapy at the time of surgery. After one year, the retear rate in the PRP group was only 3%. Compare that to a retear rate in the conventional group of 20%. And the thickness of the rotator cuff tendons in the PRP group was close to double that of the conventional group. This is clear proof of the marvelous healing effect of platelets. The Most Powerful Combination to Treat Joint Pain And this brings us back to Alex. When he went to see his doctor, he wanted to use Prolozone. But he lived several hours away. The Prolozone treatments, while substantially faster than prolotherapy, would still take a series of treatments every two weeks for two to three months. So instead of using just Prolozone, his doctor combined it with PRP. The results were fantastic. Alex’s knee was fixed in half the time and with half the treatments. The pain was significantly reduced from the very first treatment. And he was completely functional in only four months. Now, Alex’s case was severe. For most injuries, it doesn’t take nearly this long. In fact, Steve saw his doctor with severe back pain. He could hardly stand up straight. After one treatment session, he walked out of the office standing up straight and with zero pain. He didn’t suffer any further pain in his back until he reinjured it two years later. So whether you use Prolozone, PRP, or both in combination, you now have a new way to treat joint and muscle pain without drugs, surgery, or physical therapy. If it hurts, no matter how serious the condition, there is a 75-80% chance that PRP and Prolozone will take care of the problem. Any doctor that is NOT using these therapies is years behind! Both of these treatments are available at Real Health Medical Clinic in Roswell, Georgia. Call 678-990-5401 to set up your first consultation. Jo CH, Shin JS, et al. Platelet-rich plasma for arthroscopic repair of medium to large rotator cuff tears: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Sports Med. 2015 Sep;43(9):2102-10. Li M, Zhang C, et al. Therapeutic effectiveness of intra-knee-articular injection of platelet-rich plasma on knee articular cartilage degeneration. Zhongguo Xiu Fu Chong Jian Wai Ke Za Zhi. 2011 Oct;25(10):1192-6. 16
  • 17. Vitamin B12 • Vitamin B12 is called “the energy vitamin” for good reason. It helps your body turn the foods you eat into energy. And it creates this energy for your cells to function. When your cells don’t have enough energy, they begin to struggle to function properly. That’s why a B12 deficiency can cause lack of energy, extreme tiredness without any reason, becoming breathless, memory loss, brain fog, and cognitive decline, as well as mood changes, irritability, depression, confusion, and disorientation. Taking B12 can help reverse these issues -- and it can treat conditions like neuropathy, fatigue, and adrenal insufficiency. • You may have heard that high homocysteine levels are bad for your heart. Homocysteine is an amino acid. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. When these proteins break down, you’ll find ele- vated levels of homocysteine in the bloodstream. This can lead to atherosclerosis, blood clots, and heart attacks. But high homocysteine levels can also cause your hair to turn gray. That’s because homocysteine generates hydrogen peroxide. And this peroxide literally bleaches the hair from the inside out. One rea- son your homocysteine levels skyrocket is because you don’t have enough vitamin B12 in your body. • Suffering from allergies? One study says it could be a B12 deficiency. In this study, the researchers divided a small group of men and women between the ages of 12 and 80. All of them suffered from either hay fever or allergic asthma. Of the 24 participants, 15 took 3,000 mcg of vitamin B12, and the other nine took a placebo. The B12 “yielded reduction in total weekly symptoms for the active group compared to the placebo.” The participants usually started to see relief after two weeks. And they continued to see improvements for the duration of the study, which was nine weeks. What’s more, the researchers found that the relief continued even after the participants stopped taking the B12. • You can take vitamin B12 in three different forms: an injection, a lozenge you dissolve in your mouth, and by swallowing a pill. The injection is typically the most effective B12 form. Ask your doctor about self-administered shots. The lozenges are very effective because they bypass the digestive system, which doesn’t typically absorb B12 very well. The oral pills are generally regarded as the least effec- tive and not worth the money, even though they’re very inexpensive. 17
  • 18. You need to meet two women. These remarkable women overcame aggressive cancers with just one nutrient. Most of the time, cancer patients shouldn’t rely on one nutrient to beat cancer. But these two women were part of a study to see just how powerful this nutrient is. The results are amazing. The first patient, Jane, is a 75-year-old lady with relapsed Merkel cell cancer. This is a rare and aggressive neuro-endocrine skin cancer. It kills about 30% of those who contract it, which is a lot, but it does give some room for curing it (70% don’t die). Knowing this, Jane took a bold step and refused radiation. Instead, she chose to use a nutrient that most of associate with Christmas and kissing. If that brings mistletoe to mind, you’re right on track. While we normally think of kissing that special someone under the mistletoe (Viscum album L.), this report might make you think a little differently This Christmas Herb Might Be The Gift That Destroys Cancer 18
  • 19. about the herb. You see, as an extract it has antiproliferative, cytotoxic, and immunomodulatory properties. That means this extract can keep cancer from growing, it can kill it, and it can help your immune system battle the cancer. That’s a pretty impressive list of abilities. But does it deliver? The doctor treated Jane with a combination of intratumoural (inside the tumor), subcutaneous (under the skin) and regular intravenous treatments of mistletoe extract. The doctor gave her high doses of the extract (592 mgs per month) for just 10 months. The reason? He wanted to elicit febrile reactions (where they experience chills, aches, fever, etc.) according to how much she could tolerate and the tumor response. Amazingly, Jane experienced “durable disease responses” after her treatment with the mistletoe alone. A “durable disease response” is a long- lasting positive reaction to tumor therapy, usually lasting at least a year. Her 3 cm tumor was gone after four months and she continues to be in complete remission after three years. This is truly remarkable! Some would say this isn’t possible. Or they might say her body dealt with the cancer. Certainly, that’s possible. But let’s meet the second women in this story. Emma is a 50-year-old postmenopausal woman with asynchronous bilateral breast cancer (right breast: grade 1, hormone sensitive; left breast: grade 3, hormone insensitive and HER2-positive ductal carcinoma). She declined all conventional cancer treatment. Her doctor treated her with mistletoe alone for 2.6 years, again using high doses (averaging 290 mg per month). Emma’s response with the far more common breast cancer was outstanding. She had complete responses of both tumors after 31 months of intratumoural and subcutaneous mistletoe treatment. And she remains in remission after four years! While these responses are absolutely stunning – and very exciting – most doctor still don’t recommend using one nutrient alone to treat cancer. There are other treatments that you can use along with mistletoe to experience a faster response with minor or no side effects. One final note: Mistletoe is also very effective at shrinking tumors before surgical removal, which makes it a good alternative to chemotherapy. If you have cancer and wish to try mistletoe therapy and other natural treatments, please contact Real Health Medical Clinic at 678-990-5401 to set up a consultation. You also can visit www. for more information. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2(2):63-69, June 2010. As an extract it has antiproliferative, cytotoxic, and immunomodulatory properties. That means this extract can keep cancer from growing, it can kill it, and it can help your immune system battle the cancer. That’s a pretty impressive list of abilities. 19
  • 20. The best therapy for treating heart disease and hardening of the arteries Most people with heart dis- ease have no idea that there is a simple and very effective way to treat it without any surgery or other invasive procedures. This simple procedure can make your arteries more flex- ible and less stiff. This helps your blood flow easier and sends more blood and oxygen throughout your body. 20 The best therapy for treating heart disease and hardening of the arteries Most people with heart dis- ease have no idea that there is a simple and very effective way to treat it without any surgery or other invasive procedures. This simple procedure can make your arteries more flex- ible and less stiff. This helps your blood flow easier and sends more blood and oxygen throughout your body. 20
  • 21. So what is this simple treatment? It’s called EDTA chelation therapy. Unless you’ve had serious mercu- ry or lead poisoning, which most of us have never experienced, you’ve probably never heard of chela- tion therapy. It’s highly unlikely your cardiologist has mentioned it to you. But that oversight could cost you your life. A recent TACT study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that up to 50% of selected patients with heart disease will die from their disease unless their doctor treats them with EDTA chelation therapy. What’s more, another study offers proof that not only can EDTA chelation therapy treat heart disease, it can also treat the ath- erosclerosis that leads to heart disease. In this second study, the researchers wanted to see what effect EDTA chelation therapy would have on 118 men and women with atherosclerosis. The par- ticipants ranged in age from 48 to 89 years old. At the beginning of the study, the researchers measured the pulse wave velocity of the participants’ arteries. This is a test that will show the doctor how stiff your arteries are. As atherosclerosis becomes worse, it cakes up the arteries and causes them to stiffen or harden. So anything that makes the arteries stiffer is the kind of thing that increases atherosclerosis and heart disease. Anything that makes them less stiff does just the opposite – it decreases atherosclerosis. Here’s what happened. The researchers gave the participants 10 chelation treatments and then rechecked the pulse wave velocity readings. They found that they decreased substantially. The arteries were becoming more flexible and less stiff. Then the researchers gave the participants another 10 chelation treatments. The readings decreased even more. So they administered another 10 treatments. At this point, the decrease in the readings seems to have reached their maximum in most of the patients. This is exactly what most doctors experience with their patients. The maximum effect of chelation therapy tends to occur somewhere between 20 and 30 treatments. How to Supercharge Your Chelation Therapy About 20 years ago, Dr. Frank Shallenberger in Nevada started combining chelation therapy with ozone therapy. He found that when it comes to heart disease, the combination works even better than the chelation treatments by themselves. He called the procedure CheZone therapy. The chelation therapy treats the atherosclerosis and the ozone improves the way the heart cells use oxygen – a perfect marriage. Ask the medical professionals at Real Health Medical Clinic about combining these two treatments to maximize your heart health. 21
  • 22. When you consider that this treatment will virtually wipe out your risk of having a heart attack or other cardiovascular event, it’s worth the effort. What’s more, you don’t have to worry about having heart surgery or stents. And you don’t need drugs. There are two different kinds of EDTA chelation thera- py. In this study, the researchers knew what they were doing because they used the form of chelation that is effective for heart disease. It’s the di-sodium form. The di-sodium form of chelation therapy is an intra- venous treatment that takes about three hours to do. Patients typically do it either once or twice a week until the symptoms are gone. Then they continue to do it once a month for the rest of their lives just as a preventive measure. The other form of chelation therapy is called calcium EDTA chelation. This is very good at removing heavy metals, but it’s not effective for atherosclerosis and heart disease. So when you get chelation therapy for heart disease or atherosclerosis, make sure that you get the di-sodium version. If you’re interested in having chelation therapy to avoid heart attacks and other cardiovascular problem, give Real Health Medical Clinic a call at 678-990-5401. Or visit the website at Tadashi Mitsuo, MD, Sigenori Nakano, MD, Masao Yoshida,MD, Hideki Ohno,MD, Kazuo Tsubota,MD. Na2EDTA Chelation Therapy Can Decrease baPWV in Elderly Patients. Friday, June 13, 2014 Lamas, G. A., Goertz, C., Boineau, R., Mark, D. B., Rozema, T., Nahin, R. L., et al. (2013). Effect of disodium EDTA chelation regimen on cardiovascular events in patients with previous myocardial infarction: the TACT randomized trial. JAMA, 309(12), 1241–1250. Tomiyama, H., Yamashina, A., Arai, T., Hirose, K., Koji, Y., Chikamori, T., et al. (2003). Influences of age and gender on results of noninvasive brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity measurement--a survey of 12517 subjects. Atherosclerosis, 166(2), 303–309. How to Determine Whether You Have Too Many Heavy Metals in Your Body Looking for a way to determine if you’re deficient in any minerals? Or worse, have too many toxic heavy metals in your body? There’s one simple scan you can have done that will tell you every- thing you need to know. OligoScan* allows you to make a quick and precise analysis of the trace elements and heavy metals in your body. Here is a sample of what you can discover: 22
  • 23. Baked Italian Meatballs Serves: 1 Ingredients: • 5 oz lean ground turkey or beef • ¹/4 teaspoon basil • ¹/8 teaspoon oregano • ¹/8 teaspoon garlic powder • ¹/8 teaspoon oregano • 1 clove garlic crushed and minced • 1 serving Melba toast crumbs or crushed nut thins • 1 recipe marinara sauce (no sugar added) Directions Instructions 1. Combine meat, cracker crumbs and spices and mix thoroughly. 2. Form into balls. 3. Place into baking dish and cover with marinara sauce. 4. Bake for 20-30 minutes at 350 degrees. Garnish with fresh basil. 23
  • 24. A one-of-a-kind integrative medical practice, unlike any other in Georgia. Located in Roswell, we serve the Greater Atlanta area, but see patients from all over the country. Our mission is a transformative and functional approach to 21st century healthcare — one that integrates the best of western medicine with proven alternative therapies to help heal the whole person that you are — your body, your nutritional deficiencies, your toxic load, your mind, your spirit, and your connection to community. Restoring Health Scientifically - Naturally - Effectively • Bio-Identical Hormone Replacemen • Functional Wellness Medicine • Thyroid optimization • Adrenal insufficiency • Hyperbaric Oxygen • Stem cell RPR therapy • Ozone / Prolozone • IV Therapy - Myers, Glutathione, Chelation, Ozone • Massage / Myofascial / Cranial sacral • Laser PhotoBioModulation for pain, PTSD • Addiction - Brain Recovery NAD • Lock It In - Metabolic Weight Loss • Heavy metal detoxification • Cancer support and immunotherapy • Allergy Desensitization • Pediatric and Family Wellness • Dietary / Nutritional counseling • Detoxification coaching and therapy • Brain Mapping / Neurofeedback • Lymphatic detoxification therapy • Hormone • Brain mapping • Heavy metals • Nutrient/ Antioxidants levels • Neurotransmitters • Chronic infections • Allergy / sensitivity testing • Parasites • Mitochondrial function • Celiac - gluten • Cancer - early diagnosis - by circulating tumor cell count • Cancer - sensitivity response for chemotherapy and natural therapeutics Clinic therapies: Testing: Special considerations Auto-immune conditions, Inflammatory bowel disease, Addiction - Brain Recovery, Cancer support / immunotherapy Call or email today to find out how we can help restore you to Real Health (678) 990-5401 •