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Reactive web
application using
By Sapna Upreti @sapna0214
About Me
A Full Stack Developer @NodeXperts
Speaker at MeteorNoida and JsFusion
What’s inside?
Meteor? Working Structure Templating
MethodUnit TestsBest PracticesDeployment
Maintenance Stop
What is Meteor?
Reactivity Isomorphic Hybrid Apps+ +
Change in data source → clients connected to the
Meteor server → gets updated automatically without
Pushes/Publishes data
Listens the changes
Pushed data
Data Listeners
Conventional Approach
a b c=+
4 6 10
Value Update 3 3 10
1st Call
c would still be 10 - until the code was called again.
Reactive Approach
a b c=+
4 6 10
Value Update 3 3 6
1st Call
c would become 6 automatically
Javascript Everywhere.
(Application logic that runs on both
server and client)
Conventional Systems
Ruby, Python, Java, php
Meteor’s System
JavaScript Server
Your App
What is inside Meteor?
Command Line Tool
Communication layer
Isobuild- for installing
packages via:
● Atmosphere
● Cordova plugins
● Node.js
● Connect
● Database Driver
● Livequery
● Fibers/Futures
Data Protocol)
What is inside Meteor?
The Packages
● Tracker
● Spacebars
● Blaze
● Minimongo
● Session
The Cordova interface is
just built upon the same
libraries as the browser,
listed on the left.
Reusable piece of
It has few core
Inside Meteor
Reactivity in Meteor
Meteor's reactivity system uses
By passing a function to
Tracker.autorun we can
rerun that function any time
one of its reactive data sources
Reactive data source
Ordinary function
let posts = function() {
Return Posts.find();
Function upgrader
The posts function will re-run
itself every time Posts.find()
returns a different value.
DDP (Distributed Data Protocol)
● client-server protocol for querying
and updating a server-side database
● publish-subscribe messaging pattern
DDP Example
DDP Client DDP Server
Subscribes Posts
Post 1 Added
Post 2 Added
Post n Added
DDP Example
Post Added by user method call
Response (post data)
User Post
DDP Client
DDP Server
● reimplementation of
(almost) the entire
● copy of MongoDB that
runs inside your web
Minimongo cont...
( e.g. Blaze, Angular,
React )
Client Cache
( Minimongo )
Client Cache
( MongoDB )
Method Call
Data for
Data for
User input
Client-Side temporary
Optimistic update
Server-side persistent database operation
Mini Mongo
MongoDBLocal Storage
Web Apps
Ships all
templates, CSS,
to Client
No need to
be real-time
Re-write server
code in JS
Let’s Code Now!
Enough Talking...Let’s get our hands dirty in
What you need?
Linux: curl | sh
GitHub Repo
What we are going to make?
● A user posting application, where you can view
and like the user’s post.
● You can observe the reactivity through like
Final App Look
Road to our App
Step 1- Directory Structure
Step 2- Templates
Step 3- Routes
Step 4- Schemas/Collections
Step 5- Forms and Events
Step 6- Methods and Method call
Step 7- Subscription/Publication
Step 8- Update/Remove
Step 9- Unit Test Cases (TDD)
Step 10- Deployment
Step 11- Maintenance
Step 12- Mobile app build
Step- 1
Create Project
Create a Meteor Project
meteor create project_name
Directory Structure
Load Order
HTML template files
Files inside any lib/directory
Files with deeper paths
Loaded in alphabetical order
Files beginning with main
Step- 2
Parses HTML 5 with top three level tags
<head> tag is added to the head
<template> tags → compiled→
Meteor templates → included inside
HTML with {{> templateName}}→
normal HTML tags
<body> tag is added to body section
Compiled using Spacebars compiler
Spacebars syntax {{#if}} or {{#each}}
Add the following code to client/head.html
{{> hello}}
<template name="hello" >
<h1>Meteor is great for Rapid Application
Meteor Build Process
Parse html file Template. main. jshead. html
Insert into the
Actual DOM
Render templates &
generate a DOM Range
Register body
And templates
When bundling your app
On screen
Load into client
Step- 3
User Accounts
Add the following packages by using the following commands:
meteor add accounts-ui
meteor add accounts-password
meteor add useraccounts:materialize
meteor add materialize:materialize
meteor add meteorstuff:materialize-modal
Add packages FlowRouter and useraccounts:flow-routing by
using the following commands:
meteor add kadira:flow-router
meteor add useraccounts:flow-routing
meteor add arillo:flow-router-helpers
Routes cont.
Add below code to imports/startup/client/routes.js
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { FlowRouter } from
import { BlazeLayout } from
import { AccountsTemplates } from
Routes cont.
Add below code to imports/startup/client/routes.js continue...
// Import needed templates
import '../../ui/layouts/masterLayout.js';
import '../../ui/layouts/nav.js';
import '../../ui/layouts/loading.html';
import '../../ui/layouts/footer.html';
import '../../ui/pages/home/home.js';
import '../../ui/pages/post/post.js';
import '../../ui/pages/post/add.js';
import '../../ui/layouts/not-found.js';
Routes cont.
Add below code to imports/startup/client/routes.js continue...
FlowRouter.route('/', {
name: 'home',
triggersEnter: [function (context, redirect) {
if (Meteor.userId()) {
action(params, queryParams) {
BlazeLayout.render('masterLayout', {
main: 'home',
Routes cont.
Add below code to imports/startup/client/routes.js continue...
FlowRouter.route('/posts', {
name: 'post',
subscriptions(params) {
triggersEnter: [function (context, redirect) {
if (!Meteor.userId()) {
action(params, queryParams) {
BlazeLayout.render('masterLayout', {
footer: 'footer',
main: 'post',
nav: 'nav',
Routes cont.
Add below code to imports/startup/client/routes.js continue...
FlowRouter.route('/add-posts', {
name: 'addPost',
subscriptions(params) {
triggersEnter: [function (context, redirect) {
if (!Meteor.userId()) {
action(params, queryParams) {
BlazeLayout.render('masterLayout', {
footer: 'footer',
main: 'addPost',
nav: 'nav',
Routes cont.
Add below code to imports/startup/client/routes.js continue...
FlowRouter.notFound = {
action() {
BlazeLayout.render('masterLayout', {
footer: 'footer',
main: 'pageNotFound',
nav: 'nav',
FlowRouter.route('/dashboard', {
action(params, queryParams) {
BlazeLayout.render('masterLayout', {
nav: 'header',
main: 'dashboard',
Routes cont.
Add below code to imports/startup/client/routes.js continue...
defaultLayout: 'masterLayout',
defaultLayoutRegions: {
nav: 'nav',
footer: 'footer',
defaultContentRegion: 'main',
showForgotPasswordLink: true,
overrideLoginErrors: true,
enablePasswordChange: true,
negativeValidation: true,
positiveValidation: true,
negativeFeedback: false,
positiveFeedback: true,
Create Pages
Add below code to imports/ui/layouts/masterLayout.html
<template name="masterLayout">
<div id="wrapper">
{{#if currentUser}}
{{> Template.dynamic template=nav}}
<main id="main">
{{> Template.dynamic template=main}}
{{#if currentUser}}
{{> Template.dynamic template=footer}}
Create Pages
Add below code to imports/ui/layouts/masterLayout.js
import './masterLayout.html';
Add below code to imports/ui/layouts/loading.html
<template name="loading">
Create Pages
Add below code to imports/ui/layouts/footer.html
<template name="footer">
<footer class="page-footer">
<div class="footer-copyright">
<div class="container">
© 2017 NodeXperts
<a class="grey-text text-lighten-4 right"
Create Pages
Add below code to imports/ui/layouts/nav.html
<template name="nav">
<div class="">
<div class="nav-wrapper">
<ul id="nav-mobile" class="right side-nav">
<li class="{{isActiveRoute regex='post'}}"><a
<li class="{{isActiveRoute regex='addPost'}}"><a
href="/add-posts">Add Post</a></li>
<li>{{> atNavButton }}</li>
<a class="button-collapse show-on-large" href="#"
Create Pages
Add below code to imports/ui/layouts/nav.js
import { Template } from 'meteor/templating';
import { $ } from 'meteor/jquery';
import './nav.html';
Template.nav.rendered = function () {
menuWidth: 300, // Default is 300
edge: 'left', // Choose the horizontal origin
closeOnClick: true, // Closes side-nav on <a> clicks,
useful for Angular/Meteor
draggable: true, // Choose whether you can drag to open on
touch screens
Create Pages
Add below code to imports/ui/layouts/not-found.html
<template name="pageNotFound">
<div id="not-found">
<div class="not-found-image">
<img src="/img/404.svg" alt="" />
<div class="not-found-title">
<h1>Sorry, that page doesn't exist</h1>
<a href="/" class="gotohomepage">Go to home</a>
Add below code to imports/ui/layouts/not-found.js
import './not-found.html';
Create Pages
Add below code to imports/ui/pages/home/home.html
<template name="home">
<div class="container">
<div class="row center">
<a href="/sign-in" class="btn-large waves-effect
waves-light">Log in</a>
<div class="row center">
<a href="/sign-up" class="btn-large waves-effect
waves-light">Sign Up</a>
Add below code to imports/ui/pages/home/home.js
import './home.html';
Create Pages
Add a blank html file imports/ui/pages/post/post.html
Add below code to imports/ui/pages/post/post.js
import './post.html';
Add a blank html file imports/ui/pages/post/add.html
Add below code to imports/ui/pages/post/add.js
import './add.html';
Step- 4
Schemas & Collections
Add packages for defining database schemas and collections
by using the following commands:
meteor add aldeed:simple-schema
meteor add aldeed:collection2
Schemas & Collections
Add below code to imports/api/posts/posts.js
import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo';
import { SimpleSchema } from 'meteor/aldeed:simple-schema';
const postSchema = new SimpleSchema({
title: {
type: String,
description: {
type: String,
author: {
type: String,
likes: {
type: Number,
Schemas & Collections
Add below code to imports/api/posts/posts.js continue..
createdAt: {
type: Date,
optional: true,
users: {
type: [String],
optional: true,
const Posts = new Mongo.Collection('posts');
export default Posts;
Schemas & Collections
Add below code to imports/api/users/users.js
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { SimpleSchema } from 'meteor/aldeed:simple-schema';
const userSchema = new SimpleSchema({
emails: {
type: [Object],
'emails.$.address': {
type: String,
regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Email,
label: 'Email Address',
'emails.$.verified': {
type: Boolean,
defaultValue: false,
createdAt: {
type: Date,
Schemas & Collections
Add below code to imports/api/users/users.js continue..
profile: {
type: Object,
optional: true,
blackbox: true,
services: {
type: Object,
optional: true,
blackbox: true,
const Users = Meteor.users;
export default Users;
Step- 5
Forms & Events
Add below code to imports/ui/pages/post/add.html
<template name="addPost">
<div class="col s12">
<div class="row">
<form class="col s12">
<div class="row">
<div class="input-field col s12">
<input id="description" name="description" type="text" class="validate">
<label for="description">Description</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="input-field col s12">
<input type="submit" class="btn"/>
<div class="row">
<div class="input-field
col s12">
<input id="title"
name="title" type="text"
Forms & Events
Add below code to imports/ui/pages/post/add.js
import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/kadira:flow-router';
import { Materialize } from 'meteor/materialize:materialize';
import { Template } from 'meteor/templating';
import { $ } from 'meteor/jquery';
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import Posts from './../../../api/posts/posts';
import './add.html';
Forms & Events
Add below code to imports/ui/pages/post/add.js continue...{
submit(event) {
const data = {};
$('form').serializeArray().map((obj) => {
data[] = obj.value;
return obj;
if (!postId) {
Materialize.toast('Unknown Error', 4000, 'rounded');
} else {
Materialize.toast('Post added Successfully', 4000,
const postId =
title: data.title,
likes: 0,
createdAt: new
users: []
Template Helpers
Add below code to imports/ui/pages/post/post.js
import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/kadira:flow-router';
import { Template } from 'meteor/templating';
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import Posts from './../../../api/posts/posts';
import './../../layouts/loading.html';
import './post.html';
Template Helpers
Add below code to imports/ui/pages/post/post.js continue...{
posts() {
return Posts.find();
isLiked(userIds) {
return userIds.indexOf(Meteor.userId()) >= 0;
Template Helpers
Add below code to
<template name="post">
<ul class="collection">
{{#each posts}}
No post to display yet!
<li class="collection-item avatar">
<i class="material-icons circle">folder</i>
<span class="title">{{title}}</span>
<p>Likes: {{likes}}</p>
{{#if isLiked users}}
<a href="" id="unlike"
class="secondary-content waves-effect
<a href="" id="like"
class="secondary-content waves-effect
Step- 6
Methods & Method Call
Add package check which will restrict the type of data
to be sent from client by using following command
meteor add check
Let’s remove the insecure package which will restrict
database write operation on client side by using
following command
meteor remove insecure
Methods & Method Call
Add Below code to imports/api/posts/method.js
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { check } from 'meteor/check';
import Posts from './posts.js';
'posts.insert': function (title,
description, userId = this.userId) {
check(description, String);
check(title, String);
check(userId, String);
return Posts.insert({
likes: 0,
createdAt: new Date(),
users: [],
Methods & Method Call
Registering the api to the server, add below code to imports/startup/server/register-api.js
import '../../api/posts/methods.js';
Import register-api.js file to imports/startup/server/index.js
import './register-api.js';
Methods & Method Call
Replace the code in imports/ui/pages/post/add.js with newly created method
const postId = Posts.insert({
title: data.title,
description: data.description,
userId: Meteor.userId(),
likes: 0,
author: Meteor.user().emails[0].address,
createdAt: new Date(),
users: []
if (!postId) {
Materialize.toast('Unknown Error', 4000, 'rounded');
} else {
Materialize.toast('Post added Successfully', 4000,
data.title, data.description,
(err) => {
if (err) {
Materialize.toast(err.reason ||
'Unknown Error', 4000,
} else {
added Successfully', 4000,
Client - 1
Meteor.Call ( ‘posts.insert’ )
Posts. Collection
Local Method Body
Server method
Meteor Server
Method Call
Step- 7
Let’s remove autopublish package as we don’t want everything
to be available on client side by using below code
Meteor remove autopublish
Add below code to imports/api/posts/server/publications.js
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import Posts from '../posts.js';
Meteor.publish('posts.all', () => Posts.find());
Register the publication in register-api file under imports/startup/server/register-api.js
import '../../api/posts/server/publications.js';
Let’s subscribe to the publication created in previous step inside route defined
for displaying posts
Add below code to imports/startup/client/routes.js
FlowRouter.route('/posts', {
name: 'post',
subscriptions(params) {
triggersEnter: [function (context, redirect) {
if (!Meteor.userId()) {
Let’s add logic for showing loader until subscription is ready
Add below code to imports/ui/pages/post/post.html to
modify it
<template name="post">
<ul class="collection">
{{#if isReady "posts"}}
{{> loading}}
{{#each posts}}
<li class="collection-item avatar">
<i class="material-icons
No post to display yet!
Let’s add the helper isReady to
imports/ui/pages/post/post.js so that our loader works
until subscription is ready{
posts() {
return Posts.find();
isLiked(userIds) {
userIds.indexOf(Meteor.userId()) >=
isReady(sub) {
if (sub) {
return FlowRouter.subsReady(sub);
return FlowRouter.subsReady();
Posts Collection
Posts Collection
Blaze Template
Oplog Observers
Client - 1
Client - 2
Sending Posts
Meteor Server
Newly added
Posts document
Step- 8
Update & Remove
Let’s update the code to add more methods under imports/api/posts/methods.js
'': function (postId, userId = this.userId) {
check(postId, String);
check(userId, String);
return Posts.update({
_id: postId,
}, {
$inc: { likes: 1 },
$push: { users: userId },
Update & Remove
Let’s update the code to add more methods under imports/api/posts/methods.js ...continue
'posts.unlike': function (postId, userId = this.userId) {
check(postId, String);
check(userId, String);
return Posts.update({
_id: postId,
}, {
$inc: { likes: -1 },
$pop: { users: userId },
Update & Remove
Add events for calling above methods from client side
Add below code to imports/ui/pages/post/post.js{
'click #like': function () {'', this._id,
'click #unlike': function () {'posts.unlike', this._id,
Step- 9
Unit Tests
To write unit test cases use below command to add package
meteor add practicalmeteor:mocha
To collect published data in test environment use below command to add
package johanbrook:publication-collector
meteor add johanbrook:publication-collector
Unit Tests
Add below code to imports/api/posts/server/publications.test.js
import { assert } from 'meteor/practicalmeteor:chai';
import Posts from '../posts.js';
import { PublicationCollector } from
import './publications.js';
Unit Tests
Add below code to imports/api/posts/server/publications.test.js ...continue
describe('posts publications', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
title: 'NX homepage',
description: 'This is our home page',
author: 'userId',
likes: 2,
Unit Tests
Add below code to imports/api/posts/server/publications.test.js ...continue
describe('posts.all', () => {
it('sends all posts', (done) => {
const collector = new PublicationCollector();
collector.collect('posts.all', (collections) => {
assert.equal(collections.posts.length, 1);
Unit Tests
Add below code to imports/api/posts/methods.test.js
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { assert } from 'meteor/practicalmeteor:chai';
import Posts from './posts.js';
import './methods.js';
if (Meteor.isServer) {
describe('post methods', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
Unit Tests
Add below code to imports/api/posts/methods.test.js ...continue
it('can add a new post', () => {
const addPost =
addPost.apply({}, ['test', 'test description',
assert.equal(Posts.find().count(), 1);
Unit Tests
Add below code to imports/api/posts/posts.test.js
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { assert } from 'meteor/practicalmeteor:chai';
import Posts from './posts.js';
if (Meteor.isServer) {
describe('post collection', () => {
it('insert correctly', () => {
const postId = Posts.insert({
title: 'Test post',
description: 'Test description',
userId: 'user_id',
author: 'test',
users: [],
likes: 0,
Unit Tests
Add below code to imports/api/posts/posts.test.js ...continue
const added = Posts.find({ _id: postId });
const collectionName = added._getCollectionName();
const count = added.count();
assert.equal(collectionName, 'posts');
assert.equal(count, 1);
Unit Tests
Add below code to imports/api/users/users.test.js
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { assert } from 'meteor/practicalmeteor:chai';
import Users from './users.js';
if (Meteor.isServer) {
describe('users collection', () => {
it('insert correctly', () => {
const userId = Accounts.createUser({
email: '',
password: '123445',
Unit Tests
Add below code to imports/api/users/users.test.js ...continue
const added = Users.find({ _id: userId });
const collectionName = added._getCollectionName();
const count = added.count();
assert.equal(collectionName, 'users');
assert.equal(count, 1);
Step- 10
● Sign up for Galaxy,
● Configure your MongoDB database using: mLab, compose or
MongoDB Atlas.
● Create a settings.json file with following info:
"": {
"env": {
"NODE_ENV": "production",
"public": {
Deployment cont.
● Login to your meteor account using: meteor login
● Create a file with following info:
DEPLOY_HOSTNAME=us-east-1.galaxy-deploy. meteor deploy
--settings settings.json
● Instead of using this URL you
can use your own domain.
● Type the following command to deploy your app:
Deployment cont.
Step- 11
Maintenance using APM
● Meteor APM formally Kadira
● Add Meteor APM to your app:
meteor add mdg:meteor-apm-agent
● App will send data to Meteor APM
● Re-deploy sh
Maintenance using APM
Step- 12
Mobile app build
● Download tools for Mobiles like Android Studio, Xcode
● Running on an iOS simulator (Mac Only):
○ meteor install-sdk ios
○ meteor add-platform ios
○ meteor run ios
● Running on an iOS device:
○ meteor run ios-device
● Running on an Android emulator:
○ meteor install-sdk android
○ meteor run android
● Running on an Android device:
○ meteor run android-device
Note: Currently, Meteor on Windows does not support mobile builds.
Thank You.
By Sapna Upreti @sapna0214

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Reactive Application Using METEOR

  • 2. About Me A Full Stack Developer @NodeXperts Speaker at MeteorNoida and JsFusion
  • 3. What’s inside? Start Meteor? Working Structure Templating Engine Publications/ Subscription MethodUnit TestsBest PracticesDeployment Maintenance Stop
  • 4. What is Meteor? Reactivity Isomorphic Hybrid Apps+ +
  • 6. Reactivity Change in data source → clients connected to the Meteor server → gets updated automatically without refresh.
  • 8. Conventional Approach a b c=+ 4 6 10 Value Update 3 3 10 1st Call c would still be 10 - until the code was called again.
  • 9. Reactive Approach a b c=+ 4 6 10 Value Update 3 3 6 1st Call c would become 6 automatically
  • 10. Isomorphic? Javascript Everywhere. (Application logic that runs on both server and client)
  • 13. What is inside Meteor? Command Line Tool Server Communication layer Isobuild- for installing packages via: ● Atmosphere ● NPM ● Cordova plugins ● Node.js ● Connect ● Database Driver (Mongo) ● Livequery ● Fibers/Futures ● DDP (Distributed Data Protocol) ● EJSON
  • 14. What is inside Meteor? Browser Cordova The Packages ● Tracker ● Spacebars ● Blaze ● Minimongo ● Session The Cordova interface is just built upon the same libraries as the browser, listed on the left. Reusable piece of code. It has few core packages.
  • 16. Reactivity in Meteor Meteor's reactivity system uses functions. By passing a function to Tracker.autorun we can rerun that function any time one of its reactive data sources changes. Posts.find(); Reactive data source Ordinary function let posts = function() { Return Posts.find(); }; Function upgrader Tracker.autorun(posts); Posts The posts function will re-run itself every time Posts.find() returns a different value.
  • 17. DDP (Distributed Data Protocol) ● client-server protocol for querying and updating a server-side database ● publish-subscribe messaging pattern
  • 18. DDP Example User Posts DDP Client DDP Server Subscribes Posts Post 1 Added Post 2 Added Post n Added
  • 19. DDP Example Post Added by user method call Response (post data) Updated User Post DDP Client DDP Server
  • 20. Minimongo ● reimplementation of (almost) the entire MongoDB API ● copy of MongoDB that runs inside your web browserMongoDB Minimongo Changes Event
  • 21. Minimongo cont... View ( e.g. Blaze, Angular, React ) Client Cache ( Minimongo ) Client Cache ( MongoDB ) Method Call Network latency Data for Client-Side Cache Data for View User input event Client-Side temporary Optimistic update Server-side persistent database operation
  • 24. Disadvantages Disadvantages Ships all templates, CSS, JS to Client No need to be real-time REST-API Only Re-write server code in JS
  • 25. Let’s Code Now! Enough Talking...Let’s get our hands dirty in Meteor
  • 26. What you need? Meteor Linux: curl | sh Windows: GitHub Repo
  • 27. What we are going to make? ● A user posting application, where you can view and like the user’s post. ● You can observe the reactivity through like counts.
  • 29. Road to our App Step 1- Directory Structure Step 2- Templates Step 3- Routes Step 4- Schemas/Collections Step 5- Forms and Events Step 6- Methods and Method call Step 7- Subscription/Publication Step 8- Update/Remove Step 9- Unit Test Cases (TDD) Step 10- Deployment Step 11- Maintenance Step 12- Mobile app build
  • 31. Create Project Create a Meteor Project meteor create project_name
  • 33. Load Order nav.html main.html client/lib/methods.js lib/feature/styles.js client/feature-y.js client/main.js HTML template files Files inside any lib/directory Files with deeper paths Loaded in alphabetical order Files beginning with main
  • 35. Templates Parses HTML 5 with top three level tags <head> tag is added to the head section <template> tags → compiled→ Meteor templates → included inside HTML with {{> templateName}}→ normal HTML tags <body> tag is added to body section Compiled using Spacebars compiler Spacebars syntax {{#if}} or {{#each}}
  • 36. Templates Add the following code to client/head.html <head> <title>appName</title> </head> <body> {{> hello}} </body> <template name="hello" > <h1>Meteor is great for Rapid Application Development</h1> </template>
  • 37. Meteor Build Process Parse html file Template. main. jshead. html Insert into the Actual DOM Render templates & generate a DOM Range Register body And templates When bundling your app On screen Load into client
  • 39. User Accounts Add the following packages by using the following commands: meteor add accounts-ui meteor add accounts-password meteor add useraccounts:materialize meteor add materialize:materialize meteor add meteorstuff:materialize-modal
  • 40. Routes Add packages FlowRouter and useraccounts:flow-routing by using the following commands: meteor add kadira:flow-router meteor add useraccounts:flow-routing meteor add arillo:flow-router-helpers
  • 41. Routes cont. Add below code to imports/startup/client/routes.js import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/kadira:flow-router'; import { BlazeLayout } from 'meteor/kadira:blaze-layout'; import { AccountsTemplates } from 'meteor/useraccounts:core';
  • 42. Routes cont. Add below code to imports/startup/client/routes.js continue... // Import needed templates import '../../ui/layouts/masterLayout.js'; import '../../ui/layouts/nav.js'; import '../../ui/layouts/loading.html'; import '../../ui/layouts/footer.html'; import '../../ui/pages/home/home.js'; import '../../ui/pages/post/post.js'; import '../../ui/pages/post/add.js'; import '../../ui/layouts/not-found.js';
  • 43. Routes cont. Add below code to imports/startup/client/routes.js continue... FlowRouter.route('/', { name: 'home', triggersEnter: [function (context, redirect) { if (Meteor.userId()) { redirect('/posts'); } }], action(params, queryParams) { BlazeLayout.render('masterLayout', { main: 'home', }); }, });
  • 44. Routes cont. Add below code to imports/startup/client/routes.js continue... FlowRouter.route('/posts', { name: 'post', subscriptions(params) { }, triggersEnter: [function (context, redirect) { if (!Meteor.userId()) { redirect('/'); } }], action(params, queryParams) { BlazeLayout.render('masterLayout', { footer: 'footer', main: 'post', nav: 'nav', }); }, });
  • 45. Routes cont. Add below code to imports/startup/client/routes.js continue... FlowRouter.route('/add-posts', { name: 'addPost', subscriptions(params) { }, triggersEnter: [function (context, redirect) { if (!Meteor.userId()) { redirect('/'); } }], action(params, queryParams) { BlazeLayout.render('masterLayout', { footer: 'footer', main: 'addPost', nav: 'nav', }); }, });
  • 46. Routes cont. Add below code to imports/startup/client/routes.js continue... FlowRouter.notFound = { action() { BlazeLayout.render('masterLayout', { footer: 'footer', main: 'pageNotFound', nav: 'nav', }); }, }; FlowRouter.route('/dashboard', { action(params, queryParams) { BlazeLayout.render('masterLayout', { nav: 'header', main: 'dashboard', }); }, });
  • 47. Routes cont. Add below code to imports/startup/client/routes.js continue... AccountsTemplates.configure({ defaultLayout: 'masterLayout', defaultLayoutRegions: { nav: 'nav', footer: 'footer', }, defaultContentRegion: 'main', showForgotPasswordLink: true, overrideLoginErrors: true, enablePasswordChange: true, negativeValidation: true, positiveValidation: true, negativeFeedback: false, positiveFeedback: true, }); AccountsTemplates.configureRoute('changePwd'); AccountsTemplates.configureRoute('forgotPwd'); AccountsTemplates.configureRoute('resetPwd'); AccountsTemplates.configureRoute('signIn'); AccountsTemplates.configureRoute('signUp'); AccountsTemplates.configureRoute('verifyEmail');
  • 48. Create Pages Add below code to imports/ui/layouts/masterLayout.html <template name="masterLayout"> <div id="wrapper"> {{#if currentUser}} {{> Template.dynamic template=nav}} {{/if}} <main id="main"> {{> Template.dynamic template=main}} </main> {{#if currentUser}} {{> Template.dynamic template=footer}} {{/if}} </div> </template>
  • 49. Create Pages Add below code to imports/ui/layouts/masterLayout.js import './masterLayout.html'; Add below code to imports/ui/layouts/loading.html <template name="loading"> </template>
  • 50. Create Pages Add below code to imports/ui/layouts/footer.html <template name="footer"> <footer class="page-footer"> <div class="footer-copyright"> <div class="container"> © 2017 NodeXperts <a class="grey-text text-lighten-4 right" href="">NodeXperts</a> </div> </div> </footer> </template>
  • 51. Create Pages Add below code to imports/ui/layouts/nav.html <template name="nav"> <nav> <div class=""> <div class="nav-wrapper"> <ul id="nav-mobile" class="right side-nav"> <li class="{{isActiveRoute regex='post'}}"><a href="/posts">Posts</a></li> <li class="{{isActiveRoute regex='addPost'}}"><a href="/add-posts">Add Post</a></li> <li>{{> atNavButton }}</li> </ul> <a class="button-collapse show-on-large" href="#" data-activates="nav-mobile"><i class="material-icons">menu</i></a> </div> </div> </nav> </template>
  • 52. Create Pages Add below code to imports/ui/layouts/nav.js import { Template } from 'meteor/templating'; import { $ } from 'meteor/jquery'; import './nav.html'; Template.nav.rendered = function () { $('.button-collapse').sideNav({ menuWidth: 300, // Default is 300 edge: 'left', // Choose the horizontal origin closeOnClick: true, // Closes side-nav on <a> clicks, useful for Angular/Meteor draggable: true, // Choose whether you can drag to open on touch screens }, ); };
  • 53. Create Pages Add below code to imports/ui/layouts/not-found.html <template name="pageNotFound"> <div id="not-found"> <div class="not-found-image"> <img src="/img/404.svg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="not-found-title"> <h1>Sorry, that page doesn't exist</h1> <a href="/" class="gotohomepage">Go to home</a> </div> </div> </template> Add below code to imports/ui/layouts/not-found.js import './not-found.html';
  • 54. Create Pages Add below code to imports/ui/pages/home/home.html <template name="home"> <div class="container"> <div class="row center"> <a href="/sign-in" class="btn-large waves-effect waves-light">Log in</a> </div> <div class="row center"> <a href="/sign-up" class="btn-large waves-effect waves-light">Sign Up</a> </div> </div> </template> Add below code to imports/ui/pages/home/home.js import './home.html';
  • 55. Create Pages Add a blank html file imports/ui/pages/post/post.html Add below code to imports/ui/pages/post/post.js import './post.html'; Add a blank html file imports/ui/pages/post/add.html Add below code to imports/ui/pages/post/add.js import './add.html';
  • 57. Schemas & Collections Add packages for defining database schemas and collections by using the following commands: meteor add aldeed:simple-schema meteor add aldeed:collection2
  • 58. Schemas & Collections Add below code to imports/api/posts/posts.js import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo'; import { SimpleSchema } from 'meteor/aldeed:simple-schema'; const postSchema = new SimpleSchema({ title: { type: String, }, description: { type: String, }, author: { type: String, }, likes: { type: Number, },
  • 59. Schemas & Collections Add below code to imports/api/posts/posts.js continue.. createdAt: { type: Date, optional: true, }, users: { type: [String], optional: true, }, }); const Posts = new Mongo.Collection('posts'); Posts.attachSchema(postSchema); export default Posts;
  • 60. Schemas & Collections Add below code to imports/api/users/users.js import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { SimpleSchema } from 'meteor/aldeed:simple-schema'; const userSchema = new SimpleSchema({ emails: { type: [Object], }, 'emails.$.address': { type: String, regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Email, label: 'Email Address', }, 'emails.$.verified': { type: Boolean, defaultValue: false, }, createdAt: { type: Date, },
  • 61. Schemas & Collections Add below code to imports/api/users/users.js continue.. profile: { type: Object, optional: true, blackbox: true, }, services: { type: Object, optional: true, blackbox: true, }, }); const Users = Meteor.users; Users.attachSchema(userSchema); export default Users;
  • 63. Forms & Events Add below code to imports/ui/pages/post/add.html <template name="addPost"> <div class="col s12"> <div class="row"> <form class="col s12"> <div class="row"> <div class="input-field col s12"> <input id="description" name="description" type="text" class="validate"> <label for="description">Description</label> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="input-field col s12"> <input type="submit" class="btn"/> </div> </div> </form> </div> </div> </template> <div class="row"> <div class="input-field col s12"> <input id="title" name="title" type="text" class="validate"> <label for="title">Title</label> </div> </div>
  • 64. Forms & Events Add below code to imports/ui/pages/post/add.js import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/kadira:flow-router'; import { Materialize } from 'meteor/materialize:materialize'; import { Template } from 'meteor/templating'; import { $ } from 'meteor/jquery'; import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import Posts from './../../../api/posts/posts'; import './add.html';
  • 65. Forms & Events Add below code to imports/ui/pages/post/add.js continue...{ submit(event) { event.preventDefault(); const data = {}; $('form').serializeArray().map((obj) => { data[] = obj.value; return obj; }); if (!postId) { Materialize.toast('Unknown Error', 4000, 'rounded'); } else { Materialize.toast('Post added Successfully', 4000, 'rounded'); FlowRouter.go('/posts'); } }, }); const postId = Posts.insert({ title: data.title, description: data.description, userId: Meteor.userId(), likes: 0, author:Meteor .user().emails[0].address, createdAt: new Date(), users: [] });
  • 66. Template Helpers Add below code to imports/ui/pages/post/post.js import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/kadira:flow-router'; import { Template } from 'meteor/templating'; import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import Posts from './../../../api/posts/posts'; import './../../layouts/loading.html'; import './post.html';
  • 67. Template Helpers Add below code to imports/ui/pages/post/post.js continue...{ posts() { return Posts.find(); }, isLiked(userIds) { return userIds.indexOf(Meteor.userId()) >= 0; }, });
  • 68. Template Helpers Add below code to imports/ui/pages/post/post.html <template name="post"> <ul class="collection"> {{#each posts}} {{else}} <div> No post to display yet! </div> {{/each}} </ul> </template> <li class="collection-item avatar"> <i class="material-icons circle">folder</i> <span class="title">{{title}}</span> <p>{{description}} </p> <p>Likes: {{likes}}</p> {{#if isLiked users}} <a href="" id="unlike" class="secondary-content waves-effect waves-light"><i class="material-icons">thumb_down</i></a> {{else}} <a href="" id="like" class="secondary-content waves-effect waves-light"><i class="material-icons">thumb_up</i></a> {{/if}} </li>
  • 70. Methods & Method Call Add package check which will restrict the type of data to be sent from client by using following command meteor add check Let’s remove the insecure package which will restrict database write operation on client side by using following command meteor remove insecure
  • 71. Methods & Method Call Add Below code to imports/api/posts/method.js import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { check } from 'meteor/check'; import Posts from './posts.js'; Meteor.methods({ 'posts.insert': function (title, description, userId = this.userId) { }); check(description, String); check(title, String); check(userId, String); return Posts.insert({ title, description, userId, likes: 0, author:Meteor .user().emails[0].address, createdAt: new Date(), users: [], });
  • 72. Methods & Method Call Registering the api to the server, add below code to imports/startup/server/register-api.js import '../../api/posts/methods.js'; Import register-api.js file to imports/startup/server/index.js import './register-api.js';
  • 73. Methods & Method Call Replace the code in imports/ui/pages/post/add.js with newly created method const postId = Posts.insert({ title: data.title, description: data.description, userId: Meteor.userId(), likes: 0, author: Meteor.user().emails[0].address, createdAt: new Date(), users: [] }); if (!postId) { Materialize.toast('Unknown Error', 4000, 'rounded'); } else { Materialize.toast('Post added Successfully', 4000, 'rounded'); FlowRouter.go('/posts'); } },'posts.insert', data.title, data.description, (err) => { if (err) { Materialize.toast(err.reason || 'Unknown Error', 4000, 'rounded'); } else { Materialize.toast('Post added Successfully', 4000, 'rounded'); FlowRouter.go('/posts'); } });
  • 74. Methods Client - 1 Meteor.Call ( ‘posts.insert’ ) Posts. Collection Local Method Body MongoDB Server method Body Meteor Server Method Call Result
  • 76. Publications Let’s remove autopublish package as we don’t want everything to be available on client side by using below code Meteor remove autopublish
  • 77. Publications Add below code to imports/api/posts/server/publications.js import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import Posts from '../posts.js'; Meteor.publish('posts.all', () => Posts.find()); Register the publication in register-api file under imports/startup/server/register-api.js import '../../api/posts/server/publications.js';
  • 78. Subscriptions Let’s subscribe to the publication created in previous step inside route defined for displaying posts Add below code to imports/startup/client/routes.js FlowRouter.route('/posts', { name: 'post', subscriptions(params) { }, triggersEnter: [function (context, redirect) { if (!Meteor.userId()) { redirect('/'); } }], this.register('posts', Meteor.subscribe('posts.all'));
  • 79. Subscriptions Let’s add logic for showing loader until subscription is ready Add below code to imports/ui/pages/post/post.html to modify it <template name="post"> <ul class="collection"> {{#if isReady "posts"}} {{else}} {{> loading}} {{/if}} </ul> </template> {{#each posts}} <li class="collection-item avatar"> <i class="material-icons circle">folder</i> ... ... <div> No post to display yet! </div> {{/each}}
  • 80. Subscriptions Let’s add the helper isReady to imports/ui/pages/post/post.js so that our loader works until subscription is ready{ posts() { return Posts.find(); }, isLiked(userIds) { return userIds.indexOf(Meteor.userId()) >= 0; }, }); isReady(sub) { if (sub) { return FlowRouter.subsReady(sub); } return FlowRouter.subsReady(); },
  • 81. Pub/Sub Posts Collection Posts Collection Blaze Template MongoDB Oplog Observers Client - 1 Client - 2 Sending Posts document Meteor Server Newly added Posts document
  • 83. Update & Remove Let’s update the code to add more methods under imports/api/posts/methods.js '': function (postId, userId = this.userId) { check(postId, String); check(userId, String); return Posts.update({ _id: postId, }, { $inc: { likes: 1 }, $push: { users: userId }, }); },
  • 84. Update & Remove Let’s update the code to add more methods under imports/api/posts/methods.js ...continue 'posts.unlike': function (postId, userId = this.userId) { check(postId, String); check(userId, String); return Posts.update({ _id: postId, }, { $inc: { likes: -1 }, $pop: { users: userId }, }); },
  • 85. Update & Remove Add events for calling above methods from client side Add below code to imports/ui/pages/post/post.js{ 'click #like': function () {'', this._id, Meteor.userId()); }, 'click #unlike': function () {'posts.unlike', this._id, Meteor.userId()); }, });
  • 87. Unit Tests To write unit test cases use below command to add package practicalmeteor:mocha meteor add practicalmeteor:mocha To collect published data in test environment use below command to add package johanbrook:publication-collector meteor add johanbrook:publication-collector
  • 88. Unit Tests Add below code to imports/api/posts/server/publications.test.js import { assert } from 'meteor/practicalmeteor:chai'; import Posts from '../posts.js'; import { PublicationCollector } from 'meteor/johanbrook:publication-collector'; import './publications.js';
  • 89. Unit Tests Add below code to imports/api/posts/server/publications.test.js ...continue describe('posts publications', () => { beforeEach(() => { Posts.remove({}); Posts.insert({ title: 'NX homepage', description: 'This is our home page', author: 'userId', likes: 2, }); });
  • 90. Unit Tests Add below code to imports/api/posts/server/publications.test.js ...continue describe('posts.all', () => { it('sends all posts', (done) => { const collector = new PublicationCollector(); collector.collect('posts.all', (collections) => { assert.equal(collections.posts.length, 1); done(); }); }); }); });
  • 91. Unit Tests Add below code to imports/api/posts/methods.test.js import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { assert } from 'meteor/practicalmeteor:chai'; import Posts from './posts.js'; import './methods.js'; if (Meteor.isServer) { describe('post methods', () => { beforeEach(() => { Posts.remove({}); });
  • 92. Unit Tests Add below code to imports/api/posts/methods.test.js ...continue it('can add a new post', () => { const addPost = Meteor.server.method_handlers['posts.insert']; addPost.apply({}, ['test', 'test description', 'user_id']); assert.equal(Posts.find().count(), 1); }); }); }
  • 93. Unit Tests Add below code to imports/api/posts/posts.test.js import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { assert } from 'meteor/practicalmeteor:chai'; import Posts from './posts.js'; if (Meteor.isServer) { describe('post collection', () => { it('insert correctly', () => { const postId = Posts.insert({ title: 'Test post', description: 'Test description', userId: 'user_id', author: 'test', users: [], likes: 0, });
  • 94. Unit Tests Add below code to imports/api/posts/posts.test.js ...continue const added = Posts.find({ _id: postId }); const collectionName = added._getCollectionName(); const count = added.count(); assert.equal(collectionName, 'posts'); assert.equal(count, 1); }); }); }
  • 95. Unit Tests Add below code to imports/api/users/users.test.js import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { assert } from 'meteor/practicalmeteor:chai'; import Users from './users.js'; if (Meteor.isServer) { describe('users collection', () => { it('insert correctly', () => { const userId = Accounts.createUser({ email: '', password: '123445', });
  • 96. Unit Tests Add below code to imports/api/users/users.test.js ...continue const added = Users.find({ _id: userId }); const collectionName = added._getCollectionName(); const count = added.count(); assert.equal(collectionName, 'users'); assert.equal(count, 1); }); }); }
  • 98. Deployment ● Sign up for Galaxy, ● Configure your MongoDB database using: mLab, compose or MongoDB Atlas. ● Create a settings.json file with following info: { "": { "env": { "NODE_ENV": "production", "MONGO_URL": "mongodb:// " } }, "public": { } }
  • 99. Deployment cont. ● Login to your meteor account using: meteor login ● Create a file with following info: DEPLOY_HOSTNAME=us-east-1.galaxy-deploy. meteor deploy --settings settings.json ● Instead of using this URL you can use your own domain. ● Type the following command to deploy your app: sh
  • 102. Maintenance using APM ● Meteor APM formally Kadira ● Add Meteor APM to your app: meteor add mdg:meteor-apm-agent ● App will send data to Meteor APM ● Re-deploy sh
  • 105. Mobile app build ● Download tools for Mobiles like Android Studio, Xcode ● Running on an iOS simulator (Mac Only): ○ meteor install-sdk ios ○ meteor add-platform ios ○ meteor run ios ● Running on an iOS device: ○ meteor run ios-device ● Running on an Android emulator: ○ meteor install-sdk android ○ meteor run android ● Running on an Android device: ○ meteor run android-device Note: Currently, Meteor on Windows does not support mobile builds.
  • 106. Thank You. Questions? By Sapna Upreti @sapna0214