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Validation of RDF Data
Jean-Paul Calbimonte
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO Valais-Wallis)
Zurich, December 2017
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland
We are here,
In the heart of the Valais!
Thanks to José Emilio Labra et al.
RDF and Linked Data Validation (ESWC 2016)
materials adapted from:
Validation of RDF Data
a reminder …
University of Zurich City of Zurich
is located in
The University of Zurich
is located in the city of
A triple:ürich RDF triple:
<> <> <ürich>.
An RDF triple in N-Triples format:
RDF graphs
xsd:string xsd:string
RDF Turtle Format
prefix db: <>
prefix dbo: <>
prefix dbp: <>
prefix foaf:<>
db:University_of_Zurich dbo:city db:Zürich ;
dbp:established 1833 ;
dbo:facultySize 3702^^xsd:integer ;
dbp:almaMater db:Doris_Leuthard .
db:Doris_Leuthard dbp:birthDate "1963-04-10"^^xsd:date;
foaf:givenName "Doris";
foaf:surname "Leuthard";
dbo:birthPlace db:Merenschwand;
dbp:title db:President_of_the_Swiss_Confederation .
Predicate URIs
Validation of RDF Data
and now validation …
Why RDF Validation?
• Understand data contents
• Expected structure
• Describe data requirements
• Data guarantees
• Verifiable structure/contents
• Query processing
• Optimizations
In other technologies:
Use OWL?
a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain ex:Person ;
rdfs:range ex:University ;
Different purpose
Different level of abstraction
OWL -> ontology modeling
Validation Alternatives
• SPARQL queries
• Stardog ICV (based on OWL)
• OSLC Resource shapes
• RDFUnit
• RDF data descriptors
• ShEx expressions
what we will see today:
SHACL: W3C Recommendation (July 2017)
Shapes Constraint Language SHACL
• Language for validating RDF graphs
• Conditions represented as shapes
• Shapes expressed in RDF
• SPARQL-based extensions
• W3C Recommendation
SHACL Basics
Node Shape Property Shape
shapes about
the focus node
shapes about the values
of a property/path
how to validate a focus node based on:
- values of properties
- other characteristics
Focus Node
An RDF term that is validated
against a shape
Target declarations can be
used to produce focus nodes
for a shape
Determine how to
validate a node
SHACL: an example
a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetClass ex:City ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:population ;
sh:maxCount 1 ;
sh:datatype xsd:integer ;
] .
it is a node shape
applies to all cities
constraint the values
of ex:population
max 1 population
of type integer
e.g. "all cities have at
most one population
property of type
ex:London a ex:City ;
ex:population "two million" .
ex:Paris a ex:City ;
ex:population 2304 ;
ex:population 5342 ;
Declare the focus nodes for a shape
Node target: ex:CityShape
a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetNode ex:Zurich .
ex:London a ex:City ;
ex:Zurich a ex:City ;
directly declare nodes
Class target:
nodes with a given type
a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetClass ex:City .
Implicit class target:
same, but implicit
a rdfs:Class, sh:NodeShape .
ex:Luzern a ex:City .
ex:Olten a ex:City .
ex:Valais a ex:Canton .
rdfs:subClassOf ex:City .
ex:Basel a ex:SwissCity .
ex:Munich a ex:GermanCity .
ex:Lausanne a ex:City .
ex:Limmat a ex:River .
target subject of, target object of: see docs.
Node Shapes
a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:nodeKind sh:IRI .
:epfl a :University.
<> a :University .
_:1 a :University .
Constraints about a focus node
Possible values:
Property Shapes
Constraints about a given property and its values for the focus node
- sh:property associates a shape with a property constraint
- sh:path identifies the path
:Student a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:email;
sh:nodeKind sh:IRI
] .
:anna a :Student ;
ex:email <> .
:max a :Student ;
ex:email <> .
:greta a :Student ;
ex:email "" .
target declarations sometimes
omitted in the following examples
Core constraint components
Value Type: class, datatype, nodeKind
Cardinality: minCount, maxCount
Value Range: minInclusive, maxInclusive, minExclusive, maxExclusive
String-based: minLength, maxLength, pattern, languageIn, uniqueLang
Property Pair: equals, disjoint, lessThan, lessThanOrEquals
Logical: not, and, or, xone
Shape-based: node, property, qualifiedValueShape, qualifiedMinCount,
On values: in, hasValue
Closed shapes: closed, ignoredProperties
Non-validating: name, description, order, group, defaultValue
SPARQL: sparql
Value Type Constraints: Datatype
sh:datatype: condition to be satisfied for the datatype of each value node.
:University a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:established;
sh:datatype xsd:date ;
] .
:hes-so ex:established "1997-01-20"^^xsd:date .
:eth ex:established "Unknown"^^xsd:date .
:uzh ex:established 1990 .
Value Type Constraints: Class
sh:class condition: each value node is a SHACL instance of a given type.
a sh:NodeShape, rdfs:Class ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:almaMater ;
sh:class :University
] .
:unifr a :University .
:eth a :FederalSchool .
:unibe a :CantonalUniversity
:FederalSchool rdfs:subClassOf :University .
:anna a :Person;
ex:almaMater :unifr .
:max a :Person ;
ex:almaMater :eth .
:greta a :Person;
ex:almaMater :unibe .
Value Type Constraints: Kind
sh:nodeKind: condition to be satisfied by the RDF node kind
a sh:NodeShape, rdfs:Class ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:name ;
sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:friendOf ;
sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI
sh:nodeKind sh:IRI .
:anna a :Student;
ex:name _:1 ;
ex:friendOf :max .
:max a :Student;
ex:name "Max";
ex:friendOf [ex:name "Lucas"] .
:greta a :Student;
ex:name "Greta" ;
ex:friendOf "Lucas" .
_:1 a :Student.
BlankNode, IRI, Literal,
BlankNodeOrIRI, IRIOrLiteral
Cardinality constraints
sh:minCount: minimum number of value nodes that satisfy the condition
sh:maxCount: maximum number of value nodes that satisfy the condition.
:Student a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:hasCourse ;
sh:minCount 2 ;
sh:maxCount 3 ;
] .
:anna ex:hasCourse
:math, :physics .
:max ex:hasCourse
:chemistry .
:greta ex:hasCourse
:math, :physics,
:chemistry, :history .
Value Range Constraints
Value range conditions for value nodes that are comparable via operators
such as <, <=, > and >=. sh:minInclusive, sh:maxInclusive,
sh:minExclusive, sh:maxExclusive
:Grade a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:gradeValue ;
sh:minInclusive 1 ;
sh:maxInclusive 5 ;
sh:datatype xsd:integer
] .
:failure ex:gradeValue 1 .
:sufficient ex:gradeValue 3 .
:excelent ex:gradeValue 5 .
:toobad ex:gradeValue 0 .
String-based Constraints
Specify conditions on the string representation of value nodes.
sh:minLength: minimum string length of each value node.
sh:maxLength: maximum string length of each value node.
sh:pattern: regular expression that each value node matches.
sh:languageIn: allowed language tags for each value node.
sh:uniqueLang: no pair of value nodes may use the same language tag.
:Student a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:name ;
sh:minLength 4 ;
sh:maxLength 10 ;
] .
:anna ex:name "Anna" .
:max ex:name "Max" .
:greta ex:name :Greta .
:strange ex:name _:strange .
sh:minLength: minimum string length of each value node.
sh:maxLength: maximum string length of each value node.
:Student a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:studentID ;
sh:pattern "^Pd{3,4}" ;
sh:flags "i" ;
] .
:anna ex:studentID "P2345" .
:max ex:studentID "p567" .
:greta ex:studentID "P12" .
:lara ex:studentID "B123" .
sh:pattern: regular expression that each value node matches.
ex:SwissLangShape a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetNode ex:Mountain, ex:Berg ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:prefLabel ;
sh:languageIn ( "en" "fr" ) ;
] .
ex:prefLabel "Mountain"@en ;
ex:prefLabel "Hill"@en-UK ;
ex:prefLabel "Montagne"@fr .
ex:prefLabel "Berg" ;
ex:prefLabel "Berg"@de ;
ex:prefLabel ex:BergLabel .
sh:languageIn: allowed language tags for each value node.
:Canton a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:name ;
sh:uniqueLang true
] .
:valais ex:name
"Valais"@fr, "Wallis"@de .
:fribourg ex:name
"Friburgo"@es .
:zurich ex:name
"Zurich"@de, "Zuerich"@de.
sh:uniqueLang: no pair of value nodes may use the same language tag.
Property Pair Constraints
Specify conditions on the sets of value nodes in relation to other properties.
sh:equals: all value nodes equal to the objects of the focus node
sh:disjoint: value nodes is disjoint with the objects of the focus node
sh:lessThan: each value node is smaller than all the objects of focus node
sh:lessThanOrEquals: same, but smaller than or equal
:Student a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:givenName ;
sh:equals ex:firstName
:anna ex:givenName "Anna";
ex:lastName "Parker";
ex:firstName "Anna" .
:max ex:givenName "Max";
ex:lastName "Sutter" ;
ex:firstName "Maximilian" .
:greta ex:givenName "Greta";
ex:lastName "Greta" ;
ex:firstName "Greta" .
sh:equals: all value nodes equal to the objects of the focus node
:Student a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:givenName ;
sh:disjoint ex:lastName
] .
:anna ex:givenName "Anna";
ex:lastName "Parker";
ex:firstName "Anna" .
:max ex:givenName "Max";
ex:lastName "Sutter" ;
ex:firstName "Maximilian" .
:greta ex:givenName "Greta";
ex:lastName "Greta" ;
ex:firstName "Greta" .
sh:disjoint: value nodes is disjoint with the objects of the focus node
ex:LessThanShape a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:startDate ;
sh:lessThan ex:endDate ;
] .
ex:startDate "2017-01-02"^^xsd:date ;
ex:endDate "2015-01-02"^^xsd:date .
Logical Constraints
Implement the common logical operators and, or, not, xone (kind of xor)
sh:and: Conjunction of a list of shapes
sh:or: Disjunction of a list of shapes
sh:not: Negation of a shape
sh:xone: Exactly one (similar XOR for 2 arguments)
ex:NotShape a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetNode :anna ;
sh:not [
a sh:PropertyShape ;
sh:path ex:established ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
] .
:anna ex:established "Some value" .
sh:not: Negation of a shape
ex:Shape1 a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:courses ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
] .
ex:Shape2 a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetNode :anna, :max ;
sh:and (
[ sh:path ex:courses ;
sh:maxCount 1 ; ]
) .
:anna ex:courses "Math" .
:max ex:courses "Math" ;
ex:courses "Chemistry" .
sh:and: Conjunction of a list of shapes
ex:OrShape a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetNode :anna, :max ;
sh:or (
[ sh:path ex:firstName ;
sh:minCount 1 ; ]
[ sh:path ex:givenName ;
sh:minCount 1 ; ]
) .
:anna ex:firstName "Anna" .
:max ex:givenName "Max" .
sh:or: Disjunction of a list of shapes
ex:AddressShape a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetClass ex:Student ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:address ;
sh:or (
[ sh:datatype xsd:string ; ]
[ sh:class ex:Address ; ]
] .
ex:address "12 Petit Rue, 1220,
Geneva" .
:max ex:address :maxAddress .
:maxAddress a ex:Address ;
ex:street "Grand Rue" ;
ex:zip 3960 ;
ex:locality ex:Sierre .
sh:or: Disjunction of a list of shapes
ex:XoneShape a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetClass ex:Person ;
sh:xone (
[ sh:property
[ sh:path ex:fullName ;
sh:minCount 1 ; ]
[ sh:property
[ sh:path ex:firstName ;
sh:minCount 1 ; ] ;
[ sh:path ex:lastName ;
sh:minCount 1 ; ]
) .
ex:Bob a ex:Person ;
ex:firstName "Robert" ;
ex:lastName "Coin" .
ex:Carla a ex:Person ;
ex:fullName "Carla Miller" .
ex:Dory a ex:Person ;
ex:firstName "Dory" ;
ex:lastName "Dunce" ;
ex:fullName "Dory Dunce" .
sh:xone: conforms to exactly one of the provided shapes.
Shape-based Constraints
Specify complex conditions by validating the value nodes against certain shapes.
sh:node: each value node conforms to the given node shape.
sh:property: specify that each value node has a given property shape.
sh:qualifiedValueShape: a number of value nodes conforms to a given shape.
- one value for sh:qualifiedMinCount
- one value for sh:qualifiedMaxCount
- one value for each
ex:AddressShape a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:postalCode ;
sh:datatype xsd:string ;
sh:maxCount 1 ;
] .
ex:PersonShape a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetClass ex:Person ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:address ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:node ex:AddressShape ;
] .
ex:Bob a ex:Person ;
ex:address ex:BobsAddress .
ex:BobsAddress ex:postalCode "1234" .
ex:Reto a ex:Person ;
ex:address ex:RetosAddress .
ex:RetosAddress ex:postalCode 5678 .
sh:node: each value node conforms to the given node shape.
property, qualifiedValueShape
ex:QualifiedShape a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetNode ex:anna, ex:max ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:parent ;
sh:minCount 2 ;
sh:maxCount 2 ;
sh:qualifiedValueShape [
sh:path ex:gender ;
sh:hasValue ex:female ; ] ;
sh:qualifiedMinCount 1 ;
] .
ex:John ex:gender ex:male .
ex:Jane ex:gender ex:female .
ex:Tim ex:gender ex:male .
ex:parent ex:John ;
ex:parent ex:Jane .
ex:parent ex:John ;
ex:parent ex:Tim .
sh:property: specify that each value node has a given property shape.
Constraints on values: hasValue
sh:hasValue: at least one value node is equal to the given RDF term.
ex:ETHGraduate a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetNode :anna ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:alumniOf ;
sh:hasValue ex:ETH ;
] .
:anna ex:alumniOf ex:EPFL ;
ex:alumniOf ex:ETH .
Constraints on values: in
sh:in: each value node is a member of a provided SHACL list.
ex:InShape a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetClass ex:SkiSlope ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:difficulty ;
sh:in ( ex:Black ex:Blue ex:Red ) ;
] .
ex:slope1 a ex:SkiSlope;
ex:difficulty ex:Pink .
ex:slope2 a ex:SkiSlope;
ex:difficulty ex:Red .
Closed shapes
sh:closed Set to true to close the shape.
Optional properties that are also permitted in addition to those
explicitly enumerated via sh:property.
ex:ClosedShape a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetNode ex:Alice, ex:Bob ;
sh:closed true ;
sh:ignoredProperties (rdf:type) ;
sh:property [ sh:path ex:firstName ; ] ;
sh:property [ sh:path ex:lastName ; ] .
ex:Alice ex:firstName "Alice" .
ex:Bob ex:firstName "Bob" ;
ex:middleInitial "J" .
Non-validating constraints
sh:name: provide human-readable labels for the property.
sh:description: provide descriptions of the property in the given context.
sh:order: indicate the relative order of the property shape for purposes
such as form building.
sh:group: indicate that the shape belongs to a group of related property
Property shapes may have a single sh:defaultValue. The default value
does not have fixed semantics
Non validating constraints
ex:PersonFormShape a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:firstName ;
sh:name "first name" ;
sh:description "The given name(s)" ;
sh:order 0 ;
sh:group ex:NameGroup ; ] ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:lastName ;
sh:name "last name" ;
sh:description "The last name" ;
sh:order 1 ;
sh:group ex:NameGroup ; ] ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:streetAddress ;
sh:name "street address" ;
sh:description "The street address" ;
sh:order 11 ;
sh:group ex:AddressGroup ; ] ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:locality ;
sh:name "locality" ;
sh:description "The town or city " ;
sh:order 12 ;
sh:group ex:AddressGroup ; ] ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:postalCode ;
sh:name "postal code" ;
sh:name "zip code"@en-US ;
sh:description "The postal code" ;
sh:order 13 ;
sh:group ex:AddressGroup ; ] .
ex:NameGroup a sh:PropertyGroup ;
sh:order 0 ;
rdfs:label "Name" .
ex:AddressGroup a sh:PropertyGroup ;
sh:order 1 ;
rdfs:label "Address" .
PREFIX ex: <>
SELECT ?name ?university
?student ex:lastName ?name ;
ex:attends ?university .
?university ex:name ?uniname .
FILTER (langMatches(lang(?uniname), "fr"))
SPARQL-based constraints
ex:LanguageShape a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetClass ex:Country ;
sh:sparql [
a sh:SPARQLConstraint ;
sh:message "Values are literals with German language tag." ;
sh:prefixes ex: ;
sh:select """ SELECT $this (ex:germanLabel AS ?path) ?value
$this ex:germanLabel ?value .
FILTER (!isLiteral(?value) ||
!langMatches(lang(?value), "de"))
} """ ;
] .
ex:country1 a ex:Country ;
ex:germanLabel "Spanien"@de .
ex:country2 a ex:Country ;
ex:germanLabel "Spain"@en .
Shape Messages
ex:MyShape a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetNode ex:MyInstance ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:myProperty ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:datatype xsd:string ;
sh:severity sh:Warning ; ] ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:myProperty ;
sh:maxLength 10 ;
sh:message "Too many characters"@en ;
sh:message "Zu viele Zeichen"@de ; ] ;
sh:deactivated true .
:User IRI {
schema:name xsd:string
:User a sh:NodeShape, rdfs:Class ;
sh:targetClass :Person ;
sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ;
sh:property [
sh:path schema:name ;
sh:datatype xsd:string
] .
Shape expressions:
:User {
schema:givenName xsd:string
schema:lastName xsd:string
:User a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:property [
sh:path schema:givenName ;
sh:datatype xsd:string ;
sh:property [
sh:path schema:lastName ;
sh:datatype xsd:string ;
] .
:alice schema:givenName "Alice" ;
schema:lastName "Cooper" .
:bob schema:givenName "Bob", "Robert" ;
schema:lastName "Smith", "Dylan" .
:carol schema:lastName "King" .
:dave schema:givenName 23;
schema:lastName :Unknown .
Validation of RDF Data
a lot more info on the docs of SHACL and ShEx
¡gracias! ¿tienes preguntas?
Jean-Paul Calbimonte
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland
HES-SO Valais-Wallis

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RDF data validation 2017 SHACL

  • 1. Validation of RDF Data Jean-Paul Calbimonte University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO Valais-Wallis) Zurich, December 2017 @jpcik
  • 2. 2 HES-SO: University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland We are here, In the heart of the Valais!
  • 3. 3 Thanks to José Emilio Labra et al. RDF and Linked Data Validation (ESWC 2016) materials adapted from:
  • 4. 4 Validation of RDF Data a reminder …
  • 5. 5 RDF University of Zurich City of Zurich is located in The University of Zurich is located in the city of Zurich A triple:ürich RDF triple: <> <> <ürich>. An RDF triple in N-Triples format:
  • 6. 6 RDF graphs /University_of_Zurich /resource/Zürich 1833 xsd:integer 3702 xsd:integer ontology/University /Doris_Leuthard _of_the_Swiss_Confederation /Merenschwand 1963-04-10 LeuthardDoris /ETH_Zurich ontology/city /givenName /surname /birthDate ontology/birthPlace property/title xsd:date xsd:string xsd:string
  • 7. 7 RDF Turtle Format prefix db: <> prefix dbo: <> prefix dbp: <> prefix foaf:<> db:University_of_Zurich dbo:city db:Zürich ; dbp:established 1833 ; dbo:facultySize 3702^^xsd:integer ; dbp:almaMater db:Doris_Leuthard . db:Doris_Leuthard dbp:birthDate "1963-04-10"^^xsd:date; foaf:givenName "Doris"; foaf:surname "Leuthard"; dbo:birthPlace db:Merenschwand; dbp:title db:President_of_the_Swiss_Confederation . URIs Literals Predicate URIs
  • 8. 8 Validation of RDF Data and now validation …
  • 9. 9 Why RDF Validation? • Understand data contents • Expected structure • Describe data requirements • Data guarantees • Verifiable structure/contents • Query processing • Optimizations In other technologies: RDB: DDL XML: DTD/XML Schema JSON: JSON Schema
  • 10. 10 Use OWL? ex:almaMater a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain ex:Person ; rdfs:range ex:University ; Different purpose Different level of abstraction OWL -> ontology modeling
  • 11. 11 Validation Alternatives • SPARQL queries • SPIN • Stardog ICV (based on OWL) • OSLC Resource shapes • RDFUnit • RDF data descriptors • ShEx expressions what we will see today: SHACL: W3C Recommendation (July 2017)
  • 12. 12 Shapes Constraint Language SHACL • Language for validating RDF graphs • Conditions represented as shapes • Shapes expressed in RDF • SPARQL-based extensions • W3C Recommendation
  • 13. 13 SHACL Basics Shape Node Shape Property Shape shapes about the focus node shapes about the values of a property/path how to validate a focus node based on: - values of properties - other characteristics Focus Node An RDF term that is validated against a shape Constraint componentsTarget Target declarations can be used to produce focus nodes for a shape Determine how to validate a node
  • 14. 14 SHACL: an example ex:CityShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass ex:City ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:population ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:datatype xsd:integer ; ] . it is a node shape applies to all cities constraint the values of ex:population max 1 population of type integer e.g. "all cities have at most one population property of type integer" ex:London a ex:City ; ex:population "two million" . ex:Paris a ex:City ; ex:population 2304 ; ex:population 5342 ;
  • 15. 15 Targets Declare the focus nodes for a shape Node target: ex:CityShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetNode ex:Zurich . ex:London a ex:City ; ex:Zurich a ex:City ; directly declare nodes Class target: nodes with a given type ex:CityShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass ex:City . Implicit class target: same, but implicit ex:City a rdfs:Class, sh:NodeShape . ex:Luzern a ex:City . ex:Olten a ex:City . ex:Valais a ex:Canton . ex:SwissCity rdfs:subClassOf ex:City . ex:Basel a ex:SwissCity . ex:Munich a ex:GermanCity . ex:Lausanne a ex:City . ex:Limmat a ex:River . target subject of, target object of: see docs.
  • 16. 16 Node Shapes :University a sh:NodeShape ; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI . :epfl a :University. <> a :University . _:1 a :University . Constraints about a focus node sh:BlankNode sh:IRI sh:Literal sh:BlankNodeOrIRI sh:BlankNodeOrLiteral sh:IRIOrLiteral Possible values:
  • 17. 17 Property Shapes Constraints about a given property and its values for the focus node - sh:property associates a shape with a property constraint - sh:path identifies the path :Student a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:email; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] . :anna a :Student ; ex:email <> . :max a :Student ; ex:email <> . :greta a :Student ; ex:email "" .
  • 19. 19 Core constraint components Value Type: class, datatype, nodeKind Cardinality: minCount, maxCount Value Range: minInclusive, maxInclusive, minExclusive, maxExclusive String-based: minLength, maxLength, pattern, languageIn, uniqueLang Property Pair: equals, disjoint, lessThan, lessThanOrEquals Logical: not, and, or, xone Shape-based: node, property, qualifiedValueShape, qualifiedMinCount, qualifiedMaxCount On values: in, hasValue Closed shapes: closed, ignoredProperties Non-validating: name, description, order, group, defaultValue SPARQL: sparql
  • 20. 20 Value Type Constraints: Datatype sh:datatype: condition to be satisfied for the datatype of each value node. :University a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:established; sh:datatype xsd:date ; ] . :hes-so ex:established "1997-01-20"^^xsd:date . :eth ex:established "Unknown"^^xsd:date . :uzh ex:established 1990 .
  • 21. 21 Value Type Constraints: Class sh:class condition: each value node is a SHACL instance of a given type. :Person a sh:NodeShape, rdfs:Class ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:almaMater ; sh:class :University ] . :unifr a :University . :eth a :FederalSchool . :unibe a :CantonalUniversity :FederalSchool rdfs:subClassOf :University . :anna a :Person; ex:almaMater :unifr . :max a :Person ; ex:almaMater :eth . :greta a :Person; ex:almaMater :unibe .
  • 22. 22 Value Type Constraints: Kind sh:nodeKind: condition to be satisfied by the RDF node kind :Student a sh:NodeShape, rdfs:Class ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:name ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; ]; sh:property [ sh:path ex:friendOf ; sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ]; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI . :anna a :Student; ex:name _:1 ; ex:friendOf :max . :max a :Student; ex:name "Max"; ex:friendOf [ex:name "Lucas"] . :greta a :Student; ex:name "Greta" ; ex:friendOf "Lucas" . _:1 a :Student. BlankNode, IRI, Literal, BlankNodeOrIRI, IRIOrLiteral BlankNodeOrLiteral, possible kinds
  • 23. 23 Cardinality constraints sh:minCount: minimum number of value nodes that satisfy the condition sh:maxCount: maximum number of value nodes that satisfy the condition. :Student a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:hasCourse ; sh:minCount 2 ; sh:maxCount 3 ; ] . :anna ex:hasCourse :math, :physics . :max ex:hasCourse :chemistry . :greta ex:hasCourse :math, :physics, :chemistry, :history .
  • 24. 24 Value Range Constraints Value range conditions for value nodes that are comparable via operators such as <, <=, > and >=. sh:minInclusive, sh:maxInclusive, sh:minExclusive, sh:maxExclusive :Grade a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:gradeValue ; sh:minInclusive 1 ; sh:maxInclusive 5 ; sh:datatype xsd:integer ] . :failure ex:gradeValue 1 . :sufficient ex:gradeValue 3 . :excelent ex:gradeValue 5 . :toobad ex:gradeValue 0 .
  • 25. 25 String-based Constraints Specify conditions on the string representation of value nodes. sh:minLength: minimum string length of each value node. sh:maxLength: maximum string length of each value node. sh:pattern: regular expression that each value node matches. sh:languageIn: allowed language tags for each value node. sh:uniqueLang: no pair of value nodes may use the same language tag.
  • 26. 26 minLength/maxLength :Student a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:name ; sh:minLength 4 ; sh:maxLength 10 ; ] . :anna ex:name "Anna" . :max ex:name "Max" . :greta ex:name :Greta . :strange ex:name _:strange . sh:minLength: minimum string length of each value node. sh:maxLength: maximum string length of each value node.
  • 27. 27 pattern :Student a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:studentID ; sh:pattern "^Pd{3,4}" ; sh:flags "i" ; ] . :anna ex:studentID "P2345" . :max ex:studentID "p567" . :greta ex:studentID "P12" . :lara ex:studentID "B123" . sh:pattern: regular expression that each value node matches.
  • 28. 28 languageIn ex:SwissLangShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetNode ex:Mountain, ex:Berg ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:prefLabel ; sh:languageIn ( "en" "fr" ) ; ] . ex:Mountain ex:prefLabel "Mountain"@en ; ex:prefLabel "Hill"@en-UK ; ex:prefLabel "Montagne"@fr . ex:Berg ex:prefLabel "Berg" ; ex:prefLabel "Berg"@de ; ex:prefLabel ex:BergLabel . sh:languageIn: allowed language tags for each value node.
  • 29. 29 uniqueLang :Canton a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:name ; sh:uniqueLang true ] . :valais ex:name "Valais"@fr, "Wallis"@de . :fribourg ex:name "Fribourg"@fr, "Freiburg"@de, "Friburgo"@es . :zurich ex:name "Zurich"@de, "Zuerich"@de. sh:uniqueLang: no pair of value nodes may use the same language tag.
  • 30. 30 Property Pair Constraints Specify conditions on the sets of value nodes in relation to other properties. sh:equals: all value nodes equal to the objects of the focus node sh:disjoint: value nodes is disjoint with the objects of the focus node sh:lessThan: each value node is smaller than all the objects of focus node sh:lessThanOrEquals: same, but smaller than or equal
  • 31. 31 equals :Student a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:givenName ; sh:equals ex:firstName ]; :anna ex:givenName "Anna"; ex:lastName "Parker"; ex:firstName "Anna" . :max ex:givenName "Max"; ex:lastName "Sutter" ; ex:firstName "Maximilian" . :greta ex:givenName "Greta"; ex:lastName "Greta" ; ex:firstName "Greta" . sh:equals: all value nodes equal to the objects of the focus node
  • 32. 32 disjoint :Student a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:givenName ; sh:disjoint ex:lastName ] . :anna ex:givenName "Anna"; ex:lastName "Parker"; ex:firstName "Anna" . :max ex:givenName "Max"; ex:lastName "Sutter" ; ex:firstName "Maximilian" . :greta ex:givenName "Greta"; ex:lastName "Greta" ; ex:firstName "Greta" . sh:disjoint: value nodes is disjoint with the objects of the focus node
  • 33. 33 lessThan/lessThanOrEquals ex:LessThanShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:startDate ; sh:lessThan ex:endDate ; ] . :project ex:startDate "2017-01-02"^^xsd:date ; ex:endDate "2015-01-02"^^xsd:date .
  • 34. 34 Logical Constraints Implement the common logical operators and, or, not, xone (kind of xor) sh:and: Conjunction of a list of shapes sh:or: Disjunction of a list of shapes sh:not: Negation of a shape sh:xone: Exactly one (similar XOR for 2 arguments)
  • 35. 35 not ex:NotShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetNode :anna ; sh:not [ a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:path ex:established ; sh:minCount 1 ; ] . :anna ex:established "Some value" . sh:not: Negation of a shape
  • 36. 36 and ex:Shape1 a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:courses ; sh:minCount 1 ; ] . ex:Shape2 a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetNode :anna, :max ; sh:and ( ex:Shape1 [ sh:path ex:courses ; sh:maxCount 1 ; ] ) . :anna ex:courses "Math" . :max ex:courses "Math" ; ex:courses "Chemistry" . sh:and: Conjunction of a list of shapes
  • 37. 37 or ex:OrShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetNode :anna, :max ; sh:or ( [ sh:path ex:firstName ; sh:minCount 1 ; ] [ sh:path ex:givenName ; sh:minCount 1 ; ] ) . :anna ex:firstName "Anna" . :max ex:givenName "Max" . sh:or: Disjunction of a list of shapes
  • 38. 38 or ex:AddressShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass ex:Student ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:address ; sh:or ( [ sh:datatype xsd:string ; ] [ sh:class ex:Address ; ] ) ] . :anna ex:address "12 Petit Rue, 1220, Geneva" . :max ex:address :maxAddress . :maxAddress a ex:Address ; ex:street "Grand Rue" ; ex:zip 3960 ; ex:locality ex:Sierre . sh:or: Disjunction of a list of shapes
  • 39. 39 xone ex:XoneShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass ex:Person ; sh:xone ( [ sh:property [ sh:path ex:fullName ; sh:minCount 1 ; ] ] [ sh:property [ sh:path ex:firstName ; sh:minCount 1 ; ] ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:lastName ; sh:minCount 1 ; ] ] ) . ex:Bob a ex:Person ; ex:firstName "Robert" ; ex:lastName "Coin" . ex:Carla a ex:Person ; ex:fullName "Carla Miller" . ex:Dory a ex:Person ; ex:firstName "Dory" ; ex:lastName "Dunce" ; ex:fullName "Dory Dunce" . sh:xone: conforms to exactly one of the provided shapes.
  • 40. 40 Shape-based Constraints Specify complex conditions by validating the value nodes against certain shapes. sh:node: each value node conforms to the given node shape. sh:property: specify that each value node has a given property shape. sh:qualifiedValueShape: a number of value nodes conforms to a given shape. - one value for sh:qualifiedMinCount - one value for sh:qualifiedMaxCount - one value for each
  • 41. 41 node ex:AddressShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:postalCode ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:maxCount 1 ; ] . ex:PersonShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass ex:Person ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:address ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:node ex:AddressShape ; ] . ex:Bob a ex:Person ; ex:address ex:BobsAddress . ex:BobsAddress ex:postalCode "1234" . ex:Reto a ex:Person ; ex:address ex:RetosAddress . ex:RetosAddress ex:postalCode 5678 . sh:node: each value node conforms to the given node shape.
  • 42. 42 property, qualifiedValueShape ex:QualifiedShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetNode ex:anna, ex:max ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:parent ; sh:minCount 2 ; sh:maxCount 2 ; sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:path ex:gender ; sh:hasValue ex:female ; ] ; sh:qualifiedMinCount 1 ; ] . ex:John ex:gender ex:male . ex:Jane ex:gender ex:female . ex:Tim ex:gender ex:male . ex:anna ex:parent ex:John ; ex:parent ex:Jane . ex:max ex:parent ex:John ; ex:parent ex:Tim . sh:property: specify that each value node has a given property shape.
  • 43. 43 Constraints on values: hasValue sh:hasValue: at least one value node is equal to the given RDF term. ex:ETHGraduate a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetNode :anna ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:alumniOf ; sh:hasValue ex:ETH ; ] . :anna ex:alumniOf ex:EPFL ; ex:alumniOf ex:ETH .
  • 44. 44 Constraints on values: in sh:in: each value node is a member of a provided SHACL list. ex:InShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass ex:SkiSlope ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:difficulty ; sh:in ( ex:Black ex:Blue ex:Red ) ; ] . ex:slope1 a ex:SkiSlope; ex:difficulty ex:Pink . ex:slope2 a ex:SkiSlope; ex:difficulty ex:Red .
  • 45. 45 Closed shapes sh:closed Set to true to close the shape. sh:ignoredProperties Optional properties that are also permitted in addition to those explicitly enumerated via sh:property. ex:ClosedShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetNode ex:Alice, ex:Bob ; sh:closed true ; sh:ignoredProperties (rdf:type) ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:firstName ; ] ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:lastName ; ] . ex:Alice ex:firstName "Alice" . ex:Bob ex:firstName "Bob" ; ex:middleInitial "J" .
  • 46. 46 Non-validating constraints sh:name: provide human-readable labels for the property. sh:description: provide descriptions of the property in the given context. sh:order: indicate the relative order of the property shape for purposes such as form building. sh:group: indicate that the shape belongs to a group of related property shapes. Property shapes may have a single sh:defaultValue. The default value does not have fixed semantics
  • 47. 47 Non validating constraints ex:PersonFormShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:firstName ; sh:name "first name" ; sh:description "The given name(s)" ; sh:order 0 ; sh:group ex:NameGroup ; ] ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:lastName ; sh:name "last name" ; sh:description "The last name" ; sh:order 1 ; sh:group ex:NameGroup ; ] ; Name Address sh:property [ sh:path ex:streetAddress ; sh:name "street address" ; sh:description "The street address" ; sh:order 11 ; sh:group ex:AddressGroup ; ] ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:locality ; sh:name "locality" ; sh:description "The town or city " ; sh:order 12 ; sh:group ex:AddressGroup ; ] ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:postalCode ; sh:name "postal code" ; sh:name "zip code"@en-US ; sh:description "The postal code" ; sh:order 13 ; sh:group ex:AddressGroup ; ] . ex:NameGroup a sh:PropertyGroup ; sh:order 0 ; rdfs:label "Name" . ex:AddressGroup a sh:PropertyGroup ; sh:order 1 ; rdfs:label "Address" .
  • 48. 48 SPARQL PREFIX ex: <> SELECT ?name ?university WHERE { ?student ex:lastName ?name ; ex:attends ?university . ?university ex:name ?uniname . FILTER (langMatches(lang(?uniname), "fr")) }
  • 49. 49 SPARQL-based constraints ex:LanguageShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass ex:Country ; sh:sparql [ a sh:SPARQLConstraint ; sh:message "Values are literals with German language tag." ; sh:prefixes ex: ; sh:select """ SELECT $this (ex:germanLabel AS ?path) ?value WHERE { $this ex:germanLabel ?value . FILTER (!isLiteral(?value) || !langMatches(lang(?value), "de")) } """ ; ] . ex:country1 a ex:Country ; ex:germanLabel "Spanien"@de . ex:country2 a ex:Country ; ex:germanLabel "Spain"@en .
  • 50. 50 Shape Messages ex:MyShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetNode ex:MyInstance ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:myProperty ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:severity sh:Warning ; ] ; sh:property [ sh:path ex:myProperty ; sh:maxLength 10 ; sh:message "Too many characters"@en ; sh:message "Zu viele Zeichen"@de ; ] ; sh:deactivated true .
  • 51. 51 ShEx :User IRI { schema:name xsd:string } :User a sh:NodeShape, rdfs:Class ; sh:targetClass :Person ; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:datatype xsd:string ] . Shape expressions: SHACL ShEx
  • 52. 52 ShEx :User { schema:givenName xsd:string schema:lastName xsd:string } :User a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:givenName ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; ]; sh:property [ sh:path schema:lastName ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; ] . :alice schema:givenName "Alice" ; schema:lastName "Cooper" . :bob schema:givenName "Bob", "Robert" ; schema:lastName "Smith", "Dylan" . :carol schema:lastName "King" . :dave schema:givenName 23; schema:lastName :Unknown .
  • 53. 53 Validation of RDF Data a lot more info on the docs of SHACL and ShEx
  • 54. ¡gracias! ¿tienes preguntas? Jean-Paul Calbimonte University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland HES-SO Valais-Wallis @jpcik